New research
suggests that global warming is causing the cycle
of evaporation and rainfall over the oceans to
intensify more than scientists had expected, an
ominous finding that may indicate a higher
potential for extreme weather in coming decades.
By measuring changes in salinity on the ocean’s
surface, the researchers inferred that the water
cycle had accelerated by about 4 percent over the
last half century. That does not sound
particularly large, but it is twice the figure
generated from computerized analyses of the
If the estimate holds up, it implies that the
water cycle could quicken by as much as 20 percent
later in this century as the planet warms,
potentially leading to more droughts and floods.
“This provides another piece of independent
evidence that we need to start taking the problem
of global warming seriously,” said Paul J. Durack,
a researcher at the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in California and the lead author of a
paper being published Friday in the journal
The researchers’ analysis found that over the half
century that began in 1950, salty areas of the
ocean became saltier, while fresh areas became
fresher. That change was attributed to stronger
patterns of evaporation and precipitation over the
The new paper is not the first to find an
intensification of the water cycle, nor even the
first to calculate that it might be fairly large.
But the paper appears to marshal more scientific
evidence than any paper to date in support of a
high estimate.
“I am excited about this paper,” said Raymond W.
Schmitt, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, who
offered a critique of the work before publication
but was otherwise not involved. “The amplification
pattern that he sees is really quite dramatic.”
The paper is the latest installment in a
long-running effort by scientists to solve one of
the most vexing puzzles about global warming.
While basic physics suggests that warming must
accelerate the cycle of evaporation and rainfall,
it has been difficult to get a handle on how much
acceleration has already occurred, and thus to
project the changes that are likely to result from
continued planetary warming.
The fundamental problem is that measurements of
evaporation and precipitation over the ocean —
which covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface,
holds 97 percent of its water and is where most
evaporation and precipitation occurs — are spotty
at best. To overcome that, scientists are trying
to use the changing saltiness of the ocean’s
surface as a kind of rain gauge.
That works because, as rain falls on a patch of
the ocean, it freshens the surface water.
Conversely, in a region where evaporation exceeds
rainfall, the surface becomes saltier.
The variations in salinity are large enough that
they can be detected from space, and NASA recently
sent up a new satellite, Aquarius, for that
purpose. But it will take years to obtain results,
and scientists like Dr. Durack are trying to get a
jump on the problem by using older observations,
including salinity measurements taken by ships as
well as recent measurements from an army of
robotic floats launched in an international
program called Argo.
Dr. Schmitt cautioned that the work by Dr. Durack
and his co-authors, the Australian researchers
Susan E. Wijffels and Richard J. Matear, would
need to be scrutinized and reproduced by other
Another expert not involved in the work, Kevin E.
Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric
Research in Boulder, Colo., said that Dr. Durack
had produced intriguing evidence that global
warming was already creating changes in the water
cycle at a regional scale. But Dr. Trenberth added
that he doubted that the global intensification
could be as large as Dr. Durack’s group had found.
“I think he might have gone a bit too far,” he
Assuming that the paper withstands scrutiny, it
suggests that a global warming of about 1 degree
Fahrenheit over the past half century has been
enough to intensify the water cycle by about 4
percent. That led Dr. Durack to project a possible
intensification of about 20 percent as the planet
warms by several degrees in the coming century.
That would be approximately twice the
amplification shown by the computer programs used
to project the climate, according to Dr. Durack’s
calculations. Those programs are often criticized
by climate-change skeptics who contend that they
overestimate future changes, but Dr. Durack’s
paper is the latest of several indications that
the estimates may actually be conservative.
The new paper confirms a long-expected pattern for
the ocean that also seems to apply over land:
areas with a lot of rainfall in today’s climate
are expected to become wetter, whereas dry areas
are expected to become drier.
In the climate of the future, scientists fear, a
large acceleration of the water cycle could feed
greater weather extremes. Perhaps the greatest
risk from global warming, they say, is that
important agricultural areas could dry out,
hurting the food supply, as other regions get more
torrential rains and floods.
