10/12/14  #792
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It's time once again. It's time for the Men-In-Black to start hammering on your front door. It's time for secret government operatives to start tapping your phone and email accounts. It's time for those pesky little grey aliens to start abducting you from your bedroom at night. It's time for all of this because your number one weekly newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and everything strange and bizarre has once again arrived in your email box - and they want to read it to find out what is REALLY going on.

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such cosmic stories as:

Strange Siberian Craters May Be Key to Bermuda Triangle Mystery -
The Incredible Picture That 'PROVES' There is Life Elsewhere -
AWAREness Beyond Death? -
AND: The Biggest Methane Leak in America Is in Four Corners Region

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

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The Ark Of The Covenant And Other Secret Weapons Of The Ancients





Here is proof the ancients possessed “secret technology” that made them exceptional worriers. They might even have had the capability to annihilate their formidable foes utilizing nuclear-like devices.

The question is how did they come about such an innovative science? Did they develop such devices on their own? Did God give the “chosen” unheralded power over their enemies? Or were ancient astronauts somehow involved?

David Medina, along with Sean Casteel, Tim Beckley, Olav Phillips, Brad Steiger and Tim R. Swartz tackle an intriguing subject that gives evidence to the fact that the ancients had supernatural powers that were often lethal. For the first time, here is a detailed analysis of the mysterious Ark of the Covenant. Learn how the Ark was built and housed, and how the priests that tended it were required to wear protection clothing to shield them from what we call today nuclear energy. Moses even used the Ark to create a “controlled earthquake” to punish a rebellion by some of the Israelites. The desert ground opened up and swallowed the rebels, and of course it is said to have been responsible for the collapse of the walls of Jericho.

Discover also astounding air battles, and a very advanced type of “Thunderbolt Energy” that caused catastrophic disasters. There are also the issues of Magical Swords and superior aircraft mentioned in various ancient texts. This work contains fascinating insight into high-tech, death-dealing devices that predate our own by millennia. Did humankind develop such an “advanced technology” on its own? Or did beings for other worlds we have come to identify as Ancient Astronauts responsible for such a wondrous but catastrophic advance in the military sciences and weaponry?

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Strange Siberian Craters May Be Key to Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Earlier this year, mysterious craters began to appear in Siberia, sparking countless theories as to their origins. Now scientists think they were caused by the explosion of gas underground. And the explanation could explain the loss of ships and aircraft in the controversial area known as the Bermuda Triangle.

Three giant holes were spotted in the Yamal and Taymyr peninsulas provoking claims that they were a man-made hoax, meteorites or even stray missiles.

But now, after probing the largest of the craters, scientists said the they were most likely created by underground gas explosions.

'Heating from above the surface due to unusually warm climatic conditions, and from below, due to geological fault lines, led to a huge release of gas hydrates,' reported The Siberian Times - citing scientists from the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics in Novosibirsk.

Gas hydrates are ice-like forms of water containing gas molecules, notably methane.

They exist in permafrost regions such as northern Siberia, but also under the oceans in some parts of the world.

'The main element - and this is our working theory to explain the Yamal crater - was a release of gas hydrates,' said scientist Vladimir Potapov.

'It turned out that there are gas hydrates both in the deep layer which on peninsula is several hundred metres down, and on the layer close to the surface.

'There might be another factor, or factors, that could have provoked the air clap. Each of the factors added up and gas exploded, leading to appearance of the crater.'

He stressed that the crater is located on the intersection of two tectonic faults. Yamal peninsula is seismically quiet, yet the area of the crater looked into had quite an active tectonic life.

'That means that the temperature there was higher than usual,' Mr Potapov said.

Crucially, recent warm summer weather has melted gases trapped in layers just below the surface.

The explanation for the formation of this crater might also explain the disappearance of boats and planes in the area referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, according to the experts.

The area stretches from the British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean to the Florida coast, to Puerto Rico.

Russian scientist Igor Yeltsov, the deputy head of the Trofimuk Institute, said: 'There is a version that the Bermuda Triangle is a consequence of gas hydrates reactions.

'They start to actively decompose with methane ice turning into gas. It happens in an avalanche-like way, like a nuclear reaction, producing huge amounts of gas.

'That makes the ocean heat up and ships sink in its waters mixed with a huge proportion of gas.

'The same [method] leads to the air getting supersaturated with methane, which makes the atmosphere extremely turbulent and leads to aircraft crashes.'

Reporting the claims, the journal Science in Siberia dubbed the craters 'a distant relative of the Bermuda Triangle'.

Scientists conducted detailed research at the crater, including taking samples to a depth of 985ft (300 metres).

'We checked magnetic and radiation backgrounds, and found no abnormalities there,' said Oleg Kushnarenko, chief engineer of a mission which lasted four days.

Mr Potapov said that their theory will be studied further.

'We all have to keep suggesting hypotheses and testing them,' he said. 'The crater itself is incredibly interesting from a scientific point of view.'

He added there was a need to identify other areas in the world where such underground gas explosions can occur.

'We must also pay attention to areas where the same thing might potentially happen,' he said.

Mr Kushnarenko also revealed that security concerns meant the research team were not allowed to go inside the crater which is around 230ft (70 metres) deep.

'There was a great temptation to go down the crater, but the Institute didn't give the go ahead, saying it was too risky,' he said.

The crater they studied is in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous, some 19 miles (30km) from the Bovanenkovo gas field.

Source: Daily Mail
-solve-mystery- bermuda-triangle-experts-claim-underground-gas-explosions-
caused -deep-holes-appear.html


The Incredible Picture That 'PROVES' There is Life Elsewhere

The never-before seen photograph shows a mysterious dragon-shaped organism found in space, which they claim also reveals that all life on Earth, including humans, is extraterrestrial in origin.

