4/21/19 #1001 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1001.html Dark forces are oozing their
way into the cracks of society. Those who proclaim themselves beloved
of God are actually tap-dancing with the devil. Evil is being used to
combat evil - with the innocents as pawns of death. We have been
convinced that our jobs, education, health care, and freedoms are
unimportant and unpatriotic by those who say that they must destroy
freedom and Democracy in order to save it. And now, we stand on the
brink, high-fiving Satan and thanking him as he pushes us all over the
edge and into the abyss.
- U.S. Navy Patent for "Inertial Mass Reduction Device" - - Lorraine Warren Dies at 92 - - Chupacabras? No: Rhesus Monkeys! - AND: Son Fights for Father’s Frozen Head All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ALIEN BASES EXIST ALL AROUND US! ALIEN BASES EXIST ALL AROUND US
THEIR OCCUPANTS LURK IN THE DARKNESS OF THE SHADOW WORLD THESE ARE THE STRONGHOLDS OF THE ULTRA-TERRESTRIALS, THE MYSTERIOUS ABODES FROM WHICH THEY TERRORIZE AND TORMENT THEIR HUMAN PREY -- AS WELL AS OFFERING FRIENDSHIP AND ADVICE FROM TIME TO TIME There is evidence that human-looking ETs may be living right down the road from you, hidden in some secluded base of operations. They have been seen to emerge from a landed craft and then observed in the checkout line of the local supermarket the next day. Should they be "found out" and followed into the parking lot just a few feet away, they are seen to vanish right before the eyes of stunned witnesses. Some UFO strongholds are believed to be located high in the mountains – such as Mount Shasta, Mount Olympus, at the highest points of the Andes and around the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. Other ET bases are located way back in the jungles of Mexico and along the Amazon. Still others require diving and sonar equipment to pinpoint the aliens’ watery world. Additional bases are “hidden” in plain sight. They could be in what seem to be abandoned buildings. Or out-of-the-way castles or mansions that can house a sizable encampment of Ultra-terrestrials. They might be concealed along darkened trails that lead to the swamplands of America, or in the unpopulated areas of Australia’s Outback. One of the most hidden alien bases is believed to be within forty miles of the White House. For decades we have collected a multitude of reports that have come our way, regulating some to the waste basket because they lack credibility. Others remain in our “grey basket,” because they have yet to be proven or disproven, while the remainder might lead us to some well-deserved discoveries if we manage to enter the star gate that is poised on the dark end of sundown. It’s believed – and we are seeking concrete proof – that at least some of those researchers who have gone in search of alien “hangouts” have never returned to give accounts of what they came across. Such a case would be that of Raymond Bernard, who entered the jungles of Brazil in search of an alien cavern base. The intrepid explorer might have gotten snatched by the reptilians or Richard Shaver’s “Dero,” who want to keep well secluded from the prying eyes of the human race. Others, more lucky, have returned to share their positive experiences with friends and associates. You
are invited to join our quest for the emerging truth about such
potentially catastrophic cosmic matters. Who knows? Perhaps the next
alien stronghold to be discovered might be just a few blocks away or
down the road, right in your very own neighborhood. So keep your eyes
wide open, for it would be a world-changing revelation, one that would
not only make the evening news but cause us to rewrite the history of
humanity. The Ultra-terrestrials’ footholds on our earthly plane are
numerous, and this book offers a unique look into some of these alien
fortresses. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! Click Here to Order From the Conspiracy Journal Bookshop. - TO INFINITY AND BEYOND DEPARTMENT - U.S. Navy Patent for "Inertial Mass Reduction Device" The US Navy has been granted a patent for an advanced aircraft which resembles a triangle-shaped UFO.
