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SHHHH - Be Vewy, Vewy
We's hunting CONSPIRACIES! Yes that's
right! Watch out secret government cabals! Look over
your shoulders
Men-In-Black! Check your altitude variance you silly
flying saucer
folks! Because once again Conspiracy Journal is here to
rip off the
veils of intrigue and secrecy from those dedicated to
keeping mankind
the dark.
Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such chilling tales as:
- 2014
Banker Death Count Reaches Double Digits -
- The
Remarkable Odyssey of Journeyman Paranormal Writer
Tim R. Swartz
Part 2
- Locals
in Bethel, Alaska Report 'Hairy Man' Sightings -
Says A Ghost is Haunting Her Pick-Up Truck
AND: Some
Claim to Turn Off Streetlights With Their Bodies
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
the Days of UFOs Past - This Fantastic
George Hunt Williamson –
known as “Brother Philip” throughout the
highlands of Peru, the jungles of South and
Central America, and the arid plains of the
Southwest – traveled the longest highway in
the world, leading him to discover a vast road
into the sky that can be linked to the arrival
of visitors from elsewhere in the universe
throughout the ages.
Within these pages are the stories of the
Hopi Sun Clan, including the legends of the
“Giant Star.” The secret of the Stone Tablets
of Peru. The Time Spanners. The Beacon of the
Gods. The Martian Miniatures. Fossils,
Footprints and Fantasy. Evidence for the
existence of the “Silent World,” and the
reality of the Unholy Six.
Also this is the book that gives:
* Williamson’s behind-the-scenes battle
with the FBI and the Silence Group.
* His investigation into the mysterious
disappearances of Hunrath and Wilkinson, who
might have been murdered or abducted by UFOs.
* The accusations of smuggling and his
“association” with a sexy flying saucer pilot
whom the FBI identified as a “ravishing woman
Williamson, sometime in his life, must have
come to realize that, in America, if you try
to buck the status quo or change the system
you can easily be slandered and identified as
a dangerous dissident, whether you are called
a communist, a fascist, or a neo-Nazi.
Many of the contactees of the early UFO/New
Age communities were unduly slandered, as was
the man aka “Brother Philip.” It was also
suggested that Williamson was a
“Mind-Controlled Soldier” of the Soviet Union,
a label he found difficult to shake off during
his years of battling with the “system.” How
he persevered in spite of all this undeserved
conflict makes for a story of true UFO
subscribers of the Conspiracy Journal Newsletter
this book is on sale for the special price of
only $18.95 (plus
$5.00 shipping). This offer will not
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And as always you
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New Brunswick, NJ 08903
2014 Banker Death Count Reaches Double Digits
By Lee Arnold

Another banker death was
reported last week, this one in Paris, and when
lumped together with the demise of at least a
dozen others recently, it certainly appears there
might be a conspiracy afoot whose masterminds are
targeting them for death.
From the consumer side of the equation it’s not
hard to imagine someone might want to kill a
banker, or have one killed. A few years ago I hit
a financial sinkhole, where the money coming in
was far less than the amount of money needing to
go out. As a result, I over drafted my bank
account by one dollar and some change. This
triggered an over-draft fee $35 to be assessed to
the account. Rather than settling the account
immediately, I opted to pay a few bills, buy some
food and let it ride until the next check came in.
When I finally put some cash back in the account,
I found out it was in the hole by more than $300.
Apparently after so many days with my account in
the hole, it triggered another set of fees. This
time, it was daily fees of $35 for every day that
passed without settling the account. So my mistake
of over drafting the account by an amount one no
greater than what one might find in change lying
underneath the driver’s seat of the car, became a
bill equaling more than a minimum wage worker in
the US makes in a 40-hour work week.
Practices like these are infuriating, especially
when you think about the interest payments that
are given to bank customers with healthy accounts.
The healthier the account, the more more interest,
aka free money, the bank gives you. The more
unhealthy the account, the more hard-earned money
bank takes from you.
This doesn’t even take into account the banking
industry’s culpability in US housing market
collapses and other more global economic struggles
they have been credited with causing.
So it’s surprising to find an angry mob of
consumers aren’t the culprits most often placed at
the center of conspiracy theories around the
recent deaths. Instead, the predominant conspiracy
theories surrounding the deaths claim they are
being orchestrated by big shots from the
administrative side of the banking industry —
A banker, known only as Lydia, leaped from her
office window Tuesday, April 22, at
Bred-Banque-Populaire in France and fell to her
death. She is the tenth banker, and possibly even
the 33rd depending on the source, to be killed, or
to have committed suicide, in 2014.
A few of the others commonly cited are:
William Broeksmit, a retired risk manager for
Deutsche Bank, who was found hanging in his
residence Jan. 26.
Karl Slym, managing director of India’s Tata
Motors Ltd, who fell to his death from the window
of a Bangkok hotel Jan. 26.
Gabriel Magee, a senior IT programmer at JP
Morgan’s European headquarters, jumped to his
death from Canary Wharf tower in London Jan. 29.
Mike Dueker, chief economist at Russell
Investments, fell to his death after going over a
fence beside the highway and falling down an
embankment near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in
Washington State Jan. 29.
Richard Talley, founder and CEO of American Title
Services, allegedly shot himself at least eight
times with a nail gun at his Colorado home Feb. 4
(It should be noted he was being actively
investigated by Colorado state insurance
regulators for undisclosed reasons).
Tim Dickenson, a communications director for
Swiss Re AG in London, was found dead the week of
Jan. 20. Details of his death still haven’t been
Ryan Henry Crane, a JP Morgan employee, was
found dead in his Stamford, Connecticut home Feb.
3. An official cause of death hasn’t been
released, but it reportedly hinges upon toxicology
test results.