It was discovered in dust and particulate matter gathered deep in the Earth’s stratosphere. 

Its finders say it is a “biological entity” made of carbon and oxygen - the building blocks of life.

And the scientists who made the incredible find insist there is no way it could have blown up into space from our planet - and so must have originated  elsewhere in the universe.

It was discovered by Professor Milton Wainwright and his team from the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology.

Professor Wainwright sent balloons into the stratosphere 27 km above the Earth’s atmosphere to collect particles from space.

He claimed what  they have discovered is not only proof that life exists in outer space, but that extraterrestrial organisms are continually raining down on earth.

He said: "The photo shows a structure colloquially called ‘the dragon particle’ which scientific analysis shows is made of carbon and oxygen and is therefore not a piece of cosmic or volcanic dust.

“This is clearly a biology entity (about 10micron in size), although it is unclear whether it is part of a single organism or is made up of smaller, individual microbes.

“It is certainly unusual and seems to be like nothing found on Earth.

“What is amazing is that these organisms appear on the sampling stubs in an absolutely pristine condition.

“There is no pollen, grass or pollution particles found with them, or for that matter soil or volcanic dust.

“Unless a means of lifting them from Earth exists which selectively sieves them out from other Earth-derived debris then they must be incoming from space.

“This, plus the fact that some of the biological material samples by the team produce impact craters when they hit the sampler, confirms their space origin.”

It comes just weeks after astronauts said they found traces of life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) which orbits Earth.

The discovery of tiny plankton on the ISS was the first time complex organisms have been found in outer space.

Experiments have previously shown bacteria can survive outside our planet but the discovery of these so-called diatoms supports the increasingly popular theory that the biochemical catalyst for human life originated elsewhere in the universe.

Some researchers said one explanation is the organisms were carried to the station on air currents from the sea where plankton is found in abundance.

However others claim this is impossible with the only rational theory being the minute plants drifted onto the ISS from elsewhere in space.

Professor Wainwright said: “They may be the same, or similar to the ones we have found .

"In both cases they will be intercepted on their journey from space to Earth and not as some unthinking critics have suggested-lazily drifting up to such extreme heights from Earth.

“If our findings are true they will forever alter our view of life and particularly evolution on Earth and we will need to rewrite of our biology textbooks.”

“The ISS is more than 200 miles from earth, there is no way that anything of this size can get to that height from Earth.

“It is an amazing discovery  and the evidence is overwhelming that these organisms have originated from outer space.

“Diatoms are coming in from space all the time, raining down on Earth, these findings are about to blow all theories of biology and evolution out of the water, they will have to start re-writing text books.

“This is the tipping point towards science proving that life is continually coming to Earth from space, and that it did so in the first instance.”

Another researcher involved in the study, Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, said algae-like organisms have previously been found on meteorites which have fallen to Earth.

He said: “We are starting to find diatoms in space, mixed up in debris in the stratosphere.

“The evidence points towards theories that complex living organisms are falling from the skies to Earth.

“The space station is orbiting the earth in a total vacuum, there is no air, so it is a total defiance of the laws of physics to say these organisms were blown into space from Earth.

“The only explanation is that they have come from elsewhere in space, and this supports long-held theories that plankton, and therefore all life on Earth including humans, originated from organisms in space.”

He said particles of DNA from extraterrestrial life are also being picked up by organisms on earth and built into their genetic make up.

He said: “We have evidence that even in the human genome, 40 per cent of our DNA is viral, and it has been incorporated during our evolution.

“There is growing evidence that says this DNA comes from space and it is carried into our atmosphere on micro-meteorites before dissipating.

“It is then taken up by bacteria and viruses.

“Everything that we have on the Earth is derived from space, including humans.”

Source: Sunday Express


AWAREness Beyond Death?
By Greg Taylor

A critical care doctor and expert in the field of resuscitation, Sam Parnia has been fascinated with the question of what happens to consciousness at the moment of death since the time he lost a patient as a student doctor at the age of 22. Parnia’s joint fascination with resuscitation and the near-death experience (NDE) led him to establish the AWARE project, which is now a major collaboration between doctors and researchers in the coronary units of medical centers and hospitals across the globe. Dedicated to exploring and advancing our knowledge of these two inter-related areas, it began with an 18 month pilot study restricted to just a few hospitals in the United Kingdom, before the AWARE project proper launched on September 11, 2008 with the investigation extended to more locations, including some in Europe and the United States. To examine the veridical out-of-body experience component of near-death experiences, Parnia and his team installed approximately one thousand shelves high up on walls within rooms in the emergency, coronary and intensive care wards of participating hospitals, though they were unable to cover all beds due to time and financial constraints – with 25 participating hospitals, the total number of shelves they would have needed to install for full coverage would have been closer to 12,500. On these shelves they placed a hidden ‘target’, which they hoped patients who had OBEs might report back on after being successfully resuscitated. By targeting these specific wards they were hoping to cover some 80% of cardiac arrest events with their ‘shelf test’.

In the first four years of the study, AWARE has received a total of more than four thousand cardiac arrest event reports – some three per day. But while four thousand events may seem a good sample size for in-depth research into veridical NDEs, it must be remembered that these are cardiac arrests – not ‘heart attacks’, with which many people confuse the term, but cases in which the heart has completely stopped beating. As such, in only a third of those cases were medical staff able to resuscitate the patient – and then, only half of those critically-ill survivors remained alive to a point where they could be interviewed by the AWARE team. Further, those medical staff doing interviews on behalf of the AWARE study had to do so around their normal daily duties, and so not all patients were able to be interviewed post-resuscitation (especially so if they came in on the weekend). And, unfortunately, the team’s coverage of cardiac arrest events via shelf positioning was lower than hoped – only 50% occurred in a location with a shelf, rather than the hoped-for 80%.