Military inventors filed plans for a highly unusual flying machine which uses an ‘inertial mass reduction device’ to travel at ‘extreme speeds’. What that means is that the aircraft uses complex technology to reduce its mass and thereby lessen inertia (an object’s resistance to motion) so it can zoom along at high velocities. The patent is highly complex and describes methods of reducing the mass of an aircraft using various techniques including the generation of gravity waves, which were first detected in 2016 after being produced when two black holes collided. ‘It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime,’ the patent says. The craft described in the patent features a cavity wall filled with gas, which is then made to vibrate using powerful electromagnetic waves. This then creates a vacuum around the craft, allowing it to propel itself at high speeds. The UFO-style ship can be used in water, air or even space. 'It is possible to envision a hybrid aerospace/undersea craft (HAUC), which due to the physical mechanisms enabled with the inertial mass reduction device, can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds… and enhanced stealth capabilities,’ the patent continues. ‘This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a vacuum plasma bubble/sheath.’ Although the US Navy applied for the patent in 2016 and it was granted last year, it doesn’t necessarily mean the craft has been built and tested. However, the technology is further evidence of the military’s interest in developing ‘exotic’ technologies. Earlier this year, it was revealed that US government researchers investigated wormholes, antigravity, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons during a probe into ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ called the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP). Details of AATIP were first released in 2017, including reports of a sighting made by fighter pilots from the USS Nimitz. These pilots saw a huge patch of churning, turbulent water the size of a Boeing 737, suggesting something was beneath the surface, as well as a ‘tic tac’ aircraft which zoomed off at almost impossibly high speeds. Nick Pope, former UFO investigator at the Ministry of Defence, was asked if he saw any similarities between the patented design and the Nimitz Tic Tac. ‘A hybrid craft, capable of flying both in the air and underwater, is uncannily similar to what was reported in the USS Nimitz incident from 2004,’ he said. ‘There was a similar incident of a UFO flying underwater in Puerto Rico in 2013. The possible connection between the USS Nimitz incident and this patent is intriguing, and it’s interesting that the US Navy seems to be the link here. ‘It’s possible that the patent is inspired by the incident and is part of an attempt to work out the technology behind the objects that were chased by the Navy F-18s. This is known as ‘reverse-engineering’.’ Pope said a ‘key question’ is how the plans fit in with the wider AATIP project. In the latest patent, author Salvatore Cezar Pais mentions Harold Puthoff, a key figure in AATIP who commissioned the 38 papers exploring exotic technologies, which were then used by Defense Intelligence Agency durings briefings filed with the US Congress. 'The papers that got media attention related to anti-gravity, invisibility cloaking, warp drive and wormholes, but a key point is that many of the papers relate to exotic propulsion systems – not just the technology that would enable us to build a faster aircraft, drone or missile, but the technology that we’d need for interstellar travel,’ Pope added. ‘These patents might be the first steps in taking humankind to the stars.’ Pope was asked if he believed the craft in the patent had ever been built. This patent for a “craft using an inertial mass reduction device” is fascinating, and is one of three patents filed by US Navy scientist Salvatore Cezar Pais. ‘The other one of his patents that caught my eye was one for a “high-frequency gravitational wave generator”. It’s sometimes hard to tell where the boundary lies between fringe science and science fiction. Furthermore, even if the theoretical physics turns out to be sound, aeronautical engineers still have to be able to build something, if any of this is to have any tangible effect. ‘If they have built the technology described in the patents, I’m sure the program is highly classified. The bottom line is that if any of this works, we’re in game-changing territory.’ Source: Metro https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/18/us-navy-secretly-designed-super-fast-futuristic-aircraft -resembling-ufo-documents-reveal-9246755/ - OBITUARY DEPARTMENT - Lorraine Warren Dies at 92 By Geoff Herbert Paranormal investigator
Lorraine Warren is dead at age 92, The New England Society for Psychic
Research announced Friday morning.
