7/12/20  #1055
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"I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have been growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums. All my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me. Oh, incalculable times again shall I be born." 

- Jack London, The Star Rover

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such curtain-climbing tales as:

- Pentagon Has a 'Lot More' Classified UFO Videos -

 - Crop Circle Season Begins Around the World -

- Family "Steps Back in Time" -

AND: From Tesla to Asahara

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

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Pentagon Has a 'Lot More' Classified UFO Videos
By Aristos Georgiou

The Pentagon has "a lot more" highly classified videos of so-called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), the ex-head of a secretive government program has said.

Luis Elizondo—who once led the U.S. government's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was set up to investigate UAPs—helped facilitate the release of three videos showing unidentified aerial phenomena captured by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015.

In April this year, the Department of Defense published the declassified videos online, which had already been circulating in the public domain following unauthorized releases in 2017 and 2018 by The New York Times and a company co-founded by Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge called To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) that researches unidentified aerial phenomena.

Last year, Navy and Pentagon spokespeople confirmed that the videos—which show strange objects appearing to accelerate incredibly fast, travel at spectacular speeds and perform other unusual maneuvers—are real.

"Am I surprised that the government acknowledged the validity and the veracity of those videos? Not at all," Elizondo, currently director of government programs at TTSA, told Newsweek. "It was a matter of time, they didn't have a choice because ultimately, the paper trail goes back to the authenticity of these videos. And anybody who does a little bit of research will recognize that they are real."

"I knew they were genuine and there's also a lot more the Pentagon currently has, unfortunately remain highly classified," he said. "It is truly a historical moment when you have the United States government and multiple agencies in the organization coming forward and saying that the videos are not only real, but they are truly unidentified aerial phenomena."

While the veracity of the videos has been confirmed, this does not mean that they show alien spacecraft, simply that officials cannot explain the phenomena that the clips feature. Some experts caution that there are several potential explanations for the objects that appear in the videos, such as atmospheric effects and technical glitches in the fighter jet imaging systems, The New York Times reported.

Elizondo stresses that we simply don't know what these phenomena are, saying he welcomed this kind of skepticism.

"I think healthy skepticism is important. I think the more data points we get, the better. I would just encourage those who jump to conclusions prematurely to take in all the data that's available, because it's not just eyewitness testimony. It is electro-optical data from some of the most sophisticated intelligence sensors that we have on the planet. It's also radar data all looking at the same object and coming to the same conclusion that the eyewitnesses are coming to."

"So the only thing I would say is, for those who are sceptical, that's fine, remain skeptical but please do due diligence, do your homework, make sure that you don't cherry pick one piece of information or the other. Look at everything collectively and holistically in order to make an informed opinion. Let's not forget that in today's age of social media, anytime a video comes out within 24 hours, someone has been able to disprove it. In this case, that's never happened. They truly are anomalous."

Source: Newsweek


Crop Circle Season Begins Around the World
By George Knapp, Duncan Phenix

July means summer is in full swing for people in the northern hemisphere. In Europe however, July is also known as the crop circle season. For decades, in the U.K. and several other countries,  strange symbols appear overnight in fields.

Many of them have been proven to be human creations, but there are some that defy explanation.

Crop circle formations are also known as agriglyphs and have evolved from small geometric shapes into gigantic, complicated riddles. Crop circles have been reported for centuries, but gained prominence in the 1980’s and 90’s when the formations grew larger and more intricate.

Within the first weeks of summer 2020, there are already crop circles being reported. Circles have been found in England, Poland, Hungary, and Russia so far this year. One person investigating them did determine these ones to be made with a man and a board to push the plants over.

Back in 1991, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley from England made headlines claiming they were the ones who started the phenomenon in 1978. The two claimed to use simple tools consisting of a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them walk in a straight line.

To prove their case they made a circle in front of journalists; a “cereologist” (advocate of paranormal explanations of crop circles), Pat Delgado, examined the circle and declared it authentic before it was revealed that it was a hoax.

Bower and Chorley claimed to be responsible for all circles made prior to 1987, and for more than 200 crop circles in 1978–1991 (1,000 other circles during this time were not made by them).

While human pranksters make most of them, some crop circle plants contain changes at the cellular level.

Some claim the formations are caused by weather or natural phenomena, or maybe they’re bait to attract tourists, or messages from an unknown intelligence.

