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the matter bucko, tired
those flying saucer people pestering
you every day with their tales of
woe and Armageddon? Are you scared of
the government and their
corporate cronies looking
for new ways to spy on you and take
away your personal rights and
freedoms? Are you sick to death of
those pesky Men-In-Black harassing
you because of those unwanted contacts
with those flying saucer folks
and government agents?
Well cheer up, because once again, like a bolt of awareness and enlightenment from the sky, Conspiracy Journal is here to uncover all those dirty little secrets that THEY are trying to hide! So sit back and relax and enjoy another thought-provoking issue of the number one e-mail newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs the paranormal and much, much more. ![]() - Scientists Warn the Sun Has 'Gone To Sleep' - - Psychic/Professional Wrestler Lady Suzanne Miller Passes to Another Dominion - - Mystery Rock 'Appears' in Front of Mars Rover - AND: Man Arrested for Building 'Death Ray' CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! ![]() WALL
WARNING! THIS 335pg. LARGE FORMAT BOOK IS CONSIDERED HIGHLY DANGEROUS TO YOUR MENTAL STATE . . . Exposes A World of Treachery . . . Answers the Questions: WHO ARE THE MASTERMINDS BEHIND WORLD DOMINATION? . . . WHO ACTUALLY MANAGES THE FLOW OF PAPER MONEY AND CONTROLS COMMERCE AND THE BANKING SYSTEM? . . . WHO -- IF ANYONE -- PROFITS FROM WAR? . . . For the first time names are given, and organizations exposed. Some have called this the most DANGEROUS book ever written, but why? Though refering to an early period in American history, the findings are as honest and sensation now as they were several decades ago. Is the money system controlled by the New World Order? You must decide for yourself after reading this sensation release from the publishers of the Conspiracy Journal. Originally published to sell at $29.95 we are reducing the online price to $18 so that everyone may be given the opportunity to know the truth and take direct action in your own personal life. For subscribers of the Conspiracy Journal Newsletter this book is on sale for the special price of only $18.00 (plus $5.00 shipping). This offer will not last long so ORDER TODAY! You can also phone in
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Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Join Us on The Outer Edge - Begins January 5, 2014! ![]() The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Begins January 5th, 2014 Midnight EST / 9 pm PST Guest: Olav Phillips http://theouteredgeradio.com/ Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - psn-radio.com Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's Blog at: http://mottimorphic.com/blog/ - MINI ICE AGE
Scientists Warn the Sun Has 'Gone To Sleep' ![]() The Sun's activity is at its
lowest for 100 years, scientists have warned.
They say the conditions are eerily similar to those before the Maunder Minimum, a time in 1645 when a mini ice age hit, Freezing London's River Thames. Researcher believe the solar lull could cause major changes, and say there is a 20% chance it could lead to 'major changes' in temperatures. 'Whatever measure you use, solar peaks are coming down,' Richard Harrison of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire told the BBC. 'I've been a solar physicist for 30 years, and I've never seen anything like this.' He says the phenomenon could lead to colder winters similar to those during the Maunder Minimum. 'There were cold winters, almost a mini ice age. 'You had a period when the River Thames froze.' Lucie Green of UCL believes that things could be different this time due to human activity. 'We have 400 years of observations, and it is in a very similar to phase as it was in the runup to the Maunder Minimum. 'The world we live in today is very different, human activity may counteract this - it is difficult to say what the consequences are.' The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum) is the name used for the period starting in about 1645 and continuing to about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as noted by solar observers of the time. It caused London's River Thames to freeze over, and 'frost fairs' became popular. This period of solar inactivity also corresponds to a climatic period called the "Little Ice Age" when rivers that are normally ice-free froze and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes. There is evidence that the Sun has had similar periods of inactivity in the more distant past, Nasa says. The connection between solar activity and terrestrial climate is an area of on-going research. Mike Lockwood University of Reading says that the lower temperatures could affect the global jetstream, causing weather systems to collapse. 'We estimate within 40 years there a 10-20% probability we will be back in Maunder Minimum territory,' he said. Last year Nasa warned 'something unexpected' is happening on the Sun' This year was supposed to be the year of 'solar maximum,' the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle. But as this image reveals, solar activity is relatively low. 'Sunspot numbers are well below their values from 2011, and strong solar flares have been infrequent,' the space agency says. The image above shows the Earth-facing surface of the Sun on February 28, 2013, as observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. It observed just a few small sunspots on an otherwise clean face, which is usually riddled with many spots during peak solar activity. Experts have been baffled by the apparent lack of activity - with many wondering if NASA simply got it wrong. However, Solar physicist Dean Pesnell of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center believes he has a different explanation. 'This is solar maximum,' he says. 'But it looks different from what we expected because it is double-peaked.' 'The last two solar maxima, around 1989 and 2001, had not one but two peaks.' Solar activity went up, dipped, then rose again, performing a mini-cycle that lasted about two years, The same thing could be happening now, as sunspot counts jumped in 2011 and dipped in 2012, he believes. Pesnell expects them to rebound in 2013: 'I am comfortable in saying that another peak will happen in 2013 and possibly last into 2014.' He spotted a similarity between Solar Cycle 24 and Solar Cycle 14, which had a double-peak during the first decade of the 20th century. If the two cycles are twins, 'it would mean one peak in late 2013 and another in 2015'. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2541599/Is-mini-ice-age-way-Scientists-warn-Sun-gone-sleep-say-cause-temperatures-plunge.html CONSPIRACY JOURNAL
