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JOURNAL! Yes that's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again
to inflame your senses and feed your brain.
week Conspiracy Journal brings
you such migraine-inducing stories as: - The "Alien Megastructure" Star Is Dimming Again - - Cicadas Are Emerging 4 Years Early - - Canada's "Best-Documented UFO Case" - 50 Years Later - AND: The Boy Who Says He is From Mars All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ HOW REAL IS REALITY? ![]() THE MATRIX CONTROL SYSTEM OF PHILIP K DICK AND THE PARANORMAL SYNCHRONICITIES OF TIM BECKLEY BEYOND ANYTHING YOUR EVER IMAGINED WAS POSSIBLE! EXPLORE PARALLEL WORLDS AND OTHER DIMENSIONS. ESCAPE THE CONFINES OF THE MATRIX AND ELUDE THOSE THAT CONTROL OUR LIVES THROUGH A COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION. You Have Doubtlessly Seen The Movies Based Upon What We Have All Come to Believe Are Exceptionally Brilliant Science Fiction Novels Written By The Late Philip K. Dick . . . TOTAL RECALL – BLADE RUNNER – THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU But what you probably didn’t know is that their creator was living out some of the same incredibly bizarre scenarios that he wrote about. One can easily compare Philip to the character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Total Recall,” who found himself in a parallel universe on a faraway planet, despite the fact that he was only supposed to be hooked up in a laboratory to a machine that creates realistic dream-like images. Which reality is the character really living in? At a sci-fi press conference held in France in 1977, Philip tried to explain some of his bewildering thoughts about the existence of a parallel or self-contained – Matrix-like – universe created by “someone” who has the ability to alter the course of time and our concept of reality: “People claim to remember past lives,” Philip told the throng of reporters and fans. “I claim to remember a different – very different – present life. I know of nobody who has ever made this claim before but I rather suspect that my experience is not unique. What perhaps is unique is my willingness to talk about it. We are living in a computer-programmed reality and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed and some alteration in our reality occurs . . . and because of this a variable WAS changed – reprogrammed as it were – and an alternative world branched off.” Drawing on the masterful mind of creative genius Philip K. Dick we offer up dozens of his personal experiences, as well as those of others in the UFO and paranormal fields, where synchronicities seem to abound. This is NOT science fiction. This is a universe that cannot be so easily grasped or explained. This amazing book has been compiled by Tim Beckley and
Sean Casted with an Introduction by Tessa Dick and added contributions
by such esteemed researchers as: Philip K. Dick, Tim Swartz, Nick
Redfern, Diane Tessman, Hercules Invictus, Brad Steiger, Brent Raynes,
Cynthia Cirile, Valarie D. Orazio, and others who have come to conclude
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley - ALIEN DYSON SPHERE DEPARTMENT - The "Alien Megastructure" Star Is Dimming Again By Marina Koren ![]() The most mysterious star in the Milky Way is at it again. Astronomers are sounding the alarms Friday as telescope observations detect unusual light patterns coming from a distant star located about 1,300 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus, in the outer edges of the galaxy. The mysterious dimming and flickering of the star, first discovered in 2011, means something is passing in front of it. It has puzzled astronomers ever since, but this is the first time they’ve seen it dimming in real time, presenting an extraordinary opportunity to observe whatever it is that’s blocking the star’s light. Tabetha Boyajian, an astronomer at the Louisiana State University, and Jason Wright, an astronomer at Penn State University, are among the scientists working on solving the mystery of KIC 8462852, sometimes nicknamed Tabby’s Star for Boyajian. The first observations of the star came from the Kepler Space Telescope, which has been tracking the brightness of stars since 2009, looking for small dips in their light—hints that an exoplanet or two (or seven) may be lurking. Astronomers made Kepler data available to the public through a program called Planet Hunters, encouraging “citizen scientists” to join in the search for exoplanets. In 2011, a group of volunteers noticed strange light patterns coming from KIC 8462852. They hadn’t seen anything like it in the 150,000 stars Kepler had observed. Astronomers still don’t know what is causing this dimming behavior, which was first reported