6/25/17 #911 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal911.html High overhead, the black
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UFO, the paranormal, and much more - Conspiracy Journal!
week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such awe-inspiring stories as: - SETI Scientists Argue “Wow! Signal” Still Unidentified - - Is the Universe Conscious? - - Catholic Exorcist Cult Made a Deal With the Devil - AND: Oshawa Photographer Captures Bizarre UFO All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ Issues With Last Week's Newsletter We did have problems with last week's newsletter due to troubles with our web hosts server. That has now all been repaired...so if you were not able to read last weeks newsletter, here is the link. https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal910.html Thanks! HOW REAL IS REALITY? THE MATRIX CONTROL SYSTEM OF PHILIP K DICK AND THE PARANORMAL SYNCHRONICITIES OF TIM BECKLEY BEYOND ANYTHING YOUR EVER IMAGINED WAS POSSIBLE! EXPLORE PARALLEL WORLDS AND OTHER DIMENSIONS. ESCAPE THE CONFINES OF THE MATRIX AND ELUDE THOSE THAT CONTROL OUR LIVES THROUGH A COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION. You Have Doubtlessly Seen The Movies Based Upon What We Have All Come to Believe Are Exceptionally Brilliant Science Fiction Novels Written By The Late Philip K. Dick . . . TOTAL RECALL – BLADE RUNNER – THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU But what you probably didn’t know is that their creator was living out some of the same incredibly bizarre scenarios that he wrote about. One can easily compare Philip to the character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Total Recall,” who found himself in a parallel universe on a faraway planet, despite the fact that he was only supposed to be hooked up in a laboratory to a machine that creates realistic dream-like images. Which reality is the character really living in? At a sci-fi press conference held in France in 1977, Philip tried to explain some of his bewildering thoughts about the existence of a parallel or self-contained – Matrix-like – universe created by “someone” who has the ability to alter the course of time and our concept of reality: “People claim to remember past lives,” Philip told the throng of reporters and fans. “I claim to remember a different – very different – present life. I know of nobody who has ever made this claim before but I rather suspect that my experience is not unique. What perhaps is unique is my willingness to talk about it. We are living in a computer-programmed reality and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed and some alteration in our reality occurs . . . and because of this a variable WAS changed – reprogrammed as it were – and an alternative world branched off.” Drawing on the masterful mind of creative genius Philip K. Dick we offer up dozens of his personal experiences, as well as those of others in the UFO and paranormal fields, where synchronicities seem to abound. This is NOT science fiction. This is a universe that cannot be so easily grasped or explained. This amazing book has been compiled by Tim Beckley and
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Click Here to Order With PayPal You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley - ET, COMET, WHO KNOWS DEPARTMENT - SETI Scientists Argue “Wow! Signal” Still Unidentified By Alejandro Rojas In 1977, scientists working on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) recorded an unusually strong radio signal, the origin of which many scientists believe has not been explained. While the most exotic theory is that the signal is a call from ET, a paper published in the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences claims the origins of the signal is much more mundane. They think a comet or two caused it. SETI scientists, including the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, Seth Shostak, and the man who discovered the signal, disagree. As Shostak puts it in a recent article, the “Wow! Signal” is in the “A-List” of signals recorded by scientists that may potentially have been generated by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization. It is an exclusive list. Shostak did not mention how long the list is, but it can be argued the “Wow! Signal” is the only signal on that list. In August of 1977, a signal was captured by a radio telescope called Big Ear at Ohio State University. Upon discovering the signal while reviewing the logs, astronomer Jerry Ehman circled it on the computer printout and wrote “Wow!” off to the side. The signal was very strong, and according to Shostak, “It had all the characteristics one would anticipate from a signal produced by a deep space transmitter.” However, despite efforts to capture the signal a second time, it was never heard again. “So the WOW signal seemed destined to be an enduring mystery of the universe – maybe it really was ET launching a signal in our direction, a whistle that was either very short or very intermittent,” Shostak wrote. “Then again, perhaps it was something else…” This