Psychic/Professional Wrestler Lady Suzanne Miller Passes to Another Dominion By Timothy Green Beckley ![]() TERRIBLE NEWS -
Those in the paranormal world knew her
best as Lady Suzanne (Miller). She was
a dear friend since she was 18 years
old and walked into a metaphysical
school I was running in NYC in the
early 1970s. She became a teacher of
the occult arts and eventually
authored "Curses and Reverses," which
we published. We spent some time
traveling to exotic places (including
Disneyland) and taking several
Though we didn't see each other that often, we would eventually bounce back together because we were friends till the end. Unfortunately, Lady Suzanne has departed this realm for another. She died just before Xmas 2013, and I had last spoken with her a month before her passing. I knew from her Facebook page that she had been terribly ill for some time. But I never expected the end would come so soon for such a close friend. I find it difficult to hold back the tears as I read over some of the personal notes and greeting cards from her file that I have maintained for decades. There was a period in the mid 1970s when I lost track of Suzanne for at least a decade. Turns out she had taken up another profession - that of a professional wrestler. Lady Suzanne appeared in the ring using the name Vivian Saint John. She toured the world with the WWF and even wrestled in Madison Square Garden. Her face was on many a poster and graced the cover of several national magazines, which her devoted fans devoured. And while there is much we could share about Vivian, this article is not concerned with sports entertainment, but with the paranormal. Those wishing to learn more about Suzanne/Vivian's wrestling career can follow this link: http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2013/12/21/21353006.html * * * While working together at the New York School of Occult Arts and Sciences, one of the first psychic centers in the country, Suzanne and I shared a number of "weird" experiences, most of them involving the use of the Ouija Board. * * * The Ouija Board has always been a controversial means of attempting contact with those in the "spirit world." Not too long ago it was used as a tool exclusively by mediums and psychics. However, in recent years, it has become more of a parlor game with sales reaching close to two million according to a leading game company which says the Ouija. Board is their hottest selling item. I have worked the Ouija many times with varying results. Frequently the messages are nothing more than what I call "psychic gibberish" with words being misspelled and phrases and sentences making no sense to anyone. Other times the board reacts positively and spells out things of importance. Some experts feel that if you treat the board seriously and ask questions of importance you will always be rewarded accordingly. Ask it foolish things and unimportant questions and it will respond thusly. How it works is also open to debate. There are those who believe the Ouija is a direct telephone line with individuals who have passed on. Others express the idea that what comes through is simply telepathic in nature. As far as I'm concerned, there is evidence for both beliefs. I hadn't seen Suzanne Miller since the 1970s, though one could hardly forget her striking appearance. Standing all of six feet and dressed in a fringe jacket and tight leather pants, Suzanne had a way of attracting attention no matter what the circumstances. I might also point out that Suzanne was no "wimp." In fact, she carried herself like a biker chick and no doubt this had a lot to do with her subsequent career as a female wrestler and her climb to a top ten position on the lady's wrestling circuit using the name Vivian St. John. But the years have cooled Suzanne down - somewhat! Currently, she can be found several days a week doing psychic readings in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. When I first met Suzanne she was just starting to develop her clairvoyant abilities, a gift that she told me had been handed down from her mother's side of the family. In her early twenties then, she was dedicated enough in her task that I had no qualms about asking her to work at the New York School of Occult Arts and Sciences, which I had founded and where many of the top psychics in the U.S. cut their teeth in the 60s and 70s. Suzanne always felt that her mission was to educate people to the reality of the non-material realms she knew to exist all around us, but just out of sight of the majority of folks who closed their minds to this normally invisible universe. Herbs and oils lined her heavily packed bookcases, and enlargements of Tarot cards hung on the walls of her west side apartment in Manhattan. After chatting over a glass of wine, Suzanne asked if I was interested in working the Ouija Board with her; something she felt she was becoming very adept at as her psychic abilities continued to grow. As it turned out, she felt certain that the spirits had something to tell her as she had been ill at ease all day wondering what had happened to her husband. He was due back in town the previous evening but hadn't even called to indicate there was a problem. After taking the Ouija down and dusting it with powder so that the wooden planchette would move freely should a message start to come through, we moved to the floor with our legs crossed and the board on our knees. Suzanne was concerned over her husband's whereabouts as Stanley had told her he would return from a trip upstate by early evening. It was already past 3:00 A.M. and he had not arrived as planned. Because of this, she suggested asking the Ouija to give us an idea where he was and if there had been any trouble. Touching the tips of our fingers to the planchette I decided to begin the questioning by asking if there was "anyone" present. The planchette moved directly to the word "yes." Under normal