Li Junjie, a junior-level trader working for JP
Morgan in Hong Kong, leaped off the JP Morgan
building to his death Feb. 18.
Kenneth Bellando, an investment banker with Levy
Capital Partners in New York, and former JP Morgan
employee, jumped from the roof of his apartment
building March 12
James Stuart Jr, a former National Bank of
Commerce CEO, who died Feb. 19, is often included
in this list, but he was 57 and his cause of
death, or whether it was suspected to be suicide,
has not been publicly released that I can find, so
it might have been one of natural causes.
Either times are tough in the banking industry, or
there is something more nefarious at work here.
On October 30, 1929 Winston Churchill was in New
York’s Savoy-Plaza Hotel. That morning when he
arose and looked out his window he saw a crowd of
people gathered in the street below. As he gazed
down, the body of a man zipped by and crashed into
the ground below. This was the day after Black
Tuesday, which remains among the most significant,
single-day crashes in the history of the US stock
That’s what Churchill allegedly told the Daily
Telegraph during an interview in December of 1929
anyway. It might be true, but he was a politician,
and even the great ones are prone to rhetoric from
time to time.
I’ve never been sure why the two most famous days
of the 1929 crash have always been called Black
Thursday and Black Tuesday, when being “in the
black” is considered a good thing by an accountant
reporting on a business’s finances, but this isn’t
really the place for such pondering with any great
detail, so I’ll move on.
Investment professionals did commit suicide
following the massive stock crashes on the “black”
days of October of 1929, but since I’ve already
paraphrased the words of one famous person from
the history books in this piece, I’ll go ahead and
paraphrase another, Mark Twain, rumors of the
rampant self-inflicted deaths have been greatly
exaggerated. (I’m not the first to paraphrase his
exaggerated death quote either. In fact, no one
ever seems to get it exactly right.)
A Slate Magazine article openly wondering why we
weren’t seen mass suicides during the banking
“crisis” of 2008, claimed only four of the 100
suicides, or suicide attempts, reported by the New
York Times between October 24, 1929, aka Black
Thursday, and the end of the year, were directly
attributed to the crash itself.
That’s not to say there weren’t more than just the
four suicides the Times linked to the crash,
because more certainly did occur in New York and
elsewhere, and a handful of suicides were even
reported during the similarly named crash in 1987.
There is no evidence to support claims like the
one made by Will Rogers who said those wishing to
leap from a window had to get in line behind
countless others to do so. It’s likely quotes from
the likes of Rogers, Churchill, and others
perpetuated the rumor of rampant suicides.
The current situation is quite different than
those surrounding previous crashes in that the
entire industry is taking heat for actions alleged
to go beyond the scope of what is legal and moral.
They are also different in that the current league
of investment pirates’ are perceived to have
reaped profits from their actions, rather than
losing everything they have in life like their
predecessors did in 1929.
Another difference is the current crew of money
professionals has to deal with the pressure of
being under the watchful eye of government spies,
being considered public enemy number one by many,
and being beholden to politicians who often better
resemble warmongers than public servants.
So the environment is ripe for conspiracy theories
to flourish and with each new death, the
conspiracy theories surrounding the deaths
flourish by an exponential amount.
If you have a lot of time on your hands, and who
doesn’t, you could spend the better part of an
afternoon just watching YouTube videos about the
conspiracy behind the banker deaths of 2014.
Among the most popular theories proposed is that
we are on the precipice of a global economic
collapse so catastrophic and irreversible, that
those with knowledge of the system and access to
data the Average Joe doesn’t see, are opting to
die now, rather than face the days lying ahead for
the rest of us.
Our pending doom has been speculated since at
least 1972, when an MIT study looked at the rate
of population growth versus resources consumption
and projected a global collapse, complete with a
significant population decline, by the year 2030.
Some still claim the world is right on track with
MIT’s projections, but even according to them
we’re still a few years from the kind of resource
depletion likely to set off global panic among
The tumbling European economy is more likely to be
considered a pressing issue at the moment for
bankers than depleted resources are at this point,
although resources could play a major role in how
things play out.
The economic turmoil in Greece, where more than
one in four are unemployed, and the economy as a
whole has shrunk by 25% in the four years
following a bailout totaling billions of dollars,
means the nation isn’t likely to see a significant
recovery soon.
Record unemployment rates have also been reported
in France, where the number of unemployed doubled
in 2013 to a total of 11%.
Then there are the volatile situations in Ukraine
and Russia. The super-simplified version of that
situation is that a political upheaval earlier
this year in Ukraine resulted in the ousting of
its Russia-friendly president, causing Russia to
raise prices on the natural resources it provided
to the already cash-strapped country. There is
much more to it than that, but this piece is
already going to be long enough, and the situation
seems to change from day to day.
It just so happens Russia is also a major source
for petroleum products for all of Europe, and is a
major supplier of natural gas as well. Should
Russia decide to drastically raise prices for
everyone, or just cut the EU off entirely, it
would likely set off a domino effect of global
economic strife.
So whose ready for World War III?
Apparently not the money-industry folks who have
died by their own hand this year, if any of these
factors are even relevant to their deaths. It is
just a conspiracy theory at this point, right?
Then there is the theory the deaths are related to
the allegations of banks conspiring together to
maliciously manipulate international currency
exchange rates to benefit themselves.
The FOREX theory is one that might also have some
legs to it, especially when it comes to JP Morgan
and Deutsche Bank, who were both named in a
lawsuit filed by investors in US District Court.
Ten other banks were also named in the lawsuit.
The plaintiffs claim to have evidence, such as
electronic communications, proving the conspiracy
to manipulate exchange rates had been going on
since at least 2003.
