"Interceptor" Cell Phone Towers Found All Over U.S.
By Andrew Rosenblum

many of the ultra-secure phones that have come to market in the wake of
Edward Snowden's leaks, the CryptoPhone 500, which is marketed in the
U.S. by ESD America and built on top of an unassuming Samsung Galaxy
SIII body, features high-powered encryption. Les Goldsmith, the CEO of
ESD America, says the phone also runs a customized or "hardened"
version of Android that removes 468 vulnerabilities that his
engineering team team found in the stock installation of the OS.
mobile security team also found that the version of the Android OS that
comes standard on the Samsung Galaxy SIII leaks data to parts unknown
80-90 times every hour. That doesn't necessarily mean that the
phone has been hacked, Goldmsith says, but the user can't know whether
the data is beaming out from a particular app, the OS, or an illicit
piece of spyware. His clients want real security and control over
their device, and have the money to pay for it.
To show what the
CryptoPhone can do that less expensive competitors cannot, he points me
to a map that he and his customers have created, indicating 17
different phony cell towers known as “interceptors,” detected by the
CryptoPhone 500 around the United States during the month of July
alone. Interceptors look to a typical phone like an ordinary
tower. Once the phone connects with the interceptor, a variety of
“over-the-air” attacks become possible, from eavesdropping on calls and
texts to pushing spyware to the device.
“Interceptor use in the
U.S. is much higher than people had anticipated,” Goldsmith says.
“One of our customers took a road trip from Florida to North Carolina
and he found 8 different interceptors on that trip. We even found
one [in the vicinity of] South Point Casino in Las Vegas.”
is running these interceptors and what are they doing with the
calls? Goldsmith says we can’t be sure, but he has his suspicions.
we find suspicious is that a lot of these interceptors are right on top
of U.S. military bases. So we begin to wonder – are some of them
U.S. government interceptors? Or are some of them Chinese
interceptors?” says Goldsmith. “Whose interceptor is it?
Who are they, that's listening to calls around military bases? Is
it just the U.S. military, or are they foreign governments doing
it? The point is: we don't really know whose they are.”
vary widely in expense and sophistication – but in a nutshell, they are
radio-equipped computers with software that can use arcane cellular
network protocols and defeat the onboard encryption. Whether your
phone uses Android or iOS, it also has a second operating system that
runs on a part of the phone called a baseband processor. The
baseband processor functions as a communications middleman between the
phone’s main O.S. and the cell towers. And because chip
manufacturers jealously guard details about the baseband O.S., it has
been too challenging a target for garden-variety hackers.
baseband processor is one of the more difficult things to get into or
even communicate with,” says Mathew Rowley, a senior security
consultant at Matasano Security. “[That’s] because my computer
doesn't speak 4G or GSM, and also all those protocols are
encrypted. You have to buy special hardware to get in the air and
pull down the waves and try to figure out what they mean. It's
just pretty unrealistic for the general community.”
But for
governments or other entities able to afford a price tag of “less than
$100,000,” says Goldsmith, high-quality interceptors are quite
realistic. Some interceptors are limited, only able to passively
listen to either outgoing or incoming calls. But full-featured
devices like the VME Dominator, available only to government agencies,
can not only capture calls and texts, but even actively control the
phone, sending out spoof texts, for example. Edward Snowden
revealed that the N.S.A. is capable of an over-the-air attack that
tells the phone to fake a shut-down while leaving the microphone
running, turning the seemingly deactivated phone into a bug. And
various ethical hackers have demonstrated DIY interceptor projects,
using a software programmable radio and the open-source base station
software package OpenBTS – this creates a basic interceptor for less
than $3,000. On August 11, the F.C.C. announced an investigation
into the use of interceptors against Americans by foreign intelligence
services and criminal gangs.
Whenever he wants to test out his
company’s ultra-secure smart phone against an interceptor, Goldsmith
drives past a certain government facility in the Nevada desert.
(To avoid the attention of the gun-toting counter-intelligence agents
in black SUVs who patrol the surrounding roads, he won't identify the
facility to Popular Science). He knows that someone at the
facility is running an interceptor, which gives him a good way to test
out the exotic “baseband firewall” on his phone. Though the
baseband OS is a “black box” on other phones, inaccessible to
manufacturers and app developers, patent-pending software allows the
GSMK CryptoPhone 500 to monitor the baseband processor for suspicious
So when Goldsmith and his team drove by the
government facility in July, he also took a standard Samsung Galaxy S4
and an iPhone to serve as a control group for his own device.
we drove by, the iPhone showed no difference whatsoever. The
Samsung Galaxy S4, the call went from 4G to 3G and back to 4G.
The CryptoPhone lit up like a Christmas tree.”
Though the
standard Apple and Android phones showed nothing wrong, the baseband
firewall on the Cryptophone set off alerts showing that the phone’s
encryption had been turned off, and that the cell tower had no name – a
telltale sign of a rogue base station. Standard towers, run
by say, Verizon or T-Mobile, will have a name, whereas interceptors
often do not.
And the interceptor also forced the CryptoPhone
from 4G down to 2G, a much older protocol that is easier to de-crypt in
real-time. But the standard smart phones didn’t even show they’d
experienced the same attack.
“If you've been intercepted,
in some cases it might show at the top that you've been forced from 4G
down to 2G. But a decent interceptor won't show that,” says
Goldsmith. “It'll be set up to show you [falsely] that you're
still on 4G. You'll think that you're on 4G, but you're actually
being forced back to 2G.”
Source: Popular Science
Fake Cellphone "Towers" Aren’t Necessarily Towers
By Jonathon M. Seidl

story has been taking the country by storm this week about an encrypted
cellphone device that has uncovered 17 “fake” cell towers across
America (see above article). There’s just one problem: the “towers”
aren’t necessarily towers at all, and such devices have been known
about for several years.
In fact, TheBlaze has been reporting on
interceptor devices that mimic towers since 2011, when our own Buck
Sexton wrote about something known as a “Stingray” and its legality:
The Stingray is a generic term for devices that can track a cellphone’s
location as long as it is turned on. As the Journal described its
method of operation, the Stingray functions by:
“Mimicking a cellphone tower, getting a phone to connect to it and
measuring signals from the phone. It lets the stingray operator “ping,”
or send a signal to, a phone and locate it as long as it is powered on.”
