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![]() 8/18/19 #1018 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: Greetings one and all from your
number one source of all things weird
and strange. It is time once again to put all else aside and find out
what is REALLY going on in the world this week. Time once again for
news and interesting stories that you may not find in your daily
newspaper or on the 6 o'clock news.
This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such eyebrow plucking tales as: - AATIP is Making Politicians Demand Answers - - Police Raid Thailand UFO Meditation Center - - Sentient Fireballs and Biting Lights - AND: The Men in Black are Really Bad at Their Jobs All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ASHTAR AND THE GALACTIC COMMAND HAS A MESSAGE FOR YOU! ![]() WELCOME ON BOARD THE MOTHERSHIP - THE ASHTAR COMMAND WANTS YOU!
SHOULD THERE BE A GLOBAL DISASTER – SUCH AS A NUCLEAR WAR OR POLE SHIFT – THE “CHOSEN’ WILL BE TAKEN TO A SAFE HARBOR IN SPACE. At this very moment, thousands of friendly space beings, sometimes referred to as the Cosmic Brotherhood, or the Federation of Planets, are patrolling our atmosphere on a mission of salvation as they seek to expand the consciousness of humanity and to lessen global tensions. Led by the gallant Ashtar, it is believed by his followers that that these highly advanced beings could at a moment’s notice remove from the planet a sizable portion of humanity identified as the “Chosen Ones” – those attuned with the cosmos and its universal laws – who would be taken to a safe port in a distant solar system. Although he is an Etherian, a nonphysical being, Ashtar and his comrades take on the appearance of royal-looking humans. So say those who have had face-to-face contact, including New York City contactee Marc Brinkerhoff, who describes Ashtar’s appearance thusly: “His presence is trustful, commanding, confident and calming when I have met him during out-of-body visits to the teaching spaceships around the Earth, and on August 10, 2015 when I physically met him in person." Ashtar's The Space Brothers Speak: Transmissions From the Solar Council is more than unique. It presents a grand overview of Ashtar and his Commanders as well as messages from his special spokespersons, including Tuella, his primary representative. This work also includes transmissions from many of the individual planets in this solar system, the inhabitants of which operate on a “higher vibrational level,” making them normally invisible to the human eye, except the most closely connected. There is also fabulous artwork by Carol Ann Rodriguez of a number of these enlightened souls, as well as overviews by Hercules Invictus, Tim Beckley and Sean Casteel. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out the fate of all mankind on planet Earth. ![]() - SIT UP AND PAY ATTENTION DEPARTMENT - AATIP is Making Politicians Demand Answers By MJ Banias ![]() In July 2019,
Republican representative Mark Walker of North Carolina wrote a letter
expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events
affecting American military forces.
Walker’s concerns stem from the December 2017 article in the New York Times about the now defunded secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and the revelations that several Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015 engaged in bizarre encounters with anomalous aerial objects off the coast of California and Florida. The news that the Navy is now changing its protocols for personnel to report UFO sightings has spurred a renewed interest in the potential safety and security risks these unknown objects pose. "The reports mention the existence of these encounters both domestically and abroad during various missions and trainings," Walker wrote. "Based on pilot accounts, encounters with these UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) often involved complex flight patterns and advanced maneuvering, which demand extreme advances in quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetics, and thermodynamics.” What's most notable is that what Walker is asking for closely aligns with what Blink 182 singer Tom Delonge's To the Stars Academy (TTSA) has been uncovering and publishing over the last few years. While TTSA has made some odd claims, the sheer amount of attention the media is giving the UFO topic in the last two years has undoubtedly increased. “What we see here with Mark Walker’s letter to the Secretary of the Navy