![]() 3/13/16 #852 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal852.html Welcome o' seekers of the
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conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and anything else that's strange,
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This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such kundalini-raising stories as: - Arizona Rancher Struggles with Cow Mutilations - - UFO Hunting Mini-Satellite Gets Funded - - The Elusive Little People - AND: Farmer Says Aliens Asked Him to Build Pyramid All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ JUST OUT .
CONSPIRACY JOURNAL --- MORE COLOR, MORE PAGES ![]() Here is a direct link to Issue # 45 Order Now Thru PayPal or Credit Card and we will discount your order by 15%. E Mail us at mrufo8@hotmail.com and we will send you a PayPal invoice. Credit Card hotline is 732 602-3407 . . .either leave an order or we can call you back, but you must answer. And be sure to visit our YouTube site for FREE video interviews. Mr UFOs Secret Files Timothy Beckley, Publisher PS: You're invited to join Tim Swartz and
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A Treasure Hunters Dream Come True! ![]() SPOOKY TREASURE TROVES
FIND OUT THE STRANGE CONNECTION BETWEEN UFOS, GHOSTS, CURSED PIECES OF EIGHT AND THE SUPERNATURAL Everyone has fantasized about finding buried treasure. It’s a child’s dream and many a grown person’s obsession. Thousands own metal detectors and regularly scan the shore line, creek beds and out of the way mountain crevices looking for that proverbial treasure trove of all time. In the summer of 2015, a salvage company recovered treasure worth $4.5 million off the coast of Florida, a fortune in gold and jewels that had sunk with a Spanish galleon in 1715. In an amazing case of synchronicity, the vast riches were recovered 300 years to the day – July 31 – after the shipwreck. The CEO of the salvage company told the media at the time that he felt a mysterious “energy” had wanted the treasure found and led them to it on that precise day But there is more. Inside the pages of this book, the reader will be given the opportunity to unlock the mystery to discovering some fabulous fortune that has lain hidden away for decades, perhaps even centuries. Join Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Paul Eno, Dr. Nandor Fodor, Scott Corrales, Preston Dennett and Paul Dale Roberts as they provide guidance in searching for million of dollars or more in gold, diamonds, rare doubloons or old art masterpieces. But above all else you will learn of the “supernatural treasure hunting connection” that includes the appearance of UFOs, ghosts, spirits of deceased Native Americans and even Bigfoot, all of whom are either guarding vast treasures or have been known to lead deserving souls to the end of a rainbow and vast wealth. This
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley
Exploring the Bizarre - Thursday Nights at 10:00PM EST ![]() Heard Live on the KCOR Digital Radio Network Join Us on The Outer Edge - Every Sunday Night! ![]() The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Sunday Nights 11:59PM EST / 9 pm PST Our Guest this Week: The Aztec UFO Crash http://theouteredgeradio.com/ Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - psn-radio.com Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's latest blog at: http://mottimorphic.com/blog/ - MYSTERY MUTILATORS DEPARTMENT - Arizona Rancher Struggles with Cow Mutilations By Emery Cowan ![]() Kit Metzger quickly swiped through the pictures on her iPhone, trying not to linger too long on the gruesome images. Metzger, who heads the approximately 90,000-acre Flying M Ranch had just come inside after a day spent discussing prairie dogs and grassland restoration. Now, she was talking about a different topic entirely. The smartphone screen showed pictures of Metzger’s cows, but some were barely recognizable with chunks of skin or other body parts removed. After being killed and mutilated, her animals had been left on the ranch. From Internet searches of similar mutilations and discussions with the local livestock inspector, Metzger wonders whether the killings are somehow related to satanic or other sacrificial rituals. “I can’t tie it to anything but that’s a clue,” she said. Other ranchers in places like Colorado and Missouri have experienced similar livestock mutilations, but have been unable to come up with any sort of explanation. Theories about religious or even extraterrestrial connections were tossed around, but not proven. No arrests have been made. “IT’S JUST REALLY STRANGE” Metzger’s photographs show cattle with their eyeballs taken out, their ears or lips cut off and circular chunks