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11/11/18 #979 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: High overhead, the black
helicopter hovered soundlessly. Inside, secret high-tech monitoring
equipment recorded anything that looked suspicious -- and to them,
everything is suspicious! The simplest phone calls, the most innocent
of e-mails, the junkiest of junk mails, all raise flags of warning to
those who listen. To them, freedom means subversion. Privacy means
treason. Innocence means guilt. They watch and wait, for soon
will come the time when once again, e-mail boxes all across the planet
are filled with your number one source of information on conspiracies,
UFO, the paranormal, and much more - Conspiracy Journal!
week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such awe-inspiring stories as: - Why DARPA Is Betting on the "EM Drive" - - The Enduring Mystery of Rosemary Brown's Ghostly Music - - Astronauts Experiences with UFOs - AND: Eerie Outpost Unnerves US Marines with Ghostly Happenings All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ SCREWED BY THE ALIENS True Sexual Encounters With ETs THE SEXTERRESTRIALS ARE HERE – AND THEY WANT TO MATE WITH YOU! THEY SAW THAT THEIR DAUGHTERS WERE FAIR AND TOOK THEM AS WIVES – Genesis 6:1-2, 4The Bible says it in a “civilized way.” But the truth is that since the beginning of time otherworldly entities – no matter how you wish to identify them – have been pillaging and plundering our planet, raping our women, probing our bodies in an ungentlemanly manner, and ostensibly creating a “master race” of alien hybrids by removing the fetuses from artificially inseminated females who have been abducted by UFO occupants around the globe. The aliens then raise the “children” as their own. The molestation's go on, and, despite the credible nature of a large percentage of such encounters, these sensationalist events are perhaps the most closely guarded secret of the UFOlogical community, for fear that such disclosure will lead to ridicule on the part of skeptics, the scientific community, the media, and a large portion of the general public, who have not been privileged to scrutinize the available data – much of which is presented in the pages of this book for the first time. THIS IS NOT “FAKE NEWS!” But One Hundred Percent Documented . . . These are the anal probes, the kidnapping and removal of men, women and couples from the planet for evil, inhuman purposes that often involve molestation and torture. Some of those abducted have literally been branded and physically scarred for life. “Tattoos” have been placed on their skin, and horrific scratch and claw marks can be found on their chests and stomachs, arms, legs and breasts. Some of these markings can only be seen under florescent lighting; others can be viewed with the naked eye because they are so obvious. Here are historical as well as some of the most recent cases of copulation with Reptilians, the handsome Nordic “Space Brothers,” the Greys, insectoids, and a host of other intergalactic stalkers – the real invaders from “Mars” – as taken from the files of some of the top researchers of our time. To paraphrase Cindy Lauper’s 80s smash pop single, there are a few space aliens who it seems are coming here because they “just want to have fun!” So don't delay,
order your copy of Screwed By The Aliens
before this offer expires! Click Here to Order With PayPal You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley Listen to Joshua P. Warren's review of Timothy Green Beckley's book "Screwed By the Aliens" - YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY DEPARTMENT - Why DARPA Is Betting on the "EM Drive" By David Hambling The
law of conservation of momentum says that a rocket (or anything else)
can't accelerate forward without some form of exhaust ejected backward.