is where the new paper in the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences comes in. The paper is authored by Antonio Paris and Evan Davies. Interestingly, Paris, an astronomer at St. Petersburg College in Florida, also has an interest in UFOs. In fact, he was been an investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and has lectured on the topic at several UFO conferences. In the paper, the authors argue that the signal likely came from a comet or two that was not catalogued at the time the signal was detected. That would explain why Ehrman and others would not have known suspected the comet(s). “Neutral hydrogen is well known for generating radio static at a frequency of 1420 MHz, which is indeed the spot on the dial where the Big Ear overheard the signal,” admits Shostak. However, he continues, “The comet hypothesis, in my opinion, doesn’t work. To begin with, there’s the slightly dismaying fact that I’ve never heard of anyone measuring strong hydrogen signals from a comet, and I’ve spent a lot of time on radio telescopes tuned to 1420 MHz.” Shostak also points out that there were two receivers that examined the area of the sky the signal was received. The second sweep came only a minute or so after the first. “But the WOW signal only appeared in one of the feeds,” Shostak continued. “Of course, that could be explained if the signal simply went off the air in the time between observation by the first and second feed. Terrestrial interference could be compatible with this requirement, easy peasy. And a signal from impatient aliens could too.” Comets, on the other hand, do not turn on and off. They move slowly, and should have been detected in the second feed. Ehman told Live Science in a recent interview that he does not buy the comet theory for the same reasons Shostak presented. “We should have seen the source come through twice in about 3 minutes: one response lasting 72 seconds and a second response for 72 seconds following within about a minute and a half,” Ehman told Live Science. “We didn’t see the second one.” Paris admits this is an issue. However, he suggested to Live Science that the telescope might not have detected the signal in the second feed due to an error with the telescope itself. “There is some data out there to suggest the issue is at the telescope end and not the phenomenon itself,” Paris told Live Science. So the mystery continues. However, Paris has not finished making his case. He plans to continue to observe comets and the reasons behind why they create the signals. “There have been a handful of studies, but I suspect we are the first to specifically build a 10-meter radio telescope to specifically look at this type of solar system body,” he said. Source: Open Minds http://www.openminds.tv/seti-scientists-argue-wow-signal-still-unidentified-despite-new-report/40354 - 70 YEARS AND STILL NO ANSWERS DEPARTMENT - 70th Anniversay of Kenneth Arnold's UFO Sighting Saturday, June 24, marked the 70th anniversary of Kenneth Arnold's seminal UFO sighting which is credited as start of the modern UFO era and spawned the term 'flying saucer.' Occurring just days before the infamous Roswell incident, the Arnold event took place on June 24th, 1947, when the private pilot was flying past Mount Rainier in Washington state and purportedly spotted a veritable armada of nine UFOs soaring past his plane. The baffled Arnold was able to watch the anomalies for quite some time and produced a detailed account of their size and shape. Clearly impacted by what he had seen, Arnold subsequently shared the story with his friends when he landed at the airport and with a local newspaper the next day. His standing a reputable businessman as well as his remarkably detailed account of the incident led to his case becoming a headline story around the country and the world. The overwhelming media coverage of Arnold's experience led to the terms 'flying saucer' as well as 'flying disc' becoming synonymous with the UFO phenomenon and also seemingly spawned a wave of sightings in the weeks and months that followed his encounter. With it being the first case to gain national attention in America, Arnold's sighting is cited by many historians and researchers as the unofficial start of the modern era of UFO sightings. In fact, the event is considered so important in some circles that June 24th is one of two dates, alongside July 2nd, which bear the title of 'World UFO Day.' For his part, in the years after his sighting, Arnold participated in the early days of the burgeoning UFO field as a 'celebrity' of sorts, but eventually moved on to other pursuits. At a 1977 event reflecting on the 30th anniversary of the case, Arnold expressed dismay that the UFO phenomenon remained a mystery and that mused that the lack of scientific interest in the enigma may be "more fantastic than flying saucers." Sadly, forty years following that, on the 70th anniversary of Arnold's sighting, we are still no closer to solving the UFO mystery than we were on that fateful day. Perhaps on some anniversary in the future, the events of June 24, 1947 will take on a