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This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such eye-crossing stories as: - New Planets Discovered at the Edge of Solar System - - UFOs: In The Interest Of National Defense - - Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders - AND: A Real Life Sleeping Beauty All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ JUST OUT .
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Click Here to Order With PayPal ![]() You can also phone in your credit card orders to Global Communications 24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Green Beckley P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Please make out checks to: Timothy Green Beckley
Exploring the Bizarre - Thursday Nights at 10:00PM EST ![]() Heard Live on the KCOR Digital Radio Network Join Us on The Outer Edge - Every Sunday Night! ![]() The Outer Edge Webcast With W.M. Mott and Tim R. Swartz Sunday Nights 11:59PM EST / 9 pm PST This weeks Guests: John Carlson Heard on the PSN-Radio Network - Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's latest blog at: - PLANET X OR SOMETHING ELSE DEPARTMENT - New Planets Discovered at the Edge of Solar System ![]() Astronomers have found the most distant object ever in our solar system, three times farther away than Pluto. The dwarf planet, which has been designated V774104, is between 500 and 1000 kilometers across. It will take another year before scientists pin down its orbit, but it could end up joining an emerging class of extreme solar system objects whose strange orbits point to the hypothetical influence of rogue planets or nearby stars. “We can’t explain these objects’ orbits from what we know about the solar system,” says Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., who announced the discovery here today at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. V774104 currently sits 15.4 billion kilometers from the sun, or 103 astronomical units (AU) away. One AU is the distance between Earth and the sun. The dwarf planet could eventually join one of two clubs. If its orbit one day takes it closer to our sun, it would become part of a more common population of icy worlds whose orbits can be explained by gravitational interactions with Neptune. But if its orbit never brings it close to the sun, it could join a rare club with two other worlds, Sedna and 2012 VP113. These two dwarf planets never come within 50 AU of the sun, and their orbits swing as far out as 1000 AU. Sheppard calls them “inner Oort cloud objects” to distinguish them from icy Kuiper Belt objects, which reside between 30 and 50 AU. The Oort cloud is a hypothetical, thinly populated sphere of icy bodies, thousands of AU away, that marks the edge of the solar system and the end of the sun’s gravitational influence. For decades astronomers have searched for a possible “Planet X” in the far outer reaches of our solar system, speculating that something big and dark may be lurking out there, its gravitational influence occasionally stirring up trouble in the orbits of the objects that we do see. There are major incentives to look: When astronomers sought a Planet X beyond Uranus in 1846, they discovered Neptune; when they looked for one beyond Neptune in 1930, they found Pluto. Since then, the search for a Planet X beyond Pluto has almost been too successful—astronomers have found so many new and Plutolike “trans-Neptunian objects” (TNOs) that it became more sensible to demote Pluto from planethood rather than swell the solar system’s planetary population into the hundreds. After all, even the largest of the newfound TNOs were just about Pluto’s size—astronomers knew of nothing out there worthy of the “Planet X” name. On December 8 researchers from Sweden and Mexico quietly submitted two papers to the prestigious journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, announcing their discovery of not one but two possible Planet X candidates. The quiet did not last for long. Even though neither paper has yet been accepted for peer-review and publication, the researchers uploaded both to the arXiv, a public online repository for preprint papers, where they appeared last night. Today, as claims of newfound planets in our solar system reverberate around the world in news stories and blog posts, other astronomers are reviewing the papers and reacting mostly with skepticism. The ensuing discussions between experts in public forums like Twitter and Facebook offer a rare, real-time glimpse of the sometimes messy scientific process as it unfolds. “Normally I prefer to only upload accepted papers,” says Wouter Vlemmings, an astronomer at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and co-author on both studies. “This time, however, we had exhausted our ideas. … With the arXiv upload we specifically wanted to reach the community that