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want you to have!- Has Forrest J Ackerman Communicated From the Great Beyond? - The Time Travelers- AND: Mass. City Plagued by Odd Aircraft and Awful Smells CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ From MR. UFO - Timothy Green Beckley ![]() The Case For UFO Crashes: From Urban Legend to Reality WHAT IS HIDDEN IN THE MYSTERIOUS “BLUE ROOM” AT WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE? DOES “HANGAR 18” CONTAIN WRECKAGE OF A CRASHED UFO AND PRESERVED BODIES OF ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE? Access has been denied for over 50 years to even the likes of the late Senator Barry Goldwater, who has said: “I have never gained access to the so-called Blue Room at Wright-Patterson, so I have no idea what is in it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know information because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it my business since.” EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE TRUMAN HAS BEEN PART OF THE “GRAND DECEPTION” – NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPOSE THE “COSMIC WATERGATE!” Learn the significance of the MAJESTIC 12 and Presidential Briefing Papers and view previously classified CIA, FBI and State Department documents pertaining to this explosive subject – a subject that calls for high-level Congressional hearings. A possible connection has been uncovered in newly declassified documents sent to researchers by “unknown sources” within the Shadow Government. Is there proof that an organization known as the Interplanetary Phenomena Unit is involved in the recovery of extraterrestrial spacecraft and their occupants? OR IS THIS ALL AN URBAN LEGEND? OR PART OF A NEW WORLD ORDER DISINFORMATION PLOT? Here are dozens of unpublished Crashed Saucer stories uncovered by the author during the course of his research, including: * The night a UFO came crashing down over an Ohio shopping mall. . . * A bizarre tale of an “alien artifact” uncovered by a jogger and displayed in the lobby of a Florida movie theater before it was mysteriously removed and vanished completely. . . * An unbelievable eye witness account of a UFO that fell inside New York City’s bustling Central Park after being shot at by the military. . . * The astounding tale of a UFO pilot who was taken alive from a downed spaceship which rested at the end of an Air Force Base runway in New Jersey. The being later died, . . * Controversial “alien body” photos of an entity known as “Tomato Man,” photos which have never been satisfactorily explained. . . * A seemingly documented account of a UFO that came tumbling out of the sky inside the former USSR, an event that was observed by so many that it could not be satisfactorily hushed up even by the Communist regime. . . * A mysterious professor who seemed to have the “inside track” on a real alien autopsy long before a British movie studio faked a similar event. . . ALSO INCLUDED ARE NUMEROUS DOCUMENTS WHICH APPEAR TO VERIFY ACCOUNTS OF NUTS AND BOLTS SPACE SHIPS FROM OTHER PLANETS. THIS BOOK MAY CONTAIN THE MOST IMPORTANT WEAPONS OF INFORMATION IN THE ARSENAL OF THOSE WHO ARE NOW DEMANDING UFO DISCLOSURE WORLDWIDE! For subscribers of the Conspiracy Journal
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Has Forrest J Ackerman Communicated From the Great Beyond? By Lee Speigel ![]() When Forrest J Ackerman was alive, he'd scoff at anyone who would claim they could speak to the dead. Now that he's dead, some people say he's speaking from the Great Beyond. Ackerman, who passed away in 2008, is a legend in the sci-fi community, for, among other things, coining the phrase "sci-fi." Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Peter Jackson were among the avid readers of his influential Famous Monsters Of Filmland magazine. He was also co-creator of the popular comic book superheroine Vampirella. Ackerman was a skeptic in the supernatural. But now, some of his followers believe this dead man is trying to make contact with them. It all started shortly after his death, when an odd ink blot mysteriously appeared on a sheet of paper at the home of his friend, filmmaker Paul Davids. Davids had printed out the paper that included a list of business meetings. The ink on the paper was completely dry as he left the room. When he returned, he discovered a black ink blot had somehow covered a group of words, "Spoke to Joe Amodei." "I had no idea why these particular words were blacked out," Davids told The Huffington Post. "It made no sense to me until later, when I was researching Forry's editorial style and I found lots of examples of where he blacked out words so completely. I have found 15 examples of where Forry found a name within a name or a word within a word as being a hidden word to make a pun or a point out of it." Davids believes this was the first in a series of unexplained instances where Ackerman was trying to communicate with him. He eventually involved several university scientists to try to explain these phenomena explored in "The Life After Death Project," a documentary that premiered recently on the Syfy channel. Some might claim Davids' work is more akin to the Syfy channel's fantasy-based programming, perhaps during hour 72 of a "Twilight Zone" marathon. But Davids is dead serious. "I first met Forry in 1964 and we were friends for more than 40 years," said Davids, producer-director of "The Life After Death Project." "Forry professed total skepticism and atheism. He had zero belief in