The crystal ball glimmered with an
iridescence of days of future past. The nearby flickering candles
threw shadows of things yet to be upon the orbs crystalline
matrix. The prophet, withered and aged, breathed deeply of the
smokey air and continued to gaze deeply into the heart of the
crystal. Deep within his brain, universal connections that
bind us all in a web of wholeness are stimulated by the hypnotic
shapes that danced faintly in the ball. Time and space are one and
all information contained within reality are available to those who can
master their intellect and allow the stream of information to be
downloaded directly into the brain -- bypassing the rational mind that
would block anything received through such unconventional methods.
The prophet sighs in contentment -- because once again his crystal ball
has brought him his subscription to Conspiracy Journal, the free weekly
e-mail newsletter of everything weird and strange from the past present
and future.
This week Conspiracy Journal
brings you such outrageous stories as:
- "Sleeping Sickness" Victims Awake with Mysterious After Effects -
- Did Soviet Space Probe Find Life on Venus? - - New Test Suggests "Impossible" EM Drive Does Work -
AND: Science and the Seance
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
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HOT OFF THE PRESSES! America's Strange and Supernatural History
Find out what the "Powers That Be" Don't want you to know regarding the truly hidden - occult - history of the United States.
one would likely dispute the fact that times are stranger in America
than ever before, and indications are that things are getting weirder
with each passing day. But a look at our hidden – SECRET – history
alerts us to the startling fact that our country has been steeped in
“high strangeness” since its founding fathers signed the Declaration of
Independence and, provocatively, even before.
It is
nevertheless apparent that our proud nation owes a great “debt of
ingratitude” to the mysterious, the macabre, the downright bizarre and
the unseen realm of the occult. Did the ancient Lemurians, a Pacific
Ocean race similar to the fabled Atlanteans to the east, erect the
mysterious walls found in the eastern part of the San Francisco Bay
area? Writer Olav Phillips explores the enigma first hand.
Casteel provides an overview of historical incidents of cannibalism,
stories that go back as far as “The Starving Time” of the Jamestown
colony in 1609, and Wm. Michael Mott offers up some of the UFO and
creature sightings he has collected from the state of Mississippi.
Timothy Green Beckley and his friend Circe returned to Sleepy Hollow,
New York – of “Headless Horseman” fame – and discovered that paranormal
activity is still rampant there, while author Tim Swartz would like
suitable explanations for all the supernatural mysteries of his native
In a Bonus Section: “The Spiritual Destiny of
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"Sleeping Sickness" Victims Awake with Mysterious After Effects

living in Kazakhstan's 'Village of the Damned' have spoken of the
horrifying side effects of the mysterious sleeping sickness which can
leave them unconscious for days - as others reveal they fear they are
being poisoned to force them to make way for a gold mine.
When a
photojournalist spent a night at the infamous village, she was told of
how children have seen their mothers grow eyes on their foreheads and
usually well-mannered pensioners denounce their nurses as 'whores' and
Meanwhile, men struggle with uncontrollable
sexual desires after waking from the coma-like sleep in the village of
Kalachi, in northern Kazakhstan.
It is the first time residents
of the village, which has also been dubbed 'Sleepy Hollow', have spoken
of the debilitating side effects.
The illness which sends people
into a deep sleep without warning first struck four years ago, and is
thought to have affected about a quarter of the population - about 160
people - at some time or another.
Known side effects include
headaches and memory loss, but when a reporter visited the village,
which is about 250 miles from the border with Russia, residents were
willing to reveal more of the horrendous effects of the disease.
women told us that when their husbands and boyfriends come round from
the deep slumber, lasting from 12 hours to six days, they often awoke
craving sex.
'The doctors laugh and the nurses blush when they see our men,' explained one Kalachi woman.
women were saying the same. As soon as men were were recovering after
waking, they needed sex right there and then, and this feeling lasted
for at least a month.'
One man just out of hospital 'still
couldn't eat properly let alone walk, but he was all over his wife,'
she revealed. 'He really needed it.'
Unsurprisingly, the men are reluctant to talk about this aspect of the sleeping illness.
another woman, in her 40s, who had taken her son to live in a
neighbouring village to protect him from the unexplained disease, said:
'My husband after he woke up called me and said: "Listen either you
visit me right now, or I'll go to you".'
There are other debilitating symptoms, including an inability to control the bladder.
poor man wet himself as he went to hospital. So the paramedics removed
his pants and there he was, not properly conscious but in a state of
sexual excitement,' a resident said.
'The view of the men lying in the hospital ward rooms is called "tents".'
rant uncontrollably. Locals cite the example of one man, known for his
impeccable manners, who cursed nurses as 'whores' and 'prostitutes'
when he was suddenly struck down by the Kalachi drowsiness
man, apparently recovering, suddenly leapt out of bed, giving a Nazi
salute to his doctors, greeting them with 'Heil Hitler', while a
60-year-old grandfather imagined he was a rooster, flapping his arms
around and crowing.
Elena Zhavoronkova and Lyudmila Samusenkyo
- who are both described as 'serious minded' - found themselves in
hospital at the same time recovering from the sleeping condition, and
experienced some of the strange side effects.
'I felt that
something was wrong, but still I had an urge to escape, and I asked
Lyudmila to join me on a lift ride,' said Elena.
They shut themselves inside the elevator, playing a bizarre game of tag with doctors.
were laughing and giggling and felt like we were schoolgirls. One of
the surgeons prized open the doors with a chisel, and we both jumped on
him and started hitting him in the face. It felt like great fun.'
Others feel they have been turned into zombies.
have an urge to walk when they wake up - and a local man dressed
himself in only a hospital diaper, repeatedly fleeing his ward.
are affected in different ways: many have been overpowered by delirium,
telling of seeing monsters, and extra eyes on their mothers' foreheads.
mother was told by her sick child that she had an elephant's trunk, and
Misha Plyukhin, 13, saw light bulbs and horses flying all around him.
For distraught parents, it is an added burden.
Lyubov Rabchevskaya admits she is 'dead scared' for her son Almaz, 10.
'I still shudder over the first time he fell asleep,' the 28-year-old told MailOnline.
'He normally wakes up 7am. That day it was 10am - and he was still asleep.
