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This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such neck-popping stories as: - Medical Helicopter Has Close Call with Mystery Drone -- First British Astronaut Says Aliens Exist -- Mystery Still Engulfs Lake Worth, Texas Monster -AND: Strange Figure Photographed in Window of Edinburgh LandmarkAll these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue ofCONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]() SPECIAL - SPECIAL -SPECIAL TIM
Act now to get these amazing book at our SPECIAL PRICE of $29.90 (Plus $5 Shipping). So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out the fate of all mankind on planet Earth. ![]() - MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH DEPARTMENT - Medical Helicopter Has Close Call with Mystery Drone By Clayton Sandell ![]() Colorado authorities say they
are stepping up the investigation into suspicious drone activity after
a drone reportedly came into “dangerous proximity” to a medical
“Our operations may include the use of both ground-based teams and aircraft,” the Colorado Department of Public Safety said in a tweet. The new resources are being activated after a Flight for Life pilot told KUSA-TV that on Tuesday near the town of Fort Morgan, he saw a drone pass within one hundred feet of his helicopter. “It could have been a significant impact,” Kathleen Mayer, program director for Flight for Life Colorado, told ABC News. “If that were to come through the windscreen, it could certainly affect everybody inside that aircraft.” The FAA tells ABC News that the agency is looking into the report. “Safety of manned aircraft is the FAA’s top priority and we take all pilot drone-sighting reports seriously,” an agency spokesman said. The FAA said it received approximately 2,150 reports from pilots in 2019 who say they spotted drones, noting that the vast majority cannot be validated. More than 70 local, state and federal officials met on Monday to establish a task force to investigate reported drone sightings over Colorado and Nebraska that began in mid-December. Colorado authorities launched a surveillance plane loaded with high tech sensors and cameras to look for drones earlier this week, but officials say they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. That hasn’t stopped widespread speculation online, with theories ranging from covert military operations to aliens and other conspiracies. “I have absolutely zero evidence or suspicion that any of the government officials are lying to us,” Colorado Department of Public Safety Executive Director Stan Hilkey told ABC News. So far, however, multiple authorities say haven’t found any evidence to support widespread suspicious drone activity, suggesting that people may be confusing airplanes, stars and even satellites with drones. “There’s a lot of reports out there that have proven to be legitimate manned aircraft or tower lights,” Hilkey said. “But there are some credible reports from people, and accounts of things that can’t be taken lightly.” The F.E. Warren Air Force Base, located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, said it was not their drones that were spotted. "F.E. Warren AFB does conduct counter-UAS training within the confines of the installation, however, any drones spotted outside of the installation are not part of our fleet.," a statement from the AFB said Friday. Colorado officials posted a “frequently asked questions” document on Thursday about drone activity that noted how hard it can be to tell the difference between a drone and a plane, especially at night. “At night, it is very challenging, as the only thing visible are navigation lights and the human mind cannot easily determine how far away the lights are. This causes many lights in the sky, typically commercial aircraft, to be reported as drones,” the document said. “Lights in the sky similar in size to stars are most likely commercial aircraft.” Despite the lack of evidence so far, Hilkey says there is still enough demand among Colorado citizens and local agencies to keep looking, at least for now. “The people and the resources cost money,” Hilkey said. “But people want some answers. That’s what we’re here for.” Source: ABC News -helicopter/story?id=68201092 First British Astronaut Says Aliens Exist The first British astronaut to go into space has claimed aliens exist and it is possible they are living among us on earth.
