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This week
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- UFOs Exist, Say 36 Percent in National Geographic Survey - - Stephen Hawking Relegates UFOs to Lunatic Fringe - - The Scientific Legacy of Nikola Tesla - - Strange Circumstances Surround Park Disappearances - AND: Religious Schools Teach Loch Ness Monster is Living Dinosaur CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ Weird Inventions of the Strangest Men Who Ever Lived! Men of Mystery - Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr HERE ARE THE
Here are plans for a "Telephone" to call other planets. . .An apparatus that can read the human aura. . .a disc-shaped craft that can take us to the moon in under an hour. NIKOLA TESLA - Though chosen to share the 1912 Nobel Prize in Physics with Edison, Tesla refused the award and during his life tore up royalty contracts which would have earned him millions of dollars. Not much is known about this "strange" loner as Tesla spent most of his life in total seclusion. However, those who did know him even slightly say he was not a normal human, but a real SUPERMAN, either a reincarnated master -- or a spaceman with superior mental powers placed here to assist in earth's technological development. OTIS T. CARR - A student of Tesla's, the Baltimore-based engineer believed that every person should have the opportunity to travel to other planets which he believed to be inhabited by human-looking space people as physical as you and I. Based on conversations with his mentor, Carr constructed a flying saucer-shaped device that he believed would take us to the moon and beyond. He received much ridicule and harassment that eventually landed him in jail under bogus charges of fraud -- the government claiming that it is impossible to create an operational free energy device. History has made Tesla out to be merely a scientist and an engineer when he was really MUCH MORE. There is an entirely different part of his live story -- and it is an UNEARTHLY ONE! This incredible book is now available at the special price of only $18 (plus $5.00 shipping). Order right now and receive Commander X's free Audio CD about the mysterious Dr. Nikola Tesla. Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can
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![]() Be sure to tune in to Unraveling The Secrets Saturdays at 11:59PM EST with your hosts, Wm. Michael Mott, Rick Osmon and Tim Swartz on the PSN Radio Network. This weeks guest: Frank Joseph www.soupmedianetwork.com/unravelingthesecrets/ - UFOS ARE REAL, THE AIR FORCE IS MASS HYSTERIA DEPARTMENT - UFOs Exist, Say 36 Percent in National Geographic Survey ![]() If you believe in
UFOs, you may be in better company than you think.
Thirty-six percent of Americans, about 80 million people, believe UFOs exist, and a tenth believe they have spotted one, a new National Geographic poll shows. Seventeen percent said they did not believe in UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, and nearly half of those surveyed said they were unsure. Perhaps reflective of today's political climate, there appears to be near-universal skepticism of government — nearly four-fifths of respondents said they believe the government has concealed information about UFOs from the public. The study, commissioned in anticipation of National Geographic Channel's "Chasing UFOs" series premiering Friday night, was not all serious, said Brad Dancer, National Geographic's senior vice president for audience and business development. Respondents were asked whether President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney would handle an alien invasion better (Obama won 65 percent in that contest) and which superhero they would call in to fight off the attack (the Hulk beat out Batman and Spider-Man). "We were trying to have a little fun and see if pop culture references have had an impact on people's beliefs," Dancer said. "It's intended as a fun survey of public opinion." Hollywood, he added, may have contributed to the belief — held by 55 percent of Americans, according to the study — that Men in Black-style agents threaten people who report UFO sightings. As movies portraying aliens become increasingly convincing, they may subconsciously affect people's attitudes, he said. A growing number of Americans have come to believe that Earth is not the only planet in the universe hosting life, he said. The study showed that 77 percent of Americans believe there are signs that aliens have visited Earth. While the study may be used as ammunition by the vocal minority of UFO enthusiasts, Dancer said that it leaves open the precise definition of the term UFO. "UFO doesn't necessarily mean alien spacecraft," he said. "There are things that are unexplained. They're interesting because they're unknown. People love a mystery." The study, conducted by the polling firm Kelton Research, found that more Americans believe "The X-Files" best represented what would happen if aliens invaded Earth than any other movie. The study, in which a random sample of 1,114 Americans 18 and over was surveyed, also asked what respondents would do if aliens visited Earth. Nearly a quarter said they would try to befriend the extraterrestrials, 13 percent said they would lock themselves indoors, and just one in 20 said they would "try to inflict bodily harm." Those numbers did not surprise longtime UFO investigator David MacDonald, director of the non-profit Mutual UFO Network, who said the idea of contact with extraterrestrials has become commonplace in the last few decades. "We have grown up with 'Star Trek,' 'Star Wars' and 'Battlestar Galactica,'" MacDonald said. "We're at the point where we'd say 'What planet are you from? Oh well, let's have a beer.'" Source: ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/ufos-exist-americans-national-geographic- survey/story?id=16661311#.T-4TXpHcCIB - NOT PART OF THE
Stephen Hawking Relegates UFOs to Lunatic Fringe By Micah Hanks ![]() Where did we come from? How did the universe come into being? Are we alone in the universe? Is there alien life out there, and what is the future of the human race? These are the sorts of questions that great minds of science have been asking ever since our concept of a universe was first realized, and all were questions put forth by acclaimed physicist Stephen Hawking, during a lecture he gave in 2008. During the presentation, Hawking notes that the apparent probability of life arising elsewhere in the universe, based on conditions we can observe here on Earth, seems pretty high. “On the other hand, we don’t seem to have been visited by aliens. I’m discounting the reports of UFOs… why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos?” Cranks and weirdos, huh? While Hawking may indeed be one of the finest scientific minds of the last century, the bold assumptions and outright ignorance this statement betrays behind Hawking’s logic is disheartening, at best. As if the discussion required any further reason as to why this is the case, below I’ve chosen to take a look at a few other statements Hawking makes with regard to UFOs and alien life, and why there are more than a few problems with his views. First of all, when it comes to the study of alien life, it’s understandable that Hawking would fall into the same trap where UFOs are accepted to be aliens from other worlds. Still, this assumption arrives all to often, and despite any hard proof to support such a connection between aliens and unidentified flying objects. While there could be a connection, for all we know, a truly scientific perspective of the UFO phenomenon must remain neutral as to what they actually may be. There is simply no way to