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infuriate those who
wish to keep the truth secret.
Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such eye-scorching tales as:
- Are the
'Hessdalen Lights' Sparks? -
- Mysterious
Radio Bursts Detected From Deep Space
- Discovering the True Nature of UFOs
and the Jinn -
- Strange Giant
Footprints Found in Malaysia -
AND: Pentagon
Has Plans for Zombie Apocalypse
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
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Are the 'Hessdalen Lights' Sparks?
By Greg Taylor

Are the 'Hessdalen Lights',
strange luminous aerial phenomena (some might even
say the word 'UFOs'...) observed for many years in
the Hessdalen Valley of Norway, the equivalent of
sparks created by a natural geological battery?
That's one of the theories suggested in a story in
this week's issue of New Scientist, in which
reporter Caroline Williams spoke to some of the
researchers who have returned year after year to
study the anomaly:
Sometimes the lights are as big
as cars and can float around for up to two hours.
Other times they zip down the valley before
suddenly fading away. Then there are the blue and
white flashes that come and go in the blink of an
eye, and daytime sightings that look like metallic
objects in the sky. It is little wonder that when
they started appearing up to 20 times a week in
the early 1980s, UFOlogists hailed the Hessdalen
valley as a portal to other worlds and flocked
there to celebrate.
But for an international team
that has been studying the mysterious lights since
then, the valley harbours something much more
exciting than flying saucers. If they can work out
what it is about the place that powers such
incredible light displays, it may not only help
explain mysterious lights in other parts of the
world, but also open up the possibility of storing
energy in a radical way. It is a big if, but the
team will be heading back to Hessdalen in the
summer to test out a bunch of theories on what is
generating the lights. Armed with clues from
recent lab studies, plus a bank of new instruments
and sensors, they could find that this is the year
it all starts to make sense.
The small group of Italian, Norwegian and French
researchers who have been working together
(part-time) on the mystery for the last 14 years
have have noticed a few curious things about the
Hessdalen Lights: while they make no sound and
don't seem to be overly hot (no evidence of burn
marks where they contact trees and the ground),
they do seem to sterilise the ground where they
land, as there is an absence of soil microbes at
areas of contact. Furthermore, the researchers
have found that they sometimes get strong radar
echoes "from unseen entities" even when no lights
are visible.
The combination of all these clues has researchers
thinking that the Hessdalen Lights are a kind of
plasma, formed from ionized gas. When the gas
ionizes, it forms "a cloud of ions and electrons
which release energy in the form of light when
they recombine". This light is not always in the
visible spectrum though, and plasmas can be cool
enough to touch. Even more interesting, plasmas
are known to kill bacteria. And a plasma cloud
would also account for the strange daytime
sightings of 'metallic objects' flying through the
sky - such objects would in fact be very dense
plasma clouds beginning to emit light.
However, to ionize gas usually requires
temperatures around the 10,000°C mark...something
like a lightning strike. Therein lies the problem:
in Hessdalen the lights aren't linked to
thunderstorms, and appear on sunny days and clear
nights. This has researchers mystified. "There
must be an energy source somewhere that has the
power of a lighting strike," electrical engineer
Bjorn Gitle Hauge says. "What can electrify and
drive a ball of light as big as a car for several
There are a number of theories. One is that strong
winds whipping through the valley might create
static electricity on the mountains. Another
theory is they are powered by radioactivity -
specifically, decay of radon in the atmosphere
(though radioactivity tests have failed to find
any evidence for this). One other theory is that
the valley acts as a giant battery, due to its
unique geology: it is literally a "valley of two
halves", as the rocks on one side of the river are
rich in zinc and iron, while those on the other
side are rich in copper. With the possibility that
the river water between has sulphur in it,
researchers have asked whether the natural geology
of the valley make it "a perfect battery".
"To test the idea, Jader Monari
(of the Institute of Radio Astronomy in Medicina,
Italy) and Romano Serra (from the University of
Bologna, Italy) set up a pair of rocks from
opposite sides of the valley as electrodes, and
dunked them in river sediment to mimic a battery.
They found that a current flowed between the two.
"It was possible to light a lamp," says Monari.
