4/28/19  #1002
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. He is only secretly controlling everything. He is only in league with extraterrestrials from UFOs. He is only out to invade your privacy in the name of national security. He does these things because he, like everyone else, wants to read your latest edition of Conspiracy Journal!

Yes, that's right!  Once again we have confounded those who want the news of conspiracies, UFOs, and the paranormal kept secret from the rest of humanity.  But this is where Conspiracy Journal steps in!  Leaping buildings in a single bound – Fighting secrets and censorship to keep you informed on what is really going on in the world around us.

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such April-Shower stories as:

- Navy Drafting New Guidelines for UFO Reports - 
- The Bizarre World of Psychic Maria D'Andrea -
Professor Claims Aliens are Breeding with Humans -
AND: Man Arrested For Shooting at "Alien Lasers"

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~






There is evidence that human-looking ETs may be living right down the road from you, hidden in some secluded base of operations. They have been seen to emerge from a landed craft and then observed in the checkout line of the local supermarket the next day. Should they be "found out" and followed into the parking lot just a few feet away, they are seen to vanish right before the eyes of stunned witnesses.

Some UFO strongholds are believed to be located high in the mountains – such as Mount Shasta, Mount Olympus, at the highest points of the Andes and around the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Other ET bases are located way back in the jungles of Mexico and along the Amazon. Still others require diving and sonar equipment to pinpoint the aliens’ watery world. Additional bases are “hidden” in plain sight. They could be in what seem to be abandoned buildings. Or out-of-the-way castles or mansions that can house a sizable encampment of Ultra-terrestrials. They might be concealed along darkened trails that lead to the swamplands of America, or in the unpopulated areas of Australia’s Outback. One of the most hidden alien bases is believed to be within forty miles of the White House.

For decades we have collected a multitude of reports that have come our way, regulating some to the waste basket because they lack credibility. Others remain in our “grey basket,” because they have yet to be proven or disproven, while the remainder might lead us to some well-deserved discoveries if we manage to enter the star gate that is poised on the dark end of sundown.

It’s believed – and we are seeking concrete proof – that at least some of those researchers who have gone in search of alien “hangouts” have never returned to give accounts of what they came across. Such a case would be that of Raymond Bernard, who entered the jungles of Brazil in search of an alien cavern base. The intrepid explorer might have gotten snatched by the reptilians or Richard Shaver’s “Dero,” who want to keep well secluded from the prying eyes of the human race. Others, more lucky, have returned to share their positive experiences with friends and associates.

You are invited to join our quest for the emerging truth about such potentially catastrophic cosmic matters. Who knows? Perhaps the next alien stronghold to be discovered might be just a few blocks away or down the road, right in your very own neighborhood. So keep your eyes wide open, for it would be a world-changing revelation, one that would not only make the evening news but cause us to rewrite the history of humanity. The Ultra-terrestrials’ footholds on our earthly plane are numerous, and this book offers a unique look into some of these alien fortresses.

This fascinating book is now available to readers of Conspiracy Journal for the special price of $18.95 (Plus $5 Shipping).

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Navy Drafting New Guidelines for UFO Reports
By Deanna Paul

A recent uptick in sightings of unidentified flying objects — or as the military calls them, “unexplained aerial phenomena” — prompted the Navy to draft formal procedures for pilots to document encounters, a corrective measure that former officials say is long overdue.

As first reported by POLITICO, these intrusions have been happening on a regular basis since 2014. Recently, unidentified aircraft have entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month, Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for office of the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told The Washington Post on Wednesday.

Citing safety and security concerns, Gradisher vowed to “investigate each and every report.”

He said, “We want to get to the bottom of this. We need to determine who’s doing it, where it’s coming from and what their intent is. We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again.”

Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told The Post that the new Navy guidelines formalized the reporting process, facilitating data-driven analysis while removing the stigma from talking about UFOs, calling it “the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”

Chris Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee, was less laudatory.

“I don’t believe in safety through ignorance,” he said, scolding the intelligence community for a lack of “curiosity and courage” and a “failure to react” to a strong pattern of sightings.

In some cases, pilots — many of whom are engineers and academy graduates — claimed to observe small spherical objects flying in formation. Others say they’ve seen white, Tic Tac-shaped vehicles. Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind and no exhaust.

“It’s very mysterious, and they still seem to exceed our aircraft in speed,” he said, calling it a “truly radical technology.”

According to Mellon, awestruck and baffled pilots, concerned that reporting unidentified flying aircraft would adversely affect their careers, tended not to speak up. And when they did, he said, there was little interest in investigating their claims.