sliced from their bodies where their inner organs were removed. The cuts are clean and precise, as if made by a sharp scalpel, she said. From her own research and analysis of the dead cows, Metzger said the killers appear to inject them with a painkiller, sedative or muscle relaxant-type drug that makes the animals go limp. Then they insert some sort of tube into the artery and wait until the cows’ hearts pump all of the blood out of their bodies. There is rarely any blood on the ground around the carcass, leading Metzger to believe the people are somehow collecting it. Those same techniques, including the draining of blood, have been found in cattle mutilation cases in New Mexico and Colorado. “It’s just really strange” she said. The killings at Flying M Ranch have been going on for years — the first happened in the early 70s — and Metzger said she has tried everything to catch the perpetrators, but to no avail. She hopes that going public with the story will finally make the killers stop and leave her ranch alone. “This is getting to the point where it’s getting ridiculous,” she said. The killings always seem to happen around certain dates — mid-July, October and right around Easter, Metzger said. Flying M has tried sending out ranch staff to watch over the cattle at night and set up cameras near water tanks and entryways into pastures. But most of the time they have only gotten images of headlights and haven’t been able to trace tire tracks on the ground, Metzger said. They have contacted officials with the Forest Service, the Coconino County Sheriff and the Arizona Game and Fish Department, who are all on the lookout. Besides the strange and creepy nature of the cow deaths, they also have dealt a financial blow to the ranch. Metzger estimated that the four or five cows that tend to be killed in this way each year are worth about $16,000 to the ranch. If the cows were pregnant, that’s thousands more that is lost. Plus, calves left alone will have problems developing without being on their mother for their first year, she said. On top of that, it’s Flying M’s gentler cows that tend to become victims because people can more easily walk up to them and drug them, Metzger said, adding that several of their favorite cows have been killed. So far, Flying M’s neighbor and fellow Diablo Trust member Bar T Bar Ranch hasn’t experienced any similar cow killings, said Judy Prosser, the ranch’s owner and president of the Diablo Trust. She guessed that it might be because her ranch is harder to access than Flying M. ELK VICTIMS, TOO Recently, the mutilations have been found among elk as well. Last August, officials with the Arizona Game and Fish Department came upon three dead elk near Flying M Ranch, northeast of Anderson Mesa. The animals’ lips and sexual organs had been cut out of them, said Larry Phoenix, Flagstaff field supervisor with the department. It looked like somebody had driven out cross country and then dumped the animals, where they were found by officials, he said. “It was something we hadn’t seen in a really long time,” said Phoenix, who has worked for the department in this region for about 20 years. There isn’t any evidence showing how the animals died, he said. The department looked into whether the killings could be related to Satan worship, but hasn’t found any direct connection, Phoenix said. “It’s just one of the possibilities based on the lips and the sexual parts being missing, but there is no hard evidence that leads us down that path,” he said. The case is still ongoing, he said. As for what Flying M will do with Easter coming up later this month, “we’ll be on the lookout,” Metzger said. Source: AZ Daily Sun http://azdailysun.com/news/local/local-rancher-struggles-with-cow -mutilations/article_630236ea-edfa-52f5-9837-05ecec04ff75.html - EYES IN THE SKY DEPARTMENT - UFO Hunting Mini-Satellite Gets Funded By Alejandro Rojas ![]() A
group of techies have turned to crowd-sourcing in order to fund their
idea of a UFO hunting mini-satellite. After an unsuccessful run on the
crowd-sourcing website Indiegogo, their second campaign, via
Kickstarter, has proven successful, and they have received the funding
