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![]() 11/22/15 #839 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such brain-numbing stories as: - Black-Eyed Kids: Children of the MIB? - - "Space Balls" Targeting Area in Spain - AND: "Ghost" Drives Students out of Private Girls' School All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ JUST OUT .
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley
Exploring the Bizarre - Thursday Nights at 10:00PM EST ![]() Heard Live on the KCOR Digital Radio Network Join Us on The Outer Edge - Every Sunday Night! ![]() The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Sunday Nights 11:59PM EST / 9 pm PST Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's latest blog at: - PASSING OUT OF SIGHT DEPARTMENT - A Chronicle of Strange Disappearances By Scott Corrales ![]() Marcus Garvey, the renowned Jamaican political activist and journalist, once observed that a nation or community without any notion of its history and its past was equivalent to a rootless tree. Much the same can be said for the pursuit of the paranormal, where scholarship is relegated to a dusty metaphorical shelf and only the new is cherished, perhaps for its immediate commercial appeal. But the silent books and periodicals in the stacks have much to tell us. So it is that in the age of instant communications, Snapchat, WhatsApp and other tokens of modernity, looking at old information in print form seems distinctly quaint. But it is these older sources of knowledge – indelible, printed on yellowing paper that may or may not withstand the test of time – that may hold the key to many mysteries we face today, or if not, at least provide useful background material for contemporary situations. Perhaps it is safe to say that in the past four years or so, no subject has commanded as much attention as the mysterious disappearances investigated by David Paulides in a series of remarkable books, the Missing 411 collection. While originally focused on cases of missing persons in U.S. national parks and forests, even the area immediately outside these government-owned preserves, Paulides expanded his area of inquiry to other countries and even other situations, namely urban disappearances involving college-aged young men. Looking through a 1977 issue of SAGA UFO Magazine, specifically Jerome Clark’s Saucer Central U.S.A. column, we can find some interesting information about a disappearance from long ago. Clark kicks off his column by saying: “One of the strangest UFO occupant encounters of recent months is reported to have taken place near Echo Lake, Colorado, on the evening of June 9, 1976. The alleged witness, 38-year-old Michael Lusignan, is a patent examiner from Arlington, Virginia, who at the time was vacationing in the Colorado mountains and had gotten lost.” While Paulides has wisely avoided taking a stand on the nature of the forces responsible for the mysterious disappearances, Clark did not hesitate to associate the possible cause of the disappearance as being related to the UFO phenomenon. He goes on to tell his readers that Lusignan’s wife contacted the authorities when the man had not returned to the city of Denver by the agreed time. A search party from the Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Department sallied forth at the break of dawn – a force in excess of thirty men with four tracking dogs. For the next forty-eight hours, the environs of Echo Lake and Mt. Evans were diligently combed, with air support subsequently provided by a police helicopter and a military airplane. No trace of Lusignan was found, and the search was called off. A week later, a pair of cyclists who had stopped at a scenic lookout over the lake heard a man calling for help: it was Michael Lusignan, at the bottom of the seven hundred foot lookout. The tourists alerted the authorities and rescue was promptly initiated. This is where the missing persons story turns a twist into the twilight zone. During the ambulance ride, Lusignan informed the Sheriff that “on 10 p.m. Wednesday he had seen two rectangular UFOs silently land on nearby Vance Creek. Thinking they were helicopters sent to rescue him, he walked over to them and attempted to talk to the crew.” But the man soon realized that his would-be rescuers were far from what he expected. He said that the strangers “did not speak English” and that they “whispered to each other in some unintelligible language.” More distressing was the fact that their eyes were spaced differently from humans; their attire was colorful, reminding Lusignan of the hues found in Indian and gypsy dress. He was surprised that their number – over a dozen, perhaps even two - included men, women and children of both sexes, but he made no remarks as to their respective ages. They appeared to be setting up camp. “They forced Lusignan to move to another campsite,” writes Clark, “and during the night he heard horses and dogs. The next day, when he awoke, the peculiar visitors were gone.” Some of the irregularities that David Paulides has observed in missing persons cases appear in this event, such as the fact that Lusignan actually heard the Clear Creek County rescue crew, but had inexplicably moved away from the men and their dogs rather than toward them. Suggesting that the man could