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![]() 5/27/18 #958 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: Hovering high overhead, the UFO
and its otherworldly occupants scan the Earths communications --
silently awaiting word that they have finally intercepted the secret
information that has eluded them all week. Yes that's right! They are
waiting for this weeks exciting issue of the newsletter of
secrets, the paranormal and MORE - Conspiracy Journal is here once
to inflame your senses and question your beliefs. This
week Conspiracy Journal
brings you such spring-kissed stories as: - Burning Inferno at Falcon Lake - - UFO Stalked U.S. Aircraft Carrier For Days - - RFK's Son Doesn't Believe Sirhan Sirhan Killed His Father - AND: Man Claims A Ghost is Trapped Inside Doll All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE DANGEROUS KIND! UFO HOSTILITIES AND THE EVIL ALIEN AGENDA ![]() Secret Government Findings Claim There Is A Valid "Alien Threat" – UFOS COULD DOOM LIFE ON EARTH! Here is irrefutable proof that UFOs could be perilous to your health, your well-being and even your life – and in an extreme case scenario could doom all of humanity. PENTAGON ADMITS TO PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF UFO WITNESSES In a series of rather astonishing disclosures, the New York Times revealed in a provocative front page article that the military had spent upwards of $22 million dollars in recent years on the study of UFOs and the creation of an “advanced aerospace threat identification program.” Sightings have persisted long after the official closure of Project Blue Book – something UFO researchers have long suspected but could not prove. Part of this multi-million dollar “Black Project” bundle was spent on an exhaustive study of the physiological and psychological effects of UFOs on witnesses. And while this hush-hush scrutiny of observers has to date never been released, an independent study indicates there is a PATTERN OF HORROR – that UFOs are no laughing matter and represent a TERRIFYING THREAT TO US ALL! Because of the frightening nature of its fully documented findings, this may well be the most startling book you will ever read about the dangerous side of UFOs! This incredible book contains case histories of UFO atrocities, from strange disappearances to bizarre deaths. There are hundreds of ALARMING CASES that are detailed in this book – and it is evident there is NO PLACE TO HIDE! So don't delay,
order your copy of UFO Hostilities And The Evil Alien Agenda: Lethal Encounters With Ultra-Terrestrials Exposed before this offer expires!
Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley - UFOS, DANGEROUS-DO NOT APPROACH DEPARTMENT - Burning Inferno at Falcon Lake By Timothy Green Beckley Based on a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Company ![]() Many consider it the most evidential case in the history of UFO encounters in Canada. It’s a chilling episode of a man being seriously injured. And it could certainly be that this was no accident – that the object in question took a potshot at the witness, who had every reason to be apprehensive about his impending fate. The case of Stefan Michalak still gets its fair share of media attention and well it should. When the incident occurred on May 19, 1967, approximately a half century ago, the Canadian press ran with the story with headlines across the Providences. This incredible skirmish between a human and the unknown was even dramatized on the widely-viewed “Unsolved Mysteries” television program. Thus, if most Canucks had been in the dark about UFOs up to this point, this incident would doubtlessly have led them into the light with a story that was not going to be easily forgotten or simply go away. A Polish immigrant, Stefan was an industrial mechanic at a cement plant who had knowledge of automotive machinery. He was also an amateur geologist who spent his spare time prospecting for silver in a region near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, isolated but not that far from the American border. The son, Stan Michalak, still vividly remembers when his dad came home sick and injured after something devastating transpired in the woodlands on that day so long ago. In a recently-published, copyrighted story, CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Company, provides us with all the fascinating details of this incredible incident, a hostile confrontation with what was definitely a renegade UFO. The story begins with the recollections of the witness’ son. . . “I recalled seeing him in bed. He didn’t look good at all. He looked pale, haggard,” said Michalak, who was nine years old at the time and was allowed to see his dad for a couple of minutes on the day after what soon become known as the “Falcon Lake Incident.” “Then there was the smell. “When I walked into the bedroom there was a huge stink in the room, like a real horrible aroma of sulfur and burnt motor. It was all around and it was coming out of his pores. It was bad,” said Michalak, who coauthored the book “When They Appeared” with Winnipeg UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski, a writer who has spent many years immersed in researching the unexplained on Canadian soil. “I was very afraid. My dad had been injured and I didn’t know anything about it,” Michalak told CBC News about that Saturday 50 years earlier. Within a couple of days, however, not only did he know more — so did much of the public. After the story about his dad being burned by a UFO ran in the Winnipeg Tribune newspaper “That’s when everything pretty much hit the fan,” Michalak said. THE ENCOUNTER He had staked some (silver) claims the prior year and set out on the May long weekend in 1967 to explore some more. On May 20, 1967, Stefan was near a vein of quartz along the Precambrian Shield in the area when the 51-year-old was startled by a gaggle of nearby geese that erupted into a clattering of honks. It was at this point that he looked up and observed two cigar-shaped objects emitting a red glow hovering about 45 meters away. One descended, according to Stefan’s account, landing on a flat section of rock and taking on more of a disc shape. The other remained in the air for a few minutes before flying off. Believing it to be a secret U.S. military experimental craft, Stefan sat back and sketched it over the next half hour. Then he decided to approach, later recalling the warm air and smell of sulfur as he got closer, as well as a whirring sound of motors and a hissing of air. He also noted a door open on the side with bright lights inside, and said he heard voices muffled by the sounds from the craft. He said he called out, offering mechanical help to the “Yankee boys” if they needed it. The voices went quiet but did not answer, so Stefan tried in his native Polish, then in Russian and finally in German. But only the whirr and hiss of the craft responded in his ear. He claims he went closer and noted the smooth metal of the ship, with no seams. He then looked into the bright doorway, pulling on the welding goggles