the paranormal, didn't believe there was an afterlife, certainly didn't believe in God and didn't subscribe to any religion." When Davids experienced the ink blot episode in 2009, it led him on a quest to determine if Ackerman's spirit was somehow responsible. "I felt what had happened was impossible. There was no one in the house but me, I hadn't done it, how could it have happened?" Davids had the ink stain examined by Jay Siegel, chairman of the chemistry department at the University of Indiana. "I've been practicing chemistry over 30 years, and when you learn science, you learn to be skeptical of things. You learn to require data and evidence in order to make statements and conclusions that you can rely on," Siegel discusses in the documentary. "Sometimes there are circumstances which simply can't be explained by your five senses or by all of the tools of science, and I think there are some aspects of that in this situation that give one pause. I would say disturbing, a bit, only because I'm a scientist." The strange ink blot was also examined by John Allison, a chemistry professor and expert on inks, paints and solvents at The College of New Jersey. "How it was created in such a uniform way, we haven't been able to reproduce that," Allison said of his analysis. "I don't know how to recreate this. I couldn't do it. In forensics, you try to find explanations, and we usually don't resort to interactions or intervention from someone from beyond the grave, but I can't rule that out." Was it the spirit of Ackerman that somehow added the unexplained ink to the document, as a way of making his presence known? The whole idea of life after death and the question of whether humans survive physical death is one of those ageless and controversial topics that's difficult to know for certain. We've all heard stories of ghostly encounters with entities that are claimed to be restless spirits. But is it proof that our consciousness or spirit continues to live after the body gives out? At the University of Arizona, Gary Schwartz directs the Laboratory For Advances In Consciousness And Health. After 15 years investigating the possibility of life after death, he's working on ways of developing actual scientific tools that could herald a breakthrough in communications between the living and the dead. That's a big leap, and one that skeptics and debunkers of the subject will undoubtedly sink their teeth into. "First of all, anyone who will discount physical evidence that has been independently evaluated by forensic experts, or who will dismiss research mediums, conducted under conditions that rule out fraud and cold reading -- anyone who discounts evidence using state of the art technology under controlled conditions is essentially anti-science. That is just biased dismissal of real data," Schwartz -- formerly on the faculties of Harvard and Yale, and currently a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery -- told HuffPost. Schwartz has experimented with something called the Silicon Photomultiplier System, technology that detects single photons of light in pitch black. "It's used in biomedical imaging and in biochemistry devices. The system is placed within a box, within a box, within a box, so it's truly light-tight. "Then what you do is invite specific spirits -- I affectionately refer to them as departed hypothesized co-investigators -- and you look to see whether the number of photons counted, per unit period of time, is greater when a spirit is invited into the chamber versus controls, and that's what we found." Schwartz explained that they increased the control part of the experiments by setting up a sophisticated automated program that ran the system at night when no one was in the laboratory. "At four o'clock in the afternoon, the experimenter would read a standard script which would speak to [invited spirits], letting them know that the experiment would be running in the lab and asking them to follow instructions on the large computer screen: 'Please show up at the laboratory at 11 o'clock at night. Thank you very much. I'll pick up the data in the morning.'" The researchers did this many times over many nights. "Much to my amazement, sure enough, the data clearly indicated that there was increased structure -- patterns of light -- in the spirit-present trials compared to the pre-baselines or the post-baselines." In 2011, Schwartz submitted a paper to the scientific journal Explore, where "it was peer-reviewed and critically analyzed and it passed muster. And so the question is how do you explain those data?" Schwartz is featured in Davids' "The Life After Death Project," and believes the evidence presented in it strongly suggests that Ackerman's spirit is still "alive and well." "This isn't just honoring the life of Ackerman, but it's the first-ever collection of evidence from a single, formerly physical person ever chronicled with the totality of the evidence as convincing as any single case I've ever heard of in the history of this work." Source: The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/17/life-after-death-project-forest-j-ackerman_n_3280368.html - WITH EACH PASSING MOMENT TIME CREATES ANEW DEPARTMENT - The Time Travelers ![]() King Revaita of Mahabharata
fame once journeyed to meet Brahma, and he
sojourned with the Creator for a few days. But
when he returned to Earth, many centuries had
passed. The story is nearly 3,000 years old
according to some scholars. As an artifact of
a wider oral tradition, it could conceivably
be much older.
