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This week Conspiracy Journal
you such blood-boiling stories as:
- How the 1918 Pandemic Spurred a Spiritualism Craze -- The Cornish Owlman of Mawnan Smith -- Did a Meteorite Kill A Man in 1888? -AND: Indonesians Locked In Haunted House For Breaking QuarantineAll these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue ofCONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]() SPECIAL - TWO BOOKS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE: PSYCHIC AND UFO REVELATIONS FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY AND COSMIC MESSAGES FROM THE SPACE BROTHERS AND THE ASHTAR COMMAND Act now to get these amazing books at our SPECIAL PRICE of $25.00 (Plus $5 Shipping). So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and be amazed by the incredible color photos taken by the modest contactee. ![]() - TALING WITH THE DEAD DEPARTMENT -
How the 1918 Pandemic Spurred a Spiritualism Craze By Greg Daugherty When the influenza pandemic hit
the U.S. between 1918 and 1920, Americans wanted answers. Their
questions weren’t limited to what caused the pandemic or might prevent
the next one. They struggled with more eternal concerns, such as what
happens to us after we die and whether it’s possible to communicate
with dead loved ones.
The flu pandemic wasn’t alone in spurring this search for meaning. World War I, which ended in November 1918, had racked up a worldwide death toll of 20 million soldiers and civilians, according to one estimate. And if that wasn’t sufficiently staggering, the influenza had taken at least 50 million lives. In both cases, most victims were young—between 20 and 40, in the case of the flu—and left behind parents, spouses, sweethearts and children. Not surprisingly, spiritualism, which promised a window into the afterlife, saw a sudden resurgence in the United States, Great Britain, France and elsewhere. A February 1920 headline in the New York Sun said it all: “Riddle of the Life Hereafter Draws World’s Attention.” The two most prominent proponents of spiritualism were British: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sir Oliver Lodge. Doyle was, of course, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Lodge was a respected physicist known for his work with radio waves. Both men had a longtime interest in the supernatural, and both had lost sons in the war. Lodge’s son Raymond had been struck down by a shell fragment while fighting in Belgium in 1915. Doyle’s son Kingsley had been wounded in France in 1916 and died of pneumonia in 1918, likely brought on by the influenza pandemic. Doyle also lost his younger brother to the flu in 1919, while his wife’s brother had been killed in Belgium in 1914. After the war, both men lectured widely in the U.S. and also wrote books describing their psychic experiences. Lodge’s 1916 book, Raymond, or Life and Death, describes numerous purported contacts with his late son. Lodge and his wife met with a variety of mediums, who practiced such techniques as automatic writing and table tilting to communicate with the dead. In automatic writing, the spirit supposedly guided the medium’s hand to write out messages. In table tilting, participants typically sat around a séance table while the medium recited the alphabet. When the medium arrived at the letter the spirit had in mind, the table would tilt, turn, levitate or make some other inexplicable move. Still other mediums went into trances and allowed the dead to speak directly through them. In his messages, Raymond offered a comforting version of the great beyond, complete with flowers, trees, dogs, cats and birds. He repeatedly assured his parents that he was happy. He told them he’d reconnected with his late grandfather plus a brother and sister who died in infancy, and made many new friends. He reported that soldiers who’d lost an arm in battle found it magically restored, although those who were “blown to pieces” took a bit longer to become whole. In a 1920 visit to New York, Lodge told a reporter that he was still in touch with Raymond, as well as other fallen soldiers. “I have talked to a good many lads killed in the war,” he said. “They have not gone out of existence. They tell me it is pretty much over there as it is on this side.” Arthur Conan Doyle had a similarly soothing message. He claimed to have heard from his son during a 1919 séance, calling it “the supreme moment of my spiritual experience.” As Doyle remembered, “A large, strong hand then rested upon my head, it was gently bent forward, and I felt and heard a kiss just above my brow. ‘Tell me, dear, are you happy?’ I cried. There was silence, and I feared he was gone. Then on a sighing note came the words, ‘Yes, I am so happy.’” On a 1922 lecture tour Doyle told a reporter that, “I have many times spoken with my son,” and that he remained happy. “You see, a so-called dead man goes to a happier plane,” Doyle explained. “There is no crime, no sordidness, and it is many, many times happier.” Nor, Doyle claimed, was he unique in communicating with his son. In 1918 he said he knew of 13 mothers who were in touch with their dead sons. By the following year, the number had reportedly risen to 24. While Lodge and Doyle appear to have been sincere in their beliefs, they inadvertently gave a boost to scam artists who saw money to be made from grieving families and the simply curious. “Since the war,” the New York Sun wrote in 1920, “pretended mediums, long since exposed, have revived their ugly trade and are again in this and every large city fattening on the offerings of the distressed in heart.” This proved too much for Harry Houdini, the famous escape artist, who had successfully eluded both World War I service and the influenza pandemic. Though a friend of Doyle, Houdini, with his deep knowledge of magic tricks, was a natural skeptic of spiritualism, which he had studied for years. While Doyle toured the world promoting spiritualism, Houdini spent his time exposing fraudulent mediums and reconstructing how their trickery worked. In 1919 alone he claimed to have attended more than 100 séances, not one of which had made a believer of him. “After 25 years of ardent research and endeavor,” he wrote in his 1924 book, A Magician Among the Spirits, “I declare that nothing has been revealed to convince me that intercommunication has been established between the Spirits of the departed and those still in the flesh.” In 1926, Houdini was called to testify before a Congressional committee that was considering a bill to outlaw mediums, clairvoyants and fortune tellers in Washington, D.C. Members of the latter groups packed the audience, and the hearing soon became a shouting match between them and Houdini—and had to be adjourned for a time. “There are millions of dollars stolen by clairvoyants and mediums every year, and I can prove it,” Houdini told the committee when he was able to speak. “Conan Doyle is the biggest dupe outside of Sir Oliver Lodge.” Houdini also took the opportunity to debunk palmistry and astrology. For Americans without the money or inclination to consult a professional medium, there was the Ouija board. A sort of do-it-yourself séance kit wherein the departed “guided” users to spell messages, Ouija boards had been around since 1890, according to the Talking Board Historical Society. But they saw a huge surge of interest in the years 1917 to 1922. While many people considered the Ouija board a harmless toy, others saw something more menacing. Newspapers across the U.S. reported on obsessive users being committed to mental hospitals. (Not showing a great deal of empathy, the Philadelphia Evening Ledger headlined one article “Ouija Board Is Blamed for Increase in ‘Nut Crop.’”) The medical director of the New Jersey State Hospital for the Insane warned of potential overcrowding, adding that, “it would be difficult to imagine conditions more favorable for the development of psychosis than those furnished by the Ouija board and other mediums.” Houdini, too, weighed in, calling the Ouija board “the first step towards insanity.” Still, many Ouija board users claimed success in reaching dead loved ones. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported on a local woman who said she’d used a Ouija board to communicate with her late son, a sailor in the Navy whose ship had gone down. “He told me there was no suffering where he was, and that he was extremely happy and that his father also was happy,” she said. Her son also wanted to correct the historical record, she added; contrary to reports that his ship had been sunk by a torpedo from a U-boat, he told her, it had actually been bombed by a zeppelin. The heightened interest in spiritualism in the U.S. continued throughout the 1920s and well into the 1930s, but dropped off with the coming of World War II in 1941. In 1919, a New York Tribune writer tried to summarize what spiritualists claimed the dead had to say about the next world. “They tell us that dying is not a painful process,” he began, adding that it sometimes takes the recently deceased a while to realize that they are no longer among the living. “Finally,” he concluded, “they all say that in no circumstances would they come back.” Source: History - OUR SPACE, NOT YOUR SPACE DEPARTMENT - Did The Space Brothers Tell Us to Stay Off The Moon? Part 3 By Timothy Green Beckley ![]() "Excerpted From "Psychic And UFO Revelations For The Twenty-First Century"
Even as a teenager I was in the business of selling UFO books to finance my research. Long distance phone calls to witnesses were expensive in those days (maybe $10 for a 3 minute conversation from east coast to west). And one had to buy gas and rent hotel rooms while on the road. Michael X books always sold well because of their catchy titles, and they were inexpensive, at $10 or less. Michael would drop ship the orders to my customers. We didn't have a lengthy conversation but we were doing business together. When Michael folded his tent, he had cartons of unsold books. I took maybe 50 of each of the "best sellers," figuring I would sell them over a period of time. And Gray Barker's Saucerian Press took the rest. Somewhere along the line I had asked him if it was ok for me to reprint the various tomes if need be and he had no objections However, he in effect warned me to stay away from the book on Nazi UFOs which had been so troubling. Gray Barker was doing so well with the Michael X material that he wanted to publish more titles by the author, but any offer he made to Michael was refused. He wanted no more dealings with the space brothers, be they legit friends from "Venus." or potential Nazi "space Aryans" whose intentions were "not of the light." So I took up the helm. I wrote 3 books under the Michael X plume. They were, "Nikola Tesla -- Man or Spaceman." Before inking this little booklet there had