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Hush! Did you hear something on the roof? Quiet! I think someone is in
the house! Could it be extraterrestrials looking for abductees to
experiment on?
Maybe it's the Men-In-Black seeking to threaten and warn dire
consequences. I bet it's agents of the New World Order looking to
implant mind control devices in our heads to create robot killers!
No, wait! It's ALL OF THE
ABOVE! But don't worry, they're only here to read your latest edition of Conspiracy Journal, with all the news and info that's
fit to suppress. This week Conspiracy Journal
you such head-smacking stories as:
- The Victims of "Gang Stalking" - - The "Windsor Hum" Driving Residents Crazy - - Coins Dropping from Nowhere - AND: Why a Woman is More Likely to Find Sasquatch All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ JUST OUT .
CONSPIRACY JOURNAL --- MORE COLOR, MORE PAGES ![]() Here is a direct link to Issue # 45 Order Now Thru PayPal or Credit Card and we will discount your order by 15%. E Mail us at and we will send you a PayPal invoice. Credit Card hotline is 732 602-3407 . . .either leave an order or we can call you back, but you must answer. And be sure to visit our YouTube site for FREE video interviews. Mr UFOs Secret Files Timothy Beckley, Publisher Shocking Revelations of Secret Technology Gone Mad! ![]() BEWARE OF THE NAZI “WONDER WEAPONS” IN OUR SKY! NAZI SCIENTISTS DEVELOP DIE GLOCKE (‘THE BELL”) A TIME TRAVEL DEVICE WITH THE HELP OF NORDIC-LOOKING STAR BEINGS “We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds. . . We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a space craft.” Professor Hermann Oberth, Father of Rocketry “When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers.” Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, USAF Project Blue Book Here is evidence that Hitler had a top secret brigade of Nazi engineers working in deep underground laboratories – in conjunction with off world interstellar cosmonauts – to establish space flight and time travel years before the start of America’s rocketry program in which the U.S. sought the help of thousands of Nazi war criminals bought into this country under the auspicious of the tight lipped Project Paperclip. Information recently obtained by the authors indicates that the UFO that crashed outside Roswell might have been part of this Nazi space/time travel program cleverly covered up by our military’ in order to look like the arrival of an out of control interplanetary vehicle. The top brass ultimately looking to cover their tracks which indicated that they were inappropriately working in tandem with non reconcilable war criminals who had been excused of all evil misdeeds and eventually extending citizenship to. Die Glocke, or The Bell, may well have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE. Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination – a nightmare in which sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to “catch up” in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis possible hiding out on the surface of the moon or at “secret cities” at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down? This Newly Released Book is Now Available for the
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As Well! If you order now...we will include a FREE Audio CD by Commander X detailing the secret Nazi plan to control the planet using Tesla-Based UFO technology. Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley The Victims of "Gang Stalking" By Mike McPhate ![]() Nobody
believed him. His family told him to get help. But Timothy Trespas, an
out-of-work recording engineer in his early 40s, was sure he was being
stalked, and not by just one person, but dozens of them. He would see the operatives, he said, disguised as ordinary people, lurking around his Midtown Manhattan neighborhood. Sometimes they bumped into him and whispered nonsense into his ear, he said. “Now you see how it works,” they would say. At first, Mr. Trespas wondered if it was all in his head. Then he encountered a large community of like-minded people on the internet who call themselves “targeted individuals,” or T.I.s, who described going through precisely the same thing. The group was organized around the conviction that its members are victims of a sprawling conspiracy to harass thousands of everyday Americans with mind-control weapons and armies of so-called gang stalkers. The goal, as one gang-stalking website put it, is “to destroy every aspect of a targeted individual’s life.” A growing tribe of troubled minds Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them. The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say. Yet, the phenomenon remains virtually unresearched. For the few specialists who have looked closely, these individuals represent an alarming development in the history of mental illness: thousands of sick people, banded together and demanding recognition on the basis of shared paranoias. They raise money, hold awareness campaigns, host international conferences and fight for their causes in courts and legislatures. Perhaps their biggest victory came last year, when believers in Richmond, Calif., persuaded the City Council to pass a resolution banning space-based weapons that they believe could be used for mind control. A similar lobbying effort is underway in Tucson. An ‘echo chamber’ of paranoia Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, who is co-author of perhaps the only study of gang-stalking, said the community poses a danger that sets it apart from other groups promoting troubling ideas, such as anorexia or suicide. On those topics, the internet abounds with medical information and treatment options. An internet search for “gang-stalking,” however, turns up page after page of results that regard it as fact. “What’s scary for me is that there are no counter sites that try and convince targeted individuals that they are delusional,” Dr. Sheridan said. “They end up in a closed ideology echo chamber,” she said. In instructional tracts online, veterans of the