![]() 1/25/13 #707 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal707.html ![]() The
crystal ball glimmered with
an iridescence of days of future
past. The nearby flickering
candles threw shadows of things yet
to be upon the orbs
crystalline matrix. The prophet,
withered and aged, breathed
deeply of the smokey air and continued to
gaze deeply into the heart of
the crystal. Deep within his
brain, universal connections
that bind us all in a web of
wholeness are stimulated by the
hypnotic shapes that danced faintly in the
Time and space are one and all information contained within reality are available to those who can master their intellect and allow the stream of information to be downloaded directly into the brain -- bypassing the rational mind that would block anything received through such unconventional methods. The prophet sighs in contentment -- because once again his crystal ball has brought him his subscription to Conspiracy Journal, the free weekly e-mail newsletter of everything weird and strange from the past present and future. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Icy Winter Tales as: - Scientist Says Fossilized Algae Found in Meteorite - - UFOs: Silencing The Insiders - - Grapes of Wrath: The Fall River/Dighton Mystery - - The Mystery of Ghost Lights - AND: Welcome to the Hotel Paranormal CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ THE REALITY OF THE INNER WORLD ![]() Inner Earth People And Outer Space PeopleCENSORED FOR CENTURIES BY THE CHURCH WITH THE BACKING OF WORLD LEADERS!Is There A Golden Paradise Inside Our Earth? Who Pilots The Ships We Call UFOs? Are They Here To Harm Or Help Us? Are the Residents Of This Subterranean World Angels or Devils? Quietly -- without public fanfare
-- scientists search for the entrance to the inner
earth. Such a discovery could possibly improve all
our lives. . . as well as provide an endless source
for fossil fuel.
It could be that mankind may not be alone on this planet. Scripture actually speaks of a paradise inside the earth inhabited by giant plants, mythological creatures and even highly advanced human-like beings. Further, UFOs do exist, but only some of them come from outer space. And the ones that do come here from other planets may not be entirely friendly. We may have to learn to protect ourselves from their ungodly influences and desires. The author, William L. Blessing is a full gospel minister who wants to share vital information with you! Based on Scripture, Rev. Blessing is convinced that there are "three heavens that belong to the earth. The Apostle Paul tells us that he was 'caught up to the tird heaven' and while in theat heaven he 'heard unspeakable words which is not lawful for a man to utter.'" Blessing states that this area of "darkness" is inhabited by a very evil people. Beyond the darkness is the moon and then the asteroid or planetoid ring of inhabited places -- inhabited by the outer space people. Beyond this first heaven is a vaporous ring in which they are great quantities of ice." According to Blessing, "The Bible teaches us that there are people dwelling in the inside of the earth. For want to a better name I shall call them Inner Earth People. I would estimate the population of the inner earth to be ten billion, or about five times more than those of us who live on the surface. "There are 200,000,000 pilots in the flying saucer corps in the inner earth. The name of their commander in chief is Apollyon, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath is his name Apollyon." Blessing states: "They will soon, very soon, invade the surface of the earth. In fact, I believe that the invasion has already begun by an advance reconnaissance force that is flying out and over the surface, mapping the land areas and strategic places where they will strike in their all-out invasion!" You can also phone
in your credit card orders to Global
24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you
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Scientist Says Fossilized Algae Found in Meteorite ![]() Fossilized algae recently discovered inside a Sri Lankan meteorite could finally prove the existence of extra-terrestrial life, claim the authors of the new paper. In a recently published article in the Journal of Cosmology titled “Fossil Diatoms in a New Carbonaceous Meteorite”, scientists from the UK and Sri Lanka claim to have found fossilized algae in a meteorite. The paper alleges that “microscopic fossilized diatoms were found in the sample,” which fell in Sri Lanka in December last year. The study was conducted by a group headed by Chandra Wickramasinghe, the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham, who was also a co-founder of Panspermia theory. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, claims the two-inch wide lump of space rock is pitted with microscopic seaweed fossils similar to those found on Earth. 'These finds are crushing evidence that human life started from outside our Earth,' said the professor, who is notorious for his theories that life on this planet was 'seeded' from outer space. The finding, the work suggests is a “strong evidence to support the theory of cometary panspermia.” The theory argues that life across planets is spread by meteorites and asteroids. Panspermia suggests that life could have existed on another planet and moved to Earth. 'We are all aliens - we share a cosmic ancestry,' Wickramasinghe said. 'Each time a new planetary system forms a few surviving microbes find their way into comets. 'These then multiply and seed other planets. 'These latest finds are just more evidence to point to the overwhelming fact that life on Earth began on other worlds.' The scientists concluded the paper by saying “the presence of structures of this kind in any extra-terrestrial setting could be construed as unequivocal proof of biology.” Samples from the rock were collected immediately after a large meteorite disintegrated and fell in the village of Araganwila in Sri Lanka on 29 December 2012. The scientific community, including Prof Francis Thackeray from the Institute of Human Evolution at Wits University welcomed the report as “very exciting” yet “very controversial”, as samples could have been contaminated on earth, Business Day reports. The finding however has already come under sharp criticism, with astronomers claiming that the meteorite looks more like a rock that could be found on earth as the study provides vague details of the finding. Astronomer and lecturer Phil Plait wrote in his blog on Slate that the chemical analysis presented “doesn’t prove it’s a carbonaceous chondrite, let alone a meteorite,” and there is “no reason to trust that what they have is a meteorite.” Plait also cited a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology Patrick Kociolek as saying that there was no sign that the diatoms illustrated in the study were “fossilized material,” and that most of them were species that represented “a clear case of contamination with freshwater.” Speaking with HuffingtonPost, the author of the study did not deny that the meteorite his team studied contained known freshwater species from Earth. But there were also “at least half a dozen species that diatom experts have not been able to identify,” Wickramasinghe added. He also addressed the allegations that the meteorite could be a simple rock, saying that “from all the evidence” his group possessed – which they plan to publish – they “have no doubt whatsoever” it was a meteorite. The still-smoking meteorite fragments were picked up by villagers in central Sri Lanka after they crashed to Earth in a spectacular fireball, it is claimed. They were analysed in a British laboratory where fossils of algae were apparently found. It is claimed the finds are similar to micro-organisms found in fossil remains from the dinosaur age 55million years ago. “If only ideas that are considered orthodox are given support through award of grants or publication opportunities, it is certain that the progress of science will be stifled as it was throughout the middle ages,” Wickramasinghe said. Source: Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2266435/Does-rock-prove-life-outer-space-Controversial-scientist-claims-fossils-meteor-fragment.html -
UFOs: Silencing The Insiders By Nick Redfern ![]() There is probably not a
single person within Ufology who isn’t familiar
with the controversy of the Men in Black; those
dark-suited characters who do their very best to
silence members of the public to UFO activity.
