It may just the beginning of 2015 - but strangeness still abounds.
Weirdness still stalks the night. Craziness continues to lurk in the
open. Madness meddles those who seek openness and truth. That is
why we bring you Conspiracy Journal every week - to uncover the
uncoverable. To reveal the unrevealable. And to enlighten the
unenlightenable all the strange news that everyone else is afraid to
even admit.
This week Conspiracy Journal
brings you such fracking tales as: - Divers Retrieve Metal Associated With Atlantis Legend -
- Contacting Aliens and Angels With Cipher and Symbols - - Do Star-Gates Exist? -
AND: Mysterious Booms Rattle Oklahoma
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
PS: Your invited to join Tim Swartz and
Mike Mott every Sunday at Midnight for fabulousguests.
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Beckleyco-hosts the Sunday of every
month. Paranormal radio like you've never heard
it before.
centuries, man has sought to reach out to God’s servants and messengers
in a real-world, palpable way that leaves no room for spiritual doubt.
In the time of Queen Elizabeth I in England, world famous occultist Dr.
John Dee and his helper, Edward Kelley, developed a system for
contacting angels that came to be called “Enochian Magick.” Dee’s
system has survived the centuries and been passed down to us.
CIPHERS” offers the reader a history lesson on Dee’s method for
contacting angels, including its origins in the Jewish and Christian
mystical traditions. The book includes an exclusive interview with
author Aaron Leitch, who still practices Dee’s methods over 400 years
For those not quite ready to dive into the more complex
aspects of Enochian Angel magick, simpler – but just as effective –
methods are taught here by psychic Maria D’Andrea, who provides
step-by-step instructions to petition specific angels for help with any
problem, large or small. A dozen talismans created my Ms D' Andrea are
provided each corresponding with a different Arch Angel.
And as
a bonus supplement, we have included Bishop Allen Greenfield’s classic
work, “SECRET CIPHER OF THE UFONAUTS,” to assist in contacting angelic
aliens in their own language and to aid in decoding what they have
spoken to us!
This fascinating work includes all the talismans
and symbols and ciphers you need to set up your own angel alter so that
you may proceed with contacting the celestial kingdom in an organized
subscribers of the Conspiracy Journal
Newsletter this book is on sale for the
special price of only $20.00 (plus
$5.00 shipping).
This offer will not last long so ORDER
Here to Order With PayPal
You can also
phone in your credit card orders to Global
24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407
And as always you
can send a check or money order to:
Timothy Green Beckley
P.O. Box 753
New Brunswick, NJ 08903Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley
Divers Retrieve Metal Associated With Atlantis Legend By Rhodi Lee

group of divers who were exploring a 2,600 year-old shipwreck off the
coast of Sicily discovered ingots believed to be made of orichalcum, a
metal that the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote to have been
forged in the legendary city of Atlantis.
The orichalcum, whose
composition and origin remain widely debated, is said to have been
invented by a mythological Greek-Phoenician alchemist named Cadmus and
was considered very valuable in the ancient times it ranked next to
In the fourth century B.C., Plato, one of the greatest
geniuses of all time, mentioned the orichalcum in the Critias dialogue
with his description of Atlantis being a realm that flashes with the
red light of the mysterious metal.
He said that the orichalcum
was mined there and that was used to cover the floors and structures of
floors of Poseidon's temple. Many experts today believe that the metal
is a brass-like alloy produced in the ancient times using a process
known as cementation.
Sebastiano Tusa, Sicily's superintendent
of the Sea Office, said that 39 ingots had been found by a team of
divers who were exploring a shipwreck that dates back to the first half
of the sixth century.
The sunken ship, which was found about
1,000 feet from the coast and at a depth of 10 feet, is believed to
have likely been transporting cargo from either Greece or Asia Minor
when it sank on its way to the port city of Gela in southern Sicily,
probably during a storm.
Tusa hailed the finding as a unique discovery given that no similar object has yet been discovered before.