directly associate UFOs with alien life, with no reliable frame of reference regarding what aliens may be, or if we’ve been visited. That said, thanks to the work of journalists like Leslie Kean, Robert Hastings, and others who have gone to great lengths to document official reports by government officials, pilots, and others with officialdom who have had UFO sightings, we can rest assured knowing that “cranks and weirdos” aren’t the only UFO witnesses out there. What Hawking espouses here is representative of a very sad attitude maintained by many in the scientific mainstream, and if anything, it is the result of sheer ignorance. Statements like these are most often afforded us by individuals who, with their focus kept strictly and at all times on the matters of physics and the sciences, probably have never really had proper exposure to UFO reports that are more justifiable than those outlandish episodes to which Hawking refers. Hawking went on in his presentation to criticize the notion that secret activities may be going on behind the scenes, as played out by our world governments. “If there is a government conspiracy to suppress the reports, and keep for itself the scientific knowledge the aliens bring, it seems to have been a singularly ineffective policy so far.” Or has it? Supposing for a moment that some clandestine organization indeed might have succeeded in keeping UFO-related knowledge from the public, might their success not be measured by the boldness of statements like this one, which Hawking makes so assuredly? If the secret had been kept effectively, for the most part, then arguably someone like Hawking, well-connected though he is in the community, would still remain in the dark about a UFO conspiracy… though again, this would only be in the event that some conspiracy did in fact exist. In truth, there wouldn’t have to be any conspiracy for potentials to exist that Hawking hasn’t seemed to take into consideration here. He cites with confidence the failure of SETI programs in past attempts at unraveling the mysteries of alien life through discovery of coded alien messages from afar. And yet, he doesn’t stop to consider whether SETI’s real failures might have been in the limitations present with the science being employed; can we really be so bold as to assume that, if radio signals couldn’t be detected, then there is less likelihood altogether that alien life exists? Below is a link to the short video segment where Hawking, despite his great knowledge, seems to rest his critique of the UFO enigma on a series of under-educated assumptions. What are your feelings on this line of thought, and does this sort of attitude expressed by scientists today actually more harm than good when it comes to understanding the potentials of alien cosmology? Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/06/hardly-hawking-physicist-relegates-ufos-to-the-lunatic-fringe/ The Scientific Legacy of Nikola Tesla By Sean Casteel ![]() There are two sides to the human drama when it comes to the life of Nikola Tesla. There is the side that is decidedly scholarly and academic with his innovative inventions that revolutionized the world...and then there is the opposite side of the coin, which is more provisional and includes the theory that the East European immigrant to the United States was possibly born on another planet and left on the doorstep of a family here, and that his discoveries were so far ahead of their time that upon his death his papers were gathered up and smuggled off by some super secret agency to a hidden location so that they could not be confiscated by Cold War enemies. Far right photograph of Nikola Tesla in the lobby of a Hotel New York 1934 Nikola Tesla’s name should be legend, and his legacy of inventiveness should be known to grownups and children of all ages. He stands as a monument to what a single human can create over a lifetime, but he has been misused and denied, even vilified by those who seek to repress the world’s greatest inventor’s deserved accolades for bringing mankind into the 20th century equipped with the tools necessary for a life made much easier through technology. More technological advances have been made in the last 200 years than ever before in recorded history as we know it, and it was Nikola Tesla who led the way with so many original inventions that we presently take for granted. But we don’t hear about Tesla in the public schools, and the mainstream media rarely acknowledges that he even existed. In spite of those injustices, there still exists a die-hard core group of Tesla enthusiasts, people who take the time to explore what is known about this genius of humble origins and what he truly accomplished in his lifetime. For that admittedly specialized audience, Timothy Green Beckley’s Global Communications/Inner Light publishing company has just released a new assemblage titled “The Experiments, Inventions, Writings and Patents of Nikola Tesla,” originally published in a time when Tesla was making his early reputation as part of the revolutionary New Wave of electrical engineering inventors. Beckley’s new 500 PAGE, LARGE FORMATTED SPECIAL EDITION draws on the work of another electrical engineer, the British-born Thomas Commerford Martin, who sings the praises of Tesla while compiling the actual patents registered in Tesla’s name for groundbreaking electric motors and other machines the world would quickly become dependent on. In his introduction, Beckley provides a very abbreviated biography of this historic figure, pointing out that Tesla “actually discovered Alternating Current, produced the first electrical motor, invented the radio (he preceded Marconi by several years) and the arc light, broadcast the first television signals and even created an artificial earthquake that virtually rocked Manhattan. The device – which shook buildings and shattered windows for miles – was an apparatus so small that it could be placed in a person’s pocket. Later, before his passing, Tesla stated that this device was so powerful he hoped it could prevent another World War.” In unveiling this massive tribute to Tesla, the book’s editor also adds this interesting aside: there are some who believe that Tesla’s patents have secret codes hidden within them, so if you feel you have “cracked the code,” by all means let him know! Beckley, it should be emphasized, was way ahead of his time in his praise for the man he says was definitely “out of place in his time.” When he published his first work on Tesla in the 1970s, Beckley points out that there was hardly anything in print on Tesla’s amazing life and his radical inventions. Today, there are numerous works one can reference, though Beckley maintains that the books issued by his publishing outfit go that “extra mile” in presenting the inside story of this controversial figure. After Beckley’s introduction, the book moves on to an article by Nikola Tesla himself, published in the “New York American” on February 7, 1915, in which Tesla discusses some of the philosophical ideas that were a driving force for his work. The article is called “How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies.” “Every living being is an engine,” Tesla writes, “geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surroundings, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance. There is no constellation or nebula, no sun or planet, in all the depths of limitless space, no passing wanderer of the starry heavens, that does not exercise some control over its destiny – not in the vague and delusive sense of astrology, but in the rigid and positive meaning of physical science. “More than this can be said,” Tesla goes on. “There is no thing endowed with life – from