![]() 8/17/12 #684 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal684.html ![]() “Then
away out in the woods I heard that kind of a
sound that a ghost makes when it wants to
tell about something that's on its mind and
can't make itself understood, and so can't
rest easy in its grave, and has to go about
that way every night grieving."
-Mark Twain- This week
Conspiracy Journal brings you such
lip-smacking tales as:
- State of Emergency Over West Nile Virus Declared in Dallas, Texas - - Why Every Ghost is Different - - The Modern-Day "Virgin Birth" - - People Reluctant to Talk About Bigfoot in Public - AND: eBay Bans Sale of Magic Potions, Spells, Curses and Advice Books CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ NEW! NEW! NEW! Hounds Of The Baskervilles: From Demon Dogs To Sherlock Holmes: The True Story Of The Beast! PICKS UP WHERE SHERLOCK
One nearly scared to death eyewitness proclaimed after the beast loomed in front of him: “It was the biggest bloody ‘dog’ I have ever seen in my life!” Legends of black dogs and phantom hounds are widespread throughout the United Kingdom as well as in the United States. Though presented in novelized form, Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based his most popular detective thriller on true accounts of a mysterious black beast with blazing red eyes who is said to have attacked those crossing the moors. Some were lucky to have gotten away with their lives. Perhaps there are others who disappeared and their bodies were not accounted for. Who can say for certain? In addition to presenting the number one classic detective thriller of all time in its unabridged, fully illustrated, form, this work goes way beyond the boundaries of fiction into the realm of the supernatural. Today’s top paranormal researcher’s delve into stories of the bloody beast who comes in various sizes and apparently even has the ability to shape shift into a more hideous creature when cornered. As England’s leading cryptozoologist, Nick Redfern, points out, “There is one important factor to remember: Conan Doyle did not invent Britain’s phantom, fiery-eyed hounds. He merely brought them to the attention of the public in spectacularly entertaining style. In reality, the creature had been prowling around the British countryside for centuries; and particularly so Dartmoor – the fictional home of the world’s most famous hound of horror in all its awful glory.” Here are dozens of accounts of devilish, gruesome, repugnant “monsters” – some of whom stand eight feet tall – who are said to be Satan’s watch dogs protecting the portals to another dimension or realm where no mortal should be made to tread! This fantastic
book is now available at the special price of only
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![]() Be sure to tune in to Unraveling The Secrets Saturdays at 11:59PM EST with your hosts, Wm. Michael Mott, Rick Osmon and Tim R. Swartz on the PSN Radio Network. This Weeks Guest: Nick Redfern www.soupmedianetwork.com/unravelingthesecrets/ - THE TINIEST THREAT DEPARTMENT - State of Emergency Over West Nile Virus Declared in Dallas, Texas ![]() The city of Dallas has declared
a state of emergency over the West Nile virus. The
worst outbreak in years is blamed for 10 deaths
and 200 illnesses in America's ninth largest city.