Monari suggests that this
unique geology contributes to the lights in two
ways. First, it supplies the bubbles of ionised
gas, formed when sulphurous fumes react with the
humid air of the valley. Second, it forms
electromagnetic field lines in the valley that
could move the bubble around. "This electrical
field creates a path that could be the 'main road'
of the lights inside the valley," he says.
The amount of theories has some researchers
worried though. Computer engineer Erling Strand,
who began the scientific study of the lights some
three decades ago with 'Project Hessdalen', says
he thinks "the theories we have now are based on
too few hard facts. It can damage the research."
Nevertheless, the idea that the phenomena have
some basis in electrical charges is supported by
other observations, such as an observed connection
between the aurora and the Hessdalen lights -
observers have found that they are particularly
impressive during auroral displays.
For those that would like to know more about the
Hessdalen Lights, watch the documentary below. And
of course, check out the feature in the latest
issue of New Scientist.
Source: The Daily Grail
Mysterious Radio Bursts Detected From
Deep Space

In 1967 British
astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell was left
stunned by mysterious pulsing signals she
detected coming from outside the solar
For months she suggested the
signals could be of an extraterrestrial
intelligent origin, but they were later
proven to be rapidly spinning stars known
as pulsars.
However, a new series of
mysterious signals, known as Fast Radio
Bursts (FRBs), has again got astronomers
scratching their heads and wondering if,
maybe, we’re picking up alien messages.
FRBs are radio emissions that
appear temporarily and randomly, making
them not only hard to find, but also hard
to study.
This has led some to speculate
they could be anything from stars
colliding to artificially created
The first FRB was spotted, or
rather ‘heard’ by radio telescopes, back
in 2007 - but it was so temporary and
seemingly random that it took years for
astronomers to even agree it wasn’t a
glitch in one of the telescope's
The signal, which lasted just five
milliseconds, was named the Lorimer burst
after its discoverer, Duncan Lorimer.
The radio emission was so
dispersed, experts suggested it must have
come from a great distance away, possibly
billions of light-years.
But early estimates said there
should be 10,000 of these events a day –
so the fact that another wasn’t discovered
until 2012 was troubling.
This was when data from the Parkes
Radio Telescope in Australia suggested it
had heard another FRB, along with a
handful of others, but the fact that only
Parkes had detected the signals had some
claiming these were merely instrument
A recent discovery, in April of
this year, of an FRB using the giant radio
dish in Puerto Rico confirmed to
astronomers that these signals are indeed
real – but they’re no closer to finding
out an answer as to what they are.
Theories so far include flaring
stars, white dwarfs merging, neutron stars
colliding and – most intriguingly – alien
‘This extraordinary finding either
indicates an as yet unknown or unusual
astronomical phenomenon, or it could
indicate that this is a vast alien
communication network, and the universe is
teeming with intelligent life forms,’ says
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO
Investigations Manual.
‘Every unusual signal from outer
space encourages us to wonder if it is
from an alien civilisation.
‘Since this signal seems so
elusive and hard to interpret then this
should be a candidate for further
‘It would be fantastic if this was
an alien signal as the knowledge that we
are not alone in this vast universe would
have a dramatic impact on our perception
of our place in the scheme of things.'
For now, however, FRBs remain very
much a mystery.
It will take further studies and
observations in future to truly determine
where they come from, and what is causing
them. Until then, it’s difficult to rule
any particular theory out of the window.
Source: The Daily Mail
Discovering the True Nature of UFOs
and the Jinn - Part 2
By Timothy Green Beckley

Those seeking to hear Creighton speak out on
this all-too-bewildering subject may turn back
the pages of time by linking to this brief
video: http://ufodigest.com/video/british-diplomat-gordon-creighton-and-et-struggle-control
In his article, originally copyrighted by the
“Flying Saucer Review,” Creighton pulls no
punches regarding his concern that a galactic
battle may be underway, a battle with which we
may not be familiar. He references the famous
philosopher and founder of the
Anthroposophical Society, Dr. Rudolf Steiner
“Clairvoyant from childhood, Steiner saw into
the other worlds and planes and saw deeply
into the human heart, and no books or
teachings are so relevant as his are to the
crisis of mankind that is now upon us. His
lectures throughout 1917, for example, show
clearly that he foresaw, in their totality,
the political, social, and military results
and the police-state tyranny which would
inevitably follow from the Russian Revolution,
just as the ‘Lady’ of the Apparitions at
Fatima in the same year also did. Steiner
foresaw what would result in the world as a
whole from a materialistic science run mad:
the development of ‘test-tube’ man,
‘biological engineering’ and other horrors;
the deliberate creation and development of
living monsters; and the soul-less, God-less,
dehumanized, computerized, insect-like
chromium and plastic slave world of ‘1984’
that may now be at hand.