different hue, with us looking back on it not as the start of a great unsolved mystery, but as the beginning of some kind of contact that, by then, will have finally happened. Source: Coast to Coast http://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/kenneth-arnold-ufo-case-turns-70 Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL TO ORDER AND RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT Order using PayPal and we will extend a ten percent discount for anything ordered from Conspiracy Journal #47. Email mrufo8@hotmail.com and tell Tim Beckley what it is you wish to order and he will send you back a PayPal invoice which you can pay immediately. Safe and secure and faster than waiting for us to get your order in the mail or charge it over the phone by credit card (which we can do by your leaving a message at 732 602-3407 - by dropping us a line at the same e mail). - THE VAST MIND OF COSMIC DREAMS DEPARTMENT - Is the Universe Conscious? By Corey S. Powell For centuries, modern science has been shrinking the gap between humans and the rest of the universe, from Isaac Newton showing that one set of laws applies equally to falling apples and orbiting moons to Carl Sagan intoning that “we are made of star stuff” — that the atoms of our bodies were literally forged in the nuclear furnaces of other stars. Even in that context, Gregory Matloff’s ideas are shocking. The veteran physicist at New York City College of Technology recently published a paper arguing that humans may be like the rest of the universe in substance and in spirit. A “proto-consciousness field” could extend through all of space, he argues. Stars may be thinking entities that deliberately control their paths. Put more bluntly, the entire cosmos may be self-aware. The notion of a conscious universe sounds more like the stuff of late night TV than academic journals. Called by its formal academic name, though, “panpsychism” turns out to have prominent supporters in a variety of fields. New York University philosopher and cognitive scientist David Chalmers is a proponent. So too, in different ways, are neuroscientist Christof Koch of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, renowned for his work on gravity and black holes. The bottom line, Matloff argues, is that panpsychism is too important to ignore. “It’s all very speculative, but it’s something we can check and either validate or falsify,” he says. Three decades ago, Penrose introduced a key element of panpsychism with his theory that consciousness is rooted in the statistical rules of quantum physics as they apply in the microscopic spaces between neurons in the brain. In 2006, German physicist Bernard Haisch, known both for his studies of active stars and his openness to unorthodox science, took Penrose’s idea a big step further. Haisch proposed that the quantum fields that permeate all of empty space (the so-called "quantum vacuum") produce and transmit consciousness, which then emerges in any sufficiently complex system with energy flowing through it. And not just a brain, but potentially any physical structure. Intrigued, Matloff wondered if there was a way to take these squishy arguments and put them to an observational test. One of the hallmarks of life is its ability to adjust its behavior in response to stimulus. Matloff began searching for astronomical objects that unexpectedly exhibit this behavior. Recently, he zeroed in on a little-studied anomaly in stellar motion known as Paranego’s Discontinuity. On average, cooler stars orbit our galaxy more quickly than do hotter ones. Most astronomers attribute the effect to interactions between stars and gas clouds throughout the galaxy. Matloff considered a different explanation. He noted that the anomaly appears in stars that are cool enough to have molecules in their atmospheres, which greatly increases their chemical complexity. Matloff noted further that some stars appear to emit jets that point in only one direction, an unbalanced process that could cause a star to alter its motion. He wondered: Could this actually be a willful process? Is there any way to tell? If Paranego’s Discontinuity is caused by specific conditions within the galaxy, it should vary from location to location. But if it is something intrinsic to the stars — as consciousness would be — it should be the same everywhere. Data from existing stellar catalogs seems to support the latter view, Matloff claims. Detailed results from the Gaia star-mapping space telescope, due in 2018, will provide a more stringent test. Matloff is under no illusion that his colleagues will be convinced, but he remains upbeat: “Shouldn’t we at least be checking? Maybe we can move panpsychism from philosophy to observational astrophysics.” Mind Out of Matter While Matloff looks out to the stars to verify panpsychism, Christof Koch looks at humans. In his view, the existence of widespread, ubiquitous consciousness is strongly tied to scientists’ current understanding of the neurological origins of the mind. “The only dominant theory we have of consciousness says that it is associated with complexity — with