Supposed yeti
remains are being put under the microscope in a
collaboration between Oxford University and the
Lausanne Museum of Zoology.
The Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project has
been created to try and entice people and
institutions with collections of cryptozoological
material to submit it for analysis. Anyone with a
sample of organic remains can submit details of
where and when it was collected, among other data.
Once a reasonable database has been collected, the
team will select the most interesting samples
(hair shafts are particularly desirable,
apparently) and ask the owners to submit them for
rigorous genetic analysis. The results of these
analyses will be published in peer-reviewed
A large number of cultures around the world have
variations of the yeti legend, including bigfoot,
sasquatch, meh-teh, almasty, migoi and orang
pendek. Bryan Sykes from Wolfson College, Oxford,
told "Theories as to their species
identification vary from surviving collateral
hominid species, such as Homo neanderthalensis or
Homo floresiensis, to large primates like
Gigantopithecus widely thought to be extinct, to
as yet unstudied primate species or local
subspecies of black and brown bears."
He added: "Mainstream science remains unconvinced
by these reports both through lack of testable
evidence and the scope for fraudulent claims.
However, recent advances in the techniques of
genetic analysis of organic remains provide a
mechanism for genus and species identification
that is unbiased, unambiguous and impervious to
falsification. It is possible that a scientific
examination of these neglected specimens could
tell us more about how Neanderthals and other
early hominids interacted and spread around the
Source: Wired UK
Says "HAARP Manipulates Time"
A brilliant physicist published a revolutionary
paper citing 30 other scientific papers that
reveal HAARP has incredible powers far beyond what
most investigators of the high frequency energy
technology suspect. Dr. Fran De Aquino asserts a
fully functional HAARP network, activated
globally, can not only affect weather and
geophysical events, but influence space and
gravity…even time itself! Now the network is
almost complete with the activation of the newest
HAARP facilities at the bottom of the world: the
desolate and alien Antarctic. Will the masters of
HAARP become the masters of time too?
The most dangerous man alive?
Factions of three of the largest governments in
the world—the United States of America, the
Russian Federation, and the Peoples Republic of
China—may be cutting orders to eliminate a man who
they see as one of the most dangerous in the
world. No, he's not the world's most hunted
multi-national terrorist, nor even a mad scientist
with a new virus that can wipe out humanity.
The most dangerous man in the world may be
Brazilian physicist Dr. Fran De Aquino.
De Aquino hasn't developed a death ray or obtained
secret launch codes to the world's nuclear
missiles. He's done something potentially much
worse: he's spilled the scientific and
technological beans of the greatest secret in the
world: the ultimate purpose of HAARP.
Allegedly, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program) now has installations
criss-crossing the world and extends from
pole-to-pole. The Antarctic facilities are near
De Aquino, whose paper High-power ELF radiation
generated by modulated HF heating of the
ionosphere can cause earthquakes, cyclones and
localized heating, lifts the veil hiding the HAARP
wizards—and unlike the erstwhile Wizard of Oz, the
HAARP wizards have some real power at their
The physicist's scholarly work—citing 30 other
scientific papers, many peer-reviewed—reveals much
more than the incredible title the paper promises.
HAARP can manipulate gravity
Most researchers of HAARP suspected for some time
that the technology can trigger earthquakes and
ignite hurricanes. De Aquino's paper tends to
confirm those suspicions, but goes farther.
Utilizing high frequencies, he says, HAARP can
modify, even control gravity by blocking gravity
waves locally.
De Aquino claims heavy objects can be moved, even
transported by creating "gravitational
shieldings." But, the scientists stresses, HAARP
can do even more.
The ELF technology can generate "Gravitational
Shielding Mantles which are made by layers of
high-dielectric strength semiconductor sandwiched
by two metallic foils and insulation layers. The
Gravitational Shielding Mantle can be made so that
it is only 1 millimeter in thickness."
De Aquino's contention is actually supported by
the experiments of another physicist, Dimitriou
Stavros from the TEI-Athens, Deptartment of
Electrical Engineering in Greece. Stavros
successfully demonstrated an electromagnetic
interaction with the gravity field.
From his abstract:
The period of the pendulum oscillations of a
suspended electromagnetic resonant circuit formed
by quarter-wavelength transmission line sections
is found to be affected by electrical parameters
of the oscillator driving it. Of particular
influence appears to the magntitude of current at
resonance, which depends on the effective quality
factor (Q) of the RF tank circuit and the input
driving power.
HAARP can control space and time
De Aquino's paper shows that when subjected to a
uniform ELF electromagnetic field, mass can be
transitioned to a different time relative to
outside observers. It is done artifically and at
The analogy he draws envisions an ocean going
vessel. He explains the ship " made of steel.