"Nothing similar has ever been found," Tusa said. "We knew orichalcum from ancient texts and a few ornamental objects."
determine the composition of the 39 ingots, the archaeological team had
the cast metals undergo x-ray fluorescence analysis. It turns out that
the metals are composed mainly of copper and zinc with small traces of
iron, nickel and lead. The discovery of these metals implies the
presence of artisan workshops in the coastal town of Gela in southern
Sicily, which flourished during the time of Greek colonisation in 689
B.C. The ship that sank 2,600 years ago may have been
transporting goods to the island while sailing through stormy tides.
now, the components and roots of orichalcum is being contested. Some
experts compare it with amber or other copper-based compounds, but most
think that this alloy is more like brass. Dr Enrico Mattievich, a
retired physics professor and specialist on mineralogy, believes
otherwise and posits that orichalcum was made by ancient Peruvians
during the Chavin Era from 1200 B.C. to 200 B.C and these were made of
9 percent copper, 15 percent silver and 76 percent gold.
the ancient people of the Andes were known for their advanced skills in
metalworking processes. Mattievich says that the metals found by
Sebastiano Tusa and associates are not orichalcum but rather pieces of
alloys made of copper, zinc and lead.
While classification of
the 39 ingots continues to stir up more scholarly discussions, the
archaeological team will push through with next phase of exploring the
6th century sunken ship and its contents. Prior to this discovery, a
shipwreck off an Aeolian Island was detected by American divers in 2010
and was explored in 2014.
Source: Tech Times atlantis-metal-orichalcum-from-ancient-shipwreck.htm
Contacting Aliens and Angels With Cipher and Symbols By Sean Casteel

Beckley, the CEO of Inner Light/Global Communications, has always had a
healthy interest in helping his customers make their personal spiritual
journey to some kind of positive, joyful outcome. While Beckley resists
some of the more “preachy” literary paths to salvation, he does inject
into the marketplace a goodly amount of information intended to firm up
your faith that there are patient, heavenly forces reaching out to
those who are open to them. Not only do these heavenly force
reach out to us, we are provided with a method of reaching out to them
as well. Which is the subject of a recent release from Inner
Light/Global Communications called “Angel Spells: The Enochian Occult
Workbook of Charms, Seals, Talismans and Ciphers.” ENOCH’S LONG LOST BOOK Perhaps
some explanation about what the word “Enochian” in the title means. It
refers to an “angel summoning” system first developed by John Dee, the
most respected scholar of his day, in the 1500s when Queen Elizabeth I
ruled over England. Dee, working with a psychic partner named Edward
Kelley, attempted to open communications with the angelic realm. I
learned from my initial research into Dee and Enochian magick that it
is an astonishingly complicated subject, so I turned to an expert.
Aaron Leitch is the author of several books in the field that attempt
to make the study a little easier for the uninitiated. Leitch told me
that in the apocryphal Book of Enoch the prophet Enoch is said to have
communed with angels on a regular basis and even to have been taken up
to heaven and given a tour of the place. The book was later rejected
from the Biblical canon and it was impossible to find a copy anywhere
after it had been outlawed by the early Church many centuries before
Dee’s time. But Dee knew about the legendary Book of Enoch. He
wrote in his journals that if Enoch, Ezekiel, Daniel and all the other
prophets old had gotten their wisdom directly from angelic sources, why
couldn’t he do the same? So he began to explore occultism, reading
medieval Christian magickal texts such as “The Keys of Solomon” and
other sources that instructed the practitioner on how to call down
angels and command demons. Dee and Kelley would eventually
create their own system for summoning angels that fused together the
Jewish mystical work, the Kabbalah, along with the then current trends
in Christian mysticism. Dee never called his system “Enochian Magick,”
however. That label was later applied by historians in reference to
Dee’s dedicated interest in the prophet’s long lost book. But Dee saw
himself as a faithful Christian even though his religious practices
might have seemed a bit strange to his average fellow believers. Having
summoned the angels, either as a vision in Kelley’s scrying stone (a
variation on the more familiar crystal ball) or as audible speaking
voices, Dee would write in his journal whatever the angels imparted.
The problem quickly arose, however, that something besides the Queen’s
English was needed to make the conversations more authentic, more
meaningful. What was to Dee a completely unknown tongue (sometimes
called “The Language of Eden” because it was believed to have first
been spoken by Adam in the Garden) was revealed to him by his angels.