man, who is enslaving the elements, to the humblest creature – in all this world that does not sway in turn. Whenever action is born from force, though it be infinitesimal, the cosmic balance is upset and universal motion results.” THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT From his early 20th century perspective, Tesla is waxing poetically mystical about the notion of “the interrelatedness of all things,” or what has more recently been called “The Butterfly Effect,” in which the infinitesimal fluttering of a butterfly’s wings on one side of the world unleashes a tsunami on the other side. Nothing escapes the laws of cause and effect, no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant. The next section of “The Experiments, Inventions, Writings and Patents of Nikola Tesla” is a short biography of the inventor written by T.C. Martin that traces the genius’s life from his birth in 1857 in a borderland region of Austro-Hungary, of the Serbian race, through his education in Croatia and his eventual arrival in America when he began to work for Thomas Edison. Tesla soon left Edison’s employ, seeking to further his own ambitions and promote his new ideas himself. One such idea was Alternating Current, which was a tough sell at the time because few electrical engineers had ever used it and were for the most part unfamiliar with its value or even its essential features. It took Tesla some time to perfect his AC creation, but when official tests were made in the winter of 1887-8, an electrical expert named Professor Anthony confirmed that Tesla’s AC gave an efficiency equal to that of direct current motors. “Having noted for years the many advantages obtainable with alternating current,” Martin writes, “Mr. Tesla was naturally led on to experiment with them at higher potentials and higher frequencies than were common or approved of. Ever pressing forward to determine in even the slightest degree the outlines of the unknown, he was rewarded very quickly in this field with results of the most surprising nature.” Martin, being at the time slightly acquainted with Tesla’s work, urged Tesla to repeat his results before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. “This was done in May, 1891,” Martin continues, “in a lecture that marked, beyond question, a distinct departure in electrical theory and practice, and all the results of which have not yet made themselves fully apparent. The New York lecture, and its successors, two in number, are also included in this volume, with a few supplementary notes.” Skipping ahead to that watershed moment in Tesla’s public life, he told his New York audience that, “There is no subject more captivating, more worthy of study, than nature. To understand this great mechanism, to discover the forces which are active, and the laws which govern them, is the highest aim of the intellect of man. “It has been a great step towards the understanding of the forces of nature and their multifold manifestations to our senses,” Tesla lectured on. “It has been for the enlightened student of physics what the understanding of the mechanism of the firearm or of the steam engine is for the barbarian. Phenomena upon which we used to look as wonders baffling explanation we now see in a different light. The spark of an induction coil, the glow of an incandescent lamp, the manifestations of the mechanical forces of currents and magnets are no longer beyond our grasp; instead of the incomprehensible, as before, their observation suggests now in our minds a simple mechanism, and although as to its precise nature all is still conjecture, yet we know that the truth cannot be much longer hidden, and instinctively we feel that the understanding is dawning up on us. We still admire these beautiful phenomena, these strange forces, but we are helpless no longer; we can in a certain measure explain them, account for them, and we are hopeful of finally succeeding in unraveling the mystery which surrounds them.” It is readily apparent that Tesla was not only an inventor for the ages, he was also an inspiring philosopher of science. One cannot but be stirred by his prophetic statements about science taking us out of the darkness to a new technological world of light and beauty and his sincere belief that mankind was quickly beginning to grasp the secrets hidden in nature and would become able to master those secrets for the greater good. While admittedly we are a long way from a technological paradise – we’re more likely to continue for a while in our present technological dystopia – it is nevertheless wise to heed Tesla’s words of hope about the infinite possibilities open to mankind. His enlightened, science-based optimism still offers encouragement to a beleaguered world. TESLA’S DEATH RAY But there is also a downside to Tesla’s work. In a September 22, 1940, article in “The New York Times,” Tesla announced the invention of a Death Ray, intended to shoot down airplanes. “Nikola Tesla,” the article begins, “one of the truly great inventors, who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July 10, tells the writer that he stands ready to divulge to the United States government the secret of his ‘teleforce,’ of which he said, ‘Airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so that an invisible “Chinese Wall of Defense” would be built around the country against any enemy attack by an enemy air force, no matter how large.’ “This ‘teleforce’ is based on an entirely new principle of physics that no one has ever dreamed about, different from the principles embodied in his inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he has received a number of basic patents. “This new type of force, Mr. Tesla said, would operate through a beam one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in diameter and could be generated from a special plant that would cost no more than $2 million and would take only about three months to construct. A dozen such plants, located at strategic points along the coast, according to Mr. Tesla, would be enough to defend the country against all aerial attack. “The beam would melt any engine, whether diesel or gasoline, and would also ignite the explosives aboard any bomber. No possible defense against it could be devised, he asserts, as the beam would be all-penetrating through wood and metal alike.” The article goes on to provide a little technical information on how the Death Ray actually works. It involves a combination of four new inventions, two of which had already been tested at the time the article was written. One is a method/apparatus that eliminates the need for a “high vacuum.” Secondly, a process for producing a “very great electrical force,” and thirdly, a method of amplifying this force. The fourth innovation is a new method for producing “a tremendous repelling electrical force.” That last would act as the projector or the “gun” of the system. The voltage for propelling the beam to its objective would attain a potential of 80 million volts. That enormous voltage would cause microscopic electrical particles to be catapulted on their mission of defensive destruction. Tesla told the reporter he had been working on the invention for many years and had made a number of improvements on it over that time. Tesla cautioned that if the government took him up on his offer to build the Death Ray that they would have to trust him to accomplish his task and that he would not suffer any interference from so-called government “experts” who don’t know what they’re doing. The writer says that, given the billions already being spent on national defense and with the possibility of war looming, the government should risk a paltry $2 million and take Tesla at his word, given that