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This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such curtain-climbing stories as: - Russian Nuclear Agency Confirms Role in Rocket Test Explosion - - The Shroud of Turin: Latest Study Deepens Mystery - - The Hidden Roots of the 23 Enigma - AND: Woman Divorces "Ghost Husband" All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ASHTAR AND THE GALACTIC COMMAND HAS A MESSAGE FOR YOU! ![]() WELCOME ON BOARD THE MOTHERSHIP - THE ASHTAR COMMAND WANTS YOU!
SHOULD THERE BE A GLOBAL DISASTER – SUCH AS A NUCLEAR WAR OR POLE SHIFT – THE “CHOSEN’ WILL BE TAKEN TO A SAFE HARBOR IN SPACE. At this very moment, thousands of friendly space beings, sometimes referred to as the Cosmic Brotherhood, or the Federation of Planets, are patrolling our atmosphere on a mission of salvation as they seek to expand the consciousness of humanity and to lessen global tensions. Led by the gallant Ashtar, it is believed by his followers that that these highly advanced beings could at a moment’s notice remove from the planet a sizable portion of humanity identified as the “Chosen Ones” – those attuned with the cosmos and its universal laws – who would be taken to a safe port in a distant solar system. Although he is an Etherian, a nonphysical being, Ashtar and his comrades take on the appearance of royal-looking humans. So say those who have had face-to-face contact, including New York City contactee Marc Brinkerhoff, who describes Ashtar’s appearance thusly: “His presence is trustful, commanding, confident and calming when I have met him during out-of-body visits to the teaching spaceships around the Earth, and on August 10, 2015 when I physically met him in person." Ashtar's The Space Brothers Speak: Transmissions From the Solar Concil is more than unique. It presents a grand overview of Ashtar and his Commanders as well as messages from his special spokespersons, including Tuella, his primary representative. This work also includes transmissions from many of the individual planets in this solar system, the inhabitants of which operate on a “higher vibrational level,” making them normally invisible to the human eye, except the most closely connected. There is also fabulous artwork by Carol Ann Rodriguez of a number of these enlightened souls, as well as overviews by Hercules Invictus, Tim Beckley and Sean Casteel. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out the fate of all mankind on planet Earth. ![]() - PLAYING WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT - Russian Nuclear Agency Confirms Role in Rocket Test Explosion ![]() Russia’s nuclear
energy agency has said an explosion that caused radiation levels to
spike in the Arkhangelsk region was caused by an accident during a test
of an “isotope power source for a liquid-fuelled rocket engine”.
In a statement released late on Friday, Rosatom said five of its employees had died as a result of the accident and three more were being treated for burns. The statement was the first confirmation that the agency was involved in the incident, which briefly drove radiation levels up to 20 times their normal levels in the nearby city of Severodvinsk. The accident occurred near the village of Nyonoksa, also written Nenoksa, in the northwestern Russian region of Arkhangelsk on Aug. 8, 2019. This is a known test site for both cruise and ballistic missiles. There have been no previous reports that Russia has previously tested Burevestnik, also known to NATO as SSC-X-9 Skyfall. Previous reports, citing anonymous U.S. officials, indicate that the Russians had been testing this missile, details about which are extremely limited, since at least 2017, from Novaya Zemlya, a remote archipelago in Russia’s far north that has also served as a nuclear weapon testing ground. President Putin has talked about work on a nuclear-powered cruise missile, the Burevestnik or Petrel, that would have effectively unlimited range. If that was the source of the explosion, it may have just faced a significant setback. Russia’s ministry of defence first confirmed the explosion on Thursday, saying two people had been killed and six injured in a botched test of a liquid-fueled rocket engine. The injured included ministry employees and civilian contractors. Rosatom’s statement may indicate that three of those first reported as injured had since died. Despite reports that the wounded had been transported to Moscow for medical care, neither their names nor locations had been confirmed. This wouldn't be the first time in recent memory that Russia's weapons experimentation has run into trouble. It boasted of developing a hypersonic weapon that would be ready by 2019, but a lack of resources and high costs has apparently delayed the project. The cruise missile reportedly has a nuclear-powered ramjet engine that uses rocket boosters to get it to an optimal speed. At that point, the fast-moving air would then blow over the hot reactor, before squirting out an exhaust nozzle to generate thrust. It's not clear how a liquid fuel rocket motor or jet engine, the component that reportedly exploded, might fit into the Burevestnik's design. It is possible that the system uses liquid fuel rocket boosters to get it to the necessary speeds for the ramjet to work. The incident in question may have also involved an experimental configuration with a small nuclear reactor installed, but a conventional jet engine providing actual propulsion, in order to evaluate other features ahead of full tests of the missile in a more representative configuration. Another possibility could be that this was a reference to a liquid nuclear fuel-powered reactor. Unlike a missile using a conventional jet