![]() 10/16/16 #879 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal879.html The
darkness, like living flesh corrupted, envelops us with its icy
embrace. Thoughts that once burned fire-like in their complexities, now
smoulders in the stygian emptiness. Invisible terrors, once consigned
to the back roads of consciousness, now eagerly seek prey to feed an
eternal hunger. Horrors of the night now reach out across the
threshold into the once safe light. But there is one light that pierces the darkness, one shining example of freedom of information. One weekly, e-mail newsletter that is not afraid to publish that which everyone else fears to even think. That's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to split the darkness of ignorance and fill your world with the pure, white light of truth. This
week, Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such eye-popping stories as: - Exposing the Top Secret Treaty Between the U.S. and Aliens - - Unseen Foes: Hostile Contact With Non-Human Entities - - A Village of Killer Wives in Hungary - AND: Clown Lives Matter March Canceled Due to Death Threats All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ NEW BOOK FROM CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! AMERICA'S TOP SECRET TREATY WITH ALIEN LIFE FORMS ![]() IS THE "TREATY" A "FALSE FLAG?" -- PART OF A DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN? OR SOME CIA SPONSORED "SMOKE SCREEN?" They arrived without our knowledge or consent and told our military leaders they came in peace for the benefit of humankind, and would gladly start an exchange program with the people of the planet earth which could lead to a "Golden Age." We wholeheartedly believed them and agreed to the "Treaty" almost without any sort of protest. Then they began to abduct our women! Then They returned for our children! Soon after they began to rape the earth's resources! And it became apparent they ultimately wanted to control our minds and capture our souls for their selfish reasons, some too horrific to comprehend. And because they are to embarassed to admit they went along with this Treaty, the U.S. government and the military industrial complex refuses to let the public know what has been going on for nearly half a century, keeping a tight lid on this Treaty and its various"exchange programs" to benefit themselves, and to keep us totally out of the loop and in complete ignorance. But now there might be a ray of hope upon the horizons thanks to the whistle blower known as Commander X, a military intelligence operative with just the"right connections" to bring the subject to the people finally. This is your opportunity to find out about the"Treaty" and protect yourself and your loved ones from a possible "enemy attack" that could come out of the sky as predicted by Nostradamus, the Book of Revelations, and others. This
Newly Released Book is Now Available for the
Bargain Price of Only $17.00 So don't delay,
order your copy
ALIEN LIFE FORMS today for only $17.00 plus
$5.00 for shipping -
Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley - A UNHOLY ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT - Exposing the Top Secret Treaty Between the U.S. and Aliens By Sean Casteel ![]() Global Communications/Inner Light Publications, the ever-prolific publishing house helmed by CEO Timothy Green Beckley, has recently published a new book that delves into UFOs, conspiracy theory and governmental gamesmanship called “America’s Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms: Plus The Hidden History of Our Time.” The primary text of the book is by “Commander X,” the pseudonym of a former military intelligence operative who has long been dedicated to exposing the government/ET cover-up, but what follows are excerpts and quotations from the book that borrow from the introductory chapters authored by Beckley and, in the interest of full disclosure, myself. THE NECESSARY LEAPS OF FAITH To better appreciate the material presented here, one should perhaps make the following leaps of faith: First, you have to accept the premise that we are not alone in the universe. Then you have to agree intelligent life has arrived here and that it consists of a group or groups of ETs who are more advanced than we are and who can travel freely through time and space. Then we must ask ourselves if we are important enough that they would endeavor to set up some sort of ongoing “relationship” with us. And why, indeed, the United States? Presumably because we are thought of as the most powerful nation on the planet? There is a growing conviction among a certain “fringe” group of Ufologists that we have gone so far as to negotiate a treaty with at least one group of aliens, possibly several. So who signed this treaty? And what exactly does it consist of? And – perhaps most important of all – has the treaty been broken because one or both sides did not keep to this agreement? EISENHOWER ESTABLISHES FIRST CONTACT Most stories about the alleged treaty between the U.S. government and a race of UFO occupants start with then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his rendezvous with the alien interlopers circa 1954. The story is told in varying versions and may already be familiar in one form or another to the seasoned UFO reader, but it is told again here to lay the foundation for the basic concept of this book. One of the most thorough treatments of the Eisenhower encounter is told by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., in an online posting called, aptly enough, “Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials.” The chronology begins on the night of and early morning hours of February 20-12, 1954, when Eisenhower was purportedly on vacation in Palm Springs and “went missing.” The next morning, at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that the president had required emergency dental treatment from a local dentist after losing a tooth cap while eating fried chicken. The dentist himself was presented at an official function that evening, seemingly to solidify an apparent cover-up and keep the press in the dark. “That missing night and morning,” Salla writes, “has subsequently fueled rumors that Eisenhower was using the alleged dentist visit as a cover story for an extraordinary event.” The event is possibly “the most significant that any American president could have conducted,” Salla’s paper continues. “An alleged ‘first contact’ meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force Base (previously Muroc Airfield) and the beginning of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a ‘treaty’ that was eventually signed.” Salla then points to circumstantial evidence that the meeting truly occurred. One of the most questionable aspects of situation has to do with Eisenhower’s Palm