The mayor has approved aerial spraying to stop the spread of the virus. It's a measure that hasn't been seen there since 1966. The aerial assault against mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus in Dallas county could begin as early as Thursday. It's a controversial move that the mayor says carries more rewards than risks. "I want to take the politics out of it," Mayor Mike Rawlings said. "I want to say this is my responsibility. I will take the heat for it." Jordan Connor is one of hundreds of West Nile victims in the Dallas area. The rare strand of the virus affects her brain, and at any moment she could lose consciousness or control of her limbs. Ebonie Conner, her mother, said, "Jordan went from lethargic when I woke her up to go to the doctor, to being narcoleptic." Despite official assurances the aerial poisons are safe for humans, some worry about the effect on at-risk patients. Dr. Beth Stevenson, an obstetrician-gynecologist, said, "We are going under the assumption that this isn't going to be harmful for mother or unborn child." Texas officials say state-wide there have been almost 400 West Nile virus infections and 16 deaths. Mike Raupp, of the University of Maryland College of Agriculture, said that the combination of birds carrying the virus, the high population of mosquitoes, high temperatures and wet conditions, as well as a susceptible population, have made the situation possible, particularly in the center of the U.S. He called the current conditions in Texas and elsewhere "quite disturbing." Asked about spraying, Raupp said, "this is a matter concern." He added, "I know that the elected officials down in Texas labored over this one quite a great deal. But it's a risk benefit analysis here. ... Basically, in this case, I think the benefits of these sprays far, far outweigh the risk. We've got people dying in Texas. We've got 16 people in the state now, we have more than 700 cases nationwide. The risks of being harmed by these pesticides are not at all unreasonable. The materials they are using are the same pesticides you would use to spray the vegetables in the garden or some of the pests that invade your home. These are relatively safe materials." There have been more cases of West Nile virus reported so far this year than any year since the disease was first detected in the United States in 1999, the Centers for Disease Control said on its website. Nearly half of the 693 human cases of the mosquito-borne West Nile virus infections reported this year to the CDC have been in Texas, along with 14 of the 26 deaths confirmed by the federal agency as of Tuesday. The Texas health department said the number of cases of West Nile in the state had reached 465 and there had been 17 deaths. There is a lag in the CDC confirming cases and deaths. It's unclear why the Dallas area has hundreds more cases of the virus than the rest of Texas, including equally large Houston, which has had less than 10 cases. "All the science isn't perfectly mapped out yet," says Carrie Williams, director of media relations at Texas's state health department. "The short answer is we don't fully understand why." Some environmental conditions increase its likelihood, such as standing water and the number of virus-carrying mosquitos. Beyond that, the CDC's guidance is only to wear insect repellent with DEET, sleeves that cover exposed skin, and ensure screens are placed on windows, says Lola Russell, a spokeswoman for the agency. The mosquito-borne virus causes symptoms in approximately 20 percent of those infected. Those symptoms, such as fever and head and body aches, are mild compared to the symptoms of those affected by a harsher, neuroinvasive form of the virus. This severe infection can cause paralysis, stupor, tremors, and muscle weakness, but affects only about 1 in 150 of those infected. There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for the virus. Source: CBS News http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505269_162-57494331/west-nile-virus-dallas-declares-state-of-emergency/ - MOVE ALONG, NOTHING TO
Fukushima Butterflies Show Signs of Mutation ![]() Exposure to radioactive material released into the environment has caused mutations in butterflies found in Japan, a study suggests. Scientists found an increase in leg, antennae and wing shape mutations among butterflies collected following the 2011 Fukushima accident. The link between the mutations and the radioactive material was shown by laboratory experiments, they report. The work has been published in the journal Scientific Reports. Two months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in March 2011, a team of Japanese researchers collected 144 adult pale grass blue (Zizeeria maha) butterflies from 10 locations in Japan, including the Fukushima area. When the accident occurred, the adult butterflies would have been overwintering as larvae. Unexpected results By comparing mutations found on the butterflies collected from the different sites, the team found that areas with greater amounts of radiation in the environment were home to butterflies with much smaller wings and irregularly developed eyes. "It has been believed that insects are very resistant to radiation," said lead