Speaking to the Observer Magazine, Dr Helen Sharman said "there's no two ways" that aliens exist. "There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life," she added. Dr Sharman said that although aliens may not be made up of carbon and nitrogen like humans, "it's possible they're here right now and we simply can't see them". Sharman, 56, became the first Brit in space in 1991, when she went to the Mir space station as part of Project Juno, an arrangement between the Soviet Union and several British private companies. She’s now the operations manager for the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College, London. She also highlighted in the interview that she is often referred to as the first British woman in space, rather than simply the first Briton. "It's telling that we would otherwise assume it was a man," she said. "When Tim Peake went into space, some people simply forgot about me. A man going first would be the norm, so I'm thrilled that I got to upset that order." In September last year, three videos purporting to be leaked military footage of UFOs were claimed as genuine by the US Navy. The clips - published by the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science In December 2017 and March 2018 - showed several mystery objects travelling through the air at high speed. Source: Sky News -first-british-astronaut-says-11901994 - MORE THINGS THAN ARE DREAMT OF DEPARTMENT -
Reasons Not to Scoff at Ghosts, Visions and NDE's By Andreas Sommer ![]() "If the fruits for life of the state of conversion are good, we ought to idealise and venerate it, even though it be a piece of natural psychology; if not, we ought to make short work with it, no matter what supernatural being may have infused it." From The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) by William James There is a long tradition of scientists and other intellectuals in the West being casually dismissive of people’s spiritual experiences. In 1766, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant declared that people who claim to see spirits, such as his contemporary, the Swedish scientist Emanuel Swedenborg, are mad. Kant, a believer in the immortality of the soul, did not draw on empirical or medical knowledge to make his case, and was not beyond employing a fart joke to get his derision across: ‘If a hypochondriac wind romps in the intestines it depends on the direction it takes; if it descends it becomes a f–––, if it ascends it becomes an apparition or sacred inspiration.’ Another ‘enlightened’ enemy of other-worldly visions was the chemist and devout Christian, Joseph Priestley. His own critique of spirit seership in 1791 did not advance scientific arguments either, but presented biblical ‘proof’ that the only legitimate afterlife was the bodily resurrection of the dead on Judgment Day. However, there is good cause to question the overzealous pathologisation of spiritual sightings and ghostly visions. About a century after Kant and Priestley scoffed at such experiences, William James, the ‘father’ of American scientific psychology, participated in research on the first international census of hallucinations in ‘healthy’ people. The census was carried out in 1889-97 on behalf of the International Congress of Experimental Psychology, and drew on a sample of 17,000 men and women. This survey showed that hallucinations – including ghostly visions – were remarkably widespread, thus severely undermining contemporary medical views of their inherent pathology. But the project was unorthodox in yet another respect because it scrutinised claims of ‘veridical’ impressions – that is, cases where people reported seeing an apparition of a loved one suffering an accident or other crisis, which they had in fact undergone, but which the hallucinator couldn’t have known about through ‘normal’ means. The vicinity of such positive findings with ‘ghost stories’ was reason enough for most intellectuals not to touch the census report with a bargepole, and the pathological interpretation of hallucinations and visions continued to prevail until the late-20th century. Things slowly began to change in about 1971, when the British Medical Journal published a study on ‘the hallucinations of widowhood’ by the Welsh physician W Dewi Rees. Of the 293 bereaved women and men in Rees’s sample, 46.7 per cent reported encounters with their deceased spouses. Most important, 69 per cent perceived these encounters as helpful, whereas only 6 per cent found them unsettling. Many of these experiences, which ranged from a sense of presence, to tactile, auditory and visual impressions indistinguishable from interactions with living persons, continued over years. Rees’s paper inspired a trickle of fresh studies that confirmed his initial findings – these ‘hallucinations’ don’t seem inherently pathological nor therapeutically undesirable. On the contrary, whatever their ultimate causes, they often appear to provide the bereaved with much-needed strength to carry on. Rees’s study coincided with writings by a pioneer of the modern hospice movement, the Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, in which she emphasised the prevalence of comforting other-worldly visions reported by dying patients – an observation supported by later researchers. Indeed, a 2010 study in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics addressed the need for special training for medical personnel regarding these experiences, and in recent years the academic literature on end-of-life care has recurrently examined the