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Are you sick and tired of
aliens abducting you in the
middle of the night, interrupting your sleep and disturbing the
cat? Annoyed with the Men-In-Black constantly knocking on your
and following you to the grocery
store in their big black Cadillacs? Pissed off at the NSA, the
and the FBI bugging your phones and reading your e-mails? Well,
for a limited time only you can now get your very own bottle of
"CONSPIRACY BE-GONE!" It comes in a handy spray bottle for easy
spritzing of all those annoying conspiracy related problems. ONLY
Of course we don't really have any Conspiracy BE-GONE, but we have the
next best thing! Your latest issue of Conspiracy Journal. The
weekly email newsletter that is sure to annoy all those
extraterrestrials, government agents, and pundits of the New World
who want to keep you in the dark about what is REALLY going on in the
world today.
This week, Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such eye-popping tales as:
- Scientist Convinced ‘Annihilated’ Alien Tech Visited Earth
- The Volcano and the Goddess -
-Why Some People Can 'Hear' The Voices of The Dead-
AND: Oklahoma Considers Bigfoot Hunting SeasonAll these
exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

ALIEN LIVES MATTER - IT'S OK TO BE GREYBy Tim Swartz, Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Prof. Stephen Fenley, Scott Corrales, Joseph Foster, Harry Drew, and others Estimated Length - 600+ Large Format Pages Special Pre-Publication Offer - $25.00 + $5 S/H
20 of the world's leading UFOlogists establish that humans have
done battle with aliens over and over again, shooting at them,
molesting them, hitting them, running them over, unleashing dogs
upon them, and injuring -- and even killing them -- though any means
possible, as humans try to combat their fear of the unknown. In
many instances the aliens have fought back. They have sought revenge,
and more often than not, gotten it. Here are over a hundred
reports of the strangest close encounters with humanoids who use force
to defend themselves -- such as the case of the NY hunter whose rifle
was ripped from his hands, the shotgun barrel twisted, and than handed
back to him. There is also the crash landing of a UFO in Kingman, AZ
which involved 8 UFOs positioning themselves in the sky in combat
position, apparently returning to find any survivors of their
doomed craft, and to protect themselves in doing so. IS THERE A BLACK UFO EXPERIENCE?
second part of the book's "mission," is to disprove the concept held
by many that African Americans are not prone to have UFO
experiences or to hold a belief or interest in the subject. One
contributor, Prof. Stephen Finley of the University of Louisiana,
explains how UFOs are part of the overall "Black experience" of many
African Americans. Most of his fans do not realize that Muhammad Ali
had over 21 UFO sightings. A friend of researcher Tim Beckley, the late
Champ explains why he was so taken up with the subject, being a part of
his spiritual beliefs. And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Beckley 11 East 30th Street, 4R NY NY 10016
Click Here to
Order From the Conspiracy Journal Bookshop.
And as always you can send a check or money order to:
East 30th Street, 4R
NY 10016
Please make out checks
to: Timothy Green Beckley
Scientist Convinced ‘Annihilated’ Alien Tech Visited Earth
By Passant Rabie

Have signs of alien life entered into our orbit? Avi Loeb, a Harvard University astrophysicist, says yes.
“Our civilization has sent five man-made objects into interstellar
space: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, and New
Horizons,” Loeb writes in his upcoming book Extraterrestrial: The First
Signs of Intelligent Life. The book will be released on January 26.
“And if other civilizations developed out there among the stars,
wouldn’t they have felt that same urge to explore, to venture past
familiar horizons in search of the new? Judging by human behavior, that
would not be surprising in the least.”
This stance has gained Loeb a certain level of notoriety, and
criticism. He's recently claimed — and reiterates this claim in his
book — that the odd-shaped, rocky object that passed through our Solar
System known as 'Oumuamua was, in fact, a piece of abandoned alien
technology — perhaps a once-operational "probe."
Who is Avi Loeb? — Aside from being a Harvard University professor,
Loeb served as the chair of Harvard's astronomy department and founding
director of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative. The astrophysicist has
authored several books on cosmic objects such as galaxies and stars, as
well as our search for alien life in the universe.
When it comes to the argument over extraterrestrial life, Loeb is
clearly on the side of alien existence. In recent interviews and his
book, Loeb argues 'Oumuamua is a relic of a now-annihilated alien
What is 'Oumuamua?