engine or rocket motor, the nuclear power plant could potentially keep the missile flying for weeks on end and give it virtually unlimited range, making it a nightmare for anyone trying to defend against it. Unfortunately, this also means that any test of the weapon, even one without a live warhead, still involves launching a radioactive payload. Whether or not the test fails – and crashes or explodes – or the missile succeeds in reaching its destination, it will always involve crashing a nuclear reactor into the ground or the ocean. Questions remain about how much radiation may have leaked out as a result of the accident. City officials in Severodvinsk, to the east of Nyonoksa, initially reported that there had been a brief spike in radiation based on readings of up to 20 millisieverts per hour from two sensors that are part of an automated civil defense system. Typical background radiation for the area is 0.11 millisieverts per hour. However, Severodvinsk authorities did say that the radiation levels had returned to normal within hours of the accident. The Russian Ministry of Defense subsequently denied any radiation leak whatsoever. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), which monitors compliance with this agreement prohibiting nuclear explosions for any purpose, has issued a statement saying that they detected the incident coinciding with the accident at Nyonoksa seismically and via infrasound. However, they did not say that they believed what they had detected was a nuclear weapon detonating. Source: The Guardian -role-in-rocket-test-explosion - TAINTED STUDY DEPARTMENT - The Shroud of Turin: Latest Study Deepens Mystery By K.V. Turley ![]() A
new French-Italian study on the Shroud of Turin throws doubt on what
many thought was the definitive dating of the cloth believed by
millions to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.
This latest two-year study was headed and funded by French independent researcher Tristan Casabianca, with a team of Italian researchers and scientists: Emanuela Marinelli, who has written extensively about the shroud; Giuseppe Pernagallo, data analyst and senior tutor at the University of Catania, Italy; and Benedetto Torrisi, associate professor of economic statistics at the University of Catania. In 1988 radiocarbon tests on the Shroud of Turin dated the cloth to between 1260 and 1390. The implication was clear: The shroud was a medieval forgery. After a 2017 Freedom of Information (FOI) request, a new team of researchers gained access to the original data used for the 1988 test. The findings of this new team are that the 1988 test results were unreliable. Three laboratories involving researchers from the University of Arizona, Oxford University, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology contributed to the 1988 study, which was carried out under the auspices of the British Museum. When the scientists performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin shroud, their results were published in the journal Nature in 1989. They provided what was said to be “conclusive evidence” of the medieval origin of the artifact. For many years the raw data used in these tests was never released by the institutions involved, despite multiple requests for them to do so. Finally, in response to the 2017 FOI, all raw data kept by the British Museum was made accessible to researchers for the first time. “For almost 30 years, scholars asked in vain for the raw data from the three laboratories and the supervising institution, the British Museum,” Casabianca told the Register. “I graduated in law, so I had the idea to make a legal request based on the Freedom of Information Act. The British Museum was the only institution to fully and quickly answer my request.” Only then, after the British Museum acceded to the FOI — something it was legally obliged to do — did Casabianca and his teams gain access to hundreds of unpublished pages from the earlier study. The subsequent examination of the data by the Franco/Italian team found evidence, now published in Oxford University’s Archaeometry, which suggests that the methods employed by the 1988 scientists were flawed. This news comes as no surprise to Russ Breault, the president of the Shroud of Turin Education Project Inc. “It is amazing that it took a Freedom of Information request to finally get the raw data from the British Museum, who oversaw the 1988 dating tests,” he told the Register. “The decision not to publish all the data in Nature was no doubt so they could achieve the coveted ‘95% confidence’ regarding the medieval date.” Casabianca’s team found that the 1988 carbon dating was unreliable, as only pieces from the edges of the cloth were radiocarbon tested. It has been long held by some scholars that those sample areas had been affected by exposure to fire in 1532 while the shroud was stored in the Sainte-Chapelle, in Chambéry, France. “The tested samples are obviously heterogeneous from many different dates,” Casabianca, a convert to Catholicism, told the Register. “There is no guarantee that all these samples, taken from one end of the shroud, are representative of the whole fabric. It is, therefore, impossible to conclude that the Shroud of Turin dates from the Middle Ages.” Like others engaged in the study of the shroud, Breault also has doubts about the samples used in 1988. He said that the latest study “tells us there is something anomalous with the single sample used to date the shroud. This is something we have long suspected because the corner chosen was absolutely the most handled area of the cloth, exactly where it was held up by hand for hundreds of public exhibitions over the centuries.” He