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Don't forget to check out the latest Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...Number 40, full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have! - Is Yeti A Hybrid Polar Bear?- - Asteroid Heading for Possible Impact in 2032 - - Have The “Space Brothers” Gone Awry? - AND: Pyrokinesis - Fire of the Mind ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ From MR. UFO - Timothy Green Beckley ![]() The Case For UFO Crashes: From Urban Legend to Reality WHAT IS HIDDEN IN THE MYSTERIOUS “BLUE ROOM” AT WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE? DOES “HANGAR 18” CONTAIN WRECKAGE OF A CRASHED UFO AND PRESERVED BODIES OF ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE? Access has been denied for over 50 years to even the likes of the late Senator Barry Goldwater, who has said: “I have never gained access to the so-called Blue Room at Wright-Patterson, so I have no idea what is in it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know information because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it my business since.” EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE TRUMAN HAS BEEN PART OF THE “GRAND DECEPTION” – NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPOSE THE “COSMIC WATERGATE!” Learn the significance of the MAJESTIC 12 and Presidential Briefing Papers and view previously classified CIA, FBI and State Department documents pertaining to this explosive subject – a subject that calls for high-level Congressional hearings. A possible connection has been uncovered in newly declassified documents sent to researchers by “unknown sources” within the Shadow Government. Is there proof that an organization known as the Interplanetary Phenomena Unit is involved in the recovery of extraterrestrial spacecraft and their occupants? OR IS THIS ALL AN URBAN LEGEND? OR PART OF A NEW WORLD ORDER DISINFORMATION PLOT? Here are dozens of unpublished Crashed Saucer stories uncovered by the author during the course of his research, including: * The night a UFO came crashing down over an Ohio shopping mall. . . * A bizarre tale of an “alien artifact” uncovered by a jogger and displayed in the lobby of a Florida movie theater before it was mysteriously removed and vanished completely. . . * An unbelievable eye witness account of a UFO that fell inside New York City’s bustling Central Park after being shot at by the military. . . * The astounding tale of a UFO pilot who was taken alive from a downed spaceship which rested at the end of an Air Force Base runway in New Jersey. The being later died, . . * Controversial “alien body” photos of an entity known as “Tomato Man,” photos which have never been satisfactorily explained. . . * A seemingly documented account of a UFO that came tumbling out of the sky inside the former USSR, an event that was observed by so many that it could not be satisfactorily hushed up even by the Communist regime. . . * A mysterious professor who seemed to have the “inside track” on a real alien autopsy long before a British movie studio faked a similar event. . . ALSO INCLUDED ARE NUMEROUS DOCUMENTS WHICH APPEAR TO VERIFY ACCOUNTS OF NUTS AND BOLTS SPACE SHIPS FROM OTHER PLANETS. THIS BOOK MAY CONTAIN THE MOST IMPORTANT WEAPONS OF INFORMATION IN THE ARSENAL OF THOSE WHO ARE NOW DEMANDING UFO DISCLOSURE WORLDWIDE! You can also phone in
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Is Yeti A Hybrid Polar Bear? By Loren Coleman ![]() The initial details
on Dr. Bryan Sykes’ DNA findings of
“ancient polar bear” affinities to two
so-called “Yeti hair samples” has been
previously shared in “Yeti Studies To
Be Shaken By Sykes Finding.”
The effect of brief media statements about extremely complex genetic facts is often quick one-timers, like “Yetis are really polar bears.” Let’s take more time to look at the bears of the Himalayan area, and at the fossil find behind the “Yeti” results. All of the findings are going to unfold soon. First there will be the documentaries, then Sykes’s forthcoming scientific papers, and then also his future book, Yeti Enigma. British Channel 4 will be first up with their broadcast on Sunday, of a three-parter entitled Bigfoot Files. The broadcast on the anniversary of the taking of the Patterson-Gimlin Bluff Creek Bigfoot film, does not seem coincidental. Then the results will be featured in a new two-hour special, Bigfoot: Revealed, produced for Channel 4 in the U.K. and premiering in the U.S. Sunday, November 17, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on National Geographic Channel. The “polar bear” answer to all Yeti reports is too simplistic, and even Dr. Bryan Sykes understands that. What is already occurring is a bit of readjustment about these samples, since the first breaking news. The exciting finds that they are a match – a 100% match – to an ancient polar bear mandible – are only a small percentage of the Yeti samples gathered by Sykes. Here he is being interviewed by the BBC to clarify some of this business: In some ways, this is old news repackaged and updated. In the New Scientist on April 2, 2001, the following was partially published. It directly impacts on the Sykes’ samples: Hairs found in a Bhutan forest could be those of the legendary Yeti, say makers of a TV documentary. The cluster of hairs was found in a cedar tree by scientists who accompanied the documentary team. Sonam Dhendup, a local Yeti-hunter and guide, said the tree was the animal’s lair. On returning to Britain, the team handed the hair to Oxford geneticists for analysis. “It’s not a human, it’s not a bear, nor anything else that we’ve so far been able to identify,” says Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Oxford. “We’ve never encountered any DNA that we couldn’t recognise before, but then, we weren’t looking for the Yeti,” says Sykes, the first geneticist to extract DNA from archaeological bone specimens. Sykes says that all other hairs handed in by the Yeti-hunting team were easy to identify, turning out to be pigs, for example. An earlier, skin sample from Bhutan reputed to be from a Yeti was shown by Sykes to be that of a bear. But he is mystified by the hair sample. “We don’t know what it is; it’s behaving most