“Imagine you see highly advanced vehicles, they appear on radar systems, they look bizarre, no one knows where they’re from. This happens on a recurring basis, and no one does anything,” said Mellon, who now works for To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences. Because agencies do not share this type of information, it is difficult to know the full extent of activity. Still, he estimated that dozens of incidents were witnessed by naval officers in a single year, enough to force the service to address the issue.

“Pilots are upset, and they’re trying to help wake up a slumbering system,” he told The Post.

Lawmakers’ growing curiosity and concern also appeared to coax action out of the Navy.

In 2017, the Pentagon first confirmed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a government operation launched in 2007 to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats.” As The Post’s Joby Warrick reported, the investigation ranged from “advanced aircraft fielded by traditional U.S. adversaries to commercial drones to possible alien encounters.”

According to former Pentagon officials and documents previously seen by The Post, program funding, which totaled at least $22?million, was suspended in 2012.

Gradisher said in a statement that “in response to requests for information from congressional members and staff, officials have provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety."

Elizondo, who ran the AATIP, said the newly drafted guidelines were a culmination of many things, most notably that the Navy had enough credible evidence — including eyewitness accounts and corroborating radar information — to “know this is occurring.”

“If I came to you and said, ‘There are these things that can fly over our country with impunity, defying the laws of physics, and within moments could deploy a nuclear device at will,’ that would be a matter of national security,” Elizondo said.

With the number of U.S. military personnel in the Air Force and Navy who described the same observations, the noise level could not be ignored.

“This type of activity is very alarming,” Elizondo said, “and people are recognizing there are things in our aerospace that lie beyond our understanding.”

Source: The Washington Post


Microwaves & the Paranormal
By Nick Redfern

Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries is a 1976 document that was prepared for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.  Specifically, it was written by Ronald L. Adams and Dr. R.A. Williams of the U.S. Army’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. The document was declassified – via the terms of the Freedom of Information Act – many years ago, but the contents of the document certainly still have the ability to provoke deep controversy. One particular segment of the Adams-Williams report stands out. It is titled “Cardiovascular System.” The pair stated the following:

    “Heavy emphasis has been placed on investigations involving electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system. Effects on hemodynamics include blood pressure variations ad cardiac arrhythmias. Comparison of a group of engineers and administrative officials who were exposed to microwaves for a period of years and an unexposed group revealed a significantly higher incidence of coronary disease. Exposure may, therefore, promote an earlier onset of cardiovascular disease in susceptible individuals.”

It should be noted that interest in how, and under what specific circumstances, the human heart can be affected was not exclusively the interest of the U.S. Army’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. For example, staff who were employed at the Foreign Technology Division of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio also dug deeply (very deeply, in fact) into this particularly controversial area. We know this because – just as was the case with the Adams-Williams paper – Wright-Patterson AFB’s files on the matter have now been declassified into the public domain.

The U.S. Air Force, back in 1978, published a report titled Paraphysics R&D – Warsaw Pact. As was the case with the 1976 document, the 1978 Air Force report was also prepared for personnel within the Defense Intelligence Agency. This document, however, was somewhat more alternative in nature and scope. And that is putting things mildly, to say the least. By that, I mean the authors of the report focused much of their time on how the heart could be affected by supernatural skills – and, potentially, in a very dangerous way.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP), mind-reading, and psychic phenomena were all closely studied when it came to the matter of the human heart and the severe damage that someone just might be able to do to it. Staff at Wright-Patterson were particularly concerned by the worrying extent to which the Russians were working in this particular field. The document demonstrates that the one person, far more than any other, that the Air Force had their concerns about was a Dr. Gennadiy Aleksandrovich Sergeyev. The doctor worked in the field of “technical services” at the Leningrad-based Institute of Physiology.

According to the work and results of Sergeyev’s controversy-filled research, one of his particularly skilled psychics in this field was a woman named Nina Kulagina (see this link for those who were impressed by her talents, and this link for those who are  unimpressed). It was in 1970 that Sergeyev came to see just how dangerous Kulagina’s abilities could be. The Foreign Technology Staff at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base reported that on one particular day, “Kulagina attempted to increase the heart rate of a skeptical physician.” Matters did not end there, however. Air Force personnel advised the Defense Intelligence Agency that, “Electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, and other parameters were measured,” and that “within 1 minute after the experiment began,” the heart of the same physician “reached dangerous levels, and the experiment was terminated.” For the U.S. Air Force, the whole matter was deemed to be a very “serious intelligence problem.” No doubt.

What all of this potentially suggests is that the Russians, at the height of the Cold War, may have succeeded in carrying out what we might term “psychic assassinations” or “murder by microwaves.” And doing so by fatally affecting the hearts of the targeted individuals. While many people of a skeptical nature might dismiss such admittedly highly controversial notions, the fact is that the U.S Air Force,  the U.S. Army’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency, and the Defense Intelligence remained concerned – worried, even – about such strange possibilities. There is another important issue that is well worth noting: the research and the documents that I have referred to in this particular article date back to 1976 and to 1978. This inevitably begs an important question for all of us to ponder on: four decades further down the line, just how far has the research progressed now? In today’s world, can people be targeted and killed in a way that appears innocent, but which, in reality, is actually nothing less than downright sinister? These are questions to think about.

