11/5/17  #929
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Welcome o' seekers of the truth. Once again the agents of disinformation and those who keep the truth from us are rushing about in fear and panic, because Conspiracy Journal is here with its weekly dose of news and information about conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and anything else that's strange, bizarre and interesting.

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such kundalini-raising stories as:

 Inside Giza’s Great Pyramid, Scientists Discover a Void  -  
Doctors Perplexed on Why Woman Sweats Blood -
 Digital Communication with Paranormal Beings -
AND: Unknown Animal Seen Eating a Duck on UK Lake

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Venusian Health Magic & Venusian
Secret - Science

Michael X Barton was an LA businessman whose life changed suddenly when his best friend became seriously ill. While praying Michael found he was able to receive telepathic communications from more advanced souls purporting to be living on a higher, more evolved, vibrational plane of the Planet Venus, which cannot be detected through scientific methods.

The end result are two study courses in one volume that he was able to transcribe for the benefit of humankind. This is the only authorized, updated, version of this work combined into one complete study guide of easy to understand lessons.The Space Brothers purposing that this is the perfect time for humankind to learn of their existence and to reap the benefits of their universal knowledge said to be thousands of years more advanced that our consciousness currently is!

SUBJECTS DISCUSSED AND EVALUATED INCLUDE: These courses activate two-way thought communications; Talking on your mental radio and using mental vision; Unleashing our inner cosmic qualities; Progressing from planet to planet, from life to life; Manifesting life's levels; Participating in the "Grand Awakening"; The mysterious Venusian Emblem and its great significance; The seven principles of color and beauty; Pinpointing the great mistakes of humankind; The magic of vitality elixirs; Unlocking the secrets of the Central Light or Diamond Star; Meeting the Guardians; Good Health tips from the Lifetronic Healing Center; How to overcome your bad environment; Improving the quality of lifetronic energy all around you; Three rivers of life you must cross; How to give up your ills; Raising the true capstones of health and healing through the Pyramid Principles.

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Inside Giza’s Great Pyramid, Scientists Discover a Void
By Nicholas St. Fleur

The Great Pyramid of Giza has towered over Egypt for more than 4,500 years. Built during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, the monument was a testament to the ruler’s architectural prowess and is thought to have been a home for his mummified remains.

For centuries, archaeologists have ventured into the Pyramid of Khufu, as it is also known, and marveled at the King’s chamber, the Queen’s chamber and the Grand Gallery. Now, using a technique from the field of particle physics, an international team of researchers has harnessed cosmic-ray collisions to peek inside and uncover a hidden “void” within the pyramid’s stones that is roughly 100 feet long, similar to the Statue of Liberty from her heel to her head.

“We don’t know if it’s a chamber, a tunnel, a big gallery or things like that,” said Mehdi Tayoubi, co-director of the ScanPyramids project, which published the finding Thursday in the journal Nature. “We have chosen the word ‘void’ and nothing else because we don’t know what this void is.”

Many archaeologists questioned whether the study offered any new information about the ancient Egyptians, and were quick to note that the team had most likely not found a hidden room filled with the pharaoh’s riches. They said the so-called void was probably empty space designed by the pyramid’s architects to lessen the weight on its chambers and prevent them from collapsing, an example of features that were already documented in the construction of the ancient monuments.

However, the study may suggest that advances in technology can offer a richer understanding of wonders of the ancient world that have long fascinated the human imagination.

Khufu, also known by his Greek name Cheops, is thought to have ruled from 2509 B.C. to 2483 B.C., during Egypt’s fourth dynasty. Though he constructed the largest pyramid Egypt has ever seen, the only intact three-dimensional figure of him that archaeologists have found measures a mere three inches tall. Very little is known about him, so his pyramid offers one of the few looks into his life and reign. The site at Giza where his pyramid was built also contains two other major pyramids and the Sphinx.

Since 2015, Dr. Tayoubi and his colleagues, now consisting of three separate teams of physicists and engineers, have investigated the pyramid using a particle physics technique known as muon tomography to see through to its core.