All of the recently found crop circles are not the first to be seen and investigated throughout human history. There had been scattered reports of odd patterns appearing in crops, ranging from 17th century pamphlets to an 1880 account in Nature to a letter from astronomer Patrick Moore printed in 1963 in New Scientist.

People in Australia have also reported finding crop circles. In the mid- to late-1960s they were described as places where UFOs had landed.

The same American scientist to prove that Stonehenge is an ancient observatory thinks he’s figured out a language in the formations.

The ratios in genuine circles match perfectly the ratios and what’s known as the diatonic scale in music. In other words, the white keys on a piano. A similar communication was used in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

As a sign of the times, in late May, a 200ft-wide crop circle shaped like a Covid virus mysteriously appeared in a farmer's field in the Wiltshire countryside - the county said to be the epicentre of crop circle tourism - as the start of the new crop circle season begins.

Pictures of the detailed design, found in an agricultural barley field and said to measure approximately 200ft by 130ft, were shared on social media.  

In response to the eye-catching drone snapshots, Heather Barsby said: 'Those aliens are risking it a bit coming here during a pandemic.

'And surely they should go into two weeks of quarantine as well before playing in the crops.'

Richard Marshall added: 'I hope they didn't travel more than five miles. At least we can be fairly confident there weren't more than six of them from no more than two households.'

The exact location of the field has not been revealed to avoid visitors walking there and it is not known how it was made.

Source: Mystery Wire


You Know the Moon Controls the Spirits
By David Metcalf

"The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know; and strange abominations pass evermore between earth and moon and athwart the galaxies. Unnamable things have come to us in alien horror and will come again. And the evil of stars is not as the evil of earth.” – Clark Ashton Smith, from The Beast of Averoigne

Unassuming artifacts – the black specks you see framed by a pale translucent circle in the photo to the right are 'moon rocks' that were on display at the University of Georgia Special Collections Library as part of an exhibit celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Talismans of technological triumph, the precious nature of these tiny fragments was highlighted by the limited duration of their visit to the university campus – a short 2 hours on view to the public – and by a friendly armed guard sitting behind the viewing station.

Rare by mere fact of their origin, the sheer weight of these pieces is hard to put into words and goes far beyond their worth as cultural memorabilia. Their present location on earth is predicated by blood, sweat and sleepless nights – so many lives lost in test flights, lives spent in careers struggling to master the physical realm in order to reach for the stars, and the singular lives of those rare members of our species who trained their minds and bodies to endure the journey beyond earth and into the domain of our most mysterious nocturnal companion. Decades of dull white walls and worn desks, fiery experiments on desert mesas – an entire society organized to support the effort and an entire globe awaiting in anticipation to see if humanity is truly capable of such audacious applications of our collective will.

Before launch, the Saturn V physically towered above Lady Liberty and symbolically spoke to a freedom far more improbable than that which could be secured within the borders of any continent or nation state.  This sense being realized upon the explorers return through the noetic vision brought back by those who journeyed beyond the sky.

As Steven Taylor reminds us in his Psychology Today article, The Lunar Effect: The Psychology of Space Travel:

“Of the 24 US astronauts who traveled to the moon in the late 1960s and early 70s, it seems that the majority had powerful peak experiences during their trip and were permanently transformed as a result.”

Tiny rocks beneath a magnifying glass in the upper floor of a university library embodying the transcendent vertigo of a historic moment when “the real had become more fantastic than the imagined…” Tiny seeds from the past whose slow sprouting continues today as the United States once again reaches outwards with the heady goal of returning to the moon in 2024.

The Moon Controls the Spirits

The rippling effect of such an effort trembles through society in many unexpected ways. J.E. McTeer, one time High Sheriff of Beaufort county South Carolina and a well known root doctor during his life, has a beautiful memoir called Fifty Years as a Low Country Witch Doctor – in it he mentions a local spiritual worker’s concern over the influence that the moon landing will have on the spiritual evolution of the world:

“Dr. Eagle (P.H. Washington) came into prominence as a witch doctor after the death of Dr. Buzzard. He is dead now, but for many years he was very much in the limelight as a news item. Whenever anything distressed him, he would call me in to help him solve the problem. One day Dr. Eagle called me on the telephone. His voice was very agitated, “Can you come to my house? I’ve got to see you,” he said. “Yes, I’ll be there,” I answered.

On arriving I found him waiting on the porch. “Let’s go to my room where we can talk privately.” He came right to the point. “You know the moon controls the spirits and makes the tide rise and fall; people go crazy on the full moon, and that’s when the magic is the strongest. Now I hear that people have landed on the moon. I saw the pictures on TV, but I still think it was a trick camera they used. Man don’t dare land on the moon with the spirits. What do you think?”