“According to Steiner, a tremendous and
crucial round in the battle was fought out in
the last thirty years of the 19th century, and
on the Inner Planes, between the Forces of
AHRIMAN (the term he took over from
Zarathustra) and the FORCES OF LIGHT. These
latter are conventionally known to our
Western, Christian tradition as the Cohorts of
Michael. Steiner said that the fight ended in
a complete victory for the LIGHT, but that, as
a result of it, a great many of the powerful
demonic beings had been actually cast down
upon the planet Earth, with the consequence
that their presence and their influence now
impinge more than ever upon the prospects and
the destiny of mankind.
“Steiner taught that the coming years will see
incredible upheavals, in the course of which
this great battle will be carried forward, to
its conclusion, INSIDE EVERY HUMAN HEART. See
Rudolf Steiner: Der Sturz der Geister der
Finsternis: (The Overthrow of the Spirits of
Darkness), Series of Lectures, 1917.
(Available only in German.)
“The objective of the Forces of Darkness is to
take over the stream of human evolution, to
merge with it, and to divert mankind from the
evolutionary development ‘planned’ for it. The
end result of this would be new creatures in
which those qualities that represent the
highest that we know would have been
* * * * * *
Just recently a major film was released
nationally in the United States. THE JINN was
by no means a comprehensive documentary. It
was instead a work of fiction that left a lot
of holes to be filled in as far as who the
Jinn are and what they may truly want. But
it’s not the first, nor the last, of such
motion picture treatments of a subject that
has been hidden from a large section of the
world. Flying Saucers – UFOs – are NO myth,
and it could well turn out that they are
controlled by shape-shifting, malevolent
entities which Islam has come to identify as
the Jinn.
Boy Remembers Past Life, Identifies
Murderer and Location of Body
By Tara MacIsaac

A 3-year-old boy in the
Golan Heights region near the border of Syria
and Israel said he was murdered with an axe in
his previous life. He showed village elders
where the murderer buried his body, and sure
enough they found a man’s skeleton there. He
also showed the elders where the murder weapon
was found, and upon digging, they did indeed
find an axe there.
In his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before:
Reincarnation Today,” German therapist Trutz
Hardo tells this boy’s story, along with other
stories of children who seem to remember their
past lives with verified accuracy. The boy’s
story was witnessed by Dr. Eli Lasch, who is
best known for developing the medical system
in Gaza as part of an Israeli government
operation in the 1960s. Dr. Lasch, who died in
2009, had recounted these astounding events to
The boy was of the Druze ethnic group, and in
his culture the existence of reincarnation is
accepted as fact. His story nonetheless had
the power to surprise his community.
He was born with a long, red birthmark on his
head. The Druse believe, as some other
cultures do, that birthmarks are related to
past-life deaths. When the boy was old enough
to talk, he told his family he had been killed
by a blow to the head with an axe.
It is customary for elders to take a child at
the age of 3 to the home of his previous life
if he remembers it. The boy knew the village
he was from, so they went there. When they
arrived in the village, the boy remembered the
name he had in his past life.
A village local said the man the boy claimed
to be the reincarnation of had gone missing
four years earlier. His friends and family
thought he may have strayed into hostile
territory nearby as sometimes happens.
