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![]() 7/4/16 #867 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: ![]() This week Conspiracy Journal brings
you such freedom-loving stories as:
- How a Scientist Learned to Work with Exorcists - - Remembering Pedro - The Missing Mini-Mummy of Wyoming - - Ohio Woman Claimed Healings from her Alien Encounters - AND: Digital Analysis of Dead Sea Scrolls Says Ark Was a Pyramid All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ Shocking Revelations of Secret Technology Gone Mad! ![]() BEWARE OF THE NAZI “WONDER WEAPONS” IN OUR SKY! NAZI SCIENTISTS DEVELOP DIE GLOCKE (‘THE BELL”) A TIME TRAVEL DEVICE WITH THE HELP OF NORDIC-LOOKING STAR BEINGS “We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds. . . We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a space craft.” Professor Hermann Oberth, Father of Rocketry “When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers.” Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, USAF Project Blue Book Here is evidence that Hitler had a top secret brigade of Nazi engineers working in deep underground laboratories – in conjunction with off world interstellar cosmonauts – to establish space flight and time travel years before the start of America’s rocketry program in which the U.S. sought the help of thousands of Nazi war criminals bought into this country under the auspicious of the tight lipped Project Paperclip. Information recently obtained by the authors indicates that the UFO that crashed outside Roswell might have been part of this Nazi space/time travel program cleverly covered up by our military’ in order to look like the arrival of an out of control interplanetary vehicle. The top brass ultimately looking to cover their tracks which indicated that they were inappropriately working in tandem with non reconcilable war criminals who had been excused of all evil misdeeds and eventually extending citizenship to. Die Glocke, or The Bell, may well have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE. Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination – a nightmare in which sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to “catch up” in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis possible hiding out on the surface of the moon or at “secret cities” at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down? This Newly Released Book is Now Available for the
Bargain Price of Only $16.00 So don't delay, order your copy
of Nazi UFO Time Travelers
today for only $16.00 plus
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As Well! If you order now...we will include a FREE Audio CD by Commander X detailing the secret Nazi plan to control the planet using Tesla-Based UFO technology. Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley How a Scientist Learned to Work with Exorcists By Richard Gallagher ![]() In
the late 1980s, I was introduced to a self-styled Satanic high
priestess. She called herself a witch and dressed the part, with
flowing dark clothes and black eye shadow around to her temples. In our
many discussions, she acknowledged worshipping Satan as his “queen.” I’m a man of science and a lover of history; after studying the classics at Princeton, I trained in psychiatry at Yale and in psychoanalysis at Columbia. That background is why a Catholic priest had asked my professional opinion, which I offered pro bono, about whether this woman was suffering from a mental disorder. This was at the height of the national panic about Satanism. (In a case that helped induce the hysteria, Virginia McMartin and others had recently been charged with alleged Satanic ritual abuse at a Los Angeles preschool; the charges were later dropped.) So I was inclined to skepticism. But my subject’s behavior exceeded what I could explain with my training. She could tell some people their secret weaknesses, such as undue pride. She knew how individuals she’d never known had died, including my mother and her fatal case of ovarian cancer. Six people later vouched to me that, during her exorcisms, they heard her speaking multiple languages, including Latin, completely unfamiliar to her outside of her trances. This was not psychosis; it was what I can only describe as paranormal ability. I concluded that she was possessed. Much later, she permitted me to tell her story. The priest who had asked for my opinion of this bizarre case was the most experienced exorcist in the country at the time, an erudite and sensible man. I had told him that, even as a practicing Catholic, I wasn’t likely to go in for a lot of hocus-pocus. “Well,” he replied, “unless we thought you were not easily fooled, we would hardly have wanted you to assist us.” So began an unlikely partnership. For the past two-and-a-half decades and over several hundred consultations, I’ve helped clergy from multiple denominations and faiths to filter episodes of mental illness — which represent the overwhelming majority of cases — from, literally, the devil’s work. It’s an unlikely role for an academic physician, but I don’t see these two aspects of my career in conflict. The same habits that shape what I do as a professor and psychiatrist — open-mindedness, respect for evidence and compassion for suffering people — led me to aid in the work of discerning attacks by what I believe are evil spirits and, just as critically, differentiating these extremely rare events from medical conditions. Is it possible to be a sophisticated psychiatrist and believe that evil spirits are, however seldom, assailing humans? Most of my scientific colleagues and friends say no, because of their frequent contact with patients who are deluded about demons, their general skepticism of the supernatural, and their commitment to employ only standard, peer-reviewed treatments that do not potentially mislead (a definite risk) or harm vulnerable patients. But careful observation of the evidence presented to me in my career has led me to believe that certain extremely uncommon cases can be explained no other way. *