That at least some MIB appear to come from
within government (although certainly not the
majority – which are a very different and far
weirder and ghoulish breed) begs two important
questions: What happens when those on the inside
of officialdom see UFOs? Do they get similarly
silenced? Yes, they most certainly do. And
here’s one perfect – but, until now, barely
known – example.
In my first book, A Covert Agenda – which was published in 1997 - I made mention of a small (but nonetheless intriguing) body of evidence pertaining to the collation and investigation of UFO data on the part of the sprawling Government Communications Headquarters at Cheltenham, England – a body with the daunting and massive task of secretly collecting and analyzing intelligence data by all manner of sources: telephone-monitoring, email interception, spy-satellites, and more. Moreover, GCHQ works hand in glove with the United States’ National Security Agency – an agency with a rich history of involvement in the UFO puzzle. Second, on more than one occasion reports have surfaced relating to the sighting of UFOs over the GCHQ complex itself. To illustrate this, on 29 March 1996, two security guards assigned to the facility viewed during the early hours of the morning a silent, brightly-lit object that over-flew their heads while they patrolled the base. “We just looked at it,” said one, adding, “We weren’t frightened. We were just amazed.” The other concurred: “I have never seen anything like it before in my life. It was travelling very fast. It definitely was not a plane.” The response from Government Communications Headquarters when the media latched on to what had occurred was tight lipped: “No doubt they did see something but I couldn’t say what it was,” was the carefully worded response from a GCHQ spokesman. At the time that I wrote A Covert Agenda, little more of substance had surfaced with respect to the events in question; however, behind the scenes, major concern had been expressed on the part of senior staff within GCHQ, something which resulted in stern words delivered to the witnesses – as will now become readily apparent. Robin Cole – a Cheltenham-based researcher who spent much of the mid to late 1990s digging into the GCHQ-UFO issue – has been able to shed further and much welcome light on the 29 March 1996 UFO encounter reported by two GCHQ security guards. And to mention the disturbing aftermath. In an interview with me, Cole said: “Both of the guards were so convinced by what they’d seen that they went to The Citizen – this is the local newspaper that covers the Gloucester area – and reported it. Well, the papers went on to publish their names and the fact that they were security guards at GCHQ. Normally, people who work at the base just say that they’re civil servants, because they don’t want to be associated with GCHQ publicly.” Cole says he “…didn’t make too big a deal out of it,” but “…did try and look into it all a bit deeper.” It so happens, Cole explains, that a member of a local UFO group he was attached to ”… knew one of the security guards and another member used to work at GCHQ as a security guard and knew the other one. Well, they then subsequently invited the two of them around for tea and got on to talking about UFOs – as you do!” Basically, adds Cole, when the article in The Citizen appeared the two guards made a statement to his – Cole’s – colleagues along the following lines: “We were both hauled in before our superiors the following morning and we were told that what we had seen was the Mir Space Station, and that we were to drop it unless we wanted to face severe action. You know how it is at GCHQ; they’re all paranoid. But we know deep in our hearts that this was not a space station. It was far too low in orbit and it just came over and stopped. It was there for several minutes and was then joined by a second light. The one then seemed to drop down quite low, and as soon as it started dropping, the pair of them just shot off. And we know it wasn’t Mir.” As this case – just one of many – demonstrates, it’s not only the general public that is encouraged to stay silent when UFO events occur. Even those in the employ of government face the wrath of officialdom when daring to speak out about their UFO experiences… Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/01/ufos-silencing-the-insiders/ - AREA 51 OF
What’s Going On At Fort Campbell, Kentucky? By Micah Hanks ![]() The state of Kentucky
has, at times, been considered a rather
odd place. Tracing the state’s northern
border, one can follow the Ohio River
all the way down to its tributaries that
empty into the southwest end, forming a
cluster of counties that are riddled
with odd stories of weird creatures,
mysterious flying objects, and an entire
host of other strange mysteries. It is
indeed very odd that little rural areas
the likes of Kelly and Hopkinsville,
over in Christian County on Kentucky’
southern border, have had such strange
myths associated with them; ever since
the mid 1950s, when literal reports of
“goblins” began to stem from one branch
of the Sutton family over near
Hopkinsville, the place has been host to
periodic reports of the weird and
unsavory variety (and speaking of things
weird and unsavory, if you’re a fan of
late-night radio that gives you the
creeps, check out the latest Gralien
Despite the urban legends that have become appended to such rural parts of the Ohio River Basin, there is something of a modern mythos surrounding the region as well, drawing from reports of odd aerial happenings down along the Kentucky/Tennessee border. In fact, if one drives just ten miles south of Hopkinsville’s city limits, they will soon approach the home of the American 101st Airborne Division, along with the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, located at an Army installation known as Fort Campbell. Much like other clandestine locales across the United States (Area 51, the highly-secretive base near Groom Lake, Nevada, comes to mind), many have asserted over the years that there are numerous oddities associated with Fort Campbell, ranging from strange synchronistic parallels to famous rock bands and iconic artists, to the appearances of UFOs and covert “black helicopters” associated with popular conspiracy theories. But what might draw one into taking an interest in such a location? For me, it all started falling together, and innocently enough, following an odd email that appeared in my inbox, which referred to the place as “The Area 51 of Appalachia.” Fort Campbell: Area 51 of Appalachia? The email in question had arrived from a television producer friend of mine who, seeking my opinion on the location, had been asking about mysterious activities associated with this apparently rather secretive military base along the Kentucky/Tennessee border. The note read: “From the perspective of the UFO community do you think there is any validity to this claim: ‘Fort Campbell, KY is the Area 51 of Appalachia?’ “ To be honest, at the time I knew very little about the installation, let alone the potentials that might exist there in terms of qualifying for being anything like Area 51. Then, after doing a bit of digging around, it turns out that there are at least a few elements that begin to emerge which could link Fort Campbell to a handful of modern conspiracy theories. One of these involves the appearances of “black helicopters” popularly associated with government surveillance, special ops, and even some UFO sightings. Black Helicopters at Fort Campbell? Without question, the presence of not only “black helicopters,” but a host of other special-ops aircraft, can be confirmed at Fort Campbell, in conjunction with their 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR). According to the website GlobalSecurity.org: The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment [based at Fort Campbell] uses specially modified aircraft and highly trained pilots and aircrews to get special operations teams to their missions. Often moving through hostile territory or flying in bad weather or at night, the 160th SOAR has adopted the name “Night Stalkers.” The Regiment is recognized for proficiency in night time operations. In truth, there’s nothing really “conspiratorial” about the fact that the government uses black helicopters amidst their array of aerial vehicles for a variety of special purposes, which include night missions (hence one reason the black coloration becomes a logical factor in the practical design for these craft). Rather, the shadowy aspect emerges from the kinds of things the black helicopters become associated with, such as chasing or appearing in conjunction with UFOs (consider the Cash-Landrum incident, a UFO close encounter that occurred in 1980 where the witnesses claimed to watch 23 dark-colored helicopters follow the unidentified object as it left their vicinity). Obviously, the black helicopters associated with the 160th SOAR at Fort Campbell aren’t UFOs themselves… but that doesn’t remove UFOs from the equation altogether, so far as their relation to Fort Campbell. Flying Saucers and a “Mother Ship” Over Fort Campbell In an incident dated September 10, 1981, a MUFON witness report alleged that an elaborate, multiple-witness encounter had taken place over Fort Campbell, during a training exercise being carried out by the 101st Airborne Division. Below is the original MUFON report (with minor edits), as filed by a witness who claimed to have come within inches of a “landed” saucer: “We received a radio call from division HQ that [we had been ordered to halt] the exercise and observe the sky for unusual objects. We [were] notified that the object is unidentifiable. We were asked to mark our watches and monitor time loss. After the event we should examine ourselves for puncture wounds in the nape of our necks and behind the ear lobes. Not long after that (about 1 minute) a large object appeared in the sky… I could not see it at first. It appeared like all the other other stars. “The radio operator… and the company commander… pointed out the object. It grew bigger and bigger and appeared to be approximately 2000 ft. up. One object turned into 4 maybe 5 smaller objects. They were discs and they came from the larger object. Now I can’t figure out if the larger object was a cylinder or a larger disc because of the angle and postion it was in. The smaller disc as I recall glowed green on one side and orange on the other. They flew faster than any earth bound vehicle and could stop on a dime, a very sudden stop no coasting. These discs wanted to be seen obviously with bright colors and it appeared that the were flying in a pattern to triangulate the entire [division] and then they stopped and spread quickly to various points. One of the silver discs stopped maybe 150 meters away from my company. I immediately asked the company commander, I volunteer to go forward and make contact. I will be peaceful and show no hostility. He said Doc I need to get that cleared. He radioed division [headquarters] and they said proceed with caution… make note of any markings [and observe] any life forms inside. The narrator, “Doc,” then claimed to have approached the “landed” disc, which made no movement, or any other kind of activity that could be discerned. Doc also “offered” rations he had been carrying, with the apparent presupposition that this craft was being controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences (hence the members of the division being asked to “monitor time loss” and watch for “puncture wounds” in various places around the neck and ears. If this incident is to be believed (and perhaps nothing should be taken merely at face value, despite the witness claiming to have served on the 101st), it still does not directly correlate the UFO activity with any operations that may actually be housed there at Fort Campbell. There are, however, a host of other strange correlations that exist in relation to the the Kentucky installation, some having to do with rock legends like Jimi Hendrix and The Byrds, among others. And finally, there are often assertions made in relation to so-called FEMA “concentration camps” that list Fort Campbell among the many government installations that would seek to imprison Americans following panic outbreaks and martial law. As is often the case, one might surmise that there is far more that could be said, than which could actually be proven; such is quite obviously the case with Fort Campbell, too. But the location has nonetheless maintained quite a mystique of its own, and whether or not one finds it deserving of being called, “The Area 51 of Appalachia” or not, there are still plenty of peculiarities about the odd Kentucky stronghold that will keep a few of us wondering. Source: The Gralien Report http://gralienreport.com/conspiracies/whats-going-on-at-fort-campbell-kentucky-2/ - OUT OF PLACE ARTIFACTS DEPARTMENT - Grapes of Wrath: The Fall River/Dighton Mystery By Ken Summers ![]() By now, it’s a
well-accepted fact that the Vikings beat
Columbus to the New World (i.e. North
America) by a couple hundred years.
Settlements have been found in
Newfoundland along the Eastern Canadian
coast. But exactly how far south they
traveled in North America is still a
mystery. But could a buried warrior and
a strange stone hold the key to the
mystery, or is it just the tip of an
archaeological iceberg?