On October 19, 2017, our Solar System received an unexpected visitor. A
rocky, elongated object, sort of shaped like a cigar, visited from
beyond the realms of the Sun — the first-ever recorded interstellar
object to cruise through our neck of the galaxy.
Scientists dubbed it 'Oumuamua, which roughly translates to "a messenger from afar arriving first" in Hawaiian.
Oumuamua was unlike anything astronomers had ever observed before.
The cosmic object was originally classified as a comet, but later
observations showed no cometary activity as it lacks the telltale coma
(or envelope surrounding a comet’s core) and necessary tail of gas and
dust. It also has a dry surface, making it more similar to a rocky
However, it also can't be an asteroid given its acceleration as it sped
by the Sun. 'Oumuamua slingshotted past the Sun at a speed of 196,000
miles per hour — which is too fast to be explained by the pull of the
Sun's gravity alone.
‘Oumuamua is also highly elongated, believed to stretch across 900 feet in its longest dimension.
Another cosmic mystery? Astronomers reason 'Oumumua roamed space for
hundreds of millions of years before its chance encounter with the
Solar System. However, while it seems to have come from the direction
of Vega, one of the stars that make up the Lyra Constellation, its
trajectory shows that it would have been at the star's location around
300,000 years ago.
However, back then, Vega would have been in a different location.
But is it aliens? — In 2018, Loeb co-authored a paper published in The
Astrophysical Journal Letters arguing that Oumuamua's speed and
acceleration, as well as its brightness, suggests it is not a natural
object but instead a piece of advanced technology created by a distant
alien civilization.
Loeb's argument garnered him criticism from his fellow astrophysicists, many of who dismissed his claims as ludicrous.
"No, 'Oumuamua is not an alien spaceship, and the authors of the paper
insult honest scientific inquiry to even suggest it," Paul Sutter, an
astrophysicist at Ohio State University, wrote on Twitter.
Loeb responded with a book. In Extraterrestrial: The First Signs of
Intelligent Life, Loeb suggests that 'Oumuamua is essentially alien
scrap that had been traveling through the cosmos, quite possibly from a
long-dead alien civilization.
He argues that the object's strange acceleration can only be explained
by physical production, and reasons if the beings who created the
object were capable of designing advanced technology they are also
likely "vulnerable to annihilation by self-inflicted wounds."
"'Oumumua must have been designed, built, and launched by an extraterrestrial intelligence," he writes.
How do we look for aliens?
If 'Omuamua is not a sign of aliens, are there other signs out there?
One of the biggest questions astronomers hope to answer is whether or
not we are alone in the universe. As a result, scientists strive to
look for hints of alien life in the cosmos by sending out probes and
spacecraft to distant worlds.
However, scientists are not exactly sure what that alien life would look like if we did happen to stumble upon it.
Our most concentrated efforts to look for extraterrestrial life is on
Mars, where robotic astrobiologists are currently hunting for evidence
of the ancient microbial life that may have once thrived there.
However, when it comes to finding life developed past the microbial
stage, scientists are at a bit of a loss of what to look for. Would
they look like humans? Will life have developed a different way? Would
they be advanced enough to communicate back to us? And, just perhaps,
would they have flung a giant cigar-shaped rock in our direction?
When it comes to extraterrestrial life, the possibilities are endless and largely obscure.
In June 2020, researchers estimated there could be 30 intelligent
civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. However, the researchers
estimate that these extraterrestrial civilizations may be located
around 17,000 light-years away, which would make it hard to detect or
communicate with them with our current technology.
Another study, published in August 2020, looked for signs of alien life in 10 million star systems but came up empty-handed.
And yet, our search for alien life continues.
What's next for the search? — For Loeb, his book is just the beginning.
The astrophysicist is also serving as an adviser on the Breakthrough
Starshot Initiative, a project aimed at developing ultra-fast
light-driven nano-crafts. These may serve as interstellar probes to
distant worlds — much like Loeb argues 'Oumuamua was.
Meanwhile, astronomers are still pouring over data collected of
'Oumuamua. The mysterious object has already made its way through the
Solar System, never to be seen again by us on Earth.