he used to protect his eyes while chipping at rocks during prospecting. Inside, Stefan said he saw light beams and panels of various-colored flashing lights, but could not see anyone or any living thing. When he stepped away, three panels slid across the door opening and sealed it. He reached to touch the craft, which he said melted the fingertips of the glove he was wearing. The craft then began to turn counter-clockwise and Stefan says he noticed a panel that contained a grid of holes. Shortly afterward, he was struck in the chest by a blast of air or gas that pushed him backward and set his shirt and cap ablaze. He ripped away the burning garments as the craft lifted off and flew away. Disoriented and nauseous, Stefan stumbled through the forest and vomited. He eventually made his way back to his motel room in Falcon Lake, then caught a bus back to Winnipeg. He was treated at a hospital for burns to his chest and stomach that later turned into raised sores on a grid-like pattern. And for weeks afterwards, he suffered from diarrhea, headaches, blackouts and weight loss. Once the story was out, the RCMP, the air force, the media, various government agencies, and hordes of gawking members of the public descended on the Michalaks’s small River Heights bungalow in Winnipeg. That’s who Michalak refers to in the title of the book — those endless visitors and phone calls, the media and people camping on the lawn, the people who would follow Michalak to school one day, peppering him with questions. “It just flipped our lives over,” the younger Michalak said. “It took several years before it finally died down.” After that, and until the day he died in 1999 at the age of 83, Stefan believed he never should have said a thing, Michalak said. But, at the time, he felt it was his duty. He wanted others, if they were to see the same thing, to avoid it and not get hurt, Michalak said. In Poland, before Stefan moved his family to Canada, he was a military policeman with a set of moral guidelines that he lived by — that is, if something happened, it should be reported, Michalak said. In addition to constant probing from authorities, the family endured condemnation and criticism from the public, Stefan’s sanity was questioned, and Michalak was bullied in school. Though he wished he hadn’t said anything, Stefan never backed away from the story, either. He also never claimed to have seen aliens and still considered it a secret military craft. “If you asked him what it was he saw, he could describe it in intimate detail but he would never say, ‘Oh, it was definitely extraterrestrials,’ because there was no evidence to prove that,” said the younger Michalak. “He might ask, ‘What do you think I saw?’ But right up until he died, his story never changed one iota — nothing about it or how he told it.” In all those years since, and with some 300 pages of documentation on the encounter, “there’s nothing so far that has flawed his story,” according to the younger Michalak. So what does he think? “I’m not so close-minded that I can’t entertain the possibility that it’s otherworldly. I can’t discount that. But without specific evidence to show me that it is, I don’t know,” Stan Michalak said. “What I can tell you is that I’m an aviation fanatic, a huge aviation buff, and I am very familiar with how aviation technology has advanced in the past 50 years. And there was nothing even close to that in the works anywhere at that time.” INTENSELY INVESTIGATED “The case was investigated intensely by a number of levels of the Canadian government and the official conclusion, even from the United States Air Force, was that the case was unexplained,” coauthor Chris Rutkowski noted. “The Falcon Lake incident is possibly Canada’s best-documented UFO case,” he added. “It even beats Roswell [the alleged flying disc that landed in New Mexico in 1947] because the United States still doesn’t recognize that anything happened in Roswell out of the ordinary.” His son again spoke of believing his father had encountered something genuine. “If Dad hoaxed this — remember, we’re talking about a blue-collar, industrial mechanic — if he hoaxed it, then he was a freakin’ genius,” Stan Michalak said. Items were later retrieved from the encounter site, including Stefan’s glove and shirt and some tools, which were subjected to extensive analysis at an RCMP crime lab. No one could determine what caused the burns. At the landing site was a circle about 15 feet in diameter, devoid of the moss and vegetation growing in other areas of the same rock outcropping. Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive. So were pieces of metal that were chipped out of cracks in the rock about a year after the incident. The metal had somehow been melted into the cracks. Many of the items have long since been lost as they were transferred through various authorities and agencies. However, Rutkowski and Michalak still have one of the pieces of metal, which remains radioactive. Still sick in 1968 with recurrences of the burns showing up on his chest and suffering from blackouts, Stefan went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “Doctors did a thorough investigation and even sent him to a psychiatrist, who came back with the report that this is a fellow who’s very pragmatic, very down to earth — pardon the pun — and does not make up stories,” Rutkowski said. This concludes the CBC news story. THE MYSTERY CONTINUES The case was extensively investigated by the Canadian authorities, including their Defense Department. There were a few of the skeptical bent who thought the story a hoax. Most of the public and even the Mounties and Canadian Defense Department were admittedly puzzled and said so. We can’t say for sure if the UFO attacked the witness on purpose, but they sure as hell could have lowered their guns! Read more about the Falcon Lake UFO Incident in the book: "When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967 - The Inside Story of a Close Encounter" And..."UFO Hostilities and the Evil Alien Agenda" Source: Spectral Vision - LEAKED PENTAGON REPORT DEPARTMENT - UFO Stalked U.S. Aircraft Carrier For Days ![]() A leaked Pentagon report has revealed new details about the UFO encounter that shocked Navy fighter pilots above the Pacific. The 2009 report does not bear any date or agency logo, but four officials confirmed that it was written as part of a Pentagon program with input from multiple agencies, KLAS reported. The Las Vegas news station obtained the unclassified report while visiting Washington, DC for a debriefing arranged by former Senator Harry Reid. The report reveals stunning new first-hand accounts of the November 14, 2004 encounter, which was documented in video that emerged in December of last year. The incident unfolded as the Nimitz carrier group was conducting training exercises off the coast of southern California and Mexico ahead of a deployment to the Arabian Sea. Beginning around November 10, the USS Princeton, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, made multiple radar contacts with what the report calls