![]() 6/9/19 #1008 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1008.html The crystal ball glimmered with
an iridescence of days of future past. The nearby flickering
candles threw shadows of things yet to be upon the orbs
crystalline matrix. The prophet, withered and aged, breathed
deeply of the smokey air and continued to gaze deeply into the heart of
the crystal. Deep within his brain, universal connections
that bind us all in a web of wholeness are stimulated by the
hypnotic shapes that danced faintly in the ball.
Time and space are one and all information contained within reality are available to those who can master their intellect and allow the stream of information to be downloaded directly into the brain -- bypassing the rational mind that would block anything received through such unconventional methods. The prophet sighs in contentment -- because once again his crystal ball has brought him his subscription to Conspiracy Journal, the free weekly e-mail newsletter of everything weird and strange from the past present and future. - Our Hollow Earth - - UFOs Are Real - Here's Why That's Concerning - - Neurologist Finds Similarities in UFO Abduction Victims - AND: Hiker Got Lost After Following a 'Voice' All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ALIEN BASES EXIST ALL AROUND US! ![]() ALIEN BASES EXIST ALL AROUND US
THEIR OCCUPANTS LURK IN THE DARKNESS OF THE SHADOW WORLD THESE ARE THE STRONGHOLDS OF THE ULTRA-TERRESTRIALS, THE MYSTERIOUS ABODES FROM WHICH THEY TERRORIZE AND TORMENT THEIR HUMAN PREY -- AS WELL AS OFFERING FRIENDSHIP AND ADVICE FROM TIME TO TIME There is evidence that human-looking ETs may be living right down the road from you, hidden in some secluded base of operations. They have been seen to emerge from a landed craft and then observed in the checkout line of the local supermarket the next day. Should they be "found out" and followed into the parking lot just a few feet away, they are seen to vanish right before the eyes of stunned witnesses. Some UFO strongholds are believed to be located high in the mountains – such as Mount Shasta, Mount Olympus, at the highest points of the Andes and around the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. Other ET bases are located way back in the jungles of Mexico and along the Amazon. Still others require diving and sonar equipment to pinpoint the aliens’ watery world. Additional bases are “hidden” in plain sight. They could be in what seem to be abandoned buildings. Or out-of-the-way castles or mansions that can house a sizable encampment of Ultra-terrestrials. They might be concealed along darkened trails that lead to the swamplands of America, or in the unpopulated areas of Australia’s Outback. One of the most hidden alien bases is believed to be within forty miles of the White House. For decades we have collected a multitude of reports that have come our way, regulating some to the waste basket because they lack credibility. Others remain in our “grey basket,” because they have yet to be proven or disproven, while the remainder might lead us to some well-deserved discoveries if we manage to enter the star gate that is poised on the dark end of sundown. It’s believed – and we are seeking concrete proof – that at least some of those researchers who have gone in search of alien “hangouts” have never returned to give accounts of what they came across. Such a case would be that of Raymond Bernard, who entered the jungles of Brazil in search of an alien cavern base. The intrepid explorer might have gotten snatched by the reptilians or Richard Shaver’s “Dero,” who want to keep well secluded from the prying eyes of the human race. Others, more lucky, have returned to share their positive experiences with friends and associates. You
are invited to join our quest for the emerging truth about such
potentially catastrophic cosmic matters. Who knows? Perhaps the next
alien stronghold to be discovered might be just a few blocks away or
down the road, right in your very own neighborhood. So keep your eyes
wide open, for it would be a world-changing revelation, one that would
not only make the evening news but cause us to rewrite the history of
humanity. The Ultra-terrestrials’ footholds on our earthly plane are
numerous, and this book offers a unique look into some of these alien
fortresses. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! ![]() - A PLACE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL DEPARTMENT - Our Hollow Earth By Sean Casteel ![]() Do heaven and hell actually
exist as physical locations? Can one step outside of the boundaries of
religious and cultural conditioning that for millennia have told us
that the two places exist outside the physical realm as places to be
found only in spiritual dimensions that are unreachable by the living?