a system’s ability to act upon its own state and determine its own fate,” Koch says. “Theory states that it could go down to very simple systems. In principle, some purely physical systems that are not biological or organic may also be conscious.” Koch is inspired by integrated information theory, a hot topic among modern neuroscientists, which holds that consciousness is defined by the ability of a system to be influenced by its previous state and to influence its next state. The human brain is just an extreme example of that process, Koch explains: “We are more complex, we have more self-awareness — well, some of us do — but other systems have awareness, too. We may share this property of experience, and that is what consciousness is: the ability to experience anything, from the most mundane to the most refined religious experience.” Like Matloff, Koch and his colleagues are actively engaged in experimental tests of these ideas. One approach is to study brain-impaired patients to see if their information responses align with biological measures of their consciousness. Another approach, further off, is to wire the brains of two mice together and see how the integrated consciousness of the animals changes as the amount of information flowing between them is increased. At some point, according to integrated information theory, the two should merge into a single, larger information system. Eventually, it should be possible to run such experiments with humans, wiring their brains together to see if a new type of consciousness emerges. Despite their seeming similarities, Koch is dubious of Matloff’s volitional stars. What is distinctive about living things, according to his theory, is not that they are alive but that they are complex. Although the sun is vastly bigger than a bacterium, from a mathematical perspective it is also vastly simpler. Koch allows that a star may have an internal life that allows it to “feel,” but whatever that feeling is, it is much less than the feeling of being an E. coli. On the other hand, “even systems that we don’t consider animate could have a little bit of consciousness,” Koch says. “It is part and parcel of the physical.” From this perspective, the universe may not exactly be thinking, but it still has an internal experience intimately tied to our own. A Participatory Cosmos Which brings us to Roger Penrose and his theories linking consciousness and quantum mechanics. He does not overtly identify himself as a panpsychist, but his argument that self-awareness and free will begin with quantum events in the brain inevitably links our minds with the cosmos. Penrose sums up this connection beautifully in his opus "The Road to Reality": “The laws of physics produce complex systems, and these complex systems lead to consciousness, which then produces mathematics, which can then encode in a succinct and inspiring way the very underlying laws of physics that gave rise to it.” Despite his towering stature as a physicist, Penrose has encountered resistance to his theory of consciousness. Oddly, his colleagues have been more accepting of the exotic, cosmic-consciousness implications of quantum mechanics. Ever since the 1920s, physicists have puzzled over the strangely privileged role of the observer in quantum theory. A particle exists in a fuzzy state of uncertainty…but only until it is observed. As soon as someone looks at it and takes its measurements, the particle seems to collapse into a definite location. The late physicist John Wheeler concluded that the apparent oddity of quantum mechanics was built on an even grander and odder truth: that the universe as a whole festers in a state of uncertainty and snaps into clear, actual being when observed by a conscious being — that is, us. “We are participators in bringing into being not only the near and here but the far away and long ago,” Wheeler said in 2006. He calls his interpretation the “participatory anthropic principle.” If he is correct, the universe is conscious, but in almost the opposite of the way that Matloff pictures it: Only through the acts of conscious minds does it truly exist at all. It is hard to imagine how a scientist could put the participatory anthropic principle to an empirical test. There are no stars to monitor, and no brains to measure, to understand whether reality depends on the presence of consciousness. Even if it cannot be proven, the participatory anthropic principle extends the unifying agenda of modern science, powerfully evoking the sense of connectedness that Albert Einstein called the cosmic religious feeling. “In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it,” Einstein wrote in a 1930 New York Times editorial. Explorers like Matloff are routinely dismissed as fringe thinkers, but it is hard to think of any greater expression of that feeling than continuing the quest to find out if our human minds are just tiny components of a much greater cosmic brain. Source: NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/mach - CALLING TEUTONIC GODS DEPARTMENT - The Nazis' Obsession With the Occult When he came to power Hitler had a dowser