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Journal! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such blood-boiling stories as: - The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program - - Hitler and the Supernatural - - Strange "Asteroid" Scanned For Evidence of Technology - AND: Super-Serpents All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ Project Magnet: The Lights in the Sky Are Not Stars ![]() ONE MAN HOLDS THE KEY TO THE SECRETS OF THE FLYING SAUCERS AND HOW THEY
– – AND HE CLAIMS THEY HAVE ESTABLISHED FACE-TO-FACE AS WELL AS MENTAL CONTACT WITH HUMANS! – – HERE IS THE COMPLETE TOP-SECRET HISTORY OF UFOS AND HUMANOID SIGHTINGS IN CANADA, Wilbert B. Smith was a Canadian engineer responsible for the technical aspects of broadcasting between the United States and his country during the late 1940s and Fifties. Because of the number of sightings of unidentified flying objects over Canadian air space, Smith convinced the Canadian government to establish a UFO monitoring system, which eventually did detect anomalous phenomena in the sky which Smith felt certain was of an off-world origin. Dying of cancer, Smith made arrangements with his wife to hide his “sensitive” files so they would not fall into the hands of those who would use his findings for their own unscrupulous ends. “They will be coming to ransack all my work,” Smith proclaimed. And he was right! As predicted, Canadians, Americans and Soviets approached his widow, requesting she turn over her husband’s work as it would help to further expedite their unprincipled labors. Smith’s proposal to set up a serious, semi-official UFO study group was accepted by the Canadian government’s Department of Transport and a “station” was set up at Shirley Bay from which observations could be made, recorded and examined to see if there were any repeatable patterns in the reports which were being collected. On one occasion, an unknown aircraft came within close range of the station. Its presence could be felt! When Smith questioned the Americans about the possibility of UFOs, he was told that the subject was of the uppermost concern in the US and was considered more top secret than the testing of the atomic bomb. He believe the UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. “It is my opinion that the people from elsewhere choose all sorts of methods to make contact with us, and their technology and understanding being much better than ours, they can use methods which we find quite incomprehensible" Most of the contacts of whom I have knowledge are ‘mental’ in one form or another, directly or indirectly, but they do seem to range through almost all sorts of means, right down to personal face-to-face contact.” Smith even set up a committee or review board among those who claimed repeated contact, physical or telepathic, with space beings. His intentions were to see if any of the claims made by these individuals could be considered comparable or if there was little or no agreement among them at all. The results proved positive in that many of these “contactees” were having identical experiences. He later in life experienced his own contacts but spoke little about them. This volume breakthrough includes an “official” historical dossier of Canadian “humanoid and critter” sightings and encounters compiled by amateur astronomer John Musgrave with a $6,000 grant from the Ottawa seat of government. So don't delay,
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley - GLOWING AURAS AND "BLACK MONEY" DEPARTMENT - The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program By Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean ![]() WASHINGTON — In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find. Which was how the Pentagon wanted it. For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze. The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at that time, the program remains in existence. For the past five years, they say, officials with the program have continued to investigate episodes brought to them by service members, while also carrying out their other Defense Department duties. The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time and who has long had an interest in space phenomena. Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s, Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce expandable craft for humans to use in space. On CBS’s “60 Minutes” in May, Mr. Bigelow said he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist and that U.F.O.s have visited Earth. Working with Mr. Bigelow’s Las Vegas-based company, the program produced documents that describe sightings of aircraft that seemed to move at very high velocities with no visible signs of propulsion, or that hovered with no apparent means of lift. Officials with the program have also studied videos of encounters between unknown objects and American military aircraft — including one released in August of a whitish oval object, about the size of a commercial plane, chased by two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets from the aircraft carrier Nimitz off the coast of San Diego in 2004. Mr. Reid, who retired from Congress this year, said he was proud of the program. “I’m not embarrassed or ashamed or sorry I got this thing going,” Mr. Reid said in a recent interview in Nevada. “I think it’s one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I’ve done something that no one has done before.” Two other former senators and top members of a defense spending subcommittee — Ted Stevens, an Alaska Republican, and Daniel K. Inouye, a Hawaii Democrat — also supported the program. Mr. Stevens died in 2010, and Mr. Inouye in 2012. While not addressing the merits of the program, Sara Seager, an astrophysicist at M.I.T., cautioned that not knowing the origin of an object does not mean that it is from another planet or galaxy. “When people claim to observe truly unusual phenomena, sometimes it’s worth investigating seriously,” she said. But, she added, “what people sometimes don’t get about science is that we often have phenomena that remain unexplained.” James E. Oberg, a former NASA space shuttle engineer and the author of 10 books on spaceflight who often debunks U.F.O. sightings, was also doubtful. “There are plenty of prosaic events and human perceptual traits that can account for these stories,” Mr. Oberg said. “Lots of people are active in the air and don’t want