“We tried to do for the pyramid what a doctor can do with X-rays,” Dr. Tayoubi said.

Instead of X-rays, the team used muons, the heavy cousins of electrons that form when cosmic rays from outer space collide with particles in Earth’s atmosphere. The fallout from the collisions creates a constant bombardment of harmless particles that can penetrate deep into the planet. As the muons pass through matter they lose energy and decay, so if the team detected a small number of muons, that means they were passing through matter. But if they detected more muons, it suggests the particles were passing through empty space or less dense material.

The technology was previously used by Luis Alvarez, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, to investigate whether there were hidden chambers in the Pyramid of Khafre in the 1960s. As muon detector resolution has greatly improved over the decades, it has since been used to see the inner structures of volcanoes as well as the irradiated Fukushima nuclear reactor.

In 2016, Dr. Tayoubi’s colleagues stood in the Queen’s chamber and used muon detectors capable of making improved measurements to study particles as they passed through the pyramid. When they analyzed their data from a region above the Grand Gallery, a long inclined passageway that leads to the King’s Chamber, they found something strange: an unexpected excess of muons.

They found a void.

The first measurements were made by researchers from Nagoya University in Japan who were a part of the project. Then two more teams associated with ScanPyramids, one from France and another from Japan, also confirmed the anomaly with muon tomography, even from outside the pyramid. The discovery comes on the footsteps of the team’s previous work, which detected a small void behind the north face of the pyramid in 2016.

Christopher Morris, a physicist who conducts research using muon tomography at Los Alamos National Laboratory and was not involved in the study, called the findings “pretty amazing,” adding that all the team needed to do was set up their muon detectors and reap the rewards.

“All the other physicists who could have done it, and didn’t, are jealous,” he said.

Arturo Menchaca-Rocha, a physicist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico who has used muon detection to investigate the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, echoed Dr. Morris’s sentiments and said the project’s physics supported its claims.

But archaeologists were more critical of the work.

Mark Lehner, an Egyptologist from Ancient Egypt Research Associates, said that previous work had shown that the ancient Egyptians most likely constructed gaps in their pyramids and that the voids the team found are nothing special, or new.

“The great pyramid of Khufu is more Swiss cheese than cheddar,” he said. He added that the steep incline of the void also casts doubts on whether it was some sort of room. “At that angle, it doesn’t make much sense for it to be a chamber that would contain artifacts, burials and objects and that sort of thing.”

Source: NY Times


Doctors Perplexed on Why Woman Sweats Blood

The case left doctors perplexed: a 21-year-old Italian woman with no gashes or skin lesions arrived at a medical ward, where she described years of sweating blood from her face and the palms of her hands.

The bleeding would often start while she was sleeping or during physical activity and could last anywhere from one to five minutes. While the intensity of the bleeding seemed to increase with stress, she couldn’t single out any obvious trigger.

Her condition has been documented by two physicians from the University of Florence in Italy in the latest issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The condition – which had begun about three years before she sought medical help – had taken a toll on her mental health, wrote doctors Roberto Maglie and Marzia Caproni. “Our patient had become socially isolated owing to embarrassment over the bleeding and she reported symptoms consistent with major depressive disorder and panic disorder.”

They prescribed her anti-anxiety medications, but the bleeding continued. After a round of tests and observations ruled out the possibility that she was faking the condition, she was diagnosed with hematohidrosis, a rarely reported condition in which patients spontaneously sweat blood through unbroken skin.

Doctors treated her with propranolol, a heart and blood pressure medication, which reduced the bleeding but failed to eliminate it completely.

Jacalyn Duffin, the Canadian medical historian and haematologist who wrote a commentary that accompanies the report, said she was initially sceptical. “My first thought was, is this real? Could it be fake?” The mystery deepened after she canvassed her senior haematology colleagues and found that not one of them had ever come across such a case.

Duffin then delved into the medical literature, managing to turn up more than two dozen similar cases reported around the world in the past 15 years or so.