could tell us if we overlooked something, in which case we fully intend to withdraw the papers…. What I personally did not count on was the impact it has had outside the astronomy community.” One of the candidates, nicknamed “Gna” (after a fast-moving “Nordic messenger goddess,” Vlemmings says) showed up in the sky next to the star W Aquilae whereas the other, as-yet-unnamed, appeared adjacent to our nearest neighboring star system Alpha Centauri. Astronomers detected both objects using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a massive group of radio dishes perched in the high desert of the Chilean Andes, and thought at first that the bodies were faint glows from far-distant background galaxies. But in separate pairs of snapshots taken over a period of months, both objects seemed to move swiftly against the “fixed” background stars, suggesting a relatively close cosmic proximity to our solar system. Considerable uncertainty exists about the properties of both objects because each was observed only twice, and bodies with a wide range of sizes, compositions and distances from us could explain the measured brightness. Gna, the researchers say, is quite likely to be something like a 200-kilometer-wide asteroid floating between Saturn and Uranus, but it could also be a free-floating Neptune-size planet drifting a hundred times farther out or a failed star—a Jupiter-size brown dwarf—passing by in nearby interstellar space. Similarly, the object seen in the direction of Alpha Centauri could conceivably be a nearby brown dwarf, a super-Earth midway in size between our planet and Neptune some six times farther out than Pluto or an impressively-sized hunk of ice much, much closer in. Alternatively, both objects could be illusory, random blips of noise echoing through the world’s most complex and ambitious array of radio telescopes. According to Scott Sheppard, a planetary scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science involved with surveys of the outer solar system, the fact that only two observations apiece underpin both discovery claims makes them hard to swallow. “Anything could create two random detections, and you can always fit a straight line through any two points,” Sheppard says. Demonstrating that either object was real, he says, would likely require a third detection, one that shows the object’s clear, linear movement at a consistent speed. What these objects are, and whether they exist at all, are open questions. What is certain, however, is that earlier searches have placed limits on the possibilities for any Planet X. An all-sky search by NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer space telescope previously found no signs of any additional planets in our solar system, ruling out anything Jupiter-size within about three trillion kilometers of the sun, and anything Saturn-size within half that distance. Something smaller and dimmer like a super-Earth could still lurk out there, unseen, but to find it with such easy serendipity in routine ALMA measurements seems statistically unlikely, astronomers say. Mike Brown, a prominent California Institute of Technology astronomer and self-described “Pluto killer” who discovered several large TNOs that dethroned the former planet, unleashed another statistical argument against the claimed new planets on Twitter. “If it is true that ALMA accidentally discovered a massive outer solar system object in its tiny, tiny, tiny, field of view,” Brown tweeted, “that would suggest that there are something like 200,000 Earth-sized planets in the outer solar system. Which, um, no.” “Even better,” he added later, “I just realized that this many Earth-sized planets existing would destabilize the entire solar system and we would all die.” That said, Brown notes, “the idea that there might be large planets lurking in the outer solar system is perfectly plausible.” Many of the most cutting reactions came from astronomers discussing the results on a public Facebook group devoted to imaging exoplanets—that is, planets around other stars. (Update: the group has since been made private.) After tweeting that the two papers “will launch 1,000 undoubtedly wrong blogs and news releases,” University of Rochester astronomer Eric Mamajek detailed what he believes to be serious inconsistencies in the measurements of motion and brightness for both objects. “‘Gna’ presumably stands for ‘Goofy Non-Asteroid,’” Mamajek quipped, before suggesting that the objects could perhaps be activity in faraway galaxies, simply misconstrued as being much closer to Earth. “Please pass whatever they are smoking in Onsala,” he added. In the same group, astronomer Bruce Macintosh at Stanford University noted the “astonishing coincidence” that the first two trans-Neptunian objects discovered by ALMA would be found right next to bright stars. More likely, Macintosh guessed, is