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This week Conspiracy Journal
you such migraine-inducing stories as:
- Where Do
Our Thoughts Physically Exist? -
- Discovering
the True Nature of UFOs and the Jinn
- Airliner
Nearly Collided With Drone Above Florida -
-The Green-Clawed
Beast of Evansville -
AND: The
Elf Whisperer of Iceland
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
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Where Do Our Thoughts Physically Exist?

Philosophers have wondered for
ages how mind and matter relate to each other, and
modern physics is chiming in on the debate. Here’s
a look at a few theories about where or in what
way our thoughts physically exist.
Noosphere, Related to the Internet
Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest and
paleontologist, wrote of a conceptual “noosphere”
in the first half of the 20th century. He
predicted that at a future stage of humanity’s
development a membrane containing our collective
thoughts and experiences would envelope the world.
In “The Phenomenon of Man,” he wrote: “Is this not
like some great body which is being born—with its
limbs, its nervous system, its perceptive organs,
its memory—the body in fact of that great living
Thing which had to come to fulfill the ambitions
aroused in the reflective being by the newly
acquired consciousness?”
Many have made a connection between De Chardin’s
noosphere and the Internet. Could the Internet be
considered a realm in which our collective
consciousness exists?
Thoughts Exist in Other Physical Dimensions
Bernard Carr, a professor of mathematics and
astronomy at Queen Mary University of London, says
our consciousness interacts with another
dimension. Albert Einstein stated that there are
at least four dimensions. The fourth dimension is
time, or spacetime, since Einstein said space and
time cannot be separated.
Carr reasons that our physical sensors only show
us a 3-dimensional universe, though there are
actually at least four dimensions. What exists in
the higher dimensions are entities we cannot touch
with our physical sensors. He said that such
entities must still have a type of space in which
to exist.
“The only non-physical entities in the universe of
which we have any experience are mental ones, and
… the existence of paranormal phenomena suggests
that mental entities have to exist in some sort of
space,” Carr wrote.
Our Thoughts Transcend Time?
Dean Radin, PhD, has done studies to show our
thoughts may have an effect on physical reality,
but it may not be in the present or future as we
expect. It is possible that our thoughts in the
future affect our past reality, he says.
Radin is the chief scientist at the Institute of
Noetic Sciences, a non-profit organization founded
by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell and
dedicated to consciousness research. Radin is also
adjunct faculty in the department of psychology at
Sonoma State University and he has held
appointments at Princeton University and several
Silicon Valley think-tanks among other
He has tested the ability of human intention to
affect physical reality using a random number
generator (RNG). He is not the only scientist who
has used an RNG to test mind-matter interaction,
but he is unique in his focus on the ability of
future intentions to affect the past.
Most RNG tests focus on a forward-in-time,
standard cause-effect model. A person has an
intention and it is expected to affect the future
result, or number generated. Radin opened his
experiment to the idea that a future intention may
affect past results and found “the observed
results may be better modeled as a process running
backwards in time from a future ‘target,’ rather
than as a more complex process running forward in
time trying to hit that target,” according to his
study published in the Journal of Scientific
Exploration in 2006.
“Some forms of apparent MMI [mind-matter
interaction] may involve processes that are more
consistent with retrocausal ‘pulls’ from the
future than with causal ‘pushes’ from the
Vast Realm Between Particles
Stanford University Professor Emeritus William A.
Tiller hypothesizes that our thoughts have a
physical effect on a “new level of substance …
which appears to function in the physical vacuum
(the empty space between the fundamental electric
particles that make up our normal electric atoms
and molecules).”
He says he has been able to measure this hitherto
invisible substance, but only when it interacts
with the substances we can conventionally measure.
This interaction seems to occur when spurred by
human intention, suggesting our thoughts
physically exist in this realm.
Source: The Epoch Times
Flying Triangles in 1965
By Nick Redfern

As many
students of Ufology will be aware, the
last couple of decades or so have seen a
rise in reports of one particular type of
UFO. It has become known as the Flying
Triangle. The FTs are triangular in shape
and very often black in color, hence the
name, of course! They often emit a low
humming noise, and have a trio of lights
on their underside. They usually have
rounded corners too, rather than sharply
angled edges. And, in some ways, they are
not unlike the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit
(otherwise known as the Stealth Bomber) in
design. This has, quite naturally, given
rise to the possibility that the FTs are
next-generation Stealth planes, rather
than true UFOs. It’s not an unreasonable
assumption. But there’s a problem with
that scenario: the FTs are actually not
new, or even recent, at all.