only been two other volumes on Tesla, and nothing about his UFO -- outer space -- connection. Now there over 700 Tesla titles being sold on Amazon. Then there was "Gone Forever in the Blink of An Eye," which dealt with the disappearance of one of Michael's close friend, Dr Halsey whom might have been scooped up by aliens. Most important of all, and this is the fist time I am confessing to this, I penned "Danger On The Moon," a 32 page discourse which I feel is still very relevant to this day due to the timeliness of its contents, even though it came out in the late Sixties. In short, this booklet explained how even though we had landed on the moon, because of our warlike activities and general chaos, the space people would prevent us from returning to the lunar surface. They would take whatever measures necessary to see that we did not establish our own bases or colonies there, which had long been on our space agencies agenda. THE SOURCE OF THESE PREDICTIONS AND HOW THEY WERE VETTED
I should explain further that the dire prediction, that it would be a long time before we were allowed to take our "rightful place" in space as part of an "independent confederation of planets," was being channeled and passed on to me by a variety of independent sources all around the same time. That is, following our Apollo moon landing. I had started collecting some of this contact orientated material which I initially used in a book published in 1969 (yes, I am an ole timer!). "The Book of Space Brothers," was an effort of Gray Barker's Saucerian Publications, out of Clarksburg, WV. The book is out of print -- I've seen it on ebay going for $100, but save your money as the material has been reissued in various forms in other books I have put together over the years. These other worldy predictions were arriving in my mailbox pretty regularly, but not one to take channeled messages on such a far fetched matter at face value -- being somewhat skeptical believing that they might be derived from our own subconscious) -- I did my best to verify the reliability of these "dire warnings," as they were being presented to me. My methodology was, I think, pretty straightforward , and was based in part on a system derived by the late Wilbert B. Smith, who headed Canada's government sponsored "Project Magnet." Described as "a top ranking scientist in the service of the Canadian Government," Smith had constructed a modest radio receiver, housed inside a small shack near the Ottawa River, in order to record the arrival of any potential UFOs into Canadian airspace. Eventually, Smith had limited success in doing so, but unfortunately "their movements" were recorded on a cloudy day when these "foreign visitors" could not be seen visually. They did nonetheless trigger the magnetic detection equipment housed inside the headquarters of Project Magnet. Smith saw an intelligence behind the objects and thought they were under the influence of beings, technologically more advance than earthlings, mostly humanoid, but with a higher degree of spiritual awareness. Later in his career, the scientist privately operated the Ottawa New Sciences Club and as part of the organizations studies, Smith and the group was receiving ground breaking predictions from as many as two dozen contactees and UFO channelers from all over the world. Smith took these messages quite seriously. He meticulously compared them for content so as to see what similarities could be found among the multitude of sources, thus helping to prove that these message were likely originating from a "higher source." As it turns out, in most cases, these individuals and groups did not know each other, so there was no reason for their outer world communications to agree with each other. Yet in about 70% of the cases THEY DID, thus adding to their overall credibility. This brings me to the book that this article is derived from..."Psychic and UFO Revelations for the Twenty-First Century." It started out as a saddle stitched booklet of 64 pages and ended up as a large format paperback of nearly 200 pages that sold over 50,000 copies, mainly through the tabloids like the Weekly World News and the Globe, and in a dozen or more psychic and UFO publications like Fate which dotted the newsstand at the time, all of which have dissipated over the last decade, till there are no more -- sort of like "Ten Little Indians." The title of the book is sort of self explanatory, the contents of which has not been lost for all time. In fact, we have added an appropriate amount of material from the last, 1989, edition as a good deal of this material is still appropriate and many of the predictions have either transpired, are yet to come about -- and, yes, there were a few that hit way off the mark. Even the Space Brothers can fail when it comes to prophecy. We can't all be Nostradamus, I suppose. So grab your cosmic score card and start taking notes, and let's see what the space folks -- that includes you Ashtar and Semjase -- have to say when it comes to events that might be right ahead. The space people want me to tell you that they bring peace and harmony. And I'll ditto that. Source: Psychic And UFO Relations For The Twenty-First Century - WHO IS THAT HIDING IN THE DARK DEPARTMENT - The Cornish Owlman of Mawnan Smith ![]() A remote church in
Cornwall is said to be the home of a half-man half-owl creature which
has been terrifying locals and holidaymakers since the 1920s.
