have written here previously about the newly published book from
Timothy Green Beckley’s Global Communications, “UFO Repeaters: Seeing
Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” But there remain several
exciting case histories in the book that deserve coverage.
term “UFO Repeater” was coined early on in the history of the modern
UFO era to describe individuals who seemed to have nonrandom UFO
encounters and who had even established an ongoing “relationship” with
the flying saucer occupants. Why these Repeaters were separated from
the pack, so to speak, and granted a kind of cross-species friendship –
as well as the invitation to repeatedly photograph the ships and some
occupants – remains a big unknown.
This is one of many
mysteries the book “UFO Repeaters” presents to us, the UFO community.
It includes the case histories of some specially selected shutterbugs
PLUS many of the photographs the “chosen ones” were given to take. In
every case, proof that the images were a simple matter of camera
trickery has never been forthcoming and one can take the photos at face
value in good conscience. None of the people behind the camera ever
sought publicity, fame or money from the photos. All they wanted was to
understand the mystery they found themselves bound up in.
Crystall’s initial experience with UFOs happened in 1971, shortly after
she had moved from her native New Jersey to Hollywood, California, to
begin a career in music. On her very first day in her new apartment,
some of the other residents informed her that UFOs appeared nightly and
they made a habit of sitting outside to watch. Though Ellen considered
herself to be a nominal believer in the phenomenon, she was
nevertheless surprised to hear about real-world UFOs from her
Though many of Ellen Crystall’s photos may at first
seem to be ill-defined, if you spend enough time looking you will find
that the meandering lights take on a form and shape of their own. This
is a picture of two alien beings standing in front of a portal that had
been opened to either their home planet or another dimension.The ships
did indeed show up on a regular basis, sometimes with as many as 30
objects moving in the nighttime sky. One night Ellen decided to go to a
small hill about a mile from her apartment complex and try to
photograph the ships. The UFOs dutifully appeared, and Ellen snapped
off four shots and then another three from the same location the next
night. Ellen writes that she quickly regretted not taking more photos;
she had hesitated to take any at all because her neighbors had said the
aliens might be offended.
After Ellen had a frightening
encounter with what seemed to be a low-flying ship chasing her down a
Hollywood street, she flew home to New Jersey the next day and did not
discuss her experiences with anyone. In spite of her terror, she
continued to study the subject. When Ellen read an article in the
now-defunct “OMNI Magazine” about UFOs, she contacted writer Harry
Lebelson and told him about her California experiences and the photos
she had taken. Lebelson invited her to accompany him to Pine Bush, a
rural Orange County, New York, community nestled in the hills and
valleys some 60 miles upstate from Manhattan. He said a couple who had
frequent UFO sightings lived there and might have something in common
with Ellen.
“Thus began my most intensive, revealing – and
continuing – field study of UFOs through direct observation,” Ellen
would later write in her book, “Invasion: They Come In Silence.”
when I say ‘field,’ I mean precisely that. I was to find myself in
various fields and farm pastures in pursuit of elusive, wily but
seemingly playful UFOs – and in search of answers to some very serious
questions,” she added.
After that first visit to Pine
Bush in July of 1980, Ellen would return there many times to photograph
the ships. The UFO occupants always “greeted” her in their ambiguous
but playful ways and obligingly let her take photos to her heart’s
But when Ellen took her first roll of film from Pine
Bush to a local Fotomat store, the pictures showed bizarre bursts of
multicolored lights, and “sprays” of shooting discharges and splashes
of different hues were all over the film. Where were the triangular
ships she had seen so clearly?
It would take two years before Ellen came to understand what had likely happened with the photos.
is a ‘two-edged sword’ for UFOlogists,” she writes. “Everyone keeps
hoping for a ‘definitive’ photo – the clear-cut ‘real’ picture of a
craft in the sky. I understand and share those hopes, but I have to
say, after my years of UFO photography and research, I’ve come up with
some starting information.”
In an effort to understand why the
ships she had seen were not in the actual photos, she consulted several
expert scientists. Scientists who specialized in radiation physics
finally provided a possible answer. All film sold over the counter is
sensitive to shortwave radiation that is outside of the visible
spectrum of the naked human eye. She deduced that the sprays or bursts
of light in the photos must be due to shortwave radiation between what
she and the others had seen and the film’s level of sensitivity. Also,
Ellen learned from textbooks on physics that any object surrounded by
ultraviolet rays will, when photographed, be blurred on the film as
well as show up as bluish, globule-type patterns of light.
explains why so many UFO photos are often disappointing flashes of
light. Even other UFO Repeaters who seem chosen by the aliens to
regularly take such photos are sometimes subject to these same
limitations, and Ellen has done the field a service by helping to
catalog some of the details of the radiation spectrum problem for the
non-physicists in the UFO community.
Ellen also writes that
she once felt overcome with waves of love and compassion coming from
the UFO occupants; this sense of a caring bond is another factor that
unites many UFO Repeaters. Under regressive hypnosis, Ellen recalled a
contact experience from early childhood that made her wonder if she was
another alien abductee with a lifetime of encounters behind her. With
or without conclusive photographic evidence, Ellen was undeniably
caught up in the UFO phenomenon in a way that few others can claim to
Another female voice in the choir of Repeaters is Elizabeth Klara, who was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, which was at
time a province of South Africa. Elizabeth was a well-respected member
of high society in South Africa, and her husband was a major in the
South African Air Force. Elizabeth herself worked for Air Force
After reading about the experiences of legendary
contactee George Adamski in the 1950s, Elizabeth recalled that she had
been receiving occasional telepathic messages from a friendly space
alien named “Akon” since her childhood. While her sudden return of
memory has been mocked as “all-too-convenient,” it is nevertheless true
that contactees and abductees often experience such recall after their
memories have been “reactivated” by some triggering mechanism, such as
reading Adamski’s books in Elizabeth’s case.