further pointed out: “If you were looking for the worst possible sample location, you would choose from one of the two outside corners — right where the sample was cut in 1988.” Doubts persist elsewhere, too, about the methodology and findings of the 1988 study. David Rolfe, the editor of the British Society for the Turin Shroud newsletter, is also a filmmaker whose award-winning work such as The Silent Witness (1978) has done much to bring the shroud to the attention of a wider audience. For some time he has been skeptical about the research that took place in 1988. He told the Register that the latest findings “confirmed that the abandonment of the agreed protocols rendered the test unreliable.” Rolfe explored that “abandonment of protocols” in his 2015 film A Grave Injustice. He explains how all the controls, initially put in place for the 1988 tests, that the scientists might proceed in a rigorously scientific manner, were disregarded. Rolfe thinks that knowledge of the shroud and its fabric has grown significantly in the decades since the 1988 test. This, he says, is especially relevant when considering the samples taken for the 1988 study and underlines the real suspicion that the area from which the samples came was a mended or patched part of the shroud, and these patches almost certainly dated from the medieval era, during which period the cloth was known to have been exhibited. He suggests: “For reasons of their own self-interest, the individuals supervising the test and those running the labs — in Oxford in particular — glossed over the abandonment of the protocols, as they needed to give the impression of accuracy and infallibility of the new method.” When the 1988 findings were published, Rolfe says: “No one was prepared to challenge the weight and might of the combined authority of the British Museum and Oxford. No academic [was], or, for that matter, the vast majority of clerics were, brave enough to challenge this authoritative verdict.” In the end, Rolfe feels that “the [1988] result matched the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist.” Casabianca shared Rolfe’s view about the necessity of adhering to agreed protocols in any future test. “New tests, with robust protocols, are needed,” he said. “We have to learn from the failure of the 1988 carbon dating.” He added: “On a much deeper level, I would like to emphasize that those findings show why Christians should have no reason to be afraid of the scientific process. The quest for truth is at the heart of our faith and will never be a danger for our belief system. That’s why we should not be afraid of new tests on the Turin shroud.” Regardless of the possibility or outcome of any further tests, Casabianca, quoting St. John Paul II from his 1998 address in Turin, said that the shroud’s “message will remain a ‘challenge to our intelligence.’” Nevertheless, the work recently carried out by Casabianca and his team raises the question: Why has it taken more than 30 years and a FOI to access the raw data involved in the 1988 tests? Breault told the Register, “Usually when something is revealed only under duress it is because there is something to hide. Is that the case here?” He observes that “not publishing all the data for the most significant carbon-dating event of the 20th century sure seems foolish, almost as foolish as only taking one sample!” One other aspect of the 1988 test leaves Breault perplexed. “In April of 1988, when the sample was being selected and cut, the entire process was caught on film,” he said. “However, when it came time to cut up the sample into sections and deposit them into stainless steel vials, they went into a room outside the view of the camera.” This fact is not helpful, he contends, going on to ask: “Did they not know the whole world would be watching?” In light of the latest findings, the 1988 testing, its results and the scientists involved in them will doubtless be the subject of further speculation. As to further tests, only the Vatican can authorize these. To do so, however, would cast doubt on the 1988 tests. As Breault acknowledged: “Politically the Church does not want to be viewed as anti-science. Hence, the shroud is often referred to as a ‘symbol of Christ’s suffering, worthy of veneration.’” He said that this definition is necessary, as the word “symbol” does not make a statement regarding the authenticity of the artifact. To call the shroud a “relic” would imply it is authentic, whereas to call it an “icon” is to suggest that it is manmade. As to what might happen next in attempting to authenticate the shroud, Breault says: “[Any] decision could only come from the Pope.” For Casabianca and his team, their latest groundbreaking research is only the start. As Casabianca told the Register: “I would say that when the lack of reliability of this carbon dating was shown, we were already aware it was just the first step [in] bringing important new data to the community of scholars and [having it] published in a prestigious academic journal.” However, with regard to the mysterious Shroud of Turin, he says that, as far his team is concerned, “Our task is far from over.” Source: The National Catholic Register - THE BEGINNING OF THE STAND DEPARTMENT - CDC Orders Shut Down of Military Virus Lab By Mike Wehner ![]() When you’re handling some of
the world’s most deadly viruses and bacteria, safety should always be a
top priority, but apparently the staff of the U.S. Army Medical
Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Frederick,
Maryland, didn’t get that memo. The Centers for Disease Control has now
shuttered the facility and forced a halt to all research after
inspectors found multiple safety violations.