Now, given that near-death experiences were only reported by 5% of survivors in the AWARE study, and that the out-of-body experience only occurs in a low percentage of NDEs, you might begin to see the problem. Out of some 4000 cardiac arrest events, the AWARE team was left with little more than a hundred cases in which a patient with a shelf in their room reported back after their resuscitation, and then only 5 to 10 of those actually had an NDE. In all, after four years, and four thousand recorded cardiac arrest events, the AWARE study has at this stage documented a grand total of just two out-of-body experience reports during cardiac arrest.

Nevertheless, the few NDEs recorded thus far very much conform to the archetypal experience. One of Parnia’s AWARE colleagues, Ken Spearpoint, recounted one patient’s experience:

    His journey commenced by travelling through a tunnel towards a very strong light, which didn’t dazzle him or hurt his eyes. Interestingly, he said that there were other people in the tunnel, whom he did not recognize. When he emerged he described a very beautiful crystal city and I quote “I have seen nothing more beautiful.” He said there was a river that ran through. There were many people, without faces, who were washing in the waters. He said that when the people were washing it made their clothes very bright and shiny. He said the people were very beautiful and I asked him if he recalled hearing anything – he said that there was the most beautiful singing, which he described as a choral – as he described this he was very powerfully moved to tears. His next recollection was looking up at a doctor doing chest compressions!

    For the patient this was a profound spiritual experience, and certainly powerful for me too…unfortunately the event was not in a research area [an area with a board].

It wasn’t until 2011 that the AWARE study had its first out-of-body experience report. A 57-year-old man had suffered a cardiac arrest in the cardiac catheterization laboratory in Southampton General Hospital (in the United Kingdom), but unfortunately, in the heads-or-tails odds of whether the patient was in a room with a shelf, Parnia called wrong: the out-of-body experience occurred in an area where there was no target for the patient to view. Nevertheless, the patient was keen to recount his story – despite his family having told him it was likely just an effect of the drugs used – saying he believed “it was important” to tell others about it.

The patient, ‘Mr. A’, had been at work, and started feeling a bit odd. Being a diabetic, he immediately checked his blood sugar level, but it was fine. He continued to feel increasingly unwell, until he finally asked his fellow office-workers for assistance when he started feeling short of air. They immediately phoned an ambulance, and when the paramedics arrived and hooked the patient up to an ECG, the gravity of the situation became apparent:

    [T]hey wanted to whisk me off and not talk to me and just do it. Do you know what I mean, doctor? That unnerved me a little bit because I am not used to anything like that, so I said, “Hang on, what are you doing?” They said, “We need to get you to hospital.” Anyway, they did.

    …I can remember coming into the [hospital bay] … and a nurse came on board. [The paramedics] had told me a nurse called Sarah would come to meet me when I arrived… She came on board the ambulance like they said she would and then she said, “Mr. A, I am the most important person in your life at the moment. I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer every one of them.” I said yes. I can remember that I wanted to sleep all the time at that stage and all she kept trying to do, it felt like, was to keep me awake and talk with her. Do you understand what I mean? And that’s how it was with her.

The medical team brought Mr. A into the catheterization laboratory in the hospital on a trolley, and placed a sterile drape across his upper body so that they could work on him without him seeing what was happening. As such, he didn’t notice when the doctor arrived, nor when the team gave him a local anaesthetic so that they could push a wire into the blood vessel in his groin to feed it up to the heart. At this stage, the patient said, he was still talking to the nurse Sarah, when “all of a sudden, I wasn’t”. Mr. A’s heart had stopped beating. But instead of blacking out, as should be the case once blood flow to the brain stops, the patient said he left his body:

    I can remember vividly an automated voice saying, “Shock the patient, shock the patient,” and with that, up in that corner of the room [he pointed to the far corner of the room], there was a person beckoning me. I can see her now, and I can remember thinking (but not saying) to myself, “I can’t get up there.” The next second I was up there and I was looking down at me, the nurse Sarah, and another man who had a bald head… I didn’t even know there was another man standing there. I hadn’t seen him. Not until I went up in that corner – then I saw them. You understand what I am saying?

It’s interesting to note here that Mr. A seems to have had a cross-over between a death-bed vision and a near-death experience. A large number of death-bed vision reports discuss the apparition as being up in the corner of the room. Similarly, Mr. A initially saw a person in the corner of the room from his ‘death-bed’ perspective, and then in an instant he was ‘up there’ with them.

Mr A. went on, describing his view of the man with the bald head who was working on his body, whom he hadn’t noticed from his bodily view due to the sterile drape.

    I could see all this side of them. [He pointed to the back.] As clear as the day I could see that. [He pointed to an object.] The next thing I remember is waking up on that bed. And these are the words that Sarah said to me: “Oh you nodded off then, Mr. A. You are back with us now.” Whether she said those words, whether that automated voice really happened, I don’t know—only you would know those things. I don’t know how to be able to confirm that those things did happen. I am only telling you what happened with me and what I experienced.

    I couldn’t see his face but I could see the back of his body. He was quite a chunky fella, he was. He had blue scrubs on, and he had a blue hat, but I could tell he didn’t have any hair, because of where the hat was.

