Shadow People
By Jake Holly

My brother Jake and I had
a discussion about different subjects
considered unknown that he found interesting
He talked about topics that I had not
written about that he thought may be
overlooked and not discussed as much as he
thought they should be by people like me.
Among the subjects Jake talked about where
Then Men in Black and Shadow People.
I will admit I have not gotten around to writing about those subjects and suggested Jake take a stab at doing a little writing of his own.
Jake surprised me by sending me an article about his opinions of The Men in Black. I was delighted as I am taking some vacation time and have not been doing any writing at all. I posted my brothers article which was received well by my readers. Jake enjoyed placing his ideas down to share so much that he has now sent me another article about the topic of ‘Shadow People”
The following is Jake's article concerning Shadow People.
Chris Holly
* * *
I became interested in Shadow People when I started to watch all the TV shows about ghosts as well as listening to those who claim they can communicate with the dead. Often they would talk on a side line note about seeing something that they would name a Shadow person, but would seem to simply leave that part of the show or investigation laying there like an old shoe they threw out of the way as they continued on with either the ghost hunt or communication with a passed spirit. I could not get over how easily this topic was brought up and as easily pushed aside and forgotten.
A few times when questioned about what they were talking about when the object or star of one of these shows brought up Shadow People they would quickly gloss over it by saying they were not sure what they were but did fear them.
In my mind that just is not good enough. If they exist and if those who have seen them fear them I would think we all would want and need to know a great deal more about what Shadow People are and what we need to do if we encounter one. Are they dangerous? If so I want to know.
I asked my sister for the names of the psychics she had interviewed over the years as well as what information she had to do with the subject of Shadow People. I also spoke to three people I found by way of mouth who claimed to have seen a Shadow person. I know this is not a huge amount of research however it is a start to figuring out what may be happening in the mystery of living people coming in contact visually with a Shadow Person.
I was lucky when it came to my questioning the intuitive people about the Shadow People issue. Each one of them told me the same thing. Shadow People are not and never were living human beings and seem to be watching us for reasons no one understands. They also told me that they feared Shadow People, felt they were capable of hurting those they appeared to be watching and were basically evil.
The people I talked with that saw Shadow People also told me they were terrified by them and felt they wanted to harm them. I was not shocked by this as one of the things that peaked my interest in this subject was a comment by Amy Allen of the Dead Files TV show. Amy talked about how she disliked the Shadow People and feared them as she claims they tried to kill her as a child. I wanted to know from that point on what they were and why they were here.
My sister Chris told me that as far as she knew, from her time in the paranormal talking to those who deal with these things regularly, the Shadow People were both unexplained and dangerous.
She told me that several highly respected ghost researchers told her they believed the Shadow People to be inter-dimensional beings. They thought they use the opportunity made way by open portals opened by those communicating with the dead to quickly enter our dimension. They felt once those portals are open Shadow People can somehow use them as hall ways to enter our space. Other people I spoke with had opinions about the Shadow People that include alien involvement.
Before I go any further let me describe as has been described to me what a Shadow Person looks like. The most common description I have been given is of a man’s shadow all in solid black, no shades or different colors other than complete coal black. The creature is only in shadow form as if you are looking at a shadow on a building of a man walking by. The Shadow man often appears to be dressed in an overcoat or raincoat wearing a classic fedora style hat. Other people describe them simply as a shadow of a man without features.
I have heard people tell me that they often find Shadow People around the same areas that hauntings are reported to be happening. That is why I feel they may use the opening or weakness between dimension’s that may exist when spirits pass through or keep open while active hauntings are going on to enter via using this open portal. It may be that in places where this activity is happening it makes it much easier for them to open a doorway from wherever they may come from to invade and explore our time and dimension.
I am confused why Shadow People would try to harm us or even attempt to kill us unless they are somehow threatened by those they try to hurt. In the case of Amy Allen perhaps her extreme abilities to cross different realms of existence made her a threat and they attack those who they fear. Maybe they are just heartless soulless killers who are black in nature and heart as they are in appearance. This is something we need to figure out if they are going to continue to visit our time, our world and our dimension.
I need to make a distinction here between the phenomenon of black mist that is also often seen at haunted areas and Shadow People. I do not think the shapeless mist that is encountered many times at haunted places is connected to or part of the Shadow People issue at all. I think that the black mist is indeed related to the spirit world. I also think it is negative and trying to form into something evil but does not belong to the Shadow People issue. I also think that with the correct cleansing and rituals that the black mist situation can be dissolved or removed from the locations they are trying to manifest. I do not think any of that is possible with the Shadow People situation. It seems they come and go as they please and do not think that our abilities are capable of dealing with them. In fact the only advice I was able to find concerning them was to remove yourself from where you see them and stay away from them.
In asking those who have dealt with or happened to see a Shadow Person I also came to find that they are seen in different places. Haunted areas seem to attract the Shadow People as I already stated due to the fact it may be easier for them to enter by way of other things happening at the haunted areas. I have also been told of people witnessing Shadow People at grave yards, in wooded areas as well as in houses and building that were not considered haunted. I think in the case of the grave yards the same ease as other haunted areas applies making their portal easier to open and close. However other places that have had visits from Shadow People I think may simply be unfortunate to be located where the Shadow People are able to open the door from their world to ours and those located near these entrances are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Those with strong intuitive or sixth senses also may assist in some strange way making entering our dimension or time and space easier for them making the Shadow People seek out those with those abilities to enter our realm.
I cannot ignore the fact that the Shadow People have common ground in dress to The Men in Black. I heard one late night radio show where a call in guest suggested that the Shadow People are aliens who will manifest in to the Men in Black if they need to. I do think that this may be possible and both the Shadow People and the Men in Black are something we simply do not understand.
For now I will think of them as watchers who we need to stay away from until we can find some way to figure out what all of these things are, where they come from and what they want from us here in our time on our earth living our human lives.
Source: Chris Holly's Endless Journey With the Unknown
I will admit I have not gotten around to writing about those subjects and suggested Jake take a stab at doing a little writing of his own.
Jake surprised me by sending me an article about his opinions of The Men in Black. I was delighted as I am taking some vacation time and have not been doing any writing at all. I posted my brothers article which was received well by my readers. Jake enjoyed placing his ideas down to share so much that he has now sent me another article about the topic of ‘Shadow People”
The following is Jake's article concerning Shadow People.
Chris Holly
* * *
I became interested in Shadow People when I started to watch all the TV shows about ghosts as well as listening to those who claim they can communicate with the dead. Often they would talk on a side line note about seeing something that they would name a Shadow person, but would seem to simply leave that part of the show or investigation laying there like an old shoe they threw out of the way as they continued on with either the ghost hunt or communication with a passed spirit. I could not get over how easily this topic was brought up and as easily pushed aside and forgotten.