Springs winter vacation itself, slated to run from February 17-24. The vacation was announced rather suddenly and came less than a week after Eisenhower’s “quail shooting” vacation in Georgia. This was most unusual. On the night of February 20, when Eisenhower’s presence could not be accounted for, the media began to wonder if he had taken ill or even died. Eisenhower’s press secretary quickly convened a news conference and put out the dentist story. During those hours, Eisenhower could easily have traveled from Palm Springs to the nearby Muroc Airfield. When one looks at the unscheduled nature of the president’s vacation, the hours he was missing and the dentist cover story, a definite pattern emerges. Whatever was really happening behind the scenes was not something that could be shared with the public. GERALD LIGHT PROVIDES AN EARLY PUBLIC SOURCE Gerald Light, who was called a “gifted and highly educated writer and lecturer, skilled in both clairvoyance and the occult,” sent a letter dated April 16, 1954, to Meade Layne, who at the time was the director of Borderland Sciences Research Associates. In the letter, Light claimed that he was part of a delegation of community leaders invited to the meeting with extraterrestrials at Muroc in order to test public reaction to the alien presence. Also asked to attend were Hearst papers reporter Franklin Allen, Edwin Nourse of the Brookings Institute (who had been Harry Truman’s financial adviser), and Bishop MacIntyre of Los Angeles. After undergoing six hours of “vetting,” or extremely detailed background checks, the group was permitted to enter the “restricted section.” “I had the distinct feeling,” Light writes, “that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description.” This is what the late Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack called “ontological shock.” Mack coined the phrase to describe the feeling one gets when first coming to realize the alien presence is undeniably real and that a total restructuring of one’s former sense of reality is demanded. Light seems to be describing that shaken state of mind in his letter, which points to a consistency with what the UFO research of the ensuing decades would uncover. “The reality of the ‘other plane’ aero-forms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation,” Light continued, “and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group.” Light says he was on the scene at Muroc for two days and witnessed five separate and distinct types of alien aircraft being studied and handled by Air Force officials with the permission and assistance of a group Light calls the “Etherians.” “I have no words to express my reactions,” he writes. “It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history.” Light mistakenly felt that Eisenhower would ignore the conflicts going on between various officials behind the scenes and present the situation to the public if the impasse continued much longer. Salla notes that no such formal announcement was made and Light’s meeting was either the best-kept secret of the 20th century or the fabrication of an elderly mystic known for out-of-body experiences. Meanwhile, Salla says there is a plausibility to the list of those Light claimed had joined him at the meeting in that they represented senior leaders of the religious, spiritual, economic and newspaper communities. All of the invitees were of advanced age and constituted a “wise man” group that would have reflected the conservative nature of American society at the time. WILLIAM COOPER ADDS ANOTHER LAYER OF CREDENCE The late William Cooper was a highly controversial whistleblower of great fame, though his statements would often be critically scrutinized and attacked. As for his personal background, he said he served on the Naval Intelligence briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet from 1970 to 1973 and therefore had access to classified documents that he had to review in order to fulfill his briefing duties. According to Salas, Cooper describes the background and nature of the “First Contact” thusly: “In 1953, astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships. When the objects reached the Earth, they took up a very high orbit around the Equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown.” Operatives of Project Sigma, which worked to intercept radio signals, and a new project, Plato, tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens, worked together to transmit radio communications to the ships using the binary computer language. The U.S. was thus able to arrange a landing that resulted in face-to-face contact with alien beings from another planet. In the meantime, a race of human-looking aliens also contacted the U.S. government. “This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other.” This race stated that: *** We were on a path of self-destruction and we must stop killing each other. *** We must stop polluting the Earth. *** We must stop raping the Earth’s natural resources. *** We must learn to live in harmony. Cooper writes that these terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had no precedent in history to help in making the decision. In any case, it was decided that nuclear disarmament was not in the best interest of the United States. The aliens’ overtures were rejected. “The significant point about Cooper’s version,” Salla writes, “is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development and was instead focused on spiritual development. Significantly, the overtures of these extraterrestrials were turned down.” In retrospect, it seems we said “no” to the good guys, doesn’t it? THE 1954 AGREEMENT WITH THE ALIENS Did the aliens engage us early on, insisting we sign a Treaty with them? If so, have they led us down the garden path? A host of other whistleblowers, to include former CIA pilot John Lear and former Master Sergeant Robert Dean (who, like Cooper, had access to top secret documents) offer accounts of the Muroc meeting that agree on some points and disagree on others, In any case, Eisenhower’s February 1954 meeting was not successful. After the failure of that first meeting, the president subsequently met later that year with a race of large-nosed gray aliens who had been orbiting the Earth before landing at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Eisenhower and/or members of his administration reached a basic agreement with this second alien race. The ETs identified themselves as originating from a planet in orbit around a red star in the Constellation of Orion that we call Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. The treaty reached with this gray race stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on Earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make a treaty with any other Earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purposes of medical examination and the monitoring of our development, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, and would have no memory of the event. The alien nation agreed to furnish a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. Further testimony comes from yet another whistleblower, Phil Schneider, a former geological engineer who was employed by corporations contracted to build underground bases. Schneider worked extensively on black projects involving extraterrestrials. He summarized what he knew about the earthling/alien compact: “Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings but that they had to give details about the people involved.” This same pattern of testimony is also repeated by Don Phillips, who served in the Air Force on various clandestine aviation projects. He claims to have seen documents detailing the facts of Eisenhower’s meeting with the aliens and the fact that some kind of treaty was later signed. Meanwhile, the late Colonel Philip Corso, a highly decorated officer who had served on Eisenhower’s National Security Council and decades later authored the highly controversial book, “The Day After Roswell,” characterized what had happened as a kind of “negotiated surrender” to the aliens. Corso wrote in his memoirs that “They dictated the terms because they knew what we most feared was disclosure.” THE ALIENS PROVE UNTRUSTWORTHY The whistleblowers also talked about the immediate aftermath of the treaty. “By 1955,” Cooper writes, “it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees and it was further suspected that not all abductees had been returned.” Lear says similarly, “We got something less than the technology we bargained for and found the abductions exceeded by a million-fold what we had naively agreed to.” In October 1955, General Douglas MacArthur delivered a famous warning that suggested some extraterrestrial presence existed that threatened human sovereignty. “You now face a new world,” MacArthur said, “a world of change. We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy. The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” MacArthur may well have been alluding to the same extraterrestrials who allegedly made an agreement with Eisenhower. It is a public acknowledgment, similar to Ronald Reagan’s “little green man” speech before the United Nations in 1983, of an alien presence against whom the entire planet must one day do battle. If the aliens did in fact renege on major parts of the alleged treaty, MacArthur was perhaps acknowledging that we would eventually be in a state of all-out war with them as a consequence. “The uncertainty over the motivations and behavior of the gray extraterrestrials,” Salla writes, “appears to have played a large role in the government decision not to disclose the extraterrestrial presence and the treaty Eisenhower had signed with them.” Salla quotes from an “alleged official document” leaked to UFO researchers that makes it a crime under the Espionage Act to disclose classified information concerning extraterrestrials, punishable by up to ten years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Which is sufficient to keep most former servicemen from coming forward with what they know. The most common strategies for dealing with former servicemen, corporate employees or witnesses brave or “foolish” enough to reveal classified information is to intimidate, silence, eliminate or discredit these individuals. This is accomplished by removing all public records of the whistleblowers that would establish their identity as credible sources. Such people could also be frightened into simply retracting what they said or having their testimony distorted to the point where it ceases to have the meaning the witness intended. EISENHOWER AS THE “CONTACTEE” PRESIDENT Returning to the subject of Eisenhower and the many alien contact stories that are told about him, we next examine the writings of Canadian researcher Grant Cameron. Cameron has specialized in the study of American presidents and their interactions with the extraterrestrial presence for many years and has cultivated a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness that has few equals in the field of Ufology. According to Cameron, Eisenhower’s attaining the rank of five-star General made him accustomed to high-level secrets. This was clearly evident in 1952, when Harry Truman gave the newly elected Eisenhower the “comprehensive National Intelligence Digest prepared by the CIA,” which contained “the most important national intelligence on a worldwide basis.” Eisenhower would write in his memoirs a decade later that the intelligence digest added little to his knowledge since he had already been privy to most of what it contained. “What may go down as the most contentious part of the Eisenhower story,” Cameron writes, “is that Eisenhower had many rumored encounters with UFOs and aliens. Eisenhower could thus be labeled the ‘contactee president.’” Eisenhower was said to be onboard a nuclear aircraft carrier in 1952 during a NATO exercise in which a large blue/white light appeared right off the starboard bow. It descended to within a hundred feet above the water and hovered as the ship moved past it before rising straight up into the air and departing. Eisenhower told the crewmen to “forget about it for now.” The ship in question was the U.S.S. Roosevelt. Cameron points out that just as Roswell was the first air force base to handle nuclear weapons, the U.S.S. Roosevelt was the first aircraft carrier to be armed with nuclear weapons. There has been a generally acknowledged alien “interest” in Earth’s nukes from the beginning of the modern day UFO phenomenon, and one is reminded that the aliens who initially approached Eisenhower made dismantling our nuclear arsenal a fundamental condition of any agreement that might be reached. Cameron also comments on the 1954 Muroc story. Ever the careful scholar, Cameron relates how the official records of the President’s trip to Palm Springs are held at the Eisenhower library in Abilene, Kansas, and have been reviewed by various researchers. An archivist at the library says they receive so many requests on the subject that they have a person who specializes in dealing with those particular documents. “All researchers agreed on the basic story,” Cameron writes, “that being on the evening of February 20, 1954, during a weeklong trip to Palm Springs, Eisenhower disappeared from where he was staying at the Smoke Tree Ranch compound, owned by his business friend, Paul Helms. The records do not show how this disappearance became apparent to the press corps, but they did figure out the president was gone. In fact, the Associated Press had already gone on the wire with the story that the president