movement explain the ropes to rookies: • Do not engage with the voices in your head. • If your relatives tell you you’re imagining things, they could be in on it. • “Do not visit a psychiatrist.” The tribe cuts across all classes and professions, and includes lawyers, soldiers, artists and engineers. In Facebook forums and call-in support groups, they commiserate over the skepticism of their loved ones and share stories of black vans that circle the block or co-workers conscripted into the campaign. They have self-published dozens of e-books, with titles like “Tortured in America” and “My Life Changed Forever.” In hundreds of YouTube videos they offer testimonials and try to document evidence of their stalking, even confronting unsuspecting strangers. “They wanted to basically destroy me, and they did,” a young mother in Phoenix says in one video, choking back tears. She lost custody of her daughter and was sent to a behavioral health hospital, says the woman, whose name is being withheld to protect her privacy. “But I am going to fight back for the rest of my life.” She adds, “And guess what, I’m not crazy.” Dr. Sheridan’s study, written with Dr. David James, a forensic psychiatrist, examined 128 cases of reported gang-stalking. It found all the subjects were most likely delusional. “One has to think of the T.I. phenomenon in terms of people with paranoid symptoms who have hit upon the gang-stalking idea as an explanation of what is happening to them,” Dr. James said. A mishmash of conspiracy theories Perhaps unsurprisingly, the community is divided over the contours of the conspiracy. Some believe the financial elite is behind it. Others blame aliens, their neighbors, Freemasons or some combination. The movement’s most prominent voices, however, tend to believe the surveillance is part of a mind-control field test done in preparation for global domination. The military establishment, the theory goes, never gave up on the ambitions of MK Ultra, the C.I.A.’s infamous program to control the mind in the 1950s and ’60s. A leading proponent of that view is an anesthesiologist from San Antonio named John Hall. In his 2009 book, “A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America,” Mr. Hall gave his own account of being targeted. Agents bleached his water, he wrote, and bombarded him with voices making murderous threats. The book made a splash because of the messenger: a licensed member of the medical establishment who was telling those who feel targeted that psychiatrists were misleading them. A janitor knows as much about the human mind, he wrote. Mr. Hall, 51, was invited for an interview on “Coast to Coast AM,” a conspiracy-minded radio show based in California that is said to reach millions of listeners. After that, he said, “I had probably three or 4,000 emails from people saying: ‘It’s happening to me in this state.’ ‘It’s happening to me in Florida.’ ‘It’s happening to me in California.’ ” The similarities of the cases spoke to a wide-ranging campaign, he said. “If the psychiatrists want to say that this is schizophrenia or delusional disorder, that’s fine,” he said. “But every one of these victims have the same story.” Dr. Hall discusses gang stalking, psychiatry and MK Ultra. While Mr. Hall has faced scrutiny from the Texas Medical Board over his mental fitness, he retains his license. Over time, however, many others who identify as gang-stalking victims end up out of work. They are mocked by colleagues, tolerated by family. Friends and spouses fall away. A pretext for violence The despair that results has led some to lash out in violence. Many in the community, for example, are convinced that Aaron Alexis, who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, was a victim. Mr. Alexis, a former sailor, left behind a document accusing the Navy of attacking his brain with “extremely low frequency” electromagnetic waves. On the side of his shotgun were etched the words “my elf weapon.” It was unclear when Myron May’s mental distress began, but by the fall of 2014, it had become too much. He quit his job as a prosecutor in New Mexico and traveled to Florida. There, he videotaped a testimonial about how gang-stalking had ruined his life. “As you can see right now,” he says into the camera, “I am totally not crazy.” Laying out his case, he describes an episode at a gas station where he believed somebody in dark glasses was mimicking his movements. “It was really creepy,” he said. “Everything I did, he did.” Later in the video, he prays for forgiveness for his future sins. “Father,” he says, “right now I ask that you look down on all the targeted individuals across the globe. Help them to cope with this madness.” On Nov. 20, 2014, Mr. May walked into a library at Florida State University, where he had graduated in 2005, and shot three people, leaving one paralyzed. He dared the police to kill him, then fired in their direction before being fatally shot, officials said. He was 31. The vast majority of people with psychosis never resort to violence. Still, studies suggest that a small number of those experiencing psychotic episodes — especially paranoid thoughts, accompanied by voices making commands — are more likely to act on hostile urges than people without a mental illness. Many in the T.I. community, as anyone would, have repudiated the shootings by Mr. Alexis and Mr. May. But some also harbor troubling views about their perceived oppressors. They question how people could be so cruel. Karen Stewart of Tallahassee, Fla., believes large numbers of regular people have been brainwashed by the National Security Agency into thinking that she is a traitor or terrorist. Wherever she goes, she says — to church, to the grocery store, to the doctor’s office — they are there, watching. It baffles her, she said. But worse, “It makes me angry to see how many people in this country are sociopaths. They are absolute groupthink drones,” she said. “I don’t even consider them human anymore.” ‘A need for meaning’ Susan Clancy, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who has researched people who believe they’ve been abducted by aliens, said it could be extremely difficult to dissuade patients who have latched onto beliefs that they think explain their delusions. “I think it’s a need for meaning and a need to understand your life and the problems you’re having,” she said. “You’re not some meaningless nobody. You’re being followed by the C.I.A.” In that way, Dr. Clancy said, the behavior shares a trait with religious belief: To abandon it would be life upending. Paula Trespas, Mr. Trespas’s mother, said she avoided debating with him. “It wasn’t something that he was making up,” she said. “He really felt the way he felt and experienced what he experienced. I got to the point where I was just finally saying to him: ‘I’m very, very sad that you have to go through this. I wish that there was something that I could do.’ ” The big hope is that society will wake up to what’s happening and put a stop to it, those who feel targeted say. In some cases, they do seek psychiatric help. In others, the delusions subside. For the rest, the prognosis isn’t good, psychiatrists say. Many contemplate suicide. Mr. Trespas, now 49, says he went so far as to prepare a rope. Sitting at a coffee shop in Brooklyn last month, he says the stalking has thankfully quieted down. But he says his harassers have also been seeding his body with Morgellons, a painful, insectlike infestation of the skin that many doctors say is psychosomatic. He is gaunt, with weary, sad eyes. It’s been eight years since it all began, he says. He can’t hold a job. His friends have drifted away. The online community has been a crucial support, he says. “But we don’t know exactly what’s happening,” he says. “Maybe we’re believing the wrong thing. I don’t know. That’s why I try to keep my mind open about who and what and why and how.” One thing he is certain of though, he says: He’s not crazy. Source: NY Times - THE 35Hz DEMON DEPARTMENT - The "Windsor Hum" Driving Residents Crazy ![]() It’s been compared to a subwoofer blasting Barry White’s greatest hits or an idling diesel truck. Others say the low, rumbling noise that has stalked residents in the Canadian city of Windsor for years sounds like Star Trek’s Enterprise gearing up for warp speed. “Very destructive,” is how Mike Provost, a 62-year-old retired insurance salesman describes the so-called Windsor Hum. “If you think of thunder, and you take that thunder and constantly repeat it for hours and days, weeks, that’s all it is.” Residents on the west and south side of Windsor – a city of 210,000 people that sits just across the river from Detroit – began complaining of a mysterious noise some six years ago, blaming it for rattling windows and trembling wall hangings. “You can’t get away from it,” says Provost. “You go outside to work in your garden, you go outside to enjoy the sun, the noise is there.” Part noise and part vibration, the hum varies in intensity and comes and goes at random intervals, sometimes lasting hours and other times droning on for days. Sometimes it quiets down. But in recent months, residents say the Windsor hum has intensified to unprecedented – and unbearable – levels. “It’s past unbelievable,” says Provost. “Never have I ever heard it like this.” As the sound revved up, it sparked a flurry of posts on a closed Facebook group – which counts more than 1,400 members – for those affected by the hum. “Everybody has their own story,” says Provost, who ascribes constant feelings of nausea to the hum. In 2012, more than 22,000 people dialled in to a local teleconference about the hum, voicing concerns that ranged from the effect of the noise on pregnancy to the long-term impact it could have on a home’s foundation. The hum’s persistent presence in the city has sparked creativity and inspired a slew of conspiracy theories; from a PhD thesis that seeks to incorporate the noise into song to theories that link the hum to UFOs or covert tunneling by the Canadian military. Studies commissioned of the 35Hz sound by the Canadian government suggest a more mundane source; pointing to Zug island, an American industrial area located a few miles down the river from the bridge that separates Windsor and Detroit. It’s a link dogged by uncertainty, as Canadian scientists studying the noise weren’t able to access Zug island. Home to a US Steel plant and a coke battery owned by the local utility company, the manmade island is part of the tiny municipality of River Rouge and much of its 0.93 square miles is patrolled by security guards. Colin Novak of the University of Windsor, one of the lead researchers on a 2013 Canadian government study of the hum, once described the research “like chasing a ghost”. Using a state of the art recording station, his team was able to confirm the existence of the noise and determine that it was likely coming from the blast furnace operations on Zug island. Belonging to US Steel, the machinery is visible from the Canadian city. “We didn’t identify the smoking gun, but there’s enough evidence there to strongly suggest that that’s the likely source,” says Novak. It’s a source that might explain why the noise comes and goes, and why the sound has at times been heard as far as 7.5 miles from the island. “The fact that we are still hearing it at that far of a distance, suggests that this source is producing an enormous amount of energy.” The study’s conclusion came as sort of a mixed blessing to affected residents. While it suggests that the sound can be repaired or muffled, the international boundary that sits between the likely source of the sound and those most affected by it means the solution is now tangled up in a diplomatic dispute. “This is the equivalent to pushing a snowball uphill,” said New Democrat politician Brian Masse, whose constituency is one of several affected by the hum. On a day when the hum is reverberating through the city, his office can receive anywhere from a dozen to 40 complaints. Masse had repeatedly tried to address the hum with his American neighbours. In the absence of an international treaty on noise, the US municipality of River Rouge has little incentive to tackle a problem