peculiarly,” he says. Rob McCall, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Oxford, reported finding scratch marks inside the cedar tree, which resembled claw rather than nail scratches. McCall also discovered odd footprints just a couple of hours old. They revealed a short print with a narrow heel, plus toe pads rather than claws. Source. But some skeptics are falling all over themselves to find fault in Sykes’ story. William Laurance, a research Professor and Australian Laureate at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia, had this to say: “Curiously, back in 2001 when Sykes first tested the hair found in the forest, he told New Scientist ”It’s not a bear, nor anything else that we’ve so far been able to identify.” It is not clear what has made him change his mind.” Of course, what changed Sykes’ mind was the discovery, since 2001, of the ancient polar bear DNA! What Sykes has found is evidence, solid physical evidence, that another possible new subspecies or species of bear, an ancient form of polar bear (a branch of the brown bears), has very recently been encountered in the Ladakh region of India and in Bhutan. Bears in the Land of Yeti Of course, there are many known bears in the Himalayan region. The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), also known as the Stickney Bear or labiated bear, was first described scientifically in 1791. The Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus), also known as the moon bear or white-chested bear, has been verified since 1823. None of the above chest-blazed bears are to be confused with the sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), also called the Malayan sun bear or the honey bear, which is a bear found in tropical forest habitats of Southeast Asia, known scientifically since 1821. There is also in the area the Himalayan Brown Bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus), also known as the Himalayan Red Bear or Isabelline Bear. A subspecies of the Brown Bear, it was first described scientifically in 1826. Wikipedia has this unfortunate sentence in their description of the Himalayan Brown Bear: “The bear (as the Dzu-Teh) is thought to be the source of the legend of the Yeti.” There is also the Tibetan Blue Bear (Ursus arctos pruinosus), another subspecies of Brown Bear, first known since 1854. It is also called the Himalayan blue bear, Himalayan snow bear, Tibetan brown bear, or the horse bear. One of the rarest subspecies of bears in the world, the blue bear is seldom sighted in the wild. It was a Himalayan blue bear hide that the 1960 World Book Expedition held up, when Sir Edmund Hillary and Marlin Perkins initially claimed it to be a Yeti skin. The skin’s buyer, Desmond Doig, allegedly, knew exactly what it was. The panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, lit. ”black and white cat-foot”), also known as the giant panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda, is a bear native to south central China, not Tibet, as often thought. Scientifically described in 1869, the first living giant panda was brought by to the West by Ruth Harkness in 1936. The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) have been known to zoology since 1774, but from the far north, not the Himalayas. What “ancient polar bear” DNA is Sykes talking about that overlaps with certain “Yeti hair samples”? (International Cryptozoology Museum photo by Asst Dir Jeff Meuse) One of the samples Dr. Bryan Sykes analyzed came from an alleged Yeti mummy in the Indian region of Ladakh, at the Western edge of the Himalayas, and was taken by a French mountaineer who was shown the corpse 40 years ago. The other was a single hair found a decade ago in Bhutan, 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) to the east. Sykes said the fact the hair samples were found so far apart, and so recently, suggests the members of the species are still alive. “I can’t imagine we managed to get samples from the only two `snow bears’ in the Himalayas,” he said to the Associated Press. The Svalbard DNA came from an ancient polar bear mandible. The jawbone is about 23cm long. The news first became known in the mid-2000s (Source: BBC News, “Ancient Polar Bear Jawbone Found,” December 10, 2007): What may be the oldest known remains of a polar bear have been uncovered on the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic. The jawbone was pulled from sediments that suggest the specimen is perhaps 110,000 or 130,000 years old. Professor Olafur Ingolfsson from the University of Iceland says tests show it was an adult, possibly a female. The find is a surprise because polar bears are a relatively new species, with one study claiming they evolved less than 100,000 years ago. If the Svalbard jawbone’s status is confirmed, and further discoveries can show the iconic Arctic beasts have a deeper evolutionary heritage, then the outlook for the animals may be more positive than some believe. “We have this specimen that confirms the polar bear was a morphologically distinct species at least 100,000 years ago, and this basically means that the polar bear has already survived one interglacial period,” explained Professor Ingolfsson. “This is telling us that despite the ongoing warming in the Arctic today, maybe we don’t have to be quite so worried about the polar bear. That would be very encouraging.”"And what’s interesting about that is that the Eeemian – the last interglacial – was much warmer than the Holocene (the present). The jawbone’s discovery is being presented here in San Francisco at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. The specimen was found at Poolepynten on Prins Karls Forland, a narrow strip of land on the far west of the archipelago. The sediments there are well-described, and record at least two glaciations sandwiched with marine sequences. In other words, they record periods when Poolepynten was alternately covered by ice and water. These periods are understood in good detail by Professor Ingolfsson’s team, so although direct dating at the dig site gives an age range for the bone of 80-140,000 years ago, the group is confident the specimen can be placed at the upper end of this scale. The 23cm-long bone itself retains some critical details that have helped