have been suffering from disorientation or even temporary insanity, Clark notes that the animal noises Lusignan associated with the “gypsy” campsite could have indeed been associated with the rescuers and their own animal helpers. An Assemblage of Oddities Readers of John Keel’s Our Haunted Planet and The Mothman Prophecies are familiar with the presence of entities resembling the stereotypical image of “gypsies”, although it is unlikely that these are true Romanies, but rather the enigmatic ultraterrestrials whose presence has been noted at several key moments in world history, and some less important ones as well. The “black Cadillacs” associated with the Men-in-Black have also been seen to transport these beings, described as having “stately, dark-skinned, pointed faces with Oriental features,” (Keel, Our Haunted Planet, p.109), but their facial features are significantly different from the individuals with “eyes set apart” in the Lusignan case. Similar situations have been noted in disappearances at Puerto Rico’s El Yunque in the Caribbean National Rainforest. In 1986, Angel Bernard and his son, were lost for 4 days after wandering off one of the area’s many trails, coming across strange landmarks such as bottomless pits, not normally a feature of the rainforest, pools of quicksand, and the most distressing feature – the skeleton of a hapless, unknown person who never emerged from under El Yunque’s shroud of mystery. Angel Bernard added another interesting note – while the moment they became lost in the rainforest was four o’clock in the afternoon, “there was a sudden, abnormal nightfall” at that time – a feature that has been observed in high-strangeness experiences associated with alien abductions. The elder Bernard encountered a red-eyed, human-looking being surrounded by what he first thought were children, only to see them vanish a lightning speed. Their peals of laughter made him realize that some paranormal force was a work; it prompted him to tell his son that amid their precarious situation, they were also facing forces against which only the deity could ward them. Four days later, they found themselves on another trail on the far side of El Yunque rainforest, with no idea of how their wandering could have led them to that location. Cynthia Hind, the late UFO researcher from Africa, wrote of an incident involving a deputy minister in the Zimbabwean government. The man became lost on the slopes of that country’s Mount Nyangani with two companions. According to the deputy minister, he and his companions walked aimlessly in a state of confusion, feeling neither thirst nor hunger, all the while seeing and waving frantically at the elements of the rescue team, who did not appear able to see them at all. Apparently, certain blood sacrifices were offered to the tutelary deities of the mountain, which enabled the three men to "re-enter" our normal space-time continuum. The vanishings on Mount Nyangani are not relegated to dusty bookshelves, either. An article by Phyllis Mbanje was featured in Zimbabwe's The Standard in May 2015. She writes: "Frivolous but seemingly convincing claims have been thrown around, with the latest saying that the missing people might actually be alive somewhere," a statement that dovetails with Cynthia Hind's own work. The journalist goes on to say that Mushonga Sunyama, a tribal leader, stated that there is a trance medium in neighboring Mozambique who was able to see that the hapless missing persons are inded alive, and that performing certain prescribed rituals will be necessary. Sunyama is quoted as saying: "The spirit medium, Barauro, has told us that the missing people can be found if certain ceremonies are done. [The missing people] were simply blown away by the wind and are wandering somewhere up the mountain." The fact is that Zayd and Neelam Dada, residents of Harare, the Zimbabwean capital, had gone hiking with friends to explore the spellbinding natural formation. The friends were content with their tour, but Zayd wanted to go back, joining the ranks of the disappeared. "International search experts alongside traditional leaders, the Zimbabwe National Army, Air Force of Zimbabwe [...] all combed the treacherous mountain, but there was no sign of Zayd. He had simply vanished like other before him." Even more startling is the story of Thomas Gaisford, a student who became lost on Nyangani in November 2014, but lived to tell the tale. Despite warnings aimed at making him desist, Gaisford climbed the mountain. "For 10 dreadful hours, he battled not only against losing his wit, but the strange creatures that crawled on the mountain." The Silk King Vanishes Malaysia's verdant Cameron Highlands has its own tale of mysterious disappearances to tell. In 1967, Jim Thompson, the American who single-handedly revitalized the silk industry of Thailand in the 1950s, faded into thin air after going for casual walk in the jungles on Easter Sunday, 1967. A foolhardy undertaking for anyone else, but Thompson had served with the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) during World War 2, recruited by the legendary William Donovan himself. Thompson's sudden disappearance triggered a massive search, albeit a fruitless one. Undaunted, the searchers soon turned to paranormal means. Employees from