In many of these, researchers had carefully documented the tests they had carried out to eliminate the possibility of other bleeding disorders and the evidence they had found to suggest the presence of blood in the sweat ducts. “I came to the conclusion that it’s plausible and that it’s possible,” said Duffin.

The majority of these cases involved young women or children. Many of the reports documented that the bleeding was preceded by emotional trauma, such as witnessing violence at home or at school. In all of the patients, the condition was transient, lasting anywhere from a month to four years.

Little else – from its causes to how to halt the bleeding – is known, said Duffin. Some have hypothesised the condition could be caused by blood coagulation disorders or a rupture of the smaller blood vessels within tissues.

While Duffin found references of the condition stretching back to the writings of Aristotle, the condition – described in one report as a “kind of modern-day stigmata” – is often referenced alongside Christianity and the crucifixion, an association that may make it more difficult to accept, she noted.

“Blood is so pervasive – in not only religious mythology, but all mythology – that it makes people sort of think twice,” she said. “I began to wonder if one of the reasons journals don’t publish it, or are a little bit leery of it, is because it has kind of been owned by religious sources.”

This could be slowly changing. Of the 42 reports Duffin came across, almost half had appeared in the last five years, raising questions as to whether the incidence of the condition is increasing or whether it’s simply becoming more recognised by doctors.

This latest report might also help to shine a spotlight the condition, noted Duffin. She said she had already heard from one man who believed his relative – a returning war veteran with PTSD – might also be afflicted.

“The reason that I think it’s possible that there might be more out there than we know is that it seems that, although it’s spectacular, it’s benign,” she said. “In all of these cases I dug out – the 42 case reports – the patients all survived. They’re terrified because it’s really frightening to have this happen, but it seems to be quite innocuous as a symptom.”

Source: The Guardian


Use of Psychics Rare Among Police, But Many Are Open To Idea

BELLEFONTE — The mystery of missing District Attorney Ray Gricar has police officer Darrel Zaccagni consulting a psychic almost every day.

Zaccagni says he started talking to a psychic about the disappearance of Gricar at the request of the family. He knows some cops might chide him for it, but he adds, “We’ve said from day one we will use any tool available to us to find Ray.”

While the use of psychics in high-profile investigations isn’t new, it’s also not common. Their involvement can place some police in a tough spot, balancing a worried family’s wishes against a police officer’s skepticism.

“Generally, most detectives aren’t impressed,” said Scott Thornsley, an associate professor of criminal justice at Mansfield University who teaches a course on serial murderers. “They are not sought out because they are not scientific and don’t represent a practitioner’s viewpoint.”

Still, Thornsley conceded that a psychic’s unorthodox methods can spark new questions in detectives who, by training, focus on collecting hard facts and evidence.

“It takes someone very strong to say, ’I don’t know where else to go’ or ’It can’t hurt — maybe a psychic will expand my imagination,”’ he said.

Michael Deppe, a spokesman for the law enforcement group Professionals Against Confidence Crime, is a skeptic. His group recommends police using a psychic “examine and be suspect of the psychic’s movements and abilities.”

Carla Baron, a psychic, got involved in the Gricar case about a week after his disappearance on April 15. Gricar’s car was found the next day in Lewisburg, about 45 miles from his home in Bellefonte.

Short on leads, police so far say they don’t think the disappearance is connected to any of his cases.

Zaccagni was familiar with Baron because she had been used in the investigation of Cindy Song, a Penn State student who disappeared in 2001 and is still missing.

Baron, based in California, has told police she thinks Gricar is dead. In a phone interview, Baron said she thinks Gricar was taken from Lewisburg to a warehouse about 20 minutes away.

Her suggestions about the warehouse were checked out by police and family members. They say they found locations similar to Baron’s description, but no evidence that Gricar may have been there.

Some of her descriptions have matched some unpublished witness accounts from police reports, Zaccagni said. Among them: reports that Gricar was seen getting in another car in Lewisburg, and the type of vehicle; and the fact that a trace amount of cigarette ash was found on the floor of Gricar’s Mini Cooper when it was found. Gricar was not a smoker.

Baron uses what she calls “remote viewing” to visualize things about the case over the phone. Often just a name and place are enough information, and she uses tarot cards, she says.