A few times when questioned about what they were talking about when the object or star of one of these shows brought up Shadow People they would quickly gloss over it by saying they were not sure what they were but did fear them.
In my mind that just is not good enough. If they exist and if those who have seen them fear them I would think we all would want and need to know a great deal more about what Shadow People are and what we need to do if we encounter one. Are they dangerous? If so I want to know.
I asked my sister for the names of the psychics she had interviewed over the years as well as what information she had to do with the subject of Shadow People. I also spoke to three people I found by way of mouth who claimed to have seen a Shadow person. I know this is not a huge amount of research however it is a start to figuring out what may be happening in the mystery of living people coming in contact visually with a Shadow Person.
I was lucky when it came to my questioning the intuitive people about the Shadow People issue. Each one of them told me the same thing. Shadow People are not and never were living human beings and seem to be watching us for reasons no one understands. They also told me that they feared Shadow People, felt they were capable of hurting those they appeared to be watching and were basically evil.
The people I talked with that saw Shadow People also told me they were terrified by them and felt they wanted to harm them. I was not shocked by this as one of the things that peaked my interest in this subject was a comment by Amy Allen of the Dead Files TV show. Amy talked about how she disliked the Shadow People and feared them as she claims they tried to kill her as a child. I wanted to know from that point on what they were and why they were here.
My sister Chris told me that as far as she knew, from her time in the paranormal talking to those who deal with these things regularly, the Shadow People were both unexplained and dangerous.
She told me that several highly respected ghost researchers told her they believed the Shadow People to be inter-dimensional beings. They thought they use the opportunity made way by open portals opened by those communicating with the dead to quickly enter our dimension. They felt once those portals are open Shadow People can somehow use them as hall ways to enter our space. Other people I spoke with had opinions about the Shadow People that include alien involvement.
Before I go any further let me describe as has been described to me what a Shadow Person looks like. The most common description I have been given is of a man’s shadow all in solid black, no shades or different colors other than complete coal black. The creature is only in shadow form as if you are looking at a shadow on a building of a man walking by. The Shadow man often appears to be dressed in an overcoat or raincoat wearing a classic fedora style hat. Other people describe them simply as a shadow of a man without features.
I have heard people tell me that they often find Shadow People around the same areas that hauntings are reported to be happening. That is why I feel they may use the opening or weakness between dimension’s that may exist when spirits pass through or keep open while active hauntings are going on to enter via using this open portal. It may be that in places where this activity is happening it makes it much easier for them to open a doorway from wherever they may come from to invade and explore our time and dimension.
I am confused why Shadow People would try to harm us or even attempt to kill us unless they are somehow threatened by those they try to hurt. In the case of Amy Allen perhaps her extreme abilities to cross different realms of existence made her a threat and they attack those who they fear. Maybe they are just heartless soulless killers who are black in nature and heart as they are in appearance. This is something we need to figure out if they are going to continue to visit our time, our world and our dimension.
I need to make a distinction here between the phenomenon of black mist that is also often seen at haunted areas and Shadow People. I do not think the shapeless mist that is encountered many times at haunted places is connected to or part of the Shadow People issue at all. I think that the black mist is indeed related to the spirit world. I also think it is negative and trying to form into something evil but does not belong to the Shadow People issue. I also think that with the correct cleansing and rituals that the black mist situation can be dissolved or removed from the locations they are trying to manifest. I do not think any of that is possible with the Shadow People situation. It seems they come and go as they please and do not think that our abilities are capable of dealing with them. In fact the only advice I was able to find concerning them was to remove yourself from where you see them and stay away from them.
In asking those who have dealt with or happened to see a Shadow Person I also came to find that they are seen in different places. Haunted areas seem to attract the Shadow People as I already stated due to the fact it may be easier for them to enter by way of other things happening at the haunted areas. I have also been told of people witnessing Shadow People at grave yards, in wooded areas as well as in houses and building that were not considered haunted. I think in the case of the grave yards the same ease as other haunted areas applies making their portal easier to open and close. However other places that have had visits from Shadow People I think may simply be unfortunate to be located where the Shadow People are able to open the door from their world to ours and those located near these entrances are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Those with strong intuitive or sixth senses also may assist in some strange way making entering our dimension or time and space easier for them making the Shadow People seek out those with those abilities to enter our realm.
I cannot ignore the fact that the Shadow People have common ground in dress to The Men in Black. I heard one late night radio show where a call in guest suggested that the Shadow People are aliens who will manifest in to the Men in Black if they need to. I do think that this may be possible and both the Shadow People and the Men in Black are something we simply do not understand.
For now I will think of them as watchers who we need to stay away from until we can find some way to figure out what all of these things are, where they come from and what they want from us here in our time on our earth living our human lives.
Source: Chris Holly's Endless Journey With the Unknown
Weather Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality
Weather Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality

New Weather-Control Board to Set up Shop in U.S.
Weather Modification
Research and Technology Transfer Act was
set forward as Bill S-517 on
March 3, 2005 and is to take effect on
October 1, 2005. This act sets up
an eleven-member board of directors to
oversee all the research on
weather control, and direct funding to
projects. There are several gray
areas, such as "and for other purposes"
and other vague phrases that
periodically appear in the text.
Some wording raises concern, such
as under Section 5, DUTIES, the following
(2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy of weather modification, both purposeful (including cloud-seeding operations) and inadvertent (including downwind effects and anthropogenic effects).
Note the word "anthropogenic”, which refers to "the origin and evolution of humans". In other words, the act is going to allow weather experimentation that includes treating humans as guinea pigs, and noting any evolutionary -- probably genetic – changes will merely be part of data collection.
Also not explained in the wording is why "Technology Transfer" is in the title. Unless that is related to the right of the Board of Directors to receive, use, and dispose of "gifts", we are left to guess what this means. However, if the objective is for the government to control the weather, and for military advantage, then some of these transfers may be involuntary.
According to one website, crediting as its source another site that no longer carries this report, Canada and the U.S. have entered into an agreement to exchange information about these technologies and their transboundary effects. (Ref.) Article IV of this agreement requires both parties to inform the other of weather-control experiments and activities "prior to" the commencement of such activities. However, apparently to cover their backsides, Article VII states: "Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the question of responsibility or liability for WEATHER MODIFICATION activities, or to imply the existence of any generally applicable rule of international law."
I have not been able to find out as of this date whether this agreement is in effect, or even when it was allegedly signed.
The official recognition given to weather control technology at this time might suggest to some that its technology is a new field, and that the research is just beginning. However, weather control has a long history, and if various observers and researchers are correct in their interpretation of documents and data, we have been seeing it in use for some time.
The ancient way was for especially trained and disciplined individuals to interact with the spirit dimension.
