![]() 1/17/16 #846 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal846.html The darkness, like living flesh
corrupted, envelops us with its icy embrace. Thoughts that once burned
fire-like in their complexities, now smoulders in the stygian emptiness.
Invisible terrors, once consigned to the back roads of consciousness,
now eagerly seek prey to feed an eternal hunger. Horrors of the
night now reach out across the threshold into the once safe light. But there is one light that pierces the darkness, one shining example of freedom of information. One weekly, e-mail newsletter that is not afraid to publish that which everyone else fears to even think. That's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to split the darkness of ignorance and fill your world with the pure, white light of truth. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such creature-feature stories as: - Good Thing it Wasn't Terrorism - - Who is the Mysterious Figure Known as "Branton"? - - Man Sees "Translucent Flying Worm" in Bedroom - AND: Welsh Village Suffers Non-Stop Rain For Over 81 Days All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ JUST OUT .
CONSPIRACY JOURNAL --- MORE COLOR, MORE PAGES ![]() Here is a direct link to Issue # 45 Order Now Thru PayPal or Credit Card and we will discount your order by 15%. E Mail us at mrufo8@hotmail.com and we will send you a PayPal invoice. Credit Card hotline is 732 602-3407 . . .either leave an order or we can call you back, but you must answer. And be sure to visit our YouTube site for FREE video interviews. Mr UFOs Secret Files Timothy Beckley, Publisher PS: You're invited to join Tim Swartz and
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A Treasure Hunters Dream Come True! ![]() SPOOKY TREASURE TROVES
FIND OUT THE STRANGE CONNECTION BETWEEN UFOS, GHOSTS, CURSED PIECES OF EIGHT AND THE SUPERNATURAL Everyone has fantasized about finding buried treasure. It’s a child’s dream and many a grown person’s obsession. Thousands own metal detectors and regularly scan the shore line, creek beds and out of the way mountain crevices looking for that proverbial treasure trove of all time. In the summer of 2015, a salvage company recovered treasure worth $4.5 million off the coast of Florida, a fortune in gold and jewels that had sunk with a Spanish galleon in 1715. In an amazing case of synchronicity, the vast riches were recovered 300 years to the day – July 31 – after the shipwreck. The CEO of the salvage company told the media at the time that he felt a mysterious “energy” had wanted the treasure found and led them to it on that precise day But there is more. Inside the pages of this book, the reader will be given the opportunity to unlock the mystery to discovering some fabulous fortune that has lain hidden away for decades, perhaps even centuries. Join Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Paul Eno, Dr. Nandor Fodor, Scott Corrales, Preston Dennett and Paul Dale Roberts as they provide guidance in searching for million of dollars or more in gold, diamonds, rare doubloons or old art masterpieces. But above all else you will learn of the “supernatural treasure hunting connection” that includes the appearance of UFOs, ghosts, spirits of deceased Native Americans and even Bigfoot, all of whom are either guarding vast treasures or have been known to lead deserving souls to the end of a rainbow and vast wealth. This
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley
Exploring the Bizarre - Thursday Nights at 10:00PM EST ![]() Heard Live on the KCOR Digital Radio Network Join Us on The Outer Edge - Every Sunday Night! ![]() The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Sunday Nights 11:59PM EST / 9 pm PST This Weeks Guest: Chester Moore http://theouteredgeradio.com/ Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - psn-radio.com Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's latest blog at: http://mottimorphic.com/blog/ - UFOS VS. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION DEPARTMENT - Good Thing it Wasn't Terrorism By Billy Cox, Herald-Tribune ![]() Forget the UFO angle for a moment. Looks like U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has a problem. Potentially “catastrophic,” actually, in its own words. But since De Void is just an obscure little UFO blog and the mainstream media doesn’t cover this stuff anyway, the feds will probably luck out and nobody else will notice. Late Friday afternoon, De Void received an explanation for the agency’s refusal to release a very specific piece of footage one of its surveillance planes acquired over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico on the evening of April 25, 2013. In defending its decision to reject De Void’s FOIA appeal, the feds said releasing the video would compromise law enforcement investigations. Specifically, CBP cited Title 5 U.S.C. 552 (b)(7)(E). Here’s the accompanying explanation: “Releasing this video would identify the techniques practiced by the agency during the clandestine aerial tracking of the plane. Most notably, it shows the specific vantage point from which CBP prefers to conduct its clandestine surveillance in relation to the target plane. Bad actors can identify specifically from what altitude, directional positioning, airspeed, and distance CBP hopes to surveil while avoiding the detection from its targets. The on-screen metadata compounds the issue. The bands of text at the top and bottom of the screen alleviates any