But in 1998, a British engineer named Roger Shawyer announced the
seemingly impossible—he had built a closed system that could generate
thrust. Twenty years later and many scientists still call the Shawyer's EmDrive impossible, but that hasn't stopped DARPA, the Defense Department agency that funds potential technological breakthroughs of all kinds, from putting serious money behind it. Here's how the EmDrive works. Imagine you have a truncated cone—a tube wider at one end than the other—made of copper. Seal it, then fill it with microwaves. Like other electromagnetic radiation, microwaves exert a tiny amount of pressure. But because of the shape of this device, they would exert slightly more force on one end than the other. So, even though it’s a closed system, the cone would experience a net thrust and, if you had enough microwaves, it would gradually accelerate. Build it to a large enough scale and you could revolutionize propulsion. But all of this should be theoretically impossible, hence the skepticism hurled by respectable physicists and SGU, a skeptic website that compared the idea behind the EmDrive to someone trying to move a car forward by pushing on the dashboard. Undeterred by the fact that it would seem to be physically impossible, independent imitators testing the EmDrive theory have nonetheless reported small but measurable thrust from their own EmDrives. These include Chinese researchers at Northwestern Polytechnic in Xi’an, NASA’s Eagleworks, and the American company Cannae, which plans to launch a commercial version into space. A German team at Dresden is evaluating the EmDrive and will report next year, though early results suggest thrust measurements could instead be stray magnetic fields. To the physics establishment, these reports of positive thrust are an irritating anomaly, the result of experimental error and wishful thinking. But about a decade ago, before China reported its results, as the idea of a propellant-less drive began to swirl, DARPA quietly got involved, according to Shawyer. “DARPA attended the original 2008 EmDrive meeting at the Pentagon, chaired by Joe Rouge, the then director of the National Security Space Office,” Shawyer told Popular Mechanics. “I was then invited to a meeting with DARPA at their Arlington HQ to discuss an R&D program.” Jess Sponable, formerly a program manager at DARPA in charge of the XS-1 Spaceplane project, says that he maintained an interest in the EmDrive’s progress well before China. Although he did not fund any EmDrive programs, Sponable believes the interest in these findings is justified. “Given the number and diversity of claims about EmDrive and other exotic physics, my opinion then and now is that DARPA should invest modest sums to experimentally assess such claims, albeit only where credible experimental evidence exists,” Sponable told Popular Mechanics. This applies even where the underlying science is unclear or disputed, and especially if there is a risk that someone else, like China, might get there first, Sponable says. “The DARPA mission is to embrace and advance transformational change in the U.S. military, but…we must strive to beat the other guy to the punch line and ensure there will never again be another Sputnik moment,” says Sponable. “If DARPA does not gather this evidence and publish the results, positive or negative, then who in the U.S. government will?” More recently, Shawyer has been in discussion with Mike Fiddy, the manager behind the latest DARPA initiative, Nascent Light Matter Interactions, or NLM. This will explore new and little-understood phenomena, such as the apparent thrust generated by the EmDrive. Fiddy confirms that DARPA has previously funded work related to the EmDrive but says this is a fresh start. “The NLM program is new and is focused on Nascent Light Matter interactions where ‘Light’ implies electromagnetic waves and not only visible light,” Fiddy told Popular Mechanics. DARPA's $1.3 million contract includes developing theories to reconcile the EmDrive with known physics, and the basis of such a theory already exists. Enter Mike McCulloch, a lecturer in geomatics (the math of positioning in space) at the University of Plymouth, U.K. “McCulloch's research will model and test the interaction of light with strongly resonant cavities, and it relies on a prediction from quantum theory that accelerating objects experience a thermal background known as Unruh radiation,” says Fiddy. McCulloch and has already published over 20 papers on his theory of Quantized Inertia, or QI. It’s also known as Modified inertia by a Hubble-scale Casimir effect (MiHsC). This is a radical theory with wide-ranging implications that affects everything from galactic rotation to Dark Energy. McCulloch has already indicated how QI could reconcile the EmDrive with existing physics. “I am approaching it with a sense of opportunity,” McCulloch says. "It would be a game changer because if we understand the thrust effect then we can enhance it." His QI