Happy Winter Solstice to all our friends!
The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the new life of the sun for the year. When the sun rises out of the darkest day of the year, it echoes the birth of the light from the dark void on the first day of creation.
This week Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such wintery tales as:- Did Giants Exist? -
- Methane Gas on Mars May Indicate Life - - Did Google Earth Spot Sea Monster Off the Coast of New Zealand? -
AND: Reports of Santa Claus Sightings
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
PS: Your invited to join Tim Swartz and
Mike Mott every Sunday at Midnight for fabulousguests.
Just go to theouteredge.com
on almost any internet device. Tim
Beckleyco-hosts the Sunday of every
month. Paranormal radio like you've never heard
it before.
HOT OFF THE PRESSES! America's Strange and Supernatural History
Find out what the "Powers That Be" Don't want you to know regarding the truly hidden - occult - history of the United States.
one would likely dispute the fact that times are stranger in America
than ever before, and indications are that things are getting weirder
with each passing day. But a look at our hidden – SECRET – history
alerts us to the startling fact that our country has been steeped in
“high strangeness” since its founding fathers signed the Declaration of
Independence and, provocatively, even before.
It is
nevertheless apparent that our proud nation owes a great “debt of
ingratitude” to the mysterious, the macabre, the downright bizarre and
the unseen realm of the occult. Did the ancient Lemurians, a Pacific
Ocean race similar to the fabled Atlanteans to the east, erect the
mysterious walls found in the eastern part of the San Francisco Bay
area? Writer Olav Phillips explores the enigma first hand.
Casteel provides an overview of historical incidents of cannibalism,
stories that go back as far as “The Starving Time” of the Jamestown
colony in 1609, and Wm. Michael Mott offers up some of the UFO and
creature sightings he has collected from the state of Mississippi.
Timothy Green Beckley and his friend Circe returned to Sleepy Hollow,
New York – of “Headless Horseman” fame – and discovered that paranormal
activity is still rampant there, while author Tim Swartz would like
suitable explanations for all the supernatural mysteries of his native
In a Bonus Section: “The Spiritual Destiny of
America” - The future of America as seen through the eyes of prophecy
and the occult is revealed. You can feel the chills already, eh? Read
“America’s Strange and Supernatural History” and get ready to kick
those chills up a notch or two.
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Newsletter this book is on sale for the
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$5.00 shipping).
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Did Giants Exist? By Paul Darin

much knowledge has been lost throughout the ages—destroyed by war,
natural disasters, human ignorance, or simply by the erosion of time.
However, with all that has been lost, much remains buried. Perhaps the
clues to solving age-old mysteries are right beneath our feet. In
the search for evidence that giant existed, some have looked to the
large mounds of the American Midwest, some to the massive and
mysterious structures of the Middle East. Abraham Lincoln
stated, inspired by viewing Niagara Falls: “The eyes of that species of
extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on
Niagara, as ours do now. Contemporary with the whole race of men, and
older than the first man, Niagara is strong, and fresh today as 10,000
years ago.” The shadows of real giants loom large, some say, in
the legends of many cultures. The controversial discoveries of
skeletons measuring 7 feet to more than 9 feet tall, along with other
artifacts, have suggested to some that truth inspired these legends. Researchers
who explore these possibilities, and often face ridicule from more
conventional scientists, say that in the remote past giants with a
median height of 7 feet or taller occupied the Earth alongside humans
of roughly our size. Moreover, these giants may have had their own
culture, civilization, and perhaps even several nations or races of
giants may have existed at different times and in different places. Giants Ubiquitous in Legend The
Bible references giants several times and in many sections. Genesis 6:4
in the King James Bible states: “There were giants in the Earth in
those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became
mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” In other versions of the
Bible, the “giants” are referred to as “Nephilim.” Goliath, of
the famous battle of David and Goliath (Samuel 1:17), was said to be
approximately 9 feet and 9 inches tall, according to Bible Gateway.
Goliath was the champion of the Philistine army; the young David
stunned him with only a sling and stone, slaying Goliath moments later
with his own sword. Ancient Greek mythology tells of titans, the
giants of prehistory. The primordial goddess Gaea gave birth to the
titans, giants who walked the earth before the Olympians and man.