Sometime around
1955, Elizabeth, using a Brownie Box Camera, took a series of photos –
in the presence of two witnesses – of a metallic disc-shaped object
slowly approaching in the darkening South African sky. Some of these
photos are included in “UFO Repeaters,” and they are remarkably sharp.
claimed to have been carried up to a mother ship and taken to the home
planet of Akon, her childhood alien contact. She became pregnant after
intercourse with Akon and gave birth to a son. Her son was unable to
return to Earth with her and stayed behind to be raised and educated on
the aliens’ planet. The entire process – the trip, lovemaking,
pregnancy, delivery, and return voyage – is said to have required less
than four months.
While her Akon/pregnancy story was
enthusiastically received in South Africa when she told the tale at
lectures, most North American and European UFO researchers found it too
farfetched to take seriously. It wasn’t until the 1980s and 90s that
such stories became rather commonplace and the existence of an
extraterrestrial genetics program that produced human/alien hybrid
babies was firmly established as perhaps the primary alien motive for
abducting humans in the first place.
photos of what could be alien spacecraft taken by Gulf Breeze, Florida,
building contractor Ed Walters continue to be controversial. Photo
analysis experts have examined the photos in minute detail, often using
computer enhancement techniques and a darkroom method called “light
blasting” that brings the sometimes hazy images into sharper focus. If
Ed’s photos are real, they rank as some of the most dramatically clear
UFO photos ever captured on film.
UFO Repeater Ed Walters took
“responsibility” for the UFOs that appeared over Gulf Breeze, Florida.
It was November 1987, and Ed was sitting alone in his home office when
he happened to glance out the window and saw an unusual light across
the street that was partially obscured by a 30-foot pine tree in his
front yard. Unable to see whatever was there clearly enough, Ed went to
his front door and opened it. He saw a bluish-gray craft that was
“right out of a Spielberg movie that had somehow escaped the film
Ed saw the craft glowing and gliding along like a
cloud in total silence. He realized this was no movie prop gone astray,
and his first thought was to call the police. Thinking that no one
would believe him without any proof, he went back inside and grabbed
the old Polaroid camera he frequently used on his construction job
sites. Ed took his first photo as the craft came from behind a small
tree. He recalls that he felt a mind-numbing sense of shock and awe as
he struggled with his camera.
He was next rendered unable to
move and was told, “We will not harm you. Calm down.” He remembers
feeling like he was suspended four feet off the ground and then
abruptly dropped back down on the pavement. Feeling confused and
wondering if he was suffering some kind of hallucination, he saw his
Polaroid photos scattered on the ground where they fell as he took them.
it was, on the film,” Ed would later write in his book “The Gulf Breeze
Sightings.” “It hadn’t been my imagination or some sort of
hallucination. What I had seen was real. It wasn’t a comforting
For Ed, it was the beginning of a long ordeal for
him and his family. He submitted the photos anonymously to the local
newspaper, “The Gulf Breeze Sentinel,” hoping to find out if others had
also seen the UFO. As his true identity began to emerge, the publicity
the photos received would result in interest from the Mutual UFO
Network (MUFON), who would conduct an official investigation and supply
Ed with a special “tamper proof” camera in the hope of proving any
future photos to be genuine. Well-known optical physicist Bruce
Maccabee suggested that Ed also use a “stereo camera” setup to capture
better quality photos that would prove the distances and sizes of the
craft and thus silence the naysayers.
An accusation surfaced
that Ed had faked the photos using a model that was found in a home he
and his family had vacated months before in an attempt to shield
themselves from constant public scrutiny. MUFON again stepped in to
investigate the charges and found that the alleged model did not
correspond exactly to the ships in Ed’s photos.
Meanwhile, the
UFOs continued to make themselves apparent to Ed, putting Ed in the
category of UFO Repeaters who have an ongoing photographic
“relationship” with the ships. Several of Ed’s photos are included in
“UFO Repeaters.”
“I can’t believe that Ed Walters was a
phony,” Tim Beckley comments in the new book. “I don’t for one second
think that he stuck a model into the walls of his attic so that someone
would find it later and he would have the last laugh. He just wasn’t
that sort of guy. And, besides, others did see the UFOs in close
proximity to where Ed lived. He caused quite a hubbub for a number of
Rhode Island’s Joe Ferriere is another case of a UFO Repeater who
reports positive encounters with the UFO occupants that began in
The late WOON Radio talk show host, Joe
Ferriere, holds a strip of film showing some pretty weird heavenly
strangers in the sky. He had the uncanny ability to show up where UFOs
were being seen. This cigar-shaped object hovered over a wooded area
just outside of Cumberland, Rhode Island.“I am approximately four years
old,” Joe recalled. “This memory is so clear, even though most people
cannot remember that far back. It’s precise, but it’s short. It’s just
a brief glimpse. I am sitting in the backyard and I am playing in a
sandbox with my little pail and my little shovel when all of a sudden I
am aware of the presence of a huge silver colored – I want to call it a
rocket ship. It looked like something out of a Buck Rogers or Flash
Gordon movie. It had no wings. It was enormous and very, very low to
the ground. I was a little bit afraid of it, but then I noticed that
there were a lot of windows on this thing and that there were people
smiling and waving and apparently having a great old time. I called to
my grandmother to come out and see it, but by that time it was gone.”
has a second childhood memory from a few years later, this time of a
group of UFOs that overflew his schoolyard and were seen by his
schoolmates as well. He recalls even the teachers pointing at the UFOs
as they passed through the sky. When Joe told his grandfather what had
happened, the old man replied that there was life on other planets and
someday Joe would meet them. His grandfather seemed to be speaking from
personal knowledge, which demonstrates the familiar pattern of UFO and
other sorts of paranormal experiences running along family lines.