Source: Inverse
The Volcano and the Goddess
By Timothy Green Beckley
Recently I was a guest on Frank Morano’s “The Other Side Of Midnight”
show on WABC, a 50,000 watt station out of Manhattan. I have become a
“regular” on the show and together Frankie and I talk about some very
twisted topics. And instead of doing the interviews over the telephone,
I hop into a cab at 2 AM and head uptown and show myself in the
station’s studio. I love the idea of a “hot mic,” I love radio.
On this particular show the subject turned to the recent sighting of an
unidentified object that crashed into the sea off the Hawaiian Islands.
The video had caused quite the hub bub on the Islands, being replayed
on local TV channels for a few days.
I have always loved the Islands. Have visited there for “research
purposes” several times. I have collected any number of stories
regarding the strange unidentified objects that are often seen before
“disaster strikes.”
My “Kahuna Power“ book contains a great deal of valuable information on
the topic some of which I excerpt for purposes of this article.
Before I went on my Hawaiian vision quest, I had heard about the
strange phenomenon of fireballs from Arte Johnson, actor, comedian and
at one time a regular on TV’s Laugh In series. I had been a stringer
for the Enquirer and some of the lesser tabloids and regularly
interviewed celebrities. To satisfy my own curiosity, I always tossed
in a question or two pertaining to any personal belief or experiences
with UFOs or the paranormal they might have had. Quite often I was
rewarded with a fascinating story, some of which can be found in my
literary masterpiece, UFOs Among The Stars.
Arte revealed that he and his wife had been making pilgrimages to the
islands for quite a few years and had made friends with the Kahuna, the
local shamans who have learned to utilize the powers of the mind to
their fullest extent, enabling devotees to walk on fiery coals and to
perform other feats of mind-over-matter.
Because of their willingness to accept that which is often considered
taboo, Arte says that the Kahuna have taken both him and Gisela into
their confidence, and have shown them what they consider to be the
relentless wanderings of the dead.
“There’s a place on the Big Island,” says Arte, “where you can see
lights which the local natives believe to be the spirits of unworthy
souls, those who have not found their way into the equivalent of the
Hawaiian heaven. We’ve seen that many times. They’re fireballs in the
distance, and they travel from right to left over the harbor at Kona.
They travel the same path all the time. The natives claim that in order
to keep them away, you must swear at them. Well, since we started
seeing them, we’ve learned to swear a lot.”
According to the entertainer, the meandering lights will often arrive
in twos and threes, and then split up before they drop below the
horizon. Johnson admits that he’s baffled.
“Personally,” he says, “I have no idea what they could be. The only
airport in the area closes at sundown, so those lights don’t come from
it, and we have seen these things at one and two in the morning. There
certainly remains a big question in my mind. Until I find an answer, I
have to think that maybe the natives are right, and that we are
actually seeing ghostly apparitions. That’s as good an explanation as
any. Before going to Hawaii, I never thought to believe in anything
along these lines, but I’ve since found that many of the Hawaiians’
so-called superstitions have a basis in reality. For me, they’ve borne
As my metaphysically minded colleague Maria Carta noted on our flight
from the islands back to Kennedy Airport, “One almost gets the
impression that there are more gods and spirits floating around in the
Hawaiian nether-regions than there are people living in this wonderful
“The truth is,” my psychic friend reflected, “that there are so many
gods that nobody can remember their names. Therefore, there is even a
name for all the gods as a group.”
Maria (a recognized psychic on the mainland) and I had flown to the
Hawaiian Islands in 1986 as part of a research pilgrimage. With my
lifelong interest in unidentified objects, which had gotten me the
monocle MR UFO, naturally I wasn’t returning to my digs without looking
into the matter of the mysterious fireballs Arte Johnson had been so
excited about when I had spoken with him a decade before our travels.
Believe it or not, the islanders have a name for their version of UFOs
or spook lights. They identified the specters as the akualete. Early in
the trip, we hooked up with Kalani Hanohano, one of the most
knowledgeable experts on the folklore of the islands whose now defunct
journal Full Moon was read by scholars and laymen all over the world.
Kalani amassed a huge file of anecdotal material pertaining to the
akualete, which often appear at night, taking on the form of fireballs
shooting across the sky and then evaporating or exploding in midair,
breaking up into small flames, each moving and withering on their own,
indicating that these puffs of light are animate objects. Much of the
material here was supplied by Kalani.