scour the Reich Chancellery for cancerous ‘death rays’. Before flying to Scotland Rudolf Hess had his horoscope drawn up by a personal astrologer. Himmler backed research on the Holy Grail and medieval devil worship (‘Luciferism’) and sent an SS expedition by the explorer Dr Ernst Schafer to Tibet in 1938 to investigate the ancient Indo-German ‘Aryan’ origins of Buddhism. Himmler also founded the SS Witches Division, which collected evidence in eastern Europe in the second world war that Teutonic ‘wise women’ had been persecuted and burnt in a Jewish-Catholic Inquisition plot against volkisch German culture and blood. In 1939 Goebbles sat up late at night reading the prophecies of Nostradamus, which he revealed to an enthusiastic Führer as evidence that the British were soon to be defeated. One could be forgiven for thinking the above might be the fevered imaginings of a Hollywood schlock movie producer or the midnight fantasies of a pulp-comic writer. In fact they are the sober truth, just part of the immense trove of bizarre material on Nazis and the supernatural that eight years of research by Eric Kurlander has uncovered. The British had ASDIC or radar to find German U-boats: the German Navy had the Pendulum Dowsing Institute in Berlin. Here, over a large map of the Atlantic, a one-inch model battleship was moved about, as an expert in pendulum-dowsing swung a metal diviner on string above the map, watched by fascinated German admirals. If the pendulum dowser ‘reacted’ over the toy ship this indicated a genuine British battleship in the vicinity. The Germans had convinced themselves that the British were finding U-boats by pendulum dowsing. After Mussolini was toppled and arrested, Operation Mars was launched: 40 experienced astrologers, tarot-card readers, magicians and dowsers were released from concentration camps and installed in a villa in Berlin’s Wannsee, under the leadership of top magician Wilhelm Wulf. ‘Find the Duce!’ were their orders. ‘These magicians cost the SS a pretty penny,’ complained the SS General Schellenberg; ‘they demanded — and got — huge quantities of luxury food, alcohol and tobacco before they could start work.’ A large map of Italy was unrolled and the pendulum dowsers started swinging the lead in an attempt to find the whereabouts of the Italian dictator. In the end Otto Skorzeny’s commandos found the Duce and rescued him, but Wulf avoided returning to Sachsenhausen, and was soon working for Himmler as his personal astrologer, claiming it was he who had found Mussolini through magic. Professor Kurlander traces supernatural belief in Nazi Germany to the counter-cultural, mystical theories which abounded in fin-de-siècle Austria and Weimar Germany. Helena Blavatsky’s Great White Brotherhood of hidden Mahatmas in Tibet, and Rudolf Steiner’s theories of anthroposophy and bio-dynamic blood and soil agriculture were two such strands. Central to the Nazis’ mystical beliefs was World Ice Theory, propounded in the 1912 book Glacial Cosmogony by Hanns Hörbiger. This held that white ‘Aryan’ man was not descended from the apes, as were other inferior races, but rather came from ‘divine sperma’ brought to earth by meteors. These developed into the godlike Supermen of the ancient civilisation of Atlantis-Thule which employed parapsychology and mystical electricity ‘like Thor’s hammer’. Atlantis was destroyed by ‘icy moons’ crashing into earth, and refugee Supermen established Buddhism and Hinduism in Tibet and the Himalayas and Shintoism in Japan. Jesus Christ was a White ‘Aryan’ of Atlantean descent, as were the Knights Templar and the Cathars, who held the mysteries of ancient Thule in the Holy Grail. The white Supermen were locked in a struggle for mastery with the ape-like ‘Tschandala’ or ‘monstrous humanoids’ — Jews, Slavs, blacks and ‘mongrel breeds’. This overtly racist worldview was believed in by Hitler, Hess, Himmler and other senior Nazis. Julius Streicher was convinced that Jews gave off a particular odour and that he could ‘smell out a Jew’ at several metres, like the medieval witch-sniffers. Himmler tried to get World Ice Theory taught instead of Darwinian evolution in German universities. This theory explains why Himmler felt able to enrol Arabs, Indians and even Turkestaners in SS units. It also justified genocide, horrific medical experiments and mass population displacements, and convinced Hitler that ‘Nordics’ could tolerate cold better than ‘Slavs’, with dire results at Stalingrad. Himmler wasted much time and money on research into magic rays which he hoped would find oil and gold in the Rhine. Kurlander believes that Nazi reliance on magic encouraged the development of pointless and wasteful ‘wonder weapons’ such as the V1 and V2 rockets, which killed many civilians but did not affect the Allied war effort. Not all Nazis believed in this tosh. Speer, Bormann and Heydrich attempted purges of magicians and astrologers, especially in the Hess Action, after the flight of the Deputy Führer to Scotland. Thousands were rounded up and put in camps, but within months most were free again, many working for Himmler. In 