that seems to mostly affect Canadians, he said. “I’ve been over there and they feel the hum as well too. But there’s just very few of them because it’s a hard industrial area where it has been clearing out over the last decade.” Officials in River Rouge did not reply to a request for comment. In a 2012 interview with the Windsor Star, the city’s attorney seemingly backed Masse’s assertion. “We are not going to pay for something that is for somebody else’s benefit because this is not a problem affecting us,” David Bower told the paper. Masse believes River Rouge is loathe to make demands of US Steel, one of the most significant taxpayers in the municipality of around 8,000 people. US Steel has so far refused to publicly address the issue. When contacted, the company declined to comment. The result, says Masse, is a stalemate that is taking a toll on the well-being of thousands of residents. The only way out, he says, is for higher-ups in Canada’s government to push the issue through diplomatic channels – a solution he’s been lobbying for since 2011. His latest attempt was letter to Stéphane Dion, Canada’s foreign minister, in early January. In a response seen by the Guardian, Dion noted that he was “very sympathetic to the concerns”, but said further work must take place on the US side of the river to pinpoint the exact source of the hum. “Future progress is in part dependent on the cooperation of US interlocutors, and Canadian officials will continue to raise our concerns with them,” Dion said. As the solution plods through diplomatic channels, residents affected by the Hum are resigning themselves to a long wait for some peace and quiet. “We’re trapped in the middle,” says Gary Grosse, a Windsor resident who estimates he has devoted thousands of hours to efforts aimed at silencing the hum. The noise often ramps up at night, leaving residents bleary-eyed, exhausted and battling constant headaches. After two years of resorting to sleeping pills, Grosse weaned himself off. He now often finds himself awake late into the night, wondering about the noise. “The whole mystery behind the noise kind of captivates you. What’s this thing from? You start hearing it all the time, even when its at low volume, you actually start hearing it.” Other residents have turned to medication to calm anxiety triggered by the hum. And not just humans, says Grosse. “Animals are being medicated for anxiety too. It sounds really freaky, but there are dogs crying all the time because animals are more susceptible. We even have some cats that won’t go outside.” Grosse is now pushing the idea that US Steel be given some sort of immunity that would shield them from lawsuits and other potential fallout from the hum, in exchange for the company investigating the source of the noise and if it is linked to their machinery, taking steps to mitigate it. After years of mobilising residents, lobbying politicians and raising awareness, this seems to be the only option left for weary residents. “There’s nothing more that Canadian citizens can do,” says Grosse. “It’s like being on a rope that is being pulled in multiple directions.” Source: The Guardian - PENNIES FROM HEAVEN DEPARTMENT - Coins Dropping from Nowhere By Sharon Day ![]() It's a fairly commonly reported paranormal phenomena. Lots of researchers have studied it like Barry Taff. And some investigators have run into cases where dozens of coins dropped from mid air and landed heads up. Is it possible? Why does it happen? Actually, of the poltergeist activity, coins dropping is probably one of the most commonly reported phenomena. The sound of it is familiar and coins are symbolic to most humans. It would seem, if you were going to manipulate something, a small metallic object that makes a distinct sound, is found in most locations, and symbolic would be an ideal choice. It's also an ideal choice of hoaxers who place them atop of doors or toss them from their pockets. So, finding genuine coin phenomena can be a tough trick. You need some good witnesses. I know of a case where trained tribal police officers witnessed them materializing from 3-4 feet off the ground and dropping, dozens of coins, and all heads up when they landed. The single most terrifying moment I ever had in the paranormal realm was a poltergeist activity in which the coins were controlled. My family was packing to move west from our haunted home in Virginia. My mother, sister and I sat at the breakfast room table discussing the move while my father and brother were in Arizona, finding the rental house. We heard a loud crash, went rushing across the home to the music room where a portrait on the wall fell from the wall, went 12 feet away, knocked over a folding TV dinner stand that had a jar of pennies on it and stacks of 10 pennies ready to be placed in paper rolls. The picture was unbroken upside down under the tray, 12 feet from its original position, the legs were splayed out, the jar was still standing and the 15 or so stacks of 10 pennies were still flawlessly stacked. Happened in seconds. Made no logical sense. Horrified me beyond reason. In fact, I slept in the cottage out back. In "Poltergeist Agents" by Barry Taff, from Continuum "Another incident took place when Jim and I had to make a stop at my apartment one afternoon in order to pick up some papers. While Jim was waiting for me to gather up my material, some coins came flying at us from my bedroom - although neither of us had entered that area of the flat, nor did I have a large quantity of pennies stored anywhere. The pennies were moving relatively slowly and seemingly directed at Jim. He did little more than smile excitedly in response." Coins are readily available and not too big. Everywhere you go, there's a coin, a jar of them by your entryway, pocket change on a dresser, fallen out of pockets onto the ground. They are readily available. But, they aren't the only thing utilized. There is also manipulation of a necklace laid out on a table, a ring, a stone, and more. Although on investigations one might run into the coins dropping issue, the most common way that coins show themselves are not all at once from mid-air, but placed in obvious locations such as on your pillow, in your shoe, in a glass you had lying out, and the like. In these instances, they are referred to, not as poltergeist (like materializing ones), but as signs from the dead. So, can coins be manipulated by ghostly activity? We can't really verify it is ghost-related, but could even be other dimensional or psychokinesis (moving objects activated by a living person). That is the great wonder. Source: Ghost Hunting Theories - SOMETHING TO WATCH OVER ME