The CDC reportedly initiated the shutdown late last month and the facility has, for the moment, gone dark, as a result of having its registration with the Federal Select Agent Program suspended. This prevents the researchers from working with the deadly germs that they were studying. The suspension was due to multiple causes, including failure to follow local procedures and a lack of periodic recertification training for workers in the biocontainment laboratories, according to Vander Linden. The wastewater decontamination system also failed to meet standards set by the Federal Select Agent Program, Vander Linden said in a follow-up email. “To maximize the safety of our employees, there are multiple layers of protective equipment and validated processes,” she said. At the time of the cease and desist order, USAMRIID scientists were working with agents known to cause tularemia, also called deer fly or rabbit fever, the plague and Venezuelan equine encephalitis, all of which were worked on in a biosafety level 3 laboratory. Researchers were also working with the Ebola virus in a biosafety level 4 lab, Vander Linden said. Of the pathogens, Ebola, bacteria Yersinia pestis (plague), and bacterium Francisella tularensis (tularemia) are on the list of the Health and Human Services select agents and toxins. The three are considered Tier 1 agents, which pose a severe public health and safety threat. Venezuelan equine encephalitis also falls under the Federal Select Agent Program, according to the Code of Federal Regulations. Inspectors did not find any of the dangerous pathogens outside of the facility itself, so at the moment there doesn’t appear to be a risk to the public at large, but any lax procedures are a pretty big deal when you’re playing around with potentially dangerous bacteria and viruses. Officials are now coordinating efforts to bring the facility back within compliance, at which point it will need to regain its registration after inspections by the CDC and, more than likely, the U.S. Army. The process could take months, according to officials. Until then, any work requiring the use of controlled agents will be put on hold. Source: MSN News -after-failed-safety-inspection/ar-AAFu0Kl PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #50 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#50) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
message at 732 602-3407 - DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME DEPARTMENT - Is Life a Dream? By Sharon Hewitt Rawlette, Ph.D. One of the strange things about
dreams is that, most of the time, we aren’t aware we’re dreaming.
Typically, our memory and our reflective ability are substantially
limited within dreams (Fosse et al. 2003; Hobson et al. 1998), causing
us not to notice incongruencies within the dream and to take for
granted that what we experience is real. It simply doesn’t occur to us
to consider whether it might not be.
Perhaps even more strangely, even when we do on occasion become aware that we’re dreaming—and according to various surveys carried out around the world, anywhere from 26% to 92% of people have had at least one lucid dream (Stepansky et al. 1998; Erlacher et al. 2008; Palmer 1979; Yu 2008)—the “sensory” experiences of the dream can remain just as convincingly real. I remember in one of my own dreams realizing that it was a dream and then marveling at how solid and real the cell phone in my hand still felt. The ability of the dream world to appear real has led many thinkers—philosopher René Descartes (1641) being the most prominent Western example—to wonder whether the world we experience while awake might itself be a dream. If the dream world feels just as real as the waking one (at least while we are in it), how can we know for sure that we’re not currently living in a dream—a dream from which we may one day wake up? One way that philosophers have tried to dispel such worries is by appealing to differences between the dream world and the waking one. For instance, our waking world has a coherence that the dream world often lacks. (For an example of a coherence-based argument against the skeptical hypothesis, see Norman Malcolm (1959).) You may recall that, in the feature film Inception, the characters learn to recognize that they’re dreaming by asking themselves how they came to be in a certain situation, then realizing that they can’t remember, because the dream just dropped them there. But does the coherence of our waking world guarantee that it’s real? I believe the coherence of our waking world does give us evidence that it is not merely a figment of our imagination. Specifically, it gives us evidence that, when we are awake, something is causing our experience that is independent of the experience itself. For instance, the relative permanence of the objects and environments we experience in waking life would appear to be best explained by there being something real and enduring that our experiences are reflecting. However, the relative permanence of the objects and environments we encounter in the waking world is no guarantee that the waking world is as real as it gets. After all, a high degree of permanence is also found in the worlds of video games, in which the “environments” and “objects” one interacts with are merely the creations of computer code. So, while perceived