A similar fate befell the Irish hero Oisin, who fell in love with a Fae princess and went to live with her in the Faeworld for three years. When he decided to return home for a visit, he discovered that 300 years had elapsed. And if we are curious about the possible presence of alien or advanced technology in the story, it is interesting to note that Oisin's wife Niamh gave him a magical steed for his vacation in the mortal world, from which he was not to dismount. When Oisin did slip off the horse for a drink of water, he aged three centuries in only seconds. Time travel is eventually possible, which is the same as saying that it is possible right now - which should also give us pause. What is, "right now," exactly? Is it not a moment that is always being shunted along, or tucked away backward? When is then? When is tomorrow, precisely, as in at what moment does tomorrow cease to be tomorrow and become today? The moment that you just lived through is either gone, or else it persists, in a "place" called "before now". On a long enough timescale, even our petty, paltry human species will discover the means by which to move in time in a non-linear fashion. We must. What currently seems impossible is almost inevitably probable, later on. What do we know? There are many incidents that suggest that time travel is a possibility; there are several anomalies and bizarre accounts that should at least give us a moment's pause. As with anything in the material universe, where a function is possible through technology and the requisite underpinning theoretical systems, a naturally occurring analog will exist. If it is possible to build a "time machine", then we may expect that naturally occurring time travel also happens. Consider the Welsh phenomenon of Hugh Williams, one man or three, who survived repeated shipwrecks in Wales' Menai Strait. This is variously identified as myth, "urban legend", and coincidence. The wrecks occurred over a period between 1664 and 1860, so it is unlikely to have always been the same man. Hugh and Williams are equally common Welsh names. But the possibility also exists that one man was caught in a dreadful time-loop for two centuries, in which he was forced to repeat the same terrible experience of watching other people go to their deaths while knowing that he would be the lone survivor. Consider also the Versailles "time slip" that two women experienced in August of 1901. Two well-educated women - one of whom was the principal of St. Hugh's College, Oxford, and the other the Vice Principal - claimed to have been transported back to pre-Revolutionary France for a short while. Their description of the shift from the present (their present, and therefore the present) to the past is eerily precise, and what we might expect: Light and sound were suppressed, and the dimensionality of objects seemed somehow reduced. That's a fairly advanced understanding of what might occur when moving through time non-linearly and in an unconventional direction - in this case, backwards. A "flatness" and a sensory distortion might well result. Note that in the account told by Moberly and Jourdain, there is no doorway or gate, no transition point of any mythical or fairy tale quality. They did not pass through a looking glass or enter a magical pond. They simply walked from one moment to another, sans starship, sans time machine, and sans arcane artifice. How utterly fitting and in keeping with the natural order we all observe is this experience? And more critically, how did it benefit either woman to tell such a patently and stereotypically hysterical story? There are rejoinders, of course, including assertions that the women constituted a lesbian couple with a somewhat open relationship that included having affairs with students - St. Hugh's was a women's college. A romantic couple can suffer from the interesting shared delusion known as folie a deux in which a pair of people convince themselves and one another of a patent untruth when viewed objectively. Whatever the case, why no one's yet written these two into a spacetime-skipping dynamic duo of crime-fighting lesbian awesomeness is the real mystery. The Vicar might even take up that gage himself, were it not for the fact that the Vicar is so abysmally bad at lesbians. *** Remember Eloi Cole? Of course you don't. He was an April Fool's Joke. There was nothing at all to see there. There is nothing to see here now. It's not like CERN's security has ever been breached. Move along. Anomalous phenomena occur - of that we can have no doubt. Some anomalous phenomena appear to be paranormal or ethereal in nature. These we may chalk up to ghost encounters, interactions with discarnate intelligences, and involvement with the realms beyond our own - so far beyond our own, or at least so different, in fact, that they are