'I thought at first that he was sick and it was better to let him rest, then I began shaking him, but he would not wake up.
really, really scary when your child is suddenly in a coma-like state.
Also when they wake up, they behave like sickly babies, they cry
without reason just bursting into tears.
'Like my son, he wanted to get off the bed, but fell down because his legs were too weak. Another burst into tears.
another one when he needs to go to the loo, and he is too weak to make
it to the toilet, so he needs to use a hospital potty - and he feels
shy and embarrassed by it.
'How can a mother take it calmly and not be left brokenhearted over this anguish?'
Lyubov has made up her mind, like many others, that she cannot risk staying in Kalachi.
former shop assistant said: 'I had to give up my job because I started
driving other villages, looking for places to relocate. I had to be out
of the shop six times a month, for several days in a row. It was
impossible to keep the job. No matter what happens, I'll leave here.'
She added: 'Some reports say there are no health consequences after people fall asleep like this.
'Wrong, there are a lot of them. Almaz was full of energy before, but now he's not nearly as active as he was, he needs rest.'
Many have already fled Kalachi, a village guarded by a crumbling statue of Lenin, amid fears for their health.
is going the same way as Krasnogorsk, a town just a few hundred metres
away which once produced uranium ore for the Soviet Union's nuclear
weapons programme.
Krasnogorsk used to have a population of
6,000 but now only a handful of people call it home: yet, strangely,
there have been hardly any cases of the sleeping epidemic among locals
who live here among derelict apartment blocks that look as if they were
blitzed in a war.
The fact the few residents of this ghost town
have escaped the illness unharmed has not been missed by the residents
of the village.
Officially, the most likely explanation is that
leakages of radioactive gas radon from former uranium mines four miles
away are behind the mystery condition, yet many are sceptical.
Kravchuk, 27, an assistant in the village store, who was laid low by
the sleeping condition after falling into a near coma when she was
drinking tea, said: 'People are dead scared of what's going, and the
pressure of staying here is hardly bearable.
'And yet we stay
because where else do you run? At least here we have a good school,
nice houses, and a good salary. There is a lot of rumours about gold
deposits being found here. Apparently there was even an announcement on
TV in Almaty that people were needed to mine it.
'Some of us wonder if this sleeping disease and the alleged gold mine can be related.'
Remezov, 70, a married father-of-two who formerly worked at the
Soviet-era uranium mines, said: 'I'm leaving now but I'd never planned
to relocate.
'I hear different versions about the cause of the sleeping disease.
'Yet I don't believe that it can be provoked by the proximity of the uranium mines.
worked there for years, and sometimes miners even drank water from the
mine which as you can imagine was like a uranium concoction.
'But no-one fell asleep. It's not about uranium.
'I fear it might be a sabotage and us being used as a testing ground. I think this version must be investigated.
last year - people were falling asleep in bulk, 30 people each month.
Now we have had several quiet months, and why is that?'
Some say
it is because of the build-up to Sunday's election in which veteran
74-year-old dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev - who employs Tony Blair as a
consultant - scored a landslide victory securing 97.7 per cent of the
vote in a poll seen in the West as far short of free and fair.
a local official was fired over a suspicious land deal, at a time when
villagers fear they are being pressured to leave.
The state is
currently running an evacuation plan, under which people should be
given a place to live in a new location. The government pays 250,000
tenge (£890) to help meet the costs.
Some 52 families have
already left the village, with ten more scheduled to leave by the end
of April. Others wait for the end of the school year to leave, but some
381 people still remain.
Lyubov said: 'We began to think that
someone is deliberately poisoning us to force us away. Some say that
over the hill nearby gold was found and even the road is built.'
She pointed out: 'There was a meeting at the beginning of February to discuss relocation.
people who screamed loudest that they would not be going anywhere all
fell asleep. The locals joked that they each were individually
There are other elements which are making some
residents fear the sleeping illness is more than just an unfortunate
side effect of the uranium mining industry.
Sometimes the
symptoms resemble the impact of alcohol poisoning, but locals also
claim that the side-effects are now subtly different to when the first
cases appeared.
'The last mass epidemic was at the beginning of
March, when 15 people were near falling asleep, but unlike earlier,
they were not actually deeply asleep, or out for a long time,' said one
'They could walk themselves and all managed to get to
the local hospital. They felt exhausted and weak, but none of them
needed to be taken to hospital in Esil, the nearest town.
on, during another period all sleepers were aggressive and everyone -
from men to children - had to be tied to their beds because they were
trying to attack doctors, nurses and other patients.
'There were
moments when people were all vomiting, or hiccuping. This makes people
some people think that there is a kind of a drug, preparation testing
going on, each time a different one. Others say an old Soviet chemical
or radioactive weapon was dumped here, and this is poisoning us.'
Locals have also complained that officials have sought to pin the blame for some cases on parents poisoning their children.
Oleg Svinarev's family have four children, and during September and October last year each of them succumbed two or three times.
He was detained amid a suspicion they were given something toxic.
'Honestly I was ready to kick police in their faces when they asked me if we gave something toxic to children,' he said.
'We were scared to death for them, and they were bugging me with stupid questions.'
Shumilina told MailOnline: 'We are all extra nervous here - imagine
being in our shoes when you don't know which of your family members
will collapse, when and with what consequences, which is what we have
lived with for three years. How would you feel?'
Almagambetov, the district's top doctor, seems genuinely puzzled about
what caused this health hazard on his doorstep.
'It all is very
individual, depending on age, the patient's health condition, what
other chronic diseases they have suffered,' he said.
example, the reaction of children strongly differs from that of adults.
Children's brains have not yet formed fully. They find it harder to
tolerate the disease, they have strong hallucinations.
people, too, have hallucinations, because of their age. Frankly, the
cause of the disease is still unknown despite the many institutions
that have worked here.
'The radioactive background is normal,
all products people are eating have been checked, the water is tested,
nothing is harmful there.
'All those who have been affected are
in Kalachi village. True, several people who came from Krasnogorsk
suffered from the illness - but only after they visited Kalachi. So the
strange effect is noticed only in one village.
'I can assure you, it is not some mental disorder, it is not some hysterical epidemic, as it was supposed previously.'