"In many cultures, weather-working ability seems to be part and parcel of the shaman's job description and is considered necessary for the survival and well-being of the community. Successful weather-working also demonstrates the shaman's strong relationship with the spirits and the forces of nature. Implicit in these demonstrations is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement, but ideally, an opportunity to support the community in the certain knowledge that the spirits are really at work and that miracles can indeed be expected!"
The co-authors point out that compassion and relationship were part and parcel of the shaman's weather control, as opposed to the non-human, scientific attempt to manipulate weather, usually for the domination of one group over against another.
Wilhelm Reich, discoverer of an actual, scientifically verifiable "life energy" he named "orgone" developed a device he called the Cloud-Buster. This consisted of pipes grounded in water, and connected to layers of material from living and inorganic sources. He was able to use this device to both shut off and bring rain. It was so powerful that it had to be used sparingly and with caution, to avoid creating either drought or flood. Some of Reich’s experiments had remarkable results. In 1954, he brought rain to the Tucson area. And even before the rain actually arrived, grass had reached a foot in height due to the enhanced and balanced life energy (orgone).
Trevor J. Constable continues in the Reich tradition, but mounts the pipes on aircraft and flies them through the area to be treated. His site describes Operation Clincher, a series of smog-reduction operations conducted in California under the auspices of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.
In 2004 Constable authored an article rebutting conventional ideas for control of hurricanes. He writes: "Lunatic suggestions to explode atomic bombs against the eye wall of these immense vortexial systems, attest to orthodoxy’s dangerous bankruptcy, and also to orthodoxy’s perpetual readiness to embrace the murderous." Constable's work, arising directly from that of Reich, depends on and utilizes the life energy principles, which orthodox mechanistic science still refuses to acknowledge as existing.
Even when confronted with evidence, film, time-lapse video, and data, the conventionally educated still refuse to accept that the "etheric" technology is able to diminish storms, even though it is etheric forces that play a role in creating them, according to Trevor Constable.
"The cardinal technical principle involved in any hurricane control measures, is to use the colossal energies of etheric force in a hurricane, AGAINST THE HURRICANE. A science that thinks an octave too low, with no understanding of what vital energy actually is, cannot access and technologically utilize that force. The chief characteristic of vital energy is that it flows from low potential to high potential – the reverse of conventional, standard concepts of energy potentials."
Constable wrote this in 2004, indicating that with some minor resources provided and "protected status"-- to avoid the fate of his mentor and predecessor Reich who died in prison -- "with a year of such preparatory work, our entire posture vis-à-vis the Florida hurricane season, would be totally transformed from terror to confidence that we were finally doing something meaningful about hurricane diversion and control, instead of just standing in the rain."
Of course he did not receive any permission or recognition, and as we all know, the Florida storms continue unabated -- some say, with an extra push from one or another covert secret weather controller with nefarious intentions.
For many, weather control suggests the ability always to have pleasant weather and to avoid serious storms or long droughts. For such people, the frequency destructive storms, hurricanes and the consequent floods, or their total absence, must mean that weather control has not been mastered and therefore is not being used. This Pollyanna-esque naive view assumes that weather would always be controlled for the good of humanity.
Human nature seems to dictate otherwise. The discovery of any new power is considered to confer a military advantage, and therefore its very existence is kept secret for as long as possible. While the general public is being told that all phenomena, including some highly anomalous ones inexplicable by natural forces, are "Mother Nature" at work, various military and even private agencies have been flexing their technological muscles and playing havoc with the weather.
Although the American military has actually published a detailed document "Owning the Weather by 2025", many people will simply say "I don't believe it" when confronted with this. Why? Because it has not been reported in the mass media. But as indicated, any military power must be kept secret, and the major media outlets are well aware that they must not cross this line or they could be shut down. Freedom of the press is allowable only if "national security" policies are not breached.
Some apologists attempt to argue this away by focussing on the disclaimer that this document only represents future scenarios and should not be taken to be factual:
"2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios."
But such theoretical reports have a tendency to be implemented behind the scenes, even while being denied in public forums. In his article The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: "Owning the Weather" for Military Use, author Michel Chossudovsky, a professor and independent analyst, cites other official documents to arrive at his conclusions that weaponized weather control is in use. He also explores how public opinion is being misled and at the time this was written, the UN was avoiding dealing with the issue of human-caused deliberate climate change.
More recently, the UN has showed more concern about weather and climate change. In July of 2004, they granted official advisory status to the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE), which served as "NGO in Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council of the United Nations". PACE members with scientific expertise provided analyses and opinion concerning the overriding nature of the climate-change issue.
That being said, and the usual bow being made to "conspiracy theorists", there is evidence from the environment and from independent researches and analysts that this type of weather control is already being exercised as -- in effect -- a weapon of mass destruction. As others point out, public officials have made disclosures.
At an April 1997 counterterrorism conference, Secretary of Defense William Cohen said: "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations and it's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."
According to Lt.Col. (Ret'd) Tom Bearden, the Russians developed weather control several decades ago, and have been using it over North America since 1976. Using over-the-horizon (OTH) radar, the beams are transmitted in the 3-30 megaHertz band. His website explores the theory of scalar interferometry, and explains how such beams can be used to direct the weather patterns as well as to transmit disease patterns of interaction to cells of living beings, affecting bio-electrical functioning. No chemicals are necessary to cause disruption of living tissues, if this alarming theory is true.
Bearden also alleges that after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russian scientists sold this technology to other hostile elements such as the Yakusa, and that there are rogue weather controllers working hard to make our lives difficult and to disrupt agriculture by this means. Some of these economically displaced scientists are attempting to benefit humanity and agriculture, however. One group ended up in Mexico, where they have built an effective rainmaking system that has gained the blessing of that country. Mexico plans to have 19 more of these rainmaking stations installed in the dry north by 2006.
Tom Bearden also presents numerous photographic evidence of cloud and weather patterns, apparently being controlled by non-natural means. Grids, radials and other peculiar structures do not seem to be created by winds. While admitting that in a few cases it might be possible for natural forces to form unusual shapes, he believes overall, there are too many such occurrences to be accounted for by unassisted nature.
A meteorologist named Scott Stevens has also gathered examples of cloud anomalies that do not appear to have a natural explanation. His examples of clouds being directed by a scalar grid include both photographs from the ground, and wide-image satellite cloud formations showing where the clouds are aligning to square grid lines.
The author of this essay has also observed anomalous cloud forms that are impossible to explain based on wind direction, such as a square configuration, with one bar of cloud lying at right angles to the next, covering an area too wide to capture in a photograph, unless one had a panoramic or video camera.
Further, just in watching the weather channel I often notice anomalies which the anchor person either does not notice or to which he or she does not want to draw attention.
