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the house! Could it be extraterrestrials looking for abductees to
experiment on?
Maybe it's the Men-In-Black seeking to threaten and warn dire
consequences. I bet it's agents of the New World Order looking to
implant mind control devices in our heads to create robot killers!
No, wait! It's ALL OF THE
ABOVE! But don't worry, they're only here to read your latest
edition of Conspiracy Journal, with all the news and info that's
fit to suppress. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such lip-smacking stories as: - Is the Cold Fusion Egg About to Hatch? - - How Alchemy, the Forbidden Science, Changed World History - - Father Ernetti's Time Machine - AND: Electricity Woman Causes Lights to Flicker All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ JUST OUT .
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A Treasure Hunters Dream Come True! ![]() SPOOKY TREASURE TROVES
FIND OUT THE STRANGE CONNECTION BETWEEN UFOS, GHOSTS, CURSED PIECES OF EIGHT AND THE SUPERNATURAL Everyone has fantasized about finding buried treasure. It’s a child’s dream and many a grown person’s obsession. Thousands own metal detectors and regularly scan the shore line, creek beds and out of the way mountain crevices looking for that proverbial treasure trove of all time. In the summer of 2015, a salvage company recovered treasure worth $4.5 million off the coast of Florida, a fortune in gold and jewels that had sunk with a Spanish galleon in 1715. In an amazing case of synchronicity, the vast riches were recovered 300 years to the day – July 31 – after the shipwreck. The CEO of the salvage company told the media at the time that he felt a mysterious “energy” had wanted the treasure found and led them to it on that precise day But there is more. Inside the pages of this book, the reader will be given the opportunity to unlock the mystery to discovering some fabulous fortune that has lain hidden away for decades, perhaps even centuries. Join Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Paul Eno, Dr. Nandor Fodor, Scott Corrales, Preston Dennett and Paul Dale Roberts as they provide guidance in searching for million of dollars or more in gold, diamonds, rare doubloons or old art masterpieces. But above all else you will learn of the “supernatural treasure hunting connection” that includes the appearance of UFOs, ghosts, spirits of deceased Native Americans and even Bigfoot, all of whom are either guarding vast treasures or have been known to lead deserving souls to the end of a rainbow and vast wealth. This
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley
Exploring the Bizarre - Thursday Nights at 10:00PM EST ![]() Heard Live on the KCOR Digital Radio Network Join Us on The Outer Edge - Every Sunday Night! ![]() The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Sunday Nights 11:59PM EST / 9 pm PST http://theouteredgeradio.com/ Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - psn-radio.com Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's latest blog at: http://mottimorphic.com/blog/ - COLD FUSION IS HOT AGAIN DEPARTMENT - Is the Cold Fusion Egg About to Hatch? By Huw Price ![]() Three
months ago I wrote an essay in Aeon about intriguing developments in
low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), a controversial field that traces
its origins to the claims of ‘cold fusion’ by Martin Fleischmann and
Stanley Pons in 1989. Cold fusion itself is widely regarded as
discredited, yet there are several recent reports of LENR devices
producing commercially useful amounts of heat. As David Bailey and
Jonathan Borwein have pointed out in HuffPost Science, it seems
increasingly improbable that all these findings are the result of fraud
or error, as skeptics assert. But the only remaining alternative – that
science simply made the wrong call when it dismissed cold fusion – is
still almost invisible in serious scientific conversations and in the
mainstream media. Why is this possibility so broadly ignored? I suggested that it is because LENR is caught in what I called a ‘reputation trap’. Cold fusion has had such a bad name that scientists and journalists put their reputations at risk if they dare to express an interest in LENR. So a fascinating story goes largely unnoticed and unreported. More importantly, the reputation trap has pushed to the margins an idea that, if it does work, might be just what we need right now: the ‘energy miracle’ that Bill Gates is so desperately seeking. LENR claims to tap the same unlimited nuclear energy reserves as hot fusion, without its enormous technological obstacles. I proposed in my essay that science should be more tolerant of its mavericks, when so much is at stake. If I’m right, then the reputation trap itself is the thing that should be condemned and ridiculed, not the science of LENR. Not surprisingly, some readers weren’t convinced. Some concerned commentators even worried about what the piece would do to my own reputation. So, three months later, am I having any regrets? On the contrary, the story has become even more interesting, in my view. I want to offer some updates for readers who weren’t persuaded last time that these developments were worth following for themselves. And I