11/23/13  #748
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It doesn't matter if you lock your doors and throw away the keys - THEY know you are home! Got a computer? THEY know you are online! And THEY know that you have just received another brain-crunching issue of the weekly newsletter of all the weird stuff and conspiracies that THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW - THE CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! So read it quickly before THEY come knocking on your door to take you away! Information is POWER -- Use it!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Knee-Knocking Tales as:

- Assassin Nation: JFK and the Modern Conspiracy Theory -
Ancient Humans Had Sex With Mystery Species -
- The Private Hell of Richard Shaver - Part II -
AND: In Search Of Ultraterrestrials

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


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Assassin Nation: JFK and the Modern Conspiracy Theory
By Micah Hanks

With the 50th anniversary of the most famous presidential assassination in American history drawing near, for weeks newspapers, magazines, and websites have featured more than the usual amount of material discussing conspiracy theories involving John F. Kennedy’s death. Few would argue that the shooting that took place in Dealy Plaza half a century ago led to what is, arguably, the most controversial death ever to occur on American soil. With the controversy, there have been a countless number of critics who have emerged to challenge the official determinations as to how Kennedy died, and more importantly, who killed him.

The official conclusion determined by The Warren Commission holds that a societal outcast, of sorts, named Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for the death. However, despite scientific opinions to the contrary, there have been a number of official challenges to this idea since the publication of The Warren Commission’s findings, based on an official investigation carried out by then Chief Justice Earl Warren and a panel of others tasked with determining whether there was indeed a second gunman firing from a nearby, and now famous, “grassy knoll.” All such challenges have failed to truly counter the “official” opinions, which have done no better in convincing a curious and distrustful public, even fifty years later, that the entire story is really being told.

So is there more to the Kennedy assassination? There is, without question… but much of these externalities involve, rather than secrets kept from the public, the hardened, opinionated approaches that researchers bring with them to the table when delving into the complexities involving the Kennedy assassination. And as we will soon see, the diseases of distrust and bias have spread outward since the years of that famous assassination in Dallas, branching further into dogfights over wholly separate conspiracy theories, and amidst a number of circumstances where explanations continue to elude us.

“A large majority of Americans–no less than Secretary of State John Kerry…rejects the official history and embraces counter-theories involving dark, extremely dark, allegations about American society.” These were the words of David von Drehle, writing in a new commemorative anniversary issue of TIME magazine which focuses heavily on Kennedy’s death. “Like a tornado, the Kennedy conspiracy theories have spun off whirlwinds of doubt about other national traumas and controversies, from 9/11 and FEMA camps to TWA Flight 800 and genetically modified foods. The legacy of (Kennedy’s assassination) is a troubling habit of the modern American mind: suspicion is a reflex now, trust a figment.”

Interestingly, von Drehle cites for us here, amidst a number of non-JFK “conspiracy theories,” at least a few ideas that may have gained some credible ground among the more popular modern American conspiracist ideas. For instance, theories that TWA Flight 800 may not have really been casualty to an explosion emanating from the plane’s center wing fuel tank saw something of a renaissance, though of a subdued variety, over the summer with the appearance of a new documentary, titled simply TWA Flight 800. The film presented compelling new data, along with interviews from members of the original NTSB crash investigation team, which strongly suggested that the FBI had been withholding, or otherwise obfuscating, certain evidence pertaining to the case. Additionally, while less often cited in relation to the TWA Flight 800 investigation, a number of separate incidents involving potential missiles or flares were reported in the months before and after the crash, within the same vicinity of Long Island Sound where TWA Flight 800 went down (for a complete analysis of these incidents, see the chapter titled “Fear and Flares Over Long Island” in my new book, The Ghost Rockets).

Similar positions that gravitate far more toward scientific validity than many would acknowledge also appear regarding the concern over genetically modified foods. To be fair, this is indeed a subject that is often paired with a number of fear-driven conspiracies that are generally aimed at promoting the sale of various brands of foods, supplements, or even survival gear, as has become increasingly popular amidst popular circles in the patriot movement. However, there does appear to be some credible evidence suggesting that GMOs could be harmful, despite a scientific consensus that remains adamant about the safety of such produce.

Numerous reports exist today concerning the propensity for allergic reactions and a rise in the appearance of conditions such as Celiac Disease among certain individuals. In truth, the latter of these is not linked to GMOs, but instead to the hybridization of different wheat varieties over the years, which may have lead to an increased intolerance for gluten in some individuals; in fact, as of 2013, there are still no varieties of wheat on the U.S. market that have been produced as a result of genetic modification.

Nonetheless, one incident dating back to 1989 involved the deaths of 37 people, along with sickness that 1,500 others incurred, as a result of consumption of a nutritional supplement called L-tryptophan, which had been produced using bacteria that had been genetically modified. It is not clear today whether the illnesses were directly a result of the genetic modifications in question, however. A separate study found stomach damage had resulted when rats consumed genetically-modified potatoes containing a lectin gene designed to be pest-resistant (for more on this, see here).

In both the cases above, we see that certain alternative hypotheses (some would call them  ”conspiratorial”) might actually hold water if all the available data (and some yet to surface) were taken into consideration. If such theories were proven to be fact, rather than conspiracist thinking, it would only show one thing really: that while current “official” determinations on these subjects may be backed by science, they are based on a set of scientific determinations which are incomplete. And this is an important observation that is very seldom espoused among the more conventional commentators on such subjects, who often may look at incomplete data sets as indicative of the complete truth, based primarily on an ideological attitude that rejects so-called “conspiracy theories,” or anything that sounds close to being one.

What it also seems to show us is that, among mainstream commentators, questioning things like the safety of certain consumables, despite watching the science behind their production as it evolves, is considered “wacky.” The obvious rise in diseases which seem to indicate that something in our environment is indeed changing does little to curb this attitude, and hence von Drehle’s apparent reasoning in pairing such things as the dangers of GMO and TWA Flight 800 alongside theories of a second gunman who might have helped Oswald take out Kennedy. To ask such questions, it seems, is tantamount to assuming that an entire troupe of Mafia hit men and KGB spies were peeking around corners and alcoves that November day in Dallas: and if you have those kinds of questions, you’re just another one of those damned conspiracists.