an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle (AAV). The senior chief fire controlman on the Princeton, which was equipped with ultra-advanced AN/SPY-1 multifunctional phased-array radar, reported that the AAV appeared from above 60,000 feet - the radar's scan ceiling - and descended 'very rapidly' to about 50 feet above the surface of the ocean. They would hover for a short time and then depart at high velocities and turn rates demonstrating advanced capabilities, the senior chief said. The senior chief, who had 17 years of experience in fire control on cruisers, said he never obtained an accurate track on the AAV, because they exhibited speed consistent with a ballistic missile, but the radar was set to air intercept mode rather than ballistic missile tracking mode. Then on November 14, the Princeton again detected an AAV around 11am and called it in two F/A-18 Hornets that happened to be returning to the USS Nimitz from a training exercise. An E-2C Hawkeye surveillance plane was also operating in the area and attempted a radar contact on the AAV, but made only intermittent contact as was unable to gain a track. The skies were clear and blue with unlimited visibility that day, and the sea was calm, according to the report. The first fighter jet to investigate, a USMC single-seat F/A-18C, flew within five to 10 nautical miles of the AAV's location, but could not see it. Instead, he reported seeing a circular disturbance in the water about 50 to 100 meters in diameter. It reminded the pilot of something rapidly submerging in the ocean, like a submarine. The report hypothesizes that 'it is possible that the disturbance was being caused by an AAV but that the AAV was "cloaked" or invisible to the human eye.' The Marine pilot was called off after the controller asked a plane carrying ordnance to respond, which he was not. When he returned to the USS Nimitz, his intelligence officer asked him if he'd seen the 'supersonic Tic Tac'. The next jet to respond was a Navy F/A-18F piloted by Cmdr. David Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Jim Slaight, who made visual contact with the AAV that they have since publicly discussed, corroborating the report. Fravor also spotted a disturbance in the water, almost as if it were boiling. But this time, hovering above the disturbance was a strange object. The object was shaped like an elongated egg or a "Tic Tac", according to Fravor, and was 'holding like a Harrier', the jump jet that can take off vertically. Slaight, whose name is redacted from the report, described it as 'solid white, smooth, with no edges. It was uniformly colored with no nacelles, pylons or wings.' He described the exterior of the object as 'like it had a white candy-coated shell, almost like a white board.' When Fravor attempted to make a close pass of the object to attempt visual recognition, the object appeared to react, realigning its axis to point at the approaching plane. The AAV then ascended quickly and departed at supersonic speed. When Fravor and Slaight returned to the Nimitz, the sailors in the intelligence center donned tin-foil hats to greet them, asking eagerly about their 'UFO flight'. Later in the day, another plane made the video that has since been released, according to the report. Around 3pm, another Navy F/A-18F tracked a remarkable object on FLIR, which Fravor's plane had not been equipped with. The pilot said he couldn't confirm whether he had tracked the same object seen by Fravor and Slaight, because he never made visual contact, only tracked it through FLIR. The report notes that the USS Louisville nuclear fast-attack submarine was operating in the area, and detected no unusual undersea activity over the duration of the incidents. The incident was filed in a regular training mission report and it is unclear if it was reported up the chain of command, the report finds. The aircrews involved made and kept a copy of the FLIR recording, but were subjected to a 'high level of ridicule' over the incident, the report found. Whatever the AAV was, the report stresses that it was 'no known aircraft or air vehicle currently in the inventory of the United States or any foreign nation.' Former Senator Reid, now recovering following cancer surgery, and others have urged Congress to create a new Pentagon program to study similar incidents as a matter of national security. Another highly classified version of the leaked report was also written, but it is unlikely to ever be released. Source: Daily Mail -startling-new-details-supersonic-Tic-Tac-UFO.html - ASSASSINATION NATION DEPARTMENT - RFK's Son Doesn't Believe Sirhan Sirhan Killed His Father By Tom Jackman Just before Christmas, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pulled up to the massive Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, a California state prison complex in the desert outside San Diego that holds nearly 4,000 inmates. Kennedy was there to visit Sirhan B. Sirhan, the man convicted of killing his father, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, nearly 50 years ago. While his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, waited in the car, Kennedy met with Sirhan for three hours, he revealed to The Washington Post last week. It was the culmination of months of research by Kennedy into the assassination, including speaking with witnesses and reading the autopsy and police reports. “I got to a place where I had to see Sirhan,” Kennedy said. He would not discuss the specifics of their conversation. But when it was over, Kennedy had joined those who believe there was a second gunman, and that it was not Sirhan who killed his father. “I went there because I was curious and disturbed by what I had seen in the evidence,” said Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and the third oldest of his father’s 11 children. “I was disturbed that the wrong person might have been convicted of killing my father. My father was the chief law enforcement officer in this country. I think it would have disturbed him if somebody was put in jail for a crime they didn’t commit.” Kennedy, 64, said he doesn’t know if his involvement in the case will change anything. But he now supports the call for a reinvestigation of the assassination — which is led by Paul Schrade, who also was shot in the head as he walked behind Kennedy in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles but survived. Kennedy was just 14 when he lost his father. Even now, people tell him how much Bobby Kennedy meant to them. RFK’s death — five years after his brother, President John F. Kennedy, was gunned down in Dallas and two months after civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in Memphis — devastated a country already beset by chaos. In 1968, the Vietnam War raged, American cities had erupted in riots after MLK’s assassination and tensions between war protesters and supporters were growing uglier. Robert F. Kennedy’s newly launched presidential bid had raised hopes that the New York Democrat and former attorney general could somehow unite a divided nation. The gunshots