that the putative objects are actually “some residual artifact”—mirages produced in the data by quirks in ALMA’s complex calibration methods. Vlemmings insists that he and his colleagues have already carefully checked these and several other scenarios, but to no avail. Whatever they are, the objects simply seemed to be too bright and pointlike to be explained away as far-off galaxies, and their proximity to bright stars, he says, actually helped the data calibration and reduced the likelihood of observational errors. “Still, we are certainly open to such options and have several times sent out queries to ALMA colleagues [asking] if they could conceive of how such point sources could be artificially created,” Vlemmings says. “None have yet said they think it could be done.” The trial of these claims in the court of public opinion has not come without its perks, Vlemmings adds. Although the sudden publicity was unwanted, “the most helpful feedback so far has been numerous offers to observe with other instruments.” With a little help from the rest of the astronomy community, evidence for—or against—the next Planet X may not be so far-off after all. Source: Scientific America - MANY MEMOS DEPARTMENT - How the Military Ran Its 1970s Psychic Intelligence Program by Sarah Laskow ![]() For decades during the Cold War and into the 1990s, the United States military ran a program that used "psychoenergetics"–psychokinesis, telepathy, and, most prominently in this case, “remote viewing”–to collect intelligence. This isn't some clever promotion for the new X-Files. The collection of records on the program released by the National Security Archive has recently expanded to 51 separate documents. As befitting a government agency, many lay out the incredibly weird protocols of psychic espionage in boring memos, endless strings of acronyms, and, of course, budget analysis. The program (or programs, as the collection of different psychic efforts had many different names over the years) developed an emphasis on remote viewing, which involves using psychic powers to somehow see something in a place away from where you actually are located. This began after early experimenters in the 1970s were able to provide detailed information about a Soviet R&D facility. After that, the military fielded a secret remote viewing team for years. Located for at least part of the program’s existence in Fort Meade, Maryland, this small group spent its time trying to see places far away. They would be tasked with intelligence missions like trying to find missing aircraft. Their name, throughout much of the early to mid '80s, was "Grill Flame." What’s striking about the military’s psychic research–besides the initial surprise that it existed at all—is the clash of worlds that it implies. The military is supposed to precise, and government bureaucracy, mundane; psychic powers are supposed to be hazier, less reliable, and significantly more mysterious than budget reports or interagency memos. The results of mushing the two together can be surprising. For instance, in order for the remote viewing program to go forward, it needed a health-and-safety clearance from the military brass. The reason: “The Army General Counsel determined that this psychoenergetics activity employed by the Army...did constitute experimentation on human subjects." This bit of information comes from a 1985 memo, part of a newly assembled sourcebook on the Defense Intelligence Agency. In the mid-'80s, another branch of military intelligence was transferring the program to DIA, and this memo to the Deputy Secretary of Defense details the implications of the human testing designation. Basically, that designation adds a new layer of bureaucracy to the psychic program: every year, a high-up military official had to okay it. “As DIA is now taking responsibility for this program,” the memo concluded, “you are requested to approve continuation of the program.” Classifying remote viewing an experiment on human subjects implies that this work was somehow risky, or dangerous to the participants. And to a casual observer, it might be hard to imagine that a group of people sitting in a room and trying to exercise psychic powers were going to be harmed in any way. Besides the isolation, though, there may be some dangers to psychic warfare. In An End to Ordinary History, a 1982 account of Soviet and American research into parapsychology that’s fictional but based on real people and events, one character warns that the people working on a Soviet remote viewing project have “an alarming rate of alcoholism and cancer” and "nearly every study shows that hexing shortens your life.” And in The Men Who Stare at Goats, a nonfictional account of the U.S. military’s psychic research, author Jon Ronson is told that a man who actually killed a goat by stopping its heart with his mind suffered, too. “As