identify it. “It is very well-preserved,” Professor Ingolfsson told BBC News. “We can measure various parameters, such as the cheek-teeth row-length, and the size of the hole made by the third molar – which is very characteristic of polar bears. We’ve compared all this, both to fossil and recent materials, and there’s no question it’s a polar bear.” They speculate it was a female bear. Researchers have studied the DNA of modern polar bears to try to gauge when the Arctic animals separated from brown bears, their nearest evolutionary cousins. Different models have variously put the radiation as near as 70,000 years ago and as distant as 1-1.5 million years ago. One of the problems has been in finding the ancient specimens to put alongside, and constrain, these genetic estimates. Until recently, one of the oldest polar bear specimens was thought to be British – a 70,000-year-old animal found at Kew Bridge in London. The presumption was that the creature lived at a lower latitude during a period when ice sheets were more extensive. But scientists are now confident the Kew animal was in fact a brown bear. “It’s a huge bear; it’s a runner – a hunting bear,” said Andy Currant, a palaeontologist from London’s Natural History Museum. “It’s got some of the features of a polar bear, but it’s undoubtedly a brown bear. “With something like polar bears, to make an identification you’ve got to have a skull or a lower jaw – they’ve got very reduced teeth, rather surprisingly, and you’ve got to see that. So I was interested to learn that [Ingolfsson's group] has that.” When the researchers compared the fossil’s DNA with analogous DNA from six other specimens of living brown bears and polar bears, they detected genetic hallmarks of both species. That suggests that the fossil bear was one of the first polar bears to branch off from brown bears. “It’s a truly ancient polar bear,” says lead author and geneticist Charlotte Lindqvist of the University at Buffalo in New York state. It must have lived close to the time when the species had split off from the so-called ABC brown bears, which inhabit three islands—Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof—in southeastern Alaska. Those bears are more closely related to polar bears than they are to other brown bears, she says. The DNA evidence and the location of the find suggest that polar bears were just beginning to spread out across their Arctic habitat between the last two ice ages, when Earth’s climate was warmer than it is today. In just 1000 generations or so, U. maritimus morphed from a stocky brown bear to a long-necked bear with thick fatty layers and that signature white coat. Lindqvist says the Svalbard area, north of the Arctic Circle and far from the competitors inhabiting the continental land masses, offered just the right refuge where the bears could persist through the warming period before the last ice age and then begin to adapt to a life amid the frozen sea. Source: Science Magazine, “Early Polar Bear Discovered In Arctic Tundra,” March 1, 2010. Sykes said Thursday that the tests showed the creatures were not related to modern Himalayan bears but were direct descendants of the prehistoric animal. He said, “it may be a new species, it may be a hybrid” between polar bears and brown bears. “The next thing is go there and find one.” Sykes said he was simply trying “to inject some science into a rather murky field.” “The Yeti, the Bigfoot, is surrounded in myth and hoaxes,” he said. “But you can’t invent a DNA sequence from a hair.” Source, 2013. Yetis are not white, and the ancient polar bear probably wasn’t either. The newswires are filled with breaking stories about this discovery. A thoughtful piece by National Geographic contains a passage from my conversation with writer Ker Than: Loren Coleman, director of the International Cryptozoology Museumin Portland, Maine, said Sykes’s finding could be the “number one story in cryptozoology”—the study of hidden, or unverified, animals—”for the decade.” Coleman, who also appears in the upcoming documentary, said he thinks Sykes’s findings likely explain only one of the Yeti varieties that have been reported. “That’s one of the problems with the word ‘Yeti,’” Coleman said. “It’s an umbrella term for three different varieties. There’s the small kind, there’s a man-sized type, and then a larger one that is known as Dzu-Teh. I must assume what he’s looking at are samples from the larger-sized one that many of us in the field have speculated was a form of bear.” If, as Sykes’s findings suggest, the Dzu-Teh is indeed the same species of early polar bear that once roamed the Arctic, it is unlikely to have a white fur coat, as often shown in popular depictions of the Yeti, since it was one of the first polar bears to branch off from brown bears. That, Coleman said, actually strengthens Sykes’s case that the larger Yeti is an ancient polar bear species. “It’s one of the myths of the Abominable Snowman and Yeti that they’re white,” Coleman said. “The native people actually describe them as brown and reddish-brown.” Source: cryptozoonews http://www.cryptozoonews.com/abominable-bears/ - DUCK AND
Asteroid Heading for Possible Impact in 2032 ![]() Ukrainian astronomers have discovered a large asteroid heading for Earth which could strike our planet on 26 August 2032, impacting with a force 50 times greater than the biggest ever nuclear bomb. Its existence has been verified by teams around the world, in at least 27 distinct observations over the course of the past week, and Nasa has been forced to issue an earth impact risk summary as part of its Near Earth Object Program. The 1,300 foot (400 metre) wide asteroid has been named 2013 TV135. There is a 1 in 63,000 chance of the asteroid striking earth – enough for it to be added to the Torino scale which measures the risk of all objects which could reach Earth in the next 100 years. According to Nasa there is only one other asteroid that has made it to a 1 (out of 10) on the scale. At 130 metres wide, 2007 VK184 is nonetheless regarded as relatively high risk because it has a 1 in 1,820 chance of impacting Earth. All other near Earth objects are rated as a 0 – meaning their risk is “effectively zero”. Gennady Borisov from