The boy also remembered the full name of his
killer. When he confronted this man, the
alleged killer’s face turned white, Lasch told
Hardo, but he did not admit to murder. The boy
then said he could take the elders to where
the body was buried. In that very spot, they
found a man’s skeleton with a wound to the
head that corresponded to the boy’s birth
mark. They also found the axe, the murder
Faced with this evidence, the murderer
admitted to the crime. Dr. Lasch, the only
non-Druse, was present through this whole
Source: Epoch Times
Strange Giant Footprints Found in
By Desiree Tresa Gasper

JOHOR BARU: It’s a strange
sight indeed – three sets of muddy footprints,
one set looking like it belonged to a tiger,
another like it was an elephant’s and the last
resembling a human’s but much bigger in size.
The trail of footprints that stretched close
to 1km near the Endau Rompin forest reserve,
Malaysia have retirees Sia Chwee Khim, 64, and
her husband Lim Teong Kheng, 66, puzzled and
very excited.
They believe the last set may be that of the
mythical “Bigfoot”.
The couple, their daughter Joanna, 30, and a
group of friends from Singapore decided to
follow the tracks for more than 1km on May 10.
“It was just astounding – the creature or
creatures had walked in the damp red soil and
onto the tar road, leaving clear footprints
for us to see,” said Sia, adding that the
group took countless pictures and even
measured the large footprints, which were
about 48cm long and 11cm wide.
“We tried to mimic the steps but could not
stretch our legs to match the distance of the
“We also ruled out the possibility of the
tracks being left by an elephant because they
were quite oblong, like human feet, and had
four protruding sharp toes,” she said.
The group was heading to Endau Rompin when
they stumbled across the strange prints.
Sia explained that what baffled the group
further was that the “Bigfoot” tracks were
accompanied by those of an elephant and a
State Wildlife and National Parks Department
(Perhilitan) director Hasnan Yusop said a team
of officers conducted checks on the footprints
and concluded that they probably belonged to
an elephant.
“This could be a sluggish elephant which
dragged its feet as it walked, resulting in an
elongated print,” he said.
Referring to the prints of the elephant and
tiger, Hasnan said the animals need not
necessarily have been travelling together but
could have used the same paths at different
The last time a supposed “Bigfoot” made the
news was in 2005 when a group of workers
claimed to have seen a huge furry creature in
Kampung Mawai, Kota Tinggi.
The workers tried to pursue the creature but
lost track of it.
They too reported discovering huge footprints
measuring between 40cm and 50cm in the mud.
Johor Malaysia Nature Society chairman Vincent
Chow said he received news of the “Bigfoot”
prints the day it occurred, adding that it was
quite impossible to be a prank because the
footprints went on for more than 1km.
“It could be an upright bipedal primate that
has yet to be discovered,” he said, adding
that there had been many sightings of these
footprints, especially by the locals, but the
authorities often did not take them seriously.
Source: The Star
Ghost Ships: Tall Tales or Salt of
the Earth?
By Martin J. Clemens

Did you read recently about the MV Lyubov
Orlova? You probably did, or at least
you saw the headlines about it. You
remember…the bio-hazardous ghost ship loaded
with cannibalistic rats that’s headed,
adrift, toward the UK?
Experts aren’t, or weren’t sure exactly
where Lyubov Orlova is, in fact they aren’t
even totally sure it’s still afloat.
It left port at St. John’s Newfoundland in
2012 under tow, en-route to the Dominican
Republic for scrap/salvage, after it was
seized by a Canadian charter company in 2010
in consideration of debts owed by the ships
Yugoslavian owners.
The 38 year old cruise vessel broke free of
its tow during a storm and has been adrift
somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean ever
since. The call to alarm by British
mariners isn’t really based on solid
information though, since most believe the
ship sank long ago. Some of its
lifeboat emergency beacons have activated,
indicating that they came into contact with
water (as they’re designed to do), which
would suggest that it did indeed capsize,
but some are yet to be activated, which
gives some people cause to believe it may
still be headed to the Devon coast of
Disease ridden and filled with cannibal
rats, the MV Lyubov Orlova is a decent
representative of the long maritime
tradition of ghost ship stories. You
may be familiar with some of the more famous
names in this tradition, such as the Flying
Dutchman of ancient maritime folk lore –
which was adapted by the Pirates of the
Caribbean movie franchise and attributed to
the fictional Captain Davey Jones – and
perhaps the Mary Celeste, a merchant
brigantine found abandoned and adrift in the
Atlantic Ocean in December of 1872.