He denied it was a psychological illness as some had claimed - 'only physical'.
cannot say for sure about the radon theory for now, because we need to
obtain data from the scientists. I am not a specialist in this
question, but I doubt this theory, because we have many closed mines
and uranium mines and it is only in Kalachi we faced with such a
disease. '
He stressed there was no evidence of artificial poisoning, as some villagers suspected.
'I do not have any working theories, because I am a doctor. I must think how to treat these people, how to help them.'
from the National Nuclear Researching centre of Kazakhstan, who are
making bore holes to take samples of soil, water and gas, while
separately monitoring radiation including tests for radon, also dismiss
fears over being poisoned on purpose.
'There is a lot of rumours
about us among the locals - some say we are after gold, others that we
found extra pure water, while in fact our tasks are basic - to keep
drilling and taking samples,' said a scientists who declined to be
The teams first came a year ago and have been permanently
working in Kalachi since April 2014: yet the locals point suspiciously
out that none of these scientists have been struck down by the
slumbering disease.
'Every evening, when we gather together, we have debates on what is the cause of this condition,' he said.
'We have experts in different fields in our teams, so every one of us is trying to build up a version based on our knowledge.'
Some believe it maybe caused by radiation emanating from cracks in the ground.
Yet many of these experts are veterans of the Soviet nuclear testing site at Semipalatinsk in northern Kazakhstan.
'Here we have a much higher level of radon and no-on falls asleep,' said the scientist.
year our colleagues went through every house in the village, taking all
radiation readings, and making a census of people who did and didn't
sleep, writing their accounts on when and how it happened, down to the
routes people took when walking the village.'
Some houses with higher readings of radon are not hit by the sleeping epidemic. Others, with lower readings, are.
Yet still, despite all these tests, the scientists are no nearer finding an answer.
Polezhayeva, 47, a Kazakh Ecological Laboratory engineer, said: 'We are
working year here for the second year, since December 2013.
month we spend 10 days, taking samples for nitrogen oxide, nitrogen
dioxide, formaldehyde, sulphur, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons.
We take samples every morning of those 10 days. So far all results were
She and her colleagues live with a villager.
'She fell asleep twice but none of us did. When I saw her I thought that she looked like she'd been under general anaesthetic.
is no location tag to where people fall asleep - just one day one
person collapses at one end of the village, another one at another, and
in a week same people might fall asleep in different locations.
'The first time when we came here we were scared to touch anything, almost frightened to breathe.
you don't know what and how can hit you, you feel really disorientated.
We brought water and food with us, but what do you do with the air?
'I can see the locals are exhausted and concerned that there is no explanation of what on earth caused it.'
In several cases, the condition was caught by people after attending meetings or gatherings at school.
A Russian scientist who knows the area well is convinced he knows the true reason for the poisoning.
Leonid Rikhvanov, of Tomsk Polytechnic University, said: 'This couldn't have been done deliberately, that's complete nonsense.'
Though not invited to inspect the village by the Kazakh authorities he is adamant that he knows the cause.
model is the only one which explains what is going on there,' he said.
'If to describe it simply, when the uranium mines were abandoned, they
began to fill with the ground water.
'Radon and other inert
gases which release as a result of the decay of uranium are squeezed
out by groundwater and through the cracks in the ground rises to the
surface. It can accumulate in the cellars.'
Yet critics say similar illnesses are not found near other disused uranium mines.
Sergei Lukashenko, director of the country's National Nuclear Center's
Radiation Safety and Ecology Institute, said: 'I am positive this is
not radon.
'Carbon monoxide is definitely a factor, but I cannot tell you whether this is the main and vital factor.'
stated: 'The maximum allowable concentration of carbon monoxide in
Kazakhstan is five milligrams per cubic meter and concentrations in
homes where sleeping sickness cases have occurred were 10 times higher.
This factor looks very suspicious. It is also odd. It should not be so.'
Asked why, he said: 'It could be natural gas or stove heating or machines or something else but that can happen anywhere.
question is why it does not go away. We have some suspicions as the
village has a peculiar location, a hollow, and weather patterns
frequently force chimney smoke to go down instead of up.
'We have even photographed that. That could be a factor.'
61, a TV repairman-turned-amateur sleuth who declined to give his
family name, used to work in the uranium mine which many blame for the
sleeping epidemic.
'It looks like some kind of beam went through
the village. I do not know what it can be. Maybe some some special
equipment, like emitter. But it all is my speculation.
'I just see that the location of the homes, where people fell asleep are in straight lines, as if some beam cut through them.'
He warned: 'I'm not speaking about UFOs. I am simply trying to understand what is going on here.'
Karia Kravchuk, from the local shop, agrees.
shocking how long it goes on without an explanation. Four years have
passed since the first case, and we are still no wiser. Medical samples
are constantly getting lost, sometimes people have to be back to
hospitals two, three times to re-do the same tests.
'I don't believe we'll be told anything. They will never explain.'
Source: The Daily Mail seeing-monsters-foul-mouthed-rants-Residents-Kazakh-Village-Damned-hit-mysterious- sleeping-sickness-reveal-sufferers-disturbing-new-symptoms.html
Did Russian Probe Find Life on Venus?
there life on Venus? Most planetary scientists would say 'no', or at
least 'unlikely' - despite being almost a twin to Earth in size, the
second planet from the Sun is the closest thing we might imagine to
being hell. With surface temperatures close to 900°F, even the Devil
might be looking for a vacation to a cooler climate. And yet, in
2012, a senior Russian planetary scientist claimed not only that
Venusian creatures existed, but that they had already been
photographed. With all the modern publicity for Mars exploration -
especially by the Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity rovers - it is
often forgotten that the former Soviet Union successfully landed probes
on Venus nine times in the thirteen year period between 1972 and 1985.
By virtue of the hellish conditions on the planet's surface, these
missions were short affairs - the longest any of them survived once on
the ground was a little over two hours. But during their short
Venusian encounters, a number of these probes did transmit photos back
to their orbiters, taken from a camera that repeatedly scanned across
the panorama. Apart from giving us a glimpse of the alien landscape,
Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti has suggested these images might
also show us alien life. Ksanfomaliti was inspired to re-analyse
the images by the many recent discoveries of exoplanets of many sizes
and conditions, which made him question whether we have made a mistake
in thinking that life likely only exists under Earth-like conditions.