constructive functions of death-bed visions in helping the dying come to terms with impending death. Kübler-Ross was also among the first psychiatrists to write about ‘near-death experiences’ (NDEs) reported by survivors of cardiac arrests and other close brushes with death. Certain elements have pervaded popular culture – impressions of leaving one’s body, passing through a tunnel or barrier, encounters with deceased loved ones, a light representing unconditional acceptance, insights of the interconnectedness of all living beings, and so on. Once you ignore the latest clickbait claiming that scientists studying NDEs have either ‘proven’ life after death or debunked the afterlife by reducing them to brain chemistry, you start to realise that there’s a considerable amount of rigorous research published in mainstream medical journals, whose consensus is in line with neither of these popular polarisations, but which shows the psychological import of the experiences. For instance, although no two NDEs are identical, they usually have in common that they cause lasting and often dramatic personality changes. Regardless of the survivors’ pre-existing spiritual inclinations, they usually form the conviction that death is not the end. Understandably, this finding alone makes a lot of people rather nervous, as one might fear threats to the secular character of science, or even an abuse of NDE research in the service of fire-and-brimstone evangelism. But the specialist literature provides little justification for such worries. Other attested after-effects of NDEs include dramatic increases in empathy, altruism and environmental responsibility, as well as strongly reduced competitiveness and consumerism. Virtually all elements of NDEs can also occur in psychedelic ‘mystical’ experiences induced by substances such as psilocybin and DMT. Trials at institutions such as Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and Imperial College London have revealed that these experiences can occasion similar personality changes as NDEs, most notably a loss of fear of death and a newfound purpose in life. Psychedelic therapies are now becoming a serious contender in the treatment of severe conditions including addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder and treatment-resistant depressions. This brings us back to James, whose arguments in The Varieties of Religious Experience for the pragmatic clinical and social value of such transformative episodes have been mostly ignored by the scientific and medical mainstream. If there really are concrete benefits of personality changes following ‘mystical’ experiences, this might justify a question that’s not usually raised: could it be harmful to follow blindly the standard narrative of Western modernity, according to which ‘materialism’ is not only the default metaphysics of science, but an obligatory philosophy of life demanded by centuries of supposedly linear progress based on allegedly impartial research? Sure, the dangers of gullibility are evident enough in the tragedies caused by religious fanatics, medical quacks and ruthless politicians. And, granted, spiritual worldviews are not good for everybody. Faith in the ultimate benevolence of the cosmos will strike many as hopelessly irrational. Yet, a century on from James’s pragmatic philosophy and psychology of transformative experiences, it might be time to restore a balanced perspective, to acknowledge the damage that has been caused by stigma, misdiagnoses and mis- or overmedication of individuals reporting ‘weird’ experiences. One can be personally skeptical of the ultimate validity of mystical beliefs and leave properly theological questions strictly aside, yet still investigate the salutary and prophylactic potential of these phenomena. By making this quasi-clinical proposal, I’m aware that I could be overstepping my boundaries as a historian of Western science studying the means by which transcendental positions have been rendered inherently ‘unscientific’ over time. However, questions of belief versus evidence are not the exclusive domain of scientific and historical research. In fact, orthodoxy is often crystallised collective bias starting on a subjective level, which, as James himself urged, is ‘a weakness of our nature from which we must free ourselves, if we can’. No matter if we are committed to scientific orthodoxy or to an open-minded perspective on ghostly visions and other unusual subjective experiences, both will require cultivating a relentless scrutiny of the concrete sources that nourish our most fundamental convictions – including the religious and scientific authorities on which they rest perhaps a little too willingly. Source: Aeon PAYPAL
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Djinn Trapper Starts Business in Malaysia ![]() 44-year-old Saad Ja’afar,
Pakar Tangkap Jin, or the Djinn trapping expert, boasts that he can
cease any paranormal activities happening anywhere, without actually
being at the location. He reassures the public that his spirit removal
process doesn’t require him to be on location, but at his treatment
