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We's hunting CONSPIRACIES! Yes that's
right! Watch out secret government cabals! Look over your shoulders
Men-In-Black! Check your altitude variance you silly flying saucer
folks! Because once again Conspiracy Journal is here to rip off the
veils of intrigue and secrecy from those dedicated to keeping mankind
in the dark.
week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such clavicle-breaking stories
- California Top in UFO Reports Since 2001 - - “Flying Triangle” UFOs & U.K.-U.S. Liaison - - Shroud of Turin Image May Have Coins Over its Eyes - AND: NY Governor's Mansion May Be Haunted All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ The Secret Exploits of Adm. Richard Byrd ![]() GOES WELL BEYOND HIS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED “PERSONAL DIARY” . . . WHAT WAS ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD’S ULTIMATE INVOLVEMENT WITH THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY? IS IT POSSIBLY CONNECTED WITH HIS AMAZING DISCOVERY OF A VAST ICE FREE “PARADISE” AT THE SOUTH POLE? Several years ago a mysterious manuscript said to be Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Private Log or Diary emerged. In it Byrd wrote about a vast ice-free “paradise” beyond the Poles: “We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over ice and snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!” During his career as an explorer, up until his death in March 1957, Byrd was considered a national hero. Besides exploring both Poles, it is alleged that the veteran Navy commander had come upon an entrance way that led into a Hollow Earth inhabited by a race of giants. Rumor also has it that Byrd, during his 1947 expedition, was confronted by a “lost” battalion of Nazis whose settlement was being guarded by a fleet of back-engineered “Flying Saucers.” And while Byrd’s scientific team was supposed to stay for six months in this frozen region, his expedition was called off shortly after his arrival. What is generally not known is that on one of Byrd’s sojourns to Antarctica, he sought to stave off mutiny from among his crew by enlisting some of the younger members into a very secretive “Loyal Legion,” which enabled him to clamp down on any leaks about his missions and discoveries. And while the content of Byrd’s “secret diary” is open to debate, researcher and author Tim Cridland searches deeply into the many shadowy unknowns surrounding Byrd and the Nazis as well as a previously undisclosed wrinkle: a closely guarded connection between JFK’s assassination and the iron grip of those determined to keep the secrets surrounding UFOs and the arrival of ultra-terrestrials locked away from public scrutiny forever. This conspiracy involved members of a sinister, secret group of wealthy and “well-connected” individuals that included Lyndon Johnson, John Connelly and at least one member of Byrd’s family among its ranks. This book takes a wholly original approach to a great many areas of interest revolving around the concept that our Earth is “hollow” and that a vast cavern system, constructed eons ago, exists connecting various subterranean cities with their hidden gateways back up to the surface world. Some researchers believe that the Inner Earth houses a potential “Garden of Eden-like” utopia, while others espouse the idea that much of the planet’s caverns and hollows are overrun by monstrous inhabitants wreaking havoc on the surface while serving to entice evil machinations from above ground conspirators who are loyal only to their self-serving dream of world conquest and domination. The “Secret Exploits Of Admiral Richard E. Byrd” is a valuable inquiry made by a variety of independent researchers into a subject that has long been one of “instant ridicule” without being given its day in court. Here the reader will get to visit the various ancient cities of the subterranean world as well as learn about the “denizens of the deep” and their future design on unsuspecting surface dwellers who know little – or absolutely nothing – of their existence. This Newly Released Book is Now Available for the
Bargain Price of Only $17.50 So don't delay, order your copy
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley - I KNOW WHAT I SAW DEPARTMENT - California Top in UFO Reports Since 2001 ![]() “UFO Sightings Desk Reference,” a new book on reported UFO sightings, found that California had the most reports of visual encounters with unidentified objects in the United States. This includes hundreds of reported sightings, CBS San Francisco reports. The book analyzed more than 120,000 reports of UFOs and found more Californians believed they’d come in contact with extraterrestrial life than anyone else in the country. “We found that UFOs were sighted in every county in the United States. Every county had at least one sighting sometime in the past 15 years,” the book’s co-author, Cheryl Costa, explained. Using data from the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, and the National UFO Reporting Center, she said