conditions the planchette will start to move slowly at first and increase speed as communication becomes stronger. It works akin to adjusting a radio receiver to a particular frequency. After a few "test" questions devised to make sure our subconscious wasn't playing tricks, we asked the whereabouts of Suzanne's husband. "He will be in a car accident." Suzanne's face turned pale. I could see she was visibly concerned as the board continued to spell out its message. "Don't worry. Stanley will not be hurt badly." After verifying the message (we usually make the "spirit" spell out the communication twice), we asked who we were in contact with and under what conditions he had left this world. The reply came that the spirit had also been in a car accident, but was not as lucky as Stanley would be, given that the spirit was killed in the crash. "Where?" we quizzed and the reply came "Not far from Cincinnati, Ohio." Further probing as to name, address and age (which we could later check for verification) did not get a meaningful response. Suzanne thanked whoever it was that had come through and put the board away for the night. By the next day, Suzanne's husband still had not returned home. To try and quiet her worst fears, I attempted to calm her by rationalizing that since they had just moved into a new apartment and did not have a phone there was no way he could call to tell her how he had been delayed. I promised to return that night to see if Stanley had come back yet. When I walked through the door later, I saw Stanley alright, but he didn't look at all well. Right in the middle of his forehead was one of the largest red lumps I have ever seen. "Boy, I'm lucky to be alive." I must have really looked shocked as he elaborated. "I was returning from upstate and this car jumped into the lane in back of me and hit my automobile at 50 miles-per-hour from behind. The car was totally destroyed and I went forward, smashing my head against the windshield." An ambulance had rushed him to Tuxedo Memorial Hospital, in Tuxedo, New York, where he was admitted in fair condition. "See," Suzanne said, erasing any skepticism I still might have had about the powers of the Ouija Board, "the spirits don't lie!" And she was right, this time it hadn't! Stanley had verified the message by his very presence and with a lump on his head and the deep cuts on his arms and chest as evidence that an accident had happened and that he was fortunate not to have been killed. Next Monday morning, I placed a call to Lila, the promotional director for a firm that booked music, particularly rock 'n' roll groups, into several theaters in the metropolitan area. When she got on the phone I could sense that the normally high-spirited lady was disturbed about something. Pressed as to what was irritating her, Lila explained that one of her best friends was killed over the weekend. I told her how sorry I was and asked for more details. "He was driving toward Cincinnati..." My heart skipped a beat and a cold chill ran up my spine - hadn't our "spirit" on the board told us he had been killed in Ohio? Could it have possibly been Lila's friend coming through? Lila has been a friend for some time and on occasions I have done psychic readings for her, picking up what I thought might be things important to her. About a month before this incident, I called her one night to tell her about an impression I was receiving. I told her that I foresaw trouble in the area of her eyes. Lila remarked that she had never had difficulties with her eyes but would take note if anything developed. The next time I saw her, four or five days later, Lila was seated in the box office during a performance I was attending. Her right eye had a patch over it, and her brow was a mass of tape and bandages. "Don't worry," she said to calm me, extending her hand, "the doctor says the swelling will go away in a few more days." An infection had developed 48 hours after my late night telephone call. Lila could only shake her head and remark how "right" I had been in what I had seen. Right away this showed me that Lila was an excellent subject to pick up from (for unknown reasons some people are just impossible to "read"). But why had her friend been able to get through to us so easily? During a later conversation, Lila remarked she would like to meet Suzanne and asked where she lived. I gave her the address and she just looked at me for a moment. "153," she nearly shouted after I had given her the apartment building number. "My friend who was killed lived at 151 for more than two years and was sorry he had to leave. It was his favorite apartment." As far as I was concerned, this clinched it. Lila's friend had died the night we sat down to use the Ouija Board. The spirit had accurately predicted Stanley's accident and told us accurately where he, the spirit himself, had been killed. The fact that Lila's friend had once been Susan's neighbor I believe increased the power coming through the Ouija to the two of us operating as receivers. Not only had this mystical device predicted a disaster but it went a long way in proving to me that communication with another realm is possible. Before I met Sue, I had always been skeptical about the ability of the Ouija Board to reveal the slightest bit of relevant information from the departed or describe future events. But Lady Suzanne/Vivian left me more open-minded about using the board as a positive device. We won't be experimenting anymore, though I do not rule out the idea of attempting to try and make contact with her "on the other side." But meanwhile, in this realm, she loved her animals, her daughter and her fans. She is missed! * * * SUGGESTED READING Curses And Their Reversals - Plus: Omens, Superstitions And The Removal Of The Evil Eye http://www.amazon.com/Curses-Their-Reversals-Superstitions-Removal/dp/160611140X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389973660&sr=1-1&keywords=curses+and+their+reversals Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites, Alien Soul Suckers - Invaders From Demonic Realms http://www.amazon.com/Round-Trip-Hell-Flying-Saucer/dp/1606110918/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389973938&sr=1-1&keywords=round+trip+to+hell+in+a+flying+saucer Mystery Rock 'Appears' in Front of Mars Rover ![]() He calls himself “Mr. UFO,” and chances