guesswork on their behalf, specifically providing such exact information as the CBP aircraft’s airspeed, altitude, and the GPS coordinates of both the aircraft and the surveillance target. “Taken in combination, this information would essentially provide bad actors with a map of where to look for CBP in the sky during smuggling operations. If the bad actors know where to spot CBP aircraft, they will be far better at ferreting out CBP’s attempts to track and surveil them and could subsequently attempt evasive measures, abort their mission, or attack their pursuers. Additionally, both the actual video and the on-screen metadata, if released, would arm smugglers with the type of information that could lead to the circumvention of CBP’s surveillance efforts. Bad actors could extend the perimeter of their counter-surveillance operations, or focus their efforts on the specific locations from which CBP prefers to surveil. The results could be catastrophic, thwarting attempts to stop smuggling operations or exposing CBP law enforcement agents to attack. For all these reasons, we agree that FOIA Exemption (b)(7)(E) was correctly applied to the videotapes at issue.” Well, if that's true, the followup is pretty obvious: How much damage has this video caused to U.S. Customs? Have the results been catastrophic? Because the controversial sequence – which features roughly two minutes of a small flying object with no discernible means of propulsion hurtling over the coastal town of Aguadilla, skimming into the ocean at more than 80 mph, submerging, then splitting in two before flying off again – has been on the Internet since 2013. And last August, an independent group called the Scientific Coalition for Ufology published a lengthy analysis online of this remarkable nocturnal encounter, which was recorded in thermal mode by a top-drawer Wescam Model MX-15D. Last year, SCU team members told De Void their unnamed source went public following a lack of curiosity from the agency's chain of command. Considering how CBP is responsible for securing our borders, one might think somebody somewhere along the way would be at least somewhat concerned about a bogey without a transponder that not only penetrates our air space with ease, but gives a dramatic demonstration, for the record, of its capabilities in our territorial waters as well. Not to mention that the unauthorized intrusion resulted in a 16-minute flight delay from a nearby airport, which amounts to a de facto air-safety issue. De Void filed the FOIA in an effort to a) independently confirm the provenance of the video, and b) to compare the officially released footage with SCU’s version to check for redactions and discrepancies. When De Void sought clarification Monday from Shari Suzuki, CBP’s Chief of FOIA Appeals, Policy and Litigation Branch, about the logic of withholding a classified video that’s been available to "bad actors" and everyone else in the world for more than two years, the robo-reply read “This email address is no longer accepting email correspondence,” and referred me back to the agency’s FOIA office. Actually -- wait, back up. In her denial of my appeal on Friday, Suzuki referred me to the Office of Government Information Services, which is apparently where you go to resolve FOIA disputes with federal agencies in hopes of avoiding litigation. De Void let the posted phone number ring and ring and ring and ring and ring on Monday until it became clear that leaving a voice message wasn't an option. Or maybe they recognized De Void's whiny number. Anyhow, that's when De Void fired off an email to the prescribed OGIS address. They'll probably jump right on it. One of the reasons SCU’s examination of the Aguadilla UFO is among the most impressive on record is precisely because of the “on-screen metadata” Suzuki alluded to in her rejection of De Void’s FOIA. It gave researchers an avalanche of context about this true unknown. As for the leak doing “catastrophic” damage to the agency’s surveillance program? SCU co-author Robert Powell blows it off. “I’m not surprised by the response but I disagree with them. The CBP plane was not tracking another plane,” Powell stated in an email. “They video’d an object while they were on their normal route looking for drug smugglers. I really fail to understand how the PR video provides any additional information than the CBP has already provided to the news media. Look at these CBP authorized videos and the information they contain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHDeLIVKMyc http://www.cbsnews.com/news/predator-drones-shift-from-battlefield-to-border/ http://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/chasing-drug-smugglers-in-the-caribbean/7/" Well, somebody here screwed up. Hence De Void's fearless prediction: There won't be an investigation. Source: Devoid http://devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15447/good-thing-it-wasnt-terrorism/ ![]() In Memoriam David Bowie
It was with great sadness that I learned this week of the death of David Bowie. This "STARMAN" was and will remain a life-long inspiration to me others of out generation. With sense of "Love at First Hearing" from the beginning, David Bowie was a true Soul Brother from Outer Space and
his music will always remain an inspiration to me and millions of
others who have seen and heard "The Starman" calling to us to arise and
to aspire to higher standards in Life and Love. We shall miss his
presence on this planet greatly.