Lorraine and her husband Ed Warren created the New England Society for Psychic Research in the 1950s. NESPR still operates today, even after Lorraine’s retirement and Ed’s death in 2006. “It is with deep sadness that I must announce that Lorraine Warren has passed away," her son-in-law Tony Spera said in a statement. "She died peacefully in her sleep at home last night. The family requests that you respect their privacy at this time. Lorraine touched many lives and was loved by so many. She was a remarkable, loving, compassionate and giving soul. To quote Will Rogers, she never met a person she didn’t like. She was an avid animal lover and contributed to many animal charities and rescues. She was wonderful and giving to her entire family. May God Bless her.” Ed Warren worked as a demonologist and Lorraine was a trance medium; they lived and operated in Connecticut, but traveled to investigate supernatural phenomena. The Warrens were among the most famous real-life investigators of alleged hauntings and possessions. Lorraine, was a self-described “trance medium," who, along with Ed, investigated supernatural phenomena. Their exploits included an investigation of the Amityville Horror house on Long Island, which was dramatized in James Wan’s 2013 film The Conjuring, with Vera Farmiga playing Lorraine opposite Patrick Wilson’s Ed. The film co-starred a creepy doll named Annabelle, which was spun off into its own franchise. Farmiga and Wilson returned for The Conjuring 2, which led to another spinoff in what has become known as the Conjuring Cinematic Universe, The Nun, which was released last year. In a 2014 interview with Yahoo Entertainment, Lorraine explained how filmmakers changed the doll’s look for the film. In reality, the purportedly possessed Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll, which still resides in the Warrens’ Connecticut museum behind a pane of safety glass. “It would be quite careless on my part to get rid of it. As explained in The Conjuring, getting rid of the doll would only get rid of the vessel, not the evil that resides within the doll,” Warren explained, adding that she had a Catholic priest perform a prayer to keep the evil spirit inside. “The evil can’t penetrate the holy prayers that bind it. Think of it as similar to an electric dog fence — keeping the dog within set boundaries,” she said. “We allow no one to touch or handle the doll. Because by touching it, a person’s aura may mingle with the aura of that evil force within the doll, and cause great harm to the person,” she explained, saying she felt it was her duty to protect the world from such bad spirits. Farmiga, who is slated to continue to star as Lorraine in The Conjuring 3 in 2020, tweeted a heartfelt tribute. “My dear friend Lorraine Warren has passed,” Farmiga wrote on Twitter. “From a deep feeling of sorrow, a deep feeling of gratitude emerges. I was so blessed to have known her and am honored to portray her. She lived her life in grace and cheerfulness. She wore a helmet of salvation, she dawned her sword [of] compassion, and took a shield of faith. Righteousness was her breastplate, and she has touched my life so. Love you Lorraine. You’re waltzing with Ed now." Source: Syracuse.com https://www.syracuse.com/celebrity-news/2019/04/lorraine-warren-dead-the-conjuring -paranormal-investigator-was-92.html - JUST LIKE HIS GRANDDAD DEPARTMENT -
Man Spots ‘Loch Ness Monster Speeding’ Through Water An Inverness man has spotted the Loch Ness Monster "going at speed" across the famous loch - fifty years after his grandad's own sighting. Rory Cameron, 36, spied the strange movement in the water recently after visiting his pal nearby. And his video footage has stumped everyone who's taken a look. He said: "I was coming from a friend's house near the top of the loch last week when I saw something in the water. "It was going at some speed, I've never seen anything like it before in my life. "I've lived in the area for 20 years and I've driven on the A82 every day of that time. "I've never spotted anything like this. "And nobody can work out what it is, it's really strange." Rory, who's MD of Cobbs Bakery in Drumnadrochit, isn't the first member of his family to have an encounter with the elusive Nessie. He revealed that his grandad, who was a member of the police, saw something in the 1960s. He said: "You know, I do believe there's something out there. "My grandad spotted something back in 1962 I think it was. "He couldn't identify what it was back then and I'm the same now. "My clip isn't like a lot of sightings, this thing was really moving fast. "And it looks tiny too, compared to some of the boats on the loch. "It was definitely going somewhere". A woman from Manchester claimed to have spotted and photographed the creature on February 23. Lisa Brennan, 30, and her partner, Danny, 37, were driving near to Urquhart Castle when they made the first February sighting. Lisa's snap shows a L-shaped black object on the water which could be taken as the head and neck of Nessie. She said the object disappeared shortly after she took the image. Lisa said: “We were driving around the loch and as we got to Urquhart Bay, just before the castle, I spotted a dark object around 3ft tall above the water surface. “I shouted, ‘Oh my god I've just seen something.’ He slowed down the car, didn't believe me but each to their own. "By the time I had got the camera ready on my phone the object had lowered into the water so I only managed to get as much as I did on the photo as it then disappeared into the water. “I made him turn around at the castle and go back to see if we saw anything else but unfortunately we didn't. "Danny didn't see anything as he was driving, but said my reaction to what I saw was very convincing.” Source: The Scottish Sun https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/4134649/inverness-man-loch-ness -monster-grandad-sighting/ PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail mrufo8@hotmail.com for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