is the undiscussed, but most successful component of TTSA—a political lobby," Tim McMillan, a law enforcement consultant and intelligence analyst interested in UFOs, said in an interview. "It’s abundantly clear by the language of his letter, Rep. Walker is acting on information brought out by TTSA or their proxies.” “The Navy’s response to Rep. Walker will be the most interesting aspect of all this,” McMillan added. “Will Rep. Walker make the Navy’s response public? If he feels the Navy’s response is inadequate, will Rep. Walker push the issue further?” Noting the various reports made by pilots expressing their amazement at how the objects in question seemed to easily outmaneuver their fighter planes, Walker states, "If the accounts are true, the unidentified crafts could pose a serious security risk to our military personnel and defense apparatus." Walker concludes the letter by asking two key questions on everyone’s mind; does the Department of Defense “continue to dedicate resources to tracking and investigating these claims” of unidentified objects and has the DoD found “physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims?” This letter seems to suggest that the study of UFOs is becoming serious political business and has many within the UFO community stating that this is a pivotal moment in the study of the phenomenon. Perhaps Walker just likes UFOs. Whatever the case, politicians and high-ranking officials have been addicted to UFOs for decades and Walker’s letter is just another example in a long history of politicians trying to get answers. (No, Bernie Sanders doesn't count.) One of the most unique, and politically shrewd, UFO discussions occurred on the floor of the Canadian House of Commons in 1967 and 1968 when Ed Schreyer and Barry Mather, two Ministers of Parliament from British Columbia, demanded more information concerning UFOs from the Department of National Defence. They made a public motion that all relevant government departments be forced by the House to “issue a copy of all letters, reports, studies or other data” with respect to unidentified flying objects be made public. Author and researcher Chris Rutkowski, an expert in Canadian UFO history, told Motherboard that this type of public and open dialogue on the House floor is unheard of. Rutkowski stated that it led to a formal motion to have all related UFO documents released. But ultimately, the Canadian government didn't release the files mentioned. However, “it shows that politicians have demanded action on UFOs for decades,” he said. Former presidential candidate and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater tried, on multiple occasions in the late 1960’s and 70’s, to gain access to certain areas of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base but was denied access where, he alleged, the Air Force was hiding evidence regarding flying saucers. “I think the government does know [about UFOs]," Goldwater said in a 1994 radio interview. "I can’t back that up, but I think that at Wright-Patterson field, if you could get into a certain place, you’d find out what the Air Force and the government knows about UFOs.” “I called Curtis LeMay [Goldwater's running mate and former Air Force General] and I said, ‘General, I know we have a room at Wright-Patterson where you put all this secret stuff. Could I go in there?’ I’ve never heard him get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out, and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!’” In 1993, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff made several inquiries to the DoD regarding the infamous Roswell UFO crash of 1947. While his letters were shuffled around between several bureaucrats and offices for two years, it was finally investigated by the General Accounting Office (Government Accountability Office today). The GAO launched an investigation into the Roswell crash. Its findings came out in July of 1995, which established the Roswell crash to be nothing more than a balloon from a military project called MOGUL. Indeed, Schiff’s letters and the GAO response was big UFO news in the mid-90’s, yet did not provide any answers or hard evidence to sate the UFO community. Source Vice -making-politicians-demand-answers - WHAT'S ALL ALL THIS NOW THEN DEPARTMENT - Police Raid Thailand UFO Meditation Center ![]() NAKHON
SAWAN — Police are investigating whether a meditation center known for
UFO sightings is encroaching on protected forests, after dual raids on
Thursday and Friday.