Source: NY Times
Builds Device to Talk with Dead Daughter
A grief-stricken electrical engineer believes he
has found a way to communicate with his dead
daughter eight years after her death.
Using his expertise to design and build a series
of electromagnetic detection devices, Gary Galka
claims to have even recorded his eldest daughter
Melissa saying, 'Hi Daddy, I love you.'
Devastated by his girl's death in a car accident
on her way home in 2004 at the age of 17, Gary and
his family claim they started to experience
unexplained phenomena at their Connecticut home
days after the fatal accident, according to the
Hartford Courant.
'She started doing things like ringing the
doorbell, changing TV channels, turning lights on
and off,' said Gary who runs D.A.S. Distribution
Inc. in East Granby and lives with his wife Cindy
and two other daughters, Jennifer and Heather.
'There were situations when my wife would start to
make lunch with Heather and Jennifer and all of
sudden they'd feel someone come into the room,'
Gary told his local Patch.
'I've been lying in bed and felt someone come down
on my side of the bed and felt a weight on my
chest, like someone's head.
'It evolved into things like feeling a tap on the
shoulder, someone calling out our names and it
felt like someone was kissing our foreheads.'
Convinced these were after-death communications
(ADC's), Gary set about creating specific devices
so that he could talk with his eldest girl.
Using his knowledge of electromagnetic sensors
systems, Gary created the Mel-Meter 8704, named
after his daughter, the year she was born and the
year that Gary believes she passed into the spirit
Developing additional devices, such as a 'Spirit
Box' , Gary has recorded his daughter saying, 'Hi
Daddy, I love You.'
The Galka family insist that these experiences are
real and that the instruments that electrical
genius Gary has created prove it.
The entire family say that they have come into
contact with Melissa, even seeing her appear
inside their home.
'I've never seen Melissa,' said Gary.
'But my younger daughter Heather has seen her
three times.'
Indeed, Gary's ghost detection equipment has found
a niche market and the devices which are priced
between $79 and $350 have become successful.
'Nobody catered to these people before,' said Gary
of weekend ghost hobbyists and even television
shows such as Ghost Adevntures on the Travel
Channel and Ghost Hunters on Syfy.
'We have all different Mel Meters to do research.'
'I've created over 30 different products for
paranomal research. No one was making products for
these people.'
Adamant that he and his family are communicating
with Melissa, the whole experience has been
cathartic for the Galka's.
'It has brought us so much comfort, love ones want
to let you know that you are safe and that you are
OK,' said Gary.
'That's really important to them. Through ADC's
you begin to heal. We began to heal.
'All Melissa cared about was to help her parents
in time to learn to live life again.
'If you can't do that, you're going to be in a
deep, dark place for the rest of your life.'
Compelled by his tragic experience, Gary wants his
products to be used to help other families going
through the grieving process.
'I held her hand and told her to hold on. And that
everything would be OK,' explained Gary about how
he arrived on the scene of his daughters accident
before she went into a coma and later died in
'I had my hand on her heart and I felt it stop.'
Raised a Catholic, Gary admits he believes in the
afterlife and donates one-third of the profits
from the sale of his paranormal detectors to
bereavement groups.
Addressing anyone who is skeptical about his
families experiences, Gary hopes that everyone can
keep an open mind.
'I feel compelled to help other bereaved parents,
to show these parents that they can live beyond
the grief and the be comforted knowing their child
is in a good place, to show them they can have
Source: The Daily Mail
Company Seeks Asteroid Miners
If you've ever wanted to be an asteroid miner,
here's your chance.
The billionaire-backed company Planetary
Resources, Inc., which aims to extract water and
precious metals from near-Earth asteroids, is
looking for a few good engineers. The firm
actually formed in 2010 but just revealed itself
and its ambitious goals today (April 24) — and it
hopes some talented job-seekers took notice.