1943, at a time of acute labour shortage, an estimated 3,000 tarot-card readers were still working in Berlin alone. The British knew all about the Nazi weakness for magic and parachuted faked copies of the astrological magazine Zenit into Germany which contained decidedly pessimistic horoscopes for Hitler and his acolytes. Deeply researched, convincingly authenticated, this extraordinary study of the magical and supernatural at the highest levels of Nazi Germany will astonish — and provide scholars and the general reader with much food for thought. Without such widespread crackpot beliefs the Nazis might just have won the war. ‘Every German has one foot in Atlantis, where he sees a better fatherland,’ claimed the renegade, defrocked Nazi Herman Rauschning. Thank heavens they did. Source: Spectator https://www.spectator.co.uk/2017/06/did-hitlers-obsession-with-the-occult -lose-him-the-war/ -
THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT DEPARTMENT - Black Dogs and UFOs Three weeks ago a fascinating story was related to me by a colleague from my old home county of Staffordshire, England. “You’re not going to believe this one,” he told me excitedly down the phone. Well, I’ve heard some bizarre things in my time as an investigator of all-things weird, and so I sat back and listened to his story - that was provided to him by the person directly involved. Essentially, the story centers upon a 1991 encounter with the unknown at a place called Castle Ring, which at 801 feet above sea-level is the highest point on a large area of forest in central England called the Cannock Chase. A plateau bordered by the Trent Valley to the north and the West Midlands to the south, the Chase is situated only several miles from where I grew up; and it is a beautiful, expansive area full of dense woods, a variety of wild animals, and magical tales of mystery and wonder. Indeed, the area has a rich and long history of reported encounters with Bigfoot, UFOs, ghosts, big cats and even the occasional wallaby. It has also been the site of a number of disturbing animal mutilations that have been linked with occult activities. Built between 500 BC and AD 40, Castle Ring is an Iron Age structure commonly known as a Hill Fort. Its main ditch and bank enclosure is 14 feet high and, at its widest point, is 853 feet across. Little is known about the people who built Castle Ring or its purpose, except to say that its creators were already in residence at the time of the Roman invasion and remained there until around AD 50. But back to the story, which involves a historian and folklorist who lives in the English city of Lichfield. It is the historian’s belief that all of the weird activity that has occurred on the Cannock Chase - whether it be encounters of the alleged Bigfoot kind or ET kind - is a direct result of people dabbling in archaic rituals and rites designed to conjure up the denizens of some netherworld that co-exists with ours. Such claims are not new, and having experienced more than a bit of high-strangeness myself on the Cannock Chase, I am highly inclined to believe that such a scenario is indeed the correct one. And it seems that the historian has good reasons for coming to such conclusions. It was December 1991, around 10.00 AM on a cold winter morning, and the historian was walking around the Castle Ring, taking photographs, when his attention was drawn to a small, dense - and “hovering” - area of fog situated at a distance of about 250 to 300 feet. Curious as to what would cause such a phenomenon, he headed towards it, with some trepidation, he admitted. As he got within about 20 feet of the fog, he felt his hair become “static and electrified,” and an intense smell of burning metal filled the air: brimstone, no less. But the bizarre activity had barely begun: suddenly, out of the fog loomed a large, and certainly monstrous, black dog. According to the historian, the dog looked in appearance like a cross between an Alsatian (or, for American readers, a German Shepherd) and a Pit-Bull, but was around the size of “a young horse.” The man detected an air of menace from the creature, which, he said, seemed to be “vibrating at a very high speed, like shaking impossibly quickly.” It positively oozed menace, and stamped its leg on the ground “like a bull would when it’s getting ready to charge.” The man slowly backed away, and the black dog did likewise, retreating into the impenetrable depths of the fog. As the man reached a point perhaps 150 feet from the fog, he was both startled and shocked to see a small ball of light “zoom in” over the fog and duly cast down a vivid blue column of light in its direction. In an instant, the fog and the ball of light were gone, the black dog was nowhere to be seen, and normality was restored. So, we might well ask: what on earth was all that about? Well, Britain has a long history and tradition of encounters with such black dogs. In centuries past they plagued the countryside, and to see one was considered an ill-omen, indeed. Death, disaster and untold tragedy were all said to follow an encounter with these spectral beasts. With