Law enforcement across the country does not have a standardized
procedure for obtaining permission to use devices like the Stingray,
though generally police agencies obtain a court order and not a search
warrant, which would require a higher standard of proof.
This raises the question: should law enforcement be able to know
exactly where you are without going before a judge to show probable
TheBlaze TV’s Real News program continued debating the
topic in February 2013 and TheBlaze has covered the Stingray numerous
other times here, here, here and here. In fact, Elizabeth Kreft
conducted a detailed interview this July with a security expert talking
about how the Stingray (which is also a brand name in addition to the
generic term) and another variation called the Hailstorm work, and why
the public should know about them:
NF: These
devices are pieces of physical equipment that police use themselves to
track cellphones. It works by mimicking cell service providers’
cellphone towers and then sending out electronic signals that force
phones — really trick phones — into reporting back their identifying
information, including their electronic serial numbers and their
location. A good way to describe this is that old kids pool game: so
the cell site simulator will say “Marco,” and your cellphone says
EK: Ha. I want to laugh, but I’m too
annoyed. So many ways for innocent Americans to be tracked. Now, some
of these are carried and some are permanently fixed, right?
NF: One is a handheld model that is a little less powerful, others are
vehicle-based that have stronger signals, some of them have directional
antennas — but they all work in the same way. But there are several
concerning things about how these work, much like cell tower dumps,
they trigger every phone in the area — including phones of completely
innocent bystanders — into reporting back their location information to
the police. The information relayed may include names, phone
numbers, locations, call records and even text messages.
on Glenn Beck Radio Program, the CEO of the company behind the
CryptoPhone 500 cleared up some of the confusion: Les Goldsmith of ESD
America confirmed the towers aren’t necessarily large physical
“That’s the one misconception the media got from
this,” Goldsmith said. ”When we say a fake cellphone tower, that can be
simply a laptop with two dongles plugged into it to actually give it
GSM coverage.”
“It doesn’t have to be a large fully built
tower,” he added. “So you can have somebody in a hotel room with a
laptop that is collecting every phone within half a mile and having it
run through there instead of a normal cell tower.
“Think of it
as a cellular repeater. You put a cellular repeater in your building to
give you better coverage. All your calls pass through the cellular
repeater. Well, an interceptor pretends to be a cell tower and passes
your call on like a cellular repeater. It just turns encryption off on
the way so it can listen.”
But again, they’re not necessarily physical towers.
be fair, the second site to pick up the “17 fake towers” story did
eventually add a note at the top of its story admitting the confusion:
There have been many comments to this story from people who are
assuming that these ‘towers’ are physical installations. There’s no
reason to assume this is the case: it’s far likelier that they are
mobile installations of the kind used not only by law enforcement and
government agencies, but also by scammers and other criminals.
But the damage seemed to already be done when the original story took off.
you have a more complete picture. The use of such technology is still
concerning and worth debate, but at least you know that some mysterious
construction group isn’t necessarily erecting actual towers in the dead
of night and disguising them. Instead, it seems more likely that law
enforcement and other government agencies are doing it in a much more
covert and frankly easy way with small device and laptop.
And that’s probably more scary.
Source: The Blaze
- GREATEST MURDER MYSTERY OF ALL TIME DEPARTMENT -DNA Evidence May Solve the Identity of Jack The Ripper 
is the greatest murder mystery of all time, a puzzle that has perplexed
criminologists for more than a century and spawned books, films and
myriad theories ranging from the plausible to the utterly bizarre.
now, thanks to modern forensic science, The Mail on Sunday can
exclusively reveal the true identity of Jack the Ripper, the serial
killer responsible for at least five grisly murders in
Whitechapel in East London during the autumn of 1888.
evidence has now shown beyond reasonable doubt which one of six
key suspects commonly cited in connection with the Ripper’s reign of
terror was the actual killer – and we reveal his identity.
shawl found by the body of Catherine Eddowes, one of the Ripper’s
victims, has been analysed and found to contain DNA from her blood as
well as DNA from the killer.
The landmark discovery was made
after businessman Russell Edwards, 48, bought the shawl at auction and
enlisted the help of Dr Jari Louhelainen, a world-renowned expert in
analysing genetic evidence from historical crime scenes.
cutting-edge techniques, Dr Louhelainen was able to extract
126-year-old DNA from the material and compare it to DNA from
descendants of Eddowes and the suspect, with both proving a perfect
The revelation puts an end to the fevered speculation
over the Ripper’s identity which has lasted since his murderous rampage
in the most impoverished and dangerous streets of London.
In the
intervening century, a Jack the Ripper industry has grown up, prompting
a dizzying array of more than 100 suspects, including Queen Victoria’s
grandson – Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence – the
post-Impressionist painter Walter Sickert, and the former Liberal Prime
Minister William Gladstone.
It was March 2007, in an
auction house in Bury St Edmunds, that I first saw the blood-soaked
shawl. It was in two surprisingly large sections – the
first measuring 73.5in by 25.5in, the second 24in by 19in – and,
despite its stains, far prettier than any artefact connected to Jack
the Ripper might be expected to be. It was mostly blue and dark brown,
with a delicate pattern of Michaelmas daisies – red, ochre and
gold – at either end.
It was said to have been found next to the
body of one of the Ripper’s victims, Catherine Eddowes, and soaked in
her blood. There was no evidence for its provenance, although after the
auction I obtained a letter from its previous owner who claimed his
ancestor had been a police officer present at the murder scene and had
taken it from there.
Yet I knew I wanted to buy the shawl and
was prepared to pay a great deal of money for it. I hoped somehow to
prove that it was genuine. Beyond that, I hadn’t considered the
possibilities. I certainly had no idea that this flimsy, badly stained,
and incomplete piece of material would lead to the solution to the most
famous murder mystery of all time: the identification of Jack the
When my involvement in the 126-year-old case began, I
was just another armchair detective, interested enough to conduct my
own extensive research after watching the Johnny Depp film From Hell in
2001. It piqued my curiosity about the 1888 killings when five –
possibly more – prostitutes were butchered in London’s East End.
massive efforts by the police, the perpetrator evaded capture, spawning
the mystery which has fuelled countless books, films, TV programmes and
tours of Whitechapel. Theories about his identity have been virtually
limitless, with everyone from Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of
Clarence, to Lewis Carroll being named as possible suspects. As time
has passed, the name Jack the Ripper has become synonymous with the
devil himself; his crimes setting the gruesome standard against which
other horrific murders are judged.