the inventor already had a long history of being ahead of his time with so many things. The “New York Times” writer, whose byline unfortunately did not appear with the article, seems to very much respect and admire Tesla, saying that the inventor retains his “full intellectual vigor” at the advanced age of eighty-four. Would Tesla’s Death Ray have made the country impregnable against attack by air? Since Tesla could have had such a device up and running in three months, that would have been plenty of time to defend Pearl Harbor from the Japanese surprise attack that came a little over a year after the article was published. One should also note that Tesla intended the Death Ray to be a defensive weapon, not an offensive weapon of mass destruction. Nevertheless, as is argued in the Global Communications earlier release, “Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray and the Columbia Shuttle Disaster,” which I coauthored with Commander X, perhaps the government or some shadowy New World Order-inspired earthly organization, or even a sinister alien power, secretly built a working version of Tesla’s Death Ray and used it to shoot down the Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. What would have been their motive in doing so? Perhaps for the same kind of self-sabotage purposes involved in 9/11, as many conspiracy theorists still advocate more than ten years since the World Trade Center towers went down. By creating a continual climate of crisis and terror, the Secret Government can slowly erode our freedoms in the name of “taking care of us” and “shielding us” from enemies that may not even exist. We can only speculate upon the various theories for now, but there is no doubt that something conspiratorial and sinister is behind the allegations. THE TERROR OF DISCOVERY Yet another interesting take on the life and work of Nikola Tesla can be found in “The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla” by world-renowned Tesla expert Timothy R. Swartz. Among the numerous fascinating Tesla anecdotes Swartz relates is the story of how Tesla began to receive alien signals through a crude early version of radio. The device had originally been intended to detect thunderstorms from a great distance, and Tesla said that while operating the machine he could “feel the pulse of the globe, as it were, noting every electrical charge that occurred within a radius of eleven hundred miles. “I can never forget,” Tesla continued, “the first sensations I experienced when it dawned on me that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind. I felt as though I were present at the birth of a new knowledge or the revelation of a great truth. My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural.” Tesla did not hear actual alien “voices.” What he heard were “intelligently controlled” radio noises whose repetitive precision could not have been the result of nature, such as disturbances caused by the sun or the Aurora Borealis or earth currents. He at first assumed the signals came from Mars, commonly held at the time to be the most likely location of intelligent life in the solar system. He later changed his opinion and said the signals were more likely coming from much closer to the Earth, perhaps the moon or nearby outer space. The work of Nikola Tesla is a large part of the numerous threads woven into the complex tapestry that forms our present day technological world. For longtime students of Tesla as well as those just now coming to the subject, the new book “The Experiments, Inventions, Writing and Patents of Nikola Tesla” is a must-have addition to your library. While the book obviously breaks no new ground in terms of current technology, it is of immeasurable historical interest to see Tesla’s early patents, including the original schematic drawings, gathered together in one place along with the texts for his visionary lectures. And if you’re interested in something a little more theoretical, think about also purchasing “Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray and the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster” and read how Tesla’s genius was a sword that cut both ways, being responsible for great good while at the same time being put to egregious misuse. Also, don’t forget Tim Swartz’s “The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla,” one of Global Communications’ bestsellers, and for good reason. The book includes material on Tesla found nowhere else, taken from journals and papers long thought to be lost forever or in some cases not known to exist at all until their discovery in Newark, New Jersey, by Dale Alfrey, who unknowingly purchased several boxes of Tesla’s work for twenty-five dollars. Tesla’s work brought forth both blessing and disaster, and we have yet to see the end of his inventions’ potentials. Nikola Tesla has impacted each of our lives without us being, in many cases, even aware of his existence. Tesla has a much-deserved reputation as perhaps the greatest single inventor of the last 200 years, having created Alternating Current, radio, radar and remote control, among many other indispensable innovations. What is less well known is his kinship with the stars, his relationship to the divine and direct connection to the Godhead. Makes Tesla sound almost Christ-like, doesn’t it? As is also the case with Christ, Tesla’s story begins with a series of birth legends, a mythical stage entrance that foreshadows the lifetime of service to mankind that lay ahead of Tesla. A Global Communications book "Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and the White Dove," written by the mysterious and ever-popular retired military intelligence operative known only as Commander X, borrows liberally from a very rare manuscript issued privately in the 1950s by Margaret Storm, that was only circulated among a small group of New Age believers and was never published by a commercial publisher. In this work the articulate Storm proclaims the following about Tesla for the first time: "Nikola Tesla was not an Earthman." Storm goes on to explain that the "space people" have stated that Nikola Tesla was born onboard a spaceship which was on a flight from Venus to the Earth in July of 1856. The little boy was called Nikola. The ship delivered the newborn baby at precisely midnight between July 9 and 10. It is generally known in occult circles that the "in-between" areas have the most power, hence midnight is called "the witching hour" because it lies between the end of one day and the beginning of the next. Similarly, blues singer Robert Johnson is alleged to have met the devil at "the crossroads," the space between the various roads. Even "The Twilight Zone" is named for that gray borderland between day and night. So it is no accident of birth that Tesla arrived when he did, to the home of the Reverend Milutin and Djouka Tesla, in a remote mountain province in what came to be called Yugoslavia. Storm claims that information was given by the space people in 1947 to contactee Arthur H. Matthews of Quebec, Canada, an electrical engineer who from his youth was closely associated with Tesla. Also referenced by Commander X in "Nikola Tesla Free Energy And The White Dove" is a biography of Tesla written by John J. O’Neill, a science editor from "The New York Herald-Tribune," called "Prodigal Genius." While Storm acknowledges that O’Neill did not fail to show a proper respect and awe for his subject, he nevertheless did not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the occult to correctly interpret the extraordinary powers which set Tesla apart from this world. "O’Neill made the common error," Storm writes, "of assuming that Tesla had died as do ordinary mortals, that