* * The Vatican does not track global or countrywide exorcism, but in my experience and according to the priests I meet, demand is rising. The United States is home to about 50 “stable” exorcists — those who have been designated by bishops to combat demonic activity on a semi-regular basis — up from just 12 a decade ago, according to the Rev. Vincent Lampert, an Indianapolis-based priest-exorcist who is active in the International Association of Exorcists. (He receives about 20 inquiries per week, double the number from when his bishop appointed him in 2005.) The Catholic Church has responded by offering greater resources for clergy members who wish to address the problem. In 2010, for instance, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops organized a meeting in Baltimore for interested clergy. In 2014, Pope Francis formally recognized the IAE, 400 members of which are to convene in Rome this October. Members believe in such strange cases because they are constantly called upon to help. (I served for a time as a scientific adviser on the group’s governing board.) Unfortunately, not all clergy involved in this complex field are as cautious as the priest who first approached me. In some circles, there is a tendency to become overly preoccupied with putative demonic explanations and to see the devil everywhere. Fundamentalist misdiagnoses and absurd or even dangerous “treatments,” such as beating victims, have sometimes occurred, especially in developing countries. This is perhaps why exorcism has a negative connotation in some quarters. People with psychological problems should receive psychological treatment. But I believe I’ve seen the real thing. Assaults upon individuals are classified either as “demonic possessions” or as the slightly more common but less intense attacks usually called “oppressions.” A possessed individual may suddenly, in a type of trance, voice statements of astonishing venom and contempt for religion, while understanding and speaking various foreign languages previously unknown to them. The subject might also exhibit enormous strength or even the extraordinarily rare phenomenon of levitation. (I have not witnessed a levitation myself, but half a dozen people I work with vow that they’ve seen it in the course of their exorcisms.) He or she might demonstrate “hidden knowledge” of all sorts of things — like how a stranger’s loved ones died, what secret sins she has committed, even where people are at a given moment. These are skills that cannot be explained except by special psychic or preternatural ability. I have personally encountered these rationally inexplicable features, along with other paranormal phenomena. My vantage is unusual: As a consulting doctor, I think I have seen more cases of possession than any other physician in the world. Most of the people I evaluate in this role suffer from the more prosaic problems of a medical disorder. Anyone even faintly familiar with mental illnesses knows that individuals who think they are being attacked by malign spirits are generally experiencing nothing of the sort. Practitioners see psychotic patients all the time who claim to see or hear demons; histrionic or highly suggestible individuals, such as those suffering from dissociative identity syndromes; and patients with personality disorders who are prone to misinterpret destructive feelings, in what exorcists sometimes call a “pseudo-possession,” via the defense mechanism of an externalizing projection. But what am I supposed to make of patients who unexpectedly start speaking perfect Latin? I approach each situation with an initial skepticism. I technically do not make my own “diagnosis” of possession but inform the clergy that the symptoms in question have no conceivable medical cause. I am aware of the way many psychiatrists view this sort of work. While the American Psychiatric Association has no official opinion on these affairs, the field (like society at large) is full of unpersuadable skeptics and occasionally doctrinaire materialists who are often oddly vitriolic in their opposition to all things spiritual. My job is to assist people seeking help, not to convince doctors who are not subject to suasion. Yet I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners nowadays who are open to entertaining such hypotheses. Many believe exactly what I do, though they may be reluctant to speak out. *
* * As a man of reason, I’ve had to rationalize the seemingly irrational. Questions about how a scientifically trained physician can believe “such outdated and unscientific nonsense,” as I’ve been asked, have a simple answer. I honestly weigh the evidence. I have been told simplistically that levitation defies the laws of gravity, and, well, of course it does! We are not dealing here with purely material reality, but with the spiritual realm. One cannot force these creatures to undergo lab studies or submit to scientific manipulation; they will also hardly allow themselves to be easily recorded by video equipment, as skeptics sometimes demand. (The official Catholic Catechism holds that demons are sentient and possess their own wills; as they are fallen angels, they are also craftier than humans. That’s how they sow confusion and seed doubt, after all.) Nor does the church wish to compromise a sufferer’s privacy, any more than doctors want to compromise a patient’s confidentiality. Ignorance and superstition have often surrounded stories of demonic possession in various cultures, and surely many alleged episodes can be explained by fraud, chicanery or mental pathology. But anthropologists agree that nearly all cultures have believed in spirits, and the vast majority of societies (including our own) have recorded dramatic stories of spirit possession. Despite varying interpretations, multiple depictions of the same phenomena in astonishingly consistent ways offer cumulative evidence of their credibility. As a psychoanalyst, a blanket rejection of the possibility of demonic attacks seems less logical, and often wishful in nature, than a careful appraisal of the facts. As I see it, the evidence for possession is like the evidence for George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware. In both cases, written historical accounts with numerous sound witnesses testify to their accuracy. In the end, however, it was not an academic or dogmatic view that propelled me into this line of work. I was asked to consult about people in pain. I have always thought that, if requested to help a tortured person, a physician should not arbitrarily refuse to get involved. Those who dismiss these cases unwittingly prevent patients from receiving the help they desperately require, either by failing to recommend them for psychiatric treatment (which most clearly need) or by not informing their spiritual ministers that something beyond a mental or other illness seems to be the issue. For any person of science or faith, it should be impossible to turn one’s back on a tormented soul. Source: The Washington Post diagnose-mental-illness-and-sometimes-demonic-possession/ - THE LOST TRIBE OF LITTLEFOOT DEPARTMENT - Remembering Pedro - The Missing Mini-Mummy of Wyoming By Karl Shuker ![]() In a two-part ShukerNature article (click here and here)
