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disregard your dreams about the dead. They
always mean something. They do not always
mean what the dream would seem to signify;
for the door between the two worlds is very
narrow, and thoughts are often shaken out of
place in passing through. But dreams about
the dead mean something. We can reach you in
that way.
From "To Those About to Die: Letters from a Living Dead Man" This week
Conspiracy Journal brings you such
knee-slapping tales as:
- Curiosity Finds Evidence of Ancient Flowing Water - - The Pokemon Plot - - Arctic Bigfoot? Balding Polar Bear? - - UFO Revelations Spark More Questions - AND: Can Tin Foil Stop People (Or Aliens) From Reading Your Thoughts? CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ NEW TITLE FROM TIMOTHY BECKLEY - INNER LIGHT PUBLICATIONS LEGACY OF THE SKY
ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS AND THE ULTRA-TERRESTRIALS - THE REVEALING TRUTH COULD CAUSE WORLDWIDE RELIGIOUS, POLITICAL AND ENERGY UPHEAVALS! The belief in strange beings coming down from the stars to intermingle with humanity can be traced back to the earliest days of mankind. While the scientific community maintains that the current notion of UFOs and their extraterrestrial pilots is simply a modern version of the myths and legends contained within almost every culture and civilization, Ancient Astronaut theorists maintain that we have been "tinkered with," and that someone - or "something" else - is keeping a watchful eye over mankind for their own purposes that can only be alluded to. As early as the 1960s, Britain's 8th Earl of Clancarty, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, made an astounding revelation. He said that he was convinced that life on earth had originated on the planet Mars and that the first voyagers here had been the Biblical Adam and Even who had left their paradise of the Garden of Eden and arrived on earth in a space ark piloted by Noah. Thus the roots of the various Biblical stories from the Old Testament which are taught in every Sunday School today. But the story told by British nobility and the other researchers in this book tell even a far stranger tale about the secret history of our planet, a history that is "forbidden knowledge" to a handful of individuals who are now sharing their findings for the first time: * Why has the CIA and the military shown an unprecedented interest in the remains of what many claims to be Noah's Ark that came to rest on Turkey's Mount Ararat? Is the anomalous structure a crashed space ship, something metallic as opposed to the gopher-wood of the Biblical tale, as researcher Nick Redfern insists could be true? * Is there a distinction to be made between the ancient aliens and the true Creator God, and do these "visitors" have the same imponderable questions as we do about life, death and religion? Eric von Daniken spokesman Giorgio Tsoukalos has his own ideas on this concept? * "We have met the Martians and they are us," suggests Brad Steiger. Is there new evidence to suggest that life on earth was first planted in South America and spread out from there? * Is there a new race of humans being formed in these uncertain times? According to the Earl of Clancarty, some of us are rapidly reacquiring the telepathy and psychic we were originally created with. This SPECIAL OFFER will
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with your hosts, Wm. Michael Mott, Rick Osmon and Tim R. Swartz on the PSN Radio Network. This weeks guest: Norio Hayakawa www.soupmedianetwork.com/unravelingthesecrets/ - DISCOVERY OF THE AGES DEPARTMENT - Curiosity Finds Evidence of Ancient Streambed—Proof of Flowing Water ![]() Scientists announced this week
that water—fast-running and relatively deep—once
coursed over the now bone-dry surface, a finding
based on the presence of rounded pebbles and
gravel near the rover's landing site in Gale
What's more, the team has concluded that the water was present for "thousands or millions of years," though the researchers said it would take far more research to get a clearer picture of the flow's longevity. The discovery is the first proof that surface water once ran on Mars. Planetary scientists have hypothesized that the cut canyons and riverlike beds photographed by Mars satellites had been created by running water, but only now do researchers have on-the-ground confirmation—and the promise of learning much more about the nature and duration of the water flows. "We've now identified pebbles and gravel at the landing site that clearly have been carried down by water, have been broken down and very much smoothed out," said William Dietrich, a geomorphologist working with the Curiosity imaging science team. "This is the beginning of our process of learning how much water was running and how long this area was wet." Past Potential for Life? The evidence in the newfound streambed led Curiosity lead scientist John Grotzinger—known as a cautious and careful scientist—to conclude that the rover had already found a site that was potentially habitable in the distant past. That doesn't mean life existed there or anywhere else on Mars, he said, but rather that some key physical conditions appear to have allowed for its possible emergence. "Habitability requires water, a source of energy, and a source of organic carbon, and now we have a hall pass for the water observation," he said at a press conference Thursday at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, where the Curiosity mission control in headquartered. Chemical assessments will come later, when the two miniature labs on the rover begin doing their work, though not necessarily at the current site. "We're still going to Mount Sharp," a three-mile-high (five-kilometer-high) mound at the center of the crater, said Grotzinger, "but this is insurance that we have already found our first potentially habitable environment." While Curiosity is not a life-detection mission, it is considered an astrobiological exploration—a search for the building blocks of life as we know it and habitats where it might have emerged. The rover has been on Mars now for 51 Mars days, which translate into several additional Earth days. Pebbles Like M&Ms The full river and drainage system by the Curiosity landing site is about 200 square miles (520 square kilometers), Dietrich said. It includes the elevated area beyond the crater wall, with fossil streams that feed into a deep, 11-mile (18-kilometer) channel slowly falling down that cliff, and then a 20-square-mile (50-square-kilometer) alluvial fan—the roughly triangular deposit left behind by the long-gone flow. The canyon channel was about 2,000 feet (610 meters) wide. The most interesting gravel and pebbles—the size of M&Ms or hard candies—were found in conglomerate rocks at three sites close to the landing site. Curiosity's thrusters had dug out the first, Goulburn, at landing. The two others, called Link and Hottah, showed the same pavement-like formations. According to geologist Rebecca Williams of the Planetary Science Institute, the team did not expect to see the remains of the alluvial fan—now known as Peace Vallis—as far down as the landing site. That they were found, she said, appears to expand the size of the area once touched by water. "The shapes tell you [the rocks] were transported, and the sizes tell you they couldn't be transported by wind," Williams said. "They were transported by water flow." A Rich Crater Site Grotzinger said the team had decided to release the dramatic new information so early because the data were so strong and because they showed the essential connection between satellite imaging (which had initially identified the canyon and fan) and on-the-ground geology. That geology was conducted entirely by analyzing photos taken by Curiosity's large suite of cameras. The rover will soon be headed to an area named Glenelg, which many team members believe is more clearly in the alluvial fan. The two chemistry labs are expected to be used for the first time at the Glenelg site—where three rock formations join—and could shed more light on the nature of the water that once flowed there. Source: National Geographic http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/09/120927-mars-streambed-riverbed- science-curiosity-rover-nasa-water/ The Pokemon Plot ![]() In 1998, a secret Army
intelligence analysis suggested a new way to take
out enemies: blast them with electromagnetic
energy until their brains overload and they start
to convulse. Amazingly, it was an idea inspired by
a Pokemon episode.