others to know about it. They are happy to lurk unrecognized in the noise, or even to stir it up as camouflage.” Still, Mr. Oberg said he welcomed research. “There could well be a pearl there,” he said. In response to questions from The Times, Pentagon officials this month acknowledged the existence of the program, which began as part of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Officials insisted that the effort had ended after five years, in 2012. “It was determined that there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding, and it was in the best interest of the DoD to make a change,” a Pentagon spokesman, Thomas Crosson, said in an email, referring to the Department of Defense. But Mr. Elizondo said the only thing that had ended was the effort’s government funding, which dried up in 2012. From then on, Mr. Elizondo said in an interview, he worked with officials from the Navy and the C.I.A. He continued to work out of his Pentagon office until this past October, when he resigned to protest what he characterized as excessive secrecy and internal opposition. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” Mr. Elizondo wrote in a resignation letter to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. Mr. Elizondo said that the effort continued and that he had a successor, whom he declined to name. U.F.O.s have been repeatedly investigated over the decades in the United States, including by the American military. In 1947, the Air Force began a series of studies that investigated more than 12,000 claimed U.F.O. sightings before it was officially ended in 1969. The project, which included a study code-named Project Blue Book, started in 1952, concluded that most sightings involved stars, clouds, conventional aircraft or spy planes, although 701 remained unexplained. Robert C. Seamans Jr., the secretary of the Air Force at the time, said in a memorandum announcing the end of Project Blue Book that it “no longer can be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.” Mr. Reid said his interest in U.F.O.s came from Mr. Bigelow. In 2007, Mr. Reid said in the interview, Mr. Bigelow told him that an official with the Defense Intelligence Agency had approached him wanting to visit Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in Utah, where he conducted research. Mr. Reid said he met with agency officials shortly after his meeting with Mr. Bigelow and learned that they wanted to start a research program on U.F.O.s. Mr. Reid then summoned Mr. Stevens and Mr. Inouye to a secure room in the Capitol. “I had talked to John Glenn a number of years before,” Mr. Reid said, referring to the astronaut and former senator from Ohio, who died in 2016. Mr. Glenn, Mr. Reid said, had told him he thought that the federal government should be looking seriously into U.F.O.s, and should be talking to military service members, particularly pilots, who had reported seeing aircraft they could not identify or explain. The sightings were not often reported up the military’s chain of command, Mr. Reid said, because service members were afraid they would be laughed at or stigmatized. The meeting with Mr. Stevens and Mr. Inouye, Mr. Reid said, “was one of the easiest meetings I ever had.” He added, “Ted Stevens said, ‘I’ve been waiting to do this since I was in the Air Force.’” (The Alaska senator had been a pilot in the Army’s air force, flying transport missions over China during World War II.) During the meeting, Mr. Reid said, Mr. Stevens recounted being tailed by a strange aircraft with no known origin, which he said had followed his plane for miles. None of the three senators wanted a public debate on the Senate floor about the funding for the program, Mr. Reid said. “This was so-called black money,” he said. “Stevens knows about it, Inouye knows about it. But that was it, and that’s how we wanted it.” Mr. Reid was referring to the Pentagon budget for classified programs. Contracts obtained by The Times show a congressional appropriation of just under $22 million beginning in late 2008 through 2011. The money was used for management of the program, research and assessments of the threat posed by the objects. The funding went to Mr. Bigelow’s company, Bigelow Aerospace, which hired subcontractors and solicited research for the program. Under Mr. Bigelow’s direction, the company modified buildings in Las Vegas for the storage of metal alloys and other materials that Mr. Elizondo and program contractors said had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena. Researchers also studied people who said they had experienced physical effects from encounters with the objects and examined them for any physiological changes. In addition, researchers spoke to military service members who had reported sightings of strange aircraft. “We’re sort of in the position of what would happen if you gave Leonardo da Vinci a garage-door opener,” said Harold E. Puthoff, an engineer who has conducted research on extrasensory perception for the C.I.A. and later worked as a contractor for the program. “First of all, he’d try to figure out what is this plastic stuff. He wouldn’t know anything about the electromagnetic signals involved or its function.” The program collected video and audio recordings of reported U.F.O. incidents, including footage from a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet showing an aircraft surrounded by some kind of glowing aura traveling at high speed and rotating as it moves. The Navy pilots can be heard trying to understand what they are seeing. “There’s a whole fleet of them,” one exclaims. Defense officials declined to release the location and date of the incident. “Internationally, we are the most backward country in the world on this issue,” Mr. Bigelow said in an interview. “Our scientists are scared of being ostracized, and our media is scared of the stigma. China and Russia are much more open and work on this with huge organizations within their countries. Smaller countries like Belgium, France, England and South American countries like Chile are more open, too. They are proactive and willing to discuss this topic, rather than being held back by a juvenile taboo.” By 2009, Mr. Reid decided that the program had made such extraordinary discoveries that he argued for heightened security to protect it. “Much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings,” Mr. Reid said in a letter to William Lynn III, a deputy