from 2009, I documented a wide range of accounts concerning mysterious
dwarf-like or pygmy-like humanoid entities that have been reported
across the length and breadth of North America, and are often
colloquially – and collectively – referred to as littlefeet. One of the
most interesting of these was Pedro, the so-called mini-mummy or
mountain mummy of Wyoming, because this was an actual specimen (not
just an eyewitness report or a tale from traditional folklore). Also,
it had been discovered in a most unexpected location, and subsequently
featured in a very intriguing chain of events. Back in 2009, my
article's documentation of Pedro was fairly brief, but since then I
have investigated this mystifying entity in further detail, enabling me
to flesh out or highlight various aspects of its story that had
previously been somewhat obscure, contradictory, or totally confused in
other accounts accessed by me. Consequently, I am now presenting here a
much-expanded, updated version of my original ShukerNature coverage of
Pedro. Pedro's extraordinary modern-day history may have begun one day in October 1932 (but see later for an alternative claimed date), when gold-prospectors Cecil Main (spelt 'Mayne' in some accounts) and Frank Carr blasted a hole through the wall of a ravine in the San Pedro Mountains, about 65 miles southwest of the city of Casper, Wyoming - and made a momentous discovery. The wall had been hiding a small, room-like, hitherto-sealed cavern, which contained a ledge, 2.5 ft off the ground. And sitting on that ledge, in cross-legged pixie-like pose, with its arms folded across its chest, was the mummy of a diminutive humanoid figure, with a sitting height of less than 7 in and a total height of only 14 in. Sporting a tanned if wrinkled bronze-coloured skin, barrel-shaped body, well-preserved penis, large hands, long fingers, low brow, very wide mouth with large lips, and broad flat nose, this strange figure resembled a smirking old man, who seemed almost to be winking at its two amazed discoverers, because one of its large eyes was half-closed. Nevertheless, it was evident that this entity had been dead for a very long time, and its death did not appear to have been a pleasant one. Its head was abnormally flat, and was covered with a dark gelatinous substance - later examinations by scientists suggested that its skull may have been smashed by an extremely heavy blow, and the gelatinous substance was congealed blood and exposed brain tissue. Also, some reports claim that it had a broken clavicle (or scapula in certain others), as well as some broken vertebrae, and pointed "front teeth". Due to its mountain provenance, this remarkable specimen was soon dubbed Pedro by the media, following its discovery's announcement in a report by the Casper Tribune-Herald newspaper on 21 October 1932 (but once again see later for an alternative claimed date). When Main and Carr brought Pedro back home with them to Casper, it was widely denounced as a hoax, though some locals believed that it may indeed be one of the Little People long deemed in traditional lore to exist in the mountains. Carr died shortly afterwards, and in April 1934 Main sold Pedro to Homer F. Sherill from Crawford, Nebraska, who subsequently exhibited it encased inside a large glass dome as a curio at a circus there (as well as at several sideshows elsewhere), where it was seen by Eugene Bashor in 1936. Although he was only a boy at that time, Bashor was so fascinated by Pedro's enigmatic appearance that he went on to become a leading, longstanding investigator of North American mini-mummy and littlefoot reports. Sherill owned Pedro for at least 7 years, but somehow this anomalous little entity subsequently turned up at Jones Drug Store in Meeteetse, a small town in Park County, Wyoming, where it remained on display until it was spied there one day in the mid-1940s by Ivan Goodman, a used car salesman from Casper, who reputedly purchased it from the drug store's owner, Floyd Jones, for several thousand dollars. Thereafter, Goodman utilised Pedro's eyecatching appearance to attract people to his car lot, and for which it became an unofficial mascot, with images of it being placed by Goodman in advertisements for his auto dealership. Moreover, it was during its period of ownership by Goodman that Bashor saw Pedro for a second time, in 1948, sitting on Goodman's desk. In 1950, Goodman permitted some interested scientists to examine his 'mascot' in an attempt to uncover its true nature. The most detailed examination, including an x-ray analysis, was conducted by anthropologist Dr Henry ('Harry') Shapiro from New York's American Museum of Natural History. According to a Casper Tribune-Herald report of 5 March 1950, this study confirmed that Pedro was not a fake but did indeed contain a complete if minuscule skeleton, a fully-fused skull (seemingly verifying that it was an adult humanoid, not an infant), plus a full set of teeth. Some accounts have even claimed that Shapiro opined that Pedro had been approximately 65 years old upon death; others, conversely, alleged that he had identified it as an infant - yet another source of controversy regarding Pedro. In that same newspaper report, Goodman himself was quoted as stating: "After an exhaustive study by the scientists it was agreed that it was the only specimen known of a human race of that type which perhaps dated back a million years". However, such a dramatic claim as this seems unlikely to have been made by the scientists, so it may well have originated from the canny Goodman instead - possibly as an additional means of publicising his car business. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing for sure, because Goodman died later that same year. Just before his death, Goodman loaned Pedro to Leonard Wadler, a New York businessman, for study purposes. However, it was never returned to Goodman's family, and Wadler moved to Florida soon afterwards, allegedly dying there during the 1980s. But what happened to Pedro? No-one knows, because no-one has been able to trace Wadler's precise movements and whereabouts once he had acquired Pedro. One report claimed that Wadler's family was contacted by (unnamed) investigators some time after his death enquiring where Pedro may now be, but that they had no idea either. In a bid to rectify this regrettable situation, John Adolfi from Syracuse, New York, owner of the Bibleland Studios website, publicly announced on 3 February 2005 via a Casper Star-Tribune report by Brendan Burke that he would pay $10,000 for Pedro, if it still existed. He would then submit Pedro for DNA analyses, more x-ray studies, and magnetic resonance imaging in order to determine once and for all its precise identity. So far, however, Adolfi's reward remains unclaimed. Incidentally, back on 13 November 1936 one of Pedro's original discoverers, Cecil Main, had signed an official affidavit containing what he claimed to be the true facts behind their notable find, and which was sworn in Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, and officially recorded in Hot Springs County, Wyoming, on 16 August 1943. Oddly, however, this document contains what would appear to be some glaring inconsistencies with other versions of events. In it, Main stated that Pedro had been discovered by them in June 1934. Conversely, as already noted in this present ShukerNature article, a report documenting that event had allegedly been published in the Casper Tribune-Herald on 21 October 1932, followed by additional articles published by this same newspaper in that same year, at least according to Brendan Burke's above-mentioned Casper Star-Tribune report from 2005. Here is what Burke wrote in it: "Mayne was prospecting for gold near Pathfinder Reservoir when an explosion he detonated revealed a small cave, according to a Oct. 21, 1932, article in the Casper Tribune-Herald. Inside the cave Mayne found the mummified remains of what looked like a tiny human. "Debate about the mummy's nature started soon after it was found. Some said it was a hoax. Others said it was the mummified remains of a baby. And others said it was one of the little people spoken about in Indian legends, according to Casper Tribune-Herald stories from 1932." So if these supposed Casper Tribune-Herald reports from 1932 do indeed exist, then Main's claimed date of June 1934 was clearly incorrect. Main also alleged in his affidavit of November 1936 that Pedro was "now owned by Homer F. Sherill, and located in the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois". Yet once again, contemporary reports claim that Main had actually sold Pedro to Sherill in April 1934 (i.e. two months before it had even been discovered, according to the discovery date given in Main's affidavit). Moreover, as noted by Rebecca Hein in an undated online article concerning Pedro accessible within the WyoHistory website: "Archivist Armand Esai notes that the Field Museum has no record of the mummy's presence during that time. The item still could have been there on loan or for identification, but because it was not part of the museum's official collection, the mummy was not listed in the records. As seen, the discrepancies between different accounts as to whether Shapiro had (or had not) claimed that Pedro exhibited certain adult characteristics are by no means the only contentious, contradictory aspects of Pedro's post-discovery history. Fortunately, at least Pedro's original x-ray plates are still on file and thus confirmed, as are some vintage photographs of it, including those presented here. Moreover, not long after Pedro's initial discovery by the two prospectors, a Mexican shepherd called José Martinez reputedly found another mummy and six separate skulls on a ranch in the same vicinity. After soon suffering a number of mishaps, however, Martinez considered them to be jinxed, so he swiftly replaced them where he had found them. Other mini-mummies have also been reported over the years from elsewhere in the U.S.A. One of the most noteworthy of these was a 3-ft-tall, red-haired specimen discovered on a ledge in Kentucky's famous Mammoth Cave, and exhibited widely during the 1920s, which seemed to be only a few centuries old (later radiocarbon-dating studies, however, revealed that it was 3,000-4,000 years old). During 1922, sheep-herder Bill Street claimed to have found several small skulls and whole mummies in Montana's Beartooth Mountains, but their present whereabouts are unclear. Two young men on a day off from the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933 came upon a dead pygmy with sharp teeth in Wyoming's Wind River Mountains, but both died soon afterwards, and others who saw it allegedly died from severe illnesses. In 1969, author John 'Ace' Bonar visited orthopaedic specialist Richard Phelps in Casper to see the preserved head of a mysterious tiny humanoid that he was displaying at that time in his shop. Bonar learnt that the head had originally been taken from a cliff near Wyoming's Muddy Gap. After Phelps's death in 1980, his daughter donated the preserved pygmy head to the University of Wyoming in Laramie, where it is still said to be today. According to Bonar, the husband of Winnie Cardell from Alcova, Wyoming, also owned a mini-mummy - until he loaned it to a college professor, who never returned it. A specimen closely resembling Pedro, meanwhile, attracted media attention in January 1979 when it was loaned to Californian antique appraiser Kent Diehl of San Anselmo for examination. Just under 1 ft long, with an indentation at the back of the head indicating brain injury as the cause of death, the mummy was supposedly found in Central America during 1919, but Diehl would not publicly identify the family from Marin, California, that presently owns it. Some researchers consider Pedro to have been a grossly-malformed human child or foetus - possibly with anencephaly, a teratological condition in which the brain has not developed fully (if at all) during foetal maturation. This latter identity was proposed for Pedro by anthropologist Prof. George W. Gill from the University of Wyoming after examining photos of it first shown to him by his students in 1971. Moreover, in 1994, after appearing with Eugene Bashor on an episode of the TV show Unsolved Mysteries hosted by Robert Stack and dealing with Pedro, Gill was contacted by a rancher from Cheyenne (Wyoming's capital) claiming to own a mini-mummy. This one proved to be a tiny blond-haired girl, only 4 in high, and dubbed Chiquita, which one of the rancher's (great-)grandfathers (reports differ) had purchased from a sheep-herder in or around 1929 and which had been kept ever since inside a trunk in his home's attic. When Gill examined Chiquita and DNA analyses were conducted upon it, assisted by the Denver Children's