Unfortunately for the titans, the Olympians would eventually overthrow
them, banishing them to oblivion or eternally torturous tasks. Pliny
the Elder wrote in his famous “Naturalis Historica,” completed in 77
A.D., that giant skeletons had been found. He cited ancient sources, as
did the 1st century Roman historian Titus Flavius Josephus, who
mentioned multiple times the existence of giants in an earlier age. The
Mayans also have a giant story. Cabrakan, last of the Earth-giants of
Guatemala, was so mighty he could throw mountains. But, alas, he was
eventually tricked and poisoned by the Hero Twins, ending his prideful
earthquake-causing ways, according to “The Myths of Mexico and Peru,”
by Lewis Spence of Ball State University. Did Early Explorers Find Giants in the New World? In
1608, explorer John Smith wrote: “The Sasquesahanougs are a Gyant-like
people.” He described them: “They measured the calf of the largest
man’s leg, and found it three quarters of a yard about, and all the
rest of his limbs were in proportion; so that he seemed the stateliest
and most goodly personage they had ever beheld. His arrows were five
quarters yard long, headed with the splinters of a white chrystal-like
stone …” Hernando de Soto, a 16th century Spanish explorer who
delved deep into the territory of what is today the United States, also
described men half a yard taller than his tallest men. Legends
of giants are found among the Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the
Hurons, the Omahas, and many other Native American peoples. Giant Skeletons Found? The
mounds of the American Midwest, often related to Native American tribes
and cultures, are believed by some to be the sacred burial mounds of
giants. A plethora of newspaper clippings and journal articles
documenting the discovery of skeletons anywhere from 7 feet to more
than 9 feet tall permeate the 19th-century Midwest. The
Smithsonian has said measurements of such skeletons during this time
period must have simply been mistaken. Douglas Ross Hamilton contacted
the National Museum of Natural History, administered by the Smithsonian
Institution, for comment before publishing his book, “A Tradition of
Giants.” He wrote: “An example, contained in a personal communication
from a Smithsonian staff member just prior to publication of this book,
shows the ongoing denial plaguing the National Museum. The individual’s
name is withheld by request, and I paraphrase: As it was in the early
days of archaeological excavations, skeletons were sometimes measured
as they were found. With the possibility of shifting bones, the
re-location of the skull and the feet, an individual could (without
doubt) be measured many inches (or even feet) longer than they would
have been in life …” Hamilton argued that not all the skeletons
had shifted as such and even “by measuring the long bones of the leg
coupled with the measure of the shoulder sockets and the size of the
skull, there was little doubt of the stature in life.” In the
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Jun 28, 1933, an article announced that more
than a dozen skeletons, all more than 7 feet tall had been found in
Catahoula parish, Louisiana, and the site had been examined by
Smithsonian researchers. The report stated that the find “was regarded
as contributing to the theory that the prehistoric mound-builder lived
there.” Hamilton cited “A History of Muskingum County,” written
in 1884, which gave an account of giant remains found, apparently
cremated after death, in Ohio: “Immediately behind, or west of the
altar, were found three skeletons, deeply charred, and covered with
ashes, lying faces upward, heads toward the south, measuring,
respectively: 8 feet 10 [inches], 9 feet 2 [inches], and 9 feet 4
inches in length. In another grave a female skeleton 8 feet long, and a
male skeleton 9 feet 4 inches long.” In 1879, a 9-foot-8-inch
skeleton was purportedly uncovered in a mound in Brewersville, Ind.
These remains, however, were destroyed when a flood swept through the
area in 1937, destroying the building in which the bones were being
stored, according to a presentation by Larry Zimmerman of the
Department of Anthropology and Museum Studies at Indiana University,
titled “Lost Tribes, Sunken Continents, and Ancient Astronauts: On the
Wild Side of Midwestern Archaeology.” In 1871, in the township
of Cayuga, Ontario, Canada, it is said that some 200 giant skeletons
were uncovered, many of which were as tall as 9 feet and few of which
were shorter than 6 feet. The site was open to any who wanted to take a
look, and many flocked there. A comment sent by a reader who identified
himself as a medical doctor, J.N. Johnstone, to the local newspaper the
Hamilton Spectator, was republished by the New York Times on Sept. 10,
1871 reads: “Hearing of the curiosities found in a grave or pit near
Cayuga, and being somewhat of a curiosity seeker, I paid it a visit,
and deem myself well repaid for any trouble by what I saw. … The size
of some of the bones is truly wonderful, indicating a race of giants in
the past.” A 1936 bulletin, written by G.I. Groves of the North
American Indian Relic Collectors’ Association and cited by Hamilton,
tells of an interesting excavation at the Spiro Mounds of Oklahoma: “Of
the skeletal material, only four or five good specimens were found. One
remarkable mummy was 8-1/2 feet in length. He had been cremated to such
an extent that the flesh was charred,and remained in that condition
throughout the ages.” The bulletin describes the lack of
attention paid to this discovery, stating that the remains were moved
to a tent where some locals came to take a peek, “but no museum
authorities or archaeologists were interested enough to investigate.