Timothy Green Beckley and his stable of venerable writers and researchers invite you to consider the possibility that the territories we think of as the afterlife – the dichotomies of heaven and hell – are in fact physical places concealed throughout eternity in the bowels of the Earth. This is the theme of Beckley’s latest group project, the book called “Our Hollow Earth: An Inner World Paradise, Or A Gateway To Hell?” Since the book provides excellent arguments to support either case, it is up to the reader to determine which authors’ testimonies are more credible. Beckley’s introduction pulls no punches when he writes: “Frankly, the text books – the truth according to our ‘experts’ – are all wrong! If you think life exists only on the surface of the planet, you have been listening to the ‘party line’ way too long, for there are those who see the Earth as being multilayered, and that what goes on ‘above’ definitely goes on ‘below’ – and maybe more so to the extreme.” THE NOTION OF HELL BENEATH US
“One case for an Inner Earth hell,” Beckley continues, “is found in the wickedly profound tales of one Richard S. Shaver, who claimed he knew about a race of underground beings he called the Dero. For eons, the Dero had been polluting humankind’s minds with murderous thoughts and were responsible for plagues, ‘natural’ disasters, wars and all manner of evil deeds. They inflicted these woes upon humankind through the use of ancient laser-like ‘stem rays’ shot forth from their cavernous dwellings, hidden out of sight below the very bottoms of our feet.” According to Beckley, Shaver said there was a real hell and it was located not in some mythical place but down below, right beneath us, toward the center of the earth. Like it or not, fundamentalist “scholars” tell us quite clearly that hell is for real and located inside the earth, making reference to Ephesians 4:9, which says of Jesus: “Now in saying that He ascended, what does it mean but that He also descended into the LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH?” The reports of some who have experienced a Near Death Experience say they were thrown into the fiery lakes of hell and that “this place seems to be UNDERGROUND or WITHIN THE EARTH in some way.” Shaver’s belief in a literal, physical hell was the result of demonic voices in his head. “From as far back as I can remember,” Shaver writes, “there were the voices. They weren’t there all the time, but they were there enough that they played an important role in my early childhood development. At first I thought that everyone heard the voices. I thought there was nothing strange about being awakened at night with the hideous screams of someone being torn limb from limb ringing in your ears. I thought it was normal to hear the maniacal laughing of an invisible someone who thought it was a fine joke to see an innocent soul run down by a speeding train. I thought everyone knew that the voices were with us all of the time, watching, waiting, and scheming for our bloody deaths. But I was wrong. It seemed that I was the only one who heard the voices. I learned quickly not to talk about them, lest I be thought a maniac.” Shaver’s voices gradually faded from his life and became only a distant childhood memory. They returned, however, when he was an adult working at an auto plant in Detroit. He began to hear them through the noise of the machinery, conversing among themselves about gleefully tearing the skin off a woman as she screamed for mercy or causing cars and planes to crash. He concluded he must be quite insane, quit his job, began to live a hobo life and took to alcohol to try to block the voices out. He found himself confined to a prison or mental hospital – he seems unclear on which – and came to believe the voices came from people living in caves beneath the institution where he was incarcerated, tormenting him and the other prisoners with strange technologies he compared to some kind of x-rays. Shaver writes: “My problems, I realized, did not stem from some kind of mental impairment. I wasn’t crazy in the traditional sense, even though at times I felt like I was being driven mad by the hateful rays that were being beamed at me by the people below. No, I was sane in an insane world. “I have often wondered,” he continues, “how many people who have been institutionalized because they were diagnosed as crazy were in fact victims, such as myself, of the damnable rays. Did they themselves think that they were insane because of the voices they heard in their heads and voluntarily committed themselves? Even today I still wonder if most forms of mental illness are not actually insidious attacks from the world below.” Over time, perhaps as a method of coping with the voices, Shaver began to develop a myth or a narrative to explain them. He writes about the coming of