“I don’t wear a black robe and I don’t carry a crystal ball,” Baron said.

Gricar’s nephew, Tony Gricar, 33, of Dayton, Ohio, says the involvement of the psychic in the case is positive, but also indicates there’s very little evidence.

“A lot of us are expecting the worst-case scenario,” he said. “Everything above and beyond that is a bonus.”

Loyd Auerbach, a director with the Paranormal Research Organization, sometimes gets calls from law enforcement agencies asking for references on psychics. His group includes psychics as well as those involved in the investigations of ghosts and hauntings, he said.

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. If it’s useful information, then it’s useful,” Auerbach said.

He likens the use of a psychic by police to someone following a diet out of a book; the diet works for some people, and it doesn’t work for others.

It didn’t work for Steve Mauldin, chief investigator for the Turner County, Ga., sheriff’s office, even though a psychic discovered a man’s body in a lake in March. The lake had been searched by authorities before and Mauldin called the find a coincidence.

The psychic, Lynn Ann Maker, was contacted by Greg Wallace’s family over the Internet and she wasn’t hired by police. Mauldin says he’s upset with Maker because she told media she thought Wallace was murdered; authorities say there is no sign of foul play.

A phone number for Maker couldn’t be found, and her former Web site couldn’t be viewed Monday.

In Moffat County, Colo., undersheriff Jerry Hoberg says he has pursued a couple of tips from a psychic working with the family of Marie Blee, who disappeared at age 15 after not returning from a dance on Nov. 21, 1979. Hoberg says his department doesn’t deal with the psychic directly.

Authorities there have searched sites that psychics have said might be important, but have come up short, said Hoberg, whose department reopened the case in 1999.

“I don’t disbelieve in it, but someone needs to really prove it before I believe it totally,” Hoberg said.

Source: Centre Daily Times

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Great Water Monsters and Mer-Folk

Water-dwelling beasties abound in Scotland. Monsters and mermaids frolic and swim in our lochs and seas from the Highlands to Lowlands. Some are shy, while others seem to bask in the limelight.

The one thing that connects them is that they've all been spotted. They've all been recorded and noted. And, furthermore, there are people out there who believe they exist.

No review of Scottish beasties could start anywhere else but with the Loch Ness Monster, or "Nessie" to her friends (and there are many of them). She has appeared in legend since the sixth century, but the building of a new road around the loch - just southwest of Inverness - in the 1930's brought her international fame. Sightings of this long, humped lady have been frequent ever since she was famously sighted in 1934 by a London surgeon who had the foresight to snap off a couple of photos – and the sense to sell them to a daily paper.

Nessie's less well-known cousin is "Morag", who is said to inhabit Loch Morar, northwest of Fort William along the west coast near Mallaig. There have been fewer sightings around Loch Morar, being altogether more remote than Loch Ness. Yet when she has been seen, descriptions are very similar to Nessie.

Take the most famous sighting of Morag. It was 1969 when two local people - Duncan McDonell and William Simpson - were fishing in the loch. Suddenly they saw a long creature approaching their boat at great speed. It rammed them, and fearing they were to be capsized, the terrified fisher-folk started shooting. The beast disappeared into the depths of the loch but left them with the impression that it was between 20 and 30 feet long and had three humps. Sound familiar? Well it does to Neil Bass a biologist and member of the Loch Morar Investigation Team who spotted a "hump-shaped black object" and is convinced it's another Nessie.

Across Scotland there are monsters aplenty lurking in deep, dark water. So, just what's going on? Is it collective hysteria or is there really something down there? There have been a number of theories put forward to explain the animals' existence but the current top five claim they are either:

• A zeuglodon – put forward by biologist Roy P Mackal who thinks the monsters are a type of giant prehistoric snake-like creature thought to have become extinct about 20 million years ago.
• A plesiosaur – very similar to the above. Just substitute the word plesiosaur (a water-dinosaur) for zeuglodon.
• A log – what more is there to say, except that there are plenty of trees in Scotland.
• A sturgeon – biologist Adrian Shine thinks these creatures are nothing more exciting than a great, ginormous sturgeon - a freak-fish if you like.
• A bona fide monster – yes, yes, well, all right, it's possible.

