8/21/16  #873
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Greetings one and all from your number one source of all things weird and strange. It is time once again to put all else aside and find out what is REALLY going on in the world this week. Time once again for news and interesting stories that you may not find in your daily newspaper or on the 6 o'clock news.

This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such hair-raising stories as:

Amazing Tales of Strange Encounters under the Oceans -  
- UFOs In The House of Lords -
 -  "Wessie" Is Real! -
AND: "Poltergeist" Baffles Scotland Police Officers

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


 I am working on a book that will include true stories involving the paranormal  and national and international conflict from the latest terrorism to the Civil War and before. It can be UFO related (i.e. foo fighters), ghostly encounters, visits from deceased loved one lost on the battle field. Should be true of course. Did it happen to someone you knew or loved? Historical accounts. Credit of course, free copy of the finished work and lots of appreciation.

UFO Prophecy
 Visions From the Town Haunted By Flying Saucers

50th Anniversary Collectors Edition



For half a century, Warminster, England, on Salisbury Plain near Stonehenge has been the UK’s “Ground Zero,” for an odd assortment of unexplainable phenomena including:

* Disturbing sounds that fill the air with a thunderous roar, shake roof tiles and pin citizens to the ground with tremendous force.

* The unexplained death of small animals and birds which drop from cloudless skies in the laps of those passing by.

* Strange solid-looking craft that materialize in plain view of confused observers, ultimately streaking across the sky at rip-roaring speeds.

* Objects disappearing in the blink of an eye including food baskets, eyeglasses, keys, cameras and jewelry. Most of which ultimately show up in mysterious fashion.

* Time distortions, watches stopping for no technical reason, as well as the appearance of Giants who roam the outskirts of the town, near popular UFO landing spots.

* The appearance of Crop Circles years before they were reported elsewhere.


Here is the complete text of UFO PROPHECY, the rare out of print book by Arthur Shuttlewood which included many striking revelations for those concerned about their well being and approaching changes on our earthly landscape. Revelations which are as insightful today as when original published. This incredible NEW edition includes: An update on the many “coincidental” events involving flying dragons, the Men-In-Black and the Nessie lake “monster.

There are also previously unpublished photos of unexplainable aerial craft, a review of the most sensational findings, and how the town “celebrates” its link to the stars, We are additionally proud to present an introduction by Janina Shuttlewood, the granddaughter of Mr. Shuttlewood who says her granddad “would be honored to be remembered for his UFO interest and writings years on.” Other contributors or researchers involved in putting together this commemorative edition include Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Kevin Goodman, Steve Dewey, and Tim R. Swartz.

Those seeking additional information on Warminster we recommend the book “UFOS: Keys To Inner Perfection” by Bryce Bond. This work contains updated material and Bryce’s sensational contact with Nordic type aliens in the fields around the town. 

This Newly Released Book is Now Available for the
Bargain Price of Only $17.00

So don't delay, order your copy of UFO Prophecy
today for only $17 plus $5.00 for shipping -  A GREAT PRICE!

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P.O. Box 753
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Amazing Tales of Strange Encounters under the Oceans

By Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill

It has often been said that we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about the world’s seas and oceans.

The study of USOs (Unidentified Submersible Objects) is a case in point.

For years, strange phenomena have been reported by people at sea, especially by Naval personel.

Many of the reports lie in the USO files of the Soviet and Russian Navy and remain secret however some have filtered out.

In their new book, "RUSSIA’S USO SECRETS", authors Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle reveal stories of strange encounters by the Soviet and Russian Navy with unexplained objects.

The two experts say most of these stories have never been told outside of Russia but they provide yet more evidence that we are not alone.

Indeed, they suggest a permanent presence of something unusual in the depths of Earth's large bodies of water.

Here Philip describes the pair's findings:

For decades now these mysterious underwater UFOs have been observed in the Earth’s oceans and lakes and the one country in the world that seems to have had more such sightings is Russia.

The Soviet Union's military fleet commanders guarded its secret of the USO subject and those witnesses who tried to go public were swiftly ridiculed and their sightings were officially debunked.

But despite their best efforts USO reports were made public and no matter what the Soviet officials tried to do the USOs will not simply go away.

Our knowledge of the depths of the seas and oceans and large lakes is very limited - it is said that we know more about the surface of the moon than the depths of the oceans - but these are some of the sightings which hint at a world beneath the waves.

One of the most peculiar of all such underwater encounters is one known as ‘The Swimmers’.

In the summer of 1982 Mark Shteynberg, along with Lt. Colonel Gennady Zverev Soviet Navy), conducted periodic training of the reconnaissance divers from the Turkestan and Central Asian military regions.

Some of these training exercises took place at the Issyk Kul Lake in Krygyzstan.

Quite unexpectedly, the officers were paid a visit by a very important official, Major-General V. Demyanenko, commander of the Military Diver Service of the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defence.

He informed the local officers of an extraordinary event that had occurred during similar training exercises in the Trans-Baikal and West Siberian military regions.

There, during their military training dives in Lake Baikal, the frogmen had encountered mysterious underwater swimmers, very human-like, except that their size was much larger--almost three meters tall.

Despite icy-cold water temperatures and a depth of fifty meters, they were dressed only in tight-fitting silvery suits with neither scuba diving equipment, nor any other equipment - only sphere-like helmets concealing their heads.

The local military commander, who was quite alarmed by such encounters, decided on a plan to capture one of the creatures.

To complete the mission, a special group of seven divers, under the command of an officer, had been dispatched.

Apparently, as the Soviet Navy frogmen tried to cover the creature with a net, a powerful unknown force threw the entire group out of the deep waters and up to the surface.