Source: Mysterious Universe


The Bizarre World of Psychic Maria D'Andrea
By Sean Casteel

You might have heard Maria D’Andrea on Coast to Coast AM being interviewed by George Noory, or as a guest on Tim Beckley/Tim Swartz’s podcast “Exploring the Bizarre” (KCORradio.com – Thursday’s 10 pm eastern). She seems to draw a bit of excitement whenever she appears on the air talking about her paranormal experiences and giving mini-psychic readings. Maria is an expert on many borderline paranormal topics, though she specializes in the occult, casting spells (all positive) and counseling those that need her help. She has authored many books, the latest one on the occult and familiars, and we don’t mean just black cats, or man’s best friend the canine, but all sorts of household animals, some of which might be considered very exotic.

Maria’s often quizzed about her background and I guess this is the perfect time and place to expand on some of the things she has discussed on the air.

One of Maria’s earliest memories is of fleeing as a refugee from her native Hungary during the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. She and her mother were among the 200,000 refugees seeking to escape iron-handed Communist rule in what would eventually become a failed revolution that was crushed by the puppet regime established by the Soviet Union.

On that cold, icy trek to freedom, Maria’s psychic powers may have saved her life and her mother’s life as well.

“It was actually my mother and some of her friends,” Maria recalled. “It was a large group. And as we were escaping, we got really cold and it was very dangerous. A lot of people around us were getting killed, but we were doing okay. The group stopped at a certain point and were trying to decide whether if they should go back or keep going forward. My mother told me I was six at the time. She said I told them that God said we should move forward and we’d be fine.

“I don’t know why anybody would listen to somebody that’s six in the first place,” Maria continued. “But my mother said the group split up and half of them went back. The other half decided to listen to me. Apparently I wasn’t speaking in a way that a six-year-old would normally speak. My mother said the way I phrased it wouldn’t make sense for somebody my age. The group that went back, all of them got killed. But we made it to freedom.”

Maria and her fellow travelers reached the safety of Austria and she and her mother would eventually resettle in the United States.

The same psychic powers that delivered Maria and the other refugees from death have served her well as an adult. She has long been a full time, professional psychic, meaning that she makes her living giving readings and counseling to those seeking help from beyond. She is also an interfaith minister and a shaman and speaks publicly on spiritual, psychic, paranormal and interdimensional topics. Meanwhile, other members of her family, although they have similar abilities, don’t make their living that way.


“Everyone in my family,” she said, “have jobs that have nothing to do with psychic situations. However, they do some psychic work on the side. As an example, both of my sons are in analytical fields and they both do readings. My grandparents on my mother’s side were trance mediums. My grandfather also did automatic writing and he used to channel his brother who had passed away when he was a lot younger.”

Maria’s father owned a couple of businesses and was well-served by his analytical and psychic abilities.

“Most of the people in my family were priests and ministers and professors at universities,” Maria said, “so they all had analytical jobs and possessed psychic gifts. They were highly intuitive.”


But Maria insists that everybody everywhere has some degree of psychic ability hidden within them.

“Everyone at some point has had a gut feeling,” she explained. “For example, when you first meet someone, not every time, but every now and then, before you even say hello you have an urge telling you whether you like them or you don’t. You ever notice that? So when you get that feeling, it’s more or less accurate. It’s a very intuitive, psychic – it’s like a warning system. It tells you basically if someone is not going to get along with you.”

This doesn’t operate as a moral judgment on the other person, according to Maria. It simply means the connection between you and that person is not going to work out. Meanwhile, one’s intuition could just as likely be telling you that you’ve encountered a good situation.

“So you’re picking up on whatever it actually is,” she said. “I feel that everyone has a base of psychic and intuitive ability. You can look at it this way: Some people are artists but everybody can draw. Well, pretty much, except me. I can’t do a stick figure. But everybody has a base for that also.”

Global Communications/Inner Light Publications has published many of Maria’s books on numerous psychic topics. She is quick to point out that all her books are “How-To” books as opposed to a vain fixation on writing about her own life story.

“I truly believe that the more you can do for yourself, the better the world gets,” she reasoned. “The better you do, the more you can help other people, and the better it gets for people around you. As an example, I have a book on finance. I have one on evocation, which is a heavier level of dealing with the spiritual realm. And then I have one that is a positively positive spell book.