Californians reported seeing nearly 16,000 UFOs between 2001 and 2015. “We think a great deal of it has to do with California’s weather,” Costa said. Costa explained that California’s mild weather allows people to be outdoors during much of the year and thus in position to spot possible UFOs. According to Costa, Santa Clara County topped the list in Northern California with 569 reported sightings. Alameda County was second with 518, while San Francisco trailed with 327. It should be noted that these reports are anecdotal and haven’t been investigated, let alone proven. But for those who believe we’re not alone in the universe, the book may seem validating. “Most people were very sincere about what they reported, about what they think they saw, Costa added. “They weren’t jerking us around. But we understand the only proof some people are going to accept is a space ship cracked up in the mall parking lot.” Check out our interview with Cheryl Costa on Exploring the Bizarre. Source: CBS News -since-2001/ - SECRET BLACK PROJECTS DEPARTMENT - “Flying Triangle” UFOs & U.K.-U.S. Liaison By Nick Redfern ![]() Since the 1980s, sightings of large, triangular-shaped UFOs have been reported throughout the world. They are usually described as being black in color, making a low humming noise, and very often with rounded – rather than angled – corners. The sheer proliferation of such reports has led some ufological commentators to strongly suspect that the Flying Triangles (as they have come to be known) are prime examples of still-classified aircraft, the development of which was secretly begun in the 1980s by elements of the U.S. Department of Defense. Others take the view that the FTs have extraterrestrial origins. In March 1993 a series of Flying Triangle encounters occurred in British airspace that went on to have a profound effect on high-ranking sources within both the Royal Air Force and the Ministry of Defense. More importantly, it was that single wave of encounters that ultimately led the Ministry of Defense to liaise with their American counterparts to try and determine, once and for all, what the FTs really are. The story comes from one of those at the forefront of the study into the aforementioned sightings: Nick Pope, who, for three years (1991-1994), investigated UFO incidents for the Ministry of Defense. While much has been written about the March 1993 cases (which some researchers believe were evidence of a real, unidentified phenomenon and others conclude was nothing more than a storm in a teacup), far less has been written about the U.S.-U.K. liaisons on the issues concerning the FTs. In the wake of the March 1993 FT wave, Nick Pope told me: “We decided that we couldn’t ignore the various rumors that were doing the rounds about a supposed Top Secret aircraft developed by the U.S. Government and called Aurora – or, indeed, any hypersonic and/or prototype aircraft operated by the Americans. “There had been persistent rumors in the aviation world and among the UFO lobby that the SR71 Blackbird had been replaced by a hypersonic aircraft code-named Aurora and that that was what the Flying Triangles really were. I was well aware that there had been some interesting stories about visual and radar sightings around certain air bases; however, I hadn’t put much store in these rumors – not least because there had been some very definitive denials from the Americans. “I know there’s a lot of cynicism about government and the military. And although officialdom may refuse to answer a question and may sometimes give a misleading answer, outright lying is incredibly rare. And when it does occur, if it’s uncovered it almost certainly leads to resignation. But with the March 1993 sightings – and in spite of the denials from the Americans that they were responsible for the Flying Triangles – we did contact them to make inquiries. This was because they have the responsibility pertaining to the U.S. presence in Britain. Those inquiries bore absolutely no fruit at all. The Americans said: ‘No. We can shed no light at all on the UFO sightings that have led to your inquiry.’” Pope was able to disclose, however, that the liaison with the Americans was not without its moment of intrigue. “If anything,” he explained to me, “there was an interesting little hint that the Americans, too, were seeing these Flying Triangles over their territory. As we were making our inquiries, they turned the question around and wanted to know if our Royal Air Force had a triangular-shaped, hypersonic prototype aircraft of some sort. So, presumably, the Americans were having Flying Triangle sightings, too. “But this was interesting, in light of the fact that the Americans supposedly got out of UFO investigations back in 1969 when the Air Force’s Project Blue Book closed down. Of course, you may not officially be in the UFO game, but you are certainly going to be aware of – and take an interest in – reports of structured craft in your airspace. So, essentially, we drew blanks with the Americans.” Pope adds: “Bearing in mind that the Americans had inquired – at an official level, no less – if the British Royal Air Force had in its employ something broadly fitting the description of a Flying Triangle, and we had said ‘No,’ I still felt obliged to address the issue of whether or not the rumors about secret aircraft being flown by us were true. First, from my own knowledge of prototype aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and so on, the Triangles don’t fit into the typical pattern, and I’ll explain why. Where we do have such pieces of kit, they’re not tested over the heads of ‘Joe Public;’ they’re tested in a small number of clearly defined ranges and danger areas – mostly out at sea such as the Aberporth Range in Cardigan Bay.” Pope also states on this highly-controversial matter: “You simply do not fly a prototype craft over a military base or wherever, and run the risk that someone will either (a) scramble a [Tornado] F-3 [aircraft] to try and intercept it; or (b) take a photograph of it which will end up on the front page of The Sun or Jane’s Defense Weekly. It’s simply not the way that things are done. We checked domestically anything that might have been flying. But if we’d have been poking our noses into something that didn’t concern us, the investigation would have been quietly switched off. In fact, the opposite happened. We were making big waves throughout the Royal Air Force, the Ministry of Defense and at an international level.” Pope’s final word on the matter to me: “So, the domestic secret aircraft theory is interesting but it doesn’t hold water.” Source: Mysterious Universe Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL TO ORDER AND RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT Order using PayPal and we will extend a ten percent discount for anything ordered from Conspiracy Journal #47. Email and tell Tim Beckley what it is you wish to order and he will send you back a PayPal invoice which you can pay immediately. Safe and secure and faster than waiting for us to get your order in the mail or charge it over the phone by credit card (which we can do by your leaving a message at 732 602-3407 - by dropping us a line at the same e mail). - SEARCHING IN OUR BACK YARD DEPARTMENT - Searching for Artifacts of Ancient Technological Species ![]() Since its birth around a half century ago, SETI has largely focused on looking for alien civilisations beyond our own solar system, searching for radio signals from prominent or nearby stars. But what if there were earlier technological civilisations in our own solar system, or even here on Earth? That's the question explored in a new paper posted to (and soon to be published in the International Journal of Astrobiology), "Prior Indigenous Technological Species", by astronomer Jason T. Wright. "SETI typically focuses on interstellar radio signals or other studies of objects beyond the Solar System, however an alternative search avenue has been appreciated for nearly as long: the search for alien artifacts within the Solar System. This has not only been a topic for science fiction (e.g. 2001: A Space Odyssey) but in the SETI literature. Indeed, the apparent lack of such artifacts has been used as evidence that humanity must be the only spacefaring civilization in the Galaxy (Hart, 1975). Despite Hart’s claim, we can hardly rule out such artifacts in the Solar System, as demonstrated by Freitas (1983a) and Haqq-Misra & Kopparapu (2012). "In these discussions it is assumed, implicitly or explicitly, that the origin of such artifacts would be not just extraterrestrial (Haqq-Misra & Kopparapu, 2012, refer to them as “Non-Terrestrial Artifacts” (NTAs)) but extrasolar. But if such technology were to be discovered, we should consider the possibility that its origin lies within the Solar System, and potentially on Earth. "After all, given that the bodies in the Solar System are at least five orders of magnitude closer than the nearest star system, and given that we know that not only are the ingredients of and conditions for life common in the Solar System, but that one of its planets is known to host complex life, it is perhaps more likely that their origin be local, than that an extraterrestrial species crossed interstellar space and deposited it here. At the very least, the relative probabilities of the two options is unclear. "In this paper, I discuss the possibility for such prior indigenous technological species; by this I mean species that are indigenous to the Solar System, produce technosignatures and/or were spacefaring, and are currently extinct or otherwise absent." Wright notes that one of the great difficulties in finding evidence for previous technological civilisations in our solar system is simply the passage of time - old stuff disappears. "The Earth is quite efficient, on cosmic timescales, at destroying evidence of technology on its surface," he notes. "Biodegredation can destroy organic material in a matter of weeks, and weathering and other forms of erosion will destroy most exposed rock and metals on a timescale of centuries to millennia, if human activity does not erase it