If you go down the list of 2014 bank-related
deaths provided earlier, which again might not
even be a complete list depending on the sources
you consider credible, you might notice almost
half of them were currently employed at one of the
dozen banks listed in the lawsuit, and another one
or two them allegedly worked previously at one of
the banks being sued.
Currency exchange rates can make or break a
nation’s economy as it directly affects other
nations’ interest in doing buying and selling
goods with it. If this false manipulation
occurred, and it seemingly did, it wouldn’t be a
major stretch to claim it might be at least
somewhat responsible for the economic struggles of
nations such as Greece.
Given the international impact such actions could
have, it’s no wonder some conspiracy theorists
believe the rash of suicides might actually be a
rash of well-orchestrated politically-motivated
murders instead.
The influence of money inevitably equals power,
and banks are at the center of finance, so banking
is an inherently high-stakes power struggle with
potentially great consequences when things go
wrong. Whether this year’s banker deaths are the
result of money and power converging to avenge the
shenanigans of bankers, or whether it’s just one
of those weird coincidences, remains to be seen.
Officially, none of the deaths have been ruled
suspicious. Neither the guy who shot himself with
a nail gun at least eight times, nor the guy who
jumped over a fence by the freeway and
subsequently went over an embankment, are
officially being considered a suspicious deaths,
despite their sounding quite suspicious to a
number of people who read the news reports.
It’s likely we’ll all continue playing the
guessing game about the banker deaths of 2014 for
many years, until eventually, someone, somewhere,
who is currently directly involved in an actual
conspiracy to kill bankers for whatever reason,
decides to come forward and pull back the curtain
of secrecy.
Of course, if there isn’t someone who eventually
comes forward with salacious details about hit men
hunting down bankers, the conspiracy theories
currently doing their best to break the Internet,
will undoubtedly continue on in perpetuity.
Source: Mysterious Universe
The Werecat of Britain
by Nick Redfern

For decades,
the British Isles have played host to a
decidedly mysterious and marauding beast.
It has become known as the “Alien Big
Cat,” or the ABC. Some cryptozoolgists and
monster-hunters suggest the puzzle is an
even older one, maybe even dating back
centuries. Regardless of when, exactly,
the controversy began, the fact is that,
pretty much every year, dozens upon dozens
of reports surface of large cats roaming
the wilder – and sometimes the not so wild
– parts of Britain.
Very often, the cats are described
as being huge, muscular and black in
color. This has given rise to the term
“black panther,” which is actually
incorrect, but frequently used by both the
public and the press. It would be far more
correct to suggest the creatures are
probably leopards and jaguars displaying
significant melanism – a condition in
which there is an excess of a black
pigment known as melanin.
As for how such creatures have
come to be seen across pretty much the
entirety of the British Isles, the
theories are as many as they are varied.
Some researchers hold that the animals
have escaped from private zoos and
enclosures and are now living and thriving
very nicely in the nation’s woods and
Others suggest that back in 1976,
when the British Government significantly
altered the rules and regulations
governing the keeping of large, predatory
animals, the owners of such cats – who
couldn’t afford to pay the new fees –
secretly released their pets into the
wild. And, today, so the theory goes, what
people are seeing are the descendents of
those large cats set free in the 1970s.
Other theories are far more
controversial: one suggests the ABCs may
have been with us since roughly AD 43,
when invading Roman forces brought large
cats to Britain in the form of mascots.
Did some of those mascots escape and
manage to survive and breed, largely
undetected? Some say: Yes. Then there is
the highly-charged theory that Britain has
in its midst an unidentified indigenous
cat – one that science and zoology have
yet to recognize or categorize.
Whatever the answer to the
question of the origins of Britain’s ABCs,
the fact is that their presence is pretty
much accepted by the general public and
the media – although largely not by the
government, which prefers to play down the
matter whenever and wherever possible. But
they are not literal monsters: they’re
simply regular animals, albeit seen in
distinctly out of place environments,
correct? Well…maybe not. They just might
be monsters, after all.
Although many ABC researchers
cringe and squirm when the matter is
brought up, the fact is there are more
than a few reports on record that place
the ABCs in a category that is less flesh
and blood-based and far more
paranormally-themed. There are cases of
the ABCs vanishing – literally – before
the eyes of astonished witnesses. People
report large black cat encounters in old
graveyards, within ancient stone circles,
and even – on a few occasions – in
association with UFO sightings. And then
there is…something else.
I have in my files four cases –
spanning 1953 to 1988 – in which witnesses
to ABCs described the creatures rearing up
onto their hind legs. Yes, we are talking
about nothing less than huge, black,
bipedal cats. All of which brings us to
the world of shape-shifters.
Throughout history, folklore and
mythology, one can find accounts of
shape-shifting creatures, with the most
famous example surely being the werewolf.
The deadly monster of the full moon is far
from being alone, however. In Africa,
there are legends of werehyenas. Wererats
have been reported in Oregon. Cynanthropy
is a condition in which a person believes
they can shape-shift into the form of a
dog. And then there are werecats.
Tales of werecats exist in
numerous locations: South America, Asia,
Africa, and Europe. Sometimes the werecats
are nothing less than transformed humans.
Leopards, lions, tigers and jaguars are
typically the werecat forms into which a
human shape-shifter mutates. Others are
regular cats, altered by dark magic into
something hostile and terrible. All of
which brings us back to the werecats of
As I noted above, the earliest
case I have on file dates from 1953,
specifically the month of August. The
location: Abbots Bromley, a village in the
English county of Staffordshire; the
origins of which date back to at least AD
942. The witness was a now-deceased man,
Brian Kennerly. In 2002, Kennerly’s family
told me of how he often spoke of the
occasion when, as he walked through Abbots
Bromley on what was a warm, summer’s
night, he was confronted by a large black
cat – one that he described as the typical
“black panther.”