While digging through a whole host
of formerly classified files on UFOs at
the National Archives at Kew, England in
1996, I came across a one-page report
dated 28 March 1965 that, I confess, I
almost overlooked. On closer inspection,
however, I realized that it was
potentially one of the most important
UFO-related documents that I had ever come
across. According to the MoD paperwork, on
the night in question a witness saw at
approximately 9.30 p.m. over moor-land
near Richmond, North Yorkshire, England:
“Nine or ten objects – in close triangular
formation each about 100ft long – orange
illumination below – each triangular in
shape with rounded corners, making low
humming noise.”
Interestingly, as noted in the
first paragraph of this article, the
“rounded corners” and “low humming noise”
are precisely what many witnesses to
Flying Triangle-style UFO encounters are
reporting today – in a world-wide
capacity, no less.
Recognizing the significance of
this, I made a photocopy of the document
and set about locating the witness, who is
named in the files, I should stress. This
did not prove to be a difficult task. I
introduced myself and explained that I had
located at the National Archives a copy of
the original report that dealt with his
sighting all those years ago. It is fair
to say that the man was shocked, to say
the least, to find that details of his
long-gone encounter had been kept on file
by the MoD for more than thirty years.
“Yes, I did send in a report all
those years ago, but I didn’t think they
would have kept it all this time,” he told
me, with astonishment in his voice. As he
explained, on 28 March 1965 at
approximately 9.30 p.m., he had been
driving through the North Yorkshire moors.
On approaching the village of Skeeby, near
Richmond, however, the engine of his car
began to splutter and die.
“It was a 1951 Ford,” he states,
adding with some humor, “and it was a good
car but a bit unpredictable at times. I
didn’t want to break down on the moor
because it was icy cold and the nights
were still dark. I got out of the car to
have a look at the engine and that’s when
I saw this light.”
He continued: “At first, because
it was so dark, I wondered if it might be
a weather balloon. But then I had a good
look at it over the hedge and realized how
big it was and how low down it was. It was
about one hundred feet from end-to-end,
about one hundred feet above the moors and
shaped like a huge triangle and white,
milky-white in colour.
“It kept coming towards me and
then stopped about two hundred yards from
me over the moors. It hovered for a while
– nothing came out of it, but there was a
light below it that just pulsated like a
light bulb. There could have been quite a
few lights on it but from a distance the
light just looked like a glow. Then
without a warning, it just took off at a
speed that isn’t recognised. Good
gracious, I thought, it must be a UFO!
“As it shot up, not vertically but
at an angle, it joined a group of others
that were identical and that were in a
triangular or V-formation. The others were
very, very high; a whole fleet of them.
They all then headed south, I think, at a
tremendous speed and disappeared over the
horizon. I saw the main one for no more
than a couple of minutes,” he recalls,
“but after they had gone I was still stood
by the moor watching this fleet disappear.
I waited in case something else exciting
happened, but of course it didn’t.”
shortly after the encounter, and after
having reported the incident to the
Ministry of Defence at Whitehall, the
witness began to notice “awful red marks
on my skin which were like a stretch mark,
but they were like a deep salmon red and
they kept coming and going. But I didn’t
have them before.”
The most bizarre angle of the
entire episode was still to come, however,
as the man now graphically illustrates:
“For about eighteen months after the
sighting, I would get strange telephone
calls from people. These would be every
two or three months. They just phoned out
of the blue but didn’t introduce
themselves. They just said they were from
some bureau or other. They didn’t mention
the name of the bureau but kept mentioning
‘sightings’ and asked whether I had seen
anything else strange. Had any men come to
interview me?”
The witness was never visited by
anyone with regard to his Flying Triangle
encounter, nor did the MoD ever offer an
explanation as to what it was that he saw
on that fateful night in March 1965. He
was, however, unnerved by those mysterious
telephone calls – primarily because aside
from informing the MoD of what had
occurred, he made no other report (either
official or unofficial) with anyone and
kept the details to himself: “The only
report I ever made was the one I sent to
the MoD. It was so exciting that I had to
tell someone.”
This important testimony raises a
number of vital questions. Why was someone
so determined to find out if the witness
had received any strange visits with
regard to his encounter? Why the interest
in knowing if he had had any other unusual
encounters of a UFO nature? And most
important of all: who was his mysterious
Finally, if as some researchers
contend, the Flying Triangles are a
relatively modern day creation of the
military, how is that an entire squadron
of them – right down to the triangular
shape, the underside-illumination, and the
low humming sound – could have been seen
flying over England almost 50 years ago?
Source: Mysterious Universe
Discovering the True Nature of UFOs
and the Jinn - Part 1
By Timothy Green Beckley

UFO researchers are just beginning to
understand what independent movie makers in
several countries have recently capitalized on
– that there exists a mostly invisible race of
beings who live beside us undetected that are
said to be nefarious for their trickster-like
pranks, who can create mental and physical
havoc in our lives and can shape-shift to take
on many disguises and forms.