are you have one or more of his books in your library. He’s written about 50 works on UFOs, the paranormal and a tome or two on celebrities like John Lennon. In addition, as a publisher of some renown, he has made available a total of approximately 250 titles by other authors, such as T. Lobsang Rampa, Brad Steiger, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and, of course, yours truly, Sean Casteel. They are all available Amazon.com. Timothy Green Beckley, president of Inner Light – Global Communications, has recently released an updated version of “Strange Saga,” an eclectic collection of his earliest writings that spans a period beginning in the 1960s and running through until the 1980s. Beckley has also included a smattering of the newspaper articles written about him during that same period, mostly in small town local papers that covered his radio and television appearances as he traveled the country spreading his views on UFOs and the Ultra-Terrestrial presence, as he prefers to identify the energies behind the UFO puzzle. An energetic researcher, Beckley often spent weeks “On The Trail Of The Flying Saucers,” which just so happened to be the title of his regular column in a popular newsstand magazine, “Flying Saucers From Other Worlds,” published by one of his mentors, the late Raymond A. Palmer. (Palmer is often credited as having created the flying saucer craze in the late 1940s. He was one of the original editors of “FATE Magazine” and a friend of the original flying saucer observer Kenneth Arnold.) Truth is, Beckley was pounding the pavement in the era before Budd Hopkins and Whitley Strieber arrived upon the scene to take away some of his thunder. Beckley was even invited by his friend the Earl of Clancarty, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, to speak before a closed session of the House of Lords on the emerging global UFO phenomena. The obvious temptation is to call this sort of “shameless self-promotion” extreme vanity, even hubris, but that would be to overlook how interesting, even more, how exquisitely assembled the overall package is. We are given an excellent time capsule, a look back that is admittedly nostalgic and sentimental at times, but which also functions as an historical primer in what the UFO culture was really like back then. Interestingly enough, Beckley sees himself as being highly objective in this field, thus overcoming all the bias that would shape his and others’ views. He managed to befriend the early contactees despite the fact that he was never a full-fledged cheerleader of their often farfetched claims, while at the same time remaining on fairly even terms with the more serious students of the subject. This despite his often awkward friendships with controversial figures like Jim Moseley and Gray Barker, who were often up to no good shenanigans in creating fraudulent scenarios in the guise of disinformation and having a bit of fun at the expense of others. Beckley is in his mid-60s and has suffered health problems recently, which are discussed in the new edition’s preface. He writes of how staring down death as he awaited heart surgery made him realize his own mortal impermanence, but also reinforced for him how the UFO phenomenon existed long before he arrived on Earth, and would live on long after his demise, likely forever. He then pays tribute to his fallen comrades, men like Ray Palmer, Richard Shaver, Donald Keyhoe and Jim Moseley. Like him, they never learned the full truth, but also like him, they went on searching to the end. The next section of the book is an introduction I wrote for the first edition of “Strange Saga,” which is an only partially successful attempt to tell Beckley’s complex life story in a mere eleven pages. A great many of you reading this article may have already heard of Beckley, but it is doubtful that most of you know much about his personal history and what he often calls the “long, strange trip” that has been his earthly existence. Beckley began to publish material on UFOs at age fourteen, using a mimeograph machine he purchased with money he had made doing odd jobs. His interest in the subject began a few years earlier, when he was ten, and saw two UFOs rotating in the sky over his home in New Jersey. The fact that other neighbors had seen the UFO as well but that the local media completely ignored the sighting made him determined to bring the truth of the phenomenon to an unsuspecting world. Famous names in paranormal journalism like Ray Palmer and Gray Barker were sufficiently impressed with Beckley’s early efforts to give him a leg up by publishing his writing. The bulk of the columns Beckley wrote for Palmer’s publications are included in “Strange Saga,” such as Beckley’s account of attending the Third Annual Congress of Scientific UFOlogists conference in Cleveland in 1966. The amiable camaraderie Beckley describes as he greets old friends like Allen Greenfield and others who shared his passion for the subject is a joy to read about and restores one’s faith in the notion of our belonging to a UFO “community,” and not simply an aggregation of competing, ambitious researchers and writers trying to exploit flying saucers to make a fast buck. The fact that the UFO subject was also an impoverished element of pop culture was not lost on Beckley, and he often brought a kind of rock-n-roll chic to these public events that is evidenced in his writing as well, making the connections between UFOs and rock music not only more apparent but very entertaining. In the 1970s, he promoted concerts and dances in his adopted New York City and made the acquaintance of rock superstars interested in UFOs, such as David Bowie and John Lennon. Before going on to discuss Beckley’s early writing in more detail, I’d like to talk about some of the reporting about Beckley from those aforementioned local newspaper articles. For example, in an article in the “Sunday News,” a newspaper that billed itself as “New York’s Picture Newspaper,” (the “Daily News” at this time had a circulation of over three million copies a day) dated Sunday, August 31, 1969, writer Alex Michelini asks Beckley about his feelings on the Apollo 11 moon landing, which had taken place the previous month. “Now that man has stepped foot on the moon,” Michelini begins, “and found no signs of life, can we safely