defense secretary at the time, requesting that it be designated a “restricted special access program” limited to a few listed officials. A 2009 Pentagon briefing summary of the program prepared by its director at the time asserted that “what was considered science fiction is now science fact,” and that the United States was incapable of defending itself against some of the technologies discovered. Mr. Reid’s request for the special designation was denied. Mr. Elizondo, in his resignation letter of Oct. 4, said there was a need for more serious attention to “the many accounts from the Navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapon platforms and displaying beyond-next-generation capabilities.” He expressed his frustration with the limitations placed on the program, telling Mr. Mattis that “there remains a vital need to ascertain capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.” Mr. Elizondo has now joined Mr. Puthoff and another former Defense Department official, Christopher K. Mellon, who was a deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, in a new commercial venture called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science. They are speaking publicly about their efforts as their venture aims to raise money for research into U.F.O.s. In the interview, Mr. Elizondo said he and his government colleagues had determined that the phenomena they had studied did not seem to originate from any country. “That fact is not something any government or institution should classify in order to keep secret from the people,” he said. For his part, Mr. Reid said he did not know where the objects had come from. “If anyone says they have the answers now, they’re fooling themselves,” he said. “We do not know.” But, he said, “we have to start someplace.” Source: NY Times https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html - UFOS, DEMONS AND SECRET SOCIETIES IN NAZI GERMANY DEPARTMENT - Hitler and the Supernatural By Sean Casteel ![]() *** Did the Allies really achieve a final victory in World War II? What if the lingering traces of the Nazis’ collective madness lives on in the form of hidden technology operated by people still sympathetic to and held in the thrall of the murderous undergirding of the Third Reich? *** It is still a debatable question: Were the Nazis simply maniacs bent on conquering the world? Or were they the chosen instruments of a demonic rebellion against God and his Chosen People, the Jews? Were we dealing with a merely human enemy or something genuinely supernatural and paranormal? *** Many secrets of time and space may have been revealed to the Nazis by demons transmitting their dark instructions to the beauteous female blondes of the German occult group the Vril. Was the group chosen to candy-coat the coming Deutsche monsters and their high technology of death and misery? Or were they simply unknowing conduits channeling information from a far-off world they knew nothing about? And could it be that the Ultra-terrestrials residing on this distant world were equally unable to comprehend who they were dealing with? *** It is often said that, basically, channeled information is neutral, just like occult powers. It’s a matter of how you interpret and what you actually do with the information you are giving or receiving. Where does that understanding fit in the story of the Third Reich and their paranormal ambitions? ****** IN his introduction to “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich,” Timothy Green Beckley opens by asking if World War II will ever really be over. “Everyone knows that the Allies were victorious over the Axis powers,” Beckley writes. “The U.S. and Great Britain formed an alliance with troops from all over the world to defeat a godless foe who would lay waste to a major part of Europe and leave millions of dead in its wake. Furthermore, it tried to exterminate the whole of European Jewry because the Jews did not live up to the Nazis’ racially ‘superior’ belief system. “Hitler is considered to have been one of the most evil individuals who ever walked among us,” Beckley continues. “Some see him as the spawn of Satan himself, someone who tapped into an energy so dark and heinous as to defy human expression.” AN ERUPTION OF DEMONISM INTO HISTORY Beckley is not alone in grappling to define the Nazis and their wicked workings in the world. One of the contributing authors to “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich” is Teodoro Rampale, who writes, “Some serious orthodox historians place Hitler outside the spectrum of human behavior – a spectrum that includes the most barbarous of crimes. Hitler is seen by them as uniquely evil, wicked beyond even the human capacity for wickedness. Others, who are inclined to accept the reality of a cosmic evil originating beyond humanity, in some outer darkness eternally forsaken by God, see Hitler and the Nazis as examples of how, given the right circumstances, this Darkness can enter humanity, an ‘eruption of demonism into history.’” However, Rampale warns, the demonic can easily be confused with insanity. “One shudders to think,” he writes, “of the number of unfortunates throughout history whose madness was mistaken by their fellows for possession by the forces of Darkness. We can see that the origins of National Socialism can be traced back to volkisch occultists who believed wholeheartedly not only in the existence of a prehistoric Germanic race of super-humans but also that their very superiority had been transmitted through the ages to modern Germans by means of a magically active, pure Aryan blood.” USING HISTORY AS A WEAPON OF WAR Which leads us to Olav Phillips and his chapter, “Hitler’s Occult Warrior Monks: The Ahnenerbe,” in which he also discusses history, the art of persuasion and their entanglement with occult beliefs. “History, as we know it,” Phillips writes, “is a pervasively malleable thing, and, has time has shown us, history has often been used as an ideological tool to support a philosophical or political agenda. World history is rife with examples of historical tampering, such as the near deletion of World War II Japanese aggression in modern Japanese text books, or the downplaying of our own aggression, such as the bombing of Dresden or the use of nuclear devices in combat.” Phillips writes that we can also add to that list other American atrocities, like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments