Astronomers have
completed the first search for extraterrestrial
intelligence on nearby exoplanets using very long
baseline interferometry.
A telescope's angular resolution is its ability to
distinguish small details of a distant object. The
Hubble Space telescope, for example, has an
angular resolution of about 100 milliarcseconds.
That's good but by no means the best. In fact, the
telescopes with the highest angular resolutions
are interferometric radio telescopes, made up of
several dishes spread over thousands of
Known as very long baseline interferometers
(VLBIs), the biggest boast an angular resolution
some two orders of magnitude better than Hubble.
So what to point them at? Today, Hayden
Rampadarath and pals at the International Centre
for Radio Astronomy Research at Curtin University
in Australia say they've pointed their
interferometric radio telescope at Gliese 581, a
red dwarf star some 20 light years from here.
What makes Gliese 581 interesting is its planets,
which include two superEarths that probably sit on
the edge of their habitable zone.
That makes them good candidates for life. And if
this life is anything like our own, it may already
be broadcasting at radio frequencies that we can
tune in to.
Although VLBI has extraordinary angular
resolution, it has never been used to look for
signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. So this is
an important proof-of-principle step.
The Australian instrument, known as the Australian
Long Baseline Array, consists of three radio
telescopes a few hundred kilometres apart, which
gives them an angular resolution that is about the
same as Hubble's.
Rampadarath and pals pointed it at Gliese 581 for
a total of 8 hours in June 2007, tuning into
frequencies close to 1500 megahertz. Why
they've waited so long to publish their result,
they don't say but their paper has now been
accepted for publication in The Astronomical
What they found is interesting. VLBI techniques
turn out to be useful for SETI searches because
they automatically exclude many terrestrial
sources of interference that might otherwise look
like SETI signals. That's because the same signals
have to show up at all the telescopes several
hundred kilometres apart.
In total, Rampadarath and co found 222 candidate
SETI signals. However, they were able to exclude
all of these relatively easily using automated
analysis techniques, which have become
increasingly sophisticated in recent years.
(That's partly because of projects such as
SETI@Home which has found billions of interesting
signals, all of which have turned out to be false
The false alarms picked up by the Australian Long
Baseline Array probably came form Earth orbiting
satellites, say the team.
Of course, this doesn't exclude the possibility of
intelligent life in the Giese 581 system or even
exclude the possibility that these ETs might use
radio signals to communicate.
Instead, it places limits on the strength of
these signals and not particularly onerous ones at
that. Rampadarath and pals say their
instrument would have picked up a broadcast with a
power output of at least 7 megaWatts per hertz.
To put that in context, on the slim chance that
Gliese inhabitants had been broadcasting directly
to Earth using an Arecibo-style dish, Rampadarath
and co would have easily picked up the signal.
(Arecibo is a 300 metre radio telescope in Puerto
On the other hand, the ordinary radio
transmissions like those we continually
broadcast into space, would have been far too weak
to be picked up by the Australian team.
That's not to say that this kind of observation
won't be possible in future. The Australian array
is by no means the biggest of most sensitive
instrument available today.
What's more, astronomers are planning a new VLBI
telescope called the Square Kilometre Array which
will have the sensitivity to pick up broadcasts of
a few kiloWatts per Hertz from 20 light years
There are no shortage of targets. At the last
count, astronomers had found around exoplanets
that sit in their habitable zones (meaning they're
warm enough for liquid water). These places are of
intense interest.
Time on VLBI telescopes is precious and difficult
to come by. But the prize here is of almost
incalculable value--the discovery of intelligent
life beyond the Solar System.
So it wouldn't be a complete surprise if radio
astronomers found ways to hunt more often for
radio broadcasts from new and exciting exoplanets.
Source: Technology Review
Minister Convinced RAF Pilot Saw UFO
A UFO sighting was deemed so credible it convinced
a government minister who investigated it.