The robotic-sounding voice that Mr. A had heard initially was an automated external defibrillator (AED), an electronic system that can detect when the heart has stopped beating regularly and is fibrillating, and which issues feedback to the user if an electric shock needs to be administered to the heart. Despite being in cardiac arrest, Mr. A. was able to correctly describe the command given by the AED, as well as describe the doctor in attendance, even though he had not previously seen him due to the drape across his chest. Ultimately, however, to skeptics of the NDE this is yet another ‘anecdotal report’, inadmissible in the court of science. We will have to wait and see if the AWARE study is able to produce something more conclusive in the years ahead.

Though four years have elapsed since the AWARE study was set in motion, and the results so far have shown the difficulty in investigating the out-of-body experience component, Sam Parnia is as keen as ever to continue on with the research, and also to improve the procedures. For instance, he notes that in the case of Mr. A., a shelf in the room might not have made any difference, as the patient said he was floating in the opposite corner of the room, well away from where the shelf would have been placed. Perhaps a review of the most reported OBE viewing positions might allow for better targeting in future?

But this tail-chasing has some researchers more skeptical of the chances of the study finding evidence for veridical OBEs. Dr. Bruce Greyson of the Division of Perceptual Studies is associated with the AWARE study, but he holds doubts that it will yield any meaningful results when it comes to veridical OBEs. “If you were to ask travellers the name on the ID badge of the TSA agent who beckoned them through the metal detector on their last flight, it is highly unlikely any could identify that ‘target’,” Greyson explains to me. “The designated target – the TSA ID badge – was right in front of them to see, but they had no reason to pay attention to it, and no reason to remember it if they had seen it”. The problem with the experiment, he says, is in the design, which doesn’t include any reason to expect that experiencers would see or remember the designated target. “Patients who report leaving their bodies in the midst of a near-death crisis have no reason to notice a randomly-chosen target planted in a corner of the room that has no particular significance for them,” Greyson asserts, “and if they do happen to see it, they have no reason to remember it. So I do not expect meaningful data from the AWARE study, although it is better than not doing any research at all”.

Nevertheless, the AWARE study does survey a variety of aspects of the NDE beyond just veridical perception, allowing other possible insights into its mysteries. For instance, from the data so far Parnia has also been able to put forward a possible reason for why so many people that are resuscitated don’t remember having a near-death experience. Noticing a correlation between the length of cardiac arrest and whether an NDE was reported, Parnia suggests that “if a cardiac arrest event is relatively short, then the post-resuscitation inflammation and disease that normally engulf the brain and cause widespread damage (including damage to the memory circuits) are also relatively mild by comparison to someone with a prolonged cardiac arrest”. As such, says Parnia, those who report detailed near-death experiences may do so “simply because they had suffered less damage to their brains and specifically the memory circuits in the days and weeks after the cardiac arrest”.

For now though, Parnia and his colleagues are continuing to collate data from the cases on their files since 2008, and once finalized will publish their results in a reputable medical journal. They will then amend any problems with the study that they have noticed in this initial phase: for example, they hope to provide funding for a dedicated member of staff at each medical centre who can attend every single cardiac arrest, possibly with a tablet computer displaying a random target image that they can place in an elevated position in the room, and who would be able to follow up with each patient within days of their resuscitation.

For the rest of us, we’ll just have to wait and see if Sam Parnia and his AWARE colleagues can uncover evidence that the minds of those who die really do ‘leave’ their bodies. If they do, the discovery would perhaps rank among the greatest discoveries in science, up there with the paradigm-shattering ideas of Copernicus and Einstein. Mind would no longer be seen as arising from the brain, and our perception of ourselves and our part in the universe would be forever changed.

Excerpted from Stop Worrying! There Probably is an Afterlife, available from Amazon.com

Source: The Daily Grail


You Have a "GPS" in Your Brain
By Tara MacIsaac

A Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded Monday for the discovery of “an inner GPS in the brain.” While this function of the brain affects how we geographically map our surroundings, could it also guide us in other ways?

Theories building on this discovery take us into the realm of intuition and “coincidences.” When you bump into just the right person at just the right time, could it be this internal global positioning system (GPS) at work?

Norwegian researcher Edvard Moser, his wife, May-Britt Moser, and British-American scientist Dr. John O’Keefe found that so-called grid cells in the brain comprise this inner GPS.

Grid cells are located in the hippocampus and may also be located in the anterior cingulate part of the brain, which plays an important role in human emotion, said Dr. Bernard Beitman, a Yale-educated psychiatrist currently working from the University of Virginia, after reading some of the prize-winning research. “This emotional aspect of grid cell mapping could make particular locations more highly charged in our brain-based maps. Like the maps used in GPS navigation, these maps could then help us find pathways to emotionally important people, things, and situations,” Dr. Beitman wrote in an email to Epoch Times.

Epoch Times asked Moser and Moser what they thought of this idea. Edvard Moser responded via email that “the link to emotions is very speculative.”

Dr. Beitman agrees that the connections are speculative, “But it is on such evidence that new theories can develop.” Many coincidence anecdotes he’s heard make it clear to him that people are somehow able to map their location in relation to emotionally significant people or places. “Just how [this works] is our fun question,” he said.

He gave an example: “A mother felt her 6-year-old daughter was in danger and rushed to the edge of a deep-water quarry to find her happily playing at the water’s edge. How did the mother ‘feel’ the danger? How did she ‘know’ how to get there?”

Similarly, as a child Dr. Beitman found his lost dog after he made a wrong turn in a familiar neighborhood. It was strange for him to go in this direction, yet it led him exactly where he needed to go.

The file-drawer effect can explain some of these coincidences, he said: we remember all the times we found what we needed when we needed it through a surprising and accidental chain of events, but we forget all the times this didn’t happen. If take into account the wealth of misses, the hits become more probable statistically.