by The Atlantic last year. The brightness of the star has been observed dropping by more than 20 percent, a significant change that suggested something massive must be orbiting around it. There are several possible interpretations involving natural, cosmic phenomena, like a buildup of debris from an impact or nearby asteroids. But, as my colleague Ross Andersen previously reported, this explanation would only make sense if the star were young, and it’s not. In the early stages of a solar system, including our own, disks of dust hang around the parent star before eventually being swallowed or shaped by gravity into planets. Such dust would emit detectable infrared radiation. Astronomers haven’t observed that around KIC 8462852, suggesting it may be too old for this hypothesis. Another explanation involves—you guessed it—aliens. To Wright and his colleagues, the irregular light patterns could suggest a collection of megastructures are orbiting the star, technological artifacts built by an advanced, spacefaring civilization. This time around, astronomers will be able to take “spectra” from the dimming star, which will tell them what kind of material the orbiting objects are made of. It’s possible the data could indicate material of a technological origin. Tabetha Boyajian, Assistant professor of Astrophysics at Louisiana State University tweeted on May 26 "Whatever is occulting the star is the size of the star itself. Or larger." Wright said that astronomers will have spectra data from some observatories ready to analyze soon. “I don’t think we’ll solve this puzzle this right away,” he said during a live YouTube discussion about the news, but they’ll have some of the information they need to start. Astronomers are eager to throw as much observation time at Tabby’s Star as possible, and several telescopes around the world regularly track it. Astronomers began to notice something might be coming in the telescope data earlier this week, according to Wright. A telescope in the Canary Islands failed last week, and astronomers were forced to wait 10 hours before useful data came through from another one in Arizona. To keep up to date with developments related to this new dimming event, it is probably worth checking out the ongoing discussion currently taking place on a Reddit board devoted to KIC 8462852. Source: The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/05/tabbys-star-alien-megastructure /527382/?utm_source=feed - KNOWING WHAT WE DON'T DEPARTMENT - Cicadas Are Emerging 4 Years Early, And Scientists Are Stumped By Kevin Ambrose, The Washington Post ![]() Perhaps it's global warming or climate confusion. Maybe it's just really hard for a 17-year cicada to count down the years while he's buried underground. Why this is happening is a total question mark, but a small fraction of the 17-year cicadas - the ones we're supposed to see in 2021 - are creeping out of their zombie caskets this week, four years early. The bug experts at cicadamania.com (which, if you're interested, has more information about these giant bugs than you'll be able to consume in one sitting) confirmed our surprise visitors are Brood X precursors and not the Brood VI cicadas that are emerging in other parts of the country this year. Apparently the DC area cicadas just lost track of time. Periodical cicadas are warm-weather insects. They emerge only after the ground temperature reaches the mid-60s about eight inches below the surface. Cicadas don't get fooled into emerging during January thaws or during early spring warm spells. It's all about the ground temperature. They typically emerge during the month of May in DC and the surrounding region, but it's possible they can emerge during late April if we have an extremely warm spring. Cicadas are slow, clumsy bugs that are easily caught. They will fly directly into a predator - and they will also fly directly into the faces of people who are completely freaked out by giant, ugly locusts getting tangled in their hair. We have many area residents who are emotionally scarred by past cicada encounters. For the periodical cicadas to survive and reproduce, they must emerge in massive numbers, from tens of thousands to a million bugs per acre. There are many predators of the slow-flying bug, including birds, squirrels, dogs, cats and people who say cicadas taste like shrimp. They overwhelm their predators by sheer number - the only reason they survive is there are too many bugs to eat. So far, the current batch of early-arriving cicadas are sparse in numbers and are quickly falling victim to feasting birds. The next week or two will be telling if they continue to emerge in larger numbers and begin to mate, or fade to a brief, buzzing memory with some well-fed birds flying