In August 1965, the crew of the Soviet steamship Raduga, while navigating in the Red Sea, observed a remarkable spectacle.

At around two miles away from their vessel, a fiery sphere dashed out from under the water and hovered over the surface of the sea illuminating the ocean in every direction.

The sphere was estimated to be sixty meters in diameter, and it hovered above the sea at an altitude of 150 meters.

A gigantic pillar of water arose as the sphere emerged from the sea and then collapsed some moments later.

This observation was mentioned in a number of Russian publications and was taken very seriously by the Soviet authorities. It is yet another typical example of a USO report.

In the 1970s, reports issued by Admiral V.A. Domislovsky, chief of the Pacific Fleet’s Intelligence Department, described an unknown, gigantic cylindrical object sighted by Soviet Navy in “faraway” regions of Pacific Ocean.

The object was 800-900 metres long.

When it hovered over the ocean, smaller objects exited from one of its ends - like bees from a beehive - and descended into the waters.

Some time later they re-entered the gigantic UFO.

After the smaller objects thus “loaded” inside, the UFO flew away and disappeared over the horizon.

 According to a report on MosNews.com former Rear Admiral and nuclear submarine commander Yury Beketov saw USO activity inside the famous the Bermuda Triangle .

He said: “We repeatedly observed that the instruments detected the movements of material objects at unimaginable speed, around 230 knots (250 mph).

It’s hard to reach that speed on the surface – only in the air is it readily possible.

'The beings that created those material objects significantly exceed us in development.”

Russian Naval intelligence expert and Captain 1st Rank Igor Barklay also noted that the unidentified objects were most often spotted in deep water near where military forces are concentrated – off the Bahamas, Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the east coast of the United States.

Captain 1st Rank (now retired) Yuri Vinogradov who had served in the Soviet Navy from 1975 to 2000 also had a story to tell.

Vinogradov was a top expert in his field, had been involved in a number of submarine search and recovery operations; a veteran of “high-risk” units, and a participant in four long-range missions.

He had been to the Devil’s Sea; also know as the Dragon Triangle which is located between Japan, Guam, and northern Philippines.

Some call this area the "Pacific Bermuda Triangle".

In the 1980s, Vinogradov had participated in the search and rescue operations involving the Soviet Pacific Fleet.

Twice he and other officers had observed, on the sonar screen, a USO that had moved at great speed, and had disappeared in to the depths never to be seen again.

Source: Mirror


UFOS In the House of Lords

By Sean Casteel

The struggle of the UFO-believing community to wrest some sort of official disclosure of the mystery phenomenon from the iron grip of the government, the military and the intelligence community has been part of the overall flying saucer picture since the 1950s. Both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan spoke publicly about having seen UFOs, and Hillary Clinton has joined the choir of high-profile leaders who would like to see the subject dealt with transparently and brought before the American people in a way we can all agree is trustworthy and honest. It was suggested that Hillary was courting the “UFO vote,” sneeringly intended to mean the “lunatic fringe.”

But in 1979, across the pond in the United Kingdom, a lone voice once rang out in the House of Lords, a voice seeking the support of his fellows in demanding that Her Majesty’s government come clean and confess to the reality of the UFO phenomenon as well as the cover-up that had kept the public so undeservedly in the dark about a subject that was of concern to all humankind.

That lone voice belonged to Brinsley Le Poer Trench, the Eighth Earl of Clancarty, a member of the House of Lords from 1976 until his death in 1995.


At the time, members of the House of Lords were not elected officials, as was the case with the House of Commons. To be an English Lord required that one be of noble birth.

According to an online posting by a writer known as Steve on the Bear Alley Books website, in Brinsley’s case, his family tree can be traced back to Irish politician Frederick Richard Trench (1681-1752), his son Richard Trench, and grandson William Keating Trench, who became the Earl of Clancarty, taking the name from a “tenuous link” to the Munster Earls of Clancarty. Le Poer was an old Irish noble name dating back to the Norman invasion of Ireland.

Brinsley’s full name was William Francis Brinsley Le Poer Trench, and he was the fifth son of William Frederick Le Poer Trench, the Fifth Earl of Clancarty. Brinsley inherited his title following the deaths of two older brothers (Richard in 1971 and Greville in 1975), making him the Eighth Earl of Clancarty and the Seventh Marquess of Heusden.

But Brinsley felt one could more honestly trace his family origins back to around 63,000 B.C.E., when aliens landed on Earth. Other aliens, the posting continues, ascended from below the surface of the planet from civilizations that still exist.

“I haven’t been down there myself,” Brinsley said, “but from what I gather these civilizations are very advanced.”

He also believed that Adam and Eve, Noah and other Biblical characters were brought here from Mars to populate the nascent Earth.


Brinsley was raised in London and educated at the Pangbourne Nautical College. He worked for a while selling advertising for a gardening magazine. After the success of his first book, “The Sky People,” published in 1960, he was able to write full time.

Brinsley’s interest in UFOs began after World War II. Finding others with similar interests led to his involvement in the early years of “Flying Saucer Review,” selling advertising space for the fledgling UFO publication and eventually taking over its editing between 1956 and 1959. He also founded the International UFO Observer Corps in 1956, which had observers watching the skies until 1960. The organization closed down that year because of a dearth of reliable reports and a shift to other forms of flying saucer evidence gathering, like mediumship and the study of ancient myths and traditions.