These beings have been said to have been
created out of fireless smoke at the same time
mankind was made out of clay (the Earth) and
angels were produced from light (energy). They
are most widely known in the Islamic culture,
but their calculating and often wickedly
abusive behavior is felt throughout the world,
even if we are not familiar with them.
Some say they could even be flying the unknown
objects we commonly believe to be UFOs or
extraterrestrial vehicles.
we should be mighty leery – perhaps even
afraid – of them!
Those in the UFO field who have begun to treat
these “creatures of the night” seriously
include the “First Lady of UFOlogy” Ann
Druffel and the “Queen of the Paranormal,”
Rosemary Ellen Guiley. John – “Mothman
Prophecies” – Keel also spoke about them but
referred to them as beguiling “demons,” while
New England-based science teacher Philip
Imbrogno lost a certain degree of academic
credibility due, at least partially, to his
investigation into these denizens of
credited Briton Gordon Creighton, a past
editor of the legendary “Flying Saucer
Review,” as having drawn the conclusion – now
gaining popularity among rank-and-file
UFO folks – that these pesky, shadowy figures
of the Islamic faith could be behind some of
the close encounters reportedly made with
humanoid creatures and may even be the key to
the UFO abduction phenomenon.
In a 1990 edition of the “Flying Saucer
Review,” Creighton pulled out all the stops
when the magazine published what was certainly
a very controversial article for that era.
The piece was called “The True Nature of the
UFO Entities.”
As one would expect, Creighton begins by
giving some background information on the Jinn
that might not be familiar to those who have
not studied the Koran or are familiar with
Islamic religious tradition. In Christian
terms, we might think of Jinn as demons or
goblins, but deeper study shows that these
elementals are a bit more complex.
The chief characteristics of the Jinn
1. In the normal state, they are not visible
to ordinary human sight.
2. They are, however, capable of materializing
and appearing in the physical world. And they
can alternately make themselves visible or
invisible at will.
3. They can change shape and appear in any
sort of guise, large or small.
4. They are also able to appear in the guise
of animals.
5. They are inveterate liars and deceivers and
delight in bamboozling and misleading mankind
with all manner of nonsense. (See the average
Spiritualist séance for examples of their
activities, and also the usual
“communications” from UFO entities in close
encounter cases.).
6. They are addicted to the abduction or
kidnapping of humans. (The Scotsman Robert
Kirk, who wrote “The Secret Commonwealth” in
1691, evidently “knew more than was good for
his health,” and was killed by them.)
7. They delight in tempting humans into sexual
intercourse and liaisons with them, and Arabic
literature abounds with accounts of this kind
of contact by mankind with both the “goodies”
and the “baddies” among the Jinn. There are
even a considerable number of accounts of
encounters between the “goodies” and famous
Muslim saints.
8. The Jinn are wont to snatch up humans and
teleport or transport them, setting them down
again – if indeed they ever do set them down
again – miles away from where they were picked
up, and all this is the “twinkling of an eye.”
(See my first article on Teleportations, about
the Spanish soldier who, on October 25, 1593,
was suddenly taken from Manila in the
Philippine Islands across the Pacific to
Mexico City. In FSR Vol. 11, No. 2,
9. The Arabian tradition asserts that,
throughout all known history, there have been
a few particular human beings who, through
some strange favor, have “been in league with
the Jinn” or “had a compact with the Jinn” –
to such a degree that the Jinn have endowed
them with what we regard as “preternatural
powers” – i.e., psychic powers. These humans
have consequently become known as
wonder-workers, soothsayers, and magicians . .
. Either “white magicians” or “black
magicians,” depending of course upon what sort
of Jinn they were in league
10. Along with all these displays of prowess
by the Jinn there goes, finally, a tremendous
telepathic power and the ability (to use an
age-old term) to cast a glamour over their
human victims. Our UFO records are already
full of evidence of this.
The very credible and astute “Flying Saucer
Review” editor, now deceased, states his
opinion that, “One of the more curious
features of the followers of the various
religions is that, being so dogmatically
certain that in their own particular little
faith they already possess the whole truth
about all things in Heaven and Earth, it
almost never occurs to any of them to look
elsewhere and find out what the followers of
other religions may know or may have
discovered. This is certainly a pity, for
study of all the great world religions – and
notably Islam, one of the world's great
religions – yields valuable clues as to the
true nature of the “UFO Phenomenon.” Islam
knows, in fact, of the existence of three
entirely separate and distinct species of
intelligent beings in the Universe, and indeed
can furnish surprisingly precise details
regarding their natures and roles and
activities. Angels, Men, and Jinn.”