The language came to be called “Enochian” because it was given to the
world by Dee in the course of his work. “Angel Spells: The
Enochian Occult Workbook of Charms, Seals, Talismans and Ciphers”
includes the complete Enochian Keys, which are the requisite
invocations to be spoken to summon the angels in both their preferred
Edenic language and in English. There are also guides to pronouncing
the Enochian words should you wish to experiment with all this a little
yourself. According to author Aaron Leitch, who has written a
two-volume study and analysis of the language called “The Angelic
Language,” one can bypass a great many of the complicated rituals,
mathematics and encrypted instructions along with the language and
still have a satisfactory angelic contact experience. DID ENOCH HAVE AN ALIEN ABDUCTION EXPERIENCE? And
where do aliens fit in all this? The Book of Enoch has long been
thought to contain elements of a typical alien abduction experience.
Enoch is roused from his sleep by two angels and taken aloft to tour
heaven. He is given information on the workings of the cosmos and then
returned to his home. There is a school of UFOlogy that equates the
angels who abducted Enoch and Biblical stories like Elijah’s journey to
heaven aboard a fiery chariot with basic elements of the present day
UFO phenomenon. Dee sought to contact the same beings who had so
graciously kidnapped Enoch, and it is left to us to wonder if he
succeeded. “Angel Spells” also tells the story of the
legendary occultist Aleister Crowley’s experiments with the Enochian
magick he had learned while a member of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, an occult society founded in London in 1888. After Crowley
broke with the Order, he continued to refine what he was taught until
it became his own system. While on vacation with his wife in Cairo in
April 1904, he received a surprising response to his many years of
practicing Enochian magick: the appearance of “Aiwass,” or “Aiwaz,” a
being Crowley regarded as super-human. The drawing that Crowley made in
his journal at the time unmistakably resembles the familiar gray alien
of our time. One is hard-pressed not to draw the conclusion that John
Dee was most likely working with these same beings since he and Crowley
were using such similar methods of summoning them. Crowley wrestled all
his life with the nature of the Higher Beings he contacted, including
Aiwass, and died in poverty in 1947. SIMPLER RITUALS FOR CONTACTING ANGELS The
late William Alexander Oribello believed himself to be guided by angels
from his childhood on and wrote several books for Tim Beckley that
sought to teach others to do the same. Over the years, Oribello studied
many sacred texts on communicating with the Angelic Kingdom. He
discovered that there are certain times when they would be more readily
available to come to our aid as well as offer guidance and support.
Oribello always emphasized the importance of casting spells or praying
while burning specific colored candles. Oribello contributes a
chapter to “Angel Spells” in which he summarizes his teachings
regarding the Archangels, their influences, their association with
various Zodiac signs and their relevance to specific days of the week.
His chapter also features information about the type of candles to burn
that will bring angels into our aura. He is able to make what could
have been a strenuously complex cosmology into something charmingly
simple and reassuring and even entertaining. We are next given
some female insight into all this by the Reverend Maria D’Andrea, an
internationally known professional psychic from Budapest, Hungary.
Maria gives simple step-by-step instructions on using some of Dee and
Kelley’s ritual objects and combining them with the angel symbols she
created and which are included in her chapter. Maria follows that up
with another chapter that teaches the reader to pray for safety and
protection, how to use certain talismans and exactly which angel to
summon for a specific purpose. Here it is important to explain
the “Workbook” part of the book’s subtitle. Some of the ritual symbols
in the book are intended to be photocopied onto cardstock or,
preferably, virgin parchment. For example, there is a full-page
reproduction of a symbol called the Sigillum Dei Aemaeth which was used
by Dee in his Enochian rituals and is crucial to the magickal process.