Hospital, he found that it was indeed an anencephalic Native American infant (examination of a femur removed from this mini-mummy had revealed that its distal ends had not closed, a sign of infancy). In their book Mountain Spirit: The Sheep Eater Indians of Yellowstone (2006), Lawrence L. Loendorf and Nancy M. Stone stated that radiocarbon dating tests had indicated that it was around 500 years old. With regard to Pedro, conversely, if its adult characteristics allegedly revealed by Shapiro during his 1950 study were genuine, and not erroneous identifications (or erroneous claims made by the media), they would seem to contradict an anencephalic status for it. (Incidentally, one report read by me claiming that Gill had studied Pedro's x-rays directly after Shapiro had conducted his own 1950 study of them, and that it was Shapiro who had personally given the x-rays to Gill at that time, is clearly in error, because in 1950 Gill was still only a youth.) Also, why was Pedro placed on the ledge and then sealed away inside that small room-like cavern within the Pedro Mountains? After all, this does seem not only a very purposeful but also a very strange and extreme action for anyone to take with merely a malformed infant. And who placed it there anyway? As documented in my 2009 two-part ShukerNature article on littlefeet, there are many Amerindian traditions of mysterious races of dwarves or pygmies. And some of these allegedly kill their own kind when they become old or infirm by beheading them, or by smashing their skulls - in precisely the way that Pedro and its Central American lookalike may have met their deaths. Just a coincidence? The story of Pedro the Wyoming mini-mummy is undoubtedly one of the most muddled, contradictory histories that I have ever investigated, so much so that I seriously doubt at this late stage in the proceedings, over 80 years since its discovery by Main and Carr, whether an entirely accurate course of events concerning this very enigmatic little entity will ever be pieced together. Meanwhile, documenting Pedro in his book Stranger Than Science (1959), veteran mysteries investigator Frank Edwards made the following pertinent comment: "Scientists from far and near have examined this tiny fellow and have gone away amazed. He is unlike anything they ever saw before. Sitting there on the shelf in Casper, visible, disturbing evidence that science may have overlooked him and his kind much too long." Moreover, just as there are two sides to every coin, in his own book The Monster Trap (1976) Peter Haining offered an equally disturbing, obverse view: "For as some of the more serious-minded of the old people of Casper who were alive at the time of the discovery will tell you, they believe the little man was one of a whole race of barbaric dwarf people who once lived in the region in ancient times. And they get the distinct impression from looking at him that he had been sitting there behind the stone wall for thousands of years waiting for someone - or something - to return. "Now just suppose, they go on with the merest hesitation, that the long-awaited return of what-ever-it-might-be has taken place - and it has found nothing there..." Seemingly not for thousands of years, but still a chilling little vignette, to say the least. And who knows - perhaps it really would have been best in this instance to have let sleeping dogs lie, or dormant dwarves dream on? If anyone owns (or can obtain) copies of any of the Casper Tribune-Herald newspaper reports that were allegedly published in 1932 (and hence almost two years before the date of Pedro's discovery as claimed in Cecil Main's affidavit), I would love to see them! Thanks very much. Source: ShukerNature mini-mummy-of.html - ENCOUNTERS WITH THE UNKNOWN DEPARTMENT - An Ohio Woman Who Claimed Healings from her Alien Encounters By Brent Raynes ![]() It was August 3, 1975. I was in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, visiting the home of a friend named Madeline Teagle who was sponsoring a UFO skywatch gathering behind her home. There was a bonfire blazing at the edge of the woods. Madeline's was always a great place to go on weekends as she frequently held skywatches and meditational events, and these activities often attracted a variety of interesting folks. It was on this particular evening that I came upon a young lady named Donna, who lived in the nearby city of Akron. Donna claimed to be an experiencer. At the time, I found her story pretty bizarre, but over the years I've heard many similar accounts, to the point that it's many details have become today fairly familiar to me in many respects. Donna described to me how back around the summer of 1950, when she would have been about three and a half years old, she was placed in bed early because of a toothache. Alone in bed she claimed that an oval form appeared, composed of “shiny golden and silver light,” at the edge of the bed. She said that she rolled over and looked directly at it, at which time “what passed as an arm” reached out and touched her right shoulder. “Whatever it was it completely overcame any fear I had,” she told me. “I accepted it. I went right back to sleep immediately.” Something extraordinary is encountered and yet the normal and expected fear factor is overcome and then the subject drops right off to a deep and relaxing sleep state, inspite of the very alien event that just transpired, are two of the patterns I've heard many times since. However, she claims that when she awakened she had “excruciating pain,” in the form of a burning sensation, which lasted off and on for three weeks. She then added that X-rays were taken and it was discovered that the spinal curvature she had had since birth was “completely cured.” I asked Donna to describe the alien “arm”. “It's hard to describe,” she said, adding, “I felt many fingers on my back. Not five, but like 20-30. It was like feelers.” I asked her if the memories of this experience were entirely her own or if her parents had contributed to them. “I remember it detail for detail because I didn't tell them everything that happen,” she explained. “There was something passed to me. It was in the form of a golden ball and it was lodged in my brain. It passed through into the base of my brain. So I don't know if my nerve damage began to be healed at that time or later at the later sighting when I was six years old. It was all very pleasant and I remember all of these experiences with a lot of pleasure.” On either July 4th or 5th, in 1953, she and several