Fall River, Massachusetts, is perhaps best known for the violent double homicide leading to the murder trial of Lizzie Borden, but 50 years before that crime, the town was made famous by another shocking headline. Near the present site of New England Gas Company where 5th Street meets Hartwell, workmen excavating a hill uncovered a skeleton in a shallow grave in 1831. According to a contemporary account published in 1839 for American Monthly Magazine, the skeleton was buried in a sitting position encased in coarse bark with its head one foot below ground level. It appears the young man had possibly been mummified either naturally or intentionally (“The preservation of this body may be the result of some embalming process, and this hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the skin has the appearance of having been tanned…”) and wrapped in a coarse cloth resembling burlap. He wore a large brass breastplate across his chest, and around his waist was... “…a belt composed of brass tubes, each four and a half inches in length and three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter… the length of the tube being the width of the belt. The tubes are of thin brass, cast upon hollow reeds, and were fastened together by pieces of sinew… The arrows are of brass, thin, flat, and triangular in shape, with a round hole cut through near the base. The shaft was fastened to the head by inserting the latter in an opening at the end of the wood, and then tying it with a sinew through the round hole, a mode of constructing the weapon never practiced by the Indians…” There is some historical debate as to the last statement. Brass was not unfamiliar to native tribes who had been known to trade goods for brass kettles which they melted down for arrowheads and adornments in the 1600s. One brass tube was donated to Copenhagen’s Peabody Museum in 1887; analysis revealed it was indeed brass. Without modern dating techniques, though, the age of the skeleton couldn’t be determined. Some people insisted it was some lost Indian chief. Others suggested it was undoubtedly Phoenician and proved that some forgotten Mediterranean peoples had crossed the Atlantic and formed the mythical Atlantis “beyond the Pillars of Hercules” (or Rock of Gibraltar) as recorded by Plato. Others insisted it was just a hoax. The remains and artifacts were carefully excavated and placed on display at the Fall River Athanaeum. Unfortunately—or curiously, as some have pointed out—the museum housed in the old Town Hall burned to the ground in the Great Fire of 1843. The famed “Skeleton in Armor” was destroyed, and his true identity forever lost by unceremonial cremation. Yet his story lived on through the poem “A Skeleton in Armour” published in 1841. Its author, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, made an entirely different bold claim: “I was a Viking old! My deeds, though manifold, No Skald in song has told, No Saga taught thee! Take heed, that in thy verse Thou dost the tale rehearse, Else dread a dead man’s curse; For this I sought thee.” Whether Longfellow truly believed the skeleton was Norse (and that the Norse were also responbibsible for construction of Newport’s Old Stone Mill) is still uncertain, but he was likely influenced by Danish historian Carl Rafn who published Antiquitates Americanæ—a large body of his work related to early Viking exploration in North America before Columbus—in 1837. Norse writings told of land west of Greenland they discovered and explored. They called it Vinland, translated by some historians as “Wine Land”, so named for its abundant grape vines. Finally in the 1960s, archaeologists began to unearth the first definitive proof of Norse settlements along the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at Jellyfish Cove (or L’Anse aux Meadows). There is some ongoing debate as to whether Vinland referred to grapes or meadows. Some archaeologists speculated that this settlement was indeed Vinland, while other researchers feel that the name implies that the Vikings traveled much farther south into New England where wild grapes would’ve been found in abundance. But there’s another puzzling piece to the mystery, from just a few miles north of Fall River on the Taunton River. It’s called Dighton Rock, and some people believe it’s further proof of the Norse in Massachusetts. Since the late 17th century, the strangely carved boulder known as Dighton Rock has been a great curiosity and point of controversy. No one can be sure of how long it had been endlessly flooded and uncovered by the tides when John Danforth first sketched the strange pictographs in 1680. Though many attempts have been made to pinpoint an exact telltale calling card to tie it in perfectly with a specific group of people, even the best evidence is highly questionable. Explanations range from Native Americans documenting the first white settlers to the Ancient Chinese to Portuguese explorers landing there in 1511. And yes, of course, even the Vikings. Carl Rafn believed these inscriptions were Norse in origin, perhaps telling of a voyage by Leif the Lucky in 1000AD (which fed right into Longfellow’s poetic, romantic interpretation). But he’s not the only one to have fanciful ideas behind it. Count Antoine Court de Gebelin of Paris declared that he had uncovered its secrets in 1781. It was, according to him, a testimonial from a ship crew who had traveled there from Carthage in ancient times and told the natives of their perilous voyage. A Harvard scholar named Samuel Harris, Jr., claimed to have found the Hebrew words for “king”, “priest”, and “idol” inscribed on the stone in 1807. Twenty-four years later, Maryland teacher Ira Hill announced that it was documented proof of a biblical voyage from the Old Testament: “And King Solomon made a navy of ships in Eziongeber… And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon. And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents, and brought it to King Solomon.” – I Kings 9 How could so many ideas come from one stone? Just look at the differences in transcription of the stone between 1680 and 1854. Weathering isn’t the only impact the rock has received over the years. As seen on the changing inscriptions, there has been evidence of vandalism over the centuries. One possible written text over the petroglyphs could be translated to read “Injun Trail to Spring in Swomp ? yds. 167”, implying directions written after 1680 by (somewhat) literate settlers. Perhaps the most important point about Dighton Rock was made by Professor Edmund Delabarre of Brown University. After discrediting the Viking theory of the stone’s origins, he suggested that psychology could hold the key to the perplexing number of theories about the stone. For him, it was all a matter of psychic projection—similar to the Rorschach test, each examiner is taking these simple scratches and imposing their own opinions onto the stone. He concluded that the pictographs were most likely made by native tribes and their meanings corrupted by people having their own agendas and visions for what history might have been. While we can’t say that an armor-clad skeleton lost in a blaze or carved symbols on a weathered stone say for sure that Vikings landed in New England, it still remains a theory that tantalizes rogue archaeologists. For all we know, they did see the shoreline of Massachusetts a thousand years ago, but it will take much more than a worn puzzling stone or brass tube to prove it. Still, both the Skeleton in Armor and Dighton Stone remain puzzles yet to be completely unlocked. Source: Who Forted? http://whofortedblog.com/2013/01/19/grapes-wrath-fall-riverdighton-mystery/ - TALES OF THE