his work was finished and that he left no disciples." O’Neill could not have been more mistaken, according to Storm. "In the first place," she continues, "Tesla was not a mortal according to Earth standards. Being a Venusian, he is now able to work on Earth in his subtle body with far greater facility than when in his physical body. Tesla carefully trained certain disciples to continue his physical plane work under his supervision after he had shed his physical body." Among those he trusted to carry on his work after his death was the aforementioned Arthur H. Matthews, who claimed to receive the information from the space people that has become a large part of the Tesla mystique. While Tesla never personally claimed any otherworldly origins, we do know that he attempted to communicate with the planet Mars and claimed to have picked up mysterious radio signals from the Red Planet on several occasions. Tesla also expressed the rather peculiar idea that his mind was being acted on by outside forces. A new book by Tim R. Swartz and Timothy Green Beckley called "Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr" includes portions of Tesla’s thesis on this matter. "In my boyhood," Tesla recalls, "I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the site of real objects and interfered with my thoughts and actions. They were pictures of things and scenes which I had really seen, never of those imagined. When a word was spoken to me, the image of the object it designated would present itself vividly to my vision and sometimes I was quite unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tangible or not. This caused me great discomfort and anxiety. None of the students of psychology or physiology whom I have consulted could ever explain satisfactorily these phenomena." Tesla later theorized that the images were the result of a reflex action from the brain that put the retina "under great excitation." "They certainly were not hallucinations," he added, "such as are produced in diseased and anguished minds, for in other respects I was normal and composed. If my explanation is correct, it should be possible to project on a screen the image of any object one conceives and make it visible. Such an advance would revolutionize all human relations. I am convinced this wonder can and will be accomplished in time to come. I may add that I have devoted much thought to the solution of the problem." A MACHINE THAT CAN READ MINDS The idea of a machine that can read the minds, at least in visual terms, may indeed one day become a practical reality, though perhaps Tesla is a little too optimistic when he says it would "revolutionize" human relations. The ability to read one another’s minds in such a fashion would more likely become a tool of oppression where "correct thinking" could be gauged and quantified. It also sounds like the kind of thing our present day Homeland Security would like to install in airports, giving them the ability to "see" into the mind of a given terrorist as he inevitably visualizes the mission he intends to carry out. Another interesting item Tesla touches on in his autobiographical writings is the little-known fact that in his youth he was addicted to both gambling and tobacco. The gambling was ruining his finances, and the tobacco his health, so he quit both habits as a simple act of the will and had suffered no longings for either vice sense, something he said he continued to be proud of. His good health and mental sharpness continued well into his 80s, he said, because of his diet, which included lots of milk and fresh vegetables, and regular exercise, including swimming and long walks. Given that Tesla’s life was so much about the invention of new machines and groundbreaking technologies, it should perhaps come as no surprise that he often thought of himself as a machine. He used the term "automaton," and said he believed that all humans are an automaton of one kind or another. We are a pathetic form of life that is capable only of responding to outside stimuli that are far beyond our control and that nothing truly intelligent originates in us at all. This seemed to presage some 20>th century schools of psychology that came later, particularly the Stimulus and Response theories of Pavlov and the Behaviorism of B. F. Skinner. While this is not exactly a flattering take on what makes us human, it is again a natural outgrowth of Tesla’s life and work and smacks of a kind of "mechanical metaphysics." Tesla also relates a sort of sad story from his boyhood. He was playing in the street with some neighborhood boys when one of the town’s aldermen passed by. The alderman stopped to give each of Tesla’s playmates a small silver coin, but when he looked in young Nikola’s eyes, he said, "Nothing for you. You’re too smart." This would become a pattern for Tesla’s adulthood. He never married or had a romantic relationship with any female and never formed any close bond of friendship with a man. Margaret Storm calls it "aloneness," as opposed to "loneliness." Tesla needed to keep his emotional self to himself for the sake of his continual work, he said. And when work was going well, which it generally was, he was in a state of unending "rapture." His love for his work was all he needed to be psychologically and emotionally content. There is the often told story that Tesla felt he was in contact with aliens from Mars, which he talked about publicly and suffered no small amount of ridicule for doing so. He was working at his lab in Colorado Springs when a device he had originally invented for detecting thunderstorms at great distances began to register signals that were numerically precise and repeated themselves just as precisely. There was no mistaking the fact that the signals were intelligently controlled and that he was meant to hear them. He immediately concluded that the signals were coming from Mars, then thought to be the most likely place in our solar system for intelligent life to exist. He later modified his opinion to say the signals may have been coming from somewhere much closer, which made them all the more ominous. He did not automatically assume the signals were sent with friendly intent, and the idea that the aliens’ ships were possibly nearby was not a comforting one. Tesla said he did feel a sense of wonder and awe, however, being a witness to the first meeting of two very different worlds and the beginning of what could be a very long conversation between them. One price Tesla paid for being open about such mysteries was being satirized in the popular entertainment world as a "mad scientist," always building his frightening contraptions, such as his "Death Ray," while never managing to quite defeat the hero, be he Superman or someone similar. The horror and science fiction movies of the period often included a Tesla Coil for atmosphere and spooky realism. In any case, Timothy Green Beckley and Tim R. Swartz have done a marvelous job of putting together "Men of Mystery," which also includes material from the elusive Michael X, who had written about numerous paranormal and New Age subjects before disappearing from the field altogether when he encountered some intimidating agents of the unknown who frightened him into abandoning his research and writing altogether. But that, as they say, is another story. ENTER OTIS T. CARR "Men of Mystery" takes up the story of one Otis T. Carr as well. Carr was one of the disciples Tesla left behind to carry on his work after the legendary inventor passed away. "After Nikola Tesla’s death in 1943," the book reads, "it seemed as if there would be no one to carry on with his legacy. At that time, Tesla was forgotten; his accomplishments marginalized by those who sought