Not surprisingly, Kennerly was
frozen in his tracks. His amazement turned
to outright fear when the beast suddenly
rose up onto its back limbs, giving it a
height of around five and a half feet. The
creature reportedly issued a low growl and
flicked its dangling front paws in
Kennerly’s direction. Notably, Kennerly’s
daughter told me her father said that as
the ABC rose up, “its back legs changed
shape, probably to support it when it was
standing upright.” A few seconds later,
the creature dropped back to the ground
and bounded out of sight.
A similar report, this one from
the centuries-old village of Blakeney – in
the English county of Norfolk – occurred
in 1967. In this case, the witness, who
was driving to Blakeney on a cold,
winter’s night, caught a brief glimpse of
a creature standing at the side of the
road that was eerily similar to the one
seen by Brian Kennerly fourteen years
previously. In this case, the woman said:
“It stood like a person, but stooped, but
had a cats head. Even the pointed ears.”
The final two cases in my files
are separated by seven years – 1981 and
1988 – but the location was the same: the
German War Cemetery located within the
heavily wooded Cannock Chase,
Staffordshire. The Chase has long been a
hotbed for weirdness: Bigfoot-type
creatures, werewolves, huge serpents,
ghosts, UFOs and much more of a
supernatural nature have been reported in
the depths of the Chase.
As for the two reports of
werecat-type creatures seen at the
cemetery, one was a daytime event involved
a beast that was black in color, taller
than the average man, and seen leaning on
one of the gravestones. That is, until it
realized it was being watched and it
dropped to all-fours and raced off into
the trees. The second case concerned a
van-driver crossing the Chase late at
night and who was forced to bring his
vehicle to a halt – very near the cemetery
- as a result of the presence in the road
of a huge black cat. It was a cat that
stared intently at the shocked driver,
until it “sort of jumped onto its back
legs.” According to the man, Don Allen,
the creature remained in view for no more
than about twenty seconds, after which it
headed towards the cemetery, making a
curious “hopping and bouncing” movement as
it did so.
Are infernal werecats really
roaming the British Isles? Granted, the
number of reports is small. And yet, the
witnesses – and, in the case of Briain
Kennerly, his family – are adamant that
what they encountered were large, black,
upright cats that displayed vaguely human
characteristics. Perhaps the old myths and
legends are not just folklore after all.
Just maybe, the monstrous werecat really
does roam the old landscapes of the
British Isles…
Source: New Page Books
The Remarkable Odyssey of Journeyman
Paranormal Writer Tim R. Swartz
Part 2
By Sean Casteel
“I picked them up and touched them,” he
continued, “and they were slightly warm to
the touch.”
Swartz then recalled a story he had read in
a book by paranormal researcher Ivan T.
Sanderson and decided to use a similar
approach in testing the rocks. Swartz marked
each of the rocks with an “x” using a felt
tip pen and chucked them out the back door
into a cornfield directly behind the house.
As soon as he returned to his seat in the
living room, the rocks were back, dropping
from the ceiling in the exact same way as
“When I picked them up,” he said, “they were
the very same rocks, marked with an ‘x.’ I
still have those rocks.”
And how did this otherworldly experience
actually make him feel emotionally?
“I was elated,” he replied. “That’s how I
felt. I was excited. Here was something that
I was holding in my hand that I knew
unquestionably I had just thrown into the
cornfield behind me, and that there couldn’t
have been any way that anybody could have
picked them up and found some way to drop
them down in front of me. This was exciting.
There are just no words to describe the
emotions that I was feeling, but it was
Shortly after the incident, the couple
reported to Swartz that the poltergeist
phenomena had stopped, as though whatever
energy involved had been “used up.” These
events had taken place in 1983, but Swartz
also told the story of a much more recent
experience he had with teleportation.
“It’s one of those things,” he said, “where
you just have to shrug your shoulders
because there doesn’t seem to be any purpose
or meaning to it. It’s just something
strange that happened. I was taking my
daughter over to her babysitter, and I was
standing in the kitchen talking to the
babysitter for a little bit before I left.
On my left-hand side there was a counter
that had three or four decorative tins that
are used to hold candy or popcorn, that sort
of thing. One of them, all of a sudden,
shook like there was something inside of it.
Both the babysitter and I were quite a ways
away from it. But I’m looking directly at
it, and it shook! Then it slid across the
counter, almost to the edge of the counter,
on its own.”
Although the babysitter had had her back
turned to the decorative tin and its strange
motions, she had heard it, and she asked
Swartz, “Did that can just move?”
Swartz said, “Yeah,” then walked over to
the can, opened the lid and looked inside.
The can was empty, and the counter was dry.
There had been no earthquake; the can was
the only thing that moved.
“It bemused me,” he said, “surprised me,
and was a little bit exciting. Once again,
right in front of my eyes, something
happened with no normal explanation as to
why it happened.”
The babysitter was probably in her
mid-thirties, Swartz said, and the kids in
the house were all toddlers, which renders
one common explanation, that poltergeist
energy is often generated by the
psychological and emotional angst of
adolescent females, moot. The house itself
was relatively new and did not carry the
haunted baggage that might burden an older
The babysitter was not a believer in the
paranormal. When Swartz asked her if
anything similar had ever happened before,
she said no and shrugged her shoulders.
Swartz added that when the can – which was a
little bigger than a coffee can – first
began to shake, he was aware of it
only through his peripheral vision but had
quickly turned to look at it full on. After
it stopped shaking and slid across the
counter, he thought perhaps there was
something living inside it, like a mouse had
gotten into it and was causing it to move,
because the can had seemed in some way
“It’s one of those things,” he said, “where
you just go, ‘What the hell? What is the
reason for that?’”