The Mystery of Ghost Lights ![]() Ghost lights are luminous phenomena, usually either points of lights or spheres, whose appearance, behavior, location, or regular manifestation puts them, at least ostensibly, into a separate category from ball lightning or unidentified flying objects. Ghost lights are often taken to be supernatural or paranormal, and in many cases, especially those in which they appear regularly over a period of time in one place (as with the famous Brown Mountain lights and the Marfa lights), legends have grown around them, typically associating the lights with apparitions of the dead. Lights in folk tradition Over three hundred years ago Nathaniel Crouch wrote in The English Empire in America (1685) that the Indians "have a remarkable observation of a flame that appears before the death of an Indian or English upon their wigwams in the dead of night; I was called out once about twelve a clock ... and plainly perceived it mounting into the air over a church.... You may certainly expect a dead corpse in two or three days." Three decades earlier, in 1656, John Davis, vicar of Geneu'r Glyn, Cardiganshire, Wales, recorded his and others' observations of varyingly colored lights which foretold deaths. These lights could be encountered anywhere: in the open air, on their way through a door, or inside a house. A small light presaged the death of a child, a bigger light that of an adult. Several lights together meant as many deaths. His wife's sister, Davis said, had observed five lights in a room; that night, in that very room, five servants suffocated to death in a freak accident. In 1897 R. C. Maclagan published a long survey of ghost-light traditions, stories, and reports from Scotland's West Highlands. Typical of them are these tales told by an Islay man: One time lights were seen moving about at night on the rocks on the shore near Kilchearan. Shortly after that, a vessel was wrecked there, and the body of a man was washed ashore at the spot where the lights had been seen. One time lights were seen on Lochandaal, between Bowmore and Blackrock. Not long after that, two young men were crossing the loch on a small boat, and at the place at which the lights had been seen the boat was capsized and the two lads drowned. Such widespread traditions of "corpse candles" continued into the twentieth century. As a Welsh informant told W. Y. Evans-Wentz early in the century, "The death-candle appears like a patch of bright light; and no matter how dark the room or place is, everything in it is as clear as day. The candle is not a flame, but a luminous mass, lightish blue in color, which dances as though borne by an invisible agency, and sometimes it rolls over and over. If you go up to the light, it is nothing, for it is a spirit." In February 1909, for example, newspaper accounts told of the excitement generated in Stockton, Pennsylvania, over the "appearance at night of an arrow of flame, which hovers over the spot on the mountain where the dismembered body of a woman was found in a barrel two years ago.... The light appears every night at about 9 o'clock and hovers over the spot until midnight, but it disappears when anyone approaches the spot to investigate. The superstitious villagers say it is the avenging spirit of the slain woman come back to keep alive the history of the crime so that the murderers may some day be apprehended." Lights also were associated with appearances of fairies. A young Irishman who attended Oxford University with Evans-Wentz provided him with this account: Some few weeks before Christmas, 1910, at midnight on a very dark night, I and another young man (who like myself was then about twenty-three years of age) were on horseback on our way home from Limerick. When near Listowel, we noticed a light about half a mile ahead. At first it seemed to be no more than a light in some house; but as we came nearer to it and it was passing out of our direct line of vision we saw that it was moving up and down, to and fro, diminishing to a spark, then expanding into a yellow luminous flame. Before we came to Listowel we noticed two lights, about one hundred yards to our right, resembling the light seen first. Suddenly each of these lights expanded into the same sort of yellow luminous flame, about six feet high by four feet broad. In the midst of each flame we saw a radiant being having human form. Presently the lights moved toward one another and made contact, whereupon the two beings in them were seen to be walking side by side. The beings' bodies were formed of a pure dazzling radiance, white like the radiance of the sun, and much brighter than the yellow light or aura surrounding them. So dazzling was the radiance, like a halo, round their heads that we could not distinguish the countenance of the beings; we could only distinguish the general shape of their bodies; though their heads were very clearly outlined because this halo-like radiance, which was the brightest light about them, seemed to radiate from or rest upon the head of each being. As we travelled on, a house intervened between us and the lights, and we saw no more of them. Lights in Wales In early December 1904 a 38-year-old Welsh housewife and folk evangelist, Mary Jones of Egryn, Merionethshire, allegedly experienced a vision of Jesus, and in short order she became the leading figure in a Christian revival which in the weeks and months ahead attracted international attentionnot because of her message, which was simply the tried and true one, but because of the peculiar phenomena that accompanied it. The lights themselves were not unusual, but they had an odd quality: sometimes-though not always-they were visible to some persons but not to others who should have been able to observe them. A London Daily Mirror reporter related a sighting he experienced in the company of the newspaper's photographer. The two had stationed themselves one evening in Egryn, where they hoped to see the lights. At 10 P.m., after a three-and-a-half hour vigil, a light resembling an "unusually brilliant carriage lamp" appeared at a distance of 400 yards. As the reporter approached it, it took the form of a bar of light quite four feet wide, within a few yards of the chapel [from which Mrs. Jones conducted her ministry]. For half a moment it lay across the road, and then extended itself up the wall on either side. It did not rise above the walls. As I stared, fascinated, a kind of quivering radiance flashed with lightning speed from one end of the bar to the other, and the whole thing disappeared. "Look! Look!" cried two women standing just behind me; "Look at the Light!" I found they had seen exactly what had appeared to me. Now comes a startling sequel. Within ten yards of where that band of vivid light had flashed across the road, stood a little group of fifteen or twenty persons. I went up to them, all agog to hear exactly what they thought of the manifestations-but not one of those I questioned had seen anything at all! The witness does not say what, if anything, his photographer saw, or why the latter took no photographs. (No photographs of the lights are known to exist, and some contemporary accounts even assert, improbably, that the lights could not be photographed.) Arguably the climate of excitement and expectation caused the reporter to hallucinate, but the Daily Telegraph writer was not the only journalist to report such an experience. If anything, the incident recounted by Beriah G. Evans of the Barmouth Advertiser is more puzzling. Evans wrote that while walking with Mrs. Jones and three other persons early on the evening of January 31, 1905, he saw "three brilliant rays of light strike across the road from mountain to sea, throwing the stone wall twenty or thirty yards in front into bold relief, every stone plainly visible. There was not a living soul there, nor house, from which it could have come." Half a mile later, a "blood-red light" appeared in the middle of the village street a foot above the ground and immediately in front of them. It vanished suddenly. Only the reporter and the evangelist saw these things. "I may add," Evans wrote in a subsequent magazine article, "that a fortnight later a London journalist had an almost identical experience. He, and a woman standing near, saw the white light, now a broad band, crossing the road near the chapel, and climbing and resting upon the wall. A group of half a dozen other people present at the same time saw nothing. Others have had an almost precisely similar experience." Still, other light manifestations claimed not only multiple but independent witnesses. Once, as Mrs. Jones was holding a revival meeting in a chapel in Bryncrug, a ball of fire casting rays downward illuminated the church. It was also observed by passers-by. On another occasion, Mrs. Jones and three companions were traveling in a carriage in broad daylight when a bright light with no apparent source suddenly shone on them. The occupants of two trailing carriages including two skeptical journalists, witnessed the sight as did Barmouth residents who were awaiting her arrival. Some representative sightings: December 22, 1904, 5:18 P.M.: Three observers saw a large light "about half way from the earth to the sky, on the south side of Capel Egryn, and in the middle of it something like [a] bottle or black person, also some little lights scattering around the large light in many colors." January 2, 1905, 10:40 P.M.: "Hovering above a certain farmhouse ... it appeared to me as three lamps about three yards apart ... very brilliant and dazzling, moving and jumping like a sea-wave under the influence of the sun on a very hot day. The light continued so for ten minutes. All my family saw it the same time." Early January, between 10 and 10:30 P.M.: "I saw two very bright lights, about half a mile away, one a big white light, the other smaller and red in color. The latter flashed backwards and forwards, and finally seemed in the same place again, but a few minutes after, we saw another light which seemed to be a few yards above the ground. It now looked like one big flame, and all around it seemed like one big glare of light. It flamed up and went out alternately for about ten minutes." On February 23 the Advertiser took note of a recent report by two men, one a prominent farmer, of a "gigantic human form rising over a hedgerow. Then a ball of fire appeared above and a long ray of light pierced the figure, which vanished." In the midst of all of this, Mrs. Jones and some of her followers were also encountering Christ and angels, who would manifest themselves in dreams and visions. One dark night, as she walked along a country road, Mrs. Jones said she encountered a shadowy figure who turned into a black dog and charged her, only to be dissuaded when she broke into a hymn. The attacker was, of course, Satan. These sorts of experiences are invariably personal and subjective and thus susceptible, to those so disposed, to secular psychological explanations. The lights, on the other hand, remain a mystery nearly a century later. The appearance of the lights in the context of an evangelical revival may or may not be coincidental. Certainly it is true, if we look at the broader historical view, that anomalous luminosities are usually observed in a purely secular context. Still, there are precedents. During a religious revival in Ireland in 1859, a "cloud of fire" was seen to descend from the sky and then hover over open-air assemblies of the faithful. In hundreds, possibly even thousands, of places around the world, "strange lights haunt the earth," anomaly chronicler Vincent H. Gaddis has written. "These types of UFOs are not flying saucers or balls of lightning. They are usually small in size and appear close to the ground. Their outstanding characteristic is that they are localized to one area or place." Such lights become the focus of legends, not infrequently of lantern-bearing ghosts searching for something they lost in life, such as (in some of the more morbid traditions) a head. Not many of these have ever been properly investigated, but on those rare occasions when scientists or other serious researchers have addressed themselves to the task, the results generally have been disappointing-at least to those who wish to have their mysteries remain forever enigmatic or who, on the other hand, have their own more exotic explanatory hobbyhorses to ride. Many of the lights turn out, for example, to emanate from the headlights of cars on distant highways, or from stars and planets refracted through layers of air of varying temperatures. Sometimes the claim that the lights were a part of folklore even before the invention of the automobile or the locomotive proves itself to be folklore. Yet even ghost lights which are convincingly explainable in prosaic terms yield up occasionally puzzling reports, as if to confuse those of us who want to keep things simple. It may be that these are only anomalies of human perception, of course, but sometimes the witnesses are scientists and other trained observers. There are, however, unambiguously mysterious lights which serious, sustained investigations by sober field researchers have not been able to lay to rest. The two major current examples are the lights at the Yakima Indian Reservation of south-central Washington and in the Hessdalen Valley of Norway. The thinly populated reservation is 3500 miles square, divided between rugged wilderness in the west and flat lands in the east. Beginning in the late 1960s (though sporadic sightings had occurred before then), forest rangers, fire-control personnel, and others began reporting the movement of bright white lights low in the sky over rough terrain on both the north and south sides of Toppenish Ridge, which cuts through the reservation's east-central section. When these reports came to the attention of W. J. (Bill) Vogel, chief fire-control officer, by his own account he would greet them "with knowing smiles, an embarrassed shuffling of papers, and advisement to 'keep us informed'." Then late one night, as he was on patrol south of Toppenish, he saw something above a hill. "It was easy to see then that the object most certainly was no aircraft," he said. "Also there was no discernible lateral movement. Even without binoculars the object's teardrop shape, with the small, pointed end above, was obvious. Brilliantly white in the center, the outer edges were fluorescent tan or light orange with a surrounding halolike glow. Its most awe-inspiring feature was a mouselike tail or antenna protruding from the small end and pointing upward. The antenna, as long as the object itself, was segmented into colors of red, blue, green, and white which were constantly changing brilliancy and hue. Over the next 90 minutes Vogel took a series of photographs of the object, which eventually vanished to the south over the Simcoe Mountains. It would be only the first of a number of sightings he would make. Soon Vogel was busy collecting and investigating sightings on the reservation. Most of the reports he gathered were from his own fire lookouts, all trained and reliable observers, but he also interviewed many local people who had seen the lights. Later investigators included astronomer and former Air Force UFO consultant J. Allen Hynek. Hynek persuaded the Tribal Council to allow an observer to set up equipment on the reservation and to monitor the lights' activity. The observer, David Akers of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), brought with him cameras and other devices. On August 19, 1972, his first night on the reservation, Akers, accompanied by Vogel, saw two round, glowing, reddish-orange lights circling, changing places, and going on and off as they maneuvered beneath the tops of hills west of White Swan, a town at the reservation's north-central region. He took four photographs. Other sightings and other photographs followed until Akers left the reservation at the end of the month. Unfortunately, technical problems with his equipment prevented him from getting the other kinds of hard data he was seeking, but Akers left convinced that "something very strange and unusual is taking place." He returned to the reservation over the next few days to interview witnesses and to see and photograph more strange aerial phenomena. In later years Greg Long (who would write a book on his research) would join the investigation, working closely with Vogel (since deceased). Examining the detailed records of Vogel and Akers, Long found lights that appeared at ground level, above ground level, and at high altitudes. Some of the strangest cases reported by fire lookouts involved apparent mental communications. Though most of their sightings were of distant lights, on occasion lookouts saw the phenomena at no more than several hundred yards, yet somehow were prevented from getting closer. Lookouts reported "hearing" a voice inside their heads saying, "Stay back, or you'll get hurt," and feeling restrained. One lookout saw a shaft of bright, purple-colored light shining down around her cabin. When she tried to go outside to investigate, she felt as if "two magnets [were] repelling each other" and blocking her exit. Puzzled but determined, she even ran at the entrance several times but could not get through. Observers often reported feeling as if they were seeing something they were not meant to see, and more often than not they removed themselves from the presences of the lights or objects they had come to investigate. It must be noted that some reports were of craftlike structures and a few were of alien beings (described as skinny and long-haired and -nosed). Consequently the Yakima phenomena may have more to do with UFOs than with the sorts of purelight manifestations with which we are concerned here. Still, as