fired that June night changed all that. Though Sirhan admitted at his trial in 1969 that he shot Kennedy, he claimed from the start that he had no memory of doing so. And midway through Sirhan’s trial, prosecutors provided his lawyers with an autopsy report that launched five decades of controversy: Kennedy was shot at point-blank range from behind, including a fatal shot behind his ear. But Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was standing in front of him. Was there a second gunman? The debate rages to this day. But the legal system has not entertained doubts. A jury convicted Sirhan of first-degree murder and sentenced him to death in 1969, which was commuted to a life term in 1972. Sirhan’s appeals have been rejected at every level, as recently as 2016, even with the courts considering new evidence that has emerged over the years that as many as 13 shots were fired — Sirhan’s gun held only eight bullets — and that Sirhan may have been subjected to coercive hypnosis, in a real-life version of “The Manchurian Candidate.” His case is closed. His lawyers are now launching a long-shot bid to have the Inter-American Court of Human Rights hold an evidentiary hearing, while Schrade is hoping for a group such as the Innocence Project to take on the case. A spokesman for the Innocence Project said that the organization does not discuss cases at the consideration stage. In the final court rejection of Sirhan’s appeals, U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Wistrich ruled, “Even if the second shooter’s bullet was the one that killed Senator Kennedy, [Sirhan] would be liable [for murder] as an aider and abettor.” And if Sirhan was unaware of the second shooter, Wistrich wrote that the scenario of a second gunman who shot Kennedy “at close range with the same type of gun and ammunition as [Sirhan] was using, but managed to escape the crowded room without notice of almost any of the roomful of witnesses, lacks any evidentiary support.” ‘Is everybody okay?’ On June 5, 1968, Kennedy had just won the California Democratic presidential primary and delivered a victory speech to a delirious crowd. At 12:15 a.m., the 42-year-old candidate and Schrade left the celebration, walking through the hotel pantry en route to a news conference. Schrade was a regional director of the United Auto Workers who had helped Kennedy round up labor support, and Kennedy had singled him out for thanks in his victory speech moments earlier. Schrade, now 93, still recalls the scene in the pantry vividly. “He immediately started shaking hands” with kitchen workers, Schrade said of Kennedy. “The TV lights went on. I got hit. I didn’t know I was hit. I was shaking violently, and I fell. Then Bob fell. I saw flashes and heard crackling. The crackling actually was all the other bullets being fired.” Witnesses reported that Kennedy said, “Is everybody okay? Is Paul all right?” Kennedy was still conscious as his wife, Ethel, pregnant with their 11th child, rushed to his side. He lived for another day and died at 1:44 a.m. June 6, 1968. Schrade was shot above the forehead but the bullet bounced off his skull. Four other people, including ABC News producer William Weisel, were also wounded. All survived. Sirhan was captured immediately; he had a .22-caliber revolver in his hand. Karl Uecker, an Ambassador Hotel maitre d’ who was escorting Kennedy through the pantry, testified that he grabbed Sirhan’s wrist and pinned it down after two shots and that Sirhan continued to fire wildly while being held down, never getting close to Kennedy. An Ambassador waiter and a Kennedy aide also said they tackled Sirhan after two or three shots. Several other witnesses also said he was not close enough to place the gun against Kennedy’s back, where famed Los Angeles coroner Thomas Noguchi found powder burns on the senator’s jacket and on his hair, indicating shots fired at close contact. These witnesses provided more proof for those who insist a second gunman was involved. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office and the Los Angeles Police Department declined interviews on what both consider a closed case. Schrade believes that Sirhan shot him and the others who were wounded but that he did not kill Kennedy. Since 1974, Schrade has led the crusade to try to persuade authorities — the police, prosecutors, the feds, anyone — to reinvestigate the case and identify the second gunman. “Yes, he did shoot me. Yes, he shot four other people and aimed at Kennedy,” Schrade said in an interview at his Laurel Canyon home. “The important thing is he did not shoot Robert Kennedy. Why didn’t they go after the second gunman? They knew about him right away. They didn’t want to know who it was. They wanted a quickie.” ‘He never got near my father’ At trial, defense lawyer Grant Cooper made the decision not to contest the charge that Sirhan fired the fatal shot and instead tried to persuade the jury not to impose the death penalty by arguing Sirhan had “diminished capacity” and didn’t know what he was doing. It is a standard tactic by attorneys in death-penalty cases, but Cooper, who died in 1990, was widely criticized for not investigating the case before conceding guilt. Sirhan is now 74 and approaching 50 years behind bars. After California’s courts abolished the death penalty in 1972, he was first made eligible for parole in 1986 but has been rejected repeatedly. In 2016, Schrade spoke on Sirhan’s behalf at his parole hearing and apologized for not coming forward sooner to advocate for Sirhan’s release and exoneration. California inmates are not permitted to give media interviews, and Sirhan did not respond to a letter from The Post. But his brother, Munir Sirhan, said Sirhan still hopes to be released and that his defense team probably hurt his case more than helped it. There’s plenty of damning evidence against Sirhan. He confessed to the killing at trial, although he claims this was done on his attorney’s instruction. He took hours of target practice with his pistol earlier in the day, and he took the gun into the Ambassador Hotel that night. He had been seen at a Kennedy speech at the Ambassador two days earlier. He had a newspaper clipping critical of Kennedy in his pocket and had written “RFK must die” in notebooks at home, although he said he didn’t remember doing that. And he waited in the pantry for about 30 minutes, according to witnesses who said he asked if Kennedy would be coming through there. But questions about the case arose almost immediately in Los Angeles, resulting in hearings and reinvestigations as early as 1971 by the district attorney, the police chief, the county board of supervisors and the county superior court. Many of them focused on the ballistics of the case, starting with Noguchi’s finding that Kennedy had been shot from behind, which Sirhan’s lawyer didn’t raise in his defense. In addition, lead crime scene investigator DeWayne Wolfer testified at trial that a bullet taken from Kennedy’s body and bullets from two of the wounded victims all matched Sirhan’s gun. But other experts who examined