had suffered a heart attack and was dead. Minutes later, they withdrew the story.” Press secretary James Haggerty hurried to meet with and calm down the press with the aforementioned dentist visit story. The members of the media accepted what they were told and the story disappeared completely when Eisenhower was seen at church the next morning. WHAT EISENHOWER SAID PUBLICLY In his introduction to “America’s Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms,” Beckley grapples with statements Eisenhower made to the American public shortly before turning over the reins of government to John F. Kennedy – the well-known remarks on the military/industrial complex. “In the councils of government,” Eisenhower said, “we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military/industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. “To all the peoples of the world,” the president continued, “I once more give expression to America’s prayerful and continuing aspiration: We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity will come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the Earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.” The surprising candor of Eisenhower’s exit speech has long placed it among the most important presidential utterances in American history. But what motivated him to speak his dire warnings about a governmental machinery he had himself been a leader of for decades? “Certainly, these remarks serve to indicate,” Beckley writes, “that something during his two terms of office had had a tremendous effect upon a president who was a staunch conservative and a former general not known for his sensitivity and enlightenment. What had impacted his conscience so much that he would publicly ‘soften’ his views on a variety of topics? Could it have been due to his rumored meeting with a group of Ultra-Terrestrials? And the subsequent fact that these assemblages were never spoken about in public? “Going a step further,” Beckley continues, “if Eisenhower did have a prearranged, clandestine meeting with aliens, what was the result of their conversation? What were the discussions all about? What future policies might they have outlined? And, at the end of the meeting(s), did we simply shake hands and say, ‘see you,’ as we walked away? “There are some, including Commander X, the retired military intelligence operative who supplied the majority of these pages, who say that these conferences with Eisenhower led up to an actual agreement – AN INTERPLANETARY TREATY – being ‘signed and sealed’ by both sides.” On a personal note, the above-mentioned Commander X is a mystery even to me. I have worked for Beckley (who has published numerous books by Commander X) for more than twenty years and even I do not know who the secretive author truly is. I’ve always conjured an image of an aging, gray-haired, bearded figure bent over a typewriter while hiding in some basement hovel in a major U.S. city and staying one step ahead of his former intelligence community “handlers” as he churns out book after book on the shadowy conspiracy that allegedly threatens us all. In his section of “America’s Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms,” Commander X provides an insider’s perspective on the nature of official government dealings and agreements with the aliens. Is Commander X trustworthy? I would have to say he’s at least as trustworthy as the next guy in this often confusing swirl of disinformation and genuinely leaked “revelations.” But whatever the details of this insidious treaty between the U.S. and the extraterrestrials, no matter what was agreed to, what egregious concessions were made, no matter who profited or was enriched, it is we who will pay the final price of that ill-conceived diplomatic outreach to a dark alien race from the stars. Source: Spectral Vision https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2016/10/15/exposing-the-top-secret- treaty-between-the-u-s-and-aliens/ - UNSEEN FOES DEPARTMENT - Unseen Foes: Hostile Contact With Non-Human Entities By Scott Corrales ![]() To
call them ufonauts would evoke unwanted associations with the
long-haired, blonde entities of the Adamskian tradition or the Greys
that peppered UFO research in the 1990s. In some cases there is no
structured craft suggesting an interplanetary origin or even a actinic
light that conjures up a paranormal provenance. “Things” appear to
unchain a series of events in unsuspecting communities having
absolutely no interest in matters involving ufology or even the human
space age, now receding into the past as civilization chooses to
journey inward. Time and distance separate us from some of these events in such a way that it is quite understandable how contemporary researchers would feel more comfortable dismissing them as rumor, journalistic exaggeration or outright hoax. Publishing pictures of lights in the sky is far more satisfying, of course. Nevertheless, I feel these cases deserve their day in court, despite the inability to put the events -- or their witnesses -- on the stand. A very important book was lost among the raging storms of UFO controversy in the abductions-or-nothing mid-90s. A distinguished author, Chile’s Jorge Anfruns, had published Extraterrestres en Chile, a compelling summary of his country’s extensive UFO and high strangeness history, told in an engaging first person style. Anfruns did not shy away from the requisite abduction experiences, which were truly mind-bending, but other cases were just as intriguing. In particular, a 1987 visit by the Chilean author to neighboring Bolivia, high up in the Andean Plateau, where he met up with fellow investigator Pedro Araneda, who brought him up to speed on a series of strange events that took place along the border between their respective nations. As it so happened, a luminous object descended out of the dark, starry Andean night while members of the Aymara native community slept. Their uneventful hours of rest were broken by the intensity of the unknown light, and by the more disturbing sight of strange people wandering the streets of their village. Not given to confrontation, the locals decided to bar their doors and wait for daylight before taking action. The morning sun would bring with it the alarming news that the ‘strangers’ had tried to abduct a teenage shepherdess. Her would-be captors were described as tall, robust individuals with long blond hair clad in glowing outfits. The shock was such that the girl died of a heart attack. Araneda continued with his story. While peaceful, the locals decided that defense against these intruders was of the essence. On successive nights, the unknown characters tried breaking into homes, battering the doors. The locals – who earned their living from mining – had dynamite available and weren’t afraid to