After occupying for several weeks the only shelter available, it was
moved to the rear of the tent to make room for more valuable relics,
and left to the ravages of the elements. In a few weeks, it had
disappeared.” So, if all these bones were found, where are they now? Does the evidence only exist in old newspaper clippings? To read more about giant bones found all over North America, get your copy of " America's Strange and Supernatural History" By Tim R. Swartz Part Two - Next week. Source: Epoch Times http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/1150852-did-giants-exist-part-1- legends-and-americas-giant-skeletons/ - WHAT'S IT GONNA BE BOY, YES OR NO DEPARTMENT -
Methane Gas on Mars May Indicate Life

Life on Mars? Today? The notion may not be so far-fetched after all.
year after reporting that NASA’s Curiosity rover had found no evidence
of methane gas on Mars, all but dashing hopes that organisms might be
living there now, scientists reversed themselves on Tuesday.
Curiosity has now recorded a burst of methane that lasted at least two months.
now, scientists have just two possible explanations for the methane.
One is that it is the waste product of certain living microbes.
is one of the few hypotheses that we can propose that we must consider
as we go forward,” said John P. Grotzinger, the mission’s project
The scientists also reported that for the first time,
they had confirmed the presence of carbon-based organic molecules in a
rock sample. The so-called organics are not direct signs of life, past
or present, but they lend weight to the possibility that Mars had the
ingredients required for life, and may even still have them.
presence of methane is significant because the gas cannot exist for
long. Calculations indicate that sunlight and chemical reactions in the
Martian atmosphere would break up the molecules within a few hundred
years, so any methane there now must have been created recently.
could have been created by a geological process known as
serpentinization, which requires both heat and liquid water. Or it
could be a product of life in the form of microbes known as
methanogens, which release methane as a waste product.
Even if
the explanation for the methane turns out to be geological, the
hydrothermal systems would still be prime locations to search for signs
of life.
Scientists have always expected that some tiny amount
of methane would be found on Mars. Cosmic dust falling on the planet
contains organic compounds that are broken up by ultraviolet light from
the sun, producing methane.
But the new findings, which are
described in detail in a paper this week in the journal Science, are a
180-degree flip from a year ago, when mission scientists said that
Curiosity had found no signs of methane, placing an upper limit of 1.3
parts per billion by volume.
Since then, the scientists refined
their measurements, detecting a background level of 0.7 parts per
billion. That is half of what was predicted, raising another mystery
that somehow methane is also being destroyed.
But in November
2013, two months after the scientists reported the absence of methane
on Mars, the rover measured methane levels 10 times as high. “It was an
‘oh my gosh’ moment,” said Christopher R. Webster of the NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, the lead author of the Science paper.
The methane levels stayed high through at least the end of January. They subsequently fell, to less than one part per billion.
earlier measurement in July had also been high, although it dropped by
half a week later, and the margin of error made it unclear what was
going on. Curiosity made no methane measurements between July and
November 2013.
Sushil K. Atreya of the University of Michigan, a
member of the science team, said it was possible that elevated methane
levels lasted from July through January. “It could have been over six
months,” he said, “but we don’t know that.”
Given its quick
appearance and quick disappearance, the newly discovered methane was a
relatively small burst, mission scientists suspect.
A decade
ago, three teams of scientists reported that they had detected methane
in the Martian atmosphere — two using observations from Earth, one
using the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter.
All of
the measurements were at the edge of the instruments’ capabilities, and
the methane appeared to disappear two years later. If true, that meant
not only that was something creating methane on Mars, but also that
something else was quickly destroying it.
Many Mars scientists
decided that a simpler solution to the methane mystery was that the
measurements were mistaken, a conclusion bolstered by the absence
reported by the Curiosity team last year.
Now, Dr. Grotzinger said, “It’s back on the table.”
J. Mumma of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., who
led one of the teams that reported much larger methane plumes in the
Mars atmosphere in 2003 based on measurements from Earth — and has
found no methane since 2005 — said the new data was “pleasant” after
years of doubts from critics.
The new Curiosity measurements
“confirmed this startling reality that methane is being released,
sporadically, and it is being destroyed quickly,” he said. “Both events
are surprising.”
As for the organic molecules, they showed up in a mudstone nicknamed Cumberland that Curiosity drilled in May 2013.
Curiosity is a miniature chemistry laboratory that detected significant
amounts of the organic molecule chlorobenzene, in much higher
concentrations than had been seen in other rocks it had examined.
spent months analyzing whether the organic compounds came from
Cumberland or contamination Curiosity had brought from Earth.
“You don’t want to be faked out,” Dr. Grotzinger said.
scientists are still unsure whether Cumberland contained chlorobenzene,
which is not a naturally occurring compound on Earth, or if that was
the end product of chemical reactions involving other organic molecules
in the rock as it was heated. But they convinced themselves that the
organic carbon is Martian.
“In part, Curiosity was built to explore for organics,” Dr. Grotzinger said, “and we found them.”
Source: NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/17/science/a-new-clue-in-the-search-for- life-on-mars.html - AS SEEN FROM SPACE DEPARTMENT -
Did Google Earth Spot Sea Monster Off the Coast of New Zealand?