The idea is to photocopy the complex design and then use it as an altar
in combination with the angelic symbols provided by Maria. This is all
simpler than it might sound and does not require anything approaching
the machinations of more pure forms of Enochian magick. One can also
purchase the symbols already nicely printed out and thus avoid a trip
to the photocopy store. Just check the ad in the back of “Angels
Spells” A special bonus section consisting of a reprint
of Bishop Allen Greenfield’s landmark book “Secret Cipher of the
UFOnauts” is also part of “Angel Spells.” Greenfield holds the title of
bishop in the Gnostic Church and has a long history of active – and
contentious – membership in many occult organizations, including the
Ordo Templi Orientis, established by Aleister Crowley. Greenfield’s
“Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts” is a provocative magickal text for the
modern age that has come to be regarded as a classic in the field and
one which might be considered to have a particularly hip cachet. For a
long time it was a rare and difficult book to track down but it is
included in full in “Angel Spells.” The book explains
Greenfield’s theory that much of the UFO phenomenon can be “decoded” by
using a method that draws on the Kabbalah, especially the numerology
aspects of its Jewish mysticism, as well as other similar ancient
systems. He believes the UFO occupants are an eternal race that has
always reached out to certain human adepts by using hidden, obscure
linguistic and mathematical symbolism, including elements of Crowley’s
version of Enochian magick THE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES Can
contact with angels/aliens ever be something where we, as mere mortals,
are an independent part of the conversation? Do we have the ability to
bring such heavenly beings into our presence and then engage them in a
dialogue in which they freely reveal what we are so eager to learn? Or
does that sound a little too good to be true? Maybe you can answer that
for yourself after reading “Angel Spells: The Enochian Occult Workbook
of Charms, Seals, Talismans and Ciphers” and experimenting with some of
the tools in the book. However, be careful to approach all
this with caution and to follow the instructions and rituals carefully.
If you succeed in summoning an angel or two, you may find yourself in
the company of something much more powerful than you ever imagined, an
entity who is no respecter of persons and whose concerns and priorities
are very different from your own. To quote Aaron Leitch, some of these
angels can “fry your brain out with a single thought.” But you may also
experience ecstatic visions and draw inexpressibly nearer to God. The
decision as to whether to take the risk is entirely your own. SUGGESTED READING
Do Star-Gates Exist? By Martin J. Clemens

humans are hopelessly obsessed with death. We expend an
incredible amount of time and energy wondering about, worrying about,
and preparing for that inevitable end to each of our lives. All
of our religions are founded upon the idea that there is an afterlife,
an existence beyond our corporeal selves. It’s been that way for
a long time, too.
One of the primary indicators of early human
culture is whether or not the people in question undertook to bury
their dead. This happened as far back as 100,000 years ago, but
the mindset that lead to it is likely much older than that. As a
species, our preoccupation with death and its attendant features is
likely as old as our ability to comprehend what it means to be dead.
for as long as we’ve believed that there is a place, or several places
even, that our loved ones travel to in their long, dark sleep, we’ve
also tried to find ways to reach that place without the mess of
dying. This has been done in a number of ways; from mediation and
chanting, to psychedelically induced spirit journeys, and to the
physical embodiment of portals between this world and the next.
Those portals offer an interesting look at the impact of afterlife
belief on our cultures.
In March 2013, a team of archaeologists
from the University of Salento (Italy) stumbled across what has been
dubbed ‘the gate to hell’ in southwestern Turkey. It is believed
that this portal to the afterlife, in this case the Greek Underworld,
is a temple used to worship the Greek god Pluto. Its traditional
name is Pluto’s Gate or the Plutonium, and it was used by priests to
demonstrate the power of Pluto and Kore – the lords of the underworld –
to steal the life of whomever entered the portal.
A part of the
World Heritage site of Hierapolis (now called Pamukkale), the Plutonium
(which is Latin for Pluto) consisted of a shallow pool in which priests
would sit to prepare themselves for rituals, a series of steps which
served as an observatory for congregants, and a crude doorway into a
natural underground chamber, from which deadly poisonous gases
emanated. The ceremonies at this site often included animal
sacrifices, such as bulls, wherein they would lead the animals into the
cave and then drag them back out once the fumes had overtaken them.
There are other, less morbid examples of portals to the afterlife in our history though.
have we known that the ancient people of what is now Bolivia and Peru
in South America, had a penchant for elaborate temple construction and
ritual, all in an effort to please and sometimes to communicate with
their gods.