the “Titans,” a humanoid race that migrated from their home planet and settled on Earth long before mankind was created. The Titans created the first civilization on the Earth, a social and scientific utopia that has never been equaled since. But there came a time when the sun began to flare in dangerous ways and Earth was flooded with world-destroying radiation. The Titans had no choice but to flee, but some of them stubbornly refused to abandon their homes and instead moved underground or beneath the seas. They took their great machines and scientific knowledge with them, in hopes of someday finding a solution to the solar radiation and returning to live on the Earth’s surface. But even deep within the Earth, the solar radiation continued to affect them. They tried moving deeper into the planet, but to no avail. “Those who did not die immediately,” Shaver writes, “suffered genetic damage that was passed down from generation to generation. Eventually, this once mighty race was reduced to mutated horrors, retarded in intelligence and social structure. Worse still, these monstrosities still had access to the self-repairing machines of their ancestors. But instead of using them for their intended purposes, they used them to satisfy their sick, twisted desires. These are the demons of ancient myth and folklore.” They are the masters of a very REAL Hell! IS THE CENTER OF THE EARTH TEEMING WITH LIFE?
Of course, stories about various locales inside the Earth are nothing new. Unlike Shaver’s tales of the demonic Dero who inhabit a cavern world, the inhabitants of the actual Hollow Earth, located at the planet’s core, are also said to be peaceful in countenance, but wish to keep their existence a secret for fear that the surface “warmongers” will want to invade. A few years ago, when Beckley reprinted the long out-of-print edition and expanded upon the original version of “The Smoky God And Other Inner Earth Mysteries,” he knew going in that there isn’t anything new under the sun – even the central sun said to light the interior of our planet! The story of the Smoky God is dramatic and tells of a fantastic journey by father and son to a place inhabited by gentle giants. In contrast to the rather admittedly demented Richard Shaver, who made no effort to conceal his hearing voices inside his head, voices that drove him nearly insane (he is said to have been locked in an insane asylum for several years), most of the tales of a Hollow Earth are rather benign. As a further example, one need only examine the works of Tibetan mystic T. Lobsang Rampa, who called the paradise located in the Inner Earth “Agharta.” Beckley’s Global Communications publishing house has republished many of Rampa’s books in excellent new editions. THE DARKNESS OF THE HUMAN ELEMENT
But the story of the Inner Earth does not always involve supernatural entities like demons or highly-evolved, benevolent, heavenly personages. There is also plenty of everyday human evil thrown into the mix. Take the story of Admiral Byrd, for instance, about whom many questions remain. Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero. But what was he concealing from the public, and why did he swear to secrecy a handpicked group from among the crews that accompanied him on his polar expeditions? In 1938, the Nazis asked Byrd to join their expedition to the North Pole, which the admiral quite naturally declined. The Nazis went there without him, seeking to make contact with a hidden race of supermen by finding a doorway into the Hollow Earth that was believed to exist in the icy northern wastelands. Did the Nazis succeed in making that contact? Did they get alien assistance in building their own disc-shaped aircraft? Ace Fortean advocate Tim Cridland presents not only photographic proof of the existence of massive holes at the North and South Poles, which are usually covered with a thick cloud layer, thus disguising the entrances there, but also explores the close connection between a member of the Byrd family and the assassination of a beloved president. The admiral’s cousin, David Harold Byrd, was an oil-rich financier from Texas who funded some of Admiral Byrd’s earlier polar expeditions. By virtue of his wealth, Harold Byrd was part of the inner circle of the rich and powerful in Texas, which included Lyndon Johnson and John Connelly. Did the secret cabal somehow have a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Was the conspiracy of murder birthed in a Houston hotel room? In any case, to many in the UFO and conspiracy theory communities, Admiral Richard E. Byrd is not merely some benign fatherly figure smiling at us from the pages of 20th century history. While Byrd is commonly thought of as a national hero and a courageous explorer of the forbidding wastelands of the Polar Regions, those who look a little deeper soon discover a disturbing darkness and subterfuge that entangles the American icon in many a wicked web. MICAH HANKS ON THE NAZI CONNECTION