When subjected to a uniform ELF electromagnetic
field, with intensity and frequency the ship will
perform a transition in time to another time. It
is important to note that the electromagnetic
field, besides being uniform, must remain with the
ship during the transition to the new time. If it
is not uniform, each part of the ship will perform
transitions to different times in the future. In
order for the electromagnetic field to remain with
the ship, it is necessary that all the parts,
which are involved with the generation of the
field, stay inside the ship. If persons are inside
the ship they will perform transitions to
different times in the future because their
conductivities and densities are different."
Remarkably, that is almost the exact scenario
described by the alleged witness Carl Allende of
the Philadelphia Experiment. Now widely regarded
as a fabricated story, the early 1940s U.S. Navy
experiment allegedly codenamed Project Rainbow
never actually took place.
Believers of the story, however, claim that famed
inventor and electrical genius Nikola Tesla
assisted in the experiment that involved a naval
escort vessel named the USS Eldridge. The purpose
was to create invisibility, but ended tragically
when the ship was spatially transported and parts
of it were trapped in temporal anomalies.
It's strongly suspected that much of the HAARP
technology is Tesla's work—updated and
improved—and built upon the latest 21st Century
scientific knowledge.
So, just what will HAARP be used for? Weather
wars? Triggering geophysical events? Manipulation
of gravity? Warping space-time? Some think the
technology is already driving people mad.
The most dangerous man alive, Dr. Fran De Aquino,
claims it's all of the above.
Source: Before it's News
From Aliens To Tibetan Mystics: Who Are
The Walk-Ins?
By Sean Casteel
Are you a
Walk-In? Has the soul you were born with been
removed and replaced by a more advanced soul
with a mission we can only dimly comprehend?
Did you ever have a time in your life when you
were severely depressed, only to suddenly be
able to tap into a surprising flow of positive
energy and newfound optimism?
There are varying definitions of a Walk-In
available in occult literature, but perhaps it
would be best to start with the concept as
laid out by the late Christian psychic Ruth
Montgomery, author of a book on Walk-Ins
called “Strangers Among Us.” Montgomery wasn’t
just another New Age hack. She had a long and
prestigious career in mainstream journalism,
becoming the first female reporter in the
Washington Bureau of “The New York Daily
News.” She was also a syndicated columnist for
Hearst Headlines and United Press
International and wrote of her 25 years
covering Washington in a book called “Hail To
The Chiefs: My Life And Times With Six
Beginning in 1952, Montgomery sometimes wrote
about psychic Jeanne Dixon in her columns – in
one of which Dixon accurately predicted the
assassination of John F. Kennedy – and wrote a
1965 book on Dixon called “A Gift Of Prophecy”
that sold over 3 million copies.
So we can approach Montgomery’s research and
journalism skills with some degree of
confidence when she says, “Walk-Ins were souls
on the other side who had earned the right, in
previous lifetimes, that if they wanted to,
could come in and replace a soul that was in
desperate need of leaving that body – one who
either does not want to maintain it or who is
dying and can’t keep it alive.”
For example, as stated above, a person may be
suffering from extreme depression or could
even be contemplating suicide. The Walk-In
steps in to relieve the unhappy person’s
earthly trials, and the Walk-Out moves on to
the spirit world just like a person who has
died. The souls of the Walk-Ins are not
“perfect,” in moral terms, but they are
greatly spiritually advanced, called “aware”
souls. Meanwhile, no blame is attached to the
Walk-Out, for it has labored greatly to
develop itself but simply cannot conquer the
problems with which it is faced.
One advantage to the souls on the other side
is that the Walk-In can skip the preliminaries
of childhood and adolescence and be
immediately good to go in a full-grown adult
body and can concentrate solely on his or her
mission. Montgomery said she believed the
American presidents George Washington and
Abraham Lincoln were Walk-Ins, and that yet
another presidential Walk-In would take office
in the near future.
An anonymous woman posted the story of her own
Walk-In experiences on a site called Namaste
Consciousness in which she related how having
a Walk-In enter her body led her to divorce
her husband and move to another state. Her
husband at one point tried to have her
committed, but she managed to prove her sanity
sufficiently to an examining psychologist. The
woman was an avid reader of Montgomery’s
books, and she quotes the late author thusly:
“Since a Walk-In must never enter a body
without the permission of its owner,”
Montgomery wrote, “this is not to be confused
with those well-publicized cases – such as
were described in ‘The Three Faces of Eve,’
‘The Exorcist,’ et al – in which multiple egos
or evil spirits are vying for possession of an
inhabited body.
“The motivation for a Walk-In is
humanitarian,” Montgomery continued. “He
returns to physical being in order to help
others help themselves, planting seed-concepts
that will grow and flourish for the benefit of
mankind. Some of the world’s greatest
spiritual and political leaders, scientists
and philosophers in ages past are said to have
been Walk-Ins.