A giant mystery sea creature is thought to have been spotted in the turquoise waters of one of New Zealand’s most idyllic bays.
huge unexplained wake can be seen in a Google Earth image of Oke Bay,
in the Bay of Islands, an area on the east coast of the Far North
District of the country's North Island, captured by satellite at about
11.30am on January 30.
Engineer Pita Witehira, who spotted the
wake while on Google Earth researching for his holiday home, told Daily
Mail Australia the wake could have been left by a creature around 12
metres in size.
Mr Witehira, from Hamilton, New Zealand, said:
‘The Native Maori would call this a "Taniwha" ('Troll') as it appears
not to be a whale and it is far too big to be a shark. It is moving too
fast and turning too sharply to be a whale.’
Mr Witehira also
ruled out that a boat was the cause of the wake because there is no
white froth like normal wakes created by motors.
‘I spotted it
about a week ago. We have some property near Oke Bay and I’m about to
build a beach chalet up there, I zoomed down and found that,’ he said.
‘It’s way too wide for a shark and way too long… It’s got to have a lot of weight under the water to create that kind of drag.’
Oke Bay has a quite white sand beach and the water stays shallow for around 40 metres ‘with a sudden deep drop into the bay’.
‘There is a lot of undergrowth in the deeper parts of the Bay,’ Mr Witehira explained.
than being some sort of unknown sea creature, Niwa coastal and
estuarine physical processes scientist Richard Gorman said there was
another explanation. "I don't see any reason to think it's anything
other than a wake from a boat about 5m long," he said.
Not all boats left a lot of long-lasting foam in the wake, he said.
Australian researchers drew the same conclusion as Gorman.
William Glamore, from the University of New South Wales' water research
laboratory, put the mystery shape down to a small recreational vessel.
Dr Kevin Parnell, from James Cook University in Queensland, said the
waves were consistent with a catamaran travelling about 7 knots.
Source: Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873860/Giant-mystery-creature-spotted-coast- New-Zealand-Google-Earth.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 - WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DEPARTMENT -
Strange creature reported in Carmel, Ohio area By Ron McGlone, MUFON-Ohio

A resident of the Carmel community near Cincinatti has reported seeing a strange creature along Carmel Road on Friday, Dec. 12.
McGlone, an investigator with Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), said "The
witness was driving near Carmel on Dec. 12, 2014, came up over a hill
and saw a 7' tall slim, gray creature with muscular legs that walked
like its knees were backwards.
60-year-old former Marine (who allegedly saw the creature) also said it
didn't seem to have arms. He also included a sketch made shortly after
he arrived home.
"I would like to get
this information out in your area in hopes that maybe someone else has
seen it – or that their giant cross-bred ostrich got loose – or
"We recently bought a
place in the Fort Hill area (in southeast Highland County). We first
noticed after about 30 days of living here that we suddenly have a
perfect circle that stays fresh green, no matter what weather, in our
front yard. On Friday night (the 12th), we were driving home. After
turning on Carmel Road, which leads to our road, we went around the
curve by the Carmel church and then up a small incline and
approximately 10 feet over the incline and in front of our truck, the
'alien' ran across the road and into the woods.
husband saw it. He is a skeptic – almost 60 years old – and a proud
Marine. He wouldn't have admitted to seeing it if he hadn't been in
shock. I had him draw it for me when we got to the house. He says it
was asphalt gray (our asphalt is gray) and about 7 feet tall, no arms
that he could see, but muscular in the legs area; no jawline, and its
legs were bent backward and it leaned forward as it ran."
Source: Highland County Press http://highlandcountypress.com/main.asp?SectionID=2&SubSectionID=20& ArticleID=25578
Cherokee Tales Of 'Little
People' Give Clues About Our World

Some modern physics research includes examination of interesting ideas
such as unseen dimensions within our universe separated by subtle and
discreet boundaries sometimes referred to as “branes.”
The term “multiverse,” a universe with many dimensions, has even been
used to describe these kinds of ideas.
In some ways, this way of viewing the universe is similar to the
longstanding beliefs in many human cultures that there are unique veils
that separate our normal world and other realities, dimensions and
beings in nature.
Accounts of seeing things and beings suddenly appear out of thin air
are not new. There have been many reports of such phenomena. These
incidents sometimes may be described as the appearance of angels or
supernatural beings.
Other beings who appear from nowhere are sometimes said to be loved
ones who have passed on. In the 1989 movie FIELD OF DREAMS starring
Kevin Costner, an entire baseball team emerges through the brane of a
field of Iowa corn that separates our world from the afterlife or some
other dimension.
There are also old tales of elves, fairies, pixies, leprechauns, trolls
and other kinds of “little people” who may be friendly, kind, somewhat
hostile, mischievous, secretive or some combination of these.