Application of “electromagnetic pulses” could force neurons to all fire at once, causing a “disruption of voluntary muscle control,” reads a description of a proposed seizure weapon, contained in a declassified document from the Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center. “It is thought by using a method that would actually trigger nerve synapses directly with an electrical field, essentially 100% of individuals would be susceptible to seizure induction.” This wasn’t the only method the Center suggested for taking down combatants. Other exotic, less-lethal weapons included a handheld laser gun for close-range “antiterrorist special operations roles”; a “flood” of network traffic that could overload servers and “elicit a panic in the civilian population”; and radio frequencies that could manipulate someone’s body temperature and “mimic a fever.” The military needed weapons like these because TV news had hamstrung the military’s traditional proclivities to kill its way to victory: It now lived in a world where “You don’t win unless CNN says you win,” the report lamented. But while the Pentagon still laments the impact of the 24/7 news cycle on the U.S. military, it hardly thinks less-lethal weapons are a solution to it. In fact, the U.S. has kept most of its electromagnetic arsenal off of the battlefield, in part because the idea of invisible pain rays would sound so bad coming out of an anchor’s mouth. Danger Room acquired this secret study on nonlethal technologies thanks to a private citizen, who filed a Freedom of Information Act request, and now wishes to remain anonymous. By coincidence, Sharon Weinberger wrote a 2008 Danger Room report after independently acquiring a piece of the document – an addendum that described using a “Voice of God” weapon, powered by radio waves, to “implant” a suggestion in someone else’s mind. It wasn’t even close to the strangest suggestion made for exotic weaponry. Perhaps the most disturbing item on the Army’s nonlethal wish list: a weapon that would disrupt the chemical pathways in the central nervous system to induce a seizure. The idea appears to have come from an episode of Pokemon. The idea is that seizure would be induced by a specific electrical stimulus triggered through the optic nerve. “The onset of synchony and disruption of muscular control is said to be near instantaneous,” the 1997 Army report reads. “Excitation is directly on the brain.” And “100% of the population” is supposed to be susceptible to the effects — from distances of “up to hundreds of meters” — “[r]ecovery times are expected to be consistent with, or more rapid than, that which is observed in epileptic seizures.” That’s not a lot of time — the Army’s analysis noted that a grand-mal seizure typically lasts between one and five minutes. But the analysis speculated that the seizure weapons could be “tunable with regard to type and degree of bodily influence” and affect “100% of the population.” Still, it had to concede, “No experimental evidence is available for this concept.” The document cautioned that the effectiveness of incapacitating a human nervous system with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) “has not been tested.” But the analysis speculated that “50 to 100 kV/m free field of very sharp pulses” would likely be “sufficient to trigger neurons or make them more susceptible to firing.” And a weapon that harnessed an EMP-induced seizure could conceivably work from “hundreds of miles” away. The idea might as well have been stamped “As Seen on TV.” “The photic-induced seizure phenomenon was borne out demonstrably on December 16, 1997 on Japanese television when hundreds of viewers of a popular cartoon were treated, inadvertently, to photic seizure induction,” the analysis noted. That cartoon was Pokemon, and the incident received worldwide attention. About 700 viewers showed symptoms of epilepsy — mostly vomiting — an occasional, if strange, occurrence with TV shows and videogames due to rapid, flashing lights. The Army’s interest in the technology doesn’t appear to have gone anywhere. When Danger Room asked the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, the command overseeing the Pentagon’s weapons that can’t kill you, if they had ever developed or explored developing an EMP seizure ray, spokeswoman Kelley Hughes flatly replied, “No.” But at a minimum, it’s bizarre that the U.S. military would entertain the idea of neurological weaponry. The seizure ray was just one of several futuristic nonlethal weapons the National Ground Intelligence Center envisioned. Another favorite: “handheld laser weapons” for blasting focused light against nearby terrorists. These weren’t supposed to be the sorts of lasers that can burn through steel — after all, nearly 15 years after the Army intel report, the Navy still doesn’t have a laser cannon small enough to mount on a ship. The “point and shoot” lasers were supposed to be dazzlers, to disrupt sensors or even blind assailants from up to 50 meters away. Alas, the paper lamented, causing “permanent blindness” was prohibited by binding international treaties, so development of handheld dazzlers would likely be restricted. (As it would turn out, “gross mismanagement” by U.S. military bureaucracy would be the larger obstacle.) Then came the cyberweapons. The Army intel report presciently predicted using “information technology as a nonlethal weapon.” It had in mind “a campaign to disrupt a nation’s infrastructure so that they feel they are not ready for a formal conflict.” No, the Army wasn’t thinking of any kind of proto-Stuxnet. It had in mind sending torrents of traffic to “flood” foreign servers until “a panic in the civilian population,” now without internet access, “persuades the [adversary] military not to execute a planned attack.” Pay attention, Darpa and U.S. Cyber Command. Alternatively, the military might disrupt an enemy’s ability to control its forces by flooding the internet with tons of inaccurate information — “either through distribution of disinformation or illegally altering web pages to spread disinformation.” It isn’t clear if the report meant to restrict that “illegal” activity to foreign web pages. And then came the fever. The report speculated that blasts of radio frequency waves could “mimic a fever” to the point of incapacitating an enemy. (“No organs are damaged,” it assured.) “Core temperatures of approximately 41 degrees Celsius are considered to be adequate” — the equivalent of a 105.8 degree fever, which is frighteningly close to inducing a coma or brain damage. The idea would involve a “highly sophisticated microwave assembly” that could induce “carefully monitored uniform heating” in “15 to 30 minutes,” depending on someone’s weight and the wavelengths employed. “The subjective sensations caused by this buildup of heat are far more unpleasant than those accompanying fever,” the report assured. Yet the military would have to be careful not to cause any “permanent” organ damage with such a weapon — which would take careful monitoring, as the report noted that increasing someone’s body temperature a single degree Celsius beyond the envisioned 42 degrees would probably be fatal. As it turned out, the military would develop a microwave weapon — the Active Denial System. That’s a microwave gun that, as I learned first-hand one fateful afternoon, makes victims feel like they’ve stepped into a blast furnace. But its frequencies are too shallow to penetrate the skin, and can’t even pop a bag of popcorn. (It’s been tried.) Still, the idea of being heated with something like that for 15 minutes to a half hour is unbearable: I lasted maybe two seconds before my reflexes forced me to jump out of the way of its beam. And in 2010, the device was recalled from Afghanistan when commanders realized it was a PR nightmare. It has one of the many downsides to these weapons that the Army’s 1998 that report didn’t consider. Of course, few things age worse than predictions for the future. Source: Wired-Danger Room http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/09/seizure-fever-dazzler/ - STRANGE ALASKA DEPARTMENT - Arctic Bigfoot? Balding Polar Bear? ![]() Is there a Bigfoot on
Alaska’s North Slope? One Barrow family thinks
so, and it has them worried about a remote cabin
property they own about 35 miles south of
America’s northernmost community.