want to sound a note of caution for anyone who still feels confident that they can continue to ignore the field. If LENR is on the verge of a comeback, the reputation trap will turn inside out very, very quickly. No one wants to be the last ostrich to pull its head out of the sand. You have been warned! One of the key figures in this story is Andrea Rossi, a controversial Italian engineer who has claimed for more than five years to have an LENR reactor producing commercially useful amounts of heat. Skeptics are convinced that Rossi’s ‘E-Cat’ is a scam. Reportedly, however, a 1MW test version has been working in a factory in Florida for most of 2015, under the gaze of an independent monitor. There are three interesting new clues about how things are going in the field. First, Rossi announced last month that the Florida test has been completed. The report of the independent evaluator has not yet been publicly released, but Mats Lewan – a Swedish science journalist who has been following the story from the beginning – says that his sources tell him the findings are positive (and that he has already ‘put the champagne on ice’). Second, there have been several new claims of successful replications of Rossi-style devices, using versions derived from the public report of a Swedish-Italian team who tested one of Rossi’s reactors in 2014. Most interestingly, a partisan but admirably self-critical open science collaboration called the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP) claims to have detected a strong X-ray signal from one of their devices, apparently correlated with signs of excess heat. Reports and data from MFMP’s experiments are freely available online, and they welcome feedback and criticism. If confirmed, this result would be strong evidence that nuclear reactions really are occurring in these devices. Moreover, it ties in well with reports of similar radiation associated with Rossi’s early E-Cats. This has greatly increased MFMP’s confidence that Rossi does have what he has always claimed. MFMP also take the X-ray signal as an important piece of evidence about how the E-Cat and other LENR devices might work. Attempts to replicate their result are currently in progress, by their own team and others. The third clue stems from the excitement that these first two developments have generated in the small community who follow the LENR field closely. There has been much speculation both about details of the report on the 1MW test, and about practical and theoretical details of the reactors themselves. In response, Rossi’s US-based corporate backer, Industrial Heat LLC of Cary, North Carolina, recently sent a letter to several prominent commentators, urging them to wait and let the news emerge through proper channels. As the company put it: "We value credibility through sound LENR research. That’s why any claims made about technologies in our portfolio should only be relied upon if affirmed by Industrial Heat and backed by reputable third parties who have verified our results in repeated experiments. "Our portfolio of work has never been stronger and we remain excited about the potential we see. This optimism is grounded in more than just hope, yet a great deal of work remains." Intriguingly, Industrial Heat copied their email to APCO Worldwide, a prominent Washington-based consultancy that specialises in, among other things, crisis and issues management along with public affairs, government relations and policy. Why, with the report on Rossi’s test in their hands, does Industrial Heat feel that it needs APCO’s services? A skeptical view might be that Industrial Heat are preparing to announce embarrassing news: that they have been duped by Rossi and perhaps by others involved in LENR development. (They are also apparently investors in Robert Godes’s Brillouin Energy in California). An even more skeptical view would be that the company itself is part of a grand conspiracy, preparing audacious new efforts to wheedle even more money from gullible investors. Alternatively, if the report on Rossi’s test is strongly positive, then Industrial Heat have in their hands what they take to be a huge piece of news about a revolutionary new source of energy – news that risks remaining stuck in the reputation trap that has hidden the entire LENR field for a generation. In this case, it is easy to see why they feel they need the services of an organisation with APCO’s expertise. They have a paradigm to shift, and the consequences could have huge economic and political implications. That is a job for professionals, not for the gaggle of commentators who have been following Rossi’s research so far. We’ll have to wait and see, though my money is on the last possibility at this point. I mean this literally: if Rossi or Brillouin Energy come up trumps, I’ll win more than £30,000 from critics of my previous Aeon piece, for our Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge. (Details of one of these bets are public at Metaculus.) I take comfort from the recent news that Industrial Heat are buying up other LENR patents, hardly the action of an organisation that has lost confidence in its direction. Some of my friends still think that my view is absurd, and consider LENR is so unlikely that we can safely