his company prayed in front of a white piece of fabric, lit by candles and the burning embers of joss sticks, hoping for a vision on the white surface that would inform them of Thompson's whereabouts. When this method did not work, a spirit medium reported that Thompson was alive, but under the influence evil presences. The medium went into a trance, reporting an hour later that Thompson was in the jungle, still in the thrall of evil spirits. Hidden in a tree, Thompson had supposedly been able to see the rescue parties, going unnoticed, unable to contact them. A book by Edward De Souza on the Thompson mystery adds the following: "A number of Thais were of the conviction that Jim could have - knowingly or unknowingly, positioned a newly acquired image in an entirely wrong section of his house. This act of carelessness, they sensed, could have brought about much sorrow and anguish to the idol in question. To teach him a good lesson, the spirit made him go round in circles. Being stubborn, he chose not to repent. It was because of this, they reasoned, that he has continued to remain disorientated all this while." By this reasoning, then, Thompson is still walking in circles, unaware of the passing of time, under the control of unseen forces… A Pilot goes Missing Thanks to an article penned by researcher Eduardo Mendoza we learn of a mysterious disappearance of aviator Peter Jacoby, who flew his small aircraft out of Sierra de las Minas in Guatemala toward an airstrip at El Murciélago in the northeastern part of the Central American nation. He was engaged in what could best be described as an "air taxi" service, ferrying passengers to and from distant locations over the jungle canopy. According to records, while crossing the Las Minas mountain range, one of the tallest in the country, he radioed: "I heading down to the lake..." That was the last that was ever heard from Peter Jacoby. Guatemalan civil aviation officials ordered a number of search flights to locate the missing flyer, expecting to find wreckage. Operations were suspended after a week of sorties, prompting the missing man's wife and family to take to the airwaves and ask for popular support. Another experienced pilot, Roberto Ayala, offered to conduct a further flight, availing himself of the latest camera gear available at the time, which Eduardo Lopez describes as a Sony DXC 1600. Thus equipped. Ayala followed Jacoby's flight path, recording everything as he went, descending to the lake mentioned in the final communication and then on to the El Murciélago airstrip. "Putting our lives in jeopardy with Ayala's daredevil flying," explains Lopez, "we secured two hours of video footage. The mountain canyons were clearly captured on tape, which was analyzed minute by minute. The outcome: negative! Peter Jacoby vanished forever and his whereabouts remain unknown twenty-six years later." (Written in 2008). Theories for the plane's disappearance range from mechanical issues to possible stowaway who killed the pilot to commandeer the aircraft for the drug trade. Some more unorthodox theories suggest that "the private plane vanished, swallowed by supernatural forces of the space-time continuum" and "the vehicle was abducted by beings from outer space." As a postscript, the author adds the disappearance of an Ecurieul V3 helicopter that departed from La Aurora International Airport on November 18, 2007 , also heading toward the Department of Izabal, on a mission to locate water deposits. The last signal received from the helicopter was over Sierra de las Minas, precisely as it made its descent over Lake Izabal. The pilots, Jorge Reyes and Guillermo Rivera, had clean police records and the suggestion that they had absconded with the aircraft was promptly dismissed. Eduardo López makes an interesting comment to this: “Civil Aviation kept the disappearance a secret – an incomprehensible, hermetic and perhaps strange approach. It was only pressure from the missing pilots’ relatives and the company they flew that caused a search to be intensified. It was believed that the helicopter had fallen into Central America’s second largest lake, but wreckage would have been in evidence, and not a scrap was ever found. Does some sort of time-space distortion exist over the section of the mountain range overlooking the placid waters of Lake Izabal? It is anyone’s guess. Source: Inexplicata - HUNGRY GHOSTS DEPARTMENT - Black-Eyed Kids: Children of the MIB? By Nick Redfern ![]() Just a few nights ago, I was interviewed by a UK-based radio-show on my recently published book, Men in Black: Personal Stories and Eerie Adventures. During the course of the interview, the host asked me if I realized there seemed to be a deep connection – as well as profound similarities – between the infamous MIB and one of the creepiest mysteries of the 21st century. Namely, the Black Eyed Children. Well, yes, I did know! There can be very few people within the field of paranormal research who have not heard of the BEC. But, the MIB parallels might be new to some. In the same way that the Men in Black wear black suits and black fedoras, the Black Eyed Children often wear black hoodies. So, we have a black outfit and black head-gear present in both phenomena. Both the MIB and the BEC very often surface late at night. Trying