the three bullets said they had markings from different guns and different bullet manufacturers. An internal police document concluded that “Kennedy and Weisel bullets not fired from same gun” — Weisel was the wounded ABC News producer — and “Kennedy bullet not fired from Sirhan’s revolver.” This prompted a Los Angeles judge in 1975 to convene a panel of seven forensic experts, who examined the three bullets and refired Sirhan’s gun. The panel said no match could be made between the three bullets, which appeared to be fired from the same gun, and Sirhan’s revolver. They found Wolfer had done a sloppy job with the ballistics evidence and urged further investigation. In addition, witnesses said bullet holes were found in the door frames of the Ambassador’s pantry, and photos showed investigators examining the holes in the hours after the shooting. Between the three bullets that hit Kennedy and the bullets that hit the five wounded victims, Wolfer had accounted for all eight of Sirhan’s shots. Bullets in the doors would indicate a second gun. Wolfer later said the holes and the metal inside were not bullets, and the door frames were destroyed after the trial. Though Los Angeles authorities had promised transparency in the case, the police and prosecutors refused to release their files until 1988, when they produced a flood of new evidence for researchers. Among the material was an audiotape, first unearthed by CNN journalist Brad Johnson, which had been inadvertently made by Polish journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski in the Ambassador Hotel’s ballroom, and turned over to police in 1969. Pruszynski’s microphone had been on the podium where Kennedy spoke, and TV footage shows him detaching it and moving toward the pantry as the shooting happens. In 2005, audio engineer Philip Van Praag said the tape revealed that about 13 shots had been fired. He said he used technology similar to that of the ShotSpotter used by police to alert them to gunshots, and which differentiates gunshots from firecrackers or other loud bangs. Van Praag said recently that different guns create different resonances and that he was able to establish that two guns were fired, that they fired in different directions, and that some of the shot “impulses” were so close together they couldn’t have been fired by the same gun. He said he could not say “precisely” 13 shots but certainly more than the eight contained by Sirhan’s gun. “There were too many bullets,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said. “You can’t fire 13 shots out of an eight-shot gun.” British author Mel Ayton wrote “The Forgotten Terrorist,” which posits that Sirhan killed Kennedy because he supported sending military firepower to Israel — the Sirhans were Christian Palestinians forced from their Jerusalem home by Israel in 1948. He said Van Praag had misinterpreted the Pruszynski tape and that other experts who examined it show only eight “spikes,” one for each gunshot. Ayton also cited numerous eyewitnesses who said they heard at most eight shots. Ayton and investigative reporter Dan Moldea, who also wrote a book about the assassination, argue that Sirhan’s gun could have reached Kennedy’s back. No witnesses saw the actual shots fired in the chaos of the pantry, and Moldea noted that Kennedy almost certainly turned and tried to protect himself after the first shot, which some said was preceded by Sirhan yelling, “Kennedy, you son of a bitch!” “What were Kennedy’s last words?” Moldea asked during an interview. “‘How’s Paul?’ How would Kennedy know Paul had been injured if he had not been turned around. He turned around when Sirhan rushes towards him, yelling ‘you son of a bitch Kennedy.’ Kennedy’s not going to just stand there. He turns his back defensively.” Moldea theorized that Schrade fell forward into Kennedy, pinning him against a table and pushing him into the muzzle of Sirhan’s gun, enabling him to fire four contact shots into Kennedy. One shot went through his jacket without hitting Kennedy, one went into his back and stopped below his neck, one went through his armpit and one went into his brain. But Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn’t find those theories persuasive. “It’s not only that nobody saw that,” he said. “The people that were closest to [Sirhan], the people that disarmed him all said he never got near my father.” Schrade used an expletive to describe Moldea’s explanation and said he fell backward when he was shot above his forehead. Both Ayton and Moldea assisted the California attorney general’s office in contesting Sirhan’s final appeal, and the government’s legal briefs cited the investigative work of both men. Moldea had initially been a believer in the second-gunman theory, but after interviewing numerous police officers, witnesses and Sirhan, he concluded in his 1995 book, “The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy,” that Sirhan acted alone. He cited as additional proof a comment Sirhan reportedly made to a defense investigator about Kennedy turning his head before Sirhan shot him, a comment Sirhan strongly denied making. More recently, Sirhan’s lawyers have explored whether he was hypnotized to begin shooting his gun when given a certain cue, even hiring a renowned expert in hypnosis from Harvard University to meet with Sirhan. Wistrich, the judge, was completely dismissive of any suggestion of hypnosis. Schrade said the various theories of conspiracy and hypnotic programming are of little interest to him. “I’m interested in finding out how the prosecutor convicted Sirhan with no evidence, knowing there was a second gunman,” Schrade said. It was Schrade who persuaded Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to examine the evidence. “Once Schrade showed me the autopsy report,” Kennedy said, “then I didn’t feel like it was something I could just dismiss. Which is what I wanted to do.” Kennedy called Sirhan’s trial “really a penalty hearing. It wasn’t a real trial. At a full trial, they would have litigated his guilt or innocence. I think it’s unfortunate that the case never went to a full trial because that would have compelled the press and prosecutors to focus on the glaring discrepancies in the narrative that Sirhan fired the shots that killed my father.” Kennedy is not afraid to express controversial views. Last year, he and actor Robert De Niro held a news conference to argue that certain vaccines containing mercury are unsafe for some children. He said he is not opposed to all vaccines, but wants to make them safer. Three of his sisters — former Maryland lieutenant governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, human rights activist Kerry Kennedy and filmmaker Rory Kennedy — declined to discuss the assassination or the case against Sirhan. Kennedy understands why. “I think that, for most of my family members,” he said, “this is an issue that is still too painful to even talk about.” It’s painful for him, too. Kennedy was asleep in his dorm at Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, Md., on June 5, 1968, when a priest woke him and told there was a car waiting outside to take him to the family home, Hickory Hill, in McLean, Va. The priest didn’t say why. In his new memoir, “American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family,” Kennedy said his mother’s secretary was waiting for him. “Jinx Hack told me my father had been shot, but I was still thinking he’d be okay. He was, after all, indestructible.