“Not all Walk-Ins are towering leaders. Many
are working quietly among us today, going
about their unsung task of helping us to
understand ourselves, to seek inner guidance,
and to develop a philosophy that will sustain
us through the trying times ahead. You may
know a Walk-In in your own office or in your
community. They seldom reveal themselves,
because to do so could imperil the good work
for which they are returned to physical being.
“In fact,” the passage concludes, “you
yourself may be a Walk-In! Since the memory
pattern of the departing entity survives
intact, Walk-Ins are sometimes unaware of
their altered status for several years after
the substitution has been effected.”
While Montgomery carefully explains that this
is not the phenomena of multiple personality
disorder or demonic possession – it also
sounds a little like a benign “Invasion of the
Body Snatchers” – perhaps it would be safer to
compare it to alien abduction. The work of
abduction researchers like the late Budd
Hopkins and David Jacobs, among many others,
has demonstrated that a person can experience
multiple abductions over their lifetimes and
not have the slightest waking knowledge of it.
The anonymous writer makes the memory issue a
little more believable, saying that the reason
for a person not realizing his or her soul has
been replaced is that the memories of the
original soul are stored in the physical body,
in the makeup of the brain and in the DNA of
each and every cell. The Walk-In must take a
certain amount of time to learn the memories
and life patterns of the host body and can’t
immediately take up the new mission on Earth
without careful preparation.
So one can hypothesize that it is possible to
be a Walk-In and an alien abductee, possibly
both simultaneously, and have no conscious
knowledge of it at all.
The foregoing has been the Western view of
Walk-Ins, but there is also the Eastern
Mysticism approach to the same phenomenon.
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, an occult author still
much revered in the many years since his
passing, professed to being a Walk-In himself.
From his humble origins as a plumber in 1950s
England, he claimed to have taken on the soul
of a young Buddhist monk who lived in Tibet
and studied with innumerable wise masters. His
implanted soul remembered a lecture by an
elderly lama who explained the concept of
“transmigration” in a fascinating bit of
historical mythology.
“Long before recorded history began,” the lama
said, “giants walked up on the Earth. They
were the Gardeners of the Earth, those who
came here to supervise the development of life
on this planet. The Race of Giants was not
very suitable for life on Earth, and so by
magical means the Race of Giants shrank until
they were the same size as humans. Thus they
were able to mingle with humans without being
recognized as the Gardeners.
“But it was often necessary for a different
senior Gardener to come and carry out special
tasks. It took too long to have a boy born to
a woman and then wait out the years of his
babyhood and childhood and adolescence. So the
science of the Gardeners of the Earth had a
different system: they grew certain bodies and
made sure that those bodies would be
compatible with the spirit who would later
inhabit them.
“But the Gardeners of the Earth permitted
certain men and women to mate so that a child
was born to each, and the growth of that child
would be most carefully supervised throughout,
perhaps, the first fifteen or twenty or thirty
years of life. Then there would come a time
when a highly placed Gardener would need to
come to Earth within a matter of hours, so
helpers would place the trained body into a
trance, into stasis, or, if you like, into a
state of suspended animation.
“Helpers in the astral world would come to the
living body, together with the entity who
wanted to go to Earth, and with their special
knowledge they could detach the Silver Cord
and connect in its place the Silver Cord of
the entity who was the Gardener of the Earth
coming to the Earth. The host would then
become the vehicle of the Gardener of the
Earth, and the astral body of the host would
go away to the astral world just as he would
do in the case of a person who had died.
“This is called ‘transmigration,’ the
migration of one entity into the body of
another. The body taken over is known as the
host, and it has been known throughout
history. It was practiced extensively in Egypt
and it gave rise to what is known as
embalming, because in those days in Egypt
there were quite a number of bodies kept in a
state of suspended animation. They were living
but unmoving. They were ready for occupancy by
higher entities just as we keep ponies waiting
for a monk or lama to mount the animal and
ride off somewhere.”
“Oh, my!” exclaimed one boy listening to the
lama’s lecture. “I expect friends of the host
were mightily surprised when the body awakened
and the one they had thought of as their
friend in the past was possessed of all
knowledge. My! I wouldn’t like to be a host.
It must be a terrible feeling to have someone
else take over one’s body.”
The teacher laughed and said, “It would
certainly be a unique experience. People still
do it. Bodies are still prepared, specially
raised so that, if the need arises, a
different entity can take over a fresh body –
if it becomes necessary for the good of the
world as a whole.”
Much of the foregoing statements by Rampa’s
lama have their echoes in the UFO and
abduction literature that came later. For
instance, New England housewife and abductee
Betty Luca Andreasson said that the familiar
gray aliens called themselves “the Watchers,”
and compared themselves to “Gardeners of the
Earth.” Abductee Whitley Strieber was shown an
alien standing in front of a dresser drawer
full of “bodies” that the aliens put on and
took off like clothes. So the idea of
inserting a different soul or consciousness
into an otherwise empty body is part of the
same continuum that Rampa’s lecturing lama
describes. At another point in his abduction
history, Strieber is told by the aliens that
they “recycle souls,” which could mean either
reincarnation or is perhaps another way of
referring to the Walk-In phenomenon.