the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory told the Itar-Tass news agency: “On the night of 12 October, I was watching the Giraffe constellation, it was an in-depth monitoring as part of the comet search program. This is when the asteroid… was discovered. The first observations show that it moves quickly and is relatively close.” If it struck the earth, the impact from 2013 TV135 would cause damage to an area of approximately 100,000 square miles – the equivalent of x – with an equivalent force to about 2,500 megatons of TNT, or 2,500 standard nuclear warhead-bearing US Minute Man II missiles. “Here’s a super-goal for our space industry,” said Russia’s deputy prime minister Dmity Rogozin, who is responsible for the country’s space programmes and has lobbied for Russia to develop asteroid defence systems. Astronomers say they will continue to evaluate the risk posed by 2013 TV135, and that they may be able to pin down its exact path – and even a possible impact site on Earth – by the year 2028. Source: The Independent www.independent.co.uk/news/science/ukrainian-astronomers-discover-1300-ft-asteroid-heading-for-possible-devastating-2032-impact-with-earth-8888672.html - DEALING WITH
Have The “Space Brothers” Gone Awry? By Sean Casteel ![]() What does the word “Wicked” really mean? One must allow for the fact that the term is really relative, subject to individual interpretations and beliefs. The word conjures up images of a red, horned Devil, or a medieval witch casting spells to make a young woman miscarry or a struggling farmer’s cows go dry. The mind drifts toward thoughts of Adolph Hitler or Judas Iscariot or the Whore of Babylon from the Book of Revelation. Perhaps current thinking would not fail to mention terrorism and the Islamic extremists who murder the innocent in the name of their strangely vengeful, unloving version of God. The egregious “zealotry” of the Catholic Inquisition also comes to mind, with all its diabolical torments and misguided persecution of what were mainly middle-aged women with no supernatural powers at all. Speaking of witches, Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” features a small group of them as minor characters, one of whom utters the famous lines, “By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes,” as she and her fellow servants of evil set about doing “a deed without a name.” Timothy Green Beckley of Global Communications has borrowed Shakespeare’s phrase, which was also made use of by the late sci-fi and fantasy writer Ray Bradbury, to serve as the title of his new book on the evil aspects of the UFO phenomenon, “UFOs – Wicked This Way Comes: The Dark Side of the Ultra-Terrestrials.” The new book also features contributions from myself, Scott Corrales, Peter Robbins, Brad Steiger and Tim Swartz, the usual suspects involved in these group efforts Beckley organizes to cover a given paranormal subject from as many perspectives as possible. The book opens with an introduction by Beckley called “Exposing the Fear Factor,” in which he argues that “Stories of encounters with the supposedly friendly, ‘all-too-cute’ ETs are not always the norm and represent only one side of the coin (or disc, since we are referring to flying saucers). Little Elliot may have befriended Steven Spielberg’s cozy, cuddly alien, but all too often our almond-eyed visitors have their own agenda, which frequently puts them at odds with our earthly plans and aspirations. They have been known to abduct, dice and slice and put us through a world of utter discontent.” Beckley also explains that he prefers to use the term “Ultra-Terrestrials” to describe the UFO occupants since we remain unable to determine their real point of origin, which may not necessarily be somewhere off-planet. Thus the term “Extra” terrestrial, implying an origin not of this Earth, is possibly inaccurate and misleading. But wherever they come from, Beckley says, there are numerous aspects of this darker side that cannot be ignored. The UFO occupants repeatedly display some of the same characteristics historically attributed to demons and exercise some of the same powers at landing sites as one would expect to encounter in a haunted house or at a séance. Beckley quotes an unnamed Navy commander with strong CIA ties as saying, “Much if not all of the phenomenon is nefarious, a monstrous evil with occasional good.” Beckley also makes reference to the late UFO abductee and researcher Dr. Karla Turner, who states that there is evidence that the intelligence behind UFOs can control what we think we see, can appear to us in any number of guises and shapes, can alter our perception of our surroundings, take over our consciousness, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities and use our bodies as vehicles for their own purposes. Some of Turner’s claims read like a high-tech version of demonic possession, with only a change in terminology to bring it into the 21st century from the long ago past. More about Dr. Turner later. The first section of the book, after Beckley’s introduction, consists of numerous cases of “high strangeness” which Beckley has investigated first-hand, starting in the 1960s, when he began his UFOlogical career. From the first episode onward, he takes us into the realm of true weirdness, opening with the saga of a young girl and her family who would regularly see bright, circular objects traveling at great speed, usually near the child’s birthday. Soon after the child reached her first birthday, her hair turned snow white and began to give off a “random glow,” a phenomenon which has always recurred on her birthday in the years since. “The mere thought,” Beckley writes, “that UFO activity could cause a young girl’s hair to glow in the dark and change colors is staggering.” Which is admittedly strange. Beckley says there are no other cases remotely like it. But is it necessarily evil? There are those who would say the young girl was simply a “Chosen One,” set apart from the rest of humanity by the Ultra-Terrestrials for some reason known only to them. But there are scarier stories to come. For instance, two young women, identified as “Mickie and Kathy,” found themselves fleeing for their lives from mysterious lights that relentlessly pursued them as they drove on an