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don't want you to have!- Spy Program Shows Just How Well U.S. Knows its People - - Monstrous Monkeys and Weird Waters - - The Biggest Reasons Why Fairies Are Evil - AND: Aircraft Has High Altitude Collision With “Unknown Object” CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ THE SHOCKING REALITY ABOUT TIME TRAVEL! ![]() Time Slips, Real Time Machines, And How-To Experiments To Go Forwards Or Backwards Through Time EINSTEIN ONLY HAD PART OF THE
Up until recently it was thought that Einstein had revealed all there ever was to know about time and space and how we could never travel forward or backward in time without reaching the speed of light. Today those that have adopted the “string theory” of Physics have come to believe that everything in the universe exists at one time simultaneously. Retired Intelligence Operative Commander X and Emmy Award winning Tim R. Swartz have declared in this valuable book – written in easy to read terms – that we are not prisoners of Time and Space, but rather are prisoners of our physical bodies and the learned behaviors of existing in the material world. The Universe and its many mysteries await those who are not afraid to throw off the shackles of unawareness and begin the quest of exploration and learning. In TIME TRAVEL – FACT NOT FICTION!, a vastness of relevant topics are reviewed and discussed logically, including: Spontaneous Cases of Time Travel -- People Caught In The Eddies Of Time -- An Encounter With Spirits -- Or A Brief Visit To The Past? -- The Mystery of Time Slips -- Doorways in Time -- People, Buildings and Towns From Beyond Time -- The Restaurant At The Edge Of Time -- Flight Into The Future -- Is Death a Jump in Time? -- Are UFOs Time Machines? -- The Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project – Working Time Machines -- Nikola Tesla's Time Travel Experiments -- Human Time Machines -- Techniques for mental time travel -- UFOs and Time Distortion. Here also are actual cases of people who have traveled through time and space and returned to the "present" to relate their experience. We are on the cusp of a great new discovery of benefit to all of humankind if "powerful forces" do not prevent this vital information from being distributed to everyone. For
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Spy Program Shows Just How Well U.S. Knows its People ![]() The US government is watching every digital move that Americans make. More than 115 million people use Verizon's cellphone service in the US, making billions of calls every year. A top-secret document revealed this week shows that the US government, through the National Security Agency, is collecting the details of every single one of those calls on a daily basis. To make matters worse, The Washington Post and The Guardian newspapers today claimed that the NSA also has direct access to the search history, email and even live chats of all customers of the world's biggest technology firms, including Google, Apple and Facebook. By turning over what surely amounts to billions of call logs to the US government, Verizon is enabling what is likely to be the broadest surveillance scheme in history. And the likelihood is that it is not the only one. The secret court order was granted by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in Washington DC, which oversees surveillance requests. It forces Verizon to turn over its data. But while the order makes it clear that content - the words exchanged during calls - is not collected, that's little comfort from a privacy perspective. Using network science, it is easy to manipulate large databases like this to figure out exactly who is behind every phone number, who they've talked to, when, where and for how long. The NSA probably doesn't care to track the movements and activities of every person in the Verizon database, but the possibility is just a mouse click away. We don't know exactly how the NSA analyses these huge lists of records, but we do know what kinds of insights can be drawn from data sets on this scale. Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Vincent Blondel from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium and colleagues analysed 1.5 million anonymised call records from a Western cell carrier. They showed that it takes just four calls or text messages, each made at a different time and place, to distinguish one person's movements from everyone else's (Nature Scientific Reports, doi.org/msd). Patterns of communication form a digital fingerprint in time, and finding every thing, person and place you have interacted with becomes easy. Such records are exactly the kind of information we now know that Verizon, and likely every other US carrier, is handing over to the NSA on a daily basis. Judge Roger Vinson, at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, signed an order on 25 April obliging Verizon to hand data "including but not limited to session identifying information, trunk identifier... and time and duration of call" over to the NSA on a daily basis. In a news conference on Thursday morning (6 June), Senator Dianne Feinstein confirmed that this is just a monthly renewal of a secret order which has been in effect for seven years. Identifying information refers to the phone numbers of those making and receiving a call or text. The trunk identifier shows which cell towers the calling and receiving phones talked to - the callers' locations, in other words. Blondel says that datasets like those