Saad Ja’afar spoke about how he has managed to capture djinns from as far as Sabah without even having to leave his treatment centre, which is the first in the world who offers djinn removal services. “I don’t have to physically be there at the location to catch the ghost. Before this, the furthest I’ve captured a djinn was at Sabah,” he said. According to Saad Ja’afar, his assistant and himself would keep the captured djinn in a secure and secret location near to a mosque. “We keep the spirit and djinn close to the mosque to encourage it to repent,” he added, apparently using salt and black pepper to combat djinns. Though, those ingredients can only chase away djinns, he requires other materials when it comes to capturing them. He also informed that the most paranormal activities can be found around jungles, waterfalls, lakes and rivers. Saad Ja’afar has, since the opening of his treatment centre in 2015, assisted with capturing over 300 djinns all over Malaysia, charging about RM200 for a 2 hour session, though he encourages customers to pay what they can afford. A Djinn (genie, ginn, jann, jinn, shayatin, shaytan) is a type of interfering spirit, often demonlike, but not equivalent to a Demon. As are the Greek Daimones, Djinn are self-propagating and can be either good or evil. They possess supernatural powers and can be conjured in magical rites to perform various tasks and services. A Djinn appears as a wish-granting “genie” in many Arabic folktales such as those in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. In pre-Islamic lore, the Djinn are malicious, are born of smokeless fire, and are not immortal. They live with other supernatural beings in the Kaf, a mythical range of emerald mountains that encircles the earth. They like to roam the deserts and wilderness. They are usually invisible but have the power to shapeshift to any form, be it insect, other animal, or human. King Solomon used a magic ring to control Djinn and protect him from them. The ring was set with a gem, probably a diamond, that had a living force of its own. With the ring, Solomon branded the necks of the Djinn as his slaves. One story tells that a jealous Djinn (sometimes identified as Asmodeus) stole the ring while Solomon bathed in the river Jordan. The Djinn seated himself on Solomon’s throne at his palace and reigned over his kingdom, forcing Solomon to become a wanderer. God compelled the Djinn to throw the ring into the sea. Solomon retrieved it and punished the Djinn by imprisoning him in a bottle. According to another story, Solomon took Djinn to his crystal-paved palace, where they sat at tables made of iron. The Qur’an tells how the king made them work at building palaces and making carpets, ponds, statues, and gardens. Whenever Solomon wanted to travel to faraway places, the Djinn carried him there on their backs. Solomon forced the Djinn to build the Temple of Jerusalem and all of the city as well. Islamic theology absorbed and modified the Djinn; some became beautiful and good-natured. According to the Muslim faith, humans are created from clay and water, and the essence of angels is light. Djinn were created on the day of creation from the smokeless fire, or the essential fire. They are invisible to most people except under certain conditions; however, dogs and donkeys are able to see them. They were on the Earth before human beings, but it is unknown how long. By some accounts, they were created 2,000 years before Adam and Eve and are equal to angels in stature. Their ruler, Iblis(also called Shaytan), refused to worship Adam and so was cast out of heaven, along with his followers. Iblis became the equivalent of the Devil, and the followers all became Demons. Iblis’ throne is in the sea. As do humans, Djinn have free will and are able to understand good and evil. The Qur’an states that the purpose of their creation is the same as that of humans, which is to worship God. They are responsible for their actions and will be judged at the Last Judgment. It is said that Hell will be filled with Djinn and humans together. Conflicting stories about the Djinn abound, similar to conflicting stories about Angelsand Demons. According to some accounts, there are three types of Djinn: 1. Those who are able to fly. These Djinn can be heavy or light, tall or thin, and are shape shifters with very flexible bodies. 2. Those who reside in a given area and cannot travel out of that area. They may live in abandoned houses. 3. Those who manifest as snakes, scorpions, creeping animals, and dogs (especially Black Dogs, who are devils or Iblis) and cats. A cat should not be chased away early in the morning or late at night, lest it be a shape-shifted Djinn, who will take revenge. A quick glance at the internet shows that there are a number of stories where people feel that they have had recent encounters with Djinn. One person who had replied in a forum asking for true Djinn encounters wrote: "I have seen jinns several times during the night. For some reason, for the majority of those encounters I had not been scared and I looked at them for a while. Than went back to trying to fall back in sleep or went back to business. And than I am not speaking about seeing one for a second, but for longer. "I had encountered this twice and believe me at both those moments I had been really scared. I couldn't move or speak. But both times I felt someone laying on time of me. I could feel arms and legs and such moving. Some call this sleep paralysis, and it could be. But seriously both times I felt a body on me. Moving. So I personally think they were jinns. "At my grans house there had been living a family of muslim jinns for a numerous years. She knew this because they had little children and they tended to appear to my grandparents and uncle and aunts. They ended up moving away. I remember hearing the story that their mother had appeared and had apologised for her children bothering them. That she had told them they were not allowed to do so, but they did not listen. I found that amusing as children apparently don't listen occasionally whether they are human or not. "It might seem like there are very much jinn activity in my family. But we live close to each other, and apparently several (muslim) jinns live in this neighborhood. As once in a while they are spotted in various houses in the neighborhood. For instance, people have spotted during prayer time a male djinn praying in a thobe/djellaba...and after praying, disappeared. So if you think that a Djinn has it out for you...who're gonna call? Saad Ja’afar...the Djinn Trapper. Source: The World of Buzz capture-sabah-djinns-while-in-johor/ -
