2/28/16  #851
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Tired of aliens abducting you in the middle of the night, interrupting your sleep and disturbing the cat?  Sick of the Men-In-Black constantly knocking on your door and following you to the grocery store in their big black Cadillacs?  Annoyed at the NSA, the CIA and the FBI bugging your phones and reading your e-mails?  Well, for a limited time only you can now get your very own bottle of "CONSPIRACY BE-GONE!"  It comes in a handy spray bottle for easy spritzing of all those annoying conspiracy related problems. ONLY $19.95!!

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This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such cochlea-crushing stories as:

First Step to Create "Cyber-Soldiers" -
-  Mysterious Noise Baffles Oregon Community -
- Mad Gasser or Mad M.I.B.? -
AND: "Tar-Like" Substance Rained Down on Michigan Town

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


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A Treasure Hunters Dream Come True!


Everyone has fantasized about finding buried treasure. It’s a child’s dream and many a grown person’s obsession. Thousands own metal detectors and regularly scan the shore line, creek beds and out of the way mountain crevices looking for that proverbial treasure trove of all time.

In the summer of 2015, a salvage company recovered treasure worth $4.5 million off the coast of Florida, a fortune in gold and jewels that had sunk with a Spanish galleon in 1715. In an amazing case of synchronicity, the vast riches were recovered 300 years to the day – July 31 – after the shipwreck. The CEO of the salvage company told the media at the time that he felt a mysterious “energy” had wanted the treasure found and led them to it on that precise day

But there is more. Inside the pages of this book, the reader will be given the opportunity to unlock the mystery to discovering some fabulous fortune that has lain hidden away for decades, perhaps even centuries. Join Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Paul Eno, Dr. Nandor Fodor, Scott Corrales, Preston Dennett and Paul Dale Roberts as they provide guidance in searching for million of dollars or more in gold, diamonds, rare doubloons or old art masterpieces.

But above all else you will learn of the “supernatural treasure hunting connection” that includes the appearance of UFOs, ghosts, spirits of deceased Native Americans and even Bigfoot, all of whom are either guarding vast treasures or have been known to lead deserving souls to the end of a rainbow and vast wealth.

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First Step to Create "Cyber-Soldiers"

The U.S. military has successfully implanted and tested its first 'brain modem' on an animal subject.

The tiny, implanted chip, developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), uses a tiny sensor that travels through blood vessels, lodges in the brain and records neural activity.

Neurologists injected tiny sensors into livestocks’ veins and then recorded the electrical impulses that control the animals’ movements for six months.

The sensor, called a 'stentrode', a combination of the words 'stent' and 'electrode', is the first step in the military's desire to allow soldiers to control machinery with their minds.

Hypothetically, this could allow servicemen to use the 'brain modem' to maneuver drones.

This is part of a program launched by the U.S. military to develop implantable chips that will allow the human brain to communicate directly, and accurately, with computers. The devices would convert the neurochemical information produced by brain cells into the digital binary language used by computers.

The stentrode is the size of a paperclip, flexible and injectable. Instead of invasive brain surgery, it enters the bloodstream via a catheter and then transmits data.

'DARPA has previously demonstrated direct brain control of a prosthetic limb by paralyzed patients fitted with penetrating electrode arrays implanted in the motor cortex during traditional open-brain surgery,' said Doug Weber, the program manager for RE-NET.

'By reducing the need for invasive surgery, the stentrode may pave the way for more practical implementations of those kinds of life-changing applications of brain-machine interfaces.'

Phillip Alvelda, the Neural Engineering System Design program manager, said the technology is aimed at overcoming the problems faced by current attempts at brain-computer communication.

While these devices can detect the electrical activity of the brain, they require the user to concentrate and undergo training to produce specific, easy to detect signals.

Mr Alvelda said: 'Today's best brain-computer interface systems are like two super computers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem.

'Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools to really open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics.'

The project could also open up new therapies for neural disorders and even develop devices that could help the blind and deaf.

Darpa added its digital auditory or visual information could be fed directly into the brain at high resolutions.

While this could help patients, it could also provide new ways for soldiers to receive information and communicate while on the battlefield.

Most research on brain implants has focused on allowing people with disabilities to control computers or robotic limbs with their brain.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University last week announced a patient had used an implant that taps into the nerve signals from the brain to move a robotic arm.

Others have used electrodes inserted directly into the brain.