The list of Brinsley’s UFO efforts also included serving as vice-president of the British UFO Research Organization (BUFORA), founded in 1962. He was chairman of the International Committee of the International Sky Scouts, founded in 1965. The group held a flying saucer spotting day on June 24, 1966, the 19th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting in Washington State that is often seen as marking the beginning of the modern UFO era. The name was changed to Contact International in 1967, with Brinsley as their first president. He was also   an honorary lifetime member of the now defunct “Ancient Astronauts Society,” which supported ideas that had been put forth by Erich von Daniken in his 1968 book, “Chariots of the Gods?”

When he succeeded to the earldom on the death of his half-brother and was thus entitled to a seat in the British Parliament, Brinsley used his new position to found a UFO Study Group at the House of Lords, introduce the “Flying Saucer Review” to its library and push for the declassification of UFO data. One of the speakers Brinsley invited to speak to his study group was the American publisher and journalist, Timothy Green Beckley.


Beckley had a long-distance friendship with Brinsley years before the venerated Briton would request his presence in London.

“Long before Brinsley invited me to London to speak before the House Of Lords UFO Group,” Beckley fondly recalled, “I had been in regular correspondence with the hardworking Britisher. He had developed a worldwide chain of correspondence in an era long before it was possible to email someone and have them receive your message in mere seconds. It sometimes took weeks to receive a handwritten letter that was actually penned on a very lightweight blue paper and folded over into a self-mailer and then sent across the pond to an American correspondent like myself, who anxiously awaited the arrival of the latest saucer news from the land of Her Majesty.

 “Brinsley was known for making some fairly bombastic statements,” Beckley continued,   “such as having traced his family tree back thousands of years to the time when aliens first landed on Earth. He told me that during WW II he had read of several incidents in which our fastest military aircraft were followed by what became known as ‘the foo fighters,’ craft which could not be attributed to either the Allied or Axis forces and for which there was no rational explanation. Upon discussing the topic with others in the early 1950s, it was thought that there was a need for a good UFO publication, and thus the prestigious ‘Flying Saucer Review’ was created and distributed to those with a thirst for knowledge on a cosmic level.

“Brinsley was able to give up his regular job selling ad space for a magazine on gardening,” Beckley recounted, “when his first book, ‘The Sky People,’ started to sell at a more-than-modest level. Around 1964, Trench joined forces with a Japanese UFO contactee group that published an English language magazine called ‘Brothers.’ The newly-merged group was initially known as the International Sky Scouts. Brinsley also traveled to Japan, where he spoke before several gatherings mainly attended by members of the ‘Japanese UFO youth movement.’ Eventually, the group had to change its name after being drawn into a lawsuit by the real Boy Scouts, who saw Brinsley’s use of the organization’s name as an infringement on their trademarked name. As a ‘compromise,’ the name was changed to Contact International, which continues to issue ‘Awareness,’ a quarterly journal which Brinsley started years and years back.

 “And while Brinsley had started out as a literal believer in the ETH, short for the ‘extraterrestrial hypothesis,’ he told me out in the foyer when we met at the House of Lords, where I was to deliver my talk to his unofficial UFO group, that he had changed his opinion and now believed that UFOs were part of an underground civilization which had established a tunnel system from one end of the Earth to another, thus enabling them to move around unimpeded.

“Brinsley thought this civilization was well ahead of us and had learned to live in peace since its original downfall during the time of Atlantis. He also saw its technology as being hundreds of years more advanced, leaning on various forms of fossil-free fuel to sail their ships about when they emerged from their inner Earth headquarters.”

While enjoying Brinsley’s hospitality, Beckley also sat down with the Lord for a face-to-face interview, which Beckley published in his own magazine, “UFO Review,” in 1981.

Beckley opened the interview by asking, “How did you start the ball rolling on the question of UFOs in the House of Lords?”

“I took my seat in June 1976,” Brinsley replied, “and a month after that I made my maiden speech, which wasn’t on UFOs, but had to do with the state of our nation. Then I started sounding a few of the other Lords out and found that quite a number of were interested in the topic. In our country, if you want to find out something from one of our leaders, you can put it in writing or ask a question in the chamber. My questions led me to believe that there was a cover-up here in this country.

“This set me off but good,” the Earl continued. “The next thing I did was to introduce a debate in the chamber of the House of Lords. This debate went very well. In total, 14 speakers took part. The Earl of Kimberly, who is a member of our group now, was my main supporter. True, some people were talking against UFOs and some in favor of the subject, but there was no ridicule. It was treated with respect. As the result of a suggestion that I made during the debate, we now have gotten a House of Lords UFO Study Group. It has over 30 members.”


The debate Brinsley is referring to happened on January 18, 1979, and is still considered a watershed moment in “Exo-Politics,” or the politics of the extraterrestrial question.

Veteran UFO journalist Antonio Huneeus posted an update on the event on the “Open Minds” website that marked the event by saying, “Another significant sign of how deeply the interest in ufology had penetrated the upper crust of British society was the famous UFO debate that took place in the venerable House of Lords, which made worldwide headlines at the time. Just imagine the same exercise taking place in the U.S. Senate! Decades before the term was invented, this was pure Exo-Politics – a four-hour debate on the political and national security implications of UFOs and possible extraterrestrial activities on the upper chamber of a parliament of a major power with nuclear weapons and international prestige. It doesn’t get better than that and yet it really happened.”

In that same posting on “Open Minds,” Huneeus reprises an article he wrote at the time under the pseudonym A. Hovni for a long-defunct New York City daily newspaper:

“It is with much pleasure that I introduce this debate this evening about unidentified flying objects – known more briefly as UFOs and sometimes as flying saucers. I understand that this is the first time the subject of UFOs has been debated in your Lordships’ House, so this is indeed a unique occasion.”