to convince people to let them into their homes is one of the most chilling aspects of the activities of both the MIB and the BEC. And they are very good – almost too good – at making their escape. But, certainly, no-one has done more to highlight the MIB-BEC connections and parallels than David Weatherly, whose 2012 book, The Black Eyed Children, is essential reading. All of which brings me to my new Men in Black book. David very generously penned a paper for the book titled “Children of the Men in Black.” Running to 18-pages, the paper makes it very clear that there are far more BEC-MIB links than many might imagine. David states in his paper: “On the surface, there may seem to be few connections between the UFO connected MIB and creepy little kids with black eyes showing up on doorsteps. But, when we delve into the actual accounts, we find numerous similarities. Consider the appearance of both beings.” David makes a good point on this matter: “The BEKs are usually described as having pale or pasty skin. Some witnesses report that the skin looks ‘artificial.’ Still other accounts claim that the children have olive toned skin that implies they are of Mediterranean origin. Both of these descriptions are heard in classic MIB encounters. Oddly, no one who has ever encountered the BEKs report a blemish of any kind. Bear in mind, these are children usually in their pre-teen years. One would expect acne, pimples, freckles, something, but it’s never the case.” David continues: “Next is the manner of speech. The black eyed children are reported to speak in a very monotone manner. Their use of language is often awkward and unusual. They will use phrases that simply aren’t natural such as ‘Is it food time?’ Perhaps even more troubling, many people who encounter the BEKs believe that the children are attempting to exert some type of mind control through the use of repeated phrases and their cold, monotone speech patterns. Typical MIB encounters certainly contain elements of attempted coercion by the strange gentlemen as witnesses to UFO sightings are encouraged to ignore what they saw. Are the attempts by the children another form of this same control dynamic?” Then there is something that is reported very often in MIB-based situations: electronic interference. And, particularly so, problems with phones. David makes it abundantly clear this is related to the Black Eyed Children, too, as the following extract from his paper shows: “While I received a few minor reports of such things when doing research, it was only after the publication of my book, The Black Eyed Children, that things got really interesting. The first indications came in the aftermath of the book’s release. Appearing on various radio shows and podcasts to discuss the topic, some odd things began to occur. I found that I could talk about a wide range of paranormal topics, but, when the discussion turned to the black eyed children, things changed. Electronic issues would suddenly plague the program. Strange sounds and static would interrupt the show. Calls would be dropped and weird clicking noises would come from nowhere. “Appearing on Dreamland with Whitley Strieber, technical issues started right from the beginning. Twice we were disconnected after strange sounds on the line. This could be easily dismissed but the problems didn’t end there. The volume levels of the show were all over the place as Whitley recorded. ‘I’ve never seen this happen before’ Whitley reported as he attempted to correct the issues in his studio. I’ll note here that Whitley and I discussed both the MIB and the BEK. In fact, on this particular show, Whitley revealed for the first time that he himself had encountered a black eyed child.” David concludes: “Whatever they are, the black eyed children don’t appear to be going anywhere and they are leaving as many questions in their wake as the MIB before them. Whether the two are connected or not, it looks like we’re in for more bizarre manifestations ahead. So pay attention. The next time there’s a knock at your door, there’s no telling what kind of strange figure is calling.” Source: Mysterious Universe - MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WITH YOU DEPARTMENT - "Space Balls" Targeting Area in Spain ![]() Three mysterious objects, which have reportedly fallen from space, are frightening villagers in southern Spain. Residents from villages in Murcia have been perplexed by a series of objects landing in their fields. The first ball was found on Tuesday November 3 by two shepherds in Calasparra. A second object was found in earlier this week in Villavieja. And just recently, yet another was found in Elda. Local news site El Pais reported that the objects are around one meter (3.2 feet) in diameter and weigh about 20 kilograms (44 pounds). After the first object was discovered, the Civil Guard initiated a CBRN protocol (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) to check it out wearing hazmat suits. On examination, the agents reported it was not an explosive device, nor was it dangerously radioactive. They then took the object away for further research. It appears that similar precautions were taken with the other two objects as well. “I think it is a more serious issue than it seems. Citizens have real concerns about