I joined the armies of those
fascinated by the mystery and researching the Ripper became a hobby. I
visited the National Archives in Kew to view as much of the original
paperwork as still exists, noting how many of the authors of books
speculating about the Ripper had not bothered to do this. I was
convinced that there must be something, somewhere that had been missed.
2007, I felt I had exhausted all avenues until I read a newspaper
article about the sale of a shawl connected to the Ripper case. Its
owner, David Melville-Hayes, believed it had been in his family’s
possession since the murder of Catherine Eddowes, when his ancestor,
Acting Sergeant Amos Simpson, asked his superiors if he could take it
home to give to his wife, a dressmaker.
Incredibly, it was
stowed without ever being washed, and was handed down from David’s
great-grandmother, Mary Simpson, to his grandmother, Eliza Smith, and
then his mother, Eliza Mills, later Hayes.
In 1991, David gave
it to Scotland Yard’s Crime Museum, where it was placed in storage
rather than on display because of the lack of proof of its provenance.
In 2001, David reclaimed it, and it was exhibited at the annual Jack
the Ripper conference. One forensic test was carried out on it for a
Channel 5 documentary in 2006, using a simple cotton swab from a
randomly chosen part of the shawl, but it was inconclusive.
Ripper experts dismissed it when it came up for auction, but I believed
I had hit on something no one else had noticed which linked it to the
Ripper. The shawl is patterned with Michaelmas daisies. Today the
Christian feast of Michaelmas is archaic, but in Victorian times it was
familiar as a quarter day, when rents and debts were due.
discovered there were two dates for it: one, September 29, in the
Western Christian church and the other, November 8, in the Eastern
Orthodox church. With a jolt, I realised the two dates coincided
precisely with the nights of the last two murder dates. September 29
was the night on which Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes were
killed, and November 8 was the night of the final, most horrific of the
murders, that of Mary Jane Kelly.
I reasoned that it made no
sense for Eddowes to have owned the expensive shawl herself; this was a
woman so poor she had pawned her shoes the day before her murder. But
could the Ripper have brought the shawl with him and left it as an
obscure clue about when he was planning to strike next? It was just a
hunch, and far from proof of anything, but it set me off on my journey.
buying it, I spoke to Alan McCormack, the officer in charge of the
Crime Museum, also known as the Black Museum. He told me the police had
always believed they knew the identity of the Ripper. Chief Inspector
Donald Swanson, the officer in charge of the investigation, had named
him in his notes: Aaron Kosminski, a Polish Jew who had fled to London
with his family, escaping the Russian pogroms, in the early 1880s.
has always been one of the three most credible suspects. He is often
described as having been a hairdresser in Whitechapel, the occupation
written on his admission papers to the workhouse in 1890. What is
certain is he was seriously mentally ill, probably a paranoid
schizophrenic who suffered auditory hallucinations and described as a
misogynist prone to ‘self-abuse’ – a euphemism for masturbation.
said police did not have enough evidence to convict Kosminski, despite
identification by a witness, but kept him under 24-hour surveillance
until he was committed to mental asylums for the rest of his life. I
became convinced Kosminski was our man, and I was excited at the
prospect of proving it. I felt sure that modern science would be able
to produce real evidence from the stains on the shawl. After a
few false starts, I found a scientist I hoped could help.
Jari Louhelainen is a leading expert in genetic evidence from
historical crime scenes, combining his day job as senior lecturer in
molecular biology at Liverpool John Moores University with working on
cold cases for Interpol and other projects. He agreed to conduct tests
on the shawl in his spare time.
The tests began in 2011, when Jari used special photographic analysis to establish what the stains were.
an infrared camera, he was able to tell me the dark stains were not
just blood, but consistent with arterial blood spatter caused by
slashing – exactly the grim death Catherine Eddowes had met.
the next revelation was the most heart-stopping. Under UV photography,
a set of fluorescent stains showed up which Jari said had the
characteristics of semen. I’d never expected to find evidence of the
Ripper himself, so this was thrilling, although Jari cautioned me that
more testing was required before any conclusions could be drawn.
also found evidence of split body parts during the frenzied attack. One
of Eddowes’ kidneys was removed by her murderer, and later in his
research Jari managed to identify the presence of what he believed to
be a kidney cell.
It was impossible to extract DNA from the
stains on the shawl using the method employed in current cases, in
which swabs are taken. The samples were just too old.
he used a method he called ‘vacuuming’, using a pipette filled with a
special ‘buffering’ liquid that removed the genetic material in the
cloth without damaging it.
As a non-scientist, I found myself in
a new world as Jari warned that it would also be impossible to use
genomic DNA, which is used in fresh cases and contains a human’s entire
genetic data, because over time it would have become fragmented.
he explained it would be possible to use mitochondrial DNA instead. It
is passed down exclusively through the female line, is much more
abundant than genomic DNA, and survives far better.
This meant
that in order to give us something to test against, I had to trace a
direct descendant through the female line of Catherine Eddowes.
Luckily, a woman named Karen Miller, the three-times
great-granddaughter of Eddowes, had featured in a documentary about the
Ripper’s victims, and agreed to provide a sample of her DNA.
Jari managed to get six complete DNA profiles from the shawl, and when he tested them against Karen’s they were a perfect match.
was an amazing breakthrough. We now knew that the shawl was authentic,
and was at the scene of the crime in September 1888, and had the
victim’s blood on it. On its own, this made it the single most
important artefact in Ripper history: nothing else has ever been linked
scientifically to the scene of any of the crimes.
Months of
research on the shawl, including analysing the dyes used, had proved
that it was made in Eastern Europe in the early 19th Century. Now it
was time to attempt to prove that it contained the killer’s DNA.
used the same extraction method on the semen traces on the shawl,
warning that the likelihood of sperm lasting all that time was very
slim. He enlisted the help of Dr David Miller, a world expert on the
subject, and in 2012 they made another incredible breakthrough when
they found surviving cells. They were from the epithelium, a type of
tissue which coats organs. In this case, it was likely to have come
from the urethra during ejaculation.