use it. Throwing sticks of explosive (“tiros de dinamita”, in the original) convinced the attackers that the village was able and willing to defend itself from these attacks, causing them to withdraw. The situation went on for more than a week until the Bolivian press and radio began spreading the word about the strange situation. An Aymara delegation went to La Paz, the nation’s capital, to press their case, requesting government involvement in the matter. It emerged – writes Anfruns in his book – that the Andean natives had long been aware of these lights and entities. Glowing orbs would land on the foothills and the summits, bizarre entities had been seen wandering the dust-choked roads, and there appeared to be seasonality to these events, with the months of April and July being the ones in which sightings and landings were more frequent. The beings didn’t always share the same morphology. When prompted for a description, Araneda told Anfruns: “[These beings] are completely different from them [the natives], being thin, small, large-headed, helmeted, with large, shiny, black eyes like plums. People know there’s stuff going up there, but Aymaras aren’t given to talking about them.” (Extraterrestres en Chile, p. 81). Whether the government listened to the native villagers’ plea for assistance isn’t reported. Bolivia has had an extensive history of UFO experiences and the higher echelons of their military probably had a good idea of what it was up against. Communities elsewhere have been besieged by UFOs, much like the Brazilian community of Colhares, a case described in detail in Jacques Vallée’s Confrontations and in even more detail in Vampiros Extraterrestres Na Amazonia by Daniel Rebisso Giese, books recommended to the interested reader. I will briefly summarize it here: Colhares, near the city of Belem, across from the isle of Marajó, which forms part of the Amazon Delta, found its placid tropical existence shattered by manifestations of still-unexplained, boxlike machines knows as "chupas" firing beams of white light against townspeople. Aside from the corresponding burn, victims of these roving devices would experience lassitude and blackouts. People were afraid to go outdoors after sundown, taking to firing weapons into the air in the vain hope of chasing the intruders away, while the unknown's mantle of fear enshrouded the community. Unlike the Bolivian situation, the Brazilian military responded in force with Operação Prato (Project Saucer) Anfruns moves on to an even more disturbing story which can understandably be dismissed as anecdotal, as no names or dates are given due to the highly sensitive nature of the event. It took place “at some point along the Chilean, Bolivian or perhaps Peruvian borders, which I have no intention to recall,” he writes. A detachment of police officers on horseback – the only way to get around in the mountainous terrain – was proceeding down the gorge known as Quebrada de las Bandurrias (two different ones appear on the map, the northernmost at 28°08'52?S 70°59'52?W, but nowhere near the border. Possibly a third gorge of the same name?). The five riders, as tired and thirsty as their mounts, suddenly became aware of something ‘resembling a silvery house’ farther down the canyon. The lieutenant in charge of the small detachment realized that they must have come across the lair of a notorious band of fur smugglers – dealing in valuable vicuña skins – that operated in the area. He ordered his men to fan out as quietly as possible. One of the policemen dismounted, picked up a rock, and threw it against the silvery structure, causing its occupants to emerge and take up defensive positions. At this point, the lieutenant ordered his men to open fire. “This,” the author goes on to say, “was the start of the most uneven fight of the century.” The bullets streaming from the policemens firearms were met with bright beams of cohered light, able to “pierce their targets and split them open like cauliflowers” (p. 105). The patrol’s horses made the easiest targets. One of the long-suffering mounts burst from the inside out. A member of the patrol was felled by another such beam, leaving a devastating wound on his chest. Retreat being the only alternative, the lieutenant and the survivors made their way back to headquarters, reaching it two days later and delivering a full report on the situation. A larger, heavily equipped response force subsequently arrived at the Andean gorge, finding no trace of the silvery “shack”, but ascertaining that traces of horse blood were indeed on the sand. The bodies of the fallen police officers were also gone. Can we believe such a story? Was a simple but tragic encounter between law enforcement and fur smugglers grotesquely embellished with elements worthy of an old pulp magazine? There’s no way of telling. There can be no question, however, that law enforcement comes across bizarre situations, even closer to home than they would like. In August 1995, police officer José Collazo became the unwilling protagonist in a highly-dramatic scene involving the enigmatic creature popularly known as the Chupacabras. Collazo spoke at length with Spanish journalist Magdalena del Amo regarding his harrowing experience. According to Collazo, he and his wife were getting ready for bed at around 11:00 p.m. one night when they suddenly heard the alarm on their car go off. Suspecting a thief, Collazo picked up his service revolver and went out to his carport, where he was confronted by a surrealistic scene: his pet Chow dog was engaged in a losing battle with what he first took to be another dog sinking its fangs into the Chow's back. According to Collazo, he soon realized that the intruder was not a dog -- in fact, not even a creature of this world. The officer felt himself engulfed in fear for his own life. He aimed his .357 Magnum against the unknown creature and fired a sure shot at it. The creature "rolled up into a ball," Collazo explained, and bounced off one of the carport walls before disappearing out the back into the warm night air. During the course of an interview with Spanish journalist Magdalena del Amo, the policeman observed that concern for his car kept him from firing further shots at the intruder. Nonetheless, the creature left patches of thick fur on the carport floor and traces of blood on the wall. It also left a noxious odor which persisted for well over a week, resisting all efforts to eliminate through the use of assorted detergents. Source: Inexplicata http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2016/10/unseen-foes-hostile-contact-with-non.html - CALLING OCCUPANTS OF INTERPLANETARY CRAFT DEPARTMENT - Astronomers Find 234 Possible Intelligent Signals from Space ![]() Québec (Canada) – Canadian astrophysicists have discovered 234 cases of what they call „peculiar periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar type stars“, which translates as variations in the light-pattern of 234 stars more or less similar to our own sun. Even after examining a wide range of possible technical and astrophysical explanations the scientists are left with the hypothesis – even if still speculative in nature – that the signals are caused by light pulses generated by Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) to makes us aware of their existence. As Prof. Ermanno F. Borra and Eric Trottier of the Université Laval in Québec report in a preprint-paper via „ArXiv.org„, their new discoveries match exactly with a modulated signal that Prof. Borra described and simulated already in a paper published in 2012, in which he described how intelligent signals could be hidden but also discovered in already available data-sets of sky surveys. As Prof. Borra explains to „Grenzwissenschaft-Aktuell.de“ (GreWi): „The paper discusses the results of an analysis of 2.5 million spectra of astronomical objects. A spectrum gives, in great details, the measurement of the intensity of light as a function of color. This work was carried out to detect periodic signals in their spectra generated by Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI). The periodic signal predicted in a previous scientific publication was found in only 234 stars that are overwhelmingly similar to the sun (but neither in galaxies nor quasars). A detailed statistical analysis in the paper definitely shows that the signals cannot be caused by instrumental or data analysis effects. Several other possible physical causes of the signals are also considered but quantitative analyses show that they cannot generate the signals. Because the detected signals have exactly the shape of an ETI signal predicted in a scientific publication (2012) they are therefore in agreement with the ETI hypothesis. The ETI hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the signals were detected in only a small fraction of stars that have spectral types (colors) in a narrow spectral range centered on the spectral type of the sun. On the other hand, the ETI hypothesis is so peculiar that, at this stage, it cannot be accepted as certain. It absolutely has to be confirmed, or denied, by more observations.“ According to the authors, so far the only other explanation, alternatively to the ETI-hypothesis is the idea „that the signals are due to highly peculiar chemical compositions in a small fraction of galactic halo stars“. Beside the fact that Borra and Trottier could not find a technical or astrophysical explanation for the discovered signals, the signals also match exactly with the one suggested and simulated by Borra already in 2012 when he suggested to look for exactly that kind of signals hidden in already available data of large sky surveys like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Such strong light signals could be send for example with powerful lasers, that get modulated in such a way that they get embedded in the light spectrum of a star as a pattern that could very well be discovered and recognized as such by an intelligent observer. „The fact that only a small fraction of stars, in a narrow spectral range centered near the spectral type of the sun, has the signal in agreement with the ETI hypothesis since we intuitively would expect that solar type stars would have ETI and only a small fraction of them would have ETI“, the authors explain in their paper and continue: „The ETI hypothesis requires that all different ETI transmitters choose to broadcast with the same time separation of pulses and one may wonder why they do so. This is a highly speculative issue that may have several explanations. A possible explanation that makes sense is that all ETI use the same time separation to make it clear that the pulses all come from ETI.“ Concluding their paper, Borra and Trottier emphasize that at this stage, the ETI generation of the spectral modulation is still a hypothesis that needs to be confirmed with further work. They suggest that this can be done by repeatedly observing the described stars with photoelectric detectors capable of detecting very rapid intensity signals: „However ETI may not necessarily send us pulses at all times so that a lack of detections in some stars may not necessarily signify that ETI does not exist: The reason why ETI may not send pulses at all times may simply come from the fact that the signals must be sent to a very large number of stars so that too much energy would be required to send pulses to all stars at all times.“ According to Borra he now has already contacted SETI-astronomers who seemed very interested to do a follow-up. „Now I am waiting for the other astronomers actions and help them.“ Source: Grenzwissenschaft-Aktuell http://www.grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de/234-possible-intelligent-signals-from- sun-like-stars20101011/ - BOO! DID I SCARE YOU DEPARTMENT - The Collective Unconscious Is Creating Creepy Clowns By Kali Holloway ![]() First,
let’s get one thing out of the way: There are no clowns skulking around
America’s neighborhoods, looking for children to abduct. Since the first reports of creepy, potentially murderous clowns began surfacing across South Carolina in August, there have been supposed sightings in at least 10 states, as well as parts of Canada. Social media has been recast in its timeless role as the Perennially Loud and Wrong Town Crier, helping spread misinformation and “clown threats” across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Inside HigherEd reports that clowns have appeared at "the universities of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Miami, Missouri at Columbia and Texas at Austin,” as well as “Bloomsburg, Butler, Sacred Heart, Texas A&M, Syracuse Universities [and] Mississippi and York Colleges.” Yesterday morning, White House press secretary Josh Earnest actually had to answer a reporter’s question about how the administration is addressing the clown epidemic. “I don’t know that the president has been briefed on this particular situation,” Earnest answered, presumably with a straight face, and even acknowledged it’s “something that I've read about in some of the news coverage.” He went on to suggest that the reporter check in with “the FBI and DHS and see what they have to say,” because talking to reporters about imaginary clowns is definitely a good use of federal agents’ time, I’m sure. Most of the reports have been revealed as pranks, obviously. The New York Times noted late last week that at least 12 people had been arrested for “clown hoaxes,” and there have been multiple arrests since then. Other cases have turned out to be a combination of real clowns and irrational panic, as when a 12-year-old Virginia boy with autism dressed up early for Halloween, only to become the subject of a viral social media post and a local news segment. Somehow, police dispatched to all the remaining sightings have found no red noses left behind at the scene and not a single oversized floppy shoe for the crime lab to study. Benjamin Radford, whose books on urban legends and the paranormal include the recent Bad Clown, explains how the lack of forensic evidence is less about stealthy criminal clowns than overactive imaginations. “The problem is that when police investigate, they never find anything,” he told Uproxx. “These mysterious phantom clowns that these children, and occasionally adults, report—they don’t exist. There’s never any evidence of them, and more importantly they never actually harm anyone. This is one of the keys to understanding the phenomenon. It’s always just missed. It’s always, ‘A clown lurched at me but I ran away.’ It’s a potential menace. It’s not an actual menace.” The only mystery here is how long the clown menace will continue to be a story before it fades from popular consciousness, like satanic ritual abuse, recovered memories and razor blade-stuffed apples before it. Imaginary clowns aren’t the cause of the mass anxiety we’re currently experiencing, they’re just the latest symptom and manifestation of it—and not for the first time, either. Scary clown sightings have trickled in from around the country since the early 1980s, when “stranger danger” first became the national concern that launched a thousand social panics. But the question remains, after 30-something years of clown sightings here and there, why the sudden peak in reports? "I believe that the surge in phantom clown sightings in 2016 are a reflection of the fears and uncertainties in American society at the present time," Robert Bartholomew, who writes about social delusions, fads and popular myths, told Lehighvalleylive.com. "I think they are part of a greater moral panic about the fear of strangers in an increasingly urban, impersonal and unpredictable world. Phantom clowns are essentially the bogeyman in a different cultural guise." That sounds about right. There is a huge part of America that virtually runs on fear, even in the best of times. An astounding part of the population is adept at, and secretly in love with, scaring the shit out of itself and dreaming up justifications for a paranoia that’s already embedded in its consciousness. In the worst of times, that fear is intentionally rattled by those who recognize its usefulness for their own ends. These operators know that nothing grips the imagination of far too many Americans quite like an imagined monster, come to threaten your home and take your kids away. When a fear-prone populace finds itself in a particularly frightening cultural moment—for reasons real or imagined—the hivemind can run amok. “I know people are fed up,” one Florida sheriff said at a news conference late last month. “They’re tired of seeing demonstrations and riots. They’re sick and tired of terroristic threats. Now they’ve got to deal with these damn clown things going on.” That statement, which stops just short of a rant about “law and order,” makes it seem like this is all psychic collateral damage caused by Black Lives Matter and immigrants, in tandem with terrorists crossing across our borders pretending to be refugees. The quote is a particularly good example of the thinking and rhetoric that propels these moments of social panic into arising. It suggests the blame lies with some "other" (instead of faulty systems and power mongers) and helps rile up those who need only the slightest nudge to buy into the idea in a moment of social unrest and economic insecurity. The sheriff's theory ignores that menacing cartoon clowns are a projection of the contrived fears of a populace that can’t connect its own traumatization with the people who use it against them and essentially retraumatize them for social, political and economic gain. It also denies the fear of those who are afraid of very real things, from long-term state-backed terror to a rising tide of audible hate from multiple corners, and the way those issues might create an environment that’s inhospitable for everyone, even those who think it’s none of their concern. What's more, it contributes to that fear in a way that pushes it toward a tipping point where the paranoia ultimately demands the projected, amorphous image of fear become fully embodied. In the 1980s, bubbling hysteria about faceless marauding satanists eventually led to witch hunts that put real people in jail and ruined actual families and lives. If prankish teenage behavior becomes a reason for irrational national fear, punitive measures could follow. A case in Virginia that ended with two African-American teens being arrested and their mugshots splashed across the Internet for “chasing children while wearing a clown mask,” is a reminder of whose youthful indiscretions are most likely to count against them in the harshest way. And like always, the hysteria feeds upon itself. Schools in Reading, Ohio, were closed after a woman claimed a clown physically attacked her. The Phillipsburg school district in New Jersey went into lockdown status after a “clown-related threat” appeared on social media. New Haven, Connecticut, schools announced a ban this Halloween on clown costumes and—wait for it—other "symbols of terror.” The police presence has been beefed up in Syracuse, Houston, St. Louis, and Winston-Salem, to name just a few places. In Utah, police actually thought it necessary to use Facebook to gently suggest that maybe people should think twice before shooting at clowns. (Q: "Can I shoot or take action against someone that is dressed up like a clown?" A: “That's not a simple yes or no question. It has a lot of variables to it.”) The police may be right, since there have been previous reports of people haphazardly firing guns into wooded areas where clowns were reportedly seen. Yet, as Radford reminds us, “The fact is, to date, there are no confirmed reports of any clowns actually abducting, harming, killing [or] molesting kids. There just aren’t. There are zero.” Amidst the other glaring reasons for the precipitous climb in clown hysteria, if you merely skim the surface of the fears plaguing the nation, is the season itself, which will culminate with the celebration of Halloween and the conclusion of a seemingly infinite and frightening election. There’s a chance the imagined clowns will pack up their imaginary cars and leave public consciousness with a proverbial whimper. All the better to make room for some other fabricated stand-in for American jitters about everything but the very real problems staring us in the face, before the clown car, at some point down the road, rolls back in again. “By the end of November, it will become part of folklore,” Radford told Uproxx. “[But] this will happen again. I guarantee you this will happen again. It may be five years, it may be ten years, but someday, probably in my lifetime and certainly yours, there will be two or three more of these clown panics. They will be identical. There will be stories of clowns that are luring children. There won’t be anyone actually arrested for abducting kids.” Source: Alternet http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/crazy-collective-unconscious -creating-creepy-clowns/ -