researcher Joji Otaki from the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa. "In that sense, our results were unexpected," he told BBC News. Prof Otaki's team then bred these butterflies within labs 1,750km (1,090 miles) away from the accident, where artificial radiation could hardly be detected. It was by breeding these butterflies that they began noticing a suite of abnormalities that hadn't been seen in the previous generation - that collected from Fukushima - such as malformed antennae, which the insects use to explore their environment and seek out mates. Six months later, they again collected adults from the 10 sites and found that butterflies from the Fukushima area showed a mutation rate more than double that of those found sooner after the accident. The team concluded that this higher rate of mutation came from eating contaminated food, but also from mutations of the parents' genetic material that was passed on to the next generation, even though these mutations were not evident in the previous generations' adult butterflies. The team of researchers have been studying that particular species butterfly for more than 10 years. They were considering using the species as an "environmental indicator" before the Fukushima accident, as previous work had shown it is very sensitive to environmental changes. "We had reported the real-time field evolution of colour patterns of this butterfly in response to global warming before, and [because] this butterfly is found in artificial environments - such as gardens and public parks - this butterfly can monitor human environments," Prof Otaki said. The variations in colouration of the butterfly were previously reported by Prof Otaki and his colleagues in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology, as he told BBC News. "Colour-pattern changes of this butterfly in Aomori, Japan was [previously] observed only in the recent northern range margins during a limited period of time. Most importantly, the range-margin population did not show any 'abnormality' per se," he clarified. The findings from their new research show that the radionuclides released from the accident had led to novel, severely abnormal development, and that the mutations to the butterflies' genetic material was still affecting the insects, even after the residual radiation in the environment had decayed away. "This study is important and overwhelming in its implications for both the human and biological communities living in Fukushima," explained University of South Carolina biologist Tim Mousseau, who studies the impacts of radiation on animals and plants in Chernobyl and Fukushima, but was not involved in this research. "These observations of mutations and morphological abnormalities can only be explained as having resulted from exposure to radioactive contaminants," Dr Mousseau told BBC News. The findings from the Japanese team are consistent with previous studies that have indicated birds and butterflies are important tools to investigate the long-term impacts of radioactive contaminants in the environment. Source: BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19245818 - IN CASE YOU WERE
Why Every Ghost is Different ![]() The origin of ghosts is always traced to death and it is an accepted fact that spirits are an after death effect. Every human is composed of two elements - prakrita or body, the physical form and sukshma/jivatma, the motivating energy which is metaphysical and invisible, only experienced as soul. When a person dies, deha or the physical form decomposes, but the jivatma, soul or invisible form transmigrates as part of the renewal process of the universe. It is the oorjam or chaitanya which drives the human to function. In Death and After, V R Krishna Iyer, former justice of the Supreme Court, says "physical termination is not physical extinction''...''death is not termination of life; it is only a punctuation". A verse in the Bhagwad Gita says: "Never was the spirit born; neither will it cease to be;/ It is beyond time; ends and beginnings are dreams;/ Birthless, deathless and changeless remains the spirit forever;/ Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems." The soul is the energy of life; it can neither be created nor destroyed. It is indestructible. In metapsychosis the energy gets transmitted from one medium to another. Ancients practised this transfer of energy (transmigration of souls. The Gita says, ''In death, all are not equal - circumstances, age, maturity of the deceased - all these factors determine post-death conseque-nces.'' One who has led a full life is completely satisfied, with no unfulfilled desires nor regrets; who has led a happy life - when he dies, his soul gets an eternal sleep and it goes millions of miles above the stratosphere and reaches the land of bliss; joining the celestial world with the ancestors. En route it has only to pass through some correction centres (listed in the Garuda Purana) to answer some omissions or commissions while alive, which any mortal is bound to commit. Once desires are completely exhausted, the birth- death cycle ends with God-realisation. In the land of bliss the departed souls do not enjoy heavenly life forever. They come back to the