With these words, the article continues, his noble Lordship, the Earl of Clancarty, initiated a historic debate in Britain’s venerable House of Lords, over a “question” previously requested by him. The debate lasted almost four hours, and not less than 14 Lords stated for the record their pro and con positions concerning UFOs and, specifically, Lord Clancarty’s motion that Her Majesty’s government initiate an “intra-governmental study” of UFOs, as well as his suggestion to set up a UFO Study Group within the House of Lords to look further into the matter. It was reported that within 48 hours of this debate, every single copy of Hansard – the official Parliamentary Debates records – with the UFO transcript was sold out.

“Lord Clancarty was certainly the right man at the right place,” Huneeus writes. “Better known as Brinsley Le Poer Trench, he was described by ‘The Illustrated London Times’ as ‘the one uncontroversial personality, the “elder statesman” of the British flying saucer movement.’ Among other things, Clancarty has published seven popular books on UFOs and was one of the founders and an early editor of ‘Flying Saucer Review,’ perhaps the oldest and most prestigious publication in the field.”


When Beckley did his exclusive interview with Brinsley a couple of years after the historic House of Lords debate, Brinsley had developed a new ambition regarding finding the truth behind the UFO mystery.

“We would like to get two aliens or more to come and talk to our group,” he told Beckley.

“Is that an open invitation?” Beckley asked.

“Yes,” came Brinsley’s reply, “and I’m sure that some of them speak our language and many other languages. You are bound to get some people who will say that they are just Earth people pretending. But the point is that if you get them to do their materialization and dematerialization, paranormal abilities which are normal to them, that should be proof.”

“Have you ever met anybody that you thought was an extraterrestrial?” Beckley prodded further.

“Yes, I have, on several occasions,” Brinsley answered, “but I was probably completely wrong. I had this idea in my head because of certain things. But I always thought that there was lots of life elsewhere, even when I was very young.”

The earl reflected further on his efforts to bring about disclosure, which he phrased as getting “the government to come clean.”

“I’m sure they’ve got plenty of reports,” he told Beckley. “There are reasons for a cover-up. The original one, I think, has to do with panic, but also a number of countries might be trying to get hold of an alien spacecraft in operational condition, or in good order, not a crashed, smashed one.”

“Do you think that the British government has a crashed UFO?”

“It’s possible,” the earl said, “but I wouldn’t know. I couldn’t give you a good answer to that one. But think that if one country were to get hold of one and were actually able to make more of them, that particular country would rule the world. That, of course, is the reason that a particular government would have a cover-up.

“Another possible reason for a cover-up,” he continued, “is that, if they are using a free electromagnetic method of propulsion, this would be a blow for a lot of industries: the nuclear industry, the electrical, oil, coal. It would be a good thing, because a lot of these industries are causing pollution.”


Many years before he made international headlines by introducing the debate on the UFO question in the House of Lords, Brinsley was paying his dues as a researcher and writer. Beckley has republished two of the late Lord’s titles through his Global Communications/Inner Light Books publishing house.

“Legacy of the Sky People,” which also includes updated material by Nick Redfern, Tim Swartz and, in the interest of total disclosure, myself, is a reprinting of Brinsley’s 1960 bestseller, “The Sky People.” In an interview I conducted with Brad Steiger, who has long been one of the most respected journalists specializing in the field of the paranormal, he wholeheartedly praises Brinsley’s pioneering exploration of the Ancient Astronauts theory of UFOs.

“I read Brinsley’s book when it came out in the 1960s,” Steiger told me. “I haven’t had the privilege of hanging out with him, the way Brother Tim (Beckley) has, but I certainly am familiar with his work. It’s the groundbreaker aspect that is so important.”

Steiger said that in one of his own bestselling books, “Atlantis Rising,” he quoted quite freely from Brinsley’s work, adding that it was a new field at the time and Brinsley was one of the few proponents of the idea that UFO contact had begun in ancient times. Nevertheless, it was Erich von Daniken, years later, who seemed to get the most recognition.

“Brinsley was generally neglected,” Steiger said, “because Erich von Daniken was the fair-haired boy at the time and was given a great deal of credit for coming up with the whole ancient astronauts concept. A book such as ‘The Sky People’ was read by a few individuals, but the great masses of people were not interested. Then something comes out and gets a lot of attention, like ‘Chariots of the Gods?’ As people said, von Daniken just happened to be standing in front of the cosmic slot machine when it paid off.”

Steiger feels that Trench stands out from his contemporaries because the late earl’s approach was more scholarly and careful in terms of the claims he made.

“Brinsley would present things as a hypothesis,” Steiger explained. “He would say ‘PERHAPS you find this daring; PERHAPS you find this offensive to your beliefs. But consider that Jehovah may have been a leader of people who came from the stars.’ There’s a difference between presenting things and allowing your readers to ponder them and then make up his or her own mind as opposed to coming out and saying, ‘These entities came from outer space and built the pyramids.’ There’s a difference between presenting it as a hypothesis and presenting it as fact.”

Another interesting testimonial comes from Giorgio Tsoukalos, the spokesman in the English-speaking world for none other than von Daniken himself.

“Brinsley Le Poer Trench’s books,” Tsoukalos told me, “have been quoted in many classic ancient astronauts works. An argument definitely can be made for the points he has written about, especially because he based a lot of his research on more ancient texts that are not available as readily as they were back when he was alive. I do think he is one of the founders of the modern-day ancient astronauts theory.”