around. For those of you who fear cicadas, don't worry yet. If a sufficiently large number of cicadas do emerge this year and successfully mate, a new brood of cicadas may establish itself for a return visit in 2034. That doesn't seem likely at this point. Look out for May 2021, however, that will be the time when the vast majority of Brood X arrives. Source: Science Alert https://www.sciencealert.com/cicadas-are-awakening-4-years-early-and-no-one -knows-why Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL TO ORDER AND RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT Order using PayPal and we will extend a ten percent discount for anything ordered from Conspiracy Journal #47. Email mrufo8@hotmail.com and tell Tim Beckley what it is you wish to order and he will send you back a PayPal invoice which you can pay immediately. Safe and secure and faster than waiting for us to get your order in the mail or charge it over the phone by credit card (which we can do by your leaving a message at 732 602-3407 - by dropping us a line at the same e mail). - PHYSICAL EVIDENCE FOR UFOS DEPARTMENT - Canada's "Best-Documented UFO Case" - 50 Years Later ![]() Stan Michalak can still vividly remember when his dad came home sick and injured after something happened in the Falcon Lake woods in Manitoba on the May long weekend of 1967. It was something that put his family life into upheaval and remains one of the world's best-known UFO encounters. "I recalled seeing him in bed. He didn't look good at all. He looked pale, haggard," said Michalak, who was nine years old at the time and was allowed to see his dad for a couple of minutes on the day after what soon become known as the Falcon Lake incident. Then there was the smell. "When I walked into the bedroom there was a huge stink in the room, like a real horrible aroma of sulphur and burnt motor. It was all around and it was coming out of his pores. It was bad," said Michalak, who co-authored the book When They Appeared with Winnipeg UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski. The book will be launched on Saturday in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the incident. "I was very afraid. My dad had been injured and I didn't know anything about it," Michalak told CBC News in recalling that Saturday 50 years earlier. Within a couple of days, however, not only did he know more — so did much of the public. The story about his dad being burned by a UFO ran in the Winnipeg Tribune newspaper "and that's when everything pretty much hit the fan," Michalak said. The encounter Stefan Michalak was an industrial mechanic by trade and an amateur geologist who liked to venture into the wilderness around Falcon Lake — about 150 kilometres east of Winnipeg — to prospect for quartz and silver. He had staked some claims the prior year and set out on the May long weekend in 1967 to explore some more. On May 20, 1967, Stefan was near a vein of quartz along the Precambrian Shield in the area when the 51-year-old was startled by a gaggle of nearby geese that erupted into a clattering of honks. According to his accounts, as reported in newspapers at the time and since repeated in books, magazines and on TV shows like Unsolved Mysteries, Stefan looked up and saw two cigar-shaped objects with a reddish glow hovering about 45 metres away. One descended, according to Stefan's account, landing on a flat section of rock and taking on more of a disc shape. The other remained in the air for a few minutes before flying off. Believing it to be a secret U.S.military experimental craft, Stefan sat back and sketched it over the next half hour. Then he decided to approach, later recalling the warm air and smell of sulphur as he got closer, as well as a whirring sound of motors and a hissing of air. He also noted a door open on the side with bright lights inside, and said he heard voices muffled by the sounds from the craft. He said he called out, offering mechanical help to the "Yankee boys" if they needed it. The voices went quiet but did not answer, so Stefan tried in his native Polish, then in Russian and finally in German. Only the whirr and hiss of the craft responded. He claims he went closer and noted the smooth metal of the ship, with no seams. He then looked into the bright doorway, pulling on the welding goggles he used to protect his eyes while chipping at rocks during prospecting. Inside, Stefan said he saw light beams and panels of various-coloured flashing lights, but could not see anyone or any living thing. When he stepped away, three panels slid across the door opening and sealed it. He reached to touch the craft, which he said melted the fingertips of the glove he was wearing. The craft then began to turn counter-clockwise and Stefan says he noticed a panel that contained a grid of holes. Shortly afterward, he was struck in the chest by a blast of air or gas that pushed him backward and set his shirt and cap ablaze. He ripped away the burning garments as the craft lifted off and flew away. Disoriented and nauseous, Stefan stumbled through the forest and vomited. He eventually made his way back to his motel room in Falcon Lake then caught a bus back to Winnipeg. He was treated at a hospital for burns to his chest and stomach that later turned into raised sores on a grid-like pattern. And for weeks afterwards, he suffered from diarrhea, headaches, blackouts and weight loss. 