From the darkness surrounding Byrd, his cousin and the JFK assassination, we move along to what may be even darker terrain, as described by author and podcaster Micah Hanks. “It’s one of the most famous conspiracies,” Hanks writes, “associated with the end of the Second World War: that a group of Nazis escaped to Antarctica, where they had a secret base established to aid in the furtherance of their top secret flying saucer development program. Such tales have been the stuff of legends for decades now, and the persistence of rumors like these offer an alternative to popular theories about alien visitors that remain a hallmark of modern UFO lore.” Hanks refers to a 2006 discovery by Ohio State University scientists who claim to have located some kind of “gravitational anomaly” located below Wilkes Land, Antarctica. It was later speculated in the tabloid press that the anomaly could be the long-sought “secret Nazi UFO base” in question. There is some legitimacy to this idea, according to Hanks, stemming from the fact that the Nazis did mount an expedition to the South Pole in 1938-39, though there is no proof they attempted to establish a more permanent stronghold there. Ironically, according to Hanks, the idea of Nazi UFOs in Antarctica has less to do with anything the Nazis actually did than with what Admiral Byrd himself said about it. Hanks quotes from a 1947 interview with Byrd, published in a Chilean newspaper, thusly: “The admiral stated that he didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that, in case of a new war, the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.” “As one can see,” Hanks continues, “such wording easily lends itself to the idea of a connection between the Nazi UFO mythos and something going on at the South Pole.” THE HOLLOW EARTH AS CLASSIC LITERATURE
Jules Verne’s 1864 novel, “Journey To The Center Of The Earth,” is often credited with being the first book to deal with the concept that the Earth could possibly be hollow. But, in actuality, Verne’s classic tome was written about a hundred years after the release of a book that purports to be a real account of the author’s exploits in the underworld. As far as is known, Niels Klim’s “Underground Travels,” originally published in Danish as “Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum” (1741), is a purportedly real journey as described by the author, Ludvig Holberg. It is being published here in English by Global Communications without tampering or unneeded editing. The complete title in English is: “NIELS KLIM’S JOURNEY UNDER THE GROUND, BEING A NARRATIVE OF HIS WONDERFUL DESCENT TO THE SUBTERRANEAN LANDS, TOGETHER WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE SENSIBLE ANIMALS AND TREES." Ludvig Holberg is the most eminent writer among the Danes in the 18th century. University-educated and well-traveled, he wrote treatises on law as well as histories, satires and comedies. “There are many persons of both sexes in my country who believe in fairies and supernatural beings and who are ready to swear that that they have been conveyed by spirits to hills and mountain caves,” writes Holberg. The work starts with a foreword that assures the reader that everything in the story is a real account of the title character’s exploits in the Underworld. The story begins in the Norwegian harbor town of Bergen in 1664, after Klim returns from Copenhagen, where he has studied philosophy and theology at the University of Copenhagen and graduated magna cum laude. His curiosity drives him to investigate a strange cave in a mountainside above the town, which sends out regular gusts of warm air. He ends up falling down the hole, and after a while he finds himself floating in free space. Klim, the hero of the tale, is said to be transported to the world underground, where he meets with some “surprising” adventures. Many strange creatures inhabit this new world. Trees are introduced that have the power of speech and musical instruments discuss questions of philosophy and finance. This introduction is followed by a short section called “Apologetic Preface,” in which descendants of Klim the Great add a prefix to the new edition where they swear to the authenticity of the story and seek to amend the bad reputation with which the publisher has unfairly been burdened by readers who believe the book is all fantasy. Whether or not one lends total belief to the story told by Holberg and Klim, it is in any case a fascinating tale of adventure, redemption and coming to know one’s true self in a world previously unknown to mortal man. “Our Hollow Earth” also includes a chapter by Hercules Invictus, a frequent contributor among Beckley’s writers. Hercules