isolated stretch of road in Nebraska on their way back to their home in California. At one point in their flight, a large black dog with blazing red eyes appeared out of nowhere in the backseat of their car, pushing their terror to a whole new level. The fearsome lights then coalesced into the image of a ship, after which a missing time experience ensued that left them even more frightened and confused. One can read the story in all its suspenseful details in “UFOs – Wicked This Way Comes,” and again the events are strange, but is any of it inarguably evil? In a way, Beckley has already answered this question. If the experience is really, really scary, and the UFO witness is forced to feel all these extreme levels of fear for reasons unknown, then yes, that’s evil – or could be called “wicked.” Nothing so frightening and strange can be called “benevolent,” and a loving creature from the great beyond would not subject unsuspecting people to limitless panic like this, right? On the other hand, this becomes an argument based on emotional reactions that perhaps doesn’t completely explain what is happening. The late abduction researcher Budd Hopkins once compared the situation to the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989, a major news story at the time Hopkins gave this analogy. There’s no denying the oil spill itself; it’s quite obviously there. But the oil spill doesn’t really tell you about Exxon’s intentions or its moral character. Likewise, the panic, the fear, even the humiliation of abductees are all obviously there, but does that necessarily tell us about the real intentions or the moral character of the Ultra-Terrestrials? For the aforementioned Dr. Karla Turner, it was the after-effects of the abduction experience that made it a black and white issue with no middle ground. Abductees experienced such extreme harm emotionally, psychologically and physically that the basic evil of the abductors could not be questioned. One case Turner writes about concerns a man she calls “Fred” who recalled under hypnosis a horrifying sexual experience involving a half human/half animal creature. His blood, sperm and genetic materials were injected into the hybrid creature, apparently a female of some unknown species, who was then levitated and laid out spread-eagled on her back. Fred realized he was himself naked and strapped down, unable to move. He next saw a nude woman with an open incision running from the top of her chest down to her groin area. A gray alien took the material collected from Fred and put his hand inside the woman through the opening in her chest and moved it down to her reproductive area, meanwhile inserting a long tube into her vagina. Another alien then pulled the woman’s skin together, sealing it as if there was never a cut there at all. After the aliens inserted a long, thin rod into his eyeball and navel, Fred was brought out of hypnosis, still upset and affirming his statements of seeing gray aliens throughout the experience. Granted, that is horrifying stuff, beyond any nightmare one could conjure up in the worst throes of the Freudian unconscious cesspool of human misery. But such demonic horror shows, while typical among abductees, are still only part of the story. According to a list Turner compiled, a surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn’t have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation and even death from causes their doctors can’t identify. Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships. And the list goes on. Some abductees report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies. Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, mutilated, flayed and dismembered, then being stacked, lifeless, like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they will share this fate if they don’t cooperate with their alien captors. It has also been reported that aliens have forced human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. Sometimes the aliens have taken on the form of Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities and the late spouse of the abductee in order to persuade the abductee to cooperate. “It becomes clear,” Turner writes, “from these details that the beings who are doing such things can’t be seen as spiritually enlightened, with the best interests of the human race in mind. Something else is going on, something far more painful and frightening, in many, many abduction encounters.” “UFOs – Wicked This Way Comes” also includes sample chapters taken from two of Turner’s books that are now rare and hard to find. The excerpt from Turner’s 1994 book “Taken” tells the story of “Polly,” who developed unhealthy sexual obsessions after a lifetime of experiences with the dark Ultra-Terrestrials. There follows an excerpt from “Masquerade of Angels,” also from 1994 and this time co-written with abductee Ted Rice, in which the authors struggle against those who would call alien abduction a “good experience.” Scott Corrales contributes a chapter to the new Global Communications release called “Entering The Dark Realms Of The Ultra-Terrestrials.” He writes about underground cities where the abductor fiends may reside when they’re not aboveground tormenting their victims. “Subterranean cities and temples,” Corrales writes, “played a major role in pre-European Latin American societies; religious rites of all kinds were held in these underground locations, and tradition holds they were used as ambries for the storage of treasure and forgotten lore.” After recounting several stories of archeologists and explorers discovering caves and tunnels leading to these subterranean places of worship, Corrales tells the story of a city located under Moscow, called a “nightmarish” multi-leveled structure that had covertly sheltered “gypsies, malcontents, dissidents and ‘professional hermits.’” Also sighted there were squads of uniformed people lighting their way with powerful halogen lamps. Further down in the depths, explorers came upon a mass burial site from an unknown age and a strange cult that dressed in monkish robes as they circled around a stone altar. The monk-like figures ran away upon being seen by the explorers. Aliens in monk-like robes are often present during an abduction