Dozens of policemen and rangers rushed Khao Kala mountain for a second time Friday to determine whether the Khao Kala Meditation Center, run by a group of UFO believers, is encroaching on forest area. Police have also issued summons for the landowners of the meditation center. “If we find anyone guilty of wrongdoing, we will file a criminal case against them. If a UFO descends and parks here, that’s even better. We’ll capture them all,” Police Maj. Gen. Damrong Petpong said. Police were drawn to raid the area after the UFO Kaokala group organized a UFO-watching event for Saturday, with locals reporting that some adherents believe they are mediums for aliens from Pluto. UFO Kaokala is a group of UFO believers who maintain that aliens communicate with them via meditation. They say their communications with aliens enhance their Buddhist practices and even help them predict natural disasters (a group member predicted in 2017 that World War III will ignite by 2022). The group was founded in 1998, when nurse Somjit Reapeth said she saw aliens at Nakhon Sawan mountain. Since then, the mountain has become Thailand’s go-to UFO sighting spot. Saturday’s event is actually Somjit’s birthday. As of press time, an organizer named “Jack,” whose phone number is on the event page, said that the event will still go on, but at the foothills rather than the peak of the mountain. Admission is free and transportation via van from Bangkok will be provided. Contact Jack at the number listed on the event page if interested. Officials armed with coordinate measuring machines canvassed the mountain from its foothills to its peak on Thursday and Friday. “The Forestry Department will use satellite GPS to check whether, and how much, the center is on forest space. We will proceed according to the law,” Pinit Laoyuu from the local Forestry Department said. Pinit said Friday that he estimated about 3 to 5 rai (0.48 to 0.8 hectares) of the meditation center encroaches on forest. He said that forest officials will be securing the area. “For the time being, we will not allow people to pitch tents or hold activities here since a case is ongoing,” Pinit said. Charoen Raepetch, the listed owner of the meditation center, was not on site Thursday. When contacted, he said that he would not be returning to the mountain any time soon and half-jokingly said that he was “afraid the Forestry people would capture him.” Police have summoned Charoen as well as others suspected of being involved in the meditation center for questioning. Despite the police presence, locals have flocked to the mountain to take photos, exchanging alleged UFO sightings. Some say that the lights at night can be explained away by shooting range practice at a nearly military case. Others are UFO Kaokala adherents with tents, set on seeing aliens via meditation, with or without forestry officials nearby. The mediums include a doctor and a captain in the military. Chaliew Phoocharoen, the sub-district head of Khao Kala tambon, said that most people living in the area are not alien believers, and that most of the followers are from out-of-town. Source: Khaosodenglish -for-suspected-forest-encroachment/ - WHAT A MORNING DEPARTMENT - Sun Failed to Shine One Morning in Far-East Russia ![]() The people of Siberia’s
Verkhoyansk district got a feeling of deja vu last Friday when they
woke up to total darkness at an hour when the sun should have been high
in the sky. A similar phenomenon occurred in the region just over a
year ago.
This time of year, dawn breaks at around 4 am in Verkhoyansk, but photos taken by locals at around 8 in the morning show no sign of the sun, as entire settlements are bathed in almost complete darkness with a bizarre yellow tinge to it. Luckily, locals were used to such unusual phenomena, as just last year, in July, Verkhoyansk and other Yakutian regions experienced another pitch black morning. In fact some people took to social media to ask if this is becoming some sort of weird tradition. “Is it becoming a weird tradition that every August or July we wake up, panicking, because the sun is off again?” one Verkhoyansk local commented. Although there is yet no official explanation for the bizarre sunless morning, weather experts believe it may be related to the forest fires raging over Siberia. Apparently, the high amounts of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere may have led to the rapid formation of unusually thick clouds that blocked the sun out completely. “This situation can be compared to what is happening during cloud spiking which is done to cause rain,” Yevgeny Tishkovets, the chief specialist of Russian weather service Fobos, told the Yakutia-24 TV channel. “The cloud cover was as thick as it can possibly be, add to this the wildfires smoke and precipitation. This is still, of course, rather approximate and we need to analyse what happened in a lot more detail.” The Fobos weather center did record a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the region – 7.19mg/m3 compared to the allowed maximum of 5mg/m3 – but it doesn’t seem like an extreme enough level to cause what looked like a total eclipse. Source: Oddity Central -up-to-bizarre-pitch-black-morning.html PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #50 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#50) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