Another creature currently living in Scotland's lochs is the kelpie, or water-horse. These watery quadrupeds wait by lochs for unsuspecting mortals. Should you ever mount a kelpie, then prepare for a watery doom, as the kelpie will canter into deep water and drown you. They can also take on human form, so should you spot a brooding man by the side of a loch with seaweed instead of hair, then you'd be well advised to run away. Fast.

The kelpie is transposed in the Highlands into the Each Uisge (sea horse), who lives in seas or lochs. If you see one, do not approach. Their fur is like Velcro and once you lay so much as a pinkie on its hide … then it's off to the deep with you. There he will devour you from top to toe, leaving only your liver to wash up on the shore as a warning to others that the Each Uisge has struck again.

Kelpies are not the only watery beasties living in Scotland. We are also awash with tales of finned people and mermaids. Finned people have often been sighted in Orkney close to their home at Eynhallow village. They are dark and swarthy with long fins, which they can cunningly disguise to look like cloaks. They are also rather modern, in that they are twinned with the underwater city of Finfolkhaheen – where they go to spend the winter.

Finmen often harass local fishermen and are known to abduct local men to provide husbands for their finwomen who had a vested interest in finding a mortal husband. If they did not, they have to settle for marrying a local finman and degenerating from a beautiful woman into an ugly crone. Marriage to a mortal man ensures their lovely looks last forever.

Similar to finpeople are mermaids, who have been bewitching mortals with their beautiful singing voices and exquisite beauty for hundreds of years.

If documentation is proof of existence then you could be fairly assured of the presence of fish-folk in our midst. The Aberdeen Chronicle is particularly fond of mermaid sightings, but stories have appeared in the London Times as late as 1809.
From the archive

What is interesting with all the reports is the consistency of the description. The mermaid is always young, beautiful, with soft white skin and long dark hair. Surprisingly the person reporting the sighting is not an old drunk who has left his glasses in the pub, but is often an upstanding and respected member of the community.

If you're beginning to think that there might be something in these fishy-stories, then you'll need to explain why it is that the mermaid is often to be found speaking Latin or singing hymns. Presumably she's been well educated at the "Underwater Church Academy" for young mermaids.

    * The last reported sighting of a mermaid in Scotland was in 1947 on the isle of Muck when an 80-year-old fisherman saw a mermaid combing her hair.

    * The most famous sighting was in 1900 by Alexander Gunn, who insisted he saw a mermaid in Sandwood Bay. He died in 1944 still believing in what he saw.

