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- Midwestern U.S. at Risk From Devastating Earthquakes - - Time Travel From Ancient Mythology to Modern Science - - AND: Suitcase Handed To Police Station Contained "Goblin" CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! WALL
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Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Join Us on The Outer Edge - Begins January 5, 2014! The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Begins January 5th, 2014 Midnight EST / 9 pm PST Guest: Robert Morningstar http://theouteredgeradio.com/ Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - psn-radio.com Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's Blog at: http://mottimorphic.com/blog/ - A WHOLE LOTTA
Midwestern U.S. at Risk From Devastating Earthquakes The New Madrid fault zone in
the nation's midsection is active and could spawn
future large earthquakes, scientists reported
It's 'not dead yet,' said U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Susan Hough, who was part of the study published online by the journal Science. Researchers have long debated just how much of a hazard New Madrid poses. The zone stretches 150 miles, crossing parts of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. In 1811 and 1812, it unleashed a trio of powerful jolts - measuring magnitudes 7.5 to 7.7 - that rattled the central Mississippi River valley. Chimneys fell and boats capsized. Farmland sank and turned into swamps. The death toll is unknown, but experts don't believe there were mass casualties because the region was sparsely populated then. Unlike California's San Andreas and other faults that occur along boundaries of shifting tectonic plates, New Madrid is less understood since it's in the middle of the continent, far from plate boundaries. Previous studies have suggested that it may be shutting down, based on GPS readings that showed little strain accumulation at the surface. Other research came to the same conclusion by blaming ongoing quake activity on aftershocks from the 1800s, which would essentially relieve strain on the fault. The latest study suggests otherwise. Hough and USGS geophysicist Morgan Page in Pasadena, Calif., analyzed past quakes in the New Madrid region and used computer modeling to determine that the continuing tremors are not related to the big quakes two centuries ago. 'Our new results tell us that something is going on there, and therefore a repeat of the 1811-1812 sequence is possible,' Hough said. The USGS estimates there's a 7 to 10 percent chance of that happening in the next 50 years. Arthur Frankel, a seismologist with the USGS in Seattle who had no role in the study, said the latest results seem plausible. His recent field work using GPS shows significant movement of land along the fault in the past decade, indicating a buildup of strain that could lead to potentially dangerous quakes. Others said this won't end the debate about the hazards on the New Madrid seismic zone. Andrew Newman, a geophysicist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, said the method used in the study works well for faults along plate boundaries, but he's unsure if it applies to enigmatic faults like New Madrid. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2545886/Huge-swathes-Midwest-risk-earthquakes-caused-little-understood-New-Madrid-fault-warn-experts.html - DAYS OF FUTURE
Time Travel From Ancient Mythology to Modern Science By John Black Time travelling and time machines have been a topic of science fiction and countless movies for many decades. In fact, it appears that the possibility to travel in time, either into the future or into the past, has appealed to the imagination of mankind for centuries. While many may think it is absurd to believe that we could travel back or forwards in time, some of the world’s most brilliant scientists have investigated whether it could one day be made a reality. Albert Einstein for example, concluded in his later years that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously, and most are familiar with his well-known concept of relativity. That is, that time is relative and not absolute as Newton claimed. With the proper technology, such as a very fast spaceship, one person is able to experience several days while another person simultaneously experiences only a few hours or minutes. Yet the wisdom of Einstein's convictions had very little impact on cosmology or science in general. The majority of physicists have been slow to give up the ordinary assumptions we make about time. However, if time travel really was possible, one can hardly contemplate what this may mean for humanity for whoever has the power to move through time, has the power to modify history. While this may sound attractive, it would be impossible to know the consequences of any alteration of past events, and how this would affect the future. Time travel in ancient mythology If we look into ancient texts we can find a number of references to time travelling. In Hindu mythology, there is the story of King Raivata Kakudmi who travels to meet the creator Brahma. Even if this trip