it turned out in the evaluation he actually did some damage to himself, as well,” one source tells Ronson. And when Ronson does meet the alleged goat-killer, the man describes the sympathetic and disturbing feeling he gets when practicing that same skill on a hamster. “Inside of me I couldn't even breathe,” he says. There’s no information in the DIA document about what, exactly, the military consider the risks to the remote viewers were, but it does indicate that there’s a protocol for dealing with it. And the program did have a distinct advantage, perhaps one that let it be re-authorized for so many years. “Remote viewing is inexpensive,” the author of a later DIA memo, writes, “The principle cost of remote viewing collection is the people involved. There is little expensive hardware, since for the most part, the people themselves are the equipment.” Source: Atlas Obscura -intelligence-programmany-memos-naturally - DON'T ASK DON'T TELL DEPARTMENT - UFOs: In The Interest Of National Defense by Nick Redfern ![]() On more than a few occasions, I have heard people say words to the effect of, “Nothing of any significance, on UFOs, has ever surfaced under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act.” Time and again, I have seen people in Ufology loudly proclaim that all of the “good” material is withheld by the alleged “Black Budget” or “Special Access Programs” that secretly oversee official research into UFOs. Certainly, there’s no doubt in my mind that important material on the UFO phenomenon most assuredly is withheld from us. But, to maintain that nothing of an incredible nature has ever surfaced via FOIA is ridiculous. It’s a statement born, largely, out of overwhelming ignorance. The reason why I have made this issue the subject of my latest article is because just a few nights ago I took part in a radio-based debate where, once again, this line (or lie; take your pick) was trotted out. So, I figured it’s time to present you with one, classic example that demonstrates how the Freedom of Information Act has proved to be very useful in securing extremely solid data on UFOs. It’s time to look at a December 10, 1948 document which originated with the U.S. Air Force and which is titled “Analysis of Flying Objects in the US.” Unlike so many official documents that have surfaced via FOIA, this one was originally classified Top Secret, which makes it an important and historic one. Indeed, the UFO records that have surfaced via FOIA are, at most, Secret in nature, with the majority of them having even lower levels of classification. The USAF document stated that, “A number of reports of unidentified flying objects come from observers who, because of their technical background and experience, do not appear to be influenced by unfounded sensationalism nor inclined to report explainable phenomena as new types of airborne devices.” The Air Force continued that one report which particularly stood out occurred in April 1947. This was two months before Kenneth Arnold’s now-famous sighting of a squadron of unknown aircraft near Mount Rainier, at the Cascade Range. It was a sighting that spawned the term “flying saucer.” The Air Force noted the following in its “Analysis of Flying Objects in the US” document: “During April 1947, two employees of the Weather Bureau Station at Richmond, Virginia, reported seeing a strange metallic disk on three occasions…One observation was at 15,000 feet when a disk was followed for 15 seconds. The disk appeared metallic, shaped like an ellipse with a flat bottom and a round top…The disk appeared to be moving rather rapidly, although it was impossible to estimate its speed.” Then, there is the following from the USAF, which describes a notable encounter on June 28, 1947, just four days after Kenneth Arnold’s historic encounter. According to the Air Force, “While flying at 10,000 feet on a course of 300 degrees, 30 miles northwest of Lake Meade, Nevada, an Air Force lieutenant reported seeing five or six while circular objects in close formation and traveling at an estimated speed of 285 miles per hour.” Less than twenty-four hours later, the Air Force documentation shows, “…a party of three, two of them scientists, were motoring along Highway 17 toward the White Sands, New Mexico, V-2 firing grounds and reported seeing a large disk or sphere moving horizontally at a high speed and an estimated altitude of 10,000 feet. It was of uniform shape and had no protruding surfaces such as wings. The object was in sight for about 60 seconds before it disappeared to the northeast. The three observers agreed on the details of the sighting except that one thought he had seen vapor trails.” Then there are the events which occurred on July 7, also referenced in the Air Force documentation: “On 7 July 1947, five Portland, Oregon police officers reported varying numbers of disks flying over