or the government’s experiments with LSD as an interrogation tool. “But perhaps the most interesting and sinister use of revisionism,” according to Phillips, “belongs to the Warrior Historians of the Third Reich, the Ahnenerbe.” One more often thinks of a historian as a sort of academic and scholarly fellow who labors quietly at his desk and seeks to gain tenure at his university. But the Nazis were in fact using historians to wage an ideological war mainly in terms of the beliefs of the German people themselves. The leader of the fledgling Schutzstaffel, or SS, Heinrich Himmler, working in concert with other Nazi officials, would create and nurture a mythology that would galvanize the German people behind the sinister beliefs of the upper tier of the Nazi organization. It was necessary, for use as a recruitment tool for one thing, to demonstrate historical precedent for the Nazis’ claims. It was a precedent, Phillips tells us, derived from theosophy and the deeply occult advisors to the German leaders of the time. An example of the revisionism that came later is seen in Leni Rienfenstahl’s Nazi epic film, “Triumph of the Will,” which portrayed the SS as knights riding into the Nuremberg rally on horseback, sporting chainmail armor and shields displaying the swastika. Banners flutter in the wind as the “volk,” or German people, stand beside these modern Nazi knights. It was an image that forever reinforced the vision of the SS as the knights of the Third Reich. The attempt to rewrite history in the Nazis’ favor extended to their racism agenda as well, and also required historical precedent and research – the task of the warrior historians. Meanwhile, the Nazi leadership felt it was crucial to collect religious artifacts, such as the Spear of Destiny, which was said to be the exact relic that was used to pierce the side of Christ as he hung dying on the cross. Owning a piece of Christ’s misery made Hitler feel empowered to fulfill the prophecies of the antichrist in the Book of Revelation and in certain quatrains by Nostradamus. Phillips explains all this in fascinating detail in “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich,” and one learns that Nazi historians did indeed wage a war of deception and take hold of the very thought processes of the German people. The Nazis’ ability to penetrate the consciousness of the “volk” continues to be a mystery. Returning to the work of Teodoro Rampale, we are told, “Given that human beings have always been fascinated with the occult and the supernatural, precisely because they promise so much in offering the prospect of a higher meaning to the vagaries of existence, and given also our quest for an answer to the problem of evil, it is only to be expected that many should seek to explain Nazism in terms that transcend the merely human.” DID THE NAZIS GET HELP FROM THOSE WHO “TRANSCEND THE MERELY HUMAN”? Along with their efforts to rewrite history and dupe their own populace, the Nazis were also waging a technological war behind the scenes. They are said to have developed a working wingless flying saucer-type craft with the help of nonhuman entities that would ensure their victory over the Allies. “But beyond the mere ability to fly what may still seem like technologically ‘miraculous’ aircraft,” Beckley tells us, “is the haunting, troublesome possibility that the ships also function as time machines, bringing the ability to travel in time within human reach for the first time in recorded history. Devices like Die Glocke (translated as ‘The Bell’) may have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE. Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination – a nightmare in which grinning, sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to ‘catch up’ in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis, who are possibly hiding out on the surface of the moon or in ‘secret cities’ at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down?” The concept is a little tricky, but it involves the idea that the Nazis were able to move into the future and exert total control once they got there. That concept does, of course, sound “fringe” on the surface. But, according to Beckley, we should not assume that the Nazis acted alone in achieving such a feat. They obviously had help from some other “source.” Their contact with distant ETs that they took to be their counterpart – a race of “Aryan Space Brothers” – might have been a major factor in the Nazis’ development of a “secret space program,” which could still be functioning in the world today. It may also be that these Aryan ETs seized an opportunity to use the fledgling Nazis to their own otherworldly ends. In other words, the aliens made building a time machine simple enough that mere humans, once properly instructed and provided with the raw materials, could accomplish the task sufficiently well in real-world terms. What their motives were is open to dispute and debate. Some see the Aryan “Space Brothers” as friendly visitors from the future, while others wonder why they would want to share their secrets with a very negative group of earthbound scientists. Perhaps the Space Brothers were deceived by the attractive, similar-looking blonde and blue-eyed mediums of the Vril, who they thought they may have been related to. Or they could have simply lacked the information required to see their channels’ coming evil before sharing their technology. The history of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis has always included elements of their occult beliefs, but one needs to go back further in time, to the early 20th century, and the mediums associated with the Vril Society. The female mediums, referred to as true “Nordic beauties,” began to channel messages from extraterrestrials whose origin was many light years away. The messages included the technical designs of advanced aircraft unheard of in their day in addition to a kind of “blueprint” for a time machine. Some years later, Hitler himself, along with several of his SS henchmen, came under the influence of the Vril Society as he began his rise to power in a Germany that was sick enough and corrupt enough to be mesmerized by his unchecked anti-Semitism and militaristic obsessions. When combined with the high caliber of scientists the Nazis “recruited” to design weapons for the war effort, which included now-legendary names like Wernher von Braun and Hermann Oberth, the