“I really never write anything negative and I don’t teach negativity. I truly believe in karma and that whatever you put out comes back. There’s always a positive way to approach everything. And the whole point is to help people improve their lives, whether it’s through meditation or rituals or spells or mentally focusing on situations. I always feel that if you have an interest in it then you’ll be attracted to it and you can benefit by spiritually improving your life.”

You can read more of what Maria has to say about her work on her website, located at http://www.mariadandrea.com as well as contact her there should you wish to consult with her personally.

Maria’s bestselling “Yes You Can!” series of books includes a newer title called “Supernatural Words of Power,” which teaches one how to harness the simple spoken word to attain and achieve the things you long for in life. You will learn to command the true power of language to establish an open channel to the cosmos. There is a powerful energy force generated by the spoken word that man has been able to control since ancient times, but this ability has been locked away in our collective unconscious and hidden from the masses of us for eons. Maria teaches a simple, step-by-step methodology for reawakening the power concealed within us using words as that force’s most basic tool of expression.

But if you find yourself not interested in different methods of psychic “reaching out,” then you’re not supposed to be reading her books.

“It always goes to the person who is ready to move on that type of situation,” she said. “You know that saying? When the student is ready, the teacher comes. I tend to look at it that way. Sometimes it’s just a matter of letting people know the techniques and the tools they can actually use to improve their lives. Whether they want to move on it or not, that is free will.”

One of the most basic components of what Maria teaches is open-mindedness, a sense of the psychic realm as a place we can freely explore in a continual learning experience. But first we must learn “psychic self-defense,” which Maria cautions readers to do in all of her books by the use of rituals and spells and by visualizing the protective white light radiating from heaven itself. Once that is taken care of, a positive spirit may come and speak to the seeker.

“Now, it can be clairaudient,” she explained, “which means you can actually hear words in your mind. It sounds exactly the same as if someone was standing behind you where you don’t see them but they’re talking to you. There’s absolutely no difference in the way you hear it clairaudiently. Sometimes you have to remember they’re not literally there.

“I’ve actually had it happen where I turned around to answer somebody before I remembered that they weren’t ‘there,’” she said, laughing. “But it sounds exactly the same. Sometimes you clairvoyantly see something or someone. You can actually see them physically. It depends on the situation.”


“But all of that,” as the saying goes, “is prelude.”

Maria has recently released a book with the provocative title “Witchcraft, The Occult and How to Select a Familiar.” The new book teaches students how to improve their psychic work by working with what is called a “familiar,” which may be a new and unfamiliar term to some readers.

“Thinking of familiars,” Maria writes, “brings forth a vision of cats by a cauldron and a witch, mainly because of past misconceptions and, of course, the media. Although familiars are used in what people think of as harmful witchcraft, they seem to forget it’s also used in helping with healing, relationships, prosperity and so forth. Nature is neutral. The person doing magick is positive or negative, not nature.

“I always say,” she continues, “if there’s a drought and it rains, that is positive. Now, if your neighbor is building an ark, not so much. But the rain itself is neutral. Our perspective makes it good or bad. There is an occult law that states: like attracts like.”

Familiars are sent as helpers to the mortal psychic and have been employed throughout human history. They still exist today in all cultures of the Earth.

“Your familiar has to fit your lifestyle,” Maria writes, “and be dedicated to you, meaning there’s psychic bond between you and it. It has abilities that you can call on and that are already within you. Working with familiars isn’t limited by time and space. Those are manmade outlooks to help us function in the physical plane and do not exist in the realms to which we will be journeying.”

Maria went on describing the nature of familiars, which she says, by the way, can never be a person.

“A familiar can be on the physical or non-physical plane,” she explains. “They work with us by their choice. And, of course, by our choice. We never restrict them. We have a psychic link to our familiar and have to respect it. A psychic link is very serious. We don’t want that connection to anything negative on either side of reality.”

A list of synonyms is provided for the sake of clarity.

“Some other names for familiars are totems, guardians, spirit animals, physical animals, elementals, elves, fairies, leprechauns, dragons, unicorns, astral dwellers, ancestors (including parents), spirit teachers, ghosts, angels, insects, imps, protectors, advisors, pathfinders (for finding your path) and many more. Also, there are stones, trees and herbs. These connections are also considered familiars.”


Maria does not merely teach about contacting and relating to one’s familiar, she has firsthand experiences to go with it.

“At one time, one of my familiars was a deer,” she writes. “I was on a hike by myself in the mountains and I had the urge to look over to my right. When I looked, I saw a deer a few feet away from me, just standing still and staring at me. The deer was comfortable with me, sensing I wouldn’t harm it, and feeling I had a connection to it. Animals are very sensitive to danger and conscious of their safety.