Perhaps the most common brain-computer interface technology, however, are modified electroencephalograms, which pick up the electrical activity from the brain on the scalp.

With training, these can be used to move robots or even paint on a computer screen. These also require ungainly headsets that use sensors and gels to pick up the activity.

The Darpa program, conversely, wants to use an implant that taps directly into the brain following surgery.

Such neural interfaces currently attempt to squeeze information from tens of thousands of neurons at one time through roughly 100 channels.

This can mean the results are imprecise and filled with background noise.

Instead, Darpa wants its implants to communicate with single neurons in a given region of the brain, with the capacity to handle signals from one million brain cells.

A statement on Darpa's website said there were still significant challenges to be overcome before this goal could be achieved, including developing the hardware and computational techniques needed to handle the volume of data that would be produced by such implants.

The project forms part of the brain initiative announced by President Obama in April 2013, which is aimed at developing new ways of treating and preventing brain disorders and injuries.

Source: The Daily Mail


Mysterious Noise Baffles Oregon Community
By Peter Holley

A mysterious shrieking sound has left the residents of one Oregon neighborhood seriously perplexed.

For some time now, a weird, metallic, whistling shriek has split the night in parts of Forest Grove, putting many residents' nerves on edge driving pets that hear it "crazy." But the worst part about strange racket is that no one can really put their finger on what's causing it.

Dave Nemeyer, fire marshal of the Forest Grove Fire and Rescue in Forest Grove, said that he first learned of the strange noise after a local resident recorded and shared a video of it on the city's Facebook page.

"It's definitely a horrendous noise," Nemeyer said. "I have no idea what the noise is. [The resident] described to us that it was coming from the middle of the street. To me, it sounds like the sound of train tracks, that metal screeching sound, but there are no train tracks near her home ... so that's obviously ruled out."

Residents began hearing the strange noise, which lasts anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, early in February. It is loud enough, residents say, that it rouses them from sleep and drives pets crazy.

Rick Vanderkin, the city's public works superintendent, said that very few people have heard the sound, making it difficult to locate and even more difficult to make an "educated guess as to what's creating the noise." So far, officials have ruled out a water valve, a gas leak and wildlife as possible culprits.

Forest Grove resident Colleen Ahrens said that she's been woken up three or four times by the sound.

"It almost sounds like someone needs to change their brakes," she said.

Ahrens said her husband is a mechanic and when she described the noise to him, he thought a worn brake pad could be the source. But after she listened to the recording, she's not so sure anymore.

Both Northwest Natural, a gas company, and Forest Grove Public Works claim their agencies aren’t responsible for the sound, according.

After investigating, the fire department determined the sound was not coming from a commercial fire or smoke alarm, the station reported. The department does not believe the noise poses a public health risk.

Some residents wondered whether the sound could be coming from the brakes of a logging truck, but its duration and intensity are different, according to the station. There’s also the fact that nearby roads are flat.

Although some have speculated that the sound is coming from a ruptured natural gas line, the lines are buried underground, making them an unlikely possible source. An unnamed spokesperson for Northwest Natural said that a leaking gas line would sound like a tea kettle and that residents would smell gas.

Another possible culprit, residents have speculated, is the Department of Forestry. The sound appears to originate in the agency’s vicinity, but after crews there tested their equipment on Tuesday, they concluded it wasn’t originating on their property.

Tobin Cooley, an audio expert, measured the noise with a sound meter, and said that it was a highly unusual case.

"It sounds like some sort of pressurized gas or air through a fitting or valve or something,” he said. "It’s not steady state, and you can’t predict when it’s going to happen. Those are all interesting sound features.”

Cooley noted that high-pitched tones don’t travel far, suggesting the sound is originating near the residents who are hearing it.

“The best instrument by far is the human ear,” he added. “If you can track it down and experience it, with measurements and your ears, you can find the source.”

The theories run the gamut, from a bad clothes-dryer belt to plate tectonics to noisy wind disturbed by Pacific Ocean currents to bad streetlight bulbs to noisy E.T.s.

Here's a sample of the most interesting and entertaining comments from www.oregonlive.com:

What it sounds most like is bowing the edge of a metal plate -- yes, a violin or base fiddle bow and a thin plate of steel say a foot square. An old physics prof made one, dusted flour on the plate, and bowed it to demonstrate the vibration nodes.