Meanwhile, Rampa was no stranger to direct
contact with the alien presence. In the last
book Rampa authored, called “Tibetan Sage,” he
encounters a UFO while on a mission with his
mentor, the Lama Mingyar Dondup, to rescue a
hermit overseeing a small hermitage in the
mountains of Tibet. A sudden earthquake
topples the hermit to his death and does
serious injury to the Lama Mingyar Dondup’s
legs, who finds himself trapped under a
In the process of freeing his mentor, the
young Rampa stumbles onto a secret compartment
in the mountainside and carries the Lama
inside. The compartment houses a flying
saucer, which Rampa explores with the Lama and
which will come to be the primary setting for
the rest of the book.
Much to Rampa’s surprise, the Lama is already
familiar with the aliens and the languages
they use and even with much of their
technology. The ship has lain dormant for a
million years, yet everything is still
pristinely clean and functional. Some alien
occupants are discovered frozen at their
control consoles in a state of suspended
There is often a dramatic shift of
consciousness associated with a human being
actually boarding a UFO called “the Oz
Effect.” It is given that name because the
extreme contrast between the two environments
resembles that moment in the film “The Wizard
of Oz” when Dorothy crosses over from the
black and white world of Kansas to the
Technicolor land of Oz. This is certainly
applicable to the changes Rampa undergoes in
“Tibetan Sage,” as he views holographic
recordings of the formation of the Earth up
through the Second World War, all stored in
the mythic Hall of Records and accessed
onboard the flying saucer. Rampa feels as
though he is living and breathing in those
previous and even future times, a degree of
realism still not attainable by our own
current technology. Sadly, most of what he
sees involves bloody warfare both among people
and between the gods themselves, another
testimony to alien truthfulness, with no
attempt to paint a rosy picture for Rampa’s
In a new reprint of Rampa’s book “Beyond The
Tenth,” published by Timothy Green Beckley at
Global Communications, Rampa deals with the
UFO controversy from another angle.
“Moses was found in the bulrushes,” Rampa
writes. “But he was placed there by the
Gardeners of the Earth, that is, the people
who are known as UFO people, to be found. And
later in life, Moses ascended into the
mountain; Moses did a lot of strange things.
But if you reread the relevant chapters, you
will find that Moses stepped on a terraced
floor. Did he do that on a mountain, or did he
step into a flying ship, a UFO? Moses had the
Rod of Power. It wasn’t made on Earth, you
know, it was made on another world. Moses was
in fact another spaceman specially planted on
It’s so interesting to see Rampa speaking out
for the ancient astronauts theory of UFOs and
the Bible, many years before the idea was
popularized by researchers who came later,
like Erich Von Daniken and Zechariah Sitchin.
A few pages further along, Rampa again
discusses UFOs.
“There are people in spaceships,” he writes,
“who are watching this world. Watching to see
what happens. ‘Well, why do they not come and
talk to us like sensible people would?’ you
may ask, but the only reply is that they ARE
being sensible. Humans try to shoot them and
try in any way to harm these UFOs, and if
UFOs, or rather the people within them, have
the intelligence to cross space, then they
have the intelligence to make an apparatus
which can listen to Earth radio and Earth
television. And if they watch Earth television
– well, then they will think they have come to
some vast mental home, because what could be
more insane than the television programs which
are foisted on a suffering public? Television
programs which glorify the unclean, which
glorify the criminal, which teach sex in the
wrong way, in the worst possible way, which
teach people that only self-gain and sex
Rampa compares people’s expectation that the
aliens would come and speak to humanity openly
as being as silly as asking one of us to dive
into a fish tank to discuss things with some
worms at the bottom of the tank, or going into
a hothouse and speaking to the plants and
saying, “Take me to your leader.”
“So the people of space,” he says, “whose
one-year-old children would know more than the
wisest man on Earth, just watch over this
Rampa also writes about UFO sightings of his
own. While living in Montevideo, the capital
of Uruguay, he was able to see, from his ninth
floor apartment, across the river and out to
the South Atlantic with no obstacles or
obstructions to his view.
“Night after night, my family and I used to
watch UFOs coming from the direction of the
South Pole straight over our apartment
building, and coming lower so that they could
alight in the Matto Grosso of Brazil. Night
after night, with unvarying regularity, these
UFOs came. They were seen not just by us, but
by a multitude of people, and in Argentina
they are officially recognized as Unknown
Flying Objects. The Argentine government is
well aware that these things are not the
product of hysteria or a fevered imagination.