'It just flipped our lives over' Once the story was out, the RCMP, the air force, the media, various government agencies, and hordes of gawking members of the public descended on the Michalaks's small River Heights bungalow in Winnipeg. That's who Michalak refers to in the title of the book — those endless visitors and phone calls, the media and people camping on the lawn, the people who would follow Michalak to school one day peppering him with questions. "It just flipped our lives over," he said. "It took several years before it finally died down." When They Appeared When They Appeared is being launched this weekend, on the 50th anniversary of the Falcon Lake incident. (Chris Rutkowski) After that, and until the day he died in 1999 at the age of 83, Stefan believed he never should have said a thing, Michalak said. But at the time, he felt it was a duty. He wanted others, if they were to see the same thing, to avoid it and not get hurt, Michalak said. In Poland, before Stefan moved his family to Canada, he was a military policeman with a set of moral guidelines that he lived by — that is, if something happened, it should be reported, Michalak said. In addition to constant probing from authorities, the family endured condemnation and criticism in the public, Stefan's sanity was questioned and Michalak was bullied in school. Though he wished he hadn't said anything, Stefan never backed away from the story, either. He also never claimed to have seen aliens and still considered it a secret military craft. "If you asked him what it was he saw, he could describe it in intimate detail but he would never say, 'Oh, it was definitely extraterrestrials,' because there was no evidence to prove that," said Michalak. "He might ask, 'What do you think I saw?' but right up until he died, his story never changed one iota — nothing about it or how he told it." In all those years since and with some 300 pages of documentation on the encounter, "there's nothing so far that has flawed his story," Michalak said. So what does he think? "I'm not so close-minded that I can't entertain the possibility that it's otherworldly. I can't discount that. But without specific evidence to show me that it is, I don't know," Michalak said. "What I can tell you is that I'm an aviation fanatic, a huge aviation buff, and I am very familiar with how aviation technology has advanced in the past 50 years. And there was nothing even close to that in the works anywhere at that time." Intensely investigated The case was investigated intensely by a number of levels of government and the official conclusion, even from the United States Air Force, was that the case was unexplained, Rutkowski noted. "The Falcon Lake incident is possibly Canada's best-documented UFO case," he said. "It even beats Roswell [the alleged flying disc that landed in New Mexico in 1947] because the United States still doesn't recognize that anything happened in Roswell out of the ordinary." Items were later retrieved from the encounter site, including Stefan's glove and shirt and some tools, which were subjected to extensive analysis at an RCMP crime lab. No one could determine what caused the burns. At the landing site was a circle about 15 feet in diameter, devoid of the moss and vegetation growing in other areas of the same rock outcropping. Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive. So were pieces of metal that were chipped out of cracks in the rock about a year after the incident. The metal had somehow been melted into the cracks. Many of the items have long since been lost as they were transferred through various authorities and agencies. However, Rutkowski and Michalak still have one of the pieces of metal, which remains radioactive. Still sick in 1968 with recurrences of the burns showing up on his chest and suffering from blackouts, Stefan went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Doctors did a thorough investigation and even sent him to a psychiatrist "who came back with the report that this is a fellow who's very pragmatic, very down to earth — pardon the pun — and does not make up stories," Rutkowski