different parts of the city. All observations were made within a minute or two of 1305 hours. On the same day, William Rhoads of Phoenix, Arizona allegedly saw a disk circling his locality during sunset and took two photographs. The resulting pictures…show a disk-like object with a round front and a square tail in plan form. These photographs have been examined by experts who state they are true photographic images and do not appear to be imperfection in the emulsion or imperfections in the lens.” And the reports just kept coming and coming: “On 10 July 1947, Mr. Woodruff, a Pan-American Airways mechanic reported a circular object flying at high velocity, paralleling the earth’s surface and leaving a trail which appeared as a ‘burning up’ of the cloud formation. The sighting occurred near Harmon Field, Newfoundland. Two other persons also saw the trail which remained in the sky for about an hour and was photographed by another PAA employee. The resulting photographs support Mr. Woodruff’’s observation as far as the sky cleavage is concerned.” Moving into 1948, the Air Force noted no shortage of high-quality encounters involving military personnel in that year, too. One such case is written-up in the following fashion: “On 5 April 1948, three trained balloon observers from the Geophysics Laboratory Section, Watson Laboratories, N.J. reported seeing a round, indistinct object in the vicinity of Hollman Air Force Base, New Mexico. It was very high and fast, and appeared to execute violent maneuvers at high speed. The object was under observation for approximately 30 seconds and disappeared suddenly.” In July 1948, there was an astonishing encounter involving no less than a dozen UFOs, all of significant size: “On 1 July 1948, twelve disks were reported over the Rapid City Air Base by Major Hammer. These disks were oval-shaped, about 100 feet long, flying at a speed estimated to be in excess of 500 mph. Descending from 10,000 feet, these disks made a 30-degree to 40-degree climbing turn accelerating very rapidly until out of sight.” And the list of remarkable sightings – all of which were recorded in official, Top Secret documentation – continued. As the report shows, various theories were addressed to try and determine who, or what, was flying the UFOs. Theories addressed included domestic programs of the U.S. military and similar projects initiated by the Soviets, specifically in the field of radical aircraft design. The Air Force’s conclusions: “Since the Air Force is responsible for control of the air in the defense of the U.S., it is imperative that all other agencies cooperate in confirming or denying the possibility that these objects have a domestic origin. Otherwise, if it is firmly indicated that there is no domestic explanation, the objects are a threat and warrant more active efforts of identification and interception…It must be accepted that some type of flying objects have been observed, although their identification and origin are not discernible. In the interest of national defense it would be unwise to overlook the possibility that some of these objects may be of foreign origin.” In view of all the above, if you find yourself on the receiving end of claims that the FOIA is ineffectual when it comes to UFOs, refer them to the “Analysis of Flying Objects in the US” document. Source: - VINTAGE YEAR FOR NESSIE DEPARTMENT - Loch Ness Monster Sightings Hit 13-Year High ![]() Sightings of Nessie are at their highest level for more than a decade – according to the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register. Gary Campbell, keeper of the register, said it was a “vintage” year for Nessie reports. The register has now accepted five sightings for 2015, the most in 13 years. Mr Campbell stressed that the majority of claimed sightings did not get included on the register as most could be explained. Among those accepted was one logged by American tourist Crystal Ardito. She took photos of the loch in July and realised there was a “grey thing” sticking out of the water. Ms Ardito said she only saw the object for “a few seconds”. Mr Campbell said: “This has been a vintage year for Nessie sightings. We’ve had five bona fide reports from people who were at the loch. “This is the first time in 13 years that there have been this number of sightings reported by people who saw something while they were at Loch Ness. “We were a bit worried in 2013 when no one saw her but it looks like she was just keeping her head down at the time.” The last sighting of Nessie, according to the register, was on September 15 when local man Conor McKenna was driving along the loch side a mile south of Urquhart Castle. He saw a dark-coloured 15ft-20ft long object in the water about 250 yards from the shore. He had a clear view for six seconds before the object submerged, leaving a small wave where it had been. In