Sarah Skin has been camping at the cabin every year for the last half-century. In the last three years, she and her family say they've repeatedly seen 10-foot tall, bipedal creatures that are black, brown or grayish in color. Skin said that they've seen the creatures three years running, each time in the fall when the family heads to the cabin to hunt for caribou. Before that, she’d never seen anything like the Bigfoot, as she refers to the mysterious beasts, anywhere near her cabin, located about halfway between Barrow and the community of Atqasuk. “People from a long time ago used to see them, I guess,” Skin said. “I’m 50 years old and I've been camping out here my whole life, and I've never seen anything like this, ever.” Arctic tradition The Far North has a tradition of Bigfoot sightings dating back to Inuit legends recounting the tale of the "Tornit" or "Alaska Bushman." In her 1971 book "Yukon Trophy Trails," Dolores Cline Brown recounts a night when she and a friend were awakened by a loud knocking and banging against their cabin door. According to Brown, another hunter had seen large man-like tracks in the dirt around the cabin earlier that day, and warned them that if they saw the bushman to "kill him dead quick." Numerous other unverified or unverifiable reports -- as is usually the case with cryptids like Bigfoot -- also exist. Perhaps the most famous of these is the story of a hunter who, in 1966, came face-to-face with a Bigfoot near a mine on Jade Mountain in Northwest Alaska. Neelie Ravencast, who along with Tony Hernandez founded Investigation of Paranormal in Alaska (IOPIA) about 20 years ago, has long kept a database about unusual activity in the state, including Bigfoot sightings. She said that 1966 account came from a letter to John Green from a man named Bob Betts. It was recorded in 1971 in a newsletter for Bigfoot enthusiasts. "They say a Bigfoot was killed in 1966, near the Kobuk River, in the evening," Ravencast said. "(The miner) would often see large man-like tracks around his mine, and one day he came face-to-face with a Bigfoot." The account goes that the man shot the Bigfoot, but was so frightened by what he had done he cut up the body and threw it into the nearby river. Encounter with soldiers The Skin family account may be the northernmost reported in the state. Ravencast said that the Alaska Bigfoot loves the tundra, even though sasquatch is usually associated with heavily wooded areas like the Pacific Northwest and Northern California. "They say that that's where they roam, the tundra," Ravencast said. She said that the IOPIA database contains numerous accounts of Bigfoot sightings in the tundra of Southwest Alaska. But only one other account exists from so far north, a 1988 account recorded by IOPIA and on the website of the Bigfoot Field Researchers’ Organization, which also compiles reported sightings of the elusive creatures. In that 1988 report, a team of "special forces" soldiers was supposedly training north of the Arctic Circle when they began to see large footprints in the snow, made by something they estimated at nine feet tall. They followed the tracks to a wooded area and heard a bellow from ahead, scaring them enough to turn around. The Skin family's accounts add fuel to the prospect of Arctic Bigfoot sightings. And Sarah certainly sounds convinced of what she and family have seen in recent years. In 2010, she said one of the creatures, running on the shore, followed a boat traveling downriver for some distance before breaking off. In September 2011, she and her family spotted three "big black figures" standing on a hill on the way to the cabin from Barrow. Six hours later, the creatures were gone. The most recent sighting came earlier this September, she said. Her sons, Joe and Edgar, were out hunting caribou when they saw one of the creatures, which they estimated at 10 feet tall. "They saw one about a mile from my cabin, there was a big herd of caribou coming toward them and suddenly this big black creature started chasing them," Skin said. Damaged meat rack She also said that her cabin has been damaged in recent years and that her meat rack, which had been "hanging sturdy" for 25 years, had been torn down "by something." The family hasn't been able to compile any evidence other than eyewitness accounts, though Sarah said that she’d called the North Slope Borough and attempted to get in touch with wildlife officials about what she’d seen, but no one had gotten back to her. "Nobody’s volunteered to help us, so it’s going to be a family effort to try and get some photographs," Skin said. Could there be another explanation for what the Skin family claims to have seen at their remote cabin? One possible explanation, though unlikely, could point to polar bears. Despite their coats of white fur, polar bears have black skin underneath their coats, and adult males could grow to be 10 feet tall when standing upright. Polar bears have also been documented moving further inland from their traditional coastal territories, perhaps as a response to diminishing sea ice that makes up their habitat for much of the year. Adding to the theory are reports earlier this year of Arctic Alaska polar bears being documented as suffering from alopecia -- hair loss -- and other skin ailments that could affect the coverage of their fur. That makes the possibility of spotting a largely-hairless polar bear, 30 miles inland, standing on its hind legs an almost-plausible substitute for Bigfoot. Throwing a wrench in that theory, though, are follow-up reports that the cases of alopecia seem to have dried up as the year has worn on. And polar bears don't run on two legs, as Skin and her family report they've seen the creatures doing. Alaska has a population density of only about 1.2 people per square mile, so it’s tantalizing to think that there might be something out there in the vast wilderness that's gone unnoticed or unrecorded for years. But until there's some more evidence beyond the usual eyewitness accounts and undocumented encounters, the Alaska Bigfoot will remain an elusive and mysterious creature. Source: Alaska Dispatch http://www.alaskadispatch.com/m/latest#/m/node/265256 - MORE WILDMAN REPORTS DEPARTMENT - Three Yeti 'Sightings' in Siberia in a Week ![]() In a related article to the
Alaska sightings of Bigfoot, three separate
'sightings' of yetis have been made in Siberia
in recent weeks, say fishermen and an official
in Russia. All were in the remote Kemerovo
region, where around 30 'abominable snowmen'
live, according to the country's leading
researcher on the creatures.