to steal or suppress the great man’s inventions and theories. One man, however, was not afraid to try to continue with Tesla’s dreams. This man was Otis T. Carr." Carr was born in 1904 in Elkins, West Virginia, and briefly attended the Ohio School of Commercial Art in Cleveland before joining a group of artists in New York City. He claimed to have first met Tesla in 1925, while working as a hotel clerk in Manhattan. "Tesla had a penchant for feeding pigeons in a nearby park," the book continues, "and Carr was asked to obtain a bag of unsalted peanuts so that Tesla could feed his beloved birds." In spite of Tesla’s reclusive ways, the two men developed a friendship that lasted until Tesla’s death. Carr and Tesla would discuss science and technological developments for new forms of energy production. After Tesla’s death, Carr wrote a book called "Dimensions of Mystery: A Message for the Twentieth Century," a collection of poetry, allegorical stories and a report on the discovery of free energy, no doubt inspired by his relationship with Tesla. Sometime in the mid-1950s, Carr created OTC Enterprises, with the purpose of developing inventions using Tesla technology. While Carr was in no sense a scientist, and did not claim to be one, it is likely that Tesla had shared with his young friend ideas of utilizing new forms of energy to power a field propulsion generator. This sort of "antigravity" propulsion had been conceived by Tesla years before, but technology at that time prevented him from going beyond laboratory experiments. With Tesla’s notes in hand, Carr was convinced that, with the help of engineers who were not afraid of a little original thinking, Tesla’s dreams could be brought to fruition. In May 1958, "FATE Magazine" published an article in which Carr claimed to have produced a form of antigravity that could power everything from hearing aids to space cruisers. Carr demonstrated a crude model of a circular motion machine which he said used a "free energy" power source and could be applied to spacecraft, a spacecraft that he could himself build if given sufficient funding. The spacecraft would be able to fly among the planets in controlled flight. It could land or take off as desired, on the Earth, the moon or any planet in the Earth’s solar system. "Carr and his associates said their claims are based on the most simple, practical applications of natural laws and discoveries in science and mathematics," the FATE article continues. "They have no formal education in science or engineering." Margaret Storm, whose seminal biography of Tesla from an occult perspective has been quoted earlier, also writes of the relationship between Carr and Tesla. "Tesla is said to have talked but little in those years," she writes, "but fortunately young Carr was not inhibited by any knowledge of this fact. He asked the great genius so many questions and listened with such rapt eagerness to every syllable that Tesla soon gave him a nickname – ‘The Sponge.’ This served as a little joke between two good friends, but actually the name was well-chosen, as Tesla realized when he selected it." While Carr would come to proclaim in the late 1950s that free energy and space travel were now available to the world, thanks to Tesla’s work and his own, there is little evidence that he was actually able to deliver on his promises, which must have somehow been suppressed if his claims were true. But Storm adds that men like Tesla, Matthews and Carr "must serve as outposts of consciousness. They have human free will and can put forward inventions without imposing on the free will of others. It is up to humanity to accept or reject inventions which are offered in the open competitive market." We have only the anecdotal "evidence" as offered by Matthews and Storm and others that Nikola Tesla was actually an extraterrestrial left on the doorstep of his unsuspecting parents and that his genius had truly originated on another world. But no one can argue with the fact that a mythos has grown up around Tesla that casts him as a kind of messiah of our technological age, sent to lead us to a New Jerusalem of wonderworking machines, to a paradise where mankind has mastered all the forces that formerly stood in the way of our collective happiness. If such a thing is even remotely possible, one can only hope that Tesla’s believers are right about him. * If you enjoyed this article, please visit Sean Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at www.seancasteel.com to read more of his articles and interviews or to purchase his books. Source: UFO Digest http://www.ufodigest.com/article/master-time-and-space-scientific-legacy-nikola-tesla - MASTER OF
U.S. Army Develops Tesla-Style 'Electric Weapon' ![]() The United States Army's team of scientists are busy at work developing a device that will shoot lightning bolts down laser beams to destroy its target. And they are doing it with gusto - announcing their work with a hearty: 'Soldiers and science fiction fans, you're welcome.' The Laser-Induced Plasma Channel, or LIPC, is designed to take out targets that conduct electricity better than the air or ground that surrounds them. And the research is a lot of work, but as George Fischer, lead scientist on the project, said: 'We never got tired of the lightning bolts zapping our (simulated) targets.' The idea is for a laser beam to be sent in the direction of the target. When it approaches, the target, such as an enemy vehicle, will be a better conductor than the ground it sits on, leading to a massive current rocketing through it. Fischer said: 'Light travels more slowly in gases and solids than it does in a vacuum. 'We typically think of the speed of light in each material as constant. There is, however, a very small additional intensity-dependent factor to its speed. 'In air, this factor is positive, so light slows down by a tiny fraction when the light is more intense. 'If a laser puts out a pulse with modest energy, but the time is incredibly tiny, the power can be huge - during the duration of the laser pulse, it can be putting out more power than a large city needs, but the pulse only lasts for two-trillionths of a second. 'We use an ultra-short-pulse laser of modest energy to make a laser beam so intense that it focuses on itself in air and stays focused in a filament.' To put the energy output in perspective, a big filament light bulb uses 100 watts. The laser output is 50 billion watts of optical power. 'If a laser beam is intense enough, its electro-magnetic field is strong enough to rip electrons off of air molecules, creating plasma. 'This plasma is located along the path of the laser beam, so we can direct it wherever we want by moving a mirror.' Tom Shadis, project officer on the program said: 'Definitely our last week of testing in January 2012 was a highlight. 'We had a well thought-out test plan and our ARDEC and contractor team worked together tirelessly and efficiently over long hours to work through the entire plan. 'The excellent results certainly added to the excitement and camaraderie.' As development continues, Shadis said that those involved with the project never lose sight of the importance of their work. 'We were all proud to be serving our warfighters and can picture the LIPC system saving U.S. lives,' Fischer said. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2165966/U-S-Army-develops-Tesla-style-lightning-bolt-destroy-enemy-vehicles-adds-Sci-fi-fans-youre-welcome.html Strange Circumstances Surround Park Disappearances By George Knapp ![]() LAS VEGAS -- The
summer travel season is nearly here which means
millions of people will be heading for national
parks and national forests. As it turns out, a
few of them won't be coming back.