didn’t last long, when Kakudmi returned back to Earth, 108 yugas had passed on Earth, and it is thought that each yuga represents about 4 million years. The explanation Brahma gave to Kakudmi is that time runs differently in different planes of existence. Similarly, we have references in the Quran about the cave of Al-Kahf. The story refers to a group of young Christian people, who in 250 AD tried to escape persecution and retreated, under God’s guidance, to a cave where God put them to sleep. They woke up 309 years later. This story coincides with the Christian story of the seven sleepers, with a few differences. Another story comes from the Japanese legend of Urashima Taro. Urashima Taro was an individual who was said to visit the underwater palace of the Dragon God Ryujin. He stayed there for three days, but when he returned to the surface, 300 years had passed. In the Buddhist text, Pali Canon, it is written that in the heaven of the thirty Devas (the place of the Gods), time passes at a different pace where one hundred Earth years count as a single day for them. And there are many more references. Scientific research Probably the most well-known story of accidental time travel is the Philadelphia experiment which allegedly took place in 1943 with the purpose of cloaking a ship and making it invisible to enemies’ radar. However, it was said that the experiment went terribly wrong – the ship not only vanished completely from Philadelphia but it was teleported to Norfolk and went back in time for 10 seconds. When the ship appeared again some crew members were physically fused to bulkheads, others developed mental disorders, a few disappeared completely, and some reported travelling into the future and back. Allegedly, Nikola Tesla, who was the director of Engineering and Research at Radio Company of America at the time, was involved in the experiment. In 1960, we have another interesting case report of scientist Pellegrino Ernetti, who claimed that he developed a machine that would enable someone to see in the past, the Chronivisor. His theory was that anything that happens leaves an energy mark that can never be destroyed (something like the mystical Akashic Records). So he allegedly developed this machine that could detect, magnify and convert this energy into an image – something like a TV showing what happened in the past. In the 1980s, there are reports of another controversial experiment, the Montauk project, which again allegedly experimented with time travel among other things. Whether the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments actually took place is still under debate. However, it is common sense to assume that the military would definitely be interested in the possibility of time travel and would engage in extensive research on the subject. Moving on, in 2004, Marlin Pohlman applied for a patent for a method of gravity distortion and time displacement. Marlin Pohlman is a scientist, engineer, and member of Mensa with a Bachelor, MBA and PhD. And only last year, Wasfi Alshdaifat filed another patent for a space compression and time dilation machine that could be used for time travel. Physicist Professor Ronald Lawrence Mallett of the University of Connecticut, is working on the concept of time travel, based on Einstein’s theory of relativity, and is absolutely convinced that time travelling is feasible. He predicts that human time travel will be possible in our century. Particle physicist Brian Cox agrees that time travel is possible but only in one direction. We have the mysterious story of Ali Razeqi, managing director of the Iranian Centre for Strategic Inventions, who claimed that he developed a device that can see anywhere from 3 to 5 years in the future. His initial story disappeared from the internet a few hours after it was published. In theory, time travel is possible, even if it is difficult to comprehend. Has the research cited above brought us closer towards making time travel a reality? If so, we can only hope that the technology does not get into the wrong hands. Source: Ancient Origins http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-unexplained-phenomena/time-travel-ancient-mythology-modern-science-001242?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AncientOrigins+%28Ancient+Origins%29 Terrified by Memories of a Past Life By Jason Offutt “Within a minute of this remarkable feat,” Beckley writes, “one that would require extraordinary strength, Paul slumped against the dashboard, with his eyes shut and his forehead dripping perspiration.” It doesn’t get much more harrowing. But to Clark, it was all a dream. He told Beckley in the interview that he didn’t remember anything after being directed to approach the UFO. He would have said that his wife had made up the whole story but for the fact of the twisted steering wheel. Along with the strange psychological changes Clark suffered after the first sighting as a teenager, he suddenly developed an intense interest in physics and engineering. He had been only an average student in high school, but inexplicably he found himself voraciously reading difficult scientific texts. According to