Most often, the akualete are thought of by the Hawaiians as either
ancestral or nature spirits. Mind you, they don’t dismiss them as being
extraterrestrial in origin, it’s just not a theory that is easily
applicable to their magically inclined heritage.
One resident related a fascinating tale involving the akualete and his
more or less superstitious family. In this case, which was told to me
by an elderly gentleman living on Maui, a mixed marriage had taken
place, which was not acceptable to one side of the family due to racial
and religious differences. One of the husband’s cousins brought in a
Kahuna, who recited a prayer, the result of which brought a fireball to
the bride and groom’s house. Neighbors saw the bright object fall on
the house. The old Kahuna priest, however, could not properly execute
the prayer because it required long breath control. He collapsed and
was rushed to the hospital, where he lay dying.
The fireball had no real effect on the house. The elderly man told me
that it was not because the Kahuna failed in his prayer, but because
the young groom was the descendant of the Ma’iola god and had not
needed to swear to render the fireball impotent.
In another instance, there was an 88-year-old woman living at Maunalani
Heights on Oahu who said that in the 1940s she was startled by a bright
light at her front door. It was a fireball. She said that someone in
her family was against her. She prayed for divine guidance, and in a
dream that night she learned that one family member was jealous of her.
I also learned that a male Hawaiian living in the Kailua area on the
Kona Coast of Hawaii said that when he was a young man, a fireball of
bright yellow light crashed through the air and flew over and under
some trees. He was just about to swear at it when the akualete smashed
into a tree and exploded into lots of small flames.
Fireball witnesses are apparently plentiful. I had no trouble finding
people who had seen them. One young man told me that while he was
driving down Old Pali Road on Oahu a fireball passed slowly in front of
his car. The engine died. But as soon as the fireball left, the engine
kicked into life again.
In another case, two men were driving along the same Old Pali Road when
a fireball appeared. The driver stopped the car, got out and started to
swear. The fireball broke up into small balls. The driver told me that
those flaming fragments become little mythical men called e’epa,
elemental beings no doubt!
A 17-year-old female once saw a fireball hovering above her head at
about fifty feet. It spun in flight and then crashed to the ground. A
man and his wife spotted a huge luminous blue fireball that fell almost
at their feet. When the wife tried to touch it, it reared up and flew
Earthlights have been long associated with erupting volcanoes. A couple
of years back, I flew to Costa Rica as my alter ego Mr. Creepo on
American Express travel points to film a low budget horror epic titled
Skin Eating Jungle Vampires. Yet, despite the primary reason for my
trip, I could not let the paranormal take a backseat to anything else.
(Besides, the jeep my lead actress Carla Anderson and I rented didn’t
have one!)
If you’ve been to Costa Rica, you realize there isn’t much in the way
of highway markers to lead you in the right (or any) direction. So we
were lost in the jungle for two days before we arrived at our
destination. The Arenal volcano is always blowing its stack. Some days
it would be less active. Other days you would think the volcano was
going to spew forth molten lava like it last did a few years ago,
killing several people.
On our way, we stopped wherever we could to refuel and look for a
compass (almost impossible to find anywhere in the country). Nearing
the volcano, we had a bite to eat at a restaurant where the lady
proprietor spoke English (Spanish is the national language). When we
mentioned UFOs, her eyes lit up.
“They have been around the volcano where you are going for years,” she
told us while running back and forth to the kitchen. “The locals
believe that the objects draw on the energy of Arenal.”
The “Arenal Lights,” we were told, are most often described as “blazing
stars” or “flying flames.” Seen at night, they are bright green or
orange like the end of a hot poker. Supposedly there is some sort of
hidden base beneath the volcano.
Likewise, in Popocatepeti, Mexico, UFOs have been seen and photographed
skyrocketing in and out of the active volcano over the course of the
last few years (surf over to JeffRense.com for more details). We have
also been told that there have been many sightings of earthlights in
the twilight around Mount St. Helen’s in Washington, just above its rim
at 8300 feet. Many of these luminous objects were seen just before
Mount St. Helen’s last major eruption, and there was another spate of
UFOs seen there in 2004-2005. So what should we expect but another
“blowup” shortly?
One thing our extensive research has shown us is that the volcanoes of
Hawaii have it all over any other volcanoes in the world as far as
strange phenomena go, tying in directly with the state’s patron fire
goddess, known as Madame Pele.