Robert D. Morningstar New York City January 11, 2016 - GONE BACK TO THE MOTHERSHIP DEPARTMENT - David Bowie - "Starman" By Timothy Green Beckley ![]() I first met David Bowie during his original tour of the United States when he had adopted the stage persona of “Ziggy Stardust,” a sort of lost-in-space androgynous alien, complete with cosmic makeup and a painted lightning bolt zigzagging across his face down to his naked chest. Before venturing across the pond, Bowie had caused quite a sensation in the British press not only because of his outlandish – to some – image of a rock and roller from Mars, but also because of his independent and very liberal sexual lifestyle. Bowie was introduced to me at the RCA studios in Manhattan by Walli Elmlark, a bedazzling young lady who wrote a regular column for “Circus Magazine.” “Circus” was a sort of heavy metal version of “Rolling Stone” that was printed on glossy paper with color photos of pop star favorites who were emerging on the then-burgeoning glam and glitter rock scenes. As usual, at the time I was wearing several hats. I was promoting a number of local rockbands who never quite “made it,” editing the widely distributed “UFO Review” (the world’s only official flying saucer newspaper), and running the New York School Of Occult Arts and Sciences, among the first metaphysical centers in the country where you could take classes in anything from astral projection to hypnosis to witchcraft. Which is how I came to be acquainted with Walli Elmlark. As I originally wrote in “UFOs Among The Stars – Close Encounters of The Famous” (Global Communications), Walli was known widely as the White Witch Of New York. Because of her contacts in the music industry, she had established quite an eclectic clientele for whom she would offer spiritual guidance and occasional good luck or love spells, but always of a positive nature. She didn’t dabble in black magick or even gris gris (a New Orleans form of “gray magick” that incorporates poppets and the use of talismans kept in a personal mojo bag). Walli was lively, imaginative, energetic, well spoken, and quite attractive in her flowing white garments complete with fashionable silver moon adornments. Oh did I forget to mention long black hair, complete with dyed green streak highlights? Indeed, Wallie made a very bold fashion and occult statement wherever she went. Early in life, Bowie had established his interest in all matters extraterrestrial. As a Brit teenager, David had helped edit a flying saucer newsletter. He admitted to me that he loved science fiction and was fascinated with life in space and the possibility that quite a few cosmic visitors had ended up on our earthly shores. During a conversation, Bowie had gone out on a limb revealing that he had once had a close encounter. In the book “Laugh Gnostic,” author Peter Koening paraphrases what Bowie said: “A friend and I were traveling in the English countryside when we both noticed a strange object hovering above a field. From then on, I have come to take this phenomenon seriously. I believe that what I saw was not the actual object but a projection of my own mind trying to make sense of this quantum topological doorway into dimensions beyond our own. It’s as if our dimension is but one among an infinite number of others.” In the February 1975 issue of the long defunct “CREEM Magazine,” Bowie seems to admit to a reporter that he might have an implant or metal inside his body. It’s hard to define his exact feeling on this, but this is the quote attributed to him by Bruno Stein, the writer who conducted the interview: “Well, it turned out David was in luck. If he went to a little town in Missouri at a certain time, he would be able to see in a seemingly empty field a fully equipped flying saucer repair shop at work. “It was one of those fascinating things you learn at a Bowie soiree. This evening the gathering was rather intimate. There was Corinne, David’s charming personal secretary, who ducked out early due to exhaustion (although another participant gossiped that she had someone interesting waiting for her in her hotel room). “I used to work for two guys who put out a UFO magazine in England,” he told the flying saucer man. “About six years ago. And I made sightings six, seven times a night for about a year when I was in the observatory. We had regular cruises that came over. We knew the 6.15 was coming in and would meet up with another one. And they would be stationary for about half an hour, and then after verifying what they’d been doing that day, they’d shoot off. “But, I mean, it’s what you do with the information. We never used to tell anybody. It was beautifully dissipated when it got to the media. Media control is still based in the main on cultural manipulation. It’s just so easy to do. When you set up one set of objectives toward the public and you’ve given them a certain definition for each code word, you hit them with the various code words and they’re not going to believe anything if you don’t want them to…” From his performances, you could tell that nothing was too “non-establishment” for David. He incorporated time machines and space capsules into his act and wrote “A Space Oddity” and talked about how a “Starman” would like to come and visit us, “but he thinks he’d blow our minds.” His appeared in the motion picture “The Man Who Fell To Earth,” which has become a classic. In concert, Bowie was radiant and his fans were floating on a cloud, but behind the scenes an ominous specter was forming from which the master of time and space would quickly need some righteous assistance in order to escape a wall of paranoia that was building around him. AND ALONG COMES MR. SCRATCH Like many rockers before and after, David had taken a liking to the good life. You know the old adage: sex, drugs and rock and roll. Well, on top of this, add a heap of consciousness expansion and an interest in the occult and you will have the prevalent influences on what might have seemed like Bowie’s immortal being. But paranoia soon struck in the form of the ole nemesis “nose candy,” commonly known as cocaine. With the help of Bowie himself and some close associates at the time, Marc Spitz details in “Bowie: A Biography” (Crown) how David was living in L.A. just a few houses away from the estate where Charlie Manson’s gang had terribly mutilated Sharon Tate and her friends in a ritualistic murder. Bowie had taken to doing blow regularly and was getting more and more desperate and paranoid with each passing day. In a number of shocking revelations, biographer Marc Spitz explains precisely what was transpiring in the pop singer’s troubled life: “While planning the follow-up to ‘Young Americans,’ Bowie would sit in the house with a pile of high-quality cocaine atop the glass coffee table, a sketch pad and a stack of books. ‘Psychic Self Defense’ (Dion Fortune) was his favorite. Its author describes the book as a ‘safeguard for protecting yourself against paranormal malevolence.’ “Using this and more arcane books on witchcraft, white magic and its malevolent counterpart, black magic, as rough guides to his own rapidly fragmenting psyche, Bowie began drawing protective pentagrams on every surface.” Bowie told the author, “I’d stay up for weeks. Even people like Keith Richards were floored by it. And there were pieces of me all over the floor. I paid with the worst manic depression of my life. My psyche went through the roof; it just fractured into pieces. I was hallucinating 24 hours a day.” Spitz adds, “Increasingly Bowie was convinced there were witches after his semen. They were intent on using it to make a child to sacrifice to the devil, essentially the plot to Roman Polanski’s 1968 supernatural classic ‘Rosemary’s Baby.’” Seeing that he was in desperate need, poet and songwriter Cherry Vanilla hooked Bowie up with Walli Elmlark, who Spitz describes as a “Manhattan-based intellectual…who taught classes at the New York School of Occult Arts and Sciences, then located on Fourteenth Street, just north of Greenwich Village.” (As mentioned previously, I was the director of the school, which began in the mid-1960s and thrived for more than a decade promoting lectures and classes by the who’s who of paranormal and UFO experts of that era, including Cleve Backster, Stanley Krippner, Jim Moseley, John Keel – and, of course, Walli Elmlark, the White Witch of New York.) As added confirmation of the madness David was trying to cope with, ex-wife Angie Bowie reveals even more details of his fascination and dabbling into the occult in her own personal remembrance, “Backstage Passes: Life on the Wild Side With David Bowie.” “There was a beautiful Art Deco house on six acres, an exquisite site property and a terrific value at just $300,000, but he took one look at a detail I hadn’t noticed, a hexagram painted on the floor of a circular room by the previous owner, Gypsy Rose Lee. “A great deal of coddling and reassurance got us through that crisis, and I went and found the Doheny Drive house. Built in the late fifties or early sixties, it was a white cube surrounding an indoor swimming pool. David liked the place, but I thought it was too small to meet our needs for very long, and I wasn’t crazy about the pool. In my experience, indoor pools are always a problem. “This one was no exception, albeit not in any of the usual ways. Its drawback was one I hadn’t encountered before and haven’t seen or heard of since: Satan lived in it. With his own eyes, David said, he’d seen HIM rising up out of the water one night.” Feeling demonic forces moving in, David felt strongly that he needed an exorcism and asked that his newfound friend, white witch Walli Elmlark, be called upon to lend her assistance to remove the evil from his surroundings. “A Greek Orthodox Church in L.A. would have done it for us (there was a priest available for such a service, the people had told me), but David wouldn’t have it. No strangers allowed, he said. So there we stood, with just Walli’s instructions and a few hundred dollars’ worth of books, talismans, and assorted items from Hollywood’s comprehensive selection of fine occult emporia. “There he (David Bowie) was, then, primed and ready. The proper books and doodads were arranged on a big old-fashioned lectern. The incantation began, and although I had no idea what was being said or what language it was being said in, I couldn’t stop a weird cold feeling rising up in me as David droned on and on. “There’s no easy or elegant way to say this, so I’ll just say it straight. At a certain point in the ritual, the pool began to bubble. It bubbled vigorously (perhaps ‘thrashed’ is a better term) in a manner inconsistent with any explanation involving air filters or the like.” The rock and roll couple watched in amazement. Angie says she tried to be flippant – “‘Well, dear, aren’t you clever? It seems to be working. Something’s making a move, don’t you think?’ – but I couldn’t keep it up. It was very, very strange; even after my recent experiences I was having trouble accepting what my eyes were seeing.” Angie said that she would peek through the glass doors which lead to the pool every so often and was dumbfounded by what she saw. “On the bottom of the pool was a large shadow, or stain, which had not been there before the ritual began. It was in the shape of a beast of the underworld; it reminded me of those twisted, tormented gargoyles screaming silently from the spires of medieval cathedrals. It was ugly, shocking, malevolent; it frightened me. “I backed away from it, feeling very strange, went through the doorway, and told David what I’d seen, trying to be nonchalant but not doing very well. He turned white but eventually became revived enough to spend the rest of the night doing coke. He wouldn’t go near the pool, though. “I still don’t know what to think about that night. It runs directly counter to my pragmatism and my everyday faith in the integrity of the ‘normal’ world, and it confuses me greatly. What troubles me the most is that if you were to call that stain the mark of Satan, I don’t see how I could argue with you. “David, of course, insisted that we move from the house as quickly as possible, and we did that, but I’ve heard from reliable sources (Michael Lipman for one, the property’s real estate agent) that subsequent tenants haven’t been able to remove the shadow. Even though the pool has been painted over a number of times, the shadow has always come back.” Several years went by and Walli met an untimely passing. She could not remove the demons in her own life, even though she had a dramatic and positive impact on almost everyone she came in contact with. Besides teaching at the School Of Occult Arts And Sciences, Walli teamed up with the likes of T. Rex’s Marc Bolan (whom she nicknamed the Wizzard) and King Crimson’s guitarist, Robert Fripp. The trio went off to merry old England to record a spoken word album Though “The Cosmic Children” has never been released, the soundtrack was years ahead of its time, centering on those special souls who Walli believed had reincarnated on Earth from “elsewhere” at a very important time in the human evolutionary process to pass on the light to others who were destined to change the world through music, literature and an emerging New Age philosophy. The recording is out there somewhere – perhaps safely in