One spectacular example of ancient architecture
dedicated to the transition between the here-and-now and the hereafter
is the Gate of the Sun in what is now called Tiwanaku (also Tiahuanaco)
in Bolivia. The peoples who built and occupied Tiwanaku are
largely unknown, as the settlement is dated to the pre-Incan era of
300-1000 AD, and the culture responsible apparently had no written
language. The Gate of the Sun is a 4 meter wide by 3 meter high
stone archway that stands on an open terrace. The arch is adorned
with 48 carved squares, each with an effigy or winged figure looking
toward a central character whose identity is unknown. That
central character is a carved figure of a man, with 24 radial lines
surrounding its head, which may represent sunlight. This figure
also holds two staffs, which some believe represent lightning and
As mentioned, we know next to nothing about the Gate of
the Sun, but some have presented theories about its use. From an
astrological observation post and primitive calendar, to a portal to
the realm of the sky gods. Author and famed ancient alien
proponent David Childress points to similarities between Tiwanaku’s
Gate of the Sun and the legendary H-blocks at Pumapunku and claims that
these sites are evidence of lost fund-knowledge from unknown
prehistoric civilizations, such as Atlantis or Lemuria. He and
others proclaim that the archway of the gate may have been, and perhaps
still is, an actual portal to another realm. The precision of the
carvings and block cuts at Pumapunku are widely held to be much too
advanced to have been the product of a culture as primitive as the
Incas or those before them. Childress also draws parallels
between the Gate of the Sun and the Gate of the Gods.
The ruins
of the ancient city state of Tiwanaku, where the Gate of the Sun stands
prominently, is situated near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca,
which is where the Aramu Muru portal is located.
Aramu Muru is
actually found on the outskirts of a small town called Juli in the Hayu
Marca hill. It and Tiwanaku are within the province of Chucuito,
which is commonly known as The Rome of America. Aramu Muru is
actually a rock face in the high-altitude mountains of Lake Titicaca
that has been smoothed to a nearly flat surface with a roughly six foot
high T-shaped alcove cut out of its centre at ground level.
alcove is called Puerta de Hayu Marca, or in English, the portal of
Hayu Marca, or more popularly, the Gate of the Gods. Most in
mainstream archaeology view Puerta de Hayu Marca to be an unfinished
construction project, as it consists only of the single rock face and
alcove, and has no obvious purpose. There are traditional stories
about the Gate, however, that show it to be quite important in
Peruvian/Bolivian culture.
It’s said that the Gate of the Gods
is a portal to the underground, and that it was used by a priest to
travel to the underworld in order to hide the great golden disc of
Coricancha away from the invading warriors of other lands. Locals
have long told stories of strange looking beings – tall, slender and
not of this Earth – coming through the portal. Some think, namely
Childress and other ancient alien proponents, that the disc of
Coricancha was actually some sort of alien technology used to activate
and control the portal, which they believe is some kind of
star-gate. In fact, paranormal writer Jerry Willis claims to have
travelled through the gateway himself during his own investigation of
the area, though that should be taken with a grain of salt.
Titicaca itself, being the highest altitude freshwater lake on the
planet, is the subject of a great many stories involving strange
lights, UFO’s and other odd phenomenon. In fact the whole area of
Chucuito holds a wealth of strange stories and archaeological
mysteries, and when you add in the various theories about this culture
being a remnant of lost cultures the world over, it’s hard not to
romanticise the findings and the people of the area.
Did ancient
human cultures not only hold a belief in other realms of existence but
also find a way to access those realms through some sort of lost
knowledge, or perhaps knowledge offered by ancient visitors to
Earth? Mainstream science says, probably not, and that’s based on
the lack of evidence for the existence of such knowledge and/or
visitors, but there are learned men and women who disagree.