said. "If Dad hoaxed this — remember we're talking about a blue-collar, industrial mechanic — if he hoaxed it then he was a freakin' genius," said Michalak. Source: CBC http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/falcon-lake-incident-book-anniversary -1.4121639 - LEGENDS OF THE WEE FOLK DEPARTMENT - The Ircinrraaq of the Arctic By RobynDale ![]() Ircinrraaq, (pronounced Irr-chin-hhak) is an Inuit word used when describing any of the “Little People” who live across the Arctic in caves, mountains or underground. According to the stories of the Inuit and the occasional report to the police by non-Inuit through the years, there are several different Ircinrraaq, but most have been described as having pointed ears, darkish coloured skin and very dark eyes. They’re strong, fast and intelligent beings, extremely skilled at hunting with bow and arrow and wear clothes made of animal skins. They live their lives according to the “old ways”. Some Ircinrraaq are considered helpful, they may direct a lost hunter or child toward home or help get ones truck out of the mud, but other are considered mean or even evil. They can disorient and confuse and are suspected in several disappearances of both children and adults. The Ircinrraaq have reportedly taken people into their homes to spend the night and letting them go the next day, while others never return. One such incident took place in 2008. A hunter from Marshall, Alaska found a small boy alone in the middle of a Marsh (about three hours from Marshall), the hunter asked the boy where his parents were and how he got there, but the boy was scared and confused and only answered “I don’t know”. The hunter thought the whole thing was strange, there where no footprints in the snow or any clues to how the boy could have got there. The hunter recognized the boy from his village and took the boy back to his home. It wasn’t until the following day that the story began to emerge that the boy had been taken into Pilcher Mountain by Ircinrraaq where they questioned him. The boy says that while he was captive he met a woman who said she had been abducted forty years earlier and wanted to help the boy. Apparently, the Ircinrraaq people had let him go only moments before the hunter found him, but is any of the story actually true? Another event took place in Palmer, Alaska in 2005. A woman described seeing a child like figure running through woods near her home just moments before her daughter disappeared, unfortunely the girl has never been found. It is known the Ircinrraaq live in places such as Pilcher Mountain and Nelson Island where small toy like sleds and tools are said to been found in the hills. One story tells us that long ago, before the whaling companies arrived, Ircinrraaq lived alongside the Inuit people in Port Hope, Alaska. They lived side by side until one day while an Ircinrraaq family was visiting neighbours and their tiny boy (said to be so tiny that he used a caribou ear for a parka) wandered close to a husky and was mauled and killed. According to the stories, the boy’s father killed the dog with his bare hands. Soon after this incident all of the Ircinraaq people moved away from the Inuit village to the caves they now call home. It is said that if you can catch one of these little people they will give you a gift as in the case with the smallest of Ircinrraaq which is called a Cingssiigat. They are told to be fairy like beings, five to twelve inches tall (no wings are ever mentioned) with pointed heads. They are said to come out at night and sound like chirping birds and hide in cracks in walls when humans get too close. One story tells of a man who wanted to catch one and hid with his son in an room. He and the boy kept very still and when a Cingssiigat appeared he had the boy turn on a lamp and the man grabbed the tiny man. It seemed to loose almost all its energy to fight due the light from the lamp. The man began to tease the Cingssiigat by holding it close to a flame, the son knew his father shouldn’t be doing this and begged him stop. Though the man did let the poor creature go, for the rest of his days he found he had nothing but bad luck while hunting, but his son became the village’s best hunter. Another story tells of a hunter who wanted to catch a Cingssiigat to make him a great hunter, better than the others in his village of whom he was jealous. The man sat silently for 3 days waiting for the tiny fellow to appear and when he did, the man grabbed. The Cingssiigat put up a fierce fight throwing the man around the room, but the man was too strong for the Cingssiigat. The Cigessiigat begged and pleaded to be let go as dawn was approaching, but the man told him he would not release him. The tiny man offered the hunter the