August, Linda Bates and her husband, from Yorkshire, were staying at the Loch Ness Holiday Park. She photographed a “mass” moving in an undulating fashion in the loch. Five other people also witnessed the sighting, which lasted for five minutes. In April, Dee Bruce, of Elgin, was driving to Skye with her partner Les Stuart when she saw a black creature come out of the water near the north end of the loch. The same month, a couple visiting Urquhart Castle reported seeing a large dolphin-sized shape emerging from the waters. According to Google, there are about 200,000 searches each month for the Loch Ness Monster, and about 120,000 for information and accommodation close to Loch Ness. The monster mystery is thought to be worth £30million to the region annually. Source: Press and Journal loch-ness-monster-in-2015-than-anytime-in-last-ten-years/ - THE ADENA GIANT REVEALED DEPARTMENT - Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders by Jason Jarrell and Sarah Farmer ![]() In the 1800s, reports began to surface of the discovery of very large skeletal remains in the burial mounds of North America. These skeletons were described as reaching seven to eight feet (2.4 meters) in length, with a lower frequency of discoveries spanning nine to 11 feet (3.3 meters) in length, and having very large skulls and gigantic lower jawbones. Historians often detailed these remains in early local historical records, such as the following from Cass County, Michigan: “It was a mound about thirteen feet high…. the diameter of its base was about fifty feet…Portions of the skeletons were in a good state of preservation. The femur, or thigh bone, of one of the males, which Dr Bonine has now in his possession, is of great size and indicates that its owner must have been at least seven feet in height” -Alfred Matthews, History of Cass County, Michigan 1882 Accounts of Exceptional Burial Mounds Antiquarians also wrote about the anthropology of the tall ones in prehistoric mounds. The following is an account from Chillicothe, Ill. from American Antiquarian, Vol 2 No 1 (1879): “A recent exploration of a mound near this place resulted in some interesting discoveries…The form was large, the jaws massive, and the teeth perfect.” As is well known, 19th and early 20th century newspapers frequently ran stories of gigantic skeletons found throughout the country. The following report from Portsmouth, Ohio was run by the News Herald on January 3, 1895: “Bridge Carpenters on the N. & W. R. R. found a gigantic skeleton while excavating, three miles east of Portsmouth, a few days ago. The skeleton measured, 7 feet, 4 inches…” In the 1880s, the Eastern Mound Division of the Smithsonian discovered a number of gigantic skeletons in their wanton destruction of North American tumuli. The 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology documents numerous gigantic skeletons found by Smithsonian agents: “Near the original surface (of the mound)… lying at full length upon its back, was one of the largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet.” “In the center (of mound 11), 3 feet below the surface, was a vault 8 feet long and 3 feet wide. In the bottom of this…lay a skeleton fully 7 feet long…” “The length from the base of the skull to the bones of the toes was found to be 7 feet 3 inches. It is probable, therefore, that this individual when living was 7.5 feet high.” Extraordinary Skeletal Features The twentieth century saw the rediscovery of the ancient giants by mainstream archeologists. Working with Charles Snow, William S Webb (University of Kentucky) positively identified the unique skeletal features noted by the early sources with the people of the Adena Mound Building Culture. Webb and Snow’s analysis of the anthropology of Adena was described in The Adena People Number 1 (1945) and number 2 (co-written with Raymond S Baby, 1957): “The forehead is typically a prominent one, bordered below by fairly prominent brow ridges….The characteristic bulge of the upper and lower jaws (alveolar prognathism) is moderate in projection…Usually the cheek bones are not only of large size in themselves but they have a forward and lateral prominence…” (Webb Snow and Baby, 1957) In addition to these strong features, Webb Snow and Baby (1957) remarked upon the “great width of the bony chin, formed by bilateral eminences”. The typical Adena crania were extremely high vaulted (brachycephalic): “Approximately 89% of the adult males, 92% of the adult females are brachycephalic.” (Webb and Snow 1945) In their report on the Dover mound in Kentucky, Webb and Snow noted that the Adena crania to represent the “highest skull vaults reported anywhere in the world” (Webb and Snow, The Dover Mound. 