faster. Wright points out that, at the very longest, some "large and durable structures, in the right environments" - such as the Giza pyramids - might last for 'just' tens of thousands of years. Given complex life has existed on Earth for over 400 million years (40,000 sequential periods of 10,000 years), you see the problem in searching for 'ancient aliens'. Not least, because, on timescales of hundreds of millions of years "plate tectonics will subduct almost all evidence for technology with the crust it sits upon, erasing it from the surface entirely. Regardless of those difficulties, where should we look? Wright suggests that Venus - with a thinner atmosphere in the past - and Mars, once covered in water, would be good candidates. And he reminds us that search should also include Earth (though he disavows the topic of 'ancient aliens' on his blog). Furthermore, he notes, "while all geological records of prior indigenous technological species might be long destroyed, if the species were spacefaring there may be technological artifacts to be found throughout the Solar system." It's a fascinating hypothetical topic, though it is worth pointing out that Jason Wright is not particularly happy about "all the wrong kind of attention" the paper has received "from the yellow press and the is mortifying...Now excuse me while I answer all these emails from Coast to Coast and ufologists sending me pictures of clouds." No doubt his frustration has arisen from the "astronomer says ancient aliens existed in our own solar system" headlines that the paper has generated, with many mis-judging what the words "may" and "is possible" mean, in terms of likelihood of ancient alien civilisations. As Wright says on his blog, he put his paper together... "...not because I think they exist, but because we’re at the point where it should be possible to say for sure that certain types of them didn’t. The end of the paper is all about the things we can do to start drawing some conclusions." I recommend - as I have to SETI people before - that it might be worth engaging with the ufologists and Forteans, rather than dissing them, as they could be some of your staunchest advocates, even if there is some disagreement over assumptions and conclusions. Source: Daily Grail Technological-Species-Our-Own-Solar-System - ANCIENT EXPLORERS DEPARTMENT - Did Pytheas Make It to The Arctic In 325 BC? By Mark Oliver ![]() The
first arctic explorer isn’t who you think. More than 2,300 years ago,
Pytheas of Massalia traveled to the Arctic Circle and back – and, when
he came home, nobody believed him. In a time when most people believed that the sun was dragged across the sky by a god, Pytheas made it to a place where the sun doesn’t rise all winter long. He found a place covered in permafrost, a frozen ocean, and drifting icebergs, and he had to come home and try to explain what he’d seen. He made discoveries so incredible that they were literally unbelievable – and it took more than a thousand years before we found out he was telling the truth. Who Was Pytheas? Not much is known about Pytheas’s life. He was, we are told, “a poor man”, who traveled north on his own dime, without the support of any government. Everything beyond that, though, is speculation. Every word he wrote has been lost to time, and what we know of his journey comes, mainly, from people who didn’t believe him. It’s easy to understand why the ancient world would have doubted that a poor sailor could have made the trip Pytheas made. The path north took him through the Strait of Gibraltar, a place the ancient world called the Pillars of Hercules. To get through it, he had to get past a military blockade held by the Carthaginian army. Somehow, Pytheas and his crew snuck past an entire army – although nobody knows for sure how he did it. Modern historians have their theories, but they’re really nothing more than wild speculation. And the only explanation the ancient world left us was that Pytheas was a liar and none of it ever really happened. The things he reported back, though, suggest that, somehow, he really did it. Somehow, snuck past an army, went on to Britain and – once there – became the person to circumnavigate the island. And he was only getting started. The Discovery of Thule After circling Britain, Pytheas went on north, in search of an undiscovered land the natives promised him was out there. This went against all reason – at the time, it was believed that there was nothing north of Britain but ocean. Pytheas’ trip would take him past the edge of the world. After six days of sailing, he saw, jutting out of the water, the tall, rocky coastline of a land he called Thule. Nobody knows for sure what country he discovered – it may have been Iceland or Norway. It would be more than a thousand years before any European attempted the trip again. His records of the sky, though, suggest he really was somewhere near the Arctic Circle. He recorded how the stars overhead shifted, and they reflect the sky you’d actually see from around Iceland. And he recorded how much shorter the days became