I thought hard. This was truly a disturbing happening, for the moon was the abode of the astral spirits whom the witch doctor called for aid. If man desecrated it by his presence, what impact would it have on the witch doctor’s power to invoke this aid? I did not want to lose face with Dr. Eagle, for I was a member of his fraternity.

I said, “I saw the pictures too, let’s just see what happens. Time will tell.” Dr. Eagle said, “I don’t think they landed, but if they did…watch out. Their minds can’t stand it. They are in deep trouble from now on.”

Yes, the astronauts landed on the moon, and I cannot help but think how prophetic Dr. Eagle’s prediction was. Practically every one who participated in the landing underwent a change of personality. There is nothing more frightening to the human mind than the unknown.”

Let us not slight the concerns of experts in a field we do not understand – an old conjurer’s insight is worth more than most even when we suspect a con – so let’s consider it awhile. What would Dr. Eagle say  to the thought of provoking the strife worn and malefic powers of Mars as we seek to send explorers there?

Perhaps it’s too late – the cybernetic extension of our species has already touched the red planet with robot appendages – we have seen some of its surface with mechanical sensors. It may be that today we have conjurers whose occult prowess is ready to harness the potentials unleashed by our most secret science – whose mastery of space and spirit is such that they do not share the fears of Dr. Eagle and his fraternity.

With No Borders,  No Boundaries, and No Divisions

In The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan writes of our relationship to technology such as the Saturn V rocket in very intimate terms – ‘the wheel is an extension of the foot, the book is an extension of the eye, clothing is an extension of the skin, electric circuitry an extension of the nervous system – media by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act – the way we perceive the world. When these ratios change, men change.”

How strange it is then to consider the ramifications of our extended self emerging beyond the boundaries of earth’s immediate atmosphere and into the extended orbit of the moon – stranger still to consider journeys farther afield and eventually far beyond even the outer edges of our solar system.

“We have but a single astronaut channel on YouTube today—we’ll have thousands streaming down in the years to come. Each of these star travelers will share their own personal interpretation of that vision. Each will bring back their own reflections on the Overview Effect—the profound spiritual transformation all astronauts experience as they’re filled with overpowering and transcendent wonder, enlightenment, a sense of shared unity on seeing our homeworld from space. With no borders, no boundaries, and no divisions to keep us apart: how we’re all one people, and one race, sharing one destiny—wholly intertwined and interconnected.”

Futurist and civilian astronaut-in-training Christopher Altman in a Keynote on the Future of Space Exploration presented in 2015 speaks eloquently of what weight lies in the small black specks of moon rock.  Tiny though they are, they hold within them the unfolding of unimaginable futures as our species awakens from present dreams to find the cosmos alive with our own potential for evolution.

Yet for all of the potential here, all too often in our quest to conquer nature we do not always see these areas approached with open innocence and joyful exploration. In our world it is usually the case that we see a small portion of potential ripe for immediate exploitation and pursue it without cause to reflect on what such exploitation leads to over time.

The Distribution of Iron and Titanium Oxides

Such is the sense that comes with recent announcements from NASA on new studies related to the material composition of the moon. Framed though they are in terms of “(clearing) some muddy history about the Moon’s formation,” are we truly expected to trust, with so much emphasis being put space mining as the “new gold rush,” that history is the sole object of these investigations?

“The team emphasizes that the new study can’t directly answer the outstanding questions about the Moon’s formation, but it does reduce the uncertainty in the distribution of iron and titanium oxides in the lunar subsurface and provide critical evidence needed to better understand the Moon’s formation and its connection to Earth.”

Set the controls for the heart of the sun, and your sights on strip mining the galaxy to fulfill an abstract vision of human potential supported by commercial schemes and billionaire’s dreams. So it goes – our civilization is predicated on unbounded resource use, our thoughts of progress and potential evolution dependent on infinite exploitation of every available means to increase our material existence.

Dr. Eagle astutely saw this in his reflection on the 1969 moon landing.

“I don’t think they landed, but if they did…watch out. Their minds can’t stand it. They are in deep trouble from now on.”