Nonetheless, Dr. Beitman thinks the file-drawer effect cannot explain the entire phenomenon and he’s not the only one. Veterinarian Dr. Michael Fox has heard of pets tracking down their owners or finding help when they need it in situations that seem to defy even their heightened sense of smell, sight, or hearing.

Dr. Beitman and Dr. Fox both theorize about sensory data around us that we subconsciously perceive. This data would guide the GPS. Dr. Beitman talks of the “psychesphere,” and Dr. Fox talks of the “empathosphere”—a layer of existence around us that we can’t perceive with the five senses, but which contains emotional information we may pick up on with yet-to-be-discovered sensory receptors.

If we make this discovery or understand better the phenomenon, said Dr. Beitman, we may be able to make useful coincidences more common in our lives. Perhaps this GPS could often help us find lost children. Maybe it could help us find love, or the right job, or a helping hand in a time of need. Of course, much mystery remains in figuring this all out—but for Dr. Beitman, it’s a train of thought worth following with further investigation.

Professor of aerospace science and dean emeritus of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University Robert G. Jahn has written about a “consciousness space grid” or “a grid of experience.”

In his book “Margins of Reality,” he wonders about the physical existence of human consciousness and how it may be mapped. He also ponders, from the perspective of quantum physics, how consciousness may move toward a goal. “A person is described as a ‘close’ friend or ‘distant’ relative, as ‘deep’ in thought or ‘high’ as a kite; an idea may be ‘central,’ ‘remote,’ or ‘far out’; and we allow our minds to ‘wander’ over various conceptual ‘grounds,’ before taking a ‘position’ on an issue.”

These are qualitative descriptions. He wonders if its possible to develop quantitative spatial descriptions related to consciousness. He theorizes that human consciousness is in wave form and physically moves as such through the brain and beyond. He said further development of consciousness mechanics could form a “grid of experience, along which consciousness proceeds toward its goal by making discriminations or associations at each juncture, much as in a puzzle maze or in the games of ‘Twenty Questions’ or ‘Charades.’”

Source: Epoch Times


Thunderbird Feathers and Piasa Portrayals
By Karl Shuker

Cryptozoologists are familiar with the longstanding mystery of the missing thunderbird photograph, but what about an alleged thunderbird feather?

Interviewed recently by Tucson-based freelance writer Craig S. Baker for an online article on unsolved mysteries of the Wild West, veteran Wild West author/investigator W.C. Jameson made a claim of considerable potential significance to cryptozoology regarding the legendary thunderbirds.

Jameson stated that a Cherokee treasure hunter he once knew told him that while looking for a long-lost cache of Spanish silver in a Utah cave, he had dug up several huge feathers, each one over 18 in long and with a quill of comparable diameter to one of his fingers. Above the cave’s mouth, moreover, was an ancient pictograph of an enormous horned bird. Could this have been a piasa?

For anyone unfamiliar with the piasa, here is what I wrote about this extraordinary monster of North American mythology in my book Dragons in Zoology, Cryptozoology, and Culture (2013):

"In August 1673, Jesuit priest Father Jacques Marquette was travelling along the Mississippi while journeying through Illinois when, looking up at the cliffs towering above both sides of this mighty river at Alton, he was both horrified and fascinated by some huge, extraordinary petroglyphs carved into the face of one of the cliffs.

"They depicted a truly astonishing monster, which the local Indians informed him was known as the piasa. In overall appearance, it closely compared with the famous winged classical dragon of European mythology. Boldly adorned in black and red scales all over its body, the piasa had four limbs whose feet were equipped with huge talons. It bore a pair of long antler-like horns upon its head, it sported an extremely long tail with a forked tip, and two enormous bat-like wings with vein-like markings were raised above its body. But what set the piasa entirely apart from other classical dragons was its bearded face – for in spite of its snarling grimace of fang-bearing teeth, broad nose, and flaming eyes, it was nonetheless the face of a man!

"According to the Indians, the piasa had lived in a huge cave in the cliff face and was once friendly to humans – until it acquired the taste for their flesh. Afterwards, it became a bloodthirsty, insatiable killer, but was finally lured within range of the tribe's best marksmen, who severely wounded it with a barrage of arrows, then finished it off with their tomahawks.

"Tragically, in c.1856 these wonderful ancient petroglyphs were destroyed accidentally during some quarry work nearby, which caused the petroglyphs to crack and shatter, falling off the cliff face into the river."

Returning to the thunderbird feathers: Jameson has also claimed that he actually owns the stem (i.e. quill) of one of these remarkable mega-plumes, albeit broken and incomplete, thus 'only' measuring 18 in long, and that its species had not been positively identified by any of the several (unnamed) ornithologists who had seen it.

Assuming that Jameson’s story is accurate, could this giant feather be a bona fide thunderbird plume? Tangible, physical evidence for cryptids is, by definition, a rare commodity, so such a specimen could be of great scientific worth, thanks to the considerable power of modern-day DNA analysis in ascertaining taxonomic identity or kinship.

For by subjecting the feather to such analysis (using samples of dried blood if present at its base, or viable cells collected from the calimus - the portion of the quill that had previously been imbedded underneath the bird’s skin), biotechnologists might succeed where the ornithologists have reputedly failed, and duly unveil the hitherto-cryptic nature of its avian originator.

Let us hope, therefore, that someone will be able to persuade Jameson to submit his giant mystery feather for formal DNA testing - always assuming of course that it really is a feather...

After all: during medieval times, crusaders returning home to Europe from the Middle East often brought back with them as unusual souvenirs what they had been told by unscrupulous traders were feathers from an immense fabled bird known as the roc or rukh – said to be so enormous that it could carry off elephants in its huge talons. Even its plumes were gigantic, up to 3 ft long. In reality, however, when examined by naturalists these were swiftly exposed as the deceptively feather-like leaves of the raffia palm tree.