experience, and there is nearly always a great deal of terror associated with seeing an Ultra-Terrestrial in this priestly garb. One would be hard-pressed to find anywhere in the abduction literature a positive experience with an alien so clothed. The much-venerated paranormal author Brad Steiger weighs in with a chapter called “Extraterrestrials, Ultra-Terrestrials or Demons?” in which he tells many a harrowing story. A woman he calls “Susan,” for example, is attacked by a reptilian alien after she emerges from the bathtub. The alien is repulsively ugly, and as she struggles against him, he uses his monstrous eyes to suddenly appear handsome and virile to Susan, which causes her to stop resisting his sexual advances. She then snaps back to alertness and prays to her guardian angel for help. She believes the angel did arrive and chased the would-be rapist away. But there is more. “While those ultra-dimensional beings,” Steiger writes, “that seek to possess and enjoy sexually the physical bodies of mortals are terrible and demeaning enough, even worse are those fiends who invade the psyches of men and women and command them to maim, mutilate or murder their victims. Perhaps the most monstrous of all the frightening creatures that issue forth out of the dark claim those tortured individuals who heed fiendish commands to kill. The media proclaim in each day’s newspaper headlines and news broadcasts that these disciples of murder and mayhem are very real. And so are the demons who scream at them relentlessly to do their awful bidding and kill without mercy.” Are the disembodied voices that drive some among the mentally ill to commit murder and other atrocities another manifestation of the evil Ultra-Terrestrials? The mass shootings and massacres of the innocent carried out so frequently by disturbed individuals may always be with us, but there are even more alarming trends happening. According to a leading sociologist, there has been a rise in new religious cults that practice human sacrifice, and it is estimated that there are between 40,000 and 60,000 people killed each year in ritual homicides. In the Las Vegas area alone, Steiger reports, as many as 600 people may die each year in demon-inspired ceremonies. Of course the dark side of humanity itself is a factor in this discussion, and Peter Robbins offers a chapter called “Controversial Deaths Of UFO Investigators, Researchers And Authors” that takes up the subject of how certain people who’ve immersed themselves in the search for truth have been murdered to keep them quiet. For example, Robbins examines the case of M.K. Jessup (a researcher and author I have written about previously for the UFO Digest). “It’s alleged that [Jessup] was murdered,” Robbins writes, “and that the murder was made to appear as a suicide, or that he was brainwashed into taking his own life, the reason being that he was getting too close to the truth about UFOs.” Robbins provides the relevant details of Jessup’s story as well as other cases of controversial deaths related to knowledge of the UFO mystery. Included are, among others, media personality Dorothy Kilgallen, atmospheric physicist Dr. James McDonald, broadcaster and author Frank Edwards, and the aforementioned Dr. Karla Turner, who died from breast cancer, leading Robbins to speculate as to whether the pathogens that killed her were natural or not and if she had been eliminated in retribution for her extreme anti-alien views. “UFOs – Wicked This Way Comes” concludes with a chapter by Tim R. Swartz called “Calling Down The Ultra-Terrestrial Spirits” that has a decidedly more upbeat tone. Swartz explains that contact with the UFO occupants is often of a psychic nature, involving telepathy and other forms of non-physical communication. Even the U.S. Navy has investigated the case of a woman who could communicate with aliens while in a trance state and write out accurate answers while in that condition to difficult questions on astronomy and outer space posed to her by the naval investigators. The reasons for calling the UFO phenomenon something wicked are numerous, and you can read about most of them in “UFOs – Wicked This Way Comes.” The subject remains one where countless controversies will persist, especially as to the moral characteristics of whoever is piloting the mysterious craft that have appeared in our skies throughout recorded history. UFOs may constitute the most crucial element in the continuing story of mankind, and, as the evidence clearly demonstrates, the scariest element as well. In the words of the 1979 hit song “Life During Wartime,” by the Talking Heads, “This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no fooling around.” There are many who have been on the receiving end of “alien evil” who know that sad truth only too well. SUGGESTED READING UFOs – Wicked This Way Comes: The Dark Side Of The Ultra-Terrestrials Evil Empire Of The ETs And The Ultra-Terrestrials To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at www.seancasteel.com - GO TO BLAZES
Pyrokinesis - Fire of the Mind By Lon Strickler ![]() Pyrokinesis (pyrokinetics) was the name coined by horror novelist Stephen King for the ability to create or to control fire with the mind that he gave to a character in Firestarter The following cases of apparently paranormal firestarters involve some aspects common in people who exhibit psychic-like powers. Unfortunately we don't have much detail about the girls involved, so the case must remain intriguing though unsupported by independent evidence. However, it would be interesting to know if prior to or at the time of the alleged fire-starting incidents, these two girls had made claims of mediumship, telepathy or any other 'psychic' abilities. In November 1890, in Thorah, near Toronto, Canada, strange things started happening around a 14 year-old English girl called Jennie Bramwell, the adopted daughter of a farmer, Mr. Dawson, and his wife. The girl had been ill and gone into a trance, crying out 'Look at that!' pointing to a ceiling which was ablaze. Shortly after, to the astonishment of Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, she pointed to another fire. The following day numerous fires broke out around the house; as soon as one was put out, another