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This week Conspiracy Journal
brings you such stomach-churning tales as: - Australian Aboriginal Stories Recall "Flood" at End of Ice Age -
- Spy Agencies Seeking Weather Weapon, Scientist Fears - - Fortean Aspects of the Flying Disks -
AND: Dead for 48 Minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is Female
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
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HOT OFF THE PRESSES! America's Strange and Supernatural History
Find out what the "Powers That Be" Don't want you to know regarding the truly hidden - occult - history of the United States.
one would likely dispute the fact that times are stranger in America
than ever before, and indications are that things are getting weirder
with each passing day. But a look at our hidden – SECRET – history
alerts us to the startling fact that our country has been steeped in
“high strangeness” since its founding fathers signed the Declaration of
Independence and, provocatively, even before.
It is
nevertheless apparent that our proud nation owes a great “debt of
ingratitude” to the mysterious, the macabre, the downright bizarre and
the unseen realm of the occult. Did the ancient Lemurians, a Pacific
Ocean race similar to the fabled Atlanteans to the east, erect the
mysterious walls found in the eastern part of the San Francisco Bay
area? Writer Olav Phillips explores the enigma first hand.
Casteel provides an overview of historical incidents of cannibalism,
stories that go back as far as “The Starving Time” of the Jamestown
colony in 1609, and Wm. Michael Mott offers up some of the UFO and
creature sightings he has collected from the state of Mississippi.
Timothy Green Beckley and his friend Circe returned to Sleepy Hollow,
New York – of “Headless Horseman” fame – and discovered that paranormal
activity is still rampant there, while author Tim Swartz would like
suitable explanations for all the supernatural mysteries of his native
In a Bonus Section: “The Spiritual Destiny of
America” - The future of America as seen through the eyes of prophecy
and the occult is revealed. You can feel the chills already, eh? Read
“America’s Strange and Supernatural History” and get ready to kick
those chills up a notch or two.
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Australian Aboriginal Stories Recall "Flood" at End of Ice Age By John Upton and Climate Central

the southernmost state capital of the Australian mainland, was
established by Europeans a couple hundred years ago at the juncture of
a great river and a wind-whipped bay. Port Phillip Bay sprawls over 750
square miles, providing feeding grounds for whales and sheltering
coastlines for brine-scented beach towns. But it’s an exceptionally
shallow waterway, less than 30 feet in most places. It’s so shallow
that 10,000 years ago, when ice sheets and glaciers held far more of
the planet’s water than is the case today, most of the bay floor was
high and dry and grazed upon by kangaroos.
To most of us, the
rush of the oceans that followed the last ice age seems like a
prehistoric epoch. But the historic occasion was dutifully
recorded—coast to coast—by the original inhabitants of the land Down
Without using written languages, Australian tribes passed
memories of life before, and during, post-glacial shoreline inundations
through hundreds of generations as high-fidelity oral history. Some
tribes can still point to islands that no longer exist—and provide
their original names.
That’s the conclusion of linguists and a
geographer, who have together identified 18 Aboriginal stories—many of
which were transcribed by early settlers before the tribes that told
them succumbed to murderous and disease-spreading immigrants from
afar—that they say accurately described geographical features that
predated the last post-ice age rising of the seas.
“It’s quite
gobsmacking to think that a story could be told for 10,000 years,”
Nicholas Reid, a linguist at Australia’s University of New England
specializing in Aboriginal Australian languages, said. “It’s almost
unimaginable that people would transmit stories about things like
islands that are currently underwater accurately across 400
How could such tales survive hundreds of generations without being written down?
are aspects of storytelling in Australia that involved kin-based
responsibilities to tell the stories accurately,” Reid said. That rigor
provided “cross-generational scaffolding” that “can keep a story true.”
and a fellow linguist teamed up with Patrick Nunn, a geography
professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast. They combed through
documented Aboriginal Australian stories for tales describing times
when sea levels were lower than today. The team analyzed the contours
of the land where the stories were told and used scientific
reconstructions of prehistoric sea levels to date the origins of each
of the stories—back to times when fewer than 10 million people were
thought to have inhabited the planet.