Each year, hundreds of people are reported missing in national parks and forests. Most are eventually found, but there's a smaller category of cases that are never solved, including a few close to home. It is not a revelation to report that people get lost in wilderness areas or forests. The I-Team is investigating a different kind of mystery that involves disappearances which are not caused by predator attacks, criminals, or bad luck. A former cop has put together hundreds of case files regarding clusters of missing persons in national parks where the circumstances are strange. "I was staying in a hotel off park service land and there was a knock at the door," said David Paulides. The person who came to confide in law enforcement veteran Dave Paulides was a government employee who told one heck of a story about people who vanish in national parks, places like Yosemite, but also national forests, including the Toiyabe west of Las Vegas. In the years since the knock at the door, Paulides has scoured small town newspaper archives and pestered federal agencies for records. He found so many cases of missing people that one planned book became two, filled with more than 400 cases of people who went into national parks but never came out. CANAM Missing Project "People disappear in the wilderness all the time. We're talking about something different. These are unusual things that don't make sense, that happen to cluster together in three to four, sometimes as many as 20 to 30 people missing at one location," Paulides said. The individual cases are strange enough, Paulides says, but stranger still were the reactions of federal agencies when he asked for public records. Since even small police departments keep lists of missing persons from their jurisdictions, he figured a large federal law enforcement agency like the National Park Service would do the same. "When we FOIA'd (Freedom of Information Act) them, we got a response back that we don't keep any lists of missing people," he said. The response was not only no, but hell no, he says. So Paulides began putting his own lists together and discovered what appears to be nearly 30 clusters of disappearances in national parks or forests; cases which meet a narrow set of odd characteristics. See the map of missing person clusters The people who vanish often do so under the noses of other people. In the many cases of kids, they disappeared while with the parents. "Being parents, being responsible people, we understand there is no way my son or daughter wouldn't know their way back from just being down the road getting a ball. But it happens all the time." The missing defies logic. They hike uphill, for instance, often steep climbs. Children as young as 2 or 3 years old are found a day or two later, many miles away and over mountain ranges. "Some kids are found phenomenal distances away that would make no logical sense to any parent," Paulides said. Weird things happen to their clothing. The missing often shed their clothes right away, even in bad weather. Clothes are found, but not the people. "The ranger described to me if you were standing straight up and you just had your pants on and you melted directly into your pants. That's what it looked like to him. The pants were lying on the ground in a very neat pile." The missing defy normal search and rescue practices. Bodies are found in places that are all but inaccessible, or they are found in the open, in areas that were repeatedly searched earlier. Bloodhounds or other tracker dogs are often befuddled. "If a dog can't find a scent, that's a red flag. If a dog, a trained dog K-9, is put on the scent at the site and it lays down and it doesn't want to track anymore, red flag. That happens more than you think." Nevada doesn't have a major cluster, but it has plenty of cases including children who vanished around Lake Tahoe, in the center of the state near Tonopah, and at Mt. Charleston. In 1966, 6-year-old Larry Jeffrey of Henderson disappeared while playing with his two brothers, setting off a massive 16-day search by as many as 1,000 men. Former Sheriff Ralph Lamb remembers it clearly. "We walked shoulder to shoulder but couldn't find him," Lamb said. "There are no large predators per se, so we can't worry about mammals taking them. He was in a fairly remote area where there is no vehicular access; so there is no car abduction. The boy just walked into oblivion. Other aspects of this mystery are even more bizarre, though difficult to explain in just a few minutes. For example, many of the vanished who are found alive are kids too young to speak or kids who can't communicate because of disabilities. Some who are found alive say they can't remember what happened to them. In his books, David Paulides reports on why some obvious explanations simply don't apply here but he stops short of giving his own theory. Paulides says he doesn't want to scare people away from visiting parks but thinks people need to be made aware. A month ago, the I-Team asked the park service and forest service for their lists of local missing person's cases. The I-Team has not received that list. Mystery Surrounds Disappearances Over the Past 40 Years By Bob Hodge It was a simple
plan that Dennis Martin, his brother and two
other boys hatched.
While five adults watched and talked from a grassy area at Spence Field, the boys decided to see if they could sneak up on the old folks and maybe give them a start. Three of the boys went one direction. Dennis, six days short of his seventh birthday, went another. A few minutes later the three, which included Dennis' older brother Douglas, jumped on the adults. Dennis was nowhere to be seen. He hasn't been seen since. That was June 14, 1969. What became of Dennis Martin is one of the most enduring mysteries of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The search that ensued after his Saturday afternoon disappearance would last until mid-September of 1969 and involve thousands of searchers. Everybody from old-hands who grew up on the land that would become the park to National Guard units and Green Berets from Fort Bragg, N.C., spent weeks combing that part of the mountains. The search would include everything from bloodhounds to helicopters, cost $65,000 and not turn up a trace of the boy. Martin is one of three people - Trenny Lynn Gibson and Thelma Pauline Melton are the others - who went into the park and, as far as anyone knows, never came out. Gibson disappeared on Oct. 8, 1976, while on a field trip with Bearden High School. The 16-year-old and her classmates were hiking near Andrews Bald and Clingmans Dome. No one on the trip remembered seeing her after 3 p.m. that afternoon. The 58-year-old Melton of Jacksonville, Fla., was hiking near Deep Creek Campground on Sept. 25, 1981, with two friends when she went missing. Melton was familiar with the trail, having hiked it many times before, and was out ahead of her friends when she disappeared. All three cases involved massive searches that not only failed to turn up the missing persons, they also failed to turn up any suggestion of what may have happened to them. But the search for Dennis Martin was the most intense and lasted the longest. At the time of the disappearance his father, Bill, then a Knoxville architect, described Dennis as a "husky, healthy boy" who was not particularly afraid of anything. He had some experience camping and hiking in the mountains with his family and, despite heavy rains the night he disappeared and during the following week, family and searchers hoped he would be found alive. On June 20 the road to Cades Cove was closed as more than 400 volunteers took to the mountains. If he was found alive a helicopter was standing by to fly him to the Marine Corps Base on Alcoa Highway and from there an ambulance would take him to the University of Tennessee hospital. The search and hoped-for rescue was getting national attention. Clairvoyant Jeane Dixon, who gained nationwide fame for predicting the assassination of President John Kennedy, told the News Sentinel she "sensed" Martin was still alive. Seven days after he disappeared she told the paper "the boy was still breathing last night." The only clues that turned up were quickly discounted. Some boy-sized footprints were found in divergent sections of the search area, but park officials and those involved with the search said the chances of the footprints being Dennis Martin's were remote. Six weeks after the boy vanished a man told park officials he had heard a scream in the Sea Branch area of the park the evening of June 14. Officials said Sea Branch was too far from Spence Field for it to have been the missing