Creighton says he cannot say for certain where
the Jinn might be hiding, but in his opinion
it might not be too far away. “The source of
the Jinn is not very distant from us, yet at
the same time somehow very far from us. In
other words, on some other dimension, or in
some other Space/Time framework, ‘right here,’
some other Universe that is here, behind
Alice's mirror: ‘a mirror-universe on the
other side of the Space-Time Continuum,’ as it
has been neatly put by some investigators.”
This entire matter can be seen as pretty much
a head-scratcher, admits the editorial
director of the famed UK pub. “Although the
Koran is not clear on this, it looks as though
some of the Jinn could be fully physical and
what we call extraterrestrials, while other
species of them are of an altogether finer
sort of matter, corresponding to what various
UFO investigators have tried to indicate by
such terms as ‘ultra-terrestrial’ or
‘meta-terrestrial.’ In thinking about these
ideas, we might bear in mind the theory of the
Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky regarding
the possible existence of other, more subtle,
levels of matter on which the elements of the
Periodic Table of our own chemical world are
repeated – and, if I understand him aright,
repeated more than once, on more than one
level. The early writings of Dr. Meade Layne
in the USA about the ‘Dense Etheric World,’
from which he maintained that the UFO entities
and their craft originated, should also be
borne in mind. His book, ‘The Coming of the
Guardians,’ was published in 1958 and may
prove to have been very important as certain
of the benevolent Jinn may well be our
Airliner Nearly Collided With Drone Above

An American Airlines Group
Inc aircraft almost collided with a drone
above Florida earlier this year, a
near-accident that highlights the growing risk
from rising use of unmanned aircraft, the U.S.
air safety regulator said.
The pilot reported seeing a small,
remote-control aircraft very close to his
plane while preparing to land at Tallahassee
Regional Airport, said Jim Williams, manager
of the Federal Aviation Administration's
Unmanned Aircraft System Integration Office.
"The airplane pilot said that the UAS was so
close to his jet that he was sure he had
collided with it," Williams said at an
industry conference on Thursday, referring to
an unmanned aircraft system.
The aircraft, operated by an American
subsidiary, did not appear to be damaged when
it was inspected after the March 22 incident,
Williams said.
But the incident served to highlight the risk
of remote-control aircraft, he said.
"The risk for a small UAS to be ingested into
a passenger airline engine is very real,"
Williams said. "The results could be
The FAA currently bans the commercial use of
drones in the United States and is under
growing pressure to set rules that would
permit their broader use. Hobby and many
law-enforcement uses are permitted.
Last year, the agency began establishing test
sites where businesses can try out commercial
uses. Two of the centers have started working
ahead of schedule.
"The FAA is working aggressively to ensure the
safe integration of unmanned aircraft systems
into the national airspace," the agency said
in a statement.
The March incident was reported to the
Tallahassee control tower by the pilot for
Bluestreak Airlines, a US Airways commuter
carrier. US Airways is part of American
The plane, a Bombardier CRJ-200, was a
traveling from Charlotte, North Carolina, to
It was at 2,300 feet and about five miles from
the airport when it encountered the remote
controlled jet. The FAA investigated but could
not identify the pilot of the drone.
American said it is "aware of the published
report alleging an incident with one of our
express flights and we are investigating."
The airline said it would share any
information with the FAA and would not comment
The incident was first reported by The Wall
Street Journal.
In his address to the Small Unmanned Systems
Business Expo in San Francisco, Williams also
showed videos of several drone accidents,
including one in which a drone crashed into a
crowd during the running of the bulls in
Richmond, Virginia, last fall.
The crash was caused by a battery failure and
resulted in minor injuries, he said.
Williams also noted the "Miracle on the
Hudson," in which birds hit the engine of a
flight leaving New York, prompting an
emergency landing on the river.
"Imagine a metal-and-plastic object,
especially that big lithium battery, going
into a high-speed turbine engine," he said.
Source: Huffington Post
The Green-Clawed Beast of Evansville
By Kyle Germann

Indiana, often called the
Crossroads of America, isn't exactly a state
known for its monsters or much in the way of
paranormal activity. However, something truly
strange and terrifying happened along the
banks the Ohio River in late summer during the
mid-1950s. To this very day, people are still
unable to explain exactly what happened. But
all that they know is that a local woman
nearly lost her life to a vicious aquatic
monster. That monster has come to be known as
the Green-Clawed Beast of Evansville.
August 21st, 1955 was a typical hot summer's
day in Dogtown, Indiana (near Evansville).