More than even the act itself, the will to power that made such a feat possible, breaking such a deep traditional taboo for Dr. Eagle and his fraternity of healers, is the key to humanity’s greatest achievements and the source of its eventually demise if allowed to run unchecked. Having landed, humanity saw the fruit of its efforts rewarded. “Reaching the moon was a giant leap for mankind—and for the businesses behind the project. The Apollo program’s total cost was about $25.4 billion, about $152 billion in today’s dollars.”

Businesses that continue today to drive us forward in stripping the earth, and soon perhaps the stars, of all the resources that can be torn from the universe’s potential.

“The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know.”

So too the mind of a humanity that has lost all bearing in its hungry sense of manifest destiny that extends beyond, with no borders, no boundaries and no divisions.

Source: Exploring the Outer Edges of Society and Mind


Family "Steps Back in Time"
By Stacia Briggs and Siofra Connor

An unsettling time slip in Horning: “The three began to feel uneasy, noting that a strange silence had descended…The landscape became blurry and the houses were replaced by ancient cottages.”

It was Norfolk’s own Picnic at Hanging Rock: a village where time stood still and where a family found themselves transported back in time as they stood in shock. The Margolis family were walking around the beautiful Norfolk village of Horning in the summer of 1978 – possibly 1979 – taking in the riverside views at one of the gems in the Norfolk Broads’ crown. Mr and Mrs Margolis and their 11-year-old son were suddenly overcome with uneasiness – the village had suddenly fallen entirely silent and, as they walked, the trio began to feel increasingly dizzy.

Realisng quickly that something was very wrong, they began to feel not only disorientated, but frightened. The landscape had started to melt away “like a big heat haze’ and the houses that they had looked at seconds earlier turned before their eyes into ancient cottages.

In amazement they watched as the modern road transformed into little more than a muddy track and the cars into carts. A thin man wearing brown appeared walking alongside a battered cart drawn by a large horse: he didn’t so much as glance at the family.

Then, as suddenly as they had moved from one time to another, they heard modern-day noises: cars, voices, the thrum of life with electricity. As quickly as it had appeared, the past had evaporated.

In his book "Cover-Ups and Secrets: The Complete Guide to Government Conspiracies, Manipulations and Deceptions" by Nick Redfern, he quotes an interview given by Mrs Margolis in 1997, after the death of her husband. She said that she appeared to have emerged from the trance-like state induced by the time slip far faster than either her husband or son and that they had seemed “out of it and distracted, as if they were underwater”.

There are many stories from across the world of inexplicable time slips where people find themselves in another dimension or what feels like a parallel universe.

Two are from our neighbour, Suffolk, the first happened in October 1957 when three 15-year-olds were taking part in an orienteering exercise on a Sunday morning when they walked into the village of Kersey and, apparently, a completely different period in time.

There were similarities to what happened in Horning: all the boys could hear was a stream, the modern houses had been replaced by timber-framed buildings and they couldn’t even hear the ducks that looked as if they were splashing in the stream.

Filled with unease, the boys began to look around: there in a butcher’s shop window were skinned oxen, green with age and covered with cobwebs as if the butcher had left in a hurry, weeks earlier.

Houses in the village were bare of furniture, just empty, cold shells. Just then, a shiver passed through all three youths as all felt the icy stare of invisible watchers from all around the village tracing their every step.

Petrified and nauseous, they walked quickly up the village street, eventually pelting away from the strange, medieval-looking houses, pausing only to glance back to check if they were being followed.

Speaking in 1990, William Laing (one of the boys in question) said: ““It was a ghost village, so to speak. It was almost as if we had walked back in time… I experienced an overwhelming feeling of sadness and depression in Kersey, but also a feeling of unfriendliness and unseen watchers which sent shivers up one’s back… I wondered if we’d knocked at a door to ask a question who might have answered it? It doesn’t bear thinking about.”

Another tale is told in Rougham where a stately Georgian home is said to appear and then vanish, leaving no trace: the Rougham Mirage has been spotted since 1860 and up to 2007.

Some believe the sightings represent a time slip which passers-by are experiencing. Author Joan Forman wrote Haunted East Anglia and wrote another about time-slips called Masks of Time, in which she recounted her own experience at Haddon Hall in Derbyshire where she saw a group of children playing at the top of the stairs – who she later discovered were youngsters from the 1640s, not present day. Ms Forman believed the trigger for a time-slip happened when someone was interested in their surroundings but not concentrating on them, allowing the slip to happen. Others believe that ghosts may be living people who have stepped through a time-slip.

We may, however, be able to test the theories for ourselves because if we return back to Horning, there is a persisting belief that the time-slip experienced by the Margolis family occurs in the village once every five years.