Another factor might have been the ongoing discovery in modern times of
many 'extremophiles' on Earth: organisms that live in conditions well
beyond what we previously thought life was capable of. He says
that it is worth re-examining the Venera lander images in particular.
His reasoning: to date, most analyses of the photos have been based on
a single panorama from each site. These published panoramas are, in
fact, mosaics. Most of the landers took and transmitted several photos
with each camera, several back-and-forth swings. All of them suffered
from some loss of data to noise or other transmission problems, so the
published panoramas are composed of the best parts of each of the
panoramas. In his paper, Ksanfomaliti takes the panoramas
separately and examines them to see if there are noticeable changes
from one frame to the next. Then, he says, we can attempt to discern
whether these changes are related to abiological phenomena (such as
wind) or whether they are related to his proposal that the planet is
inhabited. Also, he says, by examining their shape, we can distinguish
whether they have the "ordinary form of surface detail," or whether
they look extraordinary. The challenge then was to figure out
whether anything that moved was living, or instead some sort of
non-biological phenomena (e.g. dirt being blown by wind), or effects of
changing light, digital imaging artifacts and so on. Movement on Venus? His startling conclusion: the images do indeed show forms of life, including one that he nicknamed a 'scorpion'. At
the blog of the Planetary Society, Emily Lakdawalla was impressed
enough by Ksanfomaliti's credentials that she decided to critically
evaluate his claim, despite it seeming "so obviously ridiculous" that
she would "ordinarily not give it a second thought." With a strong
understanding of image transmission and processing in planetary
exploration, she was less than impressed by his analysis:
"With all of these natural and artificial reasons why there may be
changes in pixel values from one image to the next, it's hazardous to
read too much into small changes of blobby shapes. But that's exactly
what Ksanfomaliti goes on to do. There is a bold sentence in the paper
that I asked Twitter help in translation, and it reads: "It must be
emphasized that in the present work on the processing of the initial
images images any retouching, drawing-in, additions to, or adjustment
of images was completely ruled out." And he says that the use of
Photoshop was "categorically ruled out." Yet he goes on to say that
adjustments were, in fact, made. Missing bits of images were filled in
with data from other images, contrast and brightness adjusted, and
(most strangely), the "Blur" and "sharpen" functions in Microsoft
Windows Paint were sometimes employed. These are all fairly standard
operations in image processing (except for the use of Windows Paint
instead of Photoshop for blur and sharpen filters, which is just odd),
but they are most definitely "adjustments" of images, especially that
blur and sharpen business. Sharpening, in particular, can have weird
effects on noisy images. "...There is so much
variation in noise among these five images, and they have been so
processed with sharpening and infilling of data, that I think it is
pointless to micro-analyze tiny little features and whether they have
changed, much less whether they represent the presence of moving,
living creatures or not. These images are much less convincing even
than those of the Mars Sasquatch." What was perhaps most
surprising to Lakdawalla was how such a respected and knowledgeable
planetary scientist could come up with something "so patently off the
wall". Someone noted to her that Ksanfomaliti has always been
interested in ideas "slightly on the edge of reality", while another
suggested that perhaps three decades of analysing old data sets might
make anyone crazy. Her own thoughts, however, were more about the
dangers in being so smart that you convince yourself that your new
theory is the start of a new paradigm: "I've
seen before when successful people become so convinced that they are
smart and right that they go over some edge and suddenly think that any
crazy idea that flits into their head must be right, because they
thought it and they're always right, right? There's no way for me to
know what's made Ksanfomaliti make so much out of absolutely nothing.
All I know is, there's nothing here. Move along." Whether or not
Ksanfomaliti was correct about finding life on Venus will remain in
doubt until a more sophisticated and complete search is conducted by
future space exploration. However, the aggressive skeptical reaction by
other scientists to Ksanfomaliti's research, while of no surprise, is
disheartening because no one else apparently even attempted to try and
replicate Ksanfomaliti's findings. Instead, there was simply a
knee-jerk condemning of Ksanfomaliti based on the attitude that Venus
is way too hot and hostile to support life, so there is no need to even
attempt to look for it. This is not science, this is the
Spanish Inquisition whose job is to remove the heretics who dare to
exhibit curiosity and bravery in an attempt to learn more about our
universe. At least Emily Lakdawalla of the Planetary Society took a
little time to look at the original Venera lander images, despite the
fact that she apparently had already made her mind up on the matter
with the statement: "The story is so obviously ridiculous that I would
ordinarily not give it a second thought." With this sort of
attitude, it is no wonder that Lakdawalla's conclusion to this matter
was: "I've seen before when successful people become so convinced
that they are smart and right that they go over some edge and suddenly
think that any crazy idea that flits into their head must be right,
because they thought it and they're always right, right? There's no way
for me to know what's made Ksanfomaliti make so much out of absolutely
nothing. All I know is, there's nothing here. Move along." I
think that someone like Leonid Ksanfomaliti, who is a senior statesman
of Russian planetary science, deserves a little more respect than this.
To have his name besmirched by fellow scientists and writers, whose own
credentials pale in comparison, just because he put forth the idea that
there might be life on Venus, is sad and offensive. If he is
later proved to be wrong, then he was wrong, case closed. But until
that time comes when we can walk around on Venus and see for ourselves,
people such as Ksanfomaliti need to be respected because they actually
took the time to do the research and were brave enough to put the
results out there for their peers to evaluate. For you other so-called
scientists, who do nothing to contribute to science except criticize
others without actually knowing what you are criticizing...shut up and
move along. Source: The Daily Grail -Scorpions-Venus
New Test Suggests "Impossible" EM Drive Does Work
recently, every physicist was laughing at this engine and its inventor,
Roger Shawyer. It's called the EmDrive and everyone said it was
impossible because it goes against classical mechanics. But the fact is
that the quantum vacuum plasma thruster works and scientists can't
explain why. Shawyer's engine is extremely light and simple. It
provides a thrust by "bouncing microwaves around in a closed
container." The microwaves are generated using electricity that can be
provided by solar energy. No propellant is necessary, which means that
this thrusters can work forever unless a hardware failure occurs. If
real, this would be a major breakthrough in space propulsion technology. A
reactionless drive was first proposed in the 1950’s, but came to
attention in 2006 when New Scientist published an article about Dr.