theory has already been met with some resistance, as it challenges some widely accepted but unproven beliefs such as the existence of dark matter. But in science, facts are always king. Rather than the tiny forces claimed by NASA—a few micro-Newtons, or the weight of a large ant—a properly engineered EmDrive could theoretically produce hundreds of milli-Newtons (as claimed by Chinese scientists), similar to the weight of a smartphone. That will make it easier to demonstrate that the thrust is not a measuring error or some other random effect. Rather than microwaves, the experiments to validate McCulloch’s theory will use light with one experiment traveling in a loop and another with a laser bouncing off asymmetrical mirrors. Nobody has built this type of EmDrive before, but the inventor thinks it has some advantages. “There is no reason why EmDrive should not work at optical frequencies,” says Shawyer. “This approach would result in small EmDrive thrusters, with high specific thrust output.” If successful, the technology could be quickly applied to station-keeping for satellites, keeping them in orbit for extended periods. McCulloch says it would cut the cost of space launches by a factor of at least ten. Instead of giant rockets and inefficient rocket boosters which waste energy lifting their fuel, spacecraft could have sleek, efficient, electrical EmDrives. “It would make interplanetary travel easier and will make interstellar travel in a human lifetime possible for the first time,” says McCulloch. But the doubters are still going to doubt, because that’s how science works. Unruh radiation, a key part of McCulloch’s work, is still just a theory, yet to be detected conclusively in the laboratory. As Rochester Institute of Technology astrophysicist Brian Koberlein has noted, the experimental evidence for the EmDrive is currently at the level of background noise. And, as he writes in Forbes, any theory supporting the EmDrive has a lot of work to do: “The idea not only violates Newton’s third law of motion, it violates special relativity, general relativity, and Noether’s theorem. Since these are each well-tested theories that form the basis of countless other theories, their violation would completely overturn all of modern physics.” McCulloch’s work will likely continue under scrutiny, with the smallest details setting off all kinds of intense debate among scientists who live and breathe this stuff. But DARPA has, for the moment, anyway, deemed the potential of a working EmDrive worthy of at least some further investigation. Source: Popular Mechanics - BELIEF RUINS EVERYTHING DEPARTMENT - How Our Perception Of Fact Influences Our Worldview By Luis Elizondo In
our time on earth, human beings have learned that information — or its
absence — can be the difference between life and death. For our
prehistoric ancestors, not knowing a tiger was prowling outside the
cave could constitute a fatal lack of knowledge. We live in a time when the lines between knowledge and belief are increasingly blurred. When I was with the Department of Defense, part of my job was to inform leadership and commanders of the situation on the battlespace. Naturally, providing key leadership with timely, accurate information is critical to maintaining a decisive advantage over an adversary and avoid surprises. When briefing leadership, I found it helpful to separate information into four categories: Information that we know Information that we think Information that we believe Information that we don’t know During these briefings, it was tempting to confuse information I knew to be factual with information I believed to be true. Unfortunately, the confusion between fact and belief can foreclose our ability to receive actual facts and data with an open mind. As you can imagine, when it comes to National Security, knowing and believing can be two entirely different things. As a recent example, prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom, the U.S. Government conflated its knowledge of Saddam Hussein’s military capabilities with the belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. This confusion of information ultimately led to the Iraq War. Without passing on the validity of the invasion, the rationale that weapons of mass destruction would be unleashed on the U.S. by pro-Al Qaeda Iraqi forces was definitely flawed. It’s hard work to revise deeply-held notions about what’s fact and what isn’t, but it’s crucial that we try. There’s a lot at stake. We can’t make progress unless we learn to distinguish between fact and belief. There’s been significant social stigma in recent decades around the topic of UFOs because it’s so often associated with weird conspiracies and, in some cases, straight-up con artists. And many of those who do believe that UFOs exist really only want to believe in aliens, which limits meaningful progress in the field. UAP has even been associated with demons and anti-Judeo Christian beliefs. I experienced this first-hand