names like Old Shuck, Black Shuck, and the Shug Monkey, they struck terror into the hearts of the people of Britain during the Middle Ages. Occasionally and curiously, however, the black dogs would act as guides for lost souls, directing them back to the safety of ancient pathways and roads, or direct them away from danger. But whatever they were, the black dogs were certainly nothing normal. Today, encounters with such creatures are reported very infrequently, but they do occur - such as this one at the Castle Ring in 1991. Then, of course, we have the strange, aerial ball of light present at the Ring, that adds significant UFO overtones to the story. Can the whole weird saga be resolved? The historian believes it can. Indeed, he is of the firm opinion that ancient man - who certainly constructed the Castle Ring - had mental abilities that extended far beyond our own, and was able to essentially tap into other realms of existence, and construct “from the mind” images of bizarre and monstrous beasts that inhabited those same realms. The purpose? To act as guardians to prevent any harm being done to the areas that ancient man deemed to be of spiritual significance. It is the historian’s belief that some of the residual energy that led to the creation of these wild images is still in place at Castle Ring and elsewhere; and that when the time is right, they will once again manifest and take up their role as both guardian and protector of the old world. I had come to similar conclusions myself a number of years ago. Of course, this raises deep and important questions about both Ufology and Cryptozoology, such as: how many of the still-elusive things that we pursue are flesh-and-blood entities, and how many may - in reality - originate in realms far stranger than we can possibly imagine? Certainly, the Cannock Chase has been the site of a number of Bigfoot-style encounters that have distinctly paranormal aspects to them, and that have occurred in the exact same locations where significant UFO activity has also been reported. Needless to say, such observations have been made for decades by authorities such as John Keel. But, as this case serves to emphasize, whoever was responsible for those centuries old reports of ghostly black dogs, they were still up to their bizarre tricks deep in the heart of Castle Ring only 16 years ago. Next time you visit a prehistoric site, keep one eye on the sky and one on the ground. If you’re lucky, you may see something far stranger than mere ancient, standing stones… Source: UFOMystic http://www.ufomystic.com/the-redfern-files/black-dogs-and-ufos/ - STRANGE BEDFELLOWS DEPARTMENT - Catholic Exorcist Cult Made a Deal With the Devil By Barbie Latza Nadeau Plinio
Correa de Oliveira is almost as peculiar in death as he was in life.
Dr. Plinio, as he is still known by his devout followers, was a
right-wing Catholic figure who founded the ultra conservative
Tradition, Family and Property Association, known in Catholic circles
as the TFP. In the early 1960s, he famously came to Rome to protest the opening of the Second Vatican Council, which sought to modernize the Catholic Church in a changing era. He called such attempts at renewal “a point in history as sad as the death of our Lord” and handed out propaganda with similar sentiments. In death, Dr. Plinio is said to be in close contact with Satan, who supposedly can be channeled by Brazilian exorcists. He also apparently rules the so-called afterlife to such an extent that his followers are convinced he controls climate change and is working toward the death of Pope Francis, according to Andrea Tornielli, who writes the Vatican Insider blog, and has published a series of articles outlining this saga worthy of a Dan Brown bestseller. By getting rid of Pope Francis, some of the doctor’s followers believe, the way would be open for the Catholic Church to elect a more conservative leader in line with their more traditional practices. After Dr. Plinio died in 1995, the TFP broke into two groups. One retains the TFP name and supports the recent claims of dubia or doubts launched against Pope Francis, which are supported by American Cardinal Raymond Burke. The other group, known as the Heralds of the Gospel, was founded by Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias and allegedly takes part in cult worship. The extent of Plinio’s supernatural proclaimed by Dias (or at least the extent to which his followers exalt him for that perceived power) is the subject of a new inquiry by the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life, according to Tornielli. Specifically, Dr. Plinio’s followers led by Dias are said to be using rogue exorcism practices in which they actually communicate with the devil possessing people rather than chasing him out, as the standard accepted practice in Catholic exorcisms dictates. According to Catholic sociologist Massimo Introvigne, who has studied Dr. Plinio’s life work, the Heralds of the Gospel form “a sort of secret and extravagant cult,” with its trinity composed of “Plinio Correa de Oliveira, his mother Donna Lucilia, and Monsignor