1962, when Joe was an adult and working at a dye factory, he observed,
along with three coworkers, a fleet of silent UFOs flying in a
V-formation. This sighting triggered a compulsive urge in Joe to study
the subject of UFOs, and he began to search for people who could give
him answers, including UFOlogist Tim Beckley.
A few years
later, Joe sighted a tube- or cigar-shaped ship at a moment when he had
his camera handy; he began to take his first of what would come to be
many UFO photos. After he had taken a couple of shots, a door fell open
in the craft, expelling a spherical object from within. He was
undecided about which object he should follow when the small sphere
moved away swiftly. He then took two more photos of the larger object.
one can doubt that these are wonderful pictures of an unknown craft,”
writes Beckley about his old friend Joe. “And Joe has taken others in
the Woonsocket area, including spherical blasts of light in the sky as
well as a top-shaped UFO. He has also had his share of strange
experiences that would seem to indicate even more that he was
‘hand-selected’ to get the word out. I know there are many other photos
that Joe took that I hope will surface eventually.”
Some of Joe’s remarkable photos are – you guessed it! – reprinted in “UFO Repeaters.”
and South America are not without their fair share of repeat UFO
witnesses. The flying saucer occupants seem to be just as interested in
our neighbors to the south, and a multitude of still and camera images
from the region bear that out.
Perhaps the most heralded
Mexican contactee of the 1950s was taxi driver Salvador Villanueva. In
late August 1953, Salvador was trying to repair his broken down cab out
in the country near Ciudad Valles. He was joined unexpectedly by two
pleasant looking men, 4.5 feet tall, wearing one-piece gray corduroy
garments that covered even their feet and wide shiny belts. They had
metal collars and small, black, shiny boxes on the back of their necks.
They carried football-type helmets under their arms. As it was raining,
Salvador invited them to take shelter in his cab. The two visitors
accepted his offer, and a strange conversation ensued that lasted all
The visitors told Salvador they were from another planet,
which Salvador scarcely believed. But he agreed to accompany them to
their craft. He noticed that the mud puddles did not wet their feet and
that their belts glowed whenever the mud was repelled. The UFO looked
like two soup plates joined at the rim, with a shallow dome with
portholes, and rested on three spheres. Salvador was invited in, but he
refused. Glowing white, the vessel zigzagged upwards and then shot off
vertically with only a faint whistling sound. A 40-foot circle of
broken bushes was later found at the site.
Because of the
novelty of the incident, Salvador was propelled into the media
spotlight in a country only just becoming aware of OVNIs, the Mexican
acronym for UFOs.
Hispanic UFO researcher Scott Corrales
contributes a chapter to “UFO Repeaters” in which he discusses the UFO
phenomenon as it impacts the lives of everyday people in the Latin
regions of the Western Hemisphere. Those people often do “repeat
business” with the aliens, who cross all borders as they “contact their
Beckley writes warmly of visiting his old friend Arthur Shuttlewood,
who ran a newspaper in the small British hamlet of Warminster, England,
located not far from Stonehenge. Beckley was in the UK to deliver a
lecture on UFOs at the House of Lords and had taken a detour to what
was long heralded as a flying saucer and paranormal hotspot.
thousands of witnesses from all over the world besieged Cradle Hill in
the sleepy little community of Warminster, England, to bear witness to
someunusual celestial sights that defied explanation. Artistic
impression of a gigantic crossed-shaped mothership by Carol Ann
Rodriguez. The Warminster “Thing” started it all when a woman on the
way to church was pressed to the ground by a high-pitched whining sound
as a UFO stood motionless in the sky.
While on a sky-watch in
Warminster one night, Beckley and Shuttlewood blinked a flashlight on
and off at what they took to be a UFO in the sky. Every time they
blinked at it, the ship would appear to swing back and forth like a
pendulum. To this day, Beckley wonders if he had made genuine contact
with a UFO that night.
But the UFO Repeater that Beckley chooses
to emphasize in the new book is the late Bryce Bond, a radio deejay who
ended up having several encounters in Warminster over a period of days.
Bryce had come to interview Shuttlewood for broadcast back in the U.S.
and was surprised to see how “blasé” Shuttlewood was about the frequent
sightings. Bryce would later tell the story in a book called “UFOs:
Keys To Inner Perfection,” which is also available from Global
Bryce writes that: “Arthur then said
quietly, ‘I’m very glad you’re here tonight, Bryce. There in front of
us is a UFO. Notice the triangle shape and colored lights going around?
That is a very good sign.’ It then started to lift off in a weird
pattern – then just disappeared. I was flabbergasted! It was so close.