"One of the reasons that we chose to announce the
company at this time is because we're beginning to
aggressively search for the world's best
engineers, to complement our team," Planetary
Resources co-founder and co-chairman Peter
Diamandis said during the press conference. "And
it's tough to do that in the quiet."
To be clear, Planetary Resources is looking for
engineers to help design and build a fleet of
asteroid-mining robots, not a motley crew led by
Bruce Willis to combat a space rock
"Armageddon"-style. But new hires will have a hand
in turning asteroid mining, a concept once only
the stuff of science fiction, into a reality,
officials said.
Big dreams, small company
Planetary Resources is no fly-by-night operation.
Its co-founders, Diamandis and Eric Anderson, are
pioneers of the private spaceflight industry, and
it counts among its investors Google execs Larry
Page and Eric Schmidt, who are worth $16.7 billion
and $6.2 billion, respectively.
Further, the company's advisers include filmmaker
and adventurer James Cameron, former NASA
astronaut Tom Jones and MIT planetary scientist
Sara Seager.
Planetary Resources officials said the
platinum-group metals it plans to extract will
help lower the cost of many products here on
Earth, including hand-held electronic devices and
monitors for televisions and computers.
And asteroid water could help open up the solar
system to exploration, they added.
Water can be broken into its constituent hydrogen
and oxygen, the chief components of rocket fuel.
So the company's efforts could lead to the
establishment of in-space "gas stations" that
allow many spacecraft to refuel cheaply and
Planetary Resources plans to do its asteroid
mining on the cheap, using swarms of low-cost
robotic spacecraft to identify resource-rich space
rocks and extract material in deep space. It hopes
to have identified some suitable targets within
the decade, though actual mining activities will
come later.
The company currently employs about two dozen
engineers, and Diamandis said it hopes to stay
small so it can continue to move quickly and keep
costs down. But Planetary Resources does have a
few openings right now.
"We are hiring people. We're trying to hire the
absolute best of the best of the best," Anderson
said. "It became time to pull back the cover and
start to operate publicly."
Lots of interest
While Planetary Resources' grand unveiling came
today, speculation about its intentions has been
swirling for about a week or so, ever since the
company released a media alert that divulged a few
tantalizing details.
The company will likely have many resumes to sift
through, for the media attention has already
driven many interested folks to contact Planetary
Resources, officials said.
"In the last few days, since news of our company
has gotten out, we have been absolutely
overwhelmed by the thousands of messages, and the
volunteers who want to help change the way space
is explored," said Planetary Resources president
and chief engineer Chris Lewicki.
"So, in the near future, we've got your
information," he added. "We'll be in touch. We'll
be reaching out. And in this year, and in the
years to come, we'll be working together as a
planet to make this happen."
Man Turns
to Internet to Fund Monster Search
A young Missouri man has turned to the Internet in
search of investors for his expedition into the
remote jungles of Africa seeking to document
undiscovered flora and fauna. That is not so
unusual, but one of the creatures he hopes to find
is: a living dinosaur.
The region Stephen McCullah, the organizer of the
expedition, has chosen to explore is the reputed
home of the
Mokèlé-mbèmbé, a
dinosaur-like creature said to be up to 35 feet
long (11 meters), with brownish-gray skin and a
long, flexible neck. Many locals believe that it
lives in the caves it digs in riverbanks, and that
the beast feeds on elephants, hippos and
McCullah posted his pitch on
asking for $27,000 in donations so that he and his
friends can launch the Newmac Expedition, "one of
the first expeditions in this century with the
goal of categorizing plant and animal species in
the vastly unexplored Republic of the Congo." The
preliminary four-man venture is slated to launch
June 26.
Though the team members largely lack formal
education in biology or zoology, they "anticipate
discovering hundreds of new insect, plant and fish
species during the course of our research. There
is also the legitimate hope of discovering many
reptile and mammalian species. We have received the region of eyewitnesses seeing
canine-sized tarantulas, large river dwelling
sauropods [dinosaurs], and a species of man-eating
fish," McCullah wrote on the website.