St Mawnan and St Stephen’s Church, located about a mile from the village centre of Mawnan Smith, is a peaceful church, surrounded by woods and boasting a breathtaking sea view. But according to Cornish folklore, it has been haunted by a human-size owl with large wings, long claws and glowing eyes for a century. That beast is known as the Owlman of Mawnan Smith. The first sighting of the owlman was only reported in April 1976. It is said that two teenage girls, on holidays with their parents in Mawnan Smith, walked down to the old and remote church, more than a mile from the village centre. On the top of the church tower, they saw what was described as a terrifying "bird-man", with wings and feathers. The story says that they were so scared by the sighting that their father decided to put an end to their holidays and leave Cornwall immediately. In July of the same year, two 14-year-old girls decided to go camping in the area, but spotted a giant owl of human-size 'with glowing eyes'. At the time, all eyes turned to the village and the discovery made the national headlines, naming the beast the Owlman of Mawnan Smith. However, the Owlman was quickly branded a hoax when people realised that all reports led back to one man: magician and paranormal researcher Tony "Doc" Shiels. At the time, the mysterious man was having a moment of glory for taking part in a project to find and invoke monsters. Shiels is probably best known for his research and alleged photographs of the Loch Ness Monster. He lived in St Ives for years before moving to Ponsanooth but has now left Cornwall for Ireland. People dismissed the claims of there being a owl man haunting the church, its yard, and the nearby woods, explaining that the teenagers had probably seen a very big owl if they saw anything at all. Since then, several sightings of the creature have been reported on the Internet. In 2019, a 'ghosthunter' from Falmouth claimed he spotted the Owlman and that his friend got attacked by it. Mark Davies was in the graveyard with his friend Chris Power, 36, from Manchester. Mark said: "There's lay lines which are under the ground near the church, and they give off paranormal activity. "There was a hissing in the trees and you could hear flapping, I heard it go right over my head and I was shocked. "That's when I saw the figure, and it had horns on its head, it was mad. "On the meter I had, which picks up electric magnetic energy that we use to detect ghosts, I was getting conscious replies to my questions through it. "That's telling me there's a demonic energy and it wasn't safe. My mate got attacked, he had scratches on his arm. His camera broke too. "He didn't see anything, he just felt this surge of energy. He didn't realise til about half an hour later when he felt some burning. "It's not a place I would advise anyone to go there alone, let's put it that way." Yet, the spooky tale of the Owlman seems to have been long forgotten in Mawnan Smith. Although many Cornish people still remember its story, when Cornwall Live decided to drive down to the small village to find out more, people said they had not heard its name for many, many years. Still today, the place is quite spooky. A gate leading to the church yard shows a dramatic-looking inscription, actually in Cornish. "Da thymi nesse the Dhu," the porch reads. "It is good to draw nigh to the Lord". The 13th-century church is surrounded by the yard which is home to many graves. Several of them are covered with green moss. The back door to the church shows scary hand marks, as if people struggled to open the door to escape from the Owlman. There was no signs, anywhere in the village or at the church, mentioning the Owlman. Intrigued, as Cornish legends including the beast of Bodmin are quite popular, we decided to ask a local who was living in the village at the time why the tale sank into oblivion. She said: "I haven't heard it mentioned for years and years, since it first happened actually. "It was a media event at the time. People were scared to go to the church afterwards. "The Owlman looked quite menacing from the pictures and drawings made by the girls involved. "I don't want to see him, thank you very much!" She explained that the reason why the Owlman is not a popular story in the village is because the population has changed a lot since the original reports. "The older people have passed away or left and we have had a lot of newcomers in the village who wouldn't know about it," she said. "There is a lot of history going on up there. There are more things going on than what meets the eye. "A member of my family heard spooky noises from a tree although there was no wind. "My husband and I also saw a very strange robin flying straight into a grave." Not quite a terrifying owl man then. Source: Cornwall Live -been-4045776 PAYPAL
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Beeping Creatures ![]() An
interesting characteristic of Bigfoot, UFO and alien encounters is the
electronic, beeping sound many witnesses report hearing during these