Source: Shuker Nature


Black Dogs and UFOs
                                                       By Nick Redfern

Three weeks ago a fascinating story was related to me by a colleague from my old home county of Staffordshire, England. “You’re not going to believe this one,” he told me excitedly down the phone. Well, I’ve heard some bizarre things in my time as an investigator of all-things weird, and so I sat back and listened to his story - that was provided to him by the person directly involved.

Essentially, the story centers upon a 1991 encounter with the unknown at a place called Castle Ring, which at 801 feet above sea-level is the highest point on a large area of forest in central England called the Cannock Chase. A plateau bordered by the Trent Valley to the north and the West Midlands to the south, the Chase is situated only several miles from where I grew up; and it is a beautiful, expansive area full of dense woods, a variety of wild animals, and magical tales of mystery and wonder.

Indeed, the area has a rich and long history of reported encounters with Bigfoot, UFOs, ghosts, big cats and even the occasional wallaby. It has also been the site of a number of disturbing animal mutilations that have been linked with occult activities.

Built between 500 BC and AD 40, Castle Ring is an Iron Age structure commonly known as a Hill Fort. Its main ditch and bank enclosure is 14 feet high and, at its widest point, is 853 feet across. Little is known about the people who built Castle Ring or its purpose, except to say that its creators were already in residence at the time of the Roman invasion and remained there until around AD 50.

But back to the story, which involves a historian and folklorist who lives in the English city of Lichfield. It is the historian’s belief that all of the weird activity that has occurred on the Cannock Chase - whether it be encounters of the alleged Bigfoot kind or ET kind - is a direct result of people dabbling in archaic rituals and rites designed to conjure up the denizens of some netherworld that co-exists with ours.

Such claims are not new, and having experienced more than a bit of high-strangeness myself on the Cannock Chase, I am highly inclined to believe that such a scenario is indeed the correct one. And it seems that the historian has good reasons for coming to such conclusions.

It was December 1991, around 10.00 AM on a cold winter morning, and the historian was walking around the Castle Ring, taking photographs, when his attention was drawn to a small, dense - and “hovering” - area of fog situated at a distance of about 250 to 300 feet. Curious as to what would cause such a phenomenon, he headed towards it, with some trepidation, he admitted. As he got within about 20 feet of the fog, he felt his hair become “static and electrified,” and an intense smell of burning metal filled the air: brimstone, no less.

But the bizarre activity had barely begun: suddenly, out of the fog loomed a large, and certainly monstrous, black dog. According to the historian, the dog looked in appearance like a cross between an Alsatian (or, for American readers, a German Shepherd) and a Pit-Bull, but was around the size of “a young horse.” The man detected an air of menace from the creature, which, he said, seemed to be “vibrating at a very high speed, like shaking impossibly quickly.” It positively oozed menace, and stamped its leg on the ground “like a bull would when it’s getting ready to charge.”

The man slowly backed away, and the black dog did likewise, retreating into the impenetrable depths of the fog. As the man reached a point perhaps 150 feet from the fog, he was both startled and shocked to see a small ball of light “zoom in” over the fog and duly cast down a vivid blue column of light in its direction. In an instant, the fog and the ball of light were gone, the black dog was nowhere to be seen, and normality was restored.

So, we might well ask: what on earth was all that about? Well, Britain has a long history and tradition of encounters with such black dogs. In centuries past they plagued the countryside, and to see one was considered an ill-omen, indeed. Death, disaster and untold tragedy were all said to follow an encounter with these spectral beasts. With names like Old Shuck, Black Shuck, and the Shug Monkey, they struck terror into the hearts of the people of Britain during the Middle Ages. Occasionally and curiously, however, the black dogs would act as guides for lost souls, directing them back to the safety of ancient pathways and roads, or direct them away from danger. But whatever they were, the black dogs were certainly nothing normal.

Today, encounters with such creatures are reported very infrequently, but they do occur - such as this one at the Castle Ring in 1991. Then, of course, we have the strange, aerial ball of light present at the Ring, that adds significant UFO overtones to the story. Can the whole weird saga be resolved? The historian believes it can.

Indeed, he is of the firm opinion that ancient man - who certainly constructed the Castle Ring - had mental abilities that extended far beyond our own, and was able to essentially tap into other realms of existence, and construct “from the mind” images of bizarre and monstrous beasts that inhabited those same realms.

The purpose? To act as guardians to prevent any harm being done to the areas that ancient man deemed to be of spiritual significance. It is the historian’s belief that some of the residual energy that led to the creation of these wild images is still in place at Castle Ring and elsewhere; and that when the time is right, they will once again manifest and take up their role as both guardian and protector of the old world.

I had come to similar conclusions myself a number of years ago. Of course, this raises deep and important questions about both Ufology and Cryptozoology, such as: how many of the still-elusive things that we pursue are flesh-and-blood entities, and how many may - in reality - originate in realms far stranger than we can possibly imagine? Certainly, the Cannock Chase has been the site of a number of Bigfoot-style encounters that have distinctly paranormal aspects to them, and that have occurred in the exact same locations where significant UFO activity has also been reported.

Needless to say, such observations have been made for decades by authorities such as John Keel. But, as this case serves to emphasize, whoever was responsible for those centuries old reports of ghostly black dogs, they were still up to their bizarre tricks deep in the heart of Castle Ring only 16 years ago.