Madame Pele is the Polynesian goddess of fire. Many Hawaiians consider
her to be very real. Many more who pride themselves on being “civilized
and sophisticated” would nevertheless think twice about doing anything
to offend her. When she first came to Hawaii, legend has it Madame Pele
took up residence in the crater on Diamond Head, which is the famous
landmark at the end of Waikiki Beach. When the islands had their first
leader, Kamehameha, she moved to Kilauea. She favored the great leader
and took his side during his early conquests, causing the volcano to
erupt at the right time to cut off enemy troops with her lava.
Madame Pele is actually said to live in the pit crater of Halemaumau,
which is in the center of Kilauea’s caldera (cauldron). She is both
loved and feared. You do not offend Pele. Chances are that nothing will
happen if you do, but then…who knows? Something may just happen.
The old Hawaiian legend has it that shortly before an eruption, Madame
Pele makes an appearance in human form. This is her way of warning the
people to beware. On May 14, 1924, at Waiohinu in the southwest
province of Ka’u on the Big Island, The Honolulu Advertiser reported
that a resident had seen a tall, strange but beautiful woman dressed in
white and with flowing red hair.
At the time, there was very little tourism in Hawaii, and the natives
tended to know each other. The individual was a stranger. Several other
people reported seeing the same unusual woman walking along a country
lane. She spoke to no one and was not seen again. Four days later, on
May 18, Kilauea, which had been rumbling for nearly a month, exploded.
Huge, towering clouds of dust rose more than 20,000 feet above the
crater. An eight-ton boulder was lifted into the air and deposited a
quarter of a mile away.
Madame Pele had given her warning.
Recently a man was traveling from Kamuela to Hilo. It was about eight
o’clock at night and he was on a lonely stretch of Saddle Road. He
suddenly saw a woman standing beside the road. He pulled over. He asked
her where she was going and she said, “To Hilo.” He gave her a lift.
She sat in the back seat. She was quiet. A few miles later, he turned
around to say something to her, but she was gone. Frightened, he
floored the gas pedal and sped into Hilo to tell someone that he had
had Madame Pele in his car.
I spoke to a bus driver who had a frightening experience. He told me
that late one night he was driving his bus on the volcano road when he
spotted an elderly woman waiting at the bus stop. He picked her up. She
was the only passenger on the bus and she told him where she would like
to get off. When he reached the spot, he stopped the bus and opened the
door. He waited for the woman to get off, but she didn’t. He turned to
see where she was. She was gone. The experience scared him so much that
he quit the job.
Our friend, Joseph Ilda, a herbal healer who was nearing ninety when we
met him, had seen Pele twice and says he can tell from the way she is
dressed what kind of disaster is likely to transpire.
“Dressed as a white ghost, it means that there will soon be a volcanic
eruption,” he contends. “If she appears in a long cape similar to the
one worn by the late Hawaiian kings, you can rest assured that there
will be a tidal wave or hurricane.”
On the other hand, if Pele is dressed in black, Joseph feels that
“sudden death” or a “great tragedy” is not likely to be more than 24
hours away.
Joseph Ilda feels somehow that the ability to see Madame Pele is inherited.
“This type of thing usually runs in the family,” he says. “My
grandfather was stopped on the road by her and told he shouldn’t pass.
Later, he found there was some sort of disaster just up ahead. Another
time, the spirits spoke to him and told him where some old Hawaiian
silver pieces were buried. He found them exactly as he was directed.”
Joseph was driving with three young men when he saw Pele at the side of
the road. She was dressed in a long cloak and was soaking wet. “We went
on our way fishing,” he said, “and I said we should turn around. I told
them that there was going to be trouble in three days. I was so certain
about this that I tried to contact my wife, who had gone away fishing
on the other side of the island. When I couldn’t reach her myself, I
had the police get in touch with her to tell her to return home before
the rains and wind hit. Luckily, she got back before the road washed
“Funny thing is, there was considerable damage all around our house.
The roofs of the two homes on either side of us were blown right off
and one of them even damaged our back fence, but our house wasn’t
touched at all.”
Proof once again that Madame Pele warns those who believe in her!
She is a goddess who legend has it came from Tahiti to live in Hawaii
with her seven brothers and six sisters. All of the children were
experts in some form of sorcery and in the hula. Pele can assume many
body and object forms. She can change herself into a blazing flame, a
beautiful young girl or an old hag.