This was not so much the case, however, with a recent article featured in Slate by Fred Kaplan, a writer and Edward R. Murrow press fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (the latter of those being a position likely to grab the attention of the conspiracy minded among us). In Kaplan’s piece “Killing Conspiracy: Why the best conspiracy theories about JFK’s assassination don’t stand up to scrutiny,” Kaplan largely poses a critical argument against theories involving a second gunman who acted in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. He also gives a fairly obligatory statement regarding “why people feel the need to believe in conspiracies” that all such articles tend to resolve with, though in Kaplan’s case, it is admittedly a good one:

    “If horrible events can be traced to a cabal of evildoers who control the world from behind a vast curtain, that’s, in one sense, less scary than the idea that some horrible things happen at random or as a result of a lone nebbish, a nobody. The existence of a secret cabal means that there’s some sort of order in the world; a catastrophic fluke suggests there’s a vast crevice of chaos, the essence of dread.”

However, Kaplan also does what most popular commentators today won’t do, in acknowledging actual conspiracies, and why they can tend to feed into the paranoia that surrounds alternative theories regarding devastating accidents and catastrophes the likes of JFK’s assassination:

    “Finally (and this is a point that some defenders of the Warren Report ignore), there are conspiracies. There’s a reason so many serious people started to reinvestigate the Kennedy assassination in the mid-1970s: that was when Sen. Frank Church’s committee unveiled a long dark history of CIA conspiracies—coups, killings, and other black-bag jobs—that only extremists had ever before imagined possible. What other extreme theories might turn out to be true?”

There are other quote-worthy segments that could be addressed from Kaplan’s piece, but for now I’ll merely refer folks to the article, which can be found here. Most of what Kaplan has to say will anger conspiracy theorists, but it also provokes some unique conversation (without having to say here that there was, or was not, a conspiracy beyond Oswald, which in truth, a majority of Americans still maintain belief in). One of the most interesting arguments Kaplan notes, for example, has to do with the notion that a bullet entering the body of an individual would lack the physical potential for the infamous “back and to the left” shudder that we see Kennedy perform just after bits of his cranium are seen exploding in the well-known Zapruder film.

The truth is that, while many people involved in investigations (such as that performed by The Warren Commission) are experts on medical forensics and other similar fields related to the various causes of human death, few people of even such qualification are ballistics experts who truly understand the principles of motion and physics underlying how a body reacts when struck by a bullet. The following passage is drawn from an interview with one man who would, however, qualify in this regard: a scientist and ballistics expert named Duncan MacPherson, as interviewed by Joel Grant. Here, MacPherson explains the actual physics behind what we see Kennedy doing in the Zapruder film, with direct relevance to the famous argument about Kennedy’s “back and to the left” movement:

    “The movement of a body due to bullet momentum cannot be greater than the movement of the same body if it was holding the gun that fired the bullet… The major frustrating feature of the Kennedy assassination phenomenon is the willingness of people to pretend to talk authoritatively on subjects they know absolutely nothing about, especially things related to firearms. This body recoil is one favorite. Another is the “puff of smoke from the grassy knoll”; the theory here seems to be that someone shot Kennedy with a flintlock (modern firearms don’t make a puff of smoke on firing as black powder rounds do)… In general, body movement in response to nervous system trauma is a result of contractions in body muscles… The slightly peculiar location of Kennedy’s arms after the 399 bullet impact is known as Thorburn’s position, after a description by Dr. William Thorburn in an 1889 paper on injuries to the area of the spinal chord damaged by bullet 399. In addition to this effect, simulations have shown that bullet strikes to the skull that result in blowing out a significant hole upon exit result in skull recoil towards the bullet entry direction. The dynamics of this are a little complicated, but are more related to the pressure inside the skull cavity created by the bullet passage than to effects directly related to the bullet movement.”

Worthy of additional note here are MacPherson’s views regarding allegations of problems and inconsistencies with medical observations included in Kennedy’s autopsy report, which fall in line with previous famous criticisms of The Warren Commission and its findings:

    The problems with the Kennedy autopsy do not require a conspiracy to explain, they are more or less business as usual exposed to the glare of careful examination. Likewise, the work of Lattimer and Fackler is simply a very sound, complete, and careful examination and reconstruction of that facts that should be the standard in all cases, but isn’t. Some argument can be made in the typical investigation that the talent and resources just are not available to meet a first class standard, but one can hardly argue that this situation is applicable to the Warren report. The Warren commission should have used all of the best talent available to make the most complete analysis possible, but they didn’t. In fairness, it is always easier to criticize than to perform.

What we find, when pairing our inherent sense for questioning the facts, with a bit of actual rocket science (that is, after all, MacPhereson’s specialty as a ballistics expert) is a phenomenon quite common to researchers who seek to train themselves in removing ideological hubris from between themselves and the subjects they study: there is room both for criticism of the “official narrative,” just as well as generous adherence to the official positions that result from scientific studies that employ something that many conspiracy theories, as well as champions of the conventional viewpoints, simply do not: actual science.

Of all the most curious questions that do remain, perhaps one glares more brightly from the dismal twilight of distrust that remains: why did Oswald do it, and if he had acted alone as the sole gunman, does it rule out the possibility that there were other elements involved that still continue to be withheld from public knowledge? For instance, how much information were intelligence agencies maintaining with regard to Oswald (as it is now common knowledge that the FBI, among others, been surveilling him in the months leading up to the assassination)? If they possessed credible information that appended some level of threat to Kennedy’s life–or anyone else, for that matter–why wasn’t more done to stop Oswald from carrying out such a lethal act? Could anything more have been done at all? Also, how does the FBI’s inability to determine a viable threat, and act accordingly, in this instance differ from what we saw transpire with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects, who had been monitored, and even interviewed more than once by FBI agents before the deadly events that took place earlier in 2013? Furthermore, how had they managed to overlook, until after Tsarnaev’s death, his connection to a triple-homicide that had taken place two years earlier… on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks? One hardly needs the assertion of a conspiracy or false flag attack to become amazed by the coincidences that begin to pile up, which still hardly compare with the shock that mounts upon realization of the apparent inefficiency of our intelligence agencies… which, of course, still manage to fail us, despite the incredible amount of surveillance occurring today that we are now all plainly aware of. With time, it becomes very easy to understand why conspiracy allegations are continually surfacing… whether or not real conspiracies of any kind actually back them.