Verizon is handing over could be used to build up a precise picture of different communities. Chris Clifton, who works on data privacy at Purdue University in Indiana, says he expects the NSA doesn't always know exactly what it's looking for in the call metadata, but rather uses software to sort the records into groups by similarity - people who make lots of calls, for example, or people who never call abroad. Patterns in time could be useful too. If one call appears to spark off a whole flurry of other calls, that might conceivably mean the first phone number belongs to an authority figure in a criminal organisation, for instance. They know everything "You're trusting the phone companies with this data like you're trusting your bank with your financial transactions," Blondel says. "They know when you go for surgery, divorce - they know everything." "Any sensible question you can ask about the call metadata would be answered in a fraction of a second by five-year-old supercomputers," says cryptographer Daniel Bernstein from the University of Illinois, Chicago. This means the NSA's giant supercomputing centre in Utah is massive overkill for analysing measly Verizon call logs. Perhaps it would be more useful for crunching internet data. An NSA Powerpoint presentation discovered by The Guardian newspaper in London and the Washington Post claims that the NSA is gaining direct access to the servers of the world's biggest tech firms to spy on internet activity. According to the slides, Google, Yahoo, Apple, Facebook and more are all signed up to a scheme, known as PRISM, which lets the NSA access their customers' search history, chat logs and emails. The presentation says that data gained from PRISM is used to create nearly 1 in 7 of all intelligence reports. Executives of all the firms implicated have denied knowledge of any such programme and refute the allegation that they have been handing over their customers' data in this way. But even if the NSA does not have full internet access, it's still relatively easy for it to access private data on the internet. Details are scarce, but there is one confirmed case where the NSA was caught in the act. An AT&T engineer named Mark Klein provided evidence that the NSA was skimming a copy of all internet traffic that passed through an AT&T data centre in San Francisco in 2003. Now Andrew Clement and a team of information scientists at Toronto University in Canada is using that model of surveillance to try and give internet users a sense of whether and where their internet activities are being logged by the NSA. Clement's system, called IXMaps, has aggregated thousands of traceroutes - information trails which map the paths taken by packets of data as they are directed through the routers and exchanges which make up the internet in the US. Internet monitoring A paper due to be presented at the International Symposium on Technology and Society in Toronto at the end of June shows that 99 per cent of internet traffic passing through the US goes through one of just 18 US cities. The paper notes that this shows it is completely feasible for the NSA to be monitoring the majority of US internet traffic with just a handful of warrantless listening posts. These would use ‘splitters' that split the beam of light in fibre-optic cables to siphon off information. "It is powerful confirmation that it is technically feasible for the NSA to install splitters in relatively few strategic internet choke points from where it could intercept a very large proportion of internet traffic," it says. Nancy Paterson, who works on IXMaps with Clement, says the internet is not a random collection of network links, routing data in the most efficient way possible. Instead, the way data moves across the net is tightly controlled according to the business interests that run the subnetworks within it. This control makes blanket monitoring feasible. "Routing isn't what you used to call it. The best-effort internet has changed to a highly centralised, controlled space," she says. "It's not your grandmother's internet." Although privacy protection may not seem to be on the NSA's priority list, Clifton says he knows the organisation has people actively working on techniques which would let it analyse data effectively while not breaching privacy. "If they get too intrusive on the data people will be up in arms and they will lose access," he says. "If they protect privacy they can get more data. They view it as part of their mission." De Montjoye says the NSA revelations emphasise the need for new systems which allow rich datasets like mobile phone data to be used while protecting privacy at the same time. An ongoing project in MIT, called openPDS, aims to do exactly this. OpenPDS works by only allowing third parties to ask questions of a customer dataset, never actually getting their hands on the raw data. De Montjoye says this, combined with legal systems which notify individuals when their data has been searched, and auditing systems that record who is searching for what information and when, could change the privacy debate. "I think that such a 'mixed approach' to privacy is the way forward," he says. Source: New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23669-spy-program-shows-just-how-well-us-knows-its-people.html?full=true - THE ULTIMATE IN HIDE AND SEEK DEPARTMENT - Invisibility 'Time Cloak' Developed By Melissa Hogenboom ![]() An "invisibility" time
cloak which is able to hide events in a
continuous stream of light has been developed
by scientists.