during my time working at the U.S. Government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), where certain senior government officials thought our collection of facts on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs. In fact, my AATIP predecessor’s career was ruined because of misplaced fear by an elite few. Rather than accept the data as provided by a top-rank rocket scientist, they decided the data was a threat to their belief system and instead, destroyed his career because of it. Although in private each confided to me they knew the phenomena was real, it still contradicted their view of the world and their beliefs. Therefore, they viewed the effort as an affront to their religious narrative and belief system. To be clear, these were some of the most incredibly competent and loyal patriots I have ever had the privilege to work with, and their motivations were sincere. Several were dear friends despite my disagreement that UAP were demonic in nature. If we continue to act on belief alone rather than accompanied by knowledge, we slow down mankind’s progress and prevent ourselves from understanding the natural state of things. Many innovations which the public was initially skeptical of — like vaccines, X-rays, and even the internet — turned out to be extremely beneficial to mankind. It took overcoming cynicism and opening ourselves up to unfamiliar but factual data and observations for society to fully take advantage of these breakthroughs. Knowledge doesn’t necessarily have to be at odds with belief, but any well-grounded belief should always make room for new knowledge. Tabloids, social media, and even politicians profit from conflating knowledge with belief. Today, there are entire industries that profit from obscuring the truth by conflating facts with supposition. Tabloids and gossip columns organize their entire business model based on publishing salacious, yet mostly uncorroborated stories. The logic being, if it’s mostly true, then the entire thing must be true, too. Social media serves to further confuse what we know to be true and what we believe might be true. With a click of a button, people are sharing their opinions as facts, and now more than ever, people are willing to believe in those opinions as facts. One has to look no further than the gluttony of web celebrities pushing commercial goods, from miracle cosmetics to diet remedies to spiritual wellness, each spokesperson du jour swearing by their product, only to move on to another one the next week. Likewise, politicians frequently frame campaign promises in terms of belief. They promise they’ll lower taxes, educate more children, or feed more people, relying on their constituents will believe their words rather than know their voting track record. As voters soon find out, these proclamations are usually based less on facts and more on emotional and personal beliefs. In fact, entire campaign slogans often blur the lines deliberately between knowing and believing. One of the most popular and effective slogans in recent history was recently used by a former Presidential candidate; “Change you can believe in.” Again, I am not passing judgment on any particular party — both parties do it as a habit. But as a voter, it is important to distinguish between a campaign fact and a campaign belief. Our survival hinges on our ability to accept new information. In 17th-century Salem, Massachusetts, villagers’ unfounded beliefs that certain individuals were witches and warlocks were taken as fact, resulting in the torture, drowning, and burning of innocent people. In the present day, of course, we are repulsed by such ignorance, yet it persists in many parts of the world. But whether you’re talking about “witches,” government policies, religion, or anomalies in the sky, it’s critical that we learn how to distinguish between fact and belief. The only thing worse than lacking knowledge is attempting to make decisions based on a false belief. Humans have only been able to accomplish all that we have because we are able to receive and process new information, and adapt to new realities. As for the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, we have a choice. We can allow our beliefs to fill in the gaps or we can continue to doggedly pursue data in hopes that what we know informs what we believe. Source: To The Stars Academy -always-the-same-thing-heres-how-our-perception-of-fact-influences-our-worldview - CHANNELING THE BEYOND DEPARTMENT - The Enduring Mystery of Rosemary Brown's Ghostly Music Ever hear the ghost story about the British woman who claimed she could channel the otherworldly skills of some of classical music's greatest masters? Carleton University PhD student Érico Bomfim has, and found it so intriguing he's devoted years of musicological research to it. Rosemary Brown (1916-2001) was a composer who claimed to also be a spiritual medium. Her particular skill, she claimed, was channeling entirely new works by some of the most important dead composers in western music history. The list is long and includes J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Grieg, Mozart, Schumann, Schubert, Liszt, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy and Rachmaninoff. 