Both locals and tourists alike were headed for
the local lakes and rivers to take a swim and
cool down. Among them was Mrs. Naomi Johnson,
her children Sandra, Darwin, and Darrell, and
her good friend Mrs. Chris Lamble. Mrs.
Johnson told her children to stay put while
she and Chris went out for a swim. Mrs.
Lamble went out with a big, black rubber inner
tube, as she couldn't swim. Naomi and Chris
talked while they were leisurely swimming, but
little did they know that something was
closely watching the two women underneath the
Mrs. Johnson was only fifteen feet from the
shore when she felt a "large, hairy, claw-like
hand" grab her around the left knee and pull
her under. Naomi struggled to free herself
from the unseen attacker as Mrs. Lamble looked
on in horror above the water's surface. Mrs.
Johnson was finally able to kick herself free
from the creature's clutches and made it back
to the surface, taking in a huge breath of air
as she did so. But almost immediately, Naomi
was seized again from behind. Mrs. Lamble
shrieked and screamed loudly as the Johnson
children watched helplessly from the shore...
Naomi wrestled with her unseen attacker in the
murky water, desperately trying to free
herself and get back to the surface for air.
She managed to get herself free and made for
Mrs. Lamble's inner tube. She gasped for air
and screamed at the top of her lungs for help,
but at that instant, the creature seized her
by the leg and pulled her down once more.
Kicking and screaming, Mrs. Johnson was able
to break away for the final time and lunged
for her friend Chris's inner tube. She made a
thump upon contact with the tube, and this
apparently frightened the attacker enough to
drive it away.
With the aid of Mrs. Lamble, Naomi managed to
make it ashore in a state of shock, crying and
screaming all the while. To their horror, it
was discovered that her leg was covered in
deep, bloody scratches and bruises. But what
troubled Naomi, her children, and their friend
Chris the most was that her leg was covered in
green palm stains where the beast had seized
her. Somebody had called an ambulance, and
Mrs. Johnson then received medical treatment
for her cuts and bruises. Naomi was hysterical
after the attack, and her husband was called
home from work. He then called a doctor, who
administered sedatives to help calm the poor
lady's nerves. But although the attack was
over, Naomi's ordeal was far from finished...
The next day, a local newspaper ran Mrs.
Johnson's story. Several eyewitnesses
allegedly reported seeing a silver oval disk
floating a few hundred feet above the water
that same day. The Johnson family themselves
reported that they were visited by a man who
claimed to be a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force.
The Colonel seemed to be very interested in
Mrs. Johnson's story, and he took extensive
notes on the case as he interviewed and
questioned her. Before he left, the Colonel
told Naomi that she could never repeat her
story to another person ever again (which,
strangely enough, reeks of an attempted
government cover-up and bears some
similarities to Men in Black encounters). The
man then left the house and didn't bother the
Johnsons again.
Mrs. Johnson later found out that the strange
green palm stains on her leg wouldn't wash
off, and the stains didn't disappear for
several days (suggesting that the stains were
more akin to bruises rather than being mere
stains). Naomi later said that "Whatever this
thing was, it had a strong grip and was very
furry. All I know is that I will never go
swimming in that river again." And for the
rest of her life, Naomi never did so again.
And to this day, these strange evens are still
as yet unexplained, and the case itself
remains unsolved. And yet, there are questions
that still remain...
This bizarre encounter begs the question: what
did Mrs. Johnson encounter on that day in the
river? Although shocking, this may be one of
the only monster encounters where the creature
wasn't actually seen by the eyewitness, but
was rather felt instead. But what is clear is
that the beast had great strength, was quite
possibly both reptilian and amphibious in
nature, and was extremely aggressive towards
humans, possibly to the point of viewing
people as a food source.
This evidence has led some researchers
to believe that the Green-Clawed Beast is an
amphibious reptilian monster of some kind,
while others think that this creature may have
been extraterrestrial in nature. However, the
evidence in this case seems to point to a more
terrestrial, possibly even supernatural sort
of creature.
The native tribes of North America have
legends of reptilian humanoid creatures going
back several hundred years. The Creek Indians
of the Carolinas, for example, speak of the
Inzignanin. According to Lyle Blackburn's
incredible book Lizard Man: The True Story of
the Bishopville Monster, the Inzignanin are a
race of amphibious, lizardlike humanoid
creatures with a distinctive three-foot tail
that is described as being "as thick as a
man's arm" and "as hard as bone." They had
long fingers and rough, scaly skin.