write off all those tales about flying saucers as pure bunk? ‘Not so fast,’ says Timothy Green Beckley. He’s one of the nation’s leading authorities on Unidentified Flying Objects and he insists it’s too early to discount the existence of life on the moon.” The writer then quotes Tim as saying, “I don’t really know how we could expect to find any signs of life when such a small portion of the surface of the moon was explored. In fact, there is ample evidence to indicate that the lunar surface is being used as a base by alien beings.” It should be noted that theories such as Lunar and even Martians bases are pretty common among even the “straight” UFOlogists in this supposedly more enlightened era. Tim continues by telling Michelini that he has spoken to several contactees who say they have been warned that – if earthlings attempt to colonize the moon – there will be serious repercussions on Earth, like earthquakes, fires and power failures. The space beings’ primary intent is to keep earthlings from using the moon for military purposes, and more specifically to prevent our misuse of nuclear weapons in space. Again, it is important to remember that these comments were being made in 1969, but using the moon for military purposes is still being discussed today, and the race to exploit the moon for numerous reasons continues to be a reality. A couple of the articles Beckley reprints refer to him as “moon-faced.” A newspaper in Tacoma, Washington, says, “Timothy Beckley is a good-natured, moon-faced man who has written half a dozen books about UFOs,” while a paper in Norfolk, Virginia, says, “A moon-faced man wearing rose-tinted sunglasses and purple tennis sneakers, [Beckley] considers himself the country’s expert on UFOs, space creatures, flying saucers and unexplained things that blink, bump or thump in the night.” I don’t know why exactly, but it struck me as sort of amusing that even the shape of Beckley’s face has a loose outer space connection, as though it were a kind of alien-imposed karma. Like most people in the world, he hasn’t been getting by on his good looks, which of course has no relation to his 50-year body of work, but he continues to employ his characteristic tongue-in-cheek approach to the subject and those associated with it as perceived by the media. The publishing of this sort of “On the Road” collection of newspaper and magazine clips makes him sound like the Jack Kerouac of UFOlogy, which Beckley says he has no problem with because it portrays him as a somewhat sexy, hipster figure in an otherwise straight-laced field of endeavor. At this point it is perhaps essential to point out that the title “Strange Saga” has a special meaning and plays a part in the roots of Beckley’s journalistic career. In addition to being a freelance stringer for several sensationalistic national tabloids, such as the Enquirer, the Tattler and the Star (now a glossy celebrity weekly sold at most supermarket checkout counters), Beckley also penned articles for many of the multimillion-selling men’s magazines, including the monthly “Saga Magazine,” which published a combination of adventure and UFO articles as well as a heavy dose of girly cheesecake photos Seeing that the UFO topic was garnering them a new stable of readers they would not have attracted otherwise – and doubling their circulation – the owners of “Saga” decided to publish a spin-off pulp magazine called “UFO Report,” which paid its writers enough to attract a formidable stable of authors like John Keel, Otto Binder and, of course, Tim Beckley. The magazine is generally credited as having published some of the best-researched pieces on the subject of UFOs up until it went out of business in the 1980s. Since Beckley feels the articles he wrote for “Saga’s” brainchild are among his best ever, he decided to pay homage to the publication’s title and incorporate it in the title of the collection we are discussing. Truth be told, some of that work was, in its time, truly groundbreaking and fascinating and it holds up decades later, as you will see when you peruse such contributions from the best of the “Saga” and “UFO Report” articles as: • Apollo 12’s Mysterious Encounter. • Calvert, Texas: Flying Saucer Way Station. • Invasion of the Space Giants. • Warminster UK – The Town Haunted By Flying Saucers. • Scientists’ Changing Attitude Toward Flying Saucers. • Flying Saucers Over Our Cities. • Carl Higdon, Kidnapped By Aliens – The Most Credible UFO Abduction Of All Time! • UFO Base Just 40 Miles From The White House. • UFOs Along California Fault Lines. In what I consider to be one of the most groundbreaking pieces in the book, Beckley writes about alien mind manipulation. The article is titled “The New UFO Terror Tactic.” Beckley begins by telling the story of Paul Clark (a pseudonym), who had a UFO encounter as a teenager. In the aftermath, Clark began to gradually fall apart, developing symptoms of mental illness that cost him his wife and his job, and made relationships with his family and coworkers extremely strained and eventually impossible to maintain at all. Clark described a later encounter that took place when he was still married. He and his wife were returning from visiting relatives in a nearby town at around 1:30 A.M. A UFO resembling a large, yellowish ball of fire appeared on the road ahead of them, and Clark slammed on the brakes to avoid colliding with it. He felt irresistibly directed to get out of the car and walk toward the UFO, leaving his pleading and frightened wife in the vehicle. When he returned, his wife said he looked as though he had been transformed into a monster, his features having changed into something grotesque, like special effects makeup had been used on him. She said she wanted to drive him to a hospital, but he shoved her aside and got into the driver’s seat. He grabbed the steering wheel in a rage and it bent out of shape, as though it was “made of putty.” [To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at www.seancasteel.com] - IF YOU WANT IT, WE GOT IT DEPARTMENT - Bob Lazar's Store is the Stuff of Nuclear Dreams By John Carlisle ![]() EAST LANSING —
You can ask Bob Lazar about the
uranium for sale at his store. Feel
free to inquire about the infrared
death ray he sells, too. But please
don’t ask him about the time he
spent at Area 51 working on UFOs.