One example was the so-called "Pineapple Express", which for a few weeks in the spring of 2003 was bringing what they described as "regular pulses" of rain across the Pacific to British Columbia. This kind of description ought to be a red flag. When does nature produce "regular pulses", and how would natural forces explain the neat arc shapes of those cloud pattern crossing the ocean, each equidistant from the next? They looked exactly like those diagrams how a broadcast radio waves expands outward from a central point like rings of ripples from tossing a stone into a pond. These cloud arcs suggested that a transmitter of some kind must have been operating in Hawaii.
Numerous individuals and indy-media web publishers are observing anomalies in the sky and in weather patterns, and publishing their concerns in a wide range of manner from the careful, sober analysis and data collection, including documenting the existence of patents to the sensationalistic and attention-grabbing approach.
Whatever the tone, all agree that something is going on, and it does not appear to be beneficial to humanity. And the edge of emotional indignation and fearmongering may be simply an "equal and opposite" reaction to the dead-eyed stonewalling by major media outlets. It is not that these independent investigators are all inherently wild-eyed fanatics or crazy "conspiracy theorists", but frustration builds up in the absence of trustworthy information.
(2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy of weather modification, both purposeful (including cloud-seeding operations) and inadvertent (including downwind effects and anthropogenic effects).
Note the word "anthropogenic”, which refers to "the origin and evolution of humans". In other words, the act is going to allow weather experimentation that includes treating humans as guinea pigs, and noting any evolutionary -- probably genetic – changes will merely be part of data collection.
Also not explained in the wording is why "Technology Transfer" is in the title. Unless that is related to the right of the Board of Directors to receive, use, and dispose of "gifts", we are left to guess what this means. However, if the objective is for the government to control the weather, and for military advantage, then some of these transfers may be involuntary.
According to one website, crediting as its source another site that no longer carries this report, Canada and the U.S. have entered into an agreement to exchange information about these technologies and their transboundary effects. (Ref.) Article IV of this agreement requires both parties to inform the other of weather-control experiments and activities "prior to" the commencement of such activities. However, apparently to cover their backsides, Article VII states: "Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the question of responsibility or liability for WEATHER MODIFICATION activities, or to imply the existence of any generally applicable rule of international law."
I have not been able to find out as of this date whether this agreement is in effect, or even when it was allegedly signed.
The official recognition given to weather control technology at this time might suggest to some that its technology is a new field, and that the research is just beginning. However, weather control has a long history, and if various observers and researchers are correct in their interpretation of documents and data, we have been seeing it in use for some time.
The ancient way was for especially trained and disciplined individuals to interact with the spirit dimension.
"In many cultures, weather-working ability seems to be part and parcel of the shaman's job description and is considered necessary for the survival and well-being of the community. Successful weather-working also demonstrates the shaman's strong relationship with the spirits and the forces of nature. Implicit in these demonstrations is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement, but ideally, an opportunity to support the community in the certain knowledge that the spirits are really at work and that miracles can indeed be expected!"
The co-authors point out that compassion and relationship were part and parcel of the shaman's weather control, as opposed to the non-human, scientific attempt to manipulate weather, usually for the domination of one group over against another.
Wilhelm Reich, discoverer of an actual, scientifically verifiable "life energy" he named "orgone" developed a device he called the Cloud-Buster. This consisted of pipes grounded in water, and connected to layers of material from living and inorganic sources. He was able to use this device to both shut off and bring rain. It was so powerful that it had to be used sparingly and with caution, to avoid creating either drought or flood. Some of Reich’s experiments had remarkable results. In 1954, he brought rain to the Tucson area. And even before the rain actually arrived, grass had reached a foot in height due to the enhanced and balanced life energy (orgone).
Trevor J. Constable continues in the Reich tradition, but mounts the pipes on aircraft and flies them through the area to be treated. His site describes Operation Clincher, a series of smog-reduction operations conducted in California under the auspices of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.
In 2004 Constable authored an article rebutting conventional ideas for control of hurricanes. He writes: "Lunatic suggestions to explode atomic bombs against the eye wall of these immense vortexial systems, attest to orthodoxy’s dangerous bankruptcy, and also to orthodoxy’s perpetual readiness to embrace the murderous." Constable's work, arising directly from that of Reich, depends on and utilizes the life energy principles, which orthodox mechanistic science still refuses to acknowledge as existing.
Even when confronted with evidence, film, time-lapse video, and data, the conventionally educated still refuse to accept that the "etheric" technology is able to diminish storms, even though it is etheric forces that play a role in creating them, according to Trevor Constable.
"The cardinal technical principle involved in any hurricane control measures, is to use the colossal energies of etheric force in a hurricane, AGAINST THE HURRICANE. A science that thinks an octave too low, with no understanding of what vital energy actually is, cannot access and technologically utilize that force. The chief characteristic of vital energy is that it flows from low potential to high potential – the reverse of conventional, standard concepts of energy potentials."
Constable wrote this in 2004, indicating that with some minor resources provided and "protected status"-- to avoid the fate of his mentor and predecessor Reich who died in prison -- "with a year of such preparatory work, our entire posture vis-à-vis the Florida hurricane season, would be totally transformed from terror to confidence that we were finally doing something meaningful about hurricane diversion and control, instead of just standing in the rain."
Of course he did not receive any permission or recognition, and as we all know, the Florida storms continue unabated -- some say, with an extra push from one or another covert secret weather controller with nefarious intentions.
For many, weather control suggests the ability always to have pleasant weather and to avoid serious storms or long droughts. For such people, the frequency destructive storms, hurricanes and the consequent floods, or their total absence, must mean that weather control has not been mastered and therefore is not being used. This Pollyanna-esque naive view assumes that weather would always be controlled for the good of humanity.
Human nature seems to dictate otherwise. The discovery of any new power is considered to confer a military advantage, and therefore its very existence is kept secret for as long as possible. While the general public is being told that all phenomena, including some highly anomalous ones inexplicable by natural forces, are "Mother Nature" at work, various military and even private agencies have been flexing their technological muscles and playing havoc with the weather.
Although the American military has actually published a detailed document "Owning the Weather by 2025", many people will simply say "I don't believe it" when confronted with this. Why? Because it has not been reported in the mass media. But as indicated, any military power must be kept secret, and the major media outlets are well aware that they must not cross this line or they could be shut down. Freedom of the press is allowable only if "national security" policies are not breached.
Some apologists attempt to argue this away by focussing on the disclaimer that this document only represents future scenarios and should not be taken to be factual:
"2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios."
But such theoretical reports have a tendency to be implemented behind the scenes, even while being denied in public forums. In his article The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: "Owning the Weather" for Military Use, author Michel Chossudovsky, a professor and independent analyst, cites other official documents to arrive at his conclusions that weaponized weather control is in use. He also explores how public opinion is being misled and at the time this was written, the UN was avoiding dealing with the issue of human-caused deliberate climate change.