Source: Where The Weird Things Are
The Indecipherable Rohonc Codex By M R Reese

discovery of an unidentified text in Hungary has led to more than 200
years of attempts to determine who authored it and to decipher its
contents. Many scholars have studied the text, known as the Rohonc
Codex, in an effort to understand its meaning and to determine who
wrote it and when it was drafted. However, these efforts have been
futile to date, as the meaning and origin of the text still remain a
The Rohonc Codex was discovered in Hungary in the
1800s. It is believed to have been part of the personal library of
Count Gusztáv Batthyány, before he donated his entire personal library
to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. When the Codex surfaced, it
initially appeared to be from medieval times. However, the text, which
appears to resemble Old Hungarian script, was completely
indecipherable. The mysterious text led many to wonder what the
writings meant, who wrote it, and what purpose it served. Many of these
questions remain to be answered, as the author has not been identified,
and the text has yet to be translated.
In total, the Rohonc
Codex contains 448 pages of indecipherable text, which is similar to
Old Hungarian script, as they are both written with a right-to-left
orientation, and have similar combinations of straight and rounded
characters. Scholars have asserted that in reality, the writing could
be anything from Hindi to Old Hungarian, although it lacks features
from each of those written languages. The number of different symbols
used is considered to be extremely high, with ten times more symbols
than are found in any known alphabet.
The paper within the Codex
has the unique characteristic of being watermarked. Each page contains
the watermark, which has the appearance of an anchor, which is within a
circle, which is within a six-rayed star. The watermark itself appears
to date to 1529-1540 AD, although the actual Codex appears to have been
written much earlier than that. This discrepancy makes it difficult to
determine exactly when the text was written, although it is possible
that the book was transcribed after its initial creation.
Codex contains more than just written text – it is also accompanied by
87 illustrations depicting military battles, landscapes, and religious
icons, which are said to hint at several different religions, including
Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam. Some have interpreted this to show
that whichever culture was responsible for creating the text was one
within which the three religions co-existed.
Attempts at
translating the Codex have led to several theories. There is much
variation in these theories, as scholars have not even been able to
agree on the orientation of the text. Researcher Marius-Adrian Oancea
has hypothesized that the text is the Old Hungarian alphabet (known as
székely rovásírás or székely-magyar rovás), and that the contents
revolve around topics from the New Testament. This is called the
Old Hungarian Alphabet hypothesis.
Mahesh Kumar Singh believes
that the text is actually a variation of Brahmi script, from India, and
that it should be read left to right, top to bottom. This is known as
the Brahmi-Hindi hypothesis. Singh claimed to have transliterated the
first 24 pages into Hindi, and then subsequently had those 24 pages
translated from Hindi to Hungarian. According to this translation, the
Codex begins as an apocryphal gospel, followed by a meditative
prologue, and then leads into stories of Jesus during his infancy. A
portion of Singh’s translation includes:
bhagwan log bahoot garib yahan bimar aur bhookhe hai / inko itni sakti
aur himmat do taki ye apne karmo ko pura kar sake
Which translated into English, reads:
Oh, my God! Here the people is very poor, ill and starving, therefore
give them sufficient potency and power that they may satisfy their
However, Singh’s translation was quickly criticized as lacking consistency, and most consider his translation to be a hoax.
Ena(chiuc has attempted a translation as well, leading to the
conclusion that the script is intended to be read right to left, bottom
to top, and that it is written in the Vulgar Latin dialect of Dacia.
This is called the Daco-Romanian hypothesis. This translation concludes
that the text originated in the 11th or 12th century, and that it
belongs to the Blaki people, who fought against the Hungarians and
Pechenegs. Some of his translations include:
Deteti lis vivit neglivlu iti iti itia niteren titius suonares imi urast ucen
Which translated into English, reads:
In great numbers, in the fierce battle, without fear go, go as a hero.
Break ahead with great noise, to sweep away and defeat the Hungarian!
is also criticized as lacking consistency, and as a linguist and
historian, her work is denounced for not being “scientific.”
Attila Nyíri, of Hungary has proposed that the pages, when turned
upside down, are a Sumerian ligature. This is known as the
Sumero-Hungarian hypothesis. His translation includes:
Eljött az Istened. Száll az Úr. Ó. Vannak a szent angyalok. Azok. Ó.
Which translated into English, reads:
Your God has come. The Lord flies. Oh. There are the holy angels. Them. Oh.
the others, Nyíri’s translation was criticized for lack of consistency.