what is happening and deserve an explanation,” said Calasparra mayor, Jose Velez to the Olive Press. With the area placed under quarantine by the Civil Guard, little information is available on the third mysterious orb. The first two objects were taken to a lab in Cartagena which has not yet released its analysis. “Where are these objects coming from? Why are they falling here precisely? Will more fall? “And what would happen if any of these balls fall into a highly populated area?” In the wake of the massive piece of space debris that hit the Indian Ocean on Friday 13th November, many are speculating these could be more chunks of space junk. Of course, there is always the possibility that this is just a hoax. A spokesman from the Alicante police said: "It looks like a piece from an aerospace vehicle, but not a commercial plane. It could be a piece of satellite or something similar." Some have argued that the lack of a crater means they cannot be from space, but that's not necessarily the case. Space debris tends to fall to the ground at terminal velocity. For a sphere roughly one meter in diameter, IFLScience estimated that the teriminal veocity would be 9.4 meters per second, or 21 miles per hour. This would be enough to hurt a person, but not leave a crater. A similar ball fell from the sky over Nambia in November 2011. The mysterious sphere was hollow and made up of two halves, with a circumference of almost four feet. It was thought that the sphere was a 39-litre hydrazine bladder tank used on unmanned rockets for satellite launches. Another "Space Ball" plunged from the sky on unsuspecting villagers in northern Brazil on Feburary 23, 2012. According to eyewitnesses, the sphere weighs about 50 kilograms and measures roughly one meter in diameter. The sphere fell in the village of Riacho dos Poos in Brazilian Maranho state. No casualties were reported apart from an unfortunate cashew tree that was severed by the object as it plunged to the ground. Valdir Jos Mendes, 46, told police the sphere landed several meters from his house leaving a one-meter-deep hole in the yard. "I heard the noise and I went out to see what caused it. I thought it was a plane that had fallen, or an earthquake," he said. The noise was such that Mendes was too scared to go outside. However, curiosity got the better of him and he headed outside to find the cashew tree's trunk snapped in half by a mysterious metal sphere lying in a hole nearby. Some 20 villagers joined Mendes to help him extract the object from the ground and examine it. Mendes says the sphere is hollow and if shaken some sort of liquid can be felt swishing inside. Locals quickly spread the news, as they reached the town of Mata Roma over 2000 people flocked to see the "UFO." Source: Sunday Express Another-bizarre-alien-orb-crash-lands-to-Earth - REALITY OF THE UNDERGROUND WORLD DEPARTMENT - Evidence of Underground Tunnels Built Over 12,000 Years Ago ![]() Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. In the book Secrets Of The Underground Door To An Ancient World (German title: Tore zur Unterwelt) German archaeologist Dr Heinrich Kush states that evidence of huge underground tunnels has been found under dozens of Neolithic settlements all over the European continent. These tremendous tunnels are often referred to as ancient highways. According to Dr Kusch, the fact that many of these tunnels still exist today, after 12,000 years indicates that the tunnels must have been both complex and huge in size. “Across Europe there were thousands of them,” says Dr Kusch. “In Germany we have discovered hundreds of meters of underground tunnels. In Austria we have found hundreds more. These underground tunnels can be found everywhere across Europe and there are thousands of them,” said the German archaeologist. While some of the tunnels are relatively small — some of them measure over a meter in width, — there are other tunnels that have been found with underground chambers and storage areas. The fact that these tunnels have been found points towards incredible ancient ingenuity which is anything but what history books tells us today. Ancient mankind had the knowledge and tools to build complex structures over ten thousand years ago. Evidence of that are the Pyramids of Bosnia in Europe and their incredible underground tunnels that go on for kilometers. Dr Kusch states that: ‘Across Europe there were thousands of these tunnels – from the north in Scotland down to the Mediterranean. They are interspersed with nooks, at some places it’s larger and there is seating, or storage chambers and rooms. They do not all link up but taken together it is a massive underground network.’ Cappadocia in Turkey is another incredible example. The underground city of Derinkuyu is another piece of evidence which points towards the perfection and long-lost construction methods of our ancestors. The underground city of Derinkuyu is perhaps one of the greatest achievements in underground construction together with the huge network of tunnels. The geological features of the stone from Derinkuyu is something that is very important; it is very soft. Thus, the ancient builders of Derinkuyu had to be very careful when building these underground chambers providing enough pillar strength to support the floors above; if this was not achieved, the city would have collapsed, but so far, archaeologists have not found evidence of any “cave-ins” at Derinkuyu. Other ancient monuments such as Gobekli Tepe are more pieces of crucial evidence that point towards incredible skills and knowledge by people who inhabited our planet over ten thousand years ago. According to Dr Kusch, chapels were often built at the entrances to the underground tunnels because the Church were afraid of the heathen legacy the tunnels might have represented, and like many other things, the church wanted to make sure word about the tunnels was kept as a secret. In some of the tunnels writings have been discovered which refer to these underground tunnels as gateways to the underworld. Source: Humans Are Free - DON'T COME AROUND HERE NO MORE DEPARTMENT - "Ghost" Drives Students out of Private Girls' School ![]() Two boarders at the troubled Turakina Maori Girls' College in New Zealand have left the school saying they have been threatened by a resident ghost. Parents of the girls are angry that the Rangitikei school - which faces closure by Education Minister Hekia Parata - has accused them of exaggerating or fabricating the ghost story. The ghost, or kehua, is said to take the shape of a man in a black cape and hat and has been seen in the boarders' hostel. Kamaka Manuel, who is the head of the Maori department at Cullinane College in Whanganui, said he picked up his year 11 daughter from the hostel late at night last week and she would not return until the family was assured it was a safe environment. "The site needs to be blessed and it also needs consistent follow-up to ensure the girls are kept spiritually safe." Sightings of ghosts at the hostel date back at least 20 years. Former student Kelly Sliepen, 38, said she and her friends once saw a cup move across a table by itself and smash on the floor. After that incident a minister blessed the building, but later she saw an apparition on the stairs. "I literally saw this lady walking down the stairs, a white ghost, I remember it clearly. I wasn't scared, it was more like, what the f...?" But the male ghost is said to be threatening and violent and one of the girls who left the school last week claimed she woke up with a fat lip. Manuel said he was concerned by the way Turakina had handled the incident. "We feel they are genuine and the girls are not exaggerating. We are disappointed that's the view of [the school]." He said his family were strong followers of the Ratana Church and after he picked up his daughter she was taken to the church temple to be prayed over. "I think it would be a frightening experience for anybody. It was enough to scare her and put the chills down her spine." Former Turakina boarder Kelly Sliepen says she saw a ghost on this stairway. Manuel said the kehua had caused girls in the hostel to wake up frightened and hyperventilating. Some had reported feeling heavy pressure applied on them and hearing the spirit speak. "He's spoken about wanting to get them." He realised some people would find the claims ridiculous, but he was firm in his beliefs. "I believe that Satan, kehua, omens are about and attack vulnerable people, usually young people. As a parent you support your children. I believe my daughter is not making anything up. I strongly believe she's been through an experience." He said his daughter and her friends should be concentrating on NCEA exams. "This is an added burden." He wanted the school to create an "open forum" for families to voice their concerns. Another parent, Manawai Martin, said the school was "in denial" about the kehua. When some of the girls called their parents two years ago to report seeing the spirit, the school confiscated their cellphones as punishment, she said. Parents are upset that the Reverend Wayne Te Kaawa, moderator of the Presbyterian Church and chair of Turakina's board of proprietors, has suggested that any kehua were created by the girls themselves. Te Kaawa went to the school on Friday to discuss the kehua with staff, students and parents. He said the school land was purchased in 1927 and was blessed by Presbyterian and Ratana ministers. "All said there were no kehua on the site. There was no pa site there, there were no burial grounds." In recent years ministers had blessed the hostel. "We don't do exorcisms because there are no bad spirits there as far as we are concerned. We have blessings, we bless the whenua, we bless the buildings and even the girls themselves." None of the ministers who had visited the site had reported the presence of kehua, he said. "Where it's coming from, we don't know. One of our ministers said a rumour was started a few years ago by one of the girls that there was a ghost there. It could be that sort of thing happening again." But Te Kaawa said he was concerned about reports of a girl being assaulted. "We're talking physical now, not the spiritual realm." Turakina's roll has fallen from 152 in 2003 to about 54 this year and it's trust board is in serious financial difficulty. Submissions over its future closed on Friday. Asked about the kehua, Parata said: "Students' cultural values are important. How schools acknowledge them is a matter for schools and parents." Source: Stuff Sign
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