message at 732 602-3407 - A CRYPTID QUANDARY DEPARTMENT - Chupacabras? No: Rhesus Monkeys! By Nick Redfern They say that truth is
stranger than fiction. And they are right – whoever “they” actually
are. For me, at least, this really hit home on an expedition I made to
Puerto Rico in 2010. It turned out to be one of the most memorable, and
strangest, of all my many treks around Puerto Rico, in search of the
Chupacabra. It was a Thursday afternoon in January, and, as so often
happens, I got a telephone call out of the blue from a television
production company that was interested in having me on a new
documentary that was just about to be filmed. One of the first
questions that the researcher asked me went something like this: “Do
you know of any witnesses to the Chupacabra who we can speak to?” Well,
yes, I did. Plenty of them. I still do! One of the witness was a woman
named Guanina. I met her several years earlier – on a previous TV
shoot on Puerto Rico. She lived in Moca, situated on the west side of
the island, and which was founded in 1772 by one Don Jose de Quinonez.
It had been some time since I had first briefly met Guanina, but I told Mark – the guy behind the show – I would give her a call and see if we could get things moving. Fortunately, she remembered me; we had a laugh and a joke on the phone about how, on my earlier trip, all the kids in the neighborhood had come running out to see what was going on when we did a bit of background filming on the outskirts of Moca. Guanina had been a godsend: she and her husband ran a small café and had generously supplied us with plenty of water and soda, as the cameras rolled under a merciless sun. We were soon to interview Guanina. Mark thought we were going to get a definitive tale of the Chupacabra. What he got, however, was something very different – but something very intriguing, too. Around 2:00 p.m. on the afternoon of our first day of investigation, Mark and I arrived at the café. Guanina gave me a big hug, thrust a cold can of Sprite into my hand, and dished up for me a great meal. Guanina, forty-something, dark-haired and tanned, had an interesting theory about a creature that, back in the mid-1970s, became briefly legendary in the area. It was known as the Moca Vampire, a winged, blood-sucking monster. It was a theory, however, that dated back to around 1987. Mark, barely able to contain himself, eagerly set up his camera and started rolling, as Guanina and I settled back in our chairs to chat. A teenager back in 1987, Guanina used to enjoy walking the hills around Moca. That is, however, until a decidedly traumatic, and even horrific, experience occurred in May 1987 and put paid to all of that. As she strolled around the pathways, Guanina suddenly heard the unmistakable screech of a pig in distress. She raced up the hill, for a further forty or fifty feet or so, and was confronted by a shocking sight: six or seven monkeys were viciously attacking the poor pig, which, by now, was on the ground and clearly close to being in mortal danger. Guanina shouted at the monkeys, which suddenly ceased their attack, and turned their eyes away from the pig and onto Guanina. For a second or two, there was a tense stand-off. Fortunately, however, the monkeys merely made violent, screaming chatter and then raced away into the deeper grass of the hill. Equally fortunately, the pig – although obviously traumatized, but not physically hurt – unsteadily rose to its feet, stood around for a few minutes, presumably trying to get its bearings, and then wandered off into the undergrowth. Not surprisingly, a terrified Guanina raced down the hill to the safety of her home. When Guanina told her parents what she had just seen, all three decided to look into the matter further. Scanning various books in the local library, they were soon able to identify the attacking animals as Rhesus monkeys. There were, however, two things that quite rightly puzzled the family: although there are hundreds of Rhesus monkeys on the nearby island of Cayo Santiago – at the Caribbean Primate Research Center – there should not have been any on mainland Puerto Rico. Plus, Rhesus monkeys live chiefly on fruit, cereal and seeds. Occasionally, they will eat bugs and grubs. They are not, however, noted for launching concerted, savage attacks on fully grown pigs. Or, more correctly, normal Rhesus monkeys aren’t known for doing that. The story was a great one, and Mark was practically ecstatic about the possibility that the Chupacabras were really crazed monkeys. He was also enthused by Guanina’s theory that the 1975 “Moca Vampire” wave was also prompted by attacks by dangerous monkeys. But, the footage never made the cut. Just another few days of memorable, monstrous weirdness! Source: Mysterious Universe https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/chupacabras-no-rhesus-monkeys - THE MOVABLE FEAST DEPARTMENT - The Ancient Pagan Origins of Easter By Joanna Gillan Easter is a festival and
holiday celebrated by millions of people around the world who honor the
resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as
having occurred three days after his crucifixion at Calvary. It is also
the day that children excitedly wait for the Easter bunny to arrive and
deliver their treats of chocolate eggs.