Nunn has drafted a paper
describing sea level rise history in the 18 identified Aboriginal
Australian stories, which he plans to publish in a peer-reviewed
journal. He’s also scouring the globe for similar examples of stories
that describe ancient environmental change.
“There's a
comparably old tradition among the Klamath of Oregon that must be at
least 7,700 years old—it refers to the last eruption of Mount Mazama,
which formed Crater Lake,” Nunn said. “I’m also working on ancient
inundation stories and myths from India, and I’ve been trying to
stimulate some interest among Asian scholars.”
The highlights of
the results of the trio’s preliminary analysis of six of the ancient
Australian tales was presented during an indigenous language conference
in Japan. The stories describe permanent coastal flooding. In some
cases, they describe times when dry land occupied space now submerged
by water. In others, they tell of wading out to islands that can now
only be reached by boat.
“This paper makes the case that
endangered Indigenous languages can be repositories for factual
knowledge across time depths far greater than previously imagined,” the
researchers wrote in their paper, “forcing a rethink of the ways in
which such traditions have been dismissed.”
Port Phillip Bay Numerous
tribes described a time when the bay was mostly dry land. An 1859
report produced for the state government described tribal descendants
recalling when the bay “was a kangaroo ground.” The author of that
report wrote that the descendents would tell him, “Plenty catch
kangaroo and plenty catch opossum there.” The researchers determined
that these stories recount a time when seas were about 30 feet higher
than today, suggesting that the stories are 7,800 to 9,350 years old.
Kangaroo Island The
Ngarrindjeri people tell stories of Ngurunderi, an ancestral character
steeped in mythology. In one of their stories, Ngurunderi chased his
wives until they sought refuge by fleeing to Kangaroo Island—which they
could do mostly by foot. Ngurunderi angrily rose the seas, turning the
women into rocks that now jut out of the water between the island and
the mainland. Assuming this dark tale is based on true geographical
changes, it originated at a time when seas were about 100 feet lower
than they are today, which would date the story at 9,800 to 10,650
years ago.
Tiwi Islands A story told by the Tiwi people
describes the mythological creation of Bathurst and Melville islands
off Australia’s northern coastline, where they live. An old woman is
said to have crawled between the islands, followed by a flow of water.
The story is interpreted as the settling of what now are islands,
followed by subsequent flooding around them, which the researchers
calculate would have occurred 8,200 to 9,650 years ago.
Rottnest, Carnac and Garden Islands An
early European settler described Aboriginal stories telling how these
islands, which can still be viewed from the shores of Perth or
Fremantle, “once formed part of the mainland, and that the intervening
ground was thickly covered with trees.” According to at least one
story, the trees caught fire, burning “with such intensity that the
ground split asunder with a great noise, and the sea rushed in between,
cutting off these islands from the mainland.” Based on the region’s
bathymetry, the researchers dated the story back 7,500 to 8,900 years
Fitzroy Island Stories by the original residents of
Australia’s northeastern coastline tell of a time when the shoreline
stretched so far out that it abbuted the Great Barrier Reef. The
stories tell of a river that entered the sea at what is now Fitzroy
Island. The great gulf between today’s shoreline and the reef suggests
that the stories tell of a time when seas were more than 200 feet lower
than they are today, placing the story’s roots at as many as 12,600
years ago.
Spencer Gulf Spencer Gulf was once a floodplain
lined with freshwater lagoons, according to the stories told by the
Narrangga people. Depending on which parts of the large inlet near
Adelaide that are referred to by the stories, they could be between
9,550 and 12,450 years old.
Source: Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ancient-sea-rise-tale-told- accurately-for-10-000-years/
Spy Agencies Seeking Weather Weapon, Scientist Fears

senior US scientist has expressed concern that the intelligence
services are funding climate change research to learn if new
technologies could be used as potential weapons.
Alan Robock, a
climate scientist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, has called on
secretive government agencies to be open about their interest in
radical work that explores how to alter the world’s climate.
who has contributed to reports for the intergovernmental panel on
climate change (IPCC), uses computer models to study how stratospheric
aerosols could cool the planet in the way massive volcanic eruptions do.
he was worried about who would control such climate-altering
technologies should they prove effective, he told the American
Association for the Advancement of Science in San Jose.
week, the National Academy of Sciences published a two-volume report on
different approaches to tackling climate change. One focused on means
to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the other on ways to
change clouds or the Earth’s surface to make them reflect more sunlight
out to space.