As we see in this week’s TIME article on the Kennedy “conspiracies,” as well as Kaplan’s article for Slate, popular writers in American media go to great pains in asserting the ludicrousness of belief in conspiracies, which center largely on the “lone gunman” controversy. However, while it’s easy to sensationalize the fact that the majority of assertions have been made about this element of the entire JFK assassination drama over the years, doing so conveniently nullifies acknowledgement regarding other elements to the mystery that could be more pertinent. Most of these, in truth, have to do with Lee Harvey Oswald himself, rather than any conspiracy involving a second shooter on the Grassy Knoll.

Oswald, after leaving the U.S. Marines, defected to Russia and lived there for a period of two years, during which time there is credible evidence that he had been surveilled by the KGB, and possibly even interviewed by them for a possible intelligence agent position. Some of the more controversial testimony in this regard was related by Lt. Col. Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko, a KGB agent who defected to the U.S. and subsequently underwent harsh treatment at the hands of the CIA, who interrogated him regarding Oswald’s possible involvement with the KGB and its operations. Nosenko, while maintaining that Oswald was interviewed by the KGB and made a target of surveillance, still adamantly claimed that Oswald had not been a KGB agent himself. However, he subsequently failed a polygraph test when asked about this; additionally, a second defected KGB agent who made similar claims would later be exposed as a double agent, thus casting Nosenko’s claims into further doubt.

Oswald had also kept a diary while he stayed in Russia, which has been examined extensively by, among others, Thea Stein Lewinson, an expert handwriting analyst with the National Archives. Noting that the entries in Oswald’s diary had been written “very slowly and deliberately,” her opinion had been that Oswald was copying entries from another diary, and adding information along the way. “I think that Oswald was supervised by Soviet intelligence,” Lewinson stated, “in order to mislead the Americans on his return to the United States.” Similar assertions would be made by analyst Edward Epstein, who called the diary a fake, which had been designed to be “written after the fact to give LHO a legend so he could explain to the FBI and other people in America what he was doing in Russia for two years. What he was supposed to be doing in Russia, not what he was doing.”

The most compelling aspects of the Lee Harvey Oswald conspiracy may involve his actual autopsy, in which medical examiners failed to note a number of physical traits that should have been obvious on the body of Oswald, having been previous recorded (according to some accounts, as many as eleven different times) in medical records from Oswald’s marine physicals and other examinations. Among the discrepancies, Oswald, known to have been 5’11”, was recorded by examiners as being only 5’9”. Scars covering the length of LHO’s left arm were also found to differ in the autopsy records from those noted previously.

However, the most telling discrepancy had been the one inch scar behind LHO’s left ear, resulting from a mastoidectomy performed when he was six years old. In addition to the scar, a small hole was also apparent in the bone itself, as this surgery is performed in response to a condition (appropriately called mastoiditis) in which the mastoid bone behind the ear becomes infected. During the autopsy, the process by which skin is removed in order to access the upper portions of the skull for brain examination would have brought the medical examiners directly along this area on either side of the head, at which time both the one inch scar, as well as the other evidence of a mastoidectomy operation, would have been apparent; strangely, no such information was noted in the autopsy report. Returning to the statement by our ballistics expert, Mr. MacPherson, on autopsy discrepancies, it becomes difficult to imagine how such a thing as a hole in Oswald’s skull behind his left ear had been overlooked.

Controversy resulting from this set of discrepancies have literally fueled debate over whether the man on whom an autopsy was performed was really Lee Harvey Oswald at all; admittedly, a rather strange theory (even wacky, as proposed by some. The article linked here examines these discrepancies from a more skeptical angle). A book which dealt with some of this, Khrushchev Killed Kennedy, was also written by Michael H. B. Eddowes, who went on to say that Oswald had been replaced altogether, and was impersonated by a lookalike and KGB spy named “Alec.”

To leave things on an admittedly grim, though irresistibly ironic final note, despite the FBI’s ability to stop Oswald (or whomever else, depending on you beliefs) from committing the final act on that November day in Dallas, one person might have predicted Kennedy’s demise… or at least, she had come very close to it. In a letter to Pierre Salinger, a Dallas resident named Nelle Doyle expressed grave concern with Kennedy’s scheduled appearance there at Dealy Plaza that day, warning Salinger that Kennedy might be in danger if he were indeed to appear.

“Although I do not consider myself an ‘alarmist’, Mrs. Doyle wrote, “I do fervently hope that President Kennedy can be dissuaded from appearing in public in the city of Dallas, Texas, as much as I would appreciate hearing and seeing him.” The letter went on to conclude that, “It is a dreadful thought, but all remember the fate of President McKinley. These people are crazy, or crazed, and I am sure that we must all realize that their actions in the future are unpredictable.”

Unpredictable, perhaps, to all but Mrs. Doyle herself, who all but foretold of Kennedy’s ultimate fate, to which Salinger only responded that, “it would be a most unhappy thing if there were a city in the United States that the President could not visit.” The rest, as they say, is history, and even half a century after Kennedy’s final visit to that Texas town, people’s questions, and grim fascination with the incident that struck a death blow to the vestiges of American innocence, will remain.

Source: Mysterious Universe


Ancient Humans Had Sex With Mystery Species

The ancient genomes, one from a Neanderthal and one from a different archaic human group, the Denisovans, were presented on 18 November at a meeting at the Royal Society in London. They suggest that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups living in Europe and Asia more than 30,000 years ago, including an as-yet unknown human ancestor from Asia.