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., his older sister Kathleen and brother Joe flew to Los Angeles on Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey’s plane, Air Force Two. At Good Samaritan Hospital, Kennedy wrote, his father’s head was bandaged and his face was bruised. A priest had already delivered last rites. His mother was there. “I sat down across the bed from her and took hold of his big wrestler’s hand,” he wrote. “I prayed and said goodbye to him, listening to the pumps that kept him breathing. Each of us children took turns sitting with him and praying opposite my mom. “My dad died at 1:44 a.m., a few minutes after doctors removed his life support. My brother Joe came into the ward where all the children were lying down and told us, ‘He’s gone.’ ” Source: Washington Post %80%99t-believe-it-was-sirhan-sirhan/ar-AAxPsCH?li=BBnb7Kx - MORE EM WEAPONS DEPARTMENT - U.S. Employee In China Reports 'Sensations Of Sound And Pressure' By Laurel Wamsley ![]() The
State Department said that a U.S. government employee assigned to
Guangzhou, China, has reported experiencing "vague, but abnormal,
sensations of sound and pressure." Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that "the medical indications are very similar and entirely consistent" with the symptoms reported by Americans working at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. "We have medical teams that are moving to be on the ground there. We are working to figure out what took place both in Havana, and now in China, as well." The federal employee reported experiencing physical symptoms from late 2017 through April 2018, when he or she returned to the U.S. for medical evaluation. That evaluation found that the employee's symptoms were similar to those of someone with a head concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. The U.S. operates a consulate in Guangzhou, a sprawling commercial city and port in southern China. The Chinese government has assured the U.S. that it is investigating the matter and taking appropriate measures, according to a State Department spokesperson. Suspected "sonic attacks" affecting more than a dozen U.S. diplomats and family members in Havana beginning in November 2016 led to the U.S. pulling all nonessential staff from the embassy and expelling 15 Cuban diplomats last year. Cuba has denied any involvement in the attacks. Though some experts expressed doubt when the possibility of a sonic attack in Cuba was first raised, the State Department points to a study by independent medical personnel published earlier this year in The Journal of the American Medical Association. That study found that 21 U.S. government employees in Havana experienced "persistent cognitive, vestibular, and oculomotor dysfunction, as well as sleep impairment and headaches, were observed ... associated with reports of directional audible and/or sensory phenomena of unclear origin. These individuals appeared to have sustained injury to widespread brain networks without an associated history of head trauma." Dr. Charles Rosenfarb, the State Department's medical director, told a Senate subcommittee in January that the employees "associated the onset of these symptoms to their exposures with unusual sounds or auditory sensations. Various descriptions were given: 'a high-pitched beam of sound'; an 'incapacitating sound'; a 'baffling sensation' akin to driving with the windows partially open in a car; or just an intense pressure in one ear." The State Department says it doesn't know what caused the reported symptoms in Guangzhou, and isn't aware of any other similar cases in China. But it did issue a warning Wednesday: "While in China, if you experience any unusual acute auditory or sensory phenomena accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises, do not attempt to locate their source. Instead, move to a location where the sounds are not present." The U.S. government has about 2,000 employees posted to China. The mysterious incident comes at a time of tension between the U.S. and China over trade disputes. Source: NPR -employee-in-china-hit-with-sensations-of-sound-and-pressure Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! Email and tell Tim Beckley what it is you wish to order and he will send you back a PayPal invoice which you can pay immediately. Safe and secure and faster than waiting for us to get your order in the mail or charge it over the phone by credit card (which we can do by your leaving a message at 732 602-3407 - by dropping us a line at the same e mail). - STRANGE CREATURES FROM TIME AND SPACE DEPARTMENT - Mysterious Wolf-Like Creature Shot in Northcentral Montana By David Murray Was it a wolf, some type of hybrid, or a creature that hasn't been seen in Montana since the Ice Age? On May 16 a lone wolf-like animal was shot and killed on a ranch outside Denton. With long grayish fur, a large head and an extended snout, the animal shared many of the same characteristics as a wolf; but its ears were too large, it's legs and body too short, its fur uncharacteristic of that common to a wolf. So far, the exact species is a mystery So what was it? At this point, no one is 100 percent sure. "We have no idea what this was until we get a DNA report back," said Bruce Auchly, information manager for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. "It was near a rancher's place, it was shot, and our game wardens went to investigate. The whole animal was sent to our lab in Bozeman. That's the last I ever heard of it." Social media from around the Lewistown area was buzzing last week; with many people chiming in on what they believed the creature to be. "That's a grizzly cub," one commentator wrote. "Under a year and starving from the look." Subscribe today: Our Memorial Day Sale ends on May 31. "Maybe a dire wolf," wrote another, "because I don't believe they are all gone." Speculation roamed as far as identifying that animal as a crypto-canid species said to roam the forests of North America. "That could very well be what’s being called Dogman," one poster suggested. "They’re spotted each day and the government quells any and all reports. Several people report being strong armed into keeping quiet about their reports by men wearing black suits. These are just facts. Look into if if you don’t believe it." Auchly doesn't. "First off (dire wolf) was a song by the Grateful Dead from 1971," he said of the prehistoric species speculation. "I know; I listened to it many times. Number two, it's a prehistoric animal, like mastodons and saber toothed tigers; so it doesn't exist." As for the Dogman theory; there's a regular Friday night YouTube broadcast called "Dogman