The sighting by an RAF fighter pilot on a training
mission over West Germany in 1952 has been
revealed for the first time by papers released by
the Churchill Archive at Cambridge University.
Flight Sergeant Roland Hughes was returning to
base when he was followed by a 'gleaming silver,
metallic disc' which flew alongside him before
disappearing at incredible sped.
The object was caught by RAF radars, which
confirmed it was travelling at speeds far greater
than possible for any aircraft of the time.
Hughes reported the sighting and was sent to visit
Duncan Sandys, then aviation minister, to give his
account in person.
He described seeing a flash of 'silver light'
which rapidly descended towards him until he could
see that it was a 'gleaming silver-metallic disc'.
He said its surface was shiny, 'like tin foil',
and 'without a single crease or crinkle'.
He could see, with 'astonishing clarity', the
craft's 'highly reflective and absolutely seamless
metallic-looking surface'.
Flying at high altitude in clear visibility in his
de Havilland Vampire, he estimated its size at
100ft across – 'about the wingspan of a Lancaster
None of the other three pilots - all returning to
RAF Oldenburg in northern West Germany - saw the
object because they were executing a 'banking
turn' and not looking in the same direction.
Six days later, Hughes was sent to RAF Fassberg in
West Germany to give his account to senior RAF
officers and Sandys.
The minister's first question was how many beers
Hughes had drunk the night before.
However, in the end he was so taken by the then
23-year-old Hughes' story that he went on to brief
senior civil servants, telling them he was
convinced it was true.
This goes against what British governments have
said regarding UFOs in the past - in most cases,
they have been keen to downplay suggestions that
UFO sightings are seriously investigated.
In one newly released document, Sandys tells the
government's chief scientist Lord Cherwell that he
found the story and radar evidence
In reference to similar UFO sightings by US
pilots, what became known as 'Foo Fighters',
Sandys says in the document: 'I have no doubt at
all that Hughes saw a phenomenon similar to that
described by numerous observers in the United
Lord Cherwell had previously dismissed the US
sightings as 'mass psychology'.
Sandys, who later became Defence Secretary, went
on: 'Until some satisfactory scientific
explanation can be provided, it would be most
unwise to accept without further question the view
that "flying saucers" can be dismissed as "a mild
form of hysteria".'
He added that there was 'ample evidence of some
unfamiliar and unexplained phenomenon'.
The documents were investigated by David Clarke, a
Sheffield Hallam University academic, while
researching for a book on UFOs.
Dr Clarke was contacted by Hughes' son, who
recounted his father's version of events and gave
him his log book.
After the sighting, Hughes, who died in 2009 aged
79, was nicknamed 'Saucer Sam' and colleagues
painted a flying saucer on his jet.
Hughes' son Brian, 45, a Ministry of Defence civil
servant said: 'We knew about the sighting in
the family when we were growing up but my father
didn't talk about it a lot. We learned about it
more from prompting him.
'If it was someone other than my father who had
told this story, I would be sceptical.
'He once said to me "People think you're mad if
you say you've seen a flying saucer – I've only
ever seen one once; I've never seen one since".'
Dr Clarke said: 'There is absolutely no doubt that
something was seen by Hughes. He was not making
this up.
'But the only honest position to take is that we
don't know what it was. But there could be some
sort of scientific explanation, before you start
jumping to conclusions about alien visitors.'
Source: The Daily Mail
Rogue Earthquakes and the Wandering,
Weakening Magnetic Field
By Diane Tessman
On May 29,
2012, an unusually shallow earthquake shook
northern Italy again. This quake was 5.8 on
the Richter Scale and apparently was an
aftershock of the 6.0 quake which hit the same
area on May 20th. Nostradamus seems to have
predicted a large quake for May 20th but let’s
stick to science for a moment.
These quakes were the strongest to hit
northern Italy for centuries – some reports
say they were the strongest to hit in recorded
history in this particular region of northern
Italy just north of Bologna.