The report concluded that while small-scale
research projects were needed, the technologies were so far from being
ready that reducing carbon emissions remained the most viable approach
to curbing the worst extremes of climate change. A report by the Royal
Society in 2009 made similar recommendations.
The $600,000
report was part-funded by the US intelligence services, but Robock said
the CIA and other agencies had not fully explained their interest in
the work.
“The CIA was a major funder of the National Academies
report so that makes me really worried who is going to be in control,”
he said. Other funders included Nasa, the US Department of Energy, and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
established the Center on Climate Change and National Security in 2009,
a decision that drew fierce criticism from some Republicans who viewed
it as a distraction from more pressing terrorist concerns. The centre
was closed down in 2012, but the agency said it would continue to
monitor the humanitarian consequences of climate change and the impact
on US economic security, albeit not from a dedicated office.
said he became suspicious about the intelligence agencies’ involvement
in climate change science after receiving a call from two men who
claimed to be CIA consultants three years ago. “They said: ‘We are
working for the CIA and we’d like to know if some other country was
controlling our climate, would we be able to detect it?’ I think they
were also thinking in the back of their minds: ‘If we wanted to control
somebody else’s climate could they detect it?’”
He replied that
if a country wanted to create a stratospheric cloud large enough to
change the climate, it would be visible with satellites and
ground-based instruments. The use of the weather as a weapon was banned
in 1978 under the Environmental Modification Convention (Enmod).
how he felt about the call, Robock said he was scared. “I’d learned of
lots of other things the CIA had done that didn’t follow the rules. I
thought that wasn’t how my tax money was spent,” he said. The CIA did
not respond to requests for comment over the weekend.
The US
dabbled in weather modification before Enmod was introduced. In the
early 1960s, researchers on Project Storm Fury seeded thunderstorms
with various particles in the hope of diminishing their destructive
power. A similar process was adopted during the Vietnam war, with
clouds seeded over the Ho Chi Minh trail in a bid to make the major
supply route for North Vietnamese foot soldiers too muddy to pass.
think this research should be out in the open and it has to be
international so there won’t be any question that this technology will
used for hostile purposes,” Robock said.
In an April 1997 speech
to the University of Georgia, Athens, then U.S. Secretary of Defense
William Cohen spoke of the threat of an “eco-type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely
through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
For many years,
suspicions have circulated around the purpose of the High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an ionospheric research
program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the
University of Alaska and DARPA. In his underground bestseller "Angels
Don’t Play This HAARP", author Nick Begich summarizes the evidence that
suggests HAARP is involved in weather control for nefarious purposes.
at NASA have discovered “A close link between electrical disturbances
on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground
below,” which has led to claims that earthquakes are being artificially
induced as a form of modern warfare by HAARP.
Source: The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/feb/15/spy-agencies-fund- climate-research-weather-weapon-claim
Mohenjo-Daro: An Ancient Nuclear Mystery By Martin J. Clemens

you’re not a nuclear physicist, nuclear physics is likely nothing more
than a nebulous and abstract idea out of popular culture to you.
It’s easy to forgive someone for not understanding the finer points of
induced fission or which elements make better nuclear fuel than
others. Frankly, the whole endeavour is better left to the
experts…whenever possible.
I recently offered a post on
spontaneous fission – that is, a naturally occurring nuclear reaction –
and the astounding discovery made in 1972, wherein French physicist
Francis Perrin found sixteen naturally occurring nuclear reactors in
Central Africa that are 1.7 billion years old. Some of you might
be thinking that’s impossible. To those people I simply point to
the Sun and shake my head, though granted, that’s a slightly different
kind of nuclear reaction.
The point is, it’s real.
Spontaneous fission happened, and it went on for several hundred
thousand years. There are those, however, who would have you
believe that spontaneous, and even induced fission has happened many
times on this little blue planet of ours over the millennia.
Though that story take a little longer to explain.
No, that’s not a mystical incantation, it’s the name of an ancient
archaeological site in Sindh, Pakistan. You may have heard of it,
it’s a particularly interesting part of our history, and is connected
to one of the most enigmatic lost cultures that has ever existed – The
Indus Valley Civilization.