“What it begins to suggest is that we’re looking at a ‘Lord of the Rings’-type world — that there were many hominid populations,” says Mark Thomas, an evolutionary geneticist at University College London who was at the meeting but was not involved in the work.

The first Neanderthal and the Denisovan genome sequences revolutionized the study of ancient human history, not least because they showed that these groups interbred with anatomically modern humans, contributing to the genetic diversity of many people alive today.

All humans whose ancestry originates outside of Africa owe about 2% of their genome to Neanderthals; and certain populations living in Oceania, such as Papua New Guineans and Australian Aboriginals, got about 4% of their DNA from interbreeding between their ancestors and Denisovans, who are named after the cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains where they were discovered. The cave contains remains deposited there between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago.

Those conclusions however were based on low-quality genome sequences, riddled with errors and full of gaps, David Reich, an evolutionary geneticist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts said at the meeting. His team, in collaboration with Svante Pääbo at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have now produced much more complete versions of the Denisovan and Neanderthal genomes — matching the quality of contemporary human genomes. The high-quality Denisovan genome data and new Neanderthal genome both come from bones recovered from Denisova Cave.

The new Denisovan genome indicates that this enigmatic population got around: Reich said at the meeting that they interbred with Neanderthals and with the ancestors of human populations that now live in China and other parts of East Asia, in addition to Oceanic populations, as his team previously reported. Most surprisingly, Reich said, the new genomes indicate that Denisovans interbred with another extinct population of archaic humans that lived in Asia more than 30,000 years ago, which is neither human nor Neanderthal.

The meeting was abuzz with conjecture about the identity of this potentially new population of humans. “We don’t have the faintest idea,” says Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the London Natural History Museum, who was not involved in the work. He speculates that the population could be related to Homo heidelbergensis, a species that left Africa around half a million years ago and later gave rise to Neanderthals in Europe. “Perhaps it lived on in Asia as well,” Stringer says.

Source: Huffington Post


The Private Hell of Richard Shaver - Part II
By Sean Casteel

The complete text of “I Remember Lemuria” is reprinted in “The Hidden World, Volume One,” and if you’ve never read it, it should go to the top of your “must-read” list. It’s the one that started the whole ball rolling and is a classic work of occult lore. Historically, there are few documents as significant to the entire field of Inner Earth belief.

Returning to Shaver’s underground cosmology, the mutated, horrific creatures he described were given the name “dero,” which is a combination of the words “detrimental” and “robot.” Another variation is “degenerate robot.” Shaver said we were all “deros” to some degree, descended from the same genetic stock, but that the actual underground dwellers took their evil to such extremes that there was virtually no comparison.

The dero not only caused wicked mayhem on the surface, such as wars and genocide and mass perversions and all forms of sadistic cruelty, it was also their primary pleasure, their reason for existence, their true joy in living. With their advanced technology, some of it capable of total mind control and even a kind of demonic possession, the dero were far more powerful than mankind’s ability to resist and overcame our puny efforts at righteousness with a gleeful, supernatural ease.

This is of course a 20th century restatement of the age-old “Problem of Evil.” Why, if God is our benevolent, loving Father, does evil exist with such a rigorous, insurmountable force? If we are made in God’s image, why are we, collectively, so screwed up? Shaver’s answer, that the dero are to blame, seems as logical as any other attempt to explain the sorry state of the world. His dero are an acceptable variation on the theme of a deceiving Satan who caused mankind’s fall from grace in Eden and has made war on us ever since. Shaver’s monsters are also located in the hollows of the Earth itself, which is where hell is said to be located by believers in religion and mythology throughout the world and down through history.

Shaver successfully combined both ancient and familiar elements with a new modern urgency that was both original and very marketable, as the continued success reaped by Palmer and his publishing house bore witness to. Shaver began to write more stories about the dero in 1944 and had a long and profitable run with them. But the sci-fi buffs remained irate about the intrusion of nonfiction into their precious “Amazing Stories,” and in 1948, in spite of the fact that he had built up the circulation to 200,000 a month, a figure unheard of for most pulp magazines of that era, Palmer decided to strike off on his own, having grown tired of the friction the situation was causing. That same year, Palmer teamed with Curtis Fuller and created “FATE Magazine,” which is still being published today, more than 60 years later.

Global Communications/Inner Light Publications offers reprints of nearly all of Shaver’s stories from that heady early period, both in “The Hidden World” series and another recent book called “Richard Shaver’s Chilling Tales From The Inner Earth,” edited by Timothy Green Beckley and William Kern. Also included are some of the original magazine covers, many of which look like quality “pop art” and would be worthy of an art museum or gallery showing.

By the early 1960s, the popularity of the Shaver Mysteries had essentially run its course and Shaver had moved on to something new. In his later years, Shaver had come to believe that ancient civilizations had used ordinary rocks to “capture their images.”

“Just like you can put a lot of information on a computer disk today,” explained Timothy Green Beckley, “Shaver believed that they encoded rocks with all kinds of legends and stories from the days of Atlantis and these underground worlds. He thought that everybody should be able to see the pictures and read the information in the rocks just like he was able to. So every week, he would send me a box of rocks through the mail or by UPS, containing all the dirt and worms and everything from his backyard.”

In spite of the frequent rock shipments, which caused young Beckley’s non-comprehending parents no small amount of displeasure, the correspondence between him and Shaver continued for some time. A collection of those unpublished letters and writings from Shaver are included in the aforementioned book, “The Reality of the Inner Earth,” the cover of which shows a photo of Shaver superimposed over one of his mystically encoded rocks.

What did Shaver himself have to say about it all? In another new Global Communications release, called “The Smoky God and Other Inner Earth Mysteries,” Shaver is quoted as saying of his reading public: “To me, struggling to find an opening out of the morass – no longer just for myself but now for all mankind – the flood of letters I received from other sufferers was a crushing blow, bringing hopeless despair. The caverns were not, I realized now, a localized thing. They extended underneath every area of the Earth. The evidence of their activity and strength piled up, until I could not help but conclude that there is no answer for present-day man. He cannot break their power over him, nor remedy the ills they visit upon him.”