cycle of life depending on their actions. The spirit of one who commits suicide is not qualified to leave this world and so the spirit wanders and wanders as a floating ghost until someone gives it an ethereal transmission. No one wants to communicate with a floating spirit. Depending upon the circumstances as above, the character and nature of the ghosts differ. A ghost is always a ghost and it is a dreaded thing. Depending upon their potency, ghosts can be friendly or unfriendly, harmful or benign. The nature of the ghost depends upon its origin. Ghosts are known by several names depending on their potency and characteristics. They are referred to variously as ghosts, goblins, gnomes, ghouls, vampires, witches, imps, werewolves and pishachas or wild spirits. There are several manifestations possible in the period after death and these remain a mystery to us. They can be revengeful, cruel, harmful or they could be entirely harmless and soft depending on their origin. There are also a rowdy bunch of ogres, demons and dwarfs who do no harm nor kill, but are mischief-mongers and play pranks to unnerve a person. On the other side, there are sweet angels (equivalent to devatas of Hindu mythology) who constitute the hierarchy and potency of ghosts. The bodhisattvas, too, come in this category. Source: The Times of India http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-08-13/edit-page/33168290_1_ spirit-death-soul - MEN, WHO NEEDS THEM DEPARTMENT - The Modern-Day "Virgin Birth" ![]() Emmimarie Jones knew her
daughter had been conceived without a father; in
1956, she almost convince the world she was right
On November 6 1955, a story appeared on the front page of the Sunday Pictorial that was to double the newspaper’s circulation in a single day. Sporting the headline, “Doctors now say it doesn’t always need a man to make a baby”, the tabloid shouted that virgin births were no myth, and that there was a scientist who could prove it. The rare biological process which would enable this to happen was known as parthenogenesis, the paper informed its readers. But the Pictorial’s editors didn’t stop there. Halfway down the page appeared three words, in bold block capitals: “Find The Case”. Sensationally, the paper was inviting women to come forward if they believed their daughters were the result of a virgin birth. If any woman’s case was proved correct, by a panel of leading doctors, she and her daughter were set to make medical – indeed, human – history. For the next year, the search for a virgin mother would grip the nation, and the world. The paper’s circulation figures, meanwhile, grew to an unprecedented six million. One of the readers most intrigued by the invitation was Emmimarie Jones, a housewife in her thirties. Despite the normality of her existence, Emmimarie had a secret. She was convinced her 11-year-old daughter, Monica, was the result of a virgin birth. Monica would have been conceived in the summer of 1944. Her mother was being treated for rheumatism in a women’s hospital in Hanover, in Emmimarie’s native Germany. Emmimarie recovered, but three months later, her weakness returned. When she visited her doctor, he said her unusual tiredness was simply explained – she was pregnant. Emmimarie smiled in disbelief. She knew the facts of life, and she had not been with a man. In fact, at the time she was meant to have conceived, she was confined to the hospital, surrounded by female patients and staff. Emmimarie insisted that she just needed a pick-me-up – some vitamins, perhaps. But the doctor told Emmimarie that she would soon see that he was right. Six months later, Emmimarie crawled out of the deep underground cellars where she had been sheltering from the Allies’ bombing of Hanover, to have her child. Emmimarie’s home had been flattened during the attacks and, afterwards, she and her baby, Monica, would return to the cellars for another two years. After the war, Emmimarie married a Welsh soldier stationed in Germany, returning with him to England when his service ended. Emmimarie could not believe her eyes when she read the Pictorial’s front page. Nervously, she wrote to the newspaper in her halting English, describing the ten years she had been “wandering and worried about the birth of my daughter.” “I honestly belief that she has no father,” she said. “If you care to have all the facts please let me know.” The letter reached the desk of the geneticist Helen Spurway, the woman who had first grabbed the tabloid’s attention. In 1955, the biologist had found what she considered to be conclusive evidence that males weren’t necessary for conception. She had discovered that if you separate female guppies from males when they are born, the females still go on to reproduce. Further, the broods these virgin females hatch are almost entirely female. How was this possible? For Spurway, the most likely explanation was parthenogenesis, the process whereby an egg starts dividing inside a female without being fertilised, through some hormonal trigger. Spurway knew parthenogenesis occurred in some insects. In the Fifties, scientists had even managed to force the eggs of cats and ferrets to develop into embryos, without sperm being involved, so the process could conceivably