The next time it is due to happen? 2023 or 2024.

Source: Eastern Daily Press


Real Vampires and Porphyria

The concept of a vampire predates Bram Stoker’s tales of Count Dracula — probably by several centuries. But did vampires ever really exist?

In 1819, 80 years before the publication of Dracula, John Polidori, an Anglo-Italian physician, published a novel called The Vampire. Stoker’s novel, however, became the benchmark for our descriptions of vampires. But how and where did this concept develop? It appears that the folklore surrounding the vampire phenomenon originated in that Balkan area where Stoker located his tale of Count Dracula.

Stoker never traveled to Transylvania or any other part of Eastern Europe. (The lands held by the fictional count would be in modern-day Romania and Hungary.)

The writer was born and brought up in Dublin. He was a friend to Oscar Wilde and William Gladstone. He was both a Liberal and a home-ruler — in favor of home rule for Ireland. He turned to theatre, and became business manager of the Lyceum Theatre in London. It was his friendship with Armin Vambery, a Hungarian writer, that led to his fascination with vampire folklore. He consulted Vambery in the writing of Dracula, whose main character was loosely fashioned on Vlad the Impaler, a bloodthirsty prince born in Transylvania in 1431.

Medical source of the myth — But where did the myth of vampires come from? Like many myths, it is based partly in fact. A blood disorder called porphyria, which has has been with us for millennia, became prevalent among the nobility and royalty of Eastern Europe. Porphyria is an inherited blood disorder that causes the body to produce less heme — a critical component of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. It seems likely that this disorder is the origin of the vampire myth. In fact, porphyria is sometimes referred to as the “vampyre disease.”

Consider the symptoms of patients with porphyria:

Sensitivity to sunlight: Extreme sensitivity to sunlight, leading to facial disfigurement, blackened skin and hair growth.

Fangs: In addition to facial disfigurement, repeated attacks of the disease causes the gums to recede, exposing the teeth, which then look like fangs.

Blood drinking: Because the urine of persons with porphyria is dark red, folklore surmised that they were drinking blood. In fact, some physicians had recommended that these patients drink blood to compensate for the defect in their red blood cells — but this recommendation was for animal blood. It is more likely that these patients, who only went out after dark, were judged to be looking for blood, and their fangs led to folk tales about vampires.

Aversion to garlic: The sulfur content of garlic could lead to an attack of porphyria, leading to very acute pain. Thus, the aversion to garlic.

Reflections not seen in mirrors: In the mythology, a vampire is not able to look in a mirror, or cannot see its reflection. The facial disfigurement caused by porphyria becomes worse with time. Poor oxygenation leads to destruction of facial tissues, and collapse of the facial structure. Patients understandably avoided mirrors.

Fear of the crucifix: During the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834), 600 “vampires” were reportedly burned at the stake. Some of these accused vampires were innocent sufferers of porphyria. Porphyria patients had good reason to fear the Christian faith and Christian symbols.

Acute attacks of the disease are associated with considerable pain, and both mental and physical disturbance. This condition has been ascribed to the English King George III, although subsequent analysis has shed some doubt on porphyria as the cause of his “madness.”

Porphyria — Nowadays, with our scientific knowledge of porphyria, instead of fearing these folks, we can love and care for them. Porphyria remains incurable, and treatment is mainly supportive: pain control, fluids and avoidance of drugs and chemicals that provoke acute attacks. Some success has been achieved with stem cell transplants.

Could Stoker have known of the existence of porphyria, and/or its link to vampire folklore? It was only in 1911, eight years before Stoker’s book appeared, that the diseases of porphyria (there are several types) were classified by H. Gunther. However, physician, researcher and author George Harley had described a patient with porphyria a few years earlier.

Through his gothic novel, Stoker surely wins the prize for the best example of myth entangled with medicine!

This story is an edited excerpt from the book Of Plagues and Vampires: Believable Myths and Unbelievable Facts from Medical Practice by Michael Hefferon.

This article was originally published on The Conversation by Michael Hefferon at Queen's University, Ontario. Read the original article here.

Source: Inverse


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Newton's Belief in Spirits May Have Led to the Theory of Gravity

Isaac Newton's belief in spirits and alchemy may have been essential to achieving his towering scientific achievement.