fact that they had alien “help” along the way makes some of their more exotic advances a little more plausible. In fact, the scientists themselves talked openly about this alien help. “We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds . . . We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a spacecraft.” So said Professor Hermann Oberth, one of the early fathers of rocketry and the mentor to the young Wernher von Braun. Meanwhile, von Braun himself stated in 1959 that: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base of operations is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into a closer contact with those powers, and in six or nine months’ time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.” While neither Oberth nor von Braun specify that they were aided in their efforts by Aryan Space Brothers, they are nevertheless surprisingly candid in what they DID say for public consumption. Their openness may have been part of some larger strategy to steer the belief in UFOs in the direction of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or the “ETH” for short) and therefore away from a darker point of origin in the blueprints and designs of the Nazis. In the decades-long campaign of disinformation waged against the truth of the UFO phenomenon, Oberth and von Braun may have simply been firing another salvo of confusion and subterfuge. Or were they being sincere in reflecting on their own invention processes? Was there an undeniable alien presence working alongside them? Like most unanswered questions about the UFO phenomenon, the answers await their time. IS NAZISM PART OF THE ALIEN ABDUCTION PROGRAM? Another fascinating thread of the story that Beckley holds fast to is this: In many alien abduction accounts, especially the early stories from the late 1950s and early 1960s, the UFO occupants are said to speak in German and to speak English with unmistakable German accents. There is the case of a well-known contactee named Reinhold Schmidt, who encountered an alien ship in Kearney, Nebraska, in 1957. After accepting the flying saucer captain’s invitation to come onboard, Schmidt heard the captain and crew speaking to one another in “High German,” a dialect that Schmidt had been versed in by his parents from his youth up. Apparently unaware that Schmidt could understand them, the beings spoke to him with their Deutsche accents intact and made no effort to disguise their voices. The 1961 abduction of New Hampshire couple Betty and Barney Hill is much better known than Schmidt’s, but, when studying their case, there is an often overlooked moment when Barney, as he undergoes regressive hypnosis with post-trauma specialist Dr. Benjamin Simon, begins to panic when one of his alien abductors takes on the appearance of a Nazi in full uniform. Was this a glimpse into the aliens’ “true” agenda? As an African-American in the early 1960s, Barney was certainly familiar with the oppressive fears that come from being a victim of racism. Did his unconscious mind somehow conjure the Nazi image as an expression of those fears? Or was it intended as a grim warning of future totalitarian domination? MORE TROUBLESOME NAZIS “UNDERFOOT” The Nazis also cast a shadow over even the beginnings of the contactee movement in the 1950s. Many people will be familiar with the 1952 meeting between George Adamski and the androgynous, blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Space Brother who called himself Orthon. But one may not know that that first contact in the California desert was facilitated by Adamski’s associate, George Hunt Williamson, who worked out the time and location for the landing in the days before it took place by using an Ouija board to communicate with the Space Brothers. Williamson was himself associated with right wing extremist William Dudley Pelley, an American Nazi-sympathizer who had served time in jail for sedition and anti-government rabble-rousing. While Williamson would later disavow that he held any racist beliefs at the time, he did serve in Pelley’s employ writing and editing pro-fascist pamphlets and magazines. Admittedly, no one wants to give up the utopian hopes that accompany belief in the Space Brothers. But the fact that their physical appearance embodied the ideal of Aryan or Nordic “good looks” is not an easy one to ignore. In the case of the desert encounter between Adamski and Orthon, we have this to consider as well: there exists a line drawing based on a plaster-of-Paris cast, taken at the site of the meeting, of the boot print of Orthon. One can easily discern a pair of swastikas engraved into the sole of the alien’s boot, leading one to consider the possibility that the visiting alien followed “on the heels,” so to speak, of the Nazis defeated some short few years before. When one combines these seemingly disparate events with one another, they coalesce into a picture of the possible: Aryan aliens who matched their advanced knowledge and technology with willing scientists bent on controlling the world, a kind of fifty-fifty split between extraterrestrial and human efforts that resulted in the flying saucer phenomenon as we know it today. THE NAZIS GET THEIR “BELL” RUNG But there is still more. One of the most generally agreed upon historical aspects of the Nazis/UFO theory concerns an aircraft called “Die Glocke,” which is German for “The Bell.” It was believed to be a product of both alien guidance and the work of topflight scientists like the aforementioned von Braun and Oberth. A mockup of this purported airship has been circulated down through the years and it is indeed a bell-shaped aircraft, although what kind of propulsion system could enable such an ungainly monstrosity to fly at mind-bending speeds remains unknown. The Bell is also said to contain the time travel apparatus that is so essential to the story, but which remains an even deeper mystery than what kind of fuel propelled it through the skies. Some contend that the propulsion system is based either in the long sought after antigravity energy or some manipulation of electronic principles which can be tapped into throughout the universe. In 1965, in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, numerous witnesses saw an unknown object crash in the woods outside town. Locals reported that some kind of government/military cleanup crew was on the scene nearly immediately, which indicates that the federal interlopers had been