Source: The Scotsman

The Great Russian UFO Fiasco - In Other Words, A Flywheel Experiment

The Congressional Research Service is located within the Library of Congress. The Library is one of the three branches of Congress. This group of researchers is subject regularly to visits by foreign dignitaries. Mr. Dodge and Ms. Smith were at the time of this story, part of the CRS, Office of Science Policy. I have attempted to reconstruct this account as accurately as possible.
Since Mr. Dodge speaks Russian with questionable fluency, it was his duty one-day, to host a group of scientists from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, from the Soviet Academy of Sciences, located in Moscow. The Institute was, and still is, affiliated closely with The Moscow Aeronautical Institute (MAI). The MAI in the 1960's through the 1980's conducted all of the "Blue Sky" (Way-out!) aviation research and development for the former Soviet Union and was housed in a four-story government building.
One of this group of visiting Russians to the CRS was a very pleasant and aristocratic young man (his identity will not be compromised for this account). He became very fascinated and comfortable with Mr. Dodge's very small (6ft by 8ft) office that housed no less than ten filing cabinets, desk, chair, endless books and documents. He liked the "layout and loose" condition. When I first saw this same office, I would tend to describe it as "a small structure that could pose as a fire and health safety hazard". I would guess that this was part of the reason all of the visitors in this group eventually felt "at-home" in this small room. As a direct result to the melt down of the cold war and new found friendships in the making within this tiny little room, a bottle of fine Russian Smirnoff Vodka soon appeared along with a liberal amount of orange juice. At this point they proceeded to get drunk and began swapping stories.
Somewhere in the middle of all this (at what point and how is still unclear), the young man began to unravel a yarn (all of which was in Russian) that when translated, went like this:
Under the Kruschev and later Andropov regimes, the former Soviet Union was firmly committed to creating a device like a UFO (a flying saucer!). The intent at that time was not to threaten, but to scare the "shit" out of the United States by hovering this craft directly over Washington, D.C.
Therefore, the most brilliant Soviet minds of the time were convinced, the young man included that the only available tool to reach this goal was with existing Soviet flywheel technology.
So, a team from the Academy of Sciences and the MAI, setup a "test bench" on the bottom floor of the MAI building. The bench was approximately six by six meters square of solid concrete with six stantions buried in the concrete floor. On the bench, they fabricated and eventually horizontally mounted a six meter diameter by 30 centimeter thick solid high alloy steel flywheel with a six meter long and 30 centimeters in diameter shaft powered by what was described as an electric 50,000 horsepower motor. (Note: I am a little skeptical of the horsepower rating; however it must have been big to account for what happens next).
The group calculated that this wheel would be stable up to 20,000 RPM. The first series of tests were conducted and where very successful at obtaining their design speed. In addition, strain gauges that where attached to the bench confirmed that the flywheel at that speed, did in fact "lift the flywheel and motor up" defying known laws of gravity.
The next step in the testing process went something like this:
The group unanimously decided: "Well hell! Let's put it up to 50,000 RPM!"
An so they did?|
Although the actual speed will probably never be known for sure, somewhere around 40,000 RPM the giant flywheel "became unstable and unbalanced". At this moment, the young man began yelling at everyone to evacuate the premises. The next few moments are too much to even conceive.
The motor and flywheel decide they can no longer exist together. The flywheel, shaft and test bench separate from the giant motor and began spinning like a "toy top" on the floor of the MAI test laboratory. This huge spinning assembly at first wonders around throwing papers, furniture, books, etc. then moves the three meters or so towards the windows facing the courtyard. The newly formed object still spinning at almost 40,000 RPM crashes through the windows and spills into the courtyard wondering around at first then heading directly at the first floor windows of the Soviet Pravda newspaper office some 50 to 60 meters away. On its way across the courtyard, everything in its path is thrown out of the way (leaves, bushes, etc.). People are running everywhere to get out of the way. I can only imagine what the people who were working in the newspaper office where thinking as they looked out their windows at this massive thing heading towards them. At some point during the crossing of the courtyard, the people who were watching this event unfold, decided their office was about to meet the same fate as the MAI laboratory did. Panic finally set in and everyone went every direction imaginable.
As the giant spinning flywheel cyclone thing crashed through the windows of the Pravda newspaper offices, chairs, desks, books, typewriters, and tons of paper where flying everywhere. You would think everything would end about now. That was not to be the case. No one can be sure how fast the flywheel was spinning at this point and as far as I can tell no one tried to find out.
The spinning flywheel assembly found its way into the basement and Pravda's main historical archive room. "It ate up 15 years worth of the Moscow Pravda newspapers, caused a fire and destroyed shelving before the whole mess lops over some one and a half hours later."
This story as far as I can research is factual. If it were not for the intellectual properties contained within even the smallest particulate of the vodka produced by the Smirnoff company, I would not have believed a word of this?

Source: rense.com


A Village of Killer Wives in Hungary

BUDAPEST - The sleepy Hungarian village of Nagyrev does not at first glance seem to be the kind of place where wives could have poisoned husbands. Old women in ‘otthonkas’ — the flowery all-in-one uniform of elderly women across Hungary — water their plants, farmers tend their crops and time passes in a languorous, pastoral haze.

But these elderly villagers nurse dark memories of the time when the women of the village embarked on a killing spree that saw scores of abusive husbands poisoned to death under the supervision of the local midwife.