Some witnesses report seeing saucer-shaped or other types of objects in
the sky that seem to appear and disappear – UFOs. And, possibly related
to this, some people report encountering beings who are often described
as short in stature, who also seem to appear and disappear and are able
to affect the minds of humans.
Could these accounts be examples of the movement of people and things
between the dimensions in nature and a multiverse?
The Cherokee, like other Native American tribes and indigenous people
around the world, have many legends going back centuries about how the
world was formed and how the world works.
These ancient Cherokee stories tell of the nature of the animals,
plants, trees, mountains, streams and rivers of the land in the Smokey
Mountains and the Appalachian Mountain region.
Old Cherokee tales include accounts of “the little people,” the “Yunwi
Tsunsdi.” These beings are sometimes described as being spirits, and
other times as small human-like people, about two feet to four feet
These little people may have different appearances and, according to
legend, they may be of three or four different types. Little people can
be kind and helpful, especially to children, and can also play tricks
on people. They can also be dangerous if a human intrudes on them, and
they have the power to confuse the mind of a human.
The little people have the ability to remain unseen and invisible if
they choose and generally avoid being detected by humans. But, at
times, they will reveal themselves.
They live close to nature, in the forests and mountains. They have a
spiritual aspect to them and they try to teach humans about kindness,
joy and respect. The little people like to dance to rhythmic drumming
and music.
OF THE YUNWI TSUNSDI, authors Lynn King Lossiah and Ernie Lossiah share
old Cherokee tales in which the little people play a part.
As we try to understand our world, nature and the universe, we
collectively use a wide range of investigative methods: Science,
observation of and interaction with nature, direct experiences of many
kinds, spiritual teachings, history, human legends, art, music and
other paths.
How does the Cherokee legend of the little people fit in to our
research, and what can it teach us?
There is a story that I included in my first novel MISSION INTO LIGHT.
In the sequel, LIGHT’S HAND, I provide deeper details about the
incident. I will share the basics of it here.
Long ago, deep in the forests of the Smokey Mountains of eastern North
America, seven young women and men were hunting for game. They were
young hunter-warriors, still in their teens.
They ranged out miles away from their village and had been walking for
several hours in search of deer, or any food for their families. They
sometimes stop to gather edible and medicinal plants.
As they search for sign of game, they come to a small mountain meadow.
In the center of the meadow is a large, silver-colored disc. The object
is perhaps the size of ten Cherokee homes.
The seven young hunters hide in the forest near the meadow and stare
with awe at the strange object. They all look at each other, speak in
low whispers, and agree they should report their find to tribal leaders
and senior warriors immediately.
They carefully retreat from the area near the strange disc and run back
to their villages where they tell leaders about the object. They also
spread the word among various families, being careful not to frighten
the children.
The next morning, they guide nearly 50 tribal leaders and warriors
toward the site. They act as the scouts and hike for miles with the
others. The group walks quietly and with stealth. Suddenly, a hand
signal is flashed to the main party from a forward scout. They had
reached the edge of the meadow.
The group moves slowly, carefully, silently toward the edge of the
clearing. Then they see it. About 75 yards away is a large
silver-colored disc, just as the young warriors had described it.
Many of the Cherokee lay on their stomachs behind trees and foliage.
Some warriors have weapons ready in the event of danger. The leaders
whisper among themselves. What should they do? Is this thing a danger
to the people or is it some kind of good medicine?
Suddenly, just to the side of the disc, they see four small figures
emerge from the tree line bordering the meadow. The beings look like
people, but they are small, with slender bodies and large heads,
similar to a child’s.
The Cherokee leaders continue to whisper. They decide that four of them
will go forward and try to make contact with these strangers. A peace
chief, a medicine woman and two of their bravest warriors are chosen.
Carefully, they stand and slowly emerge from the forest into the
meadow. The four little people spot them and are obviously startled.
One of the little people quickly seems to go inside the disc. The other
three cautiously step toward the Cherokee.
The seven meet halfway between the disc and the forest’s tree line
where the rest of the Cherokee remain hidden. Face to face, the
Cherokee peace chief raises his right hand in a peaceful sign of
greeting. One of the little people does the same. Then they sit in the
wild grass of the meadow and begin to make hand sign.
The peace chief tries to convey a welcome to them and asks why they
have come to Cherokee land. The little person who seems to be a leader
makes hand sign that they have come from a great distance, and he
points to the sky.
They continue to talk, and eventually the peace chief, medicine woman
and warriors are convinced that the little people are friendly. They
motion for the rest of the Cherokee in the woods to come forward. The
little leader also motions for the forth little one to leave the silver
disc and join them.
Slowly, the Cherokee in hiding join the others in the meadow. They
stand and sit around the strange visitors. These little ones have an
unusual appearance, not like the other tribes they have had contact
with. Theses visitors eyes are large and different, and they wear a
type of clothing that is similar in color to the deerskin the Cherokee
wore, but the material is clearly not the same.