Kosminski was 23 when the
murders took place, and living with his two brothers and a sister in
Greenfield Street, just 200 yards from where the third victim,
Elizabeth Stride, was killed. As a key suspect, his life story has long
been known, but I also researched his family. Eventually, we tracked
down a young woman whose identity I am protecting – a British
descendant of Kosminski’s sister, Matilda, who would share his
mitochondrial DNA. She provided me with swabs from the inside of her
Amplifying and sequencing the DNA from the cells found on
the shawl took months of painstaking, innovative work. By that point,
my excitement had reached fever-pitch. And when the email finally
arrived telling me Jari had found a perfect match, I was overwhelmed.
Seven years after I bought the shawl, we had nailed Aaron Kosminski.
a scientist, Jari is naturally cautious, unwilling to let his
imagination run away without testing every minute element, but even he
declared the finding ‘one hell of a masterpiece’. I celebrated by
visiting the East End, wandering the streets where Kosminski lived,
worked and committed his despicable crimes, feeling a sense of euphoria
but also disbelief that we had unmasked the Ripper.
was not a member of the Royal Family, or an eminent surgeon or
politician. Serial killers rarely are. Instead, he was a pathetic
creature, a lunatic who achieved sexual satisfaction from slashing
women to death in the most brutal manner. He died in Leavesden
Asylum from gangrene at the age of 53, weighing just 7st.
doubt a slew of books and films will now emerge to speculate on his
personality and motivation. I have no wish to do so. I wanted to
provide real answers using scientific evidence, and I’m overwhelmed
that 126 years on, I have solved the mystery.
Source: The Daily Mail
A Physicist’s View of the Afterlife
By Tara MacIsaac

Dr. Alan Ross Hugenot has spent decades contemplating the conundrums of physics, along with the enigma of human consciousness.
holds a doctorate of science in mechanical engineering, and has had a
successful career in marine engineering, serving on committees that
write the ship-building standards for the United States.
“I did
things using Newtonian physics to create ships,” he said, “but the
whole time, I knew better. There’s this whole other world that our five
senses don’t register.” He gave a talk on the science of the afterlife
at the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) 2014
Conference in Newport Beach, Calif., on Aug. 29.
Exploring the
scientific theories related to this other world, Hugenot has wondered
whether the consciousness of living human beings as well as the “souls”
of the dead reside in dark matter or dark energy. He has pondered the
implications of the power our consciousness seems to have over physical
Hugenot told of a near-death experience in the 1970s
during which he experienced part of this other world. He found it “more
real than this place.”
These matters aren’t only intellectual
curiosities for Hugenot; they bear on a profound experience that has
changed his worldview.
Hugenot summarized some theories in
physics, interpreting how they may point to the existence of a
consciousness independent of the brain and to the existence of an
afterlife on another plane. He noted that further investigation
(reliant on further funding) would be needed to verify his postulates.
He also noted challenges in trying to verify these ideas in a
traditional scientific framework.
How Your Consciousness Could Exist in a ‘Cloud’
said the human consciousness may function like the data we store in the
cloud. That data can be accessed from multiple devices—your smartphone,
your tablet, your desktop computer.
During a near-death
experience, theorized Hugenot, the mind may be fleeing a dangerous
situation. We can “flip the switch and go to the other computer,” he
“The nexus of my consciousness is in my head, but the
locus of my consciousness—where is it really? It’s outside my body.
Because inside and outside is an illusion.”
Space may not exist,
or at least not in the way we commonly understand it, he said, citing
Dr. John Bell’s non-locality theorem. “[It's a] hard one to get; we
love our space,” he joked.
Non-locality refers to the ability of
two objects to instantaneously know about each other’s states, even if
they’re separated by vast distances. It is related to the phenomenon of
entanglement: particle A and particle B interact, and thereafter remain
mysteriously bonded. When particle A undergoes a change, particle B
undergoes the same change; A and B have, in many ways, lost their
individuality and behave as a single entity.
Bell’s theorem has
been verified by many scientists over the years and is part of
mainstream quantum physics. Hugenot’s ideas about the consciousness
existing inside and outside of the human body at the same time build on
this theorem, but remain outside the mainstream.
Is the Afterlife in Dark Matter, or Maybe in Another Dimension?
scientists have observed accounts for an estimated 4 percent of our
universe. Dark energy and dark matter comprise the other 96 percent.
Scientists don’t really know what dark energy and matter are, and their
existence is only perceived because of the effects they appear to have
on observable matter.
Hugenot said: “This undiscerned 96 percent
of the universe … gives us plenty of room for both consciousness and
the afterlife to exist in.”
Perhaps the consciousness exists in
another dimension, Hugenot said. String Theory, much-discussed in
mainstream physics, holds that other dimensions exist beyond the
four-dimensional concept of the universe. String Theory views the
universe as a world of very thin, vibrating strings. The strings are
thought to project from a lower-dimensional cosmos, one that is
simpler, flatter, and without gravity.
Why Ghosts Can Go Through Walls—and You Can Too
said that reaching another dimension could be a matter of belief. Maybe
our bodies could pass through walls if we really believed they could.
whole soul believes in 3-D, so I can’t go through the wall,” he said.
He looked at some experiments that have shown the power human
consciousness has to influence physical reality.
Light Can Be Either a Particle or a Wave—Depending on Your Thoughts
seems to have a physical impact on matter. The famed double-slit
experiment (explained in simple terms in the video above) shocked
physicists when it showed that photons (light particles) act
differently when they are observed than when no one is watching.
the observer can cause the photons to take either the particle or the
wave form by the very act of measuring; they aren’t fixed in one form
as expected.
Particles exist as potential, Hugenot said, and the
observer determines what form they take. He noted that the influence of
a researcher’s mind on his or her experiment has serious implications:
“If a skeptic wants to replicate what a ‘believer’ found in their
experiment, the skeptic can’t do it, because … [it's going to go] the
way that guy wants to see it and not the way the other guy wants to see
Hugenot asked, if potential only takes form when observed,
who or what was the observer of the Big Bang? His answer is, simply,
Princeton Experiments Show the Mind Can Influence Electronic Devices
Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR) at Princeton University is
famous for experiments it conducted showing our minds may actually
affect the operations of electronic devices. Over many years, PEAR
researchers conducted millions of experiments with hundreds of people.