ignore it. In that case, Industrial Heat must be either dupes or part of the conspiracy with Rossi or others – though my friends don’t bother to explain how, in the first case, or why, in the second. My recommendation to these friends is to keep at least one eye open. For herd animals – like ostriches and scientists – a good way to know when to move is to keep an eye on peers who are closer to the action. If they start to shift, then you should consider it too – unless you have good reason to think that you know something that they don’t. Here’s the question for these folks to keep in mind while we wait for further news. What do you think you know that Industrial Heat does not (or is pretending that it does not)? We can ask the same question with regard to anyone else who seems to be taking LENR seriously, including scientists such as Francesco Piantelli and the late Sergio Focardi, Rossi’s early collaborator. But Industrial Heat have far more at stake. They seem to be engaged with all parts of the field, and now hold the biggest piece of evidence by far, apparently. That’s why they are worth watching, in my view – and why, if you don’t want to be the last ostrich out of the sand, you need an especially good reason to think that you can ignore them. One final thought. We don’t know how this story ends, but with the players now involved, it is hard to see how it could be anything but interesting. Perhaps it’s time for the science media of the world to find some backbone, face down the reputation trap, and start paying attention? Source: Aeon https://aeon.co/opinions/is-the-cold-fusion-egg-about-to-hatch - SPIRITUAL TRANSMUTATION OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT - How Alchemy, the Forbidden Science, Changed World History By Annie Webb ![]() Alchemy
is largely considered to be science’s embarrassing grandparent, a
mistake of pre-scientific thinking. But it’s far more crucial to world
history than that—and not just Western history, either. Read on to find
out more about the Royal Art. Alchemy is generally seen as an archaic proto-science based on superstition that is of little interest to the modern chemist. In truth, chemistry owes much to alchemy, which covers philosophical traditions and chemical history spanning several millennia in the Middle East, China, India and Europe. The Royal Art has played a significant role in the development of modern chemistry, medicine and psychology. The etymology of the modern word, chemistry, comes from the Arabic alkimiya (al ‘the’ + kimiya), which comes from the ancient Greek word chemeía, meaning “black magic.” The Greek word is derived from the ancient Coptic word for “Egypt,” keme, which means “black earth,” a type of fertile soil that is left after the annual flooding of the Nile. Alchemy can generally be defined as an ancient art form that seeks purification of the soul and immortality in parallel with the transmutation of chemical elements where gold symbolizes perfection. Alchemists made medicines and pharmaceuticals, and endeavored to understand the material basis of the world. Although the alchemists practiced actual chemistry and medicine, turning lead into gold symbolized a spiritual transmutation equivalent to an awakened consciousness present in all forms and which created the universe. In Western alchemy, perfection is achieved through the action of the Philosopher’s Stone. Alchemists believed that it could turn any substance into gold, prolong life and cure illness. The Philosopher’s Stone is created from “prima materia,” which is the primitive formless base of all matter, similar to our modern concepts of dark matter or chaos. Western Alchemy: From Ancient Egypt to Renaissance Europe The Ancient Egyptians were some of the first practitioners of alchemy, around 2000 BC, and much of the early chemical knowledge in Egypt was linked to embalming the dead and religious ritual. The Ancient Greek king Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and founded Alexandria in 331 BC, which became the intellectual and cultural center of the ancient world. Alexandria became a major hub for alchemical pursuits, bringing together Egyptian, Greek and Jewish knowledge and culture. Between 400-600 AD, most Alchemical texts were lost, and the remainder shifted to the Islamic world due to the repeated destruction of the Library of Alexandria and of non-Christian texts during the late Roman Empire. The Islamic world became a melting pot for alchemical knowledge. The crusades, which began in 1096 AD, brought the West into contact with Islamic knowledge, which contributed to the re-emergence of alchemy in medieval Europe. It regained popularity in Renaissance Europe, and until as late as the 17th century, many notable modern scientists were also alchemists, including Isaac Newton and Robert Boyle, who is considered the father of chemistry. Indian Alchemy Alexander the Great invaded India in 325 BC, which suggests that there may have been some influence between Indian and Greco-Egyptian alchemy. Indian alchemy or Rasayana, which means the art of manipulating Rasa, meaning nectar, mercury or juice, was closely associated to the Dharmic faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism). Indian alchemy began in approximately 1200 