There is a lot of folklore and legend
surrounding Mohenjo-Daro. And while all of it is interesting, the
most relevant bit to the current discussion is the fact that parts of
the many ruins of this ancient village have undergone
vitrification. In other words, they’ve turned to glass.
is the process by which sand, or more accurately, silica is
super-heated and then cooled, which results in a
glass-transition. It’s the way all glass is made, in basic terms,
though there’s a difference between deliberately fired glass for
manufacturing (technically known as frit) and vitrified sand. The
latter type of glass consists of three categories:
· Fulgurite, which is glass created via lightning strikes
· Tekkite, which is formed from the heat generated by meteor strikes
· And trinitite, which is the glass that results from nuclear detonations.
from the opening of this post, you can probably already tell which one
is popularly thought to be found at Mohenjo-Daro. The only real
difference between those three categories of vitrified sand is the
different heat sources that make them. Other than a tendency for
trinitite to be radioactive (Duh!), samples of each are pretty much the
same compositionally. Silicon dioxide, which is the most common
element in sand around the world, melts at roughly 1,700 degrees
Celsius, so any one of those methods can get the job done. But if
there were a competition, the clear winner would be a nuclear
detonation. The heat generated through a nuclear blast can be
greater than 10 million Kelvins or 9,999,726.85 degrees
Celsius.[1] By comparison, the surface of the Sun is only 5,778
Yeah, that’s pretty hot. In fact, it’s hot enough
to flash-melt pure silica into glass instantly. So the
Mohenjo-Daro vitrified ruins were made by one of three potential
events, it seems. A series of major lightning strikes, a meteor
strike (or perhaps more than one), or a nuclear detonation.
The Indus Valley isn’t the only place to boast vitrification mysteries though.
has over 70 examples of what are known as Vitrified Forts, such as Dun
Mac Sniachan. These are crude encampments from both the Iron Age
and Early Medieval period with stone-pile walls, usually situated in
easily defended formations. The outer walls of these forts have
been heat treated, so to speak, resulting in whole sections of wall
where stone and brick have melted into a glass facade. They are
wondrous, and in most cases they are quite beautiful, and they make up
a collection of vitrified forts that dot the landscape throughout Great
There are other places too, such as Çatalhöyük in the
southern Anatoli region of Turkey, and Alalakh in Turkey’s Hatay
Province, and even the Seven Cities of Cibola in Ecuador.
might be getting the wrong impression though. As mentioned, it’s
commonly believed that one of the three potential methods of
vitrification was responsible for all of these sites, with a
conspiratorial bent toward some form of nuclear energy, whether that be
detonations or a fission reactor of some kind. But this isn’t
necessarily the case, nor is it likely.
Remember above, when I
told you that silicone dioxide melts at around 1,700 degree
Celsius? A flame fed by natural gas can easily reach 1,600
degrees Celsius, and a bonfire with mixed fuels can approach 1,200
degrees, especially if extremely dry wood is used, perhaps pinion
pine.[2] Both of those examples are of open flame fires, but what
if that flame was enclosed? Perhaps, within a stone structure
where the heat would be trapped, reflected, and amplified by the
stone? Internal structure fires, like we see in today’s
buildings, can easily exceed 3,000 degrees Celsius, so it’s not
unreasonable to think that temperatures sufficient to reduce stone to
glass could have been achieved in Mohenjo-Daro and other locations
without the use of nuclear power.
That isn’t to say that some
catastrophic event didn’t take place in the Indus Valley of the time; a
war, a religious or ethnic cleansing, or some really wild parties that
got out of hand. But it isn’t likely that the vitrification was
achieved through a nuclear reaction of some kind, whilst leaving no
traces of radiation or fission products in the surrounding environment,
and most conspicuously, without levelling the entire city.
the case of the Vitrified Forts of Scotland and elsewhere, it is
believed by the experts, that it was indeed wild parties that caused
the destruction, sort of. Most archaeologists assert that these
locations were deliberately destroyed by fire, either by successful
invaders or by the inhabitants as a part of a ritual closing of the
facility, as it were. (Ralston 2006, 143-63)
It seems, and this
is purely speculative, that the parties who wish to further the
argument that these examples of ancient vitrification are the result of
a lost or perhaps natural nuclear process, are simply taking advantage
of the popular familiarity, and simultaneous ignorance, that we all
possess on the topic of nuclear physics. In reality there are
simpler explanations to be considered, even though the alternatives may
be more exciting.