1959) Cephalic indices measured for Adena range from 89 to 100. (Webb, Snow and Baby 1957) The Adena People practiced artificial flattening of the occipital region, which added height to the cranial vault. This practice merely enhanced congenital features: “…those skulls with slight or no deformation (undeformed) present similar proportions”.(Webb and Snow, 1945) “It is likely that many, if not most, of the skull characteristics so typical of Adena are of genetic nature…” (Webb, Snow and Baby 1957) Beings “of Large Proportions” At the Dover Mound, Webb encountered a seven foot (two meters) tall skeleton with these notable Adena features (burial 40): “…the remains of burial 40 is one of the largest known to Adena; the skull-foot field measurement is 84 inches (7 feet).” ( Webb and Snow, 1959) In1958, Don Dragoo of the Carnegie Museum uncovered the remains of an individual “of large proportions” in a subsurface tomb at the lowest strata of the Cresap Mound in West Virginia. Burial 54 as described by Dragoo in Mounds for the Dead (1963): “When measured in the tomb his length was approximately 7.04 feet. All the long bones were heavy and possessed marked eminences for the attachment of muscles.” Dragoo described the unique traits of Adena, including the “protruding and massive chin” with “prominent bilateral protrusions”, as well as “individuals approaching seven feet in height”. (Dragoo, 1963) It is important to note that in considering this information from Webb, Snow, and Dragoo, regularly occurring gigantic members are not the only unique features of the Adena People: “Not only were these Adena People tall but also the massiveness of the bones indicates powerfully built individuals. The head was generally big with a large cranial capacity.” (Dragoo, 1963) Setting the Standard for Giantology Working in the 20th century, Webb, Snow and Dragoo essentially corroborated the findings of the earlier antiquarians and linked the gigantic skeletal types with a specific culture. Following this, the pioneering research of Ross Hamilton and the late Vine Deloria set a scholarly standard for giantology, synchronizing the Native and archeological records in Hamilton’s unsurpassed work, A Tradition of Giants. And yet, in spite of this tradition of rediscovery, no satisfactory reconstruction of an Adena giant has ever been undertaken. While we are routinely reminded of the dimensions of the giants in volumes reprinting multiple hundreds of accounts of their discovery, we have been denied imagery representing their living form. While numerous other anomalies (such as the Paracas and “Starchild” crania) have received due attention, the gigantic Adena have remained shrouded in mystery. In May of 2015, the authors undertook a joint venture with the legendary Marcia K Moore to remedy this situation. Artist Fills in Gaps in Hidden History Marcia is best known as the premier artist recreating the living images of the elongated crania of Peru, associated with the Paracas People. Her work has appeared in the books of Brien Foerster and L.A. Marzulli and has been featured on the Ancient Aliens TV series, with Marcia herself occasionally appearing on the show. (Ancient Aliens: Alien Evolution) The skull used for the Adena recreation was that of burial 16 from the Wright Mounds in Kentucky, photographed in figure 25 of The Adena People No1, where it is described as showing “pronounced” deformation. In Skeletal Material from the Wright Site, Montgomery County, Kentucky (1940) H.T.E. Hertzberg noted that the crania of the Wright site featured the large, prognathic lower mandibles (or protruding lower jaw) typical of Adena, and although artificially deformed, the series demonstrated the large congenital features detailed by Webb, Snow and Dragoo: “…deformed as they are, these crania display a pronounced brachycrany…it may be noticed that four skulls…displaying submedium deformation, also give an average cranial index of over 90%. Thus the inference is that these people would have shown pronounced brachycrany even without deformation…” The dimensions of the Adena giant were derived from several sources with corroborating details. Among these, the authors referenced the hand written field notebook of P. W. Norris, the agent of the Bureau of Ethnology who excavated the Adena mounds at Charleston, West Virginia in 1883 and 1884 (Smithsonian Manuscript, Norris Mound Excavations). Several mounds at Charleston yielded skeletons seven feet (two meters) long. At the Great Smith Mound, Norris encountered a house-like timber structure 12 by 13 feet broad (3.6 by 4 meters) and 6 feet (1.8 meters) high, reaching 10 feet (three meters) at the ridged top. Within this structure was a “gigantic and prominent personage, surrounded by 5 of his (probably volunteer) warriors…” Norris measured the central burial in situ and described it as “a gigantic human skeleton 7 feet 6 inches in length and 19 inches between the shoulders…” Elsewhere in the manuscript, this skeleton is regularly referred to as “the giant” or “gigantic". Significantly, this particular burial was wrapped in bark and covered with a dry clay. This certainly suggests that the in-situ measurements would have been accurate, rather than the product of some type of disarticulation due to the weight of the mound mass, as mainstream sources often claim. The measurements provided by Norris are similar to those from several other sources, including this account of a gigantic specimen unearthed by Warren K Moorehead in Ohio, documented in his Primitive Man in Ohio (1892): “Six feet above these remains was found the partial skeleton of a man almost a giant in size….The breadth across the shoulders, with the bones correctly placed, was nineteen inches…” The anthropological details of Adena recorded by Webb, Snow and Dragoo and the early historians and antiquarians corroborate Norris’ account and indicate individuals approaching eight feet (2.4 meters) tall. Since a high frequency of reports describe skeletons reaching this height, the data was used by Marcia to formulate the likely dimensions and appearance of an eight-foot-tall Adena in the flesh. Missing History Comes to Life Marcia has done more than merely provide a visual for a tall member of a prehistoric population. The Adena giant represents a truly unique form of humankind, which until now has only been suggested by the multitude of newspaper and historical accounts regularly reprinted in the giantology market place. The recreation of a very large member of Webb, Snow and Dragoo’s “unique group of honored dead” provides a glimpse into the distant past, a snapshot from beyond the veil pulled over history by the establishment a century ago. Marcia is currently working with the authors on a book to be published in 2016 that will feature an extensive set of her recreations of Adena and Adena-like individuals from the burial mounds of North America and around the world. This important visual work will accompany the presentation of 7000 years of obfuscated world history. Featured image: Main: The Criel Mound in South Charleston West Virginia, photo courtesy of authors © Jason Jarrell and Sarah Farmer. The 35-foot (11 m) high and 175-foot (53 m)-diameter conical mound, is the second largest of its type in West Virginia. Graphic - Artist’s representation of the “Adena Giant”, Prehistoric Mound Builders. Credit: Marcia K Moore / Ciamar Studio. Visit Source: Ancient Origins profile-prehistoric-mound-builders-004876 - EATING THE RED APPLE DEPARTMENT - A Real Life Sleeping Beauty ![]() An Australian teenager who suffers from a one-in-a-million condition has been dubbed the real life sleeping beauty. Georgia Green, who is 19-years old, suffers from Kleine-Levin syndrome, a rare neurological sleep disorder which means she sleeps without waking properly for up to 10 days at a time. The condition, which has no treatments or cure, can strike nineteen-year-old Ms Green out of the blue, leaving her bed ridden for weeks at a time. 'When I experience an episode, I can be out for ten days at a time. It get a foggy feeling in my head when it's coming on and the next thing I know I'm just knocked out,' Ms Green said. After thorough blood tests, MRI and brain scans and experimenting with a medley of medications, Ms Green was finally diagnosed with the rare Kleine-Levin syndrome three years ago. The one in a million sleep disorder sees victims suffer regular 'episodes' where they sleep for 12-to-18 hours a day and are in a sleep-like state the rest of the time. 'I generally sleep for about 10 days, then I get insomnia for a night because I've overslept, so it's nearly two weeks before I'm back on track.' The episodes carry a medley of short term symptoms-including extreme junk-food cravings and mood swings, but the biggest impact is on her day-to-day routine. 'I missed weeks of school at a time, missing my best friend's birthday celebrations, missing work. It disrupts everything,' he said. Ms Green dropped out of school during her HSC after missing a string of important exams. She now works as a sales assistant while studying at Flinders University. Ms Green said she has suffered about 35 episodes, which totals nearly a year of her life 'lost' at the hands of the rare condition. 'For the first two years I had an episode every month. It has since become more infrequent, but there are no precautions you can take to avoid it happening.' KLS has no cure or medication to reduce the severity of episodes, forcing Ms Green to sacrifice important aspects of her life. 'Dropping out of school and abstaining from alcohol had no effect. When an episode comes on you have to drop everything and just endure it.' The condition reportedly diminishes when victims near their 30's, but until then there is nothing the teenager can do. Source: Daily Mail -regularly-sleeps-10-day-time.html Sign
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