It is said that he took too many liberties with rearranging symbols,
which in essence could lead to an infinite number of translations.
and computer-based attempts at translation have been conducted as well.
However, none of these attempts have been successful in actually
translating the text of the Codex. Some researchers, like Levente
Zoltán Király, have come to widely accepted conclusions about the
structure of the book, and the references it contains to the life of
Jesus. While this has not led to a definitive conclusion as to the
origins or meaning of the Codex, it has helped to debunk any theories
that the book itself is a hoax.
It is possible that with further
study, the Rohonc Codex will be more fully understood. For now, it
remains a textual clue to some of the mysteries of humankind’s ancient
Source: Ancient Origins researchers-indecipherable-rohonc-020160
The Tracks of the

The people around the Congo River Basin have a long oral history of
their people and their lands. Among and intertwined with those stories
are tales of a gigantic beast that lives in the swamps and rivers of
the Congo. Generally it's a harmless beast, uninterested in eating
people, and sticking to a type of liana that grows along the river.
That isn't to say that it isn't dangerous; the tales say that the
Mokèlé-mbèmbé will attack and sometimes
kill people and hippos. Strangely, this area of the lowlands has an
unusually low hippo population.
So the question arises: what exactly is the
Mokèlé-mbèmbé? Simplest answer is that it
is the Sasquatch of Africa. The name even means "one who stops the flow
of rivers". There are crypozoologists in the world who would say that
it/they are real living dinosaurs of the sauropod family still roaming
the earth.
They are described as being bigger than a forest elephant with a long
neck, a small snake-like or lizard-like head, which was decorated with
a comb-like frill. They have a long, flexible tail, reddish-brown skin
and four stubby, but powerful legs with clawed toes.
Not unlike Nessy of Lock Ness fame,
Mokèlé-mbèmbé just aren't photogenic. There
are some pictures that claim to have captured the image of such a
creature, but as a rule they are too distant, too blurry, or too dark.
Such obstacles are no deterrent to the determined. Expeditions to find
the Mokèlé-mbèmbé have come home with
photos of footprints and super-sized trails through the flora.
There is a long history of people encountering the
Mokèlé-mbèmbé, including:
* 1776 - French priest Abbé Lievain
Bonaventure Proyart described the natural history of the Congo Basin of
Africa. He wrote about a creature "which was not seen but which must
have been monstrous: the marks of the claws were noted on the ground,
and these formed a print about three feet in circumference.
* 1909 - Naturalist Carl Hagenbeck recounted how two
separate individuals: a German named Hans Schomburgh and an English
hunter, told him about a "huge monster, half elephant, half dragon,"
which lived in the Congo swamps.
* 1980 - An expedition mounted by engineer Herman
Regusters and his wife Kia managed to make its way to Lake Tele, where
they heard the growls and roars of an unknown creature. They also
claimed to have photographed Mokèlé-mbèmbé
in the lake, as well as watching it walk on land through the brush.
According to Regusters, the creature they saw was 30-35 feet long.
* 1983 - A Congolese expedition led by Marcellin
Agnagna, a zoologist from the Brazzaville Zoo, arrived to Lake Tele.
Agnagna claimed to have seen the beast some 275 meters out in the lake.
The animal held its thin, reddish head - which had crocodile-looking,
oval eyes and a thin nose - on a height of 90 cm and looked from side
to side, almost as if it was watching him. According to Agnagna, the
animal was a reptile, though not a crocodile, nor a python or a
freshwater turtle.
* 1987 - A piece of blurry video footage filmed by a
Japanese film crew supposedly showing the creature in Lake Tele remains
disputable evidence of the animal's existence. The film is indistinct
and grainy, possibly just showing two men in a boat with one of them
standing upright in the front of the vessel, as is common in Africa.
This has been interpreted as a head and neck, but this interpretation
of the videotape is purely speculative at best.
* 2000 - Cameroon, Boumba River, Two Congolese
security guards spotted a Mokèlé-mbèmbé in
the water.
Though there is no conclusive evidence that the
Mokèlé-mbèmbé are loitering in the lakes
and swamps of the Congo, there are enough hints to make one wonder.