Beckley has also republished Brinsley’s 1974 book, “Secret of the Ages: UFOs Inside the Earth,” giving it the title “Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth.” As the new title suggests, one is required to buy into two ideas that many still consider to be on the fringes of generally accepted reality: one, that Atlantis actually existed, and, two, was forced to move inside the hollow Earth when its home as a continent on the surface was destroyed.

Beckley sums up the concept nicely.

“While the Earl strongly endorsed the idea that aliens may have been coming here since the time of creation,” Beckley explains, “in his later career his ideas took a strange turn, encompassing the notion that an ancient, ‘pre-Noahan’ civilization existed in what we commonly refer to as the Lost Continent of Atlantis. Intermingled with this Atlantean culture were space beings arriving for various reasons – some beneficial, some destructive.”

“The result of which,” Brinsley writes, “is a long, panoramic narrative in the form of legends and myths, telling us of gods that came from outer space, who ruled over Atlantis and were the progenitors of our own civilization. They also fought terrible wars and made grotesque monsters and giants with reptilian legs that turned upon the gods themselves.”

Brinsley adds that the Atlanteans tried to escape the surging chaos by using thermal drills and electron ray guns to bore out a massive tunnel system that extends even to this very day from the surface to the hollow core at the center of the planet. There – at the center of the Earth – the Atlanteans still live in peace and tranquility, hidden away from the warmongering elements among the surface dwellers.


It is to the credit of the other members of the House of Lords present at the 1979 open debate that they treated Brinsley and his “out there” ideas with respect and made no effort to ridicule or mock his beliefs. The British press even noted at the time that Brinsley was considered to be “noncontroversial,” meaning his ancestry and public deportment were acceptably dignified. He was not labeled as just another British “eccentric,” but seen as an honorable Member of Parliament with something serious to say.

 In his introduction to “Legacy of the Sky People,” Beckley warmly remembers his time spent with Brinsley.

“It was unfortunate that I only got to meet Brinsley once,” Beckley writes, “but I did spend two full days with him as he introduced me to members of Parliament and hosted a dinner for me at his flat in London. Recently the British Ministry of Defence released thousands of files on British UFO encounters. I can’t help but believe that Brinsley was partly responsible for this new ‘sharing of information’ with the public. It started with his research into the legacy of the sky people and his later pressuring of the government to ‘come clean’ about UFOs. We need more like the Eighth Earl of Clancarty in power today. Such men and woman are difficult to find in service to their country, both on and off the UFO playing field.”

Brinsley Le Poer Trench died in Bexhill-on-Sea in 1995, leaving his extensive collection of papers to Contact International, the organization he presided over beginning in 1967. Since Brinsley had been childless, he was succeeded to the earldom by his nephew, Nicholas Le Poer Trench, who, as of this writing, continues to hold that position.

Source: Spectral Vision







The Psychokenetic The World Forgot

By Arjun Walia

Psychokinesis is the ability to move material objects using the power of mind alone. It may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but there is ample evidence to suggest that humans are capable of moving objects with their minds. Should this prove true, it would be fascinating to say the least, and would suggest that all human beings have this potential. Of course, the implications of psychokinesis for humanity as a whole would be immense, and we as a species may not be ready to handle them just yet. We would need to be at a pretty peaceful place within to harness such an ability responsibly. This is why new discoveries are useless without a good consciousness behind their use, and why we say real change comes from within.

What type of evidence is there? In today’s world, something must be peer-reviewed in order to be considered credible. The unfortunate part about this is that science as an institution has become highly politicized, plagued by corruption and the publication of false data. When it comes to topics within the realm of parapsychology, however, results are more reliable. No agenda is driving these experiments, and so they are conducted and their results measured objectively — unlike many corporately funded medical studies. Scientific fraud is important to mention any time we are talking about ‘peer-reviewed’ scientific literature, so the next time you decide to brush off other publications (even though they are usually all ‘peer-reviewed’ in some form), take a second to think about this fact. 

You might be surprised to find out that there are plenty of publications examining parapsychological phenomena, like remote viewing, telepathy, and in this case, psychokinesis.

I will be drawing on several publications which examine psychokinesis throughout the article, but for now, let’s focus our attention on Nina Kulagina.

    “Among the most marvelous, most frightening and certainly most unbelievable possibilities suggested by psychic folklore is that human beings may be able to exert an observable influence upon the physical world — simply through the power of conscious intention; or unconscious intention, or; by some accounts, through the assistance of spiritual intelligences; 0r as a result of a mysterious principle known as synchronicity. Some scholars – such as Stephen Braude, professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland — take such reports very seriously, claiming that no honest person can examine the case study reports and easily dismiss them.”

    – Jeffrey Mishlove, from his newest book, The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter

The quote above comes from Jeffrey Mishlove, who currently serves as Dean of Transformational Psychology at The University of Philosophical Research. His book tells the story of a 20 year field investigation he conducted on a man who had extraordinary psychokinetic/precognitive abilities. As many other researchers have done, he calls attention to Nina Kulagina, a citizen of the former Soviet Union who has apparently demonstrated psychokinetic influence on physical objects. She caused quite a stir at the time, and in 1968 Western researchers attending a conference were shown a video of her in action:

    "The Russians claimed that this woman, also known as Nelya Mikhailova, had been studied by some forty scientists, including two Nobel laureates.  They also reported that, like Serios, Madame Kulagina was able to cause images to appear on photographic film.  The communist scientists, who were by no means inclined to take a spiritualistic world view, felt that they had encountered a new force in nature."