Roger Shawyer, who founded Satellite Propulsion Research, Ltd. (SPR),
and claimed he had constructed a prototype that produced 88
millinewtons of forces while using only 700 watts of power. The idea
was met with criticism from nearly all fronts. Shawyer's
credentials are certainly impressive. He worked his way up through the
aerospace industry, designing and building navigation and
communications equipment for military and commercial satellites, before
becoming a senior aerospace engineer at Matra Marconi Space (later part
of EADS Astrium) in Portsmouth, near where he now lives. He was also a
consultant to the Galileo project, Europe's satellite navigation
system, which engineers are now testing in orbit and for which he
negotiated the use of the radio frequencies it needed. With that
pedigree, you'd imagine Shawyer would be someone the space industry
would have listened to. Far from it. While at Astrium, Shawyer proposed
that the company develop his idea. "I was told in no uncertain terms to
drop it," he says. "This came from the very top." What Shawyer
had in mind was a replacement for the small thrusters conventional
satellites use to stay in orbit. The fuel they need makes up about half
their launch weight, and also limits a satellite's life: once it runs
out, the vehicle drifts out of position and must be replaced. Shawyer's
engine, by contrast, would be propelled by microwaves generated from
solar energy. The photovoltaic cells would eliminate the fuel, and with
the launch weight halved, satellite manufacturers could send up two
craft for the price of one, so you would only need half as many
launches. So why the problem? Shawyer argues that for companies
investing billions in rockets and launch sites, a new technology that
leads to fewer launches and longer-lasting satellites has little
commercial appeal. By the same token, a company that offers more for
less usually wins in the end, so Shawyer's idea may have been seen as
too speculative. Whatever the reason, in 2000, he resigned to go it
alone. Surprisingly, Shawyer's disruptive technology rests on an
idea that goes back more than a century. In 1871 the physicist James
Clerk Maxwell worked out that light should exert a force on any surface
it hits, like the wind on a sail. This so-called radiation pressure is
extremely weak, though. Last year, a group called The Planetary Society
attempted to launch a solar sail called Cosmos 1 into orbit. The sail
had a surface area of about 600 square metres. Despite this large area,
about the size of two tennis courts, its developers calculated that
sunlight striking it would produce a force of 3 millinewtons, barely
enough to lift a feather on the surface of the Earth. Still, it would
be enough to accelerate a craft in the weightlessness of space, though
unfortunately the sail was lost after launch. NASA is also interested
in solar sails, but has never launched one. Perhaps that shouldn't be a
surprise, as a few millinewtons isn't enough for serious work in space. But
what if you could amplify the effect? That's exactly the idea that
Shawyer stumbled on in the 1970s while working for a British military
technology company called Sperry Gyroscope. Shawyer's expertise is in
microwaves, and when he was asked to come up with a gyroscopic device
for a guidance system he instead came up with the idea for an
electromagnetic engine. He even unearthed a 1950s paper by Alex Cullen,
an electrical engineer at University College London, describing how
electromagnetic energy might create a force. "It came to nothing at the
time, but the idea stuck in my head," he says. In his workshop,
Shawyer explains how this led him to a way of producing thrust. For
years he has explored ways to confine microwaves inside waveguides,
hollow tubes that trap radiation and direct it along their length. Take
a standard copper waveguide and close off both ends. Now create
microwaves using a magnetron, a device found in every microwave oven.
If you inject these microwaves into the cavity, the microwaves will
bounce from one end of the cavity to the other. According to the
principles outlined by Maxwell, this will produce a tiny force on the
end walls. Now carefully match the size of the cavity to the wavelength
of the microwaves and you create a chamber in which the microwaves
resonate, allowing it to store large amounts of energy. What's
crucial here is the Q-value of the cavity - a measure of how well a
vibrating system prevents its energy dissipating into heat, or how
slowly the oscillations are damped down. For example, a pendulum
swinging in air would have a high Q, while a pendulum immersed in oil
would have a low one. If microwaves leak out of the cavity, the Q will
be low. A cavity with a high Q-value can store large amounts of
microwave energy with few losses, and this means the radiation will
exert relatively large forces on the ends of the cavity. You might
think the forces on the end walls will cancel each other out, but
Shawyer worked out that with a suitably shaped resonant cavity, wider
at one end than the other, the radiation pressure exerted by the
microwaves at the wide end would be higher than at the narrow one. Key
is the fact that the diameter of a tubular cavity alters the path - and
hence the effective velocity - of the microwaves travelling through it.
Microwaves moving along a relatively wide tube follow a more or less
uninterrupted path from end to end, while microwaves in a narrow tube
move along it by reflecting off the walls. The narrower the tube gets,
the more the microwaves get reflected and the slower their effective
velocity along the tube becomes. Shawyer calculates the microwaves
striking the end wall at the narrow end of his cavity will transfer
less momentum to the cavity than those striking the wider end. The
result is a net force that pushes the cavity in one direction. And
that's it, Shawyer says. Obviously, the entire thing sounded
preposterous to everyone. In theory, this thing shouldn't work at all.
So people laughed and laughed and ignored him. Everyone except a team
of Chinese scientists. They built one in 2009 and it worked: They
claimed they were able to produce 720 millinewton, which is reportedly
enough to build a satellite thruster. And still, nobody else believed
it. Now, American scientist Guido Fetta and a team at NASA
Eagleworks—the advanced propulsion skunkworks led by Dr Harold "Sonny"
White at the Johnson Space Center—have published a new paper that
demonstrates that a similar engine working on the same principles does
indeed produce thrust. Their model, however, produces much less
thrust—just 30 to 50 micronewtons. But it works, which is amazing on
its own. "Test results indicate that the RF
resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric
propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any
classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially
demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma.