permanence does seem to point to there being something objective/enduring out there, the true nature of whatever is “out there” might resemble our experience of it as little as computer code resembles the images we see when we play a video game. In fact, physics teaches us that the objects we experience as being solid are actually made up almost entirely of empty space. And the results of quantum mechanical experiments indicate that, under certain conditions, the building blocks of matter do not behave as discrete particles at all, but rather as waves of probability. If we nevertheless experience the world as full of enduring, solid objects, this is due to the usual way that our senses interact with it and to the way these interactions are represented in consciousness. This means that there is, in fact, an important sense in which all of us do live constantly within a dream—that is, within a world created by our own minds. It’s just that, when we’re awake, our minds conform our dreaming to a reliable set of patterns, which we assume to be determined by a reality that exists independently of our experience of it, though we have no way of knowing that reality except through the complex ways in which it affects our “dream.” But might there be an even deeper sense in which our waking life is a dream? Just as we often wake from sleep to realize that what we were experiencing in the sleep state was not nearly as coherent and “real” as what we experience when awake, could there possibly come a day when we will emerge from the dream of waking reality to experience a world that is even more coherent and vividly real, a state in which we experience levels of knowledge, memory, and other cognitive function that vastly surpass those we experience in our current lives? In fact, a rather startling number of people report having already had experiences like this. That is, they report having had experiences that appear to them as even more real than those they have in their normal, waking state of mind. For example, “realer than real” is a description often used by those who have had near-death experiences (Moody 1975; Thonnard et al. 2013; Palmieri et al. 2014), those who have used psychedelic drugs such as DMT (Strassman 2001), and those who, by various other means, have experienced non-ordinary states of consciousness. Many near-death experiencers also report enhanced cognitive function and a sudden increase in knowledge (Owens et al. 1990; Greyson 2003). This perception of enhanced cognitive function and increased knowledge is often dismissed as an illusion by those who are unfamiliar with the scientific literature on near-death experiences, but careful investigation has shown that concrete, verifiable information has been obtained in these states that was not available to the experiencer by way of their five senses (Rivas et al. 2016). The experience of those who have tasted non-ordinary states of consciousness raises the possibility that the age-old question of whether “life is but a dream” is more than the idle worry of a few philosophers comfortably ensconced in their armchairs by the fire. The answer to this question could very well have major empirical consequences, including startling implications for the types of experiences that are available to the human mind. We have every reason to stay alert to this possibility as we continue to investigate the true nature of the world that we take ourselves to be living in. Source: Psychology Today ![]() - 4.7958 DEPARTMENT - The Hidden Roots of the 23 Enigma ![]() In the Illuminatus Trilogy by
Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea I first encountered the rudiments
of the 23 enigma. As the history of the origin of the 23 enigma has it,
Robert Anton Wilson first heard of this puzzling bit of Forteana from
William Burroughs. Writes Wilson in the May, 2007 issue of Fortean
"According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark, around 1960 in Tangier, who once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident. That very day, Clark's ship had an accident that killed him and everybody else aboard. Furthermore, while Burroughs was thinking about this crude example of the irony of the gods that evening, a bulletin on the radio announced the crash of an airliner in Florida, USA. The pilot was another captain Clark and the flight was Flight 23." This chain of events so struck Burroughs, that he began to collect data on odd incidents and synchronicities involving the number 23. The 23 enigma did not, however start with Burroughs' Captain Clark in the 1960's. Neither did it start with what is probably the earliest example from Burroughs' collection of cases involving the 23 enigma and notorious gangster Dutch Schultz during the 1930's. Inspired by Burroughs, Wilson began to collect data on the 23 enigma after 1965, and it is said that he believed that Burroughs' was the first person to notice the 23 enigma. But that notion of the 23 enigma can be found decades earlier as the following three examples demonstrate. I was leafing through the pages of the German pre- second world war occult periodical Zentralblatt für Okkultismus, in search of something else, when I found an intriguing item on page 460 in its July, 1930 edition. It was written by Rolf Zahlmann and entitled 'Schicksalszahlen' (Fateful Numbers). Rolf