regarded by mainstream thinkers as pure fantasies. But the Elfheim and the Faeworld may be just as patently real as our own plane, albeit utterly bizarre from our pedestrian and pastoral point of view. We cannot overlook in this the "Oz Factor" identified by British UFO researcher Jenny Randles. Some of the anomalies we address may be alien in origin. Still others may demonstrate that time travelers are visiting us from the future, observing certain key events and individuals in history. If this last proposition has validity (as it probably must), then it is perhaps just barely possible for us to begin to assemble a kind of corpus of data that argues for imposition in our own times and in our history by beings from our future. How far in the future is anyone's guess. What we might become in the distant tomorrow is equally open to guesswork. But the idea that UFOs and other anomalies might sometimes be examples of this temporal tourism is a compelling one, and well worth further study. Transtemporality is occurring right now. We are moving through time as you read this post; the author moved through time while he was writing it. What was written persists, which perhaps means that it has managed to exist in every observable moment from its creation until now. No less, the physical and material content of a book is a record of the time in which it was printed; future historians and archaeologists are going to make excellent use of this fact in the next couple of centuries, incidentally. Take that as a stock tip, because on a long enough timescale, everything is privatized. Evidence for time travel is a sketchy matter, not least because we cannot really be certain that our timeline may be susceptible to penetration from a differing timeline in such a way that we could detect. Given the nature of "intelligent life" as we define it - simultaneously managing to assume that not all life is motivated by intelligence not directly recognizable to us - curiosity is certainly a feature of the phenomenon. The defining characteristics of that curiosity may turn out to be completely alien to us (as we might expect) given the length of time or the physical distance (same thing) that separates humans from offworlders or futureworlders. One thing we can be reasonably certain of, however, is this: the popularity of the home x-ray system is so limited because it is simply not allowed to be marketed to the public. We can thus doubt that time travel is open to virtually everybody for long periods of time. In the far flung future of our own kind, in something like a billion years, maybe all human beings travel all of the temporal realms without restriction. But the Vicar will wager that if it is so, it's only because we are no longer recognizable as human beings to those of our own time - or of any period in between. There ought then to exist an epoch in the timelines of many differing species a period in which time travel is possible and its use is limited because it is simply too dangerous and too complex a technology to be accessible to any but a select few. But we can also infer that time travel will need to be limited in ways beyond distribution; the best way to go unnoticed is to establish oneself as a part of the group, place, and time in which one proposes to travel. The most important dichotomy or paradox in play here is this: The future doesn't exist yet. Not for us, anyway. How many people do we all deal with on a day-to-day basis that are not in fact people? How many more do we interact with that are not at all what they seem? Is your neighbor a human being? Or is your neighbor an alien entity in the form of a human being? And if your alien neighbor is from a sufficiently advanced civilization, how would you even be able to tell? Is the fly on the wall a fly at all? Evidence may exist for transtemporal visitation, but nailing it down as such is a tall order... maybe even an order that cannot be filled. Some percentage of anomalous activity could easily be seen in precisely these terms. And we might just be able to track this kind of thing by paying attention to when and where certain phenomena emerge. Several historical events feature interesting cases of "luck" - either fair or foul - that have ended up tipping the balance of power in otherwise unforeseen directions. One excellent example of this occurred off Yorktown in 1781 at the Battle of the Chesapeake, also known as the Battle of the Virginia Capes. On September 5th, 1781, the British fleet under Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Graves was beaten by a barely larger French fleet under Vice Admiral de Grasse. This particular campaign is of interest because the conduct of Graves is to this day a matter of debate, controversy, and curiosity. The British have long been famed for the skill and near-invincibility