They are aware that UFOs are of surpassing
With his combined expertise in Eastern
mysticism and occult practices, with the
additional factor in the mix of his fervent
belief in the UFO and alien phenomena, Rampa’s
many books make for interesting reading
indeed. While they are to say the least
entertaining as a peculiar kind of science
fiction, Rampa himself would bristle at the
term. In spite of the fantastic nature of what
he writes about, Rampa insisted to his dying
day it was all hardcore fact, etched in the
stone of time to endure forever. And the point
of origin for Rampa’s legacy of wisdom is
traced back to when the soul of the sincerest
of Buddhist monks replaced the soul of an
English plumber and took the reading public on
an epic journey that has no end, even in the
decades since Rampa’s passing.
ViVenus traveled the country
saying she was a friendly ET from
Venus. An original Walk-In, she may
have returned to her home planet as no one has
from her in recent years.
There are still others of a similar type,
including an attractive young woman who called
herself “Vivenus,” and claimed to have come,
as her name suggests, from Venus, on a mission
of mercy.
Vivenus attends something like a college on
Venus to prepare herself for her missionary
journey on Earth. After arriving on Earth in a
flying saucer, she is given a fleshly covering
that is identical to a young American woman
who has recently taken her own life because
she could not succeed as a singer of love
songs. Vivenus slips into her role so
perfectly that even the relatives of the woman
she replaces can’t tell the difference. The
book Vivenus wrote, “Vivenus Starchild” is
another story about the Walk-In phenomenon
that makes for engrossing reading as she
travels the country singing folksongs about
positive change but also encounters the many
disappointments any Earthling is likely to
Still another Venusian Walk-In is a woman
whose Earthly name is “Sheila” but who has
penned an autobiography called “Omnec Onec:
Ambassador From Venus,” in which she calls
herself by her true alien name.
Omnec Onec was born and raised in a
near-perfect Utopian paradise on Venus, but
she willingly sacrificed her idyllic life
there in order to come to Earth and help a
young victim of child abuse work through her
punishing karma. It is an act of unselfishness
few people on Earth would be capable of and it
makes for a great motivating factor in this
inspiring story of interplanetary compassion.
“Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus” opens with
young Omnec landing in the Nevada desert in
1955 and then journeying to Tennessee to take
the place of the little girl she came to
inhabit the body of and protect.
Other human-looking aliens are here, according
to Omnec, operating unseen on Earth as they
work to help us through the world-shattering
difficulties that lie just ahead of us and to
overcome the faults in character that threaten
to destroy us from within. Current research
into the alien abduction phenomenon has found
that the hybrids being created by the alien
genetics program have lately begun to be more
and more human looking, which adds some real
world support to Omnec’s story.
So, returning to the question asked at the
beginning of this article, are you, the
reader, a Walk-In as well? While one hesitates
to heap one mystery on top of another, the
most likely answer is that there is no way of
knowing for sure.
[If you enjoyed this article, visit Sean
Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at
to read other articles by Casteel or to
purchase his books.]
Source: UFO Digest
Gravity Corridors, Alien Moons, and the
Creatures Below
By Diane Tessman
In all our exotic theories on the origins of
aliens, do we neglect the possibility that they
come from within our Solar System?
Scientists in 2012 tend to agree that there is no
advanced life in the Solar System except on Earth.
However, in recent years scientists have also
given us astounding new information on
several of the moons of Saturn and Jupiter, and we
have our questions about life on Mars!
Are the scientists wrong to dismiss the
possibility of higher life-forms in the huge H2O
ocean of Saturn’s 6th largest moon, Enceladus, for
instance? We know that the dolphins, porpoises,
whales, and other sea mammals of Earth possess a
higher form of intelligence – an intelligence
which we have yet to fully understand. There is
some evidence that aliens may communicate with our
sea mammals.
If we do find higher forms of sea life, such as
the illustration above, then who is to say that
those higher forms did not evolve into a
space-going race as the eons progressed? It is
difficult to perceive how an Enceladusian microbe
might have evolved into a highly intelligent alien
who cruises around our skies in a UFO; it is still
possible in the unimaginable splendor of the
universe, but it is difficult to imagine.
However, an Enceladusian creature might look like
the artwork above. Certainly this is not a microbe
but a complex sea creature. We can see how she
might have branched on her evolutionary path, and
become a space going species.
The exciting possibly of finding some form of
higher life within our Solar System is that we
have a realistic chance of exploring these other
worlds; just maybe we can get to them in the next
25 years! A brand new possibility for exploring
the Solar System is being developed, but before
details on gravity corridors, let’s look at the
five most likely worlds in the Solar System which
might support higher life-forms:
1. Enceladus
The sixth-largest moon of Saturn has been called
the most promising bet for life thanks to its
moderate temperature and the presence of water and
simple organic molecules. The surface of the icy
moon is thought to be about 99 percent water ice,
with a good chance of liquid water beneath.
Observations from the Cassini probe’s 2005 flyby
of Enceladus suggest the presence of carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen — organic molecules
thought to be necessary to develop life.