Shaver also writes in a similar pessimistic way about the UFOs, which first received worldwide attention with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting in 1947, a few brief years after the publication of “I Remember Lemuria.”

“The visits of the saucers,” Shaver writes, “bring with them, for me, fresh despair. For I see them as proof of the caverns’ contact with space. Knowing the cave people, I know that if any of the visiting saucers were benevolent visitors bringing gifts and knowledge to the surface people, they would be destroyed. To me, that explains the failure to contact our surface government, because those saucers that are not destroyed are our ancient enemies.”

What Shaver is talking about is something similar to a concept first put forth by the late alien abduction researcher Budd Hopkins. Hopkins coined the phrase “confirmation anxiety” to describe what happens when an abductee finds proof of the reality of his experiences, such as seeing a mark left behind on his body after recalling that a skin sample had been taken during an abduction episode. A person needs to have some part of his mind in a state of doubt to function as a hiding place where he can call what he has experienced “unreal.” When something happens to drive the troublesome memory into a place where the abductee cannot deny that something frightening and strange has really happened to him after all, when his “dreams” are confirmed for him, a whole new kind of anxiety kicks in.

Richard Shaver’s death in November, 1975, is also fraught with strange happenings. One of his followers and friends, a woman named Mary Jane Martin, knew him at the end. She said that his death was highly suspect, coming on the heels of his having just signed a contract to go to Hollywood and serve as a consultant on a movie about the deros and their Inner Earth kingdom of horror and shame. Shaver was very excited and had even bought new dentures for the occasion. Suddenly, he developed locked bowels and had to be hospitalized. He told his wife that the deros were trying to prevent his cinematic success and he would die there in the hospital. She assured him the operation was not a serious one and he would be fine.

Shaver’s wife was quite correct and the surgery did go well. But as he lay recovering, Shaver suffered a pair of small heart attacks.

“Neither of which should have killed him,” Martin said, “but he died in that hospital. His prediction came true. The deros would not let him live to make that movie.”

But of course there remains an audience eager to know about the mysteries that so burdened Shaver. Timothy Beckley of Global Communications has made a sort of cottage industry out of interest in the Inner and Hollow Earth theories, saving some old and rare books from obscurity and publishing up-to-date compendiums written by more recent researchers.

And so it is left to us, decades after the deaths of Shaver and Palmer, to try to pick up the pieces and understand Shaver’s torture in ways that can help us to deal with the very vocal evils of our own time. The ambitious reprinting efforts by Global Communications/Inner Light Books are an enormous help in those terms and well worth the effort involved in purchasing and reading the writings of a pioneer who seems at times to be whistling in the dark in a benighted, infernal hell, along with the rest of us.










[To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at www.seancasteel.com]


Whatever Happened to the Creepy Circus?

Many, many moons ago in my misspent youth, I worked for a company that rented carnival equipment (among other fringy sorts of enterprises including a retail magic shop, an occult bookstore, a magazine on strange phenomena), which brought me into frequent contact with folks that are somewhat dubiously termed “Carnies”.  By and large they were relatively genuine and friendly, albeit on the gruff side. Recently, in reminiscing about my teenage years, I fondly remembered a gentleman, let’s call him George (his real name was actually something equally mundane), that handled logistics for our central warehouse.  George was the most heavily tattooed person I’d ever met.  I don’t think he had a patch of skin to spare. He was also one of the most effective and efficient managers, not to mention good-humored people I ever had the pleasure to deal with.  He changed my view of the vaguely menacing carnie, popular in fiction. He was just a working guy, and made me reconsider the significance of the circus in the annals of monstrosity.

Pick up any book on college admissions essays, and you’ll probably read at least one example written by somebody who ostensibly ran away with the circus for a year.  Those always bothered me, since the utility for the average high school senior who had most decidedly not done so was a bit questionable, and raised the bar for innovative biographical sketches just a little too high.  George ran away with circus.  And he stayed with the circus for twenty years.  Don’t get a lot of those, do you Princeton Review?  This was of course back in the glorious 1980’s (ancient history, I’m told), predating the artsy-fartsy Cirque de Soleil style circus, when outside major urban centers most folks’ reference point for a circus was likely an annual county fair.  By that time, the circus had an established reputation as a particularly creepy event, a liminal spectacle that for many decades was our introduction to the cryptozoological, the paranormal, and the downright bizarre world inhabited at the edges of civilization, that would breeze into town for a week or two, then vanishing into the ether, leaving only trampled grass, a vague wiff of cotton candy, and the unsettling sense that the universe was a truly strange and dangerous place.  It was like a UFO had dropped Las Vegas on your doorstep for a few nights, filling suburban and rural America with an acceptable level of thrills, screams, and debauchery for the briefest of moments before vanishing like a devil at the crossroads who just sealed the deal.