needed to build and launch their mini-UFO hunting device. The campaign is called “CubeSat for Disclosure – Low-Earth Orbit Satellite” and is utilizing off-the-shelf technology to develop a relatively cheap observation platform in space. The Kickstarter campaign sought to raise $10,000, and the group says they already had $16,000 in previous funding. As of the writing of this story, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $10,100. Even though they have the funding they needed to complete the project, project organizer Dave Shock says they can use all of the funding they can get. “We made our goal, but we still need donations to help pay for all the other stuff that we will incur as the project proceeds,” said Shock via Facebook. “We still have a few more days left on our campaign so stop by our page and donate a few dollars if you can.” There are several companies that offer equipment for what are called CubeSats, also referred to as nanosatellites. These are small satellites that offer an affordable way for students, researchers, and private companies to have their own little satellite. The cubes measure 10x10x10 centimeters. CubeSat for Disclosure plans to add cameras, a way to communicate and download information from the satellite from the ground, and a scintillation counter. The group says the scintillation counter “enables us to measure the various radiation in our satellite’s environment. This is significant as it enables us to detect high energy particles, radiation, and other phenomenon.” They will use two cameras with parabolic lenses in order to get a 360 degree view around the satellite, and want to add radar if the technology and the budget permits. Their main goals is to hopefully capture verifiable data and images of UFOs. They feel the topic has been ridiculed, but that it is worthy of “rigorous scientific study.” If you want to support the project, there are still a couple of days left to invest and get a Kickstarter reward, such as a CubeSat for Disclosure t-shirt or your very own UFO hunting CubeSat. For more about this project, listen to the Open Minds UFO Radio show with Dave Cote, another project manager for the team. Source: Open Minds http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-hunting-mini-satellite-gets-funded/36573 - CAMPAIGN PROMISES DEPARTMENT - Clinton Would Consider Declassifying Documents Related to UFOs ![]() A
former chief of staff in the Clinton White House says "I think I’ve
convinced [Hillary Clinton] that we need an effort to ... declassify as
much as we can." John Podesta, chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, has declared that he has convinced the former secretary of state to explore declassifying any government documents that may relate to unidentified flying objects. “I’ve talked to Hillary about that,” Podesta told KLAS-TV Politics NOW in Las Vegas. “There are still classified files that could be declassified. “I think I’ve convinced her that we need an effort to kind of go look at that and declassify as much as we can, so that people have their legitimate questions answered. More attention and more discussion about unexplained aerial phenomena can happen without people – who are in public life, who are serious about this – being ridiculed.” As reported in the Huffington Post, Podesta, a former chief of staff in the Clinton White House who has been a longtime advocate on the issue, told the station that “the UFO question has been discussed” with the former first lady. It’s not the first time that aliens and their spacecraft have made an appearance – rhetorically, at least – on the Clinton campaign trail. In January, Clinton told a New Hampshire newspaper that she would “get to the bottom” of questions about how much the federal government may know about extraterrestrials. In 2005, former president Bill Clinton told a Hong Kong audience that he has been attempting to crack any “X-files” the government might possess: "I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that reveal things, and if there were, they were concealed from me, too. I wouldn’t be the first president that underlings have lied to or that career bureaucrats have waited out. But there may be some career person sitting around somewhere hiding these dark secrets, even from elected presidents. But, if so, they successfully eluded me, and I’m almost embarrassed to tell you I did try to find out." Podesta, who also served as a senior advisor to Barack Obama, has cited his inability to determine the truth about UFOs as one of his “biggest failures” while serving in government. “I come in for my fair share of people raising questions about whether I’m off my rocker, but I’ve been a longtime advocate of declassification of records,” Podesta told KLAS. “People really want to know what the government knows.” Source: The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/mar/03/hillary-clinton-declassify -government-documents-ufos - FACE TO FACE WITH THE WEE FOLK DEPARTMENT - The Elusive Little People By Stephen Wagner ![]() Of
all paranormal phenomena, the existence of "little people" – whether
they be fairies, elves, or leprechauns – is among beliefs that receive
little serious attention, even among paranormal researchers. These
myths are ancient and reside deep within the folklore of many cultures.