The EM Drive’s thrust was due to the Quantum Vacuum (the quantum state
with the lowest possible energy) behaving like propellant ions behave
in a MagnetoHydroDynamics drive (a method electrifying propellant and
then directing it with magnetic fields to push a spacecraft in the
opposite direction) for spacecraft propulsion." Skeptics pointed
out that the EMDrive might not work in a closed vacuum. After last
year’s tests of the engine, which weren’t performed in a vacuum,
skeptics argued that the measured thrust was attributable to
environmental conditions external to the drive, such as natural thermal
convection currents arising from microwave heating. The recent
experiment, however, addressed this concern head-on, while also
demonstrating the engine’s potential to work in space.
"The group has given consideration to whether the
experimental measurements of thrust force were the result of an
artifact. Despite considerable effort within the
forum to dismiss the reported thrust as an artifact, the EM Drive
results have yet to be falsified. "After
consistent reports of thrust measurements from EM Drive experiments in
the US, UK, and China – at thrust levels several thousand times in
excess of a photon rocket, and now under hard vacuum conditions – the
question of where the thrust is coming from deserves serious inquiry." One
claim that has surfaced on posts on the NASA Space Flight forum, when
lasers were fired into the EmDrive resonance chamber, it was found that
some of the beams were travelling faster than the speed of light. If
this is true, then it would mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp
field or bubble. A forum post says that "this signature (the
interference pattern) on the EmDrive looks just like what a warp bubble
looks like. And the math behind the warp bubble apparently matches the
interference pattern found in the EmDrive." Another comment on
the forum stated: “That’s the big surprise. This signature (the
interference pattern) on the EmDrive looks just like what a warp bubble
looks like. And the math behind the warp bubble apparently matches the
interference pattern found in the EmDrive.” What’s more, the discovery was accidental, as this comment points out: “Seems
to have been an accidental connection. They were wondering where this
‘thrust’ might be coming from. One scientist proposed that maybe it’s a
warp of the spacetime foam, which is causing the thrust.” Nothing has been confirmed yet, but it could mean that NASA is one step closer to achieving faster than light travel. It’s
still early days, but the implications are mind-boggling to say the
least. A full-fledged EM drive could be used on everything from
satellites working in low Earth orbit, to missions to the Moon, Mars,
and the outer solar system. EM drives could also be used on
multi-generation spaceships for interstellar travel. A journey to Alpha
Centauri, which is “just” 4.3 light-years away, suddenly wouldn’t be so
daunting. An EM drive working under a constant one milli-g acceleration
would propel a ship to about 9.4% the speed of light, resulting in a
total travel time of 92 years. But that’s without the need for
deceleration; should we wish to make a stop at Alpha Centauri, we’d
have to add another 38 years to the trip. Not a big deal by any extent
of the imagination. But the fact that we may be witnessing
something completely new, something that may push us forward into
sci-fi territory once again, is very exciting. Source: io9
Ancient Practice in Demand for
Water, Other Geophysical Formations
 On the north slope of the canyon in the mountains
high above the Weber River, Shem Jessop carefully stepped through the
undergrowth while patiently waiting for the rod in his hands to move.
As he zigzagged among the bushes, Jessop finally received a signal. The
thin wire held like handlebars slowly tipped and pointed toward the
"There it is," he said, turning to the two men -- one the landowner and
the other a well driller -- who had followed him up the slope. Jessop
sliced the air with his open hand and gestured toward a small mountain
pond in the distance.
"Your underground stream runs right through here. And there's plenty of
water," he said.
Utah's long drought may be over, but the state's booming economy is now
making it easier for landowners to afford the thousands of dollars
necessary to drill water wells on their properties. And that means Utah
dowsers, such as Jessop, are getting called to survey properties up to a
dozen times a month.
While some may question the wisdom of relying on the twitching of a
willow branch or the swing of a piano-wire divining rod to locate a
drill site, those who practice the ancient art of "water witching" are
as much in demand as ever.
Jessop dislikes the term "witching" because it connotes something
magical or paranormal, and yet he lacks a scientific explanation for
what happens when he walks over a body of underground water with his
divining rod.
"I do know, though, that I'm not the one making it move," he said.
Divining also can be used to locate crude oil and natural gas deposits,
Jessop said.
"I recently surveyed some property for a couple of gentlemen and told
them there was oil present. And they told me that my information was
consistent with the geophysical surveys of the area," he said.
The practice of trying to locate water or other minerals through the
use of a divining device, which can be a forked stick, pendulum or a
bent metal wire, is centuries old. The first written references to water
witching date back to the 16th century in southern Europe.
Jessop was introduced to the ancient practice more than 30 years ago
when he accompanied a dowser into Rose Canyon in the Oquirrh Mountains
on the western edge of the Salt Lake Valley.
"He used a live willow branch with a vessel of water tied to it,"
Jessop said. "And not knowing much about it, I cut myself a green willow
stick and tried it myself. It took awhile to learn, but eventually I
figured it out and discovered I had the ability."
Skeptics of dowsing abound, but in Utah acceptance of the practice is
more widespread.
"There are those who believe it is worthwhile and those who don't," she
said. "And there is really nothing you can do to convince someone one
way or the other, unless they're open to the idea and willing to find
out for themselves."
There are those, however, who demand scientific proof before they are
willing to embrace the notion. And those skeptics say the evidence in
support of dowsing is nonexistent.
The James Randi Educational Foundation in Florida offers $1 million to
anyone who can demonstrate scientifically they have paranormal
abilities. Dowsers can try for the prize, said James "the Amazing"
Randi, a former magician turned debunker of all things unscientific.
"Of the hundreds of those we've tested over the past few years probably
85 percent were dowsers," Randi said, indicating that none could
demonstrate results better than what could be produced through normal
chance occurrences.
What the foundation's test found was that no two dowsers will ever pick
the same spot and no dowser will pick the same spot twice if the terrain
is altered and disguised.
"I don't doubt the sincerity of dowsers, but even after we've
demonstrated that they can't produce results that are any better than
chance they'll still go away believing in their abilities," Randi said.
"It is like the mother whose son is caught shoplifting on tape. She
wonders why someone would want to frame her child by producing a fake
The scientific explanation is that pendulums do swing and divining rods
dip or converge, but it is the dowser subconsciously doing it in what is
known as an "ideomotor reaction," Randi added.