Recently, I took my five-year-old to his first three-ring circus, and he was, as befits the modern kindergarten sophisticate, distinctly unimpressed.  And I hate to admit, particularly after fond memories of sneaking out and strolling a hectic midway as a tween (before there was such a demographic category) with a boyhood crush and feeling like we were living on the edge, I agreed with him.  The wild animals seemed domesticated.  The clowns seemed, well clownish.  Even the tightrope didn’t seem that high (I’m talking psychological impressions, with all due respect to tightrope walkers.  I have trouble walking a straight line on the sidewalk).  Even the vendors were pleasant and non-aggressive.  In short, the circus had been tamed.  By way of contrast, a few years ago I went to the famous Coney Island Circus Sideshow (an homage to the historical carnival sideshow freak), where performers, from the more traditional sword swallowers, fire eaters, snake handlers, and as their promotional materials explicitly state, a cast of those “born different” titillate vicarious thrill seekers in a dark and dingy venue near the boardwalk.  I’ll admit it was a little odd and low budget, but somehow managed to seem edgier, like we were peeking behind a curtain to see things no parent would ever approve of.  I realized that the circus was never completely about the trained elephants, the twenty clowns in a car, the trick-riding, or the human cannonballs.  Those activities were about talented people doing dangerous things to amuse us.  The appeal of the circus, for those of us who grew up going to the good old fashioned Midwestern style travelling carnival, was the otherworld it represented.  Running the gauntlet of carnies hawking their games and the glorious prizes you could win, peeking into the sideshow tents that promised a glimpse of something truly horrifying or stupendous, riding the rides that had only been bolted together a day before.  It was about feeling daring and dangerous in a world of simulated horror, not in the escapist scary movie sense, rather the horror of everyday life – people trying to take your money, biological monstrosities lurking behind every tent-flap, strapping oneself into poorly understood machines and hurtling about, and though you couldn’t quite glimpse it, the sense that underneath it all was something sinister, yet wonderful. There was a roughly one hundred year period (mid 19th-20th century) in time, where the circus was something truly, and stupendously monstrous, now long gone and subtly replaced by sanitized and sedate versions of the anarchic carnival, blockbuster mega-theme parks, and nostalgic three-ring displays of performance art and athleticism.  My recent reminisces led me to wonder how the circus became creepy, and where that creepiness went?

Although a few scholars (Greek and Roman Classicists scrambling for a paycheck, I assume) trace the origins of the circus (Latin for “ring”) to the Roman Circus Maximus with its mock battles, gladiatorial combat, and feeding of various folks to exotic beasts gathered from the four corners of the empire, the Circus Maximus was more about competition, power, and grandeur (akin to a Knicks game), lacking a certain intimacy invited by the circus.  Most historians associate the emergence of the modern circus with English cavalry officer Philip Astley (1742-1814 A.D.), who was the first to combine horseback-riding stunts, acrobats, and clowns in a specially designed space.  The early emphasis of most circuses was on horsemanship.  This is also the origin of the thenceforth standard 42 foot of the three-ring circus (that being the minimum amount of space needed for a horse to canter).  The circus quickly spread throughout Europe and to the newly minted United States (George Washington is said to have attended the travelling Hughes Royal Circus in Philadelphia in 1793).  Up to this point a circus, although recognizable to us modern types, was more like a variety show.  Along comes Phineas Taylor Barnum, and his truly American invention of the travelling freakshow as an integral part of circus life, offering up human and animal aberrations for our pleasure and amazement.  And I think it’s safe to say, this is where things turned creepy.

Giants, dwarves, mermaids, snake-people, unicorns, restless natives, human pretzels, and wolfmen – our shared cultural archetypes of monsters are the stuff of legend, tales told around a campfire, but a circus sideshow offered the opportunity to experience them firsthand, and while P.T. Barnum is famously quoted as saying “people want to be humbugged”, they in fact are looking for experience and tangibility.  We want to be part of the spectacle, a protagonist in the story, and to say “I saw”.  A monster is all the more monstrous having been seen.  The old folks may talk about the hairy Wildman rumored to lurk in the wood at the edges of town, but nothing compares to the visceral shock of finding that suggestive footprint, and the sideshow is that footprint.  We are removed from humdrum reality and transported to the limbo in which monsters and myths substantiate themselves.  In this sense, the Cardiff Giants, Fiji Mermaids, and goat-like unicorns, which may very well have been assembled in a workshop, performatively stand-in and solidify our faith in the uncanny.  We know the representation they offer us may not be true, but they offer the possibility of truth, an explanation for the inexplicable, ever elusive in a world filled with anomalies.

Circuses are places where bodies do extraordinary things, and extraordinary things are done to bodies. The voice, whether talking or singing, takes second place to more visceral forms of sensation and expression – the scream, the roar, provoked by the sight of something Awe-ful or amazing. Humans do things that only animals can do – balance, fly, carry heavy weights – human bodies are subjected to inhuman treatment, and animals show human intelligence. Food is excessively large or sweet, noises are loud and painful, smells are intense, colours are bright, and insincerity and violence are masked by a red nose (Parker, 2011, p556).

The transience of a circus lends it a fearsomeness that bolsters its monstrous credibility and forces us into begrudging credulity.  Like most monsters, it is rarely seen, riding into town in the dark of night, a small city appearing as if from nowhere like Brigadoon, inviting us to chase, and then just as quickly fading away, making us wonder if it was every really there at all.  Monsters are at their scariest when they retain the capacity to make us doubt our own senses, to wonder whether we saw what we saw, or heard what we heard.  And where better to confront such horrors than an institution that is condemned to an unnatural existence, filled with strange and elusive folks and arcane codes of conduct.  The circus is the natural home of the liminal.

Liminality is the magic circus, the land of total loss of meaning. It’s where you can meet death. But it’s also where you can be transformed to resurrection to a new life. This place without an observer, this pause without an interval, is the event where you happily lose your footing – confusion, lack of orientation, like what you have in a play. Liminality is a kind of fever which leaves the individual totally exhausted, with the possibilities of total freedom or being an automaton, a living corpse. As all religions learn, liminality is a terrible place, a place of death, from which you may not return (Lykke, 2003, p84).

The recent contemporary resurgence of the freak show (generally independent of an actual circus) captures a little of the symbolism of the 19th-20th Century sideshows, but not the essence, relying more on our narcissistic fascination with our ability to re-invent our psychological and biological selves.  Whereas, the creepiness of the circus has been distilled into a tame, family-friendly amusement.  Where once the circus was raw, it is now lightly baked.

Twenty-first century western culture is fascinated with processes of self-transformation and self-invention, be it the disciplining of the body within health discourses and institutions, the fantasies for self-creation enacted in television make-over programs and self-help texts, or the obsession with plastic surgery and changing body shapes demonstrated by the tabloid media. The contemporary freak body is in this way just like the normative model of the body found in 21st-century culture, a plastic and self-made construct, constantly transforming and re-inventing itself. The wonder and anxiety generated by the body of the self-made freak arises not from the randomness of its physical difference, as responses to the “born” freak did, but at its celebration of different capabilities and aesthetics: the face of Michael Jackson, the body that has transformed itself into that of a lizard or cat, the geek who eats bugs or bites the heads off live chickens, and Kamikaze Freakshow’s human pincushion all represent the modern body’s capacity for self-creation in a way that challenges cultural norms of beauty and accomplishment (Stephens, 2005).