Third Man Theory of Otherworldly Encounters ![]() Encounters with otherworldly
beings that lead us out of danger are more common than you think. Charles Lindbergh felt it. During that first solo, non-stop transatlantic flight in 1927, the aviator, flying just above the ocean, was desperately struggling to stay awake. Twenty-two hours into the trip, he became aware of vague forms aboard the Spirit of St. Louis. They offered reassurance and discussed navigational problems. They stayed with him until he spotted the Irish coast, and Paris was within reach. An avalanche in the Canadian Rockies swept climber James Sevigny 600 metres, breaking his back, scapula, arm, nose, teeth and tearing ligaments in both knees. When he regained consciousness, he saw his climbing companion was dead. He laid next to him to die. But an invisible being urged him to survive, telling him what to do. The presence stayed with him while he painfully made his way to camp, where skiers found him. On Sept. 11, 2001, overcome by smoke in a stairwell of the World Trade Center's south tower, money market broker Ron DiFrancesco joined others lying on the concrete floor, some slipping into unconsciousness. "Get up!" a voice ordered DiFrancesco, who sensed a physical presence encouraging him. Descending the stairs again, he was blocked by fire. The being led him to dash through the flames. He raced down to the plaza; then the tower collapsed. But he survived, one of only four people to escape from above the 81st floor. Some believe it's a guardian angel. Others say it's the brain's way of coping under great duress. Whichever, the experiences are eerily similar: the sense of a presence that encourages, advises and even leads a person out of peril. "In every case I found, it was a benevolent helpful companion, not a single example of a malevolent being," says John Geiger, author of The Third Man Factor published this week. He found more than 100 cases, including those accounts described earlier. "They're people in a life-and-death struggle, often but not always in nature," he explains. Among the examples: an American astronaut on the Mir space station, an Israeli soldier undergoing torture, an Austrian mountaineer on a Himalayan peak. Most know the being's gender, and a minority identify it as a deceased relative, friend or Jesus Christ. Geiger, who has written several books about exploration, became fascinated by the otherworldly guardian after reading Sir Ernest Shackleton's accounts of his crew's horrific 1916 crossing of a south polar island, aided by an invisible being. The phenomenon became known as the Third Man, writes Geiger, because that's how T.S. Eliot referred to it in his poem "The Waste Land." Spiritual or religious people, no matter the faith, say they were helped by a divine companion, while agnostics see it as a brain function, Geiger says. Scientific researchers have studied how the human mind might conjure the Third Man. "Opinion is divided," says Geiger. "There's not a definitive explanation." Some psychologists believe it's an example of bicameralism. Under stress, the usually dominant left hemisphere loses some hold over the mind, and logical thinking declines. The right brain, involved in imaginative thinking, intrudes, explains Geiger. Another theory suggests the Third Man is a coping mechanism, a mental process for calming and separating the person from the horrible experience. "Just as we have a biochemical response to stress through adrenaline, this is a mental process that helps us survive." But why do some people sense a wise helper, and others don't? "There may be psychological variables," says Geiger. "Some people may be more open to new things and experiences." For some people, it may kick in at lower stress levels than others. Young children's imaginary friends may be Third Man-like manifestations. In studies of widows and widowers, says Geiger, between 30 to 50 per cent reported having felt the presence of the deceased partner. Whether the Third Man is an angel or a survival mechanism is for people to decide for themselves, says Geiger. "I can't solve that riddle. But it is very powerful and raises some profound questions." Source: The Toronto Star -
STRANGE THINGS IN HEAVEN AND EARTH DEPARTMENT - Sleep Deprivation - Or a Glimpse into Another Dimension? ![]() A cool October breeze brushed Len Berroth as he stood at his front door in 2006. Len, of DeLand, Fla., thought he was at the end of three mostly sleepless nights and a seven-hour drive. But something wasn’t right at Len’s house. “Sleep depravation lifted the veil between parallel plains that coexist at different vibration levels would be my guess,” Len said. “What showed itself was not of this world yet interacted with dwellings, objects, landscape surroundings as if it were theirs.” The world around Len rippled, sending streaks of light dancing past him, as his perception of reality changed. For the next nine and a half hours, he watched his neighborhood team with life that shouldn’t be. Like the giants. “Three giant beings were visible, human-like … except in height. They ducked their heads to go under the wires on the telephone poles,” Len said. “The tops of their heads were even with the roof tops.” The giants gently groomed bushes and trees as they made their way down the neighborhood. “It looked like they were twining rope from the leaves and branches,” Len said. His neighbors across the street were on vacation, but as Len stood at his door, two SUVs pulled in the neighbor’s drive and six “average-looking people” got out of