Seismologists are surprised at the May 20th
quake because it was a thrust quake only three
miles deep. A thrust quake is the type of
devastating, sometimes shallow earthquake
which happens when two tectonic plates grind
and collide. Thrust quakes usually occur
directly above the two grinding plates.
However the May 20th and May 29th quakes
occurred approximately 470 miles from the
boundary area of the two tectonic plates. This
baffles seismologists as it has seldom, if
ever, happened.
Underneath the sole of Italy’s “boot,” the
African plate crushes its way northward, but
alas, the Eurasian plate is already there, and
so they collide. When the pressure grows too
great, a quake occurs. Earthquakes caused by
actual tectonic quake collisions are usually
large quakes.
On May 24, 2012, there was a 6.2 earthquake
which hit an area of the Norwegian Sea in the
Arctic. It was shallow, too, 5.5 miles deep.
Also in the Arctic, Planet Earth’s magnetic
north pole has continued to gallop toward
Siberia as it becomes weaker.
Magnetic North is a wanderer these days, with
less magnetic strength to “stay put” – balance
between the two poles is wavering. The
magnetic strength of the two opposing poles
has kept the plates securely “packed” with
little leeway to violently bang into each
other in years past. Of course Earth, being a
living planet, has always had earthquakes, but
there has been a change which can be perceived
as a growing imbalance.
Like the canary in the coal mine, the Arctic
area is especially impacted by the weakening,
wandering North Pole and the area will likely
become more unstable, with more quakes.
The powerful undersea earthquake off the
Indonesian island of Sumatra in April 2012,
was a once in 2,000 years event, according to
seismologists. Luckily the epicenter was not
on land and it was a horizontal quake which
means, no huge tsunami resulted.
The 8.6 magnitude quake and a powerful
aftershock were "strike-slip" quakes - the
largest of that type ever recorded.
Kerry Sieh, director of the Earth Observatory
of Singapore, said, "It's really an
exceptionally large and rare event which also
had the biggest after-shock recorded for a
strike-slip quake.
A magnitude 9.1 quake in roughly the same
region in December 2004, decimated Aceh
province on Sumatra and killed over 230,000
people in 13 countries around the Indian
Ocean. It was not a strike-slip and it moved
vertically. However, seismologists agree that
the chances of another killer non-strike-slip
quake like the one which generated the giant
tsunami, are much greater now that the recent
strike-slip quakes have occurred.
Sumatra, the western island in the sprawling
Indonesian archipelago, has a history of
powerful quakes and tsunamis, most triggered
by an offshore zone along its entire length,
where the Indian-Australian tectonic plate is
forced under the Eurasian plate. This creates
a deep ocean trench as one plate slides under
the other at a rate of several centimeters a
year. In this zone, called the Sunda
megathrust, stress builds up when the
subducting Indian-Australian plate bends the
Eurasian plate like a spring board as it moves
down into the Earth's crust.
Eventually enough stress builds up that the
edge of Eurasian plate suddenly jolts upward,
triggering an earthquake. The sudden uplift of
the seafloor and huge pulse of seawater
triggers a tsunami. Over the centuries,
repeated magnitude 8 and 9 quakes have struck
along portions of the megathrust zone off the
coast of Sumatra, flattening towns and killing
thousands of people.
The April 2012, strike-slip quake like the two
Italian quakes, happened outside the expected
zone for megathrust quakes in Indonesia.
This strike-slip fault involved a sudden
horizontal movement of the Indian and
Australian plates along hundreds of miles.
After studying this quake, seismologists
decided, “This earthquake shouldn't happen
more than once every 2,000 years." Some feel a
rupture occurred.
Ironically, because of this unusual situation,
the stress on faults and boundaries was not
alleviated; there is now increased stress on
the plate boundaries near Aceh, increasing the
risks of another major earthquake in the same
area as the 2004 disaster. In addition,
research published in 2010 showed that the
2004 Aceh quake only relieved about half the
stress that has built up over the centuries
along the megathrust faultline.
That makes another major quake in the area a
matter of time.