Medicine has gotten a lot more sophisticated, so many disabilities that would have landed an unfortunate Victorian in a carnival sideshow (often as the only way to support themselves), are now eminently treatable, and we certainly shouldn’t bemoan the waning of prejudice and exploitation, but the circus itself has now bled into most forms of modern entertainment, albeit as a sanitized form of passive experience.  CGI can make an artful wolfman, but can’t bring it alive.  This sense of menace, and the guilty allure, coupled with the feeling that something extraordinary can happen at a circus that has now largely been lost, was best summed up by luminary of the circus world Henry Ringling North, who commented “The circus is a jealous wench. Indeed that is an understatement. She is a ravening hag who sucks your vitality as a vampire drinks blood – who kills the brightest stars in her crown and will allow no private life for those who serve her; wrecking their homes, ruining their bodies, and destroying the happiness of their loved ones by her insatiable demands. She is all of these things, and yet, I love her as I love nothing else on earth.”

Lykke, Steen.  “Liminal Spaces and the Nomad”.  Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication 5 (2003), p80-93.
Parker, Martin.  “Organizing the Circus: The Engineering of Miracles”.  Organization Studies 32:4 (April 2011), p555-569.
Stephens, Elizabeth.  “Twenty-First Century Freak Show: Recent Transformations in the Exhibition of Non-Normative Bodies”.  Disability Studies Quarterly 25:3, 2005.

Source: EsoterX


Do Animals and Humans Have a Collective Consciousness?

Some may call it coincidence, while others call it a sixth sense but why do people think about someone right before they call, for example, or ‘have a feeling’ something is about to happen before it does?

It may be due to something called collective consciousness - a term used by certain scientists to describe the practice of humans, and animals, sharing behaviours and ideas with each other telepathically.

A report in 2010 claimed to have proved the presence of this consciousness and, by default, psychic abilities in humans.

But these claims divided opinion and more recent reports dismiss them as nonsense.

The idea of a collective consciousness was first presented by French sociologist Émile Durkheim in 1893.

Durkheim’s definition related more to a shared understanding of certain morals and social norms based on people either imitating others, explicitly passing on these behaviours to one another, or agreeing certain ideals in order to feel accepted.

Yet in the 1970s, scientists began to suggest this collective consciousness could be developed and spread through species non-explicitly; through telepathic or ‘supernatural’ means.

The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon, for example, was an idea put forward by South African zoologist and ethologist Lyall Watson and his scientific author colleague Lawrence Blair in 1975.

Watson and Blair used the behaviours of Japanese macaque monkeys to back up their claims.

During the 1950s, macaques on the island of Koshima learned to wash sweet potatoes and explicitly passed this skill onto younger members of the group.

According to Watson and Blair, this behaviour then spread and was observed on neighbouring islands among groups of macaques who had never seemingly come into contact with each other.

They chalked this up to the monkeys sharing a collective consciousness, often referred to as a ‘shared mind’ or ‘hive mind’, in which the practices were shared telepathically.

A similar practice was more recently observed among blue tits. This time the skill the birds taught themselves was to break into milk bottles and drink the cream from the top.

Although the practice was first observed in Southampton in 2011, similar groups of the same species exhibited the same skills in other countries throughout Europe and Asia. This was despite the groups never meeting and the birds being non-migratory.

A science journal in 2010 published claims made by Professor Daryl Bem, a physicist from Cornell University, that he had proved humans have similar psychic abilities supposedly seen in the birds and monkeys.

Professor Bem set out to investigate 'psi', or parapsychology, through a series of nine experiments.

In one test, students were shown a list of words to memorise. They were later asked to recall as many as they could and finally were given a random selection of the words to type out.

They were, unsurprisingly, more adept at remembering certain words over others, but these words tended to be the words they would later be asked to type, suggesting a future event had affected their ability to remember.

In another experiment, the students were shown an image of two curtains on a computer screen and told one concealed an erotic picture. The students chose the curtain hiding the  picture ‘more often than could be explained away by chance’, according to Professor Bem.

Importantly, the position of the picture was randomly assigned by a computer that didn't make its decision until after the volunteer chose one curtain or the other.

To believers in the paranormal, this suggested the students were actually influencing future events and the odds against the combined result being down to mere chance or being a statistical fluke were quoted as 74 billion to one.

Professor Bem carried out nine different experiments involving more than 1,000 volunteers and all but one came down on the side of these so-called psychic theories.

Elsewhere, scientist Rubert Sheldrake has created experiments that test this collective consciousness and telepathy theory online and over the phone.

He believes it can’t be coincidence that hundreds, if not thousands of people, around the world experience similar feelings of being watched, for example.

Yet many are sceptical. In regards the Japanese monkeys, author Ron Amundson dismissed the supernatural claims, instead suggesting it was impossible to know for certain the monkeys in different groups had never met.

He added human intervention may have played a part in the skill developing because the monkeys had not seen, or learnt to wash the potatoes, before they were given them by the scientists.

It is also thought that monkeys don’t share a collective consciousness but instead all have thought processes and brains that solve problems in the same way.

This is a small distinction but suggests that when faced with the same issue, the monkeys would take the most appropriate route possible.

This was also used to explain the blue tit mystery; the birds wanted milk, they looked at the bottles and solved the problem they were facing.

Then in 2012, researchers from Edinburgh University including Professor Stuart Ritchie, wanted to put Professor Bem’s claims about the human psyche to the test and challenge his findings.

They repeated Professor Bem’s experiments, using the same computer program, but were unable to repeat his results.  