More recently, the UN has showed more concern about weather and climate change. In July of 2004, they granted official advisory status to the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE), which served as "NGO in Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council of the United Nations". PACE members with scientific expertise provided analyses and opinion concerning the overriding nature of the climate-change issue.
That being said, and the usual bow being made to "conspiracy theorists", there is evidence from the environment and from independent researches and analysts that this type of weather control is already being exercised as -- in effect -- a weapon of mass destruction. As others point out, public officials have made disclosures.
At an April 1997 counterterrorism conference, Secretary of Defense William Cohen said: "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations and it's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."
According to Lt.Col. (Ret'd) Tom Bearden, the Russians developed weather control several decades ago, and have been using it over North America since 1976. Using over-the-horizon (OTH) radar, the beams are transmitted in the 3-30 megaHertz band. His website explores the theory of scalar interferometry, and explains how such beams can be used to direct the weather patterns as well as to transmit disease patterns of interaction to cells of living beings, affecting bio-electrical functioning. No chemicals are necessary to cause disruption of living tissues, if this alarming theory is true.
Bearden also alleges that after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russian scientists sold this technology to other hostile elements such as the Yakusa, and that there are rogue weather controllers working hard to make our lives difficult and to disrupt agriculture by this means. Some of these economically displaced scientists are attempting to benefit humanity and agriculture, however. One group ended up in Mexico, where they have built an effective rainmaking system that has gained the blessing of that country. Mexico plans to have 19 more of these rainmaking stations installed in the dry north by 2006.
Tom Bearden also presents numerous photographic evidence of cloud and weather patterns, apparently being controlled by non-natural means. Grids, radials and other peculiar structures do not seem to be created by winds. While admitting that in a few cases it might be possible for natural forces to form unusual shapes, he believes overall, there are too many such occurrences to be accounted for by unassisted nature.
A meteorologist named Scott Stevens has also gathered examples of cloud anomalies that do not appear to have a natural explanation. His examples of clouds being directed by a scalar grid include both photographs from the ground, and wide-image satellite cloud formations showing where the clouds are aligning to square grid lines.
The author of this essay has also observed anomalous cloud forms that are impossible to explain based on wind direction, such as a square configuration, with one bar of cloud lying at right angles to the next, covering an area too wide to capture in a photograph, unless one had a panoramic or video camera.
Further, just in watching the weather channel I often notice anomalies which the anchor person either does not notice or to which he or she does not want to draw attention.
One example was the so-called "Pineapple Express", which for a few weeks in the spring of 2003 was bringing what they described as "regular pulses" of rain across the Pacific to British Columbia. This kind of description ought to be a red flag. When does nature produce "regular pulses", and how would natural forces explain the neat arc shapes of those cloud pattern crossing the ocean, each equidistant from the next? They looked exactly like those diagrams how a broadcast radio waves expands outward from a central point like rings of ripples from tossing a stone into a pond. These cloud arcs suggested that a transmitter of some kind must have been operating in Hawaii.
Numerous individuals and indy-media web publishers are observing anomalies in the sky and in weather patterns, and publishing their concerns in a wide range of manner from the careful, sober analysis and data collection, including documenting the existence of patents to the sensationalistic and attention-grabbing approach.
Whatever the tone, all agree that something is going on, and it does not appear to be beneficial to humanity. And the edge of emotional indignation and fearmongering may be simply an "equal and opposite" reaction to the dead-eyed stonewalling by major media outlets. It is not that these independent investigators are all inherently wild-eyed fanatics or crazy "conspiracy theorists", but frustration builds up in the absence of trustworthy information.
Source: Pure Energy Systems
The Woman Who Shoots Ghosts

Don Jolly profiles
Shannon Taggart, photographer of séances,
spirits, and ectoplasm. What is beyond the
veil—and what ISO does it look best at?
Picture a photograph of a man with two faces — one grimacing in pain, one open-mouthed in ecstasy. They float in a field of darkness, lit red, connected only by a pale-pink thread of motion-blur. Is this an image of a man jerking his neck wildly, taken with a long exposure? Or is it the image of a physical medium, a person sensitive the invisible world of spirits, channeling an intelligence from beyond the grave?
The answer is yes — to both interpretations. And the photographer behind the enigma is an attractive, auburn haired New Yorker named Shannon Taggart. She’s worked for glossy publications like Time, Discover and Newsweek — but for the last ten years, her passion has been photographing American and European Spiritualists, the strange remnants of the 19th century religious movement which brought the world dim-lit seance rooms, ghostly rappings and — most relevant to the present project — spirit photography.
Taggart’s particular approach to spirit photography uses what are usually deemed photographic “accidents” to produce striking, supernatural images. Taggart is not a “believer,” in the traditional sense, nor does she seem to debunk her subject. Rather, she presents a world where belief and unbelief are radically mediated by technology — and raises the possibility that in the age of omnipresent electronic image what is “true” may be a much harder debate than the skeptics suppose.
One of her recent subjects is an ectoplasmic medium named Gordon Garforth.
Garforth is a spiritualist. His religion, a product of the American nineteenth-century, holds that death is not the end of consciousness. For him, there is an eternal world of “spirit,” and certain gifted individuals, mediums, are capable of conveying messages and energy from the other side. For some can even manifest various physical substances and effects, broadly identified as “ectoplasm.” When he enters a trance, Garforth told Taggart, “You’ll see masks spilled over my face. You’ll see my hands change.” It was just how the spirits worked for him.
Taggart was skeptical. “I’m thinking, ‘Okay. Well that could mean many things,” she said. “I didn’t go into his séance expecting anything. I got to sit in the front row, about six feet away from him.”
She kept a camera on her lap.
“He was seated in front of a low red light,” she said. The room was dark, otherwise. After twenty minutes, the medium’s wife announced that spirits were going to begin working with his hands. Taggart remembered the next moment very clearly: “He just brought out his hand. What I saw, with my eyes, was this regular hand just very gently and instantly — skip gigantic.”
“I screamed out loud,” she continued. “Which is very impolite in a séance situation.”
Taggart’s photographs have appeared in outlets such as Readers Digest, Discover Magazine and the New York Times. She’s captured dance auditions and artists’ portraits. Her approach is often unusual, and frequently relies on long exposure times, producing hallucinatory doublings, strange auras and smears of motion as her subjects move. When she photographed Garforth, the long exposure was mostly done to compensate for a lack of light. The resulting images are jittery and blurred — Garforth moved around. They also show the medium holding up a single, grotesquely inflated hand.