To sum it up, the Sumatran quake seems to
indicate a tearing – a rupture - in the
middle of an oceanic plate rather than the
usual event, which occurs at the boundary of
two plates. We wonder if something similar is
true for the Italian situation. The
shallowness of these quakes also is strange
going by past history.
“This isn’t supposed to happen,” muttered one
A red flag must go up for our friends (or
“friends” depending on your view point), in
those incredible UFOs, when a planet which is
teeming with life, suddenly experiences a
weakening of its magnetic field. It is
believed that Earth’s magnetic field has
weakened quickly and dramatically. It
would seem likely that space-going aliens
would flock to such a planet to observe and
possibly to help where they can.
Or if you are skeptical, perhaps as life
disintegrates on Earth with the magnetic field
ripping violently away as happened on Mars,
the aliens wish to plunder what is left of
Earth resources, or somehow set up hardship
colonies on what remains. Life could on for a
few hundred or thousand years if you had the
ability to build domed or underground shelter,
and assigned a small population of your own
“people” to the planet.
And what would happen to beings of other
dimensions around or on Earth as the planet’s
magnetic field falls apart?
Of course no one knows the answers, but it
seems a large coincidence that UFO sightings
have increased dramatically right as hard,
solid evidence occurs that Earth’s magnetic
poles are weakening and shifting position. The
house of cards is quivering on the brink, and
the two polar book-ends are breaking apart.
Finally, a word on predictions: No one knows
if all or most predictions for these upcoming
years (2012, 2013, 2014), will come to pass
but “increased earthquake activity” and
“shifting poles” have been predictions for
many years, from Nostradamus right up through,
yes, Diane Tessman. Now, in 2012, science
agrees with us. Unfortunately, it turns
out that we spiritual intuitives are right –
at least on that. Stay tuned to
Planet Earth!
Leap into Exo-Trekking, it’s free and
Source: UFO Digest
"Sixth Sense" Saves Brother from Brain Tumor
An Australian man has undergone a life-saving
brain surgery after his identical twin's 'sixth
sense' helped locate a rare tumor, Australia's
Channel 9 News reports.
When Brenton Gurney from Sydney began experiencing
persistent headaches, he went to get an MRI scan
-- but nothing abnormal was found.
On a hunch, Brenton then suggested that his
identical twin Craig, who was not suffering from
any symptoms, should go for a scan himself.
Craig and Brenton then joined a study of twins and
mental health, which led to both of them getting
MRIs, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
Incredibly, a massive and rare tumor was found in
the base of Craig's skull. He was "shell-shocked."
"I was hoping they had mixed up the MRI results
and got the wrong twin," Brenton, 38, told the
Sydney Morning Herald.
Last year, Craig underwent a complex 10 and a half
hour operation to remove the tumor. He also had to
undergo two months of intensive radiation therapy.
He has since recovered.
"Ultimately Brenton saved my life," Craig said.
The incident has left medical experts
acknowledging that there is still plenty to learn
about the remarkable connection between identical
"There's so much we don't know," said Justine Gatt
of the Brain Dynamics Centre at the University of
This is not the first time that the twins have
shared a 'telepathic' connection. According to the
Sydney Morning Herald, Craig once detected from
over a thousand miles away that his brother had a
life-threatening rash. He also knew when Brenton
had dislocated his shoulder.
'We're really closely connected and we've always
been able to pick each other, know what each other
was thinking,' Craig told Channel 9.
The brothers, who shared a bedroom until they were
22, have been inseparable since they were
children. In a curious coincidence, they both even
ended up marrying women named Nicole.
According to Channel 9, Brenton and Craig have
been helping twin research studies since their
mother registered them with the Australian Twin
Registry soon after their birth.
Craig said he believes it is "almost a duty" for
twins to take part in studies so scientists can
learn more about the part that genes and the
environment play on their health.