When Madame Pele is a beautiful woman, she is given to ferocious
tantrums of rage and jealousy. In a snit, she can stamp her foot on the
ground and cause it to tremble with earthquakes. Cracks will suddenly
appear in the soil and there will be huge torrents of molten lava,
which will chase those who have angered her. Sometimes the fire goddess
will ride the first wave of liquid rock, screaming oaths and throwing
flaming boulders at her enemies. This is the side of Madame Pele that
is seen most often. Her most prominent emotions are all negative—anger,
jealousy, bad temper and sulkiness.
These are all aspects of things we have heard in regard to our alien
planet while conducting this study. Whatever you can say or conclude
about Pele, she is certainly an important aspect of the world we live
Source: Spectral Vision
Why Some People Can 'Hear' The Voices of The Dead
By Michelle Starr
Scientists have identified the traits that may make a person more likely to claim they hear the voices of the dead.
According to new research, a predisposition to high levels of
absorption in tasks, unusual auditory experiences in childhood, and a
high susceptibility to auditory hallucinations all occur more strongly
in self-described clairaudient mediums than the general population.
The finding could help us to better understand the upsetting auditory
hallucinations that accompany mental illnesses such as schizophrenia,
the researchers say.
The Spiritualist experiences of clairvoyance and clairaudience - the
experience of seeing or hearing something in the absence of an external
stimulus, and attributed to the spirits of the dead - is of great
scientific interest, both for anthropologists studying religious and
spiritual experiences, and scientists studying pathological
hallucinatory experiences.
In particular, researchers would like to better understand why some
people with auditory experiences report a Spiritualist experience,
while others find them more distressing, and receive a mental health
"Spiritualists tend to report unusual auditory experiences which are
positive, start early in life and which they are often then able to
control," explained psychologist Peter Moseley of Northumbria
University in the UK.
"Understanding how these develop is important because it could help us
understand more about distressing or non-controllable experiences of
hearing voices too."
He and his colleague psychologist Adam Powell of Durham University in
the UK recruited and surveyed 65 clairaudient mediums from the UK's
Spiritualists' National Union, and 143 members of the general
population recruited through social media, to determine what
differentiated Spiritualists from the general public, who don't
(usually) report hearing the voices of the dead.
Overall, 44.6 percent of the Spiritualists reported hearing voices
daily, and 79 percent said the experiences were part of their daily
lives. And while most reported hearing the voices inside their head,
31.7 percent reported that the voices were external, too.
The results of the survey were striking.
Compared to the general population, the Spiritualists reported much
higher belief in the paranormal, and were less likely to care what
other people thought of them.
The Spiritualists on the whole had their first auditory experience
young, at an average age of 21.7 years, and reported a high level of
absorption. That's a term that describes total immersion in mental
tasks and activities or altered states, and how effective the
individual is at tuning out the world around them.
In addition, they reported that they were more prone to
hallucination-like experiences. The researchers noted that they hadn't
usually heard of Spiritualism prior to their experiences; rather, they
had come across it while looking for answers.
In the general population, high levels of absorption were also strongly
correlated with belief in the paranormal - but little or no
susceptibility to auditory hallucinations. And in both groups, there
were no differences in the levels of belief in the paranormal and
susceptibility to visual hallucinations.
These results, the researchers say, suggest that experiencing the
'voices of the dead' is therefore unlikely to be a result of peer
pressure, a positive social context, or suggestibility due to belief in
the paranormal. Instead, these individuals adopt Spiritualism because
it aligns with their experience and is personally meaningful to them.
"Our findings say a lot about 'learning and yearning'. For our
participants, the tenets of Spiritualism seem to make sense of both
extraordinary childhood experiences as well as the frequent auditory
phenomena they experience as practising mediums," Powell said.
"But all of those experiences may result more from having certain
tendencies or early abilities than from simply believing in the
possibility of contacting the dead if one tries hard enough."
Future research, they concluded, should explore a variety of cultural
context to better understand the relationship between absorption,
belief, and the strange, spiritual experience of ghosts whispering in
one's ear.
The research has been published in Mental Health, Religion and Culture.
Source: Science Alert

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UFO Experience Changes Woman’s Life

Miriam Delicado has been on an
incredible 20-year journey that began on the outskirts of 100 Mile
house one October night in 1988.