Sentient Fireballs and Biting Lights ![]() At the fringes of those luminous phenomena which range from spook lights to freak lightning, there are some strange accounts for which there is no ready explanation. These involve lights that show a particular interest in human beings – and not always to their benefit. Take what befell 12-year-old George Campbell and his father, EW Campbell. They were riding along the ‘Eighty-foot Road’, north of the city of Sherman, Texas, on the night of 4 October 1898. Somewhat after nine o’clock that evening, the boy was witness to a startling phenomenon: He is a bright, intelligent little fellow, who said he didn’t believe in ghosts; that his parents had never scared him with spook stories, and he is one of the best- behaved scholars in the fourth grade at the Franklin school building. His story as told to a News reporter to-day is as follows: “Last night papa and I were riding along the ‘Eighty-foot Road’, about two and a half miles [4km] north of town, when all at once everything got very bright. We saw a great ball of fire coming down toward the ground. It got within about three feet [90cm] of the ground and seemed to rest for a while and then it went back up until it got clear out of sight. There was a buzzing sound all the time.” George describes it as being about 10 feet [3m] in diameter and that it hurt one’s eyes to look at it. Although they were very close to it, he says that he did not feel any heat. It’s a puzzling tale, one which nowadays might be interpreted as a UFO account. Another encounter with a mysterious fireball did not have such a fortunate outcome. Twenty-two years previously, also in Texas, near the town of Palestine, another “intelligent boy” appeared, out of breath and “as pale as he could be”. His story was that he’d been trudging along a highway at night. There was a negro woman riding a horse in the direction the little coloured boy was going. The boy appeared that night in Palestine… He said he saw a ball of fire come out of the sky and strike the woman and set her ablaze. The horse ran away with the woman afire on his back, and he ran to town to tell the people what had happened. The people went to look after further particulars concerning this curious incident, and they found the woman lying on the ground, her clothing burned off, but enough of life in her to tell that she had been struck in the breast by a ball of fire. She died the next day. The horse was afterwards found with his mane singed. People here think that she was struck by a meteor. In contrast, there are also numerous instances of death from above by freak lightning manifesting as balls of fire. These incidents are no less outré, but in such cases we might console ourselves with a natural explanation. In 1866, Miss Addie Murray, a schoolteacher in Ross township, Vermillion county, Illinois, met her untimely end in this way: “She was sitting in the schoolhouse with two pupils, when the house was struck, and she was found sitting in the chair dead, with her clothing nearly burned off, and the children severely stunned. The children describe the scene as a ball of fire falling into the room.” Something similar struck John Whitton, a driver for a telegraph construction train in Leavenworth that same year. “He had occasion to lift the telegraph line off the ground, when a flash of lightning struck the line at that point, tearing it into small pieces, and instantly killing him. The men who saw the accident state that they saw a ball of fire as large as a man’s fist issue from Whitton’s breast.” An unfortunate death by a fireball in 1933 was accompanied by a curious premonition on the part of the unfortunate victim. “In San Rocco, during a thunderstorm, a cleric was killed by lightning. The priest was involved in a discussion with several of his congregation in the village street, when quite slowly a one metre [40in] big, orange-coloured fireball came floating through the air straight towards the priest, which then erupted in his vicinity. The incident made quite an impression on the superstitious farmers, more so, as the day before the priest had presaged his own demise that was soon to come.” A different kind of strange light, again attracted by the presence of a human being, was experienced by Alec Campbell, working as a game warden in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). One night, Campbell was walking by an old burial ground when suddenly a bright light appeared beside him. “The light turned into a ball of fire about the size of a softball and moved along at Campbell’s speed, he said… he turned and stared at the mysterious light. Immediately, the ball started advancing on him.” Campbell remembered the tales that said that if one encountered such a light, the best thing to do was to close one’s eyes, which would cause the light to disappear. He did so, and the light vanished. Could there be lights not only possessed of some sort of intelligence but which are capable of forming a unique rapport with a person and even delivering painful stings when they so choose? This seems to have been the case in Richmond, Indiana, in 1978. The bizarre incident involved local resident Martha Grieswell, 46 at the time, whose house had been plagued by “flashing pinpoints of light” ever since one had come into her bedroom one night in early January that year. Grieswell described how it appeared to her that she and the light were watching