boy. In October a pair of boy's underwear were found near one of the shelters at Spence Field. Searchers had been led there by another clairvoyant, but Dennis Martin's mother said they didn't belong to her son. By early July searchers had lost their fervor. Hundreds of searchers a day dwindled to handfuls and it wasn't long before most of them had given up. The National Park Service went with a search team of three men. Newspaper coverage moved from the front page to the back page and finally off the page all together. The search was officially called off on Sept. 11, 1969. The last bit of news that year was about the pair of underwear found in October. Dennis Martin became a footnote, his name popping up any time there was a missing person in the Smoky Mountains. It was there when Trenny Gibson disappeared in 1976 and in 1982 when "Polly" Melton walked over a hill and out of sight forever. Thelma Pauline Melton, Jacksonville, Fla. The 58-year-old Melton was last seen by her two hiking companions late in the afternoon of Sept. 25, 1981, on Deep Creek Trail. She was walking ahead of the other two, who last saw her walking over a hill. Melton was overweight and suffered from high blood pressure, so her two friends thought it was odd she would be walking so fast. According to stories from the time, when the two made comments about her pace Melton turned to them and laughed and kept going. The search for Melton was called off on Oct. 5, 1981. Trenny Lynn Gibson On Oct. 8, 1976, the 16-year-old Gibson, a sophomore, and about 40 other Bearden High School students were in the park on a horticulture field trip. The students were hiking from the parking area just below Clingmans Dome to Andrews Bald when Gibson was last seen hiking toward the parking lot. It was reported that there were groups of students both in front and behind Gibson when she was last seen. The search for Gibson lasted several months before it was officially called off. In 1982 Bob Gibson, the girl's father, told the News Sentinel he believed his daughter had been abducted and taken out of the park. Sources: 8 News Now http://www.8newsnow.com/story/18150329/i-team?clienttype=printable Knox News http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/feb/22/lost-smokies-mystery-surrounds-disappearances-over/ - LIVING
Religious Schools Teach Loch Ness Monster is Living Dinosaur ![]() Thousands of children in the southern state will receive publicly-funded vouchers for the next school year to attend private schools where Scotland's most famous mythological beast will be taught as a real living creature. These private schools follow a fundamentalist curriculum including the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) programme to teach controversial religious beliefs aimed at disproving evolution and proving creationism. One tenet has it that if it can be proved that dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time as man then Darwinism is fatally flawed. Critics have damned the content of the course books, calling them "bizarre" and accusing them of promoting radical religious and political ideologies. The textbooks in the series are alleged to teach young earth creationism; are hostile towards other religions and other sectors of Christianity, including Roman Catholicism; and present a biased version of history that is often factually incorrect. One ACE textbook – Biology 1099, Accelerated Christian Education Inc – reads: "Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the 'Loch Ness Monster' in Scotland? 'Nessie' for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur." Another claim taught is that a Japanese whaling boat once caught a dinosaur. It's unclear if the movie Godzilla was the inspiration for this lesson. Jonny Scaramanga, 27, who went through the ACE programme as a child, but now campaigns against Christian fundamentalism, said the Nessie claim was presented as "evidence that evolution couldn't have happened. The reason for that is they're saying if Noah's flood only happened 4000 years ago, which they believe literally happened, then possibly a sea monster survived. "If it was millions of years ago then that would be ridiculous. That's their logic. It's a common thing among creationists to believe in sea monsters." Private religious schools, including the Eternity Christian Academy in Westlake, Louisiana, which follows the ACE curriculum, have already been cleared to receive the state voucher money transferred from public school funding, thanks to a bill pushed through by state Governor Bobby Jindal. Boston-based researcher and writer Bruce Wilson, who specialises in the American political religious right, compares the curriculum to Islamic fundamentalist teaching. "They are being brought up to believe that they're at war with secular society. The only valid government would be a Christian fundamentalist government. Obviously some comparisons could be made to Islamic Fundamentalists in schools. "One of these texts from Bob Jones University Press claims that dinosaurs were fire-breathing dragons. It has little to do with science as we currently understand. It's more like medieval scholasticism." Wilson believes that such teaching is going on in at least 13 American states. "There's a lot of public funding going to private schools, probably around 200,000 pupils are receiving this education," he And the majority of parents now home schooling their kids are Christian fundamentalists too. I don't believe they should be publicly funded, I don't believe the schools who use these texts should be publicly funded." Daniel Govender, managing director of Christian Education Europe, which is part of ACE, said the organisation would not comment to the press on what is contained in the texts. Of course, the Scottish tourist industry might well reap a dividend from the craziness of the American education system. Nessie expert Tony Drummond, who leads tours as part of Cruise Loch Ness, has a few words of advice to the US schools in question: come to the loch and try to find the monster. "They need to come and investigate the loch for themselves," says the 47-year-old. "We've got some hi-tech equipment. They could come out on the boat and do a whole chunk of the loch. "We do get regular sonar contacts which are pretty much unexplainable. More research has to be done, but it's not way along the realms of possibility." But he's not convinced that the legend of the Loch Ness Monster is being taught the right way. "That's Christian propaganda," he says. "And ridiculous." Textbooks of some state-funded Christian schools praise the Ku Klux Klan. The violent, racist organisation, which still exists in the US, advocates white supremacy, white nationalism and anti-immigration. One excerpt from Bob Jones University Press American history textbook has been reported as saying: "the [Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross ... In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians." Other views taught include claims that being gay is a learned behaviour. It isn't just America where the bizarre Christian Nessie myth is being taught as a reality. The UK has similar religious schools but they do not receive cash from the state. Nevertheless, the Evangelical Christian curriculum they follow has been approved by UK Government agency, the National Recognition Information Centre (Naric) which guides universities and employers on the validity of different qualifications. Naric judged the International Certificate of Christian Education (ICCE) as officially comparable to qualifications offered by the Cambridge International exam board. It is estimated around 2000 pupils study at more than 50 private Christian schools in Britain for the certificates as well as several home-educated students. The courses are based around the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) programme, which originated in Texas in the 1970s. Pupils study a range of subjects, including science and English, but spend half their studies learning from Bible-influenced US textbooks. Source: Herald Scotland http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/education/how-american-fundamentalist-schools-are-using-nessie-to-disprove-evolution.17918511 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines ![]() Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ![]() The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network ![]() Wm Michael Mott - Mottimorphic Enterprises ![]() ![]() Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! ![]() PSI TALK-The Internet's Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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