The visit goes on for several hours and as the afternoon turns to
evening, the Cherokee make a camp for the night in the meadow, near the
forest’s edge. The little ones go into the silver disc.
The next morning, most of the Cherokee start the journey back to their
villages. After all, their families will be worried. Several choose to
stay and visit with the little ones and learn more about them.
The little ones explain that they would like to stay in the Cherokee
land for a time, to learn about the mountains, rivers, animals and
plants. And this they do.
Throughout that summer many Cherokees hike out to visit the little
people. They share much knowledge about life in the Cherokee mountains.
The little ones also tell them about their land, far away in the night
One day, the little visitors tell the Cherokee that they will be
leaving to return to their home. They say the friendship shown to them
by the Cherokee will be remembered and that they will try to help them
when and how they can.
As that summer passed, then many other summers and seasons, then tens
of years and hundreds of years, the story of the little visitors was
told around campfires at night. The little children opened their eyes
wide. They were told that the little people would try to watch over
them, protecting them from harm. And the children looked up into the
stars of night sky.
It’s a nice story. A happy ending and everything. Is it true or does it
have some truth in it? Maybe. Did the native people of North America
and ancient people elsewhere have contact similar to this? Some
stories, legends and other indications say yes.
There are also concerns that some visitors from other planets or from
other dimensions may not be so friendly. Like the Cherokees' concern in
the story above, visitors could be good medicine, or a danger.
And, of course, we humans are often a danger to ourselves, to other
living things and to planet Earth. We kill each other, we kill
children. We kill other animals for fun and sport. We create bigger and
more dangerous weapons. We slowly destroy our land, rivers, oceans,
forests and now the climate of the entire planet.
The progress we make through science and other means to understand our
world the universe around us is important. Other dimensions, other
planets, the existence of other civilizations, the membranes and veils
separating our reality from other fields in a multiverse are all worthy
One day we might uncover Einstein’s “unified field” and the so-called
“zero point.” We might harness this knowledge to help the human race
survive and move us forward.
The progress we make going within and understanding ourselves can also
be very useful – even crucial. The physics and nature within all of us
is important: Our brains, our neurological systems, our bodies, our DNA
and genetic history, our hearts, our spirits, our souls. This inner
knowledge may also be key.
Maybe one day we will learn enough about ourselves and our world that
we will understand the nature of possible multiple dimensions. We might
meet other beings who discreetly appear and disappear, and who have
much to teach us.
We might live in peace and awe amidst a multiverse where many more
beautiful secrets and discoveries await. The Great Spirit may smile
upon us and bless us.
We might sit around a campfire and tell our children wonderful stories
that make their eyes open wide, as they look up into the stars of the
night sky.
Author Steve Hammons can be reached at: ohio52@navyseals.com
website: http://navyseals.com/community/members/Ohio52/
Source: Farshores
Reports of Santa Claus Sightings By Stephen Wagner
THIS IS a ridiculous question, but: Does Santa Claus really exist? Some
would say that the question is silly because of course Santa Claus is a
myth. Others would say the question is ridiculous because of course he
is real! How can we doubt it? Over the years, many children and
adults have reported sightings of the real Santa Claus - not department
store Santas or bell-ringing Salvation Army charity collectors, but the
real thing. They even claim seeing the sleigh and reindeer in some
cases. Are these illusions seen through the eyes of Christmas
excitement and expectation? Or are these cases of genuine Christmas
magic? GLOWING SANTA By Sarah A. I saw Santa when
I was a little more than three years old. It was Christmas Eve and my
Aunt Susan was spending the night with us. She got my bed and I had to
sleep on the floor. I went to sleep and awoke around 2:30 a.m. to
something glowing in the hallway outside my bedroom. When I fully
opened my eyes, I could see that Santa was standing in my door with a
mystical, magical glow around him. It was silver and gold and glittery.
Santa looked right at me and without moving his mouth, he said to me,
"Now you know you are supposed to be asleep while I am here, don't
you?" I told him that I knew I was supposed to be asleep but how could
I? He told me, "Close your eyes and at least pretend." I was
shocked. Even at three years old I knew this could be a dream, but I
know I was awake. People have told me maybe it was my father, and maybe
it was. How he got the hallway to glow with glitter would be beyond me,
but as far as I am concerned, it was 100% the spirit of Santa Claus. I
am now 41 years old and still believe that I saw him. I strongly
believe in the spirit of Christmas, and hope my two young sons will
always believe as well. BRISTOL, ENGLAND - 2000 I am 14
now, but this happened back in 2000 in my old house in Bristol,
England. I was with my mum and dad and my sister. It was about midnight
[on Christmas Eve] and I was the only one awake because I was really
excited. I could hear these big footsteps in my living room. I was
quite scared, and I could also hear bells tingling above me. So I
wanted to see what was going on. I walked down the stairs very
slowly and I could see this big man putting presents around my living
room. I wanted to say something, but I was too scared to do it because
I thought he would be angry. I ran back upstairs and went back to
sleep. I was so convinced I saw the real Santa and told everyone in the
morning... but no one believed me. - Alex H. NEW YORK CITY, NY - 2002, 2004 and 2007 It
was Christmas Eve of 2002 in New York City. We invited some friends and
relatives over for dinner, sort of like a Christmas Eve celebration.