Easter is a ‘movable feast’ which is chosen to correspond with the first Sunday following the full moon after the March equinox and occurs on different dates around the world since western churches use the Gregorian calendar, while eastern churches use the Julian calendar. Most historians, including Biblical scholars, agree that Easter was originally a pagan festival. According to the New Unger’s Bible Dictionary: “The word Easter is of Saxon origin, Eastra, the goddess of spring, in whose honour sacrifices were offered about Passover time each year. By the eighth century Anglo–Saxons had adopted the name to designate the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.” However, even among those who maintain that Easter has pagan roots, there is some disagreement over which pagan tradition the festival emerged from. Here we will explore some of those perspectives. Resurrection as a Symbol of Rebirth One theory that has been put forward is that the Easter story of crucifixion and resurrection is symbolic of rebirth and renewal and retells the cycle of the seasons, the death and return of the sun. According to some scholars, such as Dr. Tony Nugent, teacher of Theology and Religious Studies at Seattle University, and Presbyterian minister, the Easter story comes from the Sumerian legend of Damuzi (Tammuz) and his wife Inanna (Ishtar), an epic myth called “The Descent of Inanna” found inscribed on cuneiform clay tablets dating back to 2100 BC. When Tammuz dies, Ishtar is grief–stricken and follows him to the underworld. In the underworld, she enters through seven gates, and her worldly attire is removed. "Naked and bowed low" she is judged, killed, and then hung on display. In her absence, the earth loses its fertility, crops cease to grow and animals stop reproducing. Unless something is done, all life on earth will end. After Inanna has been missing for three days her assistant goes to other gods for help. Finally one of them Enki, creates two creatures who carry the plant of life and water of life down to the Underworld, sprinkling them on Inanna and Damuzi, resurrecting them, and giving them the power to return to the earth as the light of the sun for six months. After the six months are up, Tammuz returns to the underworld of the dead, remaining there for another six months, and Ishtar pursues him, prompting the water god to rescue them both. Thus were the cycles of winter death and spring life. Dr Nugent is quick to point out that drawing parallels between the story of Jesus and the epic of Inanna “doesn't necessarily mean that there wasn't a real person, Jesus, who was crucified, but rather that, if there was, the story about it is structured and embellished in accordance with a pattern that was very ancient and widespread.” The Sumerian goddess Inanna is known outside of Mesopotamia by her Babylonian name, "Ishtar". In ancient Canaan Ishtar is known as Astarte, and her counterparts in the Greek and Roman pantheons are known as Aphrodite and Venus. In the 4th Century, when Christians identified the exact site in Jerusalem where the empty tomb of Jesus had been located, they selected the spot where a temple of Aphrodite (Astarte/Ishtar/Inanna) stood. The temple was torn down and the So Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built, the holiest church in the Christian world. Dr Nugent points out that the story of Inanna and Damuzi is just one of a number of accounts of dying and rising gods that represent the cycle of the seasons and the stars. For example, the resurrection of Egyptian Horus; the story of Mithras, who was worshipped at Springtime; and the tale of Dionysus, resurrected by his grandmother. Among these stories are prevailing themes of fertility, conception, renewal, descent into darkness, and the triumph of light over darkness or good over evil. Easter as a celebration of the Goddess of Spring A related perspective is that, rather than being a representation of the story of Ishtar, Easter was originally a celebration of Eostre, goddess of Spring, otherwise known as Ostara, Austra, and Eastre. One of the most revered aspects of Ostara for both ancient and modern observers is a spirit of renewal. Celebrated at Spring Equinox on March 21, Ostara marks the day when light is equal to darkness, and will continue to grow. As the bringer of light after a long dark winter, the goddess was often depicted with the hare, an animal that represents the arrival of spring as well as the fertility of the season. According to Jacob Grimm’s Deutsche Mythologie, the idea of resurrection was ingrained within the celebration of Ostara: “Ostara, Eástre seems therefore to have