(My personal experience with beeping sounds: I’ve occasionally have been abruptly awakened late at night, and yes, around 3:00 am, because of a loud beeping sound in my head. The sound is very distinct, very mechanical, and all I can say is, as loony as it sounds, it’s from inside my head, not an exterior source, like from a truck outside or someone’s alarm clock. This has happened several times.) In Peter Guittilla’s Bigfoot Files, he writes about a 1979 report of Bigfoot activity in the area where the witnesses lived -- hearing screams, etc. -- as well as beeping sounds: “One night in April at 2:30am my husband woke me to listen to odd beeping sounds coming from the woods. These have not been identified and continued on and off for about a year.” ~ p136 Guittilla recounts other Bigfoot stories, where witnesses say they hear all kinds of unusual sounds coming from areas reported to have Bigfoot activity, including coming from underground: The sounds which often occur in combinations, are described variously as buzzing, beeping, whirling, humming ...” ~ p 197 Bigfoot Files In The Hunt for The Skinwalker, a “hairy humanoid” was seen racing across the property (the ranch in Utah, home of the skinwalker phenomena) The rancher shot at the creature, being sure he hit it: ”. . .but the creature barely flinched. . . . When he chased after it, he heard a weird sound that resembled a soft whine combined with an electronic beeping noise. ~ p179, Hunt for the Skinwalker The following is from an interesting report on “skinwalker ranch” type phenomena that occurred in the 1970s on a ranch in Elvert County, Colorado: On another evening, very annoyed at the repeated blows, Jim hurried outside with his rifle and fired at the fleeing bigfoot. Jim is a good shot and the creature was hit although without seeming to be too inconvenienced by the fact. It must have been wearing a bulletproof vest! Subsequently the people at the ranch heard a hoarse crying sound mixed with a kind of beep-beep. ~ From Prologue: US Air Force, UFOs and Bigfoot, the Great Deception. UFOs and Aliens Some think alien abductions are the work of aliens from space, the military (MILABS) or both. Bonnie Meyer, author of Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring, writes, in a section titled “Scanning:” ”If you are Healings a lot of beeping sounds, it is probably a small scanning instrument. this scanning if kind of like a mind probe. I doubt you could tell the difference where or who it’s coming from.” Barney and Betty Hill experienced hearing beeping sounds on the night of their sighting. In Captured! the beeping they heard is described as being “code like,” with several beeps, a pause, then more beeps. Were the beeps some kind of alien Morse code? Researcher, author and experiencer Raymond E. Fowler has experienced this beeping sound while in asleep (similar to my experiences) and dreams about aliens, making two entries in his journal: January 27, 1995: I awoke twice to a electronic beeping sound. the second time I thought it was my watch alarm sounding and actually reached to shut if off before the beeping stopped. My right nostril is still sore.” The next day, January 28, Fowler experienced it again: I woke up again to a electronic beeping sound and again reached for my watch alarm, but it was not the watch. My right nostril is still sore. ~ ”Synchrofile: Amazing Personal Encounters with Synchronicity and Other ~ Page 188 In UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, author Curt Sutherly recounts the story of Harold Butcher . In 1965 Butcher, was working on his parents farm in New York state. Butcher noticed that the animals were panicking over something, at the same time, the milking machine Butcher was working abruptly stopped: ”Looking out a window, Harold saw a large elliptical object land about a quarter-mile away. The object emitted a smell of burned gasoline and a red vapor clouded its rim. A strange beeping sound was heard. the object departed by ascending straight up into the clouds. What is the cause of this beeping sound? Why does a consistent characteristic -- beeping -- occur with diverse phenomena such as UFOs, various alien beings, robots and Bigfoot? Maybe it’s a mistake to assume that these things are not connected; they may share a relationship with each other in ways we don’t readily see. Some see Mothman, some Bigfoot, others weird aliens or craft, but if they are manifestations of the same kind of phenomena, it isn’t so strange. If they come from the same source, as John A. Keel, Andrew Colvin, and so many others have suggested, it makes some sense. (Keel calls it the “superspectrum.”) If this source, that throws out all kinds of weird things at us, lulls us into a hypnotic, trance like state, beeping would be a way to induce that state. In his Mothman Prophecies, Keel suggests beeping sounds have something to do with lulling us into a passive, amnesiatic state: ”There is a kind of posthypnotic suggestion involved in many UFO and psychic incidents. The witness is driving along a road late at night. He hears a beeping sound and lapses