Hot on the heels of Isaac Newton's apple appearing at the Paralympics comes a new celebration of his life and achievements. The Gravity Fields Festival begins on Friday in Grantham, Lincolnshire. For eight days, Newton's life and times will be commemorated by more than 100 events around the town, during what could become a biennial event.

Grantham lies close to Newton's birthplace, Woolsthorpe Manor, and contains the King's School, which the young Isaac attended. On Saturday at 3pm a blue plaque in his honour will be unveiled by the Astronomer Royal, Sir Martin Rees.

Often wrongly portrayed as a cold rationalist, Isaac Newton is one of history's most compelling figures. It is true that he was capable of the most precise and logical thought it is possible for a human to achieve: his three years of obsessive work that gave birth to the Principia, containing his theory of gravity, stand as the greatest achievement in science.

Just as certainly, though, he was also consumed with what we would now view as completely unscientific pursuits: alchemy and biblical prophesy.

Alchemy was a major passion of Newton's. In a footnote on page 21 of Richard Westfall's meticulous biography, Never at Rest, the author states: "My modes of thought are so far removed from those of alchemy that I am constantly uneasy in writing on the subject … [Nevertheless] my personal preferences cannot make more than a million words he wrote in the study of alchemy disappear."

Historian and novelist Rebecca Stott wrote in her novel Ghostwalk that with those words, "Westfall admitted to wishing that he could make those million words disappear." That may be stretching it somewhat but clearly Newton's alchemy is a bit of an embarrassment to modern scholars.

Then there was Newton's biblical prophesy. In almost the same years that he was working on the Principia, he also wrote a treatise on Revelation in which he talked about souls burning in lakes of fire. With talk like that, he could have been the lyricist for Iron Maiden. (He had the hair too.)

Tempting as it is to dismiss all of this as somehow removed from Newton's science, his belief in spirits and what the alchemists called active principles almost certainly allowed him to conceive gravity in the mathematical form that we still use today.

In Newton's time, the natural philosophers had turned their backs on astrology and with it, the idea that influences could simply leap across empty space. Instead impulses had to be transmitted through things touching one another. So, if there was a force coming from the Sun that moved the planets, then it had to do so through a medium.

Perhaps it was a fluid, driven to circulate by the rotation of the sun, which carried the planets around. This was the thinking of French philosopher René Descartes.

Yet Newton could not make the mechanical solution of Descartes work. The vortices simply could not reproduce the changes in speed of the planets as they approached the sun.

Alchemy offered a way out by having as a philosophical underpinning that non-material influences – spirits – existed. These needed no physical contact and could induce transformations or movement through the triggering of "active principles" within an object.

Primed to believe in these ideas, Newton discovered a simple, elegant mathematical equation that described the behaviour of gravity without the need for an intervening fluid. Gravity apparently worked across empty space. He called this principle "action at a distance" and instead of "spirit" began using the word "force" to better reflect its mathematical character.

His equation also reveals the "active principle" that governs an object's response to gravity. It is mass. With such direct analogies to spirits and active principles, Newton must surely have felt some sort of vindication for his alchemical beliefs.

The theory of gravity was so successful that it became one of the triggers for the Age of Enlightenment. Although hardly anyone now believes in the concept of alchemy, we do still believe that gravity can exert an influence across empty space. Engineers still use Newton's maths to launch satellites and send spacecraft to distant planets.

So was Sir Isaac a scientist or a sorcerer? In truth, he was a bit of both. And that was why he could succeed where others had failed.

Source: The Guardian


From Tesla to Asahara
One Japanese Death Cult's Insane Attempt to Split the World in Two

On May 28, 1993, a remote and dusty thicket of the Australian outback shook for hundreds of miles around. Deep reverberating explosions could be heard far and wide, the night sky illuminated by sporadic flashes of unexplained light—all this allegedly witnessed by heavy goods drivers, gold prospectors and nomads traipsing the bush. Three truckers even spoke to an Australian geologist about the lights, claiming that they’d seen a “moon-sized fireball” which flew “from south to north with the speed of a jet plane.” They said “it was yellow-orange in colour and had a small blue-white tail, which lit up the sky as it headed immediately west for Banjawarn station.”

The strange event registered just shy of 4.0 on the Richter scale. Its blast could be heard over a radius of 90 square miles. The Australian government later dismissed the mysterious temblor as “probably being natural in origin”. IRIS, the U.S. federal seismology agency, said that the Earth-shaking detonation was “170 times larger than the largest mining explosion ever recorded in that Australian region” and was proven to have the force of a nuclear bomb.