each other. The little light approached her: “I said ‘No,’ and it stopped about one and half feet [45cm] away. Then I held out my hand and it came right over and sat in my hand and turned my whole hand a psychedelic purple. It glowed for a while, then shut down to a point of light, then rose from my hand – then the others started to come in…” Over the following nights, dozens of the “floating, flashing lights”, mostly white and pinhead-sized, entered her bedroom through the closed window; after that, they became her constant companions as soon as evening fell. Grieswell also began to note some of these lights during the daytime, although then they seemed less active. She moved out of the upstairs bedroom, where the lights continued to manifest, and began conducting experiments to try to ascertain what the lights might be. She captured several in containers, including an aluminium cigarette case, and saw them shining through the container walls. Grieswell also immersed the lights in water, keeping them submerged for two days: “The lights were observed to ‘swim’ freely, and when released, to ‘fly’ free, their lights undimmed.” She got the same results when she locked them up in a freezer. She was only able to conduct these experiments when the lights were willing participants, since at other times they simply escaped through the walls of the containers. Radiation tests and an attempted chemical analysis turned up nothing. She did find out, though, that one thing had an effect on the lights. When she touched one with a burning cigarette, the light made “a crackling sound, as if you had wadded up cellophane very rapidly in your hand”. She was unable to replicate that experiment: “You can’t burn them any more. They move away too fast,” she explained. It dawned upon Mrs Grieswell that the lights might learn from experience and therefore might possess some kind of intelligence. When asked why she wanted to get rid of them, she gave the unnerving answer: “Because they bite.” At times, when the lights became more bright, they would sting or bite, giving off a sensation like “the sting of a sweat bee”, and leaving a very small welt. “They go through a tapping motion… When they land, they raise up, then light again… they feel like bugs when they sit on you and that’s when they burn.” One night, a light got in her eye, which was a painful experience. The next day, she noticed that the eye was bloodshot and the corner crusted. When the lights were not stinging her, they had a tendency to land and crawl over her during the night. They also stung her husband, who wasn’t able to see them. This might be a significant detail; some of the many curious people who visited her house were able to see the lights, yet others were not. Trying to escape the lights for a while, Mrs Grieswell went to her mother in Decatur, but on the third night after her arrival the lights came in through the window and were also seen by her mother. Perhaps, she reasoned, they had been able to follow her or had hidden themselves in her clothing or luggage. She got the impression that the lights meant to say that she could not flee from them. She sought help, and consulted scientists, ufologists and psychic researchers, but to little avail. As she said to the reporter who visited her (he wasn’t able to see the lights): “I’ve just made up my mind that I’m not going to get rid of them.” One of the psychic researchers whom Grieswell contacted offered as explanation that she might be “experiencing a stage of consciousness preliminary to becoming a psychic medium”. A plausible suggestion, coming from a psychic researcher, as puzzling luminous phenomena manifest themselves often around mediums, and are well known in the field of parapsychology. It is said that Helène Smith experienced the manifestation of mysterious globes or lights in her studio where she had taken up painting, long after her association and ensuing break-up with Theodore Flournoy: “The visions were accompanied by luminous phenomena. They began with a ball of light which expanded and filled the room. This was not a subjective phenomenon. Helène Smith exposed photographic plates which indeed registered strong luminous effects.” Then there is the case of Ada Bessinet, a Toledo medium of the 1920s. Denounced as a subconscious fraud by Professor Hyslop, who had investigated her during 70 sittings between 1909 and 1910, she clearly made more of an impression on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He wrote, describing a séance with her: “Brilliant lights are part of the medium’s power, and even before she had sunk into a trance, they were flying up in graceful curves as high as the ceiling and circling back on us. One nearly rested on my hand. It seems to be a cold light, and its nature has never been determined, but perhaps the cold, vital light of the firefly may be an analogy.” Hereward Carrington was another who was not impressed, but he did state that he observed some very curious lights at a 1922 séance which, “on request, hovered for a few moments over exposed photographic plates and that the plates, when developed, showed unusual markings which he failed to obtain by artificial means”. Source: Fortean Times the_news_that_time_forgot.html ![]() - YOWIE DOWN UNDER DEPARTMENT - Mean Monkey of the Megalong By Paul Cropper ![]() Yowie reports are strange, but sometimes they can get weird. Really weird.