But no one today really believes in these tiny, magical beings... ... Or do they? K.T. relates this story of her face-to-face encounter: In October, 2003, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, I was out playing on our patio with my 2½-year-old son when he stopped suddenly and asked me: who was the little man sitting on our stone wall? I looked where he was pointing and saw nothing... but the area looked different somehow (shimmery?). Later, in January 2004, we were again outside playing, this time with my husband, when the most beautiful snow began to fall. It was just coming on to dusk and I said I wanted to take a quick walk in the woods and my husband would watch our son while I went. I started through the woods and was somewhat perplexed by how different everything looked. Hard to describe; again "shimmery" is first word that comes to mind. As I rounded a bend in the path, I came face-to-face, about three or four feet away, with a little elf-looking man peering right at me from behind a tree. It was almost a stereotypical elf: long, pointy ears, long funny-shaped nose, very long fingers and pointy cap. It was wearing red clothes and hat, and its skin appeared to be a very light lavender color. I let out a startled "Ooh!" and it jerked back and just disappeared into thin air. Was this the product of a tired mind and an active imagination? Quite possibly. But, like stories of ghost encounters, these tales are related by serious people who will usually swear that they were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and that their experiences seemed entirely real. In Jerome Clark's book, Unexplained!, he retells the story of 13-year-old Harry Anderson who had a strange encounter on a summer night in 1919. Anderson claimed to have seen a column of 20 little men marching in single file toward him. The bright moonlight made them clearly visible, and Anderson could see that they were dressed in leather knee pants with suspenders. The men were shirtless, bald and had pale white skin. They paid no attention to Anderson as they passed and seemed to be mumbling something unintelligible all the while. In Stowmarket, England in 1842, a man claimed this encounter with "faries" when walking through a meadow on his journey home: There might be a dozen of them, the biggest about three feet high, and small ones like dolls. They were moving around hand in hand in a ring; no noise came from them. They seemed light and shadowy, not like solid bodies. I... could see them as plain as I do you. I ran home and called three women to come back with me and see them. But when we got to the place, they were all gone. I was quite sober at the time. WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON The legends of these wee creatures are told all over the world. While the Irish have their gold-rich and clever leprechauns, the Scandinavians have their trolls, and in Central America the small dwarflike beings are known as ikals and wendis. The ikals were described by the Tzeltal Indians as being about three feet tall, quite hairy and living in caves like bats. Iceland also has its elves, who are said to be very protective of their habitations. Those who attempt to disturb them are in for trouble. One story is told of the construction of a new harbor at Akureyri in 1962. Repeated attempts to blast away rocks continually failed. Equipment malfunctioned and workers were regularly being injured or falling ill. Then a man named Olafur Baldursson claimed that the reason for the trouble was that the site of the blast was the home of some "little people." He told the city authorities that he would work out a deal with the little people. When he came back and reported that the little folks were satisfied, the work proceeded with no problems. Icelanders – citizens of one of the most literate nations in the world – take their elves quite seriously. Even today, Iceland's most well-known "elf-spotter," Erla Stefansdottur, has helped Reykjavik's planning department and tourist authorities create maps that chart the haunts of hidden folk. The public roads authority quite often routes roads around hallowed boulders and other spots believed to be inhabited by the elves. SIGHTINGS TODAY Sightings of the little people continue right up to the present day. In fact, there have been several postings on the Paranormal Phenomenon Forum from readers who have either heard stories of such encounters or have experienced them first-hand. Here are some examples: "I learned that a bored young boy playing along a creek near Bend, Oregon, saw two little people who crossed the creek and stood looking at him. He said they were no more than 15 to 18 inches high and very dark complected. They wore skins as garments, and after a period of 10 to 15 seconds, walked back across the creek and into the forest. The boy showed their footprints to his parents, who had contracted to a logging company to clean up slash piles. The prints were obvious and his parents were flabbergasted, but chose not to follow the little