Swartz next compared teleportation to time
travel, saying they are two different
aspects of the same phenomenon.
“If you think about it,” he said, “when it
comes to the teleportation events that we
have seen, especially in haunting and
poltergeist experiences, we’re talking about
an almost instantaneous transference of
matter from one point to another. And
unlike, say, ‘Star Trek,’ where you would
have a teleportation machine that would
supposedly take apart a person or an object
bit by bit, and then reassemble them at a
distance – I just wonder if this phenomenon
may not be accessing ‘hyperspace.’
Hyperspace is kind of an antiquated term now
in science fiction, but it refers to a
timeless realm, so to speak, that is outside
of our own space/time reality.
“If that’s the case,” he went on, “then
that shows that teleportation and time
travel may be a lot easier to access than
our current understanding of physics allows
for. If you have something, like a
discarnate spirit or even an aspect of our
own consciousness, that is somehow able to
utilize paranormal abilities, then there
must be a way that that can be accessed on a
regular basis, something scientifically
proven that can be repeated time and time
There exists, according to Swartz, a kind
of “paranormal continuum” that combines
things like teleportation and time travel
along with UFOs, Bigfoot, ghosts, etc.
“That’s the point I’m trying to make,” he
said. “It’s very common in poltergeist
hauntings to have the instantaneous movement
of objects from one place to another and
sometimes into locations that would be
physically impossible to get to in the short
amount of time that they occurred. And not
just little objects, but big objects, too,
even people. And is there much of a
difference between some UFO encounters and
paranormal encounters? Because you see
almost the same phenomena talking place. A
lot of witnesses claim that shortly before
and after a UFO experience their houses
experience haunting phenomena, poltergeist
phenomena, which persist for quite a while.”
The UFO occupants themselves also seem to
show paranormal abilities, such as becoming
transparent, walking through walls, as well
as appearing and disappearing in the blink
of an eye.
“Is everything involved – UFOs, Bigfoot,
ghosts, whatever,” Swartz asked, “is this
all in the realm of the paranormal? Or are
we using the word ‘paranormal’ because we
just don’t have the language to explain all
this? It’s so far outside our realm of
understanding that we just don’t have the
words to describe it.”
But Swartz does not concern himself only
with the mysteries of the paranormal. He
also takes a keen interest in decidedly more
“human” pursuits, like the secret conspiracy
he and so many others feel is already
controlling many aspects of our daily lives.
Swartz edits a free weekly online newsletter
called “The Conspiracy Journal,” which
covers many topics related to the dark
“I think some of the most important stories
that we’ve run on the ‘The Conspiracy
Journal’ have to do with 9/11,” he said. “I
think the lack of really good information
behind the whole 9/11 conspiracy has made it
extremely important for our time. It’s
almost like the JFK assassination was to a
generation. I think 9/11 fits right in
there. The official explanations that were
given to us by the government, while they
sounded reasonable on the surface – there
were still a lot of discrepancies. If anyone
dug a little deeper, they discovered all
kinds of situations that seemed to show
there was more going on than what the
government told us.”
Some of those discrepancies may have been
totally innocent, Swartz acknowledges,
adding that withholding some of the
information from the public may have been
necessary to protect intelligence interests,
that sort of thing. Perhaps too much was
made of those discrepancies, and
investigators who did not properly vet their
information ended up generating wild
theories and explanations.
“I think that’s why,” Swartz went on, “it’s
extremely important that information, for
the most part, not be hidden from the
general public. The theories and suspicions
that result from our not being told the
truth end up being a lot wilder and can
breed the situation we find ourselves in
nowadays, where the general public has a lot
of mistrust for our government.
“I would say at this point that the
majority of people feel that the government
is always hiding something from us, and that
even in merely mundane situations the
government would prefer to lie to us rather
than tell us the truth. That probably is not
necessarily true, but we’ve been shown
repeatedly that we’ve been given one story
and after time goes by we’ve been shown the
explanations that were given to us were
downright lies. So it’s no wonder that there
is a suspicion of the government, of the
military/industrial complex.”
While Swartz wisely gives the government
the benefit of the doubt, he does not deny
that a conspiracy of some kind exists.
“I think people are naïve,” he said, “to
believe conspiracies aren’t a reality. We
see them happening every day. For a long,
long time now, the world has been taken over
and is being run by an elite group of people
that there are no checks and balances for.
They’re not elected officials and the
general public has no idea who they
“Probably they come from a long line of
royalty and money, from family groups that
have been with us almost from the very
beginning. I imagine there are probably new
groups of people that enter into this elite
group as new money is produced, especially
when it comes to oil production, for
example, and other forms of big money
interests like banking and also from within
the military/industrial complex.
“It’s not a perfect operation, of course.
There’s just no way EVERYTHING can be
controlled one hundred percent perfectly all
of the time. But I do think that a lot of
things that we attribute to just
happenstance is actually under control. An
economic crisis, war, elections, things like
that – I think a lot of that is being
manipulated behind the scenes.”
People sometimes mistakenly believe that
the conspiracy seized power last week, or a
decade or two ago. Rather, this is something
that has been going on practically
throughout history. Swartz scoffs when
conspiracy theorists talk about the
Illuminati or a Secret One Hundred Year Plan
to take over. The take-over has already
happened a long time ago. The overall
conspiracy is greatly focused on money and
may ultimately lead to an economic
enslavement of the entire world similar to
the Mark of the Beast prophesied in the Book
of Revelation in the Bible.
“I don’t know if I would attribute it to
some satanic origin,” Swartz cautioned. “I
do think there are probably some of these
elite groups who BELIEVE that what they’re
doing is for a satanic agenda, which doesn’t
necessarily mean that that is actually
occurring on a spiritual basis. But it
doesn’t matter, because whatever some of
these groups believe about what they’re
doing, it’s just as dangerous.