Some scientists speculated that it could’ve been a meteorite. But authorities found no signs of a crater as they searched for one via helicopter. Despite the fact that the epicentre of the ominous blast pointed in all directions to a remote research facility manned by Aum Shinrikyo, the notorious Japanese death-cult noted for its attempts at mining uranium and its grim obsession with alternative weapons technology, the whole event was eventually shrugged off and forgotten about.

That is until two years later, when Aum waged its most brutal and notorious attack to date.

On March 20, 1995, deadly sarin nerve gas was released on the subways of Tokyo via five trains. The stunt killed 13 people and harmed over 5,000 others in what is considered the worst act of terrorism in Japanese history. The caustic gas – a Nazi invention used to kill Jews – was pumped into plastic bags and dispersed by five men who pierced the sacks with their umbrellas while shuffling out of the tube. These men were all members of Aum, whose ideology centers around preparing for a final nuclear skirmish with “The Powers That Be” as the end of days approach.

Those behind the gassing weren’t your average brainwashed cultists, though. These men all held professional qualifications that would hang prestigiously on any office wall. Among their ranks were a senior medical doctor and four graduated physicists—one of whom even finished with honors and a Master’s degree. They had the whole thing planned to a T, with getaway drivers and maps detailing their poisoning route. Most of the accused were eventually caught and hung for their crimes.

But the oddball leader of the cult, Shoko Asahara, seems to have slipped through the cracks. Asahara was likewise condemned to being hanged, only the guy has mysteriously vanished within the Japanese prison system. There’s no clear evidence confirming he’s ever kicked the gallows, or not, because Japanese authorities say he’s alive. Yet his execution date past eight years ago. What’s certain, though, is that Asahara founded the cult in 1984 on a mixed bag of beliefs, which he deemed “The Supreme Truth”. He also believed he was a reincarnation of the Hindu god Shiva. And as commander of the sarin gas attacks, his aim was to throw authorities into chaos, hoping it’d hinder their snowballing investigations into the cult.

The group, now known as Aleph, is said to have over 50,000 members worldwide. They’ve kidnapped and murdered an anti-cult lawyer and his family for speaking out against them. They even have a lavish commune at the base of Mount Fuji. In 1990, members of the cult were convicted of murder after injecting toxins into the neck of an escapee’s brother at the mountainside compound.

The ruthless Aum Shinrikyo was back in the news in January when a senior member turned himself in on New Year’s Eve. He’d been on the run for 17 years. And so there he sat, guilty in the dock, trying to prove he wasn’t too deeply involved with this insane cult by making strange faces and growling noises at the jury. By June, two more at-large Aum members were arrested – then one more, believed to have been a driver in the tube attacks and reportedly the “last remaining Aum member”, was caught. Now, rumors are circulating on the dark web that diehard Aum Shinrikyo followers are reforming to fight off whatever evil is headed our way come late December.

We’ll see about that. These are rumors, after all. I’m not saying the world isn’t visibly slipping into a state of imminent collapse, but I don’t think an all out head on collision will erupt by the time December 21 rolls around, and the prospect of Aum Shinrikyo starting a nuclear war to combat the apocalypse is even less likely.

Even so, just given the group’s previous history—they’ve been “investigated by the CIA” for trying to buy nuclear warheads, and it’s even said that they had at one point infiltrated the Kremlin—you’d be hardpressed to wholly ignore what could’ve been the Aum’s biggest and most terrifying accomplishment to date: a Tesla death ray potentially capable of causing ground shaking knells not unlike a severe earthquake. It sounds a bit ridiculous, sure. But that brings us back to the 3.9 Richter-scale explosion out in the Australia outback.

The bizarre cult came to be after the almost blind Shoko Asahara took a trip to the Himalayan Mountains and found “enlightenment” at high altitude. The doctrine for Aum Shinrikyo followed: an amalgamation of Hindu and Buddhist spirituality beliefs, Bible scriptures and Nostradamus-like endtimes predictions. Asahara claimed he could save his followers when the end of the world strikes, and that he could teach them the art of levitation. He even offered up his blood and bathwater for them to drink—for a price, of course. Somehow, the cult gained a huge following and earned itself a cut-throat reputation after its ranks began murdering anyone who attempted to leave or argued with their beliefs.

As Aum’s following intensified, so did their plundered finances. And shortly after a failed attempt at dispersing botulinum bacteria (the most powerful neurotoxin on earth, which is injected regularly into the faces of rich housewives in the form of botox) from their main offices in Japan in 1993, they decided to pack up and head for Australia.