been the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing, whose meaning could be easily adapted by the resurrection-day of the christian’s God.” Most analyses of the origin of the word ‘Easter’ agree that it was named after Eostre, an ancient word meaning ‘spring’, though many European languages use one form or another of the Latin name for Easter, Pascha, which is derived from the Hebrew Pesach, meaning Passover. Easter and Its Connection to Passover Easter is associated with the Jewish festival of Passover through its symbolism and meaning, as well as its position in the calendar. Some early Christians chose to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on the same date as Passover, which reflects Easter having entered Christianity during its earliest Jewish period. Evidence of a more developed Christian festival of Easter emerged around the mid-second century. In 325 AD, Emperor Constantine convened a meeting of Christian leaders to resolve important disputes at the Council of Nicaea. Since the church believed that the resurrection took place on a Sunday, the Council determined that Easter should always fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox. Easter has since remained without a fixed date but proximate to the full moon, which coincided with the start of Passover. While there are distinct differences between the celebrations of Pesach and Easter, both festivals celebrate rebirth – in Christianity through the resurrection of Jesus, and in Jewish traditions through the liberation of the Israelites from slavery. The Origins of Easter customs The most widely-practiced customs on Easter Sunday relate to the symbol of the rabbit (‘Easter bunny’) and the egg. As outlined previously, the rabbit was a symbol associated with Eostre, representing the beginning of Springtime. Likewise, the egg has come to represent Spring, fertility and renewal. In Germanic mythology, it is said that Ostara healed a wounded bird she found in the woods by changing it into a hare. Still partially a bird, the hare showed its gratitude to the goddess by laying eggs as gifts. The Encyclopedia Britannica clearly explains the pagan traditions associated with the egg: “The egg as a symbol of fertility and of renewed life goes back to the ancient Egyptians and Persians, who had also the custom of colouring and eating eggs during their spring festival.” In ancient Egypt, an egg symbolised the sun, while for the Babylonians, the egg represents the hatching of the Venus Ishtar, who fell from heaven to the Euphrates. So where did the tradition of an egg-toting Easter Bunny come from? The first reference can be found in a German text dating to 1572 AD: “Do not worry if the Easter Bunny escapes you; should we miss his eggs, we will cook the nest,” the text reads. But it wasn’t until the tradition made its way to the United States via the arrival of German immigrants, that the custom took on its current form. By the end of the 19th century, shops were selling rabbit-shaped candies, which later became the chocolate bunnies we have today, and children were being told the story of a rabbit that delivers baskets of eggs, chocolate and other candy on Easter morning. In many Christian traditions, the custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life. Christians remember that Jesus, after dying on the cross, rose from the dead, showing that life could win over death. For Christians, the egg is a symbol of the tomb in which the body of Jesus was placed, while cracking the egg represents Jesus' resurrection. In the Orthodox tradition, eggs are painted red to symbolize the blood Jesus shed on the cross. Regardless of the very ancient origins of the symbol of the egg, most people agree that nothing symbolizes renewal more perfectly than the egg – round, endless, and full of the promise of life. While many of the pagan customs associated with the celebration of Spring were at one stage practised alongside Christian Easter traditions, they eventually came to be absorbed within Christianity, as symbols of the resurrection of Jesus. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the March equinox. Whether it is observed as a religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, or a time for families in the northern hemisphere to enjoy the coming of Spring and celebrate with egg decorating and Easter bunnies, the celebration of Easter still retains the same spirit of rebirth and renewal, as it has for thousands of years. Source: Ancient Origins https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/ancient-pagan-origins-easter-001571 - CRYONICS LAWSUIT DEPARTMENT -