Beckley, Clark finally managed to stabilize his life somewhat and was on the threshold of earning a degree in electrical engineering when last Beckley spoke with him. Clark still believed he was acted upon by an alien force but had slowly learned to cope with what happened to him. This sort of psychological and emotional transformation is common with abductees, who typically overcome the initial trauma and begin to achieve an understanding that allows them to function more normally again. Researchers like the late Budd Hopkins said it remains to be seen whether this change is something intended by the alien abductors or is simply a matter of human resiliency asserting itself. In that same article, Beckley relates a story told by well known writer and researcher Brad Steiger about a young couple called Sam and Mary. The two had been doing their own research, trying to track down and verify sightings of humanoid creatures in their home state, which is not named in Beckley’s article. It was the couple’s practice to notify Steiger of their findings. “One evening,” Beckley writes, “after returning home from an interview with the witnesses of a humanoid sighting, Mary began feeling strange. A terrific headache sent her off to bed early. Once asleep, she was visited in her dreams by ‘grotesque entities’ who told her that they wanted her and that she must leave her husband. They threatened violence if she did not obey.” In subsequent dreams, she saw “grim, dark-complexioned men beat Sam to death.” Beckley points out here that this is an often-demonstrated capability of the space entities. They are able to enter and manipulate the dreams of earthlings, and to maintain their hold. But the torment didn’t end there. One night, as she languished in one of these bizarre nightmares, her phone rang. She answered it, and heard a cold, mechanical voice ask, “Are you ready to come over to our side?” According to Steiger, Mary was later visited by a man who flashed impressive-looking credentials, claiming to be from the phone company and pretending to be concerned about her “problems.” When Sam tried to verify the man’s story with the phone company, he was told the man didn’t work for them in any capacity. Immediately afterward, Mary began falling into deep, coma-like trances that she was powerless to control. The couple called Steiger and asked for his help. He told them, “The important thing is not to play their game. In many ways, their affect is like an echo. Cry out in fear and they’ll give you good reason to fear them.” Sam and Mary took Steiger’s advice, and were greatly relieved to find that the phenomena came to an abrupt end. The entities making war on the couple were obviously demonic, or at least evil, and hopefully do not represent the whole of the alien presence. Abductee Betty Andreasson Luca, a lifelong Christian who has said she has encountered benevolent, angelic aliens, once told me that she believes mankind is the battlefield on which a cosmic war is being fought, and the demonic side is constantly battling to destroy as many earthlings as possible. This may be what was meant when the voice on the phone asked Mary if she were willing to “come over” to their “side.” Perhaps the nightmares in which grotesque entities threatened her and her husband with violence were intended to bully her into surrender and a life spent in service to something cruel and inhuman. Yet another interesting story is told in Beckley’s article. He interviewed a Dane given the pseudonym “Hans Lauritzen,” who encountered two disc-shaped craft in December of 1967. Hans also had some emotionally trying experiences, which Beckley relates in some detail. But there were positive aspects as well. The chronic hepatitis Hans had suffered with for years suddenly cleared up, and the medical experts who confirmed the cure could find no explanation. Hans also reported periods of extreme depression and mental suffering, as well as feeling that he no longer had any free will and was compelled to conform to the opinions of others like a robot. Along the way, he experienced strange but very pleasurable sensations as well. When Beckley asked Hans to sum it all up for him, Hans answered, “It has been the most wonderful and pleasurable experience of my entire life. On the other hand, it has also been the most painful, horrible thing that has ever happened to me. Before, I had a bad liver. Now, I am strong and healthy again. I am most thankful to the UFOs for having cured my otherwise chronic hepatitis, without which I would never have been able to resume my work and other normal activities.” Beckley has here dug up some fascinating case histories that are found nowhere else. His face-to-face interviews with Paul Clark and Hans Lauritzen deserve wider exposure than they received when first published in “UFO Report,” and hopefully the fact that the article is now reprinted in “Strange Saga” will help to bring that about. But what has been described in this article is only the briefest sampling of what “Strange Saga” actually contains. Beckley has also written an in-depth story on a sightings wave that took place in Calvert, Texas, in the 1970s. He