In one previously undisclosed case last month near Myski village, fishermen in a boat on a river initially mistook distant figures first for bears and then people, said the Siberian Times 'We shouted to them - do you need help?,' said fisherman Vitaly Vershinin. 'They just rushed away, all in fur, walking on two legs, making their way through the bushes and with two other limbs, straight up the hill.' He said: "What did we think? It could not be bears, as the bear walks on all-fours, and they ran on two.... so then they were gone.' On a second sighting on the bank of the Mras-Su River several days later, an unnamed fisherman was quoted saying: 'We saw some tall animals looking like people.' He added: 'Our binoculars were broken and did not let us see them sharply. We waved at the animals but they did not respond, then quickly ran back into the forest, walking on two legs. 'We realised that they were not in dark clothes but covered by dark fur. They did walk like people.' In a further case this month, an unnamed forestry inspector had encountered a 'yeti' Shorsky National Park, according to local government official Sergei Adlyakov. 'The creature did not look like a bear and quickly disappeared after breaking some branches of the bushes,' he said. This case was in Tashtagolski district, close to the border with Khakassia. No images have appeared from the alleged sightings. Russia's leading 'yeti' expert Igor Burtsev, head of the International Centre of Hominology, claimed that Myski will next month host an international conference and expedition in search of the yeti. He said the 'sighting' was 'significant' though he was unaware of the later National Shorsky Park case. He added: 'We shall explore new areas, to the north from the usual places yetis have been seen previously. The conference will start in Moscow and then we will travel with our guests to Kemerovo region.' At a similar expedition last year, he claimed to have found yeti hair though no DNA findings have been released. He claims the creature - also known as Bigfoot and Sasquatch - is the missing link between Neanderthal man and modern human beings. Burtsev has previously claimed a population of around 30 yetis are living in Kemerovo region. 'We have good evidence of the yeti living in our region, and we have heard convincing details from experts elsewhere in Russia and in the US and Canada,' he said. 'The description of the habits of the Abominable Snowmen are similar from all over the world.' Last November hunters claimed they had discovered the nest of a legendary Yeti in the same area of Siberia. Experts stumbled across trees, twisted by force to form an arch, in the area which is famed for sightings of the wildman. Biologist John Bindernagel, 69, said: 'We didn't feel like the trees we saw in Siberia had been done by a man or another mammal. 'Twisted trees like this have also been observed in North America and they could fit in with the theory that Bigfoot makes nests.' Sightings of the Yeti have been reported in France, North America and the Himalayas but Dr Bindernagel said these are mainly ignored by scientists who are put off by 'jokes and taboos.' Mr Burtsev has previously strongly denied accusations that yeti 'sightings' are a bizarre ruse to attract tourists to the far-flung region. Reports say the two-legged creatures are heavy-set, more around 7ft tall and resemble bears. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2207910/Kemerovo-region-Three-yeti-sightings-week-Siberia.html - FEAR OF THE HUNGRY DEAD DEPARTMENT - The Great New England Vampire Panic By Abigail Tucker ![]() Two hundred years after the
Salem witch trials, farmers became convinced
that their relatives were returning from the
grave to feed on the living.