These reptilian creatures lived entirely on a
diet of raw fish, and thus when the local fish
population could no longer support their
numbers, the Inzignanin died out...or so it is
said. Could a small number of these creatures
have survived and managed to find new
territories? Possibly. If these creatures
followed the major waterways, one of them
could have easily ended up in that section of
the Ohio River alongside Evansville. But if
this is not the case, then where else could
the Green-Clawed Beast have come from?
According to paranormal researcher Chris
McDaniel, a type of strange blue mud was found
on Mrs. Johnson's leg right after the attack.
This mud was sent to a lab and analyzed, and
it was discovered that this blue mud came from
the deepest reaches of rivers. In fact, it was
only found in deep underwater caves.
Is it possible that some form of unknown
aquatic reptilian monster dwells deep within
these underwater caves? Most of the world's
oceans, lakes, and rivers remain unexplored by
man, so it is a distinctive possibility that
an unknown species or unnatural beasts do
dwell within the deep places of the world.
Furthermore, Mrs. Johnson noticed that her
attacker's hand had large claws and felt
In his excellent book Mothman and Other
Curious Encounters (2002), leading
cryptozoologist Loren Coleman noted that the
creature's hand might have actually been scaly
instead, for there are no known species of
aquatic mammals or primates with furry,
dexterous hands (Coleman 93-94). It remains a
leading theory that the Green-Clawed Beast was
an aquatic reptilian humanoid of some sort.
It is interesting to note that in 1954, a year
before Mrs. Johnson had her encounter with the
Green-Clawed Beast, Hollywood's Universal
Pictures released the now-classic science
fiction/horror film, The Creature from the
Black Lagoon. This film tells the story of a
team of scientists who travel up the Amazon
River to the "Black Lagoon," a place that is
dreaded by the locals and from which none ever
return. These men and women are searching for
the fossilized remains of a Devonian
"fish-man," only to encounter a living
specimen of this creature. But after the film
was released, there was an explosion of
sightings of these reptilian "lizardmen".
Could this be a coincidence? After Jaws was
released in 1975, there was a similar outbreak
of shark attacks. However, when it comes to
things like monsters, there is really no such
thing as coincidence.
To this very day, the case of the Green-Clawed
Beast of Evansville remains unsolved and a
fascinating mystery. Even world-renowned
cryptozoologists like Loren Coleman and Lyle
Blackburn don't have all of the answers.
Perhaps there are mysteries best left unsolved
in this world, and mayhap that this is one of
them. Strange reptilian monsters continue to
be seen by ordinary people to this day. One
has to ask: what are these people seeing?
Perhaps that is a question best left
unanswered, for the truth may be far too
disturbing to be heard...
(I would like to take this opportunity to
thank Loren Coleman, Lyle Blackburn, Jerome
Clark, Michael Newton, Bart Nunnelly, and Brad
Steiger for all of their help and allowing me
to use their books and other materials in my
research. Without their help, this entry
would've been very short. Thank you all, and I
hope that you are very pleased with my work!)
Source: Demon Hunters Compendium
What's Behind Reports of Ghost
By Benjamin Radford

Last year it was pop superstar Kesha; now
it’s actress Natasha Blasick — star of
“Paranormal Activity 2? — coming forward to
talk about her sexual experiences.
With ghosts.
In an interview on UK’s “This Morning” show
and quoted in the “New York Daily News,”
Blasick described her paranormal paramour:
“I could feel that somebody was touching me
and the hands were pushing me against my
will and I could feel the weight of the body
on top of me. I couldn’t see anybody but I
could feel the pressure, the energy, the
warmth pushing in different directions.”
While many might consider this sort of
experience terrifying, Blasick described it
as “really pleasurable” and was delighted
when the unseen entity made a return visit a
month later.
Claiming to have sexytime with ghosts is
rare but not unheard of. In his book “The
Terror that Comes in the Night,” folklorist
David J. Hufford estimates that about 15
percent of people experience being assaulted
in their sleep by an unknown entity at some
point in their lives, often with a sexual
element. In a 2012 radio interview with Ryan
Seacrest, pop star Kesha talked about the
inspiration for her song “Supernatural,”
which involved “having sexy time with a
Reports of supernatural lovers can be found
in folklore dating back thousands of years.
In his book “Satanism Today,” James R.
Lewis, professor of religious studies at the
University of Wisconsin, notes that “While
condemned to hell, [Catholic saint] Thomas
Aquinas asserted that demons would float in
the air until the day of judgment in the
form of incubi (male demons) and succubi
(female demons)… Aquinas believed that
demons could seduce human beings,
particularly in the dream state. He further
speculated that should a succubi conceive
after having intercourse with a man, the
result would be a giant, like the Nephilim
mentioned in Genesis 6:4.”
Others believe that the succubus is neither
ghost nor demon but instead a fairy.