[1] Glenn Elert. Temperature of a Nuclear Explosion - The Physics Factbook http://hypertextbook.com/facts/1999/SimonFung.shtml
[2] J.T. Barett. How Hot Is a Bonfire? Demand Media http://classroom.synonym.com/hot-bonfire-8770.html
Source: The Daily Grail http://dailygrail.com/Hidden-History/2015/2/Mohenjo-Daro-Ancient-Nuclear-Mystery
Hard to Kill: Rasputin and Other Immortals By Martin J. Clemens

human body is a pretty fragile thing, when you think about it.
Maybe not as fragile as movie makers try to make it seem, but still far
less durable than a lot of other life forms on this planet.
the movies they’d have you believe that, at least for nameless bad
guys, you can be killed instantly with a good swift kick to the
shin. But if you’re a hero (or anti-hero), you can brush off even
nuclear blasts with little more than an endearing scratch or two.
life, of course, isn’t like that. Introducing foreign bodies into
your own, especially of the pointy variety, is decidedly
unadvised. It’s generally a good idea to avoid the business end
of guns, and most will tell you that knives do not belong in your belly
(or your back, but that’s another article).
The average person
holds about five litres of blood, or one and a half gallons. It’s
roughly 7% of your body weight, so the bigger you are, the more red
stuff you carry. Of course, if you spring a leak you have a
problem. That same average person can, in theory, easily survive
a loss of blood ranging from 10-15% of capacity (or about half a
litre), but beyond that, things get dicey.
Contrary to popular
belief though, having a bullet rip through your innards isn’t strictly
fatal. It’s actually the blood loss that results from all the
holes that will kill you. Yes, there are some other things going
on when you’ve been perforated, but as the spunky female supporting
character will always tell you, you’ve got to stop the bleeding.
you realise that this is all based on a best case scenario,
right? Well, maybe not best case, you’ve just been shot, after
all. The point is, there are lots of people who defy the odds of
survival; people who not only laugh in the face of death, they pretty
much give it the full-monty.
Perhaps the most famous and
bewildering tale of such defiant survival is that of Grigori Yefimovich
Rasputin. His story is widely misrepresented, however.
as I’m sure you’re familiar, was something of a sensation in Russia at
the turn of the 20th century. A most controversial figure, he was
said to be one of the most powerful faith healers ever to have lived,
he was (depending on who you ask) an occultist extraordinaire, and was
certainly a most influential spiritual guru of the time. And
above all, he was a trusted advisor to the Tsars, and, according to
historians, was the primary catalyst for the fall of the Russian
Whole volumes have been written on who Rasputin was,
how he lived, and how he died. Strange as he was, and despite
what certain films would have you believe, he was definitely
mortal. Though he certainly held tight his grasp on this world
when royalty conspired to send him on.
You’ve probably heard the
condensed version of the tale; he was poisoned, shot, beaten, and
finally drowned at a dinner party in his honour. Though, lest you
get the wrong idea, this was not just how they partied in Russia at the
time. No, it was Rasputin’s benefactors – who had grown tired of
his meddling in political affairs – who decided to put an end to his
Rasputin’s friend (or so he thought) Felix Yusopov
invited the mystic to a late-night social gathering. To spare you
the minutia of detail, much of which is in question, what is known is
that Rasputin had been served wine and pastries laced with
cyanide. Most accounts agree that he reluctantly imbibed copious
amounts of the poisoned wine, though he may or may not have eaten the
tainted pastries. Though, for whatever reason, he did not succumb
to the toxin, except by way of becoming quite drunk.
set in and either Yusopov himself, or another conspirator – perhaps
Dimitri Romanov – attempted a much more overt act to dispatch the holy
man. Rasputin was shot in the left side of his abdomen (some
tellings claim he was shot in the back) and he fell to the floor,
apparently lifeless.