“I had that experience of seeing that hand get large,” she explained. “I don’t know how it happened. Whether it’s a hand actually getting large in front of my face and I was creating a photograph that documented it, or whether it’s that I was tricked somehow or I had a hypnotic experience and then my camera, through its dysfunction, mimicked that experience... I mean, all of those are interesting perspectives. I love that they’re all there.” She’s been catching similarly ambiguous situations for over a decade.
Taggart grew up in Buffalo, New York. From an early age she was attracted to the nearby town of Lily Dale — a spiritualist community which has, since 1879, played host to many of the movement’s most prominent thinkers and mediums. “I was raised Catholic,” she continued. “A lot of Catholics actually go to Lily Dale for readings, because Catholic belief doesn’t dismiss what is happening in spiritualism, necessarily.”
Taggart’s cousin once attended a “message service” in Lily Dale, a public assembly where mediums provide scattered communications to a curious crowd. “You don’t know even which medium is going to be there that day,” Taggart said. “Whoever it is stands in front and they pick people out with their finger. Then they give a short message from someone who’s died.” Taggart’s cousin was picked out. The medium told her a secret, something nobody outside the family could have possibly known. At this point in the story she wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know if I want to put all the details about this in the article – if you don’t mind,” she said. “You could say it’s a secret.”
“Of course,” I agreed.
Driven by this strange incident, Taggart had a formal meeting with Lily Dale’s Board of Directors in 2001, asking to make the town the subject of a long photographic project. “I don’t know why, but they just welcomed me with open arms,” she said. Her work in Lily Dale is still ongoing, and many of her images of the place are available on her website shannontaggart.com. From there she branched out into similar projects covering Vodou rituals in Brooklyn and working with mediums like Garforth. She’s even taken a paranormal investigation course at Arthur Findlay College in England, “the world’s foremost college for the advancement of spiritualism and psychic services” — at least according to its website. Still, Taggart doesn’t consider herself a “believer” — or an “unbeliever,” for that matter. When it comes to spirits and blurry photographs, the discourse often revolved around proof. Both spiritualists and skeptics want for documentary photographers.
Taggart, however, refuses such classification. “Purely as an artist, going through all the development courses with the spiritualists opened me up immensely,” she said. “I could not wrap my brain around how you could be a sane person and talk to dead people.” At the same time, however, she didn’t enter this new world with an intent to debunk. “I didn’t not believe,” she said. Whether her images are of ghosts or frauds or camera errors doesn’t matter much to Taggart — what counts isn’t the exterior world they capture, but the interior world they provoke.
“When I first got interested in photography, it was through the work of Diane Arbus,” Taggart said, referencing the famous photographer of twins, giants and dwarfs. “The first time I saw a Diane Arbus image, I was 16 years old and seeing her work, I was like, ‘Oh, I get – you can put your thoughts into a picture.’ I felt like I was seeing into her mind in some way, through her images.”
It’s this occult perspective she tries to capture in her images of spirit visitation. “It’s impossible to photograph this stuff conventionally because the interior element is so huge,” she said. “It’s unphotographable.” Nonetheless, lengthening exposures and allowing other products of “accident and error,” into the work allowed Taggart to photograph it. “I’m not really looking for proof,” she said. “I’m looking to go deep into the experience.” Think of Garforth and the big hand — whatever explanation you prefer, Taggart’s images capture her experience precisely. I found them deeply unnerving.
This artistic approach makes Taggart an enigma to skeptics and spiritualists alike. According to her, trusting photography to either prove or disprove the existence of spirits — or anything else, for that matter —is wrongheaded. “Photography is much too complicated of a medium,” she said. “It’s a trickster medium. It can be two things at once. That’s what I love about it.” For her, deliberate distortions “give your mind, or the photographic mechanism, something to play with.” They invite interpretation.
At the beginning of her work in Lily Dale, Taggart photographed a woman named Dorothy. “A lovely lady, working in the museum,” she recalled. “She was so helpful to me and showed me all around the museum. She was the first person who told me about spirit photography,” the tradition of spirit photographs dating to the earliest days of the medium. “So,” Taggart continued. “I took some pictures of her. One inside the museum and one when she was outside.”
“There was a huge purple orb right on her right shoulder, in both pictures,” she said. “Just for kicks I brought the picture back to Dorothy. She held it in her hand and said, ‘Oh, that’s Bob.’”
“Bob?” I asked.
“Bob was her deceased husband,” Taggart explained. “A week later, I was walking around the town and she drove by me and I heard her telling people, ‘that’s the girl who photographed Bob in the museum.’” Taggart smiled. “I love seeing that as the point where my camera started showing me things – handing me a language to refer to the immaterial.” For Taggart, the images were flawed and forgettable. For Dorothy, however, they had become thick with meaning. A purple splotch had soaked up all her memory and faith and knowledge of the world to come. Who am I, Taggart thought, to get in the way of that?
Shortly afterward, she recalled photographing another medium who, like Garforth, operates under a dim red light, necessitating a long exposure. In the séance, “everyone was saying, ‘Oh, I see a woman who looks just like you right next to you, I think it’s your grandmother.’ And then other people were saying, ‘She looks like you, but it’s not you,’” and so on. Taggart didn’t see anything.
Later, developing images from the session, a perfect duplicate of the medium’s face appeared, connected by a thin, night-highway line of red to the original. Taggart recalls her excitement at the find. “Isn’t that funny? Isn’t that weird? Isn’t that coincidental?” she asked. It was a distortion produced by motion and the long exposure, sure — but it was something else, too. Since then, Shannon has maintained her photographs’ two faces in parallel. Artistically speaking, it’s paid dividends. Some of her most arresting images will see print this month in the first Morbid Anatomy Anthology . Her lectures on the topic are in high demand.
“It must be hard to find other interesting subjects,” I observed. “After all that. What could be as ambiguous as life, death and haunting?”
Taggart thought for a moment. “Well,” she said, “I’ve been working on a book about Michael Jackson.”
Source: Boing Boing
Picture a photograph of a man with two faces — one grimacing in pain, one open-mouthed in ecstasy. They float in a field of darkness, lit red, connected only by a pale-pink thread of motion-blur. Is this an image of a man jerking his neck wildly, taken with a long exposure? Or is it the image of a physical medium, a person sensitive the invisible world of spirits, channeling an intelligence from beyond the grave?
The answer is yes — to both interpretations. And the photographer behind the enigma is an attractive, auburn haired New Yorker named Shannon Taggart. She’s worked for glossy publications like Time, Discover and Newsweek — but for the last ten years, her passion has been photographing American and European Spiritualists, the strange remnants of the 19th century religious movement which brought the world dim-lit seance rooms, ghostly rappings and — most relevant to the present project — spirit photography.