Source: Huffington Post
Connections Beyond Time and Space
By Micah Hanks
Many people claim to share unique connections with
certain others in their lives. We hear spouses
talking about the way they can sense things about
each other, as well as parents who do the same
with their children. Some individuals even claim
to be able to communicate psychically with their
pets and other animals.
Such connections, if they exist, seem capable of
bridging the gaps between pure thoughts, allowing
individuals to share communication by means of
strange powers that the modern sciences have yet
to recognize. But considering the circumstances
that seem to allow this variety of “psychic
communication,” could it be that relationships
existing between individuals may play a role in
helping understand what actually causes certain
psychic phenomenon?
One fascinating and unique area where telepathic
situations tend to often prevail has to do with
fraternal twins. A perfect–if not better than
average–example of this was reported by the Sydney
Morning Herald recently, in which a pair of twins
who underwent concurrent MRI examinations managed
to determine, as a result of headaches one of them
had been having, that a rare tumor had developed.
What makes this strange, of course, is that the
twin suffering from headaches had not been the one
diagnosed with the tumor:
The Gurney twins is even more
remarkable because it was Brenton who started
getting the persistent headaches. It was Brenton
who persuaded hale and hearty Craig to join a
study of twins (looking into mental health and
resilience) because it included an MRI scan.
The MRI test picked up no
abnormalities in Brenton’s brain. But Craig, who
never suffers headaches, got the shock news: a
massive and rare tumour in the base of his skull.
Similar unique connections tend to also appear
between lovers (a particular phenomenon I’ve
experienced countless times myself). In his book
Otherworldly Affaires, author Brad Steiger notes
an incredible incident that was discussed in the
December, 1954 edition of Fate Magazine. As the
story goes, a Mrs. Charlotte T. Mazue of Los
Angeles, California, penned an unusual tale where
she claimed to have successfully related the
specific directions to her new place of residence
to her husband… and entirely through means of
The event in question took place in 1942, and Mrs.
Mazue had moved to a new location while her
husband Charles had been stationed near San
Francisco. Suddenly one day, Charles came to
Charlotte’s mind, giving her the distinct
impression that he was trying to reach her
telepathically. “Perhaps he had acquired a leave,”
she thought, but then became concerned, because
she realized that she had neglected to write to
Charles, informing him of the location of their
new home! Steiger recounts the rest of the story
as follows:
“I quietly repeated to myself
every hour before retiring, ‘Honey, we now live in
Hollywood. Come to Kingsley Drive at Santa Monica
Boulevard. Rear of gift shop. Red brick court.
Upstairs at the back’,” Mrs. Mazue wrote.
It started to rain when she
retired at 10:30 P.M. At half-past midnight, the
door chimes brought her tumbling out of bed,
calling: “Coming, dear!” She confidently opened
the door to find a drenched, but smiling, Charles.
“So this is home,” he said, as he hugged her close
to him.
Charles told her that he, of
course, had had no idea that she had moved. “Seems
as if someone pushed and pulled me here. I
hitchhiked in and told the driver to let me out at
Kingsley Drive and Santa Monica Boulevard. Then I
walked to the rear of the gift shop and upstairs
to you. Funny thing is, I distinctly heard you
say, ‘That’s right, darling’.”
Had Charles literally been able to “hear” the
directions Charlotte had been giving him
telepathically? If the events related here are
indeed true and accurate, how else are we to
interpret the circumstances? Furthermore, if it is
possible for lovers to become so close that they
can achieve feats such as these in the absence of
any verbal communication, could virtually anyone
learn to do the same, and with the same amazing
detail and efficiency? Finally, if psychic feats
such as telepathy could be accessible to almost
anyone, then maybe particular close bonds that we
build with others in life provide natural grounds
that are conducive to this kind of ability.
Strength in numbers, as the old axiom goes.