writes about the physical heaven and hell as described in Greek mythology. The Rivers of the Underworld, also an element of Greek mythology, are neatly summarized by Deanna Jaxine Stinson. Deanna’s husband, Paul Dale Roberts, recounts the story of a cave in Guatemala reputed to be an entrance to a Hollow World where the UFO occupants are said to reside. Scott Corrales covers similar territory in the wider exploration of Latin American entrances to the Underworld. Beliefs in and about the Hollow Earth span the centuries and cut across all cultural and metaphysical lines. If you’re new to the subject, “Our Hollow Earth: An Inner World Paradise, Or A Gateway to Hell?” will provide the introductory overview that will start your education along the right path. If you’re a longtime student of the strange, you owe it to yourself to read the contributions from writers of the present time along with the resurrection of Ludvig Holberg’s breezily fascinating 18th century adventure story, which you likely are unaware of. Just what IS down there? Is there an unseen enemy beneath our feet, threatening to conquer us with mind-blowing wicked technology when they feel the time is right? Or is there some gentle race of Inner Earth inhabitants who guard their secret paradise from us savages here on the surface? The complete duality of the Hollow Earth mystery inevitably gives one pause, does it not? Source: Spectral Vision
https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2019/06/07/our-hollow-earth-a-place -between-heaven-and-hell - WHAT IS UP THERE DEPARTMENT - UFOs Are Real - Here's Why That's Concerning By Anna Hopkins ![]() After a bombshell report
detailing near-daily interactions with unidentified flying objects by
Navy pilots in 2014 and 2015, Christopher Mellon has argued that this
information is nothing new, and the government needs to do something
about it.
Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, is involved with a new History Channel series, 'Unidentified,' which will expand on topics discussed in a recent New York Times article. In numerous interviews, Navy pilots revealed that they saw UFOs moving at hypersonic speeds, performing acts “beyond the physical limits of a human crew,” and emitting "no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes." In a Wednesday morning interview with "Fox & Friends," Mellon, who has written extensively on the topic before, outlined the reasons the Navy is concerned about these sightings. "We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue," he said. "The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?" There are indications, Mellon said, that the objects reported by Navy pilots in 2014 and 2015 were doing things that aren't possible in this physical realm. The speeds being reported (about 5,000 miles per hour, according to Mellon) were only sustainable for about an hour by an aircraft in the air, and these objects would be flying around all day long, the pilots said. "Pilots observing these craft are absolutely mystified and that comes through clearly in their public statements," Mellon continued. Fascination turned to fear one day, however, when a Super Hornet pilot said he almost collided with one of the objects — which he described as a sphere encasing a cube. An official report was filed, and the incident shattered the previous theory by Navy pilots that the objects were a part of some sort of extremely classified drone operation. "These are reactions between intelligently controlled vehicles operating in and around U.S. military facilities, hence the concern," Mellon explained. "One: there have been near mid-air collisions so there is a safety issue. Two, there is a vital national security issue which is that our sovereignty is being violated by vehicles of unknown origin," he continued. Although all of this information is old news to Mellon, it's taken America by storm, and he says we're hardly the only country to have interactions with these objects. Having written extensively about UFO sightings before, Mellon said he's frustrated with the lack of action being taken by the government, as are the Navy pilots who experienced the sightings. He decided that the only way to make progress was to release this information to the public in the form of his new show, and television interviews. "We are giving military personnel on the front line a voice," he said. "We are helping them get out the message of what it is they are encountering and why they are so concerned about it." Source: Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/science/christopher-mellon-official-ufo-sightings-real?fbclid =IwAR1PfyKEooXha0LseMAg8QbVH3LGJM1ysInIrXd3KQEyiUVEY3ygDIV0XS0 - THE BRAIN TELLS ALL DEPARTMENT - Neurologist Finds Similarities in Abduction Victims By Colin M. Stewart ![]() Neurologist Dr. Michael B.