“The whole thing about becoming more open
with the Mark of the Beast, we’re seeing
that today. More and more, the whole idea of
paper money, money in your pockets, is being
done away with in the form of electronic
currency. Now we’re seeing things like
bit-coin, which has taken it even a step
further away. But I don’t think it’s ever
going to be a process that is just suddenly
thrust upon us. That’s not the way all of
this works. It’s a slow, gradual process,
and that’s the way it has always been.”
One could also view it, Swartz said, as a
natural development of humanity’s growth,
and one might even argue that humanity will,
at some future point, possibly be able to
“outgrow” this control by the underground
“Because, as technology continues to march
forward,” he said, “information becomes even
more readily available. Like is often said,
knowledge is power. There will come a point
when it will be impossible to keep that
knowledge from us. It’s just the natural way
of things. Eventually there will come a time
when everyone will have access to enough
information and enough knowledge that the
entire controlling elite conspiracy will be
antiquated. We won’t need it anymore.”
This process Swartz envisions won’t be an
easy one, he said, and those in power will
not give it up easily. It may require that
wars be fought over it, but the conspiracy
will someday end with “a whimper and not a
Along with his duties editing “The
Conspiracy Journal,” Swartz also co-hosts a
two-hour radio show with paranormal writer
Wm. Michael Mott called “The Outer Edge” and
heard on the PSN-Radio Network. The show
airs live on Sunday nights beginning at
11:59 Eastern time. The show’s website is:
Mott and Swartz used to host a show called
“Unraveling the Secrets,” but the original
host of the show wanted to come back, so the
PSN-Radio Network graciously gave Mott and
Swartz a new show of their own.
“It’s a wonderful program,” Swartz
enthused. “We have all kinds of interesting
guests. We don’t necessarily have to deal
with paranormal subjects or UFOs or
whatever. We do have guests along those
lines, but we’ve also had underground
cartoonists, guests like that. We had a guy
on one time that was a martial arts expert
and made knives and swords. We talked about
the history of martial arts and the history
of homemade weaponry. So ‘The Outer Edge’
can really cover just a wide gamut of
subjects that interest us.”
The program has a call-in portion and all
the shows are archived on the program’s
website and available to listen to free of
charge. It is one among many of the
paranormal-related programs offered by the
PSN-Radio Network. Editor and publisher
Timothy Green Beckley appears on the program
once a month to act as co-co-host and brings
interesting guests along, such as country
singer Johnny Sands, who encountered a UFO
and subsequently the Men-In-Black in Las
Vegas in the 1970s. Swartz said there were
plans to interview Tessa B. Dick, the widow
of the late sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick, as
well as Dr. Barry Taff, a psychic researcher
who has written extensively about ghosts and
UFOs, and whose work closely parallels many
of Swartz’s beliefs and experiences.
After having been immersed in the study of
the paranormal most of his life, Swartz’s
interest in the unexplained remains
pleasantly undiminished.
“This kind of stuff, the paranormal and the
unexplained,” Swartz said, “is always going
to fascinate me because it just goes to show
us that, no matter what, there are no easy
answers to this universe. Just when we think
that we have everything solved, then
something new pops up and sends us back to
square one. And I think that’s the wonderful
thing about our reality, is that I don’t
think that we’ll ever have all the answers
to what’s going on. And I like it that way.”
To read more by Sean Casteel, please visit his
website at www.seancasteel.com
Locals in Bethel, Alaska Report 'Hairy
Man' Sightings
By Lacie Grosvold

In recent weeks, a
Southwest Alaska legend has shown legs -- or
at least feet, if you believe those who say
they've seen the Hairy Man.
Also known as Urayuli and depicted as a hermit
with large feet, the story of the Hairy Man is
similar to that of the Sasquatch. With the
Delta Discovery newspaper's recent series of
published Hairy Man stories from area
residents, though, the long-told tale has
become a bit more hair-raising.
Dana Kopanuk and his nephew were setnetting
for whitefish on the Tarperrnaq River on a
fall afternoon in 2011 when he said he saw the
Hairy Man.
Kopanuk tells the story at his kitchen table
in Bethel. He illustrates it with a pencil
drawing he made of the area where they saw the
Hairy Man.
The two were approaching their net when they
saw someone walking through the willows on the
bank. Kopanuk says the willows and brush would
have been taller than he was, but this
creature that looked like a man could easily
see over the top of foilage. Kopanuk first
registered it as a person -- until he saw that
this creature was larger, hairier, and not
wearing clothes.
Kopanuk said this creature didn't act like a
"If he were from camp, he would wait for us,"
Kopanuk said.
The two fishermen watched the creature for
about 10 minutes until they moved along the
river and the creature moved out of sight.
While watching, it was difficult to comprehend
what they saw, but Kopanuk said when they
discussed it later, they decided it must have
been Hairy Man.
Kopanuk's story is one of many that has been
published in the Delta Discovery for more than
a year. What's different about Kopanuk's story
is that he let the paper publish his name.
Many witnesses leave their name off their
account, not wanting to be tied to these
strange encounters.
"I say my name and I believe what I see,"
Kopanuk said.
Kopanuk said before the Delta Discovery
started publishing stories, he hadn't heard a
lot about the hairy man. Most of the stories
are published with anonymous witnesses. Even
the illustrator that creates drawings for the
paper wants to be known only as "AI."
Kopanuk says he doesn't have theories about
the creature he said he saw.
"I don't know where they live. I don't know
how they survive," he said.
Despite the sighting, Kopanuk said he wasn't
scared when he saw the Hairy Man because the
creature isn't known to try to hurt people. To
him, the story is simple.