Lazar is the owner of United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies, a mom-and-pop business unlike any other. It’s not like the science supply stores of the old days, which sold chemistry sets and microscopes for kids. At United Nuclear, you can stock a mad scientist’s radioactive dream supplies because the items are either exempt from government regulations or are below amounts or concentrations considered dangerous. Customers are free to go home with radioactive isotopes, rockets or a Van de Graaff generator that can produce up to 600,000 volts. You can buy magnets so powerful they’ll bore through walls, furniture or even your body to get at each other. You can get X-ray components to take X-rays of things around the house. A photo inside the store’s catalog shows how someone used the equipment to get a glimpse inside their frog. You can purchase a real death ray, which emits an invisible infrared beam so powerful that “a direct hit will blast right through your goggles and turn your eye instantly and permanently into charcoal,” as the catalog warns. It can cut steel, shatter glass, burn wood, chip rock and vaporize skin. A small one is about $600. And you can get a chunk of uranium that you can hold in your hand — as Lazar did on a recent afternoon, merrily putting a Geiger counter next to it to show that the rock was indeed radioactive. “Few people in the world ever get to hold it,” the 54-year-old said. “It’s not going to hurt you, but it’s radioactive. The things is, that’s exactly one of the things we’re trying to dispel — people have this built-in fear of uranium. But there’s a lot of radioactive stuff in everyone’s lives.” Yet despite owning a store that’s drawn the keen interest of law enforcement, lunatics and laymen, Lazar is still most notorious for once saying on television that he helped reverse engineer a real flying saucer in the real Area 51. “I wish I wouldn’t have said anything, but it’s too late for that,” he said. “I think I finally came to the conclusion that, you know, that was a really stupid thing to say. I should’ve kept my mouth shut. Now it’s impossible to get away from.” A UFO legend Lazar always seems to draw attention. Thirty years ago, he was working at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, where he said his unusual ideas about physics got him noticed. He was soon tapped for a new job in a place that he says turned out to be Area 51, the legendary secret facility where many people are convinced UFOs are housed. Lazar said he was hired to reverse engineer an alien spacecraft to figure out its propulsion system. Spoiler alert: They travel by creating gravity and using it to distort time and space, he said — and look exactly like the flying saucers in the hokey old science-fiction movies. But he claims he got fired when he brought some friends to the desert to view the facility’s weekly UFO test flights. He panicked and feared for his safety, he said, so he gave an interview to a Las Vegas TV station, recounting everything he said he saw and did at Area 51. And for that, he’s earned a permanent spot in UFO royalty. He’s since shied away from the flying saucer spotlight and focuses instead on his unusual retail business. Easier said than done, though. To this day, most of the calls coming to the store are from people who desperately want to reach the real Bob Lazar and ask him what it’s like to work on a UFO. He stopped answering the phone long ago. Lazar’s wife, Joy White, does the accounting for United Nuclear and sometimes answers calls, though she, too, now avoids it. There are just too many people a little too frantically eager to speak to her husband. “‘Please! I have this serious message for him. I have to talk to him,” she quotes them as saying. “It’s kind of amusing. The people are generally, um, interesting.” Trouble calls Some people do call the store to actually buy something. And some of them are frightening. One man kept calling for a certain selection of chemicals, and it dawned on Lazar that he was trying to synthesize deadly sarin gas. Lazar told the FBI. “They absolutely flipped out,” he said. They tapped the phones, installed cameras and staked out the place, but never got the guy. Another man was trying to get castor beans to make the poison ricin with Lazar’s help. He also showed a fervent interest in anything radioactive. Another phone call to the feds. One woman wanted as much radioactive material as she could get to put in her horse’s water. She’d read somewhere that it would strengthen his immune system. Lazar told her it was a misinformed Internet myth. “Oh, you’re trying to cover it up, too,” she replied. And a few calls are simply heartbreaking, like the man who was convinced Lazar had a time machine and begged him to let him use it to go back in time and save his son, who’d died in a car accident. He refused to believe Lazar’s denials. “ ‘Look, I know you have it, and I know you have to say that over the phone,’ ” Lazar remembered him saying. “You know the guy is just so hurt, he wants to do anything. But God.” His neighbors haven’t always been understanding, either. He once built a four-story Van de Graaff generator in his yard — a giant, shiny, high-voltage globe. “It was a particle accelerator,” he said, matter-of-factly. Nearby farmers were freaked out. “They just think you’re trying to contaminate their farmland or control their animals,” he said. “I said, ‘I cannot control your animals,’ and they said, ‘Well how come they’re all upset now?’ ” Why uranium? Above all, though, nothing raises eyebrows like the mention of uranium. “You get people calling up on the phone screaming ‘Are you insane? What if people buy a bunch of these and make an atomic bomb?’ ” he said. “Really? So you think you can buy a bunch of rocks and make an atomic bomb? The first atomic bomb took the power of a country to make.” But at least his stock sparks people’s interest. The relatively unglamorous items he also sells — chemistry sets, beakers and test tubes — just don’t sell well anymore. In an age of video games and the Internet, Lazar said, a simple home chemistry set doesn’t seem as cool to kids as it once did. You need something like a real death ray to generate some interest. “When I was a kid, everybody had chemistry sets ... what I was hoping to do with this company is kind of dispel the mystery of science and get people into it. But it takes bigger things to get their attention,” Lazar said. Then he turned back to the routine things at his store. The clocks on the wall had just been scrambled by a jolt from the Van de Graaff generator, which stood right next to the pile of uranium rocks, which the Geiger counter was hysterically chirping about. Source: Freep http://www.freep.com/article/20130803/COL46/308030016/United-Nuclear-Scientific-Equipment-Supplies-Bob-Lazar-east-lansing -
Naga Fireballs: Swamp Gas or Divine Breath? By Martin Clemens ![]() When
science and spirituality
battle it out, sometimes
there’s no clear winner.