Folklorist Carole Silver, writing in
“Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies in
Victorian Consciousness,” writes of a
particularly evil type of fairy, the
“Lhiannon-shee of Ireland and the Isle of
Man, a figure that fascinated William Butler
Yeats among others… that
simultaneously embodies the male fear of the
female as dominating and anarchic and the
widespread anxiety about women as parasites.
Best known of the Manx fairies… she is
really a succubus, draining the life and
energy of the man to whom she attaches
For many this is not merely myth but instead
a very real experience; Silver describes one
supposedly real-life account of “one brazen
lhiannon-shee, in 1898, followed a farmer
right into his house and was thought, by the
man, to be his wife. Puzzled when she did
not answer his questions, he asked his
actual wife if she saw the fairy woman, at
which, with a hideous grin, the shee walked
through the door and vanished.”
While it’s impossible to know what, exactly,
Kesha, Blasick, and others experienced, some
psychological phenomena can give the
impression of a sexual ghostly lover. These
experiences—sometimes scary, sometimes sexy,
but always realistic to the person
experiencing them—are the result of normal
brain misperceptions and illusions.
Often the sexual feeling happens late at
night in bed (instead of, for example, while
commuting or raking leaves). Many people
feel these sensations either while sleeping,
or going into or out of sleep. Psychologists
know that this is a time when people are
vulnerable to common (and harmless)
hallucinations—including sexual experiences.
Few people who are visited by these
seductive specters complain about it, so if
you experience it, there’s little to fear.
Source: Discovery
The Elf Whisperer of Iceland
By Kevin Fallon

Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir wants you to know that she’s not
crazy. She’s gone to a doctor, two actually, to make sure.
She just wants to save the elves. After all, they’re her
“Of course lots of people look at you a certain way, like
they’re wondering, ‘Are you crazy?’” Since she was a little
girl, Jónsdóttir has had the ability to see and speak with
elves. That means that, since she was a little girl,
Jónsdóttir has been dealing with our side-eyed judgement.
Draped and wrapped in a series of scarves and sweaters with
a loose braid of graying hair cascading down her shoulder,
Jónsdóttir looks every bit the part of “The Elf Lady.” She’s
sipping coffee while glancing out the window at the Elf
Garden just outside of Reykjavik, Iceland, where she and her
best friend Pulta, an elf woman, give tours of the hidden
people’s community of houses, which are rocks. “You know
what they say, if everyone else thinks you’re crazy, then
maybe you should look inside yourself and see what’s
happening,” she says. “So twice I went to see a doctor. I
had to be sure myself, to make sure I wasn’t crazy.”
After a lifetime of speaking with the huldufólk (hidden
people), it’s been years since Jónsdóttir has questioned the
sanity of her eyebrow-raising gift. But after recent
headlines spotlighting the lengths to which she’ll go to
save the elves, strangers from all over the world once again
are questioning it for her.
Last December, Jónsdóttir was among roughly 25 people
arrested for protesting the building of a road through the
ancient Gálgahraun lava field, about 10 minutes outside
Reykjavik. The road would provide a more direct route from
the country’s capital to a semi-remote suburb on a nearby
peninsula that houses, among other things, the president’s
residence. The road would also mean bulldozing Ófeigskirkja,
a large lava rock that is one of Iceland’s holiest elf
“When the elves came to me and said, ‘Are you ready to be a
kind of spokesperson for us,’ and I said, ‘Yeah, sure,’”
Jónsdóttir starts, before hushing into a whisper, “They
didn’t mention police!”
“It was a story to tell to the grandchildren,” she
continues, laughing as she recalls the day she was arrested.
But it’s with pride. Later that afternoon, she’s back at
Ófeigskirkja, this time she’s not in a stand-off with the
bulldozer, but walking right past it as she shows me the
site where the rock will be moved. Yep—Jónsdóttir and her
fellow protestors, named “Friends of the Lava,” succeeded.
The government will, later in May, pay to move the rock out
of the path of the road, a compromise that will both
preserve the elf church and allow the road to be built as
The whole affair, from the cause célèbre behind the protest
(Save the Elves?!) to the government’s eventual
acquiescence, is indicative of the unusual and complicated
relationship Iceland has with elves and other hidden people.
Jónsdóttir was advocating for the lives of invisible tiny
beings that most of us associate with building Santa’s
toys…and the government listened.
Yet she’s not crazy. And neither, apparently, is her
Take, for example, a 2007 poll that revealed that 54 percent
of Icelanders don’t deny the existence of elves. The kicker,
though, is that only eight percent said they believe in them
outright. The results belie the nuance that is locals’
relationship with elves. It's not that the entire country
believes they are real and tip-toes around in a constant
state of anxiety, should they accidentally step on an unseen
elf. But they, overwhelmingly, respect the idea that they
may be real, and certainly respect the people who believe
that they are.