Never mind dinosaurs, which have been extinct for
millions of years, for a moment. Finding a spider
the size of a dog would be remarkable enough, as
the largest-known tarantula, the Goliath
birdeater, lives in South America and has a leg
span of "only" a foot.
When asked if he really expected to discover
monster tarantulas and dinosaurs, McCullah told
Life's Little Mysteries, “We don't necessarily
expect to find concrete evidence of
Mokèlé-mbèmbé (or any
other creatures claimed to have been seen in the
region) on the first expedition, but we believe
there's a good chance during that initial three
months that we will find hard evidence of its
presence in the area if it is there."
Even if McCullah's team finds that evidence, most
cryptozoologists (those who search for unknown or
hidden animals) believe that only a live or dead
specimen would convince mainstream scientists that
animals such as Bigfoot or
Mokèlé-mbèmbé exist —
the blurry photos and videos, footprints and
eyewitness reports that make up the vast majority
of the evidence for these creatures are simply not
enough. McCullah and his team will need
specialized equipment to capture these animals —
and a living dinosaur would require a pretty big
"We are in the process of looking at live methods
for capture of large animals," McCullah said. "We
will be attempting to bring a tranquilizer rifle,
but there are many issues and unknowns we will
have to overcome to subdue an animal like
Mokèlé-mbèmbé with a
tranquilizer gun."In his Kickstarter pitch,
McCullahnoted that there have been several
previous expeditions to the Congolese jungles in
search of large unknown animals (including
Mokèlé-mbèmbé), and
yet they all failed to find good evidence. He
believes that his group's youth and enthusiasm
will help them succeed where others have failed.
The arsenal of cutting-edge technology they plan
to bring should help as well: "We will be
utilizing satellite images, trail cameras, a
Thermal camera to track animals, and sonar to
search through the murky waters."
Source: Phantoms and Monsters
Did Some
Dinosaurs Survive Extinction?
By Stephen
In 1997, a group of Dolgan nomads in Siberia
stumbled upon a huge tusk projecting from the
frozen tundra. This chance discovery led to the
recovery in October, 1999 of the body of a frozen,
nearly intact woolly mammoth that died some 20,000
years ago, when pre-civilized man scavenged the
land in packs like animals. The most astounding
part of this story, however, is that some
scientists believe there may be enough DNA in the
carcass to actually clone the ancient ancestor of
the elephant. If the scientists are successful,
woolly mammoths may once again walk the Earth.
Think of it. Humans may once again stand in the
presence of a magnificent creature that has been
extinct for tens of thousands of years. According
to some cryptozoologists, however, some modern
humans have set eyes on even more incredible
animals with a far more ancient lineage –
Ever since dinosaur fossils have been recognized
for what they are (this has been so for only about
150 years), fantasy writers have enjoyed the
possibility that humans could meet these
incredible monsters face to face. In The Lost
World, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle envisioned
adventurers finding surviving species of dinosaurs
in unexplored areas of jungle. And more recently
in Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton detailed how
dinosaurs could be recreated through cloning, with
strands of their DNA extracted from
dino-blood-filled mosquitoes encased in amber.
Crichton’s vision may take a step toward reality
when and if the cloning experiment with the
mammoth begins. And some say Doyle’s story might
not be entirely fantasy. Living dinosaurs, they
claim, have recently been seen, heard and possibly
even killed in nearly inaccessible parts of the
African Congo.
Tales from the Jungle
The evidence for living dinosaurs is almost
exclusively anecdotal. In fact, few people other
than natives have claimed to have actually seen
the animals:
In 1776, Abbe Proyhart wrote of
the discovery of clawed footprints in West Africa
that were as large as three feet in diameter.
The first recognized reports of
what were described as dinosaur-like creatures
emerged from central Africa in the late 1800s.
Native tribe members told explorers of a large
animal they called jago-nini, which translates to
“giant diver.” Footprints said to be of this
creature were about the size of a Frisbee. Other
tribes who said they were familiar with this
creature had other names for it, including
dingonek, ol-umaina, and chipekwe.