This moon of Saturn has a boiling core of molten
rock that could heat the world to warm enough
temperatures needed to give rise to life.
2. Europa
Jupiter’s moon Europa also seems a possible
stomping ground for aliens due to its potential
water and volcanic activity. Though the surface is
frozen, many suspect that buried underneath is an
ocean of liquid water. Volcanic activity on the
moon could provide life-supporting heat, as well
as important chemicals needed by living organisms.
Europa has water volcanoes spewing far into space.
Microbial life could potentially survive near
hydrothermal vents on Europa, as it does on Earth.
3. Mars
As far as planets go, by far the front-runner for
life is our next-door neighbor, Mars. The red
planet is the most Earth-like of solar system
planets, with a comparatively similar size and
temperature range as our own planet. Large bodies
of water ice lie on Mars’ poles, and there’s a
reasonable chance of liquid water beneath the
surface. The puny atmosphere on the planet is not
strong enough to shield the planet against lethal
solar radiation, though microbes could potentially
exist beneath the surface. Evidence also suggests
that Mars may have been even more habitable in the
past. We have all gazed at those weird photos from
NASA with images which look like artificial
buildings, monorail tracks, and monuments.
Geologic features imply that liquid water once
flowed across the surface, and volcanic activity,
now dead, once flourished, recycling chemicals and
minerals between the surface and the interior.
4. Titan
Saturn’s largest moon looks suspiciously like it
might host or have hosted life, because its thick
atmosphere is rich in compounds that often mark
the presence of living organisms. For instance,
Titan’s air is filled with methane, which is
usually destroyed by sunlight. On Earth, life
constantly replenishes methane, so it might
similarly be responsible for the methane on Titan.
Titan is rather cold, however, and if liquid water
exists, it must be deep beneath the frozen
5. Io
Jupiter’s moon Io is one of the few solar system
moons to support an atmosphere, and it contains
complex chemicals promising for life. Volcanism on
the moon also makes it warmer than many others —
another good sign. Io is still a long shot,
though, because its location inside Jupiter’s
magnetic field means it is constantly being pelted
with lethal radiation. Its violent surface also
seems inhospitable, with temperatures often too
cold to support life, as well as molten hot spots
that are equally deadly.
We have seen on Earth that some life can adjust to
relatively large doses of constant radiation as
well as the advanced life-forms which thrive in
the extreme depths and blackness of our oceans.
These are not just microbes but octopuses, crabs,
and other complex life-forms.
But, how can we get to the moons of Jupiter and
Saturn in a reasonable amount of time to see and
perhaps meet the aliens who live there? How can
human beings ever travel fast enough?
The Daily Mail in the United Kingdom, recently ran
a fascinating article on a new possibility for
space travel. Here is the information given in
this article of September 11, 2009:
Gravitational corridors could help spacecraft fly
across the solar system like ships on ocean
currents. Scientists in the United States are
trying to map the twisting 'tubes' so they can be
used to cut the cost of space travel. Each one
acts like a gravitational Gulf Stream, created
from the complex interplay of attractive forces
between planets and moons.
Depicted by computer graphics, the pathways look
like strands of spaghetti that wrap around
planetary bodies and snake between them. The
pathways connect sites called Lagrange points
where gravitational forces balance out.
Professor Shane Ross, from Virginia Tech in the
US, said: “Basically the idea is there are low
energy pathways winding between planets and moons
that would slash the amount of fuel needed to
explore the solar system. These are free-fall
pathways in space around and between gravitational
bodies. Instead of falling down, like you do on
Earth, you fall along these tubes. Each of the
tubes starts off narrow and small and as it gets
further out it gets wider and might also split.”
“I like to think of them as being similar to ocean
currents, but they are gravitational currents. If
you're in a parking orbit round the Earth, and one
of them intersects your trajectory, you just need
enough fuel to change your velocity and now you're
on a new trajectory that is free.”
“Riding one of the gravitational currents was
unlike exploiting the 'slingshot' effect of a
planet or moon's gravity, a routine space travel
technique,” he explains. “Slingshots don't put you
in orbit round a moon, whereas this does.”
Just one U.S. mission so far has made use of the
concept. The Genesis spacecraft was launched in
2004 to capture solar wind particles and return
them to Earth. Following the gravitational
pathways allowed the amount of fuel carried by the
probe to be cut 10-fold. The mission ended in
failure, but only because a parachute failed on
“The corridors were especially useful for voyaging
between a planet's moons,” said Prof Ross,
speaking at the British Science Festival at the
University of Surrey in Guildford.
“Once you get to another planet that has its own
tubes you can use them to explore its moons,” he
added. “You could travel between the moons of
Jupiter essentially for free. All you need is a
little bit of fuel to do course corrections.”
Perhaps someday humans in starships can find the
gravity corridors between the Solar System and the
Alpha Centuri System. After all, they must exist!