'Dictating pieces' "She claimed to be in touch with the spirits of those composers. She claimed to be able to talk to them, and she said that they were dictating pieces to her," Bomfim told CBC Radio's All In A Day. "She didn't seem to have a very deep musical knowledge, and how come a person without a deep musical knowledge would be able to reproduce all those styles?" Through the years, psychologists and musicians have opined about the veracity of Brown's claims — both for and against. But Bomfim believes musicologists in particular haven't done enough to deeply study the works. One of his specific focuses is comparing the sonata form used in the works she attributed to Schubert. Could she have been faking it? The BBC did a documentary about Brown, and Bomfim said a piece Brown claimed to have channelled called Grübelei, in the style of later Liszt works, particularly impressed an important Liszt scholar. But could it have all been a ruse? "That's certainly a possibility and that's certainly what the skeptics think about it, but the thing is, she [wrote] this piece [in front] of the cameras when BBC was recording, and it's quite a complex piece," Bomfim said. "And also ... she didn't seem to have a very deep musical knowledge. She just had some piano lessons, she was not a trained composer. So it's quite hard to believe that she would be able to write that kind of piece, especially if we keep in mind that it's close to Liszt's late style." Bomfim said Brown's method required no ceremony — she didn't act like she was being possessed by the dead composers or anything like that. BBC's footage shows Brown transcribing music "as fast as she could," Bomfim said, sometimes stopping to look off the page and ask questions. "To reproduce so many styles [of classical music], that never happened. There's not any other case besides Rosemary Brown. There are many musicians that are able to imitate styles, but mostly ... it's a humorous practice, playing Happy Birthday To You in Beethoven's style. But those are trained musicians, and they didn't show themselves to be able to write lots of new musical pieces in lots of different styles," Bomfim said. "Rosemary Brown's case is absolutely unique, and that's why I believe it really deserves close attention from musicology." Source: CBC -ghosts-1.4885588 PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
message at 732 602-3407 -
Astronauts Experiences with UFOs
Unexplained aerial phenomena have been reported over the years by many
intelligent and credible people, including police officers, scientists,
astronomers, military personnel, pilots, and even astronauts.
For instance, during the first American orbital flight in February, 1962, astronaut John Glenn, piloting the Mercury capsule, saw three objects follow and then overtake him at varying speeds. Glenn then observed what he called glowing "snowflakes" or "fireflies" that swirled around his capsule. NASA officials surmised that the fireflies were bits of ice that had become detached from the sides of the capsule. Later Mercury astronauts also reported the same phenomena, radioing back to NASA that more "fireflies" could be produced when they tapped on the side of the capsule. Three years later, in June, 1965, astronaut James McDivitt on Gemini 4 photographed and filmed a cylindrical-shaped object with an antenna-like extension. McDivitt said the object was silvery in appearance and was approximately ten miles away. "It looked like a beer can with a pencil sticking out of it at an angle," McDivitt described. After splashdown, the film was sent from the carrier to be processed. When the NASA photo interpreter released three or four pictures of the UFO, a few days later, McDivitt stated that the quality of the photo was so bad that it failed to reproduce what he had seen. NORAD suggested that the object might have been a satellite called Pegasus which was 1,200 miles away at the time, even though the object McDivitt had sighted appeared to be much closer. Then during December's Gemini 7 flight, astronauts Jim Lovell and Frank Borman radioed Mission Control that they had a "bogey" in sight as well as many illuminated particles. NASA suggested that the bogey and particles were fragments from the launching of Gemini 7, but this is impossible if they were traveling in a different orbit from Gemini 7, as the astronauts described. In 1966, during the flight of Gemini 10, two red glowing objects captured the attention of astronauts John Young and Michael Collins as they circled the Earth. They had ventured further into space than any other human at the time, and suddenly both astronauts were amazed to see that two glowing objects now occupied the same orbital path as themselves. The official verdict attributed the objects