The cloak works by manipulating the speed of light in optical fibres and means any interaction which takes place during this "hole in time" is not detected. That is, a beam of light can be manipulated along its path. The study is published in the journal Nature. The research builds upon a time cloak described last year that was only able to hide single brief events of time in an optical beam. Hidden data This work is different to other "invisibility cloaks" in that it hides events in time, rather than spatial objects - which similar efforts have looked into. The team from the Purdue University in Indiana has shown it can hide events in the path of a continuous light beam by having several "holes in time". The researchers were able to cloak nearly half the data put in the beam's path, which they would otherwise be able to detect. Cloaking, just as it sounds, is where an object or event is hidden from vision. This can apply to frequencies of light or sound. For example, stealth war planes can be difficult to detect on enemy radar. "We were able to push the light forward and back using commercial telecoms components, that are controlled by electrical signals," said Andrew Weiner, who co-authored the paper. "When one sends high-speed data over an optical fibre in the existing infrastructure, in many cases it's just 1s and 0s (binary code). Bendy light "In our system, we can hide the 1s and 0s. There can also be other kinds of disturbances in the light but this cloak provides a zone where one doesn't see how the light is being changed," Prof Weiner told BBC News. He compared how a stream of light is manipulated to a flowing river. "Think about taking a region of that river and pushing some of it forward, and some backwards so there are holes where there isn't any water. Maybe there's a dam, and we can pop the dam on and off very quickly, to somehow disturb or divert the water. "If we part the water so it doesn't see the dam popping up and down, it isn't disturbed, and afterwards we can put the water back together so it looks like a nice calm river again. "That's how we control the flow of the light. We're pushing it forward and backwards in time, so it avoids events that would otherwise disturb it," Prof Weiner explained. Though called a time cloak, it's actually "not a manipulation of time, it's a manipulation of light" explained Greg Gbur, who specialises in optical physics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The researcher, who was not involved in the study, said it showed a huge advance in the work on the time cloak. "In the first time cloak paper, they discussed hiding events of a few billionths of a second once in a while. Here, they are talking about being able to hide data 46% of the time. This really suggests that this has gone from a curiosity to something that could be used in optical communications and data processing," added Dr Gbur. Ortwin Hess, a physicist at Imperial College London, said the study was a "remarkable extension of the previously demonstrated time lens principle". 'Undesirable communication' "An important part of the present paper exploits the principle of space-time duality, which means that like in the original concept of a temporal cloak, one of the directions of spatial cloaking had been replaced by time. "It shows how beautiful the space-time principles are that can be used in optics. While previous cloaks are interesting as well, in the sense that they change optics in space, now we can change the way light, and thus information, behaves in space and time," Prof Hess told BBC News. The research has several possible applications, he added. It could make data more tamper proof, could be used to monitor "undesirable communication" and could be used by governments or large firms that handle sensitive or confidential information. Other work on cloaking Optical camouflage technology: A modified background image is projected onto a cloak of retro-reflective material (the kind used to make projector screens); the wearer becomes invisible to anyone standing at the projection source The "mirage effect": Electric current is passed through submerged carbon nanotubes to create very high local temperatures, this causes light to bounce off them, hiding objects behind Adaptive heat cloaking: A camera records background temperatures, these are displayed by sheets of hexagonal pixels which change temperature very quickly, camouflaging even moving vehicles from heat-sensitive cameras Calcite crystal prism: Calcite crystals send the two polarisations of light in different directions. By gluing prism-shaped crystals together in a specific geometry, polarised light can be directed around small objects, effectively cloaking them "In our system, we can hide the 1s and 0s. There can also be other kinds of disturbances Source: BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22780651 - STRANGE CREATURES