the vault of Robert Fripp – who, hopefully, if he reads this, will contact me and allow us to do a limited pressing for those who would truly find this effort transformational. Walli and I worked for a number of years on several projects and even co-authored a book together. Out of print for decades, once in a while I still run across a copy of “Rock Raps of the Seventies” offered on e-bay or elsewhere at an exorbitant price. Somehow, I can’t deny the possibility that Walli looks down from time to time and perhaps sings along with David Bowie as he performs all over the world in concert. Long recovered from drugs and the dark aspects of occultism, he is now raising a family and going on with his chosen task. And perhaps, before you know it, his “Starman” song may take on a reality all its own if the predicted disclosure about UFOs and extraterrestrials ever comes about in our lifetime. Over the years we had heard unsubstantiated rumors that Bowie was intrigued by an incident where a UFO was said to have crashed in the desert. We were never able to pin anything down about this incident until we found out that it was actually scribed by Bowie’s original publicist and a longtime friend of ours, Cherry Vanilla, who was in his hotel suite when the story came over the TV. Writing under Bowie’s name, this is what the fiery redhead is quoting as having been said under Bowie’s name in “Mirabelle,” a sort of diary published by Bowie’s camp. “I heard the most incredible thing the other day that I must tell you about, and I promise every single word of it is true! I was in Detroit, where I was due to do a concert, and before the show I was sitting in my hotel room listening to the radio. “Suddenly, the newsman interrupted the regular program with the news that a spaceship had been found in the desert – an alien spaceship about six feet wide and thirty feet long – and inside were three alien beings. The three creatures were killed on impact when the spaceship plummeted to Earth, but they were taken to a hospital to be examined anyway. These people looked like human beings but were much smaller and, when they were examined, it was discovered that their vital organs were like human beings too! The catch is that their brains were found to be much farther advanced! Wow! “As soon as the newscast was over, I got all the band and my back-up singers together and had them ring up radio and TV stations all over the country to see if they had all got the report. About half the stations said they had and half denied it. So, it really is quite a mystery. No one knows what’s happened to the spaceship or the spacemen at this point, and it seems that someone is trying to cover up the whole matter completely!” And so it goes. And while Bowie has given up his Ziggy Stardust roots he does not seem to have abandoned his interest in UFOs and the Star People which have been such an influence on his career. SUGGESTED READING Shirley MacLaine Meets the Pleiadians Plus the Amazing Flying Saucer Experiences of Celebrities, Rock Stars and the Rich and Famous UFO Repeaters! Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie! UFOs: Are They Your Passport to Heaven and Other Unearthly Realms? Source: Spectral Vision https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2016/01/14/david-bowie-starman/ -- WRITER FROM THE SHADOWS DEPARTMENT - Who is the Mysterious Figure Known as "Branton"? By Sean Casteel ![]() It is not known at what point Bruce Alan Walton took the name of “Branton,” but we do know that he did it out of fear for his life. Branton had learned certain details about an alien/human conspiracy thatpredated all our conventional views of human history, the kind of details the conspirators would stop at nothing to keep secret. For those secret societies, murder was and is always an option. In spite of how he uneasily came to feel like an easy target for the dark forces at play, Branton managed to place his version of reality on the Internet, starting in the mid-1990s. His postings came to be called the “Branton Files,” and have been publicly denounced as “high fantasy” filled with complex and convoluted conspiracy theories. Never one to shrink back from danger himself, Timothy Green Beckley, the CEO of Global Communications and Inner Light Publications, has published some of Branton’s books, to include “The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth” and “The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets,” both of which deal in great detail with Branton’s research and the life events he endured while both studying and trying to conceal himself from the strange hidden forces that seek to control and enslave “our” world. Beckley also published Branton’s “The Omega Files: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed,” which describes how German engineers actually flew flying saucers shortly before the end of World War II and currently continue their depraved efforts in underground bases around the world. One can only hope that Beckley will be spared any reprisals by the secret group for helping Branton to expose these nefarious machinations. Beckley could easily be forced into a position where he has to look over his shoulder as he walks the streets on his way to a restaurant for dinner. An obvious consequence of Branton’s hiding himself from the fiendish denizens of hell and misery is that he is also largely hidden from us, a sympathetic group of believers in potential conspiracies. What little is known about Branton is dealt with in the early section of “The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets.” It is taken from a website he operated at one point in the 1990s. According to the website, Branton was born in 1960 to a large family who lived near the western base of the Rocky Mountains. As he grew up, he began to distrust organized religion, which he felt had long ago been infected by a kind of Masonic “virus” that could be traced back to Lucifer, the fallen angel who became Satan. Branton briefly recounts a sad history of being drawn into various secret, neo-Masonic, so-called “New Age” cults that manipulated their members with mind control tactics and even subjected younger adherents to perverse rituals of molestation at the cults’ deeper levels. He freely admits that being infected with this psycho-spiritual poison caused him many mental and emotional problems when he reached adulthood, as is the case with all victims of molestation. Meanwhile, seeking escape through “legalistic” forms of Christianity only drove Branton deeper into the clutches of wickedness. He feels he was somehow “used” by the Evil One and made to do harm to others around him. But before his