into a trance. . . as if he had been preconditioned to lose consciousness at the sound of the beep. Later, he awakes to the sound of another series of beeps.” The witness wakes up hours later to find he or she is now a victim of missing time. In some cases, it may be a combination of human involvement, possibly working with some paranormal or alien agencies, to manipulate other UFO, cryptozoological and or alien phenomena. This theory has been suggested to explain cases like Mothman, the Flatwoods creature, UFOs and aliens, as well as Bigfoot. A seeming glitch in this idea is in the fact that in many of these areas: the area in Utah, location of the Skinwalker ranch, or Pt. Pleasant, West Virginia, home of Mothman, have had a history of paranormal and UFO activity going back hundreds of years. But if we consider that there are human agencies working with this energy in some way, manipulating both it and us, we find that there isn’t a contradiction. Now the question isn’t if these things are happening, but why are covert human elements so interested? Source: UFO Digest/Regan Lee - FIERY DEATH FROM ABOVE DEPARTMENT -
Did a Meteorite Kill A Man in 1888? ![]() The first ever proof of a person being struck and killed by a meteorite might just have been discovered.
Researchers at the Meteoritical Society have found evidence of a meteorite that killed one man and left another paralysed after it fell 'like rain' on a village in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, formerly part of the Ottoman Empire, on August 22, 1888. The event was recorded in three manuscripts kept in the Turkish government archives. According to the documents, the event was reported to Abdul Hamid II, the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire, by the governor of Sulaymaniyah, prompting speculation that other similar incidents may have been recorded elsewhere in the archive. If true, the event would mark the earliest - and only credible proof - of a human being killed by a meteorite, something that scientists believe has a remarkably low chance of actually happening, with odds of around one in 250,000. 'Due to the fact that these documents are from official government sources and written by the local authorities... we do not have any suspicion on their reality,' the researchers say in the academic paper describing their findings, The Independent reports. While meteorites have never been previously known to kill a person, the grapefruit-sized Sylacauga meteorite of November 1954 was recorded as the first to cause an injury. Ann Elizabeth Fowler Hodges was hit by the meteorite after it crashed through the roof of her farmhouse in Alabama, USA, while she slept. The 34-year-old was badly bruised on one side of her body and the event attracted publicity around the world. There is also a lesser-known claim of a Milanese friar being hit and killed by a meteorite in 1677. Source: Daily Mail -1888-report-Ottoman-sultan.html - SCARE YOUR WAY TO HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Indonesians Locked In Haunted House For Breaking Quarantine ![]() When all
else fails, one way to convince Indonesians to self-isolate, as we’ve
seen before with the pocong guards, is to spook them into compliance.
The head of Sragen regency in Central Java is the latest Indonesian official to enact a policy from the supernatural playbook. According to reports, many Sragen natives have returned to villages in the regency from cities in the past few weeks out of fear of lockdowns. There are also a number of people in the regency under health authorities’ watchlist for possible coronavirus infections, who are officially referred to as people under surveillance (ODP). Sragen Regent Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati did not mince her words when warning these two groups to self-isolate at home for 14 days. “If they disobey self-isolation [orders], several villages have asked for my permission to quarantine them in an abandoned elementary school or abandoned houses,” Kusdinar said last week, as quoted by Tribun. “I gave my permission. If need be, they should be locked inside — in a haunted house if necessary. But we’d still feed them and monitor them.” Two residents of Plupuh village found out the hard way that Kusdinar was not joking around. “Two Plupuh residents agreed to self-isolate but they violated the order. So they were locked inside an abandoned haunted house. Had they obeyed their order they wouldn’t have been locked in there,” Kusdinar told Suara today, adding that the house, located in the middle of a rice paddy, is known by locals to be haunted. She did not say how long the self-isolation violators would have to serve their sentence of terror. Using abandoned buildings is actually a practical necessity in the regency, officials say, as there is no dedicated quarantine facility in the region. At this point, five people have been confirmed to have COVID-19 in Sragen, including one death. Source: Coconuts -disobeying-self-isolation-order/ Sign
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