Russo says that he initially didn’t know what to make of the first few
patients who told him they’d been abducted by aliens from outer space.
Neurologist Dr. Michael B. Russo says that he initially didn’t know what to make of the first few patients who told him they’d been abducted by aliens from outer space. “Their doctors sent them to me because they had headache pain or some sort of neurological problem,” he said. “Their primary physicians didn’t know they were having the problem due to abduction. But I would find out as part of my interview when I would ask how long they’ve had the problem, when did they first notice it. … Then they’d tell me.” As part of his regular testing of patients, Russo used his $200,000 dense-array electroencephalography, or DEEG, machine — the only one of its kind in Hawaii — to map the electrical activity in the brains of his patients. New patients, including several from the Big Island, came in with similar complaints about being abducted, leading Russo to wonder if there was anything the patients shared in common when it came to brain wave activity. “The patients were just coming to me, and I started noticing patterns across the patients. I’ll see three or four patients with something that’s similar, and then I’ll try to find an explanation for what it is I’m seeing,” Russo said. Each of the patients who claims to have been abducted by aliens and believed that a transmitter was implanted in their brain has shown abnormalities in brain wave activity in their parietal lobe. “That’s the area that does visual and auditory integration into higher order thinking,” he said. “The parietal areas process visual and auditory data, but they can intrinsically create it themselves and then send it to the pre-frontal region, where you become aware of it. … Our thinking is that there’s something in the parietal areas that’s generating (the feeling that transmissions from aliens are being sent to the brain).” The electrical brain wave activity of the alien abductee patients looks similar to that of patients who have experienced traumatic brain injury, he said. Russo, who operates offices in both Honolulu and Hilo, says that he tries to look at the patients’ experiences from their point of view and works with them to try to help alleviate their problem. “I’m not casting judgment about what it is they’re saying and their history,” he said Friday. “All I’m saying is that these areas of the brain are similar between patients. … Patients would not come to me if I did not take them seriously and their problems seriously. I don’t discount what they’ve said. I try to make the pain or discomfort or anxieties diminish.” Russo said that when he is performing the DEEG tests, patients will often ask him if he can see the transmitter. “‘No, I can’t see the transmitter,’ I’ll tell them. ‘But I can see the brain signals,” he said. Russo said that so far, when he has explained his findings to his patients, they have responded well. “It validates what they’re experiencing. It’s something that can be detected or measured using human equipment — most of what they’ve had is an extraterrestrial experience. So, I’m able to say, ‘Yes, I can see your brain and the area where there are communication difficulties,’” he said. “‘And I have medicines that may help the pain you’re experiencing or turn down or off the transmissions you’re experiencing.’” Russo says he has experienced some success using various pharmacological therapies in alleviating the headache pains and feelings of receiving unwanted transmissions. Russo will present his findings, which were co-authored with Ryan Nillo, Shane Endicott, Judith Profant and Melba C. Stetz, at the upcoming meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, held Sunday through Thursday at the Hawaii Convention Center. Source: Hawaii Tribune-Herald https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/2015/06/13/hawaii-news/abducted-by-aliens -neurologist-finds-similarities-in-alleged-victims/ PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #50 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail mrufo8@hotmail.com for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
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Most Planets May Be Seeded With Life ![]()
Astronomers have detected a building block of RNA floating within the
hot, compact core of a massive star-forming region in the Milky Way.
The molecule appears to have formed with all of the other stuff that
makes up planets, suggesting that many other worlds are seeded with
some of life's ingredients right from birth.