-- Paul Rogers

Hubby the engineer suggests it's a bad valve on the waterline to or from a water tower -- which would be difficult to triangulate the source of the noise.  I think it sounds more like a "singing bowl" or one note from an armonica.  (BTW, the armonica lost its audience in the 18th century when rumors the audience or the performers went mad from the sound.)

-- Kay Lancaster

Saw your article on-line and also saw the report on ABC World News last week. Have they tried checking the bulbs in the street lamps/lights?  Also any house that has an outside light with special bulbs. These lights can make strange noises when the bulbs start to go.

You can hear the weird noise for yourself in this Inside Edition video.

Source: The Washington Post


Group Consciousness Measured in 17-Year Experiment
By Tara MacIsaac

In 1998, scientists began an experiment to see whether they could physically detect a change in global consciousness during large-scale emotional events such as natural disasters. In December 2015, they finished collecting data from some 40 countries spread across the world throughout 500 major events.

How the Experiment Works

The data came from random event generators (REGs). These are machines that continuously produce bits randomly every second. It’s like a coin flipper: there’s a 50 percent chance it will turn up one way or the other.

Earlier Princeton University experiments had suggested human intention could influence the bits to deviate from chance expectations. Put simply, if someone wanted it to be tails, it was more likely to be tails.

Dr. Roger Nelson coordinated these Princeton experiments for more than 20 years. He went on to direct the Global Consciousness Project (unaffiliated with Princeton), which applies the same principles on a larger scale.

The project set up REGs all over the world to see if they would deviate from chance expectations during significant global events. Nelson and his colleagues decided that after 500 such events the first phase of the study would end.

The first of these 500 events was the bombing of U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania in 1998. The last was a complex “event” on Dec. 12, 2015. Two major happenings coincided: an agreement was reached during the global climate change summit in Paris and on the same day one of the largest global meditations ever took place.

While the researchers looked at the “effects” of individual events like these, it is the statistical data from many years and many events that was important.

The Results

Nelson wrote in a Global Consciousness Project (GCP) blog post: “The result is a definite confirmation of the general hypothesis … that great events on the world stage which bring people together in shared thoughts and synchronized emotions will be correlated with changes in the behavior of our network of random sources.”

He also explained on the GCP website: “There are many repetitions of events or types of events, such as New Years, religious holidays, giant organized meditations, and unfortunately also terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. So we have plenty of replications, and indeed we see that the faint signal which otherwise is buried in statistical noise does rise out of that noisy background to make a persuasive statistical bottom line.”

Last year at a Society for Scientific Exploration conference he reported that the odds against chance are trillions to one.

GCP entered the next phase this year, investigating further the correlations discovered in its REG data.

Other Explanations for Anomalies?

In a 2010 article titled “Exploring Global Consciousness,” Nelson explained how GCP considered other explanations for the variance from chance.

“One might suppose that the result is due to experimental flaws such as the inadequate shielding of … [REGs] from background electromagnetic fields or bias due to methodological errors.

“The GCP design addresses these eventualities by physically shielding the RNGs from electromagnetic fields and by logical operations in software which cancel output bias arising from environmental influences.”

Nelson’s team would choose major events then look at the deviation from chance (50:50) during that time period, rather than looking at deviations or spikes on the REGs then trying to find a global event to correspond to it.

This latter method could have led to biased selections—the possibility that the researchers could find some global event on any given day to correspond to the spike on the REGs.

How Does Consciousness Affect Machines?

The connection between an REG machine and human consciousness is unclear. It’s part of what GCP hopes to further investigate, but Nelson maintained: “The correlation is clearly related in some way to consciousness and possibly to what we have operationally defined as ‘global consciousness.'”

He can only speculate, but he imagines consciousness could be a field that becomes more coherent during these global events. Consciousness may be the “seat of a nonlocal, active information field,” he said, noting that this is not a standard, well-defined physical construct.

“Such a field can somehow be absorbed by the REG devices,” he said, “which then show patterns where none should exist.”

Source: Epoch Times


Mad Gasser or Mad M.I.B.?
By Nick Redfern

Back in the 1940s, the people of Mattoon, Illinois were plagued by a sinister character that became known as the Mad Gasser of Mattoon. The name was a very apt one: the mysterious figure gassed his victims, as a means to gain entry to their property, and to take advantage of whatever caught his eye. His actions followed a similar wave of attacks – in the 1930s – in Botetourt County, Virginia. But, today at least, let’s focus on the later events. On the night of August 31, 1944, a man named Urban Raef was overcome by a mysterious gas that provoked sickness, weakness, and vomiting. Despite Mr. Raef’s fear that there was a gas leak in the house, such was not the case. Rafe’s wife – to her horror – found herself briefly paralyzed.