While describing that one on tape for American listeners, another one
popped up about 25 degrees along the horizon. This one was a very
brilliant white, while the other was a blaze of colored lights. This
was the highlight of my British trip: a close sighting; yet I honestly
felt spiritually close to the lights in the field.”
That same
night, Bryce telepathically “reached out” and asked the higher
intelligence to make contact again. There followed a missing time
experience, after which he heard the sound of a crop circle being made
in a nearby wheat field. Bryce would have many more experiences of
direct contact with the Space Brothers and came to feel he had been
charged with the mission of explaining their good intentions for
mankind. He even quit his radio job to devote himself to spreading the
word full time.
Continuing in this international vein, we come to Italian cases where people have had repeated contact with the UFO phenomenon.
name Antonio Urzi has become quite well known among UFOlogists for his
ongoing ability to capture video images of UFOs from his home in
Cinisello Balsamo. The craft he has photographed run the gamut from
singular balls of light to swarms of spherical, luminous objects that
resemble “flotillas” or small fleets. Antonio has also recorded images
of structured metallic discs pivoting and standing still in the air and
dome-shaped craft silently hovering, rotating and shining until they
disappear to the naked eye.
A journalist named Maurizio Baiata
has written extensively about Antonio and says he can vouch for
Antonio’s sincerity. The debunkers of Antonio’s videos generally harp
on the fact that he has simply produced too many of them to be credible
and that they are “too good to be true.” But Baiata points out that in
several instances the sighting and Antonio’s ability to film the event
took place in the presence of other witnesses, to include professional
camera operators from the most important Italian TV networks.
is also the famous Friendship case of 1956 that took place in Pescara,
Italy. It is claimed that human-looking aliens engineered a mass
contact event involving more than 100 people who were eager to learn
their highly advanced extraterrestrial ways. The aliens spoke perfect
Italian and said they were a confederation of different people from
throughout the known universe. As is often the case with Space
Brother-type aliens, they said they came in peace to attempt to prevent
Earth from succumbing to its own increasingly evil tendencies.
aliens said they kept themselves hidden from the world’s general
population because the masses were not ready for this kind of direct
contact. They had been on Earth for many years but had lived on secret
bases around the world and in some cases had established human
identities, living among us unnoticed.
Another Italian who
believes in kindly, blessed aliens is Giorgio Bongiovanni, a stigmatic
who is continually suffering the wounds of Christ as they spontaneously
erupt on his body. Giorgio’s first stigmata happened in 1989, when a
luminous being appeared and told him the universe is abundant with
intelligent life and that men are visiting Earth in highly advanced
disc-shaped spacecraft. His stigmata are intended for the faithful to
have a sign they can believe in during the traumatic Earth changes to
Another contactee that Tim Beckley counts among his friends is fellow New Yorker Marc Brinkerhoff.
for his part, counts the aliens among his friends as well. As is
frequently the case among UFO Repeaters, the UFO occupants established
a bond with Marc that began in his childhood. At age five, Marc saw a
large, silvery sphere, “like the metal ball in a pinball machine,” that
was utterly silent. He remembers “receiving a feeling of great love
from it.”
Marc began regularly photographing UFOs in the 1970s
and has been doing so ever since. He adamantly believes the Space
Brothers have kindly intentions for the human race and will never stage
a mass landing in an effort to conquer the planet.
Repeaters” includes many of Marc’s photos as well as a detailed
chronology of his many loving encounters with the Space Brothers, from
childhood to the present. He can seemingly summon the ships at will
sometimes and frequently photographs them from his apartment window.
UFO hotspot known as Sedona, Arizona, is another scene of Tim Beckley’s
intrepid adventuring. He visited a local resident there named Tom
Dongo, a veteran of the paranormal who conducts jeep tours of the area
and has had a long history of UFO encounters with many photos to show
for it, some of which are included in the new book.
But why Tom Dongo, you ask?
hundred times I have said – why me?” Tom said in an interview with
Beckley. “This stuff has been going on for over 25 years now, and I
have written six popular books regarding many of these inexplicable
occurrences. Why is it that I have such strange paranormal happenings
around me, sometimes on a continuous basis? I don’t understand it. I
don’t have a clue. I have had many borderline-psychotic explanations
from, usually, well-meaning people as to the reason behind this
activity. Maybe I will never know why.”
If you’re someone who
has worked past “borderline-psychotic explanations,” you will no doubt
be fascinated by reading more of Tom’s story and seeing some of his
international case that has attracted much attention recently are the
photos taken by a night watchman in the town of Kumburgaz, located on
the coast of Turkey. The late UFOlogist Dr. Roger Leir was a prominent
advocate of the case before his death, having been on the scene of one
of the Turkey sightings.
But it is the aforementioned Turkish
security guard, Yalcin Yalman who has provided the most direct
evidence. On several occasions between 2007 and 2009, Yalman scanned
the heavens – apparently knowing when the objects were going to appear
– and videotaped UFOs in flight over the sea on the coast of Marmara.
Yalman was able to film many such video segments, some during the day
while accompanied by witnesses with whom he spoke while he was filming.
An expert video analyst named Mario Valdez of Santiago, Chile,
was brought in by Turkey’s National Council for the Study of Science
and Technology to study the footage. Valdez concluded that, “The
objects in the footage have the structure of a specific material that
is definitely not made up by any kind of computer animation, balloon,
prop, model or special effects used for simulation in a studio.”