"I saw what I saw," he said. "I'm not trying
to defend it or anything."
At the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
office, large-game biologist Spencer Rearden
isn't buying it.
"As a biologist," Rearden said, "Hairy Man
does not exist."
Rearden grew up in Bethel. He studies moose
and caribou, and says he doesn't need to
believe in Hairy Man because these animals are
fascinating on their own.
"They're more interesting. I know they're
there. I see them." Rearden said.
Rearden says it would take a lot of hard
evidence to change his mind.
"We would have to have hair samples. We would
see footprints, possibly photographs and
video," he said.
Margaret Nagasiak said she may have found that
evidence pressed into the tundra.
She shows the picture of a print that she
found when she was picking berries with a few
family members. She says the photo shows a
clear outline of toes, as part of a footprint
larger than an average human foot.
"It felt like someone was watching us, but we
looked around and we didn't see anybody," she
That feeling was a clue for the group to
leave. They also noticed another harbinger of
the Hairy Man's presence.
"It had some kind of stink smell," Nagasiak
Eyewitnesses say they're just sharing what
they saw, despite a measure of skepticism from
"He's out there somewhere," Nagasiak said. "We
just can't find him."
Source: KTUU-TV
The Mystery of Dulce, New Mexico
By Brandon Mathis

Archuleta Mesa rises a
few thousand feet over the small rural
community of Dulce – hub of the
Jicarilla-Apache Indian Reservation. A broad
aesthetic plateau, it dominates the northern
Archuleta rock, as locals call it, appears
normal. But it’s not what’s on the surface
that creates an infamous chapter in the
volumes of UFO stories.
It’s what is said to lie beneath.
Ufologists – those who study UFOs – claim
Dulce is the site of a massive underground
facility operated by the U.S. government and
one or more alien races: a seven-story
complex that connects to Nevada’s Area 51
and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New
Mexico. The deeper you go, the darker it
Some call Dulce a Cold War era government
fallout shelter, far removed from alien
races. Undeniably, residents of Dulce, a
two-hour-plus drive southeast of Durango,
seem to acknowledge that something is out of
the ordinary.
Strong belief in UFOs
Theodoria Burns, a first responder with the
Jicarilla-Apache Medical Service, said many
Dulce residents believe in UFOs.
“Sometimes, weird things happen, like lights
in the sky, different colors that vanish
right away,” she said. “You think it’s an
airplane, but it’s not.”
She said she has never seen a base, “but
they say it does exist.”
The UFO researchers claim reports of strange
lights, unidentified flying objects and
cattle mutilations are higher surrounding
the mesa.
In many accounts, a man named Thomas Edwin
Castello, a character many say is fictional,
claimed to be a senior security guard at the
mesa’s secret underground base. According to
lore, he came forward in 1979 with radical
Castello described a research facility,
emphasizing the ominous sixth level, dubbed
Nightmare Hall, where appalling operations
and experiments were conducted by both
humans and aliens.
He claimed alien abductions led to this
unremarkable mesa, and what occurs,
including cross-breeding and fertilization,
is unimaginable.
Drawings surfaced of human-like fetuses in
beakers, mutant captives in cages and vats
of liquid containing human and inhuman body
Among popular UFO community accounts,
Castello claims to have quit his position as
a security guard, going into hiding after a
purported battle with the aliens inside the
mountain, in which 70 humans supposedly were
The resulting “Dulce Papers” proclaim
infinite, shocking detail about aliens and
secret technologies.
‘I hear things’
Calvin Martinez of Farmington has family in
“I hear things. There are a lot of stories,”
he said. “But one time I was at a cookout,
and there was this light that came up, and
it slowly merged across (the southern sky).
People were taking pictures. It went around
in circles and then back the way it came.”
Martinez mentioned a widely repeated UFO
story of a woman who was found – unclothed –
running from the mesa near the Navajo River.
“They picked her up, and she said she wasn’t
from here, that they were doing all kinds of
tests on her in that mountain,” he said.
While many maintain Castello is a fictional
character, Paul Bennewitz is not. The
Albuquerque electronics specialist ran
Thunder Scientific Laboratories in the 1970s
when he stumbled on what he claimed were UFO
transmissions he traced to Archuleta Mesa,
where he learned about the Dulce base.
Later, he became convinced of a government
conspiracy to discredit him.
In “The Dulce Report,” a published report by
political scientist Michael E. Salla,
formerly of American University and George
Washington University, Salla wrote that when
the U.S. Air Force Office of Special
Investigations became aware that Bennewitz
was gaining attention, they developed an
effort to discredit him by providing him
erroneous information. Ufologist William
Moore later went public saying that he was
involved in a plot by the Office of Special
Investigations to misinform Bennewitz,
keeping him from collecting more accurate
Strange tales of aliens in league with the
government and strange experiments are
common among the UFO community.
New Mexico State Patrol Trooper Gabe Valdez,
investigating various local reports, joined
Dulce cattle rancher Edmund Gomez, whose
cattle were being mutilated, and four other
men to explore Archuleta Mesa in 1988. The
group saw a UFO, said ufologist Jason
Bishop, as well as lights coming from and
fading into the mountain.
Several newspapers reported an “experimental
boomerang aircraft” in the area, according
to Bishop’s account. But Gomez and Valdez
were suspicious.
Valdez wrote Dulce Base, a book about his
investigations, and even appeared on the
History Channel’s UFO Hunters in 2009. He
revealed images: disturbing mutilations of
cattle and what he claimed was a human
hybrid found inside a cow. He also said he
found gas masks and even a ballpoint pen at
A cow’s strange death
A resident who gave only a first name of Dee
who works at Players Sports Bar & Grill
in Dulce shared her own story from her
family’s ranch.