In 1913, a German explorer
named Captain Freiheer von Stein zu Lausnitz was
told stories of an animal that was “brownish gray
with a smooth skin, its size approximately that of
an elephant, at least that of a hippopotamus.” The
native Pygmies called it mok’ele-mbembe (meaning
“stopper of rivers”) and described it as having a
long, flexible neck and a vegetarian diet, but
would kill humans if they came too close.
In 1932, cryptozoologist Ivan
Sanderson was told by tribesmen of a strange
creature that left oversized hippo-like
footprints, and which they called mgbulu-em’bembe.
Cryptozoologist Roy Mackel and
herpetologist James Powell set off on their own
expedition for mok’ele-mbembe in 1980. They
returned only with interviews with natives who had
heard of the long-necked, 30-foot-long creature.
They said that around 1959 one had even been
killed by natives along Lake Tele to stop it from
interfering with their fishing. Their legend
stated that whoever ate meat from the animal,
died. When Powell showed pictures of various local
animals to the natives, they correctly identified
them. When he showed them a drawing of a sauropod
dinosaur, they said that was mok’ele-mbembe.
Apart from these stories, there is no direct
evidence for living dinosaurs. Some expeditions
claimed to have photos of some large, unidentified
creature, but the images are quite fuzzy and the
results inconclusive, at best. In 1992, a Japanese
expedition to the area returned with 15 seconds of
film taken from an airplane flying over Lake Tele.
The footage showed a large object moving across
the surface of the water, leaving a V-shaped wake
behind it. But the object could not be positively
Flying Reptiles
Aside from the apatosaurus-like creatures of
Africa’s jungle swamps, sightings of other
long-extinct monsters have been claimed – in the
skies above the Dark Continent, and even in the
United States!
A. H. Melland, a Native
Commissioner in Northern Rhodesia, was told by
local natives of a flying lizard with membranous
wings that stretched up to seven feet across. They
called the creature kongamato, and unhesitatingly
identified it when shown a picture of a
Natives of the Gold Coast knew
of an animal they called susabonsam that was about
the size of a man with large, bat-like wings. At
first it was thought that they were merely
exaggerating the size of a large bat, but the
natives have names for each kind of bat they know.
While driving to work one
morning in 1976, several school teachers reported
a large flying creature with a 12-foot wingspan
that swooped down on their cars. Some research at
the school library turned up an impossible
identification: a pterosaur.
In the early-morning hours of
one day in 1976, police officer Arturo Padilla of
San Benito, Texas was surprised by a the sight of
a huge “bird” caught in his headlights. Minutes
later, fellow officer Homer Galvan saw its huge,
black silhouette crossing the sky without flapping
its wings. A few hours later, Alverico Guajardo, a
resident of Brownsville, Texas, claimed to see the
monstrous animal outside his mobile home,
describing it as bird-like, but “not of this
In 1982, James Thompson was
driving near Fresno, Texas when he saw a dark
gray, featherless, hide-covered creature with a 5-
to 6-foot wingspan gliding close to the ground.
What are to make of these sightings? Humans are
notoriously bad witnesses, and many could have
misidentified known animals with which they were
not familiar. And what of the native tribespeople
who surely knew well the many animals of their
region? It’s been suggested that they simply could
have been pulling the legs of the eager and
gullible white explorers.
The anecdotal evidence leaves the question open,
however. And the search for living dinosaurs is
New Expeditions
On January 3, 2000, the British-led Congo
Millennium Expedition – or DINO2000 – set off for
the Likoula region of the Congo for four weeks to
search for mok’ele-mbembe. The adventure into
Likoula took the expedition into the heart of the
area where natives claim to have seen
mok’ele-mbembe. “The existence of dinosaurs in
central Africa is unlikely, but not a total
scientific impossibility,” said Dr. Karl Shuker,
an internationally recognized cyrptozoologist and
author of Mysteries of Planet Earth. “If dinosaurs
could exist unknown to science anywhere in the
world, the Likouala is where they would be.” No
dinosaurs were discovered.