occur in mammals. As Spurway knew, a normal, unfertilised egg only has one set of DNA. This means that any offspring produced through parthenogenesis could never have features that its mother did not. That, Spurway thought, was the key to proving a case of true virgin birth in a human. Spurway shared her findings at a public talk, suggesting there might be women who suspected they had experienced a virgin birth, but didn’t mention it for fear of ridicule. But if such women knew that their cases could be studied by scientists, they might come forward. Spurway added that the odds were that a candidate child would be a girl and the spitting image of her mother. “No faking would be possible,” she said. “Blood grouping and skin grafting would give the proof.” Audrey Whiting, a Sunday Pictorial journalist, had attended the talk, and she knew a scoop when she saw one. The paper’s search for a virgin mother was born. Remarkably, 19 candidates came forward. Eleven were immediately eliminated: they had thought that an intact hymen must indicate they had had a virgin birth. But remnants of the hymen can persist in some women after vaginal intercourse. Under the banner, “You ask: what exactly is a virgin birth?” the Pictorial published a clearer explanation: a virgin birth child need not be a woman’s first child, and certainly need not be the child of a virgin. After that, just eight candidates were left. Of those, six daughters had a different blood type from their mothers. Another pair was thrown out because their eye colour did not match. Only one mother and daughter remained: Emmimarie and Monica Jones. Along with all the preliminary tests, they stood up to more sophisticated trials; both had the ability to taste phenylthiourea, a chemical which has the property of either tasting very bitter or being virtually tasteless, depending on the genetic make-up of the taster. Then they took a substance secretor test, which looks at whether you have the so-called secretor factor, something like an honorary blood group. The genes that make you a secretor are found on chromosome 19, so the test was a way of determining whether the pair had the same genes at that location. Again, Monica was the spitting image of her mother. The final preliminary test looked at patterns in the blood-serum proteins of mother and child. They were an identical match. But there was one final test they were required to pass. Spurway believed it could provide the conclusive proof that Monica was fatherless. The test was a skin graft. Spurway proposed taking a piece of Monica’s skin and grafting it onto Emmimarie’s body. If the mother’s body allowed this graft to persist indefinitely, it would prove they were a genetic match – that there was nothing in Monica’s skin that was considered to be “alien” to Emmimarie’s body. Shortly before easter, in 1956, the pair left their tidy English home for the secret location of their operation. The grafts were done both ways: Emmimarie was transplanted with her daughter’s skin; Monica wore her mother’s. Once Emmimarie’s and Monica’s blood samples had been found to be a match, the results had been made public. The newspaper noted that “several of the medics who had been sceptical about the investigation now became keenly interested”. But there was a problem with the skin grafts. The piece of Monica’s skin grafted onto her mother was shed in four weeks. The skin from Emmimarie grafted onto Monica remained healthy for longer, but after six weeks started to detach. In other words, Monica’s skin contained something that Emmimarie’s immune system didn’t recognise, while Emmimarie’s skin didn’t offend Monica’s system as badly. Was this a sign that Monica had DNA that her mother did not? Was it a father’s genes that caused the mother to reject her daughter’s skin? Eight months after the search for a virgin mother had been announced, the Pictorial published a world exclusive on Emmimarie and her daughter. The full details of their tests were also revealed in The Lancet, which published “Parthenogenesis in Human Beings” by Dr Stanley Balfour-Lynn of Queen Charlotte’s Hospital in London. On the skin grafts, The Lancet concluded that they indicated that Monica’s genes did not in fact match her mother’s, despite all the previous evidence to the contrary. Yet there was a scientific curiosity here. What any parthenogenetically conceived child certainly could not have, unless they had mutated, were any genes that had not come from the mother in the first place. This is why the skin graft from a virgin-born child would be expected to take when implanted on her mother, but one from the mother would not necessarily take on her child. Yet, the opposite had happened in Emmimarie and Monica’s test. What on earth was going on? In such a case, Balfour-Lynn wrote, interpretation was very difficult, making rigorous proof impossible. True, the Joneses had failed the most stringent test, but that didn’t negate the validity of the first three; it only muddied the waters. The study concluded that Emmimarie’s claim that her daughter was fatherless must be taken seriously. “Doctors have been unable to prove that any man took part in the creation of this child”, screamed the Sunday Pictorial. Nowadays, of