Clá Días himself.” And that sort of devil worship is understandably a problem for the Catholic Church. On June 12, Clá Dias resigned as head and founder of the Herald of Gospels, although Tornielli says he will stay on in what appears to be a consultant-like role. "In leaving this assignment I cannot—as I do not wish—before God, to renounce my father's mission,” Dias wrote in his resignation letter, according to Tornielli. “And therefore I will continue to be available to each one, as God made me a living model and guardian of this charism given to me by the Holy Spirit.” Particularly damning for the cult-like group is a series of videos on the internet that show exorcisms using practices not authorized by the Catholic Church. They include purported conversations between the exorcists and the devil, which is a no-no in standard exorcism procedures. (Yes, exorcism as such remains a staple of the faith and authorized practitioners are not only recognized but recommended by Pope Francis.) “Woe to the exorcist if he loses himself behind curious questions, which the ritual expressly forbids, or if he lets himself be led into a discussion with the devil as he is the master of lies,” Tornielli says, quoting the words of the Church’s most famous exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth. In one passage from a video seen by The Daily Beast, Dias asks one of his minions to read from a transcript that was purportedly jotted down by an observer at one of the rogue exorcisms encompassing what appears to be dialogue between the exorcist and Satan. The conversation was stilted, as one might expect with the struggle for the possessed person’s soul, but the gist was that Plinio was randomly “breaking people's computers so that they can’t go on the internet” and that he is changing the climate and was “therefore the author of the climate change, and the increase of heat. It is Plinio who does everything,” according to the devil as channeled through the exorcist. Then, the devil predicts that a meteorite will crash into the Atlantic ocean. “North America will disappear,” he warns. The devil then turns to the fate of Pope Francis, which Tornielli was able to transcribe and translate from the somewhat distorted video. “The Vatican? It's mine, mine!” the devil says to the exorcist, according to Tornielli’s transcript. “The pope does whatever I want, he's stupid! He obeys me in everything. He is my glory, he is willing to do everything for me. He serves me.” Then the devil, again as channeled by the exorcist for the Heralds of the Gospel, predicts that the pope will perish, not during a voyage, but at the Vatican. “The pope will die falling,” the exorcist’s transcript says quite clearly. While much of the Heralds of the Gospel work seems, well, fanciful at best, the Vatican’s investigation is very serious. The Vatican could censure the group or strip it of the blessings of the Catholic Church, which would likely not actually stop them, but instead just push them farther underground. Or it could try to corral them back into the fold and hope they stop having sympathy for the devil. Source: The Daily Beast http://www.thedailybeast.com/this-secret-catholic-exorcist-cult-in-brazil-is-making-a- deal-with-the-devil - ATTACK OF THE FLYING SUNFLOWERS DEPARTMENT - Oshawa Photographer Captures Bizarre UFO By Parvaneh Pessian Oshawa,
Canada — Wildlife photographer Ken Rice was out shooting photos on
Saturday when something unusual suddenly appeared in his camera lens. “It came out of no where, this thing,” said the Oshawa resident, who was at the marsh area near the General Motors of Canada headquarters on Colonel Sam Drive at about 7:45 p.m. on June 17 when he noticed the object off in the distance. “I was walking back to my car and I just saw something pop out of no where, way up high, far away in the sky,” he said. “I thought it was a big turkey vulture so I just took a picture of it anyway and then it kind of hovered, sat there for a minute and then it took off.” After returning home, Rice took a closer look at the image and said he has no idea what it could be. “A balloon wouldn’t go that fast and disappear No. 1, and it was too high. Nobody would be flying a kite there because it’s just railroad tracks and the road and there was nobody around there. I didn’t see anybody, and where did it go?” He’s shown the photo to several people and even posted it on Facebook but no one has been able to identify it. “It’s just really odd; I’ve never seen anything like that. I looked on the Internet to (find) weather balloons and that kind of thing and see what it might be but none of them looked anything like this,” he said. “You hear people all the time with the UFO stuff but a UFO just stands for unidentified flying object — it doesn’t mean aliens — and to me, it’s an unidentified flying object. I don’t know what it is.” (Photo copyright Ken Rice) Source: Durham Region https://www.durhamregion.com/news-story/7384591-oshawa-photographer-captures -unidentified-flying-object-/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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