In September 2006, Tony Healy and I were placing the finishing touches to ‘The Yowie’, our second book on Australian cryptozoology. We’d selected the cover, a brilliant piece by Indigenous artist Dick Roughsey, and we were busy organising the U.S and local editions. While we were hard at work, so were the Yowies. The Megalong Valley is a small rural community in the Blue Mountains of NSW. In late September, 2006, Catherine Bolton and her friend Sarah Baikie experienced repeated close encounters with a juvenile yowie – or perhaps what Aboriginal people refer to as a junjudee – while on ride at the Werriberri Trail Rides (now closed). I interviewed both Catherine and Sarah a few days after their experience. Catherine: “I’m a pretty experienced rider. There was me, my husband Brendan, Sarah, another girl we didn’t know, and the trail guide (from Werriberri Trail Rides). We started about 1:15 PM. “We were about 5 to 10 minutes into the ride; the others were 20 to 30 metres ahead when my horse stopped and refused to move. He was sniffing the air and turning around trying to bite me [so] I knew something was wrong. Then I smelt, like, salty blood – a real foul stench – and I looked around to my left and it was right there! “It looked sort of like a monkey, but more human – a lot smaller than a person – about four foot. It was solid – square shoulders … pretty much like a square block. Very hairy: dark brown, all tangled, like a shaggy dog that hadn’t been washed for a while, and mud all over it … long hair everywhere. I had no idea what I was looking at – I pretty much crapped my pants! “It had a pushed-in nose. I distinctly remember two canine teeth out the front, outside the lip. I couldn’t see ears because the long hair covered them. I saw eyes, but not distinctly. “I seen arms, and I only seen three fingers, but there could have been more, because it had something in its hand – something like a dead kangaroo, but smaller. There was [raw] flesh, like whatever it was holding was skinned – like it was inside out. “The bush was quite open [at that point]. He was 10, 15 metres away, if that. I was looking down at it and could see right down to its feet – I could see everything. The legs were long, but he only had three claws on his feet. It just stood there and looked at me, that’s why I didn’t want to move. It seemed like for ever that I was watching him, but it was only two or three minutes, if that. “I kept kicking the horse and held on tight, and it took the track pretty quick.” As her horse began to overtake the others, Catherine could still smell the strange creature, and, although she could no longer see it, “I felt like it was watching me. I held on for dear life and caught up with the others, then all of a sudden we heard the sound of a branch breaking behind us.” As her horse attempted to pass the others, Catherine fell off, still holding the reins, and pulled the horse down. The trail guide asked her if she’d like to go back to the stables, “But I said no – I didn’t want to wreck their day. Then, about another half hour further along … I was freaked the whole time – I kept smelling the foul smell. Brendan also smelt it then.” As they proceeded, her friend Sarah was just ahead of Catherine, and Brendan ahead of Sarah. “Then it [the creature] moved past us and Sarah said ‘What the f*** was that?’ And I caught a glimpse of the back of it [as it ran beside the trial] and my horse took off, flew past the other two horses and I hit a tree with my shoulder, came off and hit the ground really bad. This time Catherine was seriously injured: she had abrasions on her right forearm and hip, fractured right collarbone, two fractured ribs, bruised legs and swollen ankles. “I was in pain, bad. My horse ran off and I was taken back to the stables on Brendan’s horse and he drove me to Katoomba Hospital.” Catherine’s friend Sarah Baikie fully corroborated her story. Sarah: “Before I saw it, I smelt something like dried blood … sweat, sort of … then something moved … I heard a little scuffling in the bush and then I seen it [to her right]. It looked like a monkey … an ape sort of thing … hairy. “There were trees and rocks and little bushes here and there [so she saw only the head, shoulders and upper chest]. It just popped out, and just stared at me and then it just ran. And I went, ‘Whoa!’ And Cate said, ‘Did you see that?’ And I said, ‘Yeah – what the f*** is it?’” “It wasn’t big or small [about four feet tall]. A browny, blackey colour … all long, scruffy hair. Half human, I reckon, by the looks of it – all hairy, but human -looking. I focused on the eyes and the mouth. Mouth sort of half open. You couldn’t miss the teeth – they were about an inch long, over the lip. “It’s like it was trying to target us. I was kicking my horse – I just wanted to get out of there! It’s like, ‘Is this thing is gonna eat me? I better get out of here! My adrenaline went … I could have run faster than the horse!” On her release from hospital Catherine phoned Werriberri camp to ask after her horse: “It had come back all shaken up and had to be rested. The owner said this had only happened once before – about seven or eight years ago [c.1998/99] when a group of very experienced riders had come back, all as white as ghosts. They’d seen the same thing and smelt the same thing.” All well and good – a multiple witness report in an area with a long history of sightings. Now here’s where things get…weird. As I mentioned earlier, just before the Bolton sighting, Tony and I had settled on artwork for the cover of the Yowie; Dick Roughsey’s painting of Turramulli, the giant Quinkin of aboriginal legend, from his book with Percy Trezise ‘Turramulli the Giant Quinkin’ (1988 Gareth Stevens Publications). Now, please note that Dick’s painting from our cover – and the Bolton/Baikie sighting – both featured: – a hairy creature with fangs that overlap its lips – holding a dead kangaroo in its hand – the hands have three fingers or claws – the feet have three toes or claws At the time of the sighting, there were no copies of our book in circulation and only a handful of people knew about our upcoming publication. No-one had seen the cover idea. It seems a mighty strange coincidence that weeks before we launched ‘The Yowie’, we received a report that appeared to mirror the cover of our new book. A report with elements that we haven’t seen in many other Yowie cases. Makes you wonder… Source: The Fortean - TOO BUSY FOR FOLLOW UP THREATS DEPARTMENT -
The Men in Black are Really Bad at Their Jobs By Mark O'Connell ![]() I've been a bit out of the UFO loop lately, for a variety of reasons, but I'm back to talk about a very important issue in UFOlogy that is not getting any attention at all as far as I can see. I was listening to a UFO podcast the other day and the subject of the Men in Black came up. It got me thinking about the best MIB stories I've read and heard about over the years. My all-time favorite is the story of the insidious smiling MIB named Indrid Cold featured in John Keel's book The Mothman Prophecies. But as I was thinking about the dreaded Mr. Cold, something occurred to me. Like the other Men in Black, Indrid Cold's job is, apparently, to isolate people -- usually people who have recently seen UFOs -- and scare the living crap out of them. The message that the MIB deliver to these hapless UFO witnesses is a simple one: don't tell anyone what you saw, or else. It makes for a good campfire story, for sure, but there's a small flaw. If the Men in Black were any good at their harassment, their threats would have been effective, and as a result we would have no idea they exist. Think about it. The MIBs' only job is to scare UFO witnesses so much that they won't tell anyone about their experience. But once the MIBs issue their warnings, they have become part of the experience that the witness is not supposed to tell anyone about; ergo, we know that the MIBs exist (at least within the framework of the story), because they are part of the warning. But because we know that the MIBs exist, we also know that they have utterly failed at their one and only job, because someone obviously ignored the warning and told someone else what they saw. Of course we know John Keel told a lot of people what he saw and the MIB sure let him have it. Oh, wait, actually they didn't. They tried to scare him for awhile with weird phone messages, but in the end Indrid Cold and his gang just seem to have packed up and moved on. They even let Keel get his book published, which was, considering their mission, a pretty serious blunder (Of course, they made up for it by letting the book be turned into a movie, because the movie seriously sucked). So there you have it. I'm calling out the Men in Black as colossal, stupendous failures. Even if some part of me wants to believe they're really evil geniuses. Source: High Strangeness -bad-at.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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