UFOs, those at Yakima are out of the ordinary in being bound to one place and in looking like-at least in most of their appearances-ghost lights. In any case, the sightings have subsided substantially since 1986. The Hessdalen lights also subsided in 1986, but for a period of several years they were the target of a determined investigation which combined the efforts of ufologists, scientists, and locals. The Hessdalen Valley, stretching across 12 kilometers of central Norway near the Swedish border and holding no more than 150 inhabitants, began to experience odd luminous phenomena in November 1981. The lights sometimes appeared as often as four times a day, often below the horizon along mountain tops, near the ground, or on the roofs of houses. Usually white or yellow-white, they typically were shaped like cigars, spheres, or an "upside-down Christmas tree." In this last instance, according to miner Bjarne Lillevold, the light was "bigger than the cottage beside it. It was about four meters above the hill and had a red blinking light on it, there seemed also to be a curious 'blanket' over the whole thing. The object moved up and down like a yo-yo for about 20 minutes. When it was close to the ground, the light faded, but at the height of the maneuver it was so bright that I could not look at it for long. When the light was near the ground, I could see through it as though it was made of glass." Occasionally, according to other witnesses, a red light maintained a position in front. The lights hovered, sometimes for an hour, then shot off at extraordinary speed. Most of the time they traveled from north to south. Investigators from UFO-Norway brought valley residents together to discuss their sightings on March 26, 1982. Of the 130 who attended, 35 said they had seen the lights. Soon afterwards two Norwegian Air Force officers interviewed natives and later told reporters that the "people of Hessdalen have been seeing luminous objects since 1944, but many years passed before they dared to talk about the sightings." It is unclear what the 1944 reference means; numerous sightings of what would come to be called UFOs occurred in northern Europe during World War 11, but such sporadic, seemingly random reports should not be confused with the phenomena that took place with great frequency in Hessdalen in the early to mid-1980s. The 1944 reference may be to one of the former. No one else was told of such recurring lights prior to 1981. Though sightings declined for a time in 1983, that summer Scandinavian ufologists formed Project Hessdalen and secured technical assistance, including the active participation of scientists, from the Universities of Oslo and Bergen. A variety of equipment was set up on three mountains. The results from the month-long winter vigil January 21 to February 26, 1984) were interesting but inconclusive: some sightings, radar trackings, and photographs. When laser beams were aimed at passing lights, the lights seemed to respond. Once, on February 12, one such object "changed its flashing sequence from a regular flashing light to a regular double flashing light, i.e., flash-flash ... flash-flash ... flash-flash. After about ten seconds we stopped the laser and the light immediately changed back to its previous flashing sequence. After about another ten seconds we repeated the exercise and again the light responded by changing to a double-flash sequence. In all we repeated this exercise four times and every time we got the same reaction from the light." The investigators disagreed on what the phenomena could be, with some holding forth for a geophysical explanation and others suspecting some guiding intelligence. Erling Strand, one of Project Hessdalen's directors, thought it " strange that they [the lights] existed for a five-year period" to be "recorded in Hessdalen and nowhere else." Another investigator, Leif Havik, wrote of the "coincidences" that enlivened the investigation: On four separate occasions, it happened that we came to the top of Varuskjolen, stopped the car, went outside, and there "it" came immediately and passed by us. The same thing happened once on Aspaskjolen. All these instances happened at different times of the day and most of the time it was an impulse which made us take an evening trip to Hessdalen by car.... On some occasions other observers had been looking for hours without success Coincidences" also happened to the video equipment which recorded the radar screen. One evening the pen of the magnetograph failed to work. At the same time the video tape had come to an end, and the phenomenon appeared less than one minute later. The next evening we made certain that the pen had sufficient ink and turned on the video recorder ten minutes later than the night before. We thought that now everything was ready for the usual 10:47 "message." [One light appeared regularly at 10:47 P.m.] The video tape ran out at 10:57 P.M. and we thought that tonight "it" had failed us. But at 10:58 the usual phenomenon appeared. In terms of hard scientific data, the results were disappointing. Project investigators logged 188 sightings. Some, they determined, were of passing aircraft. Of four photographs taken through special lens gratings, only two showed light spectra of sufficient clarity to be analyzed. Project adviser Paul Devereux said of these, "One spectrum of one 'high strangeness' object was analyzed and showed a wavelength range from 560nm [nanometers] to the maximum the film could respond to-630 nm.... The spectrum analyzer did not register anything unusual while lights were being seen, but odd readings were obtained at times.... These showed up as ,spikes' at approximately 80mHz [megaHerz]." In 40 percent of the sightings, changes in the magnetic field registered on the instruments. Looking back on the episode, University of Oslo physicist Elvand Thrane, who had participated in the research, remarked, "I'm sure the lights were real. It's a pity we cannot explain them." Writing of anomalous lights, sociologist of science James McClenon observes that the "circumstances of a report frequently determine its interpretation. A ball lightning effect that occurred during an electrical storm would be termed 'ball lightning'. . . . Other cases with the exact same appearance but occurring in other circumstances would be called UFOs, psychic lights, or will-o'-the-wisps depending on the context and the observer's assumptions and interpretation." He then relates a story, which the informant "solemnly affirms to be true," of a ball of light witnessed during his youth. The ball, one foot in diameter, approached the boy's bedroom from outside, magically opened a window, sailed around the house, and left via the front door, which also opened. "The respondent has not previously reported this observation," according to McClenon, "because it seems to defy classification." Ball lightning, whose existence most physicists and meteorologists now accept, continues to defy explanation, at least in the sense that so far no one has been able to find a physical mechanism that accounts for all its features. We do know that ball lightning nearly always appears during thunderstorm activity, is seen just after and near a lightning strike, lasts a few seconds to (rarely) a minute or two, and often disappears in an explosion which leaves a sulfurlike odor. Clearly, whatever the surface similarity in shape and luminosity, true ghost lights are not examples of ball lightning. Other hypotheses, notably Paul Devereux's "earthlights" and Michael Persinger's "tectonic stress theory," propose geophysical explanations for such luminous phenomena, but neither explanation has won any significant scientific acceptance. Devereux's in particular seems a thin scientific veneer for a kind of British nature mysticism, and Persinger's has been criticized on a number of methodological grounds. Both hold that ghost lights are the product of subterranean processes which not only create luminous energy on the surface but generate hallucinations in observers. Probably ghost lights are a number of different things, from the ridiculously mundane, to the exotically natural, to the certifiably enigmatic. Source: SkyGaze http://www.skygaze.com/content/strange/GhostLights.shtml - LISTEN, THE HUMADRUZ DEPARTMENT - Study Looks to Get to Bottom of 'Windsor Hum' ![]() University of Windsor
Professor Colin Novak stands in front of some of
the equipment that will be used to pinpoint the
source of the "Windsor hum."