The current Vancouv-erite, who was 22 at the time, lived in northern BC
and she and four others were on their way to the Lower Mainland when
the incredible is said to have happened.
Driving south along Hwy. 97, just past Prince George, Delicado said a
pair of huge, luminescent lights drew up and followed within 10 feet of
their back bumper.
“It was night time and we thought it was a truck but the lights would
follow us when we were alone and then disappear when a car or a house
came into view,” said Delicado. “After the lights had been following us
for hours, we came to 100 Mile House and I thought we’d be able to lose
whatever it was.”
They nervously sped through town and, within minutes of leaving 100
Mile, the lights were back on their tail, appearing and disappearing
within the blink of an eye, she said.
“I started panicking and told my friend to pull over. She said no,
because she was scared, but I told her that it wasn’t her they wanted,
it was me. As soon as we stopped she turned into a zombie. Her head
flopped back and she just had a blank stare and the back seat people
were in animated suspension,” said Delicado.
What happened next brought Delicado to the realization that her inner
fears had been well-founded.
“The two spheres were a foot behind us and the car was engulfed in
bright light. I turned to the front of the car and saw a craft sitting
on the road. It was luminescent and it was hard to see the details but
it looked like there was steam coming off of it,” she said.
Short beings, close to four feet tall, with big round, black eyes and
large, childlike heads approached her.
“They had a small mouth and tiny nose and wore a one-piece suit and I
heard instructions in my head to get out of the car. I was scared but
not terrified, more in a state of confusion, but they kept saying not
to be afraid. We will not harm you,” said Delicado.
The beings took her hand and they all walked a short way along the
highway and up an embankment. Delicado said that when she looked up,
she saw a larger craft with an open doorway.
“There were two tall beings, seven feet tall, in the doorway. They had
blond hair of the purest white, large, water blue eyes and they wore
long robes,” she said.
Delicado boarded the craft, which she recalled to have had a metallic
interior with a sterile feel.
“In the centre was a circular work area with stools and overhead was a
hovering white light ball of what I think was energy. It seemed to be a
control centre where information streamed from the ball to the beings,”
she said.
Her communication with the beings seemed to occur through telepathy.
“They sat me down on some kind of light chair recliner and, in front of
me, a screen appeared which showed pictures of possible futures of the
Earth. I saw an earthquake aftermath and they explained what it was and
seemed to have the ability to place the experience within me. They gave
me the physical ability to experience the trauma,” she said.
Delicado said she spent about three hours on the craft, watching what
appeared to be a movie of some sort, before returning to the car.
Everyone woke up when she got back and there was conversation about the
lights, but no recognition of what she claims to have seen.
She drew the group’s attention to what she said were a group of glowing
eyes on the side of the road. Everyone else thought they were deer, but
Delicado believed they were aliens, watching.
They continued on their journey to the Lower Mainland without
conversation about what Delicado believes to have happened but, the
next day, new memories that had been embedded in her mind started to
spill out.
Experiences of war, meteors hitting the earth and other disasters
played over and over in her head.
“They started to filter clearly into my mind. All of these
possibilities of a future we are heading for if we don’t change the
path humanity is on,” said Delicado.
The aliens instilled in her how important it is to have a respect for the Earth
and made her believe humans are not alone in the universe.
“We have a responsibility to ourselves and to all of life,” she said.
Delicado believes the beings she claims to have seen are the caretakers
of the earth.
“They are not allowed to interfere with what we are doing here on
earth, but they give people like me information and we have the free
will to do what we want with the information.”
She kept it all her own secret for 15 years but, during that time,
Delicado claims to have had many telepathic communications with the
There were also unusual encounters, she said, with men who looked and
dressed the same and all claimed to work in the computer industry.
“They all talked about the same thing. About computer technology and
about aliens and they all said they installed super-computers for the
government,” said Delicado, noting that she’s met others at various UFO
conventions who have had the same experience.
Delicado said she was telepathically instructed on when to start
publicly sharing her experience and knowledge and for the past five
years has been filling requests to speak at conventions and other
gatherings. She said that since going public, she’s received emails
from people all over the world claiming to have had the same types of
She believes she was chosen because her soul had already chosen a
conducive path, long ago.
“My family has a psychic strain,” she said, explaining that her father
had psychic abilities.