Is this how aliens from far distant star systems
travel to Earth? It is a possibility! However,
let’s not forget those alien oceans within the
Solar System which are huge and deep, apparently,
and brimming with the stuff of life: Water!
Leap into Exo-Trekking, it’s free!
Source: UFO Digest
Bigfoot Sightings Common in Ohio
CAMBRIDGE, Oho - A group of researchers claim that
Bigfoot is real, and say there are have been
sightings of the creature in Ohio.
Curiosity surrounding the Bigfoot phenomenon has
persisted for centuries, 10TV’s Ashleigh Barry
There have been reported encounters to footprints
to possible DNA.
There is now even a cable television show
dedicated to communicating and finding the
Bigfoot believers, like Doug Waller, say that the
evidence speaks for itself. He recently took
part in a hunt for Bigfoot, near Salt Lake State
Park in Guernsey County.
“These things don’t really want to be discovered,”
Waller said. “They lived here before the
park was built. This is their home.”
While some would argue that the large creatures
only prowl the terrain in the Pacific Northwest,
Waller said that Bigfoot has been sighted on
dozens of occasions in Ohio.
Gayle Veselenak is convinced that there is a
Bigfoot out there and that it is capable of
“We’ll wait and listen and sometimes you’ll get a
response back,” Veselenak said.
She and her son, Matt, used a bat to communicate
with the creature.
“There’s something that has to be in here for
everybody to hear these noises and have all these
people say that they’ve seen him or heard him,”
Matt Veselenak said. “There’s got to be
something in these woods.”
Scientists have said that eyewitnesses have only
presented circumstantial evidence over the years
that make it impossible to confirm whether there
really is a Bigfoot out there.
Some swear that an audio recording known as the
“Ohio Howl” presents evidence that Bigfoot is
real. A barking dog is heard in the
recording and then a siren-like moan is audible,
Barry reported.
The recording that was made in Columbiana County,
Ohio, was the first documented recording of what
is believed to be coming from a large, male
Residents said that the howls can be heard late at
night, echoing off hills on both sides of the Ohio
“We’ve heard vocalizations come back at us,” Gayle
Veselenak said. “It’s very eerie because
you’re out in the woods in the middle of the
night. The only light you have is your
flashlight – that’s the only thing you can see –
everything else is completely dark so you don’t
know what direction anything is going to happen
Perhaps the most well-known documented video of
Bigfoot is the Patterson-Gimlin footage that was
shot in 1967, Barry reported.
Peter Byrne, a veteran Bigfoot tracker disagrees
with the notion that the video is a hoax.
“We think that footage is real,” Byrne said.
“We really think so.”
Byrne, an Ireland native, is renowned for his
abilities to raise millions of dollars in the name
of Bigfoot research. He recently made a
guest appearance in Cambridge for a Bigfoot
conference that attracted nearly 600 believers.
Byrne said that having hundreds of attendees is
proof that skepticism is diminishing. He is
hopeful that one day concrete evidence proves his
theory is true.
“Science demands a body on the table,” Byrne
said. “Science demands physical remains on
the table, so what we hope for is to find a body
of one that has died from natural causes and
there's that possibility and then it's all
over. We know that they are there -- or were
there -- so that's what I hope for in the future
before I move on.”
Scientists and Bigfoot trackers will continue
searching for answers, Barry reported.
“A lot of famous big footers have died and still
have not had sightings,” Waller said.
“They’re there,” Gayle Veselenak said.
The most recent reported Bigfoot sighting was
reported in April in Mount Orab, Ohio, where
someone spotted the creature near railroad tracks.
In the last 12 months In Ohio, there have been
dozens of Bigfoot sightings and footprints found,
Barry reported.
Source: 10TV
Nigeria: The
Unknown Visitors
It has been heard over the years of the visit of
some creatures that look like humans from outer
space to the Earth. Also, many have sworn to have
caught glimpses of these creatures. Now beat
this... they have visited some parts of Nigeria.
Gabriel ewepu writes on this myth or reality.
Ibrahim Shuaibu, a 14-year-old boy living in one
of the villages in Northern Nigeria. One late
evening, decided to go and check his fishing trap
which he set earlier in the day. On reaching the
small river, he suddenly noticed that the setting
sun was getting closer to his location as he waded
in the water feeling for his trap. But within
seconds it dawned on him that what he initially
perceived to be the sun was rapidly coming almost
parallel to him, and this greatly unsettled his
young mind. The object was glowing and circular,
and smoothly glided like a huge incandescent
Shuaibu expectedly panicked and began to run out
of the shallow river, and the hovering object
slowly glided after him in pursuit. It was after
he ran out of the banks of the river and to the
edge of the small mountain that he breathlessly
turned to look back at the strange object; he then
saw that the huge saucer had stopped at the edge
of the river, and was very calm and steady as if
some people were inside the object watching him
This story told by one Ibrahim, is a
characteristic encounter with an Unidentified
Flying Object [UFO] or flying saucer, popular in
the Western world. In fact, polls have shown that
one out of every four American believes that UFOs
exist and are visiting the earth on a regular
basis; and an estimated four million Americans
claim to have seen a UFO, with some having
encountered the alien beings in the object. The
question is sometimes asked as to why UFOs are not
seen in Africa. But many informed researchers are
quick to give the simple answer; they are seen,
all the time and as much as anywhere else.