started. In one instance while Mrs. Dawson and the girl were seated facing a wall, the wallpaper suddenly caught fire, Jennie's dress then burst into flames and Mrs. Dawson burnt her hands extinguishing the fire. Fires continued to break out in the house for a whole week. A report in the Toronto Globe, for 9th November, described charred pieces of wallpaper, which looked as if they'd been burned using a blazing lamp. The situation became unbearable, all the furniture was moved into the yard, and the unfortunate girl, blamed for the fires, was sent back to the orphanage from where she'd come. With her leaving, the phenomena stopped. The reporter from the Toronto Globe depicted her as 'a half-witted girl [who] had walked about the house with a match, setting light to everything she came across.' However, he had difficulty explaining how the fire on the ceiling, and those on the walls had been started. Charles Fort, describing the case, commented wryly - 'I'll not experiment, but I assume that I could flip matches all day at a wall, and not set wallpaper afire.' The reporter wanted to know if Jennie had any knowledge of chemistry, as according to him the 'half-witted' little orphan was 'well-versed in rudiments of the science.' He subsequently made inquiries around town, and discovered that the girl was also 'an incorrigible little thief', and that she had visited the chemist many times on errands. So, the mystery was solved: the girl had stolen "some chemical," which she had spread over various parts of the Dawson's house in order to start the fires. In January 1895 there were fires in the house of an out of work carpenter, Adam Colwell in Brooklyn, New York. The fires were investigated by police and firemen who witnessed furniture burst into flames and subsequently reported that the cause of the fires was unexplained. However, the Fire Marshall suspected the pretty adopted daughter of the Colwells, Rhoda, as playing some part. He stated that 'It might be thought that the child Rhoda started two of the fires, but she can not be considered guilty of the others, as she was being questioned, when some of them began. I do not want to be quoted as a believer in the supernatural, but I have no explanation to offer, as to the cause of the fires, or of the throwing around of the furniture.' Mr. Colwell asserted that on the afternoon of the 4th of January whilst in the company of his wife and stepdaughter Rhoda, a crash was heard - a large, empty stove had fallen over, four pictures also fell off the walls. Shortly afterwards a bed caught fire, a policeman was called who saw wallpaper start to burn. Another fire started and a heavy lamp fell from a hook onto the floor. The house burned to the ground and the family, who had lost everything apart from their clothes, were taken to the police station. Captain Rhoades, of the Greenpoint Precinct said that he could attribute the strange fires to 'no other cause than a supernatural agency.' However, a Mr. J.L. Hope of Flushing, Long Island, came to see Captain Rhoades and told him that Rhoda had worked for him as a housemaid and, between 19th November and 19th December, four mysterious fires had broken out. This was enough to convince the Captain of Rhoda's guilt in the present case as well, and she was warned to admit the truth. Frightened, she wept that she had indeed started the fires as she disliked the place she lived and wanted to get away. The girl had also knocked the pictures off the walls and dropped lighted matches into the beds, continuing with her mischief even after the police, firemen and detectives arrived at the house. Though the police Captain had previously thought the fires 'supernatural' he now found a natural explanation in Rhoda's now well-attested fire-starting tendencies. The New York Herald ran the story as 'Policemen and firemen artfully tricked by a pretty, young girl.' So instead of investigating the fires in Flushing the Captain gave the girl some 'wholesome advice' to which she apparently listened, and closed the case. Such fire starting seems intimately connected with poltergeist activity (the moving about of furniture for example) and young girls. Some, though not all, of the fire-starters seem to be orphans in unhappy situations, and this may, in some cases, explain the motive. But since the methods by which these unusual fires were started are a mystery (explanations at the time obviously being ludicrous i.e. tossing lighted matches at the wall, ) we are still left with the puzzle that certain young people are possessed with the allegedly paranormal ability to unconsciously start fires without any visible means. As mentioned time and time again on Mysterious People, however, the sources for such 'paranormal' stories, especially those from the 19th century and earlier, are usually newspaper accounts, which unfortunately means that the events may or may not have happened as described. We can never be sure. In the year 1882, in Paw Paw, Michigan, Dr L. C. Woodman heard rumors of a man with a remarkable ability. It was said a 24 year-old man, named A.W. Underwood, had to take great care whenever he breathed, apparently to avoid causing fires. At first the doctor thought the stories were mere exaggerations, but one day there was a knock on his door, and in walked A.W. Underwood himself, looking for help. Dr. Woodman was persuaded to make tests in the presence of himself and some of his colleagues, and to their amazement Underwood performed incredible feats which they could not explain. In an article from Michigan Medical News, dated September 11, 1882, Doctor Woodman stated: “He will take anybody’s handkerchief and hold it to his mouth rub it vigorously with his hands while breathing on it and immediately it bursts into flames and burns until consumed. He will strip and rinse out his mouth thoroughly, wash his hands and submit to the most rigid examination to preclude the possibility of any humbug, and then by his breath blown upon any paper or cloth envelop it in flame. He will, while out gunning and without matches desirous of a fire lie down after collecting dry leaves and by breathing on them start the fire.. ” Dr. Woodman stated publicly that he was sure that Underwood’s ability was authentic. The doctor also