as he traveled north. He claims that there were people living there when he arrived – which, if Thule is Iceland, would be incredible, as the country was deserted when it was colonized 1000 years after his journey. These people, he said, had to struggle to live in a place where the sun barely shone and few plants and animals could live. They lived off millet, fruit, and roots, unable to grow much else. “There is no night at the summer solstice,” Pytheas reported back from Thule. This, for a person living in the 4th century BC, must have been an incredible revelation. He was seeing something that no Greek had ever seen – a place where the sun didn’t rise all winter long. The Frozen Ocean Pytheas had gone further north than any European had ever traveled – but he didn’t stop there. He sailed on, a day’s journey north of Thule, and reached a place he didn’t know how to describe. There was something in the water which he said was not “land properly so-called, or sea, or air, but a kind of substance concreted from all these elements, resembling a sea-lungs.” It’s believed, today, that he was trying to describe a sea filled with drifting pancake ice. With no frame of reference to describe it, though, he had to resort to some strange word choices. He called it a “jellyfish-like substance”, which “you can neither walk nor sail upon”. Blocked by a frozen ocean, Pytheas was forced to turn back. He had already seen things that most people couldn’t even imagine. He’d traveled from the Mediterranean up past the Arctic Circle to a place enveloped in darkness, a place where the very ocean was frozen over. Doubted In His Own Time When he returned, hardly anyone believed him. Our best source for his journey is Strabo, a man who hated him so much he couldn’t even write his name without hurling a few insults his way. When he writes his name, he calls him, “Pytheas, who misleads people everywhere”, or “Pytheas, by whom many have been misled”. At another part, he jokes that asking Pytheas not to lie is like asking a juggler not to juggle. Iceland wouldn’t be colonized until 800 AD, and the age of exploration wouldn’t come begin until 1400 AD. No European would see what Pytheas saw for over a thousand years. It would another thousand years before anyone believed him. Today, modern historians have compared his writing to what we know today, and have realized that he described things about the arctic that no Greek who’d never been there could have known. More than two thousand years after he died, Pytheas has been vindicated. Most historians now believe he was telling the truth – but he would go to his grave treated like a liar, unable to convince the world of what he’d seen. Source: Ancient Origins make-it-arctic-325-bc-008005?nopaging=1 -
Mysterious Tunnels and Underground Civilizations ![]() There is something fundamentally and primally mysterious about caves and tunnels. Maybe it's their darkness or the fact that they open into the very body of the Earth. They are invariably the subjects of adolescent adventure stories, such as the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew mysteries, and R.L. Stine's books. And they serve as backgrounds in exciting stories directed at older audiences as well, such as Jules Verne's A Journey to the Center of the Earth and the Indiana Jones films. Tunnels represent the unknown and touch the fears that reside deep in the primitive human subconscious. I've come across several sites on the Web that tell what some believe are true stories of vast underground networks of tunnels. And they are no less mysterious and fantastic than those used as settings in the fictional tales mentioned above. It's not that the tunnels merely exist and are unknown to most people, it's what they contain, who built them, and why – and that takes us into the deepest recesses of the unknown. People who claim to have first- or second-hand knowledge or experience with these tunnels make many astonishing claims: that they contain long-lost cities; that they are inhabited by advanced civilizations – perhaps the descendents of Atlantis; that they are bases for extraterrestrials and their flying saucers; that they are bases for secret government installations. The government no doubt has top-secret military installations deep within mountains and perhaps underground, but this, of course, is the least fantastic of the stories. Here are highlights of some of the more extraordinary claims. Since these stories come without photos or any other kind of verification, consider them skeptically. In any case, they are fascinating. Grand Canyon Mystery The April 5, 1909 edition of The Phoenix Gazette carried a story entitled "Explorations in Grand Canyon." According to the article, a man named G.E. Kinkaid made an astonishing discovery while on an expedition, sponsored by the Smithsonian Institute, in the Grand Canyon. Among his findings: * A mammoth chamber about 1,480 feet underground from which radiates dozens of passageways "like the spokes of a wheel." * Several hundred rooms, some of which contain artifacts such as weapons and