Two of the greatest questions of existence--Are we alone? and How did we get here?--remain unanswered. Clues keep coming, and they are tantalizing. Over the past decade, astronomers have detected organic molecules inside meteorites and even in space (ScienceNOW, 28 March). But these latter substances have not been found in the clouds of dust and gas around new stars that can form planets, making their link to life tenuous. The new find, described this week in the journal Astro-ph, is stronger. Using the IRAM radio dish array in France, a team of European astronomers has detected glycolaldehyde--a simple sugar that makes up ribose, one of the constituents of RNA--within the core of what appears to be a coalescing disk of dust and gas in a star-forming region called G31.41+0.31, about 26,000 light-years away. The sugar molecule can apparently form in a simple reaction between carbon monoxide molecules and dust grains. The discovery is significant for two reasons. First, G31.41+0.31 lies far away from the radiation-filled center of the Milky Way, so if any biological processes start up there, they will have a chance to establish themselves. Second, the abundance of glycolaldehyde in the G31.41+0.31 cloud suggests that the molecule is "common throughout star-forming regions," says astrophysicist and co-author Serena Viti of University College London. The implication is that wherever there is starmaking and planet formation going on, organic building blocks could be assembling as well. Maybe so, but radio astronomer Karl Menten of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, says we're still a long way from observing life taking hold. In our own planet's case, for example, he says, "It is not clear to what extent complex interstellar molecules survived the violent forces accompanying Earth's initial formation." Astrobiologist Michael Mumma of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, says it's possible that life's building blocks arrive on planets after this violent period has passed. Glycolaldehyde, for example, seems to be located in an area of the star-forming region where it could become part of comets. If so, Mumma says, some of those comets could eventually deliver the sugar to young planets. Source: ScienceNow http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2008/1126/2 ![]() - STRANGE CREATURES FROM TIME AND SPACE DEPARTMENT - Argentina: Bizarre Entity in Colonia Elia (Prov. of Entre Rios) ![]() Very early in the morning on October 8, a team from
Vision Ovni headed for the locality of Colonia Elia in the Province of
Entre Rios to research the manifestations of a strange creature that
appears in small holds and fields, slaying farm animals as well as
calves and sheep. This was the information presented to us by the
national media, which had taken an interest in the story. It was thanks
to this interest that we became aware of the case.
Once we had reached the site, 260 kilometers distant
along Route 14, we entered Colonia Elia through a dirt road in search
of the witnesses. As always, we employed an old but sure-fire strategy
to get information. We stopped a man who was riding along on horseback,
and he quickly indicated the location of the Restayno family home. This
was the family that had witnessed the events involving the unusual
The witnesses warmly welcomed us: they showed us evidence of the mutilations, which was among the reasons for our trip, and quickly told us the details of the occurrences. A Summary of the Restayno Family's Experiences Manifestations of this entity began a year ago,
around September 15, when they found a dead chicken beside the granary,
displaying strange marks, and a large print on the ground. The family's
boys – Matias and Gabriel – fully knowledgeable about the animals that
wander the fields, could not recognize the type of marks left on the
chicken's breast and much less identify the footprint found near the
dead animal. In an effort to glean further evidence, they found tear
marks, made as if by claws, in the back of the henhouse. The following
night, early in the morning, the heard noises that prompted them to go
outside to see what was happening. Matias, 16, was startled when he saw
a bizarre figure scurry away among the vegetation at the back of the
house; he described this figure as large (standing at least 1.70
meters) and swift in its getaway. Upon inspecting the henhouse,