Mystery Still Engulfs Lake Worth, Texas Monster ![]() Greer Island, a small patch of land close to where the West Fork of the Trinity River flows into Lake Worth, is heavily shaded by tall oaks, cedar elms and cottonwoods. One of the quietest spots in Fort Worth, the island is home to egrets and owls, perhaps an alligator or two. And maybe, just maybe, the Lake Worth Monster. The Lake Worth Monster, aka Goat-Man, hasn't been seen regularly at the Fort Worth Nature Center since a very memorable summer more than 50 years ago when all of Texas seemed to buzz with the news that a hairy, scaly 7-foot man-goat-beast was terrorizing the good citizens of Tarrant County. "Every so often, it will come up in conversation," said Suzanne Tuttle, manager of the Nature Center. "Somebody will say, 'I remember when that happened."' Perhaps the monster moved on to less-populated environs, and maybe it's dead by now, his bones to be discovered decades later by a lucky anthropologist. Or, as more people actually suspect, the monster was really several creatures, all hoaxes carried out by enterprising and opportunistic mischief-makers from Brewer, Castleberry or North Side high school. No one is exactly sure. Mystery still cloaks the legend of the Lake Worth Monster and his tire-chucking, hair-raising appearance in July 1969. On the afternoon of July 10 that year, the Star-Telegram's front page carried a headline above the fold "Fishy Man-Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth." Reporter Jim Marrs broke the story to the world. "Six terrified residents told police early today they were attacked by a thing they described as being half-man, half-goat and covered with fur and scales. "Four units of Fort Worth police and the residents searched in vain for the thing, which was reported seen at Lake Worth, near Greer Island." John Reichart told police that the creature leapt from a tree and landed on his car, and he showed them an 18-inch scar down the side of his car as proof. The police officer told Marrs that "we did make a serious investigation because those people were really scared." The police also revealed that they had received reports in the past but had laughed them off. The next night, the monster, in front of a couple of dozen witnesses, was said to have uttered a "pitiful cry" and hurled a tire from a bluff at them. The police weren't laughing anymore. Hundreds of amateur trackers descended on the area with all manner of Remingtons, Brownings and Colts. "I'm not worried about the monster so much as all those people wandering around out there with guns," a police sergeant was quoted as saying in Marrs' second-day story. One of the curious who went to Lake Worth that summer was Sallie Ann Clarke, an aspiring writer and private investigator who dropped everything to interview people for what would become her quick-draw and slightly tongue-in-cheek book, "The Lake Worth Monster of Greer Island," self-published in September '69. During the weeks of summer, people saw the creature running through the Johnson grass, found tracks too big for a man, and reported dead sheep and blood. Soldiers and sailors in Vietnam wrote their parents in Fort Worth and asked for more news, and reporters from far and wide wrote stories about it. The authorities continued to blame either a bobcat or teenage pranksters. Then, about the time school resumed, perhaps not coincidentally, the Lake Worth Monster furor largely disappeared. Clarke is 80 years old now and still lives in Benbrook, but, regrettably, she can't talk much about that summer. A series of strokes greatly damaged her memory and her health, said her husband, Richard Lederer. Clarke has always regretted the way she wrote her book, he said, because after she published it, she saw the monster on three occasions. "If I'd seen it before I wrote the book, the book would have been quite a lot different," she told the Star-Telegram in 1989. "It wouldn't have been semi-fiction. It would have been like a history." She has the most famous, perhaps the only, photograph ever taken. It was given to her by Allen Plaster, who snapped it in October 1969 at 1:15 a.m. near Greer Island. Both her descriptions and the photo show a large white something, though it doesn't seem to favor a goat at all. Plaster, interviewed in 2006, said he doesn't buy the monster story now. "Looking back, I realize that when we drove by, it stood up," he was quoted as saying in the Star-Telegram. "Whatever it was, it wanted to be seen. That was a prank. That was somebody out there waiting for people to drive by. I don't think an animal would have acted that way." For his part, though, Plaster isn't talking anymore. He declined an interview request. In 2005, a reporter at the Star-Telegram received a handwritten letter, with no name and no forwarding address. "One weekend, myself and two friends from North Side High