Thinking they had succeeded, the
conspirators made haste to dispose of Rasputin’s belongings, and later
returned to remove his body, whereupon they found him still very much
alive, and attempting escape by crawling up a flight of stairs to the
courtyard. Well, this simply would not do, so fellow conspirator
Vladimir Purishkevich again tried to shoot him, missing twice and then
finding his mark in Rasputin’s back as he fled. He took a final
round to the head, in what one can only imagine would have been an
Oscar-worthy scene, and fell to the snow.
Yusopov, who
apparently had been moved to madness by the evening’s events, then set
upon him with a truncheon, beating him about the head and body until he
was finally pulled away. Wouldn’t you know it though, but
Rasputin was still alive.
Having had enough of this unending
assassination, his murderers wrapped him in a carpet and dumped him
into the nearby Nina River. Much to the surprise of authorities
though, when the body was dredged from the river some days later, there
were signs he had yet been alive and had injured his hands trying to
break through the ice from the underside.
An unbelievable tale,
for sure, but as mentioned, his wounds alone could have been
survivable, at least in the short term. Whether he had some
immunity to cyanide, or perhaps his hosts administered it
incompetently, any single event he suffered that night could not
conclusively be deemed fatal on its own. Mostly because none
were, until he drowned.
But he’s not the only person to have survived grievous injury at the hands of an attacker.
back into the 21st century, on May 27, 1988, a Suffolk Country, New
York police officer named Kenyon Tuthill was ambushed by a crazed man
with a shotgun while he sat in his patrol car. Tuthill took a
point-blank shotgun blast to the face, which, as you might imagine,
removed not only most of his face, but nearly 30% of his head.
reading this would be right to assume that Officer Tuthill’s life ended
that night, but what if I told you that he never even lost
His attacker fled immediately following the shot,
likely assuming the officer dead, but Tuthill was still very much
alive. The officer called for help over his CB radio, though with
most of his mouth gone, he managed only garbled moans. He
underwent nine hours of surgery to save his life that day and his
attacker was eventually apprehended and was ultimately sentenced to
life in prison.
Officer Keyon Tuthill survived what no one
thought was possible; since then he has gone through more than 17
facial reconstruction surgeries, and was a featured story in the
documentary Ultimate Survivors: Winning Against Incredible Odds (1991)
starring William Shatner.
These two stories from what seem like
opposite sides of history, sit in stark contrast to our news
headlines. People are killed so often, and sometimes in such
seemingly benign ways, and almost always for no good reason. Our
bodies are subject to assaults on every level, and at a glance it seems
there’s no logic involved in who lives and who dies. Rasputin’s
story typically incites talk of magic, and sorcery, and alchemy, but
when a regular guy like Officer Tuthill can survive such massive injury
through sheer will, magic seems unnecessary. One thing is certain
though, of all the ways a life can be destroyed, killing each other is
the worst.
Source: Where the Weird Things Are http://martinjclemens.com/hard-to-kill-not-just-a-bad-movie/
- UFOS AND SCIENCE FICTION DEPARTMENT -Fortean Aspects of the Flying DisksBy Andrew May Here’s a historical oddity I found by accident last week. It’s an article from the June 1948 issue of the pulp magazine Amazing Stories entitled “Fortean Aspects of the Flying Disks”.
It appeared just a year after the term “flying saucer” was coined, in
the wake of the Kenneth Arnold sighting (at the time this was the
defining event in ufology, rather than Roswell – which as I’ve
discussed elsewhere was strangely ignored despite being in the public
domain). The Amazing article must have been one of the first to
link the UFO phenomenon with the word “Fortean”. Interestingly, this
seems to have been a minority view at the time. Today, the idea that
UFOs are “Fortean” (in the sense of extraterrestrial, or at any rate
beyond the understanding of science) is probably the first thing that
springs to most people’s minds. But in those days, the prevailing view
seems to have been that they were some sort of military technology
produced here on Earth. The author refutes this explanation by pointing
out that, as recorded in the writings of Charles Fort, similar things
were seen in the skies long before they could possibly have been
produced by human technology. The author, by the way, was one
“Marx Kaye” – which according to the Internet Speculative Fiction
Database was the pseudonym of a little-known science fiction author
named S. J. Byrne. You can read the article online at the Internet Archive (it
starts on page 154 of the magazine). In fact that’s where I read it. I
do own a few issues of Amazing Stories from the late 1940s, because of
my interest in the Shaver Mystery, but not this particular one. There
is, of course, a close connection between the Shaver Mystery and the
early days of ufology, in the person of Amazing’s editor Ray Palmer. As
I wrote in The Mystery of Flight 19 : “... Palmer wasn’t completely
satisfied with the Shaver paradigm and was ready to abandon it if
something better came along. And in 1948, that's exactly what happened,
when Palmer became one of the first to jump on the Flying Saucer
bandwagon!” You can see the transition starting to take place
before your eyes, if you read Palmer’s editorial at the start of the
issue containing the Marx Kaye article. In fact, I found Palmer’s take
on the subject far more interesting - from a historical perspective –
than Kaye’s. Again, you can read it for yourself (page 6 of the
magazine), but here are a few quotes: Now
that science has proved in so sensational a manner at least two phases
of the Shaver Mystery, we have a prediction to make. We predict, based
on evidence now in this editor’s possession, that it will be definitely
proved that space ships are visiting the earth right now.