course, we wouldn’t have to rely on such proxy methods of testing as skin grafts: we can look into our genomes, using our knowledge of DNA to run things like paternity testing. If we had Emmimarie and Monica’s skin, or blood or saliva samples today, there would be no room for doubt as to whether or not she had a father. Furthermore, in 1984, geneticists finally discovered a mechanism wrapped around our DNA that made natural virgin birth in humans – and all mammals – an absolute impossibility. Some of the genes that we inherit from our mother are locked so as to be unreadable, and these restrictions mean no female mammal could simply pass on all of her genes to create a child that was 100 per cent her own. Half of our code must come from a male. The one thing that seems clear, however, is that Emmimarie must have believed her claims. To doctors and journalists alike, she came across as a highly sincere, well-adjusted human being. It also seems unlikely she would have persisted with a virgin-birth hoax once she learned of the long battery of tests that she and her daughter would have to submit to. Were she a con artist, she would also need to have genuinely believed that she could pull the wool over the eyes of a panel of esteemed doctors – or risk being exposed as a fraud. But how did Emmimarie fall pregnant in the first place? We shall never know for certain, but surely the most likely explanation is that she was taken advantage of, perhaps under sedation, during her long stay in hospital. But it is also intriguing to consider that the scientists had still discovered something extremely rare – something that would not be recorded again until 40 years later, when, in similar circumstances, a boy was identified who had his mother’s blood, but not her skin. The child, known in his medical records only as FD, had been taken for a blood test by his parents, to investigate a facial abnormality he’d developed. When samples of his blood and skin were analysed, what DNA they contained intimated that a fascinating and highly improbable sequence of events had taken place around the time of his conception. FD had originated from an egg that had broken the laws of nature. Activated by some hormonal trigger, as Helen Spurway had speculated 40 years earlier, the egg had become an embryo without waiting to be fertilised. Next, miraculously, along came a sperm from his father. It should have arrived too late to have any effect, since normally, after an egg is activated, a cascade of chemical signals tell the egg’s outer layer to harden. But it found a way through. The unfeasibly rare process is known as “partial parthenogenesis”. As a result, there were parts of FD that contained only his mother’s genes – when his blood was tested it contained only XX (female) chromosomes, whereas his skin had both X and Y chromosomes. Were the intense similarities between Monica and her mother also the result of this process? Although we shall never know definitively without DNA samples, it’s clearly a possibility. For Emmimarie herself, in her firm belief that her daughter had no father, the medical “proof” was as good as she was going to get. A Harley Street psychologist was called in to give her advice on how she should break the unusual news to her daughter. Emmimarie told the Pictorial, “I made a cup of tea and Monica and I sat down together...I told her that, unlike other people, there were only two of us.” Monica showed no signs of shock. After a few minutes’ silence, and with a big smile, Monica hugged her mother, saying, “Well, that makes it all the better really. We’re just two very close people – aren’t we mummy?” Source: The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/9466588/The-modern-day-virgin-birth.html - I KNOW NOTHING, NOTHING DEPARTMENT - People Reluctant to Talk About Bigfoot in Public ![]() Tribes all along the Pacific
coast, from Central California all the way up to
Alaska, have shared stories about large hairy
human-like creatures that live hidden in the
forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Steven Streufort, who runs Bigfoot Books in Willow Creek, said that European settlers arriving in the area disregarded the stories at first – until they started finding footprints and catching sight of the creature themselves. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that the local stories reached the outside world. “In the late 1950s they started to cut into a remote area of virgin timber north of Weitchpec,” Streufort said. “When they started cutting roads into there, they found footprints in the new roads.” A logging tractor driver from Salyer named Jerry Crews took pictures and made plaster casts of huge footprints at his work site near Bluff Creek. The footprints were 16 inches long. The Humboldt Times in Eureka published the pictures in October 1958, and the story was retold by newspapers around the world. Despite the stories of Bigfoot being in the worldwide news media for over 50 years, and told throughout the Pacific Northwest for hundreds of years before that, people are reluctant to come forward with their own sightings. “They may tell you if they know you and trust you,” Streufort said, “but they don’t want to go on the record. It can