Zahlmann, Schickzahlszahlen, Zentralblatt für Okkultismus, July 1930. In it, Zahlmann writes: "Eight years ago I read in the book Der Geist meines Vaters by Maximilian Dauthendey, that the number 23 had played a possessive part in his life. The occult began to resound in my being. I was curious, if in my life too, a number would obtain a special meaning. To my surprise I noticed that I was a companion in fate of my fellow country man. I am born at a twentythird...." After which Zahlmann lists a number of correlations in eventful affairs in his life with the number 23, ending with the remark: "...The list could be substantially expanded." Zahlmann referred to German painter, poet and writer Maximilian Dauthendey (1867 - 1918). Dauthendey's Der Geist Meines Vaters was published in Germany in 1912. About his strange affiliation with the number 23, and describing himself as a ‘numbers fanatic' who kept a keen eye on lucky and unlucky numbers in daily life, Dauthendey had this to say: "My burdensome fateful number that accompanies me throughout the entire life is the number 23. Twentythree years after the death of my mother my father died, and I can be certain, that always the twentythird of the month delivers some burdening message, a twist of fate, a rare case of luck or an extraordinary case of bad luck..." Max Dauthendey, Der Geist meines Vaters, München, Albert Langen Verlag, 1921 edition. Then there is the strange case of motorcycle patrolman Charles Stahl, of Alton, Illinois. The 23 enigma somehow had developed a liking for him. "No. 23 Following Patrolman Stahl", as the header of a short article in the Alton Evening Telegraph of 30 October, 1940, announced. "Motorcycle Patrolman Charles Stahl of 436a East Eight street waited with interest today to see if it were to be 23 for him as result of the draft lottery in the national capitol. "Stahl rides city motorcycle No.23 which bears city licence No.23 And between 2 and 3 p.m. Monday he rode to the headquarters of the local draft board in the Armory of Battery F of the 123rd Field Artillery to see what number had been assigned him. "It was No. 2323." Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 30 October 1940. Stahl returned the curious affliction that the 23 enigma had for him. He tried to secure a state automobile licence numbered 232323. As the Alton Evening Telegraph of 17 December, 1940, noted: "His request was not precisely filled. He drew number 232322. "Those 23's are evidently in real demand, Stahl remarked." Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 17 December 1940. The strange twist in Stahl's 23 enigma was published nationwide in a number of American newspapers (sofar I counted four), with headers such as ‘Figure 23 Dominates Cycle Patrolman's Days' and ‘Blue Coat Finds Figure 23 Important.' Source: Charles Fort Institute Blogs - THE DEATH OF MODERN MARRIAGE DEPARTMENT -
Woman Divorces "Ghost Husband" By Rob Schwarz ![]() An Irish woman has divorced her ghost pirate husband because she believes he was actually an “energy vampire” sucking the life right out of her. Amanda Teague recently shared her story on UK’s This Morning. She married the ghost pirate Jack back in 2016. The marriage was performed posthumously, as she describes it, out in international waters, as the legality of ghost marriage is murky at best. While Teague claims to have never actually seen Jack or heard his voice, his presence revealed itself to her during her work as a medium several years ago. For many months, they communicated via her mediumship, though she was dubious of the 300-year-old ghost pirate’s claims. As time went on, Jack eventually won her over, and they decided to get married. Only a few months after their marriage, however, Teague began to notice some negative changes. She found herself plagued by terrible luck and poor health, to the point where she required emergency surgery last year for a case of sepsis. It was as if her ghost pirate husband was actually draining her life away. And that’s when she realized that good old Jack was likely an energy vampire. “He was basically like an energy vampire, so…when spirits stay around too long, they need an energy source and unfortunately Jack was using me as an energy source.” Energy or Psychic vampires are said to be parasitic in nature, feeding not on blood but on the energy or life force of individuals. To solve the problem, last year Teague underwent a combination exorcism/divorce. Since then, she says her health has “dramatically improved” despite some lingering issues, but she doesn’t fully regret her marriage to the 300-year-old spectral swashbuckler. The term “energy vampire” may also be used in a metaphorical sense to describe actual people who seem to drain the life out of others simply by being around them. PsychCentral has an article about that, describing such vampires as “emotionally immature individuals” who lack empathy. Last year, This Morning featured a different woman who wanted to both marry and have a child with what she called her “ghost boyfriend.” The two allegedly met in Australia, and she described the ghost as “very ancient, very wise, [and] very kind.” Source: Stranger Dimensions -because-hes-actually-an-energy-vampire/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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