Rob Hartland says he has taken more than 20,000 digital photographs of
the daytime sky in his Perth home, and a small percentage of them
reveal possible extraterrestrial spacecraft when enlarged. His photos
received media coverage in both his hometown newspaper, “Perth Now,” on
April 27, 2013, and on the “Open Minds” website here in the U.S. two
days later.
“It began when he was taking photos of clouds to
test out a new camera,” the Perth newspaper reported. “He noticed a
‘smudge’ that, when enlarged and enhanced, ‘had some structure to it,
suggesting it could be some sort of craft in the sky.’ He says since
then he has identified a dozen different UFOs, including round, square
and saucer-shaped craft, posting the photos on his website –
wispyclouds.net – for extraterrestrial buffs and skeptics to ponder.”
explained some of his methodology, saying that he usually focuses the
camera on the edges of mid- to high-altitude clouds.
“I take
about 30 shots at a time,” he told the Aussie paper. “In ten to fifteen
minutes, I’ll take 300 to 400 images. Then I connect the camera to the
computer. I zoom in and enhance any little thing I note on the images
and you get these craft in anywhere from two percent to twenty percent
of the shots.
“Some of them appear to have transparent
canopies,” Hartland continued, “and in some shots it looks like there
could be occupants inside. I always say ‘could’ rather than ‘is.’ There
is always doubt. But UFO stands for ‘unidentified flying object,’ and,
as far as I’m concerned, these aren’t identified. It’s possible some
are manmade, but I don’t think they all are. There’s no way it is a
bird or insect or plane. They look totally different and these craft
move much faster.”
Hartland began taking his photos in November
2012 using a new Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 camera. According to Jackson
Flindell, the picture editor of another Aussie paper, “The Sunday
Times,” Hartland’s images “did not appear to have been tampered with,
but dust on a digital camera’s image sensor could cause anomalies in
digital photographs, while powerful magnification could also distort
images in some cases.”
Hartland holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry
and said he had no history of mental illness or drug abuse. He insists
that he never alters his photos, though he acknowledged many people
would find his claims hard to believe. As is frequently the case with
individuals who are able to repeatedly photograph UFOs, Hartland’s
initial photos were captured quite accidentally. But a routine
eventually developed in which the ships seem to “obligingly” show up as
he photographs the clouds around his home.
the risk of “repeating” myself, I heartily recommend the newly released
“UFO Repeaters: Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” if only
for the sheer fascination the reader will inevitably find in looking at
the book’s more than a hundred photos. If one can put aside the
essentially irresolvable issues of “authenticity” and still manage to
take the photos at face value in the absence of complete endorsement by
the so-called scientifically debunking “experts,” the book offers a
treasure trove of exciting shots of UFOs that are beautifully
All a photo debunker can say, at best, is
that a given photo hasn’t been tampered with and must therefore be
labeled as an “unknown.” But the reader may more likely happily make
the leap of faith that the various “chosen” photographers have captured
genuine images of alien hardware in flight – ships that are playfully
posing for their “own” and whose reality is taken for granted as being
quite definitely “known.”
And reading the many case histories in
the book that involve the aliens befriending some few mortals among us
may offer the kind of reassurance that any UFO believer would want: the
aliens are not only here, they seem to really like some of us!
UFO REPEATERS! Seeing is Believing - The Camera Doesn't Lie!THE SAUCERS SPEAK – Calling All Occupants of Interplantetary CraftThe Authentic Book Of Ultra-Terrestrial Contacts: From The Secret Alien Files of
UFO Researcher Timothy Green Beckley Source: Spectral Vision
Ronald Reagan Asked Soviets To Help Fight "Alien Invasion"

Former American President Ronald Reagan asked Mikhail Gorbachev for help from Russia to 'fight the alien invader.'
president and former actor went off script during a peace summit in
Geneva in the 1980s to ask the Soviet leader for his support in the
event of an invasion from extra terrestrial life.
repeated the warning when he spoke to a group of students, and his
subsequent speeches were examined by his advisers to remove any mention
of aliens in them.
The warning was revealed in a book about UFOs
by Dr David Clarke, which examines the extent to which Americans
believed in stories about aliens.
He suggests his words may show
that Reagan, who was inspired by science fiction movies, saw there
could have been a threat from aliens.
The President is
believed to have become an avid science fiction fan while working in
Hollywood as a B movie actor and was said to be addicted to films like
The Day the Earth Stood Still and Close Encounters.
He confessed
his favourite story was 'the invasion from outer space that prompts
earthlings to put aside nationalistic quarrels and band together to
fight the alien invader'.
Reagan even arranged a private
screening of Stephen Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind at
the Whitehouse in 1982 for top judges, astronauts and other VIPs.
1985 he went a step further and directly addressed Gorbachev at a
summit to ask for his support in the event aliens were to invade.
surprised Gorby by saying he was sure the two superpowers would
co-operate if Earth was threatened by alien invasion,' Dr Clarke said.
'Taken aback, the Soviet leader politely changed the subject.'
Reagan apparently then told his inner circle he felt he had 'scored a point' over his counterpart.
national security adviser Colin Powell was said to be horrified by the
mention of aliens at the meeting. He then found Reagan repeated the
story to a group of Maryland high school students after his return to
the US in 1985.
Powell's solution was to go through the
President's public speeches deleting 'interplanetary references' right
until Reagan's final months in office.
Dr Clarke said that at
any mention of an alien invasion Powell would roll his eyes and say
'Here come the Little Green Men again.'