The experienced crew of the Mary Celeste was
never found, and there was no apparent
reason for them to have abandoned what was
still a seaworthy vessel, with six months’
worth of food and supplies still on board.
Among that fine seafarer’s tradition there
are some names that, though they may be
little known, deserve to have their story
The S.S. Ourang Medan, a Dutch cargo vessel
used to run goods in and around the
Indonesian islands, is one of those
stories. The Ourang Medan, which
apparently means ‘Man of Medan’ in the Malay
language, whereas Medan is the name of the
largest city on the Indonesian island of
Sumatra, is the subject of one of the
weirdest ghost ship stories going.
An artists depiction of the mythical Flying
In February 1948, it was reported that
several ships in the area of the South
Atlantic received a radio distress call from
an unidentified radio operator apparently
aboard the Ourang Medan. The mayday
included a simple Morse code message which
“All officers including
captain are dead lying in chartroom and
bridge. Possibly whole crew
dead. I die.”
Having had their day ruined by receipt of
that creepy message, a number of ships began
searching for vessels in distress, including
the American vessels the City of Baltimore
and the Silver Star. It was the crew
of the Silver Star who eventually found the
Ourang Medan adrift near the Strait of
Malacca. Upon boarding her in a
valiant rescue attempt, the Silver Star crew
were horrified to find corpses littering the
ship, most in terrifying death poses,
including one dog with a snarl forever
frozen on its face.
Soon after boarding, however, a mysterious
fire broke out and forced the investigating
crew off of the boat. Once safely back
aboard their own ship, the crew then watched
as the Ourang Medan burst into flames,
exploded and eventually sank to the bottom
of the South Atlantic Ocean.
No one knows what happened. No one
knows what they were carrying, or if they
encountered marauders or mutiny, but it
seems clear that something strange happened
on the decks of that ship.
Several theories have been put
forward. Among them are warnings about
transporting dangerous goods and the dangers
of cabin fever at sea. Some people
suggest that a situation such as that
depicted in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining
may have led to the crew’s demise.
The leading theories at this time are that
the Ourang Medan was carrying, or perhaps
smuggling, war-time supplies such as nerve
gas agents or possibly a combination of
potassium cyanide and nitroglycerine.
It’s thought that seawater could have leaked
into the cargo hold and interacted with
these chemicals, releasing poison gas and
eventually causing an explosion.
Others suggest that the old ship could have
experienced engine trouble, which released
carbon monoxide, causing the crew to
asphyxiate and ultimately leading to an
engine fire.
These kinds of common sense, real-world
explanations may work to explain the
situation, but Fortean investigators have
some more interesting theories, as you might
Morris K. Jessup wrote in his book The Case
for the UFO (Citadel 1955), that the crew of
the Ourang Medan were attacked by alien
forces. He highlighted the reports of
the deceased crew apparently pointing to an
unknown entity in their death poses, as
evidence that some kind of real force or
entity was involved in their deaths.
Others have claimed that demons or ghosts
might have been involved, but it seems
strange that few people have considered that
real life pirates may have been responsible.
Whichever explanation you favour, it’s
important to note that there are some who
claim the whole thing is nothing more than
myth. Several researchers and skeptics
have delved into this story only to come
away scratching their heads. It turns
out that there is no record of the S.S.
Ourang Medan operating in the Indonesian
islands, nor is there a record of the
incident in journals or registers of the
time. This might not be surprising if
she was indeed a smuggler’s vessel and
considering the year, but there should be
some record. Lloyd’s Register (or
Lloyd’s Shipping Register) has no mention of
such a ship being built, anywhere (though it
could have been built under a different name
and then rededicated later).
The American ship Silver Star does exist,
but there is apparently no record that she
ever participated in a rescue operation like
that described above. On top of it
all, the wreck of the Ourang Medan has never
been located, which in and of itself is not
a deal closer, since it’s a big ocean and
the exact location of the incident is not
known, but it adds to the reasonable doubt.