to space junk discarded from an unmanned Saturn rocket that had been launched earlier that month. But the astronauts were adamant these were not stars and it is difficult to imagine how a manmade device could maneuver in the erratic way the objects did when they suddenly left orbit and quickly disappeared from sight. Code Word Santa Claus Because of the unwanted media attention generated by the Gemini UFO reports, NASA instructed its astronauts to never use words such as "bogey" or "UFO" if they sighted something unidentified. Instead, they were to use the code-word "Santa Claus" when informing Mission Control of unusual activity around their capsules. Additionally, Mission Control stopped allowing the networks to hear live broadcasts from the astronauts. Instead, they initiated a five-second tape delay, possibly to quickly prevent astronauts from accidentally broadcasting any unexpected UFO encounters. This edict came just in time for the Apollo missions to the moon, where both astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin supposedly saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the moon in July, 1969. According to former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams who bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up this message from Apollo 11: "These babies are huge sir...enormous...oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there...lined up on the far side of the crater edge...they're on the moon watching us." These stories were repeated in various UFO magazines, but it was not verified until 1979, when Maurice Chatelain, senior engineer for NASA contractor North American Aviation, confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA. In fact, all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed by space vehicles of unknown origin. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence." The late astronaut Leroy Gordon "Gordo" Cooper Jr. said in 2000 that the government "swept under the rug" the truth about unidentified flying objects. One reason why Cooper was so insistent that UFOs are real was his own personal sightings in the 1950s while assigned to a jet fighter group in Germany. While stationed there in 1952, formations of metallic-looking circular objects passed over the Air Base on an almost daily basis. UFOs continued to haunt Cooper when he was transferred several years later to Edwards Air Force Base Flight Test Center in the California desert. In 1957, he was one of an elite band of test pilots in charge of several advanced projects, including the installation of a precision landing system. He had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a flying saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed. The camera crew managed to get within 20 or 30 yards of the landed disc, filming all the time. It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, and about 30 feet across. As they approached, it took off and disappeared into the clear sky. After the footage was forwarded to Washington, the movie "vanished," never to surface again. When the Air Force later started Operation Blue Book in 1952 to collate UFO evidence and reports, Cooper says he mentioned the film evidence, but the film was supposedly never found. Rumors persist that American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts continue to see UFOs while in space. As many of NASA's programs are funded by the Department of Defense, most astronauts are subject to military security regulations and are forbidden to publicly speak about their sightings. Hopefully, as time goes by and more astronauts retire, they will choose to publicly discuss their UFO encounters. Only then will the public get a better idea of the kinds of strange mysteries that await us in the deep, dark reaches of outer space.
Source: Tim Swartz/Mysteries Magazine -
Black Dogs and UFOs By Nick Redfern Not too long ago a fascinating story was related to me by a colleague from my old home county of Staffordshire, England. “You’re not going to believe this one,” he told me excitedly down the phone. Well, I’ve heard some bizarre things in my time as an investigator of all-things weird, and so I sat back and listened to his story - that was provided to him by the person directly involved. Essentially, the story centers upon a 1991 encounter with the unknown at a place called Castle Ring, which at 801 feet above sea-level is the highest point on a large area of forest in central England called the Cannock Chase. A plateau bordered by the Trent Valley to the north and the West Midlands to the south, the Chase is situated only several miles from where I grew up; and it is a beautiful, expansive area full of dense woods, a variety of wild animals, and magical tales of mystery and wonder. Indeed, the area has a rich and long history of reported encounters with Bigfoot, UFOs, ghosts, big cats and even the occasional wallaby. It has also been the site of a number of disturbing animal mutilations that have been