With a collective fortune then reported to be around $1 billion, Aum Shinrikyo used some spare change to purchase 500,000 acres of land in a desolate part of Western Australia called Banjawan. So now, with a totally isolated plot the size of London situated in the wild outback of Oz to play around with, the doomsday cult members began transporting hulking gear into the country. The imported items included a JCB mechanical digger, mining equipment, an underground excavating machine, huge electric generators, gas masks, respiratory devices and manual quarrying equipment. The self-proclaimed alchemists also attempted to import lethal chemicals—substances like hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphate and ammonium water. Some of these were labelled falsely as harmless liquids and confiscated by Australian Customs on the way in.

The Australian police filed a report at the time stating that the travelling cult members as a collective paid $20,000 in extra fees for their lethal baggage. But despite the would-be tip off, Aum members were allowed to move into Banjawan, where they set up a “research facility”. Staff at this nerve-gas producing, uranium-mining laboratory are said to have not only represented highly educated and unhinged cult members, but also included two recently resigned Soviet nuclear scientists.

To say that a 50,000-strong Japanese doomsday cult bent on stockpiling weapons for the Four Horsemen’s arrival; with privately-owned land the size of a major city; hundreds of millions of dollars; a pair of Soviet scientists in tow; an unrelenting desire to spur death and destruction; and what would become a deep understanding of Tesla weaponry, worked with Soviet professors on their rural Australian experiments, may at first sound like something spouted from lips of the lizard-fearing David Icke. But sure enough, in 1992 Asahara was pictured rubbing shoulders with Oleg Lobov. Lobov was one of Boris Yeltsin’s closest confidantes, and the chairman of the Russia-Japan College.

This hardly proves the theory. But the cult’s trip to the Yugosphere before their Australian outing flags up some interesting information—as does the fact that the CIA later discovered they’d been trying to buy nuclear warheads from the Russians.

It was reported by the New York Times in 1997 that a collective of Aum Shinrikyo members were sent to former Yugoslavia in 1992 to study the life and works of the seismic weapons expert, AC-current discoverer, scientist and lightning provocateur, Nikola Tesla. The cult members poured over Tesla’s thesis and researched many of his electromagnetic weapon theories, possibly with the aim to learn how to create them and stockpile them for their own armoury.

Their interest in plasma, earthquake and weather altering weaponry became so serious that the U.S. Senate and Air Force slyly launched an investigation into the cult. As a representative of the International Tesla Society told the investigators: “Aum’s interest focused on Tesla’s experiments with resonating frequencies, in connection with artificially creating earthquakes.” They also tried to get hold of patents to some of Tesla’s inventions, contraptions that the man himself stated could “split the world in two”.

After this, of course, the U.S. Senate and the CIA properly delved into the group’s Australian antics. A full investigation was launched, the true evidence of which will probably never see the light of day unless someone like Wikileaks manages to unearth the secret documents. The whole thing then just conveniently drifted into the grey areas of tinfoil-hatted folklore.

So for now, at least, we’re left with more questions than answers. Is Shoko Asahara still alive? Did his singular cult in fact create (and test!) something akin to Tesla’s notorious death ray at an abandoned sheep station in the Australian outback? I don’t know. But you just cannot make this stuff up. Join the dots with an open mind and, well, the whole awful thing is plausible. There is a distinct possibility that Aum Shinrikyo were the first, and so far the only people to have ever created and tested a non-government-sanctioned nuclear weapon.

Think about it. They have tens of thousands of members worldwide. They’ve had university trained physicists pop what were essentially giant nerve-agent balloons on Tokyo subways, killing more than a dozen and harming untold thousands of others, all to roadblock the hounds. They have around $1 billion in their bank account and have evident links with a once despotic government. If there was ever the perfect recipe for a cult procuring killer, earthquaking Tesla weaponry, this was surely it.

Here’s hoping Japan’s most notorious cult of fringe-science-loving terrorists don’t follow through on sketchily-lain threats to wage battle against Mayan doomsday prophecies. Who knows, by the holidays Mt. Fuji, the site of one known Aum/Aleph commune, will maybe have blown its lava-dome to high Hell. And that goes for any chance of Shoko Asahara rising from the depths to wage war again as well, because no amount of doomsday prepping will protect anyone from a makeshift Tesla tractor beam tearing through your apocalypse shelter.

Source: Motherboard

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