The book suggests Reagan
was secretly appalled by nuclear weapons and his approach to Gorbachev
may have been inspired by the 1951 movie,
The Day the Earth Stood Still.
the film, an interplanetary peace-keeping force lands on earth using an
invincible giant robot to force the warring nuclear powers to put aside
their differences.
Dr Clarke said: 'For a generation that lived
in fear of the bomb, this message of salvation from the stars,
delivered by technological angels, was a welcome alternative to the
Cold War stalemate.
'Ronald Reagan was a born-again Christian and saw no contradiction between his faith and a belief in aliens.'
Clarke said the President may also have been convinced he was speaking
for the American public because of a poll released, shortly after Close
Encounters hit film screens.
According to a Gallup poll, 57 per
cent of Americans believed that UFOs were real, compared to 27 per cent
of the British population. Seven per cent claimed to have actually seen
Dr Clarke added: 'Ronald Reagan is remembered for his
warnings about the danger posed by the "evil empire" by which he meant
the Soviet Union.
'But he was also obsessed with science fiction movies - in particular
The Day the Earth Stood Still -
and his comments to Gorbachev at the 1985 summit in Geneva imply that
he might have believed the real threat came not from behind the Iron
Curtain but from hostile extra-terrestrials.
'He wasn't the
first world leader to suggest that the nations of the Earth would only
unite in the face of a common foe from outer space.
'In 1947,
just a couple of months before the Roswell incident, the British
foreign secretary Anthony Eden - who was to become Prime Minister in
1955 - said he feared the world would only be united when we "find
someone in Mars to get mad against."'
Source: The Daily Mail
The Monstrous “Worm” of Linton
By Nick Redfern

world has no shortage of modern day monsters – Bigfoot, the Chupacabra,
and the Yeren of China make that very clear. The world of the past had
no shortage, either, as the strange saga of what became known as the
Linton Worm makes very clear. It’s a tale that has fascinated me for
many years, and which dates back to the 1100s.
It tells of a
horrific, man-eating, giant, worm-like beast that terrified the good
folk of Linton, Roxburghshire, which is located on the Southern Uplands
of Scotland. Interestingly, and as will soon become apparent, the
monster has parallels with a number of Scottish lake monsters, and
particularly so Nessie of Loch Ness and Morag of Loch Morar.
to the old tales, the Linton Worm was somewhere between ten and twelve
feet in length, which, if true, effectively rules out any known British
animal – wild or domestic – as being the culprit. Rather oddly, so the
old legend went, the huge worm had two homes. In part, it lived in the
heart of Linton Loch – a small, boggy area and the ideal place for a
monster to hide.
Its other, dark abode was Linton Hill, which
even today is referred to as Worm’s Den, such is the enduring nature of
the legend. That the beast apparently had the ability to leave the
water and slither across the landscape of Scotland brings to mind the
small number of reports of both the aforementioned Morag and Nessie
being seen on land.
By all accounts, the worm was a creature to
be avoided at all costs: cows, sheep, pigs, vegetables, and even
people, were all food for the monster. Quite naturally, the people of
Linton were thrown into a collective state of fear when the slithering
thing decided to target their little village. People became petrified
to leave their homes, lest they became the victims of the marauding
beast. Doors and windows remained locked. Farmers stayed home. That is,
until a man named John de Somerville came upon the scene.
told of the nature of the monster that had brought terror to Linton, de
Somerville – known as the “Laird of Lariston” – had a local blacksmith
create for him a razor-sharp spear, which he, de Somerville, intended
using to slay the mighty beast.
Fortunately, he did exactly
that, by setting the spear aflame and plunging it into the throat of
the monster, after seeking it out at Worm’s Den. The beast fought back,
its wormy form writhing and turning and twisting violently atop the
hill, but it was to no avail. Exhausted, and on the verge of death, the
beast retreated to its labyrinthine lair within Linton Hill. It was
neither seen nor heard of again.
The Linton folk never forgot
the valiant act of John de Somerville, and a sculpture commemorating de
Somerville’s brave act was created in Linton Church, as William
Henderson noted in his 1879 book, Notes on the folk-lore of the
northern counties of England and the borders. He said:
sculptured effigy of the monster, which may still be seen with the
champion who slew it, at the south-western extremity of Linton church,
differs from both accounts. A stone, evidently of great antiquity, is
there built into the wall. It is covered with sculpture in low relief,
and bears figures which, though defaced by time, can yet be made out
pretty clearly.
“A knight on horseback, clad in a tunic or
hauberk, with a round helmet, urges his horse against two large
animals, the foreparts of which only are visible, and plunges his lance
into the throat of one. Behind him is the outline of another creature,
apparently of a lamb. The heads of the monsters are strong and
powerful, but more like those of quadrupeds than of serpents. It is
perplexing also to see two of them, but not the less does popular
tradition connects the representation with the Linton Worm.”
both church and effigy still remain intact – and still provoking
wonder, and perhaps even a little fear, in those that visit the little
village of Linton.
It should be noted that the word for dragon
in Germanic mythology and its descendants is worm (Old English: wyrm,
Old High German: wurm, Old Norse: ormr), meaning snake or serpent. In
Old English wyrm means "serpent", draca means "dragon" (Skeat).
Holiday, in his book "The Great Orm of Loch Ness," suggests that the
Loch Ness monster might be a giant form of worm or slug. He
offered an example of such a creature in a fossil mollusc of the genus
"Tullimonstrum gregarium" that had been discovered in the 1960's.
is also the Lagarfljót worm, an Icelandic lake cryptid which supposedly
lives in Lagarfljót in Egilsstaðir. Sightings have been logged since
1345 and continue into the 21st century including a 2012 video
supposedly showing the creature swimming in icy water.