linked with occult activities. Built between 500 BC and AD 40, Castle Ring is an Iron Age structure commonly known as a Hill Fort. Its main ditch and bank enclosure is 14 feet high and, at its widest point, is 853 feet across. Little is known about the people who built Castle Ring or its purpose, except to say that its creators were already in residence at the time of the Roman invasion and remained there until around AD 50. But back to the story, which involves a historian and folklorist who lives in the English city of Lichfield. It is the historian’s belief that all of the weird activity that has occurred on the Cannock Chase - whether it be encounters of the alleged Bigfoot kind or ET kind - is a direct result of people dabbling in archaic rituals and rites designed to conjure up the denizens of some netherworld that co-exists with ours. Such claims are not new, and having experienced more than a bit of high-strangeness myself on the Cannock Chase, I am highly inclined to believe that such a scenario is indeed the correct one. And it seems that the historian has good reasons for coming to such conclusions. It was December 1991, around 10.00 AM on a cold winter morning, and the historian was walking around the Castle Ring, taking photographs, when his attention was drawn to a small, dense - and “hovering” - area of fog situated at a distance of about 250 to 300 feet. Curious as to what would cause such a phenomenon, he headed towards it, with some trepidation, he admitted. As he got within about 20 feet of the fog, he felt his hair become “static and electrified,” and an intense smell of burning metal filled the air: brimstone, no less. But the bizarre activity had barely begun: suddenly, out of the fog loomed a large, and certainly monstrous, black dog. According to the historian, the dog looked in appearance like a cross between an Alsatian (or, for American readers, a German Shepherd) and a Pit-Bull, but was around the size of “a young horse.” The man detected an air of menace from the creature, which, he said, seemed to be “vibrating at a very high speed, like shaking impossibly quickly.” It positively oozed menace, and stamped its leg on the ground “like a bull would when it’s getting ready to charge.” The man slowly backed away, and the black dog did likewise, retreating into the impenetrable depths of the fog. As the man reached a point perhaps 150 feet from the fog, he was both startled and shocked to see a small ball of light “zoom in” over the fog and duly cast down a vivid blue column of light in its direction. In an instant, the fog and the ball of light were gone, the black dog was nowhere to be seen, and normality was restored. So, we might well ask: what on earth was all that about? Well, Britain has a long history and tradition of encounters with such black dogs. In centuries past they plagued the countryside, and to see one was considered an ill-omen, indeed. Death, disaster and untold tragedy were all said to follow an encounter with these spectral beasts. With names like Old Shuck, Black Shuck, and the Shug Monkey, they struck terror into the hearts of the people of Britain during the Middle Ages. Occasionally and curiously, however, the black dogs would act as guides for lost souls, directing them back to the safety of ancient pathways and roads, or direct them away from danger. But whatever they were, the black dogs were certainly nothing normal. Today, encounters with such creatures are reported very infrequently, but they do occur - such as this one at the Castle Ring in 1991. Then, of course, we have the strange, aerial ball of light present at the Ring, that adds significant UFO overtones to the story. Can the whole weird saga be resolved? The historian believes it can. Indeed, he is of the firm opinion that ancient man - who certainly constructed the Castle Ring - had mental abilities that extended far beyond our own, and was able to essentially tap into other realms of existence, and construct “from the mind” images of bizarre and monstrous beasts that inhabited those same realms. The purpose? To act as guardians to prevent any harm being done to the areas that ancient man deemed to be of spiritual significance. It is the historian’s belief that some of the residual energy that led to the creation of these wild images is still in place at Castle Ring and elsewhere; and that when the time is right, they will once again manifest and take up their role as both guardian and protector of the old world. I had come to similar conclusions myself a number of years ago. Of course, this raises deep and important questions about both Ufology and Cryptozoology, such as: how many of the still-elusive things that we pursue are flesh-and-blood entities, and how many may - in reality - originate in realms far stranger than we can possibly imagine? Certainly, the Cannock Chase has been the site of a number of Bigfoot-style encounters that have distinctly paranormal aspects to them, and that have occurred in the exact same locations where significant UFO activity has also been reported. Needless to say, such observations have been made for decades by authorities such as John Keel. But, as this case serves to emphasize, whoever was responsible for those centuries old reports of ghostly black dogs, they were still up to their bizarre tricks deep in the heart of Castle Ring only 16 years ago. Next time you visit a prehistoric site, keep one eye on the sky and one on the ground. If you’re lucky, you may see something far stranger than mere ancient, standing stones… Source: UFOMystic - A PLACE OF WHISPERS AND SHADOWS - Eerie Outpost Unnerves US