“Our ranch has a canyon, real long, and the
cows were way up at the end,” she said. “I
guess something chased one down because you
could see where it ran into the trees. It
died, and where it laid there were three
holes in the ground. There were no tracks,
and that cow had no blood.”
Dee said she returned the next night, and
the cow’s internal organs were gone.
“It had udders, but it was all burned out,”
she said.
Cattle mutilations have been reported around
Dulce for decades, Valdez said. But it’s the
government, not alien activity, he said.
Dee said: “It was happening all over. I
don’t know what it was, but the cows
wouldn’t go up there for a long time.”
Dulce resident Shane Engle doesn’t believe
in UFOs. Still, he can’t explain the time
his mother’s car was taken over by an
“unknown force” before she regained control.
He also can’t account for the lights he’s
seen. He does, however, believe in the
“My uncle owned a ranch,” he said, pointing
south. “One morning, he came out, and all
the cows were hollow. No cuts, no wounds.
They were hollow.”
Several Dulce residents declined to be
interviewed but said that “something is
going on up there.”
Norio Hayakawa, director of Civilian
Intelligence Central, which bills itself as
an oversight committee on government
accountability, revealed the name of the
base at a conference in 2010: Rio Arriba
Scientific & Technological Underground
One man said while exploring the mesa, he
was stopped by “uniformed men who came out
of nowhere.”
“That’s all I’m going to say,” he said, and
walked away.
Maybe you don’t believe, like Engle, as he
described eerie lights over an endless
desert sky.
“I don’t believe in that stuff,” he said,
“but I’ve seen it.”
Source: The Durango Herald
Woman Says A Ghost is Haunting
Her Pick-Up Truck

A beauty school student from Sacramento says
she had to sell her car because it was being
haunted by the spirit of her dead boyfriend.
Deanna Stinson says she had a series on
spine-chilling experiences in her pick up
truck which started days after her boyfriend
Alex's unexpected death.
When a paranormal investigator checked the
car, he recorded what the pair believe was a
male voice trying to answer their questions.
Ms Stinson had been dating Alex for only a
month in 2005 when he died of a drug
overdose. Three days later she claims she
had the first of several supernatural
encounters with the 22-year-old.
She said she was driving through Sacramento
while wearing a skirt that Alex had always
admired on her, when she could feel someone
touching her.
'I could feel touching on my hair and on my
shoulders, on my thighs, just everywhere,'
she told CBS Sacramento.
'My concentration would be lost a lot of the
times, but I would just pray, and then it
would stop,' she added.
On a couple of occasions the student became
convinced she could see Alex in the rear
view mirror and even in the passenger seat
next to her.
In one encounter, she claimed that he
appeared as a ghost in the back seat and
began to give her a shoulder massage.
'I was starting to get freaked out and I
don't like to be touched by ghostly hands,
especially when I am driving,' she told the
Knight Talk Radio website.
Ms Stinson says she had no choice but to get
rid of the pick up truck but when the
feeling that she was being haunted lingered,
she called in a paranormal investigator.
Paul Dale Roberts, who has written several
books about supernatural activity, used
electronic equipment to test the truck.
The 59-year-old, who married Ms Stinson
earlier this month, asked the spirit of Alex
a series of questions and, when he played
back the recording a muffled male voice
could be heard.
'He’s definitely probably not attached to
his car, but he’s attached to Deanna,' Mr
Roberts said.
Ms Stinson says that although she has still
felt the presence of Alex in her new car,
she is happy for him to remain as long as he
doesn't interfere with her driving.
Source: The Daily Mail
Some Claim to Turn Off Streetlights
With Their Bodies
People all over the
world have noticed that streetlights turn
off when they get near them and turn back on
when they’ve passed.
A 53-year-old American housewife told Hilary
Evans, a lead researcher of this phenomenon:
“I couldn’t believe this was a phenomenon
that others shared with me. I just thought I
was nuts and so did those I told. … I first
noticed street lights going off when I began
taking college classes at [night] … Several
times when I would turn into my street to
come home, the streetlight outside our home
went out. I didn’t say anything thinking
something was wrong with it.
“Then it began going off when I would step
out onto the porch. For a while, I thought
it was coincidence, then I began noticing
lights turning off in other places.” For
example, one night when she was walking with
a friend, four lights went off as they
passed and turned back on after she was
clear of them.
“It continues to happen to me, and I
continue to try to make others believe me,”
she wrote. Evans received many such
testimonies from people of all walks of
life. Evans also noted in her book “The SLI
Effect,” that unlike some other paranormal
phenomena, this one does not relate to any
greater belief systems or carry with it the
benefits or merit of other supernormal
abilities. People thus have less reason to
make it up.
Electrical engineer Bill Beaty explained his
theory about streetlight interference (SLI),
as the phenomenon is called, in an episode
of William Shatner’s “Weird or What?”
Beaty thinks people who experience SLI,
dubbed SLIders, may be walking electric
generators. He spoke of the static
electricity we conduct when we scuff our
feet on carpet, for example. He said we
could conduct electricity by stealing
electrons from the air each time we inhale.
If inhaling makes us electrically charged,
why doesn’t everyone have the same effect on
streetlights? Beaty said there may be an
as-of-yet undiscovered virus that could
alter some people’s lungs, making them more
likely to carry a charge.
He recognizes that his theory is weird.
“The vast, unstudied collection of weird
things—some of those are real, and those are
Nobel-Prize discoveries,” he said.
Gary M. Rowe, who has studied the phenomenon
in the UK for 25 years, provides “a
practical guide to investigating apparent
Street Light Interference (SLI).”
He notes that an investigator must rule out
causes for streetlights flickering or going
out, such as faulty lights and lowered
temperature (which can affect the lights’
Source: The Epoch Times
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