copper instruments of a kind that have never been known to be native to the Americas. * A crypt containing mummies - all adult males - wrapped in a bark fabric. * A shrine containing a Buddha-like idol sitting cross-legged with a lotus flower in each hand. * Stone tablets on which are carved mysterious Egyptian-like hieroglyphics. The article also mentions a legend of the Hopi Indians that says their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon. Crumf Burial Cave In 1892, Frank Burns of the U.S. Geological Survey reported that he found strange coffins in the Crunf Cave along the southern branch of the Warrior River in Murphy's Valley, Alabama. The wooden coffins appeared to be hollowed out by fire, then chiseled with stone or copper tools. Each coffin was 7.5 feet long, 14 to 18 inches wide, and 6 to 7 inches deep. The lids were open on each empty coffin. The specimens were sent to the Smithsonian, which suggested the coffins might actually be troughs. In any case, the museum lost the artifacts. Tunnel Network Under California According to an article entitled in the Fall 1985 edition of Search magazine, a high-ranking but unnamed Naval officer told of the discovery of a huge network of tunnels under portions of the west coast of the U.S. He said that U.S. nuclear submarines had explored some of these tunnels, which are accessible just off the continental shelf, and had followed them inland for several hundred miles. Here are more highlights of this incredible claim: * What is being passed off as the San Andreas Fault are actually large, unsupported chambers that are in the process of collapsing. * A well-known U.S. Nuclear submarine lost its way in one of the passages and was never heard from again. (Two U.S. nuclear submarines have disappeared under mysterious circumstances - the U.S.S. Thresher and the U.S.S. Scorpion.) * Some of California is actually floating on the ocean. When oil companies began pumping oil from beneath the city of Long Beach, it began to sink - up to 26 feet before the pumping was stopped. More and More Tunnels The above story was written up in a long article called "The Underground Empire," which reveals many more details. It also offers these other fascinating accounts: * A couple from Bishop, Calif. discovered a circular hole in the ground while exploring for petroglyphs. They climbed down the hole which bottomed out to a horizontal corridor. On one of the walls was carved a face out of the mouth of which poured water. Suddenly the water started to gush out of the face and from other openings, and the couple was forced to abandon the tunnel. Later, both recalled that they heard music down there. * In West Virginia, workers found some caverns with strange hieroglyphics written on the walls. They also claimed to gear faint voices and what sounded like machinery coming from beyond the walls of the cavern. * Two men searching for bat guano (which has some value as fertilizer) at the foot of Mount Lassen found a deep cave. They followed it inside for a mile or two and noticed that the floor was worn smooth, as if it had been used for a road. Eventually they met three strange "men" who asked if they are "surface people," and then took them deeper in the cave on an electromagnetically powered hovercraft. The story gets stranger from there. * Travelers Ferdinand Ossendowski and Nicholas Roerich claim to have discovered a subterranean society below central Asia, which they referred to as Agharta or Agharti. They say it is home to 20 million people, and their civilization extends throughout all the subterranean passages of the world. * A 12-man speleological team broke into an ancient tunnel system in northern Arkansas and encountered the inhabitants of the subsurface world. * Exploring another cave in Arkansas, just north of Batesville, explorers found a tunnel illuminated by a greenish phosphorescence where they met a race of beings who stood 7 to 8 feet tall and had bluish skin. The beings, who have advanced technology, told the explorers they are the direct descendents of Noah. Brazil is said to have many entrances to an underground world. Several people claim to have proof: * Two explorers returning from tunnels near Ponte Grosse in Brazil say they spent five days in an underworld city inhabited by 50 adults and some children. * The same two explorers found another tunnel entrance in Rincon and saw luminous flying saucers going in and out, and heard beautiful choral singing. * An old man living near Concepiao told how he had visited a vast underground city where strange vehicles darted back and forth. * An explorer looking through a tunnel near Rio Casdor met a beautiful woman who appeared to be about 20 years old, but told the explorer she was 2,500 years old. Pretty far-out stuff, huh? There is, of course, no proof to verify any of these stories, and the explorers always seem to lose or forget where the exact entrance to these caves and tunnels are. Some of the stories may have a basis in fact, but most are certainly tall tales, exaggerations, or outright fabrications. But they fortify our fascination with strange caves and tunnels. They make me, at least, want to go exploring in them. And who knows what would be found! Source: Wagner - PAYMENT FOR CHARON DEPARTMENT - Shroud of Turin Image May Have Coins Over its Eyes By Daniel Esparza ![]() In