Monstrous Monkeys and Weird Waters By Nick Redfern ![]() According to Scottish legend, the Kelpie – or the water-horse – is a wholly supernatural creature that haunts the rivers, bridges and lochs of ancient Scotland and that has the uncanny ability to shape-shift. The most common form that the Kelpie takes is that of a horse – hence the name. It stands by the water’s edge, tempting any passing and weary traveller that might consider continuing on his or her journey to mount it. That, however, is always the fatal downfall of the traveller, as invariably the beast is then said to rear violently and charge head-long into the depths of the river or loch, and thus drowning its terrified rider in the process. Very notably, the Kelpie was also said to be able to transform itself into both a beautiful maiden – or mermaid – and a large, hairy man that would hide in the vegetation of Scottish waterways and leap out and attack the unwary. The latter sounds very much like the so-called Man-Monkey of England’s Shropshire Union Canal, a creature I have written about extensively, and which may be the closest thing the UK has to Sasquatch – albeit a paranormal Sasquatch! And the more we look into such matters, the more we see yet further evidence of sightings of hair-covered wild-men linked to reports of beasts of the water. In other words, the reports are suggestive of the distinct possibility that not only are the old legends of the Kelpie still among us, but they may be legends that have their origins in paranormal reality. Let’s take a look at a few more accounts linking anomalous apes and water in the UK. The small Shropshire, England village of Child’s Ercall has legends of a hairy wild man and a mermaid attached to it. One strange creature in its midst would be strange enough, but two? And then there is Aqualate Mere, Staffordshire – which is very close to Woodseaves, the home of the Man-Monkey, no less – and also reputedly the lair of a beautiful mermaid. It must be said that sightings of predatory mermaids and magical maidens, as well as hairy monstrosities, are the veritable hallmark of the presence of a shape-shifting Kelpie, as well as being amongst its most preferred forms of appearance after that of the traditional water-horse. The village of Defford, Worcestershire, England is home to a pub called the Cider House. One of the very few still-existing traditional cider houses in England, it has been in the same family for a century and a half, and visitors to the Cider House will find their drinks served to them in quaint pottery mugs, and amid a welcome atmosphere that harks back to a time long gone. More notable is the fact that for the locals that frequent the Cider House, it has a distinctly different moniker: Namely, the Monkey House. So the legend goes, many years ago, a regular customer charged breathlessly into the pub late one night, claiming to have fallen into dense bramble bushes, after being attacked by a group of monkeys. Notably, the village of Defford is situated very close to Eckington, whose historic Eckington Bridge spans the River Avon and at which, late on weekend night in 1957, a man named Albert Micklewright was witness to what was described as a “big hairy thing from Tarzan.” Then there is the intriguingly named Monkey Marsh Lock. Situated on the Kennet and Avon Canal, it weaves its way through the Thames and the River Avon, links the city of London with the British Channel, and has been designated an ancient monument by English Heritage. It is also one of the only two remaining turf-sided locks in England of the type that were chiefly used in the early 1700s. Needless to say, the origins of the lock’s admittedly eye-opening name remain shrouded in mystery and history. Moving on, there is the encounter of Mike Atkins – an encounter that took place in 1996, but that Atkins steadfastly decided to keep firmly to himself until he read an article penned by me in December 2002 (for England’s Express & Star newspaper) on the exploits of the Man-Monkey of the Shropshire Union Canal. According to Atkins, he was driving over the road-bridge that crosses Staffordshire’s Blithfield Reservoir in the early hours of a particular morning in 1996 when a giant, hairy animal “practically launched itself across the road at my car.” Fortunately Mike skilfully avoided a potentially catastrophic collision. The Kelpie may well be a terrifying entity whose origins are based firmly in the past. But, as the above-data demonstrates, the malignant thing seems determined to maintain a strong foothold in the present. And, should we expect anything less of the future? Probably not, albeit unfortunately for those who may, one day, find themselves crossing its infernal, deadly path, whether in the guise of a terrible water-beast, an inviting maiden, or a giant, hairy man-beast. Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/06/monstrous-monkeys-and-weird-waters/ - THE MYSTIC WAY DEPARTMENT - Should Psychics be Allowed to Help Police? By Debra Chalmers ![]() If we've learnt one thing
from the Woolwich tragedy it's that when the
minority do something despicable, the majority
are held accountable by some. Whether it be
race, religion or crime, we search for
something to blame so that we can come up with
ways to try to stop it from happening again.