“He didn’t talk about aliens, but he talked about how the earth would
change one day and how we needed survival skills and know how to defend
ourselves,” said Delicado.
She described her message from the aliens as not being a dark one, but
one of hope and encouragement.
“These beings have been out there since the beginning of time and my
understanding is that they take care of other planets out there. They
are also in the dream world and some walk around us. I’ve seen them in
public and they don’t look like us, but others don’t see what I’m
seeing,” said Delicado, recalling encounters on city buses and other
public places.
She said that everyday for her involves just trying to fit in because
she finds it difficult to view the world in the same way she once did.
She’s worked in the food services industry and as a nanny and house
cleaner but most recently, Delicado turned author, writing a book about
her experiences she called “Blue Star: Fulfilling Prophecy”.
“The right people are finding their way to the book and that’s the
goal,” she said. “I want to share this story with others who have had a
similar experience so they know they are on the right path and there
are others out there like themselves.”
According to Delicado, her experience came shortly after she watched a
television special called UFO Coverup? Live! It was a two-hour
prime-time syndicated television special that was broadcast in North
America and elsewhere on Oct. 14, 1988.
A couple of high-level U.S. government intelligence officials,
disguised as “The Falcon” and “Condor” were interviewed in shadow and
with masked voices. They disclosed information about the U.S.
government’s involvement in UFOS and alien interaction, UFO crashes and
occupant retrievals. The show also included the first public mention of
Area 51, a highly secret military airfield in Nevada used for testing
experimental aircraft and weaponry and a central component to UFO
According to her biography on IMDb, Miriam Delicado is the Founder and
Executive Director of The Great Gathering of Humanity, Delicado has
dedicated her time, energy, and resources to encourage positive change
around the world. Primary areas of advocacy include: the preservation
of indigenous traditions and spiritual enlightenment. She has worked as
a liaison with a wide-variety of traditional Indigenous and other
communities throughout the World. Miriam Delicado is also a world
recognized Extraterrestrial Contactee. She is the author of the book "Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy"
in which she shares details of her contact experiences with Tall
Blond's or Great Ancestors. As a humanitarian, Miriam's current focus
is working with Indigenous People to advocate for the protection and
preservation of their ancient way of life and knowledge.
Source: Vancouver News
Oklahoma Considers Bigfoot Hunting Season
By Tim Binnall
A member of the Oklahoma House
of Representatives has filed a bill that calls for the establishment of
a Bigfoot hunting season in the state. The audacious idea is reportedly the
brainchild of Rep. Justin Humphrey, who reportedly put forward the
proposal on Wednesday. The fairly succinct resolution, which can be
read here,
states that "The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall
promulgate rules establishing a big foot [sic] hunting season. The
Commission shall set annual season dates and create any necessary
specific hunting licenses and fees."
It remains to be seen whether or not the bill will wind up receiving a
vote when the Oklahoma legislature meets on February 1st as, similar to
what happened with a Washington state bill aimed at putting Sasquatch
on license plates, it could get stuck in the bureaucratic process. Be
that as it may, should be resolution pass, it would go into effect on
November 1st, 2021. As one might imagine, response to the bill has been
mixed with some residents considering it an embarrassing waste of time
and others recognizing it as a clever joke which could generate some
tax dollars by way of people buying the novelty Bigfoot hunting
For their part, a representative of the state's Wildlife Conservation
Commission acknowledged the bill and said that "we use science to make
management decisions, and we do not recognize Bigfoot as a wildlife
species in Oklahoma." To that end, one wonders if the passage of the
resolution would open up a proverbial can of worms with regards to
whether or not it establishes Sasquatch as a genuine creature living in
the state and, in turn, its presumed scarcity would necessitate some
kind of endangered species protection.
The Oklahoma bill is a decidedly different type of Sasquatch-related
legislation compared to resolutions passed in other states and local
communities. In some instances, Bigfoot has been 'honored' by way of
some kind of formal recognition naming it the official cryptid of a
particular locality. And, in one county in Oregon,
purposely killing a Sasquatch is actually illegal and punishable by up
to one year in prison. As of yet, of course, no one has been busted
breaking the Bigfoot law, although encouraging people to go out and try
to hunt a Sasquatch, as is proposed in Oklahoma, may not be the best
idea considering the creatures bipedal nature might lead to a tragic
case of misidentification.
Source: Coast to Coast AM
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