the SUVs and spent several hours talking, never approaching the house. “Positioning myself for a better look across the street I heard the sound of grass being ripped up behind me,” Len said. “Turning, I saw my two 15-foot high, elephant yard adornments grazing the front lawn. Their trunks yanked the grass up, feeding to their mouths while slowly walking around the yard.” Tires sliding across pavement drew Len’s eyes back to the SUVs which, like the giants and the lawn ornaments, were alive. “The two SUVs were acting like a pair of grazing buffalo,” Len said. “Their tires scraped at the driveway as their front ends dipped down till the bumpers touched the ground as if eating. I did go over the next day and have pictures showing erratic black rubber markings on the concrete consistent with what I saw.” The “average-looking people” didn’t seem to notice the activity because they were interested in something else. “I saw one person in their group holding what I’ll describe as box-like, four inches high, 14 inches deep, 18 inches wide, a series of different colored lights forming several rows,” he said. The others circled around the man with the box as a sequence of colored lights turned on and off in a pattern. Len said the box was a signal light. “The group now looked up to the night sky, then I saw hovering about 2,000 feet above us was a saucer-shaped craft completely silent, then it’s underbelly lit up as rows of colored lights flashed the same sequence toward the ground,” Len said. “Just then six beings appeared on the sidewalk in front of that house, they were in mid stride when they popped out of nowhere.” The beings were eight-feet tall, slender and dressed in black, hooded robes. “They seemed relevant to the space craft as the colored light exchange stopped,” Len said. Then the beings dressed in black disappeared as did the craft. “The craft shot from sight directly after the black robed beings disappeared.” That wasn’t the end. Len later saw what he described as Neanderthals milling for hours in his yard until a friend of his pulled up to his house. “Ten of them were in my front yard, taking no notice as a friend pulled up next to them,” he said. “These beings acted like we weren’t there as I met my friend at the curb, she couldn’t see them. “Tell me you don’t see these people,” Len demanded of his friend. “‘Nobody’s there,’ was her response. The commotion from my raised voice caused the people that signaled the UFO to walk toward us.” The people crossed the road and stopped several feet from Len and his friend. “You know I can see you,” Len thought, and a voice in his head said “yes.” Len grabbed his friend’s arm and ran into his house. A year later, Len is convinced his experience was not caused by sleep deprivation, but by our dimension merging with dimensions we don’t normally see. “That night, trees and plants took active roles, exposing their living spirits as being more in tune to surroundings, quite capable of telepathic exchange,” he said. “But that’s another story in itself.” Source: Jason Offutt-From the Shadows - COBWEBS OF MY MIND DEPARTMENT -
Basements of the Damned ![]() Mike Dash says Rat Kings,
tentacles of the Giant Octopus, Fairy Coffins and Ice from the sky need
a good home ... and where better than the Charles Fort Institute? This first appeared in Time Out in 1995. Copyright Mike Dash 1995. Strange things lurk in the dusty storerooms of great museums -- rarely-opened boxes stuffed with freaks and mermaids, fish that have fallen from the sky and the fragmentary remains of unknown animals. While the few objects the curators deem worthy of exhibit sit in the public galleries, awaiting new admirers, their damned brethren rot below them in the dark, still vaults, crumbling slowly into nothingness. In 1995, Fortean Times mounted a major exhibition of these wonders of the vaults in association with the Croydon Clocktower museum. Two years' of patient detective work exhumed such startling exhibits as a group of fairy coffins, found buried below Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, a pair of haunted seamen's boots, from the Scottish Fisheries' Museum, said to move of their own accord, and a pickled rat king -- a group of eight rats which had knotted themselves inextricably together by their tails -- from the Zoological Institute in Gottingen. Few if any of the more than 100 objects thus assembled were on regular display in their own museums, yet their collective drawing power was considerable; the exhibition broke all attendance records at the Clocktower, as well as attracting considerable media attention. What a shame that the exhibits were soon returned to their respective museums -- where they were no doubt consigned once more to the nether reaches of the vaults. But what an opportunity there must be for a permanent exhibit of the bizarre and the bewildering -- something to encourage the senses of wonder and enquiry, as any good museum should do. Let's not forget that many modern galleries began life in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as precisely such cabinets of curiosity. The British Museum, when it opened its doors in 1752, included among its holdings 'monsters preserved in spirits' and a landscape painted on a spider's web -- exhibits that were soon joined by a stone resembling a loaf, a starved rat and cat, a desiccated thumb dug from the foundations of a St James's coffee house, and a monstrous pig from Chalfont St Giles. Such apparently eccentric collections reflected not superstitious muddle but a post-Renaissance world-view in which God's purpose could be discerned in the careful juxtaposition of wonders -- one that, once replaced by the Victorian notion of an immutable classification revealed by science, led swiftly to the dispersal and destruction of many remarkable and irreplaceable exhibits. Where today could one find such lost wonders as the Royal Society's bottle full of stag's tears, the Smithsonian's jars full of roast chicken-sized lumps of flesh hacked from a giant octopus whose tentacles spanned 150 feet, and the 'real werewolf' displayed by a