As for the success rates that dowsers claim, skeptics argue there is a
ready explanation.
More than 90 percent of the Earth's surface has water within a
drillable depth, said Cliff Treyens, spokesman for the National Ground
Water Association in Westerville, Ohio. "That is why you can drill and
find water in the middle of a desert."
In Utah, most water-well drillers prefer to remain neutral on the issue
of dowsing, Jessop said.
"Drillers usually won't call a dowser in themselves, but if a customer
mentions they would like their property dowsed, they're more than happy
to oblige. If a well comes up dry, it takes the responsibly off their
shoulders and puts it onto the dowser," he said.
Driller Robert Armstrong said it is rare to sink a well and not come up
with a least some usable water. "But is not always as much as you want
or need," he said.
So he called in Jessop to survey the property above Weber Canyon and
select the site best suited to drilling.
"The owner here has a lot of property, about 120 acres," said Armstrong
as he walked down the hill after Jessop. "You can say what you want
about dowsers but one thing I've noticed working with Shem is that he
does have a talent for finding those spots where there is not only
water, but plenty of it."
Source: The Daily Herald
Researchers Look Into the Ibicuy Lights
April 13 2015 we presented an interesting account on the "Ibicuy
lights", which have frightened more than one fisherman in these
riverine islands. Andrea Pérez Simondini has visited the site for
research and to provide further insight on the matter - SC] A
research team is analyzing eyewitness accounts from residents of
Mazzaruca, Ibicuy, regarding manifestations of mysterious lights over
rural roads: "We held a night watch on April 18 and saw a light
emerging from the sky, but are still unable to ascertain its nature,"
Andrea Pérez Simondini of Visión Ovni told AIM. She says these
sightings are connected to experiences occurring in Victoria, and notes
that new eyewitness accounts have been obtained. During a
conversation with Agency, Simondini explained that she arrived at
Mazzaruca, Ibicuy, on April 18, 2015 along with her team to look into
an eyewitness report from a local resident who discussed his
experiences in an article published by AIM. "The goal was to study the
exact location where the events occurred." "We were at the
witness's home and he suggested that we visit a site where we held a
night watch to see if flashes or lights would occur," she said, adding:
"This came about because we also interviewed other witnesses in
Mazzaruca who claimed having seen some sort of red dwarves in the area,
and this story also matched one by some fishermen in Paraguay who
frequented the area. These particular cases involve sightings that took
place three years ago, where some claim having seen lights and other
say they saw very small creatures, approximately 40 centimeters tall,
but the latter does to not match the sightings we are looking into,"
she explained. "We Saw a Light Appear in the Sky" In this
regard, the researcher told AIM that on the weekend of April 18, they
camped at a location known as the "former shooting range" in the
vicinity of Médanos, Ibicuy, guided by a report from another local who
claimed seeing a light heading toward him, flying over the countryside.
"On the evening of April 18, we held a watch at the site and saw a
light appear in the sky, but we are still unable to determine what it
was," states Simondini. "This is new information is new, in
regard to the earlier cases brought forth by the resident of Mazzaruca,
although his story is also very interesting, as he talks about a light
following him, and this is an element that appears in many cases, " she
notes, recalling: "This local resident says it was at night, and when
the light appeared, he thought it was a vehicle approaching on the
road. It was very bright, but then it vanished, and there was nothing
behind it." Simondini also suggests that this case is linked to
similar experiences recorded in the city of Victoria, Entre Rios, which
she investigated with her team: "This same situation occurred at a
location known as La Tapera, where people reported lights appearing
head-on, illuminating them, and when they thought they were about to
intercept their vehicles, there was nothing behind them. Such
descriptions are repeated frequently in reports from the countryside.
They don't occur in the cities, and at times it's very hard to gain
access to the eyewitness reports, because people are set in their ways
or shy. But they welcomed us in Ibicuy and we are immensely grateful
for their hospitality." We Are Not Alone? Regarding the
distrust surrounding these phenomena, Simondini told AIM: "It's
possible to see many things in the sky. For this reason, we used our
equipment to show the differences between airplanes and satellites and
other possible objects to the foreman who claimed seeing the lights.
This helped dispel any doubts and give him some background on the
subject. The main difference we find in what we call sightings is that
these involve unidentified objects that fly very low, nearly flush to
the ground, and hang over the fields, often having a circular shape,"
she described. Moreover, the researcher told AIM that the survey
of the Ibicuy area "proved to be very interesting and has contributed
new elements to our work, since we looked into the cattle mutilation
phenomenon some time ago, cows and pigs found with mutilated faces
without any apparent reason and were a cause of concern, because they
were animals in perfect health, later found dead under very strange
conditions. We have still not published our results of this Visión Ovni
investigation, but before long it will be up on our Internet site," she
explained, adding that a new night watch is scheduled for the Mazzaruca
area, "but this time we will sail the Paraná River, as there are
reports involving sightings of colored lights over the water. The
locals made this suggestion and we embraced it enthusiastically,"
Simondini pointed out. [Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO] Source: AIM Digital, Visión OVNI & Planeta UFO/ Inexplicata
Hoop-Snake Sightings Still
Rolling In

One of the customers, Joyce Denham, has sent me a hoop-snake-sighting
report, the first I've received in almost two years.
She was at Langtry, which is upstream from Del Rio on the Rio Grande,
and she saw this hoop snake rolling across what she calls the desert.
Nothing especially exciting in the report. Just that snake, making a
circle of itself and rolling along, not bothering anybody.
I've been getting hoop-snake stories for I guess 50 years. A reptile of
this kind puts its tail in its mouth, arranges itself in a circle, and
travels by rolling like a hoop at impressive speeds.
All the snake books I ever read, written by experts, say no such
creature exists. Yet I keep getting these hoop-snake-sighting reports,
from perfectly intelligent people.
I ought to tell you that Denham saw that snake a long time ago, and is
just now telling me about it. Most of the sightings I hear about
happened a long time ago that way. I would be really interested in
receiving a hoop-snake sighting made in recent times, say within the
last couple of years.
So if you see one, let me know. Don't hesitate to include lots of
detail. Exactly when and where the sighting occurred. The estimated size
of the snake. The direction of its travel, and its approximate speed.