beings into the woods. He believes now that the little men weren't happy about the logging and destruction in the forest." "The last time I saw little people was around 1957 in Fort Worth, Texas. I had been sleeping and something made me open my eyes. I saw two small people looking back at me. I was too tired and sleepy at the time to pursue further investigation of these two little guys who had very little hair and wore shabby strange clothes. They sort of smiled at me and I fell back to sleep. I know what I saw and they were real." "I don't know if what I saw was a "little person," but when I was younger, around seven or eight, these little shadows or elves, maybe the size of a pinky, would come out in my room. I can't remember the feelings I had. I wouldn't go to bed with the lights out and I insisted that my parents stay with me in my room until I fell asleep. I think they thought I was crazy or something! But I know what I saw. Most of the time, they walked on my window, but then when I turned the other direction, they would jump in front of me as if they wanted me to see them. I don't think I was all that scared, but I can still remember clearly what they looked like. Over a period of time, they disappeared. I think it lasted a year. Also, I remember that when I wanted them to go away, I would ask them to leave. If they didn't, then I would try to smack them with my hand, but they would disappear before I could. I don't recall them talking. It was strange, but I know it happened." "Last year when my daughter and friends were four- wheeling in the woods in Washington state, they were stuck and having problems getting out. When working at getting out, an elf- like person came out and looked at them. The elf had a bow and arrow, pointed hat and pointed ears. Six people saw it." MORE STORIES OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE Daniel heard a curious story from his "Unc'Willy". At the time, Willy was a young man in his early 30s. He was riding on his horse along one of the many natural springs in the area and stopped to roll himself a cigarette and rest a while. As he stood by the water, he heard a strange "scraping sound," and curious that it may be an animal he crept to the grass along this small stream. Upon pushing the reeds apart, he looked on two strange little figures that were no taller than a man's fist! One came out of the water while the other sat alongside the stream. The one sitting seemed to be scraping something in its hands. When Willy realized what he was seeing was real, the awareness brought about the awareness of these small people, who froze in their tracks. As Willy pushed through the grass toward them for a better look, one figure dropped to one side and fell into the water, disappearing, even though this small stream of water was no more than an inch or two deep. The other produced a small leather pouch out of which he took several old arrowheads, and with these was the tool which produced the scraping noise he heard. It was a tiny stone knife and he also kept the crayfish claw that the creature was trying to open when Willy happened along. Paul of South Africa has a story that’s equally strange. This experience took place in 1986 in Durban, South Africa at the Mangrove Swamps Nature Reserve at approximately 6 p.m. On this day, Paul tells us, he and five friends set off on a hike off the main trial in the swamp. "We walked for about 10 minutes when the swamp gave way to a clearing with rock formations similar to that of a small natural amphitheater," he says. "There were illuminated fire lights all around this amphitheater. Directly in front of me was a small person who was just over three feet in height. He looked directly at me and pointed at me in surprise." At this point the entire group of friends had caught up to Paul. "We looked around and witnessed little people sitting on the illuminated rock formations and others who were interacting with each other," he continues. "The light and forms we saw were of an ethereal light clearly less dense then light we are familiar with. I estimated there to be between 20 to 30 of these little people. We were shocked and frightened by this phenomenon we experienced." The experience lasted only about 10 seconds for the friends, but seemed to play out as if in slow motion. "We turned and ran as fast as we could toward our vehicle," Paul says. "On arriving, we tried to make sense of what we witnessed. We returned to the spot and saw nothing but bush. No lights, no little people, no rock formation, just bush." What can we make of these stories? Tall tales? Hallucinations? Could they possibly be real – "real" in a way that challenges our current understanding of the world? Source: Paranormal.about.com http://paranormal.about.com/od/othercreatures/a/little-people.htm - WAITING FOR AN OPEN GATE DEPARTMENT - Over 60 UFOs Reported at Indian Airport Since October 2015 By Paul Seaburn ![]() The
head of the paramilitary security force responsible for guarding
airports and government offices across India revealed that 62 UFO