Researchers in Ontario will spend the coming months trying to get to the bottom of the noise and vibration known as the "Windsor Hum." People in Windsor have complained about the low-frequency rumbling for the past two years. "What we're attempting to do is not only pinpoint the source, but also understand how it might affect quality of life for the people of this region," said Bob Dechert, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa. He says the Canadian government is giving $60,000 (CDN) to the Universities of Windsor and Western Ontario to conduct the study. Windsor city Councillor Drew Dilkens says he knows of one resident who recently sold his house to get away from the hum. "This isn't an imaginary problem, but it is a problem which requires sound, scientific data. Data that will pinpoint the source of the hum in order that an appropriate solution can be found," said Councillor Dilkens. One study has already suggested the hum might be coming from near Zug Island, which sits in the Detroit River on the U.S. side of the border. Researchers will use acoustic monitoring and infra-red analysis to try and locate the source. A report is expected in the fall. Source: Michigan Radio http://www.michiganradio.org/post/study-looks-get-bottom-windsor-hum - THE BUSINESS OF HAUNTING DEPARTMENT - Welcome to the Hotel Paranormal By Chris Gray Faust ![]() Check in to the hotel that
inspired Stephen King to write "The Shining."
Ask for room 217.
In the basement of a restored concert hall dating back more than 100 years, paranormal investigator Lisa Nyhart opens her Ghostbusters-style metal suitcase of gadgets and pulls out a Spirit Box, which uses radio frequencies to monitor EVP, words and noises from the beyond described as Electronic Voice Phenomena. Flipping the box on, she adopts the firm yet friendly tone she uses to communicate with the Stanley Hotel's unseen guests. "Paul?" she calls out into the dark hallway as members of her tour group huddle closer together. "Are you there?" Located in Estes Park, a Colorado resort town just east of Rocky Mountain National Park, the venerable Stanley Hotel has earned a spirit-ridden reputation. Stephen King wrote The Shining after spending the night in Room 217. The popular Syfy TV show Ghost Hunters and Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures have both filmed there. And every year, thousands of believers and wannabe believers converge on the property to test their inner skeptic and decide for themselves if the truth really is out there. Nyhart, who works for the hotel as the resident paranormal investigator, says that on her ghost hunts people realize they are in the presence of a spirit when they feel cold air or spidery touches on their heads or the backs of their legs. Doors crack and creak. Voices can be heard singing. Flashlights turn on and off, occasionally on the guest's command. One of the most reliable spirits is a former maintenance man named Paul, who worked at the Stanley Hotel for 10 years before his death from a heart attack while shoveling snow in 2005, Nyhart says. Sometimes on her tours around 11 p.m.—the hotel's one-time curfew—he gets active, occasionally interacting with people. "We have more nights with activity than [without]," says Nyhart. "It's a Disneyland for spirits." You don't have to be a guest to take one of the hotel's many ghost tours, which range from simple storytelling sessions to five-hour, hi-tech hunting expeditions around the property. But many people opt to stay, paying a premium for a night in one of the specific haunted rooms. Room 217, for example, books up years in advance for Halloween weekend, when the hotel's annual costumed Shining Ball takes place, says Daniel Swanson, spokesman for Grand Heritage Hotel Group, which owns the Stanley Hotel. And while King himself has yet to show up, there's evidence that the 1977 bestseller still haunts him: A Shining sequel, Doctor Sleep, is scheduled to come out in September 2013. Other guests have experienced odd phenomena within the room, possibly tied to one of the hotel's first maids, Elizabeth Wilson, Swanson says. As the story goes, she was injured during a lantern explosion in the room. Since her death, guests have reported "extra housekeeping services" in the room, with their belongings being put away or unpacked. She's also been known to get in the bed between unmarried couples, upholding the morality standards of her day, he says. Other haunted areas of the hotel include the fourth floor, where people are most likely to hear children laughing or running in the hall; the ground-floor music room where Stanley's wife Flora has been heard playing piano; or the ballroom, where apparitions have been spotted. Windows open and close in a room at The Lodge, the former bachelors' quarters renovated in 2012 as a boutique hotel-within-a-hotel. Other encounters at the hotel are documented on the Stanley's Facebook page, where guests share stories and photos. On her first visit to the Stanley, Tiffani Harry of Worland, Wyo., stayed in Room 408, hoping to connect with Matthew, a child spirit who's been known to pull the bed covers off guests. While her blankets stayed in place, she saw "shadows out of the corner of my eye," towels slide off their racks and lights in the room turn on and off. The final straw came when her TV shut off without anyone touching the remote, she says. "My husband is a total skeptic," says Harry. "But even he wondered about that." The imposing facade of the Overlook Hotel in the movie The Shining inspires chills from the beginning. That grand mountain hotel seen in the film's opening is Timberline Lodge, located in Mount Hood, Ore. Director Stanley Kubrick used the all-season ski resort, built between 1936 and 1938 as part of the Works Project Administration, instead of the Stanley Hotel because, it's said, the latter didn't have sufficient snow. According to the lodge, the sets were built at Elstree Studios in England, where the mock-up of the lodge's south face was one of the largest built at the time. Some of the interiors, also created overseas, were based on the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park, California. The hedge maze, which figures prominently in the movie, doesn't exist at either Timberline or the Stanley. A National Historic Landmark, the Timberline is significant for its Depression-era carving and wildlife artwork that pervades all aspects of the building. A three-story, six-sided stone chimney dominates the building, creating numerous fireplaces where you can warm up with hot cocoa after skiing (the lodge sits at 5,960 feet). You won't find ghost tours at the Timberline, though the iconic shot of Jack Nicholson's madman grin is used to advertise murder-mystery events. "Hardly a week goes by when someone doesn't ask about The Shining," says Timberline Lodge spokesman Jon Tullis. "But no, Timberline is not haunted." This article is excerpted from GoEscape, USA TODAY's travel magazine. Source: USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/hotels/2013/01/24/stanley-hotel-stephen-king-the-shining-estes-park-colorado/1861153/ ![]() Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ![]() Free Issue of Phenomena Magazine www.mapit.kk5.org ![]() Wm Michael Mott - New Book Available on Kindle ![]() The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network ![]() Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! ![]() PSI TALK-The Internet's Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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