Spend enough time in Iceland and you may even grow tired of
hearing the same story, said with the same wink, of how
roads in the country are often rerouted around one rock
because it is believed that elves live there—were the
stories not so charming. Icelanders attributing lost car
keys to mischievous elves is as common as the rest of the
world crediting a prayer to St. Anthony with finding those
keys, and said in the same half-sincere, half-in-jest tone.
A 2009 Vanity Fair article made waves when it revealed that
an aluminum company named Alcoa had to wait for the
government to scour land that a smelting factory was about
to be built on for the presence of elves before construction
could begin.
Then there’s the famous case in 2010 when then-Icelandic
Parliament member Árni Johnsen got to into a brutal car
crash but survived without major injuries. He suspected the
elves that were said to live in a nearby boulder with saving
his life, and when a road was later planned that would mean
destroying the rock and the three generations of elves that
called it home, Johnsen had the rock moved to a safer
location—his own property.
Jónsdóttir herself cited a 2011 study conducted by the
University of Iceland that showed that 37 percent of
Icelanders said elves possibly exist. What does that mean?
“There’s no way that 37 percent of the nation is crazy!” she
The rest of the world, however, may disagree. And even if
they don’t find the belief crazy, they do find it incredibly
curious, near to the point of obsessive fascination. That’s
at least part of what brings hordes of tourists each year to
Jónsdóttir’s Elf Garden for tours and explainers on the
huldofólk. It’s also what gets them to purchase copies of
the book sold there, What Does It Take to See an Elf?, which
is by an elf named Fróði—he dictated it to Jónsdóttir and
she transcribed his story.
But even if the tourists are snickering at the start,
there’s something about being in Iceland, or even just
listening to Jónsdóttir talk, that makes you not exactly
believe that elves are real, but at the very least believe
in the people who say that they believe they are. It may
sound a tad convoluted, but it’s an important distinction.
“I’ve never met anyone here, at least, who really laughs out
loud,” Jónsdóttir says. “And people come from all over the
world. I’m not trying to convince anyone to see things the
way I do. I ask them to open up their heart and let their
inner child out while listening to these stories. It’s much
more fun. They don’t have to think, ‘How can an elf live in
a rock?’ Then when they go back to their hotel they can use
their grown up logic.”
But even in a land where a large portion of people believe
in the existence of elves, there are still only a very small
number who claim to actually be able to see and speak with
them. Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir is one of them. But why her and
not anybody else?
“I have often thought about this,” she says. “You
know, we can all do different things. Some people can sing,
dance, or build houses. And some people see elves. We are
all different.”
It was early on when Jónsdóttir’s family began to realize
just how different she was.
When Jónsdóttir was just 2 years old and was beginning to
talk, her mother put her in the car and closed the door,
causing Jónsdóttir to burst into tears. “No, no! Pulta!
Pulta’s outside!” her mother told her she cried. When her
mom opened the door to let Pulta in, she stopped crying.
“My mom says there are so many stories and so many incidents
that a 2 year old doesn’t have the imagination or the skill
to make up,” Jónsdóttir says. “And now, all these years
later, Pulta and I are still friends. Now we work together.”
Don’t be fooled by Jónsdóttir’s exuberance, though. There
was a time when she wasn’t so pleased to be burdened with
her not-so-normal lot in life. “You know, as a teenager, I
really tried not to see them,” she says. “It’s not cool! But
thank goodness I couldn’t stop seeing them." Now she's
negotiating the rescue of their holy buildings, protecting
their communities from destruction, and, in turn, saving
their lives. She's not hiding her talents anymore, she's
trumpeting them. She's sort of like an Icelandic Lorax.
Ragnhildur speaks for the elves.
But again, why her? Why choose Jónsdóttir to be the
spokesperson? “I never asked about that!” she says. “Maybe
because I’m crazy enough to say yes!”
There it is again, that word “crazy.” Even after all this,
it’s still a huge leap to get on board with the fact that
everything she says it true: that these things that we
cannot see are real, and need to be saved. But perhaps we
shouldn’t be selective in the things that are invisible to
us but that we still believe in.
“When you go into a church, you don’t see God or Jesus or
Muhammed or Buddha,” Jónsdóttir says. “And you don’t see
love. But most of us, at least, believe in love. Or, if
you’re anxious, you get physical pain. But it’s just a
feeling. You don’t see it.”
So maybe Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir is a little crazy. But maybe,
then, we all are, too.
Source: The Daily Beast/Yahoo News
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