“It was funny,” she went on, “because we just stood there for a few minutes staring at each other; neither one of us moving. As I looked, I felt like I was being drawn out of my body and toward the deer. All of a sudden, I was inside the deer, feeling my new body shape, and looking out at the mountain through its eyes. Everything I saw was gray, white or dark. Nothing had color. That was a surprise. I spent a few minutes like that, seeing out of its eyes.

“Just as suddenly, I was back in my body and looking once again at the deer. I thanked it and slowly walked away. You really can’t make this stuff up.”


There is even more from Maria one just what a familiar is all about.

“When you connect to your familiar,” she writes, “they become a part of you. They are power animals or powerful familiars in whatever form they show up. They come to you because you have some type of rapport. They are sacred beings.

“They have to want to work with you. They can’t be forced or coerced. They have to choose you, too. Remember that it is a partnership. If it’s any form of animal, it connects to the animal qualities within you. Familiars can be fun, have a sense of humor, be serious, mischievous, practical, playful, informative, loving, guiding, protecting. They bring awareness and truth to your life. They help elevate you spiritually as well as connecting you with nature, other realms and magick. They can inspire you and work with you in amazing ways.”

Familiars are all some form of magickal beings, according to Maria. They have a psychic link to you and are in harmony with who you are, what you do and how you live.

“Remember, they are attracted to the ‘real’ you,” she writes. “We are back to ‘like attracts like.’”


Dragon energy has been with us for ages. They are known as protectors (of treasures, castles, people, etc). They are the wise sages who give knowledge and insight into both the physical and non-physical realms. They are also said to be evil, but Maria affirms that she only attracts its positive characteristics, as declared from the times of the ancients.

“My main familiar is a dragon,” Maria writes. She then proceeds to tell a fascinating story.

“A friend of mine,” she recounts, “Brother Revels-Bey, was renting a room in a house with other people years ago. He wasn’t planning on living there for long because some of the people were negative. He called me up one day and said he’s going to New Jersey (we’re in New York) because he felt something was ‘off’ and needed to get away. He asked me to make sure his room was safe and nothing would happen to his belongings. He went on his way and I put my dragon outside his door to guard it.

“I got a call the next day that the police were at his house looking for him. It turned out that someone accidentally started a fire and the whole house burned. I got there as soon as I could. The house was all black. There were a few pieces of furniture left on the lawn that were so burned that it was hard to recognize what they were.

“The only room that wasn’t burned was his. Not one thing burned. The police were looking for him because they thought he might have started the fire since his room – strangely – wasn’t touched by it. Luckily, he could prove he was out of state. He still had to get rid of many things due to the scent of the smoke permeating some items.

“Dragons are great protectors.”


There is a vast array of potential familiars besides dragons, of course. Horses, dolphins, hawks and other birds, even angels, can join forces with you as a familiar. But let’s look at that old familiar standby: cats.

“Cats have been known as familiars for centuries,” Maria writes. “Think of how much the Egyptians were focused on them in several varied forms. Cats are associated with witches, sorcerers, oracles, magi and others.

“The witch is known for acquiring a physical cat to send out to do her bidding and return to her. Some say that her spirit can go into the body of the cat at will and perform her magick. Others say she controls the cat with her witchcraft. Still others say that she controls the spirit of a cat, not the physical being. Some worship a cat deity to help in times of trouble or to better a situation.

“You may or may not resonate to a cat familiar. If you do, you will be following in the footsteps of many light workers. If you don’t feel an affinity to a cat, you will resonate with a familiar that is better for you.”

As in everyday reality, different cat species have different capabilities. For instance, a Siamese cat has a very distinctive look and is very intelligent. They can be very vocal, which translates to a person being good at expressing an idea or a point of view. They can carry themselves with grace and are very persistent.

Meanwhile, a Persian cat is a quiet creature, unlike a Siamese, and just wants to roam around. The Persian cat likes affection and will come to you for the feeling of being touched, but only when it wants to, when the mood strikes it. It is also very inquisitive.

An alley cat is a different sort entirely. It functions more as a hunter, and must provide itself with food. Hunting requires it to be agile and cunning. The alley cat is a survivor in all senses of that word. This type can also fight when required, to keep what is theirs, and are intelligent and very resourceful. They are generally loners but will be protective of whatever family they may have.

Still another feline familiar is the calico cat. They are feisty and intelligent. They’re independent and like their space, but can be very loyal. These cats are very loving, so, if you like unconditional love, this is the cat for you.

“Do you resonate with cats?” Maria asks. “What part of your personality matches with them? What part doesn’t? This will give you insight about yourself.

“Remember,” she adds, “life is an adventure. You are in the process of awakening to wonderful realms, powers and possibilities.”