Taggart’s particular approach to spirit photography uses what are usually deemed photographic “accidents” to produce striking, supernatural images. Taggart is not a “believer,” in the traditional sense, nor does she seem to debunk her subject. Rather, she presents a world where belief and unbelief are radically mediated by technology — and raises the possibility that in the age of omnipresent electronic image what is “true” may be a much harder debate than the skeptics suppose.
One of her recent subjects is an ectoplasmic medium named Gordon Garforth.
Garforth is a spiritualist. His religion, a product of the American nineteenth-century, holds that death is not the end of consciousness. For him, there is an eternal world of “spirit,” and certain gifted individuals, mediums, are capable of conveying messages and energy from the other side. For some can even manifest various physical substances and effects, broadly identified as “ectoplasm.” When he enters a trance, Garforth told Taggart, “You’ll see masks spilled over my face. You’ll see my hands change.” It was just how the spirits worked for him.
Taggart was skeptical. “I’m thinking, ‘Okay. Well that could mean many things,” she said. “I didn’t go into his séance expecting anything. I got to sit in the front row, about six feet away from him.”
She kept a camera on her lap.
“He was seated in front of a low red light,” she said. The room was dark, otherwise. After twenty minutes, the medium’s wife announced that spirits were going to begin working with his hands. Taggart remembered the next moment very clearly: “He just brought out his hand. What I saw, with my eyes, was this regular hand just very gently and instantly — skip gigantic.”
“I screamed out loud,” she continued. “Which is very impolite in a séance situation.”
Taggart’s photographs have appeared in outlets such as Readers Digest, Discover Magazine and the New York Times. She’s captured dance auditions and artists’ portraits. Her approach is often unusual, and frequently relies on long exposure times, producing hallucinatory doublings, strange auras and smears of motion as her subjects move. When she photographed Garforth, the long exposure was mostly done to compensate for a lack of light. The resulting images are jittery and blurred — Garforth moved around. They also show the medium holding up a single, grotesquely inflated hand.
“I had that experience of seeing that hand get large,” she explained. “I don’t know how it happened. Whether it’s a hand actually getting large in front of my face and I was creating a photograph that documented it, or whether it’s that I was tricked somehow or I had a hypnotic experience and then my camera, through its dysfunction, mimicked that experience... I mean, all of those are interesting perspectives. I love that they’re all there.” She’s been catching similarly ambiguous situations for over a decade.
Taggart grew up in Buffalo, New York. From an early age she was attracted to the nearby town of Lily Dale — a spiritualist community which has, since 1879, played host to many of the movement’s most prominent thinkers and mediums. “I was raised Catholic,” she continued. “A lot of Catholics actually go to Lily Dale for readings, because Catholic belief doesn’t dismiss what is happening in spiritualism, necessarily.”
Taggart’s cousin once attended a “message service” in Lily Dale, a public assembly where mediums provide scattered communications to a curious crowd. “You don’t know even which medium is going to be there that day,” Taggart said. “Whoever it is stands in front and they pick people out with their finger. Then they give a short message from someone who’s died.” Taggart’s cousin was picked out. The medium told her a secret, something nobody outside the family could have possibly known. At this point in the story she wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know if I want to put all the details about this in the article – if you don’t mind,” she said. “You could say it’s a secret.”
“Of course,” I agreed.
Driven by this strange incident, Taggart had a formal meeting with Lily Dale’s Board of Directors in 2001, asking to make the town the subject of a long photographic project. “I don’t know why, but they just welcomed me with open arms,” she said. Her work in Lily Dale is still ongoing, and many of her images of the place are available on her website shannontaggart.com. From there she branched out into similar projects covering Vodou rituals in Brooklyn and working with mediums like Garforth. She’s even taken a paranormal investigation course at Arthur Findlay College in England, “the world’s foremost college for the advancement of spiritualism and psychic services” — at least according to its website. Still, Taggart doesn’t consider herself a “believer” — or an “unbeliever,” for that matter. When it comes to spirits and blurry photographs, the discourse often revolved around proof. Both spiritualists and skeptics want for documentary photographers.
Taggart, however, refuses such classification. “Purely as an artist, going through all the development courses with the spiritualists opened me up immensely,” she said. “I could not wrap my brain around how you could be a sane person and talk to dead people.” At the same time, however, she didn’t enter this new world with an intent to debunk. “I didn’t not believe,” she said. Whether her images are of ghosts or frauds or camera errors doesn’t matter much to Taggart — what counts isn’t the exterior world they capture, but the interior world they provoke.
“When I first got interested in photography, it was through the work of Diane Arbus,” Taggart said, referencing the famous photographer of twins, giants and dwarfs. “The first time I saw a Diane Arbus image, I was 16 years old and seeing her work, I was like, ‘Oh, I get – you can put your thoughts into a picture.’ I felt like I was seeing into her mind in some way, through her images.”
It’s this occult perspective she tries to capture in her images of spirit visitation. “It’s impossible to photograph this stuff conventionally because the interior element is so huge,” she said. “It’s unphotographable.” Nonetheless, lengthening exposures and allowing other products of “accident and error,” into the work allowed Taggart to photograph it. “I’m not really looking for proof,” she said. “I’m looking to go deep into the experience.” Think of Garforth and the big hand — whatever explanation you prefer, Taggart’s images capture her experience precisely. I found them deeply unnerving.
This artistic approach makes Taggart an enigma to skeptics and spiritualists alike. According to her, trusting photography to either prove or disprove the existence of spirits — or anything else, for that matter —is wrongheaded. “Photography is much too complicated of a medium,” she said. “It’s a trickster medium. It can be two things at once. That’s what I love about it.” For her, deliberate distortions “give your mind, or the photographic mechanism, something to play with.” They invite interpretation.
At the beginning of her work in Lily Dale, Taggart photographed a woman named Dorothy. “A lovely lady, working in the museum,” she recalled. “She was so helpful to me and showed me all around the museum. She was the first person who told me about spirit photography,” the tradition of spirit photographs dating to the earliest days of the medium. “So,” Taggart continued. “I took some pictures of her. One inside the museum and one when she was outside.”
“There was a huge purple orb right on her right shoulder, in both pictures,” she said. “Just for kicks I brought the picture back to Dorothy. She held it in her hand and said, ‘Oh, that’s Bob.’”
“Bob?” I asked.
“Bob was her deceased husband,” Taggart explained. “A week later, I was walking around the town and she drove by me and I heard her telling people, ‘that’s the girl who photographed Bob in the museum.’” Taggart smiled. “I love seeing that as the point where my camera started showing me things – handing me a language to refer to the immaterial.” For Taggart, the images were flawed and forgettable. For Dorothy, however, they had become thick with meaning. A purple splotch had soaked up all her memory and faith and knowledge of the world to come. Who am I, Taggart thought, to get in the way of that?