Did it seem to be chasing anything? Were there witnesses other than
Please don't try to fool me. You'll be wasting your effort. I know what
a real hoop-snake sighting is like.
A few days after the last time I mentioned these interesting reptiles,
I received a report about a hoop snake 12 feet long that had a luminous
stinger on the end of its tail and it went around stinging cattle and
trees and killing them.
Come on, if we're to unravel this mystery, we must deal with real hoop
snakes, not imaginary ones. I am holding out for a photograph of a hoop
Speaking of pictures, has anybody else received the photos of the
lion-killing mule?
I've been sent a set of those mule photos by three different parties,
so I suspect this is something that's going around on the Internet.
The most interesting of the shots shows this mule, wearing a saddle,
and it seems to be picking up a dead mountain lion in its teeth. The
picture is trying to say, I think, that this mule has killed the cougar.
The lion is not really very big, if you judge him by the size of the
mule. The mule doesn't seem so big, either, according to the size of the
saddle, and that assumes we're looking at a standard-sized saddle. The
people who sent me the photos have almost no information about them.
I would be interested in meeting a mule that killed a mountain lion,
and I'm not doubting this could happen because mules generally are
smart, and quick, and can be very dangerous when they're inspired.
The Chinese tell us that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well,
that may be true in China, where I have never been, but I've seen in my
life mighty few pictures that didn't beg for at least a few words to
explain them.
If you forced me to take a guess at the words that need to go along
with these lion-killing mule pictures, I'd write that the cat was
probably shot during a hunt, and the saddled mule was ridden by a hunter.
In one of the shots, we have a hound sitting in the background, and
it's the kind of hound that might be used on a lion hunt.
I'm not sure why a mule would want to pick up a dead lion in its teeth.
Probably just curious.
You wouldn't expect that the mule intended to make a meal out of that
cat. However, my Uncle Billy Crockett used to say he once had a red mule
that broke into the smokehouse and ate a side of bacon and half a ham.
You can't ever tell what a mule will do.
Source: The Houston Chronicle -
Science and the Seance
The world's most eminent
scientists are not usually associated with the dim-lit surroundings of a
clairvoyant's parlour.
But some of science's biggest names have not only dabbled in, but been
entirely convinced by the world of the seance.
Guglielmo Marconi, Alexander Graham Bell and John Logie Baird are
familiar to most for the household indispensables they invented. But the
attraction to spiritualism they all shared is definitely not part of the
GCSE science syllabus.
All three men, and many other Victorian scientific pioneers, became
involved with the religion, which depended on strange forces being
demonstrated through bizarre phenomena.
But how did the world of certainty and precision collide and, in some
cases, fuse with that of levitating spiritualists and voices from the
"other side"?
To some, it was simply down to chronology. When the Fox sisters of
Hydesville, New York State - widely considered to be the founders of
modern spiritualism - first claimed to have communicated with the dead,
the world was awash with scientific endeavour.
Just four years earlier a communication of a very different sort - the
first electric telegraph - was sent across the Atlantic.
Science was challenging the old certainties about life - making the
impossible, possible.
According to the biographer of the Fox sisters, Barbara Weisberg:
"There was so much that was exciting and so much that wouldn't have been
thought possible two decades before.
"If people could communicate over the telegraph, why couldn't this
world and the next world communicate?"
This gave the sisters' claims greater legitimacy, she says.
As the spiritualist craze grew people from every level of Victorian
society crammed into dingy parlours, where knocks and raps indicated the
presence of spirits.
Messages from the dead were spelt out using lettered cards while
strange voices were mumbled in the dark.
But it was in the search for proof these phenomena were real and not
cons, that the world of the spiritualist and the scientist came
Science historian at Cambridge University, Dr Richard Noakes, says
scientists leapt to the task.
"If there was any truth in phenomena that appear to defy the known laws
of nature, the known laws of gravity, then scientists believed that they
had to be the ones to investigate."
When the bizarre phenomenon of table-turning hit the parlours of
Victorian England, the leading experimental scientist of the day,
Michael Faraday, was called in.
After attending two seances, the deeply Christian Faraday devised an
experiment to see if there was a rational explanation. He decided there
was and dismissed supernatural causes as nonsense.
Some 15 years later, the feats of medium Daniel Dunglass Home reached
new heights as he was seen to levitate out of one window and back
through another. Many believed he was simply a hypnotist.
This time the eminent chemist, William Crookes, who unlike Faraday was
keen to discover a psychic force, subjected Home's activities to his own
He devised a machine he called a radiometer to measure the "invisible
forces" the medium appeared to be tapping into.
Another gave a reading when the maestro appeared to move a lever
without touching it.
"Here's an instrument Daniel Dunglass Home can't possibly mesmerise
because it's not a living being. How can you hypnotise an instrument?"
says Dr Noakes.
"So Crookes reckons he got the traces of a psychic force in operation."
Crookes went on to invent the cathode-ray tube, pioneer research into
radiation effects, photography, wireless telegraphy, electricity and
Logie Baird, who built on Crookes' work to create television, was also
persuaded by his seance experiences.
Not only did he claim to have communicated with the spirit of US
scientist Thomas Edison, but after visiting a seance in 1926 he wrote:
"I am convinced that discoveries of far reaching importance remain
waiting along these shadowy and discredited paths."
But Logie Baird was trying to do exactly what mediums of the day were
doing - transmitting sounds and images through space. Only the source of
these, if you believe the medium, were different.
At the end of the 19th Century when Guglielmo Marconi was experimenting
with the first radio signals, he was shocked when he started to receive
The author of Spirit Communication, Roy Stemman, says Marconi concluded
these were from the spirit world.
"He spent his last years trying to perfect an electronic device that
would establish a permanent contact between this world and the next."
This was never achieved, but his work pioneered the telecommunications
that still link the globe today.
Dr Noakes says that whether or not the scientists declared the whole
thing to be bogus, the example they set was "extremely powerful to the
next generation of scientists".
Despite years of research, no scientist has proved seances were
anything more than an elaborate con trick.
But the work they did trying often contributed to a greater
understanding of the laws of physics.
Source: BBC News
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