It scares us that sometimes people do bad
things just because they're bad people.
Almost 10 years ago psychic medium Sylvia Browne told a mother that her missing daughter was dead on national television. Louwanna Miller died before she could learn that her daughter Amanda Berry was alive and had been held captive in a basement for 10 years. Following the news that Amanda Berry was alive, a campaign of hate against Sylvia Browne began and petitions to make it illegal for psychics to help with police inquiries have sprung up all over the place. I do not condone what Sylvia Browne did. If she is a fake, what she did is unforgivable. If she is genuine she wouldn't have got anything from her daughter in the spirit world and was lying, which is unforgivable. If she was unsure if she was picking up a message for someone else in the room she should have checked and what she did was unforgiveable. But considering this as evidence that mediums shouldn't be allowed to assist the police goes back to the dreary argument that she is an individual, not a representation of the whole spiritual community. If a doctor is struck off for malpractice we don't cry out for all doctors to cease practicing medicine, do we? However, even if we assume all psychic mediums are genuine (gasp!) there are still many ethical considerations when they interfere with police investigations. I would never get involved in a case unless I had been approached by the family. It is not the place of psychic to go around telling people they have messages from the spirit world from a loved one that hasn't been confirmed dead. If a psychic is approached by the family of a missing person I would advise them to proceed with caution. Even when the information is accurate it isn't always helpful. I once had a lady who came to me about her missing dog. I got a really strong message that it was being kept by a woman in a cage. A couple of weeks later the dog was found in a river. I felt awful that I'd told this woman her dog had been kidnapped when he'd drowned. It wasn't until I saw her next that she explained he hadn't been in the river very long and the police believe he was taken and then dumped. Even though the information I got was probably correct it wasn't useful to the investigation - in fact it could have been a hindrance. If a medium is to help police at all it should be to provide a clue. Anything from a road name, a place, an image of a place - something specific and easy to check out. While some of what we get can be cryptic, most of it is amazingly detailed. Whatever happens between a psychic and the police should remain confidential and never be bragged about on social media or used to promote someone's career. It should also be noted that much of what mediums get we don't even understand ourselves and only makes sense somewhere further down the line. I've had premonitions in dream form of awful things happening to me in surroundings I don't recognise and I end up petrified it's going to happen to me. It's only when I see the same thing happen on the news that I realise I was seeing it through someone else's eyes. The truth is, even if I had known it was for someone else, I wouldn't have been able to help - they would have thought I was mad. The flip side is that when mediums are given specific details they keep them to themselves for fear of ridicule. Like any police consultant I think checks should be made to see how credible the person is. There are many mediums who have a great relationship with the police and have proven themselves to be reliable and trustworthy throughout history. Of course, we often never hear about them and that's the way it should be. Mediums get messages from the spirit world to bring comfort and proof that the spirit lives on after death. Anything that causes distress should be stopped - that includes telling a mother on national television that their child is dead, whether it's true or not. What she felt she would achieve through doing that is anyone's guess, but again, it's the minority that can give a bad name to the majority through their actions and it's such a shame. Source: The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/debra-chalmers/should-psychics-be-allowed-to-help-police_b_3395422.html?just_reloaded=1 - LITTLE JERKS DEPARTMENT - The Biggest Reasons Why Fairies Are Evil By Amanda Yesilbas ![]() Disney and other Hollywood
sanitizers have convinced everybody that
fairies are benevolent wish-granters, or maybe
environmental champions. But in actual
folklore? Fairies are terrifying. They're more
into baby-stealing and murder than pixie dust.
Here are 10 terrifying things fairies could do
to you.