School decided to go out to Lake Worth and scare people on the roads where there were always stories of monsters and creatures who would attack parkers," the letter began. The writer claimed to have used tinfoil to make a homemade mask to scare a truckload of girls. When the friends were finished, they went to a Dairy Queen on the north side. "I had a Coke float. The goatman had a parfait," the letter said. "The goatman turns 55 this summer and resides a peaceful life in the hills outside of Joshua." Except that whoever wrote the letter a man who lives somewhere near Beaumont, based on the postal cancellation isn't the only person to make such a claim. Marrs, the reporter, told the newspaper in 1989 that police questioned several Castleberry students who were found with a faceless gorilla outfit and a mask. Fort Worth, Texas magazine outed a man this month identified only as "Vinzens" who admitted being involved in the infamous tire-throwing incident of July 11. He said the tire went airborne only because it hit a bump after they rolled it. But he had no interest in naming more names or publicly taking credit or blame. The owner of a kennel near Lake Worth has also said that he lost a macaque monkey that summer and that perhaps the primate was responsible. All of it could be true. Or none of it. Who knows? Clarke's husband maintains that the monster was definitely not pranksters. "She offered a $5,000 reward for any person who could pass a polygraph that they were the monster," Lederer said. "She never got a call." The Nature Center is holding its own monster revival celebration Oct. 3, a date selected for the temperate Texas autumn rather than any connection to the events of 1969. It will have canoe rides, guided hikes around Greer Island, live music, food and drinks. For those who belong to the Friends of the Nature Center, Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy Chairman Craig Woolheater will speak at a private dinner that night. Tuttle said the Nature Center's staff is skeptical of the existence of a monster. But ... "You never know," she said. "He may hear about it and just turn up." Source: NBCDFW/Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas -52597122.html - A HAUNTING WE WILL GO DEPARTMENT -
Strange Figure Photographed in Window of Edinburgh Landmark By Donald Turvill ![]() Eyebrows have been raised at Lauriston Castle after a man shared a photo of a mysterious figure standing in one of the windows - when the building was believed to be empty. Drew McAdam arrived at the 16th century attraction, in Davidson's Mains, on Saturday, prior to a show he was hosting for Magicfest. While wandering the historical grounds, the magician took some photographs of the estate. It was not until later, when Drew saw the images he had taken enlarged on his computer, that he noticed something in one of the photographs did not add up. “On bringing them up on my computer, I was going to edit them a bit, but noticed the strangest thing - figure at one of the windows, who I swear was not there when I arrived.," he said. "I have not edited this photo in any way. It is exactly as it came on the camera,” he added on a post to Facebook. The 64-year-old mentalist and mind-reader shared a close-up of the photograph, which shows a figure standing in one of the windows dressed in period dress. “Now, say what you want, but there is a figure at that window, and they are not wearing modern clothing. “Additionally, I had taken another couple of photos in quick succession – which you can see here, and the figure appears to have moved,” he said. Drew, from West Lothian, insists that the photos were taken when the castle was ‘bolted and shuttered’ with nobody inside, shortly before the custodian arrived to open it. Speaking to the Evening News, he said: “I put the photos up on the computer and thought ‘what the hell’s that?’ “To me, it doesn’t look like a ghost, it looks like a real person. I know the house really well, some people said it was a mannequin or something but there’s no mannequins in that place, it’s a museum,” he added. Margaret Findlay, learning and programmes manager with Museums and Galleries Edinburgh, said: “We are all extremely privileged to work in a venue like Lauriston Castle, a building rich in history spanning over 500 years. "Of course the building has stories to tell. The house has had various notable owners over the centuries, and some of these characters are quite colourful and even notorious." Margaret said paranormal activity was not new at Lauriston: “Our staff at Lauriston Castle have reported hearing footsteps when no one is present, and the sound of silk skirts rustling. “Sometimes a shadowy figure is reported, disappearing through a wall. Visitors to the gardens have reported seeing a shadowy figure disappear. The ghost may be Sophia, wife of Andrew, Lord Rutherford, who passed after writing her husband a letter to be delivered only after her death.” Drew’s original post has been shared almost 500 times, attracting a mix of responses with many shocked by the images. “That is really spooky...I will have nightmares now,” one social user posted. Another said: “A lot of reports of ghostly activity in Lauriston Castle over the years, it makes for interesting reading.” Some, however, were more sceptical of Drew’s sighting, stating: “It’s the clearest (ghost) picture I've seen. But perhaps it's a cardboard cut out to gauge interest?” Source: Edinburgh News -landmark-causes-stir-internet-1360409 Sign
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