BC and is an early from of Ayurvedic medicine focused on extending lifespan. Indian alchemists created medicines composed of various metals, including mercury and other substances that were combined with herbs. Chinese Alchemy The beginnings of Chinese alchemy are unclear, but probably emerged sometime between 400 BC – 100 AD. It is closely associated to Taoism and Chinese traditional medicine, Acupuncture, Tai Chi and Qigong, and focuses on the purification of the body in spirit in the hopes of obtaining immortality. The Chinese alchemists concocted alchemical medicines or elixirs, which were often composed of metals like gold, silver and other compounds. Much of the central concepts between Chinese, Indian and Western alchemy are remarkably similar. It is unknown whether these forms of alchemy share common origins, and whether they influenced each other. However, from 334-323 B.C., Alexander the Great conquered many parts of the East, which helped move knowledge between Eastern and Western cultures, so it’s possible that influence occurred. The Decline of Alchemy How did such an important intellectual and philosophical tradition existing for several millennia suddenly disappear from Western thought? Aspects of Indian and Chinese alchemy were absorbed by modern science and chemistry, and other aspects were preserved in other systems such as Hindu traditional medicine, Ayurveda, as well as Chinese traditional medicine, Acupuncture and modern Tai Chi and Qigong. In the 18th century, Western alchemy was in decline due to the birth of modern chemistry, which detached itself from religion and spirituality, and embraced a more precise and empirical framework based on the scientific method. Alchemy was then generally understood to mean “gold-making,” which gave rise to the popular belief that alchemy is charlatanism and superstition. Poor translations of adulterated documents with esoteric and spiritualistic interpretations also contributed to alchemy’s decline. Alchemy is still practiced today by a small number of practitioners who focused symbolic and spiritual aspects of alchemy, combined with a “New Age” approach. Some alchemical techniques are still actively practiced in traditional medicine, using a combination of pharmacological and spiritual techniques. Many secret societies, such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians, have also always been interested in alchemical symbolism. Alchemy’s Influence on Modern Science Alchemy made important contributions to metalworking, refining, production of gunpowder, ceramics, glass, ceramics, ink, dyes, paints, cosmetics, extracts, liquors, etc. Alchemists conceptualized chemical elements into the first rudimentary periodic tables, and introduced the process of distillation to Western Europe. They were also among the first to extract metals from ores, and compose various inorganic acids and bases. Some examples: • Sulfuric acid was first described (approx. 1300 AD) by the alchemist, Pseudo-Geber. Sulfuric acid is the most used substance in chemical industries today after water, air, coal and oil. • The alchemist Andreas Libavius (1555 – 1616 AD) was the first to describe the preparation of free hydrochloric acid, of tin tetrachloride, and of ammonium sulfate. • Libravius and Pseudo-Geber described the preparation of aqua regia (“royal water”), a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, which can dissolve gold. • The alchemist Albertus Magnus (1193-1280 AD) is often credited for the discovery of arsenic, although it was probably known to earlier alchemists. • Chinese alchemists invented gunpowder or black powder in the 9th century. • Indian alchemy made important contributions to metallurgy. High-quality, high carbon steel was already being produced in India between 300-200 BC, and was exported throughout Asia and Europe. But there is much more to the story than early chemistry. Alchemy was influential in the formulation of Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation, as well as in his work on optics. Alchemy is also central to Jung’s idea of the Collective Unconscious. Much of the vast array of symbols used in alchemy draws from the Collective Unconscious of the West. The history of alchemy is very complex, and it is impossible to even scratch the surface in this article. Source: Ultraculture http://ultraculture.org/blog/2016/03/27/alchemy-forbidden-science-world-history/ - THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD DEPARTMENT - Ancient DNA Shows European Wipe-Out of Early Americans ![]() The
first large scale study of ancient DNA from early American people has
confirmed the devastating impact of European colonisation on the