Next time you visit a prehistoric site, keep one eye on the sky and one on the ground. If you’re lucky, you may see something far stranger than mere ancient, standing stones…

Source: UFOMystic


The Strange Life of Matthew Manning

This is the pathetic introduction of the May 8, 2014 British GQ article about Matthew Manning:
    For 50 years, Matthew Manning has been Britain's most haunted.  Harassed by spirits since the age of eleven and apparently gifted with the power to heal cancer the 'Poltergeist Boy' is not your common-or-garden kook.  Having withstood the scrutiny of doctors, academics and every rigour of the scientific method, Manning claims his abilities are from beyond — and beyond dispute.  Believe him or not, he claims he's the real deal.  And what's more . . .  He can prove it

Sadly, this paragraph may reflect the mentality of many of the magazine's readers regarding 'unexplained phenomena.'  The article begins with an offering of a coterie of celebrity names "of some of those who have consulted him."  The events of strange phenomena in Matthew Manning's early life are described in The Link (1974).  In 1999 another autobiography chronicled how Manning became a healer: One Foot in the Stars written with Tessa Rose.  Manning also is the author of The Healing Journey (2001) and Your Mind Can Heal Your Body (2007).
The title of the article by Robert Chalmers is "An Interview with Matthew Manning: Poltergeist Boy" with Chalmers referring to himself as being among those "who approach apparently supernatural phenomena with scepticism."  In this case, the reference to the British equivalent of the word 'skeptic' seems adequate as Chalmers expresses himself as willing to contemplate what may be perceived as 'unexplained phenomena' and mentions the many witnesses; otherwise, a perhaps more appropriate word to describe a skeptic unwilling to consider the evidence is 'denialist.'
Manning's uncanny experiences as a teenager include witnessing objects moved by an unseen force, automatic writing and automatic artistic renderings.  Chalmers described one memorable incident:

    The signatures of dead people — several hundred of them, all in different hands — began to appear, roughly scrawled, on Manning's bedroom wall.  The first was signed by one Robert Webbe, a 17th-century figure who left a message that indicated, as Manning puts it, that he "seemed to have no idea that he was dead."  On one occasion, witnessed by Dr. Owen and others, Derek Manning ushered the whole family into the garden, with his son's bedroom roped off, leaving a pencil on the bed.  When they returned after ten minutes, another inscription had been added.  Some of the names, which were systematically photographed, appear in historic parish registers; others were of unknown provenance.

The conception of 'dead people' may convey to some people an idea of unconsciousness upon a human being's physical demise at the end of an Earth life; however, a spiritually aware person understands that consciousness continues in another realm of existence.
Matthew recalled that one night at the age of 15 "my bed started to vibrate and the feet rose into the air.  Then the head end rose and I was suspended six inches off the ground."  The 'poltergeist'-type phenomena occurred in two family residences and in the dormitory of Matthew's boarding school, Oakham in Rutland.  He commented about the commencement of interims of automatic writing:

    "I had always imagined that the automatic writing, whatever it was, was probably flotsam that was coming out of my unconscious.  I didn't care, though, because it seemed to stop the poltergeists.  But when I began writing in Chinese and Arabic, as I did, well that did freak me out a bit.  Because those languages were not, so far as I was aware, present in my subconscious."

When one considers the variety of extensively documented cases of transcendental communication among other cases of psychic phenomena and 'remote viewing,' the perception of a shared Superconsciousness and subconscious mind among humanity becomes apparent.  Words expressing this Force include 'Christ Consciousness' and 'Oneness.'
Chalmers recounted some of the memorable events from the youth of Matthew Manning.
    Schoolmate Jon Wills observed Manning produce a number of pictures, including a drawing in the unmistakable style of Albrecht Dürer.  "I can think of no conceivable explanation for that in terms of orthodox physics," Wills told me.  "Matthew did not have the artistic ability to produce anything of that kind.  And he never knew who was doing the drawing until the end, when it was signed."
    Manning was approached by the publisher Colin Smythe, who is now agent to Sir Terry Pratchett.  After leaving school he started work on a book about his experiences called The Link.
    "This was around the time 'The Exorcist' was released," Manning says, "and Uri Geller was becoming very famous.  A friend of my publisher knew David Frost, and I was taken to tea with him at Claridge's in 1974.  I was just 19.  We didn't have a television at home.  I didn't know who David Frost was, but he decided that afternoon to give an entire show over to me."
    In the course of the half-hour broadcast, Manning appeared to channel diagnoses from a dead physician called Dr. Penn who, working from the birth date of a member of the audience, accurately identified a young woman in the audience as suffering from kidney problems and heart disease.  He had brought professional-looking drawings that he said he'd psychically received from artists including Picasso and Aubrey Beardsley, even though all friends and family confirm Jon Wills' assertion that Manning is no artist.
    Manning was sent out on tour, and proved to be something of a psychic all-rounder.  He appeared to be able to project and receive numbers telepathically.  He could bend spoons like Uri Geller.
    "The whole thing became a ludicrous circus that centred around Geller and myself," Manning says.  "The two of us were constantly being compared.  But Uri Geller is streetwise in a way that I have never been.  You have no idea how it feels  to be 19 in the middle of a room full of cameras and aggressively skeptical journalists, who sit you down and ask you to make something inexplicable happen on demand."
    I have a tabloid clipping from this period which describes a laboratory experiment in which Manning was presented with a row of light bulbs wired in series, and asked to switch them on using only mental energy.  The headline reads: "Psychic Can Only Light Two Lamps."
    "That's right," says Manning (who, on one occasion, was reported to have blown every fuse in a Madrid department store).  "The amazing thing about that experiment, to them, was that out of nine light bulbs I failed to light seven."