of their naval forces - although a thorough and frank survey of history proves this to be more myth than fact - so it is interesting on its face that the Battle of the Chesapeake went so poorly for the British fleet. But historians often identify that since Graves was not a colonial sympathizer, he must have been fairly inept, since he failed to secure for Lord Cornwallis the coastal security and relief necessary to win at Yorktown. His command of the fleet at the Battle of the Chesapeake was marked by chaos, confusion of signals, and bizarre choices with respect to order of battle. His most aggressive squadron was kept at the rear of his fleet, and he failed to exploit a critical error by the French in separating their van from the bulk of the fleet. Graves' ships suffered severe damage and many casualties, forcing him to withdraw. As a result, Cornwallis was forced to surrender, and the Battle of Yorktown was won by General Washington, ensuring colonial independence. One wonders at such a turn of events, because had the typically superior British fleet been better commanded, Yorktown might not have been a defeat for Lord Cornwallis. Perhaps the Fates sided with the formation of a new nation on the North American continent. Perhaps the Gods favored the Novus Ordo Seclorum. Or perhaps a traveler from the future kept Admiral Graves in sufficient doubt and confusion through subtle manipulations to insure that he would lose the crucial battle waged on that September day. If we allow our imaginations to run riot, we may end by asking things like, "Was Alexander the Great poisoned by a traveler from the future?" What limits are there, really, on the nature of this kind of exercise? Consider the Foo Fighters. These are bizarre Second World War era anomalies that were characterized by glowing orbs buzzing, pacing, and otherwise apparently intelligently operating in the immediate vicinity of aircraft - reported by both Allied and Axis pilots. While there are numerous theories for these things - including alien spacecraft, spirit lights, and super secret super weapons - none of these are foregone conclusions or absolutely convincing. Instead, the data never quite adds up. If the Foo Fighters were alien spacecraft, then we must wonder at what they were doing and why they were here. If they were time travelers, or evidence of time travel occurring (a more likely and therefore more compelling possibility), then they represent the possibility that someone or something was clearly recording events. Possibly, they were altering events - a factor that has to be considered at several points in history. To be sure, the Second World War was really the first truly global war waged on anything like its scale. This is the primary reason why it is immensely important in terms of historical significance. It may be eventually identified as the rough watershed point at which the technological era (as we currently call our own age) truly began. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, unless we use our prophetic powers. The scientists prefer we not do this, and the futurists really prefer that we don't - they consider it cheating. I can tell you right now that in a hundred years, the wealthiest and most powerful people will live high above the rest, surrounded by android-like servants, many of whom will be configured for sexual performance and other useful applications. These same people will be heavily genetically modified, possessed of significant physical and mental superiority. In addition, we might expect nanotechnology to be integrated into those who can afford it, augmenting or perhaps even supplanting the immune system such that those with the money to afford these enhancements will never get sick - their on-board nanobots will be programmable. This means that known bacteria and viruses will be immediately eliminated, whereas unknown infections or new mutations will be handled through program upgrades. Injuries will almost instantly be repaired, and cancer will be unknown to those with power and fortune. For the remaining 99% of the population trapped on an overcrowded and incredibly polluted Earth, dwelling in rabbit warrens and "undercities," the daily grind will involve desperate attempts to avoid rape, murder, and/or consumption by mutant predators - like the highly evolved "ratmen" left to roam free after budget cuts to institutions engaged in twisted military experiments. And if you think that shit's bad, wait til you see the floating robot sentinels like great conical shards of black glass, and take in with horror the darkly ironic juxtaposition proposed by the elite dwelling in orbiting pleasure cities like living gods, looking down literally and figuratively at their sometime brethren suffering in the radioactive mire below. If the scenario above is anything