A Village of Killer Wives in Hungary ![]() BUDAPEST - The sleepy Hungarian village of Nagyrev does not at first glance seem to be the kind of place where wives could have poisoned husbands. Old women in ‘otthonkas’ — the flowery all-in-one uniform of elderly women across Hungary — water their plants, farmers tend their crops and time passes in a languorous, pastoral haze. But these elderly villagers nurse dark memories of the time when the women of the village embarked on a killing spree that saw scores of abusive husbands poisoned to death under the supervision of the local midwife. The secret is now out, however, as the saga has been immortalised in a documentary by rookie Dutch filmmaker Astrid Bussink. “I first came across the story in an encyclopaedia of serial killers as I was researching a movie about female killers,” Bussink, aged 30, said. “The story haunted me, and when I found out nobody had ever filmed the tale I decided to take up the challenge.” The resulting documentary, The Angel Makers, will premier at the November 24 to December 4 Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival, where it has been nominated in the Best Debut Film category. Bussink, who is finishing a Masters in Film and TV at the Edinburgh College of Art, spent four months in Hungary earlier this year slowly overcoming the villagers’ reticence to speak about the murky chapter in their history. “It’s a village of 800 people and they were not keen to talk to us at first; we convinced them we wouldn’t be sensationalist,” she says. The problem is the story is so bizarre that it is hard not to sensationalise. Conflicting accounts about the exact number of deaths abound, but what is clear is that the men of the village began to die in mysterious circumstances after they returned from World War I. Police discovered arsenic in exhumed bodies, and finally realised that the local midwife, Zsuzsanna Fazekas, had been creating a lethal concoction by diluting fly paper in water and passing it out to local women to bump off their men. Bussink interviewed 83-year-old Maria Gunya — whose father was the coroner in the village and a key witness in the trials that followed — and found her memories still vivid. “Gunya said that a man came to her father with extreme vomiting,” Bussink said. “Her father thought he was drunk, but the man said that he felt ill after eating the breakfast his wife cooked him. He died the next day.” Death by arsenic poisoning is not a pleasant experience. If taken in sufficient doses, symptoms can manifest 30 minutes after ingestion. Vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and excessive sweating follow before the sufferer undergoes seizures and goes into shock. If death doesn’t occur at this point, the kidneys will fail after a few days. Despite knowing well the gruesome fate that awaited her, Fazekas killed herself with her own poison when she realised police were on to her. Up to 140 men were believed to have been murdered in Nagyrev, and 26 women from the village stood trial in 1929. Death sentences were handed down to eight of them and the rest went to prison, but none of the women ever revealed why they did what they did. Source: DNA India http://dnaindia.com/report.asp?NewsID=10669 - GET THEM BEFORE THEY GET US DEPARTMENT - Clown Lives Matter March Canceled Due to Death Threats By Julia Jacobo ![]() The Clown Lives Matter march scheduled to take place on October 15 in Arizona was canceled after the event's organizer said she received death threats on social media. The march was organized in response to the increase of creepy clown sightings and threats in recent months. Participants were encouraged to wear clown masks, full makeup and costumes and families were invited to "meet a clown and get a hug!" "This is a peaceful walk to show clowns are not psycho killers," a flier for the event said. "We want the public to feel safe, and not be afraid." The event's organizer was revealed as Shelly Gutierrez by ABC affiliate KGUN in Tucson. She wrote on Facebook that she has been harassed online. "With the [numerous] death threats and harassment it's sad to say we have canceled what was supposed to be a fun peacewalk," Gutierrez, who goes by the name "Nikki Sinn" on Facebook and has 38,000 followers, wrote. "We apologize to everyone who was excited to go and have a good night of fun." Gutierrez said the people who had "bombarded" the event page with harassing posts will be reported to authorities. The event was taken down from Facebook, but the flier posted on Oct. 5 remained on Gutierrez's Facebook page. She did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment. Tucson Police Spokesman Sgt. Pete Dugan told ABC News that he did not know if Gutierrez had filed a report regarding the death threats she said she received. The Rev. Reginald Walton, chairman of Black Lives Matter Phoenix, said he was "glad" the march was canceled and called the Clown Lives Matter movement "insensitive" considering the "serious problem we are facing in this country" regarding police brutality. "We really are hoping that people understand the message is not to be taken lightly or usurped because this is a serious, serious issue," Walton told ABC News. "The violence has to stop." Since Tucson has not seen any scary clown activity, police weren't planning on providing extra security for the march, Dugan said. But since the downtown Tucson area is highly populated on weekend evenings due to its plethora of bars and restaurants, several Tucson police officers are already in patrol of the area, and the department has additional resources available if needed. "It didn't seem like they were going to need [additional security]," Dugan said. "We weren't expecting anything major to happen." The uptick of scary clown incidents and sightings has rattled the nation in the months leading up to Halloween. The issue has become so severe that it prompted the White House to issue a statement saying the creepy clown incidents should be taken "seriously" by law enforcement. Source: ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/US/clown-lives-matter-march-canceled- death-threats/story?id=42805927 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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