The question arises, if space ships do visit the Earth, is it a matter
of “national security” and may we talk about it? [...] Perhaps in
wartime, our military would clamp down on all talk concerning military
matters. But right now we aren’t at war with anybody, and we, in
America, have the right of free speech and can talk about anything we
please. For the benefit of those readers who are
under the impression that there was a censorship on the now famous
flying saucers, that’s just plain poppycock. There never was any
censorship (other than that of individual newspaper editors who “laid
off” of a subject that was beginning to look ridiculous).
For more than twenty years we [i.e. science fiction magazines] have
been talking about space ships, and maybe we’re right at last! But
“authorities” who will get the first reports of the mysterious craft,
when they appear, will think there is a “leak” if they read any old
issue of Amazing Stories at all! Moral: More “authorities” ought to
read science fiction – they won’t be so surprised by logical
developments as they develop. Unfortunately there aren’t any
UFO-related pictures in this issue of Amazing, but here is a Fortean
image of a different kind from the back cover – the apparition of an
exotic city in the sky that was seen over Alaska in 1887. Source: Retro-Forteana http://forteana-blog.blogspot.com/2015/01/fortean-aspects-of-flying-disks.html
Dead for 48 Minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is Female
Catholic priest from Massachussetts was officially dead for more than
48 minutes before medics were able to miraculously re-start his heart
has revealed a shocking revelation that will change everything you once
believed. The 71-year-old cleric Father John Micheal O’neal
claims he went to heaven and met God, which he describes as a warm and
comforting motherly figure. Father John Micheal O’neal was
rushed to the hospital on January 29 after a major heart attack, but
was declared clinically dead soon after his arrival. With the
aid of a high-tech machine called LUCAS 2, that kept the blood flowing
to his brain, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital managed to
unblock vital arteries and return his heart to a normal rhythm. The
doctors were afraid he would have suffered some brain damage from the
incident, but he woke up less than 48 minutes later and seems to have
perfectly recovered. The elderly man claims that he has clear
and vivid memories of what happened to him while he was dead. He
describes a strange out-of-body experience, experiencing an intense
feeling of unconditional love and acceptance, as well as being
surrounded by an overwhelming light. He claims that at that
point in his experience, he went to heaven and encountered God, which
he describes as a feminine, mother-like “Being of Light”. “Her
presence was both overwhelming and comforting” states the Catholic
priest. “She had a soft and soothing voice and her presence was as
reassuring as a mother’s embrace. The fact that God is a Holy Mother
instead of a Holy Father doesn’t disturb me, she is everything I hoped
she would be and even more! The declarations of the cleric
caused quite a stir in the catholic clergy of the archdiocese over the
last few days, causing the Archbishop to summon a press conference to
try and calm the rumors. Despite the disapproval of his
superiors, Father O’neal says that he will continue dedicating his life
to God and spread the word of the “Holy Mother”. “I wish to
continue preaching” says the elderly cleric. “I would like to share my
new knowledge of the Mother, the Son and the Holy Ghost with all
catholics and even all Christians. God is great and almighty despite
being a woman…” The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has not
confirmed however, if they will allow Father O’neal to resume his
preaching in his former parish in South Boston. Source: Starr FM http://starrfmonline.com/1.2002887
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