After that, I decided to go to my room to watch some television, but
there was nothing good to watch. I then found myself pacing back and
forth in the hallway. My house is big, so there was no one with me.
Everyone was in the living room watching a movie I wasn't interested in. About
seven minutes into my pacing, I saw a tall, fat figure scurry away
about 20 feet away from me. It was crouched down, too. It was even
wearing some sort of Santa Claus suit. I didn't believe in Santa, but
this just freaked me out. There was a strange man in my house! I
quickly ran to where my parents were and told them all about it. They
grinned at me and said jokingly, "Maybe it was Santa Claus." I didn't
believe that, so I just sat down in the living room with my family and
everybody else. Then it occurred again on Christmas Eve, 2004. I
remember it more vividly than the last one. I was lying on the couch in
the living room. My parents were in the kitchen having a conversation
about a business blog or something. Suddenly, I saw a huge man, about
seven or eight feet tall, crawl underneath the tree and just vanish.
Before it disappeared, it looked at me and said, "Shh." Very strange,
so I went into the kitchen and sat with my parents. Smaller
happenings occurred the following Christmases. I recall one in 2007, it
was daylight this time and I just happened to see another tall figure
with a Santa hat trudge by me for two seconds, then it was gone. This
really happened. - Claxton Kalmbach WHITE SANTA - 1969 I
had an experience when I was three years old and still young enough to
wear footed pajamas. The year was maybe 1969, Christmas Eve. I wanted
to see what Santa had brought me, so I quietly walked down the hallway
and looked around the corner to our living room. I saw my parents and
someone I didn't know around our Christmas tree. The stranger was an
old guy with a white beard and hair with a red suit. I quickly went
back to my room as fast as I could with footed pajamas and slid into
bed. I told my mom what happened many years later and she
insisted that I was dreaming or that it was my dad. That wasn't
possible because my dad was sitting in a chair behind the stranger and
my mom was standing right next to my dad! I'm African American, and
during that time the tenants in our building were all African American,
so Santa stood out! - Joanne NEIGHBORHOOD - 1973 One
Christmas Eve about 35 years ago, while I was in my teens, I was in a
car with my parents, returning home very late at night. We were talking
the whole way about Santa Claus and how great it would be if he really
did exist. As we pulled in the driveway of our house - there he was,
tiptoeing in the snow in-between two houses across the street! We all
laughed when we saw this and remembered the incident for many
Christmases thereafter. P.S.: No robberies were reported. - Del BRIGHT LIGHT - 2003 I
am 13, now but I saw something when I was seven. It was dark, night
time around midnight [on Christmas Eve]. I was in bed, but I wasn't
asleep (who could be?). All of a sudden, I saw a red light beaming down
into my window. It was so bright, and somehow I knew it was him. I
looked up in the sky, but all I could see was the bright light coming
from a small object. I didn't hear a helicopter or anything, but I did
hear the unique sound of bells and, of course, the sound of hooves
tapping on the roof. These sounds lasted for a few seconds after the
light had disappeared, then they were gone. - Jade SAN ANTONIO I
was about 7 and I was looking outside my second-story window, just
waiting to see him. I saw something approaching in the distance: it was
a huge sleigh and it was flying right over my house! I don't remember
seeing any reindeer, but I did see a man dressed in red with a beard. I
was so startled, but I kept looking, even sticking my head and half my
body outside of the window! I told my family, but I knew they
really didn't believe me. I swear on my life to this day I saw
something. I don't know if it was really Santa Claus, but I did see
what I described! - Drew SCOTLAND - 1978 An old friend
came to see me a couple of weeks ago. We lost touch years ago, but he
managed to trace me and he brought me a Christmas card. After a few
minutes, I asked him if he remembered the Christmas Eve about 30 years
ago when we were outside our houses. We grew up next to each other. It
must have been around 7.30 p.m., a clear night, when we suddenly heard
a bell or bells in the distance getting closer real fast. As we both
looked up, there was the reindeer, the sleigh and Santa flying very
fast and low over my house. It was brief, but we both ran to tell our
families. Of course, everyone laughed, but I tell you it was real! So
when my friend turned up I asked him if he remembered, and he said of
course he did... but he didn't like telling people about it now. You
can imagine why! - Jimmy UP ON THE ROOF - 2006 Three
Christmases ago, I was coming home from my aunt's, where we have a
party. I was crying because one of my cousins told me that Santa wasn't
real. Then we came around the corner of my street and there it was - a
big red sleigh and reindeer sitting on my roof! And then Santa popped
out of my chimney! I told everyone the next morning to see if
they could remember, but they couldn't. But a couple of days ago, my