The secret is now out, however, as the saga has been immortalised in a documentary by rookie Dutch filmmaker Astrid Bussink.

“I first came across the story in an encyclopaedia of serial killers as I was researching a movie about female killers,” Bussink, aged 30, said. “The story haunted me, and when I found out nobody had ever filmed the tale I decided to take up the challenge.”

The resulting documentary, The Angel Makers, will premier at the November 24 to December 4 Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival, where it has been nominated in the Best Debut Film category.

Bussink, who is finishing a Masters in Film and TV at the Edinburgh College of Art, spent four months in Hungary earlier this year slowly overcoming the villagers’ reticence to speak about the murky chapter in their history.

“It’s a village of 800 people and they were not keen to talk to us at first; we convinced them we wouldn’t be sensationalist,” she says. The problem is the story is so bizarre that it is hard not to sensationalise.

Conflicting accounts about the exact number of deaths abound, but what is clear is that the men of the village began to die in mysterious circumstances after they returned from World War I.

Police discovered arsenic in exhumed bodies, and finally realised that the local midwife, Zsuzsanna Fazekas, had been creating a lethal concoction by diluting fly paper in water and passing it out to local women to bump off their men.

Bussink interviewed 83-year-old Maria Gunya — whose father was the coroner in the village and a key witness in the trials that followed — and found her memories still vivid.

 “Gunya said that a man came to her father with extreme vomiting,” Bussink said.  “Her father thought he was drunk, but the man said that he felt ill after eating the breakfast his wife cooked him. He died the next day.”
Death by arsenic poisoning is not a pleasant experience. If taken in sufficient doses, symptoms can manifest 30 minutes after ingestion. Vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and excessive sweating follow before the sufferer undergoes seizures and goes into shock.

If death doesn’t occur at this point, the kidneys will fail after a few days. Despite knowing well the gruesome fate that awaited her, Fazekas killed herself with her own poison when she realised police were on to her.

Up to 140 men were believed to have been murdered in Nagyrev, and 26 women from the village stood trial in 1929.

Death sentences were handed down to eight of them and the rest went to prison, but none of the women ever revealed why they did what they did.

Source: DNA India


Digital Communication with Paranormal Beings

Kim Newman,  author of  An English Ghost Story,  has raised several interesting questions. Are ghosts the unquiet spirits of the restless dead? Or three-dimensional recordings of past tragedies? Non-human entities without bodies who can nevertheless interact with us? There are legends—about ghostly animals—or trees, or even houses—so does a ghost even have to be a person? Does everyone who dies become a ghost, or do most people pass on to a higher or lower plane of existence—with only a select few being trapped or opting to stick around in some form. If so, why? To finish things left undone in life? Or get revenge for the circumstances of death? Is becoming a ghost a punishment, a reward or just a neutral state?

In addition to these questions, in the light of fascinating experiences over recent years, I would like to raise another intriguing question. Keeping pace with modern technology, have ghosts in recent times gone digital? My first affirmation of this came after I’d mailed a story, which incidentally had nothing to do with the supernatural or astrology, under deadline pressure. Mid-way through relaxing with a coffee, it suddenly struck me that oops, I’d forgotten to mention the date of inception of a project and a couple of other facts which were closely linked to the core of the story.

Frantically, I made a call and was relieved to find that I could make the additions but within twenty minutes. When I scrolled down to the place where I wanted to insert the line, I was amazed to find that not only had the line been added, but facts had also been added which I was not aware of but found to be correct when I checked.  I then turned to the sent e-mails and the changes were very much there in my story. I must confess that rather than facing the embarrassment of explaining something inexplicable to the editor who was a nuts and bolts Westerner with no patience for “irrelavancies” as he termed them, I simply re-mailed the story within the stipulated time.