Children playing near a hillside gravel mine found the first graves. One ran home to tell his mother, who was skeptical at first—until the boy produced a skull. Because this was Griswold, Connecticut, in 1990, police initially thought the burials might be the work of a local serial killer named Michael Ross, and they taped off the area as a crime scene. But the brown, decaying bones turned out to be more than a century old. The Connecticut state archaeologist, Nick Bellantoni, soon determined that the hillside contained a colonial-era farm cemetery. New England is full of such unmarked family plots, and the 29 burials were typical of the 1700s and early 1800s: The dead, many of them children, were laid to rest in thrifty Yankee style, in simple wood coffins, without jewelry or even much clothing, their arms resting by their sides or crossed over their chests. Except, that is, for Burial Number 4. Bellantoni was interested in the grave even before the excavation began. It was one of only two stone crypts in the cemetery, and it was partially visible from the mine face. Scraping away soil with flat-edged shovels, and then brushes and bamboo picks, the archaeologist and his team worked through several feet of earth before reaching the top of the crypt. When Bellantoni lifted the first of the large, flat rocks that formed the roof, he uncovered the remains of a red-painted coffin and a pair of skeletal feet. They lay, he remembers, “in perfect anatomical position.” But when he raised the next stone, Bellantoni saw that the rest of the individual “had been completely...rearranged.” The skeleton had been beheaded; skull and thighbones rested atop the ribs and vertebrae. “It looked like a skull-and-crossbones motif, a Jolly Roger. I’d never seen anything like it,” Bellantoni recalls. Subsequent analysis showed that the beheading, along with other injuries, including rib fractures, occurred roughly five years after death. Somebody had also smashed the coffin. The other skeletons in the gravel hillside were packaged for reburial, but not “J.B.,” as the 50ish male skeleton from the 1830s came to be called, because of the initials spelled out in brass tacks on his coffin lid. He was shipped to the National Museum of Health and Medicine, in Washington, D.C., for further study. Meanwhile, Bellantoni started networking. He invited archaeologists and historians to tour the excavation, soliciting theories. Simple vandalism seemed unlikely, as did robbery, because of the lack of valuables at the site. Finally, one colleague asked: “Ever heard of the Jewett City vampires?” In 1854, in neighboring Jewett City, Connecticut, townspeople had exhumed several corpses suspected to be vampires that were rising from their graves to kill the living. A few newspaper accounts of these events survived. Had the Griswold grave been desecrated for the same reason? In the course of his far-flung research, Bellantoni placed a serendipitous phone call to Michael Bell, a Rhode Island folklorist, who had devoted much of the previous decade to studying New England vampire exhumations. The Griswold case occurred at roughly the same time as the other incidents Bell had investigated. And the setting was right: Griswold was rural, agrarian and bordering southern Rhode Island, where multiple exhumations had occurred. Many of the other “vampires,” like J.B., had been disinterred, grotesquely tampered with and reburied. In light of the tales Bell told of violated corpses, even the posthumous rib fractures began to make sense. J.B.’s accusers had likely rummaged around in his chest cavity, hoping to remove, and perhaps to burn, his heart. A consulting folklorist at the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission for most of his career, Bell has been investigating local vampires for 30 years now—long enough to watch lettering on fragile slate gravestones fade before his eyes and prosperous subdivisions arise beside once-lonely graveyards. He has documented about 80 exhumations, reaching as far back as the late 1700s and as far west as Minnesota. But most are concentrated in backwoods New England, in the 1800s—startlingly later than the obvious local analogue, the Salem, Massachusetts, witch hunts of the 1690s. Hundreds more cases await discovery, he believes. “You read an article that describes an exhumation, and they’ll describe a similar thing that happened at a nearby town,” says Bell, whose book, Food for the Dead: On the Trail of New England’s Vampires, is seen as the last word on the subject, though he has lately found so many new cases that there’s a second book on the way. “The ones that get recorded, and I actually find them, are just the tip of the iceberg.” Almost two decades after J.B.’s grave was discovered, it remains the only intact archaeological clue to the fear that swept the region. Most of the graves are lost to time (and even in the cases where they aren’t, unnecessary exhumations are frowned on by the locals). Bell mostly hunts for handwritten records in town hall basements, consults tombstones and old cemetery maps, traces obscure genealogies and interviews descendants. “As a folklorist, I’m interested in recurring patterns in communication and ritual, as well as the stories that accompany these rituals,” he says. “I’m interested in how this stuff is learned and carried on and how its meaning changes from group to group, and over time.” In part because the events were relatively recent, evidence of historic vampires isn’t as scarce as one might imagine. Incredulous city newspaper reporters dished about the “Horrible Superstition” on front pages. A traveling minister describes an exhumation in his daily log on September 3, 1810. (The “mouldy Specticle,” he writes, was a “Solemn Site.”) Even Henry David Thoreau mentions an exhumation in his journal on September 29, 1859. Though scholars today still struggle to explain the vampire panics, a key detail unites them: The public hysteria almost invariably occurred in the midst of savage tuberculosis outbreaks. Indeed, the medical museum’s tests ultimately revealed that J.B. had suffered from tuberculosis, or a lung disease very like it. Typically, a rural family contracted the wasting illness, and—even though they often received the standard medical diagnosis—the survivors blamed early victims as “vampires,” responsible for preying upon family members who subsequently fell sick. Often an exhumation was called for, to stop the vampire’s predations. The particulars of the vampire exhumations, though, vary widely. In many cases, only family and neighbors participated. But sometimes town fathers voted on the matter, or medical doctors and clergymen gave their blessings or even pitched in. Some communities in Maine and Plymouth, Massachusetts, opted to simply flip the exhumed vampire facedown in the grave and leave it at that. In Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont, though, they frequently burned the dead person’s heart, sometimes inhaling the smoke as a cure. (In Europe, too, exhumation protocol varied with region: Some beheaded suspected vampire corpses, while others bound their feet with thorns.) Often these rituals were clandestine, lantern-lit affairs. But, particularly in Vermont, they could be quite public, even festive. One vampire heart was reportedly torched on the Woodstock, Vermont, town green in 1830. In Manchester, hundreds of people flocked to a 1793 heart-burning ceremony at a blacksmith’s forge: “Timothy Mead officiated at the altar in the sacrifice to the Demon Vampire who it was believed was still sucking the blood of the then living wife of Captain Burton,” an early town history says. “It was the month of February and good