Professor Oko Offoboche, an Abuja-based
metaphycist, IT specialist and researcher, said
that the reason why the UFO phenomenon is not
visible in this part of the world is because much
of Africa's populations still live traditional
lives in isolated rural areas, and aliens and UFOs
seem to prefer clandestine visitations, and aerial
manifestations at local interior locations.
According to him, "Most Africans do not have
access to the internet, communications networks or
media outlets that westerners take for granted.
Most do not own mobile phones with or without
cameras. As a result, virtually all UFO sightings
remain unreported but by no means forgotten by
those that experience them."
Also according to checks on the popular blog sites
for the paranormal,, ufologists
and sky watchers have affirmed that some sighting
reports do make it to the west and Nigeria is one
nation that is known to experience high levels of
UFO activity. And in the year 2009, an entry was
made of a report to the world's most popular UFO
scientific organization for Mutual UFO Network
(MUFON), whose job is to log in all UFO sightings
around the world. The report was from Lagos,
Nigeria, sent in by Adejide Olu, a man who
witnessed an UFO in the Nigerian sky. According to
him, it happened on May 1, 2008, the previous
"My wife and I were both coming [walking] from my
brother's place who just relocated to the vicinity
close to my place which is Mile 2 area of Lagos.
As we were walking, I looked at the sky [which I
usually do just as a hobby] then, I saw two
objects in the sky moving around. They were
oval-disc like in shape and silvery [illuminous]
in appearance. I noticed they were darting around
but one was more active than the other. Quite
surprised at their movement, I realized what we
saw were obviously aircraft. To my knowledge,
these crafts were unlike any man-made machine as
they did not make any sound at least to our
"It was dark when we eventually got home but to my
surprise, my neighbours had also seen it, they
didn't really know what they were. But due to my
knowledge on it [I have read and seen documentary]
I knew they were UFO. At a point, one was
relatively stable but the second kept moving,
darting around as if on observation mission. There
was no public power supply, so the sky was quite
clear. I was awed by the reality facing me, all
what I have read and seen on documentary seems to
be facing me that night. I watched till two
minutes after 9 pm before going to bed. I later
showed my brother the illustration of UFO in the
Longman dictionary, and he agreed that what they
saw as similar to the UFO illustration."
On July 2, 2012, a somewhat obscure celebration
will take place worldwide - that of World UFO Day,
a day that came into existence in the year 2001 in
the United States of America, but which has never
been celebrated on our shores until this year as
advertised by a Nigerian UFO group, Simply put, the international
promoters of the event have said that the World
UFO day is a day dedicated to the existence of
unearthly/unidentified flying objects, therefore,
the day is dedicated to raising awareness about
the undoubted existence of UFOs and with the
intelligent beings from outer space. They also
declare that the day is used to encourage
governments to unclassify their knowledge about
sightings throughout the history, believing that
many governments especially that of the United
States of America, are believed to have gained
exclusive information about UFOs through their
military departments.
Of particular interest is the fact that Nigeria,
being a very religious nation has not realised the
religious importance of the UFO phenomenon. In
July 2009, in the state of New Mexico, USA,
Christian preachers and scholars comprising of
notable personalities like William Alnor, L.A.
Marzulli, Pastor Chris Ward and others, came
together in the first Christian Symposium on
UFO/Aliens, where they made an official statement
on the phenomenon.
In their communiqué, they averred that God
did not create any other extraterrestrial life
outside of the planet earth, and therefore any
being or flying object purported to visit the
earth is a manipulation of the satan and the
fallen angels; and this is part of the end time
grand plan to deceive human beings into accepting
satanic agents and false miracles.
But ironically, there are a lot of religions
springing up today with beliefs and certain
affiliations to UFO and the alien beings that come
from them. And many of them are now having their
branches in Nigeria here. On March26, 1997, in the
United States of America, the California Police
Department discovered the bodies of 39 members of
the Heaven's Gate religious cult who had committed
suicide in order to reach an alien space craft
which they believed their souls would board at
their death, and the UFO would take their souls to
another "level of existence above humans". The
cult group, led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie
Nettles, believed in several paths for a person to
leave the earth and survive before the
"recycling", one of which was hating this world
strongly enough; according to Applewhite, in a
taped message he did before the mass suicide of
which he led, "It was the only way to evacuate
this earth... It is also possible that part of our
test of faith is our hating this world, even our
flesh body, to the extent to be willing to leave
it without any proof of the Next Level's