It’s important to recognize that these abilities have been demonstrated before under controlled conditions. One of the best known examples involves Ingo Swann, who was the initial participant to have his ‘remote viewing‘ abilities studied. (Puthoff, Harold E. 1996. CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 63-76.)

There is footage from 1970, where more researchers conducted experiments. Many have examined Kulagina, and for the last 20 years of her life she was subjected to academic research by the USSR. There are multiple videos of her on YouTube.

Studies of the electrical fields around her body as well as the electrical potentials in her brain were conducted by well-known physiologist Dr. Genady Sergeyev, who was working in a Leningrad military laboratory. Exceptionally strong voltages and other unusual effects were observed:

    "There is a large gradient between the electrical characteristics in the forward part of Mikhailova’s brain versus the back part of the brain (fifty to one), whereas in the average person the gradient is four to one.  The usual force field around Mikhailova’s body is ten times weaker than the magnetic field of the earth.

    "During PK, her pulse rises to 240 per minute.  There is activation of deeper levels of the occipital lobe and reticular formation.  This enhances polarization in the brain between front and back, says Sergeyev.  When the gradient between front and back of the brain reaches a certain level, and there is most intense activity in the occipital lobe, radiation of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields are detected by the force field detectors four yeard from the body….Heartbeat, brain waves, and force field fluctuations are in ratio.  The fields around the PK medium are stronger further away than close to the head.  Mikhailova appears to focus these force field waves in a specific area."

– Taken from Michlove’s book, cited above.

The evidence is intriguing, even if we veer off from parapsychology into quantum physics. The quantum double slit experiment is a very popular experiment used to examine how consciousness and our physical material world are intertwined. It is a great example that documents how factors associated with consciousness and our physical material world are connected in some way. Multiple studies have found that that factors associated with consciousness significantly correlate in predicted ways with perturbations in the double slit interference pattern. You can read more about that here.

She Is Not The Only One

This effort began, supposedly, because the CIA had concerns about Soviet investigations into psychic phenomenon, as the United States had gathered intelligence showing that the Soviets were engaged in “psychotronic” research. You can read the publication, as the results were published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

China is also very active when it comes to identifying individuals with certain extended human capacities. For example, a paper published in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) in September 1981 in the journal Ziran Zazhi (Nature Journal) tilted “Some Experiments on the Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body” (Shuhuang et al., 1981) reported that ‘gifted children’ were able to cause the teleportation of small physical objects from one place to another.

There are also some extraordinary claims from a publication titled “Teleportation Physics Study.” This study reports of highly accurate parapsychological effects, including clairvoyance, psychokinetic effects, and more.

In a report published in 2010 by retired research chemist Dong Shen, an experiment is described involving mental teleportation of bits of paper out of a sealed plastic film container. Remarkably, these methods were then taught to others with a success rate of 40 percent.

It’s also important to mention what Dean Radin, the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, states:

    Evaluating the details and credibility of these studies have been difficult because many of the papers appear only in Chinese, the techniques have not yet been reported outside of China, and the experimental methods employed in conducting such tests do not appear to be as rigorously controlled as compared to typical Western methods.

Despite this fact, hundreds of elite, specially trained researchers from a number of scientific disciplines within China’s universities have studied unexplainable phenomena cultivated by this supposed unique group of people with ‘Exceptional Human Functions.’

    “[T]he results of the Chinese p-Teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4th spatial dimension, so that the specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them.”

    – Eric Davis, Ph.D, FBIS

Another study, published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, as seen in the the US National Library of Medicine, demonstrated that a women with special abilities was and is able to accelerate the germination of specific seeds for the purposes of developing a more robust seed stock.

More research was done by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing in July of 1990. It was published in the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science (Kongzhi et al., 1990; Jinggen et al., 1990; Banghui; 1990). This study reported several experiments involving high speed photography videotaping, which was able to capture the transfer of test specimens like nuts, matches, nails, pills, and more through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, sealed glass bottles and tubes, sealed plastic film canisters, and more without the walls of any of these containers being breached. All of these experiments reported using gifted children and adults to cause the teleportation of various materials.

The list of apparent examples is a long one, and hopefully this introduction will show you that examining the non-physical is essential to discovering more about the true nature of our reality.

    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

    – Nikola Tesla

Source: Collective Evolution


Kusshi: The Mystery of Lake Kussharo

What is lurking in the waters of Japan’s Lake Kussharo?

An unknown creature, known affectionately as “Kusshi” in an attempt to emulate Loch Ness’ “Nessie,” has long been sighted in Lake Kussharo, in the nothern island of Hokkaido, Japan.

Lake Kussharo is located within Akan National Park in eastern Hokkaido and derives its name from the Ainu word “Kuccharo,” which means “The place where a lake becomes a river and the river flows out.”

It is a caldera lake, formed in the crater of a volcano long ago, and is notable for being the largest lake of this kind in Japan as well as the 6th largest lake in the country overall.

It also boasts the largest island in a freshwater lake in Japan, the islet Nakanoshima, which is in fact a composite volcano. Lake Kussharo is massive for a caldera lake, being approximately 57 km in circumference and reaching depths of 117.5 meters.

Kusshi is reported as being between 10 and 20 meters in length (30 to 60 ft), and the most commonly cited coloration is a dark brown. The neck is of a moderate length, and humps are sometimes mentioned. The head of the creature is said to look somewhat like that of a horse, only larger, with silver eyes, and is sometimes described as having two protrusions like giraffe horns on top. A few reports mention the creature making strange grunting or clicking noises. Interestingly, many witnesses report having felt distinctly uneasy, disturbed, or “icky,” upon seeing the creature.