sightings have been reported at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI)
Airport in New Delhi in the past four months since late October 2015. Surender Singh has been Director General of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) since July 2015, so all of these unidentified flying object sightings have occurred on his watch. Responsible for security at over 300 industrial sites including such as atomic power plants, airports, space facilities, oil fields and refineries, major ports, hydroelectric/thermal power plants, the CISF employs over 165,000 people, making it the largest industrial security force in the world. Not to mention one of the biggest trackers of UFOs in the world as well, at least around the IGI Airport. At a meeting celebrating the organization’s 47th Raising Day (anniversary), Singh revealed to reporters that at least 62 UFO incidents have occurred at the airport since October 27, 2015. "This is a general problem which is not only confined to the airport. There are other sensitive installations too (near the airport area). Soon guidelines will be out determining the responsibility of each agency in such cases." Singh admitted that many of the sightings turned out to be balloons, kits, Chinese lanterns and laser pointers, but not all had been resolved and any incident could be escalated, as was the case in January when the Indian Air Force shot down a UFO that turned out to be a balloon. This is not an option at IGI, said Singh. "At the airport, there are various stakeholders and we cannot shoot down flying objects. This is a general problem which is not only at the airport. There are other sensitive installations too (near the airport area). Soon guidelines will be out determining the responsibility of each agency in such cases." However, the airport can be put on high alert, as was the case in November 2015 after multiple sightings around the airport. "These instances are considerable…but we take them all very seriously. We assume them to be genuine and all the procedures are undertaken to check them." Sixty-two UFO sightings in one location is more than “considerable” – it’s either a security epidemic or a sign that New Delhi may be more than just an airport for “airplanes.” Which one it is will have to wait for Surender Singh’s next report. Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/03/over-60-ufos-reported-at-indian-airport -since-october-2015/ - SEEMS TO BE A REASONABLE REQUEST DEPARTMENT - Farmer Says Aliens Asked Him to Build Pyramid ![]() Raymundo
Corona says he erected the 22 feet stone temple after being visited by
a tall man calling himself Herulayka, who had honey-coloured eyes,
white hair and from a planet called Nefilin 20 times the size of Earth. He told a local paper the alien said he was from the constellation of Orion. He built the pyramid close to Monclova in the state of Coahila near the Mexico-US border, despite being warned he would be taken for a drunk or a drug addict if his story ever came out. Mr Corona, 33 when he claims the alien visited him in 1984, said: "He told me to build the temple in the form of a pyramid. "When I asked him why it had to be in the form of a pyramid, he said it was because it should be like my faith, something that winds and storms couldn't move and was always pointing upwards." Recalling the moment he asked his mysterious visitor his name, Mr Corona told Mexican daily La Vanguardia that Herulayka had warned him: "Many people will laugh at you, defame you and say it was an act of insanity or something he did during a bender, it was an act of a madman or a drug addict. "He told me he came from the constellation of Orion, from a place called Nefilin which is a place 20 times larger than Earth where people are similar to human beings. "He was a tall man with honey-coloured eyes and white hair down to the ground. He was barefoot and wore a tunic tied with a rope." Mr Corona, whose wife was less than a day away from giving birth to his daughter at the time, says he had seen the alien in dreams before their meeting in person. He said the extraterrestrial had claimed humans were destroying their own planet and should wake up to the fact they must look after it like a child because it gave them what they needed for their own survival. Monclova is less than 600 miles from Roswell in New Mexico where a US Air Force surveillance balloon crashed in 1947, sparking rumours it was actually an alien spacecraft. Mexico is said to be the most active country in the world for UFO and alien sightings. Last summer video footage emerged allegedly showing an "alien humanoid" on the roof of a building in Nuevo Laredo, northern Mexico. Viewers claimed the clip proved once and for all extra terrestrials are visiting Earth while others branded it a "pointless hoax." Source: Sunday Express http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/651509/Mexican-farmer-pyramid- ordered-alien-Pozuelos-Coahila Sign
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