Indigenous American populations of the time. Led by the University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), the researchers have reconstructed a genetic history of Indigenous American populations by looking directly into the DNA of 92 pre-Columbian mummies and skeletons, between 500 and 8600 years old. Published today in Science Advances, the study reveals a striking absence of the pre-Columbian genetic lineages in modern Indigenous Americans; showing extinction of these lineages with the arrival of the Spaniards. "Surprisingly, none of the genetic lineages we found in almost 100 ancient humans were present, or showed evidence of descendants, in today's Indigenous populations," says joint lead author Dr Bastien Llamas, Senior Research Associate with ACAD. "This separation appears to have been established as early as 9000 years ago and was completely unexpected, so we examined many demographic scenarios to try and explain the pattern." "The only scenario that fit our observations was that shortly after the initial colonisation, populations were established that subsequently stayed geographically isolated from one another, and that a major portion of these populations later became extinct following European contact. This closely matches the historical reports of a major demographic collapse immediately after the Spaniards arrived in the late 1400s." The research team, which also includes members from the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) and Harvard Medical School, studied maternal genetic lineages by sequencing whole mitochondrial genomes extracted from bone and teeth samples from 92 pre-Columbian—mainly South American—human mummies and skeletons. The ancient genetic signals also provide a more precise timing of the first people entering the Americas—via the Beringian land bridge that connected Asia and the north-western tip of North America during the last Ice Age. "Our genetic reconstruction confirms that the first Americans entered around 16,000 years ago via the Pacific coast, skirting around the massive ice sheets that blocked an inland corridor route which only opened much later," says Professor Alan Cooper, Director of ACAD. "They spread southward remarkably swiftly, reaching southern Chile by 14,600 years ago." "Genetic diversity in these early people from Asia was limited by the small founding populations which were isolated on the Beringian land bridge for around 2400 to 9000 years," says joint lead author Dr Lars Fehren-Schmitz, from UCSC. "It was at the peak of the last Ice Age, when cold deserts and ice sheets blocked human movement, and limited resources would have constrained population size. This long isolation of a small group of people brewed the unique genetic diversity observed in the early Americans." Dr Wolfgang Haak, formerly at ACAD and now at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, says: "Our study is the first real time genetic record of these key questions regarding the timing and process of the peopling of the Americas. To get an even fuller picture, however, we will need a concerted effort to build a comprehensive dataset from the DNA of people alive today and their pre-Columbian ancestors, to further compare ancient and modern diversity." Source: Phys.org http://phys.org/news/2016-04-ancient-dna-european-wipe-out-early.html - CONFOUNDING SCIENCE DEPARTMENT - The Physics of Flying Saucers By Jacqueline Ronson ![]() Alien spacecraft are strange. If decades of popular culture, eye-witness reports, and conspiracies are to be believed, most extraterrestrial whips are flying saucers. There is a dome on top and some landing gear below. There are pictures. The most famous may be the one above the words “I Want To Believe.” These traditional UFOs clearly work in different ways than human aircraft. Though mankind has fiddled with saucer-shaped planes and rockets in the past, we’ve never succeeded at making them work. We don’t know how to do that within the bounds of physics. No, this doesn’t mean that flying saucers aren’t real. It simply means that they don’t make sense within a model of physics we’ve created. That said, neither does interstellar travel. So consistency, at least, is not a problem. A lot of genuine scientific inquiry has gone into explaining the physics of flying saucers and other unidentified flying objects. Famously, William Markowitz made the case that UFO reports must be wrong in a 1967 article in Science. “Some people claim that nothing is impossible,” he wrote. “This is not so. The laws of mathematics and physics, if accepted, do provide limitations on what can be done.” Markowitz detailed not only the difficulties of propelling a spacecraft through interstellar space, but also of gently landing and taking off again on the Earth’s surface, as UFOs are reported to do. "If an extraterrestrial spacecraft is to land nondestructively and then lift off it must be able to develop a thrust slightly less than its weight on landing, and twice its weight for an acceleration of 1g of lift-off. This requirement forms a critical test for comparing UFO reports with physical theory. The published reports generally describe objects about 5 to 100 meters in diameter, which land and lift off without the use of launching pads and gantries. No similarity to the giant undertaking of a launching from Cape Kennedy has ever been reported. If nuclear energy is used to generate thrust, then searing of the ground from temperatures of 85,000 degrees C should result, and nuclear decay products equivalent in quantity to those produced by the detonation of an atomic bomb should be detected. This has not happened." If you want to deny physics, fine, he concludes, just don’t pretend that’s not what you’re doing. "We can reconcile UFO reports with extraterrestrial control by assigning various magic properties