Encounters" for those who wish to follow up on that line of thought. It comes on right after "Bigfoot Eyewitness" radio. Nonetheless, there remains an element of uncertainty about the creature, even among wildlife biologists. "Several things grabbed my attention when I saw the pictures," said Ty Smucker, wolf management specialist for Montana FWP. "The ears are too big. The legs look a little short. The feet look a little small, and the coat looks weird. There's just something off about it." Smucker's own speculation runs toward some type of wolf/dog hybrid. He noted several occasions within the last few years in which canid predators, neither all wolf nor all dog were causing problems with ranchers east of the Continental Divide. "We've had a few instances of wolf/dog hybrids out there," Smucker said. "One was out somewhere in eastern central Montana killing sheep like crazy. Finally, we caught it and it turned out to be a hybrid." Wolves and dogs are unique in the animal world, in that they can interbreed and produce offspring that can, in turn, produce their own litters. This is unlike the pairing of a horse and a donkey, which will produce a mule; but mules are always infertile and incapable of producing offspring on their own. Wolfdog ownership and interbreeding by private citizens remains controversial. According to the International Wolf Center, nearly all wolfdogs are bred in captivity. Wolves and dogs can breed in the wild, but this occurrence is very rare; largely because wolves are very territorial and more likely to kill an unfamiliar dog that enters their home range rather than accept it into a pack. The behavioral tendencies of wolfdogs are unpredictable, ranging from bold, aggressive and territorial; to placid, submissive and friendly - even among pups within a single litter. For that reason, the breeding of wolfdogs in captivity is highly regulated. "If you have a wolfdog hybrid it's supposed to have a tattoo on a lip, and it's supposed to be registered with the state," Smucker said. "A lot of those people don't bother following regulations." The behavioral tendencies of wolfdogs are unpredictable, ranging from bold, aggressive and territorial; to placid, submissive and friendly - even among pups within a single litter. For that reason, the breeding of wolfdogs in captivity is highly regulated. "If you have a wolfdog hybrid it's supposed to have a tattoo on a lip, and it's supposed to be registered with the state," Smucker said. "A lot of those people don't bother following regulations." The unfortunate consequence is that some wolfdog owners discover they are either incapable or unwilling to care for their animals, and end up releasing them into the wild. "Every year, thousands of pet wolves or hybrids are abandoned, rescued or euthanized because people purchase an animal they were not prepared to care for," the International Wolf Center states. "A few facilities exist around the country that take in unwanted canines, but their resources are usually very limited." It is not clear whether the animal shot in Denton falls into this category, but the problem of irresponsible wolfdog owners is well known by FWP officials. "Over the years we've had incidences of hybrids where someone has a wolfdog - and I don't know if it gets too big or if it just wants to be free and wanders off." The animal shot near Denton was not directly implicated in any livestock predation, but as FWP warden Zach Norris noted, the ranching family who shot it were well within their legal right to do so. "It was real close to the cattle and residences," Norris noted. "There were domestic dogs in the area and then there were children. It was legitimate for the wolf-like animal to be shot based upon Senate Bill 200. Everything was okay with it." Passed by the Montana legislature in 2013, SB 200 both established a wolf hunting season and made it legal for a landowner to kill a wolf at any time when the wolf is on the landowner's private property and poses "a potential threat to human safety, livestock or dogs." Under SB 200, property owners who do kill a wolf are obligated to contact local authorities and allow them the chance to inspect the animal. "It had already been loaded up and taken to the residence of the landowner," Norris said of the Denton animal. "Typically if that kind of thing happens, we want the animal to lay where it died so we can investigate from the start." Smucker was eager to clear up another misconception sometimes thrown at FWP officials; that the agency is in the habit of relocating problem wolves into areas where they don't belong. "People think that we're out there dropping wolves off everywhere," Smucker said. "Fish, Wildlife and Parks has been managing wolves in Montana since 2003 or 2004, and we've not ever trans-located a problem wolf. The Fish and Wildlife Service tried to do that for awhile, but we just don't do that." According to the department's official Grey Wolf Conservation and Management Report, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks works collaboratively with the federal Wildlife Services to eliminate (kill) Montana wolves with a documented history of livestock depredations. "I heard a guy talking about, 'Oh, I saw a Fish, Wildlife and Parks trailer out in eastern Montana at the gas station. I looked in the back and there's like a dozen wolves in there," Smucker recalled. "I was like, yeah - maybe there was a sled dog team in there? I don't know." The body of the animal shot outside Denton has now been transported, examined and frozen. Results from its DNA testing will likely take weeks to process. Smucker notes that the whole debate over positively identifying the Denton animal is something of a side issue. Yes it's interesting and fun to speculate about, but if a property owner can claim a legitimate threat to the well-being of their family or livestock from any animal; be it a wolf, dog, wolf/dog, dogman or some other mysterious creature, they have the legal right to defend those assets, up to and including using lethal force if necessary. "If you're letting your dog run wild and it's chasing livestock, the property owner has the right to shoot it," Smucker said. "Whether it's a wolf or a dog chasing cows, or a dog that looks like a wolf; in Montana on private land, property owners and livestock producers have every right to shoot a wolf." "Tell us about it and we'll come and get it," he added. "That's about it." Source: Great Falls Tribune -mysterious-creature-montanans-look-answers/634379002/ - CREATURES OF THE WATERY DEEP DEPARTMENT - Scientists Hunt for Unusual DNA in Loch Ness ![]() An
examination of Loch Ness using DNA sampling techniques will try to
establish exactly what lives in the UK’s largest freshwater body by
volume – it may also discover whether there is any scientific basis to