sleighing.” Bell attributes the openness of the Vermont exhumations to colonial settlement patterns. Rhode Island has about 260 cemeteries per 100 square miles, versus Vermont’s mere 20 per 100 square miles. Rhode Island’s cemeteries were small and scattered among private farms, whereas Vermont’s tended to be much larger, often located in the center of town. In Vermont, it was much harder to keep a vampire hunt hush-hush. As satisfying as such mini-theories are, Bell is consumed by larger questions. He wants to understand who the vampires and their accusers were, in death and life. During his Middletown lecture, he displays a picture of a man with salt-and-pepper sideburns and weary eyes: an artist’s reconstruction of J.B.’s face, based on his skull. “I start with the assumption that people of past generations were just as intelligent as we are,” Bell says. “I look for the logic: Why would they do this? Once you label something ‘just a superstition’ you lock off all inquiry into something that could have been reasonable. Reasonable is not always rational.” He wrote his doctoral dissertation on African-American voodoo practitioners in the South who cast love spells and curses; it’s hard to imagine a population more different from the flinty, consumptive New Englanders he studies now, but Bell sees strong parallels in how they tried to manipulate the supernatural. “People find themselves in dire situations, where there’s no recourse through regular channels,” he explains. “The folk system offers an alternative, a choice.” Sometimes, superstitions represent the only hope, he says. The enduring sadness of the vampire stories lies in the fact that the accusers were usually direct kin of the deceased: parents, spouses and their children. “Think about what it would have taken to actually exhume the body of a relative,” Bell says. The tale he always returns to is in many ways the quintessential American vampire story, one of the last cases in New England and the first he investigated as a new PhD coming to Rhode Island in 1981 to direct a folklife survey of Washington County funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. History knows the 19-year-old, late-19th-century vampire as Mercy Brown. Her family, though, called her Lena. Mercy Lena Brown lived in Exeter, Rhode Island—“Deserted Exeter,” it was dubbed, or simply “one of the border towns.” It was largely a subsistence farming community with barely fertile soil. In 1892, the year Lena died, Exeter’s population was 961. Tuberculosis had become a growing problem for the families of Exeter. “Consumption,” as it was called, was a terrible way to die and was often drawn out over years: a skyrocketing fever, a hacking, bloody cough and a visible wasting away of the body. Indeed, Bell says, symptoms “progressed in such a way that it seemed like something was draining the life and blood out of somebody.” The Brown family, living on the eastern edge of town, began to succumb to the disease in December 1882. Lena’s mother, Mary Eliza, was the first. Lena’s sister, Mary Olive, a 20-year-old dressmaker, died the next year. Within a few years, Lena’s brother Edwin—a store clerk whom one newspaper columnist described as “a big, husky young man”—sickened too, and left for Colorado Springs hoping that the climate would improve his health. Lena, who was just a child when her mother and sister died, didn’t fall ill until nearly a decade after they were buried. Her tuberculosis was the “galloping” kind, which meant that she might have been infected but remained asymptomatic for years, only to fade fast after showing the first signs of the disease. A doctor attended her in “her last illness,” a newspaper said, and “informed her father that further medical aid was useless.” Her January 1892 obituary was much terser than her sister’s: “Miss Lena Brown, who has been suffering from consumption, died Sunday morning.” As Lena was on her deathbed, her brother was, after a brief remission, taking a turn for the worse. Edwin had returned to Exeter from the Colorado resorts “in a dying condition,” according to one account. “If the good wishes and prayers of his many friends could be realized, friend Eddie would speedily be restored to perfect health,” another newspaper wrote. But some neighbors, likely fearful for their own health, weren’t content with prayers. Several approached George Brown, the children’s father, and offered an alternative take on the recent tragedies: Perhaps an unseen diabolical force was preying on his family. It could be that one of the three Brown women wasn’t dead after all, instead secretly feasting “on the living tissue and blood of Edwin,” as the Providence Journal later summarized. If the offending corpse—the Journal uses the term “vampire” in some stories but the locals seemed not to—was discovered and destroyed, then Edwin would recover. The neighbors asked to exhume the bodies, in order to check for fresh blood in their hearts. George Brown gave permission. On the morning of March 17, 1892, a party of men dug up the bodies, as the family doctor and a Journal correspondent looked on. George was absent, for unstated but understandable reasons. After nearly a decade, Lena’s sister and mother were barely more than bones. Lena, though, had been dead only a few months, and it was wintertime. “The body was in a fairly well-preserved state,” the correspondent later wrote. “The heart and liver were removed, and in cutting open the heart, clotted and decomposed blood was found.” During this impromptu autopsy, the doctor again emphasized that Lena’s lungs “showed diffuse tuberculous germs.” Undeterred, the villagers burned her heart and liver on a nearby rock, feeding Edwin the ashes. He died less than two months later. The first known reference to an American vampire scare is a scolding letter to the editor of the Connecticut Courant and Weekly Intelligencer, published in June 1784. Councilman Moses Holmes, from the town of Willington, warned people to beware of “a certain Quack Doctor, a foreigner” who had urged families to dig up and burn dead relatives to stop consumption. Holmes had witnessed several children disinterred at the doctor’s request and wanted no more of it: “And that the bodies of the dead may rest quiet in their graves without such interruption, I think the public ought to be aware of being led away by such an imposture.” But some modern scholars have argued that the vampire superstition made a certain degree of practical sense. In Vampires, Burials and Death, folklorist Paul Barber dissects the logic behind vampire myths, which he believes originally arose from unschooled but astute observations of decay. (Bloated dead bodies appear as if they have recently eaten; a staked corpse “screams” due to the escape of natural gases, etc.) The seemingly bizarre vampire beliefs, Barber argues, get at the essence of contagion: the insight that illness begets illness, and death, death. Vampire believers “say that death comes to us from invisible agents,” Barber says. “We say that death comes to us from invisible agents. The difference is that we can get out a microscope and look at the agents.” Source: Smithsonian Magazine http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/The-Great-New-England-Vampire-Panic-169791986.html?c=y&page=4 - UFO MILITARY SECRETS REVEALED DEPARTMENT - UFO Revelations Spark More Questions By Robin Leach ![]() The U.S. government has been
accused of a long-running, massive cover-up of a
secret agency that solely deals with evidence
and information about UFOs and alien visitors,
and the claim comes from several high-ranking
military officers and a British secret agent who
all gathered here over the weekend.