Margrave of Ansbach? A Fortean museum, properly funded, would not only preserve and display objects of similarly irresistible interest, such as the frogs, nuts, human excrement and smoked haddock that irregularly shower from the sky and the corpses of the half-dozen jungle cats, pumas, and swamp cats run over and killed on British roads in the past decade; it could also act as a repository for the half-million or so reports of the remarkable gathered by the magazine since 1973 and sponsor some much-needed research into phenomena such as phantom social workers, flying manhole covers and phone calls from the dead, which tend not to figure prominently when scientific research grants are allocated. Already Fortean Times has made modest progress in this direction. The magazine's scholarly journal, Fortean Studies, gathers the latest detailed research by many of the most respected students in the field, while an annual conference, UnConvention, attracts upwards of 1,000 visitors to the Institute of Education to hear lectures on topics ranging from FBI raids on satanic cults to the sexual aspects of British fertility rites and the unidentified flying wallaby slasher of Newquay. UnConvention is the already the largest gathering of its kind in the world, and a much-needed window onto the present state of eccentric research. It is, however, only a start. In the United States, scientific and humanist bodies have combined to raise $8 million to fund a research centre for the avowedly-sceptical Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. A London-based British equivalent, combining an archive centre, electronic access to international databases, an exhibition gallery and resources for investigators would not only prove a popular attraction and an immensely worthwhile contribution to the knowledge of mankind -- it would finally assuage the lament penned by Charles Fort, that pioneering scholar of the rum and the remarkable: 'I accept that over the door of every museum, into which such things enter, is written 'Abandon Hope'. Source: The Charles Fort Institute - THE SWEETEST TRAP DEPARTMENT - Why a Woman is More Likely to Find Sasquatch By Jessi Phillips ![]() When it comes to Bigfoot, there are more than just believers and skeptics. The world of cryptozoology (the study for creatures whose existence is unconfirmed by science) is a highly political one, full of different factions and more than a little in-fighting. For instance, there is the no-kill vs. kill debate between hunter types out to bag a Sasquatch specimen and those who think we should let the creatures live in peace. There's also the conflict between those out to place Bigfoot in the realm of the paranormal and those who see the animal as one of our biosphere's many undiscovered species. Melissa Hovey-Larsen, President of the American Bigfoot Society, was one of only a handful of woman researchers when she entered the field in 2005. She has since become one of its most respected voices, guiding expeditions all over the country, appearing on TV shows like MonsterQuest, and hosting her own radio show. For her part, Hovey-Larsen is decidedly in the non-kill and "flesh and blood" (not paranormal) camp in the raging Bigfoot debates. We spoke to her about dealing with Internet trolls, maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism in all aspects of life, and why a woman may be more likely to get closer to a Bigfoot. BROADLY: You're President of the American Bigfoot Society. How did that come about, and what does your research entail? MELISSA HOVEY-LARSEN: I formed the group back in 2008, because at the time I was moving from Texas to Ohio, and I wanted a group that was across the whole country, so we could network more and discuss different things we were noticing from one area to the next. Before I became a Bigfoot researcher, I was a paralegal and investigator for a public defender, and, if you work in the criminal justice system, you look for patterns. As far as I know, I was the first person to go through reports from multiple databases and look for patterns. I thought if this thing was legit, there would be a pattern to when encounters are happening. Now I can look at a partial report and nail the time of year that it happened. That's what drew me in even further: when I was able to actually see that. The witnesses I like to talk to are ones who can lose their jobs by talking about something like this, and they're not asking you to do anything but listen to them. They're few and far between, but you come across them from time to time and they make you step back and think. I've talked to people in politics, police officers, firefighters. It really spans the gamut. Where did your interest in Bigfoot begin? It started when I was really young. On those Scholastic Bookmobiles, I used to buy the books about scary stuff. I always thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if something like that actually existed out there?" After I moved to Texas, I heard about the Texas Bigfoot Research Center, and because of my background of talking to witnesses and victims of crimes, I thought I could be useful. It's hard for someone who doesn't have experience to weed out the truth from the made-up stuff. How do you know someone's telling the truth about a sighting? I use your basic tactics. You repeat the story back to them, and change up one or two things and see if they correct you. You can tell by body language. My favorite reports are from kids, because kids have a really hard time lying. They can do it, and they like to do it, but they're not good at it. You can always tell when a child is lying to you, but when you get that kid that's telling the truth, their reaction is either pure awe or complete fear. As an investigator, it's my job to find out what people saw. I don't take anybody at face value. What's the most compelling report you've received? It was a report out of Texas. A boy was in a car with some friends coming home from a party, and the boy sees this white Bigfoot out in the field and jumps out of the car and starts chasing it. The Bigfoot makes