dad went up to the roof to fix the leak... and there were long,
straight lines going across the roof. I took a picture and showed it to
my baby cousins and told them always believe. - Anonymous AIRPORT PARKING LOT A
few years ago I worked at the airport parking lot in a booth collecting
parking fees. On Christmas Eve, a car pulled up to the window, the
passenger was a very happy, chubby, white bearded guy wearing red pants
with red suspenders and a white turtleneck covered in red and green
Christmas characters. He sure looked like Santa to me. The rest of the
evening I told all my customers that Santa had just flown in. -
SKIttySKat AUSTRALIA This happened long ago when I was
about ten years old. Our house was in the suburbs. I swear that on one
Christmas Eve, I was sleeping in my room when I heard my backyard door
open, then close, and then a minute later it opened and closed again
another three times each, about a minute apart. I thought it must have
been my parents bringing in our presents from our garage, although, I
don't recall seeing them go past my bedroom to their room. I was hiding
under the covers at the time. On another Christmas Eve, I tried
to sneak down to the living room to try and catch Santa, but I
chickened out and left. As I was walking back to my bedroom, I passed
our front door and the light came on from outside, and I thought I
could see the shadow of someone outside. Of course, now that I think
about it, it could have just been a passerby or a cat or something. Or
maybe - just maybe - it could have been Santa. - Nick EERIE SANTA I
was five years old, and I was in my room when I heard shuffling in the
living room. I got up and peered around the doorway, where I saw a man
in a Santa suit standing in front of the Christmas tree. He must have
felt my presence because he turned around and looked at me. He didn't
look jolly or kind and happy like you would expect Santa Claus to look.
He looked kind of eerie, like he was staring into my soul. Automatically,
I ran into my parents' room and hid under the covers. I don't know why
I was so scared at the time, but I wrote it off as a dream for a while
before I forgot about it completely. Years later, I remembered
it. I thought it could have been a burglar, but when I asked my
parents, nothing was ever missing from that apartment. The only time we
were ever robbed was when we moved later on. The only explanation I
have now is that it was some kind of apparition. - Ana MEMPHIS, TENN. - 1980s and 2009 I
grew up in a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. In the 1980s, I was 8 or 9
years old. My parents and I were coming home from a Christmas party on
Christmas Eve. When we pulled up in the driveway, we saw Santa Claus in
a sleigh hovering above our house. All we could hear were sleigh bells.
The sleigh was illuminated so that we could see Santa (in full outfit)
in the sleigh. I remember seeing reindeer, but I don't know how many
there were. Santa waved at us and flew off in the sleigh. I'll
never forget it, and I'll never forget my dad's face of total shock. He
was an air traffic controller and when he went back to work after the
holidays he asked about it and nothing came up. In another
bizarre twist, on Black Friday in 2009, I was waiting in line at a
local Target store and broke out into conversation with another lady in
line. We were talking about Christmas shopping, and all of a sudden out
of nowhere she mentioned that her brother had seen Santa Claus in his
sleigh two years before. I stood with my mouth wide open because I
couldn't believe it. Every Christmas Eve I still think about him and
look outside to try to get a glimpse. - Mrs. Wages QUIET SANTA I
was probably around 8 years old when on Christmas Eve around 12 a.m., I
had been lying awake in bed for about 30 minutes. I was extremely
excited, thinking about the morning and opening presents. Anyway, I
start to hear these very faint footsteps approaching. Slowly, a man in
boots, carrying a sack looked into my room, my parents' room and then
my brother's room. I'm absolutely 100% positive I was awake, too. I
could see him fairly well because we had a nightlight on across the
hall in our bathroom. I remember hiding my entire face under the covers
with a small portion for my eyes to see. He then walked away quietly
and he was gone. Of course I told my parents and brother in the
morning about my sighting and, of course, they thought I was crazy. To
this day (I'm 28 now), I ask my parents if they had anything to do with
this, and they still deny it and say I was dreaming. I strongly believe
I saw a spirit or some kind of entity of Santa. - Richard DEFINITELY NOT SANTA I
heard this story from my husband years ago. He was small, probably
around six years old. His family was spending Christmas at the old
family homestead. He was in bed when he heard a noise outside and ran
to the window to see what it was. What should he see, but a fat,
white-bearded man walking through the swirling snow toward the house.
He crept downstairs to get a good look at Santa. How
disappointed he was when he discovered it was only his grandfather in
his red "union suit" on his way back from the outhouse. - K. Stuart Source: Paranormal.about.com http://paranormal.about.com/od/othermiracles/a/Santa-Claus-Sightings.htm
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