following the craft’s descent on radar. The witnesses say the object was put on the back of a flatbed truck under some kind of tarp covering and hurriedly hauled away. But it was still possible to discern that the clandestine cargo was a large, acorn-shaped object that could easily be said to have resembled the contours of the Nazis’ Bell. In fact, the similarity is so remarkable that one hesitates to conclude that it’s all just a coincidence. MADNESS OR GENUINE DEMONS? Mainstream historians today reckon it as Hitler’s madness, but what if at least some of those supernatural forces were real? Did some otherworldly aggregation of spirits make contact with Hitler in order to wreak cruelty and warfare on the world? Was Hitler just another pawn in their game? “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich” offers an examination of the links between Hitler and the occult in essays from well-known paranormal writers like the aforementioned Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel (myself), Olav Phillips and Teodoro Rampale. Also contributing are Tim Swartz, Brad Steiger, Tim Cridland, Albrecht Giddings, Peter Moon and Hercules Invictus. The authors approach the subject of Nazi occultism from a variety of angles, leading the reader on a journey through the darkness that will leave one shuddering in fear at what could have been – had the Nazis and their occultism succeeded. Source: Spectral Vision https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2017/12/15/hitler-and-the-supernatural/ - COULD RAMA BE HERE AT LAST DEPARTMENT - Strange "Asteroid" Scanned For Evidence of Technology ![]() It’s in the news because people want to know if it’s a rock or a rocket. The “it” in question is a weirdly oblong asteroid that goes by the barely pronounceable moniker Oumuamua. It was first seen about a month ago by Pan-STARRS, a collection of telescopes perched high above the handsome beaches of the Hawaiian island of Maui. Like a motorcycle on the freeway, it was observed by astronomers only after it had already sped by. Now it’s halfway to Jupiter on its return to the dark spaces between the stars. But what exactly is Oumaumua? Is it simply workaday cosmic debris — a spindly space rock booted out of another solar system after some close encounter of the planetary kind? Or, as some have wondered, could it be an alien spacecraft on a reconnaissance mission? Astronomers and space buffs with inquiring minds want to know. What’s less certain is that we ever will. The SETI Institute began scanning Oumuamua with its Allen Telescope Array on Nov. 23, 2017. The telescope is so sensitive it could detect transmissions as weak as those produced by a mobile phone. So far, 60 hours have been spent checking for transmissions over a wide range of frequencies. Another SETI project, Breakthrough Listen, will soon devote 10 hours to scrutinizing Oumuamua using a large antenna in West Virginia. The reason for the excitment is that Oumuamua is different from your average asteroid — and for several reasons. It has a hyperbolic trajectory, not the usual elliptical orbit expected for an object born in our solar system. It’s an interloper, and that alone is enough to warrant our attention: No one has ever seen an object passing nearby that hails from another stellar realm. Oumuamua isn’t humongous, as asteroids go. It’s the size of the Rose Bowl. But it has an unusual shape — more like a cigar than a roughly spherical rock. Few asteroids have such a svelte figure — in fact, none that we know of. So it’s hardly surprising that fans of Arthur C. Clarke’s 1973 novel "Rendezvous with Rama" have suggested that this thing isn’t an interstellar dirt clod, but a hollow spacecraft built long ago by aliens that have long ago died out. There’s no evidence to back that up. Not yet, anyway. Oumuamua’s reddish hue and its unsteady brightness are typical of asteroids, not spacecraft. On the other hand, what are the chances that a rock kicked out of another star system would be so nicely aimed that it passes closer to the sun than Mercury’s orbit? Well, consider this: This object came from the direction of the constellation Lyra. That small constellation boasts a bright star, Vega that is a mere 25 light-years away. So suppose, for argument’s sake, that Oumuamua is a rock ejected from the Vega system. The chance of it passing so close to the sun is comparable to throwing a pebble and, by accident, hitting a nickel 75 miles away. That’s hard to do, even if you have the arm to throw that far. Of course, such precision targeting isn’t so improbable if lots of pebbles are being thrown. And the fact that Oumuamua was discovered only seven years after Pan-STARRS was up and running suggests that there are plenty of pebbles. Natural pebbles. Asteroids that quietly cruise the galaxy, and occasionally get close enough for us to see. But the long shot here is the more interesting one. Namely, that Oumuamua is someone’s USS Enterprise — a ship large enough and sophisticated enough to manage an interstellar voyage. At this point though the first scans have found no evidence it is the work of an intelligent civilisation. On Thursday, the astronomers declared that the first observations across four bands of the radio spectrum had found no evidence that Oumuamua is anything other than a long lump of space rock. Scientists on the project have released the data from the observations so anyone can study the information. “This is a fishing expedition,” said Avi Loeb, professor of astronomy at Harvard University and an adviser to the Breakthrough Listen project. “We are most likely not to find anything, but it is worth checking steadily our fishing hooks. We will keep searching for artificial signals from ‘Oumuamua or any other interstellar object that will be discovered in the future.” The first batch of four observations ran from 8.45pm UK time on Wednesday until 2.45am on Thursday morning and spanned a frequency range from 1 to 12 GHz. While the search for alien signals has so far found nothing in the 1.7 to 2.6GHz range, the rest of the data is still being processed. Andrew Siemion, director of Berkeley Seti Research Center, told the Guardian that a review of all four bands observed Wednesday night had come up blank. “We don’t see anything continuously emitting from ‘Oumuamua,” he said. “We’re now digging into some of the intermittent candidates, and trying some new machine learning-based techniques