Source: Spectral Vision

Conspiracy Journal Print Edition #49


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Reincarnation's Most Prominent Proponent Was a Scientist
By K.S. Anthony

Theories of consciousness range from the purely scientific – that personal consciousness, as we know it, is a mechanism of unique neural connections molded by genetics and experience – to the spiritual, which argue the existence of a non-corporeal component to life: the soul. Still other thinkers – like Roger Penrose – theorize that consciousness and human creativity may require a new science altogether; that, as Penrose and Hameroff (2014) put it, "consciousness results from discrete physical events; such events have always existed in the universe as non-cognitive, proto-conscious events, these acting as part of precise physical laws not yet fully understood."

For the layperson, however, theories raise more questions than they answer, offering little comfort in confronting the essential human questions of "what makes me me?" and, more poignantly, "what happens to to me when I die?" The latter question is arguably the real question of consciousness, as it comes as a result of recognizing the presence of one's own subjective cognition/individual consciousness and the realization that said consciousness erodes and eventually ceases with the end of physical life... or seems to. It's an existential black mirror; the dark side of Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." Without a cohesive understanding of or agreement on the mechanics and laws of consciousness, that question can't be answered. It cannot even be presumed to have an answer awaiting after death, for if death is the absolute negation of consciousness – if you cease to be when you cease to think – then there is no "finding out" after we die: there's just the vacuum of not-being, a state of statelessness.

In the midst of these theories, however, are those that believe in a kind of recycling of consciousness: that individual selves may be reincarnated in new bodies, sometimes retaining scraps of memory – and even physical features – from the lives they lived before. One of the most prominent proponents of that theory was Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist who worked for five decades at the University of Virginia's School of Medicine, where he founded the Division of Perceptual Studies, which studies "phenomena related to consciousness clearly functioning beyond the confines of the physical body, as well as phenomena that are directly suggestive of post-mortem survival of consciousness." Beginning in 1960, Stevenson traveled the world investigating thousands cases of reincarnation, documenting his findings and eventually writing several books on the subject, including his groundbreaking work Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation and the massive, two-volume Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects. The book documents 200 different cases of children – often from very remote areas of the world – who had memories and birthmarks that corresponded with those of deceased people whose lives they claimed to have lived before. Some, who claimed to have died violently, had birthmarks or physical defects where the deceased had suffered a mortal injury, while others suffered from phobias relating to their past death.

In his book, Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation, Stevenson observed that:

"The most frequently occurring event or common denominator relating to rebirth is probably that of a child remembering a past life. Children usually begin to talk about their memories between the ages of two and four. Such infantile memories gradually dwindle when the child is between four and seven years old. There are of course always some exceptions, such as a child continuing to remember its previous life but not speaking about it for various reasons.

Most of the children talk about their previous identity with great intensity and feeling. Often they cannot decide for themselves which world is real and which one is not. They often experience a kind of double existence where at times one life is more prominent, and at times the other life takes over. This is why they usually speak of their past life in the present tense saying things like, 'I have a husband and two children who live in Jaipur.' Almost all of them are able to tell us about the events leading up to their death."

Most of these cases were documented in Asian countries with large religious – Hindu, Buddhist – populations that believed in reincarnation. Culturally speaking, however, reincarnation is not an entirely Eastern belief. The ancient Greeks, for example, believed in a river called Lethe that the dead were required to drink from in order to wipe their memories clean before being reincarnated. Stevenson, of course, was keenly aware of this and other traditions. When asked by OMNI magazine why Westerners often reject the idea of reincarnation, Stevenson noted that "some southern European Christians believed in reincarnation until the Council of Nice banned such beliefs in 553 A.D. In The Republic, Plato described souls about to be reborn as choosing their future lives. Schopenhauer took it seriously, and Voltaire's observation that it is no more surprising to be born twice than once is well-known."

The major critics – including psychologist Terence Hines – of Stevenson's work invoked Occam's Razor, asserting that the majority of the cases could have simpler, non-paranormal explanations. Because these children often claimed to be the reincarnations of relatives, they would likely have some knowledge of the deceased they were claiming to be. It could also be that the children were just acting out fantasies, which were inadvertently encouraged by Stevenson, creating what amount to a confirmation bias/validation loop. The physical evidence could be explained as coincidence or in some cases even intentional scarring or making by the parents. In the face of these plausibilities, Stevenson himself urged caution in being too quick to jump to conclusions. "Essentially I say that the idea of reincarnation permits but doesn't compel belief," Stevenson told OMNI, "All the cases I've investigated so far have shortcomings. Even taken together, they do not offer anything like proof."

The burden of proof aside, Stevenson's documentation does provide an answer to the question posed by mortality.