A month or so later, a bureaucrat friend who was on deputation abroad called up. When he was in India, he had been a follower of a media shy but highly respected spiritual guruji with immense powers. At the time of his guruji’s passing away, he was upset that he wouldn’t see him or converse with him the way he had been doing all these years. But when his guruji began communicating with him through dreams, he was mollified though not entirely satisfied, and he conveyed this to his guruji. “Amazed is not the word”, he told me over the phone. “I was stunned to discover when I switched on my laptop to find the words, ‘Are you satisfied now? This is how we will communicate from now on. Key in your thoughts and questions for me and I will guide you, but don’t always expect an immediate reply’.  And we’ve been in frequent and very satisfying touch since then. The laptop has become my lifeline to guruji.”

While my bureaucrat friend doesn’t always get an immediate reply, a friend of mine who lost her husband gets immediate replies and other messages from him on her laptop. “He died a very painful and traumatic death after the cancer from his throat spread to his vital organs. More important, he was still relatively young and apart from the close bonds with me and our school going daughter, had a lot of dreams which remained unfulfilled. Now, thanks to the laptop communication, we can pour out our hearts to each other any time and can expect a quick response.”

But digital communication between ghosts and living beings isn’t always positive. Sometimes, it can be very dangerous.  I have written in an earlier column about the Nishi Dak. Nishi means night or dark, “dak” or “daak” means call. The Nishi Dak is a spirit that calls out twice to one at night or in the dark in a familiar voice.

It is a very dangerous spirit, once fairly commonly encountered in Bengal—where it still known as the Nishir Daak or “Call of the Night Spirit”, Bihar and Jharkhand where it is known as the Nishi.

The Nishi calls out to its victim at night in the voice of a person known to the victim, appears as a form which the victim can’t fully see because it is always in the distance, or appears in the form of the known person whose voice it has used, and keeps beckoning the intended victim to follow it. It walks very fast and at a distance ahead of the victim and usually leads the way to a deserted area where it reveals its true form to the helpless victim, and then almost invariably kills the victim.

Even today, many people in areas frequented by the Nishi are aware that they must not respond unless even a known voice doesn’t call out three—or to be on the absolutely safe side, four times. A tea vendor close to my house hails from Bihar and he told me that in and around his village there is a Nishi who is always on the prowl.

To this day, nobody, according to the tea vendor, goes out at night if called. And these days, he says, a Nishi’s call can even come on a mobile—there has been one such instance where a person was killed after responding to a call repeated twice on his mobile to come outside. The way and speed with which he was killed was the work of a Nishi says the tea vendor.

Spirits with the characteristics of the Nishi exist in other parts of India too and are known by different names in different areas. And in all cases, like the Nishi, they lure people by calling out their names in a loved one’s or a familiar voice. In recent times, I have been hearing steadily increasing accounts of how such spirits are calling on mobiles to deceive and ensnare people. There have been instances as well where a vindictive spirit has bunged up mobiles or deleted the entire contents of a computer. As a friend quipped, “ from what you’re narrating, Ghostware seems more dangerous than the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm.” Yes indeed, and perhaps harder to counter.

Source: Sunday Guardian Live


Unknown Animal Seen Eating a Duck on UK Lake

A creepy snake-like beast is on the loose – and has already eaten a duck.

The 4ft long creature was spotted in Charnwood Water in Loughborough, Leicestershire, on October 23 by a terrified dog walker.

The witness watched in horror as a duck started struggling on the surface – before it was pulled under for dinner.

And now the creature – which some have suggested could be a monster pike – has been dubbed the “Lough Ness Monster”.

Its frightening existence was brought to the attention of locals by the worried eyewitness on community website, Spotted: Loughborough.

The witness posted a blurry image and said: “I was just walking my dog up Charnwood Water and noticed a duck struggling in the water.

“The duck was pulled under the water by something very large at least four-feet long from what I could see of it and snake like.

“Any idea what this is?”

Other web users instantly urged dog owners not to let their pets near the water.

One person who suggested the creature may be a giant pike, wrote: “If they’re that big people best keep their dogs out the water.”

Another added: “Will be a large pike. If big enough will eat small dogs.”

Some brave locals even suggested they wanted to try to catch the “Lough Ness Monster” – with one writing: “Let’s go fishing!”

Pikes can be aggressive fish and are notorious for biting off more than they can chew.

Source: The Daily Star

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