Among the audience of some 200 at the Smithsonian’s National Atomic Testing Museum were my UFO expert pal Lee Spiegel from AOL/Huffington Post and his Sci-Fi TV channel friends Ben McGee of “Chasing UFOs,” Ben Hansen from “Fact or Faked” and “Poltergeist” author Mark Victor. Lee told me that the bold accusation about the government’s secret UFO agency was made by former Air Force Col. Charles Halt, saying: “I’m firmly convinced there’s an agency, and there is an effort to suppress.” Two former Air Force officers who were part of Project Blue Book, the official military UFO investigation in the 1950s and ’60s, and a former investigator with Britain’s Ministry of Defense also were on the panel “Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed.” I joined the group the night before the panel at a dinner at the museum, which houses the controversial Area 51 exhibit. I was impressed with their reputations, military standings and convictions on the subject sometimes scoffed and scorned by others. These were distinguished and serious-thinking military men with their own UFO experiences. Col. Halt himself when a U.K. military base commander at RAF Bentwater was one of numerous eyewitnesses to several UFOs. “I’ve heard many people say that it’s time for the government to appoint an agency to investigate,” he said. “Folks, there is an agency, a very close-held, compartmentalized agency, that’s been investigating this for years, and there’s a very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies that probably don’t even know the details of what happens once they collect the data and forward it. “In the last couple of years, the British have released a ton of information, but has anybody ever seen what their conclusions were or heard anything about Bentwater officially? When the documents were released, the timeframe when I was involved in the incident is missing. Nothing else is missing.” The colonel says he’s kept in a lockbox copies of tapes, notes and diaries from the experience. Lee told me: “The lecture panel members didn’t always see eye-to-eye on the details of specific UFO cases, but one common thread ran through them.” Museum CEO and Executive Director Allan Palmer, who had a distinguished and decorated jet fighter career in the Air Force and Navy, added: “They’ve all been dedicated to serving our country and been very serious about it. These are not flaky people; they’ve all held very responsible positions with high-level security clearances. They’re not the kind of people who tend to imagine things or go off on a wild tangent. They’re very professional.” Air Force Col. Bill Coleman, who was former chief spokesman for Project Blue Book, told of his own riveting encounter with a UFO while piloting a B-25 bomber. You can read that incredible story in Lee’s report. Lee told me: “Col. Bob Friend said he disagreed with the Air Force’s negative conclusions about UFOs in 1969. Yes, they’re real, and I think it would be much better if the government or some other agency was to take on these things and pursue the scientific aspects of it. UFO sightings are real, and people who experience them will not be ridiculed by any honest organization that investigates it. “ British Agent Nick Pope, who noted that he had all British UFO publications sent to P.O. Box 007 in London, said that although there was no “spaceship in a hangar” smoking gun, the lecture was the real deal. “This is an insight from people who have looked at this mysterious and infuriating subject for the government. “This is a panel of people who indisputably and genuinely have done this for the government and the military. There was a wave of sightings throughout the U.K., where most of the witnesses were Royal Air Force pilots, some of whom chased these things, and many radar operatives tracked them.” Lee also has posted a video of CBS’ Mike Wallace (“60 Minutes”) grilling and getting confirmation from Marine Major Donald Keyhoe about flying saucers from outer space being witnessed by more than 800 pilots. Retired Army Col. John Alexander, a Las Vegas resident and former top-level military insider with the Advanced Theoretical Physics Group, reported several intriguing UFO cases involving pilots and added: “UFOs are real, and it is a global phenomenon -- not something that just happens in the U.S. We need to make it permissible for scientists to discuss and research these topics.” Lee summed up: “The enthusiastic audience really appreciated the panel’s candor, but they probably left with more questions than answers.” Source: Las Vegas Sun http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/sep/25/ufo-military-secrets-revealed-revelations-spark-mo/ - THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO
Can Tin Foil Stop People (Or Aliens) From Reading Your Thoughts? ![]() Let’s say that the conspiracy theorists are right. Let’s say some malevolent group—the government, powerful corporations, extraterrestrials—really is trying to read and/or control the thoughts of the Average Joe with radio waves. Would the preferred headgear of the paranoid, a foil helmet, really keep The Man and alien overlords out of our brains? The scientific reasoning behind the foil helmet is that it acts as a Faraday cage, an enclosure made up of a conducting material that shields its interior from external electrostatic charges and electromagnetic radiation by distributing them around its exterior and dissipating them. While sometimes these enclosures are actual cages, they come in many forms, and most of us have probably dealt with one type or another. Elevators, the scan rooms that MRI machines sit in, “booster bags” that shoplifters sometimes use to circumvent electronic security tags, cables like USB or TV coaxial cables, and even the typical household microwave all provide shielding as Faraday cages. While the underlying concept is good, the typical foil helmet fails in design and execution. An effective Faraday cage fully encloses whatever it’s shielding, but a helmet that doesn’t fully cover the head doesn’t fully protect it. If the helmet is designed or worn with a loose fit, radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation can still get up underneath the brim from below and reveal your innermost thoughts to the reptilian humanoids or the Bilderberg Group. Opposite Effect In 2005, a group of MIT students, prodded by “a desire to play with some expensive equipment,” tested the effectiveness of foil helmets at blocking various radio frequencies. Using two layers of Reynolds aluminum foil, they constructed three helmet designs, dubbed the Classical, the Fez, and the Centurion, and then looked at the strength of the transmissions between a radio-frequency signal generator and a receiver antenna placed on various parts of their subjects’ bare and helmet-covered heads. The helmets shielded their wearers from radio waves over most of the tested spectrum (YouTube user Mrfixitrick likewise demonstrates the blocking power of his foil toque against his wireless modem) but, surprisingly, amplified certain frequencies: those in the 2.6 Ghz (allocated for mobile communications and broadcast satellites) and 1.2 Ghz (allocated for aeronautical radionavigation and space-to-Earth and space-to-space satellites) bands. While the MIT guys’ tongue-in-cheek conclusion—“the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC”—maybe goes a few steps too far, their study at least shows that foil helmets fail at, and even counteract, their intended purpose. That, or the students are aliens or government agents who fabricated these results in an effort to get you to take your perfectly functional helmet off. ELECTRONIC MIND CONTROL Even though it may seem silly to consider that anyone could read a persons thoughts, or even control their mind using radio waves, it is a fact that a lot of money has been spent over the years to make electronic mind control a reality. Doctors have long recognized that the human brain can be influenced by a myriad of outside influences. Yet few people realize that the brain can be manipulated by such things as bright, flashing lights, to implants, microwaves and other "beamed" electronic sources. Because of this evidence, the stereotypical image of the mentally ill person who complains that the government is beaming messages into their brain, might not be so far-fetched after all. There were three scientists who pioneered the work of using an electromagnetic field to control human behavior. The three were Dr. Jose Delgado, psychology professor at Yale University. Dr. W. Ross Adey, a physiologist at the Brain Research Institute at UCLA, and Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian. Dr. Jose Delgado was a pioneer of the technology of Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). While giving a lecture on the brain in 1965, Dr. Delgado said, "Science has developed a new methodology for the study and control of cerebral function in animals and humans." Dr. Delgado was able to achieve a type of mind control with the assistance of a device he named a "stimoceiver," a miniature electrode capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals by FM radio that could be placed within an individual's cranium. Once in place, an outside operator could manipulate the subject's responses. This electronic apparatus was the forerunner of the more sophisticated computerized devises that are used today. Delgado demonstrated the potential of his stimoceivers by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place, Delgado stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards the experimenter - and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him. The powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a button on a small box held in Delgado's hand. In 1966, Delgado asserted that his experiments "support the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces and that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons." The records on MKULTRA subproject 94, dated November 22, 1961, echo's Delgado's statements: "Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will be utilized. The feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated. The present investigations are directed toward improvement of techniques and will provide precise mapping of the useful brain centers. The ultimate objective of this research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional control of animals and to provide practical systems suitable for human application." Following the successes of Delgado's work, the CIA set up their own research program in the field of electromagnetic behavior modification under the code name Sleeping Beauty. With the guidance of Dr. Ivor Browning, a laboratory was set up in New Mexico, specializing in working with the hypothalamus or "sweet spot" of the brain. Here it was found that stimulating this area could produce intense euphoria in the human brain. Since that time a number of people have come forward claiming that they are the victims of electronic mind control experiments; people such as Robert Naeslund, who says that during an operation in 1967, the Swedish Security Police implanted a radio-transmitter/receiver into the frontal lobe of his brain. What makes Naeslund's story stand out is his proof which consists of a number of X-rays that clearly show the presence of "foreign objects" deep within his brain. In his 198-page book Cybergods, Naeslund writes: "In Sweden, as far back as 1946, at Karolinska Hospital's general surgery, patients had their skull opened during operations without their knowledge to enable the implantation of electrodes in their brains. Thus could they be held hostage to a lifetime of brutal experimentation in which they were connected via radio frequencies to a central receiver which recorded their various cognitive processes and even neurological functions." Naeslund believes that he and other unwitting victims were implanted to test emerging mind control technology using two-way radio-communication or remote control. The implant, when placed in the brain, head or body, can then transmit a radio signal that connects the brain's neuro-activities to a computer that stores a person's physical and mental information within its database. Improvements in the implants could also allow for voice and other physical information, sensations, smells, tastes, to be broadcast directly into the brain. VOICES IN YOUR HEAD The use of electronic brain implants may now be a thing of the past as new technologies were developed that can allegedly influence the human brain by using electromagnetic frequencies alone. In 1961, Dr. Allen Frey, a freelance biophysicist and engineering psychologist, reported that a human can hear microwaves. Frey found that human subjects exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves perceived auditory sensations described as buzzing or knocking sounds (also described as clicks or chirps). Two researchers by the names of Joseph Sharp and Mark Grove performed experiments in which audible voices were sent by microwaves directly to the brain. A recording of someone speaking the number's one through ten was first used in the experiment. By radiating themselves with voice-modulated microwaves, Sharp and Grove were able to hear, identify, and distinguish the words. The sounds heard were similar to those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes. In the mid-1970s, the United States was extremely interested in combining high-frequency radio waves with hypnosis. Plans were on file to develop these techniques through experiments on human volunteers. The spoken word of a hypnotist could be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain. This could be done without the use of implants, or allow the victim to control the input of information consciously. However, it appears that the United States was not the only one interested in using electronics for mind control of the masses. In September 1990, the Washington Post published an article dealing with the growing concern within the United States intelligence community over the Russians' progress in the development of long-range electronic mind control: "According to the communications of Russian defectors, the Russians have succeeded in influencing human behavior, changing human feelings and health condition, incurring unconsciousness and even killing people." One document from the Intelligence Service at the United States Department of Defense says that the Soviet experiments imposed on the recipient resulted in, "disquietude combined with short windedness and the feeling of being hit on the head." Some western observers of electronic extra sensorial developments are alarmed by the possible effects of "subconscious influencing when used against the U.S. staff operating nuclear missiles." In March, 1994, The Village Voice published an interview with Steve Killion, deputy chief of the FBI's technical services division. Killion claimed that in March, 1993, "Russian scientists demonstrated to ten American military, intelligence and law-enforcement officials in Washington, a device they claimed could subliminally implant thoughts in people's minds and thereby control their actions." Killion stated that he was present at the demonstration and was shown how siege situations could be ended easily. "In the normal course of your negotiation with the individual by telephone you can impress a coded message," said Killion, "it is not realized consciously by the individual, but subconsciously, subliminally, they understand it." Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as "Voice Synthesis" which is remote beaming of audio (i.e., voices or other audible signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target. Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices into a target's head is known inside the Pentagon as "Synthetic Telepathy." According to Dr. Robert Becker in his 1998 book The Body Electric, "Synthetic Telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin." In 1996, the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a 14-volume study of future developments in weapons called New World Vistas. Hidden away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some frightening insights into the future "coupling" of man and machine in a section dealing with "Biological Process Control." The author refers to an "explosion" of knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously: "One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set." For what reason would any government, military or intelligence agency subject innocent people to clandestine mind control operations? If such a program is being conducted, then the overall cost must amount in the billions of dollars yearly. For such a budget, the secret mind control operation must be extremely important to someone. The quest for operational mind control has come a long way since the early days of Candy Jones and her handler's attempts to create a dual-personality spy by using drugs and hypnosis. It is now probable that electronics, computers, microwaves and even, as some claim, satellites, are being used to control the minds of not just an experimental few, but possibly whole populations. So the next time you read a rambling letter from someone claiming that the government is beaming "mind control" rays into their brains - you may want to reconsider making a snap judgment on the sanity of the unfortunate victim. After all, no one takes the time to research, design and develop a weapon, such as mind control machines, unless they intend to use it. Find out more about the shocking reality of mind control in the new book: "Mind Stalkers - Mind Control of the Masses" by Commander X and Tim Swartz Source: Mental Floss http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/143151 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines ![]() Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ![]() The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network ![]() Wm Michael Mott - Mottimorphic Enterprises ![]() ![]() Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! ![]() PSI TALK-The Internet's Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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