    By 1976, he says, "I began to ask myself whether I really wanted to spend the rest of my life on that circuit.  I was sick of the whole thing.  I decided to quit.  I went out to India at the beginning of 1997.  I hired a taxi driver to take me to the Himalayas, through Simla, and ended up in the small mountain village of Narkanda, where I stayed the night.  I set my camera up to photograph the sunrise and . . .  I know this will sound mad to you, but I had this sudden, extraordinary sense of being at one with everything that was around me: the rocks, the mountains, the trees and the sky.  I got this overwhelming sense of something that I can only describe as God.  I didn't even take a picture."

In the article, no awareness is indicated that incidents such as 'poltergeist phenomena' may occur in proximity to specific individuals with the purpose of presenting a pattern or microcosm that can expand people's spiritual awareness about life if they are able to develop an understanding of the context of the events.  Considering the events chronicled in Matthew's life, similar patterns may be observed manifesting in relation to other contemporary experiencers or 'channels' of occurrences sometimes referred to categorically as 'paranormal' or 'psychic phenomena.'  Last week's blog article identified news articles about others who have recently been the subject of mainstream media reporters, including trance channel healer Ray Brown and clairvoyant/clairaudient mediums Sally Morgan, Tony Stockwell, June Field, and John Edward, among others.
Readers of this blog are knowledgeable about documented cases of so-called 'poltergeist phenomena,' 'channeling' and spiritual healing that are the topics of such articles as "The Poltergeist In Retrospect (with audio and video clip links)", "Some Recordings of Channeling" and "Spiritual Healing".  My selection of subjects has focused on detailed and impressive firsthand accounts, such as Matthew Manning's.  What all the 'poltergeist' cases have in common is that the manifestations were impressive enough that the witnesses were compelled to chronicle their experiences.  It is through the analysis of this vast web of intriguing phenomena that people can comprehend the Mind and nature of the all-knowing transcendental source Consciousness for life throughout the cosmos.
The British GQ article presents Matthew's commentary about the sensation of heat sometimes noticed during healing sessions: "The only way I can describe the feeling is that I am channeling some kind of conditional love."  He explained: "Whether you call it God, cosmic consciousness, universal love . . . I think we're all talking about the same thing."

    When treating cancer sufferers, as he often does, says Manning, "I always tell people: I am not a miracle worker.  Let me work with you two or three times.  If there's no improvement I am not going to carry on endlessly.  We have five possibilities.  One: I can't do anything and I cannot say, even after 35 years, why what I'm doing hits the bull's eye with one person and fails to hit the board with someone else.  Two: whatever I do may slow the progression of a disease; remember, people often come to me when all other possibilities have been exhausted.  Three: you might find that healing stablises the condition for a year, or five, or longer.  Four: you might find the problem remains but is greatly improved.  And the fifth: I always aim to knock the disease right out."  
    When he began working as a healer Manning says, "I was a complete atheist.  It's the experiences I have had that have persuaded me there is something out there."     
    "I have this idea," he says, "that there is no such thing as time; that time is a man-made concept.  If all time was simultaneous, as I believe it to be, it would mean that there is no such thing as past, present or future.  I think that would explain certain phenomena.  I think scientists may one day come up with an explanation that has little to do with spirituality and everything to do with quantum physics."

Robert Chalmers reported: "Prominent surgeons and consultants send patients to Manning and vice versa."

Source: Metaphysical Articles

The Biggest Methane Leak in America Is in Four Corners Region

Researchers using satellite data have pinpointed New Mexico's San Juan Basin as a major source of leaking methane in the United States.

The region was responsible for 10 percent of all the methane emissions from the natural gas sector in the country, according to a study published yesterday in Geophysical Research Letters. If gas, coal mining and petroleum sectors are included, the San Juan Basin was responsible for 5 percent of the emissions.

The region emitted 0.59 million metric tons of methane every year between 2003 and 2009, the study found. That rate is three times the amount reported in the European Union's greenhouse gas inventory, called EDGAR. It is 1.8 times the reported value in U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.

The high emissions were recorded in 2003, prior to the advent of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a technique used to extract oil and gas from shale reservoirs. But parts of the oil and gas system were leaking even before fracking, said Eric Kort, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan and lead author of the study.

"There is a lot of fixation on high-volume hydraulic fracturing," he said. "The point here is we see this [methane leaks] from an earlier time period in the San Juan, and it is indicative that we can't just be fixated on one part; we have to focus on the industry as a whole."

The results are similar to a ClimateWire analysis of EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program data that found the San Juan Basin is the leakiest when only the biggest companies emitting more than 25,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases are considered. The analysis tied much of the San Juan's emissions to coalbed methane wells owned by the largest operator in the basin, ConocoPhillips (ClimateWire, Oct. 6).

The study was based on both space and ground observations. Kort and his colleagues used a satellite that produced images of methane and could see that the region at the intersection of four states, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah, had high concentrations of the gas.

They verified their observations on the ground using a device that looks up at the sun and measures the total greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The ground observations helped validate the observations from space.

Kort hypothesizes that the emissions are coming from coalbed methane extraction. The San Juan Basin is the largest producer of natural gas from coal beds, and it is currently unclear if coalbed methane wells emit more than conventional or unconventional natural gas wells.

Kort said that the San Juan may be showing up as a hot spot in satellite images because of its geography and wind patterns; other basins, like the Barnett Shale, which produce a lot more natural gas from unconventional and conventional reservoirs, may just not show up because the wind diffuses the emitted methane, he said.

But overall, his study warrants a closer look at emissions from the San Juan Basin, he said.

This is the first time scientists have used satellites to image greenhouse gas emissions on the ground. The study demonstrates the power of space-based observations, said Christian Frankenberg, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and co-author of the study, in a statement.

"Satellite data cannot be as accurate as ground-based estimates, but from space, there are no hiding places," he said.

Source: Scientific America

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