Also among the Gasser’s victims, was Mrs. Bert Kearney, who lived in Mattoon, too. On September 1, 1944, and approximately an hour before the witching-hour struck, Mrs. Kearney was hit by what was described as a “sickening, sweet odor in the bedroom.” As was the case with Mrs. Raef, the “gas” caused temporary paralysis in her legs. It also resulted in a burning sensation to her lips, and a parched feeling in her mouth.

Mrs. Kearney cried out for her sister – whose name was Martha and who came running to see what was going on. She too was unable to avoid the powerful smell. In no time, the police were on the scene, but the Mad Gasser was nowhere to be seen. At least, not for a while. As Bert Kearney drove home – after his shift as a cab-driver was over – he caught sight of a darkly-dressed man peering through the window of the Kearney’s bedroom. It was a thin man wearing a tight, dark cap on his head. He quickly fled the scene.

In the wake of the curious affair, other reports of the Mad Gasser’s infernal activities surfaced – to the extent that both the local police and the FBI got involved. The townsfolk were plunged into states of fear and paranoia. While some cases were put down to nothing more than hysteria, that was not the beginning and end of the story. For example, Thomas V. Wright, the Commissioner of Public Health, said: “There is no doubt that a gas maniac exists and has made a number of attacks. But many of the reported attacks are nothing more than hysteria. Fear of the gas man is entirely out of proportion to the menace of the relatively harmless gas he is spraying. The whole town is sick with hysteria.”

The mystery was never resolved to the satisfaction of everyone. One theory offers that the Mad Gasser of Mattoon was actually nothing stranger than a bunch of kids. Writer Scott Maruna suggests that the Gasser was a University of Illinois student, Farley Llewellyn, who had a deep knowledge of chemistry and who went to school with the initial victims. Other theories include burglars and even extraterrestrials. But, there’s another possibility.

What we know for sure is that the Mad Gasser dressed in dark clothes, was thin, and wore a dark cap that fitted tightly on his head. He tried to make his way into homes in the dead of night and ensured that the homeowners were pretty much unable to do anything about it. This is all very reminiscent of the strange saga of Albert Bender, a man who pretty much began the early 1950s wave of Men in Black encounters. From his home in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Bender ran the International Flying Saucer Bureau. That is, until a trio of darkly-clothed, fedora hat-wearing MIB paid him a visit and told him to quit digging into the world of UFOs. Or else.

There was, however, no knock at the front-door. Nor was there a flashing of ID cards by grim-faced officials of “the government.” Bender’s MIB were much stranger: they were pale-faced, thin, and sported shining eyes. From 1952 to 1953, Bender had repeated encounters with the Men in Black – almost exclusively at night and into the early hours. They typically materialized in his attic-based bedroom, which he called his “Chamber of Horrors” (Bender was a horror-movie fanatic and someone well-versed in the occult). When I say “materialized,” I mean they walked through walls and windows. Allegedly, of course.

But, there was something else too: on almost every occasion that the MIB appeared, it was amid a powerful odor. In Bender’s case, something akin to sulfur. Bender, like so many of the residents of Mattoon just 3 years earlier, was overcome by nausea, and felt faint, light-headed and weak when the MIB turned up. So, in both Mattoon in the mid-1940s and in Bridgeport in the early 1950s, we have darkly-clad thin men, wearing equally dark hats and caps, entering homes in the dead of night. And all associated with powerful odors that badly affected the victims.

Of course, it might be said that a down-to-earth explanation exists for the Mattoon affair. On the other hand, maybe the Mad Gasser of Mattoon should be renamed the Mad M.I.B. of Mattoon…

You find out more about the Mad Gasser of Mattoon, and other Mad Gasser incidents, in Tim R. Swartz's book: "America's Strange and Supernatural History"

Source: Mysterious Universe


Scientists Don't Know Why Things Just Disappear

Yeah, yeah, this is the 100th anniversary of Einstein's ''Miracle Year'' - the year he figured out everything from relativity to atoms to e=mc2. So how come Mr. Genius never bothered to explain the deepest physics mystery of all:

Where does the pen by the phone go?