like our near future, then we can see where time travelers might have a vested interest in observing certain developments. Points in time in which conflict breeds rapid technological advancement are clear destinations for transtemporal visitation; we need only see what anomalies appear in these eras to find possible evidence for observers from the future. Miguel Alcubierre may one day be a very important person, historically speaking. He authored the first paper on "warp drive" back in the 1990s, and he is currently the Director of the Nuclear Sciences Institute at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). If his work proves valid and the systems roughly proposed by his theory are viable, then one day, starship captains will give the order to "engage the Alcubierre drive." That's not just fun and exciting, it's also significant in another way - this man may end up being the theorist who made interstellar exploration and colonization possible. In essence, he could be the granddaddy of real life Star Trek. One of the proposed side effects of the Alcubierre warp function, however, is the fact that such a bubble of warped space would accumulate trillions of particles along its leading edge. When one stops the ship, the particles might be emitted ahead of the vessel. These particles would apparently be energetic enough to destroy anything in front of the ship. So it is additionally possible that Miguel Alcubierre has theoretically demonstrated the mechanics for a super weapon of untold power. He seems like somebody that aliens and/or folks from the future might be interested in. Walk this line of thinking forward, and we might ask about UFO sightings - or other anomalies - near Alcubierre both physically and temporally. Are there an unusual amount of sightings in general spatial-temporal proximity to this man, Miguel Alcubierre Moya? Are those from another place &/or time following this physicist? As it happens, UFO sightings began to be very common in Mexico in the last century. Two significant events are identified by UFOlogy, one in 1974 and one in 2004, with the latter incident having some truly compelling features. It involved the Mexican military tracking objects in infrared that were invisible to the naked eye, and which moved very rapidly. While we cannot directly correlate UFO and anomalous incidents exactly with Alcubierre's movements, it is worth noting that the man was born in 1964 in Mexico City and that he moved to Wales in the early 1990s to obtain his PhD. He worked in Germany subsequently, at the Max Planck Institute, before returning to Mexico in 2002. We can hardly afford to forget the Nuremburg, Germany "UFO battle" of 14 April, 1561, if we are thinking of temporal distortions and weirdly anomalous events. The Max Planck Institute for Physics is in Munich, though, rather than Nuremburg. Transtemporally speaking, "close enough" is a concept both absurd and too rooted in our own limitations to have any legitimacy. As a matter of fact, a Google search for "UFOs Munich" yields a staggering number of relevant results. And oddly enough, one major UFO incident occurred in the year of Alcubierre's birth - 1964 - not in Mexico, but rather in New Mexico. The Socorro, New Mexico Incident is also known as the Lonnie Zamora Incident, named after the police officer who sighted a strange craft and two apparent occupants on April 24, 1964. It took off with a roar and a great deal of fire when he approached, and physical evidence was clearly left behind. The event has been variously labelled absolute proof, a hoax, a prank carried out by physics students, and evidence that Zamora should not have ever been allowed to be a police officer. This last option is arguably the most absurd: police officers are exactly the sort of people that see alien spacecraft and aliens - or time travelers. But more importantly, we must wonder as to who these visitors were, and where they were trying to get to. Zamora stumbled upon a vessel and its apparent occupants in the process of doing something - though what is not at all clear. What is clear is the fact that they left in a hurry. Did their time capsule land them on an important date - say around the birth of Miguel Alcubierre Moya - but in the wrong place, New Mexico rather than just plain old original Mexico? It's a plot twist straight out of Doctor Who, but there again, the truth is often stranger than fiction... We can range far and wide in this discussion. An exploration of the truth means venturing often into areas less-than-true, and an exploration of the possible is a fruitless exercise in imagining eternity and infinity woven into one... which in fact they are, anyway. If we would catch time travelers at their business, we must first realize that we are attempting the almost impossible. If we have stealth technology now, how does our stealth capability measure up in ten thousand years? We have equally considered elsewhere the same question in alien contexts: If a species can cross interstellar space, how can they not possess equivalently advanced techniques for concealment? What does not want to be seen will remain unseen if will is joined to capacity. Who is watching you right now? Source: The Vicar's Lamp http://thevicarslamp.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-time-travelers.html - UNIDENTIFIED FOUL