we have been working on. It should be noted that if this object is a derelict spacecraft, it may be thousands, if not millions of years old. Any propulsion system, electronics, radio transmissions, etc. may have ceased functioning a long time ago. Unless we had the ability to actually physically travel to this unusual object and check it out for ourselves, any answers to what it is will probably forever be a mystery. Source: The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/dec/14/is-oumuamua-an-alien-spacecraft-first-scans -show-no-signs-of-technology Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! Email mrufo8@hotmail.com and tell Tim Beckley what it is you wish to order and he will send you back a PayPal invoice which you can pay immediately. Safe and secure and faster than waiting for us to get your order in the mail or charge it over the phone by credit card (which we can do by your leaving a message at 732 602-3407 - by dropping us a line at the same e mail). - A SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - The Day 3M Accidentally Created a Force Field ![]() Paraphrased and dramatized by Cynthia Waters In August of 1980 in the southeast United States, problems were being experienced at a polypropylene plant. Strange things were happening around a film slitting machine. David Swenson of 3M Electrical Specialties Division in Austin, Texas was called in to investigate. Little did he know that he was about to enter the final frontier. When Dave asked what type of problem they wanted him to look at, he was told that he would have to come to the plant. They could not explain it over the telephone. They did tell him that they were experiencing problems with contamination of wide web film as it was being run at high speed, converted (split) into "film jumbos" with a width of 3' x 5' for coating with adhesive to make tape. Dave didn't see what was so unusual about film being contaminated by dust, flies, other insects and... birds. "Birds"? Now they had Dave's attention and he didn't hesitate to go to the plant to see for himself how birds could be caught up in film. The Polypropylene web was 21 feet across - almost the width of three lanes of traffic on the interstate. The film ran from one roller up 20 feet to another roller; across 15 feet to a third roller; down 20 feet to a splitter; and was then wound onto two rolls. It formed a huge dynamic "tent". On the morning that Dave intended to measure the static electricity inside the web tent , the temperature was 80°F with a relative humidity of 75 to 80%. As he walked toward the web with his field meter in hand, the machine operator said "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Strange things happen inside the web tent this time of day." Dave paused and thought about what the man had said but he was there to do a job and that was what he intended to do. You see, Dave is a very brave guy. Besides, it was just film running on a splitting machine. He had seen that many times and nothing seemed particularly unusual that morning. That is, until he looked down at his static field meter. With a 200kV @ 12" measurement device, the voltage measurements were off the scale and he was still 20 feet away from the web! For the meter to be pegged at that distance, the amount of static electricity had to be in the Megavolt range. He thought to himself "Van de Graaff would be proud!" Since he had come this far, Dave decided to enter the web anyway. As he did so, the hair on his head, arms and entire body began to stand on end. Even worse, he began to feel like sparklers were hitting him all over his body. It felt like burning sensations at hundreds of points all over his being. (brave? - hummm?) At exactly one-half way into the web, David slammed into a wall that was both invisible and impenetrable. It felt like he had hit a force field like he had seen on Star Trek. Although he knew this was Coulomb's Forces - the law of static attraction and repulsion - he was held in place for what seemed like ages as he tried to grasp what was actually happening to him. It's one thing to know about Coulomb forces, but it is quite another to feel them with such gusto. When he finally came to his senses, he had to literally "peel" himself off of the invisible wall. As he backed out of the web, he saw a fly drawn right up into the film and wondered if conditions ever existed inside that web that could actually draw a person up there as well. Dave hurried to talk with the Plant Manager and excitedly explained what had just happened to him. The Plant Manager agreed to go to the web to see for himself what was going on. By the time he was able to go, however, it was later in the day and the temperature and relative humidity had risen. He was able to walk into the web and from one side to the other without experiencing anything at all unusual. He told Dave that he thought he was simply hallucinating. When the machine operator corroborated Dave's story, the Plant Manager agreed to meet early the next morning to see if the same conditions would exist as they had experienced earlier in the day. They met bright and early the next day. As the Plant Manager entered the web, his curly gray hair immediately straightened. As he strutted toward the center of the web, his confident gait suddenly came to a complete stop as he hit the wall of invisibility. Once he peeled himself off of the force field wall, a shaken Plant Manager came out of the web and exclaimed that he "didn't know whether they should fix it or sell tickets." They decided to fix it. Conclusion: Static Electricity can cause some very strange and often difficult to explain phenomena. It is easily controlled if a commitment is made. This nuisance can be reduced to a non-nuisance level by proper analysis and installation of suitable equipment, at a very low cost. Corrective Action: An induction static eliminator was installed across the web at the unwind. The static electricity was immediately reduced throughout the process to less than 50kV (from MV's). It was then possible to make measurements in the rest of the area. Additional induction units were also installed at the jumbo wind-up areas which resulted in less than 5kV at conclusion. Source: Ghost Theory and The ESD Journal http://www.ghosttheory.com/2017/12/16/3m-force-field http://www.esdjournal.com/articles/final/final.htm - SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION DEPARTMENT - Man