"I wouldn't claim to be free of the fear of death, but it is probably less in me than other people," Stevenson said. "These children sometimes provide reassurances to adults. We've had two or three incidents of children going to, let's say, a woman who has lost her husband and is inconsolable and saying, 'You shouldn't be crying. Death isn't the end. Look at me. I died and I'm here again.'"

For some, that may be enough.

Source: Outer Places


Professor Claims Aliens are Breeding with Humans

An Oxford University professor has claimed aliens are already breeding with humans to create a new hybrid species that will save the planet.

Dr Young-hae Chi, an instructor in Korean at Oxford’s Oriental Institute, part of the prestigious university, thinks this new species will save Earth from annihilation from climate change.

Dr Chi first said the hybrids may already exist in a lecture in 2012 but has now written a book on the subject.

He believes there is a strong correlation between climate change and alien abductions, the Oxford Student newspaper has reported.

His book, written in Korean, is called Alien Visitations and the End of Humanity.

He says he has identified four types of aliens – small, tall and bold, scaly with snake eyes, and insect-like.

Dr Chi believes the insect aliens may be in charge and give orders to the other types.

The aliens exist in their own bio-system that humans cannot experience because our perception is limited by our organs, the professor has claimed.

As the aliens are said to be highly intelligent, so Dr Chi believes they could solve the problems on Earth in the future, such as climate change.

He said: “So, they come not for the sake of us, but for the sake of them, their survival, but their survival is actually our survival as well — the survival of the entire biosphere.”

Dr Chi said he was “still looking for more evidence to support my view”.

His initial lecture, Alien Abduction and the Environmental Crisis, outlined his theory.

He cited an “abduction researcher” in the US, who argued that aliens’ primary purpose is to colonise the planet by interbreeding with humans to produce a new hybrid species.

Dr Chi believes aliens appear on Earth when the planet is facing significant problems, such as climate change or nuclear war, and he concluded: “It may be more or less assumed that the hybrid project is a response to this impending demise of human civilisation.”

Source: The Sun


Gremlins on the Attack

I turned on the news Saturday morning and I heard a story that brought back to memory an old story. It was a frightening story that happened long ago which was both chilling and intriguing. This mornings news story is by no means as intense as the one from by gone days, but nonetheless quite frightening.

As you may have heard a Qantas flight from Hong Kong to Melbourne made an emergency landing in the Philippines on Friday (07/25/2008) after a hole appeared in the fuselage and the cabin lost pressure suddenly. One passenger as quoted by CNN reported, "There was an almighty crack, We dropped a bit in the air." According to the Associated Press the plane was at 29,000 feet when the incident happened and then the plane quickly descended to 10,000 feet. As of yet there is no explanation as to what exactly caused the hole to suddenly rip open at 29,000 feet but one report said that there might have been rust on the fuselage in a previous inspection.

This brought to mind an old story that the late Charles Berlitz wrote about in his book “Charles Berlitz’s World of Strange Phenomena” on page 209 in the short article “A Massacre in Flight” Mr. Berlitz describes a story with an eerie similarity.

“Something terrifying happened in the air one day in the late summer of 1939-and to this day the incident is shrouded in secrecy.

All that is known is that a military transport plane left the Marine naval Air Force Base in San Diego at 3:30 one afternoon. It and its thirteen man crew were making a routine flight to Honolulu. Three hours later, as the plane was over the Pacific Ocean, a frantic distress signal was sounded. Then the radio signal died.

A little later the plane limped back to base and made an emergency landing. Ground crew members rushed to the craft and when they boarded, they were horrified to see twelve dead men. The only survivor was the copilot, who, though badly injured, had stayed alive long enough to bring the plane back. A few minutes he was dead, too.

All of the bodies had large, gaping wounds. Even weirder, the pilot and copilot had emptied their .45 Colt automatic pistols at something. The empty shells were found lying on the floor of the cockpit. A foul, sulfuric odor pervaded the interior of the craft.

The exterior of the airplane was badly damaged, looking as it had been struck by missiles…The incident was successfully hushed up and did not come to light for fifteen years, when investigator Robert Coe Gardner learned of it from someone who was there. They mystery of what the crew encountered in midair that afternoon in 1939 has never been solved.”

What is the connection?


No, not the fuzzy creatures you do not feed after midnight or throw water on.

Or the funky often maligned car from the 70’s.

Since World War 1 pilots have claimed to have seen strange creatures tinkering with their aircraft in mid flight. However the existence of such creatures never became widely known until British pilots in World War 2 began to make such experiences public record. The first published report of these creatures appeared in the April 18th 1942 edition 13 of The Royal Air Force Journal. You can read his account at this web site linked below www.angelfire.com/id/100sqn/gremlins.html

The knowledge of these creatures was popularized by author Robert Dahl in his children’s book “The Gremlins”. However Dahl’s creatures while annoying and destructive were cute little cartoon characters who were seeking revenge for the destruction of their home forest in order to build an airplane factory.