others witnessed what she described as “flashing multi-colored lights” on a low-level UFO. “When the white (light) came on I noticed a similar burning sensation that started at the base of my spine and went to the top of my head and centered in my throat,” Donna explained. “After that my defective vision in my left eye was corrected and I never had another epileptic seizure after that.” “I was brain damaged at birth,” Donna further explained. “My mother was 38 when I was born and she had toxaemia and so I was a PKU baby. It results from the RH factor in parent's blood not matching, so I got a complete transfusion at birth that left me slightly brain damaged. (However) my intelligence level went up after I was healed too.” She added that her IQ level was, at that time, 150. Donna also recalled how she had seen a broad cone, almost pancake shaped UFO over a cornfield at age 10. She added that there were no physiological effects associated with that encounter. More recently though, early one night in June 1975, she and her husband were traveling down Route 359, pulling over near a pond by a golf course, a short distance past the Virginia Kendall Park, to observe a “very large, bright white light” in the sky. As they watched, she said that “these little dots of light,” of white and red colors, appeared to be flying out from the central white light, which began increasing in size. “I had mental communication,” Donna explained. “It was in the nature of feeling me out, testing my reactions, to see if I was a viable channel. ...I felt pressures in various parts of my brain, like feelers.” Donna confessed to me that she had been reluctant to share her early childhood experiences as the two doctors who had attended her, along with her parents, had all passed away, plus she had no brothers or sisters. Thus there was no one to back up her incredible story. However, as the years have gone by, more and more people with very similar accounts have come forward. In fact, on May 1st of this year, the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, conducting an extensive survey of nearly 3,000 UFO contact experiencers, found that some 50 percent had “reported a medical healing by a non-human intelligent being.” Source: Alternate Perceptions Magazine - EVERYBODY DANCE NOW DEPARTMENT - The Strange Plague of "Dancing Mania" By Marissa Fessenden ![]() Six-hundred and forty two years ago today, citizens in the German city of Aachen started to pour out of their houses and into the streets where they began to writhe and whirl uncontrollably. This was the first major outbreak of dancing plague or choreomania and it would spread across Europe in the next several years. To this day, experts aren't sure what caused the frenzy, which could drive those who danced to exhaustion. The outbreak in Germany was called St. John's dance, but it wasn't the first appearance of the mania or the last, according to The Black Death and The Dancing Mania, originally published in 1888. In the book, Justus Friedrich Karl Hecker imaginatively describes the spectacle of St. John's dance as follows: "They formed circles hand in hand, and appearing to have lost all control over their senses, continued dancing, regardless of the bystanders, for hours together, in wild delirium, until at length they fell to the ground in a state of exhaustion. They then complained of extreme oppression, and groaned as if in the agonies of death, until they were swathed in cloths bound tightly round their waists, upon which they again recovered, and remained free from complaint until the next attack." The "disease" spread to Liege, Utrecht, Tongres and other towns in the Netherlands and Belgium, up and down the Rhine river. In other times and other forms the mania started to be called St. Vitus' dance. During the Middle Ages, the church held that the dancers had been possessed by the devil or perhaps cursed by a saint. Called Tarantism in Italy, it was believed the dancing was either brought on by the bite of a spider or a way to work out the poisons the arachnid had injected. More modern interpretations have blamed a toxin produced by fungus that grew on rye. Ergot poisoning, or ergotism, could bring on hallucinations, spasms and delusions thanks to the psychoactive chemicals produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea, writes Steven Gilbert for the Toxipedia. But not all of the regions affected by the strange compulsion to dance would been home to people who consumed rye, points out Robert E. Bartholomew in an article for the July/August 2000 issue of Skeptical Inquirer. Furthermore, the outbreaks didn't always happen during the wet season when the fungus would have grown. St. Vitus' dance later came to mean Sydenham chorea, a disorder that struck children and did cause involuntary tremors in the arms, legs and face. However those twitches were not the kind of dancing described in the outbreaks of dancing mania. Another notable epidemic broke out in the city of Strasbourg in 1518. It started in July when a woman called Frau Troffea began to dance. Within a month, 400 people joined in the madness. This plague in particular was probably worsened by apparently well-meaning officials who thought that the victims just needed to dance it out and shake it off. They set aside guild halls for the dancers, hired professional pipe and drum players and dancers to keep people inspired, writes John Waller for Madness is ultimately what some experts think caused such a bizarre phenomenon. Waller explains that in 1518, the people of Strasbourg were struggling to deal with famine, disease and the belief that supernatural forces could force them to dance. In 1374, the region near the Rhine was suffering from the aftermath of another, true plague: the Black Death. Waller argues that the dancers were under extreme psychological distress and were able to enter a trance state—something they would need to dance for such a long period of time. He blames the dancing mania on a kind of mass hysteria. Bartholomew disagrees. He points out that records from the time claim that the dancers were often from other regions. They were religious pilgrims, he posits. He writes: "The behavior of these dancers was described as strange, because while exhibiting actions that were part of the Christian tradition, and paying homage to Jesus, Mary, and various saints at chapels and shrines, other elements were foreign. Radulphus de Rivo’s chronicle Decani Tongrensis states that “in their songs they uttered the names of devils never