A typical example of such an experiment is as follows:
A random
event generator (REG) is an electronic device that can produce bits
representing either 0 or 1. Study participants would try to influence
the REG either way, toward 0 or toward 1. If the events showed a
significant favor in the direction of the person’s will above what
chance would dictate, it suggested the person’s will influenced the
The cumulative finding was that the human mind can
slightly influence the machine. Though the influence was slight, the
consistency was significant. Over the course of so many trials, the
statistical power increased. The probability of these results happening
by chance rather than by an influence of the human mind is less than 1
to 1 billion.
Source: Epoch Times
Leviathans of Space: Massive Unknown Craft
By Scott Corrales

were assured by space writers and science fiction authors that the
vastness of interstellar space could only be crossed by mammoth space
vehicles – “generation ships”, in the parlance of some spinners of
space yarns – crewed by generations of space travelers hoping to reach
their destination centuries hence. The concept was ripe for
speculation. What if the children of the children of the first crew
became a series of stratified societies aboard their vehicle, and had
forgotten the purpose of their mission? (Harlan Ellison’s Phoenix in
Ashes, the novelized version of The Starlost), or the fate of the
mission was entrusted to a single pilot while passengers endured
dreamlike sleep until their destination was within reach (James White’s
The Dream Millennium). This science fiction did not allow for
super-passing gear of hyperdrive like space opera: crossing the
blackness of space was a dangerous, laborious process whose ultimate
payoff was never in sight.
“These children,” wrote Arthur C.
Clarke in his landmark Report on Planet Three and Other Speculations,
“knowing no parents, or indeed anyone of a different age, would grow up
in the strange artificial world of their speeding ship, reaching
maturity in time to explore the planets ahead of them – perhaps to be
the ambassadors of humanity among alien races, or perhaps to find, too
late, that there were no home for them there. If their mission
succeded, it would be their duty, or that of their descendants, if the
first generation could not complete the task, to see that the knowledge
they had gained was someday carried back to Earth. Would any society be
morally justified in planning so onerous and uncertain a future for its
unborn – indeed unconceived – children?”
Speculative aliens may
face a similar situation. Around this same time, Clarke also wrote
about “worldlets” filled with extraterrestrials who might venture
through our solar system, and perhaps this line of thought led him to
write Rendezvous with Rama (1973), a work desperately calling for
elevation to the silver screen for four decades. The British
scientist’s Childhood’s End also introduced us to the concept of giant
alien saucers hovering over our planet’s major cities as the mysterious
Overlords changed the direction of human civilization.
matters, and many of us - this writer included - sat in wonderment at a
movie theater as Darth Vader’s star destroyer dominated the entire
screen in its pursuit of Princess Leia’s Tantive IV in the crucial
opening minutes of Star Wars: A New Hope (just plain Star Wars in
1977). An even bigger surprise awaited viewers as Han Solo’s Corellian
freighter was absorbed into the moon-sized Death Star. Here was a
Clarkian “worldlet” capable not only of traveling from one planet to
another, but also destroying it.
Using science-fiction as our
springboard, we move on to the subject of gigantic vehicles – seemingly
real – that are often reported in UFO chronicles. The presence of such
behemoths has fuelled speculation about alien efforts at colonizing our
own star system, although – referring back to pulp as a touchstone –
such massive craft could be needed to pierce the barrier that separates
one dimension from another, as suggested in Fritz Leiber’s The Wanderer.
A Forgotten Case: The Janos People
story of The Janos People occupied the narrow middle ground between the
UMMO hoax and contactee experiences of the 1950s and 1960s. In 1978, a
family traveling down a lonely road somewhere in England found their
routine journey intercepted by an unidentified flying object. During
the course of this CE-3 experience, the humans were taken aboard the
alleged craft. In the abduction-riddled '90s, they would have been
subjected to series of gruesome experiments; but things were different
in the '70s, even in matters involving extraterrestrial captors, who
limited themselves to showing their unwilling guests a movie.
projection - for want of a better term - told the story of the
destruction of the planet Janos as one of its satellites - Saton -
crumbled to bits and rained mountain-sized fragments on the planet
below, destroying atomic power plants and enveloping the world in
The Janosians set themselves to work on a gargantuan
spaceship constructed in the stricken planet's orbit (somewhere free
from the meteoroids left over from the destruction of Saton, one
supposes) and this too was displayed to the captives. This unimaginably
large, ring-shaped worldlet held ten million people, and waited at the
edges of our solar system for permission to embark on a colonization
mission: whether on Earth proper or perhaps terraforming another planet
like Mars or Venus.
The story appeared in a book - aptly called
The Janos People - by Frank Johnson in 1980. The description of the
Janosian homeworld is straight out of the UMMO playbook and – if real –
suggests some dark psychological operation, whether by the military or
another shadowy organization. Taken at face value, the humanoid
Janosians are politely awaiting permission to settle in our system, and
may still be waiting out there (could all those blurry photographs of
“rogue planets” and comets circulating on the Internet really be
snapshots of the Janosian worldlet? Throw that into the pot of
speculation for good measure).
“If they were desperate,”
suggests the ever-quotable Arthur C. Clarke in his essay When The
Aliens Come, “if, for example, they were the last survivors of an
ancient race whose mobile worldlet had almost exhausted its supplies
after aeons of voyaging, they might be tempted to make a fresh home in
the solar system. The barren Moon and the drifting slag heaps of the
asteroid belt would provide all the raw materials they needed, and the
Sun, all the energy.” This seems like a more acceptable solution than
the one proposed by author Frank Johnson, who proposed vacating New
Zealand to turn it over to the Janosians.
Desperation must not be a factor for the ten million alien souls aboard the Janosian ring-ship.