interviewed the local newspaper editor, who was a firm believer in the reality of UFOs as alien spacecraft, as well as local lawman Steve Abraham, who says a UFO followed him down a lonely back road and is pictured holding a drawing he made of the ship. A slew of other locals are interviewed as well, and a brilliantly drawn portrait of a town under siege emerges that rivals any major Hollywood production on the subject you could name. Associated with this little known flap – which in at least some respects can be compared to the more recent 2008 sightings in Stephenville, Texas – are a series of phantom radio broadcasts picked up by residents, signals which are attributed to aliens occupying the UFOs hovering in the vicinity of Calvert. In addition to covering other aspects of the phenomenon, Beckley also interviewed the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, perhaps the most reputable name in UFOlogy in the 1970s. But of course the collection of impressive feats of UFO journalism that fills “Strange Saga” is easier to take in and absorb if one actually reads the book and immerses oneself in Beckley’s reportage from a bygone era that still resonates with believers today. While much of the book was written well over 40 years ago, we still grapple with the same issues, still ponder the same mysteries, and still long for answers to the same questions. One of the old local newspaper articles reprinted in the book dismisses Beckley as a “young huckster.” But without Timothy Green Beckley, also known as “Mr. UFO,” and his lifelong hunt for the truth about UFOs and aliens, other unknown creatures, and the truth about government cover-ups, as listed in the subtitle of “Strange Saga,” our own search for the truth would not be nearly as fun. [To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at www.seancasteel.com] RECOMMENDED READING Timothy Green Beckley's Strange Saga: Updated Edition http://www.amazon.com/Timothy-Green-Beckleys-Strange-Saga/dp/1606111671/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389312163&sr=1-1&keywords=TIMOTHY+BECKLEY+STRANGE+SAGA Our Alien Planet: This Eerie Earth http://www.amazon.com/Our-Alien-Planet-Eerie-Earth/dp/1892062887/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389312345&sr=1-1-fkmr2&keywords=TIMOTHY+BECKLEY+OUR+ALIEN+PLANET Mystery of the Men in Black: The UFO Silencers http://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Men-Black-UFO-Silencers/dp/0938294873/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389312568&sr=1-2&keywords=MEN+IN+BLACK+BECKLEY UFOs - Wicked This Way Comes: The Dark Side Of The Ultra-Terrestrials http://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Wicked-This-Comes-Ultra-Terrestrials/dp/1606111582/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389312901&sr=1-1&keywords=UFOS+WICKED+THIS+WAY+COME - GOING TO THE LIGHT DEPARTMENT - Intensive care Nurse Reveals Evidence of Life After Death As a nurse, I’m
always cheered when I see a patient
who appears to be making a good
recovery. That certainly seemed the
case with 60-year-old Tom Kennard,
who’d been suffering from sepsis
after surgery for cancer.
After a couple weeks in the intensive care ward, he was well enough to be moved from his hospital bed to a chair. Moments later, however, he suddenly slumped into unconsciousness. There was no doubt at all that he was out cold. He responded neither to my urgent questions nor to the painful pressure of my Biro on his fingernails. Worse still, his skin became clammy, his oxygen levels dropped and his blood pressure plummeted — clear signs that his condition had become critical. As I quickly gave him extra oxygen, I called out to the other nurses in the intensive care unit. Four of them immediately flocked to Tom’s bedside, and we gently helped return him to his bed as we called for a doctor urgently. He was still unresponsive when the doctor arrived, followed a few minutes later by a consultant. Indeed, Tom didn’t regain full consciousness for another three hours. Yet, during those three lost hours, he had apparently gone on a life-changing journey. His first sensation, he told me afterwards, was of ‘floating upwards to the top of the room. I looked down and I could see my body on the bed. It was lovely, so peaceful — and no pain at all.’ In the next moment, the hospital ward had disappeared and he’d entered a pink room, in which his father was standing next to a man with ‘long black scruffy hair and nice eyes.’ For a time, Tom talked telepathically with his father. At some point, he became aware that something was touching him. Once again, he was back on the hospital ward ceiling — looking down at me and the doctor. I was putting a lollipop-shaped instrument into his mouth to clean it, he recalled later. He could also see a woman beyond the cubicle curtains, who kept twitching them to check on his condition. Indeed, I can personally verify that everything Tom ‘saw’ while unconscious was 100 per cent accurate — down to the swab I used to moisten his mouth and the names of the consultant and of the physiotherapist lurking behind the curtains. While all this was going on, Tom heard the man with the scruffy hair say: ‘He’s got to go back.’ This came as a blow: he remembers desperately wanting to stay. Shortly after that, he told me, ‘I was floating backwards and went back into my body on the bed.’ His pain was excruciating, but he could still vividly recall how peaceful he had felt in that pink room. ‘Pen,’ he told me, ‘if that’s death, it’s wonderful.’ This near-death experience had two significant effects on his life. First, Tom says, it completely removed any fear of dying. Even more extraordinary is what happened to his right hand, which had been frozen since birth into a claw-like position. (This had been noted on his hospital admission form, and his sister has since signed a statement confirming it.) Yet, in front of me, soon after his near-death experience, Tom opened and flexed that same hand. This should not have been physiologically possible, as the tendons had permanently contracted. What had caused this sudden, seemingly spontaneous healing? Even now, science has no answers. But when you study near-death experiences, as I have for the past couple of decades, you grow used to phenomena that defy all rational explanation. Take, for instance, the case of Fred Williams, a Swansea pensioner in his 70s who was suffering from the final stages of a terminal heart problem. One night in hospital, he lost consciousness and we feared he was about to die. But he somehow managed to keep his faltering grip on life. And when he eventually came to, I noticed at once that he looked very happy. My colleagues also remarked on this. By the following morning, Fred had recovered sufficiently to see his anxious relatives. To their astonishment, he told them that he’d been visited — while unconscious — by his mother and grandmother, both of whom were dead, as well as by his (living) sister. They’d just stood by his bedside, keeping vigil. ‘I couldn’t understand why my sister was there as well,’ he remarked. Unknown to him, his sister had actually died the week before. Fearing the news might jeopardise his recovery, his family had kept it from him. Poor Fred never learned the truth, and died a week later. But possibly the most extraordinary case I know of personally is that of a Moroccan woman in her late 30s, who ran a clothes business. In November 2009, Rajaa Benamour had an anaesthetic injection for minor surgery, after which she found herself mentally scrolling through her entire life, right back to her birth. This was followed by what she could only describe as a rapid review of the creation of the universe. After being discharged from hospital, she started trying to find books about what she’d learned during her vision. Eventually, she realised that she had somehow acquired an in-depth understanding of quantum physics — despite never having previously known anything about the subject. This motivated her to study the subject at university level. The professor in charge of her studies was astounded. The knowledge she’d already acquired, he said, could not have come either from studying student textbooks or taking a quick course. Stranger still, he was puzzled by some of her scientific theories — yet they’ve since been confirmed by papers published in physics journals. Penny Sartori began her eight-year study as a cynic. But by the time it ended, she was convinced that near-death experiences are a genuine phenomenon As a staff nurse who’s worked in intensive care at British hospitals for 17 years, I’ve seen thousands of patients die. Some were heavily drugged or hooked up to numerous machines; many were no longer able to speak. Back in 1995, I began to wonder: is death so terrible that we must do everything in our power to delay it with powerful drugs and machines? What is death, anyway? What happens when we die? Why are we so afraid of it? So I began reading about death — and eventually came across the concept of near-death experiences, or NDEs. People who’d experienced these strange and intense visions all seemed to be saying the same thing: death is nothing to fear. Could they be right? My scientific training told me that NDE’s were almost certain to be hallucinations. Or wishful thinking. But, in the end, I decided to embark on a PhD on near-death experiences, while continuing to work in intensive care. I began my eight-year study as a cynic. But by the time it ended, I was convinced that near-death experiences are a genuine phenomenon. So what exactly is a near-death experience? At its simplest, it’s a clear and memorable vision that occurs when people are close to death — though only a small percentage of us will have one. Researchers now agree that each vision will contain at least one of several recognised components, such as travelling down a tunnel towards a bright light, meeting dead relatives, or having an out-of-body experience. As the person ‘leaves’ his body, he may hear a buzzing, whistling, whirring or humming sound, or a click. Another common component of NDEs is a beautiful garden with lush green grass and vividly coloured flowers. There may be a stream or river in the background. Some people enter the garden, while others reach a gate or barrier — and know that they’ll die