Personally, I think it would be keen if such a monster were still out
there. Improbable as it is that a beast of such dimension could elude
being caught on film for so long, it isn't impossible. New species are
still being cataloged in Africa—and other parts of the world—though
none quite so big.
Source: Damn Interesting
Mysterious Booms Rattle Oklahoma
spate of mysterious booms that has been shaking central Oklahoma
returned for a second day Friday, again rattling houses and frightening
livestock. Oklahoma Geological Survey research seismologist
Austin Holland said a series of booms, much like a sonic boom, rattled
the Norman area starting at 11:19 a.m. Friday. Numerous others had been
reported Thursday in the same area at about the same time. Friday's booms weren't "quite as frequent" as Thursday's, Holland said. "It's quite interesting." The
windows of Anthony Young's home in the town that's the outskirts of
Oklahoma City rattled. "We thought some nut was out here, you know,
with explosives," Young told KOCO-TV. "It sounded like thunder, you
could feel the ground shake, but it was nothing like an earthquake" Both Holland and National Weather Service meteorologist Matthew Day didn't have an explanation for the booms. No
earthquakes have been recorded in the area, Holland said, noting that
"we would have seen them on our seismic stations in the area." And it's
unlikely that it's due to a drilling process known as fracking, he
said, because the booms were heard and felt over a wide area including
Norman, Edmond and Shawnee. Holland's best guess: It must have been something just above the surface of the earth or in the atmosphere. Day,
who's based in Norman, said a phenomenon known as cryoseisms also isn't
likely. Cryoseisms, or "frost quakes," occur when water quickly freezes
in soil or rock, then expands and cracks. "There are some
stories going around that's what it was, but based on the research
we've done here, it doesn't appear what people heard is related to the
cryoseism phenomena," Day told The Norman Transcript. "There's not
enough moisture, and the temperatures are not cold enough. That happens
in areas where you have a lot of water flowing through a lot of rock,"
Day said. "We don't know what it was, we just know what it is not," according to Day. Holland
said the booms occurred on generally regular interval, initially
occurring 40 to 60 seconds apart, then about 20 seconds apart. "It's a mystery to us as well," he said. It
may be just a coincidence, but Texas has recently seen a strange
increase of earthquake clusters that has rattled a Dallas suburb.
Experts have turned to seismic data to help determine why. The temblors in the Irving area included three quakes Wednesday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. Irving
police had no reports of injuries or major damage in the 11 earthquakes
that hit the area since Tuesday, but asked the public to stop calling
911 to report the shaking unless someone was hurt or there was another
emergency. The magnitudes ranged from 1.6 to 3.6, according to
the USGS. Earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 to 3.0 are generally the
smallest felt by humans, experts say. Small earthquakes have
become more common in Texas and Oklahoma. In October, Texas officials
amended rules for disposal well operators amid concerns that
high-pressure injections related to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking,
can trigger earthquakes. Carrieann Bedwell, a geophysicist with the USGS in Golden, Colorado, said scientists would be investigating. "They
will be looking at the parameters, magnitude, depth, location of each
of the events," Bedwell said Wednesday. "Right now we're calling it a
swarm, because we've had multitude events happen." Bedwell described a swarm as earthquakes approximately in the same location in a matter of a few days or so. "Earthquakes of this size, like 2s, 3s, can happen pretty much anywhere in the world at any time," Bedwell said. The
Irving area, with a population topping 250,000, has had more than 25
minor earthquakes since early September, according to Brian Stump, a
seismologist with Southern Methodist University. "SMU's
seismology team is committed to helping North Texans understand more
about the increasing number of earthquakes felt in our region over the
last few years, most recently near the city of Irving," Stump said in a
statement Tuesday. SMU researchers installed a seismometer in
Irving on Monday. Other devices were set up earlier near Dallas-Fort
Worth International Airport and on the Dallas campus. In a statement,
SMU said 15 more were deployed Wednesday in the Irving area, two more
will be set up Thursday and five more on Friday. Separately, the USGS reported a 3.5 magnitude earthquake Tuesday afternoon near Snyder, about 250 miles west of Irving. Source:
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