The Worlds of Oahspe
we venture into an even more uncomfortable no-mans-land: border regions
where spiritualism has points of contact with drug-induced visions,
such as those produced by the consumption of ayahuasca and other
substances. The Oahspe Bible, a work of automatic writing produced by
John Ballou Newbrough in the late 19th century, occupies a respected
place among new age and general esoteric writings. John A. Keel noted
in his works that some of the terminology employed in contacteeism
hails from this mysterious volume, but that most contactees had never
heard of Dr. Newbrough’s nine hundred page long received work. It is
not our intention here to delve into the theology of Oahspe or the
reality of the spirits that dictated the huge document, but rather to
only touch on a particular aspect – the fact that the world “star ship”
makes its first appearance in written English (according to
“13. Onward moved the
float, the fire-ship, with its ten million joyous souls, now nearing
the borders of Horub, the boundary of Fragapatti's honored regions,
known for hundreds of thousands of years, and for his work on many
worlds. Here, reaching C'vork'um, the roadway of the solar phalanx,
near the post of dan, where were quartered five hundred million
ethereans, on a voyage of exploration of more than four millions of
years, rich stored with the glories of Great Jehovih's universe. Their
koa'loo, their ship, was almost like a world, so vast, and stored with
all appurtenances. They talked of going home! Their pilots had coursed
the firmament since long before the earth was made, and knew more than
a million of roadways in the etherean worlds, and where best to travel
to witness the grandest contrasting scenes.” (Book of Fragapatti, Son
of Jehovih, Oahspe, 1912)
“Some of the giant starships are
described in Oahspe as being from ethereal worlds,” observed Brinsley
LePoer Trench – Lord Clancarty – in an article for SAGA UFO Report in
1976, “and others as from corporeal worlds such as our own. So almost
100 years ago Oahspe supported both the extra-dimensional theory and
the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Indeed, Oahspe gives a history of both
the etherean heavens and the corporeal worlds.” He concludes by saying:
‘In short, there may be a vast, galactic civilization in deep space,
living not so much on physical planets but on giant spaceships the size
of planets, as described in Oahspe.
The koa’loo certainly fits
the bill for a Clarkian worldlet, - with room to spare – but it is a
predecessor to other colossal conveyances described in the contactee
tradition, such as the Ashtar Command’s flagship, the Shan Chea,
depicted in contactee illustrations at a multi-leveled, football-shaped
craft with a dozen separate decks ranging from a motor pool for flying
saucers to the dome-shaped command deck from which Ashtarian officers
survey the universe. Level Ten of this brobdingnagian craft contains
"lodgings for visiting dignitaries from all dimensions" while Level
Three contains a "zoo with animals of many worlds." Level Eight
contains housing for the evacuees from the impending destruction of
planet Earth.
"Rest assured that the Mansions of Space are ready
and awaiting their guests," states the text accompanying the sketch of
the giant spacecraft. "There will be no crowding of persons or things
in these incredibly spacious, self-contained and extraordinarily
organized floating aetheric ships. Seven of these pearly-white Space
Cities are ready, and their sizes range from 10 miles in diameter (16
km) to the greatest of all, the one containing the headquarters of Lord
Jesus Sananda, Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, which is over one
hundred miles in diameter." An unwise tongue may be moved to quip that
Tarkin's Death Star was two hundred miles across, but did not contain
such august characters.
The most attractive feature of this
contactee vessel is the Grand Rotunda (on Level 11) where human
visitors shall be summoned from their staterooms for a meeting with the
space brothers. “Its impressive circular walls contain giant displays
through which guests may enjoy the cosmic landscape, their own world,
and events from the past and those yet to come.”
The foregoing
may be ludicrous to some or charming fantasy to others. However, plans
for a human-built worldlet were put forth a long time ago: Project
Hyperion posited the creation of an "asteroid starship" to follow the
discovery of possible inhabitable worlds by the Daedalus probe
(conceived by the British Interplanetary Society decades ago). The
guidelines for hollowing out an asteroid use science fiction as a
blueprint - a concept employed by science fiction writer Larry Niven -
which involves drilling into an asteroid with powerful laser beams of a
kind we have yet to develop. Water tanks would be inserted into the
cavity, which would be sutured, and the asteroid would be made to spin
"like a pig on a spit" using ion-drive engines mounted on the
structure's equator
Arrival of the Motherships
could have been a scene out of a motion picture: the citizens of a
small South American city, enjoying the warm summer night at open-air
cafés and entertainment areas. The heat, according to the local press,
was the reason for so many people being awake as two o’clock in the
morning, looking for cool drinks and ice cream to make the situation
more bearable.
This then, was the situation in the city of
Joaquin V. Gonzalez – named after the Argentinean senator and
chancellor of the University of La Plata – when a “strange, gigantic
luminous creature, elongated and weightless” appeared in the dark
skies, lighting everything around it and under it. The apparition was
described in the media as a “UFO mothership” or “cigar-shaped UFO with
intermittent flashing lights and a fixed red beacon”. The bemused
onlookers saw the majestic and terrifying structure make its way south
toward the community of El Tunal before their community was plunged
into a blackout.
An article in the November 26 2009 edition of
Diario Popular added that a two hundred square mile area had been
affected by the power outage as a result of the unusual phenomenon. UFO
researcher Luis Burgos stated the object was “what we call a
mothership, a sort of space aircraft carrier measuring no less than
200-300 meters (roughly 600 -900 feet) long, and which usually issues
smaller UFOs measuring between 8 and 10 meters in size, which later
return to the [mothership].” Burgos found corroboration for the event
in a sequence of photographs taken two days earlier, showing a
spindle-shaped object. “Our correspondent in the town of the town of
Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, in the province of Santa Cruz, has sent us
an exceptional document showing a mothership that flew over the
outskirts of that southern locality of our country. This "phantom UFO"
was picked up by resident Jose Acosta as he took photos of his
property, located 15 kilometers west of Piedrabuena and in the vicinity
of the Santa Cruz River, at 1600 hours on November 24, 2009. According
to calculations made by our analyst, Jorge Luis Figueiras, the object
is at a distance of 7 kilometers and is among the typical cloud
formations of the country, having an approximate altitude of 4000
meters. This gives the alleged airship a length of between 80- 100
meters (250-330 feet).”
The mysterious “mothership” reappeared
over the city of Joaquin V. Gonzalez on December 19, 2009 during the
day, interrupting cell phone and internet service around five o’clock
in the evening.
Other “motherships” had been reported in
Argentinean cases, such as the 1990 event in Necochea on the Atlantic
Ocean. On Sunday, 29 April of that year, a spindle-shaped object was
seen by dozens who described it as a “flying cigar”. The object flew
silently over the coastline and vanished into the sea after heading
south. Curiously enough, the sighting also occurred at five o’clock in
the evening.