if they go through it. Throughout an NDE, hearing and sight become more acute, and awareness is heightened. Often, the experience has been described to me as ‘realer than real’. As oxygen levels reduce in the blood, the brain becomes increasingly disorientated, confused and disorganised. Time ceases to have meaning. In many cases, it feels as if the vision has lasted for hours though the person may have been unconscious for only a few seconds or minutes. Sometimes, it feels as if time speeds up; sometimes it goes slower. After I started talking in public about my own work, hundreds of NDE survivors started writing to me with their own personal tales — and all of them had similar elements. Far from being attention-seekers, most of the people I interviewed had previously told only one or two people what had happened to them. Indeed, it’s often the case that people who’ve had NDEs are afraid of being ridiculed or disbelieved. Some who’ve reported an NDE have been misdiagnosed as having a psychiatric illness — often post-traumatic stress. And I know of one woman who was told she had unresolved emotional conflicts and ordered to take tranquilisers. Yet NDEs are not a new phenomenon at all; they’ve been reported throughout history. They also feature in some of the greatest books in history — including the Bible; The Republic, by the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato; and the Tibetan Book of the Dead, an ancient religious text about the interval between life and rebirth. It’s only in the past few decades, however, that scientists have tried to discover what causes NDEs. The most common theory is that they’re a quirk of the brain when it’s starved of oxygen. But this now seems extremely unlikely. As oxygen levels reduce in the blood, the brain becomes increasingly disorientated, confused and disorganised. I’ve witnessed this happening many times. And I can assure you that when most patients regain consciousness, they’re usually dazed and bewildered. This is in complete contrast to those who’ve had an NDE. With great clarity, they report structured experiences that, in many cases, remain vivid in their minds for decades. In other words, not at all what one would expect from a disorganised brain with greatly reduced blood flow. In any case, if near-death experiences are due to lack of oxygen, then all patients who had a cardiac arrest would have one. In fact, they do seem more likely than anyone else to have an NDE — but even in this group, the experience is comparatively rare. In my own study, for instance, just 17.9 per cent of people who survived a heart attack had been through an NDE. Another nail in the oxygen theory is that two patients in my own study actually had blood extracted at the time of their near-death experience. Their oxygen levels were perfectly normal. Could NDEs, instead, be a side-effect of high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, which can be another sign of approaching death? Again, unlikely. Although patients with high carbon dioxide levels can have out-of-body experiences and feel euphoric, their muscles twitch and jerk spasmodically while this is happening. That does not occur during a near-death experience. Are NDEs merely hallucinations caused by drugs? Clearly not — as 20 per cent of the patients in my sample, including Tom Kennard, had received no drugs at all. Indeed, when I analysed my research, I found that pain-killing and sedative drugs, particularly at high levels, seem to make it less likely that a patient will have an NDE. In other words, well-meaning doctors who over-sedate dying patients may be denying them a natural and comforting final vision. Furthermore, I also interviewed 12 patients who’d had drug-induced hallucinations. These were random and often frightening — such as being chased and stabbed with needles by drug dealers — but they bore absolutely no relation to NDEs. Another theory is that near-death experiences are caused by endorphins, the opiates made by the body itself. But long-distance runners have high levels of endorphins — and none of them have experiences comparable to NDEs. Moreover, if the body releases endorphins when we die, you’d expect everyone close to death to have a near-death experience. Nor is it at all likely that NDEs are merely a kind of wish fulfilment, as it is sometimes suggested. Well-meaning doctors who over-sedate dying patients may be denying them a natural and comforting final vision Most occur when a patient is taken ill unexpectedly, rather than contemplating their own death — so the individual simply doesn’t have time to think about what’s happening. One thing is clear: research has shown that near-death experiences often lead to a spiritual reappraisal. Some people undoubtedly become more religious after experiencing one — in a few cases even training for the priesthood. Others feel that their particular religion no longer adequately supports what was ‘revealed’ or felt during their NDE. Regardless of what they believe, though, they generally become more considerate of others. Marie-Claire Hubert, a nurse who had an NDE when she was hospitalised with meningitis, went through a tunnel and emerged to find dead family members, former patients and even long-dead pets. Now, she says: ‘I know for certain we do meet our loved ones eventually. It’s made me a better person and I try to do at least five kind things a day for other people.’ For some, their experience of what has been described as ‘unconditional love’ makes them re-evaluate what they do with their lives. Quite a few have actually retrained to become nurses or doctors or started doing voluntary work in a hospice. Pam Williams from Swansea had an NDE when she haemorrhaged after childbirth. While unconscious, she ‘saw’ a doctor bang on her chest, breathe into her mouth and insert a needle into her heart. ‘All the time this was happening, I felt fine: full of joy, peaceful, gently floating towards brilliant light. ‘Suddenly, in the distance, I heard my eldest daughter shout, “Mam”. I remember thinking, ‘Oh dear, Jacquie needs me,’ and I came back with a jolt. ‘I’m not a religious person but I [now] believe there’s a warm, peaceful, beautiful place after death.’ At the time of her NDE, Pam was an uneducated miner’s wife with four children. Afterwards, she says, she felt ‘a need to help and support others’ — so she trained as a nurse and, ten years later, became a sister on the coronary-care unit of a hospital in Sheffield. Two lesser-known after-effects of NDEs — reported by many researchers — are that some people develop a new sensitivity to electricity or have problems with their wristwatches. Sometimes they don’t even connect the fact that their watch can’t keep time — or stops altogether — with what they’ve been through. When I started asking the people I was researching if they’d experienced this, I discovered that many had. One was a nurse — a colleague who’d had an NDE — who told me she’d stopped wearing watches after her own experience as they invariably didn’t work. Those who’d had particularly intense NDEs reported even more problems. One woman told me that she ‘blows’ light bulbs regularly when switching them on — so much so that this has become a standing joke in her family. ‘I’ve also been thrown backwards and right across a room several times when using or touching electrical appliances,’ she said. Disturbing in a different way were accounts from people who’d developed psychic tendencies after having a near-death experience. One woman told me she could subsequently foresee ‘bad things’ that were going to happen, and even predict when people were going to die. This has so traumatised her that she now rarely goes out — and then only when wearing headphones so that she can play loud music to distract her from her thoughts. A colleague of mine who had a NDE at nine years old claims to have similar powers. She says that ever since her vision, she’s been able to ‘read other people’s minds’ — which distresses her because she feels it’s morally wrong. Can all these people — and the many more that I’ve interviewed — be delusional? Or could there be far more to approaching death than scientists have ever acknowledged? Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2545668/Is-proof-near-death-experiences-ARE-real-Extraordinary-new-book-intensive-care-nurse-reveals-dramatic-evidence-says-banish-fear-dying.html -
Suitcase Handed To Police Station Contained "Goblin" A family turned up at their local nick in the town of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe with a suitcase a recent tenant had left behind. The case was opened and, well, all hell broke loose. According to Bulawayo 24 News, a goblin-like creature leapt out, causing mayhem. Police officers dumb-struck by what they were seeing fled - some literally jumping out of windows such was the panic. The goblin - we'll call it that because the police report said so - apparently climbed out of a blood-filled bottle. Witnesses in the southern African state said it smelt awful and ran amok charging at cops until a local "healer" was brought in to catch it. One unnamed cop told the news channel: "We heard some screaming from the charge office and most officers who had knocked off rushed to see what was happening. "At first everyone gathered around the suitcase, wanting to see what was inside. "No-one told anyone it was time to run. "One minute, the charge office was full, the next, it was empty. "I think some people went out through the windows because we could not all have fitted through the door. "Fat cops and slim cops all ran for their lives screaming." The family handing in the case said it had been left behind by a recent tenant who had stayed at their house. Witnesses at Tshabalala Police Station gave varying descriptions of the bizarre encounter. Some said the creature looked like a snake with the head of a dog, while others said it looked like a dog with scales. The healer brought in to deal with it is said to have over-powered the critter and burned it. We will endeavour to bring you more on this. Source: The Daily Star http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/361972/Cops-flee-in-terror-after-being-confronted-with-a-GOBLIN Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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