Lagarfljót Worm has been sighted several times in modern times,
including in 1963 by the head of the Icelandic National Forest Service,
Sigurður Blöndal, and in 1998 by a teacher and students at
Hallormsstaðir School.
In 1983, contractors laying a telephone
cable measured a large shifting mass near the eastern shore when
performing preliminary depth measurements, and when they later
retrieved the non-functional cable, found that it was broken where it
had lain over the anomaly.
"This cable that
was specially engineered so it wouldn’t kink was wound in several
places and badly torn and damaged in 22 different places . . . . I
believe we dragged the cable directly over the belly of the beast.
Unless it was through its mouth."
In June of 1954,
Georgina Carberry and three friends biked down to Lough Fadda,
which is one of the many bog lakes in Connemara, Ireland, to do
some fishing. While taking a break on a little finger of land
that almost splits the lake in two, they noticed something strange
swimming about in the water.
As it came close to the
group on shore, they could see it was long with it's head rasied over
the surface of the water. It also had two big humps behind its
head. As it drew closer, it opened its "huge great mouth" in a
threatening manner.
Georgina said that she didn't see any
teeth, but the interior was white and she likened it to a shark's
mouth as it was "under-slung."
Georgina described the animal's skin as "wormy" or "creepy" as it seemed to have motion throughout its body at all times.
Source: Mysterious Universe
A former KGB officer has
divulged secrets of special mind control techniques that security
services in developed nations used during and after the Cold War, a
Russian government daily said Friday.
General Boris Ratnikov, who served in the KGB department for Moscow and
the Moscow Region, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta that people in power had
resorted to various methods of manipulating individuals' thoughts since
ancient times, and that it was hardly surprising that secret services
adopted the practice when it acquired a scientific foundation in the
20th century.
"You can hardly imagine the warfare that broke out in this area in the
first half of the last century. It would hardly be an exaggeration to
say that sometimes real 'astral battles' took place," Ratnikov told the
In the mid-1980s, about 50 research institutes in the Soviet Union
studied remote mind control techniques backed by substantial government
funding. But all such research efforts were halted with the demise of
the Soviet empire in the early 1990s.
Ratnikov, who subsequently served as deputy head and then senior
consultant at the Federal Guard Service from 1991 to 1997, said his
department was in charge of safeguarding top officials in post-Soviet
Russia against any external influence on their sub-conscious.
The general stated emphatically that he and his colleagues had never
manipulated the minds of the then president, Boris Yeltsin, or of
economic reformer Yegor Gaidar but claimed to have used mind-reading to
save Russia's first president and the country from a war with China.
Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan in 1992 but Ratnikov's department
detected attempts to 'program' the president's mind to make him give
the Kuril Islands back to Japan. The move would have led to demands
from China that it regain its disputed territories from Russia as well,
a conflict that could have sparked a war between the neighbors. Yeltsin
therefore had to cancel the trip.
Another of the general's revelations is that senior officials in
Western Europe and the United States unwittingly provided information
to his department, which was able to read their minds thanks to
Soviet-era scientific achievements.
In the early 1990s, Ratnikov and his colleagues "scanned" the mind of
new U.S. Ambassador Robert Strauss to see that the embassy building
contained equipment to exert psychotronic influence on Moscow residents
but it had been deactivated, the general told the paper.
In further comments on the psychotronic weapon, Ratnikov said that
although Russia, the United States and other countries had the
necessary technology, it was dangerous to use it because the operator
of the weapon and even the person who gave the orders could suddenly
fall gravely ill or even die.
Source: Post Chronicle
23 Fascinating Facts About
the Number Twenty-Three

To most, it's just what comes between 22 and 24. Yet to surprisingly
many - including the makers of a new film - it means much more.
1 23 is one of the most commonly cited prime numbers - a number that
can only be divided by itself and one. Twenty three is the lowest prime
that consists of consecutive digits. Primes have been described as the
"atoms" of mathematics - the building blocks of the world of numbers.
An American businessman has put up a US$1m (£500,000) prize for
the first mathematician to find a pattern in primes - a problem known
as the Riemann hypothesis.
2 The number has been the subject of not one but two films: the 1998
German movie, 23, and The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, released
(naturally) today. Each has a main character obsessed with the number.
3 John Forbes Nash, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who was the
subject of the film, A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe, was
obsessed with 23. It featured prominently in his battle with mental
illness. His breakdown began when he claimed that a photograph of Pope
John XXIII on the cover of Life magazine was in fact him, the proof
being that 23 was his favourite number. Nash published 23 scientific
4 More freaky numerical coincidences: Charles Darwin's Origin of
Species was published in 1859 - 1+8+5+9 = 23. Two divided by three
makes 0.666 recurring (allegedly - actually it makes 0.6666666667). The
Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8.15am - 8+15= 23.
5 23rdians are a group of people who subscribe to the mystical power of
23 and see it in multiple combinations throughout daily life.
6 The Ancient Chinese believed numbers conveyed sexuality - evens for
feminine and odds for masculine. They considered prime numbers to be
the most masculine, conferring special status on 23 which is made up of
two consecutive prime numbers and the only even prime number - two.