Fairies, or the “Good People” from the legends of Ireland, Scotland and England, are usually depicted as capricious at best, and downright wicked at worst. While probably most cultures have tales of earth spirits with uneasy relationship to humans, the Celtic fairies have done a lot to inform the modern popular interpretation of what a fairy is and looks like. Part of this is due to the collection of fairy lore as a serious anthropological pursuit in the 1880s by noted scholars and poets like W.B. Yeats and the gorgeous and romantic Pre-Raphaelite art movement that illustrated the tales. Sensibly superstitious people sought to avoid the notice and ire of the fairies. The terms “Good People” or “Fair Folk” were used to placate a temperamental neighbor — and as an accurate description of their general nature. With good reason — get on the bad side of a fairy, and they would mess you up. Here are some examples of their less friendly behavior: Giving your soul to the devil According to the ballad of Tam Lin, the Fairy Queen pays a tithe to Hell every seven years. The fairies kidnap mortals, like Tam Lin, to pay their due on Halloween. It is from this fate that Janet must save her lover. There are several modern recordings of the songs, from groups like Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, and the Medieval Babes. And Pamela Dean’s Tam Lin is a modern novelization of the tale. Keeping sailors’ souls as collectables In the story "Soul Cages" collected in Yeats' Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry, an otherwise sociable and friendly merrow (a type of merman) collects the souls of drowned sailors. The merrow places lobster pots at the bottom of the ocean and the confused, cold souls of the dying sailors seek refuge in them. The pots are collected and put on the merrow's curiosity shelf — but other than that the merrow was an alright and friendly fairy. Drowning There are a ton of fairies that specialize in drowning, like Jenny Greentooth and the Scottish Dracae. George Douglas in Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales says the Dracae lure women into the water by showing them a golden bauble. Sometimes the women are just abducted and not drowned. Kelpie are horse shaped fairy folk that lure riders onto their back and ride into a lake to drown them like in the “Whitsuntide Legend of the Fairy Horses”. In an interesting a weird variation of the tale, “The Doomed Rider,” a kelpie is a harbinger of drowning though it doesn’t actually participate. Stealing and Enchanting Brides On the subject of abduction, the fairies often stole young women as brides, or perhaps for other, less honorable purposes. In the aptly named tale “Stolen Bride,” a gang of fairies carries off a young woman, and something similar happens in "Jamie Freel and the Young Lady". In both cases, the women are put under an enchantment that leaves them mute and confused. Being noble does nothing to protect a woman, especially if the King of Fairies takes a shine to you, as in the tale Ethna the Bride. Stealing new mothers to serve as nursemaids Having children also makes a woman vulnerable to fairy abduction. Fairies will steal mothers directly from their child bed, and often leave a doppelganger in their place that would appear to die according The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies from 1691. After service in the fairy realm, the woman will sometimes be released to return to her family. If the husband has remarried, due to thinking the mother was dead, he has to divorce the second wife. According to lore, though, the fairies aren't completely heartless. The poem The Fairy Nursemaid tells of how they let a captured human mother return to her child at night for feeding. Destructive seduction While human women tend to be carried off, men tend to be seduced by fairy women. While the activity is more pleasant, it still doesn’t end well for the men. Yeats describes a type of fairy called the Leanhaun Shee (Fairy Mistress) If a man refuses her love she becomes their slave, but if they accept her love they are trapped by the fairy until they find another to take their place. She is considered the Gaelic muse and the inspiration for art and poetry, but she dries a man up and leaves him a wreck. It is said this why the Irish poets die young. The poem La Belle Dame Sans Merci is an interpretation of Keats about a seductive fairy leaving a man a wreck. “The Dream of Angus” is an ancient legend where a proud warrior is brought low by pining for a supernatural woman. There is a male fairy seducer called gean-ca-nach (love talker) who's described by Yeats. He seduces shepherdesses and milkmaids and ruins their reputations. Baby Stealing One of the more common and disturbing practices of the fairies of lore is stealing babies and leaving a changeling in their place. The fake child is always sickly looking and fussy. The only way to truly determine if a person is a changeling is a trial by fire, or the application of a red hot poker. The story of “The Brewery of Eggshells” shows how a mother tricks a fairy into revealing itself and