Shortly afterward, she recalled photographing another medium who, like Garforth, operates under a dim red light, necessitating a long exposure. In the séance, “everyone was saying, ‘Oh, I see a woman who looks just like you right next to you, I think it’s your grandmother.’ And then other people were saying, ‘She looks like you, but it’s not you,’” and so on. Taggart didn’t see anything.
Later, developing images from the session, a perfect duplicate of the medium’s face appeared, connected by a thin, night-highway line of red to the original. Taggart recalls her excitement at the find. “Isn’t that funny? Isn’t that weird? Isn’t that coincidental?” she asked. It was a distortion produced by motion and the long exposure, sure — but it was something else, too. Since then, Shannon has maintained her photographs’ two faces in parallel. Artistically speaking, it’s paid dividends. Some of her most arresting images will see print this month in the first Morbid Anatomy Anthology . Her lectures on the topic are in high demand.
“It must be hard to find other interesting subjects,” I observed. “After all that. What could be as ambiguous as life, death and haunting?”
Taggart thought for a moment. “Well,” she said, “I’ve been working on a book about Michael Jackson.”
Source: Boing Boing
Island of the Dolls
By Delana

On a dark and creepy
island in the canals of Xochimico near
Mexico City sits what might be the world’s
strangest and scariest tourist attraction
ever. However, this sad island was never
meant to be a stop on tourists’ holiday
itineraries. The Island of the Dolls was
dedicated to the lost soul of a poor
little girl who met her fate too soon.
The Island of the Dolls (Isla de las Munecas) sits in the canals south of Mexico City and is the current home of hundreds of terrifying, mutilated dolls. Their severed limbs, decapitated heads, and blank eyes adorn trees, fences and nearly every available surface. The dolls appear menacing even in the bright light of midday, but in the dark they are particularly haunting.
Not surprisingly, the island’s origins lie in tragedy. The story goes that the island’s only inhabitant, Don Julian Santana, found the body of a drowned child in the canal some 50 years ago. He was haunted by her death, so when he saw a doll floating by in the canal soon after, he hung it in a tree to please the girl. He hoped to both appease her tortured soul and protect the island from further evil.
One doll in a tree, however, was not enough to ease Santana’s troubled mind. He continued to fish dolls and doll parts out of the canal whenever he saw them, hanging each one carefully on the island. There weren’t enough canal dolls to satisfy Santana’s tortured spirit, so he began scavenging more from trash heaps on his rare trips away from home. Later in life, he began trading his home-grown fruits and vegetables for dolls.
Many stories have been associated with the island over the years. A popular tale was that Don Julian had gone mad and believed the dolls to be real children who he pulled from the canal and tried to revive. But the truth, as told by his family members who now run the island as a tourist attraction, is that Don Julian simply believed the island was haunted by the spirit of the little girl. For reasons only known to Don Julian himself, he believed that he could make the dead girl happy and keep evil at bay by hanging discarded dolls in all of the island’s trees.
The story took a particularly sinister turn in 2001 when Don Julian drowned in the canal just like the little girl. Many people said that the dolls, inhabited by tortured spirits, conspired to murder the old man. Others believe that Santana’s death was an accident and that since his passing, the dolls have taken over his role as the island’s caretaker.
Although the island did not receive much tourist attention during Don Julian’s lifetime, it has become a well-known attraction since then. International television crews have filmed there several times, including one show that claimed to find proof the island is haunted.
Getting to the island is a long and difficult task, but walking among the creepy dolls is an experience like no other. Most, if not all, of these dolls were rejected by their previous owners for various reasons. Severed limbs and body-less heads hang side-by-side with whole, sun-bleached dolls. Mold covers some, while others are missing nearly all of their artificial hair. Spiders and insects have taken up residence in the hollow parts of most of the dolls.
Although Don Julian’s sentiment was innocent and admirable, the doll graveyard he created is undeniably creepy. Soulless eyes follow visitors as they move around the small island (which is actually a chinampa, or artificial floating garden), and many swear that they can hear the dolls whispering to them. This labor of love (or fear, as it were) has resulted in an accidental sensation amongst those who admire the bizarre and twisted side of tourism.
Source: Web Urbanist
The Island of the Dolls (Isla de las Munecas) sits in the canals south of Mexico City and is the current home of hundreds of terrifying, mutilated dolls. Their severed limbs, decapitated heads, and blank eyes adorn trees, fences and nearly every available surface. The dolls appear menacing even in the bright light of midday, but in the dark they are particularly haunting.
Not surprisingly, the island’s origins lie in tragedy. The story goes that the island’s only inhabitant, Don Julian Santana, found the body of a drowned child in the canal some 50 years ago. He was haunted by her death, so when he saw a doll floating by in the canal soon after, he hung it in a tree to please the girl. He hoped to both appease her tortured soul and protect the island from further evil.
One doll in a tree, however, was not enough to ease Santana’s troubled mind. He continued to fish dolls and doll parts out of the canal whenever he saw them, hanging each one carefully on the island. There weren’t enough canal dolls to satisfy Santana’s tortured spirit, so he began scavenging more from trash heaps on his rare trips away from home. Later in life, he began trading his home-grown fruits and vegetables for dolls.
Many stories have been associated with the island over the years. A popular tale was that Don Julian had gone mad and believed the dolls to be real children who he pulled from the canal and tried to revive. But the truth, as told by his family members who now run the island as a tourist attraction, is that Don Julian simply believed the island was haunted by the spirit of the little girl. For reasons only known to Don Julian himself, he believed that he could make the dead girl happy and keep evil at bay by hanging discarded dolls in all of the island’s trees.
The story took a particularly sinister turn in 2001 when Don Julian drowned in the canal just like the little girl. Many people said that the dolls, inhabited by tortured spirits, conspired to murder the old man. Others believe that Santana’s death was an accident and that since his passing, the dolls have taken over his role as the island’s caretaker.
Although the island did not receive much tourist attention during Don Julian’s lifetime, it has become a well-known attraction since then. International television crews have filmed there several times, including one show that claimed to find proof the island is haunted.
Getting to the island is a long and difficult task, but walking among the creepy dolls is an experience like no other. Most, if not all, of these dolls were rejected by their previous owners for various reasons. Severed limbs and body-less heads hang side-by-side with whole, sun-bleached dolls. Mold covers some, while others are missing nearly all of their artificial hair. Spiders and insects have taken up residence in the hollow parts of most of the dolls.
Although Don Julian’s sentiment was innocent and admirable, the doll graveyard he created is undeniably creepy. Soulless eyes follow visitors as they move around the small island (which is actually a chinampa, or artificial floating garden), and many swear that they can hear the dolls whispering to them. This labor of love (or fear, as it were) has resulted in an accidental sensation amongst those who admire the bizarre and twisted side of tourism.
Source: Web Urbanist