‘We found nothing,’ said Ritchie.  ‘It might just be because the statistics were a fluke. You're going to get some false positives sometimes.’

Yet Professor Ritchie was unable to explain exactly why his results were so widely different. Professor Bem claimed at the time that Ritchie’s scepticism may have skewed the results, but Ritchie later denied this.

Source: The Daily Mail


In Search Of Ultraterrestrials
By Lon Strickler

Our perception of subspace beings does not begin and end on our planet or in our plane of existance. It can include those unknown entities, either non-corporeal or of solid matter, that we describe and refer to as alien beings.

On October 30, 1938 the global uneasiness with alien beings began. That was the day Orson Welles narrated his adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novel ‘War of the Worlds’ over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The ‘news bulletin’ style simulation created a panic so widespread that nearly 2 million listeners believed it to be factual. Later in 1947 there would be a reported, later denied, crash of an unknown craft in the New Mexico desert. Then the USAF started ‘Project Blue Book’, a bit of ‘window dressing’ that would possibly ease the public uncertainty as well as coax the Soviets into thinking that U.S. spy planes were actually UFOs. Thousands of sighting reports and science fiction films later, the public fascination with alien beings had been heightened to the point where people are demanding that governments disclose all information in reference to UFOs and the non-human entities that fly these craft.

I may have asked this question more than I would admit but “why do people think that these unidentified flying objects are of such concern?” The answers I generally receive are that these may be precursors to an invasion or that the aliens are arriving in small groups in order to gather information before they take over the planet. Most times, I just nod in agreement and change the subject...not that I total disagree with their assessments but more concerned that they aren’t seeing the big picture.

Over the years I have been fortunate to have investigated individuals’ claims of alien entity abduction and infestation. Some of those cases have been documented on my 'Phantoms & Monsters' blog, especially when evidence suggested some validity to the claims. In almost all cases the witnesses want to remain anonymous, at least at the initiation of the inquiry. Despite what most people think, I have not met one witness who wanted to cash in on their experience. There may have been some consideration later but that is usually because producers of paranormal television programming hound witnesses until they relent...then the final product is rarely factual. But that’s another story.

The word ‘extraterrestrial’ simply means ‘not of or belonging to Earth.’ In that context, it can be defined as any life form or inanimate object that is not from our planet. In the modern vernacular it is simply understood to represent life forms that do not originate from Earth. So I guess the next question is “have the extraterrestrials ever come to Earth?” I think it’s safe to assume that alien life forms have found their way to Earth but I truly doubt they arrived by space craft. For the most part I agree with much of the ancient astronaut theories until the argument centers around mode of transportation.

It’s very difficult to determine when these early beings arrived on Earth but there is some evidence to suggest that it has been a process that has continued for many thousands of years. I suppose the earliest testimony of these non-humans making contact with man have come from the Hebrew Bible and, in particular, the Book of Enoch. The first part of Book of Enoch describes the fall of the 'Watchers', the angels who fathered the Nephilim. The first section of the book depicts the interaction of the fallen angels with mankind. The fallen angel Sêmîazâz, of apocryphal Jewish and Christian tradition that ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as one of the Grigori, compels the other 199 fallen angels to take human wives to "beget us children.”

    "And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.'. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it."

This results in the creation of the Nephilim:

    "And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood."

    "And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon."

Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel appeal to God to judge the inhabitants of the world and the fallen angels. Uriel is then sent by God to tell Noah of the coming apocalypse and what he needs to do. After this, God then commands Raphael to imprison Azâzêl:

    "Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spoke, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world."

    "the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl (Gods Kettle/Crucible/Cauldron), and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin."

God gave Gabriel instructions concerning the Nephilim and the imprisonment of the fallen angels…then commands Michael to bind the fallen angels:

    "And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the biters and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle"

    "And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. 13. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: (and) to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations."

These fallen angels, according to the text, were sent to Earth as ‘Watchers’ or ‘Watchmen’ in order to observe and protect mankind. Instead, these ‘Watchers’ corrupt and impregnate their charges resulting in hybrid offspring. The situation results in a war instigated by the Archangels and fought between the ‘Watchers’ and their offspring. The ‘Watchers’ are then imprisoned for a specific period of time...then led off to the underworld.

It’s a great story….but how much of it can be considered as truth? One might inquire as to the identity of ‘God’ in the Book of Enoch. Is there an ultraterrestrial supreme being who can be everywhere and see everything at all times? It’s an interesting concept…it certainly would answer a lot of questions. Did this same supreme being also create mankind as prescribed in Genesis as well as manifest on Mt. Sinai? Is it possible that we are children of an ultraterrestrial? I’m not saying that we should or should not consider the Hebrew Bible or the Book of Enoch as trustworthy but I do think that there may be a connection that is conceivably accurate.

The early Babylonians and Egyptians depicted and worshiped supernatural winged beings that ascended to Earth. The Greeks and Hebrews called these winged beings ‘messengers of God’. Eventually the combination of Old English and French resulted in the word ‘angel’. These angels have been depicted in the modern religions as winged human-like entities who delivery the word of God to his children on Earth. Well, the angels may be delivering messages but it’s not by the power of winged flight….that’s if you believe in the Bible. The Bible never describes angels with wings…or any other means of transportation.

Now, let’s get back to the discussion of alien beings. Though much of the evidence is anecdotal, word of mouth, ancient text, etc., a sensible argument can be made for the existence of an ultraterrestrial entity presence. When I state ‘ultraterrestrial’ I refer to those beings who have been here, who continue to reside here and who can easily manifest here without the use of flying craft. There is a multidimensional condition to these ultraterrestrial beings...it currently transpires and will continue to commence in the future.

How can I prove this theory? I can’t...and I’ll be the first to admit it. The ultraterrestrial hypothesis has been proffered by paranormal researchers for several years and seems to be the most plausible and persuasive argument that encompasses all known reported cases of high strangeness. The only suggestions I can offer are those I have posted above and, more importantly, those perceptions within my heart, conscience and intellect.

Source: Astral Perceptions

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