Son Fights for Father’s Frozen Head By Tyler Hayden Dr. Laurence Pilgeram didn’t believe in heaven, but he did believe in life after death. In 1990, at the age of 66, Pilgeram signed a contract with the Alcor Life Extension Foundation to freeze his body upon his death with the hope that, decades or centuries from now, medical science would resurrect him. Alcor, headquartered in a sand-colored business park in Scottsdale, Arizona, offers two types of “cryonic suspension” services: full-body for $200,000, and head-only for $80,000. It’s a bargain for a shot at immortality. Clients typically pay by signing over their life insurance policies. The head-only option, the company explains, is the most cost-effective way to preserve a patient’s identity; using future nanotechnology, a new body might be grown around the brain. But Pilgeram never liked the idea of “Neurocryopreservation,” his family has said, so he chose “Whole-Body Cryopreservation” by initialing the appropriate box in the contract with his characteristically ornate handwriting. He also requested that Alcor freeze all of his remains, regardless of any damage caused to them by trauma or decomposition. In 2015, when Pilgeram was 90 years old, he died of an apparent heart attack on the sidewalk in front of his Moreton Bay Lane home in Goleta. Alcor was contacted and preparations for Pilgeram’s suspension began. But things didn’t go as planned. Alcor dispatched two of its technicians to the morgue, where they removed Pilgeram’s head, packed it on ice, and drove it back to Scottsdale. The rest of his remains were cremated and mailed to his son Kurt in Montana. When Kurt demanded to know why his father’s whole body hadn’t been preserved, he received conflicting accounts from Alcor, according to court records. First, the company said Laurence’s body had decayed beyond saving. Then, it claimed he hadn’t kept up with his yearly $525 membership dues. Finally, it suggested the technicians didn’t want to wait for the permit necessary to transport a full body across state lines. Not satisfied with any of those answers and incensed by what he considered a dismissive attitude by Alcor throughout the process, Kurt blocked the payout of his father’s life insurance and demanded the company relinquish his head. Alcor refused and sued Kurt for the money; Kurt sued back. Thus began a tangled, four-year legal battle that will go to trial in Santa Barbara Superior Court next year. The case has ballooned beyond the initial dispute, and now there’s major money at stake. Using the Pilgeram incident as a springboard, Kurt’s lawyers intend to challenge the validity of the entire cryonics industry by questioning its basis in science and the promises it makes to customers. “The more we learn, the more we ask ourselves, does the model itself work?” said attorney David Tappeiner with Santa Barbara law firm Fell Marking. “This case is a lot bigger than we thought.” If they win, it could put Alcor out of business. Alcor, a multimillion-dollar nonprofit and the biggest cryonics operation in the world, is now lawyered to the hilt, too. The company declined to comment beyond a prepared statement that alludes to past legal disputes, perhaps its recent one with the family of baseball legend and Alcor client Ted Williams. “Alcor,” wrote attorney James Arrowood, “is confident that the Court and, if necessary, a Jury, will properly weigh all the facts and, as they have in the past, find that Alcor has acted appropriately pursuant to its obligations to its members and patients.” As a legal matter, Kurt and his attorneys may have a difficult time convincing a jury that Alcor should relinquish the head. It could set a dangerous and unfair precedent that family members of Alcor patients who disagree with their loved one’s final wishes would be able to simply sue for the remains and the money promised to the company. Alcor is also likely to seize on the fact that it took two years for Kurt to formally ask for his dad’s head. The company might argue Kurt was waiting for his inheritance to be finalized before making his move. Kurt said he simply didn’t know how to proceed. “You don’t just Google ‘My dad lost his head and who’s a good lawyer,’” he said. “I’ve lost a lot of sleep over this; there’s no doubt about it. But this has fallen to me, so I’ll do whatever I need to do to make it right.” Source: Santa Barbara Independent https://www.independent.com/2019/04/17/in-cryonics-lawsuit-son-fights-for-fathers-frozen -head/?fbclid=IwAR1HdGxR4pyruqH2SdkrbDzFYQe6Lwzz77Yj2y3gTTTPjmpM0jY rjTU2qEg Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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