One very interesting characteristic of Kusshi is the high speeds at which it reportedly can move. In 1974 footage was taken of a mysterious creature moving across the lake at breakneck speed. In Sept, 1974, a group of 15 witnesses reported being surprised by a large, somewhat triangular shaped animal with shiny skin like glistening scales, moving under the surface of the water with the speed of a motorboat. In 1988, a Mr. Takashi Murata was riding in a motorboat and reported being paced by a large animal at a distance of 15 meters away, which he described as having a dark back that looked like that of a dolphin. The animal followed him for a time, keeping up with the fast boat, before disappearing beneath the water.

Lake Kussharo’s alleged lake monster first came to widespread publicity during the 1970s due to a number of high profile sightings. In 1972, a man reported seeing an object that looked like a “boat turned upside down,” swimming quickly through the water. In August of 1973, a group of 40 middle school students on a field trip, as well as their teachers, spotted the creature not far from shore. In July, 1974, another famous case was reported by a Mr. Wada, a farmer who sighted a large, dark animal with several humps at intervals of 4 meters apart. The farmer watched the creature for some time before it submerged with a huge swell of water and a splash.

These sightings and many others like them brought attention to the lake, which culminated in an active search for the animal. For one month in Sept 1974, TV crews, boats equipped with fish finder sonar, and teams of divers explored the lake. These efforts produced some interesting results. Some of the sonar equipped boats reported finding large images at depths of 15 to 20 meters and a TV crew from the Hokkaido Broadcasting Company actually managed to catch footage of the alleged creature. Over the years, Kusshi has been photographed and filmed on several occasions, including as recently as 1990.

Kusshi continued to be sighted throughout the 70s and beyond, sometimes by large groups of people. In May, 1976, Kusshi was sighted by a group of 22 tour bus passengers and their driver. As recently as 1997, a group of firefighters spotted a strange animal swimming 100 meters offshore, which they estimated as being 20 meters long, with a dorsal fin and banded markings. Another sightings was made by tourists in 2002, and reports occasionally pop up to this day.

Although media attention made Kusshi famous in the 1970s, it would be a mistake to think that this was the first indication of something strange or unknown in the lake. The Ainu people who inhabit the area have long told of giant snakes that inhabit the lake. Pioneers coming to the area during the Meiji era also told of seeing these creatures, which were said to attack and eat deer whole. These stories have a long tradition among locals in the area. During the 40s and 50s, there were quite a few sightings of Kusshi as well, although these never did gain the attention that the 1970s sightings did.

So what could Kusshi be?

Lake Kussharo is itself not particularly a good habitat for aquatic life. The area is well known for its hot springs and volcanic activity, and volcanic gases bubbling up beneath the surface render the water of the lake highly acidic. In addition, a 1938 eruption in the area created a large amount of sulphur which found its way into the water. The conditions are not ideal for fish. Those that do thrive in the lake are species that are resistant to acidic water conditions, such as the introduced rainbow trout, and most fish in the lake congregate near inflowing streams which dilute the water. This limits the potential food supply and makes conditions difficult for a large animal.

One hypothesis is that swimming deer or other animals are behind the sightings. A swimming deer could perhaps fit in with some aspects of Kusshi reports, especially the general shape and presence of horns sometimes mentioned.

Another idea is that swimming horses could be the culprit. Kusshi’s head is often described as being horse like, and the creature has even been mistaken for a horse on at least one occasion. In July, 1975, a forestry worker saw what he at first thought was a horse swimming in the lake until he noticed that it was much larger than a horse as it came closer. The creature then dove below the surface not to be seen again. Could a horse or deer be behind these reports? It is an interesting idea, but the sizes reported for Kusshi are much larger than these animals and we are still faced with the reports that describe these creatures moving at high speeds.

Some point to the culprit as possibly being misidentified schools of fish such as rainbow trout, sockeye salmon, or Sakhalin taimen (Hutcho perryi), which is found in Hokkaido and is one of the oldest and largest species of salmon. It is something to consider, but would do nothing to explain the head and neck seen in many reports. Still another, more unconventional explanation, is that Kusshi could be some sort of giant slug. Kusshi has been attributed to misidentifications of motorboats as well.

There are those that have even used the surviving plesiosaur theory, and there is even a model of Kusshi found at the lake that most certainly resembles the mainstream “Nessie” image of one. However most reports do not really describe the animal in that way, and this speculation seems to be an attempt to liken Kusshi to the popular image of Nessie more than anything else. This sort of thing has led some people to make the accusation that the lake monster has been played up in order to promote tourism to the area.

Whatever it is, Kusshi’s identity remains an interesting mystery.

Source: Cryptomundo/Brent Swancer


"Wessie" Is Real!
By Loren Coleman

As you may recall, beginning on June 23, 2016, serious sightings of a 10-foot-long snake were made and filed with members of the Westbrook (Maine) Police Department.

The giant snake was then seen by two officers at 3:30 AM on June 29, 2016, eating a beaver and swimming across the Presumpscot River, near Riverside Park in Westbrook, Maine, to Brown Street, where it disappeared into the brush.

The snake was dubbed “Wessie.”

But quickly the debunkers were heard from, in July.

    "David Sparks, who founded Sparks’ Ark Animal Services in New Gloucester, which rehabilitates various wild animals, told the American Journal [in July 2016] that he was unconvinced that a large snake has made itself at home on the river.

    'I question whether it was a snake,' he said Tuesday [July 12, 2016].

    "Sparks, who lives along the Presumpscot River in Windham, says it’s more likely the officers saw a beaver dragging a large tree branch across the river, creating the perception that a snake had snagged the beaver. Sparks has hosted educational programs with large snakes for more than 25 years.