Source: Mysterious Universe
Love of the Supernatural
You probably think anyone who takes elves and
other fantasy beings seriously is either childish
or just plain mad. According to polls, most
Icelanders believe in, or at least refuse to deny
the existence of elves, and most of them seem
pretty sane to me. Welcome to Iceland, the
small island country where technological
advancement goes hand in hand with a belief in the
Located just below the Arctic Circle, Europe’s
most remote nation is also probably one of the
world’s most bizarre. Civilized, and certainly no
strangers to technology, the majority of 320,000
Icelanders also firmly believe in the existence of
spirit beings like elves, gnomes or fairies. Of
course, there are fantasy-enthusiasts who believe
in these creatures all over the world, only in
Iceland this matter really is taken very
seriously. Annoying the mystical creatures living
all over the island is thought to carry a heavy
price, so human inhabitants will do almost
anything to avoid getting on their bad side.
In America, people will call upon feng shui
experts to help turn their homes into springs of
positive energy, but in Iceland it’s elf spotters
who decide how a human settlement develops in
order not to disturb the country’s supernatural
inhabitants. It might sound funny, but engineers
will often reroute roads, pipelines and cable, at
a steep cost, only to avoid the dwellings of elves
and other hidden beings. All around the island,
one can hear tales of fishermen lost at sea
because they ignored warning from the elves not to
leave port, or of people suffering mysterious
illnesses or their houses burning down after
provoking the wrath of invisible beings.
In 2004, construction crews building a golf course
on the outskirts of Reykjavik moved a rock
believed to be the dwelling of elves. Bulldozers
started failing and workers became victims of
strange injuries, and so the chief engineer
eventually issued a grovelling apology to the
elves and vowed not to trouble them again. The
event was made public by present media reporters,
but the accidents stopped occurring and the golf
course was completed on schedule. Not all
Icelanders are convinced these fairy-tale being
exist, but even those who say they don’t believe
in them prefer to behave as if they did, just to
make sure nothing bad happens.
But where does this strong belief in the
supernatural come from? The most logical answer
would be Iceland’s isolation from the rest of the
world. Just over a century ago, its inhabitants
were inhabiting turf homes, and making a living as
fishermen or sheep farmers. Experts believe
Enlightenment, which put science ahead of
superstition, arrived too late in Iceland. Also,
to better cope with the dark cold winters,
Icelanders developed a rich storytelling
tradition, full of heroes, supernatural beings and
other folk elements. Throughout the years, the
lines between these old tails and reality seem to
have blurred, and people started to actually
believe in fantasy. ”Stories about elves and
hidden people are part of our heritage, but I also
like to think some of them are true. It’s fun to
believe in something you can’t explain, and
anyway, it’s hard to be 100 percent scientific in
a country as weird as ours,” says an university
student. And it’s also the look of the land that
makes people people believe in the supernatural. A
jagged coastline full of bays and fjords,
impressive geysers, beautiful waterfalls and
springs and threatening volcanoes are all part of
this fairy-tale land that would almost have anyone
believe they’re in a Tolkienesque world.
Elves, trolls and fairies are common
conversational topics in Iceland. Locals tell you
stories about jinxed buildings in Reykjavik, or
ghosts living in their homes and factories, and
even the media often reports encounters with
spirit beings. And just so you know, whenever a
wallet is lost, trolls are to blame. Iceland’s
love of the supernatural is so great, it has given
birth to the world’s first Elf School, right in
the country’s capital. Believe it or not,
thousands of people, most of them foreigners, pay
a $60 fee for a one-day course on elves and other
hidden beings. Magnus Skarphedinsson, the
historian who runs Iceland’s elf school, believes
the country is home to over 20,000 supernatural
creatures. ”Perhaps these beings are more visible
in Iceland because we are more open-minded,” he
says. ”We also live very close to nature,
which is their home.”
According to Icelandic lore, hidden beings inhabit
a parallel world that is invisible to human eyes,
and can only be spotted by physics and little
children, unless they willingly decide to reveal
themselves to people. Skarphedinsson, who has
never seen a spirit-being himself, claims three
humans have actually married hidden people and
vanished into their world.
Source: American Way