However you want to cut it, the tradition of
ghost ships has a history of exaggerating or
fabricating wild tales that mystify and
amuse those of us who identify with such
things. The ocean is a mysterious
character in the human story, we know so
little about it, and those who spend their
lives exploring it and working on it embody
that mystery. There’s no shortage of
weird tales of sea monsters, perfect storms,
fish that got away, and of course the ever
shadowy ghost ship.
They are the storytellers, and we wait to be
Source: Paranormal People Online
Pentagon Has Plans for Zombie Apocalypse
By Jamie Crawford

Never fear the night of the living dead -- the Pentagon has
got you covered.
From responses to natural disasters to a catastrophic attack
on the homeland, the U.S. military has a plan of action
ready to go if either incident occurs.
It has also devised an elaborate plan should a zombie
apocalypse befall the country, according to a Defense
Department document obtained by CNN.
In an unclassified document titled "CONOP 8888," officials
from U.S. Strategic Command used the specter of a
planet-wide attack by the walking dead as a training
template for how to plan for real-life, large-scale
operations, emergencies and catastrophes.
And the Pentagon says there's a reasonable explanation.
"The document is identified as a training tool used in an
in-house training exercise where students learn about the
basic concepts of military plans and order development
through a fictional training scenario," Navy Capt. Pamela
Kunze, a spokeswoman for U.S. Strategic Command, told CNN.
"This document is not a U.S. Strategic Command plan."
Nevertheless, the preparation and thoroughness exhibited by
the Pentagon for how to prepare for a scenario in which
Americans are about to be overrun by flesh-eating invaders
is quite impressive.
A wide variety of different zombies, each brandishing their
own lethal threats, are possible to confront and should be
planned for, according to the document.
Zombie life forms "created via some form of occult
experimentation in what might otherwise be referred to as
'evil magic,' to vegetarian zombies that pose no threat to
humans due to their exclusive consumption of vegetation, to
zombie life forms created after an organism is infected with
a high dose of radiation are among the invaders the document
Every phase of the operation from conducting general zombie
awareness training, and recalling all military personnel to
their duty stations, to deploying reconnaissance teams to
ascertain the general safety of the environment to restoring
civil authority after the zombie threat has been neutralized
are discussed.
And the rules of engagement with the zombies are clearly
spelled out within the document.
"The only assumed way to effectively cause causalities to
the zombie ranks by tactical force is the concentration of
all firepower to the head, specifically the brain," the plan
reads. "The only way to ensure a zombie is 'dead' is to burn
the zombie corpse."
There are even contingency plans for how to deal with
hospitals and other medical facilities infiltrated by
zombies, and the possible deployment of remote controlled
robots to man critical infrastructure points such as power
stations if the zombie threat becomes too much.
A chain of command from the President on down along with the
roles to be played by the State Department and the
intelligence community for dealing with the zombie
apocalypse are clearly spelled out in the document.
The training document was first reported by Foreign Policy
This is also not the first time zombies have been used as
the antagonist in U.S. government training operations. Both
the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of
Homeland Security have used the creatures as a vehicle for
training their personnel in the past.
Defense officials stress the report in no way signals an
invasion of zombies is on the horizon. The only real purpose
of the document was to practice how to execute a plan for
handling something as large and serious a situation like
flesh-eating beings trying to overrun the United States.
And why zombies?
Officials familiar with the planning of it say zombies were
chosen precisely because of the outlandish nature of the
attack premise.
"Training examples for plans must accommodate the political
fallout that occurs if the general public mistakenly
believes that a fictional training scenario is actually a
real plan," the document says. "Rather than risk such an
outcome by teaching our augmentees using the fictional
'Tunisia' or 'Nigeria' scenarios used at (Joint Combined
Warfighting School), we elected to use a completely
impossible scenario that could never be mistaken as a real
So, practice for the when, where and how to plan for a more
likely disaster scenario? Yes. But zombies of all stripes
would be well advised to take note of this directive to
Strategic Command personnel buried within the document.
"Maintain emergency plans to employ nuclear weapons within
(the continental United States) to eradicate zombie hordes."
Source: CNN
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