Mass. City Plagued by Odd Aircraft and Awful Smells By Greg Newkirk ![]() A city in Massachusetts is feeling uneasy (and a little queasy) thanks to a rash of unidentified aircraft sightings that have been occurring over the last few weeks, and if that wasn’t enough, the close encounters have been accompanied by some very, very bad smells. Quincy is a normally peaceful seaside city in Massachusetts, but ever since the strange aircraft appeared in the skies two weeks ago, things have gotten a little.. weird. Almost every night at dusk, the craft comes out and hovers low in the skies, observing the city under the cover of darkness and disappearing before the first rays of daylight. The sightings have residents asking questions, but each inquiry is met with a bureaucratic brick wall. brianpalmucci“It’s frustrating, it really is,” City Councillor Brian Palmucci told WBZ-TV Boston. “I specifically asked, ‘Is it a law enforcement flight? Can we tell people that?’ He said, ‘No, we can’t tell you that.’ Then I asked that when folks call me can I at least tell them that it is something that they shouldn’t worry about, it’s something they shouldn’t be concerned with? He said, ‘I can’t tell you that.’” As if the secretive aircraft wasn’t enough, it seems to be accompanied by an “unbearable” scent that has drifted over the city last week, a horrible odor that residents are describing as a potent mixture of sulfer and rotten eggs. The awful smell is so bad that city officials contacted chemists at Boston University to figure out what in the world it could be.. and how to get rid of it. Being so close to the sea, Quincy has occasionally had it’s fair share of strange odors over the years, particularly related to red algae, but residents say this one is different, worse.. that it “smells like shit”. “The city immediately took bacteria samples to see if it was sewage; those tests came back negative,” city spokesman Christopher Walker told the Patriot Ledger. “But we’re still waiting to determine exactly what it is.” Some locals are saying the smell is organic in nature, and unrelated to anything particularly odd, but Anamarija Frankic, a UMass Boston environment professor said the smell is most definitely abnormal. “It’s never this horrible smell that we’ve been smelling the last couple of weeks,” she said. “Nature has that sometimes little bit higher sulfur smell … but this smells like poop, I’m sorry.” Even bigger than the questions of weird smells and the weirder aircraft is the question of their relation. Could they be connected? Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that secret military action and UFO sightings were connected to strong, terrible odors. In a 1996 incident that took place in Varginha, Brazil, the media reported that the local government had captured a foul smelling extraterrestrial creature in a case that went on to become one of the most famous cases in Brazillian ufology. The government, of course, denies any of this. Back in 2009, Melbourne, Australia had a run in with what locals referred to as a USO: an unidentified smelly object that stank up the north end of the city for days. Hell, even the 3,500 year old diary of Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose II included passages about a stinky UFO that “fished and winged creatures” descended from. planemysteryResidents of Quincy are anxious to know when the smell with dissipate, and when the mysterious UFO (which is reported to give off an annoying low frequency hum), will finally disappear, but their answer? No comment. “The FBI does not comment on aerial activity,” a statement from the FBI said, adding even more anxiety to FAA spokesman Jim Peter’s disconcerting statement that they “have to be very careful this time” when it comes to information about the craft. All the information that the locals news has been able to squeeze out is that the object isn’t a drone.. it’s manned. But by who? For what? And why the secrecy? I’m no conspiracy theorist, but when it comes to the weird events taking place in Quincy, Massachusetts, even I have to admit that something really stinks. Source: Who Forted? http://whofortedblog.com/2013/05/15/unidentified-foul-objects-mass-town-plagued-odd-aircraft-awful-smells/ Sign up today
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