winning her own child back. If a mother is too soft-hearted to put a red hot poker to a child and a fairy stays in the house, things go poorly for the rest of the ,family as witnessed in the tale "The Young Piper." A more modern take on the tradition of fairy baby-stealing is the movie Labyrinth. Murdering children for petty grievances You just do not want to upset the fairies, or they will make you suffer. One of their most common forms of exacting vengeance is by killing the children of a family. It doesn't really matter how slight the offense was. In the tale “The Fairies’ Revenge,” a farmer builds his home on the land the fairies enjoy meeting and dancing on. The fairies destroy his livelihood and cause his child to die. In the story “The Farmer Punished,” the farmer is just a tight-fisted skin flint, refusing to share any of his wealth. This angers the fairies who by tradition have rights to any food spilled on the ground. The farmer goes out of his way to make sure not even a drop of milk is ever spilt. In revenge the fairies arrange to have the son killed. A general over-reaction to rude behavior If you were simply rude or off-putting to a fairy, they might not murder your children — but they would make you suffer beyond the simple offense. In one story, a boy doesn't let a fairy woman into his house. He's struck with strangeness and terror for the rest of his life, and the family is cursed to poverty and social ostracization. In the tale of “Paddy Corcoran’s Wife” , the wife is sick for years, before finding out the fairies were mad at her for throwing wash water out at the time they were passing by. Remember, the fairies were invisible when she was tossing out her water, so she couldn't have known. In the old familiar tale of Sleeping Beauty, the princess gets cursed to death because a fairy was insulted for not being invited to the christening party. Fairies have a wicked temper. Enslavement People with bad characters and dubious behavior leave themselves open to magical enslavement by the faeries. The story of “Teig O’Kane and the Corpse” tells of a rowdy womanizer who's compelled into service by fairies for a terrifying night of work. In “Master and Man,” the hard partying young man is enslaved by a fairy for seven years. The young man thwarts his Master’s wicked plot and get released after one night. Sources: Croker, Thomas Crofton, Fairy Legends and Traditions. 1825. Douglas, George. Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales. 1901. Gregory, Lady Augusta. Cuchulain of Muirthemne. 1902 Kirk, Robert and Lang, Andrew, The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies. 1893. Wildes, Lady Francesca Speranza, Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland. 1887. Yeats, William Butler, Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry. 1888. Main Source: io9 http://io9.com/the-biggest-reasons-why-fairies-are-evil-510180209 - ET PHONE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Aircraft Has High Altitude Collision With “Unknown Object” ![]() A Chinese flight was cut
short earlier this week when the passenger
aircraft had a high altitude collision with
an “unknown object”, putting a heck of a
dent in the hood and grounding the plane.
Did a commercial aircraft get into a fender
bender with a UFO?
On June 4th, Air China flight CA4307 took off towards Guangzhou, but just 40 minutes later, a mid-air collision with a mysterious foreign object resulted in “worsened performance”, and sent the flight back to its departure point. When the aircraft landed, and the passengers were safely escorted off, maintenance crews noticed a huge dent in the nose of the plane, prompting an internal investigation into the incident that remains ongoing. There’s been a lot of speculation about whether or not a bird could have caused a dent of that size, but according to aircraft control, the collision occurred at around 26,000 feet, an altitude with far too little oxygen for anything to survive unaided. Furthermore, there isn’t a drop of blood anywhere near the point of contact, something that occurs in almost every case of plane vs. bird collisions. There are, however, paint transfer marks, which rules out another popular theory regarding collapsing air pressure in the nose. The plane did hit something, and whatever it was has some new white pinstripes. Perhaps the plane hit a secret government drone? A wayward piece of falling space junk? A meteor? An unidentified flying object? Source: Who Forted? http://whofortedblog.com/2013/06/08/e-t-phone-insurance-chinese-passenger-aircraft-high-altitude-collision-unknown-object/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines ![]() Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ![]() Far Out Radio ![]() Free Issue of Phenomena Magazine www.mapit.kk5.org ![]() Wm Michael Mott - New Book Available on Kindle ![]() The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network ![]() Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! ![]() PSI TALK-The Internets Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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