Marines with Ghostly Happenings
The Marines found the bone as they scraped a shallow trench. Long, dry and unmistakably once part of a human leg, it was followed by others. They reburied most of them but also found bodies. Three of the graves were close together; in another was a skeleton still wearing a pair of glasses. The Marines covered the grave and told their successors to stay away from it. Observation Point Rock in Afghanistan sits a few hundred metres south east of Patrol Base Hassan Abad, where a company from 2/8 Marines has been stationed for the past seven months. It is a lonely and exposed outpost 20 metres (65ft) above the surrounding landscape, which has been in NATO hands since it was captured from the Taliban in 2008. Groups of Marines are posted to guard it, usually for a couple of months at a time, and “the Rock” has acquired a peculiar reputation. American troops widely refer to it as “the haunted Observation Point”. It is hard to say how much the 100F (38C) heat, round-the-clock guard shifts and months spent living in trenches and peering out of sandbagged firing points have gilded the legend of OP Rock. The only break from the tedium, apart from dog-eared magazines and an improvised gym, has been small-arms or rocket-propelled grenade attacks from the Taleban, usually on a Sunday morning. But as Sergeant Josh Brown, 22, briefed his successor when a detachment of men from Golf Company was swapped for an incoming contingent from Fox Company, he warned of the strange atmosphere and inexplicable phenomena that plagued OP Rock. “The local people say this is a cursed place,” he said. “You will definitely see weird-ass lights up here at night.” Others in the outgoing unit had reported odd sounds. “It is weird what you hear and don’t hear around here,” he added. Each successive detachment that guards the Rock appears to add its own layer to the legend, which has spread through the Marine units pushing into southern Helmand. There is talk of members of the Taliban entombed in caves below; the bodies buried on the summit are identified confidently as dead Russian soldiers from the ill-fated Soviet invasion. Corporal Jacob Lima’s story is the latest addition. One night he was woken by the sound of screaming. It was Corporal Zolik, a Marine who has since been moved to a unit farther south. “He was yelling and begging me to go up to the firing point he was guarding,” Corporal Lima, 22, told the men taking over from him. “When I got there he said that he was sitting there when he heard a voice whisper something in his ear. He said it sounded like Russian. He begged me to stay in there with him till he was relieved from guard duty. After that he really didn’t like standing post up there.” The Marines’ predecessors, a unit of Welsh Guards, also produced tales of the unexpected. “The Brits claimed to see weird things, hear noises,” Corporal Lima said. “Lots of them said it’s creepy at night, especially from midnight till 4am. You see a lot of unexplained lights through night-vision goggles.” Its elevation has clearly made the Rock a natural defensive position for centuries. It is not a rock, though it resembles one. Medieval arrow slits and the remains of fortified turrets on its eastern flank show that this was once a large mud fort that collapsed in on itself and was probably built upon in turn. The locals say that it dates back to Alexander the Great, and another similar structure is visible in the distance to the south, part of a supposed line of such forts built at some point in Afghanistan’s history of invasion and war. When US Marines seized the post they dropped a 2,000lb (900kg) bomb on one side, collapsing part of the structure on to what its current occupants claim was a cave where Taleban fighters were sheltering. “This place really sucks,” said Lance Corporal Austin Hoyt, 20, putting his pack on to return to the main base. “The Afghans say it’s haunted. Stick a shovel in anywhere and you’ll find bones and bits of pottery. This place should be in National Geographic — in the front there are weird-looking windows for shooting arrows. You know, they say the Russians up here were executed by the Mujahidin.” He looked meaningfully at his successors and prepared to leave. Source: The Times (UK) Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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