7 In the disaster movie, Airport, the bomber has seat 23. The number of
crosses on Calvary at the end of the Monty Python film, The Life of
Brian, is 23. In Die Hard With A Vengeance, a train derails in subway
station 23. The lead characters in the Coen brothers' film The Big
Lebowski always used Lane 23 at the bowling alley. In the television
series Lost, one of the combination of six numbers that haunt the
characters and they have to input to a computer to avoid an unknown
fate is 23.
8 The terrorist attacks on America on 11 September 2001 have been held
up as one of the most portentous examples of the disturbing power of
23. The figures in the date (9+11+2+0+0+1) add up to 23. The
independent US commission which investigated the attacks found the date
had been chosen randomly by the hijackers and had originally been
planned for later in the year. Alternative explanations for the date
included the taking over of Palestine by Britain in 1922 and the fact
that 911 is the US emergency code.
9 Few hold 23 in more esteem than the followers of Discordianism, a
self-declared religion based on the premise that discord and chaos are
the building blocks of life. For Discordianists, 23 is the Holy Number
and a tribute to the goddess Eris, who surveys a world of chaos. The
mantra invoked by Discordianists for the Holy Number is "Invert The
Pyramid". If you invert the sentence one letter at a time - eg "dinvert
the pyramid", "id invert the pyram" etc - it takes 22 chants, finished
by the line "The Pyramid Inverts" to make 23. The last line is called
"the final energy releaser". Discordianism is described by some
followers as "a joke disguised as a religion disguised as a joke".
10 Sport stars have developed a particular affinity (and aversion) to
23. Michael Jordan, the American basketball player, wore the number
throughout his career and inspired many copy cat fans of wardrobe
vigintitriplicity. Best known is former England captain David Beckham,
who swapped his number seven Manchester United jersey for number 23
when he joined Real Madrid. Beckham, who said it was in deference to
Jordan, is expected to continue wearing 23 when he joins LA Galaxy this
summer. But the number is not always a harbinger of sporting good
fortune. Manchester City have not assigned the squad number 23 to any
player since 2003 after the last incumbent, Marc Vivien Foe, collapsed
and died while playing for the Cameroon on 26 June 2003. Marcus
Trescothick, the England cricket players, wears number 23 and was
Australian bowler Shane Warne's 600th test wicket. Warne also wears 23.
11 The Bible does not let 23 pass without conferring upon it some
significance, at least to students of the Book. Although the Old
Testament is unspecific, it is widely held that Adam and Eve had 23
daughters. The 23rd verse of the first chapter of Genesis brings the
act of creation to a close while the 23rd chapter of the book of
Genesis deals entirely with death, namely that of Abraham's wife,
Sarah. The most famous and most quoted of the Psalms is number 23: "The
Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters."
12 Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the start of human life.
The nuclei of cells in human bodies have 46 chromosomes made out of 23
pairs. Egg and sperm cells in humans have 23 chromosomes which fuse and
divide to create an embryo.
13 The most detailed account of the assassination of Julius Caesar,
written by Nicolaus of Damascus, claims numerous enemies stabbed the
Roman emperor 23 times. The wounds ranged from superficial to mortal.
14 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford Upon Avon on 23 April
1564. He died 52 years later on his birthday, 23 April 1616. Kurt
Cobain, the god of grunge, was born in 1967 and died in 1994 - 1+9+6+7=
23, 1+9+9+4 = 23.
15 In the science fantasy saga, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Luke
Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca sneak into detention block AA23 to
rescue Princess Leia. The rescue attempt is botched and Leia escapes
only by dodging Stormtroopers' laserfire. A police robot called 23 is
included in Star Wars director George Lucas' first film, THX 1138.
16 The Knights Templar, the order of soldier monks who eventually fell
foul of the Vatican and have been the subject of conspiracy theories
about the Holy Grail, had 23 Grand Masters.
17 The first morse code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was
from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means
"break the line".
18 The Birthday Paradox states that a group of 23 randomly-selected
people is the smallest number where there will be a probability higher
than 50 per cent that two people will share the same birthday.
19 The author William Burroughs was obsessed with 23. While living in
Tangiers, he met a Captain Clark who ran a ferry between Spain and
Morocco. One day, Clark told Burroughs that he had been doing the route
for 23 years without incident. Later that day, the ferry sank, killing
the captain. While Burroughs was thinking about the incident, a radio
bulletin announced the crash of a Flight 23 on the New York-Miami
route. The pilot was another Captain Clark. The events prompted an
obsession which saw Burroughs record every occurrence of the number 23
for the rest of his life.
20 The disbanded pop act KLF are one of several musical sources of
23-related lore. The two men behind KLF - Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty
- were once known as the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, which has 23
letters and comes from the novels of Robert Anton Wilson, another 23
obsessive. A police car used for the video of the KLF's number one,
"Doctorin' The Tardis", had 23 painted on the roof, their final
performance lasted 23 minutes and they incinerated £1m on a
remote Scottish island on 23 August 1994. Psychic TV, another cult act,
released 23 live albums on the 23rd day of 23 consecutive months.
21 "W" is the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet. It has two points down
and three points up. White supremacists use 23 to represent "W" as a
mark of racial superiority.
22 "23 skidoo" is an American catchphrase from the early 20th century
meaning to make a sharp exit. It was used as the title of a poem by the
occultist Aleister Crowley, another 23 aficionado. But some believe its
origins lie in Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, where the old woman
counting the daily victims of the guillotine calls "23" as the hero is
beheaded in the last chapter.
23 The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days.
Source: The Independent