Most recently, on January 10, 2005, The Milt Marcy
Expedition is heading into a river system in
Cameroon on the border of the Congo Republic to
search for the living dinosaur. According to Loren
Coleman’s Cryptomundo, explorers Milt Marcy, Peter
Beach, Rob Mullin and Pierre Sima have some
advantages over previous expeditions in that they
are using high-resolution satellite photographs to
find where the living animals might be.
Imagine if they are successful!
Flees House They Say is Haunted
Just one week after Josue Chinchilla and Michele
Callan moved into their new home in Toms River,
the couple and her two children plodded into the
lobby of a local hotel about 1:15 a.m. and asked
for a room.
As soon as the family had settled into the
three-bedroom ranch at the corner of Terrace and
Lowell avenues on March 1, they began to suspect
they were not its only tenants.
The family would come home and find their clothes
and towels ejected from the closets and strewn
over the floors. Doors would creak open and slam
closed in unoccupied areas of the house. Lights
switched on and off without human intervention. At
night, footsteps could be heard from the kitchen
after everyone was tucked in and unintelligible
whispering seemed to fade in and out of thin air,
according to the couple.
The most disturbing and consistent phenomenon,
they claim, is the sound that comes through the
vents to the basement — the muffled din of
something lumbering seven feet below their feet.
Last week, Chinchilla, 37, and Callan, 36, filed a
lawsuit in state Superior Court against their
landlord, Dr. Richard Lopez, a well-known
orthodontist in Ocean County whose practice is
adjacent to the house. Chinchilla and Callan want
Lopez to return to them a $2,250 security deposit
that the couple had put down on the rental house
in February. A hearing before Judge Steven F.
Nemeth is expected at the end of April.
In response, Lopez filed a counter suit against
the couple for breaking their one-year lease. He
claims the couple is using the specter of
“paranormal activity” as a cover for personal
financial troubles, which he contends have forced
Chinchilla and Callan to conclude, after the fact,
they cannot afford the $1,500 monthly rent.
Lopez’s attorney, David A. Semanchik, said his
client has been renting the house at 100 Terrace
Ave. to tenants for more than 10 years and this is
the first time anyone has claimed the house is
“Frankly, there is something else going on,”
Semanchik said Tuesday. “She is a single mom, she
has this fiancé living with her. I think
she is in over her head and she can’t afford the
rent. She needed to show her ex, the father of her
kids, that she has a good place for them to live.”
If that were true, Callan said, why would her
family have fled the house one week after moving
in, when the rent was paid up to the end of the
Since March 13, the couple, her teenage daughter
and 6-year-old son, have all been living in a
single motel room in Point Pleasant Beach.
“I would not have given anyone $4,000 (deposit and
rent) to stay somewhere, just to pick up and leave
seven days later,” Callan said. “I would not have
hired a moving truck, packed and unpacked, had my
mother take off time from work to watch the kids.
The whole idea was to get a nice, big home for the
“But there’s no way I’m going back there,” she
The family claims their lives would be in mortal
danger if they attempted to move back into the
house. The ordeal also has taken a toll on
Chinchilla’s health. He was briefly hospitalized
for panic attacks associated with his experiences
inside the home.
In 1976, similar accusations followed George and
Kathy Lutz when they claimed their family had been
driven by supernatural forces from their new home
in Amityville, N.Y. after 28 days. A book about
their experiences entitled, “The Amityville
Horror,” was later turned into a 1979 movie filmed
in Toms River, starring James Brolin and Margot
Kidder. In that case, the Lutzes were accused of
inventing their frightening experiences because of
an inability to pay the mortgage.
Chinchilla said he and his fiancée
initially applied logic and common sense to what
was happening. At first, they ignored the peculiar
occurrences. It takes time getting used to all
houses. Could be the boiler or maybe the central
air conditioning, they assured each other.