to extraterrestrial beings. These include “teleportation” (the instantaneous movement of material bodies between planets and stars), the creation of “force-fields” to drive space ships, and propulsion without reaction. The last of these would permit a man to lift himself by his bootstraps. Anyone who wishes is free to accept such magic properties, but I cannot." Despite this and many other scientific denouncements of the UFO, efforts to recreate its properties have been numerous. For decades, great scientific minds and research organizations have funnelled money and time into the holy grail of UFO technology — a round, hovering aircraft without moving parts or fuel. No major discoveries have, so far, resulted. A little bit of research might have saved the effort. The whole concept of the flying saucer, as it turns out, was an accident — a clerical error. The flying saucer entered the public imagination thanks to a 1947 Chicago Sun article with the headline, “Supersonic Flying Saucers Sighted By Idaho Pilot.” The pilot, Kenneth Arnold, reported seeing nine shiny UFOs from his plane, traveling an estimated 1,200 miles per hour. Here’s the thing, though. Arnold never described them as saucer-shaped. He said they flew erratically, ”like a saucer if you skip it across the water.” Their shape was more like a boomerang or crescent. The headline-writer got it wrong, but it was too late to take it back. The news was all over the country, and all of a sudden people were spotting flying saucers all over the place. Today most experts suspect Arnold had seen a flock of birds, and a trick of the eye made him overestimate their distance from him, and therefore their size and speed. But the idea of the flying saucer has stuck. Humankind will not rest until it builds the UFO of our fantasies. Source: Inverse https://www.inverse.com/article/13363-flying-saucer-physics-would-work -if-aliens-flew-b-2-bombers-like-they-should - CHECKING OUT THE PAST DEPARTMENT - Father Ernetti's Time Machine ![]() Marcello
Pellegrino Ernetti was born in Rocca Santo Stefano, near Rome, on
October 13, 1925. At sixteen years old he entered the Benedictine abbey
of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. He remained there until his death at
age sixty-nine. Father Ernetti was a linguist, biblical and musical
scholar (a renowned specialist in "archaic" pre-Christian or
pre-polyphonic music) as well as having a degree in quantum physics. Father Ernetti claimed that while working with Father Agostino Gemelli at the Catholic University of Milan, they heard the voice of Gemelli's late father speaking to them on the wire recorder they were using (Gemelli later confirmed this incident). This got Ernetti thinking about what happened to all the sights and sounds humans make. Did they disappear completely or did they continue to exist in some way? After some discussion with other scientists about this idea, Father Ernetti was approached by a group of twelve world-famous scientists that supposedly included Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi and Wernher von Braun. Their idea was to contruct a machine called a Chronovisor, and could allegedly see and hear events from the past. Father Ernetti explained that the electromagnetic energies that objects emanate are recorded in their environment, allowing the chronovisor to tune into the proper frequencies of the images and sounds from a specific set of events from the past. The chronovisor was described as a large cabinet with a cathode ray tube for viewing the received events and a series of buttons, levers, and other controls for tuning into the time and the location to be viewed. It could also locate and track specific individuals. Using the chronovisor, Ernetti said that he had witnessed, among other scenes, a performance in Rome in 169 BC of the lost tragedy, Thyestes, by the father of Latin poetry, Quintus Ennius. As well, he said that he had observed Christ's crucifixion and photographed it as well. A copy of this image appeared in the May 2, 1972 issue of La Domenica del Corriere, an Italian weekly news magazine, though Ernetti said that the photograph did not come from the Chronovisor. Father François Brune, who knew Father Ernetti quite well, stated that the Jesus photograph was of a wood carving by the sculptor Cullot Valera and was used by La Domenica del Corriere when they couldn't get an image from Father Ernetti. Father Brune said that “Some people who worked on the Chronovisor said that the machine couldn’t take close-ups, only general ones. With nowhere near as much detail as in the magazine photo. It wasn’t possible to obtain an image that was so precise.” Stung by the controversy, Father Ernetti decided that the Chronovisor was dangerous and decided that the machine should be disassembled. "This machine can tune in on everyone's past completely, leaving nothing out," explained Ernetti. "With it, there can be no more secrets; no more state secrets, no more industrial secrets - no more private lives. The door would be wide open for the most fearsome dictatorship the world has ever seen. We ended up agreeing to dismantle our machine." In a 2003 interview, François Brune relayed that a few months prior to Father Ernetti’s death, Ernetti told him that he had