noticed that Underwood would hold the cloth or other material against his mouth so that he could force his breath through it, thus condensing whatever strange process it was. The doctors washed Underwood’s mouth out with various mixtures, and obliged him to wear surgeon’s rubber gloves - but it made no difference - the phenomenon carried on as normal. A similar case was reported In 1927, when Vice President of the U.S., Charles Dawes, personally investigated the case of a car mechanic in Memphis, Tennessee, who supposedly had the mysterious ability to set inflammable material alight merely by breathing on it. The man took General Dawes’ handkerchief, breathed on it, and it caught fire. No reasonable explanation could be found, but Dawes and his colleagues decided it was a genuine ability and not a trick. If genuine, these cases are unusual in that both Underwood and the anonymous car mechanic seemed to be able to control the phenomenon and produce it at will. Paranormal researcher Charles Fort wrote of an incident which took place at Bridgewater, Scotland, in May 1878. Mysterious fires were being started with no apparent cause, loud raps were heard and household items such as dishes and loaves of bread moved about. After a police investigation a servant girl, Ann Kidner, aged 12, was arrested, and accused of tossing lighted matches, but was released by the magistrate because of insufficient evidence. In October 1886, a 12 year-old boy named Willie Brough, of Turlock, Madison County, California, was accused of setting things on fire ‘by his glance,’ and was expelled from Turlock School after five unexplained fires had started in his presence. His parents thought him possessed by the devil and sent him away. In 1982 Benedetto Supino, an Italian adolescent boy, discovered something quite strange about himself. He was sitting in a dentist's waiting-room reading a comic book when all of the sudden the thing burst into flames right there in his hands. At the time, no doubt, he claimed total innocence to deaf ears. Once a fiery pattern was established after a few more incidents, his surrounding adults may have been more likely to believe him - especially when they actually saw him accidentally ignite things without a match in sight. As we already said, Benedetto Supino discovered his strange powers at a young age - around 10 - when a dentist's comic book flamed-up in his hands. Although there were instances of the boy starting a flame with sufficient intention and concentration, it seems that usually neither was the case. Paranormal.About.com gives an example of the latter happening: "One morning [Supino] was awakened by a fire in his own bed – his pajamas were in flames and the boy suffered severe burns." Doesn't sound like a terrific gift there, does it? The same article goes on to give other instances of flames starting by his intention, or merely by his presence: "On another occasion, a small plastic object held in his uncle’s hands began to burn as Benedetto stared at it. Just about everywhere he went, furniture, paper, books and other items would start to smolder or burn. Some witnesses even claimed to see his hands glow at these moments." Everywhere he went - according to some sources, fuse boxes ignited, newspapers burst into flames and non-specific 'small objects' would smoke and burn. Obviously the boy's parents worried. They sent him to physicians and scientists who apparently found no reason for the strangeness. He was also sent to an Archbishop with the same result - nothing. The burden taxed the boy - he himself can be quoted as saying: "I don't want things to catch fire, but what can I do?" It seems though, that with some help he was finally able to learn control. According to Prediction Magazine: "When an entire army of doctors were unable to help him, he turned to parapsychologist Dr. Demetrio Croce, who taught him to control and hone his abilities." Now we haven't found any specifics as to what exactly is meant by the word 'hone' in this case. We don't know whether Supin's just managed to turn it off completely, or just to burn things he wants to burn. Then there is the case of Lily White, a West Indian woman from Liberta, Antigua. It was reported in the New York Times issue of August 25, 1929, that her clothes would burst into flames. Fire attacked her garments when she was at home and also in the streets, leaving her naked. Lily had become dependent on her neighbors for things to wear. Even as she slept, her sheets would burn up around her yet she was never harmed by the flames themselves. In an interview in the March 14, 1976 issue of Sunday People, Parapsychologist Dr. Genady Sergeyev referred to the powerful telekinetic medium Nina Kulagina, quoted as: "She can draw energy somehow from all around her; electrical instruments can prove it. On several occasions, the force rushing into her body left four-inch-long burn-marks on her arms and hands...I was with her once when her clothing caught fire from this energy flow. It literally flamed up. I helped put out the flames and saved some of the burned clothing as an exhibit." The ability to control fire with the mind or mental resistance to handling flaming objects is scientifically inconclusive. One belief is that Pyrokinesis works by exciting the atoms of an object to heat it up and have it catch fire. Since all matter, on a nuclear psychics level, is simply different forms or levels of energy, this notion makes basic sense. People who display such ability are believed to visualize the particles of a flame to slow down or to speed up and move very fast, thus heating up or going out. Being that a Pyrokinetic individual can control heat, it is also considered the most unstable and dangerous of kinetic ability. These phenomena leave a great many questions about the power of the human mind, the laws of psychics and the power of faith. Sources: mysteriouspeople.com ourstrangeworld.net paranormal.about.com weird-people.com torontoghosts.org unsolvedmysteries.com x-fileslexicon.com Source: Astral Perceptions http://www.astralperceptions.com/2013/10/pyrokinetics.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+astralperceptions%2Fynsz+%28Astral+Perceptions%29 Sign up
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