it to a fence line and clears the fence with one step. The boy, on the other hand, makes it to the fence, starts to climb it, and the Bigfoot is still standing there. It turns around, grabs him by the shoulders, and tosses him back on the ground. His parents actually filed a police report. Even though the animal could have killed him in an instant, it basically put him back down and said, "No further." That one really stands out in my head as a good example of something that could've gone ugly, but didn't. If this animal's out there, there has to be a level of intelligence that we're dealing with. That also makes it equally hard to find them and prove they are there. Do you feel like the popularity of shows like Finding Bigfoot and MonsterQuest have positively or negatively affected your work? I think in some ways it's helped to get people to come forward. It's made it a little bit more mainstream. But it has made it even harder to distinguish the people who are telling the truth. They can give you the keywords the average researcher is looking for to try to hoax you. We put way too much information out there. That's why I don't talk about publicly about a lot of the things I've discovered over the years. What's the closest contact you've made to Bigfoot? I haven't seen the animal yet, but I have had very interesting things happen—one that made me wonder what the hell I was out there doing out there because it scared the living crap out of me. It was in 2010 in Virginia. I was actually in the middle of a live radio interview, and I was down by this manmade pond. It was really dark, and I turned around to go back to base camp. I could see a fishing lure reflecting the light in a little bush, and above that were these two glowing eyes. I could not believe what I was seeing, and the skeptic in me, realizing I was in the middle of a phone interview for a radio program, didn't want to shout out, "You won't believe what I'm looking at right now," but I could stand and watch as the two eyes moved in unison. I call it the woman-in-the-dark-alley syndrome. You know when you're being looked at. When we finally figured out the measurement of what I had seen, it matched up to what the owner of the property had said, that it was a creature between seven and seven-and-a-half feet tall. I was about a hundred yards from it, so I can't really say it was a Bigfoot. I don't know, but these were some big eyes. I've never seen anything like that before or since. Another time, my husband and I were down in Salt Fork State Park in Ohio. We were in a tent and he was recording, and all of a sudden we could hear something really heavy walk across the little road. We listened to this thing as it walked into camp, and we could hear it breathing. My first concern was [that it was] a bear. It went over to our vehicle and pulled on all four of our car door handles. The only bears in Salt Fork are black bear, and black bear do not have retractable claws, so if had been a black bear pulling on our door handle, we should've had had marks. There were no claw marks on our car. Whatever it was, it was big. It had really deep, chesty breathing. We had a bear expert listen to the audio, and even he said it was not a bear. We've gotten recordings like that now from two different locations here in Ohio. Those are the two times I thought to myself, "If this is what we think this is, we're playing with fire." This tends to be a male-dominated field and interest. Why do you think that is? Is that changing? It was heavily male-dominated when I first got involved back in 2005. You could count the seriously active female field researchers on two hands. As a woman, they didn't really care what you had to say, and probably in some groups they still don't. But I, along with a girlfriend of mine, were very vocal about the necessity of having more woman involved. If you look at the history of discovering and studying large primates, who has been able to get closer? Women. Look at what Jane Goodall did, and that was only because she was able to get closer to them than her boss. We have a more nurturing spirit, and I think animals—primates in particular—pick up on that. Does being a woman in the field present any particular challenges or have any advantages? For me personally, it really wasn't a particular challenge because I'm used to having to try to prove myself. If you're a woman, sooner or later, you'll find yourself challenged by men. I was raised on a farm and if I get it in my head to do something, I'm going to do it. If you're a woman, there's just some level of having to prove that you're capable. Women have a lot to offer the research in general. It doesn't have to be primarily men running the show because men hunt. I get that a lot. I had one guy write a blog about me, saying that I should be out shopping and buying purses. I was like, maybe that's what makes your wife happy, but I like to challenge myself. Have you had to deal with a lot of sexist attacks online? I can't even keep track of them all. I have a very thick skin. I mean, if this is the way they want to talk to their wives or the women in their world, that's their business, but I don't put up with that crap. There are still those men in this community, who are online basically to start trouble. They get a kick out of the typical Neanderthal behavior. But I will tell you, I have quite a few male friends that I share information with, and they respect me, and I respect the hell out of them. They're hardworking guys who just want an answer to the mystery. Those are the people I work with, who are not involved in the politics, but simply want answers to the mystery. What advice would you have for an amateur interested in catching a glimpse of Bigfoot? The best advice I have is to bring a healthy dose of common sense. Don't just jump in with the first group of researchers you find on the Internet because they seem to know everything. We don't really know anything at all. We only have bits and pieces of a huge puzzle. Source: Broadly to-find-sasquatch Sign
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