In the case of most Fortean or
paranormal subjects, the
scientific establishment
simply labels their opponents
with the blanket term
‘pseudo-science’, and the
counter argument is usually
that critics are closed
minded. It’s not always
the case, but often these two
pillars of popular culture mix
like oil and water, or
perhaps…gas and water.
Sometimes the debate goes beyond polite discourse too, and in such cases believers in whatever phenomena can get outright nasty. Such was the case in 2002, following the airing of a Thailand TV show titled Code Crackers, wherein a team was sent by the Thai TV network iTV to investigate the famed Naga Fireballs. A little background first. The Naga Fireballs are much as their name suggests. They are the focal point of a phenomenon that occurs in late October every year, on the Mekong River in Southeast Asia. They are little fireballs that silently rise up out of the river, burning red in colour. They shoot up from the river’s surface quickly, to about a hundred meters, where they silently burn out and disappear. They can occur in the thousands, though some years have recorded as few as 30. The fireballs are widely known in Asia and are revered in Thailand as a part of the observance of the Buddhist (Thai/Laos) Lenten season. Specifically Wan Ok Phansa, which is the final day of the celebration. In modern day Thailand, the celebration involves huge gatherings of people on the bank of the river, all to watch the fireballs rise and disappear in the heavens. The celebration commemorates the return of Buddha in Naga form, and it is widely believed by Buddhists and others that the Naga Fireballs are actually the breath of a giant sea serpent, a Naga or Phaya Naga, that lives in the riverbed and awakes every year at this time to honour the conclusion of vassa (The three month long season of Rain Retreat or Buddhist Lent). The Naga, as history buffs and perhaps gamers will find familiar, is the name of a mythical creature, said to be a giant sea serpent or snake (or sometimes a dragon). They have some political significance, as Laotian culture considers them to be protectors of Vientaine (the capital of Laos) and by extension, Laos State, but they are revered by most in the Makong river area of Thailand as powerful magical beasts. Most in the skeptical camp believe that a species of oarfish is responsible for this myth. This spiritual significance is what, ultimately, led to the unrest among revelers in 2002. The show, Code Crackers, offered a not so traditional view of the Naga Fireballs. Their expose suggested that the fireballs are not the breath of the great Naga, but are in fact tracer rounds being fired into the sky by Laos guards on the opposite shore of the nearly half-mile-wide river. This offended the spiritual beliefs of some several hundreds of thousands of believers, and protests and lawsuits ensued. The TV show was followed by a feature length movie titled Mekhong Full Moon Party, which portrayed the phenomenon and the celebration in a less than flattering light as well. The notion that the fireballs are not what the devout believe they are isn’t, as you may imagine, without its merits, however. Scientists, according to many who’ve blogged on this topic, readily attribute the phenomenon to that old stand-by explanation for all things weird and unexplained – Swamp Gas. Though, in this case, they may be right. To anyone unfamiliar with UFO phenomenon and its culture, the swamp gas explanation says that in marshy areas, organic material decomposes underground producing deposits of methane. Said methane eventually finds its way to the surface, and upon coming into contact with oxygen, it spontaneously ignites providing a brief little light show for anyone who happens to be nearby. Fairly simple chemistry actually. According to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid, one Dr. Manos Kanoksilp, a pediatrician, theorises that the Naga Fireball phenomenon requires a precise alignment of the sun, moon and Earth, and that the Makong River provides a perfect storm of conditions, regarding methane and oxygen levels combined with ambient temperature, to bring about the fireballs every year at the same time.[1] The Thai Science Ministry apparently concurs, citing an experiment headed by the ministry’s Deputy Secretary, Saksit Tridech. Tridech and his team used equipment to measure conditions during the celebration and apparently determined that the fireballs were the result of built up phosphine gas.[2] Phosphine is manufactured for industrial purposes through a defined chemical process, and it’s not clear how it is generated in nature. Though most believe, similar to methane, it is the product of bacterial reduction of phosphate in decomposing organic material. Brian Dunning disagrees with the swamp gas theory, however. The swamp gas process described above, based on methane gas, requires highly specific conditions. The right concentrations of methane and oxygen and certain environmental conditions are necessary for spontaneous combustion. Dunning believes it’s unlikely that those conditions can be found consistently on the same date at the same place, year after year. It may come as no surprise that he favours the Laotian guards firing into the sky theory, and suggests that they may be paid to do so by local officials. Phosphine however, is a touch more volatile than methane, and could account for the Naga Fireball phenomenon, but it too would require special circumstances to be consistent over time. So we’re left with three apparent possibilities: a giant magical serpent breathing tiny bubbles of fire, swamp gas, or a sort of unintentional hoax (or perhaps intentional). One of the problems with the above theorising, is that there isn’t a lot known about the fireball phenomenon’s history. Locals