damage your reputation publically.” Many well-known and respected local residents are rumored to have told close friends and relatives that they saw Bigfoot, but almost no one would talk with the TRT about their experiences. Serene White, a former legal clerk for the Hoopa Valley Tribal Court, explained why. “A lot of people keep quiet about what they’ve seen,” White said, “because they don’t want people to think they’re crazy or a liar.” She said that people have come up to her on the street, harassed her, and called her a liar. White said that she only told a few people about what she’d seen, before James “Bobo” Fay asked her if she’d retell her story for “Finding Bigfoot” on the Discovery Channel. White said that she saw a creature around midnight on August 21, 2007, not long after she returned to Hoopa after studying at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. She was on the river bar near Chief Jackson’s, at the very north end of Hoopa near Beaver Creek, and saw something in the moonlight. “I thought it was a bear at first. It was hunched over with its hands in the water,” White said, “There was someone else there with me, but they want no part of this.” White said that she grabbed a large flashlight and pointed it at the creature. “When I turned on the light, it stood up and turned, and it made some sort of growling or crackling noise,” White said. “Have you ever seen hackles come up on a dog? That’s what it did. Then it ran off. I just watched it, sort of in pause; like shock,” she said. Streufort said that he has heard stories like that from dozens of people living in the Klamath-Trinity area. “There’s so much unexplored forest in the Pacific Northwest that you can’t cover it all,” Streufort said, “but people have seen these creatures." Streufort said that he knows a woman who works for the fire service who has seen Bigfoot and found tracks. The woman doesn’t want to go public, he said, because she’s afraid she might lose her job. Not everyone harasses Serene White for telling her story. Privately, many people share their own stories, or their family’s stories. “About 50 people in town have talked to me about it,” White said. “It was either their experience, or their dad’s, or their great grandma’s.” White didn’t think the creature she saw was an animal. She said that it looked more like the things her elders had told her about when she was a kid. “When I was told all those stories as a kid, I thought they were just to scare kids into staying close to camp,” White said. “I didn’t think they were real.” Source: Two Rivers Tribune http://www.tworiverstribune.com/2012/08/locals-reluctant-to-talk-about-bigfoot-in-public/ - TO SERVE AND PROTECT DEPARTMENT - Paranormal Files of the Navajo Rangers By Alejandro Rojas ![]() For the most part, law
enforcement does not give much credence to
reports of paranormal activity. However, if you
live on the Navajo Indian reservation and you
call the Navajo Rangers they'll take your call
just as serious as any other. Retired Ranger
John Dover says paranormal cases only accounted
for less than 1 percent of their investigations,
but he considers them to be very significant.
Dover made it to the rank of Lieutenant before retiring and was in charge of supervising the Arizona and Utah side of the reservation. Dover says, "Our officers are all trained at the federal law enforcement training center, so they are recognized by the federal government as federal officers." Dover also completed criminal investigation training at the federal law enforcement training center in Glynco, Ga. However, this training did not completely prepare them for some of the paranormal cases they investigated. Dover and his partner Stan Milford say they have rolled on reports of the usual paranormal suspects, such as ghosts, Bigfoot and UFOs, and they have also investigated sightings of creatures of Navajo lore, such as Skinwalkers who are believed to be witches that have learned to shape shift into animals. Even though some may scoff at these reports, Dover says, "When you go into it as an investigator, you can't have your mind made up about anything. What you're looking for is evidence, and as the evidence collects you let the evidence speak for itself." He says they look for witness testimony to line up with the physical evidence, but they are careful not to immediately assume the witness is right or wrong. He also says that often a lot of these paranormal cases turn out to be very strong and if they were criminal cases the evidence would be enough to put someone in jail. When I asked Dover if the Navajo people generally believe in things such as UFOs, he says he doesn't like the term "belief", because it is akin to saying you believe something without evidence. "In these cases people have seen enough [UFOs], [UFOs] that have landed, [UFOs] that have flown over, so often that it is just a fact of life." Dover and Milford have had enough UFO cases that they have often sought the help of the Arizona chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, the largest civilian UFO investigation organization in the U.S. Some of these cases have been quite startling. Dover and Milford say that in one case a young woman said she was followed by a