defection from the parasitical kingdom of darkness, he was able to learn about many of its deeper secrets and some details of its inner-workings. He came to feel it was his duty – regardless of personal risk – to expose this darkness to the light of truth and thus help others to escape the traps that almost ruined his life. He thought of his enemies as vampires feeding on him parasitically as he tried to overcome the effects of being abducted by aliens as a child and having the usual attendant implants inserted into his body. Over time, he came to know the ultimate culprit was a race of reptilian aliens who came from beyond and within our world and who had collected a substantial number of willing followers that worked through many different secret societies, including the aforementioned Masons. It was Branton’s faith in Jesus Christ, he said, that led him on the path of escape from Satan and his minions. He felt he had discovered a more pure and truthful understanding of Jesus that was different from what organized religion teaches. He took assurance from his faith that the sins he committed while under the thrall of the devil could ultimately be forgiven and that he would be allowed to warn the world at large, or at least a small piece of it, of the dangers he had discovered while in the grip of wicked misery that had nearly killed him. Beckley, Branton’s publisher, adds a section in the opening pages of “The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets” in which he lays out what little else is known about Branton. “Something was obviously going on in his head,” Beckley writes, “that caused this transition [and led Bruce Walton to change his name to Branton]. It all culminated in the now-transformed Branton realizing he had been a ‘sleeper’ for the CIA. According to stories that have come to us in dribs and drabs, Branton stumbled on some information that he was not supposed to know. He was, supposedly, given an alternative personality which was programmed to serve his CIA/Black Projects handlers and the Bavarian/Gray collective. In this alternate or ‘double life,’ he had access to several underground bases and apparently over the course of time encountered several alien groups as well. It is even said that he had several alien implants placed at various locations in his body, not just one, as in most cases.” While that may sound like a “perfect storm” of conspiracy theory delusion, there were even stranger claims made by Branton. He is the father, he said, of a number of hybrid children conceived when he mated with female reptilian shape-shifting aliens. He believed his hybrid children had decided to join him in resisting the Luciferian New World Order. “Chances are,” Beckley writes, “you are a ‘fan’ of Branton or you would not have purchased this book. Branton is not for everyone! His material has limited appeal, but for those who can take all this in and digest what he has to say, Branton is considered somewhat of a ‘savior,’ particularly to those who contend that there is a global plot to ‘take us all over.’ “I want to make it perfectly clear,” Beckley continues, “that I have not heard from Branton in years, and I do not know anyone else who has either. When last spoken to, Branton had been in a roadside accident. He was riding his bike not far from his apartment when someone collided with him and took off down the highway. Those prone to conspiracy theories claim that the windows of the vehicle were tinted black, and the automobile was driven by representatives of the New World Order in the form of the dreaded MIB, or Men-In-Black. Shortly after, he was in trouble with the ‘authorities’ and ended up in the clink. Nothing to report on him since, either as Branton or as Bruce A. Walton.” Beckley then acknowledges that the Branton Files are posted in various shapes and forms all over the Internet and had required much cleaning up in terms of spelling and punctuation before Beckley could publish some of Branton’s writing in book form. Another item that can be found on the Internet is a letter Branton allegedly wrote to UK conspiracy theorist David Icke, who espouses the belief that Queen Elizabeth and many other high-profile authority figures are in fact reptilian aliens disguising themselves as humans. “As you are probably aware,” Branton writes, “as a whole these reptilian hybrids often lead a double life involving dual personalities: one which leads a ‘normal’ life in the outer world and one that is deeply involved with the underground alien society on a nocturnal basis. This is especially true with ‘cocooned/hosted’ individuals and ‘hybrids/abductees.’ I believe that I am one such hybrid.” Branton goes on to say that his genealogical line intersects with that of the British Royal Family and that the Mormon Church, or Latter Day Saints, serves as a cover for many of the old reptilian bloodlines. He conjectures that this may be why the Mormons prefer large families, in order to breed out the normal human genetic lines and replace them with reptilian/hybrid genes. There are many cases of Mormon hybrid/abductees who suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder and they are under tremendous pressure from the church, especially in Utah, not to discuss their abduction experiences. “Underneath most major cities,” Branton continues in his letter to Icke, “particularly in the USA, there exist subterranean counterpart ‘cities’ controlled by the Masonic/Hybrid/Alien ‘elite.’ Often surface/subsurface terminals exist beneath Masonic Lodges, police stations, airports and federal buildings. Some of the major population centers were deliberately established by the Masonic/Hybrid elite of the Old and New Worlds to afford easy access to already existing underground installations, some of which are thousands of years old. “These sub-cities also offer close access to organized crime syndicates that operate on the surface. They have developed a science of economics through which they literally nickel-and-dime us into slavery via multileveled taxation, inflation, sublimation, manipulation, regulation, fines, fees, licenses, and the entire debt-credit scam which is run by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. “The ‘dracs’ not only feed upon our outward society economically but also emotionally through emotional vampirism, psychically with implants, and even bio-plasmically with blood feasts. They are parasites of the worst sort, vampires and leeches on the back of humanity. They control us from the cradle to the grave via their global economic and electronic control system and will continue to do so until enough of us on the surface join together in an international resistance and literally invade the underground systems and begin to ‘kick ass and take names.’ I see no other way that we can once again gain our independence. Are we just going to sit around and be good little Nazi drones, or are we going to do something about it?” Branton then commends Icke for his having joined the fight against the evil forces and says he prays for Icke’s success and safety in their common struggle. I wrote a review for “FATE Magazine” of Branton’s book “The Dulce Wars” in which I tried to put his material in an easily-digestible nutshell. “The alleged conspiracy,” I wrote, “primarily operates out of secret military installations like Area 51 in Nevada as well as, according to ‘The Dulce Wars,’ an underground base situated close to a tiny town in New Mexico called Dulce. The secrecy surrounding the buried, multileveled facility is so closely guarded that the author felt compelled to write under an assumed name, ‘Branton,’ because, as the book’s jacket says, ‘he is deathly afraid.’ “Putting aside the question of whether or not that kind of apprehension is justified, Branton still manages to provide an excellent overview of the many rumors and legends about the Dulce underground facility, presenting testimony from such diverse sources as UFO researcher John Lear (the son of the inventor of the Lear jet), Paul Bennewitz, a scientist who claimed to be in contact with aliens from the Dulce base via a special code on his computer, and Thomas Edwin Costello, who told Branton he was a security officer at the Dulce base and disappeared about a year after their interview was conducted. “From the various experts and references available, Branton pieces together a collection of horror stories that involve, among other things, a human zoo called ‘Nightmare Alley’ where men, women and children are housed to be used as lab rats for experiments in genetics and the development of mind control techniques. Government scientists purportedly labor alongside an occupying alien force to work out the sundry ways the general population aboveground can be brought under an ultimate totalitarian control, all of which began with a 1947 treaty signed by President Harry Truman – the government obtained alien technological secrets in exchange for permitting the aliens to abduct human subjects for their diabolical research. “The government realized too late, the story goes, that the aliens never intended to keep their part of the bargain and have instead perpetrated the monstrous misuse of perhaps many thousands of innocent victims, spawning along the way grotesque legends of vats filled with human body parts and animal/human hybrid creatures mindlessly howling in cages in the deeper levels of the Dulce installation.” It becomes obvious why Branton would come to dedicate his life to resisting this kind of terrifying plot with its perpetrators hiding just below the surface of our planet. His hope was to convince others that the danger was real and enlist their help in fighting the evil forces that may soon enslave humankind so completely that resistance will then be futile and our fate sealed forever. Branton’s efforts may be heroic in some sense, but are his beliefs even sane? I concluded my review by saying, “Somewhere in this complex mix of rumor and official secrecy there must be a grain or two of truth, and Branton asks only that you read the book and then draw your own conclusions.” Wherever Branton is now, he is likely still waging some kind of war against his evil enemies, real or imagined, while we continue to debate among ourselves about what conclusions we should draw. SUGGESTED READING Branton’s The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth The Omega Files: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed Reality of the Serpent Race and the Subterranean Origin of UFOs Underground Alien Bio Lab at Dulce Source: Spectral Vision https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/who-is-the-mysterious-figure-known -as-branton-ufo-abductee-cia-sleeper-a-former-area-51-worker-gone-rogue/ - GONNA NEED A BIG CAN OF BUG SPRAY DEPARTMENT - Man Sees "Translucent Flying Worm" in Bedroom ![]() CZECH REPUBLIC — A man claims he saw a big translucent worm inside his home in Prague. The man, a 23-year-old student at the country’s capital who provided a full name but asked to remain anonymous, told Cryptozoology News he was sleeping in his bedroom when he noticed the unidentified hovering over him. “I had weird unpleasant dreams , then I woke up at 4 a.m.. I was not feeling good,” he said. “I felt disturbed and stood up on my bed. Over it, I saw something like web of a spider colored with soot,” he added. At first, he explains, he thought it was just a spider web with “some filth in it”. “I was upset that my parents had left such ugly thing there. I wanted to get rid of it.” Reportedly, as he tried touching it, it moved and that’s when he noticed it wasn’t a spider web. “The thing moved… the string was just internal part of body of flying worm-like being, as clotted blood in intestine of the thing,” he recalls. The student admits that he was in a state of fear but that the unidentified being was apparently exhibiting similar behavior. “It seemed to be full of fear too, because it flew quickly away from me. I had in my room a lot of things –stacks of books, boxes, coconut palm which soon died, lamp and a lot of mess– and the worm-like thing was evading all, which it had in trace. It seemed little confused but soon it escaped from my sight and I thought it dissappeared. I was overlooking my room and after while I saw it escaping through vertical tilt opened window. The window is white and I saw the whole being in front of the window frame. I saw all internal and external features, organs, body parts including that black string.” The ordeal purportedly lasted about 3 minutes and he was able to gather a detailed physical description of the creature, which he said was approximately “the size of a keyboard”. “Giant flying gauzy, translucent worm. I’m interested in biology and well in invertebrates, but I don’t ever met with even idea of such being. It was like giant macroscopic Paramecium caudatum adapted to live in atmosphere instead of hydrosphere. Internal arrangement was very structured, but I saw it very short time to remember all features, but there was nothing like nucleus or cilia. It was about 30 to 40 cm long, and about 10 cm in diameter. It had simple worm-like shape… more like earthworm or fly larvae. I don’t know how it was possible that it was able to float and active fly,” he explained. And even though the Prague student says he knows that what he saw was real, he is also convinced that going public and publishing his name would only bring him trouble. “I questioned my sanity, but my mother and my very skeptical father saw some of the things too. I’m asking myself ‘what it was?’ , ‘what happens here?’ very often, and my personal confusion and unrest with these things is only reason I’m writing about it. I really don’t wish to be connected with areas like cryptozoology and ufology. Many my friends are scientists are educated in science and this can bring me and my family only problems and ridicule,” he said. “I swear, this is not a joke.” Source: Cryptozoology News http://cryptozoologynews.com/giant-translucent-flying-worm-invades -home-in-czech-republic/ - MONSTER OF THE DEEP DEPARTMENT - Strange Creature Photographed in River Re-Fuels Local Legend ![]() Sightings of a sea beast have been recorded for decades in Barmouth, Wales, but there has never been any photographic evidence of the legendary monster. Now for the first time, an image has emerged of what could be the famed creature. The local legend of the Barmouth Monster began when a woman found four huge footprints on the beach, described as being ‘as big as an elephant'. Later in 1937, another eyewitness spoke of a 'crocodile like' animal seen walking along the river bank. And in March 1975 six schoolgirls saw the beast in broad daylight, and were able to give a description. They said it had a "long neck and a square face and a long tail with a flipper at the back and its skin was black and patchy". The group grabbed a police officer who arrived just in time to see the beast submerge itself in water and disappear. And the Barmouth monster seems to have returned, but this time, a man had his camera ready. Llanarth pensioner Mohammad Tahla snapped the 'monster-like shape' in the estuary of the River Aeron, 60 miles away from Barmouth, sparking speculation that the Barmouth Monster has migrated south. Mr Tahla said: “I took one look and thought ‘Blimey, that looks just like the Loch Ness Monster’,' he told the Cambrian News. “I went down there two days later to see if I could spot it again but by then it had gone.” Girls Left in Terror By Barmouth Monster On March 2, 1975, six schoolgirls, all aged 12, were startled by something "horrible" they saw on Llanaber beach about 200 yards away from where they stood. "It was like a dinosaur," said one of the girls. "The monster was about 10 feet long, with a long tail,long neck and huge green eyes. It walked towards the sea and entered the water." Its green eyes peered at them before sinking beneath the waves. The girls, not surprisingly, ran away in terror. An oceanography expert from Menai Bridge kindly suggested the girls had seen an otter,or perhaps a seal, and that a trick of the light had confused them as to its size. He added: "No known creature that could have escaped from tropical waters would fit the girls' description." We might dismiss the whole thing as a childish fantasy, were it not for the fact that sightings of other ocean-going monsters were being reported at about the same time. Several people saw a large creature moving at speed into Red Wharf Bay on Anglesey. A barman at the local hotel described it as being blackish in colour and about 12 feet long, including a rather prominent tail. He said: "It was too weird and rather frightening to be a basking shark, a dolphin or even a miniature submarine. It resembled a flying bomb from its tail and we saw it before hearing about this Barmouth monster." Following this revelation, reports appeared in the press of similar beasts, including something swimming in the Mawddach estuary,"six young monsters" found dead on the beach at Talybont and a "weird,crocodile-like creature walking along a riverbank near Harlech". Source: The Sun http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/6862811/Is-this-the-Beast-of -Barmouth-Monster-like-shape-snapped-in-river-refuels-local-legend.html - AND THE RAIN, RAIN, RAIN CAME DOWN DEPARTMENT - Welsh Village Suffers Non-Stop Rain For Over 81 Days ![]() Fed-up residents in a Welsh village are holding their breath for a day of dry weather after 81 days of consistent rainfall. People living in Eglwyswrw, Pembrokeshire, have experienced rainfall every day since October 26. As well as dampening the spirits of locals, it has also caused problems for farmers - who have had to keep their livestock indoors. However, while Eglwyswrw's predicament has seen it gain international headlines as well as close in on the previous record, villagers hope Saturday's predicted dry spell will be correct. Farmer and local councillor John Davies, 52, described the rain as being as of biblical proportions. He said: "I think everybody in the village is starting to get fed up with it now. "The forecast for tomorrow is finally dry weather, but to be honest that's been predicted before and hasn't materialised. "I think people would much prefer some decent weather than for the village to end up in the record books. "It is grinding people down both physically and psychologically. "Our sheep are pretty hardy animals but even they are looking depressed. Their fleeces are not getting the chance to dry out because of the endless rain. And I've also had to keep my cattle indoors since October. Howard Lewis, who runs a Shire horse centre in the village, said he had never seen the ground so saturated from rainfall. The 73-year-old added: "We've had some bad years but I can't remember it raining every day for so long. "It's making people miserable, all we are getting is grey skies and rain." A weather station nearby at Whitechurch has recorded at least 0.2mm of rain - to comply with the Met Office definition of a "rainy" day. But while there has been no let-up in the rain, those living in Eglwswrw have at least escaped flood problems as the village stands 423ft above sea level. And the tightly knit west Wales community also has a bit to go before it can claim the British record for most consecutive days of rainfall. That was set between August 12 and November 8 1923 when it chucked it down for 89 days in Eallabus, Isle of Islay, Argyllshire, Scotland. Met Office meteorologist Emma Sharples said the rainfall figures for the Whitechurch station were consistent with this winter's extreme rainfall. She said: "The wind has been mild and moist from the south and south west. Warm air holds more moisture and the direction of the wind has been key - the Pembrokeshire coast is the first point at which the rain bearing clouds meet the land." Source: Mirror http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/village-suffers-biblical-non-stop-7186400 Sign
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