As an absent-minded-professor type, Albie could not have been unaware of this problem. If he didn't address it, it must be because he, too, could not figure it out. I mean, you take a message. You hang up the phone. You get a snack, the phone rings, you come back and...No pen!

Or, sometimes, no paper! Or if there is a pen, now it doesn't write. How can it possibly be the same pen?

In the interest of science - and matrimony, since it is hard to stay happily married when you suspect your spouse of constantly misplacing the pen and, ridiculously, your pen-pilfering klepto-spouse suspects you - I asked a consortium of physicists and one persnickety professional organizer to explain:

Why does stuff just disappear? And just as mysteriously: Why does some of the stuff, particularly the toothpaste, suddenly reappear, after you have either forgotten all about it or spent many, many, MANY hours hunting for it RIGHT WHERE IT SUDDENLY REAPPEARS!? Explain this!!

''Einstein proposed that mass distorts space-time like a bowling ball distorts the surface of a mattress,'' said Daniel Koon, a professor of physics at St. Lawrence University, thinking he was being helpful. (Think again!)

This bowling ball creates a black hole, ''like a newly formed blob in a lava lamp,'' said Koon. And this blob swallows pens.

Or something. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't have started with the physicists.
But anyway, I did, and another one - Lawrence Brehm at the State University of New York at Potsdam - said that, in fact, black holes are NOT to blame. It's the entropy, stupid!

''There is usually enough random energy around to create disorder'' - i.e., entropy. ''This random energy can be a breeze or a vibration, but often it takes the form of a child, spouse or pet.''

AHA! So then it is my husband (or child or pet) who is always walking off with the pen, right?

Well, not according to Donald Ware. Ware happens to be the director of the International UFO Congress but he does hold a graduate degree in physics, and he says that ''advanced aliens'' hang around, moving objects through ''what some call telekinesis.'' Moreover, they do this to ''expand the awareness of the individual involved.''

In other words, when I cannot find the pen, it is because aliens have moved it in order to make me more aware of the other inhabitants of the universe.

Other inhabitants who have picked up all my husband's bad habits.

Lisa Zaslow, the professional organizer, shakes her head. The problem is not space-time or aliens or entropy, she chides, but that we don't pay enough attention to where we put stuff.

Yeah. Like that really makes sense. Lisa, I pay constant attention to my stuff and, in fact, have just found my phone pen, so there! The only remaining physics mystery is this:

How'd it get into my underwear drawer?

Source: Tallahassee Democrat


"Tar-Like" Substance Rained Down on Michigan Town

A city in Michigan is perplexed after a a tar-like substance has rained down on their cars, porches and driveways this week.

Residents in Harrison Township are concerned about a weird splattering covering their neighborhood and no one is sure what it is. They know based on the splash patterns it probably fell from the sky, and the fire department says that the strange, oily, ashy substance is not flammable.

The black, oily substance first appeared on at least six driveways in Harrison Township on Sunday, and days later, what the material is still remains a mystery.

Harrison Township resident Paul Schlutow, 73, said 'everybody's concerned' about the substance and the major concern is that the substance could potentially be harmful.

Residents originally believed that the substance could have come from the nearby Selfridge Air National Guard Base, but the base released a statement saying it was not coming from their location.

'There is no indication that the substance in question came from a military aircraft of any type,' the statement said.

The statement said the airbase has 'been in communication with the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, which was sending a representative to the area in question to review the material'.

'As Michigan's Hometown Air Force, we take being a good neighbor very serious,' Brig Gen John D Slocum, commander of the 127th Wing and the Selfridge base commander told ABC News. 'We will continue to work with our local and state partner agencies to resolve this question.' 

There are a few possibilities for what could have caused the gunk to fall from the sky. Bad weather like tornados or storms have been known to carry everything from golf balls to mud long distances only to deposit them on unsuspecting and unfortunate heads. In this case though, the weather in Harrison on Sunday, when residents first noticed the splatters, was clear, with a wind gust of up to 18 mph.

It could be animals. One resident noted that it did look like bird excrament, and it wouldn't be the first time that birds have deposited unwelcome presents on people.

In addition to their normal droppings, last year, seagulls dropped lampreys on an unsuspecting Alaskan town. Although right now, the sheer volume of the splatter would seem to rule out birds as the culprits.

Tests on the substance are being carried out by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. They hope to have an answer soon.

Source: Popular Science

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