Unexplainably Bursts into Flames While Walking On London Street ![]() Police have appealed for witnesses after a man died after catching fire as he walked down a street in north London Passers-by saw John Nolan, 70, ablaze in a street in Haringey in the middle of the day and attempted to put out the flames before calling police and fire crews. The former construction worker, who was originally from County Mayo in Ireland, was taken to a specialist hospital but died later. Today detectives said his death was being treated as unexplained. There were no accelerants found on his body and specialist fire investigators could find no obvious reason for Mr Nolan to catch alight. Nolan’s sister Mary Caffery, a retired NHS hospital PA, said he went outside the house he lived in with his brother Jimmy “to go for a walk.” It was during that walk that the incident occured. “He was a frail, elderly man with a walking stick. He had no enemies, so we aren’t sure [what could have happened],” she said. “I am surprised by the tragedy. The police are examining his clothes now, but currently they are no closer to solving anything. Everything is still up in the air.” Mr Nolan, who lived in Haringey, was found in Orchard Place at 1pm on Sunday September 17 after calls from the public. PC Damien Ait-Amer, who is investigating the death, said: “We have spoken with a number of witnesses who saw Mr Nolan ablaze, but we have yet to establish how the fire started. “Mr Nolan was a well-liked member of the community and none of our enquiries so far have indicated that he had been involved in a dispute of any sort. Nor does any account given by witnesses suggest that he had been in contact with another person at the time of the fire.” Source: Evening Standard https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/man-dies-after-mysteriously-bursting -into-flames-while-walking-down-street-in-north-london-a3720161.html - BEASTIES OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT - Super-Serpents By Nick Redfern ![]() A dense and eerily atmospheric
forest situated deep within the heart of the historic and ancient
English county of Staffordshire, the Cannock Chase is a high plateau
bordered by the Trent Valley to the north and the West Midlands to the
south. And it’s also the very location where I spent much of my childhood and teenage years. The huge and picturesque Cannock Chase has been an integral feature of the Staffordshire landscape for generations. Following an initial invasion of Britain in A.D. 43, Roman forces advanced to the south to what is now the town of Cannock, and along a route that became known as Watling Street: a major, and historic, Roman road. The surrounding countryside was heavily wooded even back then, as can be amply demonstrated by the Romans’ colorful name for the area: Letocetum, or the Grey Woods. And those Grey Woods are, today, home to some distinctly strange and diabolical beasts. For example, just three years ago, the local Birmingham Post newspaper recorded that: “In March, 2006, ramblers reported seeing a ‘fourteen-foot snake moving through the bracken’ near to Birches Valley. They said the beast had a powerful head and ‘coloring that stood out sharply against the greens and blues of the bracken.’” Despite the fact that there are without doubt no indigenous snakes in the British Isles of such a monstrous size at all, it is also a reality that, from time to time, stories of bizarre, snake-like and sea-serpent-like creatures do surface in the area. Indeed, the story told by the Birmingham Post eerily paralleled one that had been related to me back in 1995 by a man named Norman Dodd. In the 1970s, Dodd regularly commuted to the vicinity of the Cannock Chase woods on business, and had a truly startling encounter with a large snake-like beast in the woods during the summer of 1976 – which turned out to be one of the hottest on record for the British Isles. Dodd informed me that he could not recall the exact location on the Cannock Chase where the incident had taken place; but he was able to state with certainty that it was a small pool, no more than twenty feet by thirty feet in size, “not far from [the village of] Slitting Mill; and back into the Cannock Chase.” Dodd stated that he had parked his car, a Ford Cortina, on the grass-verge of the road that was adjacent to the pool and was munching on his lunch and reading a newspaper. “It was a bloody stifling day. I remember swigging something to drink and having a bite when there was something moving right on the bank [of the pool].” He added that he was startled to see a creature that he estimated to be around six or seven feet long slowly surface from the water; and that then proceeded to “bask” on the banks of the pool. “It sort of wriggled,” said Dodd, adding that “it was like its whole body seemed to sort of shake or wobble as it moved.” Dodd further explained that the animal had a serpent like head and an oily-colored skin. Its body was thick and it seemed wholly unconcerned by his presence. “I know it saw me – or saw the car, definitely – because it looked right in this direction and then just went back to what it was up to: just laying there.” But what was most puzzling of all to the highly shocked Dodd was the fact that the animal seemed to have “flippers near the front – or little feet.” He conceded that the animal may conceivably have had similar “flippers” or “feet” at its rear, too; but explained that the “back-end never came right out of the water; like as if it was trying to keep itself cool from being part [sic] in the water.” He watched astonished – and not a little concerned, unsurprisingly – for at least twenty minutes, after which time the animal simply slid back into the pond. He concluded: “I wondered how a small pond like that might feed an animal that big for food [sic]. But what about its feet or the flippers: does that mean it might have been able to go from pool to pool for fish and things?” Dodd’s eye-opening report was one of those that almost sounded too good to be true; and yet the wholly independent story of a giant snake seen in the Cannock Chase woods in early 2006 suggested to me that such Loch Ness Monster-like beasts were indeed on the loose in the area – and, perhaps, they still are… Source: Mania/Nick Redfern http://www.mania.com/superserpents_article_113391.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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