However, such rationalism failed them after the
events of March 10 — the night the family fled the
house. Chinchilla and Callan had settled into bed
to watch television when he said his attention was
drawn to a tapping noise against the set. After
having spent the past week trying to be a voice of
reason, he said he just ignored it. There had to
be a rational explanation.
A short time later, Chinchilla felt a tug on the
sheets over him and watched in bewilderment as the
bedclothes began to slide off him. He then felt an
invisible hand land on his arm. Callan, who was
next to him at the time, claims she saw what
looked like a shapeless dark apparition in the
“I don't believe in this stuff,” said Chinchilla,
who makes such statements even as he recounted his
own experiences with phantom hands and unexplained
“We're living in it,” Callan interjected, who
explained she is completely convinced the house is
not merely haunted, but is being subjected to the
worst kind of haunting — a demonic possession.
A pastor, Terence Sullivan of the Element Church
in North Brunswick, who has counseled the family
through the ordeal and even blessed the house,
came to such a conclusion.
The family has gone back to the house. Callan even
showed off welts and sores on her person that she
contends she suffered as a result of return visits
to the house to collect some of their belongings.
She also has been back to accompany two separate
paranormal investigative teams she contacted for
help and has provided a tour to a reporter and
photographer from the Asbury Park Press.
Nick Carlson, an investigator with the Shore
Paranormal Research Society of Toms River, said
the results of their investigation into the house
on Terrace Avenue are inconclusive. While there is
evidence of paranormal activity in the home, based
on the data his team collected, the facts suggest
a residual haunting from the past associated with
a significant release of psychic energy, but not
an intelligence.
Marianne Brigando, co-founder of NJ Paranormal
Investigators of Old Bridge, said that group’s
findings confirms the house is the site of an
active or intelligent haunting, one level above a
residual haunting.
“We were shocked,” Brigando said. “Out of all of
the investigations we have done, this is where we
came up with the most concrete evidence (of the
paranormal) in close to 20 investigations.”
Though equipped with five cameras, electronic
voice phenomena recorders and electromagnetic
field meters — top of the line ghost-busting tools
— definitive proof of an afterlife came down to a
standard-issue flashlight. Brigando said
something, she is not certain what, used the on
and off switch to communicate with her
investigative team by flashing “yes” and “no”
responses. One burst of light for “no,” two bursts
of light for “yes.”
“Do you know Josue? ... No. Do you know Michele?
... No. ... Do you know that you are dead? ... No
answer. That was the only question in which there
was no response,” Brigando said.
All of this has been captured on video but there
are still several hours of audio recordings to be
listened to before her team makes the data public,
she said.
“We believe it is somebody that has passed away
and not passed on yet,” Brigando said. “Given that
there is no history at the house, we would have to
say it’s connected to Michele. The flashlight
answered specifically to Michele. ... That we
cannot explain.”
A personal haunting could suggest the work of a
demon, the worst kind of haunting, Brigando said.
However, there is no other indication that a demon
is present, and the family is adamant that nothing
has followed them to the motel. However, Callan
said she is convinced there is a demon in the
Terrace Avenue house.
Carlson said his team, which visited the house
first, recorded female laughter and a matching
voice that seemed to quip, “I hate you,” in a
secured bedroom. Video evidence shows bowling pins
in a recreation room falling over while the
infrared cameras were recording.
“This we can't figure out, the (audio) recordings
show it is residual,” said Carlson, who explained
more work needed to be done in the house.
The 1,524-square-foot ranch was built in 1959 and
has had three different owners, according to
municipal tax records. Lopez has owned the house
since 1995 and the last tenant, before Chinchilla
and Callan, lived in the house for about one year
before moving out, the couple said.
The house sits across the street from Monsignor
Donovan High School and St. Joseph’s Grade School
in Toms River, which is part of the parish grounds
of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. The
property is on one of the busiest jughandles in
Toms River, merging eastbound traffic on Route 37
with northbound traffic on Hooper Avenue.
“This has been a horrific nightmare for us,”
Callan said.
Source: APP