an interview with RCF Liège, the numismatist Agostino Sferrazza
addressed the old question on the coins that cover the eyes of the Man
of the Shroud. According to his conclusions, these pieces must have
been coined in the days of Pontius Pilate, circa the year 29. This
could constitute an additional proof of the authenticity of the Shroud
of Turin. Back in 1976, the hypothesis of the presence of coins covering the eyes of the Man of the Shroud was first introduced, thanks to a 3D projection of the mysterious image. In it, scientists note the presence of small bulges on the ocular orbit bones which wouldn’t match any possible morphological particularities. The hypothesis states these might have been leptons: small coins of low value that were common in Palestine in Roman times. These initial observations were pushed further. Using advanced technologies, researchers have tried to identify drawings and inscriptions on these alleged coins. On the disc covering the right eye, apparently a “lituus” (a curved augural staff used in Roman religion) can be observed. On the disc over the left eye, we find a sacrificial cup. Those who refute the authenticity of these findings are expected to also reject this theory quite vigorously, suggesting that those who want the Shroud to be dated to the time of Christ are “willing themselves” to see the imprint coins where only simple interwoven textile fibers are to be found. But these refutations can be contrasted with further evidence. Besides the drawings, researchers have managed to read the letters YKAI in the coins. This is thought to be the visible part of the word “TIBERIOY KAICAPOC”, Greek for Tiberius Caesar; that is, Emperor Tiberius. This would be a strong indication that these coins are comparable with other currencies from the Roman era, and might indeed be pieces that were being used at the time of Jesus’ Passion. In his interview with RCF Liège, Agostino Sferrazza supports the theory of the authenticity of the pieces and dates them to the time of Pontius Pilate. This theory is based on the images produced by computer scientist Nello Balossino, an associate professor at the Turin Faculty of Sciences, who succeeded in bringing out an image of the sacrificial cup on the right eye of the Man of the Shroud. According to Agostino Sferazza, there is no doubt: these pieces were indeed coined in 29 AD. Source: Aleteia - SPOOKY POLITICS DEPARTMENT - NY Governor's Mansion May Be Haunted By Kirstan Conley and Max Jaeger ![]() If the pressure of running New York State doesn’t keep Gov. Andrew Cuomo up at night, things that go bump in the night do. New York’s governor’s mansion is believed by many to be haunted — including former Gov. David Paterson — and Cuomo says spooky noises are keeping him sleep deprived when he’s upstate. “So, it’s me alone, when I’m in the house because my family is in Westchester … and there are stories that this house is haunted,” Cuomo said Thursday. “Now, I don’t believe in ghosts, and I’m a big, tough Italian guy, but I’ll tell you, it gets creepy in that house, and there are a lot of noises that go on and you are very alone.” Paterson told The Post that the 161-year-old Italianate mansion is, beyond the specter of doubt, haunted. “Yes to be honest with you,” Paterson said when asked if there is a ghost. He even went on a phantom-hunting expedition late one night while governor. Paterson was in a second-floor bedroom when heard a sound like a vase smashing, he said. He searched two floors of the building but never found the source of the mysterious noise. The next day, house staff told him he had a run-in with the home’s oldest resident. “I told the staff, and they all got quiet and left the room,” he said. “One came to me and said, ‘Governor, nobody wanted to say this to you, but it’s the ghost.’ One employee is afraid to clean one of the rooms because she thinks the ghost is in the room.” Staff believe it’s the spirit of a groundskeeper who served the mansion’s original owners before the state bought the building in 1877, meaning nearly every governor since Samuel Tilden — including Cuomo’s dad Mario — lived in a haunted house while governing New York, according to Paterson. While Paterson was living there, his 5-year-old nephew revealed that he could feel an invisible hand guiding him when he climbed the mansion’s stairs, leading Paterson to believe the spirit is benevolent. “Governor Cuomo should be relieved,” the former governor said. “It’s a friendly ghost, like Casper.” The mansion is not the capital’s only haunt for the undead. The State Capitol building is believed to be infested with the supernatural, and the state even offers spooky tours there. Source: NY Post spooking-cuomo/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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