“Please God, don’t let this fall down, or it’ll destroy the world!”
was the thought that crossed the mind of Antolín Medina in the wee
hours of March 20, 1980. Medina was a part-time cab driver who had just
completed a fare in the vicinity of Lugo in Spain’s northwestern
corner. His story, featured in Marcelino Requejo’s OVNIS: Alto Secreto
recounts a man’s chilling encounter with a gigantic spaceship.
he drove along Route N-540 on a crystal clear spring night, Medina had
just driven past the As Lamelas power substation when he felt a growing
feeling of pressure in his chest, coupled with a sensation of static
electricity in the air. Distressed, he pulled the vehicle over and got
out, suddenly unable to breathe. Insensibly, his eyes drifted upward to
look at the night sky, and were rewarded by a shocking scene: A huge,
dark triangular object hung silently some two hundred feet overhead.
was stunned as I looked at it, and I remember thinking: Please God,
don’t let this fall down, or it’ll destroy the world! It was so large,
and since it made no noise, one couldn’t imagine how it kept itself
aloft. I thought about what would happen if it suddenly crashed. It was
solid, metallic, dark grey in color and truly impressive, beyond being
merely large. It had some sort of nozzles on each of its corners, dark
yellow in color. I watched it for nearly a minute and suddenly, the
nozzles lit up three at a time, issuing a bluish-white light, very
intense, but making no noise at all.”
According to the
bewildered onlooker, the massive object tilted to the right, allowing
him to make out its configuration: an equilateral triangle measuring
1800 meters (5900 feet) per side. “I’m not exaggerating,” Medina
insisted. “It was right above me and one of the vertexes covered the
town of Piedrafita, which is two kilometers distant in a straight line
from where I stood.”
A science fiction filmmaker would have had
the mountainous object rev up its engines to a deafening degree, bathe
the protagonist in actinic light, and take off toward uncharted
regions. What actually happened in Medina’s case was the object leaped
skyward silently, turning into a distant point of light before
vanishing altogether.
A triangular UFO measuring nearly six
thousand feet should be considered among the largest unidentified
objects ever reported, but Marcelino Requejo’s archives held one more
surprise: a 1989 report involving a spherical mothership. Two guards
assigned to the security detail of the Endesa power station outside A
Coruña had been told to keep an eye on Monte de Muras – a hill whose
high voltage towers were possible targets for terrorist activity.
security officers positioned their vehicles in such a way that they
could command the view of three hundred thousand volt lines that
provided energy for the Alcoa plant in San Cibrao. Around five o’clock
in the morning, one of the guards pointed out the presence of a group
of yellow lights traveling in a row beyond the power grid. They then
noticed a similar formation coming up on the other side of the hill, at
some two hundred feet over the transmission towers.
“That’s when
we realized that the sky was being covered by something very large, as
it hid the stars as it moved,” said the main witness, who gave his name
only as Carlos. “We got out of our cars and it was then that we could
clearly see what was going on. It was truly incredible, inconceivable!
The dark mass passing over our heads and the rows of lights flying over
the high voltage lines were part of the same object. It was gigantic,
hard to describe in mere words. The rows of yellow lights were the
edges of that object!”
There was a distance of more than half a
mile between each power line, which helped the onlookers get a better
idea of the massive proportions of the craft. “It reminded me of outer
space movies, where the giant ships have many compartments and
protuberances underneath them. We looked behind it to get an idea of
what it looked like, but the shape became lost in the distance. It
looked like a giant rugby ball. It was over half a mile wide, so you
can imagine how long it was. It was in excess of one mile long.”
witness was very specific about the details: the object made no sound
whatsoever, the only noise that evening being the strong prevailing
winds. It did not change course and flew slowly, an estimated sixty
kilometers an hour (short of 40 mph), taking a full twenty minutes to
cover “the twenty two kilometer distance in a straight line to Ría de
Viveiro.” Once the object reached the sea, it disgorged two white
spheres down a column of light that projected into the water. One of
these objects flew inland at dizzying speed, flying over the security
guards. The colossal mothership eventually began to sway from one side
to another, shooting skyward at a prodigious rate of speed.
is reminded of the timeless illustration of the smaller fish being
eaten by progressively larger fishes. Here we have it in reverse – the
relatively small flying objects reported by tens of thousands of
witnesses worldwide over the past sixty years, those which have been
seen on the ground, the motherships that carry them (unless they are
simply “traveling dimensional doorways” capable of delivering a payload
to a specific location), perhaps even larger motherships that carry the
motherships, and ultimately the planet-sized objects they hail from.
Source: Inexplicata
Ghosts That Attack
By Stephen Wagner

pushed, pinched, scratched, slapped, and bit. That’s not something
you’d like to experience – especially from something unseen. Physical
assaults are what people fear most about the ghost phenomenon.
Fortunately, such attacks are quite rare. Yet they are reported from
time to time, not only in places well known to be haunted, but also in
everyday homes. Consider these cases:
was living about 60 miles outside the city limits of the Las Vegas,
Nevada in the summer of 1996 when he had an unforgettable encounter
with four small and nasty beings in hooded robes. It began one night at
3 a.m. when he was awakened by his wife’s voice. She was talking to
these little phantoms as they stood at the foot of their bed.
can't do that to him,” she said. “He will wake up." But Daniel was
already awake, but was utterly paralyzed. He kept trying to move until
he was finally able to use his right arm to grab one of the beings.
fast as I could, I reached out and grabbed a fist full of the hooded
cape the being was wearing,” Daniel says. “The three beings at the foot
of my bed seemed startled that I was able to move and grabbed the one
that was standing next to me. The hooded being quickly grabbed my right
arm and twisted it to his left, causing the thumb of my right hand to
stick straight out. He stuck my thumb in a small dark blue bottle. In
less than five seconds, I was totally blacked out.”
Was it just
a nightmare? If so, how do we explain Daniel’s injury? “The next
morning I was unable to use my right arm it hurt so bad,” he says. “I
went to see a chiropractor about my arm and he said it appeared to him
that my arm had been dislocated in the shoulder socket. It took almost
four months of therapy to regain the full use of my right arm again.”
seems these cloaked, hooded spirits can be particularly aggressive.
Wanda R. also met one of these cowled things, but this one looked like
an old witch. It happened one night when she was six years old at her
family’s new home in North Vernon, Indiana. Actually, it was just new
to them; it was a 100-year-old Victorian home, and because they had
just moved in, the electric power had not been turned on yet. And, as
luck would have it, a storm was brewing outside.