before heard of . . . this strange sect.” Petrus de Herenthal writes in Vita Gregorii XI: “There came to Aachen . . . a curious sect.” The Chronicon Belgicum Magnumdescribes the participants as “a sect of dancers.” Once the first dancers started their strange ritual, other people perhaps joined in, claiming to be overwhelmed by a compulsion. Societal prohibitions against such unrestrained behavior could then be cast aside. Ultimately, the cause of choreomania seems to be mystery, but it will never cease to be a fascinating part of European history. Source: Smithsonian germany-six-centuries-ago-today-180959549/?no-ist - HISTORY DENIED DEPARTMENT - Scientists Now Say Serpent Mound as Old as Aristotle By Geoffrey Sea ![]() Serpent Mound in rural Adams County, Ohio, is one of the premier Native American earthworks in the hemisphere. Its pristine flowing form was enhanced by major reconstruction in the 1880s. That reconstruction now appears to have been the second time in its long life that Serpent Mound has shed some of its skin. Estimates of the age of the earthwork are now radically revised as the result of a new radiocarbon analysis, suggesting that the mound is about 1,400 years older than conventionally thought. The new date of construction is estimated at approximately 321 BCE, one year after the death of Aristotle in Greece. Signs and other interpretive material have been made obsolete virtually overnight, along with ideas about the indigenous culture responsible for the astounding artwork. A paper by an eight-member team led by archaeologist William Romain has been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science with a free-access summary available on Romain’s website. The new data alters thinking about three things: the culture responsible for the mound; the Native groups that are direct descendants of those builders; and the purpose and iconography of the work. Dispatching other theories about Serpent Mound’s origin, Romain’s summary concludes: “Both the consensus of opinion and radiocarbon evidence suggest an Adena construction.” Traditionally, Serpent Mound was attributed to the Adena Culture or Civilization, based on an adjacent conical Adena burial mound, and the similarity of style of the effigy with many other Adena earthworks of the Ohio Valley. Just 30 miles southeast of Serpent Mound were the Portsmouth Works, with only a few surviving remnants, interpreted by the pioneering archaeoastronomer Stansbury Hagar as representing the effigy of a rattlesnake 50 times larger than Serpent Mound, both with species identification features indicative of the timber rattlesnake. However, an investigation in the 1990s found two charcoal samples in Serpent Mound that dated to the later time of about 1070 CE. Site managers then attributed construction to the Late Woodland “Fort Ancient Culture,” even though the so-called “Fort Ancient Culture” has been disassociated from the Fort Ancient earthwork in Warren County, Ohio, and is not known to have built large earthworks. Indeed it has been misnamed a “culture” and is now understood more as an interaction phenomenon involving multiple ethnolinguistic groups that came together in the Ohio Valley in the Late Woodland Period, between 500 CE and 1200 CE. “Fort Ancient Culture” is neither a fort, nor ancient, nor a culture. Yet it has been identified as the author of Serpent Mound, except in those circles where the mound has been attributed to giants or space aliens or giant space aliens. The “Fort Ancient” designation has been problematic, because as an unreal entity, the so-called culture has no clear descendants. Adena, on the contrary, is strongly identified from archaeology, genetics, and historical linguistics as Algonquian, its descendants being the Anishinaabeg, the Miami-Illinois, the Shawnee, the Kickapoo, the Meskwaki, and the Asakiwaki. The new investigation by Romain and others found much older charcoal samples in less-damaged sections of the mound. The investigators conjecture that the mound was originally built between 381 BCE and 44 BCE, with a mean date of 321 BCE. They explain the more recent charcoal found in the 1990s as likely the result of a “repair” effort by Indians around 1070 CE, when the mound would already have been suffering from natural degradation. Late Woodland Period graves at the site suggest the earthwork continued to serve a mortuary function, and that this was the principal nature of the site, directing spirits of the dead from burial mounds and subsurface graves northward, not a place to conduct large ceremonial gatherings as has been suggested by tourism/promotion interests. Without Serpent Mound as a “ceremonial center” at its geographic core, the notion of a “Fort Ancient Culture” has literally been gutted. That the new date adds a very sophisticated earthwork to the corpus of the Adena, whom some had considered “primitive,” lends new weight to reconsideration of the non-distinction between “Adena” and “Hopewell” and the need for a general revision of the naming conventions for prehistoric cultures of the Ohio Valley. A simplified revised chronology would see the Adena Civilization leading straight to the historic Central Algonquian tribes in the heartland of the Ohio Valley. The new study comes just as Serpent Mound is being advanced for addition to the UNESCO World Heritage List, a nomination that will have to be rethought as a result of the new date and its implications. Members of the Central Algonquian tribes now have scientific claim to be considered the heirs of Serpent Mound, raising questions about the structure of site management, now conducted by the Ohio History Connection and Arc of Appalachia Preserve System. What is certain is that ancient Ohioans were not only building extremely sophisticated geometric works that rivalled or surpassed those of contemporary classical Greece, but they were also repairing or renovating them over millennia. Source: Indian Country Today history-serpent-mound-older-some-its-dirt-156268 - WATCH OUT, ITS CONTAGIOUS DEPARTMENT - The School That Caught the Hiccups By Robert Bartholomew Ph.D. ![]() During the fall of 2012, something odd began happening at two high schools in northeastern Massachusetts. At least two dozen students began to exhibit mysterious hiccuping sounds. By early 2013, the symptoms had died down at North Shore Technical School in Middleton, but at its sister school – Essex Aggie in nearby Danvers – 18 girls were suffering from the bizarre ailment. A survey of students’ symptoms as collected by