However, WW2 pilot’s descriptions of real encounters with Gremlins lack Dahl’s cute characterization. Many of them witnessed demonic creatures causing havoc with their airplane equipment. Many swore they saw these creatures maliciously tearing apart wiring or instruments before crashes during combat missions over Germany.

Famed folklorist John W. Hazen gave a personal experience with a Gremlin in the 1972 edition of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend where he writes that upon inspecting a malfunctioning airplane, he witnessed “a parted cable which bore obvious tooth marks in spite of the fact that the break occurred in a most inaccessible part of the plane." Then he heard an unearthly inhuman voice that seemed to be rebuffing an associate which said , "How many times must you be told to obey orders and not tackle jobs you aren't qualified for? — This is how it should be done." Immdiately Mr. Hazen heard a sound that reminded him of a "musical twang" and before his very eyes another cable snapped apart with the teeth marks clearly visible.

But most of us know of Gremlins by the Twilight Zone story “Nightmare at 20000 feet” where a man sees a Gremlin tearing apart the commercial flight he is on and everyone thinks he is insane.

Ever since this episode hit the airwaves in 1963 there have been very few pilots who have come forth with eye witness activity of these creatures. Mostly for fear of ridicule, but many for fear that they will be grounded for a mental evaluation. But these demonic entities still have a fascination with dismantling aircraft in mid-air to this day.

I helped out in a Christian Bookstore owned by one of the members of my congregation for a few months a couple of years ago. His wife had passed away suddenly and he was overwhelmed. One night we began to talk about the paranormal. As an ex-naval officer during the first Gulf War he told me he had seen things he could not talk about. His quote was “I’ve seen things that come straight out of the X-Files.” while working on a certain Aircraft Carrier in the Gulf. I prodded and prodded but he refused to tell me any details about UFOs or what exactly he meant by the comment in connection with the Government conspiracy theme that ran through that Television program. But he did tell me that he and a few fellow servicemen onboard did have encounters with little creatures of amazing power who have a fascination with airplanes. He had never fully seen them himself, but one time he witnessed a little shadowy creature tear a hole in aircraft like it was made out of aluminum foil to get at inside components. The creature dashed over the nose of the plane and disappeared. A pilot friend of his swore that he saw a small impish creature trying to rip off a flap of a F/A 18 Hornet of his wingman on their way to a sortie over Iraq in the late light of the setting sun. One minute it was there and as he turned to double check what he had just seen the creature had vanished. Within a few minutes the co-pilot had to return to the carrier because his plane was becoming unresponsive.

He also told a me a few years ago that he had a few friends who had investigated the fatal crash of Senator Paul Wellstone in 2002 who noticed some very strange markings on the exterior of the craft. It was as if something with claws had torn open the plane in mid flight. Search as I might I can find nothing to back this claim up. But there are many on the web who see conspiracies of varying orders surrounding the Senator’s plane crash.

So what happened as this plane flew from London to Melbourne? Shotty workmanship and maintenance on Qantas’ part?

Or something else?

Oh for the good old days when the only thing we had to worry about when we flew was the poor quality of the food being served in-flight.

Until next time,

Pastor Swope

Source: The Paranormal Pastor


Man Arrested For Shooting at "Alien Lasers"
By Tim Binnall

In a bizarre case out of Pennsylvania, a man will soon be serving prison time for firing a gun at what he believed were 'alien lasers' that turned out to be merely fireflies.

The truly strange incident reportedly occurred last summer when Jesse Shields and his girlfriend, Katherine McCloskey, were out at night in their truck and they noticed eerie green lights in the sky. The duo also claimed that they heard voices and the vehicle began to shake, which apparently led them to believe that they were on the cusp of an unwanted alien encounter.

In an effort to prevent their perceived impending abduction, Shields promptly grabbed a gun and shot it into the air as a way of warning the 'aliens.'

When this did not cause the worrisome lights to go away, the gun-wielding Shields took off on foot in an attempt to escape the scene while McCloskey waited behind in the truck.

Eventually, he arrived at a house that was unlocked and entered the premises, where he was met by the bewildered homeowner, who managed to convince him to put down the weapon. During the exchange, Shields begged the person to let him take a shower in order to “get the alien goo off him that was burning his skin.”

Somewhere along the way, the homeowner phoned the police, who arrived on the scene and arrested the troubled pair.

As one may have surmised by now, authorities contend that the duo were under the influence of a foreign substance, specifically bath salts and that is likely what caused them to confuse fireflies for an alien invasion.

Facing considerable jail time for the misadventure, Shields cut a deal with prosecutors this week in which he pled guilty to a pair of charges that led to a six-year prison sentence.

Source: Coast to Coast

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