glowing orb while driving home at night. When she arrived home she saw what appeared to be a large rabbit where she usually parks. She ran inside and went to sleep, only to awaken with a headache. Upon examination of the car, the Rangers found electromagnetic effects which ran through the car right where the driver would have been sitting. Even more exciting was the case of an old man who lives way out in the desert by himself. He saw what appeared to be a strange craft land and several entities come out of it. These beings came over and examined his house. The Rangers found him to be very credible, and they found strange circular pits in the ground around his house. The witness said the holes were not there before the incident. Not all of these events have been UFO-related. Milford went on a ghost investigation where he witnessed coins drop from the air, a common occurrence in this location which is believed to be haunted. He says several of these coins fell on him. There were no indications that there were vents or holes in the roof where the coins could have come from. They just seemed to manifest out of nowhere. Milford says he feels it is their duty as law enforcement officers to take all reports seriously. He says: "In many of these cases people are frightened by what they have seen and that is really the bottom-line of why we investigate these cases. Because of the fact that my chief has basically told us that we will investigate a case when somebody comes forward asking for help and that is the bottom-line. They are asking for help and they are needing someone to turn to and someone to listen to them, and that is what we do." Milford and Dover are like the Scully and Mulder of the Navajo nation, which is especially exciting for me. I was a big fan of the Tony Hillerman mystery novels whose protagonist was a Navajo tribal police officer, so I get extra giddy when the mysteries are real-life and paranormal. I say hats-off to Dover and Milford for their matter of fact approach to investigating these extraordinary cases and their courage in spite of the ridicule they say law enforcement personal often face when they investigate the paranormal. Source: The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alejandro-rojas/paranormal-files-navajo-rangers_b_1786213.html - WHAT THEY NEED IS A
eBay Bans Sale of Magic Potions, Spells, Curses and Advice Books ![]() Online auctioneers eBay are implementing new rules banning magic, potions and spells in an attempt to force swindlers and quacks off the site. The past slogan 'Whatever it is - you can get it on eBay' will no longer apply from the end of August. The new guidelines also ban advice on any of the magic-related subjects listed which means that sales of fantasy merchandise, such as books and products related to the Harry Potter novels, could be at risk. The new rules intend to target more abstract items up for sale on eBay, such as spells to harm ex-partners, lucky potions and psychic readings. Examples of services offered on eBay include an activation of 'Starseed/Lightworker DNA so that you may connect with your galactic guides from your home planet' and a £3.50 Love Trap Spell to force the unresponsive object of the buyers affection to 'want you big time'. As of the 30th of August ‘spells; curses; hexing; conjuring; magic; prayers; blessing services; magic potions and healing sessions’ are banned merchandise for sellers, eBay wrote in their 2012 Fall Seller Update. eBay said it was "discontinuing a small number of categories within the larger Metaphysical subcategory" based on user feedback that supernatural claims "often result in issues that can be difficult to resolve" It is not yet clear whether J.K. Rowling's latest Potter creation – a book of spells in collaboration with Sony for Ps3 – will be banned under the new rules. The Book of Spells, which Rowling herself called ‘the closest a Muggle can get to a real spell book’, is a virtual book for PlayStation 3. Just like the version Harry Potter and generations of Hogwarts students have used, this version for Sony’s Wonderbook is ‘written by Miranda Goshawk 200 years ago’. The Book of Spells may be saved by a classification by eBay as a magic-related item of ‘tangible value’. Johnna Hoff, spokeswoman for eBay explained to the Los Angeles Times: ‘It's important to note that items that have a tangible value for the item itself and may also be used in metaphysical rites and practices are allowed in most cases.' The Book of Spells, out this Christmas, will ‘assist students on their journey to becoming an accomplished witch or wizard’ and includes brand new content written by J.K. Rowling. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2189757/Auction-site-eBay-bans-sale-magic- potions-spells-curses-advice-books-bid-stop-charlatans.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines ![]() Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ![]() The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network ![]() Wm Michael Mott - Mottimorphic Enterprises ![]() ![]() Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! ![]() PSI TALK-The Internet's Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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