parents, includes such descriptions as: “Starts as a regular hiccup and then turns into a high pitched yelp,” “Loud, piercing hiccups,” and “Sounds like an exaggerated hiccup.” The State Health Department conducted extensive tests of the school grounds and found air and water samples within normal limits, as were tests for toxic substances that could cause neurological problems, such as mercury. So what caused this baffling outbreak? A study of nine of the students’ medical records, considered and eliminated every possible cause but one: mass hysteria. Its more common scientific names are mass psychogenic illness or conversion disorder. The condition involves the converting of psychological distress into physical symptoms. A survey of mass hysteria outbreaks throughout history reveals that they most commonly occur in schools and involve adolescent girls. While no trigger was ever identified in Massachusetts, it was almost certainly some type of stress. While the Health Department used the word ‘hiccups’ to describe the outbreak, the students were not experiencing hiccups, but what neurologists refer to as vocal tics. In this instance, most of those affected had chronic vocal tics, which is defined as lasting over a year. This rare condition primarily affects young boys. It is extremely unusual to have an outbreak in 18 teenage girls at the same school within a relatively short time span. The odds of this happening are astronomical. In fact, there is only one similar case in American history: the outbreak at LeRoy High School in Western New York during 2011-12, where over a dozen girls and one boy were affected by vocal tics. Tests of the school and the surrounding area, also proved negative, including air, water, and soil samples. Neurologists treating the girls concluded that their symptoms were spread by social media: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter. As the students in Massachusetts were never interviewed as part of a formal study, we are left to speculate as to the trigger, but given the eerie similarities between the two cases, it would not be surprising to find that social media also played a role. Exactly how it works, is unknown, but it appears to amplify existing tensions and stresses that are so common in adolescent schoolchildren. The only way to better understand these and other outbreaks of psychogenic illness, is to study them in greater depth, but unfortunately, this is not happening. In the LeRoy outbreak, the New York State Health Department had initially refused to release the diagnosis of mass hysteria for several months until January 2012. In Massachusetts, the Health Department’s medical records review that had eliminated every possible cause but mass hysteria, was never released to the public and never appeared in the Health Department’s final report on the outbreak which was released on November 20, 2014. In fact, nowhere in the report did it even mention the words “mass psychogenic illness.” The likely reason for this is the stigma that is often attached to the diagnosis of mass hysteria, even though the leading authority on the subject, British psychiatrist Simon Wessely, is fond of noting that it is not a disorder but a stress response. Those wishing to learn more on the Massachusetts outbreak, can read my study in May 2016 issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. It is based on over one thousand Freedom of Information documents. If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that transparency in dealing with public health matters, is always the best policy. Source: Psychology Today caught-the-hiccups - TALES OF THE AGES DEPARTMENT - Digital Analysis of Dead Sea Scrolls Says Ark Was a Pyramid By Paul Seaburn ![]() For over four years, the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library project has been photographing and digitizing the tens of thousands of tiny remnants of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The scanning is finally completed and a preliminary analysis of previously illegible text has opened the scrolls to new interpretation, starting with a section that describes Noah’s Ark as being pyramid-shaped. Does someone need to notify the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter? Dr. Alexey Yuditsky of the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library project presented some of its findings at the recent Eighth International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira and Related Fields. The researchers used advanced imaging technology from MegaVision to take 28 photographs of each scroll fragment, varying the wavelengths and resolution. At the near-infrared wavelength level, the camera was able to read characters that had become invisible to the naked eye. The findings on what the newly-found text said will surely cause controversy among biblical scholars and Noah’s Ark fans. Yuditsky says a previously illegible word having to do with “the ark’s tallness” is believed to be “ne’esefet,” which means “gathered.” He believes the writer was describing how the ark’s roof beams gathered or met at a point, forming a pyramid shape. While other writings have also painted the ark as a pyramid, this would be the earliest. Another sure-to-be controversial fragment that is now readable describes how sins might be forgiven just like monetary debts are forgiven, leading researcher Chanan Ariel to believe it refers to paying money for forgiveness, an activity similar to the medieval practice of indulgence selling, one of the targets of the Protestant Reformation. Is this proof that it may have once been biblically approved? The new analysis also helps clarify the meaning of vague words like “ptil.” In one of the many sex-related stories in the Old Testament, the book of Genesis tells the tale of Judah having sex with his daughter-in-law who is disguised as a prostitute. He paid her with his “ptil” and two now-legible fragments say that “ptil is his belt.” Now his wife finally knows why he came home smelling like cheap perfume with his pants falling down. The project is ongoing as Dr. Yuditsky says only 80 percent of the fragments have been scanned for analysis and preservation. Whatever your beliefs, analyzing and interpreting the 2,000-year-old puzzle that is the Dead Sea Scrolls can be a lot more fun and educational that arguing about whether a pyramid can float and how many dinosaurs it would hold. Source: Mysterious Universe scrolls-says-ark-was-a-pyramid/ Sign
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