“My sister, who
was three years older than I, was sharing our room with me,” Wanda
says. “We were lying in our sleeping bags on the floor. I felt very
uneasy in the room and kept looking around the bedroom with only the
flashes of lightning illuminating the large empty room. I heard
creaking in the closet and the sound of feet moving softly across the
floor toward us from the closet.
“As I looked up in the
lightning flashes, I saw to my horror a thin, elderly women draped in a
black-hooded cloak. She grabbed the foot of my sleeping bag with both
hands and pulled me kicking and screaming across the bedroom floor.”
attack woke her sister, and with that the old hag retreated into the
closet. Of course, Wanda’s family assumed it was just a young child’s
apprehension of a new home and dismissed it as fear and imagination.
But Wanda claims the hag attacked again.
“I had several
encounters with this cloaked elderly woman,” she says. “She even came
out in the daylight and trapped me between the bed and the wall. She
once even wrapped me in my bedsheets with a knot so tight my mother had
to cut the sheets off me so I could breathe. After several months of
fighting with this particular spirit, I started locking the closet door
and blocking it with a chair.”
Kingman, Arizona, Carrie B. and her family endured a series of
tragedies. And then the haunting activity started – including an
invisible attack on a small child.
“My brother moved in with me
about a month ago,” Carrie says. “We had a hard life. Our dad died
about two years ago, and my little girl died about six years ago. My
brother has a life-threatening illness and I am fighting cancer. We
have both been very close to death.”
In April, 2011,
poltergeist-like activity began to shake up the house. “Cups were
thrown across the room by unseen hands,” says Carrie, and at night in
bed she felt someone pull covers over her, even though her husband was
sound asleep. “Two hours later, my brother came to wake me up and told
me the locked front door was open.”
The bathroom and bedroom
doors opened and closed themselves... the bathroom cabinet slammed shut
on its own. Finally, one night Carrie and her brother began to search
the internet to see what they could do about these events – when the
unthinkable happened to her three-year-old son.
“My son, who was
in his bed, was thrown out of his bed,” Carrie says. “He was slammed in
the middle of the floor in his room. He started screaming and shaking.
Then he started yelling at nothing on the other side of his room,
‘Leave me alone!’
“We are terrified. My brother and I have stuff like this happen all the time, but more so since we lost our father.”
W. was just trying to be a good cousin when he was inexplicably
attacked. It was 1998 and Charlie and his cousin Simon were visiting
their grandparents’ house. One night at about 2 a.m., as they were
trying to sleep, Charlie was awakened by Simon, who was having a severe
asthma attack and began coughing up mucous.
“I decided to wake
him up and make him spit it out,” Charlie says. “The second I tried to
get out the bed, something dragged me out, slammed me to the floor, and
pinned me against a door to the room. I remember screaming and
swinging, trying to get whatever it was off me. I remember a feeling of
intense sorrow, not physical pain, but torture, like being in complete
darkness, away from God.”
The commotion woke their grandparents,
who rushed to the boys’ bedroom. They pulled Charlie from the door and
put him back in the bed. He believes he might know what attacked him.
For about two hours after the attack, he claims he had a conversation
with what he assumed was the spirit of Simon's older brother, who had
been brutally murdered a few months earlier. “He apparently still
wanted to stick around Simon,” Charlie says, “and I believe when I
attempted to wake up Simon, the spirit became angered and attacked me!”
are at our most vulnerable when we are asleep. Just ask Ronnie F., who
was literally slapped awake out of a sound sleep by some unseen entity.
quickly scanned the room and saw no one. It felt so real it could not
have been just a dream. I don't know if it temporarily left any sort of
red mark, nor do I remember if the sensation of being slapped was
accompanied with a loud slap sound. But I do know my cheek felt like it
had been slapped. Not only just the initial slap was felt, but even the
tingling sensation after.”
Phendraana was similarly attacked in
the night, but his experience began with just a sense of “something” in
his room. “I awoke at around 3 a.m. for no obvious reason,” he says. “I
sensed a presence in the room. I sat up and looked about the room, and
I clearly saw a red glow in the center of the room by my computer desk.
It slowly moved toward the door, and as it disappeared, my bed started
to vibrate. Not a strong vibration, but weak, as if someone had set a
cell phone to vibrate and held it against the bed frame.”
spooked Phendraana enough to jump out of bed, turn on all the nights,
and try to return to sleep with the TV on. It was the very next night,
however, that really got his attention. He woke around 1 a.m. to use
the bathroom. He returned to bed and was drifting back to sleep when...
“all of a sudden it felt like someone smacked me upside the head!” he
says. “It wasn't really a slap, but more like a hard cuff on the side
of my head above my ear. It was so forceful that my whole head snapped
to the left!”
Are the above incidents truly attacks by ghosts or
some other phenomenon we don’t understand? In any case, the people who
lived through them vouch for the reality of their experiences, even
though they cannot explain them in rational terms, and certainly hope
never to encounter them again.
Source: About Paranormal
Scientists Send Mental Message Between 2 People

have sent a mental message from one person to another 4,000 miles away
in the world’s first successful telepathy experiment.
They connected one person in India to a sensitive headset linked to the internet and another to a similar device in Paris.
When the first person thought of a simple greeting like “Hello”, the recipient in France was aware of the thought.
subject receiving the message could not see the word itself but could
correctly report flashes of light in peripheral vision that
corresponded to the exact moment the word “Hello” was thought.
ground-breaking experiment, after 10 years’ work on the subject, was
carried out by a team lead by scientists from America’s Harvard
Physicist Giulio Ruffini, co-author of the research,
said: “It’s a kind of technological realisation of the dream of
telepathy but it is definitely not magical.
“We are using technology to interact electromagnetically with the brain.”
Alvaro Pascual-Leone added: “We wanted to find if we could communicate
directly between two people by reading brain activity from one and
injecting it into the second, across great distances, by using existing
“One such pathway is, of course, the Internet, so our
question became, ‘Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the
talking or typing part of Internet and establish direct brain-to-brain
communication between subjects located far away from each other in
India and France?’”
Dr Ruffini added: “We hope in the longer term this could radically change the way we communicate with each other.”
Source: Mirror
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