only thing he had, a belt, and told him to never to take it off. The hunter freed the Cingssiigat and wore the belt every day. With the Cingssiigat’s belt the man became the greatest hunter in the village. The Egassuayaq are by far the strangest looking of all the Ircinrraaq. They are only about a foot tall (though one story about them indicates that they are as tall as an average person), their eyelids are vertical and they’re always told to have long sleeves that almost touch the ground. They steal food from villagers, and especially love to steal black fish from traps. Unlike receiving a good luck charm from a Cingssiigat, anything you receive from the Egassuayaq is sure to give bad luck. A man once caught an Egassuayaq stealing from his traps, he yelled “So you’re the Egassuayak that’s been stealing from my traps!”, this seemed to enrage the Egassuayak and he ran off. However, for some reason it seems the Egassuayak took great offence at being called an Egassuayak, as it later went to the man’s house where and fought with him. Though the man fought as hard as he could, he only won the fight by putting the Egassuayak under a pot and which cause the Egassuayak to become very weak. The Egassuayak offered the man every possible thing it thought could be of use to the man, but the man refused to accept anything from it because he knew anything he took would give him bad luck. The man instead released the Egassuayak on it’s word that it would not steal from his fish traps again. The Enukins are only a couple feet tall and are told to live in the Port Hope area of Alaska. While the Enukins are known to be misgevious they can also be extremely helpful if they choose. These little people may help you if your lost in the woods or tundra, and even give you gifts for no absolutely reason at all. The gifts they offer must be accepted or the Enukins will be greatly offended. If a Enukin gives you a berry basket you are sure to find the best berry bushes with which to fill it. If you are given a knife you will always find game to hunt. However, they too have been know to steal and cause trouble in villages, especially at night. Some towns have strict evening curfews and everyone who lives in one of these towns will always be home with their doors and windows locked at the appointed time. Paalraayak live in the mountain regions and move about in underground tunnels and in my opinion most resemble the general description of the Ircinrraaq. They have all the characteristics, from being three feet tall, to the colour of their skin, the pointed ears and of course they are ill tempered if not just plain old mean. If a person walks alone in the mountains the Paalraayak will throw rocks at them sometimes causing great injury. In areas where Ircinrraaq are known to live, there are places in the mountains where people are simply not supposed to go, at least not if they value their safety. A hunter while on his way home heard a strange noise and followed it. He found an open window in the base of the mountain, he peeked in and observed two Ircinrraaq dancing about a room. He watched them for only a short time, but when he looked back at his sled and clothes they were weathered and his game was rotten. When he returned home he found that he had been gone for a whole year. Experienced hunters sometimes talk about how game they had shot and killed, disappear with no blood or tracks and knew their game had been taken by the Ircinrraaq. While it may take a couple grown humans to put a large animal like a Caribou onto a sled, according to stories a single Ircinrraaq can simply pick it up and run off with it. It is also told that some Ircinrraaq can look like animals to fool humans. It doesn’t matter if you believe these stories to be true or simply allegories which try to teach us not to be cruel or peek in people’s windows. They are all true facts to the Inuit people who pass the stories down from generation to generation, changing as they are passed, so others know how to deal with the Ircinrraaq. They are also very real to the Inuit who live in fear of the Ircinrraaq who come out at night to spirit them away, perhaps even to be eatten as some Ircinrraaq are said to eat humans, so the stories say. Fossil evidence of “Little People” was found on the Island of Flores in 2003, called Homo Flores (also called “The Hobbit”) which stood 3 three feet six inches tall, about the same size as the Ircinrraaq. Source: The Curious Fortean https://thecuriousfortean.com/2017/05/28/the-ircinrraaq-little-people-of-the-arctic/ -
Awesome Or Off-Putting - Phantom Planes ![]()
There’s ghosts, there’s UFOs, and then sometimes the two groups get
together and have a real freaky lookin’ baby. They say the act itself