the monster legend. The mission will involve genetic code being extracted from the loch over a two-week period to determine the types of creatures that live there. Prof Neil Gemmell, a scientist from New Zealand leading the global team of researchers, said: “I’m going into this thinking it’s unlikely there is a monster, but I want to test that hypothesis. What we’ll get is a really nice survey of the biodiversity of Loch Ness.” After the team’s trip next month, the samples will be sent to labs in Australia, Denmark, France and New Zealand to be analysed. “There’s absolutely no doubt that we will find new stuff, and that’s very exciting,” Gemmell said. “While the prospect of looking for evidence of the Loch Ness monster is the hook to this project, there is an extraordinary amount of new knowledge that we will gain from the work about organisms that inhabit Loch Ness.” Many believe sightings of the “monster” could in fact be a large fish, such as a catfish or sturgeon. Scientists will explore this theory during their investigation. Whenever a creature moves through its environment, it leaves tiny fragments of DNA from skin, scales, feathers, fur, faeces and urine. Gemmell said: “This DNA can be captured, sequenced and then used to identify that creature by comparing the sequence obtained to large databases of known genetic sequences from hundreds of thousands of different organisms.” He predicts they will document new species of life, particularly bacteria, and provide important data on the extent of several new invasive species recently seen in the loch, such as Pacific pink salmon. A local expert and lead researcher on the Loch Ness Project will also join the team. Adrian Shine told reporters in 2017 that the lasting appeal of the legend was that “as the human world shrinks, people tend to look for something bigger than themselves – something frightening, something mysterious or something hidden”. There was a flurry of excitement among Nessie hunters in 2016 when sonar-imaging revealed something at the bottom of the loch that resembled the shape commonly attributed to the beast. It transpired, however, that Shine and his team had discovered an abandoned prop from the 1970 film The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes. The 10-metre (30ft) model was discovered 180 metres beneath the surface by a robot, which was surveying the loch. Stories about the loch concealing a monster date to the seventh century. Adomnán’s Life of St Columba tells of the saint encountering “a water beast”. Columba, who founded the abbey on Iona, is reported to have a saved a man from the creature by ordering it to retreat. In modern times, more than 1,000 people have claimed to have seen Nessie, which has in turn bolstered the local tourist industry. The nearby village of Drumnadrochit is home to two permanent Loch Ness monster exhibitions. The development of photography sparked wider interest in the legend, and photographs taken in 1933 and 1934 featured on the front pages of national newspapers. The 1934 image, known as ‘the surgeon’s photograph’, which appears to show a creature with an elongated neck and head looming out of the water, is probably the most famous picture of the monster. It was exposed as a hoax in 1994 by Christian Spurling, who said his stepfather, Marmaduke Wetherell, had arranged the stunt with the photographer Col Robert Wilson. The “creature” in the picture was in fact a toy submarine with a fakesnake head attached. Successive scientific examinations, including a 10-year study by the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau in the 1960s and 70s – have produced no evidence that the legendary beast exists. In 2003, the BBC funded an extensive search that used 600 sonar beams and satellite tracking to sweep the loch. The team had speculated that a plesiosaur, a species that became extinct with the dinosaurs, may have survived in the chilly loch, despite the preference of marine reptiles for subtropical waters. However, their search showed there was no trace of such a creature lurking there. The new study’s findings are expected to be presented in January. Source: The Guardian -monster-scotland - GLASS EYES THAT SHINE WITH EVIL DEPARTMENT - Man Claims A Ghost is Trapped Inside Doll ![]() With her blank stare and ever so slightly tilted head, it’s safe to say this doll is pretty freaky. But her unsettling facial expression isn’t the only reason why you should be terrified – because she’s actually haunted. Ben Canham, who unwittingly became the owner of the ghost trapped inside the child’s toy, says he has experienced some mysterious activity since it fell into his possession. The 21-year-old said: ‘It’s very spooky. ‘The weird thing is, some days you walk into the room and the box lid is opened and some days it is closed. It’s very strange. ‘According to the note, previous owners have experienced the box opening and closing by itself just like I have.’ Ben, from Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire, volunteers at a paranormal museum and regularly buys old boxes of junk. And his interest was piqued by a doll wearing Victorian era clothing alongside a wooden box containing a note that said ‘read me’. The note warned that the doll and box were found in an abandoned car in 1990 and were possessed by two spirits, lovers Sarah and Richard, who were bound to them. Ben said: ‘I’ve experienced tapping, knocking and other strange sounds. Once my bathroom light began flicking on and off, on and off, but the switch wasn’t even moving. ‘It is scary but at the same time it is interesting. Interestingly scary.’ Ben has been interested in the paranormal world for years, but began investigating it after the tragic deaths of both his parents when he was in his teens. He says his encounteres with the paranormal have been a source of comfort for him, knowing that there is a spirit world where his parents will be. Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Centre in Hinckley, where he volunteers, has given him a cabinet of unusual items to look after. - The note Ben found with the doll - ‘Hello, thank you for purchasing Richard and Sarah. These items were found in an abandoned car in 1990. ‘The woman who found them took them home. After a few days she started to notice that the doll had moved positions and the box was open. This happened a few times. ‘She started to hear giggling coming from the room that they were being kept in. ‘Eventually the activity grew and she found my aunt and asked for her help. My aunt took the items and held a seance. ‘She learned that the spirits names were Richard and Sarah. They were lovers in life and became bound to the items that meant something to them. ‘Sarah is bound to this doll and Richard to the box. We are unsure how they passed. ‘These items were returned as the buyer reported walking up and down their stairs of a night and began to hear a whisper. ‘This freaked them out and the items were returned. ‘UK law means that I must state that this is for entertainment purposes only. Paranormal activity cannot be guaranteed as experiencing the paranormal is different for each individual. ‘Please use the white sage incense stick if required. Thank you, God bless. xxx’ Source: Metro -7565020/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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