    'I believe the people that saw it believe they saw a snake, but I just don’t think from the two reports that it was,' he said.

    "The sighting from the two officers was in the area of Speirs Street at approximately 3:30 a.m. One of the officers attempted to take a video, but it was too dark to see any images."

But the doubters were wrong.

On Saturday, August 20, 2016, at around 3:00 PM near the carry-in boat launch, a local person found a shed snake skin. It was large and proves a large snake is in the area.

“Wessie is real,” is the least that can be said about the new find.

Westbrook Police Chief Janine Roberts messaged, via the media, to the public the serious nature of their past and current alerts. They are warning the public about snakes after the large snake skin was found near the Presumpscot River.

“Until the type of snake is determined and we can assess the safety risk, we caution people who recreate along the Presumpscot River to remain alert, maintain a safe distance from any wildlife, and report any sightings of the snake to the Westbrook Police Department (WPD),” Roberts said.

The International Cryptozoology Museum (ICM) at Thompson’s Point, Portland, Maine, the world’s only cryptozoology museum, has offered our full services of identification and search/research resources to the Westbrook Police Department.

The ICM also has mentioned to the WPD of the significant and important nature of this skin, and are hoping it will be retained and obtained for exhibit at the ICM.

Source: Cryptozoonews

"Poltergeist" Baffles Scotland Police Officers

POLICE investigating reports of disturbances at a house were left stunned when they witnessed paranormal activity.

The officers witnessed clothes flying across a room, lights going off and when they went back on the lampshades were upside down and oven doors opening and closing.

Even a chihuahua dog which was playing in the garden was then discovered sitting on top of a seven-foot hedge.

The family who live at the property had called the police in a panic. They endured two days of the bizarre occurrences before moving out of the property in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire.

The situation has been discussed at high levels within Police Scotland, with senior officers perplexed as to how they best handle the incidents.

A police source said: “These were incidents that were witnessed by our own officers. Incidents that are not easily explained.

“One problem we’ve got is where we go from here as no crime has been established, so what else can we do but deal with any reports of disturbances.

“But officers with more than 20 years’ service are saying they’ve never seen anything like this. It really is something that down-to-earth police officers are having trouble getting their heads round.

“How do you handle what, despite us liking to use the word, has been described as a poltergeist.”

The family at the centre of the drama are devoutly Catholic and police did seek assistance from the church.

A priest has been to the house in Stonelaw Road and performed what has been described as a ‘blessing’ at the property.

The saga unfolded when the family, a woman and her son in his early teens, contacted police on Monday and Tuesday to report ‘disturbing incidents’ in her home.

The woman and the teenager, described as extremely distressed, had been experiencing violent and unexplained circumstances and in desperation contacted police.

A source said: “The officers attended expecting it to be a mental health issue but they witnessed the lights going off, clothes flying across the room and the dog sitting on top of the hedge.

“The officers called their superiors who also attended thinking the cops were perhaps being a bit silly but it’s being taken very seriously.

“The fact it was witnessed by our officers has lent itself to a very different but active inquiry.”

With no reasonable explanation for what they witnessed police, acting with the support of the family, contacted the Catholic Church who sent a priest to bless the house.

No-one has been harmed, though the family were given safety advice by baffled officers and chose to leave the house. They are understood to be living with relatives.

The source added: “The main concern is with the family’s welfare and well-being but with no crime committed and no culprit we are at a loss how to proceed with it. Inquiries are ongoing but it’s difficult to know where to go with it.”

Police are understood to be looking into the family’s background, and working with doctors and social services to provide support.

They are also thought to be checking the history of the property, to see if there been any reports of similar occurrences from previous residents.

Our source said all options were being considered by way of explaining the goings-on: “Is it some form of hoax, or is it real or not real? These are the questions being asked by officers but without coming to any conclusion.

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: “On 8 and 9 August police attended a house in Rutherglen to reports of a disturbance. No evidence of criminality was found and advice and guidance was given to the family.”

The Catholic Church was approached for comment but failed to respond.

However, Scottish psychic medium Ally Key, from Dundee, and his wife Sadie, a paranormal specialist, have publicly offered to aid a family by conducting an investigation within their home - which they say has similarities to the Enfield Haunting. 

Ally said: "A professional, experienced person needs to help this family. The disturbance description doesn't sound like a poltergeist, it sounds like an intelligent entity."

He explains a poltergeist - meaning noisy ghost - cannot be at the root of the problem.

"Spirits can appear and leave at any time. It can be attached to a building or a person, or be an entity arriving because of a dramatic change in the atmosphere or structure of a home - possibly the spirit's old home.

"We would need to conduct a full investigation to determine if there is a logical explaination or if a spirit is inhabiting the property."

Medium Ally, claims to be able to communicate with the dead with help from his spirit guide Father Joseph and releases spirits through his own body.

The pyschic says spirits have forced him to speak in different languages and one even lifted him and threw him to the ground during a vigil in the Blair Street vaults in Edinburgh.

The pair, who have conducted hundreds of investigations between them, say they just want the family to have peace of mind and be able to return to their home privately.

Ally said: "I've never failed a case, we've always found an answer, paranormal or not. We want to help without a media circus or mass hysteria.

The couple say they only need two nights in the house to conduct a full investigation. 

Ms Shreenan, who had been living at the property on Stonelaw Road in Rutherglen with her son, has now fled to her parents home just miles down the road in South Lanarkshire.

A Police source said officers are looking into the history of the property to see if there is any explaination for the strange events.

Source: Daily Record

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