is usually preluded with some smooth R&B after a night at the
theatre and a nice dinner that costs more than $20 for the both of ‘em. The end result is something called Phantom Planes - airbuses that both look and sound real, but then disappear into nothing. Some low-flying encounters with them have been so lifelike that pedestrians have jumped for cover. As we already said - Phantom Planes are a phenomenon wherein the ghostly structure of a plane materializes, flies for a bit and then disappears. We haven’t heard if any long-dead crew have been seen piloting the ghost-ships, but there have been some reported very close encounters - like this one from the BBC: “The most dramatic incident which came to the attention of ufologist Margaret Fry was reported by mothers in Llangernyw, Denbighshire, as they were picking up their children from school. Several claimed they were sent running for cover as the plane - which they described as rusty, with no paint work - roared over their heads. “In the distance it followed the landscape and dipped down in the valley at such speed that the parents felt the plane was sure to crash, but they continued to watch as it pulled up and, with “great effort”, it managed to make it over some distant hills. Margaret said there was a shocked silence after the incident before locals began calling officials to try and find out what had happened to the plane.”They were told that no such aeroplane would even be allowed to fly in that condition,” said Margaret. “ Sounds unique, right? It’s not. Here’s another account - this one first hand. It’s from a man named Tony Ingle, who was out walking his dog: “It was very eerie…I could see the propellers going round but there was no sound..It was getting lower and lower and I thought, this thing’s going to crash…..It was bizarre…I could see it was banking as if trying to turn, and then it seemed to go down just over a hedge. I ran up the lane to see if I could see anything. I expected a plane to be in the field but there was nothing…just lambs and sheep. Everything was silent, you could hear a pin drop…” There was no sound with that particular sighting - it’s not always the case though. In this next one - taken from a 1976 edition of the Cincinnati Post (and found on Unexplained-Mysteries.com, there were a bunch of different types of witnesses - the last of which even heard people screaming as the phantom plane was about to crash: “Butler County, Ohio, deputies discontinued a search yesterday afternoon for a plane which reportedly had crashed in Reily Township near Imhoff and Indian Creek Roads late Wednesday night. Deputies said an amateur radio operator heard what he thought was a distress call from a plane believed to be flying from Oxford to Cincinnati about 11 p.m. About 1:45 a.m. yesterday, George Mosley, 1203 Azel Avenue, Hamilton, his son and two other boys became separated in the same area while coon hunting. During the separation the boys said they saw a white flash in the sky at treetop level, then heard screaming and a crash. Airports in Hamilton and Butler County had no record of any small craft filing a flight plan during those hours. Deputies used a plane and walked the area in search of a downed plane Wednesday night until fog set in on the Reily area. The search was continued yesterday morning and discontinued after nothing was found.” That’s a pretty creepy account - not only did the three boys see the thing individually, but a radio operator heard a distress call completely separate from the other account. Phantom Plane sightings don’t seem to happen too often - they’re rare enough to be pretty free from devoted debunkers, as far as our quick internet search can tell. Should any of these debunkers arise we’ve little doubt their chief arguments would have to do with tricks of light or the moon through the trees. It doesn’t answer much, but when you have to publicly expose something you can’t actually study there’s not a lot of wiggle room. All we know is if we saw a ghost plane accompanied by terrified screams, a light emitting explosion and distressed radio calls, we’d probably think at least twice about our brand of cough syrup. And we’d rub our eyes. Source: Hecklerspray.com http://www.hecklerspray.com/awesome-or-off-putting-phantom-planes/200816756.php - PAST LIFE ADVENTURES DEPARTMENT - The Boy Who Says He is From Mars By simplecapacity ![]() A
boy named Boris Kipriyanovich, or Boriska, lives in the town of
Zhirinovsk of Russia’s Volgograd region. He was born on January 11,
1996. Since he was 4 he used to visit a well-known anomalous zone,
commonly referred to as Medvedetskaya Gryada – a mountain near the
town. It seems that the boy needed to visit the zone regularly to