they found a dead chicken with a large rip in it chest. From that moment on, the family's boys would not have a normal life again, as each night turned into an episode of chase and attempted capture of this creature, which turned the family's life into a strange adventure. According to a family member, the "critter", as they've dubbed it, seems more frightened than them. Whenever the possibility of an encounter exists, the reaction is always the same: flight. All manner of snares have been laid out to trap this creature: otter traps, cages (lent by a neighbor who cares for endangered animals), and they even prepared a trap using old bedding elastic [...]. The creature was captured in each of these, but managed to free itself. The otter trap, however, inflicted serious injury, given that blood traces remained on the trap and on a nearby stone. These samples were taken for analytical purposes. Manifestations have been constant. The witness see fleeting shadows and the entity's claw-prints, such as the ones it left on a tree, as though it had used the wood to sharpen them, or its footsteps, which are easily seen because the boys, in their urge to secure evidence, began spreading ashes and rice powder around the hen houses. The best was yet to come, and it would happen inside the house at three o'clock in the morning. Matias heard a noise behind the kitchen but within his home. This experience allowed Matias to clearly see the entity that had been engaged in the chicken mutilations. We managed to obtain an oral picture of the creature. We showed him a series of figures from our files, and he identified one of them as very similar, and based on that, he outlined the description of what confronted him that night. He seized his carbine (.22 caliber) and quickly headed to the front of the house. When he drew the curtain of the room that houses his mother's pantry and the cheese-making churns, he found the "critter" on top of the freezer, clearly intending to grab the churn. Matias's immediate reaction was to fire, which he did four times without wounding it. The anima jumped through a window, spilling chicken entrails throughout the room. Source: Inexplicata http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.com/ - DECEIVED BY THE MENEHUNE DEPARTMENT -
Hiker Got Lost After Following a 'Voice' Three weeks ago, Amanda Eller felt drawn to go to the Makawao Forest Reserve on the Hawaiian island of Maui to connect with nature and get grounded. She had rarely been to that park and hadn't been in months. But that day she was called to go. The 35-year-old physical therapist, who had a whole day to herself, figured she'd go for a 3-mile hike and spend a couple of hours in the woods. "I don't really know what happened," she said Tuesday morning, speaking to reporters while in a wheelchair. "All I can say is that ... I have strong sense of internal guidance, whatever you want to call that -- a voice, Spirit, everybody has a different name for it. "My heart was telling me walk down this path, go left. Great. Go right. It was so strong." She said it turned out to be not nearly as strong when after meditating on a log she wanted to go back to her car. She tried one path and it didn't get her back to her car. She tried another. No luck. And another. She came to the realization she wasn't on a human path; she was on a boar path. "At that point I had no choice because everything looked the same. I said, 'The only thing I have is my gut. I don't have a compass. I don't have a cell phone,'" she said. "'So, Spirit,' or whatever you want to pray to, I said, 'I need your help right now.'" She said she listened to her sense of guidance, which instead of taking her back to her car, took her on a 5-mile journey, one she called a "spiritual boot camp." Eller ended up spending 17 days in the woods, trying to get back to her car and then just trying to stay alive and catch the attention of searchers in helicopters. She spent two days in a Maui hospital being treated for severe sunburn, a twisted knee and ankle problems before she went home Monday night. She hopes to be back at work in two weeks. Eller thinks the days she spent alone in the woods, surviving on berries and stream water, is part of something bigger, something that has been changing her life since she moved to Maui four years ago. It taught the physical therapist who often treats people in great pain what it is like to be on the patient's side. Eller, who is also a yoga teacher, said she would get down and feel like a victim. "This is not your punishment. This is your destiny. This is your journey. This is part of your path," she said. She said she eventually accepted that this would be a gauntlet of painful endeavors and she had to choose life. Eller said she would find things she could use to spell out SOS and she'd hang pieces of clothing where it could be seen from the air. But as helicopters passed over -- she estimated there were at least 20 times they were nearby -- they couldn't see her. Fortunately, a helicopter surveying areas to put search crews into the forest spotted her. She had been sitting out on a rock, frying in the sun, and here came another helicopter. But she saw someone pointing at her. "I just fell to the ground and just started bawling," she said. In hindsight, Eller says that even though she hates cell phones, she should have taken hers with her into the forest. She also will take a water bottle next time. That next time, though, in this park, won't be anytime soon, she said, laughing. Source: CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/28/us/hawaii-missing-hiker-spirit/index.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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