just partaken in a secret meeting at the Vatican. “I saw Ernetti for the last time a few months before his death in 1994. He told me that the remaining living scientists who had collaborated on the Chronovisor constructions were at the meeting. There had been four cardinals and other scientists, and he told me that they had discussed all that they knew. At that point, the Chronovisor had been dismantled. Father Ernetti didn’t have much trust in the Vatican and he had deposited his plans with a notary in both Switzerland and Japan." What can we make of this strange story? It would be easy to dismiss Father Ernetti as a crackpot or compulsive liar. However, Father Ernetti was an extremely respected intellectual whose specialty was archaic music. He spent most of his life doing research and teaching on this subject and was the author of such respected books as "Words, Music, Rhythm" and the multi-volume work "General Treatise on Gregrian Chant". Why would such a respected clergyman, academic and author make up such a wild story? After the Father’s death the editors of the book "Father Ernetti’s Chronovisor" received a document from someone claiming to be a relative of Ernetti but wishing to remain anonymous. The "relative" claimed that he was called to Ernetti’s deathbed and the priest confessed that he had made up the play and falsified the picture of Christ. However, Ernetti continued to insist that the chronovisor actually worked. Since the document is anonymous it is hard to know how much faith to place in it. Father Brune believes that the chronovisor existed, but Ernetti came under pressure from his superiors in the last years of his life not to talk about it. Source: Unexplained Mysteries http://theunexplainedmysteries.com/Chronovisor-Time-Machine.html -
Electricity Woman Causes Lights to Flicker ![]()
The ability to control electricity with your mind may seem the stuff of
science fiction. But one woman claims such a power is part of her
everyday reality. Debbie Wolf says she is one of Britain's growing number of "sliders" - people who believe their presence interferes with household appliances, radios and light bulbs. She claims she can turn street lamps off, send digital clocks haywire and even defrost her freezer. Debbie claims she is one of Britain's growing army of 'sliders' - people who believe their presence causes havoc with household appliances, radios and light bulbs But 38-year-old Miss Wolf admits that she has no control over her power. "It happens when I'm stressed or if I'm chewing something over in my mind, but not if I'm annoyed," she said. "It has never been full on whammy all day, but it happens frequently, such as when I'm excited." Miss Wolf says she once blew a series of street lamps while riding by on a motorbike. And she uses a wind-up alarm clock because her reaction on waking up in the morning "scrambles" digital ones. Her supposed ability, dubbed Street Light Interference syndrome - or SLI - by experts, has earned her international fame. In Japan, she has been likened to heroines from cult Manga comic strips. She has also been compared to characters from the BBC2 show Heroes - in which ordinary people develop superhero abilities. Miss Wolf, from Telscombe Cliffs, near Brighton, said: "The light has been faulty outside all the homes I have lived in and I'm always draining the batteries in remote controls. "I often come back home to find a pool of water on the floor because the fridge-freezer has defrosted." For a woman who believes she interferes with electrical equipment, however, Miss Wolf has chosen a risky job. But her work as a pathology support officer at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton has never been affected, she said. Hilary Evans, who writes about the paranormal and who coined the term "sliders", said Miss Wolf brings about unusually strong effects. Debbie Wolf has an unexplained ability to make lights go out when she is stressed "What happened to Debbie has happened to a great many other people, though her experience was more dramatic than most," he said. Sceptics, however, dismiss SLI as wishful thinking and coincidence. It is yet to be demonstrated in a contolled laboratory experiment, they argue. Professor Richard Wiseman, who studies paranormal phenomena at the University of Hertfordshire, suspects SLI is caused by "observer bias". He said: "Street lamps are going on and off all the time because they are faulty or because their timers aren't set properly. "People only have to walk under a couple of lamps going off to think that they might be the cause." Recently, the Mail put Miss Wolf 's power to the test. Sitting in the hospital canteen, she was given a torch, a mobile phone and a radio on which to use her electrical influence - but none responded to her interference. The lights in the canteen, the battery-powered clock on the wall and the electric tills also continued to operate normally. But Miss Wolf explained that she has to be in the right mood for her powers to work. "I have to be completely lost in my thoughts - usually thinking deeply about something that is troubling me." Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_ article_id=511680&in_page_id=1770 Sign
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