claim that it’s been going on for centuries, but there is no record of it. There are whisperings of the Mekong Lights (as they’re sometimes called) being mentioned in sacred writings at the Wat Luang Buddhist temple in Phon Phasai, Wat Pho Luang Phra Sai, and of written accounts of the lights from British forces in the 1960’s but there’s nothing solid to cite. The festival itself is eons old, but it’s not clear if the fireballs have always been associated with it. As such it’s not certain if the Naga Fireballs really do happen every year at the same time. Today, and as a result of a huge boom in Naga Fireball related tourism in the area, the festival is overrun by fireworks, which completely negates anyone actually seeing the fireballs in person, unless one happens to erupt right in front of them. Nonetheless, there are many videos of the fireballs on YouTube, so ultimately, you can make up your own mind. [1] Brian Dunning. The Naga Fireballs: What is the source of the glowing balls that rise from the Mekong river each October? December 2009 Skeptoid.com http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4183 [2] Napanisa Kaewmorakot. Science Ministry Solves Naga Fireballs Mystery. The Nation (Nong Khai) http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Science-Ministry-solves-Naga-fireballs-mystery-87105.html Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2014/01/naga-fireballs-swamp-gas-or-divine-breath/ -
Man Arrested for Building 'Death Ray' ![]() FBI says ex-GE worker conspired to make, use radiological death ray. A Galway, New York man has been indicted on federal charges of plotting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, was arrested in June along with Eric J. Feight, 54, of Hudson after an FBI task force said the men conspired to sell a homemade radiation weapon to Jewish groups or a southern branch of the Ku Klux Klan. A federal grand jury in Albany handed up a three-count felony indictment Thursday charging Crawford with attempting to produce and use a radiological device, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and distribution of information relating to weapons of mass destruction. Both men have been in jail since their arrests. Feight, whose alleged role was to design and build an electronic triggering device so the weapon could be activated from a distance, has not been indicted but remains charged under a federal complaint. He is negotiating a plea agreement with the Justice Department, according to a person familiar with the matter. Crawford, who worked as a General Electric Co. industrial mechanic, and Feight, a computer software expert, are accused of designing and trying to operate a vehicle-mounted radiation device that was intended to be remotely controlled and capable of aiming a high-energy lethal beam of radioactivity at humans. The concept was that victims would mysteriously die from radiation poisoning within days. Crawford and Feight are acquaintances who over the course of a year devised a plan to sell the weapon to a terrorist organization, according to the FBI. Crawford's role was to design and build the radiation device and its power supply, according to a federal complaint. The men, both married, were initially charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists for use of a weapon of mass destruction and face up to 15 years in prison if convicted. They never actually obtained a radiation source and the device was not fully constructed, officials said. The complaint says the FBI's investigation began in April 2012. At that time, Crawford went to a Schenectady synagogue, Congregation Gates of Heaven, and "asked to speak with a person who might be willing to help him with a type of technology that could be used by Israel to defeat its enemies, specifically, by killing Israel's enemies while they slept." Later that day, Crawford telephoned an Albany Jewish organization, using his cellphone, and made a similar offer, the complaint states. An FBI agent's affidavit indicates that an official with the synagogue contacted police, who relayed the information to the FBI. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force in Albany launched an investigation. It took the FBI less than a month to get informants and an undercover agent close to Crawford. Beginning in May 2012, the FBI began recording conversations between Crawford and the undercover sources. In December 2012, after Feight had been enlisted in the plot by Crawford, the FBI obtained a search warrant that enabled agents to monitor Crawford's and Feight's cellphone calls, emails and text messages, according to the complaint. Crawford was listed on several websites as a member of Americans Demanding Liberty and Freedom, a Galway-based tea party group. An FBI affidavit indicates as many as eight unidentified people may have been assisting Crawford, including a fellow GE employee described as "Person C." The complaint implies that some of those individuals may have known at least elements of what Crawford was trying to do, but no one else has been charged in the case. The suspects had successfully tested the remote triggering system that could work from a little less than a half-mile away from the weapon, the complaint states. Last June, they planned to have a dinner where Crawford would be provided with the radiation system, which was not finished. When the men were meeting, the FBI was monitoring their activities, including using undercover informants who posed as members of a South Carolina Ku Klux Klan group interested in purchasing the device and financing the project. Source: The Times Union http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Indictment-in-bizarre-plot-5152568.php Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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