fulfill his needs in energy. Boriska’s parents, nice, educated and hospitable people, are worried about their son’s fascinating talents. They do not know how others will perceive Boriska when he grows up. The say that they would be happy to consult an expert to know how to raise their wunderkind. Being a doctor, his mother could not help but notice that the baby boy could hold his head already in 15 days after his birth. He uttered the first word ‘baba’ when he was 4 months old and started to pronounce simple words soon afterwards. At one year and a half he had no difficulties in reading newspaper headlines. At age of two years he started drawing and leaned how to paint six months later. When he turned two, he started going to a local kindergarten. Tutors immediately noticed the unusual boy, his uncommon quickwittedness, language skills and unique memory. However, his parents witnessed that Boriska acquired knowledge not only from the outer world, but through mysterious channels as well. They saw him reading unknown information from somewhere. “No one has ever taught him,” Boriska’s mother said. “Sometimes he would sit in a lotus position and start telling us detailed facts about Mars, planetary systems and other civilizations, which really puzzled us,” the woman said. How may a little boy know such things? Space became the permanent theme of his stories when the boy turned two years old. Once he said that he used to live on Mars himself. He says that the planet is inhabited now too, although it lost its atmosphere after a mammoth catastrophe. The Martians live in underground cities, Boriska says. The boy also says that, he used to fly to Earth for research purposes when he was a Martian. Moreover, he piloted a spaceship himself. It took place in the time of the Lemurian civilization. He speaks about the fall of Lemuria as if it occurred yesterday. He says that Lemurians died because they ceased to develop themselves spiritually and broke the unity of their planet. When his mother brought him a book entitled “Whom We Are Originated From” by Ernest Muldashev, he got very excited about it. He spent a long time looking through the sketches of Lemurians, pictures of Tibetan pagodas, and then he told his parents of Lemurians and their culture for several hours non-stop. As he was talking, his mother noticed that Lemurians lived 70,000 years ago and they were nine meters tall… “How can you remember all this?” the woman asked her son. “Yes, I remember and nobody has told me that, I saw it,” Boriska replied. In Muldashev’s second book “In Search of the City of Gods” he looked through pictures for a long time and recollected a lot about pyramids and shrines. Then he claimed that people would not find ancient knowledge under the Great Pyramid of Cheops. The knowledge will be found under another pyramid, which has not been discovered yet. “The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear, I do not remember exactly,” he said. Boriska is one of so-called indigo children. They start to appear on Earth as a token of the forthcoming grand transformation of the planet. “No, I have no fear of death, for we live eternally. There was a catastrophe on Mars where I lived. People like us still live there. There was a nuclear war between them. Everything burnt down. Only some of them survived. They built shelters and created new weapons. All materials changed. Martians mostly breathe carbon dioxide. If they flew to our planet now, they would have to spend all the time standing next to pipes and breathing in fumes,” Boriska said. “If you are from Mars, do you need carbon dioxide?” “If I am in this body, I breathe oxygen. But you know, it causes aging.” Specialists asked the boy why man-made spacecraft often crash as they approach Mars. “Martians transmit special signals to destroy stations containing harmful radiation,” Boriska replied. The boy has deep knowledge of space and its dimensions. He is also aware of the structure of interplanetary UFOs. He talks about that like an expert, draws UFOs on slates and explains the way they work. Here is one of his stories: “It has six layers. The upper layer of solid metal accounts for 25 percent, the second layer of rubber – 30 percent, the third layer of metal – 30 percent, and the last layer with magnetic properties – 4 percent. If we give energy to the magnetic layer, spaceships will be able to fly across the Universe.” Boriska has a lot of difficulties with school. After an interview he was taken to the second grade, but soon they tried to get rid of him. He constantly interrupts teachers and says that they are wrong… now the boy has classes with a private tutor. Source: Anonymous http://www.anonews.co/boriska-a-boy/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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